Theory DPLL_W_Partial_Encoding

theory DPLL_W_Partial_Encoding

context optimal_encoding_ops


We use the following list to generate an upper bound of the derived
trails by ODPLL: using lists makes it possible to use recursion. Using
text‹inductive_set› does not work, because it is not possible to
recurse on the arguments of a predicate.

The idea is similar to an earlier definition of termsimple_clss,
although in that case, we went for recursion over the set of literals
directly, via a choice in the recursive call.

definition list_new_vars :: 'v list where
list_new_vars = (SOME v. set v = ΔΣ  distinct v)

  set_list_new_vars: set list_new_vars = ΔΣ and
  distinct_list_new_vars: distinct list_new_vars and
  length_list_new_vars: length list_new_vars = card ΔΣ
  using someI[of λv. set v = ΔΣ  distinct v]
  unfolding list_new_vars_def[symmetric]
  using finite_Σ finite_distinct_list apply blast
  using someI[of λv. set v = ΔΣ  distinct v]
  unfolding list_new_vars_def[symmetric]
  using finite_Σ finite_distinct_list apply blast
  using someI[of λv. set v = ΔΣ  distinct v]
  unfolding list_new_vars_def[symmetric]
  by (metis distinct_card finite_Σ finite_distinct_list)

fun all_sound_trails where
  all_sound_trails [] = simple_clss (Σ - ΔΣ) |
  all_sound_trails (L # M) =
     all_sound_trails M  add_mset (Pos (replacement_pos L)) ` all_sound_trails M
       add_mset (Pos (replacement_neg L)) ` all_sound_trails M

lemma all_sound_trails_atms:
  set xs  ΔΣ 
   C  all_sound_trails xs 
     atms_of C  Σ - ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` set xs  replacement_neg ` set xs
  apply (induction xs arbitrary: C)
  subgoal by (auto simp: simple_clss_def)
  subgoal for x xs C
    apply (auto simp: tautology_add_mset)
    apply blast+

lemma all_sound_trails_distinct_mset:
  set xs  ΔΣ  distinct xs 
   C  all_sound_trails xs 
     distinct_mset C
  using all_sound_trails_atms[of xs C]
  apply (induction xs arbitrary: C)
  subgoal by (auto simp: simple_clss_def)
  subgoal for x xs C
    apply clarsimp
    apply (auto simp: tautology_add_mset)
    apply (simp add: all_sound_trails_atms; fail)+
    apply (frule all_sound_trails_atms, assumption)
    apply (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: subsetD)
    apply (simp add: all_sound_trails_atms; fail)+
    apply (frule all_sound_trails_atms, assumption)
    apply (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: subsetD)
    apply (simp add: all_sound_trails_atms; fail)+

lemma all_sound_trails_tautology:
  set xs  ΔΣ  distinct xs 
   C  all_sound_trails xs 
     ¬tautology C
  using all_sound_trails_atms[of xs C]
  apply (induction xs arbitrary: C)
  subgoal by (auto simp: simple_clss_def)
  subgoal for x xs C
    apply clarsimp
    apply (auto simp: tautology_add_mset)
    apply (simp add: all_sound_trails_atms; fail)+
    apply (frule all_sound_trails_atms, assumption)
    apply (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: subsetD)
    apply (simp add: all_sound_trails_atms; fail)+
    apply (frule all_sound_trails_atms, assumption)
    apply (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: subsetD)

lemma all_sound_trails_simple_clss:
  set xs  ΔΣ  distinct xs 
   all_sound_trails xs  simple_clss (Σ - ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` set xs  replacement_neg ` set xs)
   using all_sound_trails_tautology[of xs]
     all_sound_trails_distinct_mset[of xs]
     all_sound_trails_atms[of xs]
   by (fastforce simp: simple_clss_def)

lemma in_all_sound_trails_inD:
  set xs  ΔΣ  distinct xs  a  ΔΣ 
   add_mset (Pos (a0)) xa  all_sound_trails xs  a  set xs
  using all_sound_trails_simple_clss[of xs]
  apply (auto simp: simple_clss_def)
  apply (rotate_tac 3)
  apply (frule set_mp, assumption)
  apply auto

lemma in_all_sound_trails_inD':
  set xs  ΔΣ  distinct xs  a  ΔΣ 
   add_mset (Pos (a1)) xa  all_sound_trails xs  a  set xs
  using all_sound_trails_simple_clss[of xs]
  apply (auto simp: simple_clss_def)
  apply (rotate_tac 3)
  apply (frule set_mp, assumption)
  apply auto

  assumes [simp]: finite Σ

lemma all_sound_trails_finite[simp]:
  finite (all_sound_trails xs)
  by (induction xs)
    (auto intro!: simple_clss_finite finite_Σ)

lemma card_all_sound_trails:
  assumes set xs  ΔΣ and distinct xs
  shows card (all_sound_trails xs) = card (simple_clss (Σ - ΔΣ)) * 3 ^ (length xs)
  using assms
  apply (induction xs)
  apply auto
  apply (subst card_Un_disjoint)
  apply (auto simp: add_mset_eq_add_mset dest: in_all_sound_trails_inD)
  apply (subst card_Un_disjoint)
  apply (auto simp: add_mset_eq_add_mset dest: in_all_sound_trails_inD')
  apply (subst card_image)
  apply (auto simp: inj_on_def)
  apply (subst card_image)
  apply (auto simp: inj_on_def)


lemma simple_clss_all_sound_trails: simple_clss (Σ - ΔΣ)  all_sound_trails ys
  apply (induction ys)
  apply auto

lemma all_sound_trails_decomp_in:
    C  ΔΣ  C'  ΔΣ  C  C' = {} C  C'  set xs
    D  simple_clss (Σ - ΔΣ)
    (Pos o replacement_pos) `# mset_set C + (Pos o replacement_neg) `# mset_set C' + D  all_sound_trails xs
  using assms
  apply (induction xs arbitrary: C C' D)
    using simple_clss_all_sound_trails[of []]
    by auto
  subgoal premises p for a xs C C' D
    apply (cases a ∈# mset_set C)
      using p(1)[of C - {a} C' D] p(2-)
      finite_subset[OF p(3)]
      apply -
      apply (subgoal_tac finite C  C - {a}  ΔΣ  C'  ΔΣ  (C - {a})  C' = {}  C - {a}  C'  set xs)
      apply (auto simp: disjoint_iff_not_equal finite_subset)[]
      apply (auto dest!: multi_member_split)
      by (simp add: mset_set.remove)
    apply (cases a ∈# mset_set C')
      using p(1)[of C C' - {a} D] p(2-)
        finite_subset[OF p(3)]
      apply -
      apply (subgoal_tac finite C  C  ΔΣ  C'- {a}  ΔΣ  (C)  (C'- {a}) = {}  C  C'- {a}  set xs 
         C  set xs  C' - {a}  set xs)
      apply (auto simp: disjoint_iff_not_equal finite_subset)[]
      apply (auto dest!: multi_member_split)
      by (simp add: mset_set.remove)
      using p(1)[of C C' D] p(2-)
        finite_subset[OF p(3)]
      apply -
      apply (subgoal_tac finite C  C  ΔΣ  C'  ΔΣ  (C)  (C') = {}  C  C'  set xs 
         C  set xs  C'  set xs)
      apply (auto simp: disjoint_iff_not_equal finite_subset)[]
      by (auto dest!: multi_member_split)

