Theory DPLL_W_Implementation
theory DPLL_W_Implementation
imports DPLL_CDCL_W_Implementation DPLL_W "HOL-Library.Code_Target_Numeral"
subsection ‹Simple Implementation of DPLL›
subsubsection ‹Combining the propagate and decide: a DPLL step›
definition DPLL_step :: "int dpll⇩W_ann_lits × int literal list list
⇒ int dpll⇩W_ann_lits × int literal list list" where
"DPLL_step = (λ(Ms, N).
(case find_first_unit_clause N Ms of
Some (L, _) ⇒ (Propagated L () # Ms, N)
| _ ⇒
if ∃C ∈ set N. (∀c ∈ set C. -c ∈ lits_of_l Ms)
(case backtrack_split Ms of
(_, L # M) ⇒ (Propagated (- (lit_of L)) () # M, N)
| (_, _) ⇒ (Ms, N)
(case find_first_unused_var N (lits_of_l Ms) of
Some a ⇒ (Decided a # Ms, N)
| None ⇒ (Ms, N))))"
text ‹Example of propagation:›
value "DPLL_step ([Decided (Neg 1)], [[Pos (1::int), Neg 2]])"
text ‹We define the conversion function between the states as defined in ‹Prop_DPLL› (with
multisets) and here (with lists).›
abbreviation "toS ≡ λ(Ms::(int, unit) ann_lits)
(N:: int literal list list). (Ms, mset (map mset N)) "
abbreviation "toS' ≡ λ(Ms::(int, unit) ann_lits,
N:: int literal list list). (Ms, mset (map mset N)) "
text ‹Proof of correctness of @{term DPLL_step}›
lemma DPLL_step_is_a_dpll⇩W_step:
assumes step: "(Ms', N') = DPLL_step (Ms, N)"
and neq: "(Ms, N) ≠ (Ms', N')"
shows "dpll⇩W (toS Ms N) (toS Ms' N')"
proof -
let ?S = "(Ms, mset (map mset N))"
{ fix L E
assume unit: "find_first_unit_clause N Ms = Some (L, E)"
then have Ms'N: "(Ms', N') = (Propagated L () # Ms, N)"
using step unfolding DPLL_step_def by auto
obtain C where
C: "C ∈ set N" and
Ms: "Ms ⊨as CNot (mset C - {#L#})" and
undef: "undefined_lit Ms L" and
"L ∈ set C" using find_first_unit_clause_some[OF unit] by metis
have "dpll⇩W (Ms, mset (map mset N))
(Propagated L () # fst (Ms, mset (map mset N)), snd (Ms, mset (map mset N)))"
apply (rule dpll⇩W.propagate)
using Ms undef C ‹L ∈ set C› by (auto simp add: C)
then have ?thesis using Ms'N by auto
{ assume unit: "find_first_unit_clause N Ms = None"
assume exC: "∃C ∈ set N. Ms ⊨as CNot (mset C)"
then obtain C where C: "C ∈ set N" and Ms: "Ms ⊨as CNot (mset C)" by auto
then obtain L M M' where bt: "backtrack_split Ms = (M', L # M)"
using step exC neq unfolding DPLL_step_def unit
by (cases "backtrack_split Ms", rename_tac b, case_tac b) (auto simp: lits_of_l_unfold)
then have "is_decided L" using backtrack_split_snd_hd_decided[of Ms] by auto
have 1: "dpll⇩W (Ms, mset (map mset N))
(Propagated (- lit_of L) () # M, snd (Ms, mset (map mset N)))"
apply (rule dpll⇩W.backtrack[OF _ ‹is_decided L›, of ])
using C Ms bt by auto
moreover have "(Ms', N') = (Propagated (- (lit_of L)) () # M, N)"
using step exC unfolding DPLL_step_def bt unit by (auto simp: lits_of_l_unfold)
ultimately have ?thesis by auto
{ assume unit: "find_first_unit_clause N Ms = None"
assume exC: "¬ (∃C ∈ set N. Ms ⊨as CNot (mset C))"
obtain L where unused: "find_first_unused_var N (lits_of_l Ms) = Some L"
using step exC neq unfolding DPLL_step_def unit
by (cases "find_first_unused_var N (lits_of_l Ms)") (auto simp: lits_of_l_unfold)
have "dpll⇩W (Ms, mset (map mset N))
(Decided L # fst (Ms, mset (map mset N)), snd (Ms, mset (map mset N)))"
apply (rule dpll⇩W.decided[of ?S L])
using find_first_unused_var_Some[OF unused]
by (auto simp add: Decided_Propagated_in_iff_in_lits_of_l atms_of_ms_def)
moreover have "(Ms', N') = (Decided L # Ms, N)"
using step exC unfolding DPLL_step_def unused unit by (auto simp: lits_of_l_unfold)
ultimately have ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by (cases "find_first_unit_clause N Ms") auto
