Theory Pairing_Heaps_Impl

theory Pairing_Heaps_Impl
  imports Relational_Pairing_Heaps

hide_const (open) NEMonad.ASSERT NEMonad.RETURN NEMonad.SPEC

section Imperative Pairing heaps

type_synonym ('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp = ('a option list × 'a option list × 'a option list × 'a option list × 'b list × 'a option)
definition pairing_heaps_rel :: ('a option × nat option) set  ('b option ×'c option) set 
  (('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp × (nat multiset × (nat,'c) hp_fun × nat option)) set where
  pairing_heaps_rel R S = {((prevs', nxts', children', parents', scores', h'), (𝒱, (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores), h)).
    (h', h)  R 
    (prevs', prevs)  Rmap_fun_rel ((λa. (a,a))` set_mset 𝒱) 
    (nxts', nxts)  Rmap_fun_rel ((λa. (a,a))` set_mset 𝒱) 
    (children', children)  Rmap_fun_rel ((λa. (a,a))` set_mset 𝒱) 
    (parents', parents)  Rmap_fun_rel ((λa. (a,a))` set_mset 𝒱) 
    (map Some scores', scores)  Smap_fun_rel ((λa. (a,a))` set_mset 𝒱)

lemma pairing_heaps_rel_def:
  R,Spairing_heaps_rel =
{((prevs', nxts', children', parents', scores', h'), (𝒱, (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores), h)).
    (h', h)  R 
    (prevs', prevs)  Rmap_fun_rel ((λa. (a,a))` set_mset 𝒱) 
    (nxts', nxts)  Rmap_fun_rel ((λa. (a,a))` set_mset 𝒱) 
    (children', children)  Rmap_fun_rel ((λa. (a,a))` set_mset 𝒱) 
    (parents', parents)  Rmap_fun_rel ((λa. (a,a))` set_mset 𝒱) 
    (map Some scores', scores)  Smap_fun_rel ((λa. (a,a))` set_mset 𝒱)
  unfolding pairing_heaps_rel_def_internal relAPP_def by auto

definition op_hp_read_nxt_imp where
  op_hp_read_nxt_imp = (λi (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores, h). do {
      (nxts ! i)
definition mop_hp_read_nxt_imp where
  mop_hp_read_nxt_imp = (λi (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores, h). do {
      ASSERT (i < length nxts);
      RETURN (nxts ! i)

lemma op_hp_read_nxt_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  (i,j)nat_rel  j ∈# fst ys 
  (op_hp_read_nxt_imp i xs, hp_read_nxt' j ys)  R
  unfolding op_hp_read_nxt_imp_def
  by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)

lemma mop_hp_read_nxt_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  (i,j)nat_rel  j ∈# fst ys 
  mop_hp_read_nxt_imp i xs  SPEC (λa. (a, hp_read_nxt' j ys)  R)
  unfolding mop_hp_read_nxt_imp_def
  apply refine_vcg
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)

definition op_hp_read_prev_imp where
  op_hp_read_prev_imp = (λi (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores, h). do {
      prevs ! i

definition mop_hp_read_prev_imp where
  mop_hp_read_prev_imp = (λi (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores, h). do {
      ASSERT (i < length prevs);
      RETURN (prevs ! i)

lemma op_hp_read_prev_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  (i,j)nat_rel  j ∈# fst ys 
  (op_hp_read_prev_imp i xs, hp_read_prev' j ys)  R
  unfolding op_hp_read_prev_imp_def
  by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)

lemma mop_hp_read_prev_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  (i,j)nat_rel  j ∈# fst ys 
  mop_hp_read_prev_imp i xs  SPEC (λa. (a, hp_read_prev' j ys)  R)
  unfolding mop_hp_read_prev_imp_def
  apply refine_vcg
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)

definition op_hp_read_child_imp where
  op_hp_read_child_imp = (λi (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores, h). do {
      (children ! i)

definition mop_hp_read_child_imp where
  mop_hp_read_child_imp = (λi (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores, h). do {
      ASSERT (i < length children);
      RETURN (children ! i)

lemma op_hp_read_child_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  (i,j)nat_rel  j ∈# fst ys 
  (op_hp_read_child_imp i xs, hp_read_child' j ys)  R
  unfolding op_hp_read_child_imp_def
  by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)

lemma mop_hp_read_child_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  (i,j)nat_rel   j ∈# fst ys 
  mop_hp_read_child_imp i xs  SPEC (λa. (a, hp_read_child' j ys)  R)
  unfolding mop_hp_read_child_imp_def
  apply refine_vcg
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)

definition mop_hp_read_parent_imp where
  mop_hp_read_parent_imp = (λi (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores, h). do {
      ASSERT (i < length parents);
      RETURN (parents ! i)
definition op_hp_read_parent_imp where
  op_hp_read_parent_imp = (λi (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores, h). do {
      (parents ! i)

lemma op_hp_read_parent_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  (i,j)nat_rel  j ∈# fst ys 
  (op_hp_read_parent_imp i xs, hp_read_parent' j ys)  R
  unfolding op_hp_read_parent_imp_def
  by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)
lemma mop_hp_read_parent_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  (i,j)nat_rel  j ∈# fst ys 
  mop_hp_read_parent_imp i xs  SPEC (λa. (a, hp_read_parent' j ys)  R)
  unfolding mop_hp_read_parent_imp_def
  apply refine_vcg
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)

definition op_hp_read_score_imp :: nat  ('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp  'b where
  op_hp_read_score_imp = (λi (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores, h). do {
      ((scores ! i))

definition mop_hp_read_score_imp :: nat  ('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp  'b nres where
  mop_hp_read_score_imp = (λi (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores, h). do {
      ASSERT (i < length scores);
      RETURN ((scores ! i))

lemma mop_hp_read_score_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  (i,j)nat_rel  j ∈# fst ys 
  mop_hp_read_score_imp i xs  SPEC (λa. (Some a, hp_read_score' j ys)  S)
  unfolding mop_hp_read_score_imp_def
  apply refine_vcg
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def dest!: bspec)

fun hp_set_all' where
  hp_set_all' i p q r s t (𝒱, u, h) = (𝒱, hp_set_all i p q r s t u, h)

definition mop_hp_set_all_imp :: nat  _  _  _  _  _  ('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp  ('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp nreswhere
  mop_hp_set_all_imp = (λi p q r s t (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores, h). do {
      ASSERT (i < length nxts  i < length prevs  i < length parents  i < length children  i < length scores);
      RETURN (prevs[i := p], nxts[i:=q], children[i:=r], parents[i:=s], scores[i:=t], h)

