Theory Relational_Pairing_Heaps

theory Relational_Pairing_Heaps
  imports Pairing_Heaps

subsection Flat Version of Pairing Heaps

subsubsection Splitting genealogy to Relations

text In this subsection, we replace the tree version by several arrays that represent
  the relations (parent, child, next, previous) of the same trees.

(*TODO: this is missing the parents*)
type_synonym ('a, 'b) hp_fun = (('a  'a option) × ('a  'a option) × ('a  'a option) × ('a  'a option) × ('a  'b option))

definition hp_set_all :: 'a  'a option  'a option  'a option  'a option  'b option   ('a, 'b) hp_fun  ('a, 'b) hp_fun  where
  hp_set_all i prev nxt child par sc = (λ(prevs, nxts, childs, parents, scores). (prevs(i:=prev), nxts(i:=nxt), childs(i:=child), parents(i:=par), scores(i:=sc)))

definition hp_update_prev :: 'a  'a option  ('a, 'b) hp_fun  ('a, 'b) hp_fun where
  hp_update_prev i prev = (λ(prevs, nxts, childs, parents, score). (prevs(i:=prev), nxts, childs, parents, score))

definition hp_update_nxt :: 'a  'a option  ('a, 'b) hp_fun  ('a, 'b) hp_fun where
  hp_update_nxt i nxt = (λ(prevs, nxts, childs, parents, score). (prevs, nxts(i:=nxt), childs, parents, score))

definition hp_update_parents :: 'a  'a option  ('a, 'b) hp_fun  ('a, 'b) hp_fun where
  hp_update_parents i nxt = (λ(prevs, nxts, childs, parents, score). (prevs, nxts, childs, parents(i:=nxt), score))

definition hp_update_score :: 'a  'b option  ('a, 'b) hp_fun  ('a, 'b) hp_fun where
  hp_update_score i nxt = (λ(prevs, nxts, childs, parents, score). (prevs, nxts, childs, parents, score(i:=nxt)))

fun hp_read_nxt :: _  ('a, 'b) hp_fun  _ where hp_read_nxt i (prevs, nxts, childs) = nxts i
fun hp_read_prev :: _  ('a, 'b) hp_fun  _ where hp_read_prev i (prevs, nxts, childs) = prevs i
fun hp_read_child :: _  ('a, 'b) hp_fun  _ where hp_read_child i (prevs, nxts, childs, parents, scores) = childs i
fun hp_read_parent :: _  ('a, 'b) hp_fun  _ where hp_read_parent i (prevs, nxts, childs, parents, scores) = parents i
fun hp_read_score :: _  ('a, 'b) hp_fun  _ where hp_read_score i (prevs, nxts, childs, parents, scores) = scores i


It was not entirely clear from the ground up whether we would actually need to have the conditions
of emptyness of the previous or the parent.  However, these are the only conditions to know whether
a node is in the treen or not, so we decided to include them. It is critical to not add that the scores
are empty, because this is the only way to track the scores after removing a node.

We initially inlined the definition of termempty_outside, but the simplifier immediatly hung himself.

definition empty_outside :: _ where
  empty_outside 𝒱 prevs = (x. x ∉# 𝒱  prevs x = None)

definition encoded_hp_prop :: 'e multiset  ('e,'f) hp multiset   ('e, 'f) hp_fun  _ where
  encoded_hp_prop 𝒱 m = (λ(prevs,nxts,children, parents, scores). distinct_mset (# (mset_nodes `# m)) 
     set_mset (# (mset_nodes `# m))  set_mset 𝒱 
     (m∈# m. x ∈# mset_nodes m. prevs x = map_option node (hp_prev x m)) 
     (m'∈#m. x ∈# mset_nodes m'. nxts x = map_option node (hp_next x m')) 
     (m∈# m. x ∈# mset_nodes m. children x = map_option node (hp_child x m)) 
     (m∈# m. x ∈# mset_nodes m. parents x = map_option node (hp_parent x m)) 
     (m∈# m. x ∈# mset_nodes m. scores x = map_option score (hp_node x m)) 
     empty_outside (# (mset_nodes `# m)) prevs 
     empty_outside (# (mset_nodes `# m)) parents)

lemma empty_outside_alt_def: empty_outside 𝒱 f = (dom f  UNIV - set_mset 𝒱 = {})
  unfolding empty_outside_def
  by auto

lemma empty_outside_add_mset[simp]:
  f v = None  empty_outside (add_mset v 𝒱) f  empty_outside 𝒱 f
  unfolding empty_outside_alt_def
  by auto

lemma empty_outside_notin_None: empty_outside 𝒱 prevs  a ∉# 𝒱  prevs a = None
  unfolding empty_outside_alt_def
  by auto

lemma empty_outside_update_already_in[simp]: x ∈# 𝒱  empty_outside 𝒱 (prevs(x := a)) = empty_outside 𝒱 prevs
  unfolding empty_outside_alt_def
  by auto

lemma encoded_hp_prop_irrelevant:
  assumes a ∉# # (mset_nodes `# m) and a∈#𝒱 and
    encoded_hp_prop 𝒱 m (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores)
    encoded_hp_prop 𝒱 (add_mset (Hp a sc []) m) (prevs, nxts(a:=None), children(a:=None), parents, scores(a:=Some sc))
  using assms by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_def empty_outside_notin_None)

lemma hp_parent_single_child[simp]: hp_parent (node a) (Hp m wm [a]) = Some (Hp m wm [a])
  by (cases a) (auto simp: hp_parent.simps(1))

lemma hp_parent_children_single_hp_parent[simp]: hp_parent_children b [a] = hp_parent b a
  by (auto simp: hp_parent_children_def)

lemma hp_parent_single_child_If:
  b  m  hp_parent b (Hp m wm (a # [])) = (if b = node a then Some (Hp m wm [a]) else hp_parent b a)
  by (auto simp: hp_parent_simps)

lemma hp_parent_single_child_If2:
  distinct_mset (add_mset m (mset_nodes a)) 
  hp_parent b (Hp m wm (a # [])) = (if b = m then None else if b = node a then Some (Hp m wm [a]) else hp_parent b a)
  by (auto simp: hp_parent_simps)

lemma hp_parent_single_child_If3:
  distinct_mset (add_mset m (mset_nodes a + sum_list (map mset_nodes xs))) 
  hp_parent b (Hp m wm (a # xs)) = (if b = m then None else if b = node a then Some (Hp m wm (a # xs)) else hp_parent_children b (a # xs))
  by (auto simp: hp_parent_simps)

lemma hp_parent_is_first_child[simp]: hp_parent (node a) (Hp m wm (a # chm)) = Some (Hp m wm (a # chm))
  by (auto simp: hp_parent.simps(1))

lemma hp_parent_children_in_first_child[simp]: distinct_mset (mset_nodes a + sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)) 
  xa ∈# mset_nodes a  hp_parent_children xa (a # chm) = hp_parent xa a
  by (auto simp: hp_parent_children_cons split: option.splits dest: multi_member_split)

lemma encoded_hp_prop_link:
  fixes chm a prevs parents m
  defines prevs'  (if chm = [] then prevs else prevs (node (hd chm) := Some (node a)))
  defines parents'  (if chm = [] then parents else parents (node (hd chm) := None))
  assumes encoded_hp_prop 𝒱 (add_mset (Hp m wm chm) (add_mset a x)) (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores)
    encoded_hp_prop 𝒱 (add_mset (Hp m wm (a # chm)) x) (prevs', nxts(node a:= if chm = [] then None else Some (node (hd chm))),
      children(m := Some (node a)), parents'(node a:= Some m), scores(m:=Some wm))
proof -
  have H[simp]: distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + (mset_nodes a)) distinct_mset (mset_nodes a)
     distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)) and
    dist: distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + (mset_nodes a) + # (mset_nodes `# x))
    m ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + (mset_nodes a) + # (mset_nodes `# x) and
    incl: set_mset (# (mset_nodes `# add_mset (Hp m wm chm) (add_mset a x)))  set_mset 𝒱
    using assms unfolding encoded_hp_prop_def prod.simps apply auto
    by (metis distinct_mset_add mset_nodes_simps sum_mset.insert union_assoc)+
  have [simp]: distinct_mset (mset_nodes a + sum_list (map mset_nodes chm))
    by (metis H(1) union_ac(2))
  have 1: chm  []  node a  node (hd chm)
    if distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + (mset_nodes a + # (mset_nodes `# x)))
    using that by (cases chm; cases a; auto)
  have K: xa ∈# mset_nodes a  xa ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)
    xa ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)  xa ∉# mset_nodes afor xa
    using H by (auto simp del: H dest!: multi_member_split)

  have [simp]: chm  []  ma ∈# x  hp_parent (node (hd chm)) ma = None
    ma ∈# x  hp_parent (node a) ma = None
    ma ∈# x  node a ∉# mset_nodes ma for ma
    by (cases chm; cases hd chm; cases a; use dist in auto simp del: H dest!: multi_member_split; fail)+
  have [simp]: xa ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)  xa  node (hd chm)  
    (hp_parent xa (Hp m wm chm)) = (hp_parent_children xa (a # chm)) for xa
    using dist H
    by (cases chm; cases x)
     (auto simp: hp_parent_single_child_If3 hp_parent_children_cons
      simp del: H
      dest!: multi_member_split split: option.splits)

  show ?thesis
    using assms 1 unfolding encoded_hp_prop_def prod.simps
    apply (intro conjI impI ballI)
    subgoal by (auto simp: ac_simps)
    subgoal by (auto simp: ac_simps)
      apply (auto simp: prevs'_def hp_prev_skip_hd_children dest: multi_member_split)
      by (metis add_mset_disjoint(1) distinct_mset_add image_msetI in_Union_mset_iff mset_add node_hd_in_sum union_iff)
    subgoal apply simp
      apply (intro conjI impI allI)
      subgoal by (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: add_mset_eq_add_mset)
      subgoal by (auto dest: multi_member_split)[]
      subgoal by (auto dest!: multi_member_split)[]
        by (auto dest: multi_member_split distinct_mset_union simp: hp_next_skip_hd_children)
      by (auto split: option.splits simp: K)
      by (auto simp: hp_parent_single_child_If2 hp_parent_single_child_If3)
      by (auto split: option.splits simp: K(2))
      by (auto simp: ac_simps)
      by (auto simp: ac_simps)

fun find_first_not_none where
  find_first_not_none (None # xs) = find_first_not_none xs |
  find_first_not_none (Some a # _) = Some a|
  find_first_not_none [] = None

lemma find_first_not_none_alt_def:
  find_first_not_none xs = map_option the (option_hd (filter ((≠) None) xs))
  by (induction xs rule: find_first_not_none.induct) auto

text In the following we distinguish between the tree part and the tree part without parent (aka the list part).
The latter corresponds to a tree where we have removed the source, but the leafs remains in the correct form.
They are different for first level nexts and first level children.
definition encoded_hp_prop_list :: 'e multiset  ('e,'f) hp multiset  ('e,'f) hp list  _ where
  encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 m xs  = (λ(prevs,nxts,children, parents, scores). distinct_mset (# (mset_nodes `# m + mset_nodes `# (mset xs))) 
     set_mset (# (mset_nodes `# m + mset_nodes `# (mset xs)))  set_mset 𝒱 
     (m'∈#m. x ∈# mset_nodes m'. nxts x = map_option node (hp_next x m')) 
     (m∈# m. x ∈# mset_nodes m. prevs x = map_option node (hp_prev x m)) 
     (m∈# m. x ∈# mset_nodes m. children x = map_option node (hp_child x m)) 
     (m∈# m. x ∈# mset_nodes m. parents x = map_option node (hp_parent x m)) 
     (m∈# m. x ∈# mset_nodes m. scores x = map_option score (hp_node x m)) 
     (x ∈# # (mset_nodes `# mset xs). nxts x = map_option node (hp_next_children x xs)) 
     (x ∈# # (mset_nodes `# mset xs). prevs x = map_option node (hp_prev_children x xs)) 
     (x ∈# # (mset_nodes `# mset xs). children x = map_option node (hp_child_children x xs)) 
     (x ∈# # (mset_nodes `# mset xs). parents x = map_option node (hp_parent_children x xs)) 
    (x ∈# # (mset_nodes `# mset xs). scores x = map_option score (hp_node_children x xs)) 
    empty_outside (# (mset_nodes `# m + mset_nodes `# (mset xs))) prevs 
    empty_outside (# (mset_nodes `# m + mset_nodes `# (mset xs))) parents)

lemma encoded_hp_prop_list_encoded_hp_prop[simp]: encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 arr [] h = encoded_hp_prop 𝒱 arr h
  unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_def encoded_hp_prop_def by auto

lemma encoded_hp_prop_list_encoded_hp_prop_single[simp]: encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 {#} [arr] h = encoded_hp_prop 𝒱 {#arr#} h
  unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_def encoded_hp_prop_def by auto

lemma empty_outside_set_none_outside[simp]: empty_outside 𝒱 prevs  a ∉# 𝒱   empty_outside 𝒱 (prevs(a := None))
  unfolding empty_outside_alt_def by auto