lemma DPLL_step_stuck_final_state:
assumes step: "(Ms, N) = DPLL_step (Ms, N)"
shows "conclusive_dpll⇩W_state (toS Ms N)"
proof -
have unit: "find_first_unit_clause N Ms = None"
using step unfolding DPLL_step_def by (auto split:option.splits)
{ assume n: "∃C ∈ set N. Ms ⊨as CNot (mset C)"
then have Ms: "(Ms, N) = (case backtrack_split Ms of (x, []) ⇒ (Ms, N)
| (x, L # M) ⇒ (Propagated (- lit_of L) () # M, N))"
using step unfolding DPLL_step_def by (simp add: unit lits_of_l_unfold)
have "snd (backtrack_split Ms) = []"
proof (cases "backtrack_split Ms", cases "snd (backtrack_split Ms)")
fix a b
assume "backtrack_split Ms = (a, b)" and "snd (backtrack_split Ms) = []"
then show "snd (backtrack_split Ms) = []" by blast
fix a b aa list
bt: "backtrack_split Ms = (a, b)" and
bt': "snd (backtrack_split Ms) = aa # list"
then have Ms: "Ms = Propagated (- lit_of aa) () # list" using Ms by auto
have "is_decided aa" using backtrack_split_snd_hd_decided[of Ms] bt bt' by auto
moreover have "fst (backtrack_split Ms) @ aa # list = Ms"
using backtrack_split_list_eq[of Ms] bt' by auto
ultimately have False unfolding Ms by auto
then show "snd (backtrack_split Ms) = []" by blast
then have ?thesis
using n backtrack_snd_empty_not_decided[of Ms] unfolding conclusive_dpll⇩W_state_def
by (cases "backtrack_split Ms") auto
moreover {
assume n: "¬ (∃C ∈ set N. Ms ⊨as CNot (mset C))"
then have "find_first_unused_var N (lits_of_l Ms) = None"
using step unfolding DPLL_step_def by (simp add: unit lits_of_l_unfold split: option.splits)
then have a: "∀a ∈ set N. atm_of ` set a ⊆ atm_of ` (lits_of_l Ms)" by auto
have "fst (toS Ms N) ⊨asm snd (toS Ms N)" unfolding true_annots_def CNot_def Ball_def
proof clarify
fix x
assume x: "x ∈ set_mset (clauses (toS Ms N))"
then have "¬Ms ⊨as CNot x" using n unfolding true_annots_def CNot_def Ball_def by auto
moreover have "total_over_m (lits_of_l Ms) {x}"
using a x image_iff in_mono atms_of_s_def
unfolding total_over_m_def total_over_set_def lits_of_def by fastforce
ultimately show "fst (toS Ms N) ⊨a x"
using total_not_CNot[of "lits_of_l Ms" x] by (simp add: true_annot_def true_annots_true_cls)
then have ?thesis unfolding conclusive_dpll⇩W_state_def by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
subsubsection ‹Adding invariants›
paragraph ‹Invariant tested in the function›
function DPLL_ci :: "int dpll⇩W_ann_lits ⇒ int literal list list
⇒ int dpll⇩W_ann_lits × int literal list list" where
"DPLL_ci Ms N =
(if ¬dpll⇩W_all_inv (Ms, mset (map mset N))
then (Ms, N)
let (Ms', N') = DPLL_step (Ms, N) in
if (Ms', N') = (Ms, N) then (Ms, N) else DPLL_ci Ms' N)"
by fast+
proof (relation "{(S', S). (toS' S', toS' S) ∈ {(S', S). dpll⇩W_all_inv S ∧ dpll⇩W S S'}}")
show "wf {(S', S).(toS' S', toS' S) ∈ {(S', S). dpll⇩W_all_inv S ∧ dpll⇩W S S'}}"
using wf_if_measure_f[OF wf_dpll⇩W, of "toS'"] by auto
fix Ms :: "int dpll⇩W_ann_lits" and N x xa y
assume"¬ ¬ dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS Ms N)"
and step: "x = DPLL_step (Ms, N)"
and x: "(xa, y) = x"
and "(xa, y) ≠ (Ms, N)"
then show "((xa, N), Ms, N) ∈ {(S', S). (toS' S', toS' S) ∈ {(S', S). dpll⇩W_all_inv S ∧ dpll⇩W S S'}}"
using DPLL_step_is_a_dpll⇩W_step dpll⇩W_same_clauses split_conv by fastforce
paragraph ‹No invariant tested›
function (domintros) DPLL_part:: "int dpll⇩W_ann_lits ⇒ int literal list list ⇒
int dpll⇩W_ann_lits × int literal list list" where
"DPLL_part Ms N =
(let (Ms', N') = DPLL_step (Ms, N) in
if (Ms', N') = (Ms, N) then (Ms, N) else DPLL_part Ms' N)"
by fast+
lemma snd_DPLL_step[simp]:
"snd (DPLL_step (Ms, N)) = N"