lemma (in -)image_union_subset_decomp:
  f ` (C)  A  B  (A' B'. f ` A'  A  f ` B'  B  C = A'  B'  A'  B' = {})
  apply (rule iffI)
  apply (rule exI[of _ {x  C. f x  A}])
  apply (rule exI[of _ {x  C. f x  B  f x  A}])
  apply auto

lemma in_all_sound_trails:
    L. L  ΔΣ  Neg (replacement_pos L) ∉# C
    L. L  ΔΣ  Neg (replacement_neg L) ∉# C
    L. L  ΔΣ  Pos (replacement_pos L) ∈# C  Pos (replacement_neg L) ∉# C
    C  simple_clss (Σ - ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` set xs  replacement_neg ` set xs) and
    xs: set xs  ΔΣ
    C  all_sound_trails xs
proof -
    atms: atms_of C  (Σ - ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` set xs  replacement_neg ` set xs) and
    taut: ¬tautology C and
    dist: distinct_mset C
    using assms unfolding simple_clss_def
    by blast+

  obtain A' B' A'a B'' where
    A'a: atm_of ` A'a  Σ - ΔΣ and
    B'': atm_of ` B''  replacement_pos ` set xs and
    A' = A'a  B'' and
    B': atm_of ` B'  replacement_neg ` set xs and
    C: set_mset C = A'a  B''  B' and
      B''  B' = {}
      A'a  B' = {}
      A'a  B'' = {}
    using atms unfolding atms_of_def
    apply (subst (asm)image_union_subset_decomp)
    apply (subst (asm)image_union_subset_decomp)
    by (auto simp: Int_Un_distrib2)

  have H: f ` A  B  x  A  f x  B for x A B f
    by auto
  have [simp]: finite A'a finite B'' finite B'
    by (metis C finite_Un finite_set_mset)+
  obtain CB'' CB' where
    CB: CB'  set xs CB''  set xs and
      atm_of ` B'' = replacement_pos ` CB''
      atm_of ` B' = replacement_neg ` CB'
    using B' B'' by (auto simp: subset_image_iff)
  have C: C =mset_set B'' + mset_set B' + mset_set A'a
    using inter
    apply (subst distinct_set_mset_eq_iff[symmetric, OF dist])
    apply (auto simp: C distinct_mset_mset_set simp flip: mset_set_Union)
    apply (subst mset_set_Union[symmetric])
    using inter
    apply auto
  have B'': B'' = (Pos) ` (atm_of ` B'')
    using assms(1-3) B'' xs A'a B'' unfolding C
    apply (auto simp: )
    apply (frule H, assumption)
    apply (case_tac x)
    apply auto
    apply (rule_tac x = replacement_pos A in imageI)
    apply (auto simp add: rev_image_eqI)
    apply (frule H, assumption)
    apply (case_tac xb)
    apply auto
  have B': B' = (Pos) ` (atm_of ` B')
    using assms(1-3) B' xs A'a B' unfolding C
    apply (auto simp: )
    apply (frule H, assumption)
    apply (case_tac x)
    apply auto
    apply (rule_tac x = replacement_neg A in imageI)
    apply (auto simp add: rev_image_eqI)
    apply (frule H, assumption)
    apply (case_tac xb)
    apply auto

  have simple: mset_set A'a  simple_clss (Σ - ΔΣ)
    using assms A'a
    by (auto simp: simple_clss_def C atms_of_def image_Un tautology_decomp distinct_mset_mset_set)

  have [simp]: finite (Pos ` replacement_pos ` CB'')  finite (Pos ` replacement_neg ` CB')
    using B'' finite B'' decomp finite B' B' apply auto
    by (meson CB(1) finite_Σ finite_imageI finite_subset xs)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding C
    apply (subst B'', subst B')
    unfolding decomp image_image
    apply (subst image_mset_mset_set[symmetric])
      using decomp xs B' B'' inter CB
      by (auto simp: C inj_on_def subset_iff)
    apply (subst image_mset_mset_set[symmetric])
      using decomp xs B' B'' inter CB
      by (auto simp: C inj_on_def subset_iff)
    apply (rule all_sound_trails_decomp_in[unfolded comp_def])
      using decomp xs B' B'' inter CB assms(3) simple
      unfolding C
      apply (auto simp: image_image)
      subgoal for x
        apply (subgoal_tac x  ΔΣ)
        using assms(3)[of x]
        apply auto
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) B' finite (Pos ` replacement_neg ` CB') finite B'' decomp(2)
         finite_set_mset_mset_set image_iff)


locale dpll_optimal_encoding_opt =
  dpllW_state_optimal_weight trail clauses
    tl_trail cons_trail state_eq state ρ update_additional_info +
  optimal_encoding_opt_ops Σ ΔΣ new_vars
    trail :: 'st  'v  dpllW_ann_lits and
    clauses :: 'st  'v clauses and
    tl_trail :: 'st  'st and
    cons_trail :: 'v  dpllW_ann_lit  'st  'st and
    state_eq  :: 'st  'st  bool (infix  50) and
    state :: 'st  'v  dpllW_ann_lits × 'v clauses × 'v clause option × 'b and
    update_additional_info :: 'v clause option × 'b  'st  'st and
    Σ ΔΣ :: 'v set and
    ρ :: 'v clause  'a :: {linorder} and
    new_vars :: 'v  'v × 'v


locale dpll_optimal_encoding =
  dpll_optimal_encoding_opt trail clauses
    tl_trail cons_trail state_eq state
    update_additional_info Σ ΔΣ ρ new_vars  +
    Σ ΔΣ
    new_vars ρ
    trail :: 'st  'v  dpllW_ann_lits and
    clauses :: 'st  'v clauses and
    tl_trail :: 'st  'st and
    cons_trail :: 'v  dpllW_ann_lit  'st  'st and
    state_eq  :: 'st  'st  bool (infix  50) and
    state :: 'st  'v  dpllW_ann_lits × 'v clauses × 'v clause option × 'b and
    update_additional_info :: 'v clause option × 'b  'st  'st and
    Σ ΔΣ :: 'v set and
    ρ :: 'v clause  'a :: {linorder} and
    new_vars :: 'v  'v × 'v

