Theory DPLL_CDCL_W_Implementation
theory DPLL_CDCL_W_Implementation
chapter ‹List-based Implementation of DPLL and CDCL›
text ‹We can now reuse all the theorems to go towards an implementation using 2-watched literals:
▪ @{file CDCL_W_Abstract_State.thy} defines a better-suited state: the operation operating on it
are more constrained, allowing simpler proofs and less edge cases later.›
section ‹Simple List-Based Implementation of the DPLL and CDCL›
text ‹The idea of the list-based implementation is to test the stack: the theories about the
calculi, adapting the theorems to a simple implementation and the code exportation. The
implementation are very simple ans simply iterate over-and-over on lists.›
subsection ‹Common Rules›
subsubsection ‹Propagation›
text ‹The following theorem holds:›
lemma lits_of_l_unfold:
"(∀c ∈ set C. -c ∈ lits_of_l Ms) ⟷ Ms ⊨as CNot (mset C)"
unfolding true_annots_def Ball_def true_annot_def CNot_def by auto
text ‹The right-hand version is written at a high-level, but only the left-hand side is executable.›
definition is_unit_clause :: "'a literal list ⇒ ('a, 'b) ann_lits ⇒ 'a literal option"
"is_unit_clause l M =
(case List.filter (λa. atm_of a ∉ atm_of ` lits_of_l M) l of
a # [] ⇒ if M ⊨as CNot (mset l - {#a#}) then Some a else None
| _ ⇒ None)"
definition is_unit_clause_code :: "'a literal list ⇒ ('a, 'b) ann_lits
⇒ 'a literal option" where
"is_unit_clause_code l M =
(case List.filter (λa. atm_of a ∉ atm_of ` lits_of_l M) l of
a # [] ⇒ if (∀c ∈set (remove1 a l). -c ∈ lits_of_l M) then Some a else None
| _ ⇒ None)"
lemma is_unit_clause_is_unit_clause_code[code]:
"is_unit_clause l M = is_unit_clause_code l M"
proof -
have 1: "⋀a. (∀c∈set (remove1 a l). - c ∈ lits_of_l M) ⟷ M ⊨as CNot (mset l - {#a#})"
using lits_of_l_unfold[of "remove1 _ l", of _ M] by simp
then show ?thesis
unfolding is_unit_clause_code_def is_unit_clause_def 1 by blast
lemma is_unit_clause_some_undef:
assumes "is_unit_clause l M = Some a"
shows "undefined_lit M a"
proof -
have "(case [a←l . atm_of a ∉ atm_of ` lits_of_l M] of [] ⇒ None
| [a] ⇒ if M ⊨as CNot (mset l - {#a#}) then Some a else None
| a # ab # xa ⇒ Map.empty xa) = Some a"
using assms unfolding is_unit_clause_def .
