Theory CDCL_W_MaxSAT
theory CDCL_W_MaxSAT
imports CDCL_W_Optimal_Model
subsection ‹Partial MAX-SAT›
definition weight_on_clauses where
‹weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ I = (∑C ∈# (filter_mset (λC. I ⊨ C) N⇩S). ρ C)›
definition atms_exactly_m :: ‹'v partial_interp ⇒ 'v clauses ⇒ bool› where
‹atms_exactly_m I N ⟷
total_over_m I (set_mset N) ∧
atms_of_s I ⊆ atms_of_mm N›
text ‹Partial in the name refers to the fact that not all clauses are soft clauses, not to the fact
that we consider partial models.›
inductive partial_max_sat :: ‹'v clauses ⇒ 'v clauses ⇒ ('v clause ⇒ nat) ⇒
'v partial_interp option ⇒ bool› where
‹partial_max_sat N⇩H N⇩S ρ (Some I)›
‹I ⊨sm N⇩H› and
‹atms_exactly_m I ((N⇩H + N⇩S))› and
‹consistent_interp I› and
‹⋀I'. consistent_interp I' ⟹ atms_exactly_m I' (N⇩H + N⇩S) ⟹ I' ⊨sm N⇩H ⟹
weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ I' ≤ weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ I› |
‹partial_max_sat N⇩H N⇩S ρ None›
‹unsatisfiable (set_mset N⇩H)›
inductive partial_min_sat :: ‹'v clauses ⇒ 'v clauses ⇒ ('v clause ⇒ nat) ⇒
'v partial_interp option ⇒ bool› where
‹partial_min_sat N⇩H N⇩S ρ (Some I)›
‹I ⊨sm N⇩H› and
‹atms_exactly_m I (N⇩H + N⇩S)› and
‹consistent_interp I› and
‹⋀I'. consistent_interp I' ⟹ atms_exactly_m I' (N⇩H + N⇩S) ⟹ I' ⊨sm N⇩H ⟹
weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ I' ≥ weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ I› |
‹partial_min_sat N⇩H N⇩S ρ None›
‹unsatisfiable (set_mset N⇩H)›
lemma atms_exactly_m_finite:
assumes ‹atms_exactly_m I N›
shows ‹finite I›
proof -
have ‹I ⊆ Pos ` (atms_of_mm N) ∪ Neg ` atms_of_mm N›
using assms by (force simp: total_over_m_def atms_exactly_m_def lit_in_set_iff_atm
from finite_subset[OF this] show ?thesis by auto
fixes N⇩H :: ‹'v clauses›
assumes ‹satisfiable (set_mset N⇩H)›
shows sat_partial_max_sat: ‹∃I. partial_max_sat N⇩H N⇩S ρ (Some I)› and
sat_partial_min_sat: ‹∃I. partial_min_sat N⇩H N⇩S ρ (Some I)›
proof -
let ?Is = ‹{I. atms_exactly_m I ((N⇩H + N⇩S)) ∧ consistent_interp I ∧
I ⊨sm N⇩H}›
let ?Is'= ‹{I. atms_exactly_m I ((N⇩H + N⇩S)) ∧ consistent_interp I ∧
I ⊨sm N⇩H ∧ finite I}›
have Is: ‹?Is = ?Is'›
by (auto simp: atms_of_s_def atms_exactly_m_finite)
have ‹?Is' ⊆ set_mset ` simple_clss (atms_of_mm (N⇩H + N⇩S))›
apply rule
unfolding image_iff
by (rule_tac x= ‹mset_set x› in bexI)
(auto simp: simple_clss_def atms_exactly_m_def image_iff
atms_of_s_def atms_of_def distinct_mset_mset_set consistent_interp_tuatology_mset_set)
from finite_subset[OF this] have fin: ‹finite ?Is› unfolding Is
by (auto simp: simple_clss_finite)
then have fin': ‹finite (weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ ` ?Is)›
by auto
