Theory Weidenbach_Book_Base.Wellfounded_More

(* Title:       More about Relations
    Author:      Mathias Fleury <mathias.fleury at>
section Transitions

text This theory contains some facts about closure, the definition of full transformations, and

theory Wellfounded_More
imports Main


subsection More theorems about Closures

text This is the equivalent of the theorem @{thm [source] rtranclp_mono} for @{term tranclp}
lemma tranclp_mono_explicit:
  r++ a b  r  s  s++ a b
  using rtranclp_mono by (auto dest!: tranclpD intro: rtranclp_into_tranclp2)

lemma tranclp_mono:
  assumes mono: r  s
  shows r++  s++
  using rtranclp_mono[OF mono] mono by (auto dest!: tranclpD intro: rtranclp_into_tranclp2)

lemma tranclp_idemp_rel:
  R++++ a b  R++ a b
  apply (rule iffI)
    prefer 2 apply blast
  by (induction rule: tranclp_induct) auto

text Equivalent of the theorem @{thm [source] rtranclp_idemp}
lemma trancl_idemp: (r+)+ = r+
  by simp

lemmas tranclp_idemp[simp] = trancl_idemp[to_pred]

text This theorem already exists as theroem @{thm [source] Nitpick.rtranclp_unfold} (and
  sledgehammer uses it), but it makes sense to duplicate it, because it is unclear how stable the
  lemmas in the @{file ‹~~/src/HOL/Nitpick.thy›} theory are.
lemma rtranclp_unfold: rtranclp r a b  (a = b  tranclp r a b)
  by (meson rtranclp.simps rtranclpD tranclp_into_rtranclp)

(* TODO destruction rule instead of simp rule *)
lemma tranclp_unfold_end: tranclp r a b  (a'. rtranclp r a a'  r a' b)
  by (metis rtranclp.rtrancl_refl rtranclp_into_tranclp1 tranclp.cases tranclp_into_rtranclp)

text Near duplicate of theorem @{thm [source] tranclpD}:
lemma tranclp_unfold_begin: tranclp r a b  (a'. r a a'  rtranclp r a' b)
  by (meson rtranclp_into_tranclp2 tranclpD)

lemma trancl_set_tranclp: (a, b)  {(b,a). P a b}+  P++ b a
  apply (rule iffI)
    apply (induction rule: trancl_induct; simp)
  apply (induction rule: tranclp_induct; auto simp: trancl_into_trancl2)

lemma tranclp_rtranclp_rtranclp_rel: R++** a b  R** a b
  by (simp add: rtranclp_unfold)

lemma tranclp_rtranclp_rtranclp[simp]: R++** = R**
  by (fastforce simp: rtranclp_unfold)

lemma rtranclp_exists_last_with_prop:
  assumes R x z and R** z z' and P x z
  shows y y'. R** x y  R y y'  P y y'  (λa b. R a b  ¬P a b)** y' z'
  using assms(2,1,3)
proof induction
  case base
  then show ?case by auto
  case (step z' z'') note z = this(2) and IH = this(3)[OF this(4-5)]
  show ?case
    apply (cases P z' z'')
      apply (rule exI[of _ z'], rule exI[of _ z''])
      using z assms(1) step.hyps(1) step.prems(2) apply (auto; fail)[1]
    using IH z by (fastforce intro: rtranclp.rtrancl_into_rtrancl)

lemma rtranclp_and_rtranclp_left: (λ a b. P a b  Q a b)** S T  P** S T
  by (induction rule: rtranclp_induct) auto

subsection Full Transitions

paragraph Definition

text We define here predicates to define properties after all possible transitions.

abbreviation (input) no_step :: "('a  'b  bool)  'a  bool" where
"no_step step S  S'. ¬step S S'"

definition full1 :: "('a  'a  bool)  'a  'a  bool" (*"_+"*) where
"full1 transf = (λS S'. tranclp transf S S'  no_step transf S')"

definition full:: "('a  'a  bool)  'a  'a  bool" (*"_"*) where
"full transf = (λS S'. rtranclp transf S S'  no_step transf S')"

text We define output notations only for printing (to ease reading):
notation (output) full1 ("_+")
notation (output) full ("_")

paragraph Some Properties

lemma rtranclp_full1I:
  R** a b  full1 R b c  full1 R a c
  unfolding full1_def by auto

lemma tranclp_full1I:
  R++ a b  full1 R b c  full1 R a c
  unfolding full1_def by auto

lemma rtranclp_fullI:
  R** a b  full R b c  full R a c
  unfolding full_def by auto

lemma tranclp_full_full1I:
  R++ a b  full R b c  full1 R a c
  unfolding full_def full1_def by auto

lemma full_fullI:
  R a b  full R b c  full1 R a c
  unfolding full_def full1_def by auto

