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Time-of-Flight Camera Research

This page provides access to some of the research on Time-of-Flight Image Processing done in the group Graphics, Vision, and Video at MPI for Informatics. Part of this work was also done within the Max-Planck-Center for Visual Computing and Communication (MPI for Informatics / Stanford University). It is still under construction and will continously be updated.

Contributors to this research are

3D Scanning

Yan Cui, Sebastian Schuon, Derek Chan, Sebastian Thrun and Christian Theobalt
3D Shape Scanning with a Time-of-Flight Camera
In Proc. of CVPR 2010, (PDF) (Additional Material) (Video)


Head Budda Vase Angels Angels (Handheld)
(Download) (Download) (Download) (Download) (Download)

 All zip-archives contain four folders:

  • *_dat: Original frames captured from the SR3000 ToF camera (.dat files), frames 1-600
  • *_image: Corresponding intensity images from the ToF camera
  • *_HR: Intermediate results after the upsampling pipeline (Sample positions 5, 105, 205, 305, 405, 505, 595).
  • *_final: Contains the final results.

The *_tracking.txt file contains camera registration information gathered from the intensity images using Voodoo Tracker.

You are free to use these datasets for your own research, we only request you to reference our paper / this page for reference.


S. Schuon, C. Theobalt, J. Davis, S. Thrun,
LidarBoost: Depth Superresolution for ToF 3D Shape Scanning.
In Proc. of IEEE CVPR 2009. (PDF) (Additional Material)
S. Schuon, C. Theobalt, J. Davis, S. Thrun,
High-quality Scanning using Time-of-Flight Depth Superresolution.
in IEEE CVPR Workshop on Time-Of-Flight Computer Vision 2008. (PDF)


Young Min Kim, Christian Theobalt, James Diebel, Jana Kosecka, Branislav Micusik, and Sebastian Thrun,
Multi-view Image and ToF Sensor Fusion for Dense 3D Reconstruction.
In Proc. of 3DIM 2009, co-hosted with ICCV 2009. (PDF) (Project Page)
Y.M. Kim, D. Chan, C. Theobalt, S. Thrun,
Design and Calibration of a Multi-view TOF Sensor Fusion System.
in Proc. IEEE CVPR Workshop on Time-of-flight Computer Vision 2008. (PDF)


D. Chan, H. Buisman, C. Theobalt, S. Thrun. A Noise-aware Filter for Real-time Depth Upsampling,
in Proc. of ECCV Workshop on Multi-camera and Multi-modal Sensor Fusion Algorithms and Applications, 2008. (PDF)