lemma encoded_hp_prop_list_remove_min:
  fixes parents a child children
  defines parents'  (if children a = None then parents else parents(the (children a) := None))
  assumes encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 (add_mset (Hp a b child) xs) [] (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores)
  shows encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 xs child (prevs(a:=None), nxts, children(a:=None), parents', scores)
proof -
  have a: children a = None  child = [] and
    b: children a  None  the (children a) = node (hd child)
    using assms
    unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_def
    by (cases child; auto simp: ac_simps hp_parent_single_child_If3 dest: multi_member_split; fail)+
  have dist: distinct_mset (# (mset_nodes `# add_mset (Hp a b child) xs))
    using assms unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_def prod.simps
    by (metis empty_neutral(2) image_mset_empty mset_zero_iff)
  then have child  []  distinct_mset (mset_nodes ((hd child)) + sum_list (map mset_nodes (tl child)))
     child  []  distinct_mset (mset_nodes ((hd child)))
    using distinct_mset_union by (cases child; auto; fail)+
  moreover have parents a = None
    using assms
    unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_def a
    by (cases child)
     (auto simp: ac_simps hp_parent_single_child_If3 hp_parent_simps_if
      dest: multi_member_split)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using assms b
    unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_def a
    apply (cases child)
    apply (auto simp: ac_simps hp_parent_single_child_If3 hp_parent_simps_if
      dest: multi_member_split)
    apply (metis (no_types, lifting) disjunct_not_in distinct_mset_add insert_DiffM node_in_mset_nodes sum_mset.insert union_iff)
    apply (metis hp_node_None_notin2 option.case_eq_if option.exhaust_sel)
    apply (metis hp_node.simps(1) hp_node_children_simps2)
    apply (metis hp_child.simps(1) hp_child_hp_children_simps2)

lemma hp_parent_children_skip_first[simp]:
  x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes ch') 
  distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes ch) + sum_list (map mset_nodes ch')) 
  hp_parent_children x (ch @ ch') = hp_parent_children x ch'
  by (induction ch) (auto simp: hp_parent_children_cons dest!: multi_member_split)

lemma hp_parent_children_skip_last[simp]:
  x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes ch) 
  distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes ch) + sum_list (map mset_nodes ch')) 
  hp_parent_children x (ch @ ch') = hp_parent_children x ch
  by (induction ch) (auto simp: hp_parent_children_cons dest!: multi_member_split split: option.splits)

lemma hp_parent_first_child[simp]:
  n  m  hp_parent n (Hp m wm (Hp n wn chn # chm)) = Some (Hp m wm (Hp n wn chn # chm))
  by (auto simp: hp_parent.simps(1))

lemma encoded_hp_prop_list_link:
  fixes m chm prevs b hpm n nxts children parents
  defines prevs0  (if chm = [] then prevs else prevs (node (hd chm) := Some n))
  defines prevs'  (if b = [] then prevs0 else prevs0 (node (hd b) := Some m)) (n:= None)
  defines nxts'  nxts (m := map_option node (option_hd b), n := map_option node (option_hd chm))
  defines children'  children (m := Some n)
  defines parents'  (if chm = [] then parents else parents(node (hd chm) := None))(n := Some m)
  assumes encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 (xs) (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b) (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores)
  shows encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 xs (a @ [Hp m wm (Hp n wn chn # chm)] @ b)
       (prevs', nxts', children', parents', scores)
proof -
  have dist: distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) +
    (# (mset_nodes `# xs) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b)))))
    and notin:
    n ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)
    n ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)
    n ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes a)
    n ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)
    m ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)
    m ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)
    m ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes a)
    m ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)
    n  m m  n and
    nxts1: (m'∈#xs. x∈#mset_nodes m'. nxts x = map_option node (hp_next x m')) and
    prevs1: (m∈#xs. x∈#mset_nodes m. prevs x = map_option node (hp_prev x m)) and
    parents1: (m∈#xs. x∈#mset_nodes m. parents x = map_option node (hp_parent x m)) and
    child1: (m∈#xs. x∈#mset_nodes m. children x = map_option node (hp_child x m)) and
    scores1: (m∈#xs. x∈#mset_nodes m. scores x = map_option score (hp_node x m)) and
    nxts2: (x∈## (mset_nodes `# mset (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b)).
     nxts x = map_option node (hp_next_children x (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b))) and
    prevs2: (x∈## (mset_nodes `# mset (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b)).
     prevs x = map_option node (hp_prev_children x (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b))) and
    parents2: (x∈## (mset_nodes `# mset (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b)).
     parents x = map_option node (hp_parent_children x (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b))) and
    child2: (x∈## (mset_nodes `# mset (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b)).
    children x = map_option node (hp_child_children x (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b))) and
    scores2: (x∈## (mset_nodes `# mset (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b)).
    scores x = map_option score (hp_node_children x (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b))) and
    dist2: distinct_mset (# (mset_nodes `# xs + mset_nodes `# mset (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b))) and
    others_empty: empty_outside (# (mset_nodes `# xs + mset_nodes `# mset (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b))) prevs
    empty_outside (# (mset_nodes `# xs + mset_nodes `# mset (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b))) parents and
    incl: set_mset (# (mset_nodes `# xs + mset_nodes `# mset (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b)))  set_mset 𝒱
    using assms unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_def by auto
  have [simp]: distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chm))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chm))
    "distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b)))"
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b))))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b)))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chm))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b)))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chn))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes b))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chn))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes a)))
    "distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b))"
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b)))
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis distinct_mset_add union_ac(3))
    using dist apply (smt (verit, del_insts) WB_List_More.distinct_mset_union2 group_cancel.add1 group_cancel.add2)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (smt (verit, del_insts) WB_List_More.distinct_mset_union2 group_cancel.add1 group_cancel.add2)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
  have [simp]: m  node (hd chm) n  node (hd chm) (node (hd chm)) ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)
    node (hd chm) ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)if chm  []
    using dist that notin by (cases chm; auto dest: multi_member_split; fail)+
  have [simp]: m  node (hd b) n  node (hd b) if b  []
    using dist that notin unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_def by (cases b; auto; fail)+
  have [simp]: ma ∈# xs  node (hd chm) ∉# mset_nodes ma if chm  [] for ma
    using dist that notin by (cases chm; auto dest!: multi_member_split; fail)+
  have [simp]: hp_parent_children (node (hd chm)) chm = None
    by (metis distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)) distinct_mset_add
      hp_parent.simps(2) hp_parent_None_iff_children_None hp_parent_children_hd_None sum_image_mset_sum_map)
  define NOTIN where
    NOTIN x chn  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) for x and  chn :: ('a, 'b) hp list
  have K[unfolded NOTIN_def[symmetric]]: x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes a)
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)  ¬x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)
    x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)  x  m
    x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)  x  n
    x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)  NOTIN x a
    x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)  NOTIN x b
    x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)  x  m
    x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)  x  n
    x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) and
    K'[unfolded NOTIN_def[symmetric]]:
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes a)  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes a)  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes a)  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes a)  x  m
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes a)  x  n and
   K''[unfolded NOTIN_def[symmetric]]:
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)  (x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes a))
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)  x  m
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)  x  n
    for x
    using dist notin by (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: NOTIN_def)

  note [simp] = NOTIN_def[symmetric]
  show ?thesis
    using dist2 unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_def prod.simps assms(1-5)
    apply (intro conjI impI allI)
    subgoal using assms unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_def
      by (auto simp: ac_simps simp del: NOTIN_def[symmetric])
    subgoal using incl by auto
    subgoal using nxts1
      by auto
    subgoal using prevs1
      apply (cases chm; cases b)
      apply (auto)
      apply (metis WB_List_More.distinct_mset_union2 add_diff_cancel_right' distinct_mem_diff_mset mset_add node_in_mset_nodes sum_mset.insert union_iff)
      apply (metis (no_types, lifting) add_mset_disjoint(1) distinct_mset_add mset_add node_in_mset_nodes sum_mset.insert union_iff)+
      using child1
      by auto
      using parents1
      by auto
      using scores1
      by auto
      using nxts2
      by (auto dest: multi_member_split simp: K hp_next_children_append_single_remove_children)
      using prevs2 supply [cong del] = image_mset_cong
      by (auto simp add:  K K' K'' hp_prev_children_append_single_remove_children hp_prev_skip_hd_children map_option_skip_in_child)
      using child2 notin(9)
      by (auto simp add: K K' K'' hp_child_children_skip_first[of _ [_], simplified]
        hp_child_children_skip_first[of _ _ # _, simplified]
        hp_child_children_skip_last[of _ _ [_], simplified]
        hp_child_children_skip_last[of _ [_], simplified] notin
        hp_child_children_skip_last[of _ [_, _], simplified]
        hp_child_children_skip_first[of _ _ [_], simplified]
        split: option.splits)
      using parents2 notin(9)
      by (auto simp add: K K' K'' hp_parent_children_skip_first[of _ [_], simplified]
        hp_parent_children_skip_first[of _ _ # _, simplified] hp_parent_simps_single_if
        hp_parent_children_skip_last[of _ _ [_], simplified]
        hp_parent_children_skip_last[of _ [_], simplified] notin
        hp_parent_children_skip_last[of _ [_, _], simplified]
        hp_parent_children_skip_first[of _ _ [_], simplified]
        split: option.splits)
      using scores2
      by (auto split: option.splits simp: K K' K'' hp_node_children_Cons_if
        dest: multi_member_split)
      using others_empty
      by (auto simp add: K K' K'' ac_simps)
      using others_empty
      by (auto simp add: K K' K'' ac_simps)

lemma encoded_hp_prop_list_link2:
  fixes m chm prevs b hpm n nxts children chn a parents
  defines prevs'  (if chn = [] then prevs else prevs (node (hd chn) := Some m))(m := None, n := map_option node (option_last a))
  defines nxts0  (if a = [] then nxts else nxts(node (last a) := Some n))
  defines nxts'  nxts0 (n := map_option node (option_hd b), m := map_option node (option_hd chn))
  defines children'  children (n := Some m)
  defines parents'  (if chn = [] then parents else parents(node (hd chn) := None))(m := Some n)
  assumes encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 (xs) (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b) (prevs, nxts, children, parents, scores)
  shows encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 xs (a @ [Hp n wn (Hp m wm chm # chn)] @ b)
       (prevs', nxts', children', parents', scores)
proof -
  have dist: distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) +
    (# (mset_nodes `# xs) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b)))))
    and notin:
    n ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)
    n ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)
    n ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes a)
    n ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)
    m ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)
    m ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)
    m ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes a)
    m ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)
    n  m m  n and
    nxts1: (m'∈#xs. x∈#mset_nodes m'. nxts x = map_option node (hp_next x m')) and
    prevs1: (m∈#xs. x∈#mset_nodes m. prevs x = map_option node (hp_prev x m)) and
    child1: (m∈#xs. x∈#mset_nodes m. children x = map_option node (hp_child x m)) and
    parent1: (m∈#xs. x∈#mset_nodes m. parents x = map_option node (hp_parent x m)) and
    nxts2: (x∈## (mset_nodes `# mset (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b)).
     nxts x = map_option node (hp_next_children x (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b))) and
    prevs2: (x∈## (mset_nodes `# mset (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b)).
     prevs x = map_option node (hp_prev_children x (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b))) and
    child2: (x∈## (mset_nodes `# mset (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b)).
    children x = map_option node (hp_child_children x (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b))) and
    parent2: (x∈## (mset_nodes `# mset (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b)).
     parents x = map_option node (hp_parent_children x (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b))) and
    scores2: (x∈## (mset_nodes `# mset (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b)).
      scores x = map_option score (hp_node_children x (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b))) and
    scores1: (m∈#xs. x∈#mset_nodes m. scores x = map_option score (hp_node x m)) and
    dist2: distinct_mset (# (mset_nodes `# xs + mset_nodes `# mset (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b))) and
    others_empty: empty_outside (# (mset_nodes `# xs + mset_nodes `# mset (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b))) prevs
      empty_outside (# (mset_nodes `# xs + mset_nodes `# mset (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b))) parents and
    incl: set_mset (# (mset_nodes `# xs + mset_nodes `# mset (a @ [Hp m wm chm, Hp n wn chn] @ b)))  set_mset 𝒱
    using assms unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_def prod.simps by clarsimp_all
  have [simp]: distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chm))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chm))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b))))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b)))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chm))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b)))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chn))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes b))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chn))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chm))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes a)))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b)))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b)))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes b) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chn))))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b)))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b)))
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes chm) + sum_list (map mset_nodes b))
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis distinct_mset_add union_ac(3))
    using dist apply (smt (verit, del_insts) WB_List_More.distinct_mset_union2 group_cancel.add1 group_cancel.add2)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (smt (verit, del_insts) WB_List_More.distinct_mset_union2 group_cancel.add1 group_cancel.add2)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (smt (verit, del_insts) WB_List_More.distinct_mset_union2 union_commute union_lcomm)
    using dist apply (smt (verit, del_insts) WB_List_More.distinct_mset_union2 union_commute union_lcomm)
    using dist apply (smt (verit, del_insts) WB_List_More.distinct_mset_union2 union_commute union_lcomm)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
    using dist apply (metis (no_types, lifting) distinct_mset_add union_assoc union_commute)
  have [simp]: m  node (hd chm) n  node (hd chm) (node (hd chm)) ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)
    node (hd chm) ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)if chm  []
    using dist that notin by (cases chm; auto dest: multi_member_split; fail)+
  have [simp]: m  node (hd chn) n  node (hd chn) (node (hd chn)) ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)
    node (hd chn) ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)if chn  []
    using dist that notin by (cases chn; auto dest: multi_member_split; fail)+
  have [simp]: m  node (hd b) n  node (hd b) if b  []
    using dist that notin unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_def by (cases b; auto; fail)+

  define NOTIN where
    NOTIN x chn  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) for x and  chn :: ('a, 'b) hp list
  have K[unfolded NOTIN_def[symmetric]]: x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes a)
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)
    x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)  x  m
    x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)  x  n
    x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)  NOTIN x a
    x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)  NOTIN x b
    x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)  x  m
    x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)  x  n
    x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) and
    K'[unfolded NOTIN_def[symmetric]]:
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes a)  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes a)  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes a)  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes a)  x  m
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes a)  x  n and
   K''[unfolded NOTIN_def[symmetric]]:
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)  (x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes a))
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn)
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)  x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)  x  m
      x ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes b)  x  n
    for x
    using dist notin by (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: NOTIN_def)
  have [simp]: node (last a) ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)
    node (last a) ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes chn) if a  []
    using that dist by (cases a rule: rev_cases; cases last a; auto; fail)+
  note [simp] = NOTIN_def[symmetric]