unfolding DPLL_step_def by (auto split: if_split option.splits prod.splits list.splits)
lemma dpll⇩W_all_inv_implieS_2_eq3_and_dom:
assumes "dpll⇩W_all_inv (Ms, mset (map mset N))"
shows "DPLL_ci Ms N = DPLL_part Ms N ∧ DPLL_part_dom (Ms, N)"
using assms
proof (induct rule: DPLL_ci.induct)
case (1 Ms N)
have "snd (DPLL_step (Ms, N)) = N" by auto
then obtain Ms' where Ms': "DPLL_step (Ms, N) = (Ms', N)" by (cases "DPLL_step (Ms, N)") auto
have inv': "dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS Ms' N)" by (metis (mono_tags) "1.prems" DPLL_step_is_a_dpll⇩W_step
Ms' dpll⇩W_all_inv
{ assume "(Ms', N) ≠ (Ms, N)"
then have "DPLL_ci Ms' N = DPLL_part Ms' N ∧ DPLL_part_dom (Ms', N)" using 1(1)[of _ Ms' N] Ms'
1(2) inv' by auto
then have "DPLL_part_dom (Ms, N)" using DPLL_part.domintros Ms' by fastforce
moreover have "DPLL_ci Ms N = DPLL_part Ms N" using "1.prems" DPLL_part.psimps Ms'
‹DPLL_ci Ms' N = DPLL_part Ms' N ∧ DPLL_part_dom (Ms', N)› ‹DPLL_part_dom (Ms, N)› by auto
ultimately have ?case by blast
moreover {
assume "(Ms', N) = (Ms, N)"
then have ?case using DPLL_part.domintros DPLL_part.psimps Ms' by fastforce
ultimately show ?case by blast
lemma DPLL_ci_dpll⇩W_rtranclp:
assumes "DPLL_ci Ms N = (Ms', N')"
shows "dpll⇩W⇧*⇧* (toS Ms N) (toS Ms' N)"
using assms
proof (induct Ms N arbitrary: Ms' N' rule: DPLL_ci.induct)
case (1 Ms N Ms' N') note IH = this(1) and step = this(2)
obtain S⇩1 S⇩2 where S: "(S⇩1, S⇩2) = DPLL_step (Ms, N)" by (cases "DPLL_step (Ms, N)") auto
{ assume "¬dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS Ms N)"
then have "(Ms, N) = (Ms', N)" using step by auto
then have ?case by auto
{ assume "dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS Ms N)"
and "(S⇩1, S⇩2) = (Ms, N)"
then have ?case using S step by auto
{ assume "dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS Ms N)"
and "(S⇩1, S⇩2) ≠ (Ms, N)"
moreover obtain S⇩1' S⇩2' where "DPLL_ci S⇩1 N = (S⇩1', S⇩2')" by (cases "DPLL_ci S⇩1 N") auto
moreover have "DPLL_ci Ms N = DPLL_ci S⇩1 N" using DPLL_ci.simps[of Ms N] calculation
proof -
have "(case (S⇩1, S⇩2) of (ms, lss) ⇒
if (ms, lss) = (Ms, N) then (Ms, N) else DPLL_ci ms N) = DPLL_ci Ms N"
using S DPLL_ci.simps[of Ms N] calculation by presburger
then have "(if (S⇩1, S⇩2) = (Ms, N) then (Ms, N) else DPLL_ci S⇩1 N) = DPLL_ci Ms N"
by fastforce
then show ?thesis
using calculation(2) by presburger
ultimately have "dpll⇩W⇧*⇧* (toS S⇩1' N) (toS Ms' N)" using IH[of "(S⇩1, S⇩2)" S⇩1 S⇩2] S step by simp
moreover have "dpll⇩W (toS Ms N) (toS S⇩1 N)"
by (metis DPLL_step_is_a_dpll⇩W_step S ‹(S⇩1, S⇩2) ≠ (Ms, N)› prod.sel(2) snd_DPLL_step)
ultimately have ?case by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) IH S ‹(S⇩1, S⇩2) ≠ (Ms, N)›
‹DPLL_ci Ms N = DPLL_ci S⇩1 N› ‹dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS Ms N)› converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp
ultimately show ?case by blast
lemma dpll⇩W_all_inv_dpll⇩W_tranclp_irrefl:
assumes "dpll⇩W_all_inv (Ms, N)"
and "dpll⇩W⇧+⇧+ (Ms, N) (Ms, N)"
shows "False"
proof -
have 1: "wf {(S', S). dpll⇩W_all_inv S ∧ dpll⇩W⇧+⇧+ S S'}" using wf_dpll⇩W_tranclp by auto
have "((Ms, N), (Ms, N)) ∈ {(S', S). dpll⇩W_all_inv S ∧ dpll⇩W⇧+⇧+ S S'}" using assms by auto
then show False using wf_not_refl[OF 1] by blast
lemma DPLL_ci_final_state:
assumes step: "DPLL_ci Ms N = (Ms, N)"
and inv: "dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS Ms N)"
shows "conclusive_dpll⇩W_state (toS Ms N)"
proof -
have st: "dpll⇩W⇧*⇧* (toS Ms N) (toS Ms N)" using DPLL_ci_dpll⇩W_rtranclp[OF step] .
