Fast Term Indexing with Coded Context Trees
Abstract: Indexing data structures have a crucial impact on the performance of automated theorem provers. Examples are discrimination trees, which are like tries where terms are seen as strings and common prefixes are shared, and substitution trees, where terms keep their tree structure and all common contexts can be shared. Here we describe a new indexing data structure, called context trees, where, by means of a limited kind of context variables, also common subterms can be shared, even if they occur below different function symbols. Apart from introducing the concept, we also provide evidence for its practical value. We show how context trees can be implemented by means of abstract machine instructions. Experiments with matching benchmarks show that our implementation is competitive with tightly coded current state-of-the-art implementations of the other main techniques. In particular space consumption of context trees is significantly less than for other index structures.
Download: PostScript (371 KBytes) | BibTeX-EntryAbstract: We define order locality to be a property of clauses relative to a term ordering. This property is a kind of generalization of the subformula property for proofs where the terms appearing in proofs can be bounded, under the given ordering, by terms appearing in the goal clause. We show that when a clause set is order local, then the complexity of its ground entailment problem is a function of its structure (e.g., full versus Horn clauses), and the ordering used. We prove that, in many cases, order locality is equivalent to a clause set being saturated under ordered resolution. This provides a means of using standard resolution theorem provers for testing order locality and transforming non-local clause sets into local ones. We have used the Saturate system to automatically establish complexity bounds for a number of nontrivial entailment problems relative to complexity classes which include polynomial and exponential time and co-NP.
Download: PostScript [gzip'd] (140 KBytes) | BibTeX-EntryAbstract: This chapter contains a description of the theoretical concepts and results that form the basis of state-of-the-art automated theorem provers based on resolution and refinements thereof.
Download: PostScript [gzip'd] (401 KBytes) | BibTeX-EntryAbstract: This paper is a tutorial on methods for first-order theorem proving with constraints.
Download: DVI (182 KBytes) | PostScript [gzip'd] (165 KBytes) | BibTeX-EntryAbstract: We show that rigid reachability, the non-symmetric form of rigid E-unification, is already undecidable in the case of a single constraint. From this we infer the undecidability of a new and rather restricted kind of second-order unification. We also show that certain decidable subclasses of the problem which are PTIME-complete in the equational case become EXPTIME-complete when symmetry is absent. By applying automata-theoretic methods, simultaneous monadic rigid reachability with ground rules is shown to be PSPACE-complete. Moreover, we identify two decidable non-monadic fragments that are complete for EXPTIME.
Download: PostScript [gzip'd] (135 KBytes) | BibTeX-EntryAbstract: In this chapter we describe the theoretical concepts and results that form the basis of state-of-the-art automated theorem provers for first-order clause logic with equality. We mainly concentrate on refinements of paramodulation, such as the superposition calculus, that have yielded the most promising results to date in automated equational reasoning.
Download: DVI (199 KBytes) | PostScript [gzip'd] (88 KBytes) | PDF [gzip'd] (331 KBytes) | BibTeX-EntryAbstract: We propose inference systems for binary relations that satisfy composition laws such as transitivity. Our inference mechanisms are based on standard techniques from term rewriting and represent a refinement of chaining methods as they are used in the context of resolution-type theorem proving. We establish the refutational completeness of these calculi and prove that our methods are compatible with the usual simplification techniques employed in refutational theorem provers, such as subsumption or tautology deletion. Various optimizations of the basic chaining calculus will be discussed for theories with equality and for total orderings. A key to the practicality of chaining methods is the extent to which so-called variable chaining can be avoided. We demonstrate that rewrite techniques considerably restrict variable chaining and that further restrictions are possible if the transitive relation under consideration satisfies additional properties, such as symmetry. But we also show that variable chaining cannot be completely avoided in general.
Download: PostScript [gzip'd] (151 KBytes) | BibTeX-EntryAbstract: We introduce a class of restrictions for the ordered paramodulation and superposition calculi (inspired by the {\em basic\/} strategy for narrowing), in which paramodulation inferences are forbidden at terms introduced by substitutions from previous inference steps. In addition we introduce restrictions based on term selection rules and redex orderings, which are general criteria for delimiting the terms which are available for inferences. These refinements are compatible with standard ordering restrictions and are complete without paramodulation into variables or using functional reflexivity axioms. We prove refutational completeness in the context of deletion rules, such as simplification by rewriting (demodulation) and subsumption, and of techniques for eliminating redundant inferences.
Download: BibTeX-EntryAbstract: We extend previous results on theorem proving for first-order clauses with equality to hierarchic first-order theories. Semantically such theories are confined to conservative extensions of the base models. It is shown that superposition together with variable abstraction and constraint refutation is refutationally complete for theories that are sufficiently complete with respect to simple instances. For the proof we introduce a concept of approximation between theorem proving systems, which makes it possible to reduce the problem to the known case of (flat) first-order theories. These results allow the modular combination of a superposition-based theorem prover with an arbitrary refutational prover for the primitive base theory, whose axiomatic representation in some logic may remain hidden. Furthermore they can be used to eliminate existentially quantified predicate symbols from certain second-order formulae.
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