  have [simp]: hp_parent_children (node (hd chm)) chm = None
    by (metis distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes a) + sum_list (map mset_nodes chm)) distinct_mset_add
      hp_parent.simps(2) hp_parent_None_iff_children_None hp_parent_children_hd_None sum_image_mset_sum_map)
  have [simp]: chn  []  hp_parent_children (node (hd chn)) chn = None
    using dist
    by (cases chn; cases hd chn) (auto simp: hp_parent_children_cons distinct_mset_add split: option.splits)
  have [iff]: chn  []  ma ∈# xs  node (hd chn) ∈# mset_nodes ma  False for ma
    using dist2 apply auto
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) add_mset_disjoint(1) distinct_mset_add insert_DiffM inter_mset_empty_distrib_right node_hd_in_sum sum_mset.insert)
  show ?thesis
    using dist2 unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_def prod.simps assms(1-5)
    apply (intro conjI impI allI)
    subgoal using assms unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_def
      by (auto simp: ac_simps simp del: NOTIN_def[symmetric])
    subgoal using incl by auto
    subgoal using nxts1
      apply (cases a rule: rev_cases)
      apply auto
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) add_diff_cancel_right' distinct_mset_in_diff mset_add node_in_mset_nodes sum_mset.insert union_iff)
    subgoal using prevs1
      by auto
      using child1
      by auto
      using parent1
      by auto
      using scores1
      by auto
      using nxts2
      by (auto dest: multi_member_split simp: K hp_next_children_append_single_remove_children
      using prevs2 supply [cong del] = image_mset_cong
      by (auto simp add:  K K' K'' hp_prev_children_append_single_remove_children hp_prev_skip_hd_children map_option_skip_in_child hp_prev_children_skip_first_append[of _ [_], simplified])
      using child2
      by (auto simp add: K K' K'' hp_child_children_skip_first[of _ [_], simplified]
        hp_child_children_skip_first[of _ _ # _, simplified]
        hp_child_children_skip_last[of _ _ [_], simplified]
        hp_child_children_skip_last[of _ [_], simplified] notin
        hp_child_children_skip_last[of _ [_, _], simplified]
        hp_child_children_skip_first[of _ _ [_,_], simplified]
        hp_child_children_skip_first[of _ _ [_], simplified]
        split: option.splits)
      using parent2 notin(9)
      by (auto simp add: K K' K'' hp_parent_children_skip_first[of _ [_], simplified]
        hp_parent_children_skip_first[of _ _ # _, simplified] hp_parent_simps_single_if
        hp_parent_children_skip_last[of _ _ [_], simplified]
        hp_parent_children_skip_last[of _ [_], simplified] notin
        hp_parent_children_skip_last[of _ [_, _], simplified]
        hp_parent_children_skip_first[of _ _ [_], simplified]
        hp_parent_children_skip_first[of _ _ [_,_], simplified]
        eq_commute[of n node (hd [])]
        split: option.splits)
      using scores2
      by (auto split: option.splits simp: K K' K'' hp_node_children_Cons_if
        dest: multi_member_split)
      using others_empty
      by (auto simp add: K K' K'' ac_simps add_mset_commute[of m n])
      using others_empty
      by (auto simp add: K K' K'' ac_simps add_mset_commute[of m n])

definition encoded_hp_prop_list_conc
  :: "'a::linorder multiset × ('a, 'b) hp_fun × 'a option 
     'a multiset × ('a, 'b) hp option  bool"
  encoded_hp_prop_list_conc = (λ(𝒱, arr, h) (𝒱', x). 𝒱 = 𝒱' 
  (case x of None  encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱' {#} ([]:: ('a, 'b) hp list) arr  h = None
  | Some x  encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱' {#x#} [] arr  set_mset (mset_nodes x)  set_mset 𝒱  h = Some (node x)))

lemma encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_alt_def:
  encoded_hp_prop_list_conc = (λ(𝒱, arr, h) (𝒱', x). 𝒱 = 𝒱' 
  (case x of None  encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱' {#} ([]:: ('a::linorder, 'b) hp list) arr  h = None
  | Some x  encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱' {#x#} [] arr  h = Some (node x)))
  unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def
  by (auto split: option.splits intro!: ext)

definition encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc
  :: "'a::linorder multiset × ('a, 'b) hp_fun × 'a option 
     'a multiset × ('a, 'b) hp list  bool"
  encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc = (λ(𝒱, arr, h) (𝒱', x). 𝒱' = 𝒱 
  (encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 {#} x arr  set_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes x))  set_mset 𝒱  h = None))

lemma encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_alt_def:
  encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc = (λ(𝒱, arr, h) (𝒱', x). 𝒱 = 𝒱' 
  (encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 {#} x arr   h = None))
  unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def
  by (auto split: option.splits intro!: ext)

lemma encoded_hp_prop_list_update_score:
  fixes h :: ('a, nat) hp and a arr and hs :: ('a, nat) hp multiset and x
  defines arr': arr'  hp_update_score a (Some x) arr
  assumes enc: encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 (add_mset (Hp a b c) hs) [] arr
  shows encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 (add_mset (Hp a x c) hs) []
proof -
  obtain prevs nxts childs parents scores 𝒱 where
    arr: arr = ((prevs, nxts, childs, parents, scores)) and
    dist: distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes c) + # (mset_nodes `# hs))
      a ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes c)
      a ∉# # (mset_nodes `# hs)
    𝒱: set_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes xs))  𝒱
    by (cases arr) (use assms in auto simp: ac_simps encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def
  have find_key_in_nodes: find_key a h  None  node (the (find_key a h)) ∈# mset_nodes h
    by (cases a ∈# mset_nodes h)
   	 (use find_key_None_or_itself[of a h] in auto simp del: find_key_None_or_itself)
  have in_find_key_in_nodes1: x ∈# mset_nodes y  find_key a h = Some y  x ∈# mset_nodes h for x y
    using mset_nodes_find_key_subset[of a h]
    by auto
  have [simp]: find_key a h = None  remove_key a h = Some h
    by (metis find_key.simps find_key_none_iff hp.exhaust_sel hp_node_None_notin2
      hp_node_children_None_notin2 hp_node_children_simps2 option_last_Nil option_last_Some_iff(2)
  have [simp]: map_option node (hp_parent xa (Hp a b c)) = map_option node (hp_parent xa (Hp a x c)) for xa
    by (cases c; auto simp: hp_parent.simps(1))
  have remove_key a h  None  node (the (remove_key a h)) ∈# mset_nodes h
    by (metis remove_key.simps get_min2.simps hp.exhaust_sel option.collapse option.distinct(2) remove_key_notin_unchanged)
  then show ?thesis
    supply [[goals_limit=1]]
    using enc
    unfolding arr hp_update_nxt_def hp_update_prev_def case_prod_beta
      encoded_hp_prop_list_def prod.simps arr' apply -
    apply (intro conjI impI ballI)
      by (auto simp: find_remove_mset_nodes_full)
      by (auto simp: find_remove_mset_nodes_full hp_update_score_def)
      by (auto simp: find_remove_mset_nodes_full hp_update_score_def)
      by (auto simp: find_remove_mset_nodes_full hp_update_score_def)
      apply (auto simp: find_remove_mset_nodes_full hp_update_score_def)
      by (metis hp_child_hp_children_simps2)
      by (auto simp: find_remove_mset_nodes_full hp_update_score_def)
      by (auto simp: find_remove_mset_nodes_full hp_update_score_def)
      by (auto simp: find_remove_mset_nodes_full hp_update_score_def)
      by (auto simp: find_remove_mset_nodes_full hp_update_score_def)
      by (auto simp: find_remove_mset_nodes_full hp_update_score_def)
      by (auto simp: find_remove_mset_nodes_full hp_update_score_def)
      by (auto simp: find_remove_mset_nodes_full hp_update_score_def)
      by (auto simp: find_remove_mset_nodes_full hp_update_score_def)
      by (auto simp: find_remove_mset_nodes_full hp_update_score_def)

subsubsection Refinement to Imperative version

definition hp_insert :: 'a  'b::linorder  'a multiset × ('a,'b) hp_fun × 'a option  ('a multiset × ('a,'b) hp_fun × 'a option) nres where
  hp_insert = (λ(i::'a) (w::'b) (𝒱::'a multiset, arr :: ('a, 'b) hp_fun, h :: 'a option). do {
  if h = None then do {
    ASSERT (i ∈# 𝒱);
    RETURN (𝒱, hp_set_all i None None None None (Some w) arr, Some i)
   } else do {
    ASSERT (i ∈# 𝒱);
    ASSERT (hp_read_prev i arr = None);
    ASSERT (hp_read_parent i arr = None);
    let (j::'a) = ((the h) :: 'a);
    ASSERT (j ∈# 𝒱  j  i);
    ASSERT (hp_read_score j (arr :: ('a, 'b) hp_fun)  None);
    ASSERT (hp_read_prev j arr = None  hp_read_nxt j arr = None  hp_read_parent j arr = None);
    let y = (the (hp_read_score j arr)::'b);
    if y < w
    then do {
      let arr = hp_set_all i None None (Some j) None (Some (w::'b)) (arr::('a, 'b) hp_fun);
      let arr = hp_update_parents j (Some i) arr;
      let nxt = hp_read_nxt j arr;
      RETURN (𝒱, arr :: ('a, 'b) hp_fun, Some i)
    else do {
      let child = hp_read_child j arr;
      ASSERT (child  None  the child ∈# 𝒱);
      let arr = hp_set_all j None None (Some i) None (Some y) arr;
      let arr = hp_set_all i None child None (Some j) (Some (w::'b)) arr;
      let arr = (if child = None then arr else hp_update_prev (the child) (Some i) arr);
      let arr = (if child = None then arr else hp_update_parents (the child) None arr);
      RETURN (𝒱, arr :: ('a, 'b) hp_fun, h)

lemma hp_insert_spec:
  assumes encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr h and
    snd h  None  i ∉# mset_nodes (the (snd h)) and
    i ∈# fst arr
  shows hp_insert i w arr   {(arr, h). encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr h}  (ACIDS.mop_hm_insert i w h)
proof -
  let ?h = snd h
  obtain prevs nxts childs scores parents 𝒱 where
    arr: arr = (𝒱, (prevs, nxts, childs, parents, scores), map_option node ?h) 
    by (cases arr; cases ?h) (use assms in auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def

  have enc: encoded_hp_prop 𝒱 {#Hp i w [the ?h]#}
    (prevs, nxts(i := None, node (the ?h) := None), childs(i  node (the ?h)), parents(node (the ?h)  i), scores(i  w)) and
    enc2: encoded_hp_prop 𝒱 {#Hp (node (the ?h)) (score (the ?h)) (Hp i w [] # hps (the ?h))#}
   (if hps (the ?h) = [] then prevs else prevs(node (hd (hps (the ?h)))  node (Hp i w [])),
    nxts  (i := None,  node (Hp i w []) := if hps (the ?h) = [] then None else Some (node (hd (hps (the ?h))))),
    childs(i := None)(node (the ?h)  node (Hp i w [])),
    (if hps (the ?h) = [] then parents else parents(node (hd (hps (the ?h))) := None))(node (Hp i w [])  node (the ?h)),
    scores(i  w, node (the ?h)  score (the ?h))) (is ?G)
    if ?h  None
  proof -
    have encoded_hp_prop 𝒱 {#the ?h#} (prevs, nxts, childs, parents, scores)
      using that assms by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def
        encoded_hp_prop_def arr)
    then have 0: encoded_hp_prop 𝒱 {#Hp i w [], the ?h#}
      (prevs, nxts(i := None), childs(i := None), parents, scores(i  w))
      using encoded_hp_prop_irrelevant[of i {#the ?h#} 𝒱 prevs nxts childs parents scores w] that assms
      by (auto simp: arr)
    from encoded_hp_prop_link[OF this]
    show encoded_hp_prop 𝒱 {#Hp i w [the ?h]#}
      (prevs, nxts(i := None, node (the ?h) := None), childs(i  node (the ?h)), parents(node (the ?h)  i), scores(i  w))
      by auto
    from 0 have encoded_hp_prop 𝒱 {#Hp (node (the ?h)) (score (the ?h)) (hps (the ?h)), Hp i w []#}
      (prevs, nxts(i := None), childs(i := None), parents, scores(i  w))
      by (cases the ?h) (auto simp: add_mset_commute)
    from encoded_hp_prop_link[OF this]
    show ?G .
  have prev_parent_i:
    ?h  None  hp_read_prev i (prevs, nxts, childs, parents, scores) = None
    ?h  None  hp_read_parent i (prevs, nxts, childs, parents, scores) = None
    using assms unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def
    by (force simp: arr encoded_hp_prop_def empty_outside_alt_def dest!: multi_member_split[of i])+
  have 1: ?h  None  hps (the ?h)  []  i  node (hd (hps (the ?h)))
    using assms by (cases the ?h; cases hps (the ?h); cases h) auto
  have [simp]: encoded_hp_prop 𝒱 {#Hp x1a x2 x3#} (prevs, nxts, childs, parents, scores)  scores x1a = Some x2
    encoded_hp_prop 𝒱 {#Hp x1a x2 x3#} (prevs, nxts, childs, parents, scores)  parents x1a = None
    encoded_hp_prop 𝒱 {#Hp x1a x2 x3#} (prevs, nxts, childs, parents, scores)  childs x1a = map_option node (option_hd x3) for x1a x2 x3
    by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_def)
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding hp_insert_def arr prod.simps ACIDS.mop_hm_insert_def
    apply refine_vcg
      by auto
      by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_set_all_def
        split: option.splits prod.splits)
      by auto
    subgoal using prev_parent_i by auto
    subgoal using prev_parent_i by auto
      by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_set_all_def
        split: option.splits prod.splits)
      by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_set_all_def
        split: option.splits prod.splits)
      by (cases the ?h) (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_set_all_def
        split: option.splits prod.splits)
      by (cases the ?h) (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_set_all_def
        split: option.splits prod.splits)
      by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_set_all_def
        split: option.splits prod.splits)
      by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_set_all_def
        split: option.splits prod.splits)
      using enc
      by (cases h, simp; cases the ?h)
        (auto simp: hp_set_all_def encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def fun_upd_idem hp_update_parents_def)
      using enc
      by (cases h, simp; cases the ?h; cases hps (the ?h); cases hd (hps (the ?h)))
        (auto simp: hp_set_all_def encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def fun_upd_idem hp_update_parents_def
      using enc2 1
      by (cases h, simp; cases the ?h)
        (auto simp: hp_set_all_def encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def fun_upd_idem hp_update_prev_def
          fun_upd_twist hp_update_parents_def)

