Theory CDCL_W_Optimal_Model

theory CDCL_W_Optimal_Model
  imports CDCL_W_BnB "HOL-Library.Extended_Nat"

subsubsection OCDCL

  The following datatype is equivalent to typ'a option. Howover, it has the opposite
  ordering. Therefore, I decided to use a different type instead of have a second order
  which conflicts with 🗏‹~~/src/HOL/Library/Option_ord.thy›.

datatype 'a optimal_model = Not_Found | is_found: Found (the_optimal: 'a)

instantiation optimal_model :: (ord) ord
  fun less_optimal_model  :: 'a :: ord optimal_model  'a optimal_model  bool where
  less_optimal_model Not_Found _ = False
| less_optimal_model (Found _) Not_Found  True
| less_optimal_model (Found a) (Found b)  a < b

fun less_eq_optimal_model  :: 'a :: ord optimal_model  'a optimal_model  bool where
  less_eq_optimal_model Not_Found Not_Found = True
| less_eq_optimal_model Not_Found (Found _) = False
| less_eq_optimal_model (Found _) Not_Found  True
| less_eq_optimal_model (Found a) (Found b)  a  b

  by standard


instance optimal_model :: (preorder) preorder
  apply standard
  subgoal for a b
    by (cases a; cases b) (auto simp: less_le_not_le)
  subgoal for a
    by (cases a) auto
  subgoal for a b c
    by (cases a; cases b; cases c) (auto dest: order_trans)

instance optimal_model :: (order) order
  apply standard
  subgoal for a b
    by (cases a; cases b) (auto simp: less_le_not_le)

instance optimal_model :: (linorder) linorder
  apply standard
  subgoal for a b
    by (cases a; cases b) (auto simp: less_le_not_le)

instantiation optimal_model :: (wellorder) wellorder

lemma wf_less_optimal_model: wf {(M :: 'a optimal_model, N). M < N}
proof -
  have 1: {(M :: 'a optimal_model, N). M < N} =
    map_prod Found Found ` {(M :: 'a, N). M < N} 
    {(a, b). a  Not_Found  b = Not_Found} (is ?A = ?B  ?C)
    apply (auto simp: image_iff)
    apply (case_tac a; case_tac b)
    apply auto
    apply (case_tac a)
    apply auto
  have [simp]: inj Found
    by (auto simp:inj_on_def)
  have wf ?B
    by (rule wf_map_prod_image) (auto intro: wf)
  moreover have wf ?C
    by (rule wfI_pf) auto
  ultimately show wf (?A)
    unfolding 1
    by (rule wf_Un) (auto)

instance by standard (metis CollectI split_conv wf_def wf_less_optimal_model)


text This locales includes only the assumption we make on the weight function.
locale ocdcl_weight =
    ρ :: 'v clause  'a :: {linorder}
    ρ_mono: distinct_mset B  A ⊆# B  ρ A  ρ B

lemma ρ_empty_simp[simp]:
  assumes consistent_interp (set_mset A) distinct_mset A
  shows ρ A  ρ {#} ¬ρ A < ρ {#}  ρ A  ρ {#}  ρ A = ρ {#}
  using ρ_mono[of A {#}] assms
  by auto

abbreviation ρ' :: 'v clause option  'a optimal_model where
  ρ' w  (case w of None  Not_Found | Some w  Found (ρ w))

definition is_improving_int
  :: "('v literal, 'v literal, 'b) annotated_lits  ('v literal, 'v literal, 'b) annotated_lits  'v clauses 
    'v clause option  bool"
  is_improving_int M M' N w  Found (ρ (lit_of `# mset M')) < ρ' w 
    M' ⊨asm N  no_dup M' 
    lit_of `# mset M'  simple_clss (atms_of_mm N) 
    total_over_m (lits_of_l M') (set_mset N) 
    (M'. total_over_m (lits_of_l M') (set_mset N)  mset M ⊆# mset M' 
      lit_of `# mset M'  simple_clss (atms_of_mm N) 
      ρ (lit_of `# mset M') = ρ (lit_of `# mset M))

definition too_heavy_clauses
  :: 'v clauses  'v clause option  'v clauses
  too_heavy_clauses M w =
     {#pNeg C | C ∈# mset_set (simple_clss (atms_of_mm M)). ρ' w  Found (ρ C)#}

definition conflicting_clauses
  :: 'v clauses  'v clause option  'v clauses
  conflicting_clauses N w =
    {#C ∈# mset_set (simple_clss (atms_of_mm N)). too_heavy_clauses N w ⊨pm C#}

lemma too_heavy_clauses_conflicting_clauses:
  C ∈# too_heavy_clauses M w  C ∈# conflicting_clauses M w
  by (auto simp: conflicting_clauses_def too_heavy_clauses_def simple_clss_finite)

lemma too_heavy_clauses_contains_itself:
  M  simple_clss (atms_of_mm N)  pNeg M ∈# too_heavy_clauses N (Some M)
  by (auto simp: too_heavy_clauses_def simple_clss_finite)

lemma too_heavy_clause_None[simp]: too_heavy_clauses M None = {#}
  by (auto simp: too_heavy_clauses_def)

lemma atms_of_mm_too_heavy_clauses_le:
  atms_of_mm (too_heavy_clauses M I)  atms_of_mm M
  by (auto simp: too_heavy_clauses_def atms_of_ms_def simple_clss_finite dest: simple_clssE)

    atms_of_mm (too_heavy_clauses M None) = {} and
    atms_of w  atms_of_mm M   distinct_mset w  ¬tautology w 
      atms_of_mm (too_heavy_clauses M (Some w)) = atms_of_mm M
proof -
  show atms_of_mm (too_heavy_clauses M None) = {}
    by (auto simp: too_heavy_clauses_def)
  assume atms: atms_of w  atms_of_mm M and
    dist: distinct_mset w and
    taut: ¬tautology w
  have atms_of_mm (too_heavy_clauses M (Some w))  atms_of_mm M
    by (auto simp: too_heavy_clauses_def atms_of_ms_def simple_clss_finite)
      (auto simp: simple_clss_def)
  let ?w = w + Neg `# {#x ∈# mset_set (atms_of_mm M). x  atms_of w#}
  have [simp]: inj_on Neg A for A
    by (auto simp: inj_on_def)
  have dist: distinct_mset ?w
    using dist
    by (auto simp: distinct_mset_add distinct_image_mset_inj distinct_mset_mset_set uminus_lit_swap
      disjunct_not_in dest: multi_member_split)
  moreover have not_tauto: ¬tautology ?w
    by (auto simp: tautology_union taut uminus_lit_swap dest: multi_member_split)
  ultimately have ?w  (simple_clss (atms_of_mm M))
    using atms by (auto simp: simple_clss_def)
  moreover have ρ ?w  ρ w
    by (rule ρ_mono) (use dist not_tauto in auto simp: consistent_interp_tuatology_mset_set tautology_decomp)
  ultimately have pNeg ?w ∈# too_heavy_clauses M (Some w)
    by (auto simp: too_heavy_clauses_def simple_clss_finite)
  then have atms_of_mm M  atms_of_mm (too_heavy_clauses M (Some w))
    by (auto dest!: multi_member_split)
  then show atms_of_mm (too_heavy_clauses M (Some w)) = atms_of_mm M
    using atms_of_mm (too_heavy_clauses M (Some w))  atms_of_mm M by blast