have "DPLL_step (Ms, N) = (Ms, N)"
proof (rule ccontr)
obtain Ms' N' where Ms'N: "(Ms', N') = DPLL_step (Ms, N)"
by (cases "DPLL_step (Ms, N)") auto
assume "¬ ?thesis"
then have "DPLL_ci Ms' N = (Ms, N)" using step inv st Ms'N[symmetric] by fastforce
then have "dpll⇩W⇧+⇧+ (toS Ms N) (toS Ms N)"
by (metis DPLL_ci_dpll⇩W_rtranclp DPLL_step_is_a_dpll⇩W_step Ms'N ‹DPLL_step (Ms, N) ≠ (Ms, N)›
prod.sel(2) rtranclp_into_tranclp2 snd_DPLL_step)
then show False using dpll⇩W_all_inv_dpll⇩W_tranclp_irrefl inv by auto
then show ?thesis using DPLL_step_stuck_final_state[of Ms N] by simp
lemma DPLL_step_obtains:
obtains Ms' where "(Ms', N) = DPLL_step (Ms, N)"
unfolding DPLL_step_def by (metis (no_types, lifting) DPLL_step_def prod.collapse snd_DPLL_step)
lemma DPLL_ci_obtains:
obtains Ms' where "(Ms', N) = DPLL_ci Ms N"
proof (induct rule: DPLL_ci.induct)
case (1 Ms N) note IH = this(1) and that = this(2)
obtain S where SN: "(S, N) = DPLL_step (Ms, N)" using DPLL_step_obtains by metis
{ assume "¬ dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS Ms N)"
then have ?case using that by auto
moreover {
assume n: "(S, N) ≠ (Ms, N)"
and inv: "dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS Ms N)"
have "∃ms. DPLL_step (Ms, N) = (ms, N)"
by (metis ‹⋀thesisa. (⋀S. (S, N) = DPLL_step (Ms, N) ⟹ thesisa) ⟹ thesisa›)
then have ?thesis
using IH that by fastforce
moreover {
assume n: "(S, N) = (Ms, N)"
then have ?case using SN that by fastforce
ultimately show ?case by blast
lemma DPLL_ci_no_more_step:
assumes step: "DPLL_ci Ms N = (Ms', N')"
shows "DPLL_ci Ms' N' = (Ms', N')"
using assms
proof (induct arbitrary: Ms' N' rule: DPLL_ci.induct)
case (1 Ms N Ms' N') note IH = this(1) and step = this(2)
obtain S⇩1 where S: "(S⇩1, N) = DPLL_step (Ms, N)" using DPLL_step_obtains by auto
{ assume "¬dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS Ms N)"
then have ?case using step by auto
moreover {
assume "dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS Ms N)"
and "(S⇩1, N) = (Ms, N)"
then have ?case using S step by auto
{ assume inv: "dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS Ms N)"
assume n: "(S⇩1, N) ≠ (Ms, N)"
obtain S⇩1' where SS: "(S⇩1', N) = DPLL_ci S⇩1 N" using DPLL_ci_obtains by blast
moreover have "DPLL_ci Ms N = DPLL_ci S⇩1 N"
proof -
have "(case (S⇩1, N) of (ms, lss) ⇒ if (ms, lss) = (Ms, N) then (Ms, N) else DPLL_ci ms N)
= DPLL_ci Ms N"
using S DPLL_ci.simps[of Ms N] calculation inv by presburger
then have "(if (S⇩1, N) = (Ms, N) then (Ms, N) else DPLL_ci S⇩1 N) = DPLL_ci Ms N"
by fastforce
then show ?thesis
using calculation n by presburger
have "DPLL_ci S⇩1' N = (S⇩1', N)" using step IH[OF _ _ S n SS[symmetric]] inv by blast
ultimately have ?case using step by fastforce
ultimately show ?case by blast
lemma DPLL_part_dpll⇩W_all_inv_final:
fixes M Ms':: "(int, unit) ann_lits" and
N :: "int literal list list"
assumes inv: "dpll⇩W_all_inv (Ms, mset (map mset N))"
and MsN: "DPLL_part Ms N = (Ms', N)"
shows "conclusive_dpll⇩W_state (toS Ms' N) ∧ dpll⇩W⇧*⇧* (toS Ms N) (toS Ms' N)"
proof -
have 2: "DPLL_ci Ms N = DPLL_part Ms N" using inv dpll⇩W_all_inv_implieS_2_eq3_and_dom by blast
then have star: "dpll⇩W⇧*⇧* (toS Ms N) (toS Ms' N)" unfolding MsN using DPLL_ci_dpll⇩W_rtranclp by blast
then have inv': "dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS Ms' N)" using inv rtranclp_dpll⇩W_all_inv by blast
show ?thesis using star DPLL_ci_final_state[OF DPLL_ci_no_more_step inv'] 2 unfolding MsN by blast
paragraph ‹Embedding the invariant into the type›
paragraph ‹Defining the type›
typedef dpll⇩W_state =
"{(M::(int, unit) ann_lits, N::int literal list list).
dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS M N)}"
morphisms rough_state_of state_of
show "([],[]) ∈ {(M, N). dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS M N)}" by (auto simp add: dpll⇩W_all_inv_def)
"DPLL_part_dom ([], N)"
using dpll⇩W_all_inv_implieS_2_eq3_and_dom[of "[]" N] by (simp add: dpll⇩W_all_inv_def)
paragraph ‹Some type classes›
instantiation dpll⇩W_state :: equal
definition equal_dpll⇩W_state :: "dpll⇩W_state ⇒ dpll⇩W_state ⇒ bool" where
"equal_dpll⇩W_state S S' = (rough_state_of S = rough_state_of S')"
by standard (simp add: rough_state_of_inject equal_dpll⇩W_state_def)
paragraph ‹DPLL›
definition DPLL_step' :: "dpll⇩W_state ⇒ dpll⇩W_state" where
"DPLL_step' S = state_of (DPLL_step (rough_state_of S))"
declare rough_state_of_inverse[simp]
lemma DPLL_step_dpll⇩W_conc_inv:
"DPLL_step (rough_state_of S) ∈ {(M, N). dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS M N)}"
proof -
obtain M N where
S: ‹rough_state_of S = (M, N)›
by (cases ‹rough_state_of S›)
obtain M' N' where
S': ‹DPLL_step (rough_state_of S) = (M', N')›
by (cases ‹DPLL_step (rough_state_of S)›)
have ‹dpll⇩W⇧*⇧* (toS M N) (toS M' N')›
by (metis DPLL_step_is_a_dpll⇩W_step S S' fst_conv r_into_rtranclp rtranclp.rtrancl_refl snd_conv)
then show ?thesis
using rough_state_of[of S] unfolding S' unfolding S by (auto intro: rtranclp_dpll⇩W_all_inv)
lemma rough_state_of_DPLL_step'_DPLL_step[simp]:
"rough_state_of (DPLL_step' S) = DPLL_step (rough_state_of S)"
using DPLL_step_dpll⇩W_conc_inv DPLL_step'_def state_of_inverse by auto
function DPLL_tot:: "dpll⇩W_state ⇒ dpll⇩W_state" where
"DPLL_tot S =
(let S' = DPLL_step' S in
if S' = S then S else DPLL_tot S')"
by fast+
proof (relation "{(T', T).