lemma mop_hp_set_all_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel (i,j)nat_rel 
   (p',p)R  (q',q)R(r',r)R  (s',s)R (Some t',t)S  j ∈# fst ys  
  mop_hp_set_all_imp i p' q' r' s' t' xs  SPEC (λa. (a, hp_set_all' j p q r s t ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel)
  unfolding mop_hp_set_all_imp_def
  apply refine_vcg
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)
    by (force simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def hp_set_all_def)

lemma fst_hp_set_all'[simp]: fst (hp_set_all' i p q r s t x) = fst x
  by (cases x) auto

fun update_source_node_impl :: _  ('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp   ('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp where
  update_source_node_impl i (prevs, nxts, parents, children, scores,_) = (prevs, nxts, parents, children, scores, i)

fun source_node_impl :: ('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp  'a option where
  source_node_impl (prevs, nxts, parents, children, scores,h) = h

lemma update_source_node_impl_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  (i,j)  R 
  (update_source_node_impl i xs, update_source_node j ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel
  by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)

lemma source_node_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel 
  (source_node_impl xs, source_node ys)  R
  by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def)

lemma hp_insert_alt_def:
  hp_insert = (λi w arr. do {
  let h = source_node arr;
  if h = None then do {
    ASSERT (i ∈# fst arr);
    let arr = (hp_set_all' i None None None None (Some w) arr);
    RETURN (update_source_node (Some i) arr)
   } else do {
    ASSERT (i ∈# fst arr);
    ASSERT (hp_read_prev' i arr = None);
    ASSERT (hp_read_parent' i arr = None);
    let j = the h;
    ASSERT (j ∈# (fst arr)  j  i);
    ASSERT (hp_read_score' j (arr)  None);
    ASSERT (hp_read_prev' j arr = None  hp_read_nxt' j arr = None  hp_read_parent' j arr = None);
    let y = (the (hp_read_score' j arr));
    if y < w
    then do {
      let arr = hp_set_all' i None None (Some j) None (Some w) arr;
      ASSERT (j ∈# fst arr);
      let arr = hp_update_parents' j (Some i) arr;
      RETURN (update_source_node (Some i) arr)
    else do {
      let child = hp_read_child' j arr;
      ASSERT (child  None  the child ∈# fst arr);
      let arr = hp_set_all' j None None (Some i) None (Some y) arr;
      ASSERT (i ∈# fst arr);
      let arr = hp_set_all' i None child None (Some j) (Some (w)) arr;
      ASSERT (child  None  the child ∈# fst arr);
      let arr = (if child = None then arr else hp_update_prev' (the child) (Some i) arr);
      ASSERT (child  None  the child ∈# fst arr);
      let arr = (if child = None then arr else hp_update_parents' (the child) None arr);
      RETURN arr
        }) (is ?A = ?B)
proof -
  have ?A i w arr  Id (?B i w arr) for i w arr
    unfolding hp_insert_def
    by refine_vcg (solves auto intro!: simp: Let_def)+
  moreover have ?B i w arr  Id (?A i w arr) for i w arr
    unfolding hp_insert_def
    by refine_vcg (auto intro!: ext bind_cong[OF refl] simp: Let_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding Down_id_eq apply -
    apply (intro ext)
    apply (rule antisym)
    apply assumption+

definition mop_hp_update_prev'_imp :: nat  'a option  ('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp  ('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp nres where
  mop_hp_update_prev'_imp = (λi v (prevs, nxts, parents, children). do {
    ASSERT (i < length prevs);
    RETURN (prevs[i:=v], nxts, parents, children)

lemma mop_hp_update_prev'_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  j ∈# fst ys  (i,j)nat_rel 
  mop_hp_update_prev'_imp i p' xs  SPEC (λa. (a, hp_update_prev' j p ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel)
  unfolding mop_hp_update_prev'_imp_def
  apply refine_vcg
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def hp_update_prev_def)
    by (force simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def hp_update_prev_def)

definition mop_hp_update_parent'_imp :: nat  'a option  ('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp  ('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp nres where
  mop_hp_update_parent'_imp = (λi v (prevs, nxts,children, parents, scores). do {
    ASSERT (i < length parents);
    RETURN (prevs, nxts, children, parents[i:=v], scores)

lemma mop_hp_update_parent'_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  j ∈# fst ys  (i,j)nat_rel 
  mop_hp_update_parent'_imp i p' xs  SPEC (λa. (a, hp_update_parents' j p ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel)
  unfolding mop_hp_update_parent'_imp_def
  apply refine_vcg
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def hp_update_parents_def)
    by (force simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def hp_update_parents_def)

definition mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp :: nat  'a option  ('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp  ('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp nres where
  mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp = (λi v (prevs, nxts, parents, children). do {
    ASSERT (i < length nxts);
    RETURN (prevs, nxts[i:=v], parents, children)

lemma mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  j ∈# fst ys  (i,j)nat_rel 
  mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp i p' xs  SPEC (λa. (a, hp_update_nxt' j p ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel)
  unfolding mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp_def
  apply refine_vcg
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def hp_update_prev_def)
    by (force simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def hp_update_nxt_def)

definition mop_hp_update_score_imp :: nat  'b  ('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp  ('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp nres where
  mop_hp_update_score_imp = (λi v (prevs, nxts, parents, children, scores, h). do {
    ASSERT (i < length scores);
    RETURN (prevs, nxts, parents, children, scores[i:=v], h)

lemma mop_hp_update_score_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  (i,j)nat_rel  j ∈# fst ys 
   (Some p', p)S 
  mop_hp_update_score_imp i p' xs  SPEC (λa. (a, hp_update_score' j p ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel)
  unfolding mop_hp_update_score_imp_def
  apply refine_vcg
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def hp_update_prev_def)
    by (force simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def hp_update_score_def)

definition mop_hp_update_child'_imp :: nat  'a option  ('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp  ('a,'b)pairing_heaps_imp nres where
  mop_hp_update_child'_imp = (λi v (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores). do {
    ASSERT (i < length children);
    RETURN (prevs, nxts, children[i:=v], parents, scores)

lemma mop_hp_update_child'_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  j ∈# fst ys  (i,j)nat_rel 
  mop_hp_update_child'_imp i p' xs  SPEC (λa. (a, hp_update_child' j p ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel)
  unfolding mop_hp_update_child'_imp_def
  apply refine_vcg
    by (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def hp_update_prev_def)
    by (force simp add: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def hp_update_child_def)