lemma entails_too_heavy_clauses_too_heavy_clauses: (* \htmllink{ocdcl-entails-conflicting} *)
    consistent_interp I and
    tot: total_over_m I (set_mset (too_heavy_clauses M w)) and
    I ⊨m too_heavy_clauses M w and
    w: w  None  atms_of (the w)  atms_of_mm M
      w  None  ¬tautology (the w)
      w  None  distinct_mset (the w)
  shows I ⊨m conflicting_clauses M w
proof (cases w)
  case None
  have [simp]: {x  simple_clss (atms_of_mm M). tautology x} = {}
    by (auto dest: simple_clssE)
  show ?thesis
    using None by (auto simp: conflicting_clauses_def true_clss_cls_tautology_iff
  case w': (Some w')
  have x ∈# mset_set (simple_clss (atms_of_mm M))  total_over_set I (atms_of x) for x
    using tot w atms_too_heavy_clauses_Some[of w' M] unfolding w'
    by (auto simp: total_over_m_def simple_clss_finite total_over_set_alt_def
      dest!: simple_clssE)
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    by (subst true_cls_mset_def)
      (auto simp: conflicting_clauses_def true_clss_cls_def
        dest!: spec[of _ I])

lemma not_entailed_too_heavy_clauses_ge:
  C  simple_clss (atms_of_mm N)  ¬ too_heavy_clauses N w ⊨pm pNeg C  ¬Found (ρ C)  ρ' w
  using true_clss_cls_in[of pNeg C set_mset (too_heavy_clauses N w)]
  by (auto simp: too_heavy_clauses_def simple_clss_finite

lemma conflicting_clss_incl_init_clauses:
  atms_of_mm (conflicting_clauses N w)  atms_of_mm (N)
  unfolding conflicting_clauses_def
  apply (auto simp: simple_clss_finite)
  by (auto simp: simple_clss_def atms_of_ms_def split: if_splits)

lemma distinct_mset_mset_conflicting_clss2: distinct_mset_mset (conflicting_clauses N w)
  unfolding conflicting_clauses_def distinct_mset_set_def
  apply (auto simp: simple_clss_finite)
  by (auto simp: simple_clss_def)

lemma too_heavy_clauses_mono:
  ρ a > ρ (lit_of `# mset M)  too_heavy_clauses N (Some a) ⊆#
       too_heavy_clauses N (Some (lit_of `# mset M))
  by (auto simp: too_heavy_clauses_def multiset_filter_mono2
    intro!: multiset_filter_mono image_mset_subseteq_mono)

lemma is_improving_conflicting_clss_update_weight_information: is_improving_int M M' N w 
       conflicting_clauses N w ⊆# conflicting_clauses N (Some (lit_of `# mset M'))
  using too_heavy_clauses_mono[of M' the w N]
  by (cases w)
    (auto simp: is_improving_int_def  conflicting_clauses_def multiset_filter_mono2
      intro!: image_mset_subseteq_mono
      intro: true_clss_cls_subset
      dest: simple_clssE)

lemma conflicting_clss_update_weight_information_in2:
  assumes is_improving_int M M' N w
  shows negate_ann_lits M' ∈# conflicting_clauses N (Some (lit_of `# mset M'))
  using assms apply (auto simp: simple_clss_finite
    conflicting_clauses_def is_improving_int_def)
  by (auto simp: is_improving_int_def conflicting_clauses_def  multiset_filter_mono2 simple_clss_def
       lits_of_def negate_ann_lits_pNeg_lit_of image_iff dest: total_over_m_atms_incl
      intro!: true_clss_cls_in too_heavy_clauses_contains_itself)

lemma atms_of_init_clss_conflicting_clauses'[simp]:
  atms_of_mm N  atms_of_mm (conflicting_clauses N S) = atms_of_mm N
  using conflicting_clss_incl_init_clauses[of N] by blast

lemma entails_too_heavy_clauses_if_le:
    dist: distinct_mset I and
    cons: consistent_interp (set_mset I) and
    tot: atms_of I = atms_of_mm N and
    le: Found (ρ I) < ρ' (Some M')
    set_mset I ⊨m too_heavy_clauses N (Some M')
proof -
  show set_mset I ⊨m too_heavy_clauses N (Some M')
    unfolding true_cls_mset_def
    fix C
    assume C ∈# too_heavy_clauses N (Some M')
    then obtain x where
      [simp]: C = pNeg x and
      x: x  simple_clss (atms_of_mm N) and
      we: ρ M'  ρ x
      unfolding too_heavy_clauses_def
      by (auto simp: simple_clss_finite)
    then have x  I
      using le by auto
    then have set_mset x  set_mset I
      using distinct_set_mset_eq_iff[of x I] x dist
      by (auto simp: simple_clss_def)
    then have a. ((a ∈# x  a ∉# I)  (a ∈# I  a ∉# x))
      by auto
    moreover have not_incl: ¬set_mset x  set_mset I
      using ρ_mono[of I x] we le distinct_set_mset_eq_iff[of x I] simple_clssE[OF x]
        dist cons
      by auto
    moreover have x  {#}
      using we le cons dist not_incl by auto
    ultimately obtain L where
      L_x: L ∈# x and
      L ∉# I
      by auto
    moreover have atms_of x  atms_of I
      using simple_clssE[OF x] tot atm_iff_pos_or_neg_lit[of a I] atm_iff_pos_or_neg_lit[of a x]
      by (auto dest!: multi_member_split)
    ultimately have -L ∈# I
      using tot simple_clssE[OF x] atm_of_notin_atms_of_iff by auto
    then show set_mset I  C
      using L_x by (auto simp: simple_clss_finite pNeg_def dest!: multi_member_split)

lemma entails_conflicting_clauses_if_le:
  fixes M''
  defines M'  lit_of `# mset M''
    dist: distinct_mset I and
    cons: consistent_interp (set_mset I) and
    tot: atms_of I = atms_of_mm N and
    le: Found (ρ I) < ρ' (Some M') and
    is_improving_int M M'' N w
    set_mset I ⊨m conflicting_clauses N (Some (lit_of `# mset M''))
  apply (rule entails_too_heavy_clauses_too_heavy_clauses[OF cons])
    using assms unfolding is_improving_int_def
    by (auto simp: total_over_m_alt_def M'_def atms_of_def lit_in_set_iff_atm
          atms_too_heavy_clauses_Some eq_commute[of _ atms_of_mm N]
        dest: multi_member_split dest!: simple_clssE)
  by (use assms  entails_too_heavy_clauses_if_le[OF assms(2-5)] in
    auto simp: M'_def lits_of_def image_image is_improving_int_def dest!: simple_clssE)


