Theory IsaSAT_Rephase

theory IsaSAT_Rephase
  imports IsaSAT_Phasing

chapter Phase Saving

section Rephasing

type_synonym phase_save_heur = phase_saver × 64 word × phase_saver × 64 word × phase_saver × 64 word × 64 word × 64 word

definition phase_save_heur_rel :: nat multiset  phase_save_heur  bool where
phase_save_heur_rel 𝒜 = (λ(φ, target_assigned, target, best_assigned, best,
    end_of_phase, curr_phase). phase_saving 𝒜 φ 
  phase_saving 𝒜 target  phase_saving 𝒜 best  length φ = length best 
  length target = length best)

definition end_of_rephasing_phase :: phase_save_heur  64 word where
  end_of_rephasing_phase = (λ(φ, target_assigned, target, best_assigned, best, end_of_phase, curr_phase,
     length_phase). end_of_phase)

definition phase_current_rephasing_phase :: phase_save_heur  64 word where
  phase_current_rephasing_phase =
    (λ(φ, target_assigned, target, best_assigned, best, end_of_phase, curr_phase, length_phase). curr_phase)

  We implement the idea in CaDiCaL of rephasing:
   We remember the best model found so far. It is used as base.
   We flip the phase saving heuristics between termTrue,
   termFalse, and random.

definition rephase_init :: bool  bool list  bool list nres where
rephase_init b φ = do {
  let n = length φ;
  nfoldli [0..<n]
    (λ_. True)
    (λ a φ. do {
       ASSERT(a < length φ);
       RETURN (φ[a := b])

lemma rephase_init_spec:
  rephase_init b φ  SPEC(λψ. length ψ = length φ)
proof -
  show ?thesis
  unfolding rephase_init_def Let_def
  apply (rule nfoldli_rule[where I = λ_ _ ψ. length φ = length ψ])
  apply (auto dest: in_list_in_setD)

definition copy_phase :: bool list  bool list  bool list nres where
copy_phase φ φ' = do {
  ASSERT(length φ = length φ');
  let n = length φ';
  nfoldli [0..<n]
    (λ_. True)
    (λ a φ'. do {
       ASSERT(a < length φ);
       ASSERT(a < length φ');
       RETURN (φ'[a := φ!a])

lemma copy_phase_alt_def:
copy_phase φ φ' = do {
  ASSERT(length φ = length φ');
  let n = length φ;
  nfoldli [0..<n]
    (λ_. True)
    (λ a φ'. do {
       ASSERT(a < length φ);
       ASSERT(a < length φ');
       RETURN (φ'[a := φ!a])
  unfolding copy_phase_def
  by (auto simp: ASSERT_same_eq_conv)

lemma copy_phase_spec:
  length φ = length φ'  copy_phase φ φ'  SPEC(λψ. length ψ = length φ)
  unfolding copy_phase_def Let_def
  apply (intro ASSERT_leI)
  subgoal by auto
  apply (rule nfoldli_rule[where I = λ_ _ ψ. length φ = length ψ])
  apply (auto dest: in_list_in_setD)

definition rephase_random :: 64 word  bool list  bool list nres where
rephase_random b φ = do {
  let n = length φ;
  (_, φ)  nfoldli [0..<n]
      (λ_. True)
      (λa (state, φ). do {
        ASSERT(a < length φ);
       let state = state * 6364136223846793005 + 1442695040888963407;
       RETURN (state, φ[a := (state < 2147483648)])
     (b, φ);

lemma rephase_random_spec:
  rephase_random b φ  SPEC(λψ. length ψ = length φ)
  unfolding rephase_random_def Let_def
  apply (refine_vcg nfoldli_rule[where I = λ_ _ (_, ψ). length φ = length ψ])
  apply (auto dest: in_list_in_setD)

