Theory IsaSAT_Stats

theory IsaSAT_Stats
  imports IsaSAT_Literals IsaSAT_EMA IsaSAT_Rephase IsaSAT_Reluctant Tuple16

section Statistics

We do some statistics on the run.

NB: the statistics are not proven correct (especially they might
overflow), there are just there to look for regressions, do some comparisons (e.g., to conclude that
we are propagating slower than the other solvers), or to test different option combinations.

type_synonym limit = 64 word × 64 word

text The statistics have the following meaning:

   search information
  (propagations, conflicts, decision, restarts,
  reductions, fixed variables, GCs,
  units since last GC, fixed irredundant clss),

   binary simplification (binary unit, binary red removed),
   pure literals (purelit removed, purelit rounds),
   forward subsumption (forward rounds, forward strengthen, forward subsumed)
   other: max kept lbd, 
   average lbds

At first we used a tuple that became longer and longer. We even had statistics bug because we changed
the wrong element of the tuple. Therefore, we changed to a structure and kept some free spots.

type_synonym search_stats = 64 word × 64 word ×64 word × 64 word × 64 word × 64 word ×64 word × 64 word × 64 word × 64 word

definition Search_Stats_propagations :: search_stats  64 word where
  Search_Stats_propagations = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). propa)

definition Search_Stats_incr_propagation :: search_stats  search_stats where
  Search_Stats_incr_propagation = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). (propa+1, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until))

definition Search_Stats_incr_propagation_by :: 64 word  search_stats  search_stats where
  Search_Stats_incr_propagation_by = (λp (propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). (propa+p, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until))

definition Search_Stats_conflicts :: search_stats  64 word where
  Search_Stats_conflicts = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). confl)

definition Search_Stats_incr_conflicts :: search_stats  search_stats where
  Search_Stats_incr_conflicts = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). (propa, confl+1, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until))

definition Search_Stats_decisions :: search_stats  64 word where
  Search_Stats_decisions = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). dec)

definition Search_Stats_incr_decisions :: search_stats  search_stats where
  Search_Stats_incr_decisions = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). (propa, confl, dec+1, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until))

definition Search_Stats_restarts :: search_stats  64 word where
  Search_Stats_restarts = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). res)

definition Search_Stats_incr_restarts :: search_stats  search_stats where
  Search_Stats_incr_restarts = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). (propa, confl, dec, res+1, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until))

definition Search_Stats_reductions :: search_stats  64 word where
  Search_Stats_reductions = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). reduction)

definition Search_Stats_incr_reductions :: search_stats  search_stats where
  Search_Stats_incr_reductions = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). (propa, confl, dec, res, reduction+1, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until))

definition Search_Stats_fixed :: search_stats  64 word where
  Search_Stats_fixed = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). uset)

definition Search_Stats_incr_fixed :: search_stats  search_stats where
  Search_Stats_incr_fixed = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). (propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset+1, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until))

definition Search_Stats_incr_fixed_by :: 64 word  search_stats  search_stats where
  Search_Stats_incr_fixed_by = (λp (propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). (propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset+p, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until))

definition Search_Stats_gcs :: search_stats  64 word where
  Search_Stats_gcs = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). gcs)

definition Search_Stats_incr_gcs :: search_stats  search_stats where
  Search_Stats_incr_gcs = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). (propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs+1, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until))

definition Search_Stats_reset_units_since_gc :: search_stats  search_stats where
  Search_Stats_reset_units_since_gc = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). (propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, 0, irred_cls, no_conflict_until))

definition Search_Stats_units_since_gcs :: search_stats  64 word where
  Search_Stats_units_since_gcs = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, units_since_gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). units_since_gcs)

definition Search_Stats_incr_units_since_gc :: search_stats  search_stats where
  Search_Stats_incr_units_since_gc = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). (propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units+1, irred_cls, no_conflict_until))

definition Search_Stats_incr_units_since_gc_by :: 64 word  search_stats  search_stats where
  Search_Stats_incr_units_since_gc_by = (λp (propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). (propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units+p, irred_cls, no_conflict_until))

definition Search_Stats_incr_irred :: search_stats  search_stats where
  Search_Stats_incr_irred = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). (propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls+1, no_conflict_until))

definition Search_Stats_decr_irred :: search_stats  search_stats where
  Search_Stats_decr_irred = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). (propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls-1, no_conflict_until))

definition Search_Stats_irred :: search_stats  64 word where
  Search_Stats_irred = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). irred_cls)

definition Search_Stats_no_conflict_until :: search_stats  64 word where
  Search_Stats_no_conflict_until = (λ(propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). no_conflict_until)

definition Search_Stats_set_no_conflict_until :: 64 word  search_stats  search_stats where
  Search_Stats_set_no_conflict_until = (λp (propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, no_conflict_until). (propa, confl, dec, res, reduction, uset, gcs, units, irred_cls, p))

type_synonym inprocessing_binary_stats = 64 word × 64 word × 64 word

definition Binary_Stats_incr_rounds :: inprocessing_binary_stats  inprocessing_binary_stats where
  Binary_Stats_incr_rounds = (λ(rounds, units, removed). (rounds + 1, units, removed))

definition Binary_Stats_incr_units :: inprocessing_binary_stats  inprocessing_binary_stats where
  Binary_Stats_incr_units = (λ(rounds, units, removed). (rounds, units+1, removed))

definition Binary_Stats_incr_removed :: inprocessing_binary_stats  inprocessing_binary_stats where
  Binary_Stats_incr_removed = (λ(rounds, units, removed). (rounds, units, removed+1))

text termticks is currently unused: it is supposed to be used as to limit the number of clauses to try.
type_synonym inprocessing_subsumption_stats = 64 word × 64 word × 64 word × 64 word × 64 word

definition Subsumption_Stats_rounds where
  Subsumption_Stats_rounds = (λ(rounds, strengthened, subsumed, _). rounds)

definition Subsumption_Stats_subsumed where
  Subsumption_Stats_subsumed = (λ(subsumed, strengthened, subsumed, _). subsumed)

definition Subsumption_Stats_tried where
  Subsumption_Stats_tried = (λ(subsumed, strengthened, subsumed, _, tried). tried)

definition Subsumption_Stats_strengthened where
  Subsumption_Stats_strengthened = (λ(rounds, strengethened, subsumed, _). strengethened)

definition Subsumption_Stats_incr_rounds :: inprocessing_subsumption_stats  inprocessing_subsumption_stats where
  Subsumption_Stats_incr_rounds = (λ(rounds, units, removed, ticks, tried). (rounds + 1, units, removed, ticks, tried))

definition Subsumption_Stats_incr_strengthening :: inprocessing_subsumption_stats  inprocessing_subsumption_stats where
  Subsumption_Stats_incr_strengthening = (λ(rounds, units, removed). (rounds, units+1, removed))

definition Subsumption_Stats_incr_subsumed :: inprocessing_subsumption_stats  inprocessing_subsumption_stats where
  Subsumption_Stats_incr_subsumed = (λ(rounds, units, removed, ticks). (rounds, units, removed+1, ticks))

definition Subsumption_Stats_incr_tried :: inprocessing_subsumption_stats  inprocessing_subsumption_stats where
  Subsumption_Stats_incr_tried = (λ(rounds, units, removed, ticks, tried). (rounds, units, removed, ticks, tried+1))

definition Subsumption_Stats_set_ticks_limit :: 64 word  inprocessing_subsumption_stats  inprocessing_subsumption_stats where
  Subsumption_Stats_set_ticks_limit = (λticks (rounds, units, removed, _, tried). (rounds, units, removed+1, ticks, tried))

definition Subsumption_Stats_ticks_limit :: inprocessing_subsumption_stats  64 word where
  Subsumption_Stats_ticks_limit = (λ(rounds, units, removed, ticks, tried). ticks)

definition Subsumption_Stats_ticks_tried :: inprocessing_subsumption_stats  64 word where
  Subsumption_Stats_ticks_tried = (λ(rounds, units, removed, ticks, tried). tried)

type_synonym inprocessing_pure_lits_stats = 64 word × 64 word

definition Pure_lits_Stats_incr_rounds :: inprocessing_pure_lits_stats  inprocessing_pure_lits_stats where
  Pure_lits_Stats_incr_rounds = (λ(rounds, removed). (rounds + 1, removed))