locale conflict_driven_clause_learningW_optimal_weight =
    ― ‹functions for the state:
      ― ‹access functions:
    trail init_clss learned_clss conflicting
      ― ‹changing state:
    cons_trail tl_trail add_learned_cls remove_cls
      ― ‹get state:
    init_state +
  ocdcl_weight ρ
    state_eq :: 'st  'st  bool (infix  50) and
    state :: "'st  ('v, 'v clause) ann_lits × 'v clauses × 'v clauses × 'v clause option ×
      'v clause option × 'b" and
    trail :: 'st  ('v, 'v clause) ann_lits and
    init_clss :: 'st  'v clauses and
    learned_clss :: 'st  'v clauses and
    conflicting :: 'st  'v clause option and

    cons_trail :: ('v, 'v clause) ann_lit  'st  'st and
    tl_trail :: 'st  'st and
    add_learned_cls :: 'v clause  'st  'st and
    remove_cls :: 'v clause  'st  'st and
    update_conflicting :: 'v clause option  'st  'st and
    init_state :: 'v clauses  'st and
    ρ :: 'v clause  'a :: {linorder}  +
    update_additional_info :: 'v clause option × 'b  'st  'st
      state S = (M, N, U, C, K)  state (update_additional_info K' S) = (M, N, U, C, K') and
      N :: 'v clauses. fst (additional_info (init_state N)) = None

definition update_weight_information :: ('v, 'v clause) ann_lits  'st  'st where
  update_weight_information M S =
    update_additional_info (Some (lit_of `# mset M), snd (additional_info S)) S

  trail_update_additional_info[simp]: trail (update_additional_info w S) = trail S and
    init_clss (update_additional_info w S) = init_clss S and
    learned_clss (update_additional_info w S) = learned_clss S and
    backtrack_lvl (update_additional_info w S) = backtrack_lvl S and
    conflicting (update_additional_info w S) = conflicting S and
    clauses (update_additional_info w S) = clauses S
  using update_additional_info[of S] unfolding clauses_def
  by (subst (asm) state_prop; subst (asm) state_prop; auto; fail)+

    trail (update_weight_information w S) = trail S and
    init_clss (update_weight_information w S) = init_clss S and
    learned_clss (update_weight_information w S) = learned_clss S and
    backtrack_lvl (update_weight_information w S) = backtrack_lvl S and
    conflicting (update_weight_information w S) = conflicting S and
    clauses (update_weight_information w S) = clauses S
  using update_additional_info[of S] unfolding update_weight_information_def by auto

definition weight :: 'st  'v clause option where
  weight S = fst (additional_info S)

  additional_info (update_additional_info w S) = w
  unfolding additional_info_def using update_additional_info[of S]
  by (cases state S; auto; fail)+

  weight_cons_trail2[simp]: weight (cons_trail L S) = weight S and
  clss_tl_trail2[simp]: weight (tl_trail S) = weight S and
    weight (add_learned_cls U S) = weight S
  weight_update_conflicting2[simp]: weight (update_conflicting D S) = weight S and
    weight (remove_cls C S) = weight S and
    weight (add_learned_cls C S) = weight S and
    weight (update_weight_information M S) = Some (lit_of `# mset M)
  by (auto simp: update_weight_information_def weight_def)

sublocale conflict_driven_clause_learning_with_adding_init_clause_bnbW_no_state
    state = state and
    trail = trail and
    init_clss = init_clss and
    learned_clss = learned_clss and
    conflicting = conflicting and
    cons_trail = cons_trail and
    tl_trail = tl_trail and
    add_learned_cls = add_learned_cls and
    remove_cls = remove_cls and
    update_conflicting = update_conflicting and
    init_state = init_state and
    weight = weight and
    update_weight_information = update_weight_information and
    is_improving_int = is_improving_int and
    conflicting_clauses = conflicting_clauses
  by unfold_locales

lemma state_additional_info':
  state S = (trail S, init_clss S, learned_clss S, conflicting S, weight S, additional_info' S)
  unfolding additional_info'_def by (cases state S; auto simp: state_prop weight_def)

lemma state_update_weight_information:
  state S = (M, N, U, C, w, other) 
    w'. state (update_weight_information T S) = (M, N, U, C, w', other)
  unfolding update_weight_information_def by (cases state S; auto simp: state_prop weight_def)

lemma atms_of_init_clss_conflicting_clauses[simp]:
  atms_of_mm (init_clss S)  atms_of_mm (conflicting_clss S) = atms_of_mm (init_clss S)
  using conflicting_clss_incl_init_clauses[of (init_clss S)] unfolding conflicting_clss_def by blast

lemma lit_of_trail_in_simple_clss: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state S) 
         lit_of `# mset (trail S)  simple_clss (atms_of_mm (init_clss S))
  unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def abs_state_def
  cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv_def cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def
  by (auto simp: simple_clss_def cdclW_restart_mset_state atms_of_def pNeg_def lits_of_def
      dest: no_dup_not_tautology no_dup_distinct)

lemma pNeg_lit_of_trail_in_simple_clss: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state S) 
         pNeg (lit_of `# mset (trail S))  simple_clss (atms_of_mm (init_clss S))
  unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def abs_state_def
  cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv_def cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def
  by (auto simp: simple_clss_def cdclW_restart_mset_state atms_of_def pNeg_def lits_of_def
      dest: no_dup_not_tautology_uminus no_dup_distinct_uminus)

lemma conflict_clss_update_weight_no_alien:
  atms_of_mm (conflicting_clss (update_weight_information M S))
     atms_of_mm (init_clss S)
  by (auto simp: conflicting_clss_def conflicting_clauses_def atms_of_ms_def
      cdclW_restart_mset_state simple_clss_finite
    dest: simple_clssE)

sublocale stateW_no_state
    state = state and
    trail = trail and
    init_clss = init_clss and
    learned_clss = learned_clss and
    conflicting = conflicting and
    cons_trail = cons_trail and
    tl_trail = tl_trail and
    add_learned_cls = add_learned_cls and
    remove_cls = remove_cls and
    update_conflicting = update_conflicting and
    init_state = init_state
  by unfold_locales

sublocale stateW_no_state
    state_eq = state_eq and
    state = state and
    trail = trail and
    init_clss = init_clss and
    learned_clss = learned_clss and
    conflicting = conflicting and
    cons_trail = cons_trail and
    tl_trail = tl_trail and
    add_learned_cls = add_learned_cls and
    remove_cls = remove_cls and
    update_conflicting = update_conflicting and
    init_state = init_state
  by unfold_locales