(*TODO it is kind of unclear whether we should use nat or have a conversion 'a ⇒ nat as locale*)
definition mop_hp_insert_impl :: nat  'b::linorder  (nat,'b)pairing_heaps_imp  (nat,'b)pairing_heaps_imp nres where
  mop_hp_insert_impl = (λi (w::'b) (arr :: (nat,'b)pairing_heaps_imp). do {
  let h = source_node_impl arr;
  if h = None then do {
    arr  mop_hp_set_all_imp i None None None None w arr;
    RETURN (update_source_node_impl (Some i) arr)
   } else do {
    ASSERT (op_hp_read_prev_imp i arr = None);
    ASSERT (op_hp_read_parent_imp i arr = None);
    let j = (the h);
    ASSERT (op_hp_read_prev_imp j arr = None  op_hp_read_nxt_imp j arr = None  op_hp_read_parent_imp j arr = None);
    y  mop_hp_read_score_imp j arr;
    if y < w
    then do {
      arr  mop_hp_set_all_imp i None None (Some j) None ((w)) (arr);
      arr mop_hp_update_parent'_imp j (Some i) arr;
      RETURN (update_source_node_impl (Some i) arr)
    else do {
      child  mop_hp_read_child_imp j arr;
      arr  mop_hp_set_all_imp j None None (Some i) None (y) arr;
      arr  mop_hp_set_all_imp i None child None (Some j) w arr;
      arr  (if child = None then RETURN arr else mop_hp_update_prev'_imp (the child) (Some i) arr);
      arr  (if child = None then RETURN arr else mop_hp_update_parent'_imp (the child) None arr);
      RETURN arr

lemma Some_x_y_option_theD: (Some x, y)  Soption_rel  (x, the y)  S
  by (auto simp: option_rel_def)

private lemma in_pairing_heaps_rel_still: (arra, arr')  nat_reloption_rel, Soption_relpairing_heaps_rel  arr' = arr'' 
    (arra, arr'')  nat_reloption_rel, Soption_relpairing_heaps_rel
  by auto

lemma mop_hp_insert_impl_spec:
  assumes (xs, ys)  nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel (i,j)nat_rel (w,w')nat_rel
  shows mop_hp_insert_impl i w xs  (nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel) (hp_insert j w' ys)
proof -
  have [refine]: (Some i, Some j)  nat_reloption_rel
    using assms by auto
  have K: hp_read_child' (the (source_node ys)) ys  None 
    the (hp_read_child' (the (source_node ys)) ys)  𝒱  the (source_node ys) ∈# fst ys 
    op_hp_read_child_imp (the (source_node_impl xs)) xs  None 
    the (op_hp_read_child_imp (the (source_node ys)) xs)  𝒱 for 𝒱
    using op_hp_read_child_imp_spec[of xs ys nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel the (source_node ys) the (source_node_impl xs)]
      source_node_spec[of xs ys  nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel] assms
    by auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding mop_hp_insert_impl_def hp_insert_alt_def
    apply (refine_vcg mop_hp_set_all_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_read_score_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel and ys=ys and j=the (source_node_impl xs)]
      Some_x_y_option_theD[where S=nat_rel]
      mop_hp_update_parent'_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_read_child_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_update_prev'_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel and j=the (hp_read_child' (the (source_node ys)) ys)])
    subgoal by (auto dest: source_node_spec)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto intro!: update_source_node_impl_spec simp: refl_on_def)
    subgoal by (auto dest!: op_hp_read_prev_imp_spec)
    subgoal by (auto dest!: op_hp_read_parent_imp_spec)
      using op_hp_read_parent_imp_spec[of xs ys nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel the (source_node ys) the (source_node_impl xs)]
        source_node_spec[of xs ys  nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel]
      apply auto
      by (metis op_hp_read_prev_imp_spec pair_in_Id_conv)
      using op_hp_read_nxt_imp_spec[of xs ys nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel the (source_node ys) the (source_node_impl xs)]
        source_node_spec[of xs ys  nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel]
      by auto
      using op_hp_read_parent_imp_spec[of xs ys nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel the (source_node ys) the (source_node_impl xs)]
        source_node_spec[of xs ys  nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel]
      by auto
    subgoal by auto
      using source_node_spec[of xs ys  nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel]
      by auto
      using source_node_spec[of xs ys  nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel]
      by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
      using source_node_spec[of xs ys  nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel]
      by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal using source_node_spec[of xs ys  nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel] by auto
    subgoal by (auto intro!: update_source_node_impl_spec)
    subgoal using source_node_spec[of xs ys  nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel] by auto
    subgoal by (auto intro!: update_source_node_impl_spec)
    subgoal using source_node_spec[of xs ys  nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel] by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal HH
      using source_node_spec[of xs ys  nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel]
        op_hp_read_child_imp_spec[of xs ys nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel the (source_node ys) the (source_node_impl xs)]
      by auto
      using source_node_spec[of xs ys  nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel] by auto
      using source_node_spec[of xs ys  nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel] by auto
    subgoal using source_node_spec[of xs ys  nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel] by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply (rule in_pairing_heaps_rel_still, assumption)
    subgoal by auto
    apply assumption
    subgoal by auto
      using op_hp_read_child_imp_spec[of xs ys nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel]
      by (metis HH option.collapse)
      using HH by auto
    apply (rule in_pairing_heaps_rel_still, assumption)
      by auto
    apply (assumption)
    apply (rule K)
    apply assumption
    subgoal by auto
      using source_node_spec[of xs ys  nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel]
        op_hp_read_child_imp_spec[of xs ys nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel the (source_node ys) the (source_node_impl xs)]
      by auto
      apply (frule K)
      by auto
       (metis BNF_Greatest_Fixpoint.IdD assms(1) op_hp_read_child_imp_spec option_rel_simp(3) source_node_spec)+
    apply (rule autoref_opt(1))
      using source_node_spec[of xs ys  nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel]
        op_hp_read_child_imp_spec[of xs ys nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel the (source_node ys) the (source_node_impl xs)]
       by auto
    subgoal by auto