inductive odecide :: 'st  'st  bool where
  odecide_noweight: odecide S T
  undefined_lit (trail S) L and
  atm_of L  atms_of_mm (clauses S) and
  T  cons_trail (Decided L) S and
  atm_of L  Σ - ΔΣ |
  odecide_replacement_pos: odecide S T
  undefined_lit (trail S) (Pos (replacement_pos L)) and
  T  cons_trail (Decided (Pos (replacement_pos L))) S and
  L  ΔΣ |
  odecide_replacement_neg: odecide S T
  undefined_lit (trail S) (Pos (replacement_neg L)) and
  T  cons_trail (Decided (Pos (replacement_neg L))) S and
  L  ΔΣ

inductive_cases odecideE: odecide S T

inductive dpll_conflict :: 'st  'st  bool where
dpll_conflict S S
if C ∈# clauses S and
  trail S ⊨as CNot C

inductive odpllW_core_stgy :: 'st  'st  bool for S T where
propagate: dpll_propagate S T  odpllW_core_stgy S T |
decided: odecide S T  no_step dpll_propagate S   odpllW_core_stgy S T  |
backtrack: dpll_backtrack S T  odpllW_core_stgy S T |
backtrack_opt: bnb.backtrack_opt S T  odpllW_core_stgy S T

lemma odpllW_core_stgy_clauses:
  odpllW_core_stgy S T  clauses T = clauses S
  by (induction rule: odpllW_core_stgy.induct)
   (auto simp: dpll_propagate.simps odecide.simps dpll_backtrack.simps

lemma rtranclp_odpllW_core_stgy_clauses:
  odpllW_core_stgy** S T  clauses T = clauses S
  by (induction rule: rtranclp_induct)
    (auto dest: odpllW_core_stgy_clauses)

inductive odpllW_bnb_stgy :: 'st  'st  bool for S T :: 'st where
  odpllW_bnb_stgy S T
  if odpllW_core_stgy S T |
  odpllW_bnb_stgy S T
  if bnb.dpllW_bound S T

lemma odpllW_bnb_stgy_clauses:
  odpllW_bnb_stgy S T  clauses T = clauses S
  by (induction rule: odpllW_bnb_stgy.induct)
   (auto simp: bnb.dpllW_bound.simps dest: odpllW_core_stgy_clauses)

lemma rtranclp_odpllW_bnb_stgy_clauses:
  odpllW_bnb_stgy** S T  clauses T = clauses S
  by (induction rule: rtranclp_induct)
    (auto dest: odpllW_bnb_stgy_clauses)

lemma odecide_dpll_decide_iff:
  assumes clauses S = penc N atms_of_mm N = Σ
  shows odecide S T  dpll_decide S T
    dpll_decide S T  Ex(odecide S)
  using assms atms_of_mm_penc_subset2[of N] ΔΣ_Σ
  unfolding odecide.simps dpll_decide.simps
  apply (auto simp: odecide.simps dpll_decide.simps)
  apply (metis defined_lit_Pos_atm_iff state_eq_ref)+

  assumes clauses S = penc N atms_of_mm N = Σ
    odpllW_core_stgy_dpllW_core_stgy: odpllW_core_stgy S T  bnb.dpllW_core_stgy S T
  using odecide_dpll_decide_iff[OF assms]
  by (auto simp: odpllW_core_stgy.simps bnb.dpllW_core_stgy.simps)

  assumes clauses S = penc N atms_of_mm N = Σ
    odpllW_bnb_stgy_dpllW_bnb_stgy: odpllW_bnb_stgy S T  bnb.dpllW_bnb S T
  using odecide_dpll_decide_iff[OF assms]
  by (auto simp: odpllW_bnb_stgy.simps bnb.dpllW_bnb.simps dest: odpllW_core_stgy_dpllW_core_stgy[OF assms]

  assumes clauses S = penc N and [simp]: atms_of_mm N = Σ
    rtranclp_odpllW_bnb_stgy_dpllW_bnb_stgy: odpllW_bnb_stgy** S T  bnb.dpllW_bnb** S T
  using assms(1) apply -
  apply (induction rule: rtranclp_induct)
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal for T U
    using odpllW_bnb_stgy_dpllW_bnb_stgy[of T N U] rtranclp_odpllW_bnb_stgy_clauses[of S T]
    by auto

lemma no_step_odpllW_core_stgy_no_step_dpllW_core_stgy:
  assumes clauses S = penc N and [simp]:atms_of_mm N = Σ
    no_step odpllW_core_stgy S  no_step bnb.dpllW_core_stgy S
  using odecide_dpll_decide_iff[of S, OF assms]
  by (auto simp: odpllW_core_stgy.simps bnb.dpllW_core_stgy.simps)

lemma no_step_odpllW_bnb_stgy_no_step_dpllW_bnb:
  assumes clauses S = penc N and [simp]:atms_of_mm N = Σ
    no_step odpllW_bnb_stgy S  no_step bnb.dpllW_bnb S
  using no_step_odpllW_core_stgy_no_step_dpllW_core_stgy[of S, OF assms] bnb.no_step_stgy_iff
  by (auto simp: odpllW_bnb_stgy.simps bnb.dpllW_bnb.simps dest: odpllW_core_stgy_dpllW_core_stgy[OF assms]

lemma full_odpllW_core_stgy_full_dpllW_core_stgy:
  assumes clauses S = penc N and [simp]:atms_of_mm N = Σ
    full odpllW_bnb_stgy S T  full bnb.dpllW_bnb S T
  using no_step_odpllW_bnb_stgy_no_step_dpllW_bnb[of T, OF _ assms(2)]
    rtranclp_odpllW_bnb_stgy_clauses[of S T, symmetric, unfolded assms]
    rtranclp_odpllW_bnb_stgy_dpllW_bnb_stgy[of S N T, OF assms]
   by (auto simp: full_def)

lemma decided_cons_eq_append_decide_cons:
  "Decided L # Ms = M' @ Decided K # M 
    (L = K  Ms = M  M' = []) 
    (hd M' = Decided L  Ms = tl M' @ Decided K # M  M'  [])"
  by (cases M')

lemma no_step_dpll_backtrack_iff:
  no_step dpll_backtrack S  (count_decided (trail S) = 0  (C ∈# clauses S. ¬trail S ⊨as CNot C))
  using backtrack_snd_empty_not_decided[of trail S] backtrack_split_list_eq[of trail S, symmetric]
  apply (cases backtrack_split (trail S); cases snd(backtrack_split (trail S)))
  by (auto simp: dpll_backtrack.simps count_decided_0_iff)

lemma no_step_dpll_conflict:
  no_step dpll_conflict S  (C ∈# clauses S. ¬trail S ⊨as CNot C)
  by (auto simp: dpll_conflict.simps)

definition no_smaller_propa :: 'st  bool where
"no_smaller_propa (S ::'st) 
  (M K M' D L. trail S = M' @ Decided K # M  add_mset L D ∈# clauses S  undefined_lit M L  ¬M ⊨as CNot D)"

lemma [simp]: T  S  no_smaller_propa T = no_smaller_propa S
  by (auto simp: no_smaller_propa_def)