definition Pure_lits_Stats_incr_removed :: inprocessing_pure_lits_stats  inprocessing_pure_lits_stats where
  Pure_lits_Stats_incr_removed = (λ(rounds, removed). (rounds, removed+1))

type_synonym lbd_size_limit_stats = nat × nat

definition LSize_Stats_lbd where
  LSize_Stats_lbd = (λ(lbd, size). lbd)

definition LSize_Stats_size where
  LSize_Stats_size = (λ(lbd, size). size)

definition LSize_Stats where
  LSize_Stats lbd size' = (lbd, size')

type_synonym rephase_stats = 64 word × 64 word × 64 word × 64 word × 64 word × 64 word

definition Rephase_Stats_total :: rephase_stats  _ where
  Rephase_Stats_total = (λ(rephased, original, best, invert, flipped, random). rephased)

definition Rephase_Stats_incr_total :: rephase_stats  rephase_stats where
  Rephase_Stats_incr_total = (λ(rephased, original, best, invert, flipped, random). (rephased+1, original, best, invert, flipped, random))

type_synonym isasat_stats = (search_stats, inprocessing_binary_stats, inprocessing_subsumption_stats, ema,
  inprocessing_pure_lits_stats, lbd_size_limit_stats, rephase_stats, 64 word,
  64 word, 64 word,64 word, 64 word,
  64 word, 64 word, 32 word, 64 word) tuple16

abbreviation Stats :: _  _ _  _ _  _ _  _ _  _ _  _ _  _ _  _  isasat_stats where
  Stats  Tuple16

definition get_search_stats :: isasat_stats  search_stats where
  get_search_stats  Tuple16.Tuple16_get_a

definition get_binary_stats :: isasat_stats  inprocessing_binary_stats where
  get_binary_stats  Tuple16.Tuple16_get_b

definition get_subsumption_stats :: isasat_stats  inprocessing_subsumption_stats where
  get_subsumption_stats  Tuple16.Tuple16_get_c

definition get_avg_lbd_stats :: isasat_stats  ema where
  get_avg_lbd_stats  Tuple16.Tuple16_get_d

definition get_pure_lits_stats :: isasat_stats  inprocessing_pure_lits_stats where
  get_pure_lits_stats  Tuple16.Tuple16_get_e

definition get_lsize_limit_stats :: isasat_stats  lbd_size_limit_stats where
  get_lsize_limit_stats  Tuple16.Tuple16_get_f

definition get_rephase_stats :: isasat_stats  rephase_stats where
  get_rephase_stats  Tuple16.Tuple16_get_g

definition set_propagation_stats :: search_stats  isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  set_propagation_stats  Tuple16.set_a

definition set_binary_stats :: inprocessing_binary_stats  isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  set_binary_stats  Tuple16.set_b

definition set_subsumption_stats :: inprocessing_subsumption_stats  isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  set_subsumption_stats  Tuple16.set_c

definition set_avg_lbd_stats :: ema  isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  set_avg_lbd_stats  Tuple16.set_d

definition set_pure_lits_stats :: inprocessing_pure_lits_stats  isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  set_pure_lits_stats  Tuple16.set_e

definition set_lsize_limit_stats :: lbd_size_limit_stats  isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  set_lsize_limit_stats  Tuple16.set_f

definition set_rephase_stats :: rephase_stats  isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  set_rephase_stats  Tuple16.set_g

definition incr_propagation :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_propagation S = (set_propagation_stats (Search_Stats_incr_propagation (get_search_stats S)) S)

definition incr_propagation_by :: 64 word  isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_propagation_by p S = (set_propagation_stats (Search_Stats_incr_propagation_by p (get_search_stats S)) S)

definition incr_conflict :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_conflict S = (set_propagation_stats (Search_Stats_incr_conflicts (get_search_stats S)) S)

definition incr_decision :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_decision S = (set_propagation_stats (Search_Stats_incr_decisions (get_search_stats S)) S)

definition incr_restart :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_restart S = (set_propagation_stats (Search_Stats_incr_restarts (get_search_stats S)) S)

definition incr_reduction :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_reduction S = (set_propagation_stats (Search_Stats_incr_reductions (get_search_stats S)) S)

definition incr_uset :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_uset S = (set_propagation_stats (Search_Stats_incr_fixed (get_search_stats S)) S)

definition incr_uset_by :: 64 word  isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_uset_by p S = (set_propagation_stats (Search_Stats_incr_fixed_by p (get_search_stats S)) S)

definition incr_GC :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_GC S = (set_propagation_stats (Search_Stats_incr_gcs (get_search_stats S)) S)

definition units_since_last_GC :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  units_since_last_GC = Search_Stats_units_since_gcs o get_search_stats

definition units_since_beginning :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  units_since_beginning = Search_Stats_fixed o get_search_stats

definition incr_units_since_last_GC :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_units_since_last_GC S = (set_propagation_stats (Search_Stats_incr_units_since_gc (get_search_stats S)) S)

definition incr_units_since_last_GC_by :: 64 word  isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_units_since_last_GC_by p S = (set_propagation_stats (Search_Stats_incr_units_since_gc_by p (get_search_stats S)) S)

definition stats_conflicts :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  stats_conflicts = Search_Stats_conflicts o get_search_stats

definition incr_binary_unit_derived :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_binary_unit_derived S = set_binary_stats (Binary_Stats_incr_units (get_binary_stats S)) S

definition incr_binary_red_removed :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_binary_red_removed S = set_binary_stats (Binary_Stats_incr_removed (get_binary_stats S)) S

definition incr_forward_strengethening :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_forward_strengethening S = set_subsumption_stats (Subsumption_Stats_incr_strengthening (get_subsumption_stats S)) S

definition incr_forward_subsumed :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_forward_subsumed S = set_subsumption_stats (Subsumption_Stats_incr_subsumed (get_subsumption_stats S)) S

definition incr_forward_tried :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_forward_tried S = set_subsumption_stats (Subsumption_Stats_incr_tried (get_subsumption_stats S)) S

definition incr_forward_rounds :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_forward_rounds S = set_subsumption_stats (Subsumption_Stats_incr_rounds (get_subsumption_stats S)) S

definition stats_forward_rounds :: isasat_stats  _ where
  stats_forward_rounds = Subsumption_Stats_rounds o get_subsumption_stats

definition stats_forward_subsumed :: isasat_stats  _ where
  stats_forward_subsumed = Subsumption_Stats_subsumed o get_subsumption_stats

definition stats_forward_strengthened :: isasat_stats  _ where
  stats_forward_strengthened = Subsumption_Stats_strengthened o get_subsumption_stats

definition stats_forward_tried :: isasat_stats  _ where
  stats_forward_tried = Subsumption_Stats_tried o get_subsumption_stats

definition get_restart_count where
  get_restart_count S = Search_Stats_restarts (get_search_stats S)

definition get_reduction_count where
  get_reduction_count S = Search_Stats_reductions (get_search_stats S)

definition incr_rephase_total :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_rephase_total S = (set_rephase_stats (Rephase_Stats_incr_total (get_rephase_stats S)) S)

definition stats_rephase :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  stats_rephase = Rephase_Stats_total o get_rephase_stats

definition print_open_colour :: 64 word  unit where
  print_open_colour _ = ()

definition print_close_colour :: 64 word  unit where
  print_close_colour _ = ()

definition stats_propagations :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  stats_propagations = Search_Stats_propagations o get_search_stats

definition stats_restarts :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  stats_restarts = Search_Stats_restarts o get_search_stats

definition stats_reductions :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  stats_reductions = Search_Stats_reductions o get_search_stats

definition stats_fixed :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  stats_fixed = Search_Stats_fixed o get_search_stats

definition stats_gcs :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  stats_gcs = Search_Stats_gcs o get_search_stats

definition stats_avg_lbd :: isasat_stats  ema where
  stats_avg_lbd = get_avg_lbd_stats

definition stats_decisions :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  stats_decisions = Search_Stats_decisions o get_search_stats

definition stats_irred :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  stats_irred = Search_Stats_irred o get_search_stats

definition Binary_Stats_rounds :: inprocessing_binary_stats  64 word where
  Binary_Stats_rounds = (λ(rounds, units, removed). rounds)

definition stats_binary_rounds :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  stats_binary_rounds = Binary_Stats_rounds o get_binary_stats

definition Binary_Stats_units :: inprocessing_binary_stats  64 word where
  Binary_Stats_units = (λ(units, units, removed). units)

definition stats_binary_units :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  stats_binary_units = Binary_Stats_units o get_binary_stats