define ρI where
‹ρI = Min (weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ ` ?Is)›
have nempty: ‹?Is ≠ {}›
proof -
obtain I where I:
‹total_over_m I (set_mset N⇩H)›
‹I ⊨sm N⇩H›
‹consistent_interp I›
‹atms_of_s I ⊆ atms_of_mm N⇩H›
using assms unfolding satisfiable_def_min atms_exactly_m_def
by (auto simp: atms_of_s_def atm_of_def total_over_m_def)
let ?I = ‹I ∪ Pos ` {x ∈ atms_of_mm N⇩S. x ∉ atm_of ` I}›
have ‹?I ∈ ?Is›
using I
by (auto simp: atms_exactly_m_def total_over_m_alt_def image_iff
(auto simp: consistent_interp_def uminus_lit_swap)
then show ?thesis
by blast
have ‹ρI ∈ weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ ` ?Is›
unfolding ρI_def
by (rule Min_in[OF fin']) (use nempty in auto)
then obtain I :: ‹'v partial_interp› where
‹weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ I = ρI› and
‹I ∈ ?Is›
by blast
then have H: ‹consistent_interp I' ⟹ atms_exactly_m I' (N⇩H + N⇩S) ⟹ I' ⊨sm N⇩H ⟹
weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ I' ≥ weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ I› for I'
using Min_le[OF fin', of ‹weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ I'›]
unfolding ρI_def[symmetric]
by auto
then have ‹partial_min_sat N⇩H N⇩S ρ (Some I)›
apply -
by (rule partial_min_sat)
(use fin ‹I ∈ ?Is› in ‹auto simp: atms_exactly_m_finite›)
then show ‹∃I. partial_min_sat N⇩H N⇩S ρ (Some I)›
by fast
define ρI where
‹ρI = Max (weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ ` ?Is)›
have ‹ρI ∈ weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ ` ?Is›
unfolding ρI_def
by (rule Max_in[OF fin']) (use nempty in auto)
then obtain I :: ‹'v partial_interp› where
‹weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ I = ρI› and
‹I ∈ ?Is›
by blast
then have H: ‹consistent_interp I' ⟹ atms_exactly_m I' (N⇩H + N⇩S) ⟹ I' ⊨m N⇩H ⟹
weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ I' ≤ weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ I› for I'
using Max_ge[OF fin', of ‹weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ I'›]
unfolding ρI_def[symmetric]
by auto
then have ‹partial_max_sat N⇩H N⇩S ρ (Some I)›
apply -
by (rule partial_max_sat)
(use fin ‹I ∈ ?Is› in ‹auto simp: atms_exactly_m_finite
then show ‹∃I. partial_max_sat N⇩H N⇩S ρ (Some I)›
by fast
inductive weight_sat
:: ‹'v clauses ⇒ ('v literal multiset ⇒ 'a :: linorder) ⇒
'v literal multiset option ⇒ bool›
‹weight_sat N ρ (Some I)›
‹set_mset I ⊨sm N› and
‹atms_exactly_m (set_mset I) N› and
‹consistent_interp (set_mset I)› and
‹distinct_mset I›
‹⋀I'. consistent_interp (set_mset I') ⟹ atms_exactly_m (set_mset I') N ⟹ distinct_mset I' ⟹
set_mset I' ⊨sm N ⟹ ρ I' ≥ ρ I› |
‹weight_sat N ρ None›
‹unsatisfiable (set_mset N)›
