Theory IsaSAT_Clauses

theory IsaSAT_Clauses
  imports IsaSAT_Arena

(* TODO This file should probably be merged with IsaSAT_Arena*)

chapter The memory representation: Manipulation of all clauses

subsubsection Representation of Clauses

(* TODO kill *)
named_theorems isasat_codegen lemmas that should be unfolded to generate (efficient) code

type_synonym clause_annot = clause_status × nat × nat

type_synonym clause_annots = clause_annot list

definition list_fmap_rel :: _  (arena × nat clauses_l) set where
  list_fmap_rel vdom = {(arena, N). valid_arena arena N vdom}

lemma nth_clauses_l:
  (uncurry2 (RETURN ooo (λN i j. arena_lit N (i+j))),
      uncurry2 (RETURN ooo (λN i j. N  i ! j)))
     [λ((N, i), j). i ∈# dom_m N  j < length (N  i)]f
      list_fmap_rel vdom ×f nat_rel ×f nat_rel  Idnres_rel
  by (intro frefI nres_relI)
    (auto simp: list_fmap_rel_def arena_lifting)

abbreviation clauses_l_fmat where
  clauses_l_fmat  list_fmap_rel

type_synonym vdom = nat set

definition fmap_rll :: (nat, 'a literal list × bool) fmap  nat  nat  'a literal where
  [simp]: fmap_rll l i j = l  i ! j

definition fmap_rll_u :: (nat, 'a literal list × bool) fmap  nat  nat  'a literal where
  [simp]: fmap_rll_u  = fmap_rll

definition fmap_rll_u64 :: (nat, 'a literal list × bool) fmap  nat  nat  'a literal where
  [simp]: fmap_rll_u64  = fmap_rll

definition fmap_length_rll_u :: (nat, 'a literal list × bool) fmap  nat  nat where
  fmap_length_rll_u l i = length_uint32_nat (l  i)

declare fmap_length_rll_u_def[symmetric, isasat_codegen]
definition fmap_length_rll_u64 :: (nat, 'a literal list × bool) fmap  nat  nat where
  fmap_length_rll_u64 l i = length_uint32_nat (l  i)

declare fmap_length_rll_u_def[symmetric, isasat_codegen]

definition fmap_length_rll :: (nat, 'a literal list × bool) fmap  nat  nat where
  [simp]: fmap_length_rll l i = length (l  i)

definition fmap_swap_ll where
  [simp]: fmap_swap_ll N i j f = (N(i  swap (N  i) j f))

text From a performance point of view, appending several time a single element is less efficient
than reserving a space that is large enough directly. However, in this case the list of clauses termN
is so large that there should not be any difference
definition fm_add_new where
 fm_add_new b C N0 = do {
    let s = length C - 2;
    let lbd = shorten_lbd s;
    let st = (if b then AStatus IRRED 0 lbd else AStatus LEARNED 0 lbd);
    let l = length N0;
    let N = (if is_short_clause C then
          (((N0 @ [st]))) @ [ASize s]
          else ((((N0 @ [APos 0]) @ [st]))) @ [ASize (s)]);
    (i, N)  WHILETλ(i, N). i < length C  length N < header_size C + length N0 + length C(λ(i, N). i < length C)
      (λ(i, N). do {
        ASSERT(i < length C);
        RETURN (i+1, N @ [ALit (C ! i)])
      (0, N);
    RETURN (N, l + header_size C)

lemma nth_append_clause:
  a < length C  append_clause b C N ! (length N + header_size C + a) = ALit (C ! a)
  unfolding append_clause_def header_size_Suc_def append_clause_skeleton_def
  by (auto simp: nth_Cons nth_append)

lemma fm_add_new_append_clause:
  fm_add_new b C N  RETURN (append_clause b C N, length N + header_size C)
  unfolding fm_add_new_def
  apply (rewrite at let _ = length _ in _ Let_def)
  apply (refine_vcg WHILEIT_rule_stronger_inv[where R = measure (λ(i, _). Suc (length C) - i) and
    I' = λ(i, N'). N' = take (length N + header_size C + i) (append_clause b C N) 
      i  length C])
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by (auto simp: append_clause_def header_size_def
    append_clause_skeleton_def split: if_splits)
  subgoal by (auto simp: append_clause_def header_size_def
    append_clause_skeleton_def split: if_splits)
  subgoal by simp
  subgoal by simp
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by (auto simp: take_Suc_conv_app_nth nth_append_clause)
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto

definition fm_add_new_at_position
   :: bool  nat  'v clause_l  'v clauses_l  'v clauses_l
  fm_add_new_at_position b i C N = fmupd i (C, b) N

definition AStatus_IRRED where
  AStatus_IRRED = AStatus IRRED 0

definition AStatus_IRRED2 where
  AStatus_IRRED2 = AStatus IRRED 1

definition AStatus_LEARNED where
  AStatus_LEARNED = AStatus LEARNED 1

definition AStatus_LEARNED2 where
  AStatus_LEARNED2 = AStatus LEARNED 0

definition (in -)fm_add_new_fast where
 [simp]: fm_add_new_fast = fm_add_new

lemma (in -)append_and_length_code_fast:
  length ba  Suc (Suc unat32_max) 
       2  length ba 
       length b  unat64_max - (unat32_max + 5) 
       (aa, header_size ba)  uint64_nat_rel 
       (ab, length b)  uint64_nat_rel 
       length b + header_size ba  unat64_max
  by (auto simp: unat64_max_def unat32_max_def header_size_def)

definition (in -)four_uint64_nat where
  [simp]: four_uint64_nat = (4 :: nat)
definition (in -)five_uint64_nat where
  [simp]: five_uint64_nat = (5 :: nat)

definition append_and_length_fast_code_pre where
  append_and_length_fast_code_pre  λ((b, C), N). length C  unat32_max+2  length C  2 
          length N + length C + MAX_HEADER_SIZE  snat64_max

lemma fm_add_new_alt_def:
 fm_add_new b C N0 = do {
      let s = length C - 2;
      let lbd = shorten_lbd s;
      let st = (if b then AStatus_IRRED lbd else AStatus_LEARNED2 lbd);
      let l = length N0;
      let N =
        (if is_short_clause C
          then ((N0 @ [st])) @
              [ASize s]
          else (((N0 @ [APos 0]) @ [st])) @
              [ASize s]);
      (i, N) 
        WHILETλ(i, N). i < length C  length N < header_size C + length N0 + length C(λ(i, N). i < length C)
          (λ(i, N). do {
                _  ASSERT (i < length C);
                RETURN (i + 1, N @ [ALit (C ! i)])
          (0, N);
      RETURN (N, l + header_size C)
  unfolding fm_add_new_def Let_def AStatus_LEARNED2_def AStatus_IRRED2_def
     AStatus_LEARNED_def AStatus_IRRED_def
  by auto

definition fmap_swap_ll_u64 where
  [simp]: fmap_swap_ll_u64 = fmap_swap_ll

definition fm_mv_clause_to_new_arena where
 fm_mv_clause_to_new_arena C old_arena new_arena0 = do {
    ASSERT(arena_is_valid_clause_idx old_arena C);
    ASSERT(C  (if  (arena_length old_arena C)  4 then MIN_HEADER_SIZE else MAX_HEADER_SIZE));
    let st = C - (if  (arena_length old_arena C)  4 then MIN_HEADER_SIZE else MAX_HEADER_SIZE);
    ASSERT(C +  (arena_length old_arena C)  length old_arena);
    let en = C +  (arena_length old_arena C);
    (i, new_arena) 
        WHILETλ(i, new_arena). i < en  length new_arena < length new_arena0 + (arena_length old_arena C) + (if  (arena_length old_arena C)  4 then MIN_HEADER_SIZE else MAX_HEADER_SIZE)(λ(i, new_arena). i < en)
          (λ(i, new_arena). do {
              ASSERT (i < length old_arena  i < en);
              RETURN (i + 1, new_arena @ [old_arena ! i])
          (st, new_arena0);
      RETURN (new_arena)