(rough_state_of T', rough_state_of T)
∈ {(S', S). (toS' S', toS' S)
∈ {(S', S). dpll⇩W_all_inv S ∧ dpll⇩W S S'}}}")
show "wf {(b, a).
(rough_state_of b, rough_state_of a)
∈ {(b, a). (toS' b, toS' a)
∈ {(b, a). dpll⇩W_all_inv a ∧ dpll⇩W a b}}}"
using wf_if_measure_f[OF wf_if_measure_f[OF wf_dpll⇩W, of "toS'"], of rough_state_of] .
fix S x
assume x: "x = DPLL_step' S"
and "x ≠ S"
have "dpll⇩W_all_inv (case rough_state_of S of (Ms, N) ⇒ (Ms, mset (map mset N)))"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) case_prodE mem_Collect_eq rough_state_of)
moreover have "dpll⇩W (case rough_state_of S of (Ms, N) ⇒ (Ms, mset (map mset N)))
(case rough_state_of (DPLL_step' S) of (Ms, N) ⇒ (Ms, mset (map mset N)))"
proof -
obtain Ms N where Ms: "(Ms, N) = rough_state_of S" by (cases "rough_state_of S") auto
have "dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS' (Ms, N))" using calculation unfolding Ms by blast
moreover obtain Ms' N' where Ms': "(Ms', N') = rough_state_of (DPLL_step' S)"
by (cases "rough_state_of (DPLL_step' S)") auto
ultimately have "dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS' (Ms', N'))" unfolding Ms'
by (metis (no_types, lifting) case_prod_unfold mem_Collect_eq rough_state_of)
have "dpll⇩W (toS Ms N) (toS Ms' N')"
apply (rule DPLL_step_is_a_dpll⇩W_step[of Ms' N' Ms N])
unfolding Ms Ms' using ‹x ≠ S› rough_state_of_inject x by fastforce+
then show ?thesis unfolding Ms[symmetric] Ms'[symmetric] by auto
ultimately show "(x, S) ∈ {(T', T). (rough_state_of T', rough_state_of T)
∈ {(S', S). (toS' S', toS' S) ∈ {(S', S). dpll⇩W_all_inv S ∧ dpll⇩W S S'}}}"
by (auto simp add: x)
lemma [code]:
"DPLL_tot S =
(let S' = DPLL_step' S in
if S' = S then S else DPLL_tot S')" by auto
lemma DPLL_tot_DPLL_step_DPLL_tot[simp]: "DPLL_tot (DPLL_step' S) = DPLL_tot S"
apply (cases "DPLL_step' S = S")
apply simp
unfolding DPLL_tot.simps[of S] by (simp del: DPLL_tot.simps)
lemma DOPLL_step'_DPLL_tot[simp]:
"DPLL_step' (DPLL_tot S) = DPLL_tot S"
by (rule DPLL_tot.induct[of "λS. DPLL_step' (DPLL_tot S) = DPLL_tot S" S])
(metis (full_types) DPLL_tot.simps)
lemma DPLL_tot_final_state:
assumes "DPLL_tot S = S"
shows "conclusive_dpll⇩W_state (toS' (rough_state_of S))"
proof -
have "DPLL_step' S = S" using assms[symmetric] DOPLL_step'_DPLL_tot by metis
then have "DPLL_step (rough_state_of S) = (rough_state_of S)"
unfolding DPLL_step'_def using DPLL_step_dpll⇩W_conc_inv rough_state_of_inverse
by (metis rough_state_of_DPLL_step'_DPLL_step)
then show ?thesis
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) DPLL_step_stuck_final_state split_conv)
lemma DPLL_tot_star:
assumes "rough_state_of (DPLL_tot S) = S'"
shows "dpll⇩W⇧*⇧* (toS' (rough_state_of S)) (toS' S')"
using assms
proof (induction arbitrary: S' rule: DPLL_tot.induct)
case (1 S S')
let ?x = "DPLL_step' S"
{ assume "?x = S"
then have ?case using 1(2) by simp
moreover {
assume S: "?x ≠ S"
have ?case
apply (cases "DPLL_step' S = S")
using S apply blast
by (smt "1.IH" "1.prems" DPLL_step_is_a_dpll⇩W_step DPLL_tot.simps case_prodE2
rough_state_of_DPLL_step'_DPLL_step rtranclp.rtrancl_into_rtrancl rtranclp.rtrancl_refl
rtranclp_idemp split_conv)
ultimately show ?case by auto
lemma rough_state_of_rough_state_of_Nil[simp]:
"rough_state_of (state_of ([], N)) = ([], N)"
apply (rule DPLL_W_Implementation.dpll⇩W_state.state_of_inverse)
unfolding dpll⇩W_all_inv_def by auto
text ‹Theorem of correctness›
lemma DPLL_tot_correct:
assumes "rough_state_of (DPLL_tot (state_of (([], N)))) = (M, N')"
and "(M', N'') = toS' (M, N')"
shows "M' ⊨asm N'' ⟷ satisfiable (set_mset N'')"
proof -
have "dpll⇩W⇧*⇧* (toS' ([], N)) (toS' (M, N'))" using DPLL_tot_star[OF assms(1)] by auto
moreover have "conclusive_dpll⇩W_state (toS' (M, N'))"