lemma hp_link_alt_def:
   hp_link = (λ(i::'a) j arr. do {
    ASSERT (i  j);
    ASSERT (i ∈# fst arr);
    ASSERT (j ∈# fst arr);
    ASSERT (hp_read_score' i arr  None);
    ASSERT (hp_read_score' j arr  None);
    let x = (the (hp_read_score' i arr)::'b::order);
    let y = (the (hp_read_score' j arr)::'b);
    let prev = hp_read_prev' i arr;
    let nxt = hp_read_nxt' j arr;
    ASSERT (nxt  Some i  nxt  Some j);
    ASSERT (prev  Some i  prev  Some j);
    let (parent,ch,wp, wch) = (if y < x then (i, j, x, y) else (j, i, y, x));
    ASSERT (parent ∈# fst arr);
    ASSERT (ch ∈# fst arr);
    let child = hp_read_child' parent arr;
    ASSERT (child  Some i  child  Some j);
    let childch = hp_read_child' ch arr;
    ASSERT (childch  Some i  childch  Some j  (childch  None  childch  child));
    ASSERT (distinct ([i, j] @ (if childch  None then [the childch] else [])
      @ (if child  None then [the child] else [])
      @ (if prev  None then [the prev] else [])
      @ (if nxt  None then [the nxt] else []))
    ASSERT (ch ∈# fst arr);
    ASSERT (parent ∈# fst arr);
    ASSERT (child  None  the child ∈# fst arr);
    ASSERT (nxt  None  the nxt ∈# fst arr);
    ASSERT (prev  None  the prev ∈# fst arr);
    let arr = hp_set_all' parent prev nxt (Some ch) None (Some (wp::'b)) arr;
    let arr = hp_set_all' ch None child childch (Some parent) (Some (wch::'b)) arr;
    let arr = (if child = None then arr else hp_update_prev' (the child) (Some ch) arr);
    let arr = (if nxt = None then arr else hp_update_prev' (the nxt) (Some parent) arr);
    let arr = (if prev = None then arr else hp_update_nxt' (the prev) (Some parent) arr);
    let arr = (if child = None then arr else hp_update_parents' (the child) None arr);
    RETURN (arr, parent)
 }) (is ?A = ?B)
proof -
  define f where f i j x y  (if y < x then (i::'a, j::'a, x::'b, y::'b) else (j, i, y, x)) for i j x y
  have ?A i j arr  Id (?B i j arr) for i arr j
    unfolding hp_link_def f_def[symmetric]
    apply refine_vcg
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by simp (metis option.simps(2))
  moreover have ?B i j arr  Id (?A i j arr) for i j arr
    unfolding hp_link_def case_prod_beta f_def[symmetric]
    apply refine_vcg
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: f_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: f_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
      by (cases arr) simp
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding Down_id_eq apply -
    apply (intro ext)
    apply (rule antisym)
    apply assumption+

definition maybe_mop_hp_update_prev'_imp where
  maybe_mop_hp_update_prev'_imp child ch arr =
     (if child = None then RETURN arr else mop_hp_update_prev'_imp (the child) ch arr)

definition maybe_mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp where
  maybe_mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp child ch arr =
     (if child = None then RETURN arr else mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp (the child) ch arr)

definition maybe_mop_hp_update_child'_imp where
  maybe_mop_hp_update_child'_imp child ch arr =
     (if child = None then RETURN arr else mop_hp_update_child'_imp (the child) ch arr)

definition maybe_mop_hp_update_parent'_imp where
  maybe_mop_hp_update_parent'_imp child ch arr =
     (if child = None then RETURN arr else mop_hp_update_parent'_imp (the child) ch arr)

lemma maybe_mop_hp_update_prev'_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  (i,j)nat_reloption_rel  (j  None  the j ∈# fst ys) 
  maybe_mop_hp_update_prev'_imp i p' xs  SPEC (λa. (a, maybe_hp_update_prev' j p ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel)
  unfolding maybe_mop_hp_update_prev'_imp_def maybe_hp_update_prev'_def
  by (refine_vcg mop_hp_update_prev'_imp_spec) auto

lemma maybe_mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  (i,j)nat_reloption_rel  (j  None  the j ∈# fst ys)  
  maybe_mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp i p' xs  SPEC (λa. (a, maybe_hp_update_nxt' j p ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel)
  unfolding maybe_mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp_def maybe_hp_update_nxt'_def
  by (refine_vcg mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp_spec) auto

lemma maybe_mop_hp_update_parent'_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  (i,j)nat_reloption_rel  (j  None  the j ∈# fst ys) 
  maybe_mop_hp_update_parent'_imp i p' xs  SPEC (λa. (a, maybe_hp_update_parents' j p ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel)
  unfolding maybe_mop_hp_update_parent'_imp_def maybe_hp_update_parents'_def
  by (refine_vcg mop_hp_update_parent'_imp_spec) auto

lemma maybe_mop_hp_update_child'_imp_spec:
  (xs, ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel  (i,j)nat_reloption_rel  (j  None  the j ∈# fst ys)  
  maybe_mop_hp_update_child'_imp i p' xs  SPEC (λa. (a, maybe_hp_update_child' j p ys)  R,Spairing_heaps_rel)
  unfolding maybe_mop_hp_update_child'_imp_def maybe_hp_update_child'_def
  by (refine_vcg mop_hp_update_child'_imp_spec) auto

definition mop_hp_link_imp  :: nat nat (nat, 'b::ord)pairing_heaps_imp  _ nres where
   mop_hp_link_imp = (λi j arr. do {
    ASSERT (i  j);
    x  mop_hp_read_score_imp i arr;
    y  mop_hp_read_score_imp j arr;
    prev  mop_hp_read_prev_imp i arr;
    nxt  mop_hp_read_nxt_imp j arr;
    let (parent,ch,wp, wch) = (if y < x then (i, j, x, y) else (j, i, y, x));
    child  mop_hp_read_child_imp parent arr;
    childch  mop_hp_read_child_imp ch arr;
    arr  mop_hp_set_all_imp parent prev nxt (Some ch) None ((wp)) arr;
    arr  mop_hp_set_all_imp ch None child childch (Some parent) ((wch)) arr;
    arr  (if child = None then RETURN arr else mop_hp_update_prev'_imp (the child) (Some ch) arr);
    arr  (if nxt = None then RETURN arr else mop_hp_update_prev'_imp (the nxt) (Some parent) arr);
    arr  (if prev = None then RETURN arr else mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp (the prev) (Some parent) arr);
    arr  (if child = None then RETURN arr else mop_hp_update_parent'_imp (the child) None arr);
    RETURN (arr, parent)

lemma mop_hp_link_imp_spec:
  assumes (xs, ys)  nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel (i,j)nat_rel (w,w')nat_rel
  shows mop_hp_link_imp i w xs  (nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel ×r nat_rel) (hp_link j w' ys)
proof -
  have [refine]: (Some i, Some j)  nat_reloption_rel
    using assms by auto
  define f where f i j x y  RETURN (if y < x then (i::nat, j::nat, x::nat, y::nat) else (j, i, y, x)) for i j x y
  have Hf: do {let (parent, ch, wp, wch) = (if y < x then (i, j, x, y) else (j, i, y, x)); P parent ch wp wch} =
    do {(parent, ch, wp, wch)  f i j x y; P parent ch wp wch} for i j x y w xs P
    unfolding f_def let_to_bind_conv ..