lemma no_smaller_propa_cons_trail[simp]:
  no_smaller_propa (cons_trail (Propagated L C) S)  no_smaller_propa S
  no_smaller_propa (update_weight_information M' S)  no_smaller_propa S
  by (force simp: no_smaller_propa_def cdclW_restart_mset.propagated_cons_eq_append_decide_cons)+

lemma no_smaller_propa_cons_trail_decided[simp]:
  no_smaller_propa S  no_smaller_propa (cons_trail (Decided L) S)  (L C. add_mset L C ∈# clauses S  undefined_lit (trail S)L  ¬trail S ⊨as CNot C)
  by (auto simp: no_smaller_propa_def cdclW_restart_mset.propagated_cons_eq_append_decide_cons

lemma no_step_dpll_propagate_iff:
  no_step dpll_propagate S  (L C. add_mset L C ∈# clauses S  undefined_lit (trail S)L  ¬trail S ⊨as CNot C)
  by (auto simp: dpll_propagate.simps)

lemma count_decided_0_no_smaller_propa: count_decided (trail S) = 0  no_smaller_propa S
  by (auto simp: no_smaller_propa_def)

lemma no_smaller_propa_backtrack_split:
  no_smaller_propa S 
       backtrack_split (trail S) = (M', L # M) 
       no_smaller_propa (reduce_trail_to M S)
  using backtrack_split_list_eq[of trail S, symmetric]
  by (auto simp: no_smaller_propa_def)

lemma odpllW_core_stgy_no_smaller_propa:
  odpllW_core_stgy S T  no_smaller_propa S  no_smaller_propa T
  using no_step_dpll_backtrack_iff[of S] apply -
  by (induction rule: odpllW_core_stgy.induct)
   (auto 5 5 simp: cdclW_restart_mset.propagated_cons_eq_append_decide_cons count_decided_0_no_smaller_propa
      dpll_propagate.simps dpll_decide.simps odecide.simps decided_cons_eq_append_decide_cons
      bnb.backtrack_opt.simps dpll_backtrack.simps no_step_dpll_conflict no_smaller_propa_backtrack_split)

lemma odpllW_bound_stgy_no_smaller_propa: bnb.dpllW_bound S T  no_smaller_propa S  no_smaller_propa T
  by (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.propagated_cons_eq_append_decide_cons count_decided_0_no_smaller_propa
      dpll_propagate.simps dpll_decide.simps odecide.simps decided_cons_eq_append_decide_cons bnb.dpllW_bound.simps
      bnb.backtrack_opt.simps dpll_backtrack.simps no_step_dpll_conflict no_smaller_propa_backtrack_split)

lemma odpllW_bnb_stgy_no_smaller_propa:
  odpllW_bnb_stgy S T  no_smaller_propa S  no_smaller_propa T
  by (induction rule: odpllW_bnb_stgy.induct)
    (auto simp: odpllW_core_stgy_no_smaller_propa odpllW_bound_stgy_no_smaller_propa)

lemma filter_disjount_union:
  (x. x  set xs  P x  ¬Q x) 
   length (filter P xs) + length (filter Q xs) =
     length (filter (λx. P x  Q x) xs)
  by (induction xs) auto

lemma Collect_req_remove1:
  {a  A. a  b  P a} = (if P b then Set.remove b {a  A. P a} else {a  A. P a}) and
  {a  A. b  a  P a} = (if P b then Set.remove b {a  A. P a} else {a  A. P a})
  by auto

lemma card_remove:
  card (Set.remove a A) = (if a  A then card A - 1 else card A)
  by (auto simp: Set.remove_def)

lemma isabelle_should_do_that_automatically: Suc (a - Suc 0) = a  a  1
  by auto
lemma distinct_count_list_if: distinct xs  count_list xs x = (if x  set xs then 1 else 0)
  by (induction xs) auto

abbreviation (input) cut_and_complete_trail :: 'st  _ where
cut_and_complete_trail S  trail S

(*TODO prove that favouring conflict over propagate works [this is obvious, but still]...*)
inductive odpllW_core_stgy_count :: 'st × _  'st × _  bool where
propagate: dpll_propagate S T  odpllW_core_stgy_count (S, C) (T, C) |
decided: odecide S T  no_step dpll_propagate S   odpllW_core_stgy_count (S, C) (T, C)  |
backtrack: dpll_backtrack S T  odpllW_core_stgy_count (S, C) (T, add_mset (cut_and_complete_trail S) C) |
backtrack_opt: bnb.backtrack_opt S T  odpllW_core_stgy_count (S, C) (T, add_mset (cut_and_complete_trail S) C)

inductive odpllW_bnb_stgy_count :: 'st × _  'st × _  bool where
  odpllW_bnb_stgy_count S T
  if odpllW_core_stgy_count S T |
  odpllW_bnb_stgy_count (S, C) (T, C)
  if bnb.dpllW_bound S T

lemma odpllW_core_stgy_countD:
  odpllW_core_stgy_count S T  odpllW_core_stgy (fst S) (fst T)
  odpllW_core_stgy_count S T  snd S ⊆# snd T
  by (induction rule: odpllW_core_stgy_count.induct; auto intro: odpllW_core_stgy.intros)+

lemma odpllW_bnb_stgy_countD:
  odpllW_bnb_stgy_count S T  odpllW_bnb_stgy (fst S) (fst T)
  odpllW_bnb_stgy_count S T  snd S ⊆# snd T
  by (induction rule: odpllW_bnb_stgy_count.induct; auto dest: odpllW_core_stgy_countD intro: odpllW_bnb_stgy.intros)+

lemma rtranclp_odpllW_bnb_stgy_countD:
  odpllW_bnb_stgy_count** S T  odpllW_bnb_stgy** (fst S) (fst T)
  odpllW_bnb_stgy_count** S T  snd S ⊆# snd T
  by (induction rule: rtranclp_induct; auto dest: odpllW_bnb_stgy_countD)+

lemmas odpllW_core_stgy_count_induct = odpllW_core_stgy_count.induct[of (S, n) (T, m) for S n T m, split_format(complete), OF dpll_optimal_encoding_axioms,
   consumes 1]

definition conflict_clauses_are_entailed :: 'st × _  bool where
conflict_clauses_are_entailed =
  (λ(S, Cs). C ∈# Cs. (M' K M M''. trail S = M' @ Propagated K () # M  C = M'' @ Decided (-K) # M))

definition conflict_clauses_are_entailed2 :: 'st × ('v literal, 'v literal, unit) annotated_lits multiset  bool where
conflict_clauses_are_entailed2 =
  (λ(S, Cs). C ∈# Cs. C' ∈# remove1_mset C Cs. (L. Decided L  set C  Propagated (-L) ()  set C') 
    (L.  Propagated (L) ()  set C  Decided (-L)  set C'))