lemma valid_arena_append_clause_slice:
    valid_arena old_arena N vd and
    valid_arena new_arena N' vd' and
    C ∈# dom_m N
  shows valid_arena (new_arena @ clause_slice old_arena N C)
    (fmupd (length new_arena + header_size (N  C)) (N  C, irred N C) N')
    (insert (length new_arena + header_size (N  C)) vd')
proof -
  define pos st lbd used where
    pos = (if is_long_clause (N  C) then arena_pos old_arena C - 2 else 0) and
    st = arena_status old_arena C and
    lbd = arena_lbd old_arena C and
    used = arena_used old_arena C
  have 2  length (N  C)
    unfolding st_def used_def lbd_def
      append_clause_skeleton_def arena_status_def
      xarena_status_def arena_used_def
      arena_lbd_def xarena_lbd_def
    using arena_lifting[OF assms(1,3)]
    by (auto simp: is_Status_def is_Pos_def is_Size_def)
    45: 4 = (Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))))
     5 = Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))))
     3 = (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))
     2 = (Suc (Suc 0))
    by auto
  have sl: clause_slice old_arena N C =
     (if is_long_clause (N  C) then [APos pos]
     else []) @
     [AStatus st used lbd, ASize (length (N  C) - 2)] @
     map ALit (N  C)
    unfolding st_def used_def lbd_def
      append_clause_skeleton_def arena_status_def
      xarena_status_def arena_used_def
      pos_def arena_pos_def
      arena_lbd_def xarena_lbd_def
      arena_length_def xarena_length_def
    using arena_lifting[OF assms(1,3)]
    by (auto simp: is_Status_def is_Pos_def is_Size_def
      header_size_def 45
      slice_Suc_nth[of C - Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))]
      slice_Suc_nth[of C - Suc (Suc (Suc 0))]
      slice_Suc_nth[of C - Suc (Suc 0)]
      slice_Suc_nth[of C - Suc 0]
      SHIFTS_alt_def arena_length_def
      arena_pos_def xarena_pos_def
      arena_status_def xarena_status_def)

  have 2  length (N  C) and
    pos  length (N  C) - 2 and
    st = IRRED  irred N C and
    st  DELETED
    unfolding st_def used_def lbd_def pos_def
      append_clause_skeleton_def st_def
    using arena_lifting[OF assms(1,3)]
    by (cases is_short_clause (N  C);
      auto split: arena_el.splits if_splits
        simp: header_size_def arena_pos_def; fail)+

  then have valid_arena (append_clause_skeleton pos st used lbd (N  C) new_arena)
    (fmupd (length new_arena + header_size (N  C)) (N  C, irred N C) N')
    (insert (length new_arena + header_size (N  C)) vd')
    apply -
    by (rule valid_arena_append_clause_skeleton[OF assms(2), of N  C _ st
      pos used lbd]) auto
  moreover have
    append_clause_skeleton pos st used lbd (N  C) new_arena =
      new_arena @ clause_slice old_arena N C
    by (auto simp: append_clause_skeleton_def sl)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by auto

lemma fm_mv_clause_to_new_arena:
  assumes valid_arena old_arena N vd and
    valid_arena new_arena N' vd' and
    C ∈# dom_m N
  shows fm_mv_clause_to_new_arena C old_arena new_arena 
      new_arena' = new_arena @ clause_slice old_arena N C 
      valid_arena (new_arena @ clause_slice old_arena N C)
        (fmupd (length new_arena + header_size (N  C)) (N  C, irred N C) N')
        (insert (length new_arena + header_size (N  C)) vd'))
proof -
  define st and en where
    st = C - (if arena_length old_arena C  4 then MIN_HEADER_SIZE else MAX_HEADER_SIZE) and
    en = C + arena_length old_arena C
  have st:
    st = C - header_size (N  C)
    using assms
    unfolding st_def
    by (auto simp: st_def header_size_def
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding fm_mv_clause_to_new_arena_def st_def[symmetric]
      en_def[symmetric] Let_def
    apply (refine_vcg
     WHILEIT_rule_stronger_inv[where R = measure (λ(i, N). en - i) and
       I' = λ(i, new_arena'). i  C + length (NC)  i  st 
         new_arena' = new_arena @
	   Misc.slice (C - header_size (NC)) i old_arena])
      unfolding arena_is_valid_clause_idx_def
      by auto
    subgoal using arena_lifting(4)[OF assms(1)] by (auto
        dest!: arena_lifting(1)[of _ N _ C] simp: header_size_def split: if_splits)
    subgoal using arena_lifting(10, 4) en_def by auto
      by auto
    subgoal by auto
      using arena_lifting[OF assms(1,3)]
      by (auto simp: st)
      by (auto simp: st arena_lifting)
      using arena_lifting[OF assms(1,3)]
      by (auto simp: st en_def)
      using arena_lifting[OF assms(1,3)]
      by (auto simp: st en_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal using arena_lifting[OF assms(1,3)]
        by (auto simp: slice_len_min_If en_def st_def header_size_def)
      using arena_lifting[OF assms(1,3)]
      by (auto simp: st en_def)
      using arena_lifting[OF assms(1,3)]
      by (auto simp: st)
      by (auto simp: st en_def arena_lifting[OF assms(1,3)]
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: en_def arena_lifting)
      using valid_arena_append_clause_slice[OF assms]
      by auto

