Theory DPLL_W_Optimal_Model
theory DPLL_W_Optimal_Model
locale dpll⇩W_state_optimal_weight =
dpll⇩W_state trail clauses
tl_trail cons_trail state_eq state +
ocdcl_weight ρ
trail :: ‹'st ⇒ 'v dpll⇩W_ann_lits› and
clauses :: ‹'st ⇒ 'v clauses› and
tl_trail :: ‹'st ⇒ 'st› and
cons_trail :: ‹'v dpll⇩W_ann_lit ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st› and
state_eq :: ‹'st ⇒ 'st ⇒ bool› (infix ‹∼› 50) and
state :: ‹'st ⇒ 'v dpll⇩W_ann_lits × 'v clauses × 'v clause option × 'b› and
ρ :: ‹'v clause ⇒ 'a :: {linorder}› +
update_additional_info :: ‹'v clause option × 'b ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st›
‹state S = (M, N, K) ⟹ state (update_additional_info K' S) = (M, N, K')›
definition update_weight_information :: ‹('v literal, 'v literal, unit) annotated_lits ⇒ 'st ⇒ 'st› where
‹update_weight_information M S =
update_additional_info (Some (lit_of `# mset M), snd (additional_info S)) S›
lemma [simp]:
‹trail (update_weight_information M' S) = trail S›
‹clauses (update_weight_information M' S) = clauses S›
‹clauses (update_additional_info c S) = clauses S›
‹additional_info (update_additional_info (w, oth) S) = (w, oth)›
using update_additional_info[of S] unfolding update_weight_information_def
by (auto simp: state)
lemma state_update_weight_information: ‹state S = (M, N, w, oth) ⟹
∃w'. state (update_weight_information M' S) = (M, N, w', oth)›
apply (auto simp: state)
apply (auto simp: update_weight_information_def)
definition weight where
‹weight S = fst (additional_info S)›
lemma [simp]: ‹(weight (update_weight_information M' S)) = Some (lit_of `# mset M')›
unfolding weight_def by (auto simp: update_weight_information_def)
text ‹
We test here a slightly different decision. In the CDCL version, we renamed \<^term>‹additional_info›
from the BNB version to avoid collisions. Here instead of renaming, we add the prefix
\<^text>‹bnb.› to every name.
sublocale bnb: bnb_ops where
trail = trail and
clauses = clauses and
tl_trail = tl_trail and
cons_trail = cons_trail and
state_eq = state_eq and
state = state and
weight = weight and
conflicting_clauses = conflicting_clauses and
is_improving_int = is_improving_int and
update_weight_information = update_weight_information
by unfold_locales
lemma atms_of_mm_conflicting_clss_incl_init_clauses:
‹atms_of_mm (bnb.conflicting_clss S) ⊆ atms_of_mm (clauses S)›
using conflicting_clss_incl_init_clauses[of ‹clauses S› ‹weight S›]
unfolding bnb.conflicting_clss_def
by auto
lemma is_improving_conflicting_clss_update_weight_information: ‹bnb.is_improving M M' S ⟹
bnb.conflicting_clss S ⊆# bnb.conflicting_clss (update_weight_information M' S)›
using is_improving_conflicting_clss_update_weight_information[of M M' ‹clauses S› ‹weight S›]
unfolding bnb.conflicting_clss_def
by (auto simp: update_weight_information_def weight_def)
lemma conflicting_clss_update_weight_information_in2:
assumes ‹bnb.is_improving M M' S›
shows ‹negate_ann_lits M' ∈# bnb.conflicting_clss (update_weight_information M' S)›
using conflicting_clss_update_weight_information_in2[of M M' ‹clauses S› ‹weight S›] assms
unfolding bnb.conflicting_clss_def
unfolding bnb.conflicting_clss_def
by (auto simp: update_weight_information_def weight_def)
lemma state_additional_info':
‹state S = (trail S, clauses S, weight S, bnb.additional_info S)›
unfolding additional_info_def by (cases ‹state S›; auto simp: state weight_def bnb.additional_info_def)
sublocale bnb: bnb where
trail = trail and
clauses = clauses and
tl_trail = tl_trail and
cons_trail = cons_trail and
state_eq = state_eq and
state = state and
weight = weight and
conflicting_clauses = conflicting_clauses and
is_improving_int = is_improving_int and
update_weight_information = update_weight_information
apply unfold_locales
subgoal by auto
subgoal by (rule state_eq_sym)
subgoal by (rule state_eq_trans)
subgoal by (auto dest!: state_eq_state)