definition hp_link :: 'a  'a  'a multiset × ('a,'b::order) hp_fun × 'a option  (('a multiset × ('a,'b) hp_fun × 'a option) × 'a) nres where
  hp_link = (λ(i::'a) j (𝒱::'a multiset, arr :: ('a, 'b) hp_fun, h :: 'a option). do {
    ASSERT (i  j);
    ASSERT (i ∈# 𝒱);
    ASSERT (j ∈# 𝒱);
    ASSERT (hp_read_score i arr  None);
    ASSERT (hp_read_score j arr  None);
    let x = (the (hp_read_score i arr)::'b);
    let y = (the (hp_read_score j arr)::'b);
    let prev = hp_read_prev i arr;
    let nxt = hp_read_nxt j arr;
    ASSERT (nxt  Some i  nxt  Some j);
    ASSERT (prev  Some i  prev  Some j);
    let (parent,ch,wp, wch) = (if y < x then (i, j, x, y) else (j, i, y, x));
    let child = hp_read_child parent arr;
    ASSERT (child  Some i  child  Some j);
    let childch = hp_read_child ch arr;
    ASSERT (childch  Some i  childch  Some j  (childch  None  childch  child));
    ASSERT (distinct ([i, j] @ (if childch  None then [the childch] else [])
      @ (if child  None then [the child] else [])
      @ (if prev  None then [the prev] else [])
      @ (if nxt  None then [the nxt] else []))
    ASSERT (ch ∈# 𝒱);
    ASSERT (parent ∈# 𝒱);
    ASSERT (child  None  the child ∈# 𝒱);
    ASSERT (nxt  None  the nxt ∈# 𝒱);
    ASSERT (prev  None  the prev ∈# 𝒱);
    let arr = hp_set_all parent prev nxt (Some ch) None (Some (wp::'b)) (arr::('a, 'b) hp_fun);
    let arr = hp_set_all ch None child childch (Some parent) (Some (wch::'b)) (arr::('a, 'b) hp_fun);
    let arr = (if child = None then arr else hp_update_prev (the child) (Some ch) arr);
    let arr = (if nxt = None then arr else hp_update_prev (the nxt) (Some parent) arr);
    let arr = (if prev = None then arr else hp_update_nxt (the prev) (Some parent) arr);
    let arr = (if child = None then arr else hp_update_parents (the child) None arr);
    RETURN ((𝒱, arr :: ('a, 'b) hp_fun, h), parent)

lemma fun_upd_twist2: "a  c  a  e  c  e  m(a := b, c := d, e := f) = (m(e := f, c := d))(a := b)"
  by auto

lemma hp_link:
  assumes enc: encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc arr (𝒱', xs @ x # y # ys) and
    i = node x and
    j = node y
  shows hp_link i j arr  SPEC (λ(arr, n). encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc arr (𝒱', xs @ x y # ys) 
    n = node ( x y))
proof -
  obtain prevs nxts childs parents scores 𝒱 where
    arr: arr = (𝒱, (prevs, nxts, childs, parents, scores), None) and
    dist: distinct_mset (# (mset_nodes `# (mset (xs @ x # y # ys)))) and
    𝒱: set_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes (xs @ x # y # ys)))  set_mset 𝒱 and
    𝒱'[simp]: 𝒱' = 𝒱
    by (cases arr) (use assms in auto simp: ac_simps encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def

  have ij: i  j
    using dist assms(2,3) by (cases x; cases y) auto
  have xy: Hp (node x) (score x) (hps x) = x  Hp (node y) (score y) (hps y) = y and
    sc: score x = the (scores i) score y = the (scores j) and
    link_x_y: x y = (Hp i (the (scores i)) (hps x))
     (Hp j (the (scores j)) (hps y))
    by (cases x; cases y; use assms in auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def arr
      simp del:; fail)+
  obtain chx wx chy wy where
    x: x = Hp i wx chx and
    y: y = Hp j wy chy
    using assms(2-3)
    by (cases y; cases x) auto
  have sc':
    scores i = Some wx
    scores j = Some wy
    prevs i = map_option node (option_last xs)
    nxts i = Some j
    prevs j = Some i
    nxts j = map_option node (option_hd ys)
    childs i = map_option node (option_hd chx)
    childs j = map_option node (option_hd chy)
    xs  []  nxts (node (last xs)) = Some i
    ys  []  prevs (node (hd ys)) = Some j
    parents i = None
    parents j = None
    using assms(1) x y apply (auto simp: ac_simps encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def
        encoded_hp_prop_def arr hp_child_children_Cons_if)
    apply (smt (verit) assms(3) hp_next_None_notin_children hp_next_children.elims list.discI list.inject list.sel(1) option_hd_Nil option_hd_Some_hd)
    using assms(1) x y apply (cases xs rule: rev_cases; auto simp: ac_simps encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def
        encoded_hp_prop_def arr)
    apply (metis WB_List_More.distinct_mset_union2 add_diff_cancel_right' assms(2) distinct_mset_in_diff
      hp_next_children_simps(1) hp_next_children_skip_first_append node_in_mset_nodes
    using assms(1) x y apply (cases ys;auto simp: ac_simps encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def
      encoded_hp_prop_def arr)
    apply (cases hd ys)
    apply (auto simp:)
    by (simp add: hp_parent_None_notin_same_hd hp_parent_children_cons)

  have par: parents j = None parents i = None
    chx  []  parents (node (hd chx)) = Some i
    chy  []  parents (node (hd chy)) = Some j
    using assms(1) x y apply (auto simp: ac_simps encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def
      encoded_hp_prop_def arr hp_child_children_Cons_if)
    apply (metis hp_parent_None_iff_children_None hp_parent_None_notin_same_hd hp_parent_children_cons hp_parent_hd_None sum_image_mset_sum_map)
    apply (metis assms(2) hp_parent_children_cons hp_parent_simps_single_if option.simps(5))
    apply (cases chy)
    apply (simp_all add: hp_parent_children_skip_first[of _ _ [_], simplified] distinct_mset_add)
    apply (subst hp_parent_children_skip_first[of _ _ [_], simplified])
    apply simp
    apply simp
    apply (metis distinct_mset_add inter_mset_empty_distrib_right)
    apply (subst hp_parent_children_skip_last[of _ [_], simplified])
    apply simp
    apply simp
    apply (metis distinct_mset_add inter_mset_empty_distrib_right)
    apply simp

  have diff:
    nxts j  Some j  nxts j  Some i  nxts i  Some i
    prevs i  Some i prevs i  Some j
    childs i  Some i childs i  Some j
    childs j  Some i childs j  Some j childs i  None  childs i  childs j
    childs j  None  childs i  childs j
    prevs i  None  prevs i  nxts j
    using dist sc' unfolding x y apply (cases ys; cases xs rule: rev_cases; auto split: if_splits; fail)+
    using dist sc' unfolding x y apply (cases ys; cases xs rule: rev_cases; cases last xs; cases hd ys;
      cases chx; cases chy; cases hd chx; cases hd chy; auto split: if_splits; fail)+
  have dist2:
    distinct([i, j]
      @ (if childs i  None then [the (childs i)] else [])
      @ (if childs j  None then [the (childs j)] else [])
      @ (if prevs i  None then [the (prevs i)] else [])
      @ (if nxts j  None then [the (nxts j)] else []))
    using dist sc' unfolding x y by (cases ys; cases xs rule: rev_cases; cases last xs; cases hd ys;
      cases chx; cases chy; cases hd chx; cases hd chy)
       (auto split: if_splits)
  have if_pair: (if a then (b, c) else (d,f)) = (if a then b else d, if a then c else f) for a b c d f
    by auto
  have enc0: encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 {#} (xs @ [Hp (node x) (score x) (hps x), Hp (node y) (score y) (hps y)] @ ys) (prevs, nxts, childs, parents, scores)
    using enc unfolding x y by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def arr)
  then have H: fst x1= 𝒱  snd (snd x1) = None encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc x1 (𝒱', xs @ x y # ys) 
    encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 {#} (xs @ x y # ys) (fst (snd x1)) for x1
    using dist 𝒱 unfolding x y
    by (cases x1)
      (simp add: encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def)
  have KK [intro!]: chx  []  ys  []  node (hd chx)  node (hd ys)
    using dist2 sc' by simp

  have subs: set_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes (xs @ Hp i wx chx # Hp j wy chy # ys)))  set_mset 𝒱
    using assms(1) sc'(7,3) unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def x y arr prod.simps
    by (clarsimp_all simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_def)
  then have childs_i: childs i  None  the (childs i) ∈# 𝒱
    prevs i  None  the (prevs i) ∈# 𝒱
    using sc'(7,3) unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def x y arr prod.simps
    apply (clarsimp_all simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_def)
    apply (metis node_hd_in_sum option.sel subsetD)
    by (metis 𝒱 dist distinct_mset_add hp_next_children_None_notin hp_next_children_last
      list.discI map_append option_hd_Some_hd option_last_Nil option_last_Some_iff(2)
      subset_eq sum_image_mset_sum_map sum_list_append)
  have childs_j: childs j  None  the (childs j) ∈# 𝒱
    nxts j  None  the (nxts j) ∈# 𝒱
    using subs sc'(6,8) unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def x y arr prod.simps
    apply (clarsimp_all simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_def)
    apply (metis node_hd_in_sum option.sel subsetD)
    by (metis basic_trans_rules(31) node_hd_in_sum option.sel)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding hp_link_def arr prod.simps
    apply refine_vcg
    subgoal using ij by auto
    subgoal using dist 𝒱 by (auto simp: x)
    subgoal using dist 𝒱 by (auto simp: y)
    subgoal using sc' by auto
    subgoal using sc' by auto
    subgoal using diff by auto
    subgoal using diff by auto
    subgoal using diff by (auto split: if_splits)
    subgoal using diff by (auto split: if_splits)
    subgoal using diff by (auto split: if_splits)
    subgoal using diff by (auto split: if_splits)
    subgoal using diff by (auto split: if_splits)
    subgoal using diff by (auto split: if_splits)
    subgoal using diff by (auto split: if_splits)
    subgoal using dist2 by (clarsimp split: if_splits)
    subgoal by (clarsimp split: if_splits)
    subgoal by (clarsimp split: if_splits)
    subgoal using childs_i childs_j by (clarsimp simp: split: if_splits)
    subgoal using childs_i childs_j by (clarsimp simp: split: if_splits)
    subgoal using childs_i childs_j by (clarsimp simp: split: if_splits)
    subgoal premises p for parent b ch ba wp wc x1 x2
      apply (cases the (scores j) < the (scores i))
        apply (subst H)
        using p(1-12) p(19)[symmetric] dist2 𝒱
        apply (solves simp)
        using p(1-12) p(19)[symmetric] dist2 𝒱
        apply (solves simp)
        apply (subst arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 {#}, OF _ _ encoded_hp_prop_list_link[of 𝒱 {#} xs node x score x hps x node y score y hps y ys
          prevs nxts childs parents scores, OF enc0]])
          using sc' p(1-12) p(19)[symmetric] dist2 𝒱
          by (simp add: x y)
          using sc' p(1-12) p(19)[symmetric] dist2 𝒱 par
          apply (simp add: x y)
          apply (intro conjI impI)
          subgoal apply (simp add: fun_upd_idem fun_upd_twist  fun_upd_idem[of childs(parent  ch)] hp_set_all_def)
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of childs(parent  ch)])
            apply auto[2]
            supply [[goals_limit=1]]
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: hp_set_all_def hp_update_nxt_def fun_upd_idem fun_upd_twist
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of childs(parent  ch)])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ parents])
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ prevs])
            apply force
            apply blast
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: hp_set_all_def hp_update_nxt_def fun_upd_idem fun_upd_twist
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of childs(parent  ch)])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of nxts(parent := None)])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply force
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: hp_set_all_def hp_update_nxt_def fun_upd_idem fun_upd_twist
              hp_update_prev_def hp_update_parents_def)
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of childs(parent  ch)])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ prevs])
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ parents])
            apply force
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of nxts(parent := None)(ch  node (hd chx))])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply force
            apply force
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: hp_set_all_def hp_update_nxt_def fun_upd_idem fun_upd_twist
              hp_update_prev_def hp_update_parents_def)
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of childs(parent  ch)])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ prevs])
            apply force
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: hp_set_all_def hp_update_nxt_def fun_upd_idem fun_upd_twist
              hp_update_prev_def hp_update_parents_def)
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of childs(parent  ch)])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist2[of _ _ _ prevs])
            apply (rule KK)
            apply assumption
            apply assumption
            apply force
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ prevs(ch := None)])
            apply (rule KK[symmetric])
            apply assumption
            apply assumption
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ parents])
            apply argo
            apply blast
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: hp_set_all_def hp_update_nxt_def fun_upd_idem fun_upd_twist
              hp_update_prev_def hp_update_parents_def)
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of childs(parent  ch)])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist2)
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ prevs])
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of nxts node (last xs)])
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (simp (no_asm))
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ nxts])
            apply argo
            apply blast
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: hp_set_all_def hp_update_nxt_def fun_upd_idem fun_upd_twist
              hp_update_prev_def hp_update_parents_def)
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of childs(parent  ch)])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist2)
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ prevs(ch := None)])
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of nxts(ch  node (hd chx), parent  node (hd ys))])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ parents])
            apply argo
            apply blast
          apply (rule TrueI)
          supply [[goals_limit=1]]
        apply (subst H)
        using p(1-12) p(19)[symmetric] dist2 𝒱
        apply simp
        using p(1-12) p(19)[symmetric] dist2 𝒱
        apply simp
        apply (subst arg_cong2[THEN iffD1, of _ _ _ _ encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 {#}, OF _ _ encoded_hp_prop_list_link2[of 𝒱 {#} xs node x score x hps x node y score y hps y ys
          prevs nxts childs parents scores, OF enc0]])
          using sc' p(1-12) p(19)[symmetric] dist2 𝒱
          by (simp add: x y)
          using sc' p(1-12) p(19)[symmetric] dist2 𝒱
          apply (simp add: x y)
          apply (intro conjI impI)
            by (simp add: fun_upd_idem fun_upd_twist  fun_upd_idem[of childs(parent  ch)] hp_set_all_def)
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: hp_set_all_def hp_update_nxt_def fun_upd_idem fun_upd_twist
              hp_update_prev_def hp_update_parents_def)
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ prevs])
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of prevs _ ])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ prevs])
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ parents])
            apply force
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: hp_set_all_def hp_update_nxt_def fun_upd_idem fun_upd_twist
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ prevs])
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist2[of _ _ _ nxts])
            apply force
            apply force
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of nxts(ch := None)])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: hp_set_all_def hp_update_nxt_def fun_upd_idem fun_upd_twist
              hp_update_prev_def hp_update_parents_def)
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of (nxts(node (last xs)  parent))])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ prevs])
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist2)
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ parents])
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ nxts])
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ (prevs(parent  node (last xs)))])
            apply force
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: hp_set_all_def hp_update_nxt_def fun_upd_idem fun_upd_twist
              hp_update_prev_def hp_update_parents_def)
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of prevs(parent := None)])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply force
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: hp_set_all_def hp_update_nxt_def fun_upd_idem fun_upd_twist
              hp_update_prev_def hp_update_parents_def)
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist2)
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ parents])
            apply force
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of prevs(parent := None)])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of (prevs(parent := None))(_  _)])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply force
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: hp_set_all_def hp_update_nxt_def fun_upd_idem fun_upd_twist
              hp_update_prev_def hp_update_parents_def)
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ prevs])
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of (prevs(parent  node (last xs)))(ch := None)])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of nxts(node (last xs)  parent)])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ nxts])
            apply force
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: hp_set_all_def hp_update_nxt_def fun_upd_idem fun_upd_twist
              hp_update_prev_def hp_update_parents_def)
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of (prevs(parent  node (last xs)))(ch := None)(node (hd chy)  ch)])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist2)
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (subst fun_upd_idem[of nxts(node (last xs)  parent)])
            apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
            apply (smt (z3) IntI Un_iff empty_iff mem_Collect_eq option.simps(9) option_hd_Some_hd)
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ nxts])
            apply force
            apply (subst fun_upd_twist[of _ _ parents])
            apply force
            apply (simp (no_asm))
          apply (rule TrueI)
      subgoal premises p
        using p(1-12) p(19)[symmetric] dist2 𝒱
        using sc'
        by (cases the (scores j) < the (scores i))
         (simp_all add: x y split: if_split)

