Theory IsaSAT_Show

theory IsaSAT_Show

chapter Printing information about progress

text We provide a function to print some information about the state.
  This is mostly meant to ease extracting statistics and printing information
  during the run.
  Remark that this function is basically an FFI (to follow Andreas Lochbihler words) and is
  not unsafe (since printing has not side effects), but we do not need any correctness theorems.

  However, it seems that the PolyML as targeted by export_code checking› does
  not support that print function. Therefore, we cannot provide the code printing equations
  by default.

  For the LLVM version code equations are not supported and hence we replace the function by

definition println_string :: String.literal  unit where
  println_string _ = ()

definition print_c :: 64 word  unit where
  print_c _ = ()

definition print_char :: 64 word  unit where
  print_char _ = ()

definition print_uint64 :: 64 word  unit where
  print_uint64 _ = ()

subsection Print Information for IsaSAT

text Printing the information slows down the solver by a huge factor.
definition isasat_banner_content where
isasat_banner_content =
''c  conflicts       decisions     restarts   uset    avg_lbd
'' @
''c        propagations     reductions     GC    Learnt
''  @
''c                                             clauses ''

definition isasat_information_banner :: _  unit nres where
isasat_information_banner _ =
    RETURN (println_string (String.implode (show isasat_banner_content)))

definition isasat_current_information_stats :: 64 word  isasat_stats  clss_size  isasat_stats where
  isasat_current_information_stats =
   (λcurr_phase stats (lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS, _).
     if (stats_conflicts stats) AND 8191 = 8191 ― ‹term8191 = 8192 - 1, i.e., we print when all first bits are 1.
     then do{
       let _ = print_c (stats_propagations stats);
         _ = if curr_phase = 1 then print_open_colour 33 else ();
         _ = print_char 126;
         _ = print_uint64 (stats_propagations stats);
         _ = print_uint64 (stats_conflicts stats);
         _ = print_uint64 (of_nat lcount);
         _ = print_uint64 (irredundant_clss stats);
         _ = print_uint64 (stats_restarts stats);
         _ = print_uint64 (stats_reductions stats);
         _ = print_uint64 (stats_fixed stats);
         _ = print_uint64 (stats_gcs stats);
         _ = print_uint64 (ema_extract_value (stats_avg_lbd stats));
         _ = print_uint64 (of_nat lcountUE);
         _ = print_uint64 (of_nat lcountUEk);
         _ = print_uint64 (of_nat lcountUS);
         _ = print_close_colour 0
      else stats

definition isasat_current_information :: 64 word  isasat_stats  clss_size  isasat_stats where
isasat_current_information =
  (λcurr_phase stats count. (isasat_current_information_stats curr_phase stats count)

definition isasat_current_status :: isasat  isasat nres where
isasat_current_status =
     let curr_phase = current_restart_phase (get_heur S);
        stats = (isasat_current_information curr_phase (get_stats_heur S) (get_learned_count S))
     in RETURN (set_stats_wl_heur stats S))

lemma isasat_current_status_id:
  (isasat_current_status, RETURN o id) 
  {(S, T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S)  r  learned_clss_count S  u}  f
   {(S, T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S)  r  learned_clss_count S  u}nres_rel
  by (intro frefI nres_relI)
    (auto simp: twl_st_heur_def isasat_current_status_def learned_clss_count_def)

definition isasat_print_progress :: 64 word  64 word  isasat_stats  clss_size  unit where
isasat_print_progress c curr_phase =
  (λstats (lcount, lcountUE, lcountUEk, lcountUS, _).
     let _ = print_c (stats_propagations stats);
         _ = if curr_phase = 1 then print_open_colour 33 else ();
         _ = print_char c;
         _ = print_uint64 (stats_propagations stats);
         _ = print_uint64 (stats_conflicts stats);
         _ = print_uint64 (of_nat lcount);
         _ = print_uint64 (irredundant_clss stats);
         _ = print_uint64 (stats_restarts stats);
         _ = print_uint64 (stats_reductions stats);
         _ = print_uint64 (stats_fixed stats);
         _ = print_uint64 (stats_gcs stats);
         _ = print_uint64 (ema_extract_value (stats_avg_lbd stats));
         _ = print_uint64 (of_nat lcountUE);
         _ = print_uint64 (of_nat lcountUEk);
         _ = print_uint64 (of_nat lcountUS);
         _ = print_close_colour 0

definition isasat_current_progress :: 64 word  isasat  unit nres where
isasat_current_progress =
   (λc S.
       curr_phase = current_restart_phase (get_heur S);
       _ = isasat_print_progress c curr_phase (get_stats_heur S) (get_learned_count S)
     in RETURN ())