lemma partial_max_sat_is_weight_sat:
fixes additional_atm :: ‹'v clause ⇒ 'v› and
ρ :: ‹'v clause ⇒ nat› and
N⇩S :: ‹'v clauses›
‹ρ' ≡ (λC. sum_mset
((λL. if L ∈ Pos ` additional_atm ` set_mset N⇩S
then count N⇩S (SOME C. L = Pos (additional_atm C) ∧ C ∈# N⇩S)
* ρ (SOME C. L = Pos (additional_atm C) ∧ C ∈# N⇩S)
else 0) `# C))›
add: ‹⋀C. C ∈# N⇩S ⟹ additional_atm C ∉ atms_of_mm (N⇩H + N⇩S)›
‹⋀C D. C ∈# N⇩S ⟹ D ∈# N⇩S ⟹ additional_atm C = additional_atm D ⟷ C = D› and
w: ‹weight_sat (N⇩H + (λC. add_mset (Pos (additional_atm C)) C) `# N⇩S) ρ' (Some I)›
‹partial_max_sat N⇩H N⇩S ρ (Some {L ∈ set_mset I. atm_of L ∈ atms_of_mm (N⇩H + N⇩S)})›
proof -
define N where ‹N ≡ N⇩H + (λC. add_mset (Pos (additional_atm C)) C) `# N⇩S›
define cl_of where ‹cl_of L = (SOME C. L = Pos (additional_atm C) ∧ C ∈# N⇩S)› for L
from w
ent: ‹set_mset I ⊨sm N› and
bi: ‹atms_exactly_m (set_mset I) N› and
cons: ‹consistent_interp (set_mset I)› and
dist: ‹distinct_mset I› and
weight: ‹⋀I'. consistent_interp (set_mset I') ⟹ atms_exactly_m (set_mset I') N ⟹
distinct_mset I' ⟹ set_mset I' ⊨sm N ⟹ ρ' I' ≥ ρ' I›
unfolding N_def[symmetric]
by (auto simp: weight_sat.simps)
let ?I = ‹{L. L ∈# I ∧ atm_of L ∈ atms_of_mm (N⇩H + N⇩S)}›
have ent': ‹set_mset I ⊨sm N⇩H›
using ent unfolding true_clss_restrict
by (auto simp: N_def)
then have ent': ‹?I ⊨sm N⇩H›
apply (subst (asm) true_clss_restrict[symmetric])
apply (rule true_clss_mono_left, assumption)
apply auto
have [simp]: ‹atms_of_ms ((λC. add_mset (Pos (additional_atm C)) C) ` set_mset N⇩S) =
additional_atm ` set_mset N⇩S ∪ atms_of_ms (set_mset N⇩S)›
by (auto simp: atms_of_ms_def)
have bi': ‹atms_exactly_m ?I (N⇩H + N⇩S)›
using bi
by (auto simp: atms_exactly_m_def total_over_m_def total_over_set_def
atms_of_s_def N_def)
have cons': ‹consistent_interp ?I›
using cons by (auto simp: consistent_interp_def)
have [simp]: ‹cl_of (Pos (additional_atm xb)) = xb›
if ‹xb ∈# N⇩S› for xb
using someI[of ‹λC. additional_atm xb = additional_atm C› xb] add that
unfolding cl_of_def
by auto
let ?I = ‹{L. L ∈# I ∧ atm_of L ∈ atms_of_mm (N⇩H + N⇩S)} ∪ Pos ` additional_atm ` {C ∈ set_mset N⇩S. ¬set_mset I ⊨ C}
∪ Neg ` additional_atm ` {C ∈ set_mset N⇩S. set_mset I ⊨ C}›
have ‹consistent_interp ?I›
using cons add by (auto simp: consistent_interp_def
atms_exactly_m_def uminus_lit_swap
dest: add)
moreover have ‹atms_exactly_m ?I N›
using bi
by (auto simp: N_def atms_exactly_m_def total_over_m_def
total_over_set_def image_image)
moreover have ‹?I ⊨sm N›
using ent by (auto simp: N_def true_clss_def image_image
atm_of_lit_in_atms_of true_cls_def
dest!: multi_member_split)
moreover have ‹set_mset (mset_set ?I) = ?I› and fin: ‹finite ?I›
by (auto simp: atms_exactly_m_finite)