text In an imperative setting use the two pass approaches is better than the alternative.

The terme::nat of the loop is a dummy counter.
definition vsids_pass1 where
  vsids_pass1 = (λ(𝒱::'a multiset, arr :: ('a, 'b::order) hp_fun, h :: 'a option) (j::'a). do {
  ((𝒱, arr, h), j, _, n)  WHILET(λ((𝒱, arr, h), j, e, n). j  None)
  (λ((𝒱, arr, h), j, e::nat, n). do {
    if j = None then RETURN ((𝒱, arr, h), None, e, n)
    else do {
    let j = the j;
    ASSERT (j ∈# 𝒱);
    let nxt = hp_read_nxt j arr;
    if nxt = None then RETURN ((𝒱, arr, h), nxt, e+1, j)
    else do {
      ASSERT (nxt  None);
      ASSERT (the nxt ∈# 𝒱);
      let nnxt = hp_read_nxt (the nxt) arr;
      ((𝒱, arr, h), n)  hp_link j (the nxt) (𝒱, arr, h);
      RETURN ((𝒱, arr, h), nnxt, e+2, n)
  ((𝒱, arr, h), Some j, 0::nat, j);
  RETURN ((𝒱, arr, h), n)

lemma vsids_pass1:
  fixes arr :: 'a::linorder multiset × ('a, nat) hp_fun × 'a option
  assumes encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc arr (𝒱', xs) and xs  [] and j = node (hd xs)
  shows vsids_pass1 arr j  SPEC(λ(arr, j). encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc arr (𝒱', ACIDS.pass1 xs)  j = node (last (ACIDS.pass1 xs)))
proof -
  obtain prevs nxts childs scores 𝒱 where
    arr: arr = (𝒱, (prevs, nxts, childs, scores), None) and
    dist: distinct_mset (# (mset_nodes `# (mset (xs)))) and
    𝒱: set_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes xs))  set_mset 𝒱 and
    [simp]: 𝒱' = 𝒱
    by (cases arr) (use assms in auto simp: ac_simps encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def
  define I where I  (λ(arr, nnxt::'a option, e, k).
    encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc arr (𝒱, ACIDS.pass1(take e xs) @ drop e xs)  nnxt = map_option node (option_hd (drop (e) xs)) 
    e  (length xs)  (nnxt = None  e = length xs)  (nnxt  None  even e) 
    k = (if e=0 then j else node (last (ACIDS.pass1(take e xs)))))
  have I0: I ((𝒱, (prevs, nxts, childs, scores), None), Some j, 0, j)
    using assms unfolding I_def prod.simps
    by (cases xs, auto simp: arr; fail)+
  have I_no_next: I ((𝒱, arr, ch'), None, Suc e, y)
    if I ((𝒱, arr, ch'), Some y, e, n) and
      hp_read_nxt y arr = None
    for s a b prevs x2 nxts children x1b x2b x1c x2c x1d x2d arr e y ch' 𝒱 n
  proof -
    have e = length xs - 1 xs  []
      using that
      apply (cases drop e xs; cases hd (drop e xs))
      apply (auto simp: I_def encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def)
      apply (subst (asm) hp_next_children_hd_simps)
      apply simp
      apply simp
      apply (rule distinct_mset_mono)
        prefer 2
      apply assumption
      apply (auto simp: drop_is_single_iff)
      using that
      apply (auto simp: I_def)
    then show ?thesis
      using that ACIDS.pass1_append_even[of butlast xs [last xs]]
      by (auto simp: I_def)

  have link_pre1: encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc (x1, x1a, x2a)
    (𝒱', ACIDS.pass1 (take x2b xs) @
    xs!x2b # xs!(Suc x2b) # drop (x2b+2) xs) (is ?H1) and
    link_pre2: the x1b = node (xs ! x2b)  (is ?H2) and
    link_pre3: the (hp_read_nxt (the x1b) x1a) = node (xs ! Suc x2b) (is ?H3)
    if I s and
      s: case s of (x, xa)  (case x of (𝒱, arr, h)  λ(j, e, n). j  None) xa
      s = (a, b)
      "x2b' = (x2b, j)"
      b = (x1b, x2b')
      x2 = (x1a, x2a)
      a = (x1, x2)
      x1b  None and
      nxt: hp_read_nxt (the x1b) x1a  None
    for s a b x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b x2b j x2b'
  proof -
    have encoded_hp_prop_list x1 {#} (ACIDS.pass1 (take x2b xs) @ drop x2b xs) x1a
      x2b < length xs
      x1b = Some (node (hd (drop x2b xs)))
      using that
      by (auto simp: I_def encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def arr)
    then have drop x2b xs  [] tl (drop x2b xs)  [] Suc x2b < length xs the x1b = node (xs ! x2b)
      the (hp_read_nxt (the x1b) x1a) = node (xs ! Suc x2b)
      using nxt unfolding s apply -
      apply (cases drop x2b xs)
      apply (auto simp: I_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def)
      apply (cases drop x2b xs; cases hd (drop x2b xs))
      apply (auto simp: I_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def)
      apply (cases drop x2b xs; cases hd (drop x2b xs))
      apply (auto simp: I_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def)
      apply (smt (verit) Suc_le_eq append_eq_conv_conj hp_next_None_notin_children
        hp_next_children.elims length_Suc_conv_rev list.discI list.inject nat_less_le
        option_last_Nil option_last_Some_iff(2))
      apply (cases drop x2b xs; cases hd (drop x2b xs))
      apply (auto simp: I_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def)
      apply (subst (asm) hp_next_children_hd_simps)
      apply simp
      apply simp
      apply (rule distinct_mset_mono')
      apply assumption
      apply (auto simp: drop_is_single_iff)
      apply (metis hd_drop_conv_nth hp.sel(1) list.sel(1))
      apply (cases drop x2b xs; cases tl (drop x2b xs); cases hd (drop x2b xs))
      apply (auto simp: I_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def)
      by (metis Cons_nth_drop_Suc list.inject nth_via_drop)
    then show ?H1
      using that x2b < length xs
      by (cases drop x2b xs; cases tl (drop x2b xs))
        (auto simp: I_def encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def Cons_nth_drop_Suc)
    show ?H2 ?H3 using the x1b = node (xs ! x2b)
      the (hp_read_nxt (the x1b) x1a) = node (xs ! Suc x2b) by fast+
  have I_Suc_Suc: I ((x2c, x2d, xe), hp_read_nxt (the (hp_read_nxt (the nxt) x2a)) x2a, k + 2, n)
      inv: I s and
      brk: case s of (x, xa)  (case x of (𝒱, arr, h)  λ(j, e, n). j  None) xa and
      st: s = (arr2, b)
        b = (nxt, k')
        k' = (k, j)
        x1a = (x2a, x1b)
        arr2 = (𝒱'', x1a)
        linkedn = (linked, n)
        x1d = (x2d, xe)
        linked = (x2c, x1d) and
      nxt: nxt  None and
      nxts: hp_read_nxt (the nxt) x2a  None
        hp_read_nxt (the nxt) x2a  None and
      linkedn: case linkedn of
      (arr, n) 
      encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc arr
      (𝒱', ACIDS.pass1 (take k xs) @ (xs ! k) (xs ! Suc k) # drop (k + 2) xs) 
      n = node ( (xs ! k) (xs ! Suc k))
    for s arr2 b x1a x2a x1b nxt k linkedn linked n x2c x1d x2d xe j k' 𝒱''
  proof -
    have enc: encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱' {#} (ACIDS.pass1 (take k xs) @ drop k xs) x2a
      k < length xs
      nxt = Some (node (hd (drop k xs))) and
      dist: distinct_mset (# (mset_nodes `# (mset (ACIDS.pass1 (take k xs) @ drop k xs))))
      using that
      by (auto simp: I_def encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def)

    then have drop k xs  [] tl (drop k xs)  [] Suc k < length xs the nxt = node (xs ! k)
      using nxt unfolding st apply -
      apply (cases drop k xs)
      apply (auto simp: I_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def)
      apply (cases drop k xs; cases hd (drop k xs))
      apply (auto simp: I_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def)
      apply (cases drop k xs; cases hd (drop k xs))
      apply (auto simp: I_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def)
      apply (metis hp_read_nxt.simps option.sel that(12))
      apply (cases drop k xs; cases hd (drop k xs))
      apply (auto simp: I_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def)
      apply (subst (asm) hp_next_children_hd_simps)
      apply simp
      apply simp
      apply (rule distinct_mset_mono')
      apply assumption
      apply (auto simp: drop_is_single_iff)
      apply (metis Some_to_the Suc_lessI drop_eq_ConsD drop_eq_Nil2 hp_read_nxt.simps nat_in_between_eq(1) option_hd_Nil that(12))
      apply (cases drop k xs; cases tl (drop k xs); cases hd (drop k xs))
      apply (auto simp: I_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def)
      apply (metis hp.sel(1) nth_via_drop)
      by (metis hp.sel(1) nth_via_drop)
    then have le: Suc (Suc k)  length xs
      using enc nxts unfolding st nxt apply -
      apply (cases drop k xs; cases tl (drop k xs); cases hd (drop k xs))
      apply (auto simp: I_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def)
    have take_nth: take (Suc (Suc k)) xs = take k xs @ [xs!k, xs!Suc k]
      using le by (auto simp: take_Suc_conv_app_nth)
    have nnxts: hp_read_nxt (the (hp_read_nxt (node (hd (drop k xs))) x2a)) x2a =
      map_option node (option_hd (drop (Suc (Suc k)) xs))
      using enc nxts le  tl (drop k xs)  [] unfolding st nxt apply -
      apply (cases drop k xs; cases tl (drop k xs); cases hd (tl (drop k xs)); cases hd (drop k xs))
      apply (auto simp: I_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def arr)
      apply (subst hp_next_children_hd_simps)
      apply (solves simp)
      apply (rule distinct_mset_mono'[OF dist])
      by (auto simp: drop_is_single_iff drop_Suc_nth)
    show ?thesis
      using inv nxt le linkedn nnxts
      unfolding st
      by (auto simp: I_def take_Suc take_nth ACIDS.pass1_append_even)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding vsids_pass1_def arr prod.simps
    apply (refine_vcg WHILET_rule[where I=I and R = measure (λ(arr, nnxt::'a option, e, _). length xs -e)]
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (rule I0)
    subgoal by (auto simp: I_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: I_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: I_def encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def)
    subgoal for s a b x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b x2b
      by (auto simp: I_no_next)
    subgoal by (auto simp: I_def)
    subgoal for s a b x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b x2b x1c x2c
      using hp_next_children_in_nodes2[of (node (hd (drop x1c xs))) (ACIDS.pass1 (take x1c xs) @ drop x1c xs)]
      by (auto 5 3 simp: I_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def)
    apply (rule link_pre1; assumption?)
    apply (rule link_pre2; assumption)
    subgoal premises p for s a b x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b x2b
      using link_pre3[OF p(1-8)] p(9-)
      by auto
    subgoal for s arr2 b 𝒱' x1a x2a x1b nxt k linkedn linked n x2c x1d x2d xe
      by (rule I_Suc_Suc)
      by (auto simp: I_def)
      by (auto simp: I_def)
      using assms
      by (auto simp: I_def)

