
Visual Analysis of Lip Motion for the Extraction of Phonetically Relevant Features


In this Diplomarbeit, different methods for visual tracking of lip motion in video sequences showing the head of a talking person shall be implemented and compared. Methods from the literature, such as deformable contours (Snakes), shall be extended to allow the extraction of features that are of particular relevance for further phonetic analysis. The developed system is intended to be a tool for researchers in linguistics. The features can be used as input parameters to automatic speech recognition systems and complement the parameter vectors derived from the microphone signal, they can be used to improve the implementation of existing coarticulation models and, at a later stage, also for the visual synthesis of lip motion for arbitrary spoken language.
This Diplomarbeit is a joint project between the Computer Graphics Group at the Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik and the Institute of Phonetics at the Universität des Saarlandes.

Applicants for the Diplomarbeit should have a Vordiplom in Informatik or equivalent. They should have finished their FoPra and have a good knowledge of C/C++. Familiarity with computer vision and computer graphics concepts and a lively interest in speech are desirable.
Christian Theobalt (theobalt@mpi-sb.mpg.de)
Computer Graphics Group
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
Building 46
Room 219

Jacques Koreman (jkoreman@coli.uni-sb.de)
Phonetics - Allgemeine Linguistik
Universität des Saarlandes
Building 17.2
Room 5.02

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