definition Binary_Stats_removed :: inprocessing_binary_stats  64 word where
  Binary_Stats_removed = (λ(removed, units, removed). removed)

definition stats_binary_removed :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  stats_binary_removed = Binary_Stats_removed o get_binary_stats

definition Pure_Lits_Stats_removed :: inprocessing_pure_lits_stats  64 word where
  Pure_Lits_Stats_removed = (λ(removed, removed). removed)

definition stats_pure_lits_removed :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  stats_pure_lits_removed = Pure_Lits_Stats_removed o get_pure_lits_stats

definition Pure_Lits_Stats_rounds :: inprocessing_pure_lits_stats  64 word where
  Pure_Lits_Stats_rounds = (λ(rounds, rounds). rounds) 

definition stats_pure_lits_rounds :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  stats_pure_lits_rounds = Pure_Lits_Stats_rounds o get_pure_lits_stats

definition add_lbd :: 32 word  isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  add_lbd lbd S = set_avg_lbd_stats (ema_update (unat lbd) (get_avg_lbd_stats S)) S

definition incr_purelit_elim :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_purelit_elim S = set_pure_lits_stats (Pure_lits_Stats_incr_removed (get_pure_lits_stats S)) S

definition incr_purelit_rounds :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_purelit_rounds S = set_pure_lits_stats (Pure_lits_Stats_incr_rounds (get_pure_lits_stats S)) S

definition reset_units_since_last_GC :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  reset_units_since_last_GC S = (set_propagation_stats (Search_Stats_reset_units_since_gc (get_search_stats S)) S)

definition incr_irred_clss :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  incr_irred_clss S = set_propagation_stats (Search_Stats_incr_irred (get_search_stats S)) S

definition set_no_conflict_until :: 64 word  isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  set_no_conflict_until p S = set_propagation_stats (Search_Stats_set_no_conflict_until p (get_search_stats S)) S

definition no_conflict_until :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  no_conflict_until S = Search_Stats_no_conflict_until (get_search_stats S)

definition decr_irred_clss :: isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  decr_irred_clss S = set_propagation_stats (Search_Stats_decr_irred (get_search_stats S)) S

definition irredundant_clss :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  irredundant_clss = Search_Stats_irred o get_search_stats

abbreviation (input) get_conflict_count :: isasat_stats  64 word where
  get_conflict_count  stats_conflicts

definition stats_lbd_limit :: isasat_stats  nat where
  stats_lbd_limit = LSize_Stats_lbd o get_lsize_limit_stats

definition stats_size_limit :: isasat_stats  nat where
  stats_size_limit = LSize_Stats_size o get_lsize_limit_stats

definition set_stats_size_limit :: nat  nat  isasat_stats  isasat_stats where
  set_stats_size_limit lbd size' = set_lsize_limit_stats (lbd, size')

section Information related to restarts

definition FOCUSED_MODE :: 64 word where

definition STABLE_MODE :: 64 word where

definition DEFAULT_INIT_PHASE :: 64 word where

type_synonym restart_info = 64 word × 64 word × 64 word × 64 word × 64 word

definition incr_conflict_count_since_last_restart :: restart_info  restart_info where
  incr_conflict_count_since_last_restart = (λ(ccount, ema_lvl, restart_phase, end_of_phase, length_phase).
    (ccount + 1, ema_lvl, restart_phase, end_of_phase, length_phase))

definition restart_info_update_lvl_avg :: 32 word  restart_info  restart_info where
  restart_info_update_lvl_avg = (λlvl (ccount, ema_lvl). (ccount, ema_lvl))

definition restart_info_init :: restart_info where
  restart_info_init = (0, 0, FOCUSED_MODE, DEFAULT_INIT_PHASE, 1000)

definition restart_info_restart_done :: restart_info  restart_info where
  restart_info_restart_done = (λ(ccount, lvl_avg). (0, lvl_avg))

definition empty_stats :: isasat_stats where
  empty_stats = Tuple16( (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)::search_stats)
  ((0,0,0)::inprocessing_binary_stats) ((0,0,0,0,0)::inprocessing_subsumption_stats)
  (ema_fast_init::ema) ((0,0)::inprocessing_pure_lits_stats) (0,0) (0,0,0,0,0,0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

definition empty_stats_clss :: 64 word  isasat_stats where
  empty_stats_clss n = Tuple16( (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,n,0)::search_stats)
  ((0,0,0)::inprocessing_binary_stats) ((0,0,0,0,0)::inprocessing_subsumption_stats)
  (ema_fast_init::ema) ((0,0)::inprocessing_pure_lits_stats) (0,0) (0,0,0,0,0,0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

section Heuristics

type_synonym schedule_info = 64 word × 64 word × 64 word

definition schedule_next_pure_lits_info :: schedule_info  schedule_info where
  schedule_next_pure_lits_info = (λ(inprocess, reduce, forwardsubsumption). (inprocess * 3 >> 1, reduce, forwardsubsumption))

definition next_pure_lits_schedule_info :: schedule_info  64 word where
  next_pure_lits_schedule_info = (λ(inprocess, reduce, forwardsubsumption). inprocess)

definition schedule_next_reduce_info :: 64 word  schedule_info  schedule_info where
  schedule_next_reduce_info delta = (λ(inprocess, reduce, forwardsubsumption). (inprocess, reduce + delta, forwardsubsumption))

definition next_reduce_schedule_info :: schedule_info  64 word where
  next_reduce_schedule_info = (λ(inprocess, reduce, forwardsubsumption). reduce)

definition next_subsume_schedule_info :: schedule_info  64 word where
  next_subsume_schedule_info = (λ(inprocess, reduce, forwardsubsumption). forwardsubsumption)

definition schedule_next_subsume_info :: 64 word  schedule_info  schedule_info where
  schedule_next_subsume_info delta = (λ(inprocess, reduce, forwardsubsumption). (inprocess, reduce, forwardsubsumption + delta))

datatype 'a code_hider = Constructor (get_content: 'a)

definition code_hider_rel where code_hider_rel_def_internal:
  code_hider_rel R = {(a,b). (a, get_content b)  R}

lemma code_hider_rel_def[refine_rel_defs]:
  "Rcode_hider_rel  {(a,b). (a, get_content b)  R}"
  by (simp add: code_hider_rel_def_internal relAPP_def)

type_synonym restart_heuristics = ema × ema × restart_info × 64 word × phase_save_heur × reluctant × bool × phase_saver × schedule_info × ema × ema

type_synonym isasat_restart_heuristics = restart_heuristics code_hider

abbreviation Restart_Heuristics :: restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
  Restart_Heuristics a  Constructor a

abbreviation get_restart_heuristics :: isasat_restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
  get_restart_heuristics a  get_content a

fun fast_ema_of_stats :: restart_heuristics  ema where
  fast_ema_of_stats (fast_ema, slow_ema, restart_info, wasted, φ) = fast_ema

fun slow_ema_of_stats :: restart_heuristics  ema where
  slow_ema_of_stats (fast_ema, slow_ema, restart_info, wasted, φ) = slow_ema

fun restart_info_of_stats :: restart_heuristics  restart_info where
  restart_info_of_stats (fast_ema, slow_ema, restart_info, wasted, φ) = restart_info

fun schedule_info_of_stats :: restart_heuristics  schedule_info where
  schedule_info_of_stats (fast_ema, slow_ema, restart_info, wasted, φ, _, _, _, schedule, _, _) = schedule

fun current_restart_phase_stats :: restart_heuristics  64 word where
  current_restart_phase_stats (fast_ema, slow_ema, (ccount, ema_lvl, restart_phase, end_of_phase), wasted, φ) =

fun incr_restart_phase_stats :: restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
  incr_restart_phase_stats (fast_ema, slow_ema, (ccount, ema_lvl, restart_phase, end_of_phase), wasted, φ) =
    (fast_ema, slow_ema, (ccount, ema_lvl, restart_phase XOR 1, end_of_phase), wasted, φ)

fun incr_wasted_stats :: 64 word  restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
  incr_wasted_stats waste (fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ) =
    (fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted + waste, φ)

fun set_zero_wasted_stats :: restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
  set_zero_wasted_stats (fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ) =
    (fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, 0, φ)

fun wasted_of_stats :: restart_heuristics  64 word where
  wasted_of_stats (fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ) = wasted