using DPLL_tot_final_state by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) DOPLL_step'_DPLL_tot DPLL_tot.simps
ultimately show ?thesis using dpll⇩W_conclusive_state_correct by (smt DPLL_ci.simps
DPLL_ci_dpll⇩W_rtranclp assms(2) dpll⇩W_all_inv_def prod.sel(1) prod.sel(2)
rtranclp_dpll⇩W_inv(3) rtranclp_dpll⇩W_inv_starting_from_0)
subsubsection ‹Code export›
paragraph ‹A conversion to @{typ dpll⇩W_state}›
definition Con :: "(int, unit) ann_lits × int literal list list
⇒ dpll⇩W_state" where
"Con xs = state_of (if dpll⇩W_all_inv (toS (fst xs) (snd xs)) then xs else ([], []))"
lemma [code abstype]:
"Con (rough_state_of S) = S"
using rough_state_of[of S] unfolding Con_def by auto
declare rough_state_of_DPLL_step'_DPLL_step[code abstract]
lemma Con_DPLL_step_rough_state_of_state_of[simp]:
"Con (DPLL_step (rough_state_of s)) = state_of (DPLL_step (rough_state_of s))"
unfolding Con_def by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) DPLL_step_dpll⇩W_conc_inv mem_Collect_eq
text ‹A slightly different version of @{term DPLL_tot} where the returned boolean indicates the
definition DPLL_tot_rep where
"DPLL_tot_rep S =
(let (M, N) = (rough_state_of (DPLL_tot S)) in (∀A ∈ set N. (∃a∈set A. a ∈ lits_of_l M), M))"
text ‹One version of the generated SML code is here, but not included in the generated document.
The only differences are:
▪ export @{typ "'a literal"} from the SML Module ‹Clausal_Logic›;
▪ export the constructor @{term Con} from ‹DPLL_W_Implementation›;
▪ export the @{term int} constructor from ‹Arith›.
All these allows to test on the code on some examples.
export_code DPLL_tot_rep in SML
ML ‹
structure HOL : sig
type 'a equal
val equal : 'a equal -> 'a -> 'a -> bool
val eq : 'a equal -> 'a -> 'a -> bool
end = struct
type 'a equal = {equal : 'a -> 'a -> bool};
val equal = #equal : 'a equal -> 'a -> 'a -> bool;
fun eq A_ a b = equal A_ a b;
structure List : sig
val equal_list : 'a HOL.equal -> ('a list) HOL.equal
val find : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a option
val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
val member : 'a HOL.equal -> 'a list -> 'a -> bool
val list_ex : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> bool
val remove1 : 'a HOL.equal -> 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
val list_all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> bool
end = struct
fun equal_lista A_ [] (x21 :: x22) = false
| equal_lista A_ (x21 :: x22) [] = false
| equal_lista A_ (x21 :: x22) (y21 :: y22) =
HOL.eq A_ x21 y21 andalso equal_lista A_ x22 y22
| equal_lista A_ [] [] = true;
fun equal_list A_ = {equal = equal_lista A_} : ('a list) HOL.equal;
fun find uu [] = NONE
| find p (x :: xs) = (if p x then SOME x else find p xs);
fun filter p [] = []
| filter p (x :: xs) = (if p x then x :: filter p xs else filter p xs);
fun member A_ [] y = false
| member A_ (x :: xs) y = HOL.eq A_ x y orelse member A_ xs y;
fun list_ex p [] = false
| list_ex p (x :: xs) = p x orelse list_ex p xs;
fun remove1 A_ x [] = []
| remove1 A_ x (y :: xs) =
(if HOL.eq A_ x y then xs else y :: remove1 A_ x xs);
fun map f [] = []
| map f (x21 :: x22) = f x21 :: map f x22;
fun list_all p [] = true
| list_all p (x :: xs) = p x andalso list_all p xs;
structure Set : sig
datatype 'a set = Set of 'a list | Coset of 'a list
val image : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a set -> 'b set
val member : 'a HOL.equal -> 'a -> 'a set -> bool
end = struct
datatype 'a set = Set of 'a list | Coset of 'a list;
fun image f (Set xs) = Set ( f xs);
fun member A_ x (Coset xs) = not (List.member A_ xs x)
| member A_ x (Set xs) = List.member A_ xs x;
structure Arith : sig
datatype int = Int_of_integer of
val equal_int : int HOL.equal
end = struct
datatype int = Int_of_integer of;
