Logic Seminar: Notices for Speakers and Invitors

[Diese Informationen sind auch auf Deutsch verfügbar.]

The talks of the logic seminar usually take place Tuesdays at 4:15 p.m. in room 019 of building 46.1 (new building of the Max Planck Institute). They are announced

If you want to give a talk in the logic seminar, or if you want to invite a guest to give a talk, please ask Uwe Waldmann, MPI, e-mail: uwe@mpi-inf.mpg.de, phone: (0681) 9325-205.

In general the talks are announced about two weeks in advance. Please send title and abstract of your talk by this date to the organizer of the seminar (by e-mail).

The talks can be given both in German or in English. (There may be guest scientists among the audience who have only little knowledge of German; in this case, English would be preferred.)

The logic seminar does not have any budgetary means. Any travel allowances or speaker fees have to be paid by the inviting institution.

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Uwe Waldmann <uwe@mpi-inf.mpg.de>, 1997-10-10.
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