fun get_conflict_count_since_last_restart_stats :: restart_heuristics  64 word where
  get_conflict_count_since_last_restart_stats (fast_ema, slow_ema, (ccount, ema_lvl, restart_phase, end_of_phase), wasted, φ) =

definition swap_emas_stats :: restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
  swap_emas_stats = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, restart_info, wasted, φ, a, b, lit_st, schedule, other_fema, other_sema).
  (other_fema, other_sema, restart_info, wasted, φ, a, b, lit_st, schedule, fast_ema, slow_ema))

definition get_conflict_count_since_last_restart :: isasat_restart_heuristics  64 word where
  get_conflict_count_since_last_restart = get_conflict_count_since_last_restart_stats o get_content

definition heuristic_rel_stats :: nat multiset  restart_heuristics  bool where
  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, _, _, lit_st, schedule). phase_save_heur_rel 𝒜 φ  phase_saving 𝒜 lit_st)

definition save_phase_heur_stats :: nat  bool  restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
save_phase_heur_stats L b = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, (φ, target, best), reluctant).
    (fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, (φ[L := b], target, best), reluctant))

definition save_phase_heur_pre_stats :: nat  bool  restart_heuristics  bool where
save_phase_heur_pre_stats L b = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, (φ, _), _). L < length φ)

definition mop_save_phase_heur_stats :: nat  bool  restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics nres where
mop_save_phase_heur_stats L b heur = do {
   ASSERT(save_phase_heur_pre_stats L b heur);
   RETURN (save_phase_heur_stats L b heur)

definition mark_added_heur_stats :: nat  bool  restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
mark_added_heur_stats L b = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant, fully_proped, lits_st, schedule).
    (fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant, fully_proped, lits_st[L := True], schedule))

definition mark_added_heur_pre_stats :: nat  bool  restart_heuristics  bool where
mark_added_heur_pre_stats L b = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, _,  fully_proped, lits_st, schedule). L < length lits_st)

definition mop_mark_added_heur_stats :: nat  bool  restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics nres where
mop_mark_added_heur_stats L b heur = do {
   ASSERT(mark_added_heur_pre_stats L b heur);
   RETURN (mark_added_heur_stats L b heur)

definition reset_added_heur_stats :: restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
reset_added_heur_stats = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant, fully_proped, lits_st, schedule).
    (fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant, fully_proped, replicate (length lits_st) False, schedule))

definition reset_added_heur_stats2 :: restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics nres where
  reset_added_heur_stats2 = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant, fully_proped, lits_st0, schedule).
  do {
  (_, lits_st)  WHILETλ(i, lits_st). (k < i. ¬lits_st ! k)  i  length lits_st  length lits_st = length lits_st0(λ(i, lits_st). i < length lits_st)
    (λ(i, lits_st). do {ASSERT (i < length lits_st); RETURN (i+1, lits_st[i := False])})
    (0, lits_st0);
  RETURN  (fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant, fully_proped, lits_st, schedule)

lemma reset_added_heur_stats2_reset_added_heur_stats:
  reset_added_heur_stats2 heur Id (RETURN (reset_added_heur_stats heur))
proof -
  obtain fast_ema slow_ema res_info wasted φ reluctant fully_proped lits_st0 schedule where
    heur: heur = (fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant, fully_proped, lits_st0, schedule)
    by (cases heur)
  have [refine0]: wf (measure (λ(i, lits_st). length lits_st0 - i))
    by auto
  show ?thesis
    unfolding reset_added_heur_stats2_def reset_added_heur_stats_def heur
    apply (refine_vcg)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto split: if_splits)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (simp add: list_eq_iff_nth_eq)

definition is_marked_added_heur_stats :: restart_heuristics  nat  bool where
is_marked_added_heur_stats = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant, fully_proped, lits_st, schedule) L.
     lits_st ! L)

definition is_marked_added_heur_pre_stats :: restart_heuristics nat  bool where
is_marked_added_heur_pre_stats = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, _,  fully_proped, lits_st, schedule) L. L < length lits_st)

definition mop_is_marked_added_heur_stats :: restart_heuristics  nat  bool nres where
mop_is_marked_added_heur_stats L heur = do {
   ASSERT(is_marked_added_heur_pre_stats L heur);
   RETURN (is_marked_added_heur_stats L heur)

definition get_saved_phase_heur_pre_stats :: nat  restart_heuristics  bool where
get_saved_phase_heur_pre_stats L = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, (φ, _), _). L < length φ)

definition get_saved_phase_heur_stats :: nat  restart_heuristics  bool where
get_saved_phase_heur_stats L = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, (φ, _), _). φ!L)

definition current_rephasing_phase_stats :: restart_heuristics  64 word where
current_rephasing_phase_stats = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, _). phase_current_rephasing_phase φ)

definition mop_get_saved_phase_heur_stats :: nat  restart_heuristics  bool nres where
mop_get_saved_phase_heur_stats L heur = do {
   ASSERT(get_saved_phase_heur_pre_stats L heur);
   RETURN (get_saved_phase_heur_stats L heur)

definition heuristic_reluctant_tick_stats :: restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
  heuristic_reluctant_tick_stats = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant, fullyproped).
     (fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant_tick reluctant, fullyproped))

definition heuristic_reluctant_enable_stats :: restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
  heuristic_reluctant_enable_stats = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant, fullyproped).
     (fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant_init, fullyproped))

definition heuristic_reluctant_disable_stats :: restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
  heuristic_reluctant_disable_stats = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant, fullyproped).
     (fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant_disable reluctant, fullyproped))

definition heuristic_reluctant_triggered_stats :: restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics × bool where
  heuristic_reluctant_triggered_stats = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant, fullyproped).
    let (reluctant, b) = reluctant_triggered reluctant in
     ((fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant, fullyproped), b))

definition heuristic_reluctant_triggered2_stats :: restart_heuristics  bool where
  heuristic_reluctant_triggered2_stats = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant, fullyproped).
    reluctant_triggered2 reluctant)

definition heuristic_reluctant_untrigger_stats :: restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
  heuristic_reluctant_untrigger_stats = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant, fullyproped).
    (fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, φ, reluctant_untrigger reluctant, fullyproped))

definition end_of_rephasing_phase_heur_stats :: restart_heuristics  64 word where
  end_of_rephasing_phase_heur_stats =
    (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, phasing, reluctant). end_of_rephasing_phase phasing)

definition is_fully_propagated_heur_stats :: restart_heuristics  bool where
  is_fully_propagated_heur_stats =
    (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, phasing, reluctant, fullyproped, _). fullyproped)

definition set_fully_propagated_heur_stats :: restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
  set_fully_propagated_heur_stats =
    (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, phasing, reluctant, fullyproped, lit_st). (fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, phasing, reluctant, True, lit_st))

definition unset_fully_propagated_heur_stats :: restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
  unset_fully_propagated_heur_stats =
    (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, phasing, reluctant, fullyproped, lit_st). (fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, phasing, reluctant, False, lit_st))

definition restart_info_restart_done_heur_stats :: restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
  restart_info_restart_done_heur_stats = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, phasing, reluctant, fullyproped, lit_st). (fast_ema, slow_ema, restart_info_restart_done res_info, wasted, phasing, reluctant, False, lit_st))

lemma heuristic_rel_statsI[intro!]:
  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 (incr_wasted_stats wast heur)
  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 (set_zero_wasted_stats heur)
  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 (incr_restart_phase_stats heur)
  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 (save_phase_heur_stats L b heur)
  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 (mark_added_heur_stats L b heur)
  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 (heuristic_reluctant_tick_stats heur)
  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 (heuristic_reluctant_enable_stats heur)
  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 (heuristic_reluctant_untrigger_stats heur)
  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 (set_fully_propagated_heur_stats heur)
  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 (unset_fully_propagated_heur_stats heur)
  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 (swap_emas_stats heur)
  by (clarsimp_all simp: heuristic_rel_stats_def save_phase_heur_stats_def phase_save_heur_rel_def phase_saving_def
    heuristic_reluctant_tick_stats_def heuristic_reluctant_enable_stats_def heuristic_reluctant_untrigger_stats_def
    set_fully_propagated_heur_stats_def unset_fully_propagated_heur_stats_def mark_added_heur_stats_def swap_emas_stats_def)

lemma heuristic_rel_stats_heuristic_reluctant_triggered_statsD:
  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 heur 
     heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 (fst (heuristic_reluctant_triggered_stats heur))
  by (clarsimp simp: heuristic_reluctant_triggered_stats_def heuristic_rel_stats_def  phase_save_heur_rel_def
    phase_saving_def reluctant_triggered_def)