  have K: hp_read_child' (the (source_node ys)) ys  None 
    the (hp_read_child' (the (source_node ys)) ys)  𝒱  the (source_node ys) ∈# fst ys 
    op_hp_read_child_imp (the (source_node_impl xs)) xs  None 
    the (op_hp_read_child_imp (the (source_node ys)) xs)  𝒱 for 𝒱
    using op_hp_read_child_imp_spec[of xs ys nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel the (source_node ys) the (source_node_impl xs)]
      source_node_spec[of xs ys  nat_reloption_rel nat_reloption_rel] assms
    by auto
  have [refine]: (x,x')nat_rel  (y,y')nat_rel
    f i w x y   (nat_rel ×r nat_rel ×r nat_rel ×r nat_rel) (f j w' x' y') for x' y' x y
   using assms by auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms
      op_hp_read_nxt_imp_spec[OF assms(1) assms(2)]
      op_hp_read_prev_imp_spec[OF assms(1) assms(2)]
      op_hp_read_child_imp_spec[OF assms(1) assms(2)]
      op_hp_read_nxt_imp_spec[OF assms(1) assms(3)]
    unfolding mop_hp_link_imp_def hp_link_alt_def Hf
    apply -
    apply (refine_vcg mop_hp_set_all_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_read_score_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel and ys=ys and i=i and j=j]
      mop_hp_read_score_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel and ys=ys and i=w and j=w']
      Some_x_y_option_theD[where S=nat_rel]
      mop_hp_update_parent'_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_update_prev'_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel and j=the (hp_read_child' (the (source_node ys)) ys)]
      maybe_mop_hp_update_parent'_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      maybe_mop_hp_update_prev'_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      maybe_mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_read_child_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_read_prev_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_read_nxt_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_read_parent_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel])
    subgoal by (auto dest: source_node_spec)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply (solves auto)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply (solves auto)
    subgoal by simp
    apply (solves auto)
    apply (solves auto)

lemma vsids_pass1_alt_def:
  vsids_pass1 = (λ(arr::'a multiset × ('a,'c::order) hp_fun × 'a option) (j::'a). do {
  (arr, j, _, n)  WHILET(λ(arr, j,_, _). j  None)
  (λ(arr, j, e::nat, n). do {
    if j = None then RETURN (arr, None, e, n)
    else do {
    let j = the j;
    ASSERT (j ∈# fst arr);
    let nxt = hp_read_nxt' j arr;
    if nxt = None then RETURN (arr, nxt, e+1, j)
    else do {
      ASSERT (nxt  None);
      ASSERT (the nxt ∈# fst arr);
      let nnxt = hp_read_nxt' (the nxt) arr;
      (arr, n)  hp_link j (the nxt) arr;
      RETURN (arr, nnxt, e+2, n)
  (arr, Some j, 0::nat, j);
  RETURN (arr, n)
        }) (is ?A = ?B)
proof -
  have K[refine]: x2 = (x1a, x2a)  i = (x1, x2) 
    (((x1, x1a, x2a), Some arr, 0, arr), i::'a multiset × ('a,'c::order) hp_fun × 'a option, Some arr, 0::nat, arr)
     Id ×r Idoption_rel ×r nat_rel ×r Id
    x1 x2 x1a x2a.
    x2 = (x1a, x2a) 
    i = (x1, x2) 
    ((i, Some arr, 0, arr), (x1, x1a, x2a), Some arr, 0, arr)
     Id ×r Idoption_rel ×r nat_rel ×r Id

    for x2 x1a x2a arr x1 i
    by auto
  have [refine]: (a,a')Id  (b,b')Id  (c,c')Id  hp_link a b c Id (hp_link a' b' c') for a b c a' b' c'
    by auto
  have ?A i arr  Id (?B i arr) for i arr
    unfolding vsids_pass1_def
    by refine_vcg (solves auto)+
  moreover have ?B i arr  Id (?A i arr) for i arr
    unfolding vsids_pass1_def
    by refine_vcg (solves auto intro!: ext bind_cong[OF refl] simp: Let_def)+
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding Down_id_eq apply -
    apply (intro ext)
    apply (rule antisym)
    apply assumption+

definition mop_vsids_pass1_imp :: (nat, 'b::ord)pairing_heaps_imp  nat  _ nres where
  mop_vsids_pass1_imp = (λarr j. do {
  (arr, j, n)  WHILET(λ(arr, j, _). j  None)
  (λ(arr, j, n). do {
    if j = None then RETURN (arr, None, n)
    else do {
    let j = the j;
    nxt  mop_hp_read_nxt_imp j arr;
    if nxt = None then RETURN (arr, nxt, j)
    else do {
      ASSERT (nxt  None);
      nnxt  mop_hp_read_nxt_imp (the nxt) arr;
      (arr, n)  mop_hp_link_imp j (the nxt) arr;
      RETURN (arr, nnxt, n)
  (arr, Some j, j);
  RETURN (arr, n)

lemma mop_vsids_pass1_imp_spec:
  assumes (xs, ys)  nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel (i,j)nat_rel
  shows mop_vsids_pass1_imp xs i  (nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel ×r nat_rel) (vsids_pass1 ys j)
proof -
  let ?R = {((arr, j, n), (arr', j', _, n')). (arr, arr')  nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel 
    (j, j')  nat_reloption_rel  (n,n')Id}
  have K[refine0]: ((xs, Some i, i), ys, Some j, 0, j)  ?R
    using assms by auto
  show ?thesis
    unfolding mop_vsids_pass1_imp_def vsids_pass1_alt_def
    apply (refine_vcg mop_hp_insert_impl_spec WHILET_refine[where R= ?R]
      mop_hp_read_nxt_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto

lemma vsids_pass2_alt_def:
  vsids_pass2 = (λarr (j::'a). do {
  ASSERT (j ∈# fst arr);
  let nxt = hp_read_prev' j arr;
  (arr, j, leader, _)  WHILET(λ(arr, j, leader, e). j  None)
  (λ(arr, j, leader, e::nat). do {
    if j = None then RETURN (arr, None, leader, e)
    else do {
      let j = the j;
      ASSERT (j ∈# fst arr);
      let nnxt = hp_read_prev' j arr;
      (arr, n)  hp_link j leader arr;
      RETURN (arr, nnxt, n, e+1)
  (arr, nxt, j, 1::nat);
  RETURN (update_source_node (Some leader) arr)
  }) (is ?A = ?B)
proof -
  have K[refine]: (((fst i, fst (snd i), snd (snd i)), hp_read_prev arr (fst (snd i)), arr, 1::nat), i,
  hp_read_prev' arr i, arr, 1::nat)
     Id ×r Idoption_rel ×r Id ×r Id
    ((i, hp_read_prev' arr i, arr, 1), (fst i, fst (snd i), snd (snd i)),
  hp_read_prev arr (fst (snd i)), arr, 1)  Id ×r Idoption_rel ×r Id ×r Id
    for i arr
    by auto
  have [refine]: (a,a')Id  (b,b')Id  (c,c')Id  hp_link a b c Id (hp_link a' b' c') for a b c a' b' c'
    by auto
  have ?A i arr  Id (?B i arr) for i arr
    unfolding vsids_pass2_def case_prod_beta[of _ i] case_prod_beta[of _ snd i]
    by refine_vcg (solves auto)+
  moreover have ?B i arr  Id (?A i arr) for i arr
    unfolding vsids_pass2_def case_prod_beta[of _ i] case_prod_beta[of _ snd i]
    by refine_vcg (solves auto intro!: ext bind_cong[OF refl] simp: Let_def)+
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding Down_id_eq apply -
    apply (intro ext)
    apply (rule antisym)
    apply assumption+

definition mop_vsids_pass2_imp where
  mop_vsids_pass2_imp = (λarr (j::nat). do {
  nxt  mop_hp_read_prev_imp j arr;
  (arr, j, leader)  WHILET(λ(arr, j, leader). j  None)
  (λ(arr, j, leader). do {
    if j = None then RETURN (arr, None, leader)
    else do {
      let j = the j;
      nnxt  mop_hp_read_prev_imp j arr;
      (arr, n)  mop_hp_link_imp j leader arr;
      RETURN (arr, nnxt, n)
  (arr, nxt, j);
  RETURN (update_source_node_impl (Some leader) arr)

lemma mop_vsids_pass2_imp_spec:
  assumes (xs, ys)  nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel (i,j)nat_rel
  shows mop_vsids_pass2_imp xs i  (nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel) (vsids_pass2 ys j)
proof -
  let ?R = {((arr, j, n), (arr', j', n', _)). (arr, arr')  nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel 
    (j, j')  nat_reloption_rel  (n,n')Id}
  have K[refine0]: ((xs, Some i, i), ys, Some j, j, 0)  ?R
    using assms by auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding mop_vsids_pass2_imp_def vsids_pass2_alt_def
    apply (refine_vcg mop_hp_insert_impl_spec WHILET_refine[where R= ?R]
      mop_hp_read_nxt_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_read_prev_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_link_imp_spec mop_vsids_pass1_imp_spec
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto

definition mop_merge_pairs_imp where
  mop_merge_pairs_imp arr j = do {
    (arr, j)  mop_vsids_pass1_imp arr j;
    mop_vsids_pass2_imp arr j

lemma mop_merge_pairs_imp_spec:
  assumes (xs, ys)  nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel (i,j)nat_rel
  shows mop_merge_pairs_imp xs i  (nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel) (merge_pairs ys j)
  using assms unfolding mop_merge_pairs_imp_def merge_pairs_def
  by (refine_vcg mop_vsids_pass1_imp_spec mop_vsids_pass2_imp_spec) auto

lemma vsids_pop_min_alt_def:
  vsids_pop_min = (λarr. do {
  let h = source_node arr;
  if h = None then RETURN (None, arr)
  else do {
      ASSERT (the h ∈# fst arr);
      let j = hp_read_child' (the h) arr;
      if j = None then RETURN (h, (update_source_node None arr))
      else do {
        ASSERT (the j ∈# fst arr);
        let arr = hp_update_prev' (the h) None arr;
        let arr = hp_update_child' (the h) None arr;
        let arr = hp_update_parents' (the j) None arr;
        arr  merge_pairs (update_source_node None arr) (the j);
        RETURN (h, arr)
  }) (is ?A = ?B)
proof -
  have [simp]: source_node arr = None  (fst arr, fst (snd arr), None) = arr for arr
    by (cases arr) auto
  have K[refine]: ((source_node arr, fst arr, fst (snd arr), None), source_node arr,
  update_source_node None arr)
    ((source_node arr, update_source_node None arr), source_node arr, fst arr, fst (snd arr), None)
    for i arr
    by (solves cases arr; auto)+
  have [refine]: merge_pairs
  (fst arr,
   hp_update_parents (the (hp_read_child (the (source_node arr)) (fst (snd arr))))
    (hp_update_child (the (source_node arr)) None
      (hp_update_prev (the (source_node arr)) None (fst (snd arr)))),
  (the (hp_read_child (the (source_node arr)) (fst (snd arr))))
      (update_source_node None
     (hp_update_parents' (the (hp_read_child' (the (source_node arr)) arr)) None
       (hp_update_child' (the (source_node arr)) None
      (hp_update_prev' (the (source_node arr)) None arr))))
    (the (hp_read_child' (the (source_node arr)) arr)))
   (update_source_node None
  (hp_update_parents' (the (hp_read_child' (the (source_node arr)) arr)) None
    (hp_update_child' (the (source_node arr)) None
      (hp_update_prev' (the (source_node arr)) None arr))))
   (the (hp_read_child' (the (source_node arr)) arr))
    (fst arr,
     hp_update_parents (the (hp_read_child (the (source_node arr)) (fst (snd arr)))) None
      (hp_update_child (the (source_node arr)) None
     (hp_update_prev (the (source_node arr)) None (fst (snd arr)))),
    (the (hp_read_child (the (source_node arr)) (fst (snd arr))))) for arr
    by (solves cases arr; auto)+
  have K: snd (snd arr) = source_node arr for arr
    by (cases arr) auto