subgoal by (rule cons_trail)
subgoal by (rule tl_trail)
subgoal by (rule state_update_weight_information)
subgoal by (rule is_improving_conflicting_clss_update_weight_information)
subgoal by (rule conflicting_clss_update_weight_information_in2; assumption)
subgoal by (rule atms_of_mm_conflicting_clss_incl_init_clauses)
subgoal by (rule state_additional_info')
lemma improve_model_still_model:
‹bnb.dpll⇩W_bound S T› and
all_struct: ‹dpll⇩W_all_inv (bnb.abs_state S)› and
ent: ‹set_mset I ⊨sm clauses S› ‹set_mset I ⊨sm bnb.conflicting_clss S› and
dist: ‹distinct_mset I› and
cons: ‹consistent_interp (set_mset I)› and
tot: ‹atms_of I = atms_of_mm (clauses S)› and
le: ‹Found (ρ I) < ρ' (weight T)›
‹set_mset I ⊨sm clauses T ∧ set_mset I ⊨sm bnb.conflicting_clss T›
using assms(1)
proof (cases rule: bnb.dpll⇩W_bound.cases)
case (update_info M M') note imp = this(1) and T = this(2)
have atm_trail: ‹atms_of (lit_of `# mset (trail S)) ⊆ atms_of_mm (clauses S)› and
dist2: ‹distinct_mset (lit_of `# mset (trail S))› and
taut2: ‹¬ tautology (lit_of `# mset (trail S))›
using all_struct unfolding dpll⇩W_all_inv_def by (auto simp: lits_of_def atms_of_def
dest: no_dup_distinct no_dup_not_tautology)
have tot2: ‹total_over_m (set_mset I) (set_mset (clauses S))›
using tot[symmetric]
by (auto simp: total_over_m_def total_over_set_def atm_iff_pos_or_neg_lit)
have atm_trail: ‹atms_of (lit_of `# mset M') ⊆ atms_of_mm (clauses S)› and
dist2: ‹distinct_mset (lit_of `# mset M')› and
taut2: ‹¬ tautology (lit_of `# mset M')›
using imp by (auto simp: lits_of_def atms_of_def is_improving_int_def
have tot2: ‹total_over_m (set_mset I) (set_mset (clauses S))›
using tot[symmetric]
by (auto simp: total_over_m_def total_over_set_def atm_iff_pos_or_neg_lit)
‹set_mset I ⊨m conflicting_clauses (clauses S) (weight (update_weight_information M' S))›
using entails_conflicting_clauses_if_le[of I ‹clauses S› M' M ‹weight S›]
using T dist cons tot le imp by auto
then have ‹set_mset I ⊨m bnb.conflicting_clss (update_weight_information M' S)›
by (auto simp: update_weight_information_def bnb.conflicting_clss_def)
then show ?thesis
using ent T by (auto simp: bnb.conflicting_clss_def state)
lemma cdcl_bnb_still_model:
‹bnb.dpll⇩W_bnb S T› and
all_struct: ‹dpll⇩W_all_inv (bnb.abs_state S)› and
ent: ‹set_mset I ⊨sm clauses S› ‹set_mset I ⊨sm bnb.conflicting_clss S› and
dist: ‹distinct_mset I› and
cons: ‹consistent_interp (set_mset I)› and
tot: ‹atms_of I = atms_of_mm (clauses S)›
‹(set_mset I ⊨sm clauses T ∧ set_mset I ⊨sm bnb.conflicting_clss T) ∨ Found (ρ I) ≥ ρ' (weight T)›
using assms
proof (induction rule: bnb.dpll⇩W_bnb.induct)
case (dpll S T)
then show ?case using ent by (auto elim!: bnb.dpll⇩W_coreE simp: bnb.state'_def
dpll_decide.simps dpll_backtrack.simps bnb.backtrack_opt.simps
case (bnb S T)
then show ?case
using improve_model_still_model[of S T I] using assms(2-) by auto
lemma cdcl_bnb_larger_still_larger:
‹bnb.dpll⇩W_bnb S T›
shows ‹ρ' (weight S) ≥ ρ' (weight T)›
using assms apply (cases rule: bnb.dpll⇩W_bnb.cases)
by (auto simp: bnb.dpll⇩W_bound.simps is_improving_int_def bnb.dpll⇩W_core_same_weight)
lemma rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_still_model:
st: ‹bnb.dpll⇩W_bnb⇧*⇧* S T› and
all_struct: ‹dpll⇩W_all_inv (bnb.abs_state S)› and
ent: ‹(set_mset I ⊨sm clauses S ∧ set_mset I ⊨sm bnb.conflicting_clss S) ∨ Found (ρ I) ≥ ρ' (weight S)› and
dist: ‹distinct_mset I› and
cons: ‹consistent_interp (set_mset I)› and
tot: ‹atms_of I = atms_of_mm (clauses S)›
‹(set_mset I ⊨sm clauses T ∧ set_mset I ⊨sm bnb.conflicting_clss T) ∨ Found (ρ I) ≥ ρ' (weight T)›
using st
proof (induction rule: rtranclp_induct)
case base
then show ?case
using ent by auto
case (step T U) note star = this(1) and st = this(2) and IH = this(3)
have 1: ‹dpll⇩W_all_inv (bnb.abs_state T)›
using bnb.rtranclp_dpll⇩W_bnb_abs_state_all_inv[OF star all_struct] .