sublocale conflict_driven_clause_learningW
    state_eq = state_eq and
    state = state and
    trail = trail and
    init_clss = init_clss and
    learned_clss = learned_clss and
    conflicting = conflicting and
    cons_trail = cons_trail and
    tl_trail = tl_trail and
    add_learned_cls = add_learned_cls and
    remove_cls = remove_cls and
    update_conflicting = update_conflicting and
    init_state = init_state
  by unfold_locales

lemma is_improving_conflicting_clss_update_weight_information': is_improving M M' S 
       conflicting_clss S ⊆# conflicting_clss (update_weight_information M' S)
  using is_improving_conflicting_clss_update_weight_information[of M M' init_clss S weight S]
  unfolding conflicting_clss_def
  by auto

lemma conflicting_clss_update_weight_information_in2':
  assumes is_improving M M' S
  shows negate_ann_lits M' ∈# conflicting_clss (update_weight_information M' S)
  using conflicting_clss_update_weight_information_in2[of M M' init_clss S weight S] assms
  unfolding conflicting_clss_def
  by auto

sublocale conflict_driven_clause_learning_with_adding_init_clause_bnbW_ops
    state = state and
    trail = trail and
    init_clss = init_clss and
    learned_clss = learned_clss and
    conflicting = conflicting and
    cons_trail = cons_trail and
    tl_trail = tl_trail and
    add_learned_cls = add_learned_cls and
    remove_cls = remove_cls and
    update_conflicting = update_conflicting and
    init_state = init_state and
    weight = weight and
    update_weight_information = update_weight_information and
    is_improving_int = is_improving_int and
    conflicting_clauses = conflicting_clauses
  apply unfold_locales
  subgoal by (rule state_additional_info')
  subgoal by (rule state_update_weight_information)
  subgoal unfolding conflicting_clss_def by (rule conflicting_clss_incl_init_clauses)
  subgoal unfolding conflicting_clss_def by (rule distinct_mset_mset_conflicting_clss2)
  subgoal by (rule is_improving_conflicting_clss_update_weight_information')
  subgoal by (rule conflicting_clss_update_weight_information_in2'; assumption)

lemma wf_cdcl_bnb_fixed:
   wf {(T, S). cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state S)  cdcl_bnb S T
       init_clss S = N}
  apply (rule wf_cdcl_bnb[of N id {(I', I). I'  None 
     (the I')  simple_clss (atms_of_mm N)  (ρ' I', ρ' I)  {(j, i). j < i}}])
  subgoal for S T
    by (cases weight S; cases weight T)
      (auto simp: improvep.simps is_improving_int_def split: enat.splits)
    apply (rule wf_finite_segments)
    subgoal by (auto simp: irrefl_def)
      apply (auto simp: irrefl_def trans_def intro: less_trans[of Found _ Found _])
      apply (rule less_trans[of Found _ Found _])
      apply auto
    subgoal for x
      by (subgoal_tac {y. (y, x)
          {(I', I). I'  None  the I'  simple_clss (atms_of_mm N) 
            (ρ' I', ρ' I)  {(j, i). j < i}}} =
        Some ` {y. (y, x)  {(I', I).
             I'  simple_clss (atms_of_mm N) 
            (ρ' (Some I'), ρ' I)  {(j, i). j < i}}})
       (auto simp: finite_image_iff intro: finite_subset[OF _ simple_clss_finite[of atms_of_mm N]])

lemma wf_cdcl_bnb2:
  wf {(T, S). cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state S)
      cdcl_bnb S T}
  by (subst wf_cdcl_bnb_fixed_iff[symmetric]) (intro allI, rule wf_cdcl_bnb_fixed)

lemma can_always_improve:
    ent: trail S ⊨asm clauses S and
    total: total_over_m (lits_of_l (trail S)) (set_mset (clauses S)) and
    n_s: no_step conflict_opt S and
    confl[simp]: conflicting S = None and
    all_struct: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state S)
   shows Ex (improvep S)
proof -
  have H: (lit_of `# mset (trail S)) ∈# mset_set (simple_clss (atms_of_mm (init_clss S)))
    (lit_of `# mset (trail S))  simple_clss (atms_of_mm (init_clss S))
    no_dup (trail S)
    apply (subst finite_set_mset_mset_set[OF simple_clss_finite])
    using all_struct by (auto simp: simple_clss_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
        no_strange_atm_def atms_of_def lits_of_def image_image
        cdclW_M_level_inv_def clauses_def
      dest: no_dup_not_tautology no_dup_distinct)
  then have le: Found (ρ (lit_of `# mset (trail S))) < ρ' (weight S)
    using n_s total
    by (auto simp: conflict_opt.simps conflicting_clss_def lits_of_def
         conflicting_clauses_def clauses_def negate_ann_lits_pNeg_lit_of simple_clss_finite
       dest: not_entailed_too_heavy_clauses_ge)
  have tr: trail S ⊨asm init_clss S
    using ent by (auto simp: clauses_def)
  have tot': total_over_m (lits_of_l (trail S)) (set_mset (init_clss S))
    using total all_struct by (auto simp: total_over_m_def total_over_set_def
       cdclW_all_struct_inv_def clauses_def no_strange_atm_def)
  have M': ρ (lit_of `# mset M') = ρ (lit_of `# mset (trail S))
      if total_over_m (lits_of_l M') (set_mset (init_clss S)) and
        incl: mset (trail S) ⊆# mset M' and
        lit_of `# mset M'  simple_clss (atms_of_mm (init_clss S))
      for M'
    proof -
      have [simp]: lits_of_l M' = set_mset (lit_of `# mset M')
        by (auto simp: lits_of_def)
      obtain A where A: mset M' = A + mset (trail S)
        using incl by (auto simp: mset_subset_eq_exists_conv)
      have M': lits_of_l M' = lit_of ` set_mset A  lits_of_l (trail S)
        unfolding lits_of_def
        by (metis A image_Un set_mset_mset set_mset_union)
      have mset M' = mset (trail S)
        using that tot' total unfolding A total_over_m_alt_def
        apply (case_tac A)
        apply (auto simp: A simple_clss_def distinct_mset_add M' image_Un
            tautology_union mset_inter_empty_set_mset atms_of_def atms_of_s_def
            atm_of_in_atm_of_set_iff_in_set_or_uminus_in_set image_image
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) atm_of_in_atm_of_set_iff_in_set_or_uminus_in_set
           subsetCE lits_of_def)
      then show ?thesis
        using total by auto
  have is_improving (trail S) (trail S) S
    if Found (ρ (lit_of `# mset (trail S))) < ρ' (weight S)
    using that total H confl tr tot' M' unfolding is_improving_int_def lits_of_def by fast
  then show Ex (improvep S)
    using improvep.intros[of S trail S update_weight_information (trail S) S] le confl by fast

