Theory IsaSAT_Phasing

theory IsaSAT_Phasing
  imports IsaSAT_Literals

subsection Phase saving

type_synonym phase_saver = bool list

definition phase_saving :: nat multiset  phase_saver  bool where
phase_saving 𝒜 φ  (Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length φ)

text Save phase as given (e.g. for literals in the trail):
definition save_phase :: nat literal  phase_saver  phase_saver where
  save_phase L φ = φ[atm_of L := is_pos L]

lemma phase_saving_save_phase[simp]:
  phase_saving 𝒜 (save_phase L φ)  phase_saving 𝒜 φ
  by (auto simp: phase_saving_def save_phase_def)

text Save opposite of the phase (e.g. for literals in the conflict clause):
definition save_phase_inv :: nat literal  phase_saver  phase_saver where
  save_phase_inv L φ = φ[atm_of L := ¬is_pos L]