Theory More_Sepref.WB_More_Refinement_List

theory WB_More_Refinement_List
  imports Weidenbach_Book_Base.WB_List_More
    Word_Lib.Many_More ― ‹provides some additional lemmas like @{thm nth_rev}

no_notation funcset (infixr "" 60)

section More theorems about list

text This should theorem and functions that defined in the Refinement Framework, but not in
theoryHOL.List. There might be moved somewhere eventually in the AFP or so.
(* Taken from IICF_List*)
subsection Swap two elements of a list, by index

definition swap where "swap l i j  l[i := l!j, j:=l!i]"

lemma swap_nth[simp]: "i < length l; j<length l; k<length l 
  swap l i j!k = (
    if k=i then l!j
    else if k=j then l!i
    else l!k
  unfolding swap_def
  by auto

lemma swap_set[simp]: " i < length l; j<length l   set (swap l i j) = set l"
  unfolding swap_def
  by auto

lemma swap_multiset[simp]: " i < length l; j<length l   mset (swap l i j) = mset l"
  unfolding swap_def
  by (auto simp: mset_swap)

lemma swap_length[simp]: "length (swap l i j) = length l"
  unfolding swap_def
  by auto

lemma swap_same[simp]: "swap l i i = l"
  unfolding swap_def by auto

lemma distinct_swap[simp]:
  "i<length l; j<length l  distinct (swap l i j) = distinct l"
  unfolding swap_def
  by auto

lemma map_swap: "i<length l; j<length l
   map f (swap l i j) = swap (map f l) i j"
  unfolding swap_def
  by (auto simp add: map_update)

lemma swap_nth_irrelevant:
  k  i  k  j  swap xs i j ! k = xs ! k
  by (auto simp: swap_def)

lemma swap_nth_relevant:
  i < length xs  j < length xs  swap xs i j ! i = xs ! j
  by (cases i = j) (auto simp: swap_def)

lemma swap_nth_relevant2:
  i < length xs  j < length xs  swap xs j i ! i = xs ! j
  by (auto simp: swap_def)

lemma swap_nth_if:
  i < length xs  j < length xs  swap xs i j ! k =
    (if k = i then xs ! j else if k = j then xs ! i else xs ! k)
  by (auto simp: swap_def)

lemma drop_swap_irrelevant:
  k > i  k > j  drop k (swap outl' j i) = drop k outl'
  by (subst list_eq_iff_nth_eq) auto

lemma take_swap_relevant:
  k > i  k > j   take k (swap outl' j i) = swap (take k outl') i j
  by (subst list_eq_iff_nth_eq) (auto simp: swap_def)

lemma tl_swap_relevant:
  i > 0  j > 0  tl (swap outl' j i) = swap (tl outl') (i - 1) (j - 1)
  by (subst list_eq_iff_nth_eq)
    (cases outl' = []; cases i; cases j; auto simp: swap_def tl_update_swap nth_tl)

lemma swap_only_first_relevant:
  b  i  a < length xs  take i (swap xs a b) = take i (xs[a := xs ! b])
  by (auto simp: swap_def)

text TODO this should go to a different place from the previous lemmas, since it concerns
termMisc.slice, which is not part of theoryHOL.List but only part of the Refinement Framework.

lemma slice_nth:
  from  length xs; i < to - from  Misc.slice from to xs ! i = xs ! (from + i)
  unfolding slice_def Misc.slice_def
  apply (subst nth_take, assumption)
  apply (subst nth_drop, assumption)

lemma slice_irrelevant[simp]:
  i < from  Misc.slice from to (xs[i := C]) = Misc.slice from to xs
  i  to  Misc.slice from to (xs[i := C]) = Misc.slice from to xs
  i  to  i < from  Misc.slice from to (xs[i := C]) = Misc.slice from to xs
  unfolding Misc.slice_def apply auto
  by (metis drop_take take_update_cancel)+

lemma slice_update_swap[simp]:
  i < to  i  from  i < length xs 
     Misc.slice from to (xs[i := C]) = (Misc.slice from to xs)[(i - from) := C]
  unfolding Misc.slice_def by (auto simp: drop_update_swap)

lemma drop_slice[simp]:
  drop n (Misc.slice from to xs) = Misc.slice (from + n) to xs for "from" n to xs
    by (auto simp: Misc.slice_def drop_take ac_simps)