moreover have ‹distinct_mset (mset_set ?I)›
by (auto simp: distinct_mset_mset_set)
ultimately have ‹ρ' (mset_set ?I) ≥ ρ' I›
using weight[of ‹mset_set ?I›]
by argo
moreover have ‹ρ' (mset_set ?I) ≤ ρ' I›
using ent
by (auto simp: ρ'_def sum_mset_inter_restrict[symmetric] mset_set_subset_iff N_def
intro!: sum_image_mset_mono
dest!: multi_member_split)
ultimately have I_I: ‹ρ' (mset_set ?I) = ρ' I›
by linarith
have min: ‹weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ I'
≤ weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ {L. L ∈# I ∧ atm_of L ∈ atms_of_mm (N⇩H + N⇩S)}›
cons: ‹consistent_interp I'› and
bit: ‹atms_exactly_m I' (N⇩H + N⇩S)› and
I': ‹I' ⊨sm N⇩H›
for I'
proof -
let ?I' = ‹I' ∪ Pos ` additional_atm ` {C ∈ set_mset N⇩S. ¬I' ⊨ C}
∪ Neg ` additional_atm ` {C ∈ set_mset N⇩S. I' ⊨ C}›
have ‹consistent_interp ?I'›
using cons bit add by (auto simp: consistent_interp_def
atms_exactly_m_def uminus_lit_swap
dest: add)
moreover have ‹atms_exactly_m ?I' N›
using bit
by (auto simp: N_def atms_exactly_m_def total_over_m_def
total_over_set_def image_image)
moreover have ‹?I' ⊨sm N›
using I' by (auto simp: N_def true_clss_def image_image
dest!: multi_member_split)
moreover have ‹set_mset (mset_set ?I') = ?I'› and fin: ‹finite ?I'›
using bit by (auto simp: atms_exactly_m_finite)
moreover have ‹distinct_mset (mset_set ?I')›
by (auto simp: distinct_mset_mset_set)
ultimately have I'_I: ‹ρ' (mset_set ?I') ≥ ρ' I›
using weight[of ‹mset_set ?I'›]
by argo
have inj: ‹inj_on cl_of (I' ∩ (λx. Pos (additional_atm x)) ` set_mset N⇩S)› for I'
using add by (auto simp: inj_on_def)
have we: ‹weight_on_clauses N⇩S ρ I' = sum_mset (ρ `# N⇩S) -
sum_mset (ρ `# filter_mset (Not ∘ (⊨) I') N⇩S)› for I'
unfolding weight_on_clauses_def
apply (subst (3) multiset_partition[of _ ‹(⊨) I'›])
unfolding image_mset_union sum_mset.union
by (auto simp: comp_def)
have H: ‹sum_mset
(ρ `#
filter_mset (Not ∘ (⊨) {L. L ∈# I ∧ atm_of L ∈ atms_of_mm (N⇩H + N⇩S)})
N⇩S) = ρ' I›
unfolding I_I[symmetric] unfolding ρ'_def cl_of_def[symmetric]
sum_mset_sum_count if_distrib
apply (auto simp: sum_mset_sum_count image_image simp flip: sum.inter_restrict
cong: if_cong)
apply (subst comm_monoid_add_class.sum.reindex_cong[symmetric, of cl_of, OF _ refl])
apply ((use inj in auto; fail)+)[2]
apply (rule sum.cong)
apply auto[]
using inj[of ‹set_mset I›] ‹set_mset I ⊨sm N› assms(2)
apply (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: N_def image_Int
atm_of_lit_in_atms_of true_cls_def)[]
using add apply (auto simp: true_cls_def)
have ‹(∑x∈(I' ∪ (λx. Pos (additional_atm x)) ` {C. C ∈# N⇩S ∧ ¬ I' ⊨ C} ∪
(λx. Neg (additional_atm x)) ` {C. C ∈# N⇩S ∧ I' ⊨ C}) ∩
(λx. Pos (additional_atm x)) ` set_mset N⇩S.