then have "a ∈ set [a←l . atm_of a ∉ atm_of ` lits_of_l M]"
apply (cases "[a←l . atm_of a ∉ atm_of ` lits_of_l M]")
apply simp
apply (rename_tac aa list; case_tac list) by (auto split: if_split_asm)
then have "atm_of a ∉ atm_of ` lits_of_l M" by auto
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: Decided_Propagated_in_iff_in_lits_of_l
atm_of_in_atm_of_set_iff_in_set_or_uminus_in_set )
lemma is_unit_clause_some_CNot: "is_unit_clause l M = Some a ⟹ M ⊨as CNot (mset l - {#a#})"
unfolding is_unit_clause_def
proof -
assume "(case [a←l . atm_of a ∉ atm_of ` lits_of_l M] of [] ⇒ None
| [a] ⇒ if M ⊨as CNot (mset l - {#a#}) then Some a else None
| a # ab # xa ⇒ Map.empty xa) = Some a"
then show ?thesis
apply (cases "[a←l . atm_of a ∉ atm_of ` lits_of_l M]", simp)
apply simp
apply (rename_tac aa list, case_tac list) by (auto split: if_split_asm)
lemma is_unit_clause_some_in: "is_unit_clause l M = Some a ⟹ a ∈ set l"
unfolding is_unit_clause_def
proof -
assume "(case [a←l . atm_of a ∉ atm_of ` lits_of_l M] of [] ⇒ None
| [a] ⇒ if M ⊨as CNot (mset l - {#a#}) then Some a else None
| a # ab # xa ⇒ Map.empty xa) = Some a"
then show "a ∈ set l"
by (cases "[a←l . atm_of a ∉ atm_of ` lits_of_l M]")
(fastforce dest: filter_eq_ConsD split: if_split_asm split: list.splits)+
lemma is_unit_clause_Nil[simp]: "is_unit_clause [] M = None"
unfolding is_unit_clause_def by auto
subsubsection ‹Unit propagation for all clauses›
text ‹Finding the first clause to propagate›
fun find_first_unit_clause :: "'a literal list list ⇒ ('a, 'b) ann_lits
⇒ ('a literal × 'a literal list) option" where
"find_first_unit_clause (a # l) M =
(case is_unit_clause a M of
None ⇒ find_first_unit_clause l M
| Some L ⇒ Some (L, a))" |
"find_first_unit_clause [] _ = None"
lemma find_first_unit_clause_some:
"find_first_unit_clause l M = Some (a, c)
⟹ c ∈ set l ∧ M ⊨as CNot (mset c - {#a#}) ∧ undefined_lit M a ∧ a ∈ set c"
apply (induction l)
apply simp
by (auto split: option.splits dest: is_unit_clause_some_in is_unit_clause_some_CNot
lemma propagate_is_unit_clause_not_None:
M: "M ⊨as CNot (mset c - {#a#})" and
undef: "undefined_lit M a" and
ac: "a ∈ set c"
shows "is_unit_clause c M ≠ None"
proof -
have "[a←c . atm_of a ∉ atm_of ` lits_of_l M] = [a]"
using assms
proof (induction c)
case Nil then show ?case by simp
case (Cons ac c)
show ?case
proof (cases "a = ac")
case True
then show ?thesis using Cons
by (auto simp del: lits_of_l_unfold
simp add: lits_of_l_unfold[symmetric] Decided_Propagated_in_iff_in_lits_of_l
atm_of_eq_atm_of atm_of_in_atm_of_set_iff_in_set_or_uminus_in_set)
case False
then have T: "mset c + {#ac#} - {#a#} = mset c - {#a#} + {#ac#}"
by (auto simp add: multiset_eq_iff)
show ?thesis using False Cons
by (auto simp add: T atm_of_in_atm_of_set_iff_in_set_or_uminus_in_set)
then show ?thesis
using M unfolding is_unit_clause_def by auto
lemma find_first_unit_clause_none:
"c ∈ set l ⟹ M ⊨as CNot (mset c - {#a#}) ⟹ undefined_lit M a ⟹ a ∈ set c
⟹ find_first_unit_clause l M ≠ None"
by (induction l)
(auto split: option.split simp add: propagate_is_unit_clause_not_None)
