Theory IsaSAT_Setup4_LLVM
theory IsaSAT_Setup4_LLVM
definition length_occs where
‹length_occs S = length (get_occs S)›
sepref_def length_occs_raw
is ‹RETURN o length›
:: ‹occs_assn⇧k →⇩a sint64_nat_assn›
unfolding op_list_list_len_def[symmetric]
by sepref
term op_list_list_llen
definition length_occs_impl where
‹length_occs_impl = read_occs_wl_heur_code length_occs_raw›
sepref_register length_occs
global_interpretation length_occs: read_occs_param_adder0 where
f = ‹length_occs_raw› and
f' = ‹RETURN o length› and
x_assn = sint64_nat_assn and
P = ‹(λS. True)›
rewrites ‹read_occs_wl_heur (RETURN o length) = RETURN o length_occs› and
‹read_occs_wl_heur_code length_occs_raw = length_occs_impl›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule length_occs_raw.refine)
by (auto simp: read_all_st_def length_occs_def intro!: ext
split: isasat_int_splits)
by (auto simp: length_occs_impl_def)
term mop_cocc_list_length
definition length_occs_at where
‹length_occs_at S i = mop_cocc_list_length (get_occs S) i›
sepref_def mop_cocc_list_length_impl
is ‹uncurry (mop_cocc_list_length)›
:: ‹[uncurry cocc_list_length_pre]⇩a occs_assn⇧k *⇩a unat_lit_assn⇧k → sint64_nat_assn›
unfolding cocc_list_length_def
cocc_list_length_pre_def fold_op_list_list_llen mop_cocc_list_length_def
by sepref
definition length_occs_at_impl where
‹length_occs_at_impl = (λN C. read_occs_wl_heur_code (λM. mop_cocc_list_length_impl M C) N)›
sepref_register length_occs_at
global_interpretation length_occs_at: read_occs_param_adder where
f = ‹λL S. mop_cocc_list_length_impl S L› and
f' = ‹λL S. mop_cocc_list_length S L› and
x_assn = sint64_nat_assn and
P = ‹λL S. cocc_list_length_pre S L› and
R = ‹unat_lit_rel›
rewrites ‹(λN C. read_occs_wl_heur_code (λM. mop_cocc_list_length_impl M C) N) = length_occs_at_impl› and
‹(λS C'. read_occs_wl_heur (λL. mop_cocc_list_length L C') S) = length_occs_at›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule mop_cocc_list_length_impl.refine)
by (auto simp: length_occs_at_impl_def)
by (auto simp: read_all_st_def length_occs_at_def intro!: ext
split: isasat_int_splits)
lemma length_occs_at_alt_def:
‹length_occs_at = length_occs_at.XX.mop›
by (auto simp: length_occs_at.XX.mop_def length_occs_at_def read_all_param_adder_ops.mop_def
read_all_st_def summarize_ASSERT_conv
mop_cocc_list_length_def split: tuple17.splits intro!: ext)
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = length_occs.refine[unfolded lambda_comp_true]
length_occs_at.XX.mop_refine[unfolded length_occs_at_alt_def[symmetric]]
lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
length_occs_impl_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
length_occs_at_impl_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
definition get_occs_list_at :: ‹isasat ⇒ nat literal ⇒ nat ⇒ nat nres› where
‹get_occs_list_at S L i = mop_cocc_list_at (get_occs S) L i›
sepref_def mop_cocc_list_at_impl
is ‹uncurry2 (mop_cocc_list_at)›
:: ‹[uncurry2 cocc_list_at_pre]⇩a occs_assn⇧k *⇩a unat_lit_assn⇧k *⇩a sint64_nat_assn⇧k → sint64_nat_assn›
unfolding mop_cocc_list_at_def cocc_list_at_def cocc_list_at_pre_def fold_op_list_list_idx
by sepref
definition get_occs_list_at_impl :: ‹_ ⇒ _ ⇒ _ ⇒ _› where
‹get_occs_list_at_impl = (λN C D. read_occs_wl_heur_code (λM. mop_cocc_list_at_impl M C D) N)›
global_interpretation occs_at_at: read_occs_param_adder2 where
f = ‹λC D S. mop_cocc_list_at_impl S C D› and
f' = ‹λC D S. mop_cocc_list_at S C D› and
x_assn = sint64_nat_assn and
P = ‹λC D S. cocc_list_at_pre S C D› and
R = ‹unat_lit_rel› and
R' = ‹snat_rel' TYPE(64)›
‹(λN C D. read_occs_wl_heur (λM. mop_cocc_list_at M C D) N) = get_occs_list_at› and
‹(λN C D. read_occs_wl_heur_code (λM. mop_cocc_list_at_impl M C D) N) = get_occs_list_at_impl›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule mop_cocc_list_at_impl.refine)
by (auto simp: read_all_st_def get_occs_list_at_def intro!: ext
split: isasat_int_splits)
by (auto simp: get_occs_list_at_impl_def)
lemma get_occs_list_at_alt_def: ‹get_occs_list_at = (λN C D. occs_at_at.XX.XX.mop N (C, D))›
by (auto simp: occs_at_at.XX.XX.mop_def get_occs_list_at_def mop_cocc_list_at_def read_all_param_adder_ops.mop_def
read_all_st_def summarize_ASSERT_conv
mop_cocc_list_length_def split: tuple17.splits intro!: ext)