lemma full_unfold:
  full r S S'  ((S = S'  no_step r S')  full1 r S S')
  unfolding full_def full1_def by (auto simp add: rtranclp_unfold)

lemma full1_is_full[intro]: full1 R S T  full R S T
  by (simp add: full_unfold)

lemma not_full1_rtranclp_relation: "¬full1 R** a b"
  by (auto simp: full1_def)

lemma not_full_rtranclp_relation: "¬full R** a b"
  by (auto simp: full_def)

lemma full1_tranclp_relation_full:
  full1 R++ a b  full1 R a b
  by (metis converse_tranclpE full1_def reflclp_tranclp rtranclpD rtranclp_idemp rtranclp_reflclp
    tranclp.r_into_trancl tranclp_into_rtranclp)

lemma full_tranclp_relation_full:
  full R++ a b  full R a b
  by (metis full_unfold full1_tranclp_relation_full tranclp.r_into_trancl tranclpD)

lemma tranclp_full1_full1:
  (full1 R)++ a b  full1 R a b
  by (metis (mono_tags) full1_def predicate2I tranclp.r_into_trancl tranclp_idemp
      tranclp_mono_explicit tranclp_unfold_end)

lemma rtranclp_full1_eq_or_full1:
  (full1 R)** a b  (a = b  full1 R a b)
  unfolding rtranclp_unfold tranclp_full1_full1 by simp

lemma no_step_full_iff_eq:
  no_step R S  full R S T  S = T
  unfolding full_def
  by (meson rtranclp.rtrancl_refl rtranclpD tranclpD)

subsection Well-Foundedness and Full Transitions

lemma wf_exists_normal_form:
  assumes wf: wf {(x, y). R y x}
  shows b. R** a b  no_step R b
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume ¬ ?thesis
  then have H: b. ¬ R** a b  ¬no_step R b
    by blast
  define F where F = rec_nat a (λi b. SOME c. R b c)
  have [simp]: F 0 = a
    unfolding F_def by auto
  have [simp]: i. F (Suc i) = (SOME b. R (F i) b)
    unfolding F_def by simp
  { fix i
    have j<i. R (F j) (F (Suc j))
    proof (induction i)
      case 0
      then show ?case by auto
      case (Suc i)
      then have R** a (F i)
        by (induction i) auto
      then have R (F i) (SOME b. R (F i) b)
        using H by (simp add: someI_ex)
      then have j < Suc i. R (F j) (F (Suc j))
        using H Suc by (simp add: less_Suc_eq)
      then show ?case by fast
  then have j. R (F j) (F (Suc j)) by blast
  then show False
    using wf unfolding wfP_def wf_iff_no_infinite_down_chain by blast

lemma wf_exists_normal_form_full:
  assumes wf: wf {(x, y). R y x}
  shows b. full R a b
  using wf_exists_normal_form[OF assms] unfolding full_def by blast

subsection More Well-Foundedness

text A little list of theorems that could be useful, but are hidden:
   link between @{term wf} and infinite chains: theorems
  @{thm [source] wf_iff_no_infinite_down_chain} and @{thm [source] wf_no_infinite_down_chainE}.

lemma wf_if_measure_in_wf:
  wf R  (a b. (a, b)  S  (ν a, ν b)R)  wf S
  by (metis in_inv_image wfE_min wfI_min wf_inv_image)

lemma wfP_if_measure: fixes f :: 'a  nat
  shows (x y. P x  g x y  f y < f x)  wf {(y,x). P x  g x y}
  apply (insert wf_measure[of f])
  apply (simp only: measure_def inv_image_def less_than_def less_eq)
  apply (erule wf_subset)
  apply auto

lemma wf_if_measure_f:
  assumes wf r
  shows wf {(b, a). (f b, f a)  r}
  using assms by (metis inv_image_def wf_inv_image)

lemma wf_wf_if_measure':
  assumes wf r and H: x y. P x  g x y  (f y, f x)  r
  shows wf {(y,x). P x  g x y}
proof -
  have wf {(b, a). (f b, f a)  r} using assms(1) wf_if_measure_f by auto
  then have wf {(b, a). P a  g a b  (f b, f a)  r}
    using wf_subset[of _ {(b, a). P a  g a b  (f b, f a)  r}] by auto
  moreover have {(b, a). P a  g a b  (f b, f a)  r}  {(b, a). (f b, f a)  r} by auto
  moreover have {(b, a). P a  g a b  (f b, f a)  r} = {(b, a). P a  g a b} using H by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis using wf_subset by simp

lemma wf_lex_less: wf (lex less_than)
  by (auto simp: wf_less)

lemma wfP_if_measure2: fixes f :: 'a  nat
  shows (x y. P x y  g x y  f x < f y)  wf {(x,y). P x y  g x y}
  apply (insert wf_measure[of f])
  apply (simp only: measure_def inv_image_def less_than_def less_eq)
  apply (erule wf_subset)
  apply auto

