Theory IsaSAT_Profile

theory IsaSAT_Profile
  imports IsaSAT_Literals

chapter Profiling

text For profiling, we don't do anything except calling some C functions to measure time. As for
printing, the functions to nothing in the refinement and are only removed from the generated code.
The aim is to better understand the behaviour of the generated code and find performance bug.

  qualified definition start :: 8 word  unit where start a = ()
  qualified definition stop :: 8 word  unit where stop a = ()
  qualified definition PROPAGATE :: 8 word where PROPAGATE = 0
  qualified definition ANALYZE :: 8 word where ANALYZE = 1
  qualified definition GC :: 8 word where GC = 2
  qualified definition REDUCE :: 8 word where REDUCE = 3
  qualified definition INITIALISATION :: 8 word where INITIALISATION = 4
  qualified definition MINIMIZATION :: 8 word where MINIMIZATION = 5
  qualified definition SUBSUMPTION :: 8 word where SUBSUMPTION = 6
  qualified definition PURE_LITERAL :: 8 word where PURE_LITERAL = 7
  qualified definition BINARY_SIMP :: 8 word where BINARY_SIMP = 8

qualified abbreviation start_propagate :: unit where
  start_propagate  IsaSAT_Profile.start IsaSAT_Profile.PROPAGATE
qualified abbreviation stop_propagate :: unit where
  stop_propagate  IsaSAT_Profile.stop IsaSAT_Profile.PROPAGATE
  qualified abbreviation start_analyze :: unit where
  start_analyze  IsaSAT_Profile.start IsaSAT_Profile.ANALYZE
  qualified abbreviation stop_analyze :: unit where
  stop_analyze  IsaSAT_Profile.stop IsaSAT_Profile.ANALYZE
qualified abbreviation start_GC :: unit where
  start_GC  IsaSAT_Profile.start IsaSAT_Profile.GC
qualified abbreviation stop_GC :: unit where
  stop_GC  IsaSAT_Profile.stop IsaSAT_Profile.GC

qualified abbreviation start_reduce :: unit where
  start_reduce  IsaSAT_Profile.start IsaSAT_Profile.REDUCE
qualified abbreviation stop_reduce :: unit where
  stop_reduce  IsaSAT_Profile.stop IsaSAT_Profile.REDUCE

qualified abbreviation start_initialisation :: unit where
  start_initialisation  IsaSAT_Profile.start IsaSAT_Profile.INITIALISATION
qualified abbreviation stop_initialisation :: unit where
  stop_initialisation  IsaSAT_Profile.stop IsaSAT_Profile.INITIALISATION

qualified abbreviation start_minimization :: unit where
  start_minimization  IsaSAT_Profile.start IsaSAT_Profile.MINIMIZATION
qualified abbreviation stop_minimization :: unit where
  stop_minimization  IsaSAT_Profile.stop IsaSAT_Profile.MINIMIZATION

qualified abbreviation start_subsumption :: unit where
  start_subsumption  IsaSAT_Profile.start IsaSAT_Profile.SUBSUMPTION
qualified abbreviation stop_subsumption :: unit where
  stop_subsumption  IsaSAT_Profile.stop IsaSAT_Profile.SUBSUMPTION

qualified abbreviation start_binary_simp :: unit where
  start_binary_simp  IsaSAT_Profile.start IsaSAT_Profile.BINARY_SIMP
qualified abbreviation stop_binary_simp :: unit where
  stop_binary_simp  IsaSAT_Profile.stop IsaSAT_Profile.BINARY_SIMP

qualified abbreviation start_pure_literal :: unit where
  start_pure_literal  IsaSAT_Profile.start IsaSAT_Profile.PURE_LITERAL
qualified abbreviation stop_pure_literal :: unit where
  stop_pure_literal  IsaSAT_Profile.stop IsaSAT_Profile.PURE_LITERAL