have 3: ‹atms_of I = atms_of_mm (clauses T)›
using bnb.rtranclp_dpll⇩W_bnb_clauses[OF star] tot by auto
show ?case
using cdcl_bnb_still_model[OF st 1 _ _ dist cons 3] IH
cdcl_bnb_larger_still_larger[OF st]
order.trans by blast
lemma simple_clss_entailed_by_too_heavy_in_conflicting:
‹C ∈# mset_set (simple_clss (atms_of_mm (clauses S))) ⟹
too_heavy_clauses (clauses S) (weight S) ⊨pm
(C) ⟹ C ∈# bnb.conflicting_clss S›
by (auto simp: conflicting_clauses_def bnb.conflicting_clss_def)
lemma can_always_improve:
ent: ‹trail S ⊨asm clauses S› and
total: ‹total_over_m (lits_of_l (trail S)) (set_mset (clauses S))› and
n_s: ‹(∀C ∈# bnb.conflicting_clss S. ¬ trail S ⊨as CNot C)› and
all_struct: ‹dpll⇩W_all_inv (bnb.abs_state S)›
shows ‹Ex (bnb.dpll⇩W_bound S)›
proof -
have H: ‹(lit_of `# mset (trail S)) ∈# mset_set (simple_clss (atms_of_mm (clauses S)))›
‹(lit_of `# mset (trail S)) ∈ simple_clss (atms_of_mm (clauses S))›
‹no_dup (trail S)›
apply (subst finite_set_mset_mset_set[OF simple_clss_finite])
using all_struct by (auto simp: simple_clss_def
dpll⇩W_all_inv_def atms_of_def lits_of_def image_image clauses_def
dest: no_dup_not_tautology no_dup_distinct)
moreover have ‹trail S ⊨as CNot (pNeg (lit_of `# mset (trail S)))›
by (auto simp: pNeg_def true_annots_true_cls_def_iff_negation_in_model lits_of_def)
ultimately have le: ‹Found (ρ (lit_of `# mset (trail S))) < ρ' (weight S)›
using n_s total not_entailed_too_heavy_clauses_ge[of ‹lit_of `# mset (trail S)› ‹clauses S› ‹weight S›]
simple_clss_entailed_by_too_heavy_in_conflicting[of ‹pNeg (lit_of `# mset (trail S))› S]
by (cases ‹¬ too_heavy_clauses (clauses S) (weight S) ⊨pm
pNeg (lit_of `# mset (trail S))›)
(auto simp: lits_of_def
conflicting_clauses_def clauses_def negate_ann_lits_pNeg_lit_of image_iff
simple_clss_finite subset_iff
dest: bspec[of _ _ ‹(lit_of `# mset (trail S))›] dest: total_over_m_atms_incl
true_clss_cls_in too_heavy_clauses_contains_itself
dest!: multi_member_split)
have tr: ‹trail S ⊨asm clauses S›
using ent by (auto simp: clauses_def)
have tot': ‹total_over_m (lits_of_l (trail S)) (set_mset (clauses S))›
using total all_struct by (auto simp: total_over_m_def total_over_set_def)
have M': ‹ρ (lit_of `# mset M') = ρ (lit_of `# mset (trail S))›
if ‹total_over_m (lits_of_l M') (set_mset (clauses S))› and
incl: ‹mset (trail S) ⊆# mset M'› and
‹lit_of `# mset M' ∈ simple_clss (atms_of_mm (clauses S))›
for M'
proof -
have [simp]: ‹lits_of_l M' = set_mset (lit_of `# mset M')›
by (auto simp: lits_of_def)
obtain A where A: ‹mset M' = A + mset (trail S)›
using incl by (auto simp: mset_subset_eq_exists_conv)
have M': ‹lits_of_l M' = lit_of ` set_mset A ∪ lits_of_l (trail S)›
unfolding lits_of_def
by (metis A image_Un set_mset_mset set_mset_union)