definition rephase_flipped :: bool list  bool list nres where
rephase_flipped φ = do {
  let n = length φ;
  (φ)  nfoldli [0..<n]
      (λ_. True)
      (λa  φ. do {
        ASSERT(a < length φ);
       let v = φ ! a;
       RETURN (φ[a := ¬v])

lemma rephase_flipped_spec:
  rephase_flipped φ  SPEC(λψ. length ψ = length φ)
  unfolding rephase_flipped_def Let_def
  apply (refine_vcg nfoldli_rule[where I = λ_ _ ψ. length φ = length ψ])
  apply (auto dest: in_list_in_setD)

definition reset_target_phase :: phase_save_heur  phase_save_heur nres where
reset_target_phase = (λ(φ, target_assigned, target, best_assigned, best, end_of_phase, curr_phase).
       RETURN (φ, 0, target, best_assigned, best, end_of_phase, curr_phase)

definition reset_best_phase :: phase_save_heur  phase_save_heur nres where
reset_best_phase = (λ(φ, target_assigned, target, best_assigned, best, end_of_phase, curr_phase).
       RETURN (φ, target_assigned, target, 0, best, end_of_phase, curr_phase)

lemma reset_target_phase_spec:
  assumes phase_save_heur_rel 𝒜 φ
  shows reset_target_phase φ  Id (SPEC(phase_save_heur_rel 𝒜))
  using assms by (cases φ) (auto simp: reset_target_phase_def phase_save_heur_rel_def)

lemma reset_best_phase_spec:
  assumes phase_save_heur_rel 𝒜 φ
  shows reset_best_phase φ  Id (SPEC(phase_save_heur_rel 𝒜))
  using assms by (cases φ) (auto simp: reset_best_phase_def phase_save_heur_rel_def)

definition current_phase_letter :: 64 word  64 word where
  current_phase_letter curr_phase =
      (if curr_phase = 0  curr_phase = 2  curr_phase = 4  curr_phase = 6
      then 66
      else if curr_phase = 1
      then 73
      else if curr_phase = 3
      then 35
      else if curr_phase = 5
      then 79
      else 70)

The phases are: BOBIBF independantly of the mode of the solver unlike CaDiCaL where this is
independent and kissat where no flipping is used in unsat mode. We schedule in log interval.
In the last phase, we increase the length of the phase in termΘ(log 10 n*log 10 n).

definition phase_rephase :: 64 word  64 word  64 word  phase_save_heur  phase_save_heur nres where
phase_rephase = (λend_of_phase lrephase (b::64 word) (φ, target_assigned, target, best_assigned, best, _, curr_phase,
  do {
      let rephaselength = (500 :: 64 word);
      let target_assigned = (0::64 word);
      target  copy_phase φ target;
      if curr_phase = 0  curr_phase = 2  curr_phase = 4  curr_phase = 6 ―‹reset the best best phase
      then do {
         φ  copy_phase best φ;
         RETURN (φ, target_assigned, target, 0, best, length_phase*rephaselength+end_of_phase, curr_phase + 1, length_phase)
      else if curr_phase = 1
      then do {
         φ  rephase_init True φ;
         RETURN (φ, target_assigned, target, best_assigned, best, length_phase*rephaselength+end_of_phase, curr_phase + 1, length_phase)
      else if curr_phase = 3
      then do {
         φ  rephase_random end_of_phase φ;
         RETURN (φ, target_assigned, target, best_assigned, best, length_phase*rephaselength+end_of_phase, curr_phase + 1, length_phase)
      else if curr_phase = 5
      then do {
         φ  rephase_init False φ;
         RETURN (φ, target_assigned, target, best_assigned, best, length_phase*rephaselength+end_of_phase, curr_phase + 1, length_phase)
      else do {
         φ  rephase_flipped φ;
         let loglength = (if lrephase+10 > 0 then of_nat (word_log2 (lrephase+10)) else 1);
         let new_length = (lrephase+1)*loglength*loglength;
         RETURN (φ, target_assigned, target, best_assigned, best, new_length*rephaselength+end_of_phase, 0,