lemma take_slice[simp]:
  take n (Misc.slice from to xs) = Misc.slice from (min to (from + n)) xs for "from" n to xs
  using antisym_conv by (fastforce simp: Misc.slice_def drop_take ac_simps min_def)

lemma slice_append[simp]:
  to  length xs  Misc.slice from to (xs @ ys) = Misc.slice from to xs
  by (auto simp: Misc.slice_def)

lemma slice_prepend[simp]:
  from  length xs 
     Misc.slice from to (xs @ ys) = Misc.slice (from - length xs) (to - length xs) ys
  by (auto simp: Misc.slice_def)

lemma slice_len_min_If:
  length (Misc.slice from to xs) =
     (if from < length xs then min (length xs - from) (to - from) else 0)
  unfolding min_def by (auto simp: Misc.slice_def)

lemma slice_start0: Misc.slice 0 to xs = take to xs
  unfolding Misc.slice_def
  by auto

lemma slice_end_length: n  length xs  Misc.slice to n xs = drop to xs
  unfolding Misc.slice_def
  by auto

lemma slice_swap[simp]:
   l  from  l < to  k  from  k < to  from < length arena 
     Misc.slice from to (swap arena l k) = swap (Misc.slice from to arena) (k - from) (l - from)
  by (cases k = l) (auto simp: Misc.slice_def swap_def drop_update_swap list_update_swap)

lemma drop_swap_relevant[simp]:
  i  k  j  k  j < length outl' drop k (swap outl' j i) = swap (drop k outl') (j - k) (i - k)
  by (cases j = i)
    (auto simp: Misc.slice_def swap_def drop_update_swap list_update_swap)

lemma swap_swap: k < length xs  l < length xs  swap xs k l = swap xs l k
  by (cases k = l)
    (auto simp: Misc.slice_def swap_def drop_update_swap list_update_swap)

lemma in_mset_rel_eq_f_iff:
  ‹(a, b) ∈ ⟨{(c, a). a = f c}⟩mset_rel ⟷ b = f `# a›
  using ex_mset[of a]
  by (auto simp: mset_rel_def br_def rel2p_def[abs_def] p2rel_def rel_mset_def
      list_all2_op_eq_map_right_iff' cong: ex_cong)

lemma in_mset_rel_eq_f_iff_set:
  ‹⟨{(c, a). a = f c}⟩mset_rel = {(b, a). a = f `# b}›
  using in_mset_rel_eq_f_iff[of _ _ f] by blast*)

lemma list_rel_append_single_iff:
  (xs @ [x], ys @ [y])  Rlist_rel 
    (xs, ys)  Rlist_rel  (x, y)  R
  using list_all2_lengthD[of (λx x'. (x, x')  R) xs @ [x] ys @ [y]]
  using list_all2_lengthD[of (λx x'. (x, x')  R) xs ys]
  by (auto simp: list_rel_def list_all2_append)

lemma nth_in_sliceI:
  i  j  i < k  k  length xs  xs ! i  set (Misc.slice j k xs)
  by (auto simp: Misc.slice_def in_set_take_conv_nth
    intro!: bex_lessI[of _ i - j])

lemma slice_Suc:
  Misc.slice (Suc j) k xs = tl (Misc.slice j k xs)
  apply (auto simp: Misc.slice_def in_set_take_conv_nth drop_Suc take_tl tl_drop
  by (metis drop_Suc drop_take tl_drop)

lemma slice_0:
  Misc.slice 0 b xs = take b xs
  by (auto simp: Misc.slice_def)

lemma slice_end:
  c = length xs  Misc.slice b c xs = drop b xs
  by (auto simp: Misc.slice_def)

lemma slice_append_nth:
  a  b  Suc b  length xs  Misc.slice a (Suc b) xs = Misc.slice a b xs @ [xs ! b]
  by (auto simp: Misc.slice_def take_Suc_conv_app_nth

lemma take_set: "set (take n l) = { l!i | i. i<n  i<length l }"
  apply (auto simp add: set_conv_nth)
  apply (rule_tac x=i in exI)
  apply auto