lemma propagated_cons_eq_append_propagated_cons:
 Propagated L () # M = M' @ Propagated K () # Ma 
  (M' = []  K = L  M = Ma) 
  (M'  []  hd M' = Propagated L ()  M = tl M' @ Propagated K () # Ma)
  by (cases M')

lemma odpllW_core_stgy_count_conflict_clauses_are_entailed:
    odpllW_core_stgy_count S T and
    conflict_clauses_are_entailed S
    conflict_clauses_are_entailed T
  using assms
  apply (induction rule: odpllW_core_stgy_count.induct)
    apply (auto simp: dpll_propagate.simps conflict_clauses_are_entailed_def
    by (metis append_Cons)
  subgoal for S T
    apply (auto simp: odecide.simps conflict_clauses_are_entailed_def
      dest!: multi_member_split intro: exI[of _ Decided _ # _])
    by (metis append_Cons)+
  subgoal for S T C
    using backtrack_split_list_eq[of trail S, symmetric]
      backtrack_split_snd_hd_decided[of trail S]
    apply (auto simp: dpll_backtrack.simps conflict_clauses_are_entailed_def
        propagated_cons_eq_append_propagated_cons is_decided_def append_eq_append_conv2
        eq_commute[of _ Propagated _ () # _] conj_disj_distribR ex_disj_distrib
      cdclW_restart_mset.propagated_cons_eq_append_decide_cons dpllW_all_inv_def
      dest!: multi_member_split
      simp del: backtrack_split_list_eq
     apply (case_tac us)
     by force+
  subgoal for S T C
    using backtrack_split_list_eq[of trail S, symmetric]
      backtrack_split_snd_hd_decided[of trail S]
    apply (auto simp: bnb.backtrack_opt.simps conflict_clauses_are_entailed_def
        propagated_cons_eq_append_propagated_cons is_decided_def append_eq_append_conv2
        eq_commute[of _ Propagated _ () # _] conj_disj_distribR ex_disj_distrib
      dest!: multi_member_split
      simp del: backtrack_split_list_eq
     apply (case_tac us)
     by force+

lemma odpllW_bnb_stgy_count_conflict_clauses_are_entailed:
    odpllW_bnb_stgy_count S T and
    conflict_clauses_are_entailed S
    conflict_clauses_are_entailed T
  using assms odpllW_core_stgy_count_conflict_clauses_are_entailed[of S T]
  apply (auto simp: odpllW_bnb_stgy_count.simps)
  apply (auto simp: conflict_clauses_are_entailed_def

lemma odpllW_core_stgy_count_no_dup_clss:
    odpllW_core_stgy_count S T and
    C ∈# snd S. no_dup C and
    invs: dpllW_all_inv (bnb.abs_state (fst S))
    C ∈# snd T. no_dup C
  using assms
  by (induction rule: odpllW_core_stgy_count.induct)
    (auto simp: dpllW_all_inv_def)

lemma odpllW_bnb_stgy_count_no_dup_clss:
    odpllW_bnb_stgy_count S T and
    C ∈# snd S. no_dup C and
    invs: dpllW_all_inv (bnb.abs_state (fst S))
    C ∈# snd T. no_dup C
  using assms
  by (induction rule: odpllW_bnb_stgy_count.induct)
    (auto simp: dpllW_all_inv_def 
      bnb.dpllW_bound.simps dest!: odpllW_core_stgy_count_no_dup_clss)

lemma backtrack_split_conflict_clauses_are_entailed_itself:
    backtrack_split (trail S) = (M', L # M) and
    invs: dpllW_all_inv (bnb.abs_state S)
  shows ¬ conflict_clauses_are_entailed
            (S, add_mset (trail S) C) (is ¬ ?A)
  assume ?A
  then obtain M' K Ma where
    tr: trail S = M' @ Propagated K () # Ma and
    add_mset (- K) (lit_of `# mset Ma) ⊆#
       add_mset (lit_of L) (lit_of `# mset M)
    by (clarsimp simp: conflict_clauses_are_entailed_def)

  then have -K ∈# add_mset (lit_of L) (lit_of `# mset M)
    by (meson member_add_mset mset_subset_eqD)
  then have -K ∈# lit_of `# mset (trail S)
    using backtrack_split_list_eq[of trail S, symmetric] assms(1)
    by auto
  moreover have K ∈# lit_of `# mset (trail S)
    by (auto simp: tr)
  ultimately show False using invs unfolding dpllW_all_inv_def
    by (auto simp add: no_dup_cannot_not_lit_and_uminus uminus_lit_swap)

lemma odpllW_core_stgy_count_distinct_mset:
    odpllW_core_stgy_count S T and
    conflict_clauses_are_entailed S and
    distinct_mset (snd S) and
    invs: dpllW_all_inv (bnb.abs_state (fst S))
    distinct_mset (snd T)
  using assms(1,2,3,4) odpllW_core_stgy_count_conflict_clauses_are_entailed[OF assms(1,2)]
  apply (induction rule: odpllW_core_stgy_count.induct)
    by (auto simp: dpll_propagate.simps conflict_clauses_are_entailed_def
    by (auto simp:)
  subgoal for S T C
    by (clarsimp simp: dpll_backtrack.simps backtrack_split_conflict_clauses_are_entailed_itself
      dest!: multi_member_split)
  subgoal for S T C
    by (clarsimp simp: bnb.backtrack_opt.simps backtrack_split_conflict_clauses_are_entailed_itself
      dest!: multi_member_split)

lemma odpllW_bnb_stgy_count_distinct_mset:
    odpllW_bnb_stgy_count S T and
    conflict_clauses_are_entailed S and
    distinct_mset (snd S) and
    invs: dpllW_all_inv (bnb.abs_state (fst S))
    distinct_mset (snd T)
  using assms odpllW_core_stgy_count_distinct_mset[OF _ assms(2-), of T]
  by (auto simp: odpllW_bnb_stgy_count.simps)

lemma odpllW_core_stgy_count_conflict_clauses_are_entailed2:
    odpllW_core_stgy_count S T and
    conflict_clauses_are_entailed S and
    conflict_clauses_are_entailed2 S and
    distinct_mset (snd S) and
    invs: dpllW_all_inv (bnb.abs_state (fst S))
      conflict_clauses_are_entailed2 T
  using assms
proof (induction rule: odpllW_core_stgy_count.induct)
  case (propagate S T C)
  then show ?case
    by (auto simp: dpll_propagate.simps conflict_clauses_are_entailed2_def)
  case (decided S T C)
  then show ?case
    by (auto simp: dpll_decide.simps conflict_clauses_are_entailed2_def)
  case (backtrack S T C) note bt = this(1) and ent = this(2) and ent2 = this(3) and dist = this(4)
    and invs = this(5)
  let ?M = (cut_and_complete_trail S)
  have conflict_clauses_are_entailed (T, add_mset ?M C) and
    dist': distinct_mset (add_mset ?M C)
    using odpllW_core_stgy_count_conflict_clauses_are_entailed[OF _ ent, of (T, add_mset ?M C)]
    odpllW_core_stgy_count_distinct_mset[OF _ ent dist invs, of (T, add_mset ?M C)]
      bt by (auto dest!: odpllW_core_stgy_count.intros(3)[of S T C])

