Theory IsaSAT_Reluctant_LLVM
theory IsaSAT_Reluctant_LLVM
imports IsaSAT_Reluctant WB_More_Word IsaSAT_Literals Watched_Literals.WB_More_IICF_LLVM
type_synonym reluctant_rel = ‹bool × bool × 64 word × 64 word × 64 word × 64 word × 64 word›
type_synonym reluctant_rel_assn = ‹1 word × 1 word × 64 word × 64 word × 64 word × 64 word × 64 word›
definition reluctant_rel_assn :: ‹reluctant_rel ⇒ reluctant_rel_assn⇒ assn›where
‹reluctant_rel_assn = bool1_assn ×⇩a bool1_assn ×⇩a word_assn ×⇩a word_assn ×⇩a word_assn ×⇩a word_assn ×⇩a word_assn›
definition reluctant_rel :: ‹(reluctant_rel × reluctant) set› where
‹reluctant_rel = {((limited, trigger, u, v, period, wait, limit), r).
limited = reluctant_limited r ∧
trigger = reluctant_trigger r ∧
u = reluctant_u r ∧
v = reluctant_v r ∧
period = reluctant_period r ∧
wait = reluctant_wait r ∧
limit = reluctant_limit r}›
definition reluctant_assn where
‹reluctant_assn = hr_comp reluctant_rel_assn reluctant_rel›
schematic_goal mk_free_reluctant_rel_assn[sepref_frame_free_rules]: ‹MK_FREE reluctant_rel_assn ?fr›
unfolding reluctant_rel_assn_def
by synthesize_free
schematic_goal mk_free_reluctant_assn[sepref_frame_free_rules]: ‹MK_FREE reluctant_assn ?fr›
unfolding reluctant_assn_def
by synthesize_free
lemma [safe_constraint_rules]:
‹CONSTRAINT Sepref_Basic.is_pure reluctant_rel_assn›
‹CONSTRAINT Sepref_Basic.is_pure reluctant_assn›
unfolding reluctant_rel_assn_def reluctant_assn_def
by (auto intro!: hr_comp_is_pure)
definition reluctant_c :: ‹ _ ⇒ _ ⇒ _ ⇒ _ ⇒ _ ⇒ _ ⇒ _ ⇒ reluctant_rel›where
‹reluctant_c limited trigger u v period wait limit = (limited, trigger, u, v, period, wait, limit)›
lemma reluctant_c_Reluctant:
‹(uncurry6 (RETURN ooooooo reluctant_c), uncurry6 (RETURN ooooooo Reluctant)) ∈
Id ×⇩f Id ×⇩f Id ×⇩f Id ×⇩f Id ×⇩f Id ×⇩f Id → ⟨reluctant_rel⟩nres_rel›
by (auto simp: reluctant_c_def reluctant_rel_def intro!: frefI nres_relI)
sepref_register reluctant_c
sepref_def reluctant_impl
is ‹uncurry6 (RETURN ooooooo reluctant_c)›
:: ‹bool1_assn⇧k *⇩a bool1_assn⇧k *⇩a word_assn⇧k *⇩a word_assn⇧k *⇩a word_assn⇧k *⇩a word_assn⇧k *⇩a word_assn⇧k →⇩a reluctant_rel_assn›
unfolding reluctant_c_def reluctant_rel_assn_def
by sepref
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] =
reluctant_impl.refine[FCOMP reluctant_c_Reluctant, unfolded reluctant_assn_def[symmetric]]
definition reluctant_c_limited :: ‹reluctant_rel ⇒ bool›where
‹reluctant_c_limited = (λ(limited, trigger, u, v, period, wait, limit). limited)›
definition reluctant_c_triggered :: ‹reluctant_rel ⇒ bool›where
‹reluctant_c_triggered = (λ(triggered, trigger, u, v, period, wait, limit). trigger)›
definition reluctant_c_u :: ‹reluctant_rel ⇒ 64 word›where
‹reluctant_c_u = (λ(triggered, trigger, u, v, period, wait, limit). u)›
definition reluctant_c_v :: ‹reluctant_rel ⇒ 64 word›where