definition vsids_pass2 where
  vsids_pass2 = (λ(𝒱::'a multiset, arr :: ('a, 'b::order) hp_fun, h :: 'a option) (j::'a). do {
  ASSERT (j ∈# 𝒱);
  let nxt = hp_read_prev j arr;
  ((𝒱, arr, h), j, leader, _)  WHILET(λ((𝒱, arr, h), j, leader, e). j  None)
  (λ((𝒱, arr, h), j, leader, e::nat). do {
    if j = None then RETURN ((𝒱, arr, h), None, leader, e)
    else do {
      let j = the j;
      ASSERT (j ∈# 𝒱);
      let nnxt = hp_read_prev j arr;
      ((𝒱, arr, h), n)  hp_link j leader (𝒱, arr, h);
      RETURN ((𝒱, arr, h), nnxt, n, e+1)
  ((𝒱, arr, h), nxt, j, 1::nat);
  RETURN (𝒱, arr, Some leader)

lemma vsids_pass2:
  fixes arr :: 'a::linorder multiset × ('a, nat) hp_fun × 'a option
  assumes encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc arr (𝒱', xs) and xs  [] and j = node (last xs)
  shows vsids_pass2 arr j  SPEC(λ(arr). encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr (𝒱', ACIDS.pass2 xs))
proof -
  obtain prevs nxts childs scores 𝒱 where
    arr: arr = (𝒱, (prevs, nxts, childs, scores), None) and
    dist: distinct_mset (# (mset_nodes `# (mset (xs)))) and
    𝒱: set_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes xs))  set_mset 𝒱 and
    [simp]: 𝒱' = 𝒱
    by (cases arr) (use assms in auto simp: ac_simps encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def
  have prevs_lastxs: prevs (node (last xs)) = map_option node (option_last (butlast xs))
    using assms
    by (cases xs rule: rev_cases; cases last xs)
     (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def arr)

  define I where I  (λ(arr, nnxt::'a option, leader, e'). let e = length xs - e' in
    encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc arr (𝒱, take e xs @ [the (ACIDS.pass2 (drop e xs))])  nnxt = map_option node (option_last (take e xs)) 
    leader = node (the (ACIDS.pass2 (drop e xs))) 
    e  (length xs)  (nnxt = None  e = 0)  e' > 0)
  have I0: I ((𝒱, (prevs, nxts, childs, scores), None), hp_read_prev j (prevs, nxts, childs, scores), j, 1)
    using assms prevs_lastxs unfolding I_def prod.simps Let_def
    by (auto simp: arr butlast_Nil_iff)
  have j𝒱: j ∈# 𝒱
    using assms by (cases xs rule: rev_cases) (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def arr)
  have links_pre1: encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc (𝒱', arr', h')
    (𝒱, take (length xs - Suc e) xs @
    xs ! (length xs - Suc e) #
    the (ACIDS.pass2 (drop (length xs - e) xs)) # []) (is ?H1) and
    links_pre2: the x1b = node (xs ! (length xs - Suc e)) (is ?H2) and
    links_pre3: leader = node (the (ACIDS.pass2 (drop (length xs - e) xs))) (is ?H3)
      I: I s and
      brk: case s of (x, xa)  (case x of (𝒱, arr, h)  λ(j, leader, e). j  None) xa and
      st: s = (a, b)
        x2b = (leader, e)
        b = (x1b, x2b)
        xy = (arr', h')
        a = (𝒱', xy) and
      no_None: x1b  None
    for s a b 𝒱' xy arr' h' x1b x2b x1c x2c e leader
  proof -
    have e < length xs length xs - e < length xs
      using I brk no_None
      unfolding st I_def
      by (auto simp: I_def Let_def)
    then have take_Suc: take (length xs - e) xs = take (length xs - Suc e) xs @ [xs ! (length xs - Suc e)]
      using I brk take_Suc_conv_app_nth[of "length xs - Suc e" xs]
      unfolding st
      apply (cases take (length xs - e) xs rule: rev_cases)
      apply (auto simp: I_def Let_def)

    then show ?H1
      using I brk unfolding st
      apply (cases take (length xs - e) xs rule: rev_cases)
      apply (auto simp: I_def Let_def)
    show ?H2
      using I brk unfolding st I_def Let_def
      by (auto simp: take_Suc)
    show ?H3
      using I brk unfolding st I_def Let_def
      by (auto simp: take_Suc)
  have I_Suc: I ((x1d, x1e, x2e), hp_read_prev (the x1b) x1a, new_leader, e + 1)
      I: I s and
      brk: case s of (x, xa)  (case x of (𝒱, arr, h)  λ(j, leader, e). j  None) xa and
      st: s = (a, b)
        x2b = (x1c, e)
        b = (x1b, x2b)
        x2 = (x1a, x2a)
        a = (𝒱', x2)
        linkedn = (linked, new_leader)
        x2d = (x1e, x2e)
        linked = (x1d, x2d) and
      no_None: x1b  None and
      case linkedn of
      (arr, n) 
      encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc arr
      (𝒱, take (length xs - Suc e) xs @
      [ (xs ! (length xs - Suc e)) (the (ACIDS.pass2 (drop (length xs - e) xs)))]) 
      n =
      ( (xs ! (length xs - Suc e)) (the (ACIDS.pass2 (drop (length xs - e) xs))))
    for s a b 𝒱' x2 x1a x2a x1b x2b x1c e linkedn linked new_leader x1d x2d x1e x2e
  proof -
    have e: e < length xs length xs - e < length xs
      using I brk no_None
      unfolding st I_def
      by (auto simp: I_def Let_def)
    then have [simp]: (xs ! (length xs - Suc e)) (the (ACIDS.pass2 (drop (length xs - e) xs)))  =
      the (ACIDS.pass2 (drop (length xs - Suc e) xs))
      using that
      by (auto simp: I_def Let_def simp flip: Cons_nth_drop_Suc split: option.split)
    have [simp]: hp_read_prev (node (last (take (length xs - e) xs))) x1a = map_option node (option_last (take (length xs - Suc e) xs))
      using e I  take_Suc_conv_app_nth[of "length xs - Suc e" xs] unfolding I_def st Let_def
      by (cases (take (length xs - e) xs) rule: rev_cases; cases last (take (length xs - e) xs))
       (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def
    show ?thesis
      using that e by (auto simp: I_def Let_def)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding vsids_pass2_def arr prod.simps
    apply (refine_vcg WHILET_rule[where I=I and R = measure (λ(arr, nnxt::'a option, _, e). length xs -e)]
    subgoal using j𝒱 by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (rule I0)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for s a b x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b x2b x1c x2c
      by (cases take (length xs - x2c) xs rule: rev_cases)
       (auto simp: I_def Let_def encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def)
    apply (rule links_pre1; assumption)
      by (rule links_pre2)
      by (rule links_pre3)
      by (rule I_Suc)
    subgoal for s a b 𝒱' x2 x1a x2a x1b x2b x1c e linkedn linked new_leader x1d x2d x1e x2e
      by (auto simp: I_def Let_def)
    subgoal using assms ACIDS.mset_nodes_pass2[of xs] by (auto simp: I_def Let_def
      encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def
      split: option.split simp del: ACIDS.mset_nodes_pass2)

definition merge_pairs where
  merge_pairs arr j = do {
    (arr, j)  vsids_pass1 arr j;
    vsids_pass2 arr j

lemma vsids_merge_pairs:
  fixes arr :: 'a::linorder multiset × ('a, nat) hp_fun × 'a option
  assumes encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc arr (𝒱', xs) and xs  [] and j = node (hd xs)
  shows merge_pairs arr j  SPEC(λ(arr). encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr (𝒱', ACIDS.merge_pairs xs))
proof -
  show ?thesis
    unfolding merge_pairs_def
    apply (refine_vcg vsids_pass1 vsids_pass2[of _ 𝒱' "ACIDS.pass1 xs"])
    apply (rule assms)+
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal using assms by (cases xs rule: ACIDS.pass1.cases) auto
    subgoal using assms by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: ACIDS.pass12_merge_pairs)

definition hp_update_child where
  hp_update_child i nxt = (λ(prevs, nxts, childs, scores). (prevs, nxts, childs(i:=nxt), scores))

definition vsids_pop_min :: _ where
  vsids_pop_min = (λ(𝒱::'a multiset, arr :: ('a, 'b::order) hp_fun, h :: 'a option). do {
  if h = None then RETURN (None, (𝒱, arr, h))
  else do {
      ASSERT (the h ∈# 𝒱);
      let j = hp_read_child (the h) arr;
      if j = None then RETURN (h, (𝒱, arr, None))
      else do {
        ASSERT (the j ∈# 𝒱);
        let arr = hp_update_prev (the h) None arr;
        let arr = hp_update_child (the h) None arr;
        let arr = hp_update_parents (the j) None arr;
        arr  merge_pairs (𝒱, arr, None) (the j);
        RETURN (h, arr)

lemma node_remove_key_itself_iff[simp]: remove_key (y) z  None  node z = node (the (remove_key (y) z))  y  node z
  by (cases z) auto

lemma vsids_pop_min:
  fixes arr :: 'a::linorder multiset × ('a, nat) hp_fun × 'a option
  assumes encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr (𝒱, h)
  shows vsids_pop_min arr  SPEC(λ(j, arr). j = (if h = None then None else Some (get_min2 h))  encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr (𝒱, ACIDS.del_min h))
proof -
  show ?thesis
    unfolding vsids_pop_min_def
    apply (refine_vcg vsids_merge_pairs[of _ 𝒱 case the h of Hp _ _ child  child])
    subgoal using assms by (cases h) (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def)
    subgoal using assms by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def split: option.splits)
    subgoal using assms by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def split: option.splits)
    subgoal using assms by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def get_min2_alt_def split: option.splits)
    subgoal using assms by (cases the h) (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def
      get_min2_alt_def split: option.splits)
    subgoal using assms by (cases the h) (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def
      get_min2_alt_def split: option.splits)
    subgoal using assms encoded_hp_prop_list_remove_min[of 𝒱 node (the h) score (the h) hps (the h) {#}
      fst (fst (snd arr)) (fst o snd) (fst (snd arr)) (fst o snd o snd) (fst (snd arr))
      (fst o snd o snd o snd) (fst (snd arr))
      (snd o snd o snd o snd) (fst (snd arr))]
      by (cases the h; cases fst (snd arr))
       (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def hp_update_parents_def
        hp_update_nxt_def hp_update_score_def hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def
        get_min2_alt_def split: option.splits if_splits)
    subgoal using assms by (cases the h) (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def
      get_min2_alt_def split: option.splits)
    subgoal using assms by (cases the h) (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def
      get_min2_alt_def split: option.splits)
    subgoal using assms by (cases the h) (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def
      get_min2_alt_def split: option.splits)
    subgoal using assms by (cases h; cases the h)
      (auto simp: get_min2_alt_def ACIDS.pass12_merge_pairs encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def split: option.splits)

text Unconditionnal version of the previous function
definition vsids_pop_min2 :: _ where
  vsids_pop_min2 = (λ(𝒱::'a multiset, arr :: ('a, 'b::order) hp_fun, h :: 'a option). do {
    ASSERT (hNone);
    ASSERT (the h ∈# 𝒱);
    let j = hp_read_child (the h) arr;
    if j = None then RETURN (the h, (𝒱, arr, None))
    else do {
      ASSERT (the j ∈# 𝒱);
      let arr = hp_update_prev (the h) None arr;
      let arr = hp_update_child (the h) None arr;
      let arr = hp_update_parents (the j) None arr;
      arr  merge_pairs (𝒱, arr, None) (the j);
      RETURN (the h, arr)

lemma vsids_pop_min2:
  fixes arr :: 'a::linorder multiset × ('a, nat) hp_fun × 'a option
  assumes encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr (𝒱, h) and h  None
  shows vsids_pop_min2 arr  SPEC(λ(j, arr). j = (get_min2 h)  encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr (𝒱, ACIDS.del_min h))
proof -
  show ?thesis
    unfolding vsids_pop_min2_def
    apply (refine_vcg vsids_merge_pairs[of _ 𝒱 case the h of Hp _ _ child  child])
    subgoal using assms by (cases h) (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def)
    subgoal using assms by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def split: option.splits)
    subgoal using assms by (cases the h) (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def
      get_min2_alt_def split: option.splits)
    subgoal using assms by (cases the h) (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def
      get_min2_alt_def split: option.splits)
    subgoal using assms by (cases the h) (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def
      get_min2_alt_def split: option.splits)
    subgoal using assms encoded_hp_prop_list_remove_min[of 𝒱 node (the h) score (the h) hps (the h) {#}
      fst (fst (snd arr)) (fst o snd) (fst (snd arr)) (fst o snd o snd) (fst (snd arr))
      (fst o snd o snd o snd) (fst (snd arr))
      (snd o snd o snd o snd) (fst (snd arr))]
      by (cases the h; cases fst (snd arr))
       (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def hp_update_parents_def
        hp_update_nxt_def hp_update_score_def hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def
        get_min2_alt_def split: option.splits if_splits)
    subgoal using assms by (cases the h) (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def
      get_min2_alt_def split: option.splits)
    subgoal using assms by (cases the h) (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def
      get_min2_alt_def split: option.splits)
    subgoal using assms by (cases the h) (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def
      get_min2_alt_def split: option.splits)
    subgoal using assms by (cases h; cases the h)
      (auto simp: get_min2_alt_def ACIDS.pass12_merge_pairs encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def split: option.splits)