  obtain M1 K M2 where
    spl: backtrack_split (trail S) = (M2, Decided K # M1)
    using bt backtrack_split_snd_hd_decided[of trail S]
    by (cases hd (snd (backtrack_split (trail S)))) (auto simp: dpll_backtrack.simps)
  have has_dec: lset (trail S). is_decided l
    using bt apply (auto simp: dpll_backtrack.simps)
    using bt count_decided_0_iff no_step_dpll_backtrack_iff by blast

  let ?P = λCa C'.
          (L. Decided L  set Ca  Propagated (- L) ()  set C') 
          (L. Propagated L ()  set Ca  Decided (- L)   set C')
  have C'∈#remove1_mset ?M C. ?P ?M C'
    fix C'
    assume C'∈#remove1_mset ?M C
    then have C' ∈# C and C'  ?M
      using dist' by auto
    then obtain M' L M M'' where
      trail S = M' @ Propagated L () # M and
      C' = M'' @ Decided (- L) # M
      using ent unfolding conflict_clauses_are_entailed_def
      by auto
    then show ?P ?M C'
      using backtrack_split_some_is_decided_then_snd_has_hd[of trail S, OF has_dec]
        spl backtrack_split_list_eq[of trail S, symmetric]
      by (clarsimp simp: conj_disj_distribR ex_disj_distrib  decided_cons_eq_append_decide_cons
        cdclW_restart_mset.propagated_cons_eq_append_decide_cons propagated_cons_eq_append_propagated_cons
  moreover have H: ?case  (Ca∈#add_mset ?M C.
       C'∈#remove1_mset Ca C. ?P Ca C')
    unfolding conflict_clauses_are_entailed2_def
    apply (intro conjI iffI impI ballI)
    subgoal for Ca C'
      by (auto dest: multi_member_split dest: in_diffD)
    subgoal for Ca C'
      using dist'
      by (auto 5 3 dest!: multi_member_split[of Ca] dest: in_diffD)
  moreover have (Ca∈#C. C'∈#remove1_mset Ca C. ?P Ca C')
    using ent2 unfolding conflict_clauses_are_entailed2_def
    by auto
  ultimately show ?case
    unfolding H
    by auto
  case (backtrack_opt S T C) note bt = this(1) and ent = this(2) and ent2 = this(3) and dist = this(4)
    and invs = this(5)
  let ?M = (cut_and_complete_trail S)
  have conflict_clauses_are_entailed (T, add_mset ?M C) and
    dist': distinct_mset (add_mset ?M C)
    using odpllW_core_stgy_count_conflict_clauses_are_entailed[OF _ ent, of (T, add_mset ?M C)]
    odpllW_core_stgy_count_distinct_mset[OF _ ent dist invs, of (T, add_mset ?M C)]
      bt by (auto dest!: odpllW_core_stgy_count.intros(4)[of S T C])

  obtain M1 K M2 where
    spl: backtrack_split (trail S) = (M2, Decided K # M1)
    using bt backtrack_split_snd_hd_decided[of trail S]
    by (cases hd (snd (backtrack_split (trail S)))) (auto simp: bnb.backtrack_opt.simps)
  have has_dec: lset (trail S). is_decided l
    using bt apply (auto simp: bnb.backtrack_opt.simps)
    by (metis annotated_lit.disc(1) backtrack_split_list_eq in_set_conv_decomp snd_conv spl)

  let ?P = λCa C'.
          (L. Decided L  set Ca  Propagated (- L) ()  set C') 
          (L. Propagated L ()  set Ca  Decided (- L)   set C')
  have C'∈#remove1_mset ?M C. ?P ?M C'
    fix C'
    assume C'∈#remove1_mset ?M C
    then have C' ∈# C and C'  ?M
      using dist' by auto
    then obtain M' L M M'' where
      trail S = M' @ Propagated L () # M and
      C' = M'' @ Decided (- L) # M
      using ent unfolding conflict_clauses_are_entailed_def
      by auto
    then show ?P ?M C'
      using backtrack_split_some_is_decided_then_snd_has_hd[of trail S, OF has_dec]
        spl backtrack_split_list_eq[of trail S, symmetric]
      by (clarsimp simp: conj_disj_distribR ex_disj_distrib  decided_cons_eq_append_decide_cons
        cdclW_restart_mset.propagated_cons_eq_append_decide_cons propagated_cons_eq_append_propagated_cons
  moreover have H: ?case  (Ca∈#add_mset ?M C.
       C'∈#remove1_mset Ca C. ?P Ca C')
    unfolding conflict_clauses_are_entailed2_def
    apply (intro conjI iffI impI ballI)
    subgoal for Ca C'
      by (auto dest: multi_member_split dest: in_diffD)
    subgoal for Ca C'
      using dist'
      by (auto 5 3 dest!: multi_member_split[of Ca] dest: in_diffD)
  moreover have (Ca∈#C. C'∈#remove1_mset Ca C. ?P Ca C')
    using ent2 unfolding conflict_clauses_are_entailed2_def
    by auto
  ultimately show ?case
    unfolding H
    by auto

lemma odpllW_bnb_stgy_count_conflict_clauses_are_entailed2:
    odpllW_bnb_stgy_count S T and
    conflict_clauses_are_entailed S and
    conflict_clauses_are_entailed2 S and
    distinct_mset (snd S) and
    invs: dpllW_all_inv (bnb.abs_state (fst S))
    conflict_clauses_are_entailed2 T
  using assms odpllW_core_stgy_count_conflict_clauses_are_entailed2[of S T]
  apply (auto simp: odpllW_bnb_stgy_count.simps)
  apply (auto simp: conflict_clauses_are_entailed2_def

definition no_complement_set_lit :: 'v dpllW_ann_lits  bool where
  no_complement_set_lit M 
    (L  ΔΣ. Decided (Pos (replacement_pos L))  set M  Decided (Pos (replacement_neg L))  set M) 
    (L  ΔΣ. Decided (Neg (replacement_pos L))  set M) 
    (L  ΔΣ. Decided (Neg (replacement_neg L))  set M) 
    atm_of ` lits_of_l M  Σ - ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ

definition no_complement_set_lit_st :: 'st × 'v dpllW_ann_lits multiset  bool where
  no_complement_set_lit_st = (λ(S, Cs). (C∈#Cs. no_complement_set_lit C)  no_complement_set_lit (trail S))

lemma backtrack_no_complement_set_lit: no_complement_set_lit (trail S) 
       backtrack_split (trail S) = (M', L # M) 
       no_complement_set_lit (Propagated (- lit_of L) () # M)
  using backtrack_split_list_eq[of trail S, symmetric]
  by (auto simp: no_complement_set_lit_def)