lemma save_phase_heur_pre_statsI:
  heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 heur  a ∈# 𝒜  save_phase_heur_pre_stats a b heur
  by (auto simp: heuristic_rel_stats_def phase_saving_def save_phase_heur_pre_stats_def
     phase_save_heur_rel_def atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in)

definition fast_ema_of :: isasat_restart_heuristics  ema where
  fast_ema_of = fast_ema_of_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition slow_ema_of :: isasat_restart_heuristics  ema where
  slow_ema_of = slow_ema_of_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition restart_info_of :: isasat_restart_heuristics  restart_info where
  restart_info_of = restart_info_of_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition current_restart_phase :: isasat_restart_heuristics  64 word where
  current_restart_phase = current_restart_phase_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition incr_restart_phase :: isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
  incr_restart_phase = Restart_Heuristics o incr_restart_phase_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition incr_wasted :: 64 word  isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
  incr_wasted waste = Restart_Heuristics o incr_wasted_stats waste o get_restart_heuristics

definition set_zero_wasted :: isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
  set_zero_wasted =  Restart_Heuristics o set_zero_wasted_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition wasted_of :: isasat_restart_heuristics  64 word where
  wasted_of = wasted_of_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition swap_emas :: isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
  swap_emas = Restart_Heuristics o swap_emas_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition heuristic_rel :: nat multiset  isasat_restart_heuristics  bool where
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 = heuristic_rel_stats 𝒜 o get_restart_heuristics

definition save_phase_heur :: nat  bool  isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
save_phase_heur L b = Restart_Heuristics o save_phase_heur_stats L b o get_restart_heuristics

definition save_phase_heur_pre :: nat  bool  isasat_restart_heuristics  bool where
  save_phase_heur_pre L b = save_phase_heur_pre_stats L b o get_restart_heuristics

definition mop_save_phase_heur :: nat  bool  isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics nres where
mop_save_phase_heur L b heur = do {
   ASSERT(save_phase_heur_pre L b heur);
   RETURN (save_phase_heur L b heur)

definition mark_added_heur :: nat  bool  isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
mark_added_heur L b = Restart_Heuristics o mark_added_heur_stats L b o get_restart_heuristics

definition mark_added_heur_pre :: nat  bool  isasat_restart_heuristics  bool where
mark_added_heur_pre L b = mark_added_heur_pre_stats L b o get_restart_heuristics

definition mop_mark_added_heur :: nat  bool  isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics nres where
mop_mark_added_heur L b heur = do {
   ASSERT(mark_added_heur_pre L b heur);
   RETURN (mark_added_heur L b heur)

definition reset_added_heur :: isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
reset_added_heur = Restart_Heuristics o reset_added_heur_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition mop_reset_added_heur :: isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics nres where
mop_reset_added_heur heur = do {
   RETURN (reset_added_heur heur)

definition is_marked_added_heur :: isasat_restart_heuristics  nat  bool where
is_marked_added_heur = is_marked_added_heur_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition is_marked_added_heur_pre :: isasat_restart_heuristics   nat  bool where
is_marked_added_heur_pre = is_marked_added_heur_pre_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition mop_is_marked_added_heur :: isasat_restart_heuristics  nat  bool nres where
mop_is_marked_added_heur L heur = do {
   ASSERT(is_marked_added_heur_pre L heur);
   RETURN (is_marked_added_heur L heur)

definition get_saved_phase_heur_pre :: nat  isasat_restart_heuristics  bool where
get_saved_phase_heur_pre L = get_saved_phase_heur_pre_stats L o get_restart_heuristics

definition get_saved_phase_heur :: nat  isasat_restart_heuristics  bool where
get_saved_phase_heur L = get_saved_phase_heur_stats L o get_restart_heuristics

definition current_rephasing_phase :: isasat_restart_heuristics  64 word where
current_rephasing_phase = current_rephasing_phase_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition mop_get_saved_phase_heur :: nat  isasat_restart_heuristics  bool nres where
mop_get_saved_phase_heur L heur = do {
   ASSERT(get_saved_phase_heur_pre L heur);
   RETURN (get_saved_phase_heur L heur)

definition heuristic_reluctant_tick :: isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
  heuristic_reluctant_tick = Restart_Heuristics o heuristic_reluctant_tick_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition heuristic_reluctant_enable :: isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
  heuristic_reluctant_enable = Restart_Heuristics o heuristic_reluctant_enable_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition heuristic_reluctant_disable :: isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
  heuristic_reluctant_disable = Restart_Heuristics o heuristic_reluctant_disable_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition heuristic_reluctant_triggered :: isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics × bool where
  heuristic_reluctant_triggered = apfst Restart_Heuristics o heuristic_reluctant_triggered_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition heuristic_reluctant_triggered2 :: isasat_restart_heuristics  bool where
  heuristic_reluctant_triggered2 = heuristic_reluctant_triggered2_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition heuristic_reluctant_untrigger :: isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
  heuristic_reluctant_untrigger = Restart_Heuristics o heuristic_reluctant_untrigger_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition end_of_rephasing_phase_heur :: isasat_restart_heuristics  64 word where
  end_of_rephasing_phase_heur = end_of_rephasing_phase_heur_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition is_fully_propagated_heur :: isasat_restart_heuristics  bool where
  is_fully_propagated_heur = is_fully_propagated_heur_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition set_fully_propagated_heur :: isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
  set_fully_propagated_heur = Restart_Heuristics o set_fully_propagated_heur_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition unset_fully_propagated_heur :: isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
  unset_fully_propagated_heur =
  Restart_Heuristics o unset_fully_propagated_heur_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition restart_info_restart_done_heur :: isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
  restart_info_restart_done_heur =
  Restart_Heuristics o restart_info_restart_done_heur_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition schedule_info_of :: isasat_restart_heuristics  schedule_info where
  schedule_info_of = schedule_info_of_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition schedule_next_pure_lits_stats :: restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
  schedule_next_pure_lits_stats = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, phasing, reluctant, fullyproped, lit_st, schedule, other_fema, other_sema).
  (fast_ema, slow_ema, restart_info_restart_done res_info, wasted, phasing, reluctant, fullyproped, lit_st, schedule_next_pure_lits_info schedule, other_fema, other_sema))

definition schedule_next_pure_lits :: isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
  schedule_next_pure_lits = Restart_Heuristics o schedule_next_pure_lits_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition next_pure_lits_schedule_info_stats :: restart_heuristics  64 word where
  next_pure_lits_schedule_info_stats = next_pure_lits_schedule_info o schedule_info_of_stats

definition next_pure_lits_schedule :: isasat_restart_heuristics  64 word where
  next_pure_lits_schedule = next_pure_lits_schedule_info_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition schedule_next_reduce_stats :: 64 word  restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
  schedule_next_reduce_stats delta = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, phasing, reluctant, fullyproped, lit_st, schedule, other_fema, other_sema). (fast_ema, slow_ema, restart_info_restart_done res_info, wasted, phasing, reluctant, fullyproped, lit_st, schedule_next_reduce_info delta schedule, other_fema, other_sema))

definition schedule_next_reduce :: 64 word  isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
  schedule_next_reduce delta = Restart_Heuristics o schedule_next_reduce_stats delta o get_restart_heuristics

definition next_reduce_schedule_info_stats :: restart_heuristics  64 word where
  next_reduce_schedule_info_stats = next_reduce_schedule_info o schedule_info_of_stats

definition next_reduce_schedule :: isasat_restart_heuristics  64 word where
  next_reduce_schedule = next_reduce_schedule_info_stats o get_restart_heuristics

definition schedule_next_subsume_stats :: 64 word  restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
  schedule_next_subsume_stats delta = (λ(fast_ema, slow_ema, res_info, wasted, phasing, reluctant, fullyproped, lit_st, schedule, other_fema, other_sema). (fast_ema, slow_ema, restart_info_restart_done res_info, wasted, phasing, reluctant, fullyproped, lit_st, schedule_next_subsume_info delta schedule, other_fema, other_sema))

definition schedule_next_subsume :: 64 word  isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
  schedule_next_subsume delta = Restart_Heuristics o schedule_next_subsume_stats delta o get_restart_heuristics