lemma in_remove_key_in_find_keyD:
  m' ∈# (if remove_key a h = None then {#} else {#the (remove_key a h)#}) +
    (if find_key a h = None then {#} else {#the (find_key a h)#}) 
  distinct_mset (mset_nodes h) 
    x' ∈# mset_nodes m'  x' ∈# mset_nodes h
  using find_remove_mset_nodes_full[of h a the (remove_key a h) the (find_key a h)]
    in_remove_key_in_nodes[of a h x']
  apply (auto split: if_splits simp: find_key_None_remove_key_ident)
  apply (metis hp_node_None_notin2 hp_node_in_find_key0)
  by (metis union_iff)

lemma map_option_node_map_option_node_iff:
  (x  None  distinct_mset (mset_nodes (the x)))  (x  None   y  node (the x)) 
  map_option node x = map_option node (map_option (λx. the (remove_key y x)) x)
  by (cases x; cases the x) auto

lemma distinct_mset_hp_parent: distinct_mset (mset_nodes h)   hp_parent a h = Some ya  distinct_mset (mset_nodes ya)
  apply (induction a h arbitrary: ya rule: hp_parent.induct)
  apply (auto simp: hp_parent_simps_if hp_parent_children_cons split: if_splits option.splits)
  apply (metis (no_types, lifting) WB_List_More.distinct_mset_union2 distinct_mset_union hp_parent_children_Some_iff in_list_in_setD map_append sum_list.Cons sum_list_append)
  by (metis distinct_mset_union)

lemma in_find_key_children_same_hp_parent:
  hp_parent k (Hp x n c) = None 
    x' ∈# mset_nodes m' 
    x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes c) 
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes c)) 
    find_key_children k c = Some m'  hp_parent x' (Hp x n c) = hp_parent x' m'
  apply (induction k c rule: find_key_children.induct)
    by (auto split: if_splits option.splits simp: hp_parent_simps_single_if hp_parent_children_cons)
  subgoal for k xa na c xs
    apply (auto split: if_splits option.splits simp: hp_parent_simps_single_if hp_parent_children_cons)
    apply (metis mset_nodes_find_key_children_subset mset_subset_eqD option.sel option.simps(3) sum_image_mset_sum_map)
    apply (metis (no_types, lifting) ACIDS.hp_node_find_key_children find_key_children.simps(1) find_key_children_None_or_itself
      hp.sel(1) hp_node_None_notin2 hp_node_children_simps(3) hp_node_node_itself hp_parent_children_in_first_child hp_parent_in_nodes list.exhaust_sel
      list.simps(9) mset_nodes_find_key_children_subset mset_subset_eqD node_in_mset_nodes option.sel sum_image_mset_sum_map sum_list_simps(2))
    apply (metis hp_node_None_notin2 hp_node_children_None_notin2 hp_node_in_find_key_children sum_image_mset_sum_map)
    apply (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) basic_trans_rules(31) find_key_children.elims find_key_children.simps(2) hp.exhaust_sel hp.sel(1)
      hp_parent_children_in_first_child hp_parent_in_nodes list.distinct(1) list.exhaust_sel list.simps(9) mset_nodes_find_key_children_subset
      option.sel option.simps(2) set_mset_mono sum_image_mset_sum_map sum_list_simps(2))
    apply (metis disjunct_not_in distinct_mset_add find_key_noneD find_key_none_iff mset_map mset_nodes_find_key_children_subset
      mset_subset_eqD node_hd_in_sum option.sel sum_mset_sum_list)
    apply (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) basic_trans_rules(31) find_key_children.elims find_key_children.simps(2) hp.exhaust_sel hp.sel(1)
      hp_parent_children_in_first_child hp_parent_in_nodes list.distinct(1) list.exhaust_sel list.simps(9) mset_nodes_find_key_children_subset
      option.sel option.simps(2) set_mset_mono sum_image_mset_sum_map sum_list_simps(2))
    apply (smt (verit) ACIDS.hp_node_find_key_children distinct_mset_add ex_hp_node_children_Some_in_mset_nodes find_key_children.simps(1) find_key_children_None_or_itself
      find_key_none_iff hp.sel(1) hp_node_None_notin2 hp_node_children_None_notin2 hp_node_children_simps(3) hp_node_in_find_key_children hp_node_node_itself
      hp_parent_children_in_first_child hp_parent_in_nodes list.exhaust_sel list.simps(9) option.sel option_last_Nil option_last_Some_iff(2) sum_list_simps(2))
    apply (metis Duplicate_Free_Multiset.distinct_mset_union2 hp_parent_children_hd_None option.simps(2) sum_image_mset_sum_map union_commute)
    apply (metis disjunct_not_in distinct_mset_add hp_parent_children_None_notin if_Some_None_eq_None mset_map mset_nodes_find_key_children_subset mset_subset_eqD
      option.sel sum_mset_sum_list)
    apply (metis Duplicate_Free_Multiset.distinct_mset_union2 hp.sel(1) hp_parent_in_nodes mset_nodes_find_key_children_subset mset_subset_eqD option.sel option.simps(2) sum_image_mset_sum_map union_commute)
    apply (metis basic_trans_rules(31) mset_nodes_find_key_children_subset option.distinct(1) option.sel set_mset_mono sum_image_mset_sum_map)
    apply (metis distinct_mset_add find_key_noneD find_key_none_iff hp_parent_children_None_notin hp_parent_children_skip_first hp_parent_children_skip_last
      mset_map mset_nodes_find_key_children_subset mset_subset_eqD option.sel sum_mset_sum_list)
    apply (simp add: distinct_mset_add)
    using distinct_mset_union by blast

lemma in_find_key_same_hp_parent:
  x' ∈# mset_nodes m' 
    distinct_mset (mset_nodes h) 
    find_key a h = Some m' 
    hp_parent a h = None 
    y. hp_prev a h = Some y 
    hp_parent x' h = hp_parent x' m'
  by (induction a h rule: find_key.induct)
   (auto split: if_splits intro: in_find_key_children_same_hp_parent)

lemma in_find_key_children_same_hp_parent2:
  x'  k 
    x' ∈# mset_nodes m' 
    x ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes c) 
    distinct_mset (sum_list (map mset_nodes c)) 
    find_key_children k c = Some m'  hp_parent x' (Hp x n c) = hp_parent x' m'
  apply (induction k c rule: find_key_children.induct)
    by (auto split: if_splits option.splits simp: hp_parent_simps_single_if hp_parent_children_cons)
  subgoal for k xa na c xs
    apply (auto split: if_splits option.splits simp: hp_parent_simps_single_if hp_parent_children_cons)
    apply (metis add_diff_cancel_left' distinct_mem_diff_mset hp_parent_children_None_notin)
    apply (metis hp_node_None_notin2 hp_node_children_None_notin2 hp_node_in_find_key_children sum_image_mset_sum_map)
    apply (metis hp.sel(1) hp_parent_in_nodes2 mset_nodes_find_key_children_subset mset_subset_eqD option.sel option.simps(2) sum_image_mset_sum_map)
    apply (metis disjunct_not_in distinct_mset_add find_key_noneD find_key_none_iff mset_map mset_nodes_find_key_children_subset mset_subset_eqD node_hd_in_sum option.sel sum_mset_sum_list)
    apply (metis hp_node_None_notin2 hp_node_children_None_notin2 hp_node_in_find_key_children sum_image_mset_sum_map)
    apply (metis hp.sel(1) hp_parent_in_nodes2 mset_nodes_find_key_children_subset mset_subset_eqD option.sel option.simps(2) sum_image_mset_sum_map)
    apply (metis mset_nodes_find_key_children_subset mset_subset_eqD option.sel option_last_Nil option_last_Some_iff(2) sum_image_mset_sum_map)
    apply (metis basic_trans_rules(31) distinct_mset_union ex_hp_node_children_Some_in_mset_nodes hp.sel(1) hp_node_children_simps(1) hp_parent_in_nodes mset_nodes_find_key_children_subset option.sel option.simps(2) set_mset_mono sum_image_mset_sum_map union_commute)
    apply (metis distinct_mset_union hp_parent_children_hd_None option_last_Nil option_last_Some_iff(2) sum_image_mset_sum_map)
    apply (metis disjunct_not_in distinct_mset_add hp_parent_children_None_notin mset_nodes_find_key_children_subset mset_subset_eqD option.sel option_last_Nil option_last_Some_iff(2) sum_image_mset_sum_map)
    apply (metis distinct_mset_union hp.sel(1) hp_parent_in_nodes mset_nodes_find_key_children_subset mset_subset_eqD option.sel option.simps(2) sum_image_mset_sum_map)
    apply (metis mset_nodes_find_key_children_subset mset_subset_eqD option.sel option_last_Nil option_last_Some_iff(2) sum_image_mset_sum_map)
    apply (metis disjunct_not_in distinct_mset_add hp_node_None_notin2 hp_node_children_None_notin2 hp_node_in_find_key_children hp_parent_children_None_notin sum_image_mset_sum_map)
    apply (metis distinct_mset_union hp_parent_children_hd_None option.simps(2) sum_image_mset_sum_map)
    using distinct_mset_union by blast

lemma in_find_key_same_hp_parent2:
  x' ∈# mset_nodes m' 
    distinct_mset (mset_nodes h) 
    find_key a h = Some m' 
    x'  a 
    hp_parent x' h = hp_parent x' m'
  by (induction a h rule: find_key.induct)
   (auto split: if_splits intro: in_find_key_children_same_hp_parent2)

lemma encoded_hp_prop_list_remove_find:
  fixes h :: ('a, nat) hp and a arr and hs :: ('a, nat) hp multiset
  defines arr1  (if hp_parent a h = None then arr else hp_update_child (node (the (hp_parent a h))) (map_option node (hp_next a h)) arr)
  defines arr2  (if hp_prev a h = None then arr1 else hp_update_nxt (node (the (hp_prev a h))) (map_option node (hp_next a h)) arr1)
  defines arr3  (if hp_next a h = None then arr2 else hp_update_prev (node (the (hp_next a h))) (map_option node (hp_prev a h)) arr2)
  defines arr4  (if hp_next a h = None then arr3 else hp_update_parents (node (the (hp_next a h))) (map_option node (hp_parent a h)) arr3)
  defines arr'  hp_update_parents a None (hp_update_prev a None (hp_update_nxt a None arr4))
  assumes enc: encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 (add_mset h {#}) [] arr
  shows encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 ((if remove_key a h = None then {#} else {#the (remove_key a h)#}) +
        (if find_key a h = None then {#} else {#the (find_key a h)#})) []
proof -
  obtain prevs nxts childs parents scores where
    arr: arr = ((prevs, nxts, childs, parents, scores)) and
    dist: distinct_mset (mset_nodes h) and
    𝒱: set_mset (mset_nodes h)  set_mset 𝒱
    by (cases arr) (use assms in auto simp: ac_simps encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def
  have find_key_in_nodes: find_key a h  None  node (the (find_key a h)) ∈# mset_nodes h
    by (cases a ∈# mset_nodes h)
   	 (use find_key_None_or_itself[of a h] in auto simp del: find_key_None_or_itself)
  have in_find_key_in_nodes1: x ∈# mset_nodes y  find_key a h = Some y  x ∈# mset_nodes h for x y
    using mset_nodes_find_key_subset[of a h]
    by auto
  have [simp]: find_key a h = None  remove_key a h = Some h
    by (metis find_key.simps find_key_none_iff hp.exhaust_sel hp_node_None_notin2
      hp_node_children_None_notin2 hp_node_children_simps2 option_last_Nil option_last_Some_iff(2)
  have HX1: 
    (find_key (node m') h  None 
   (mset_nodes (the (find_key (node m') h)) +
    (if hp_next (node m') h = None then {#}
     else mset_nodes (the (hp_next (node m') h))))) 
    x' ∈# mset_nodes m' 
    x' ∉# mset_nodes y' 
    find_key (node y) h = Some y 
    m' = y'  m' = y 
    hp_next (node y) h  None 
    x' = node (the (hp_next (node y) h)) 
    map_option node (hp_prev (node y) h) = map_option node (hp_prev (node (the (hp_next (node y) h))) m')
    for y y' m' x'
    by (smt (z3) distinct_mset_iff mset_add node_in_mset_nodes option.distinct(1) option.sel union_mset_add_mset_left union_mset_add_mset_right)
    dist: distinct_mset (mset_nodes h) and
    nxts: (m'∈#{#h#}. x∈#mset_nodes m'. nxts x = map_option node (hp_next x m')) and
    prevs: (m∈#{#h#}. x∈#mset_nodes m. prevs x = map_option node (hp_prev x m)) and
    childs: (m∈#{#h#}. x∈#mset_nodes m. childs x = map_option node (hp_child x m)) and
    parents: (m∈#{#h#}. x∈#mset_nodes m. parents x = map_option node (hp_parent x m)) and
    scores: (m∈#{#h#}. x∈#mset_nodes m. scores x = hp_score x m) and
    empty_outside: empty_outside (# (mset_nodes `# {#h#} + mset_nodes `# mset [])) prevs
      empty_outside (# (mset_nodes `# {#h#} + mset_nodes `# mset [])) parents
    using enc unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_def prod.simps arr by auto
  let ?a = (if remove_key a h = None then {#} else {#the (remove_key a h)#}) +
      (if find_key a h = None then {#} else {#the (find_key a h)#})
  have H: remove_key a h  None  node (the (remove_key a h)) ∈# mset_nodes h
    by (metis remove_key.simps get_min2.simps hp.exhaust_sel option.collapse option.distinct(2) remove_key_notin_unchanged)
  show ?thesis
    supply [[goals_limit=1]]
    using dist
    unfolding arr hp_update_child_def hp_update_nxt_def hp_update_prev_def case_prod_beta hp_update_parents_def
      encoded_hp_prop_list_def prod.simps apply -

