Unitary unification in order-sorted signatures (extended abstract)

Uwe Waldmann

In Hans-Jürgen Bürckert and Werner Nutt, editors, Extended Abstracts of the Third International Workshop on Unification, SEKI-Report SR-89-17, pages 106-110, Lambrecht, FRG, June 26-28, 1989. Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Kaiserslautern.

Full version: Unification in Order-Sorted Signatures, Forschungsbericht 298, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Dortmund, 1989. [Dvi file, 38 kB]

Abstract: Unification in an order-sorted signature differs substantially from many-sorted unification. If the signature is finite and regular, unification is finitary, but the size of a minimal complete set of unifiers may grow exponentially with the number of variables in the terms to be unified; besides the unifiability problem is in general NP-complete. We give a decidable necessary and sufficient criterion for unitary unifiability, i.e., for the existence of a most general unifier.

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Uwe Waldmann <uwe@mpi-inf.mpg.de>, 2000-01-17.
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