definition next_subsume_schedule_info_stats :: restart_heuristics  64 word where
  next_subsume_schedule_info_stats = next_subsume_schedule_info o schedule_info_of_stats

definition next_subsume_schedule :: isasat_restart_heuristics  64 word where
  next_subsume_schedule = next_subsume_schedule_info_stats o get_restart_heuristics

lemma heuristic_relI[intro!]:
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel 𝒜 (incr_wasted wast heur)
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel 𝒜 (set_zero_wasted heur)
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel 𝒜 (incr_restart_phase heur)
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel 𝒜 (save_phase_heur L b heur)
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel 𝒜 (heuristic_reluctant_tick heur)
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel 𝒜 (heuristic_reluctant_enable heur)
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel 𝒜 (heuristic_reluctant_untrigger heur)
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel 𝒜 (set_fully_propagated_heur heur)
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel 𝒜 (unset_fully_propagated_heur heur)
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel 𝒜 (mark_added_heur L b heur)
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel 𝒜 (swap_emas heur)
  by (auto simp: heuristic_rel_def save_phase_heur_def phase_save_heur_rel_def phase_saving_def
    heuristic_reluctant_tick_def heuristic_reluctant_enable_def heuristic_reluctant_untrigger_def
    set_fully_propagated_heur_def unset_fully_propagated_heur_def set_zero_wasted_def incr_wasted_def
    incr_restart_phase_def mark_added_heur_def swap_emas_def)

lemma heuristic_rel_heuristic_reluctant_triggeredD:
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur 
     heuristic_rel 𝒜 (fst (heuristic_reluctant_triggered heur))
  by (clarsimp simp: heuristic_reluctant_triggered_def heuristic_rel_def  phase_save_heur_rel_def
    phase_saving_def reluctant_triggered_def heuristic_rel_stats_heuristic_reluctant_triggered_statsD)

lemma save_phase_heur_preI:
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  a ∈# 𝒜  save_phase_heur_pre a b heur
  by (auto simp: heuristic_rel_def phase_saving_def save_phase_heur_pre_def save_phase_heur_pre_statsI
     phase_save_heur_rel_def atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in)

text Using terma + 1 ensures that we do not get stuck with 0.
fun incr_restart_phase_end_stats :: 64 word  restart_heuristics  restart_heuristics where
  incr_restart_phase_end_stats end_of_phase (fast_ema, slow_ema, (ccount, ema_lvl, restart_phase, _, length_phase), wasted) =
  (fast_ema, slow_ema, (ccount, ema_lvl, restart_phase, end_of_phase + length_phase, (length_phase * 3) >> 1), wasted)

definition incr_restart_phase_end :: 64 word  isasat_restart_heuristics  isasat_restart_heuristics where
  incr_restart_phase_end end_of_phase = Restart_Heuristics o (incr_restart_phase_end_stats end_of_phase) o get_content

lemma heuristic_rel_incr_restartI[intro!]:
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel 𝒜 (incr_restart_phase_end lcount heur)
  by (auto simp: heuristic_rel_def heuristic_rel_stats_def incr_restart_phase_end_def)

lemma [intro!]:
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel 𝒜 (heuristic_reluctant_disable heur)
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel 𝒜 (schedule_next_pure_lits heur)
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel 𝒜 (heuristic_reluctant_disable heur)
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel 𝒜 (schedule_next_reduce delta heur)
  by (auto simp: heuristic_rel_def heuristic_reluctant_disable_def heuristic_rel_stats_def heuristic_reluctant_disable_stats_def
     next_pure_lits_schedule_def schedule_next_pure_lits_def schedule_next_pure_lits_stats_def
     next_reduce_schedule_def schedule_next_reduce_def schedule_next_reduce_stats_def)

lemma [simp]:
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel 𝒜 (restart_info_restart_done_heur heur)
  by (auto simp: heuristic_rel_def heuristic_rel_stats_def restart_info_restart_done_heur_def

subsection Number of clauses

type_synonym clss_size = nat × nat × nat × nat × nat

definition clss_size
  :: 'v clauses_l  'v clauses  'v clauses  'v clauses  'v clauses 'v clauses  'v clauses 
     'v clauses  'v clauses  clss_size
  clss_size N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 =
     (size (learned_clss_lf N), size UE, size UEk, size US, size U0)

definition clss_size_lcount :: clss_size  nat where
  clss_size_lcount = (λ(lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS). lcount)

definition clss_size_lcountUE :: clss_size  nat where
  clss_size_lcountUE = (λ(lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS). lcountUE)

definition clss_size_lcountUEk :: clss_size  nat where
  clss_size_lcountUEk = (λ(lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS). lcountUEk)

definition clss_size_lcountUS :: clss_size  nat where
  clss_size_lcountUS = (λ(lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS, _). lcountUS)

definition clss_size_lcountU0 :: clss_size  nat where
  clss_size_lcountU0 = (λ(lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS, lcountU0). lcountU0)

definition clss_size_incr_lcount :: clss_size  clss_size where
  clss_size_incr_lcount =
     (λ(lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS). (lcount + 1, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS))

definition clss_size_decr_lcount :: clss_size  clss_size where
  clss_size_decr_lcount =
     (λ(lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS). (lcount - 1, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS))

definition clss_size_incr_lcountUE :: clss_size  clss_size where
  clss_size_incr_lcountUE =
     (λ(lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS). (lcount, lcountUE + 1, lcountUEk, lcountUS))

definition clss_size_incr_lcountUEk :: clss_size  clss_size where
  clss_size_incr_lcountUEk =
     (λ(lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS). (lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk + 1, lcountUS))

definition clss_size_incr_lcountUS :: clss_size  clss_size where
  clss_size_incr_lcountUS =
     (λ(lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS, lcountU0). (lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS + 1, lcountU0))

definition clss_size_incr_lcountU0 :: clss_size  clss_size where
  clss_size_incr_lcountU0 =
     (λ(lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS, lcountU0). (lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS, lcountU0 + 1))

definition clss_size_resetUS :: clss_size  clss_size where
  clss_size_resetUS =
     (λ(lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS, lcountU0). (lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, 0, lcountU0))

definition clss_size_resetU0 :: clss_size  clss_size where
  clss_size_resetU0 =
     (λ(lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS, lcountU0). (lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS, 0))

definition clss_size_resetUE :: clss_size  clss_size where
  clss_size_resetUE =
     (λ(lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS, lcountU0). (lcount, 0, lcountUEk, lcountUS, lcountU0))

definition clss_size_resetUEk :: clss_size  clss_size where
  clss_size_resetUEk =
     (λ(lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS, lcountU0). (lcount, lcountUE, 0, lcountUS, lcountU0))

definition clss_size_allcount :: clss_size  nat where
  clss_size_allcount =
    (λ(lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS, lcountU0). lcount + lcountUE + lcountUEk + lcountUS + lcountU0)

abbreviation clss_size_resetUS0 :: clss_size  _ where
  clss_size_resetUS0 lcount  clss_size_resetUE (clss_size_resetUS (clss_size_resetU0 lcount))

lemma clss_size_add_simp[simp]:
  clss_size N NE (add_mset D UE) NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 = clss_size_incr_lcountUE (clss_size N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0)
  clss_size N (add_mset C NE) UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 = clss_size N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0
  clss_size N NE UE NEk UEk (add_mset C NS) US N0 U0 = clss_size N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0
  by (auto simp: clss_size_def ran_m_fmdrop_If clss_size_decr_lcount_def
    clss_size_incr_lcountUE_def size_remove1_mset_If clss_size_resetUS_def)

lemma clss_size_upd_simp[simp]:
  C ∈# dom_m N   clss_size (N(C  C')) NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 = clss_size N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0
  C ∉# dom_m N  ¬snd D  clss_size (fmupd C D N) NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 = clss_size_incr_lcount (clss_size N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0)
  C ∉# dom_m N  snd D  clss_size (fmupd C D N) NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 = (clss_size N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0)
  by (auto simp: clss_size_def learned_clss_l_fmupd_if clss_size_incr_lcount_def)

lemma clss_size_del_simp[simp]:
  C ∈# dom_m N  ¬irred N C  clss_size (fmdrop C N) NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 = clss_size_decr_lcount (clss_size N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0)
  C ∈# dom_m N  irred N C  clss_size (fmdrop C N) NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 = (clss_size N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0)
  by (auto simp: clss_size_def ran_m_fmdrop_If clss_size_decr_lcount_def
     size_remove1_mset_If clss_size_resetUS_def)