count N⇩S (cl_of x) * ρ (cl_of x))
≤ (∑A∈{a. a ∈# N⇩S ∧ ¬ I' ⊨ a}. count N⇩S A * ρ A)›
apply (subst comm_monoid_add_class.sum.reindex_cong[symmetric, of cl_of, OF _ refl])
apply ((use inj in auto; fail)+)[2]
apply (rule ordered_comm_monoid_add_class.sum_mono2)
using that add by (auto dest: simp: N_def
then have ‹sum_mset (ρ `# filter_mset (Not ∘ (⊨) I') N⇩S) ≥ ρ' (mset_set ?I')›
using fin unfolding cl_of_def[symmetric] ρ'_def
by (auto simp: ρ'_def
simp add: sum_mset_sum_count image_image simp flip: sum.inter_restrict)
then have ‹ρ' I ≤ sum_mset (ρ `# filter_mset (Not ∘ (⊨) I') N⇩S)›
using I'_I by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding we H I_I apply -
by auto
show ?thesis
apply (rule partial_max_sat.intros)
subgoal using ent' by auto
subgoal using bi' by fast
subgoal using cons' by fast
subgoal for I'
by (rule min)
lemma sum_mset_cong:
‹(⋀a. a ∈# A ⟹ f a = g a) ⟹ (∑a∈#A. f a) = (∑a∈#A. g a)›
by (induction A) auto
lemma partial_max_sat_is_weight_sat_distinct:
fixes additional_atm :: ‹'v clause ⇒ 'v› and
ρ :: ‹'v clause ⇒ nat› and
N⇩S :: ‹'v clauses›
‹ρ' ≡ (λC. sum_mset
((λL. if L ∈ Pos ` additional_atm ` set_mset N⇩S
then ρ (SOME C. L = Pos (additional_atm C) ∧ C ∈# N⇩S)
else 0) `# C))›
‹distinct_mset N⇩S› and
add: ‹⋀C. C ∈# N⇩S ⟹ additional_atm C ∉ atms_of_mm (N⇩H + N⇩S)›
‹⋀C D. C ∈# N⇩S ⟹ D ∈# N⇩S ⟹ additional_atm C = additional_atm D ⟷ C = D› and
w: ‹weight_sat (N⇩H + (λC. add_mset (Pos (additional_atm C)) C) `# N⇩S) ρ' (Some I)›
‹partial_max_sat N⇩H N⇩S ρ (Some {L ∈ set_mset I. atm_of L ∈ atms_of_mm (N⇩H + N⇩S)})›
proof -
define cl_of where ‹cl_of L = (SOME C. L = Pos (additional_atm C) ∧ C ∈# N⇩S)› for L
have [simp]: ‹cl_of (Pos (additional_atm xb)) = xb›
if ‹xb ∈# N⇩S› for xb
using someI[of ‹λC. additional_atm xb = additional_atm C› xb] add that
unfolding cl_of_def
by auto
have ρ': ‹ρ' = (λC. ∑L∈#C. if L ∈ Pos ` additional_atm ` set_mset N⇩S
then count N⇩S
(SOME C. L = Pos (additional_atm C) ∧ C ∈# N⇩S) *
ρ (SOME C. L = Pos (additional_atm C) ∧ C ∈# N⇩S)
else 0)›
unfolding cl_of_def[symmetric] ρ'_def
using assms(2,4) by (auto intro!: ext sum_mset_cong simp: ρ'_def not_in_iff dest!: multi_member_split)
show ?thesis
apply (rule partial_max_sat_is_weight_sat[where additional_atm=additional_atm])
subgoal by (rule assms(3))
subgoal by (rule assms(4))
subgoal unfolding ρ'[symmetric] by (rule assms(5))
lemma atms_exactly_m_alt_def:
‹atms_exactly_m (set_mset y) N ⟷ atms_of y ⊆ atms_of_mm N ∧
total_over_m (set_mset y) (set_mset N)›
by (auto simp: atms_exactly_m_def atms_of_s_def atms_of_def
atms_of_ms_def dest!: multi_member_split)
lemma atms_exactly_m_alt_def2:
‹atms_exactly_m (set_mset y) N ⟷ atms_of y = atms_of_mm N›
by (metis atms_of_def atms_of_s_def atms_exactly_m_alt_def equalityI order_refl total_over_m_def
lemma (in conflict_driven_clause_learning⇩W_optimal_weight) full_cdcl_bnb_stgy_weight_sat:
‹full cdcl_bnb_stgy (init_state N) T ⟹ distinct_mset_mset N ⟹ weight_sat N ρ (weight T)›
using full_cdcl_bnb_stgy_no_conflicting_clause_from_init_state[of N T]
apply (cases ‹weight T = None›)
by (auto intro!: weight_sat.intros(2))
subgoal premises p
using p(1-4,6)
apply (clarsimp simp only:)
apply (rule weight_sat.intros(1))
subgoal by auto
subgoal by (auto simp: atms_exactly_m_alt_def)
subgoal by auto
subgoal by auto
subgoal for J I'
using p(5)[of I'] by (auto simp: atms_exactly_m_alt_def2)