  have ?A arr  Id (?B arr) for i arr
    unfolding vsids_pop_min_def case_prod_beta[of _ arr] case_prod_beta[of _ snd arr]
    by refine_vcg (solves auto)+
  moreover have ?B arr  Id (?A arr) for i arr
    unfolding vsids_pop_min_def case_prod_beta[of _ arr] case_prod_beta[of _ snd arr] K
    by refine_vcg (solves auto intro!: ext bind_cong[OF refl] simp: Let_def)+
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding Down_id_eq apply -
    apply (intro ext)
    apply (rule antisym)
    apply assumption+

definition mop_vsids_pop_min_impl where
    mop_vsids_pop_min_impl = (λarr. do {
  let h = source_node_impl arr;
  if h = None then RETURN (None, arr)
  else do {
      j  mop_hp_read_child_imp (the h) arr;
      if j = None then RETURN (h, update_source_node_impl None arr)
      else do {
        arr  mop_hp_update_prev'_imp (the h) None arr;
        arr  mop_hp_update_child'_imp (the h) None arr;
        arr  mop_hp_update_parent'_imp (the j) None arr;
        arr  mop_merge_pairs_imp (update_source_node_impl None arr) (the j);
        RETURN (h, arr)

lemma mop_vsids_pop_min_impl:
  assumes (xs, ys)  nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel
  shows mop_vsids_pop_min_impl xs  (nat_reloption_rel ×r nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel) (vsids_pop_min ys)
proof -
  let ?R = {((arr, j, n), (arr', j', n', _)). (arr, arr')  nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel 
    (j, j')  nat_reloption_rel  (n,n')Id}
  have K[refine0]: (the (source_node_impl xs), the (source_node ys))  nat_rel
    if source_node ys  None
    using source_node_spec[OF assms] by auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms source_node_spec[OF assms]
    unfolding mop_vsids_pop_min_impl_def vsids_pop_min_alt_def
    apply (refine_vcg mop_hp_insert_impl_spec WHILET_refine[where R= ?R]
      mop_hp_read_nxt_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_read_prev_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_link_imp_spec mop_vsids_pass1_imp_spec
      mop_hp_read_child_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_update_prev'_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_update_child'_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_update_parent'_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel])
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by (auto intro!: update_source_node_impl_spec)
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by (auto intro!: update_source_node_impl_spec)
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by auto

definition mop_vsids_pop_min2_impl where
    mop_vsids_pop_min2_impl = (λarr. do {
  let h = source_node_impl arr;
  ASSERT (h  None);
  j  mop_hp_read_child_imp (the h) arr;
  if j = None then RETURN (the h, update_source_node_impl None arr)
  else do {
    arr  mop_hp_update_prev'_imp (the h) None arr;
    arr  mop_hp_update_child'_imp (the h) None arr;
    arr  mop_hp_update_parent'_imp (the j) None arr;
    arr  mop_merge_pairs_imp (update_source_node_impl None arr) (the j);
    RETURN (the h, arr)

lemma vsids_pop_min2_alt_def:
  vsids_pop_min2 = (λarr. do {
  let h = source_node arr;
  ASSERT (h  None);
  ASSERT (the h ∈# fst arr);
  let j = hp_read_child' (the h) arr;
  if j = None then RETURN (the h, (update_source_node None arr))
  else do {
    ASSERT (the j ∈# fst arr);
    let arr = hp_update_prev' (the h) None arr;
    let arr = hp_update_child' (the h) None arr;
    let arr = hp_update_parents' (the j) None arr;
    arr  merge_pairs (update_source_node None arr) (the j);
    RETURN (the h, arr)
  }) (is ?A = ?B)
proof -
  have [simp]: source_node arr = None  (fst arr, fst (snd arr), None) = arr for arr
    by (cases arr) auto
  have K[refine]: ((the (source_node arr), fst arr, fst (snd arr), None), the (source_node arr),
  update_source_node None arr)
    ((the (source_node arr), fst arr, fst (snd arr), None), the (source_node arr),
           update_source_node None arr)
    ((the (source_node arr), update_source_node None arr), the (source_node arr), fst arr,
                fst (snd arr), None)
    for i arr
    by (solves cases arr; auto)+
  have [refine]: merge_pairs
  (fst arr,
   hp_update_parents (the (hp_read_child (the (source_node arr)) (fst (snd arr))))
    (hp_update_child (the (source_node arr)) None
      (hp_update_prev (the (source_node arr)) None (fst (snd arr)))),
  (the (hp_read_child (the (source_node arr)) (fst (snd arr))))
      (update_source_node None
     (hp_update_parents' (the (hp_read_child' (the (source_node arr)) arr)) None
       (hp_update_child' (the (source_node arr)) None
      (hp_update_prev' (the (source_node arr)) None arr))))
    (the (hp_read_child' (the (source_node arr)) arr)))
   (update_source_node None
  (hp_update_parents' (the (hp_read_child' (the (source_node arr)) arr)) None
    (hp_update_child' (the (source_node arr)) None
      (hp_update_prev' (the (source_node arr)) None arr))))
   (the (hp_read_child' (the (source_node arr)) arr))
    (fst arr,
     hp_update_parents (the (hp_read_child (the (source_node arr)) (fst (snd arr)))) None
      (hp_update_child (the (source_node arr)) None
     (hp_update_prev (the (source_node arr)) None (fst (snd arr)))),
    (the (hp_read_child (the (source_node arr)) (fst (snd arr))))) for arr
    by (solves cases arr; auto)+
  have K: snd (snd arr) = source_node arr for arr
    by (cases arr) auto

  have ?A arr  Id (?B arr) for i arr
    unfolding vsids_pop_min2_def case_prod_beta[of _ arr] case_prod_beta[of _ snd arr] Let_def
    by refine_vcg (solves auto)+
  moreover have ?B arr  Id (?A arr) for i arr
    unfolding vsids_pop_min2_def case_prod_beta[of _ arr] case_prod_beta[of _ snd arr] K
    by refine_vcg (solves auto intro!: ext bind_cong[OF refl] simp: Let_def)+
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding Down_id_eq apply -
    apply (intro ext)
    apply (rule antisym)
    apply assumption+

