- Xue, Y., Xie, X., Marin R., Pons-Moll, G.:
Gen-3Diffusion: Realistic Image-to-3D Generation via 2D & 3D Diffusion Synergy. In: ArXiv (2024). Project website.
- Xie, X., Lenssen, E.J., Pons-Moll, G.:
InterTrack: Tracking Human Object Interaction without Object Templates. In: 3DV (2025). Project website.
- Xue, Y., Xie, X., Marin R., Pons-Moll, G.:
Human 3Diffusion: Realistic Avatar Creation via Explicit 3D Consistent Diffusion Models. In: NeuIPS (2024). Project website.
- Xie, X., Bhatnagar, B.L., Lenssen, E.J., Pons-Moll, G.:
Template Free Reconstruction of Human-object Interaction with Procedural Interaction Generation. In: CVPR (2024). Project website.
- Xie, X., Bhatnagar, B.L., Pons-Moll, G.:
Visibility Aware Human-Object Interaction Tracking from Monocular RGB Camera. In: CVPR (2023). Project website.
- Xie, X., Bhatnagar, B.L., Pons-Moll, G.:
CHORE: Contact, Human and Object REconstruction from a single RGB image. In: ECCV (2022). Project website.
- Bhatnagar, B.L., Xie, X., Petrov, I., Sminchisescu, C., Theobalt, C., Pons-Moll, G.:
BEHAVE: Dataset and method for tracking human object interactions. In: CVPR (2022). Project website.
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