subsubsection ‹Decide›
fun find_first_unused_var :: "'a literal list list ⇒ 'a literal set ⇒ 'a literal option" where
"find_first_unused_var (a # l) M =
(case List.find (λlit. lit ∉ M ∧ -lit ∉ M) a of
None ⇒ find_first_unused_var l M
| Some a ⇒ Some a)" |
"find_first_unused_var [] _ = None"
lemma find_none[iff]:
"List.find (λlit. lit ∉ M ∧ -lit ∉ M) a = None ⟷ atm_of ` set a ⊆ atm_of ` M"
apply (induct a)
using atm_of_in_atm_of_set_iff_in_set_or_uminus_in_set
by (force simp add: atm_of_in_atm_of_set_iff_in_set_or_uminus_in_set)+
lemma find_some: "List.find (λlit. lit ∉ M ∧ -lit ∉ M) a = Some b ⟹ b ∈ set a ∧ b ∉ M ∧ -b ∉ M"
unfolding find_Some_iff by (metis nth_mem)
lemma find_first_unused_var_None[iff]:
"find_first_unused_var l M = None ⟷ (∀a ∈ set l. atm_of ` set a ⊆ atm_of ` M)"
by (induct l)
(auto split: option.splits dest!: find_some
simp add: image_subset_iff atm_of_in_atm_of_set_iff_in_set_or_uminus_in_set)
lemma find_first_unused_var_Some_not_all_incl:
assumes "find_first_unused_var l M = Some c"
shows " ¬(∀a ∈ set l. atm_of ` set a ⊆ atm_of ` M)"
proof -
have "find_first_unused_var l M ≠ None"
using assms by (cases "find_first_unused_var l M") auto
then show "¬(∀a ∈ set l. atm_of ` set a ⊆ atm_of ` M)" by auto
lemma find_first_unused_var_Some:
"find_first_unused_var l M = Some a ⟹ (∃m ∈ set l. a ∈ set m ∧ a ∉ M ∧ -a ∉ M)"
by (induct l) (auto split: option.splits dest: find_some)
lemma find_first_unused_var_undefined:
"find_first_unused_var l (lits_of_l Ms) = Some a ⟹ undefined_lit Ms a"
using find_first_unused_var_Some[of l "lits_of_l Ms" a] Decided_Propagated_in_iff_in_lits_of_l
by blast
subsection ‹CDCL specific functions›
subsubsection ‹Level›
fun maximum_level_code:: "'a literal list ⇒ ('a, 'b) ann_lits ⇒ nat"
"maximum_level_code [] _ = 0" |
"maximum_level_code (L # Ls) M = max (get_level M L) (maximum_level_code Ls M)"
lemma maximum_level_code_eq_get_maximum_level[simp]:
"maximum_level_code D M = get_maximum_level M (mset D)"
by (induction D) (auto simp add: get_maximum_level_add_mset)
lemma [code]:
fixes M :: "('a, 'b) ann_lits"
shows "get_maximum_level M (mset D) = maximum_level_code D M"
by simp
subsubsection ‹Backjumping›
fun find_level_decomp where
"find_level_decomp M [] D k = None" |
"find_level_decomp M (L # Ls) D k =
(case (get_level M L, maximum_level_code (D @ Ls) M) of
(i, j) ⇒ if i = k ∧ j < i then Some (L, j) else find_level_decomp M Ls (L#D) k
lemma find_level_decomp_some:
assumes "find_level_decomp M Ls D k = Some (L, j)"
shows "L ∈ set Ls ∧ get_maximum_level M (mset (remove1 L (Ls @ D))) = j ∧ get_level M L = k"
using assms
proof (induction Ls arbitrary: D)
case Nil
then show ?case by simp
case (Cons L' Ls) note IH = this(1) and H = this(2)
define find where "find ≡ (if get_level M L' ≠ k ∨ ¬ get_maximum_level M (mset D + mset Ls) < get_level M L'
then find_level_decomp M Ls (L' # D) k
else Some (L', get_maximum_level M (mset D + mset Ls)))"
have a1: "⋀D. find_level_decomp M Ls D k = Some (L, j) ⟹
L ∈ set Ls ∧ get_maximum_level M (mset Ls + mset D - {#L#}) = j ∧ get_level M L = k"
using IH by simp
have a2: "find = Some (L, j)"
