The LEDA User Community

We list (the email adresses of) all sites with LEDA installations ordered by country code of the site. We list only sites that have downloaded at least two versions of LEDA and for each site we give the list of LEDA versions that have been installed at the particular site. The statistic should be interpreted with care. In particular, downloading does not imply use (although downloading two or more versions may be interpreted as an indication of more than casual interest).

Since January 1995 we keep a log of all accesses to the LEDA ftp-directory. As of today there were close to 50 000 accesses. Each access records among other things the machine name from which the access occurred and the name of the file accessed. The LEDA ftp-directory contains the LEDA sources and additional information concerning LEDA, e.g., articles, manuals, ..., and therefore not every line of the log-file implies a download of the LEDA system. It is however easy to select the lines that imply a download of the system, e.g., file names

indicate a pickup of version 3.2.1. We extracted all relevant lines from the log-file and collected them by site. We obtained sites from machine names by dropping the first subfield of the machine name. We do not list sites whose code either consists of digits only or whose code ends in .net.

The full version of this report consists of about 30 pages. It is updated about once one a months.

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