lemma odpllW_core_stgy_count_no_complement_set_lit_st:
    odpllW_core_stgy_count S T and
    conflict_clauses_are_entailed S and
    conflict_clauses_are_entailed2 S and
    distinct_mset (snd S) and
    invs: dpllW_all_inv (bnb.abs_state (fst S)) and
    no_complement_set_lit_st S and
    atms: clauses (fst S) = penc N atms_of_mm N = Σ and
    no_smaller_propa (fst S)
      no_complement_set_lit_st T
  using assms
proof (induction rule: odpllW_core_stgy_count.induct)
  case (propagate S T C)
  then show ?case
    using atms_of_mm_penc_subset2[of N] ΔΣ_Σ
    apply (auto simp: dpll_propagate.simps no_complement_set_lit_st_def no_complement_set_lit_def
      dpllW_all_inv_def dest!: multi_member_split)
    apply blast
    apply blast
    apply auto
  case (decided S T C)
  have H1: False if Decided (Pos (L0))  set (trail S)
    undefined_lit (trail S) (Pos (L1)) L  ΔΣ for L
  proof -
    have {#Neg (L0), Neg (L1)#} ∈# clauses S
      using decided that
      by (fastforce simp: penc_def additional_constraints_def additional_constraint_def)
    then show False
      using decided(2) that
      apply (auto 7 4 simp: dpll_propagate.simps add_mset_eq_add_mset all_conj_distrib
          imp_conjR imp_conjL remove1_mset_empty_iff defined_lit_Neg_Pos_iff lits_of_def
        dest!: multi_member_split dest: in_lits_of_l_defined_litD)
      apply (metis (full_types) image_iff lit_of.simps(1))
      apply auto
      apply (metis (full_types) image_iff lit_of.simps(1))
  have H2: False if Decided (Pos (L1))  set (trail S)
    undefined_lit (trail S) (Pos (L0)) L  ΔΣ for L
  proof -
    have {#Neg (L0), Neg (L1)#} ∈# clauses S
      using decided that
      by (fastforce simp: penc_def additional_constraints_def additional_constraint_def)
    then show False
      using decided(2) that
      apply (auto 7 4 simp: dpll_propagate.simps add_mset_eq_add_mset all_conj_distrib
          imp_conjR imp_conjL remove1_mset_empty_iff defined_lit_Neg_Pos_iff lits_of_def
        dest!: multi_member_split dest: in_lits_of_l_defined_litD)
      apply (metis (full_types) image_iff lit_of.simps(1))
      apply auto
      apply (metis (full_types) image_iff lit_of.simps(1))
  have ?case  no_complement_set_lit (trail T)
    using decided(1,7) unfolding no_complement_set_lit_st_def
    by (auto simp: odecide.simps)
  moreover have no_complement_set_lit (trail T)
  proof -
    have H: L  ΔΣ 
        Decided (Pos (L1))  set (trail S) 
        Decided (Pos (L0))  set (trail S)  False
      L  ΔΣ  Decided (Neg (L1))  set (trail S)  False 
      L  ΔΣ  Decided (Neg (L0))  set (trail S)  False
      atm_of ` lits_of_l (trail S)  Σ - ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ
      for L
      using decided(7) unfolding no_complement_set_lit_st_def no_complement_set_lit_def
      by blast+
    have L  ΔΣ 
        Decided (Pos (L1))  set (trail T) 
        Decided (Pos (L0))  set (trail T)  False for L
      using decided(1) H(1)[of L] H1[of L] H2[of L]
      by (auto simp: odecide.simps no_complement_set_lit_def)
    moreover have L  ΔΣ  Decided (Neg (L1))  set (trail T)  False for L
      using decided(1) H(2)[of L]
      by (auto simp: odecide.simps no_complement_set_lit_def)
    moreover have L  ΔΣ  Decided (Neg (L0))  set (trail T)  False for L
      using decided(1) H(3)[of L]
      by (auto simp: odecide.simps no_complement_set_lit_def)
    moreover have atm_of ` lits_of_l (trail T)  Σ - ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ
      using decided(1) H(4)
      by (auto 5 3 simp: odecide.simps no_complement_set_lit_def lits_of_def image_image)

    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (auto simp: no_complement_set_lit_def)
  ultimately show ?case
     by fast

  case (backtrack S T C) note bt = this(1) and ent = this(2) and ent2 = this(3) and dist = this(4)
    and invs = this(6)
  show ?case
    using bt invs
    by (auto simp: dpll_backtrack.simps no_complement_set_lit_st_def

  case (backtrack_opt S T C) note bt = this(1) and ent = this(2) and ent2 = this(3) and dist = this(4)
    and invs = this(6)
  show ?case
    using bt invs
    by (auto simp: bnb.backtrack_opt.simps no_complement_set_lit_st_def

lemma odpllW_bnb_stgy_count_no_complement_set_lit_st:
    odpllW_bnb_stgy_count S T and
    conflict_clauses_are_entailed S and
    conflict_clauses_are_entailed2 S and
    distinct_mset (snd S) and
    invs: dpllW_all_inv (bnb.abs_state (fst S)) and
    no_complement_set_lit_st S and
    atms: clauses (fst S) = penc N atms_of_mm N = Σ and
    no_smaller_propa (fst S)
      no_complement_set_lit_st T
  using odpllW_core_stgy_count_no_complement_set_lit_st[of S T, OF _ assms(2-)] assms(1,6)
  by (auto simp: odpllW_bnb_stgy_count.simps no_complement_set_lit_st_def

definition stgy_invs :: 'v clauses  'st × _  bool where
  stgy_invs N S 
    no_smaller_propa (fst S) 
    conflict_clauses_are_entailed S 
    conflict_clauses_are_entailed2 S 
    distinct_mset (snd S) 
    (C ∈# snd S. no_dup C) 
    dpllW_all_inv (bnb.abs_state (fst S)) 
    no_complement_set_lit_st S 
    clauses (fst S) = penc N 
    atms_of_mm N = Σ

lemma odpllW_bnb_stgy_count_stgy_invs:
    odpllW_bnb_stgy_count S T and
    stgy_invs N S
  shows stgy_invs N T
  using odpllW_bnb_stgy_count_conflict_clauses_are_entailed2[of S T]
    odpllW_bnb_stgy_count_conflict_clauses_are_entailed[of S T]
    odpllW_bnb_stgy_no_smaller_propa[of fst S fst T]
    odpllW_bnb_stgy_countD[of S T]
    odpllW_bnb_stgy_clauses[of fst S fst T]
    odpllW_core_stgy_count_distinct_mset[of S T]
    odpllW_bnb_stgy_count_no_dup_clss[of S T]
    odpllW_bnb_stgy_count_distinct_mset[of S T]
    odpllW_bnb_stgy_dpllW_bnb_stgy[of fst S N fst T]
    odpllW_bnb_stgy_count_no_complement_set_lit_st[of S T]
  using local.bnb.dpllW_bnb_abs_state_all_inv
  unfolding stgy_invs_def
  by auto