lemma no_step_cdcl_bnb_stgy_empty_conflict2:
    n_s: no_step cdcl_bnb S and
    all_struct: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state S) and
    stgy_inv: cdcl_bnb_stgy_inv S
  shows conflicting S = Some {#}
  by (rule no_step_cdcl_bnb_stgy_empty_conflict[OF can_always_improve assms])

lemma cdcl_bnb_larger_still_larger:
    cdcl_bnb S T
  shows ρ' (weight S)  ρ' (weight T)
  using assms apply (cases rule: cdcl_bnb.cases)
  by (auto simp: improvep.simps is_improving_int_def conflict_opt.simps ocdclW_o.simps
      cdcl_bnb_bj.simps skip.simps resolve.simps obacktrack.simps elim: rulesE)

lemma obacktrack_model_still_model:
    obacktrack S T and
    all_struct: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state S) and
    ent: set_mset I ⊨sm clauses S set_mset I ⊨sm conflicting_clss S and
    dist: distinct_mset I and
    cons: consistent_interp (set_mset I) and
    tot: atms_of I = atms_of_mm (init_clss S) and
    opt_struct: cdcl_bnb_struct_invs S and
    le: Found (ρ I) < ρ' (weight T)
    set_mset I ⊨sm clauses T  set_mset I ⊨sm conflicting_clss T
  using assms(1)
proof (cases rule: obacktrack.cases)
  case (obacktrack_rule L D K M1 M2 D' i) note confl = this(1) and DD' = this(7) and
    clss_L_D' = this(8) and T = this(9)
  have H: total_over_m I (set_mset (clauses S + conflicting_clss S)  {add_mset L D'}) 
      consistent_interp I 
      I ⊨sm clauses S + conflicting_clss S  I  add_mset L D' for I
    using clss_L_D'
    unfolding true_clss_cls_def
    by blast
  have alien: cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm (abs_state S)
    using all_struct unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
    by fast+
  have total_over_m (set_mset I) (set_mset (init_clss S))
    using tot[symmetric]
    by (auto simp: total_over_m_def total_over_set_def atm_iff_pos_or_neg_lit)

  then have 1: total_over_m (set_mset I) (set_mset (clauses S + conflicting_clss S) 
       {add_mset L D'})
    using alien T confl tot DD' opt_struct
    unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def total_over_m_def total_over_set_def
    apply (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset_state abs_state_def atms_of_def clauses_def
      cdcl_bnb_struct_invs_def dest: multi_member_split)
    by blast
  have 2: set_mset I ⊨sm conflicting_clss S
    using tot cons ent(2) by auto
  have set_mset I  add_mset L D'
    using H[OF 1 cons] 2 ent by auto
  then show ?thesis
    using ent obacktrack_rule 2 by auto

lemma entails_conflicting_clauses_if_le':
  fixes M''
  defines M'  lit_of `# mset M''
    dist: distinct_mset I and
    cons: consistent_interp (set_mset I) and
    tot: atms_of I = atms_of_mm (init_clss S) and
    le: Found (ρ I) < ρ' (Some M') and
    is_improving M M'' S and
    N = init_clss S
    set_mset I ⊨m conflicting_clauses N (weight (update_weight_information M'' S))
  using entails_conflicting_clauses_if_le[OF assms(2-6)[unfolded M'_def]] assms(7)
  unfolding conflicting_clss_def by auto

lemma improve_model_still_model:
    improvep S T and
    all_struct: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state S) and
    ent: set_mset I ⊨sm clauses S  set_mset I ⊨sm conflicting_clss S and
    dist: distinct_mset I and
    cons: consistent_interp (set_mset I) and
    tot: atms_of I = atms_of_mm (init_clss S) and
    opt_struct: cdcl_bnb_struct_invs S and
    le: Found (ρ I) < ρ' (weight T)
    set_mset I ⊨sm clauses T  set_mset I ⊨sm conflicting_clss T
  using assms(1)
proof (cases rule: improvep.cases)
  case (improve_rule M') note imp = this(1) and confl = this(2) and T = this(3)
  have alien: cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm (abs_state S) and
    lev: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv (abs_state S)
    using all_struct unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
    by fast+
  then have atm_trail: atms_of (lit_of `# mset (trail S))  atms_of_mm (init_clss S)
    using alien by (auto simp: no_strange_atm_def lits_of_def atms_of_def)
  have dist2: distinct_mset (lit_of `# mset (trail S)) and
    taut2: ¬ tautology (lit_of `# mset (trail S))
    using lev unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv_def
    by (auto dest: no_dup_distinct no_dup_not_tautology)
  have tot2: total_over_m (set_mset I) (set_mset (init_clss S))
    using tot[symmetric]
    by (auto simp: total_over_m_def total_over_set_def atm_iff_pos_or_neg_lit)
  have atm_trail: atms_of (lit_of `# mset M')  atms_of_mm (init_clss S) and
    dist2: distinct_mset (lit_of `# mset M') and
    taut2: ¬ tautology (lit_of `# mset M')
    using imp by (auto simp: no_strange_atm_def lits_of_def atms_of_def is_improving_int_def

  have tot2: total_over_m (set_mset I) (set_mset (init_clss S))
    using tot[symmetric]
    by (auto simp: total_over_m_def total_over_set_def atm_iff_pos_or_neg_lit)
      set_mset I ⊨m conflicting_clauses (init_clss S) (weight (update_weight_information M' S))
    apply (rule entails_conflicting_clauses_if_le'[unfolded conflicting_clss_def])
    using T dist cons tot le imp by (auto intro!: )
  then have set_mset I ⊨m conflicting_clss (update_weight_information M' S)
    by (auto simp: update_weight_information_def conflicting_clss_def)
  then show ?thesis
    using ent improve_rule T by auto

lemma cdcl_bnb_still_model:
    cdcl_bnb S T and
    all_struct: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state S) and
    ent: set_mset I ⊨sm clauses S set_mset I ⊨sm conflicting_clss S and
    dist: distinct_mset I and
    cons: consistent_interp (set_mset I) and
    tot: atms_of I = atms_of_mm (init_clss S) and
    opt_struct: cdcl_bnb_struct_invs S
    (set_mset I ⊨sm clauses T  set_mset I ⊨sm conflicting_clss T)  Found (ρ I)  ρ' (weight T)
  using assms
proof (cases rule: cdcl_bnb.cases)
  case cdcl_improve
  from improve_model_still_model[OF this all_struct ent dist cons tot opt_struct]
  show ?thesis
    by (auto simp: improvep.simps)
  case cdcl_other'
  then show ?thesis
  proof (induction rule: ocdclW_o_all_rules_induct)
    case (backtrack T)
    from obacktrack_model_still_model[OF this all_struct ent dist cons tot opt_struct]
    show ?case
      by auto
  qed (use ent in auto elim: rulesE)
qed (auto simp: conflict_opt.simps elim: rulesE)

lemma rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_still_model:
    st: cdcl_bnb** S T and
    all_struct: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state S) and
    ent: (set_mset I ⊨sm clauses S  set_mset I ⊨sm conflicting_clss S)  Found (ρ I)  ρ' (weight S) and
    dist: distinct_mset I and
    cons: consistent_interp (set_mset I) and
    tot: atms_of I = atms_of_mm (init_clss S) and
    opt_struct: cdcl_bnb_struct_invs S
    (set_mset I ⊨sm clauses T  set_mset I ⊨sm conflicting_clss T)  Found (ρ I)  ρ' (weight T)
  using st
proof (induction rule: rtranclp_induct)
  case base
  then show ?case
    using ent by auto
  case (step T U) note star = this(1) and st = this(2) and IH = this(3)
  have 1: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state T)
    using rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_stgy_all_struct_inv[OF star all_struct] .

