Theory IsaSAT_Options

theory IsaSAT_Options
imports IsaSAT_Literals

section Options

text We define the options from our SAT solver. Using options has several advantages: it is much
  easier to change the value (instead of recompiling everything from scratch the complete Isabelle
  development) and it is easier to change.

  We hide the options inside a datatype to make sure Isabelle does not split the the component to
  make goals even less readable.

subsection Definition

type_synonym opts_target = 3 word

datatype opts =
  IsaOptions (opts_restart: bool)
  (opts_reduce: bool)
  (opts_unbounded_mode: bool)
  (opts_minimum_between_restart: 64 word)
  (opts_restart_coeff1: 64 word)
  (opts_restart_coeff2: nat)
  (opts_target: opts_target)
  (opts_fema: 64 word)
  (opts_sema: 64 word)
  (opts_GC_units_lim: 64 word)
  (opts_subsumption: bool)

definition TARGET_NEVER :: opts_target where

definition TARGET_STABLE_ONLY :: opts_target where

definition TARGET_ALWAYS :: opts_target where

subsection Refinement

type_synonym opts_ref =
  bool × bool × bool × 64 word × 64 word × nat × opts_target × 64 word × 64 word × 64 word × bool

definition opts_rel :: (opts_ref × opts) set where
  opts_rel = {(S, T). S = (opts_restart T, opts_reduce T, opts_unbounded_mode T,
      opts_minimum_between_restart T, opts_restart_coeff1 T, opts_restart_coeff2 T,
    opts_target T, opts_fema T, opts_sema T, opts_GC_units_lim T, opts_subsumption T)}

fun opts_rel_restart :: opts_ref  bool where
  opts_rel_restart (res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2) = res

lemma opts_rel_restart:
  (opts_rel_restart, opts_restart)  opts_rel  bool_rel
  by (auto simp: opts_rel_def intro!: frefI)

fun opts_rel_reduce :: opts_ref  bool where
  opts_rel_reduce (res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2) = red

lemma opts_rel_reduce:
  (opts_rel_reduce, opts_reduce)  opts_rel  bool_rel
  by (auto simp: opts_rel_def intro!: frefI)

fun opts_rel_unbounded_mode :: opts_ref  bool where
  opts_rel_unbounded_mode (res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2) = unbd

lemma opts_rel_unbounded_mode:
  (opts_rel_unbounded_mode, opts_unbounded_mode)  opts_rel  bool_rel
  by (auto simp: opts_rel_def intro!: frefI)

fun opts_rel_miminum_between_restart :: opts_ref  64 word where
  opts_rel_miminum_between_restart (res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2) = mini

lemma opts_rel_miminum_between_restart:
  (opts_rel_miminum_between_restart, opts_minimum_between_restart)  opts_rel  Id
  by (auto simp: opts_rel_def intro!: frefI)

fun opts_rel_restart_coeff1 :: opts_ref  64 word where
  opts_rel_restart_coeff1 (res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2) = res1

lemma opts_rel_restart_coeff1:
  (opts_rel_restart_coeff1, opts_restart_coeff1)  opts_rel  Id
  by (auto simp: opts_rel_def intro!: frefI)

fun opts_rel_restart_coeff2 :: opts_ref  nat where
  opts_rel_restart_coeff2 (res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2, target) = res2

lemma opts_rel_restart_coeff2:
  (opts_rel_restart_coeff2, opts_restart_coeff2)  opts_rel  Id
  by (auto simp: opts_rel_def intro!: frefI)

fun opts_rel_target :: opts_ref  3 word where
  opts_rel_target (res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2, target, fema, sema) = target

lemma opts_rel_target:
  (opts_rel_target, opts_target)  opts_rel  Id
  by (auto simp: opts_rel_def intro!: frefI)

fun opts_rel_fema :: opts_ref  64 word where
  opts_rel_fema (res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2, target, fema, sema) = fema

lemma opts_rel_fema:
  (opts_rel_fema, opts_fema)  opts_rel  Id
  by (auto simp: opts_rel_def intro!: frefI)

fun opts_rel_sema :: opts_ref  64 word where
  opts_rel_sema (res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2, target, fema, sema, units) = sema
lemma opts_rel_sema:
  (opts_rel_sema, opts_sema)  opts_rel  Id
  by (auto simp: opts_rel_def intro!: frefI)

fun opts_rel_GC_units_lim :: opts_ref  64 word where
  opts_rel_GC_units_lim (res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2, target, fema, sema, units,_) = units

fun opts_rel_subsumption :: opts_ref  bool where
  opts_rel_subsumption (res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2, target, fema, sema, units,subsume) = subsume

lemma opts_GC_units_lim:
  (opts_rel_GC_units_lim, opts_GC_units_lim)  opts_rel  Id and
  (opts_rel_subsumption, opts_subsumption)  opts_rel  Id
  by (auto simp: opts_rel_def opts_GC_units_lim_def intro!: frefI)

lemma opts_rel_alt_defs:
  RETURN o opts_rel_restart = (λ(res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2). RETURN res)
  RETURN o opts_rel_reduce = (λ(res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2). RETURN red)
  RETURN o opts_rel_unbounded_mode = (λ(res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2). RETURN unbd)
  RETURN o opts_rel_miminum_between_restart = (λ(res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2). RETURN mini)
  RETURN o opts_rel_restart_coeff1 = (λ(res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2). RETURN res1)
  RETURN o opts_rel_restart_coeff2 = (λ(res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2, _). RETURN res2)
  RETURN o opts_rel_target = (λ(res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2, target, fema, semax). RETURN target)
  RETURN o opts_rel_fema = (λ(res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2, target, fema, sema). RETURN fema)
  RETURN o opts_rel_sema = (λ(res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2, target, fema, sema, units). RETURN sema)
  RETURN o opts_rel_GC_units_lim = (λ(res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2, target, fema, sema, units, subsume). RETURN units)
  RETURN o opts_rel_subsumption = (λ(res, red, unbd, mini, res1, res2, target, fema, sema, units, subsume). RETURN subsume)
  by (auto intro!: ext)