lemma lexord_on_finite_set_is_wf:
    P_finite: U. P U  U  A and
    finite: finite A and
    wf: wf R and
    trans: trans R
  shows wf {(T, S). (P S  P T)  (T, S)  lexord R}
proof (rule wfP_if_measure2)
  fix T S
  assume P: P S  P T and
  s_le_t: (T, S)  lexord R
  let ?f = λS. {U. (U, S)  lexord R  P U  P S}
  have ?f T  ?f S
     using s_le_t P lexord_trans trans by auto
  moreover have T  ?f S
    using s_le_t P by auto
  moreover have T  ?f T
    using s_le_t by (auto simp add: lexord_irreflexive
  ultimately have {U. (U, T)  lexord R  P U  P T}  {U. (U, S)  lexord R  P U  P S}
    by auto
  moreover have finite {U. (U, S)  lexord R  P U  P S}
    using finite by (metis (no_types, lifting) P_finite finite_subset mem_Collect_eq subsetI)
  ultimately show card (?f T) < card (?f S) by (simp add: psubset_card_mono)

lemma wf_fst_wf_pair:
  assumes wf {(M', M). R M' M} 
  shows wf {((M', N'), (M, N)). R M' M}
proof -
  have wf ({(M', M). R M' M} <*lex*> {})
    using assms by auto
  then show ?thesis
    by (rule wf_subset) auto

lemma wf_snd_wf_pair:
  assumes wf {(M', M). R M' M} 
  shows wf {((M', N'), (M, N)). R N' N}
proof -
  have wf: wf {((M', N'), (M, N)). R M' M}
    using assms wf_fst_wf_pair by auto
  then have wf: P. (x. (y. (y, x)  {((M', N'), M, N). R M' M}  P y)  P x)  All P
    unfolding wf_def by auto
  show ?thesis
    unfolding wf_def
    proof (intro allI impI)
      fix P :: 'c × 'a  bool and x :: 'c × 'a
      assume H: x. (y. (y, x)  {((M', N'), M, y). R N' y}  P y)  P x
      obtain a b where x: x = (a, b) by (cases x)
      have P: P x = (P  (λ(a, b). (b, a))) (b, a)
        unfolding x by auto
      show P x
        using wf[of P o (λ(a, b). (b, a))] apply rule
          using H apply simp
        unfolding P by blast

lemma wf_if_measure_f_notation2:
  assumes wf r
  shows wf {(b, h a)|b a. (f b, f (h a))  r}
  apply (rule wf_subset)
  using wf_if_measure_f[OF assms, of f] by auto

lemma wf_wf_if_measure'_notation2:
  assumes wf r and H: x y. P x  g x y  (f y, f (h x))  r
  shows wf {(y,h x)| y x. P x  g x y}
proof -
  have wf {(b, h a)|b a. (f b, f (h a))  r} using assms(1) wf_if_measure_f_notation2 by auto
  then have wf {(b, h a)|b a. P a  g a b  (f b, f (h a))  r}
    using wf_subset[of _ {(b, h a)| b a. P a  g a b  (f b, f (h a))  r}] by auto
  moreover have {(b, h a)|b a. P a  g a b  (f b, f (h a))  r}
     {(b, h a)|b a. (f b, f (h a))  r} by auto
  moreover have {(b, h a)|b a. P a  g a b  (f b, f (h a))  r} = {(b, h a)|b a. P a  g a b}
    using H by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis using wf_subset by simp

lemma power_ex_decomp:
  assumes (R^^n) S T
    f. f 0 = S  f n = T  (i. i < n  R (f i) (f (Suc i)))
  using assms
proof (induction n arbitrary: T)
  case 0
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Suc n) note IH = this(1) and R = this(2)
  from R obtain T' where
    ST: (R^^n) S T' and
    T'T: R T' T
    by auto
  obtain f where
    [simp]: f 0 = S and
    [simp]: f n = T' and
    H: i. i < n  R (f i) (f (Suc i))
    using IH[OF ST] by fast
  let ?f = f(Suc n := T)
  show ?case
    by (rule exI[of _ ?f])
      (use H ST T'T in auto)

text The following lemma gives a bound on the maximal number of transitions of a sequence that is well-founded
  under the lexicographic ordering termlexn on natural numbers.