lemma stgy_invs_size_le:
  assumes stgy_invs N S
  shows size (snd S)  3 ^ (card Σ)
proof -
  have no_smaller_propa (fst S) and
    conflict_clauses_are_entailed S and
    ent2: conflict_clauses_are_entailed2 S and
    dist: distinct_mset (snd S) and
    n_d: (C ∈# snd S. no_dup C) and
    dpllW_all_inv (bnb.abs_state (fst S)) and
    nc: no_complement_set_lit_st S and
    Σ: atms_of_mm N = Σ
    using assms unfolding stgy_invs_def by fast+

  let ?f = (filter_mset is_decided o mset)
  have distinct_mset (?f `# (snd S))
    apply (subst distinct_image_mset_inj)
      using ent2 n_d
      apply (auto simp: conflict_clauses_are_entailed2_def
        inj_on_def add_mset_eq_add_mset dest!: multi_member_split split_list)
      using n_d apply auto
      apply (metis defined_lit_def multiset_partition set_mset_mset union_iff union_single_eq_member)+
      using dist by auto
  have H: lit_of `# ?f C  all_sound_trails list_new_vars if C ∈# (snd S) for C
  proof -
    have nc: no_complement_set_lit C and n_d: no_dup C
      using nc that n_d unfolding no_complement_set_lit_st_def
      by (auto dest!: multi_member_split)
    have taut: ¬tautology (lit_of `#  mset C)
      using n_d no_dup_not_tautology by blast
    have taut: ¬tautology (lit_of `# ?f C)
      apply (rule not_tautology_mono[OF _ taut])
      by (simp add: image_mset_subseteq_mono)
    have dist: distinct_mset (lit_of `#  mset C)
      using n_d no_dup_distinct by blast
    have dist: distinct_mset (lit_of `# ?f C)
      apply (rule distinct_mset_mono[OF _ dist])
      by (simp add: image_mset_subseteq_mono)

    show ?thesis
      apply (rule in_all_sound_trails)
        using nc unfolding no_complement_set_lit_def
        by (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: is_decided_def)
        using nc unfolding no_complement_set_lit_def
        by (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: is_decided_def)
        using nc unfolding no_complement_set_lit_def
        by (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: is_decided_def)
        using nc n_d taut dist unfolding no_complement_set_lit_def set_list_new_vars
        by (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: set_list_new_vars
          is_decided_def simple_clss_def atms_of_def lits_of_def
          image_image dest!: split_list)
        by (auto simp: set_list_new_vars)
  then have incl: set_mset ((image_mset lit_of o ?f) `# (snd S))  all_sound_trails list_new_vars
    by auto
  have K: xs  []  y ys. xs = y # ys for xs
    by (cases xs) auto
  have K2: Decided La # zsb = us @ Propagated (L) () # zsa 
    (us  []  hd us = Decided La  zsb = tl us @ Propagated (L) () # zsa) for La zsb us L zsa
    apply (cases us)
    apply auto
  have inj: inj_on ((`#) lit_of  (filter_mset is_decided  mset))
     (set_mset (snd S))
     unfolding inj_on_def
  proof (intro ballI impI, rule ccontr)
    fix x y
    assume x: x ∈# snd S and
      y: y ∈# snd S and
      eq: ((`#) lit_of  (filter_mset is_decided  mset)) x =
         ((`#) lit_of  (filter_mset is_decided  mset)) y and
      neq: x  y
      L where Decided L  set x Propagated (- L) ()  set y |
      L where Decided L  set y Propagated (- L) ()  set x
      using ent2 n_d x y unfolding conflict_clauses_are_entailed2_def
      by (auto  dest!: multi_member_split simp: add_mset_eq_add_mset neq)
    then show False
    proof cases
      case 1
      show False
        using eq 1(1) multi_member_split[of Decided L mset x]
        apply auto
        by (smt 1(2) lit_of.simps(2) msed_map_invR multiset_partition n_d
          no_dup_cannot_not_lit_and_uminus set_mset_mset union_mset_add_mset_left union_single_eq_member y)
      case 2
      show False
        using eq 2 multi_member_split[of Decided L mset y]
        apply auto
        by (smt lit_of.simps(2) msed_map_invR multiset_partition n_d
          no_dup_cannot_not_lit_and_uminus set_mset_mset union_mset_add_mset_left union_single_eq_member x)

  have [simp]: finite Σ
    unfolding Σ[symmetric]
    by auto
  have [simp]: Σ  ΔΣ = Σ
    using ΔΣ_Σ by blast
  have size (snd S) = size (((image_mset lit_of o ?f) `# (snd S)))
    by auto
  also have ... = card (set_mset ((image_mset lit_of o ?f) `# (snd S)))
    supply [[goals_limit=1]]
    apply (subst distinct_mset_size_eq_card)
    apply (subst distinct_image_mset_inj[OF inj])
    using dist by auto
  also have ...  card (all_sound_trails list_new_vars)
    by (rule card_mono[OF _ incl]) simp
  also have ...  card (simple_clss (Σ - ΔΣ)) * 3 ^ card ΔΣ
    using card_all_sound_trails[of list_new_vars]
    by (auto simp: set_list_new_vars distinct_list_new_vars
  also have ...  3 ^ card (Σ - ΔΣ) * 3 ^ card ΔΣ
    using simple_clss_card[of Σ - ΔΣ]
    unfolding set_list_new_vars distinct_list_new_vars
    by (auto simp: set_list_new_vars distinct_list_new_vars
  also have ... = (3 :: nat) ^ (card Σ)
    unfolding comm_semiring_1_class.semiring_normalization_rules(26)
    by (subst card_Un_disjoint[symmetric])
  finally show size (snd S)  3 ^ card Σ

lemma rtranclp_odpllW_bnb_stgy_count_stgy_invs: odpllW_bnb_stgy_count** S T  stgy_invs N S  stgy_invs N T
  apply (induction rule: rtranclp_induct)
  apply (auto dest!: odpllW_bnb_stgy_count_stgy_invs)

theorem (* \htmllink{ODPLL-complexity} *)
  assumes clauses S = penc N atms_of_mm N = Σ and
    odpllW_bnb_stgy_count** (S, {#}) (T, D) and
    tr: trail S = []
  shows size D  3 ^ (card Σ)
proof -
  have i: stgy_invs N (S, {#})
    using tr unfolding no_smaller_propa_def
      stgy_invs_def conflict_clauses_are_entailed_def
      conflict_clauses_are_entailed2_def assms(1,2)
      no_complement_set_lit_st_def no_complement_set_lit_def
    by (auto simp: assms(1))
  show ?thesis
    using rtranclp_odpllW_bnb_stgy_count_stgy_invs[OF assms(3) i]
      stgy_invs_size_le[of N (T, D)]
    by auto

