Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
Joint Scientific IT and Technical Services
IST Core
office: |
Campus E1 4
Saarland Informatics Campus 66123 Saarbrücken Germany |
email: | Get my email address via email |
S/MIME: | My Public S/MIME Key |
phone: | +49 681 9325-5812 |
fax: | +49 681 9325-5899 |
Dynamically retrieve a list of my publications from an Notes/Domino based
Available formats: MPG Researcher PortfolioWhen Firefox 1.0 startet in 2004, I was one of the supporters. Find my name in the New York Times advertising. Hint: It's near the left ear of the fox on page one :-)
Sonnenfinsternisbilder vom 11. August 1999
Im Sauerbrod 13
66123 Saarbrücken
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