lemma phase_rephase_spec:
  assumes phase_save_heur_rel 𝒜 φ
  shows phase_rephase end_of_phase lrephase b φ  Id (SPEC(phase_save_heur_rel 𝒜))
proof -
  obtain φ' target_assigned target best_assigned best end_of_phase curr_phase where
    φ: φ = (φ', target_assigned, target, best_assigned, best, end_of_phase, curr_phase)
    by (cases φ) auto
  then have [simp]: length φ' = length best
    using assms by (auto simp: phase_save_heur_rel_def)
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding phase_rephase_def
    by (refine_vcg lhs_step_If rephase_init_spec[THEN order_trans]
      copy_phase_spec[THEN order_trans] rephase_random_spec[THEN order_trans]
      rephase_flipped_spec[THEN order_trans])
      (auto simp: phase_save_heur_rel_def phase_saving_def)

definition phase_save_phase :: 64 word  phase_save_heur  phase_save_heur nres where
phase_save_phase = (λn (φ, target_assigned, target, best_assigned, best, end_of_phase, curr_phase). do {
       target  (if n > target_assigned
          then copy_phase φ target else RETURN target);
       target_assigned  (if n > target_assigned
          then RETURN n else RETURN target_assigned);
       best  (if n > best_assigned
          then copy_phase φ best else RETURN best);
       best_assigned  (if n > best_assigned
          then RETURN n else RETURN best_assigned);
       RETURN (φ, target_assigned, target, best_assigned, best, end_of_phase, curr_phase)

lemma phase_save_phase_spec:
  assumes phase_save_heur_rel 𝒜 φ
  shows phase_save_phase n φ  Id (SPEC(phase_save_heur_rel 𝒜))
proof -
  obtain φ' target_assigned target best_assigned best end_of_phase curr_phase where
    φ: φ = (φ', target_assigned, target, best_assigned, best, end_of_phase, curr_phase)
    by (cases φ) auto
  then have [simp]: length φ' = length best  length target = length best
    using assms by (auto simp: phase_save_heur_rel_def)
  have 1: Id (SPEC(phase_save_heur_rel 𝒜)) 
    Id((λ(φ, target_assigned, target, best_assigned, best, end_of_phase, curr_phase). do {
        target  (if n > target_assigned
          then SPEC (λφ'. length φ = length φ') else RETURN target);
        target_assigned  (if n > target_assigned
          then RETURN n else RETURN target_assigned);
        best  (if n > best_assigned
          then SPEC (λφ'. length φ = length φ') else RETURN best);
        best_assigned  (if n > best_assigned
          then RETURN n else RETURN best_assigned);
        RETURN (φ', target_assigned, target, best_assigned, best, end_of_phase, curr_phase)
     }) φ)
   using assms
   by  (auto simp: phase_save_heur_rel_def phase_saving_def RES_RETURN_RES φ RES_RES_RETURN_RES)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding phase_save_phase_def φ
    apply (simp only:
    apply (rule order_trans)
    apply (rule 1)
    apply (simp only: φ)
    apply (refine_vcg if_mono rephase_init_spec copy_phase_spec rephase_random_spec)
    apply (auto simp: phase_rephase_def)

definition get_next_phase_pre :: bool  nat  phase_save_heur  bool where
  get_next_phase_pre = (λuse_target_phasing L (φ, target_assigned, target, best_assigned, best, end_of_phase, curr_phase).
    L < length φ  L < length target)

definition get_next_phase_stats :: bool  nat  phase_save_heur  bool nres  where
  get_next_phase_stats = (λuse_target_phasing L (φ, target_assigned, target, best_assigned, best, end_of_phase, curr_phase).
  if ¬use_target_phasing then do {
    ASSERT(L < length φ);
    RETURN(φ ! L)
  } else do {
    ASSERT(L < length target);
    RETURN(target ! L)