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = occs_at_at.refine
occs_at_at.mop_refine[unfolded get_occs_list_at_alt_def[symmetric]]
lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
length_occs_impl_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
length_occs_at_impl_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
lemma mop_arena_promote_st_alt_def:
‹mop_arena_promote_st S C = do {
let (N', S) = extract_arena_wl_heur S;
let (lcount, S) = extract_lcount_wl_heur S;
ASSERT(clss_size_lcount lcount ≥ 1);
let lcount = clss_size_decr_lcount lcount;
N' ← mop_arena_set_status N' C IRRED;
RETURN (update_arena_wl_heur N' (update_lcount_wl_heur lcount S))
by (auto simp: mop_arena_promote_st_def state_extractors split: isasat_int_splits)
sepref_def mop_arena_promote_st_impl
is ‹uncurry mop_arena_promote_st›
:: ‹isasat_bounded_assn⇧d *⇩a sint64_nat_assn⇧k →⇩a isasat_bounded_assn›
unfolding mop_arena_promote_st_alt_def
by sepref
sepref_def get_lsize_limit_stats_impl
is ‹RETURN o get_lsize_limit_stats›
:: ‹isasat_stats_assn⇧k →⇩a lbd_size_limit_assn›
unfolding stats_code_unfold
by sepref
definition get_lsize_limit_stats_st_impl :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _› where
‹get_lsize_limit_stats_st_impl = read_stats_wl_heur_code get_lsize_limit_stats_impl›
global_interpretation lsize_limit: read_stats_param_adder0 where
f' = ‹RETURN o get_lsize_limit_stats› and
f = get_lsize_limit_stats_impl and
x_assn = ‹uint32_nat_assn ×⇩a sint64_nat_assn› and
P = ‹λ_. True›
rewrites ‹read_stats_wl_heur (RETURN o get_lsize_limit_stats) = RETURN o get_lsize_limit_stats_st› and
‹read_stats_wl_heur_code get_lsize_limit_stats_impl = get_lsize_limit_stats_st_impl›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule get_lsize_limit_stats_impl.refine[unfolded lbd_size_limit_assn_def]; assumption)
subgoal by (auto simp: read_all_st_def get_lsize_limit_stats_def get_lsize_limit_stats_def get_lsize_limit_stats_st_def
intro!: ext
split: isasat_int_splits)
subgoal by (auto simp: get_lsize_limit_stats_st_impl_def)
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = lsize_limit.refine
lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
get_lsize_limit_stats_st_impl_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
lemma set_stats_size_limit_st_alt_def:
‹RETURN ooo set_stats_size_limit_st = (λlbd sze T.
let (stats, T) = extract_stats_wl_heur T;
stats = set_stats_size_limit lbd sze stats
in RETURN (update_stats_wl_heur stats T)
by (auto simp: set_stats_size_limit_st_def state_extractors split: isasat_int_splits intro!: ext)
sepref_register ‹LSize_Stats :: nat ⇒ nat ⇒ _›
IsaSAT_Stats_LLVM.update_f set_stats_size_limit_st stats_forward_rounds_st
lemma set_stats_size_limit_alt_def:
‹RETURN ooo set_stats_size_limit = (λlbd size' stats. RETURN (set_lsize_limit_stats (LSize_Stats lbd size') stats))›
unfolding set_stats_size_limit_def LSize_Stats_def
by (auto intro!: ext)
sepref_def set_stats_size_limit_impl
is ‹uncurry2 (RETURN ooo set_stats_size_limit)›
:: ‹uint32_nat_assn⇧k *⇩a sint64_nat_assn⇧k *⇩a isasat_stats_assn⇧d →⇩a isasat_stats_assn›
unfolding set_stats_size_limit_alt_def stats_code_unfold
by sepref
sepref_def set_stats_size_limit_st_impl
is ‹uncurry2 (RETURN ooo set_stats_size_limit_st)›
:: ‹uint32_nat_assn⇧k *⇩a sint64_nat_assn⇧k *⇩a isasat_bounded_assn⇧d →⇩a isasat_bounded_assn›
unfolding set_stats_size_limit_st_alt_def
by sepref
lemma stats_forward_rounds_st_alt_def:
‹stats_forward_rounds_st S = (case S of IsaSAT M N D i W ivmtf icount ccach lbd outl stats heur aivdom clss opts arena occs ⇒ stats_forward_rounds stats)›
by (cases S) (auto simp: stats_forward_rounds_st_def)
sepref_def stats_forward_rounds_st_impl
is ‹RETURN o stats_forward_rounds_st›
:: ‹isasat_bounded_assn⇧k →⇩a word64_assn›
unfolding stats_forward_rounds_st_alt_def isasat_bounded_assn_def
by sepref
lemma incr_purelit_rounds_st_alt_def:
‹incr_purelit_rounds_st S = (let (stats, S) = extract_stats_wl_heur S; stats = incr_purelit_rounds stats in update_stats_wl_heur stats S)›
by (auto simp: incr_purelit_rounds_st_def state_extractors split: isasat_int_splits intro!: ext)
sepref_def incr_purelit_rounds_st_impl
is ‹RETURN o incr_purelit_rounds_st›
:: ‹isasat_bounded_assn⇧d →⇩a isasat_bounded_assn›
unfolding incr_purelit_rounds_st_alt_def
by sepref