using H unfolding find_def by (auto split: if_split_asm)
{ assume "Some (L', get_maximum_level M (mset D + mset Ls)) ≠ find"
then have f3: "L ∈ set Ls" and "get_maximum_level M (mset Ls + mset (L' # D) - {#L#}) = j"
using a1 IH a2 unfolding find_def by meson+
moreover then have "mset Ls + mset D - {#L#} + {#L'#} = {#L'#} + mset D + (mset Ls - {#L#})"
by (auto simp: ac_simps multiset_eq_iff Suc_leI)
ultimately have f4: "get_maximum_level M (mset Ls + mset D - {#L#} + {#L'#}) = j"
by auto
} note f4 = this
have "{#L'#} + (mset Ls + mset D) = mset Ls + (mset D + {#L'#})"
by (auto simp: ac_simps)
then have
"L = L' ⟶ get_maximum_level M (mset Ls + mset D) = j ∧ get_level M L' = k" and
"L ≠ L' ⟶ L ∈ set Ls ∧ get_maximum_level M (mset Ls + mset D - {#L#} + {#L'#}) = j ∧
get_level M L = k"
using a2 a1[of "L' # D"] unfolding find_def
apply (metis add.commute add_diff_cancel_left' add_mset_add_single mset.simps(2)
option.inject prod.inject)
using f4 a2 a1[of "L' # D"] unfolding find_def by (metis option.inject prod.inject)
then show ?case by simp
lemma find_level_decomp_none:
assumes "find_level_decomp M Ls E k = None" and "mset (L#D) = mset (Ls @ E)"
shows "¬(L ∈ set Ls ∧ get_maximum_level M (mset D) < k ∧ k = get_level M L)"
using assms
proof (induction Ls arbitrary: E L D)
case Nil
then show ?case by simp
case (Cons L' Ls) note IH = this(1) and find_none = this(2) and LD = this(3)
have "mset D + {#L'#} = mset E + (mset Ls + {#L'#}) ⟹ mset D = mset E + mset Ls"
by (metis add_right_imp_eq union_assoc)
then show ?case
using find_none IH[of "L' # E" L D] LD by (auto simp add: ac_simps split: if_split_asm)
fun bt_cut where
"bt_cut i (Propagated _ _ # Ls) = bt_cut i Ls" |
"bt_cut i (Decided K # Ls) = (if count_decided Ls = i then Some (Decided K # Ls) else bt_cut i Ls)" |
"bt_cut i [] = None"
lemma bt_cut_some_decomp:
assumes "no_dup M" and "bt_cut i M = Some M'"
shows "∃K M2 M1. M = M2 @ M' ∧ M' = Decided K # M1 ∧ get_level M K = (i+1)"
using assms by (induction i M rule: bt_cut.induct) (auto simp: no_dup_def split: if_split_asm)
lemma bt_cut_not_none:
assumes "no_dup M" and "M = M2 @ Decided K # M'" and "get_level M K = (i+1)"
shows "bt_cut i M ≠ None"
using assms by (induction M2 arbitrary: M rule: ann_lit_list_induct)
(auto simp: no_dup_def atm_lit_of_set_lits_of_l)
lemma get_all_ann_decomposition_ex:
"∃N. (Decided K # M', N) ∈ set (get_all_ann_decomposition (M2@Decided K # M'))"
apply (induction M2 rule: ann_lit_list_induct)
apply auto[2]
by (rename_tac L m xs, case_tac "get_all_ann_decomposition (xs @ Decided K # M')")
lemma bt_cut_in_get_all_ann_decomposition:
assumes "no_dup M" and "bt_cut i M = Some M'"
shows "∃M2. (M', M2) ∈ set (get_all_ann_decomposition M)"
using bt_cut_some_decomp[OF assms] by (auto simp add: get_all_ann_decomposition_ex)
fun do_backtrack_step where
"do_backtrack_step (M, N, U, Some D) =
(case find_level_decomp M D [] (count_decided M) of
None ⇒ (M, N, U, Some D)
| Some (L, j) ⇒
(case bt_cut j M of
Some (Decided _ # Ls) ⇒ (Propagated L D # Ls, N, D # U, None)
| _ ⇒ (M, N, U, Some D))
)" |
"do_backtrack_step S = S"