lemma mop_vsids_pop_min2_impl:
  assumes (xs, ys)  nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel
  shows mop_vsids_pop_min2_impl xs  (nat_rel ×r nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel) (vsids_pop_min2 ys)
proof -
  let ?R = {((arr, j, n), (arr', j', n', _)). (arr, arr')  nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel 
    (j, j')  nat_reloption_rel  (n,n')Id}
  have K[refine0]: (the (source_node_impl xs), the (source_node ys))  nat_rel
    if source_node ys  None
    using source_node_spec[OF assms] by auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms source_node_spec[OF assms]
    unfolding mop_vsids_pop_min2_impl_def vsids_pop_min2_alt_def
    apply (refine_vcg mop_hp_insert_impl_spec WHILET_refine[where R= ?R]
      mop_hp_read_nxt_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_read_prev_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_link_imp_spec mop_vsids_pass1_imp_spec
      mop_hp_read_child_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_update_prev'_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_update_child'_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_update_parent'_imp_spec[where R=nat_reloption_rel and S=nat_reloption_rel])
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by (auto intro!: update_source_node_impl_spec)
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by (auto intro!: update_source_node_impl_spec)
   subgoal by auto
   subgoal by auto

definition mop_unroot_hp_tree where
  mop_unroot_hp_tree arr h = do {
    let a = source_node_impl arr;
    nnext  mop_hp_read_nxt_imp h arr;
    parent  mop_hp_read_parent_imp h arr;
    prev  mop_hp_read_prev_imp h arr;
    if prev = None  parent = None  Some h  a then RETURN (update_source_node_impl None arr)
    else if Some h = a then RETURN (update_source_node_impl None arr)
    else do {
      ASSERT (a  None);
      let a' = the a;
      arr   maybe_mop_hp_update_child'_imp parent nnext arr;
      arr   maybe_mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp prev nnext arr;
      arr   maybe_mop_hp_update_prev'_imp nnext prev arr;
      arr   maybe_mop_hp_update_parent'_imp nnext parent arr;

      arr   mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp h None arr;
      arr   mop_hp_update_prev'_imp h None arr;
      arr   mop_hp_update_parent'_imp h None arr;

      arr   mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp h (Some a') arr;
      arr   mop_hp_update_prev'_imp a' (Some h) arr;
      RETURN (update_source_node_impl None arr)

lemma mop_unroot_hp_tree_spec:
  assumes (xs, ys)  nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel and (h,i)nat_rel
  shows mop_unroot_hp_tree xs h  (nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel) (unroot_hp_tree ys i)
proof -
  show ?thesis
    using assms using source_node_spec[OF assms(1)]
    unfolding mop_unroot_hp_tree_def unroot_hp_tree_def
    apply (refine_rcg mop_hp_read_nxt_imp_spec assms
      mop_hp_read_parent_imp_spec mop_hp_read_prev_imp_spec
      update_source_node_impl_spec maybe_mop_hp_update_child'_imp_spec
      maybe_mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp_spec maybe_mop_hp_update_parent'_imp_spec
      mop_hp_update_nxt'_imp_spec[where S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_update_prev'_imp_spec[where S=nat_reloption_rel]
      mop_hp_update_parent'_imp_spec[where S=nat_reloption_rel])
    subgoal using source_node_spec[OF assms(1)] by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal using source_node_spec[OF assms(1)] by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal using source_node_spec[OF assms(1)] by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply assumption
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply assumption
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply assumption
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply assumption
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply assumption
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply assumption
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply assumption
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply assumption
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto

definition mop_rescale_and_reroot where
  mop_rescale_and_reroot h w' arr = do {
    nnext  mop_hp_read_nxt_imp h arr;
    parent  mop_hp_read_parent_imp h arr;
    prev  mop_hp_read_prev_imp h arr;
    if source_node_impl arr = None then mop_hp_update_score_imp h w' arr
    else if prev = None  parent = None  Some h  source_node_impl arr then mop_hp_update_score_imp h w' arr
    else if Some h = source_node_impl arr then mop_hp_update_score_imp h w' arr
    else do {
       arr  mop_unroot_hp_tree arr h;
       arr  mop_hp_update_score_imp h w' arr;
       mop_merge_pairs_imp arr h

lemma mop_rescale_and_reroot_spec:
  assumes (xs, ys)  nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel and (h,i)nat_rel (w, w')  nat_rel
  shows mop_rescale_and_reroot h w xs  (nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel) (rescale_and_reroot i w' ys)
proof -
  have [refine]: (Some w, Some w')  nat_reloption_rel
    using assms by auto
  show ?thesis
    using source_node_spec[OF assms(1)] assms(2,3)
    unfolding rescale_and_reroot_def mop_rescale_and_reroot_def
    apply (refine_rcg mop_hp_read_nxt_imp_spec assms mop_hp_read_parent_imp_spec
      mop_hp_read_prev_imp_spec mop_hp_update_score_imp_spec mop_unroot_hp_tree_spec
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply assumption
    subgoal by auto

definition mop_hp_is_in :: _ where
  mop_hp_is_in h = (λarr. do {
   parent  mop_hp_read_parent_imp h arr;
   prev  mop_hp_read_prev_imp h arr;
   let s = source_node_impl arr;
   RETURN (s  None  (prev  None  parent  None  the s = h))

lemma mop_hp_is_in_spec:
  assumes (xs, ys)  nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel and (h,i)nat_rel
  shows mop_hp_is_in h xs  bool_rel (hp_is_in i ys)
proof -
  have hp_is_in_alt_def: hp_is_in w = (λbw. do {
  ASSERT (w ∈# fst bw);
  let parent = hp_read_parent' w bw;
  let prev = hp_read_prev' w bw;
   let s = source_node bw;
  RETURN (s  None  (hp_read_prev' w bw  None  hp_read_parent' w bw  None  the s = w))
  }) for w
  by (auto simp: hp_is_in_def)
  show ?thesis
    using source_node_spec[OF assms(1)] assms(2)
    unfolding mop_hp_is_in_def hp_is_in_alt_def
    by (refine_vcg assms mop_hp_read_parent_imp_spec mop_hp_read_prev_imp_spec)

lemma mop_hp_read_score_imp_mop_hp_read_score:
  assumes (xs, ys)  nat_reloption_rel,nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel and (h,i)nat_rel
  shows mop_hp_read_score_imp h xs  nat_rel (mop_hp_read_score i ys)
  unfolding mop_hp_read_score_def case_prod_beta mop_hp_read_score_imp_def
  apply (refine_vcg mop_hp_read_score_imp_spec)
  using assms apply  (auto simp: pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def dest!: multi_member_split)