lemma clss_size_lcount_clss_size[simp]:
  clss_size_lcount (clss_size N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0) = size (learned_clss_l N)
  clss_size_allcount (clss_size N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0) = size (learned_clss_l N) + size UE + size UEk + size US + size U0
  by (auto simp: clss_size_lcount_def clss_size_def clss_size_allcount_def)

lemma clss_size_resetUS_simp[simp]:
  clss_size_resetUS (clss_size_decr_lcount (clss_size baa da ea NEk UEk fa ga ha ia)) =
     clss_size_decr_lcount (clss_size baa da ea NEk UEk fa {#} ha ia)
  clss_size_resetUS (clss_size_incr_lcount (clss_size baa da ea NEk UEk fa ga ha ia)) =
     clss_size_incr_lcount (clss_size baa da ea NEk UEk fa {#} ha ia)
  clss_size_resetUS  (clss_size_incr_lcountUE (clss_size baa da ea NEk UEk fa ga ha ia)) =
     clss_size_incr_lcountUE (clss_size baa da ea NEk UEk fa {#} ha ia)
  clss_size_resetUS (clss_size N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0) = (clss_size N NE UE NEk UEk NS {#} N0 U0)
  clss_size_lcountU0 (clss_size_resetUS x) = clss_size_lcountU0 x
  by (auto simp: clss_size_resetUS_def clss_size_decr_lcount_def clss_size_def
    clss_size_incr_lcount_def clss_size_incr_lcountUE_def clss_size_lcountU0_def
    split: prod.splits)

lemma [simp]: clss_size_resetUS (clss_size_incr_lcountUE st) =
         clss_size_incr_lcountUE (clss_size_resetUS st)
  by (solves cases st; auto simp: clss_size_incr_lcountUE_def clss_size_resetUS_def)+

lemma clss_size_lcount_simps2[simp]:
  clss_size_lcount (clss_size_resetUS S) = clss_size_lcount S
  clss_size_lcountUE (clss_size_resetUS S) = clss_size_lcountUE S
  clss_size_lcountUS (clss_size_resetUS S) = 0

  clss_size_lcount (clss_size_incr_lcountUE S) = clss_size_lcount S
  clss_size_lcountUE (clss_size_incr_lcountUE S) = Suc (clss_size_lcountUE S)
  clss_size_lcountUS (clss_size_incr_lcountUE S) = clss_size_lcountUS S

  clss_size_lcount (clss_size_decr_lcount S) = clss_size_lcount S - 1
  clss_size_lcountUE (clss_size_decr_lcount S) = clss_size_lcountUE S
  clss_size_lcountUS (clss_size_decr_lcount S) = clss_size_lcountUS S

  clss_size_incr_lcountUE (clss_size_decr_lcount S) =
        clss_size_decr_lcount (clss_size_incr_lcountUE S)
  clss_size_resetUS (clss_size_decr_lcount S) = 
     clss_size_decr_lcount (clss_size_resetUS S)
  clss_size_resetUS (clss_size_incr_lcountUE S) = clss_size_incr_lcountUE (clss_size_resetUS S)
  by (solves cases S; auto simp: clss_size_lcount_def clss_size_resetUS_def
    clss_size_lcountUE_def clss_size_lcountUS_def
    clss_size_incr_lcountUE_def clss_size_decr_lcount_def)+

lemma [simp]:
  clss_size_lcountU0 (clss_size_decr_lcount S) = clss_size_lcountU0 S
  clss_size_lcountU0 (clss_size_incr_lcountUE S) = clss_size_lcountU0 S
  clss_size_lcountU0 (clss_size_incr_lcountUS S) = clss_size_lcountU0 S
  clss_size_lcountU0 (clss_size_incr_lcountU0 S) = clss_size_lcountU0 S + 1
  by (auto simp: clss_size_lcountU0_def clss_size_decr_lcount_def clss_size_incr_lcountUE_def
      clss_size_incr_lcountUS_def clss_size_incr_lcountU0_def
    split: prod.splits)

lemma [simp]:
  clss_size_lcount (clss_size_incr_lcountUEk c) = clss_size_lcount c
  clss_size_lcountUE (clss_size_incr_lcountUEk c) = clss_size_lcountUE c
  clss_size_lcountUEk (clss_size_incr_lcountUEk c) = clss_size_lcountUEk c+1
  clss_size_lcountU0 (clss_size_incr_lcountUEk c) = clss_size_lcountU0 c
  clss_size_lcountUS (clss_size_incr_lcountUEk c) = clss_size_lcountUS c
  by (auto simp: clss_size_lcountUE_def clss_size_lcount_def clss_size_incr_lcountUEk_def
    clss_size_lcountUEk_def clss_size_lcountU0_def clss_size_lcountUS_def
    split: prod.splits)

lemma clss_size_simps3[simp]:
  clss_size_lcountUE (clss_size baa da ea NEk UEk fa x N0 U0) = size ea
  clss_size_lcountUEk (clss_size baa da ea NEk UEk fa x N0 U0) = size UEk
  clss_size_lcountUS (clss_size baa da ea NEk UEk fa x N0 U0) = size x
  clss_size_lcountU0 (clss_size baa da ea NEk UEk fa x N0 U0) = size U0
  by (auto simp: clss_size_lcountUE_def clss_size_lcountUS_def clss_size_lcountU0_def clss_size_def

(*TODO Move inside this file*)
lemma clss_size_lcount_incr_lcount_simps[simp]:
  clss_size_lcount (clss_size_incr_lcount S) = Suc (clss_size_lcount S)
  clss_size_lcountUE (clss_size_incr_lcount S) = (clss_size_lcountUE S)
  clss_size_lcountUEk (clss_size_incr_lcount S) = (clss_size_lcountUEk S)
  clss_size_lcountUS (clss_size_incr_lcount S) = (clss_size_lcountUS S)
  clss_size_lcountU0 (clss_size_incr_lcount (S)) = clss_size_lcountU0 ( (S))
  by (cases S; auto simp: clss_size_incr_lcount_def
      clss_size_lcount_def clss_size_def clss_size_lcountUEk_def
    clss_size_lcountUE_def clss_size_lcountUS_def clss_size_lcountU0_def; fail)+

lemma [simp]:
  clss_size_lcount (clss_size_resetU0 c) = clss_size_lcount c
  clss_size_lcount (clss_size_resetUE c) = clss_size_lcount c
  clss_size_lcount (clss_size_resetUEk c) = clss_size_lcount c
  clss_size_lcountUE (clss_size_resetU0 c) = clss_size_lcountUE c
  clss_size_lcountUE (clss_size_resetUEk c) = clss_size_lcountUE c
  clss_size_lcountU0 (clss_size_resetUE c) = clss_size_lcountU0 c
  clss_size_lcountU0 (clss_size_resetUEk c) = clss_size_lcountU0 c
  clss_size_lcountU0 (clss_size_resetU0 c) = 0
 clss_size_lcountU0 (clss_size_decr_lcount c) = clss_size_lcountU0 c
  clss_size_lcountUEk (clss_size_resetUE c) = clss_size_lcountUEk c
  clss_size_lcountUEk (clss_size_resetUS c) = clss_size_lcountUEk c
  clss_size_lcountUEk (clss_size_resetU0 c) = clss_size_lcountUEk c
  clss_size_lcountUEk (clss_size_resetUEk c) = 0
 clss_size_lcountUEk (clss_size_decr_lcount c) = clss_size_lcountUEk c
  clss_size_lcountUE (clss_size_resetUE c) = 0
  clss_size_lcountUS (clss_size_resetUE c) = clss_size_lcountUS c
  clss_size_lcountUS (clss_size_resetUEk c) = clss_size_lcountUS c
  by (auto simp: clss_size_resetU0_def clss_size_lcount_def clss_size_lcountU0_def
    clss_size_lcountUS_def clss_size_decr_lcount_def
    clss_size_resetUE_def clss_size_resetUEk_def clss_size_lcountUE_def clss_size_lcountUEk_def
    clss_size_resetUS_def split: prod.splits)

definition print_literal_of_trail where
  print_literal_of_trail _ = RETURN ()

definition print_trail where
  print_trail = (λ(M, _). do {
  i  WHILET(λi. i < length M)
  (λi. do {
  ASSERT(i < length M);
  print_literal_of_trail (M!i);
  RETURN (i+1)})
  print_literal_of_trail ((0::nat));

definition print_trail2 where
  print_trail2 = (λ(M, _). RETURN ())

lemma print_trail_print_trail2:
  (M,M')Id  print_trail M   Id (print_trail2 M')
  unfolding print_trail_def print_trail2_def
  apply (refine_vcg WHILET_rule[where
    R = measure (λi. Suc (length (fst M)) - i) and
    I = λi. i  length (fst M)])
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal unfolding print_literal_of_trail_def by auto
  subgoal unfolding print_literal_of_trail_def by auto

lemma print_trail_print_trail2_rel:
  (print_trail, print_trail2)  Id f unit_relnres_rel
  using print_trail_print_trail2 by (fastforce intro: frefI nres_relI)

definition clss_size_corr :: _  _  _  _ _  _ _  _ _  clss_size  bool where
  clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  c = clss_size N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0

text There is no equivalence because of rounding errors. However, we do not care about that in
  the proofs and we are always safe in IsaSAT.