(* Shared Function *)

fun delete_index_and_swap where
  delete_index_and_swap l i = butlast(l[i := last l])

lemma (in -) delete_index_and_swap_alt_def:
  delete_index_and_swap S i =
    (let x = last S in butlast (S[i := x]))
  by auto

lemma swap_param[param]: " i<length l; j<length l; (l',l)Alist_rel; (i',i)nat_rel; (j',j)nat_rel
   (swap l' i' j', swap l i j)Alist_rel"
  unfolding swap_def
  by parametricity

lemma mset_tl_delete_index_and_swap:
    0 < i and
    i < length outl'
  shows mset (tl (delete_index_and_swap outl' i)) =
         remove1_mset (outl' ! i) (mset (tl outl'))
  using assms
  by (subst mset_tl)+
    (auto simp: hd_butlast hd_list_update_If mset_butlast_remove1_mset
      mset_update last_list_update_to_last ac_simps)

definition length_ll :: 'a list list  nat  nat where
  length_ll l i = length (l!i)

definition delete_index_and_swap_ll where
  delete_index_and_swap_ll xs i j =
     xs[i:= delete_index_and_swap (xs!i) j]

definition append_ll :: "'a list list  nat  'a  'a list list" where
  append_ll xs i x = list_update xs i (xs ! i @ [x])

definition (in -)length_uint32_nat where
  [simp]: length_uint32_nat C = length C

definition (in -)length_uint64_nat where
  [simp]: length_uint64_nat C = length C

definition nth_rll :: "'a list list  nat  nat  'a" where
  nth_rll l i j = l ! i ! j

definition reorder_list :: 'b  'a list  'a list nres where
reorder_list _ removed = SPEC (λremoved'. mset removed' = mset removed)

definition mop_list_nth :: 'a list  nat  'a nres where
  mop_list_nth xs i = do {
      ASSERT(i < length xs);
      RETURN (xs!i)

lemma mop_list_nth[refine]:
  i < length ys  (xs, ys)  Rlist_rel  i = j  mop_list_nth xs i  SPEC(λc. (c, ys!j)  R)
  by (auto simp: param_nth mop_list_nth_def list_rel_imp_same_length intro!: ASSERT_leI)

subsection Some lemmas to move
subsection List relation

lemma list_rel_take:
  (ba, ab)  Alist_rel  (take b ba, take b ab)  Alist_rel
  by (auto simp: list_rel_def)

lemma list_rel_update':
  fixes R
  assumes rel: (xs, ys)  Rlist_rel and
   h: (bi, b)  R
  shows (list_update xs ba bi, list_update ys ba b)  Rlist_rel
proof -
  have [simp]: (bi, b)  R
    using h by auto
  have length xs = length ys
    using assms list_rel_imp_same_length by blast

  then show ?thesis
    using rel
    by (induction xs ys arbitrary: ba rule: list_induct2) (auto split: nat.splits)

lemma list_rel_in_find_correspondanceE:
  assumes (M, M')  Rlist_rel and L  set M
  obtains L' where (L, L')  R and L'  set M'
  using assms[unfolded in_set_conv_decomp] by (auto simp: list_rel_append1
      elim!: list_relE3)

lemma slice_Suc_nth:
  a < b  a < length xs  Suc a < b  Misc.slice a b xs = xs ! a # Misc.slice (Suc a) b xs
  by (metis Cons_nth_drop_Suc Misc.slice_def Suc_diff_Suc take_Suc_Cons)

lemma distinct_sum_mset_sum:
  distinct_mset As  (A ∈# As. (f :: 'a  nat) A) = (A  set_mset As. f A)
  by (subst sum_mset_sum_count)  (auto intro!: sum.cong simp: distinct_mset_def)

lemma distinct_sorted_append: distinct (xs @ [x])  sorted (xs @ [x])  sorted xs  (y  set xs. y < x)
  using not_distinct_conv_prefix sorted_append by fastforce

lemma (in linordered_ab_semigroup_add) Max_add_commute2:
  fixes k
  assumes "finite S" and "S  {}"
  shows "Max ((λx. x + k) ` S) = Max S + k"
proof -
  have m: "x y. max x y + k = max (x+k) (y+k)"
    by (simp add: max_def  local.dual_order.antisym add_right_mono)
  have "(λx. x + k) ` S = (λy. y + k) ` (S)" by auto
  have "Max  = Max ( S) + k"
    using assms hom_Max_commute [of "λy. y+k" "S", OF m, symmetric] by simp
  then show ?thesis by simp

lemma list_rel_butlast:
  assumes rel: (xs, ys)  Rlist_rel
  shows (butlast xs, butlast ys)  Rlist_rel
proof -
  have length xs = length ys
    using assms list_rel_imp_same_length by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using rel
    by (induction xs ys rule: list_induct2) (auto split: nat.splits)