  have 2: cdcl_bnb_struct_invs T
    using rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_cdcl_bnb_struct_invs[OF star opt_struct] .
  have 3: atms_of I = atms_of_mm (init_clss T)
    using tot rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_no_more_init_clss[OF star] by auto
  show ?case
    using cdcl_bnb_still_model[OF st 1 _ _ dist cons 3 2] IH
      cdcl_bnb_larger_still_larger[OF st]
    using dual_order.trans by blast

lemma full_cdcl_bnb_stgy_larger_or_equal_weight:
    st: full cdcl_bnb_stgy S T and
    all_struct: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state S) and
    ent: (set_mset I ⊨sm clauses S  set_mset I ⊨sm conflicting_clss S)  Found (ρ I)  ρ' (weight S) and
    dist: distinct_mset I and
    cons: consistent_interp (set_mset I) and
    tot: atms_of I = atms_of_mm (init_clss S) and
    opt_struct: cdcl_bnb_struct_invs S and
    stgy_inv: cdcl_bnb_stgy_inv S
    Found (ρ I)  ρ' (weight T) and
    unsatisfiable (set_mset (clauses T + conflicting_clss T))
proof -
  have ns: no_step cdcl_bnb_stgy T and
    st: cdcl_bnb_stgy** S T and
    st': cdcl_bnb** S T
    using st unfolding full_def by (auto intro: rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_stgy_cdcl_bnb)
  have ns': no_step cdcl_bnb T
    by (meson cdcl_bnb.cases cdcl_bnb_stgy.simps no_confl_prop_impr.elims(3) ns)
  have struct_T: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state T)
    using rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_stgy_all_struct_inv[OF st' all_struct] .
  have stgy_T: cdcl_bnb_stgy_inv T
    using rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_stgy_stgy_inv[OF st all_struct stgy_inv] .
  have confl: conflicting T = Some {#}
    using no_step_cdcl_bnb_stgy_empty_conflict2[OF ns' struct_T stgy_T] .

  have cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause (abs_state T) and
    alien: cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm (abs_state T)
    using struct_T unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def by fast+
  then have ent': set_mset (clauses T + conflicting_clss T) ⊨p {#}
    using confl unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause_alt_def
    by auto
  have atms_eq: atms_of I  atms_of_mm (conflicting_clss T) = atms_of_mm (init_clss T)
    using tot[symmetric] atms_of_conflicting_clss[of T] alien
    unfolding rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_no_more_init_clss[OF st'] cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def
    by (auto simp: clauses_def total_over_m_def total_over_set_def atm_iff_pos_or_neg_lit
      abs_state_def cdclW_restart_mset_state)

  have ¬ (set_mset I ⊨sm clauses T + conflicting_clss T)
    assume ent'': set_mset I ⊨sm clauses T + conflicting_clss T
    moreover have total_over_m (set_mset I) (set_mset (clauses T + conflicting_clss T))
      using tot[symmetric] atms_of_conflicting_clss[of T] alien
      unfolding rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_no_more_init_clss[OF st'] cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def
      by (auto simp: clauses_def total_over_m_def total_over_set_def atm_iff_pos_or_neg_lit
              abs_state_def cdclW_restart_mset_state atms_eq)
    then show False
      using ent' cons ent'' unfolding true_clss_cls_def by auto
  then show ρ' (weight T)  Found (ρ I)
    using rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_still_model[OF st' all_struct ent dist cons tot opt_struct]
    by auto

  show unsatisfiable (set_mset (clauses T + conflicting_clss T))
    assume satisfiable (set_mset (clauses T + conflicting_clss T))
    then obtain I where
      ent'': I ⊨sm clauses T + conflicting_clss T and
      tot: total_over_m I (set_mset (clauses T + conflicting_clss T)) and
      consistent_interp I
      unfolding satisfiable_def
      by blast
    then show False
      using ent' cons unfolding true_clss_cls_def by auto

lemma full_cdcl_bnb_stgy_unsat2:
    st: full cdcl_bnb_stgy S T and
    all_struct: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state S) and
    opt_struct: cdcl_bnb_struct_invs S and
    stgy_inv: cdcl_bnb_stgy_inv S
    unsatisfiable (set_mset (clauses T + conflicting_clss T))
proof -
  have ns: no_step cdcl_bnb_stgy T and
    st: cdcl_bnb_stgy** S T and
    st': cdcl_bnb** S T
    using st unfolding full_def by (auto intro: rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_stgy_cdcl_bnb)
  have ns': no_step cdcl_bnb T
    by (meson cdcl_bnb.cases cdcl_bnb_stgy.simps no_confl_prop_impr.elims(3) ns)
  have struct_T: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state T)
    using rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_stgy_all_struct_inv[OF st' all_struct] .
  have stgy_T: cdcl_bnb_stgy_inv T
    using rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_stgy_stgy_inv[OF st all_struct stgy_inv] .
  have confl: conflicting T = Some {#}
    using no_step_cdcl_bnb_stgy_empty_conflict2[OF ns' struct_T stgy_T] .