fun integer_of_int (Int_of_integer k) = k;
fun equal_inta k l = (((integer_of_int k) : = (integer_of_int l));
val equal_int = {equal = equal_inta} : int HOL.equal;
structure Product_Type : sig
val equal_unit : unit HOL.equal
val apfst : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a * 'c -> 'b * 'c
val equal_prod : 'a HOL.equal -> 'b HOL.equal -> 'a * 'b -> 'a * 'b -> bool
end = struct
fun equal_unita u v = true;
val equal_unit = {equal = equal_unita} : unit HOL.equal;
fun apfst f (x, y) = (f x, y);
fun equal_prod A_ B_ (x1, x2) (y1, y2) =
HOL.eq A_ x1 y1 andalso HOL.eq B_ x2 y2;
structure Clausal_Logic : sig
datatype 'a literal = Pos of 'a | Neg of 'a
val equal_literala : 'a HOL.equal -> 'a literal -> 'a literal -> bool
val equal_literal : 'a HOL.equal -> 'a literal HOL.equal
val atm_of : 'a literal -> 'a
val uminus_literal : 'a literal -> 'a literal
end = struct
datatype 'a literal = Pos of 'a | Neg of 'a;
fun equal_literala A_ (Pos x1) (Neg x2) = false
| equal_literala A_ (Neg x2) (Pos x1) = false
| equal_literala A_ (Neg x2) (Neg y2) = HOL.eq A_ x2 y2
| equal_literala A_ (Pos x1) (Pos y1) = HOL.eq A_ x1 y1;
fun equal_literal A_ = {equal = equal_literala A_} : 'a literal HOL.equal;
fun atm_of (Pos x1) = x1
| atm_of (Neg x2) = x2;
fun is_pos (Pos x1) = true
| is_pos (Neg x2) = false;
fun uminus_literal l = (if is_pos l then Neg else Pos) (atm_of l);
structure Partial_Annotated_Herbrand_Interpretation : sig
datatype ('a, 'b) ann_lit = Decided of 'a Clausal_Logic.literal |
Propagated of 'a Clausal_Logic.literal * 'b
val equal_ann_lit : 'a HOL.equal -> 'b HOL.equal -> ('a, 'b) ann_lit HOL.equal
val lit_of : ('a, 'b) ann_lit -> 'a Clausal_Logic.literal
val lits_of : ('a, 'b) ann_lit Set.set -> 'a Clausal_Logic.literal Set.set
val backtrack_split :
('a, 'b) ann_lit list -> ('a, 'b) ann_lit list * ('a, 'b) ann_lit list
end = struct
datatype ('a, 'b) ann_lit = Decided of 'a Clausal_Logic.literal |
Propagated of 'a Clausal_Logic.literal * 'b;
fun equal_ann_lita A_ B_ (Decided x1) (Propagated (x21, x22)) = false
| equal_ann_lita A_ B_ (Propagated (x21, x22)) (Decided x1) = false
| equal_ann_lita A_ B_ (Propagated (x21, x22)) (Propagated (y21, y22)) =
Clausal_Logic.equal_literala A_ x21 y21 andalso HOL.eq B_ x22 y22
| equal_ann_lita A_ B_ (Decided x1) (Decided y1) =
Clausal_Logic.equal_literala A_ x1 y1;
fun equal_ann_lit A_ B_ = {equal = equal_ann_lita A_ B_} :
('a, 'b) ann_lit HOL.equal;
fun lit_of (Decided x1) = x1
| lit_of (Propagated (x21, x22)) = x21;
fun lits_of ls = Set.image lit_of ls;
fun backtrack_split [] = ([], [])
| backtrack_split (Propagated (l, p) :: mlits) =
Product_Type.apfst (fn a => Propagated (l, p) :: a) (backtrack_split mlits)
| backtrack_split (Decided l :: mlits) = ([], Decided l :: mlits);
structure DPLL_CDCL_W_Implementation : sig
val find_first_unused_var :
'a HOL.equal ->
('a Clausal_Logic.literal list) list ->
'a Clausal_Logic.literal Set.set -> 'a Clausal_Logic.literal option
val find_first_unit_clause :
'a HOL.equal ->
('a Clausal_Logic.literal list) list ->
('a, 'b) Partial_Annotated_Herbrand_Interpretation.ann_lit list ->
('a Clausal_Logic.literal * 'a Clausal_Logic.literal list) option
end = struct
fun is_unit_clause_code A_ l m =
(case List.filter
(fn a =>
not (Set.member A_ (Clausal_Logic.atm_of a)
(Set.image Clausal_Logic.atm_of
(Partial_Annotated_Herbrand_Interpretation.lits_of (Set.Set m)))))
of [] => NONE
| [a] =>
(if List.list_all
(fn c =>
Set.member (Clausal_Logic.equal_literal A_)
(Clausal_Logic.uminus_literal c)
(Partial_Annotated_Herbrand_Interpretation.lits_of (Set.Set m)))
(List.remove1 (Clausal_Logic.equal_literal A_) a l)
then SOME a else NONE)
| _ :: _ :: _ => NONE);
fun is_unit_clause A_ l m = is_unit_clause_code A_ l m;
fun find_first_unused_var A_ (a :: l) m =