lemma size_learned_clss_dom_m: size (learned_clss_l N)  size (dom_m N)
  unfolding ran_m_def
  apply (rule order_trans[OF size_filter_mset_lesseq])
  by (auto simp: ran_m_def)

lemma valid_arena_ge_length_clauses:
  assumes valid_arena arena N vdom
  shows length arena  (C ∈# dom_m N. length (N  C) + header_size (N  C))
proof -
  obtain xs where
    mset_xs: mset xs = dom_m N and sorted: sorted xs and dist[simp]: distinct xs and set_xs: set xs = set_mset (dom_m N)
    using distinct_mset_dom distinct_mset_mset_distinct mset_sorted_list_of_multiset by fastforce
  then have 1: set_mset (mset xs) = set xs by (meson set_mset_mset)

  have diff: xs  []  a  set xs  a < last xs  a + length (N  a)  last xs  for a
     using valid_minimal_difference_between_valid_index[OF assms, of a last xs]
     mset_xs[symmetric] sorted  by (cases xs rule: rev_cases; auto simp: sorted_append)
  have set xs  set_mset (dom_m N)
     using mset_xs[symmetric] by auto
  then have (Aset xs. length (N  A) + header_size (N  A))  Max (insert 0 ((λA. A + length (N  A)) ` (set xs)))
    (is ?P xs  ?Q xs)
     using sorted dist
  proof (induction xs rule: rev_induct)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by auto
    case (snoc x xs)
    then have IH: (Aset xs. length (N  A) + header_size (N  A))
     Max (insert 0 ((λA. A + length (N  A)) ` set xs)) and
      x_dom: x ∈# dom_m N and
      x_max: a. a  set xs  x > a and
      xs_N: set xs  set_mset (dom_m N)
         apply (clarsimp_all simp: sorted_append order.order_iff_strict sorted_wrt_append)
      apply (metis (full_types) insert_subset order_less_le subsetI)
      apply (metis (full_types) insert_subset order_less_le subsetI)
      apply (meson distinct_sorted_append snoc.prems(2) snoc.prems(3))
      apply blast
    have x_ge: header_size (N  x)  x
      using assms x ∈# dom_m N arena_lifting(1) by blast
    have diff: a  set xs  a + length (N  a) + header_size (N  x)  x
       a  set xs  a + length (N  a)  x  for a
      using valid_minimal_difference_between_valid_index[OF assms, of a x]
      x_max[of a] xs_N x_dom by auto

    have ?P (xs @ [x])  ?P xs + length (N  x) + header_size (N  x)
      using snoc by auto
    also have ...  ?Q xs + (length (N  x) + header_size (N  x))
      using IH by auto
    also have ...  (length (N  x) + x)
      by (subst linordered_ab_semigroup_add_class.Max_add_commute2[symmetric]; auto intro: diff x_ge)
    also have ... = Max (insert (x + length (N  x)) ((λx. x + length (N  x)) ` set xs))
      by (subst eq_commute)
        (auto intro!: linorder_class.Max_eqI intro: order_trans[OF diff(2)])
    finally show ?case by auto
  also have ...  (if xs = [] then 0 else last xs + length (N  last xs))
   using sorted distinct_sorted_append[of butlast xs last xs] dist
   by (cases xs rule: rev_cases)
     (auto intro: order_trans[OF diff])
  also have ...  length arena
   using arena_lifting(7)[OF assms, of last xs length (N  last xs) - 1] mset_xs[symmetric] assms
   by (cases xs rule: rev_cases) (auto simp: arena_lifting)
  finally show ?thesis
    unfolding mset_xs[symmetric]
    by (subst distinct_sum_mset_sum) auto

lemma valid_arena_size_dom_m_le_arena: valid_arena arena N vdom  size (dom_m N)  length arena
  using valid_arena_ge_length_clauses[of arena N vdom]
  ordered_comm_monoid_add_class.sum_mset_mono[of dom_m N λ_. 1
    λC. length (N  C) + header_size (N  C)]
  by (fastforce simp: header_size_def split: if_splits)