  have cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause (abs_state T) and
    alien: cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm (abs_state T)
    using struct_T unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def by fast+
  then have ent': set_mset (clauses T + conflicting_clss T) ⊨p {#}
    using confl unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause_alt_def
    by auto

  show unsatisfiable (set_mset (clauses T + conflicting_clss T))
    assume satisfiable (set_mset (clauses T + conflicting_clss T))
    then obtain I where
      ent'': I ⊨sm clauses T + conflicting_clss T and
      tot: total_over_m I (set_mset (clauses T + conflicting_clss T)) and
      consistent_interp I
      unfolding satisfiable_def
      by blast
    then show False
      using ent' unfolding true_clss_cls_def by auto

lemma weight_init_state2[simp]: weight (init_state S) = None and
    conflicting_clss (init_state N) = {#}
  unfolding weight_def conflicting_clss_def conflicting_clauses_def
  by (auto simp: weight_init_state true_clss_cls_tautology_iff simple_clss_finite
    filter_mset_empty_conv mset_set_empty_iff dest: simple_clssE)

text First part of \cwref{theo:prop:cdclmmcorrect}{Theorem 2.15.6}
lemma full_cdcl_bnb_stgy_no_conflicting_clause_unsat:
    st: full cdcl_bnb_stgy S T and
    all_struct: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state S) and
    opt_struct: cdcl_bnb_struct_invs S and
    stgy_inv: cdcl_bnb_stgy_inv S and
    [simp]: weight T = None and
    ent: cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init S
  shows unsatisfiable (set_mset (init_clss S))
proof -
  have cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init (abs_state S) and
    conflicting_clss T = {#}
    using ent by (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init_def
      cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init_def abs_state_def cdclW_restart_mset_state
      conflicting_clss_def conflicting_clauses_def true_clss_cls_tautology_iff simple_clss_finite
      filter_mset_empty_conv mset_set_empty_iff dest: simple_clssE)
  then show ?thesis
    using full_cdcl_bnb_stgy_no_conflicting_clss_unsat[OF _ st all_struct
     stgy_inv] by (auto simp: can_always_improve)

definition annotation_is_model where
  annotation_is_model S 
     (weight S  None  (set_mset (the (weight S)) ⊨sm init_clss S 
       consistent_interp (set_mset (the (weight S))) 
       atms_of (the (weight S))  atms_of_mm (init_clss S) 
       total_over_m (set_mset (the (weight S))) (set_mset (init_clss S)) 
       distinct_mset (the (weight S))))

lemma cdcl_bnb_annotation_is_model:
    cdcl_bnb S T and
    cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state S) and
    annotation_is_model S
  shows annotation_is_model T
proof -
  have [simp]: atms_of (lit_of `# mset M) = atm_of ` lit_of ` set M for M
    by (auto simp: atms_of_def)
  have consistent_interp (lits_of_l (trail S)) 
       atm_of ` (lits_of_l (trail S))  atms_of_mm (init_clss S) 
       distinct_mset (lit_of `# mset (trail S))
    using assms(2) by (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
      abs_state_def cdclW_restart_mset_state cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def
      dest: no_dup_distinct)
  with assms(1,3)
  show ?thesis
    apply (cases rule: cdcl_bnb.cases)
      by (auto simp: conflict.simps annotation_is_model_def)
      by (auto simp: propagate.simps annotation_is_model_def)
      by (force simp: annotation_is_model_def true_annots_true_cls lits_of_def
             improvep.simps is_improving_int_def image_Un image_image simple_clss_def
           dest!: consistent_interp_unionD intro: distinct_mset_union2)
      by (auto simp: annotation_is_model_def conflict_opt.simps)
      by (auto simp: annotation_is_model_def
              ocdclW_o.simps cdcl_bnb_bj.simps obacktrack.simps
              skip.simps resolve.simps decide.simps)

lemma rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_annotation_is_model:
  cdcl_bnb** S T  cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state S) 
     annotation_is_model S  annotation_is_model T
  by (induction rule: rtranclp_induct)
    (auto simp: cdcl_bnb_annotation_is_model rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_stgy_all_struct_inv)

text \cwref{theo:prop:cdclmmcorrect}{Theorem 2.15.6}
theorem full_cdcl_bnb_stgy_no_conflicting_clause_from_init_state:
    st: full cdcl_bnb_stgy (init_state N) T and
    dist: distinct_mset_mset N
    weight T = None  unsatisfiable (set_mset N) (is ?B  ?A) and
    weight T  None  consistent_interp (set_mset (the (weight T))) 
       atms_of (the (weight T))  atms_of_mm N  set_mset (the (weight T)) ⊨sm N 
       total_over_m (set_mset (the (weight T))) (set_mset N) 
       distinct_mset (the (weight T)) and
    distinct_mset I  consistent_interp (set_mset I)  atms_of I = atms_of_mm N 
      set_mset I ⊨sm N  Found (ρ I)  ρ' (weight T)
proof -
  let ?S = init_state N
  have distinct_mset C if C ∈# N for C
    using dist that by (auto simp: distinct_mset_set_def dest: multi_member_split)
  then have dist: distinct_mset_mset N
    by (auto simp: distinct_mset_set_def)
  then have [simp]: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv ([], N, {#}, None)
    unfolding init_state.simps[symmetric]
    by (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def)
  moreover have [iff]: cdcl_bnb_struct_invs ?S and [simp]: cdcl_bnb_stgy_inv ?S
    by (auto simp: cdcl_bnb_struct_invs_def conflict_is_false_with_level_def cdcl_bnb_stgy_inv_def)
  moreover have ent: cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init ?S
    by (auto simp: cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init_def)
  moreover have [simp]: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (abs_state (init_state N))
    unfolding CDCL_W_Abstract_State.init_state.simps abs_state_def
    by auto
  ultimately show weight T = None  unsatisfiable (set_mset N)
    using full_cdcl_bnb_stgy_no_conflicting_clause_unsat[OF st]
    by auto
  have annotation_is_model ?S
    by (auto simp: annotation_is_model_def)
  then have annotation_is_model T
    using rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_annotation_is_model[of ?S T] st
    unfolding full_def by (auto dest: rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_stgy_cdcl_bnb)
  moreover have init_clss T = N
    using rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_no_more_init_clss[of ?S T] st
    unfolding full_def by (auto dest: rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_stgy_cdcl_bnb)
  ultimately show weight T  None  consistent_interp (set_mset (the (weight T))) 
       atms_of (the (weight T))  atms_of_mm N  set_mset (the (weight T)) ⊨sm N 
       total_over_m (set_mset (the (weight T))) (set_mset N) 
       distinct_mset (the (weight T))
    by (auto simp: annotation_is_model_def)

  show distinct_mset I  consistent_interp (set_mset I)  atms_of I = atms_of_mm N 
      set_mset I ⊨sm N  Found (ρ I)  ρ' (weight T)
    using full_cdcl_bnb_stgy_larger_or_equal_weight[of ?S T I] st unfolding full_def
    by auto