lemma lexn_number_of_transition:
    le: i. i < n  ((f (Suc i)), (f i))  lexn less_than m and
    upper: i j. i  n  j < m  (f i) ! j  {0..<k} and
    finite A and
    k: k > 1
  shows n < k ^ Suc m
proof -
  define r where
    r x = zip x (map (λi. k ^ (length x -i)) [0..<length x]) for x :: nat list

  define s where
    s x = foldr (λa b. a + b) (map (λ(a, b). a * b) x) 0 for x :: (nat × nat) list

  have [simp]: r [] = [] s [] = 0
    by (auto simp: r_def s_def)

  have upt': m > 0  [0..< m] = 0 # map Suc [0..< m - 1] for m
    by (auto simp: map_Suc_upt upt_conv_Cons)

  have upt'': m > 0  [0..< m] = [0..< m - 1] @ [m-1] for m
    by (cases m) (auto simp: )

  have Cons: r (x # xs) = (x, k^(Suc (length xs))) # (r xs) for x xs
   unfolding r_def
   apply (subst upt')
   apply (clarsimp simp add: upt'' comp_def nth_append Suc_diff_le simp flip: zip_map2)
   apply (clarsimp simp add: upt'' comp_def nth_append Suc_diff_le simp flip: zip_map2)

  have [simp]: s (ab # xs) = fst ab * snd ab + s xs for ab xs
    unfolding s_def by (cases ab) auto

  have le2: (a  set b. a < k)  (k ^ (Suc (length b))) > s ((r b)) for b
    apply (induction b arbitrary: f)
    using k apply (auto simp: Cons)
    apply (rule order.strict_trans1)
    apply (rule_tac j = (k - 1) * k *k ^ length b in Nat.add_le_mono1)
    subgoal for a b
      by auto
    apply (rule order.strict_trans2)
    apply (rule_tac b = (k - 1) * k * k ^ length b and d = (k * k ^ length b) in add_le_less_mono)
    apply (auto simp: mult.assoc comm_semiring_1_class.semiring_normalization_rules(2))

  have s (r (f (Suc i))) < s (r (f i)) if i < n for i
  proof -
    have i_n: Suc i  n i  n
      using that by auto
    have length: length (f i) = m  length (f (Suc i)) = m
     using le[OF that] by (auto dest: lexn_length)
    define xs and ys where xs = f i and ys = f (Suc i)

    show ?thesis
      using le[OF that] upper[OF i_n(2)] upper[OF i_n(1)] length Cons
      unfolding xs_def[symmetric] ys_def[symmetric]
    proof (induction m arbitrary: xs ys)
      case 0 then show ?case by auto
      case (Suc m) note IH = this(1) and H = this(2) and p = this(3-)
      have IH: (tl ys, tl xs)  lexn less_than m  s (r (tl ys)) < s (r (tl xs))
        apply (rule IH)
        subgoal by auto
        subgoal for i using p(1)[of Suc i] p by (cases xs; auto)
        subgoal for i using p(2)[of Suc i] p by (cases ys; auto)
        subgoal using p by (cases xs) auto
        subgoal using p by auto
        subgoal using p by auto
     have s (r (tl ys)) < k ^ (Suc (length (tl ys)))
       apply (rule le2)
       unfolding all_set_conv_all_nth
       using p by (simp add: nth_tl)
     then have ab * (k * k ^ length (tl ys)) + s (r (tl ys)) <
               ab * (k * k ^ length (tl ys)) + (k * k ^ length (tl ys)) for ab
       by auto
     also have  ab   (ab + 1) * (k * k ^ length (tl ys)) for ab
       by auto
     finally have less: ab < ac  ab * (k * k ^ length (tl ys)) + s (r (tl ys)) <
                                    ac * (k * k ^ length (tl ys)) for ab ac
     proof -
       assume a1: "ab. ab * (k * k ^ length (tl ys)) + s (r (tl ys)) <
                   (ab + 1) * (k * k ^ length (tl ys))"
       assume "ab < ac"
       then have "¬ ac * (k * k ^ length (tl ys)) < (ab + 1) * (k * k ^ length (tl ys))"
         by (metis (no_types) One_nat_def Suc_leI add.right_neutral add_Suc_right
            mult_less_cancel2 not_less)
       then show ?thesis
         using a1 by (meson le_less_trans not_less)

    have ab < ac 
        ab * (k * k ^ length (tl ys)) + s (r (tl ys))
        < ac * (k * k ^ length (tl xs)) + s (r (tl xs)) for ab ac
        using less[of ab ac] p by auto
    then show ?case
         apply (cases xs; cases ys)
        using IH H p(3-5) by auto
  then have in  s (r (f i)) + i  s (r (f 0)) for i
    apply (induction i)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal premises p for i
       using p(3)[of i-1] p(1,2)
      apply auto
      by (meson Nat.le_diff_conv2 Suc_leI Suc_le_lessD add_leD2 less_diff_conv less_le_trans p(3))
  from this[of n] show n < k ^ Suc m
    using le2[of f 0] upper[of 0] k
    using le[of 0] apply (cases n = 0)
    by (auto dest!: lexn_length simp: all_set_conv_all_nth eq_commute[of _ m])
