Theory HOL-Eisbach.Eisbach

(*  Title:      HOL/Eisbach/Eisbach.thy
    Author:     Daniel Matichuk, NICTA/UNSW

Main entry point for Eisbach proof method language.

theory Eisbach
imports Pure
  "method" :: thy_decl and
  "¦" ""

ML_file parse_tools.ML
ML_file method_closure.ML
ML_file eisbach_rule_insts.ML
ML_file match_method.ML

method solves methods m = (m; fail)

method repeat_new methods m = (m ; (repeat_new m)?)

section Debugging methods

method_setup print_raw_goal = Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => fn facts =>
  (fn (ctxt, st) => (
     Output.writeln (Thm.string_of_thm ctxt st);
     Seq.make_results (Seq.single (ctxt, st)))))

method_setup print_headgoal =
  Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => fn _ => fn (ctxt', thm) =>
    ((SUBGOAL (fn (t,_) =>
     (Pretty.string_of (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t)); all_tac)) 1 thm);
     (Seq.make_results (Seq.single (ctxt', thm)))))

ML fun method_evaluate text ctxt facts =
    (Method.evaluate_runtime text ctxt facts)

method_setup timeit =
 Method.text_closure >> (fn m => fn ctxt => fn facts =>
     fun timed_tac st seq = Seq.make (fn () => (apsnd (timed_tac st))
       (timeit (fn () => (Seq.pull seq))));

     fun tac st' =
       timed_tac st' (method_evaluate m ctxt facts st');

   in SIMPLE_METHOD tac [] end)

section Simple Combinators

method_setup defer_tac = Scan.succeed (fn _ => SIMPLE_METHOD (defer_tac 1))
method_setup prefer_last = Scan.succeed (fn _ => SIMPLE_METHOD (PRIMITIVE (Thm.permute_prems 0 ~1)))

method_setup all =
 Method.text_closure >> (fn m => fn ctxt => fn facts =>
     fun tac i st' =
       Goal.restrict i 1 st'
       |> method_evaluate m ctxt facts
       |> (Goal.unrestrict i)

   in SIMPLE_METHOD (ALLGOALS tac) facts end)

method_setup determ =
 Method.text_closure >> (fn m => fn ctxt => fn facts =>
     fun tac st' = method_evaluate m ctxt facts st'

   in SIMPLE_METHOD (DETERM tac) facts end)

method_setup changed =
 Method.text_closure >> (fn m => fn ctxt => fn facts =>
     fun tac st' = method_evaluate m ctxt facts st'

   in SIMPLE_METHOD (CHANGED tac) facts end)

text The following fails› and succeeds› methods protect the goal from the effect
      of a method, instead simply determining whether or not it can be applied to the current goal.
      The fails› method inverts success, only succeeding if the given method would fail.

method_setup fails =
 Method.text_closure >> (fn m => fn ctxt => fn facts =>
     fun fail_tac st' =
       (case Seq.pull (method_evaluate m ctxt facts st') of
          SOME _ => Seq.empty
        | NONE => Seq.single st')

   in SIMPLE_METHOD fail_tac facts end)

method_setup succeeds =
 Method.text_closure >> (fn m => fn ctxt => fn facts =>
     fun can_tac st' =
       (case Seq.pull (method_evaluate m ctxt facts st') of
          SOME (st'',_) => Seq.single st'
        | NONE => Seq.empty)

   in SIMPLE_METHOD can_tac facts end)

text Finding a goal based on successful application of a method

method_setup find_goal =
 Method.text_closure >> (fn m => fn ctxt => fn facts =>
     fun prefer_first i = SELECT_GOAL
       (fn st' =>
         (case Seq.pull (method_evaluate m ctxt facts st') of
           SOME (st'',_) => Seq.single st''
         | NONE => Seq.empty)) i THEN prefer_tac i

   in SIMPLE_METHOD (FIRSTGOAL prefer_first) facts end)