‹reluctant_c_v = (λ(triggered, trigger, u, v, period, wait, limit). v)›
definition reluctant_c_period :: ‹reluctant_rel ⇒ 64 word›where
‹reluctant_c_period = (λ(triggered, trigger, u, v, period, wait, limit). period)›
definition reluctant_c_wait :: ‹reluctant_rel ⇒ 64 word›where
‹reluctant_c_wait = (λ(triggered, trigger, u, v, period, wait, limit). wait)›
definition reluctant_c_limit :: ‹reluctant_rel ⇒ 64 word›where
‹reluctant_c_limit = (λ(triggered, trigger, u, v, period, wait, limit). limit)›
sepref_def reluctant_limited_impl
is ‹RETURN o reluctant_c_limited›
:: ‹reluctant_rel_assn⇧k →⇩a bool1_assn›
unfolding reluctant_c_limited_def reluctant_rel_assn_def
by sepref
sepref_def reluctant_triggered_impl
is ‹RETURN o reluctant_c_triggered›
:: ‹reluctant_rel_assn⇧k →⇩a bool1_assn›
unfolding reluctant_c_triggered_def reluctant_rel_assn_def
by sepref
sepref_def reluctant_u_impl
is ‹RETURN o reluctant_c_u›
:: ‹reluctant_rel_assn⇧k →⇩a word64_assn›
unfolding reluctant_c_u_def reluctant_rel_assn_def
by sepref
sepref_def reluctant_v_impl
is ‹RETURN o reluctant_c_v›
:: ‹reluctant_rel_assn⇧k →⇩a word64_assn›
unfolding reluctant_c_v_def reluctant_rel_assn_def
by sepref
sepref_def reluctant_wait_impl
is ‹RETURN o reluctant_c_wait›
:: ‹reluctant_rel_assn⇧k →⇩a word64_assn›
unfolding reluctant_c_wait_def reluctant_rel_assn_def
by sepref
sepref_def reluctant_period_impl
is ‹RETURN o reluctant_c_period›
:: ‹reluctant_rel_assn⇧k →⇩a word64_assn›
unfolding reluctant_c_period_def reluctant_rel_assn_def
by sepref
sepref_def reluctant_limit_impl
is ‹RETURN o reluctant_c_limit›
:: ‹reluctant_rel_assn⇧k →⇩a word64_assn›
unfolding reluctant_c_limit_def reluctant_rel_assn_def
by sepref
lemma reluctant_c_limited: ‹(reluctant_c_limited, reluctant_limited) ∈ reluctant_rel → Id› and
reluctant_c_triggered: ‹(reluctant_c_triggered, reluctant_trigger) ∈ reluctant_rel → Id› and
reluctant_c_u: ‹(reluctant_c_u, reluctant_u) ∈ reluctant_rel → Id› and
reluctant_c_v: ‹(reluctant_c_v, reluctant_v) ∈ reluctant_rel → Id› and
reluctant_c_wait: ‹(reluctant_c_wait, reluctant_wait) ∈ reluctant_rel → Id› and
reluctant_c_period: ‹(reluctant_c_period, reluctant_period) ∈ reluctant_rel → Id› and
reluctant_c_limit: ‹(reluctant_c_limit, reluctant_limit) ∈ reluctant_rel → Id›
by (auto simp: reluctant_rel_def reluctant_c_limited_def reluctant_c_triggered_def
reluctant_c_u_def reluctant_c_v_def reluctant_c_wait_def reluctant_c_period_def reluctant_c_limit_def
intro!: frefI nres_relI)
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] =
reluctant_limited_impl.refine[FCOMP reluctant_c_limited, unfolded reluctant_assn_def[symmetric]]
reluctant_triggered_impl.refine[FCOMP reluctant_c_triggered, unfolded reluctant_assn_def[symmetric]]
reluctant_u_impl.refine[FCOMP reluctant_c_u, unfolded reluctant_assn_def[symmetric]]