(case List.find
(fn lit =>
not (Set.member (Clausal_Logic.equal_literal A_) lit m) andalso
not (Set.member (Clausal_Logic.equal_literal A_)
(Clausal_Logic.uminus_literal lit) m))
of NONE => find_first_unused_var A_ l m | SOME aa => SOME aa)
| find_first_unused_var A_ [] uu = NONE;
fun find_first_unit_clause A_ (a :: l) m =
(case is_unit_clause A_ a m of NONE => find_first_unit_clause A_ l m
| SOME la => SOME (la, a))
| find_first_unit_clause A_ [] uu = NONE;
structure DPLL_W_Implementation : sig
datatype dpll_W_state =
Con of
((, unit) Partial_Annotated_Herbrand_Interpretation.ann_lit list *
( Clausal_Logic.literal list) list)
val dPLL_tot_rep :
dpll_W_state ->
bool * (, unit) Partial_Annotated_Herbrand_Interpretation.ann_lit list
end = struct
datatype dpll_W_state =
Con of
((, unit) Partial_Annotated_Herbrand_Interpretation.ann_lit list *
( Clausal_Logic.literal list) list);
fun rough_state_of (Con x) = x;
fun equal_dpll_W_state sa s =
(Partial_Annotated_Herbrand_Interpretation.equal_ann_lit Arith.equal_int
(List.equal_list (Clausal_Logic.equal_literal Arith.equal_int)))
(rough_state_of sa) (rough_state_of s);
fun dPLL_step x =
(fn (ms, n) =>
(case DPLL_CDCL_W_Implementation.find_first_unit_clause Arith.equal_int n ms
of NONE =>
(if List.list_ex
(fn c =>
Set.member (Clausal_Logic.equal_literal Arith.equal_int)
(Clausal_Logic.uminus_literal c)
(Partial_Annotated_Herbrand_Interpretation.lits_of (Set.Set ms))))
then (case Partial_Annotated_Herbrand_Interpretation.backtrack_split ms
of (_, []) => (ms, n)
| (_, l :: m) =>
(Partial_Annotated_Herbrand_Interpretation.lit_of l),
()) ::
else (case DPLL_CDCL_W_Implementation.find_first_unused_var
Arith.equal_int n
(Partial_Annotated_Herbrand_Interpretation.lits_of (Set.Set ms))
of NONE => (ms, n)
| SOME a =>
(Partial_Annotated_Herbrand_Interpretation.Decided a :: ms, n)))
| SOME (l, _) =>
(Partial_Annotated_Herbrand_Interpretation.Propagated (l, ()) :: ms, n)))
fun dPLL_stepa s = Con (dPLL_step (rough_state_of s));
fun dPLL_tot s = let
val sa = dPLL_stepa s;
(if equal_dpll_W_state sa s then s else dPLL_tot sa)
fun dPLL_tot_rep s =
val (m, n) = rough_state_of (dPLL_tot s);
(fn a =>
Set.member (Clausal_Logic.equal_literal Arith.equal_int) a
(Partial_Annotated_Herbrand_Interpretation.lits_of (Set.Set m))))
ML ‹
open Clausal_Logic;
open DPLL_W_Implementation;
open Arith;
val P = Int_of_integer 1
val Q = Int_of_integer 2
val R = Int_of_integer 3
val S = Int_of_integer 4
val T = Int_of_integer 5
val U = Int_of_integer 6
val N = [[Neg P, Pos Q], [Neg R, Pos S], [Neg T, Neg U], [Neg R, Neg T, Pos U]]
DPLL_W_Implementation.dPLL_tot_rep (Con ([], N))
ML ‹
open Clausal_Logic;
open DPLL_W_Implementation;
open Arith;
val P = Int_of_integer 1
val Q = Int_of_integer 2
val R = Int_of_integer 3
val S = Int_of_integer 4
val T = Int_of_integer 5
val N = [[Pos P, Pos Q, Pos R],
[Pos P, Neg R],
[Neg P, Pos S],
[Neg P, Pos T],
[ Pos Q, Neg S, Neg T],
[ Neg Q]]
DPLL_W_Implementation.dPLL_tot_rep (Con ([], N))
ML ‹
open Clausal_Logic;
open DPLL_W_Implementation;
open Arith;
val P = Int_of_integer 1
val Q = Int_of_integer 2
val R = Int_of_integer 3
val S = Int_of_integer 4
val T = Int_of_integer 5
val N = [[Pos P, Pos Q, Pos R],
[Pos P, Neg R],
[Neg P, Pos S],
[Neg P, Pos T],
[ Pos Q, Neg S, Neg T],
[ Neg Q]]
DPLL_W_Implementation.dPLL_tot_rep (Con ([], N))
ML ‹
open Clausal_Logic;
open DPLL_W_Implementation;
open Arith;
val a = Int_of_integer 10
val b = Int_of_integer 20
val c = Int_of_integer 1
val d = Int_of_integer 40
val e = Int_of_integer 50
val f = Int_of_integer 2
val g = Int_of_integer 60
val N = [[Pos a, Pos b],
[ Neg b, Pos c, Pos d],
[ Neg b, Pos e],
[ Neg d, Neg e, Pos f],
[Neg a, Pos g],
[ Pos b, Neg g]]
DPLL_W_Implementation.dPLL_tot_rep (Con ([], N))