have ‹mset M' = mset (trail S)›
using that tot' total unfolding A total_over_m_alt_def
apply (case_tac A)
apply (auto simp: A simple_clss_def distinct_mset_add M' image_Un
tautology_union mset_inter_empty_set_mset atms_of_def atms_of_s_def
atm_of_in_atm_of_set_iff_in_set_or_uminus_in_set image_image
by (metis (no_types, lifting) atm_of_in_atm_of_set_iff_in_set_or_uminus_in_set
lits_of_def subsetCE)
then show ?thesis
using total by auto
have ‹bnb.is_improving (trail S) (trail S) S›
if ‹Found (ρ (lit_of `# mset (trail S))) < ρ' (weight S)›
using that total H tr tot' M' unfolding is_improving_int_def lits_of_def
by fast
then show ?thesis
using bnb.dpll⇩W_bound.intros[of ‹trail S› _ S ‹update_weight_information (trail S) S›] total H le
by fast
lemma no_step_dpll⇩W_bnb_conflict:
ns: ‹no_step bnb.dpll⇩W_bnb S› and
invs: ‹dpll⇩W_all_inv (bnb.abs_state S)›
shows ‹∃C ∈# clauses S + bnb.conflicting_clss S. trail S ⊨as CNot C› (is ?A) and
‹count_decided (trail S) = 0› and
‹unsatisfiable (set_mset (clauses S + bnb.conflicting_clss S))›
apply (rule bnb.no_step_dpll⇩W_bnb_conflict[OF _ assms])
subgoal using can_always_improve by blast
apply (rule bnb.no_step_dpll⇩W_bnb_conflict[OF _ assms])
subgoal using can_always_improve by blast
apply (rule bnb.no_step_dpll⇩W_bnb_conflict[OF _ assms])
subgoal using can_always_improve by blast
lemma full_cdcl_bnb_stgy_larger_or_equal_weight:
st: ‹full bnb.dpll⇩W_bnb S T› and
all_struct: ‹dpll⇩W_all_inv (bnb.abs_state S)› and
ent: ‹(set_mset I ⊨sm clauses S ∧ set_mset I ⊨sm bnb.conflicting_clss S) ∨ Found (ρ I) ≥ ρ' (weight S)› and
dist: ‹distinct_mset I› and
cons: ‹consistent_interp (set_mset I)› and
tot: ‹atms_of I = atms_of_mm (clauses S)›
‹Found (ρ I) ≥ ρ' (weight T)› and
‹unsatisfiable (set_mset (clauses T + bnb.conflicting_clss T))›
proof -
have ns: ‹no_step bnb.dpll⇩W_bnb T› and
st: ‹bnb.dpll⇩W_bnb⇧*⇧* S T›
using st unfolding full_def by (auto intro: )
have struct_T: ‹dpll⇩W_all_inv (bnb.abs_state T)›
using bnb.rtranclp_dpll⇩W_bnb_abs_state_all_inv[OF st all_struct] .
have atms_eq: ‹atms_of I ∪ atms_of_mm (bnb.conflicting_clss T) = atms_of_mm (clauses T)›
using atms_of_mm_conflicting_clss_incl_init_clauses[of T]
bnb.rtranclp_dpll⇩W_bnb_clauses[OF st] tot
by auto
show ‹unsatisfiable (set_mset (clauses T + bnb.conflicting_clss T))›
using no_step_dpll⇩W_bnb_conflict[of T] ns struct_T
by fast
then have ‹¬set_mset I ⊨sm clauses T + bnb.conflicting_clss T›
using dist cons by auto
then have ‹False› if ‹Found (ρ I) < ρ' (weight T)›
using ent that rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_still_model[OF st assms(2-)]
bnb.rtranclp_dpll⇩W_bnb_clauses[OF st]
apply simp
using leD by blast
then show ‹Found (ρ I) ≥ ρ' (weight T)›
by force