reluctant_v_impl.refine[FCOMP reluctant_c_v, unfolded reluctant_assn_def[symmetric]]
reluctant_wait_impl.refine[FCOMP reluctant_c_wait, unfolded reluctant_assn_def[symmetric]]
reluctant_period_impl.refine[FCOMP reluctant_c_period, unfolded reluctant_assn_def[symmetric]]
reluctant_limit_impl.refine[FCOMP reluctant_c_limit, unfolded reluctant_assn_def[symmetric]]
sepref_register reluctant_impl reluctant_tick reluctant_enable reluctant_set_trigger
reluctant_triggered reluctant_untrigger reluctant_triggered2 reluctant_init
lemma reluctant_tick_alt_def:
‹RETURN o reluctant_tick =
(λr. let
limited = reluctant_limited r;
trigger = reluctant_trigger r;
u = reluctant_u r;
v = reluctant_v r;
period = reluctant_period r;
wait = reluctant_wait r;
limit = reluctant_limit r in
(if period = 0 ∨ trigger then RETURN (Reluctant limited trigger u v period (wait) limit)
else if wait > 1 then RETURN (Reluctant limited trigger u v period (wait - 1) limit)
else let zero = u-u;
b = u AND (zero - u);
(u, v) = (if b = v then (u+1, 1) else (u, 2 * v));
(u, v) = (if limited ∧ wait > limit then (1,1) else (u, v));
wait = v * period in
RETURN (Reluctant limited True u v period wait limit)))›
by (auto intro!: ext simp: reluctant_tick_def Let_def)
sepref_register ‹(AND) :: 'a :: len word ⇒ _ ⇒ _›
sepref_def reluctant_tick_impl
is ‹RETURN o reluctant_tick›
:: ‹reluctant_assn⇧k →⇩a reluctant_assn›
unfolding reluctant_tick_alt_def
by sepref
export_llvm reluctant_tick_impl
sepref_def reluctant_enable_impl
is ‹uncurry (RETURN oo reluctant_enable)›
:: ‹word_assn⇧k *⇩a word_assn⇧k →⇩a reluctant_assn›
unfolding reluctant_enable_def
by sepref
sepref_def reluctant_set_trigger_impl
is ‹uncurry (RETURN oo reluctant_set_trigger)›
:: ‹bool1_assn⇧k *⇩a reluctant_assn⇧k →⇩a reluctant_assn›
unfolding reluctant_set_trigger_def
by sepref
sepref_def reluctant_triggered_ether_impl
is ‹(RETURN o reluctant_triggered)›
:: ‹reluctant_assn⇧k →⇩a reluctant_assn ×⇩a bool1_assn›
unfolding reluctant_triggered_def
by sepref
sepref_def reluctant_triggered2_impl
is ‹(RETURN o reluctant_triggered2)›
:: ‹reluctant_assn⇧k →⇩a bool1_assn›
unfolding reluctant_triggered2_def
by sepref
sepref_def reluctant_untrigger_impl
is ‹(RETURN o reluctant_untrigger)›
:: ‹reluctant_assn⇧k →⇩a reluctant_assn›
unfolding reluctant_untrigger_def
by sepref
sepref_def reluctant_disable_impl
is ‹RETURN o reluctant_disable›
:: ‹reluctant_assn⇧k →⇩a reluctant_assn›
unfolding reluctant_disable_def
by sepref
sepref_def reluctant_init_impl
is ‹uncurry0 (RETURN reluctant_init)›
:: ‹unit_assn⇧k →⇩a reluctant_assn›
unfolding reluctant_init_def
apply (annot_snat_const ‹TYPE(64)›)
by sepref
export_llvm reluctant_init_impl reluctant_enable_impl reluctant_disable_impl reluctant_triggered2_impl
reluctant_triggered_impl reluctant_set_trigger_impl reluctant_enable_impl reluctant_triggered_ether_impl
export_llvm reluctant_tick_impl