Logikseminar Einladung zum Vortrag Zeit: Dienstag, 23.09.03, 16.15 Uhr Ort: Hörsaal 024, MPI Saarbrücken (Geb. 46.1) Mark Pichora (Universität des Saarlandes): Decision Procedures for Quantifier-free Bit-vectors of Symbolic Length Zusammenfassung: Bit-vectors, the primary data type widely used in hardware description languages, can be used to reason about parametric circuits such as mutlipliers, caches and arbiters. In order to support the verification of these generic hardware descriptions, I have developed a formal syntax, a formal semantics, several decision procedures and methods for widening their scope. My decision procedures are based on an extended version of propositional tableaux (similar in some ways to Wolper's linear temporal logic tableaux) and conditional term rewriting. In addition to emphasizing proofs as the product of successful runs of the decision procedures, my decision procedures can provide counter-models to false properties. In this talk, I will describe the bit-vector satisfiability problems decided, and how they apply to parametric circuits. I will also sketch how a problems in a more expressive language of extended bit-vectors (including arbitrary arrays of bits and their operations), can be solved with my decision procedures for the flat bit-vector languages. In addition, I contrast my framework with that of other formalisms (which have comparable decision procedures) for describing parametric circuits (such as M2L, WS1S, and LIFs). ______________________________________________________________________ Das Logikseminar ist eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung des DFKI, des MPI und der Fachrichtungen Informatik, Philosophie und Rechtswissenschaft. Vortragswünsche bitte an Uwe Waldmann, MPI, Tel.: (0681) 9325-205, uni-intern: 92205, E-Mail: uwe@mpi-sb.mpg.de ===== BITTE NEUE TELEFONNUMMER BEACHTEN =====