lemma pruned_clause_in_conflicting_clss:
    ge: M'. total_over_m (set_mset (mset (M @ M'))) (set_mset (init_clss S)) 
      distinct_mset (atm_of `# mset (M @ M')) 
      consistent_interp (set_mset (mset (M @ M'))) 
      Found (ρ (mset (M @ M')))  ρ' (weight S) and
    atm: atms_of (mset M)  atms_of_mm (init_clss S) and
    dist: distinct M and
    cons: consistent_interp (set M)
  shows pNeg (mset M) ∈# conflicting_clss S
proof -
  have 0: (pNeg o mset o ((@) M))` {M'.
      distinct_mset (atm_of `# mset (M @ M'))  consistent_interp (set_mset (mset (M @ M'))) 
      atms_of_s (set (M @ M'))  (atms_of_mm (init_clss S)) 
      card (atms_of_mm (init_clss S)) = n + card (atms_of (mset (M @ M')))} 
    set_mset (conflicting_clss S) (is _ ` ?A n  ?H)for n
  proof (induction n)
    case 0
    show ?case
    proof clarify
      fix x :: 'v literal multiset and xa :: 'v literal multiset and
        xb :: 'v literal list and xc :: 'v literal list
        dist: distinct_mset (atm_of `# mset (M @ xc)) and
        cons: consistent_interp (set_mset (mset (M @ xc))) and
        atm': atms_of_s (set (M @ xc))  atms_of_mm (init_clss S) and
        0: card (atms_of_mm (init_clss S)) = 0 + card (atms_of (mset (M @ xc)))
      have D[dest]:
        A  set M  A  set xc A  set M  -A  set xc
        for A
        using dist multi_member_split[of A mset M] multi_member_split[of -A mset xc]
          multi_member_split[of -A mset M] multi_member_split[of A mset xc]
        by (auto simp: atm_of_in_atm_of_set_iff_in_set_or_uminus_in_set)
      have dist2: distinct xc distinct_mset (atm_of `# mset xc)
        distinct_mset (mset M + mset xc)
        using dist distinct_mset_atm_ofD[OF dist]
        unfolding mset_append[symmetric] distinct_mset_mset_distinct
        by (auto dest: distinct_mset_union2 distinct_mset_atm_ofD)
      have eq: card (atms_of_s (set M)  atms_of_s (set xc)) =
        card (atms_of_s (set M)) + card (atms_of_s (set xc))
              by (subst card_Un_Int) auto
      let ?M = M @ xc

      have H1: atms_of_s (set ?M) = atms_of_mm (init_clss S)
        using eq atm card_mono[OF _ atm'] card_subset_eq[OF _ atm'] 0
        by (auto simp: atms_of_s_def image_Un)
      moreover have tot2: total_over_m (set ?M) (set_mset (init_clss S))
        using H1 by (auto simp: total_over_m_def total_over_set_def lit_in_set_iff_atm)
      moreover have ¬tautology (mset ?M)
        using cons unfolding consistent_interp_tautology[symmetric]
        by auto
      ultimately have mset ?M  simple_clss (atms_of_mm (init_clss S))
        using dist atm cons H1 dist2
        by (auto simp: simple_clss_def consistent_interp_tautology atms_of_s_def)
      moreover have tot2: total_over_m (set ?M) (set_mset (init_clss S))
        using H1 by (auto simp: total_over_m_def total_over_set_def lit_in_set_iff_atm)
      ultimately show (pNeg  mset  (@) M) xc ∈# conflicting_clss S
        using ge[of xc] dist 0 cons card_mono[OF _ atm] tot2 cons
        by (auto simp: conflicting_clss_def too_heavy_clauses_def simple_clss_finite
            intro!: too_heavy_clauses_conflicting_clauses imageI)
    case (Suc n) note IH = this(1)
    let ?H = ?A n
    show ?case
    proof clarify
      fix x :: 'v literal multiset and xa :: 'v literal multiset and
        xb :: 'v literal list and xc :: 'v literal list
        dist: distinct_mset (atm_of `# mset (M @ xc)) and
        cons: consistent_interp (set_mset (mset (M @ xc))) and
        atm': atms_of_s (set (M @ xc))  atms_of_mm (init_clss S) and
        0: card (atms_of_mm (init_clss S)) = Suc n + card (atms_of (mset (M @ xc)))
      then obtain a where
        a: a  atms_of_mm (init_clss S) and
        a_notin: a  atms_of_s (set (M @ xc))
        by (metis Suc_n_not_le_n add_Suc_shift atms_of_mmltiset atms_of_s_def le_add2
            subsetI subset_antisym)
      have dist2: distinct xc distinct_mset (atm_of `# mset xc)
        distinct_mset (mset M + mset xc)
        using dist distinct_mset_atm_ofD[OF dist]
        unfolding mset_append[symmetric] distinct_mset_mset_distinct
        by (auto dest: distinct_mset_union2 distinct_mset_atm_ofD)
      let ?xc1 = Pos a # xc
      let ?xc2 = Neg a # xc
      have ?xc1  ?H
        using dist cons atm' 0 dist2 a_notin a
        by (auto simp: distinct_mset_add mset_inter_empty_set_mset
            lit_in_set_iff_atm card_insert_if)
      from set_mp[OF IH imageI[OF this]]
      have 1: too_heavy_clauses (init_clss S) (weight S) ⊨pm add_mset (-(Pos a)) (pNeg (mset (M @ xc)))
        unfolding conflicting_clss_def unfolding conflicting_clauses_def
        by (auto simp: pNeg_simps)
      have ?xc2  ?H
        using dist cons atm' 0 dist2 a_notin a
        by (auto simp: distinct_mset_add mset_inter_empty_set_mset
            lit_in_set_iff_atm card_insert_if)
      from set_mp[OF IH imageI[OF this]]
      have 2: too_heavy_clauses (init_clss S) (weight S) ⊨pm add_mset (Pos a) (pNeg (mset (M @ xc)))
        unfolding conflicting_clss_def unfolding conflicting_clauses_def
        by (auto simp: pNeg_simps)

      have ¬tautology (mset (M @ xc))
        using cons unfolding consistent_interp_tautology[symmetric]
        by auto
      then have ¬tautology (pNeg (mset M) + pNeg (mset xc))
        unfolding mset_append[symmetric] pNeg_simps[symmetric]
        by (auto simp del: mset_append)
      then have pNeg (mset M) + pNeg (mset xc)  simple_clss (atms_of_mm (init_clss S))
        using atm' dist2 by (auto simp: simple_clss_def atms_of_s_def simp flip: pNeg_simps)
      then show (pNeg  mset  (@) M) xc ∈# conflicting_clss S
        using true_clss_cls_or_true_clss_cls_or_not_true_clss_cls_or[OF 1 2] apply -
        unfolding conflicting_clss_def conflicting_clauses_def
        by (subst (asm) true_clss_cls_remdups_mset[symmetric])
          (auto simp: simple_clss_finite pNeg_simps intro: true_clss_cls_cong_set_mset
            simp del: true_clss_cls_remdups_mset)
  have []  {M'.
     distinct_mset (atm_of `# mset (M @ M')) 
     consistent_interp (set_mset (mset (M @ M'))) 
     atms_of_s (set (M @ M'))  atms_of_mm (init_clss S) 
     card (atms_of_mm (init_clss S)) =
     card (atms_of_mm (init_clss S)) - card (atms_of (mset M)) +
     card (atms_of (mset (M @ M')))}
    using card_mono[OF _ assms(2)] assms by (auto dest: card_mono distinct_consistent_distinct_atm)

  from set_mp[OF 0 imageI[OF this]]
  show pNeg (mset M) ∈# conflicting_clss S
    by auto