  However, the intro rule are still too dangerous and make it hard to recognize the original goal.
  Therefore, they are not marked as safe.

    C ∈# dom_m N  ¬irred N C clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr (fmdrop C N) NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 (clss_size_decr_lcount c)
    C ∉# dom_m N  ¬b clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr (fmupd C (D, b) N) NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 (clss_size_incr_lcount c)
    clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk (add_mset E UEk) NS US N0 U0 (clss_size_incr_lcountUEk c)
    clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr N NE (add_mset E UE) NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 (clss_size_incr_lcountUE c)
    clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS (add_mset E US) N0 U0 (clss_size_incr_lcountUS c)
    clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 (add_mset E U0) (clss_size_incr_lcountU0 c)
    clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 (clss_size N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0)
    clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS {#} N0 U0 (clss_size_resetUS c)
    clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk {#} NS US N0 U0 (clss_size_resetUEk c)
    clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 {#} (clss_size_resetU0 c)
    C ∉# dom_m N  b  clss_size_corr (fmupd C (D, b) N) NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c 
      clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c
    C ∈# dom_m N  irred N C  clss_size_corr (fmdrop C N) NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c = clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c
    C ∈# dom_m N  clss_size_corr (N(C  swap (N  C) i j)) NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c = clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c
    clss_size_corr N NE UE (add_mset E NEk) UEk NS US N0 U0 c = clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c
    clss_size_corr N (add_mset E NE) UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c = clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c
    clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk (add_mset E NS) US N0 U0 c = clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c
    clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US (add_mset E N0) U0 c = clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c
    clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 lcount  clss_size_lcount lcount = size (learned_clss_lf N)
  by (auto simp: clss_size_def ran_m_fmdrop_If clss_size_decr_lcount_def learned_clss_l_fmupd_if
    clss_size_incr_lcount_def clss_size_incr_lcountUS_def clss_size_incr_lcountU0_def clss_size_incr_lcountUEk_def
    clss_size_incr_lcountUE_def  clss_size_lcount_def clss_size_resetUEk_def clss_size_resetU0_def
      size_remove1_mset_If clss_size_resetUS_def clss_size_corr_def; fail)+

text This version of the counter is incomplete. It is however useful because we do not need to care
about some of the counts during restarts. In particular, it avoids taking care of overflows.

definition clss_size_corr_restart :: 'v clauses_l  'v clauses  'v clauses  'v clauses  'v clauses 
  'v clauses  'v clauses  'v clauses  'v clauses  clss_size  bool where
  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  (UE US U0. c = clss_size N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0)

lemma clss_size_corr_restart_clss_size_corr:
  clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE' NEk UEk NS US' N0 U0' c
  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr N NE {#} NEk UEk NS {#} N0 {#} (clss_size_resetUS0 c)
  by (auto simp: clss_size_corr_def clss_size_corr_restart_def clss_size_resetUS_def
    clss_size_resetU0_def clss_size_def clss_size_resetUE_def)

    C ∈# dom_m N  ¬irred N C clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr_restart (fmdrop C N) NE {#} NEk UEk NS {#} N0 {#} (clss_size_decr_lcount c)
    C ∉# dom_m N  ¬b clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr_restart (fmupd C (D, b) N) NE {#} NEk UEk NS {#} N0 {#} (clss_size_incr_lcount c)
    clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr_restart N NE {#} NEk (add_mset E UEk) NS {#} N0 {#} (clss_size_incr_lcountUEk c)
    clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 (clss_size N NE {#} NEk UEk NS {#} N0 {#})
  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr_restart N NE {#} NEk UEk NS {#} N0 {#} c

  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr_restart N NE {#} NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 (c)
  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 {#} (c)
  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS {#} N0 U0 (c)
  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 {#} (c)
  NO_MATCH {#} UE  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr_restart N NE {#} NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 (c)
  NO_MATCH {#} U0  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 {#} (c)
  NO_MATCH {#} US  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS {#} N0 U0 (c)
  NO_MATCH {#} UE  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 {#} (c)
    (* ‹clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c ⟹ clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS {#} N0 U0 (c)› *)
  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk {#} NS US N0 U0 (clss_size_resetUEk c)
    clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS (add_mset E US) N0 U0 (c)  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c
    clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 (add_mset E U0) (c)  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c
    C ∉# dom_m N  b  clss_size_corr_restart (fmupd C (D, b) N) NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c 
      clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c
    C ∈# dom_m N  irred N C  clss_size_corr_restart (fmdrop C N) NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c = clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c
    C ∈# dom_m N  clss_size_corr_restart (N(C  swap (N  C) i j)) NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c = clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c
    clss_size_corr_restart N (add_mset E NE) UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c = clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c
    clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE (add_mset E NEk) UEk NS US N0 U0 c = clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c
    clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk (add_mset E NS) US N0 U0 c = clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c
  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US (add_mset E N0) U0 c = clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c
  by (auto simp: clss_size_def ran_m_fmdrop_If clss_size_decr_lcount_def learned_clss_l_fmupd_if
    clss_size_incr_lcount_def clss_size_incr_lcountUS_def clss_size_incr_lcountU0_def clss_size_incr_lcountUEk_def
    clss_size_incr_lcountUE_def  clss_size_lcount_def clss_size_resetUEk_def clss_size_resetU0_def
      size_remove1_mset_If clss_size_resetUS_def clss_size_corr_restart_def; fail)+

text The following lemmas produce loops, but usually only in the next file (!). Hence, we do
  not activate them by default as simp rules.

lemma clss_size_corr_restart_rew:
  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 lcount  clss_size_lcount lcount = size (learned_clss_lf N)
  by (auto simp: clss_size_def ran_m_fmdrop_If clss_size_decr_lcount_def learned_clss_l_fmupd_if
    clss_size_incr_lcount_def clss_size_incr_lcountUS_def clss_size_incr_lcountU0_def clss_size_incr_lcountUEk_def
    clss_size_incr_lcountUE_def  clss_size_lcount_def clss_size_resetUEk_def clss_size_resetU0_def
      size_remove1_mset_If clss_size_resetUS_def clss_size_corr_restart_def; fail)+

lemma clss_size_corr_restart_simp3:
  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk (add_mset E UEk) NS US N0 U0 (clss_size_incr_lcountUEk c) 
  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c
  by (auto simp: clss_size_corr_restart_def clss_size_incr_lcountUEk_def clss_size_def
    split: prod.splits)

subsection Lifting to heuristic level
definition get_next_phase_heur_pre_stats :: bool  nat  restart_heuristics  bool where
  get_next_phase_heur_pre_stats = (λb L (_, _, _, _, rephase, _).
  get_next_phase_pre b L rephase)

definition get_next_phase_heur_stats :: bool  nat  restart_heuristics  bool nres  where
  get_next_phase_heur_stats = (λb L (_, _, _, _, rephase, _).
    get_next_phase_stats b L rephase)

definition get_next_phase_heur :: bool  nat  isasat_restart_heuristics  bool nres  where
  get_next_phase_heur = (λb L heur.
  let heur = get_restart_heuristics heur in
  get_next_phase_heur_stats b L heur)

definition end_of_restart_phase_stats :: restart_heuristics  64 word where
  end_of_restart_phase_stats = (λ(_, _, (restart_phase,_ ,_ , end_of_phase, _), _).

definition end_of_restart_phase :: isasat_restart_heuristics  64 word where
  end_of_restart_phase = end_of_restart_phase_stats o get_content