  proof (intro conjI impI ballI)
    show distinct_mset (# (mset_nodes `# ?a +
      mset_nodes `# mset []))
      using dist
      apply (auto simp: find_remove_mset_nodes_full)
      apply (metis distinct_mset_mono' mset_nodes_find_key_subset option.distinct(2) option.sel)
    show set_mset (# (mset_nodes `#
     ((if remove_key a h = None then {#} else {#the (remove_key a h)#}) +
      (if find_key a h = None then {#} else {#the (find_key a h)#})) +
     mset_nodes `# mset []))
       set_mset 𝒱
      using 𝒱 apply (auto dest: in_find_key_in_nodes1)
      apply (metis Set.basic_monos(7) in_remove_key_in_nodes option.distinct(2) option.sel)
    fix m' and x'
    assume m'∈#?a and x' ∈# mset_nodes m'
    then show fst (snd arr') x' = map_option node (hp_next x' m')
      using nxts dist H
        hp_next_find_key[of h a x'] hp_next_find_key_itself[of h a]
        in_remove_key_in_nodes[of a h x'] in_find_key_notin_remove_key[of h a x']
        in_find_key_in_nodes[of a h x']
      unfolding assms(1-5) arr
      using hp_next_remove_key_other[of h a x'] find_key_None_or_itself[of a h]
        hp_next_find_key_itself[of h a] has_prev_still_in_remove_key[of h a]
        in_remove_key_changed[of a h]
        hp_parent_itself[of h] remove_key_None_iff[of a h] find_key_head_node_iff[of h m']
      by (auto simp add: hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def hp_update_parents_def
        map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_next_remove_key
        split: if_splits simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
    fix m' and x'
    assume M': m'∈#?a x' ∈# mset_nodes m'
    then show fst arr' x' = map_option node (hp_prev x' m')
      using prevs H dist
        hp_prev_find_key[of h a x']
        in_remove_key_in_nodes[of a h x'] in_find_key_notin_remove_key[of h a x']
        in_find_key_in_nodes[of a h x']
      unfolding assms(1-5) arr
      using hp_prev_remove_key_other[of h a x'] find_key_None_or_itself[of a h]
        hp_prev_find_key_itself[of h a] has_prev_still_in_remove_key[of h a]
        in_remove_key_changed[of a h]
        hp_parent_itself[of h] remove_key_None_iff[of a h]
        find_key_head_node_iff[of h m']
      using hp_prev_and_next_same_node[of h x' m' the (hp_next (node m') h)]
        distinct_mset_find_node_next[of h node m' the (find_key (node m') h)]
      apply (simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def hp_update_parents_def
        map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_prev_remove_key
        split: if_splits  del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
      apply (intro conjI impI allI)
        by (auto simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def
          map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_prev_remove_key
          split: if_splits  simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
        by (auto simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def
          map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_prev_remove_key
          split: if_splits  simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
        apply (intro conjI impI allI)
          by (auto simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def
            map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_prev_remove_key
            split: if_splits  simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
          unfolding eq_commute[of _ x']
          by (auto simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def
            map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_prev_remove_key
            split: if_splits  simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
          using node_in_mset_nodes[of the (hp_next (node m') h)]
          unfolding eq_commute[of _ x']
          by auto
          using node_in_mset_nodes[of the (hp_next (node m') h)]
          unfolding eq_commute[of _ x']
          by auto
        subgoal for y y'
          apply (clarsimp simp add: atomize_not hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def
            map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_prev_remove_key hp_update_parents_def
            split: if_splits simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
          apply (intro conjI impI)
          using HX1[of y x' y' m']
          apply (auto simp add: atomize_not hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def
            map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_prev_remove_key hp_update_parents_def
            split: if_splits simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
          by (auto simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def
            map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_prev_remove_key
            split: if_splits simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
          by (auto simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def
            map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_prev_remove_key
            split: if_splits simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
    fix m' and x'
    assume M': m'∈#?a x' ∈# mset_nodes m'
    have helper1: hp_parent (node yb) yyy = None
        distinct_mset (mset_nodes yyy) and
        node y ∈# mset_nodes h and
        hp_parent (node yyy) h = Some y and
        hp_child (node y) h = Some yb
      for y :: ('a, nat) hp and ya :: ('a, nat) hp and yb :: ('a, nat) hp and z :: ('a, nat) hp and yyy
      using childs[simplified]
      by (metis dist hp_child_hp_parent hp_parent_itself option.map_sel option.sel option_last_Nil option_last_Some_iff(1)
    have helper2: hp_child (node ya) yyy  hp_child (node ya) h
        distinct_mset (mset_nodes yyy) and
        hp_parent (node yyy) h = Some ya
        node ya ∈# mset_nodes h
      for y :: ('a, nat) hp and ya :: ('a, nat) hp and yyy yya
      using childs[simplified]
      by (metis dist that hp_child_hp_parent hp_parent_hp_child hp_parent_itself map_option_is_None option.map_sel option.sel option_last_Nil option_last_Some_iff(1))
    have helper4: map_option node (map_option (λx. the (remove_key (node yy) x)) (hp_child (x') h)) = map_option node (hp_child (x') h)
        y. hp_child (x') h = Some y  z. hp_parent (node (the (hp_child (x') h))) h = Some z  node z = x' and
        node h = node yya  find_key (node yya) h  Some yya and
        hp_parent (node yy) h = None
      for yya yy x'
      using that childs[simplified] dist apply -
      using distinct_sum_next_prev_child[of h x']
      apply (auto simp: map_option_node_remove_key_iff)
      apply (subst eq_commute)
      apply (rule ccontr)
      apply (subst (asm) map_option_node_remove_key_iff)
      apply simp
      apply (meson distinct_mset_add)
      by (auto simp: remove_key_None_iff)

    have find_key a h  None  distinct_mset (mset_nodes (the (find_key a h)))
      by (meson dist distinct_mset_mono' mset_nodes_find_key_subset)

    then show fst (snd (snd arr')) x' = map_option node (hp_child x' m')
      using childs dist H M'
        hp_child_find_key[of h a x']
        in_remove_key_in_nodes[of a h x'] in_find_key_notin_remove_key[of h a x']
        in_find_key_in_nodes[of a h x']
        hp_parent_hp_child[of h x'] hp_child_hp_parent[of h x']
         hp_child_hp_parent[of h x'] (*hp_parent_hp_child[of ‹the (find_key a h)› x']*)
          hp_parent_hp_child[of the (find_key a h) x']
      unfolding assms(1-5) arr
      using hp_child_remove_key_other[of h a x'] find_key_None_or_itself[of a h]
        hp_next_find_key_itself[of h a] has_prev_still_in_remove_key[of h a]
        in_remove_key_changed[of a h]
        hp_parent_itself[of h] remove_key_None_iff[of a h] find_key_head_node_iff[of h m']

      apply (simp split: if_splits(2)  del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
      apply (clarsimp simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def hp_update_parents_def
        map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_next_remove_key
        split: if_splits simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
      apply (clarsimp simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def hp_update_parents_def
        map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_next_remove_key
        split: if_splits simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
      apply (solves auto simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def helper2
        map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_next_remove_key hp_update_parents_def
        split: if_splits simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)[]
      apply (solves auto simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def helper2
        map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_next_remove_key hp_update_parents_def
        split: if_splits simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)[]

      apply (clarsimp simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def
          map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_next_remove_key hp_update_parents_def
        split: if_splits simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
      apply (intro conjI impI)

      subgoal for yy yya
        apply auto
        apply (subst (asm) helper4)
        apply assumption+
        apply simp
      apply (clarsimp simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def
          map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_next_remove_key hp_update_parents_def
        split: if_splits  simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
        using distinct_sum_next_prev_child[of h x']
        apply (auto simp: remove_key_None_iff map_option_node_remove_key_iff)
        apply (subst (asm) map_option_node_remove_key_iff)
        apply simp
        apply (meson distinct_mset_add)
        by (auto simp: remove_key_None_iff)
      apply (clarsimp simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def
          map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_next_remove_key hp_update_parents_def
        split: if_splits  simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by auto
        using distinct_sum_next_prev_child[of h x']
        apply (auto simp: remove_key_None_iff map_option_node_remove_key_iff)
        apply (subst (asm) map_option_node_remove_key_iff)
        apply simp
        apply (meson distinct_mset_add)
        by (auto simp: remove_key_None_iff)
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal for y y'
        using hp_child_remove_key_other[of h a x', symmetric]
        apply (auto simp: map_option.compositionality comp_def)
        apply (subst (asm) map_option_node_map_option_node_iff)
        apply auto[]
        apply (smt (verit, del_insts) None_eq_map_option_iff node_remove_key_itself_iff option.distinct(2) option.exhaust_sel option.map_sel remove_key_None_iff)
        apply (smt (verit) None_eq_map_option_iff node_remove_key_itself_iff option.exhaust_sel option.simps(9) remove_key_None_iff)
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) map_option_cong node_remove_key_itself_iff option.sel option.simps(3) remove_key_None_iff)
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by auto
        apply auto
        by (metis no_relative_ancestor_or_notin)
        apply auto
        by (smt (verit, del_insts) None_eq_map_option_iff hp.exhaust_sel hp_child_remove_is_remove_hp_child node_remove_key_itself_iff option.exhaust_sel option.simps(1))
        by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) None_eq_map_option_iff node_remove_key_itself_iff option.exhaust_sel option.map_sel remove_key_None_iff)
        by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) None_eq_map_option_iff node_remove_key_itself_iff option.exhaust_sel option.map_sel remove_key_None_iff)
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by auto
      apply (clarsimp simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def hp_update_parents_def
          map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_next_remove_key
        split: if_splits  simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
        using distinct_sum_next_prev_child[of h x']
        apply (auto simp: remove_key_None_iff map_option_node_remove_key_iff)
        apply (subst (asm) map_option_node_remove_key_iff)
        apply simp
        apply (meson distinct_mset_add)
        by (auto simp: remove_key_None_iff)
      apply (clarsimp simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def hp_update_parents_def
          map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_next_remove_key
        split: if_splits  simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
        using distinct_sum_next_prev_child[of h x']
        apply (auto simp: remove_key_None_iff map_option_node_remove_key_iff)
        apply (subst (asm) map_option_node_remove_key_iff)
        apply simp
        apply (meson distinct_mset_add)
        by (auto simp: remove_key_None_iff)
      apply (clarsimp simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def hp_update_parents_def
          map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_next_remove_key
        split: if_splits  simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
        using distinct_sum_next_prev_child[of h x']
        apply (auto simp: remove_key_None_iff map_option_node_remove_key_iff)
        apply (subst (asm) map_option_node_remove_key_iff)
        apply simp
        apply (meson distinct_mset_add)
        by (auto simp: remove_key_None_iff)
      apply (clarsimp simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def hp_update_parents_def
          map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_next_remove_key
        split: if_splits  simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
        using distinct_sum_next_prev_child[of h x']
        apply (auto simp: remove_key_None_iff map_option_node_remove_key_iff)
        apply (subst (asm) map_option_node_remove_key_iff)
        apply simp
        apply (meson distinct_mset_add)
        by (auto simp: remove_key_None_iff)

    have helper1: False
        distinct_mset (mset_nodes h) and
        node y ∈# mset_nodes m' and
        node y ∈# mset_nodes ya and
        remove_key a h = Some m' and
        find_key a h = Some ya and
        x' = node y
      for ya :: ('a, nat) hp and y :: ('a, nat) hp and yb :: ('a, nat) hp
      by (metis that Some_to_the in_find_key_notin_remove_key option_last_Nil option_last_Some_iff(2))
    have helper3: False
        distinct_mset (mset_nodes h) and
        x' ∈# mset_nodes m' and
        x' ∈# mset_nodes ya and
        remove_key a h = Some m' and
        find_key a h = Some ya
      for ya :: ('a, nat) hp
      by (metis that Some_to_the in_find_key_notin_remove_key option_last_Nil option_last_Some_iff(1))
    have helperb4: False
        h = m' and
        hp_next a m' = Some z and
        find_key a m' = None
      for z :: ('a, nat) hp and y :: ('a, nat) hp
      by (metis that find_key_None_remove_key_ident hp_next_None_notin in_remove_key_changed option.sel option.simps(2))
    have [simp]: map_option (λx. node (the (remove_key a x))) (hp_parent a h) = map_option node (hp_parent a h)
      for z :: ('a, nat) hp
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) None_eq_map_option_iff distinct_mset_find_node_next distinct_mset_union find_key_None_or_itself
            find_key_None_remove_key_ident find_key_notin hp_child_find_key hp_child_hp_parent hp_parent_hp_child hp_parent_in_nodes
            hp_parent_itself in_remove_key_changed node_remove_key_itself_iff option.exhaust_sel option.map_sel option.sel
            option.sel remove_key_None_iff

    have helperc1: a ∈# mset_nodes m'  h = m'  find_key a m' = None  False
      by (metis find_key_None_remove_key_ident in_remove_key_changed option.sel option_hd_Nil option_hd_Some_iff(1))

    have helperc2: 
      x∈#mset_nodes m'. parents x = map_option node (hp_parent x m') 
      hp_parent x' m' = map_option (λx. the (remove_key a x)) (hp_parent x' m') 
      map_option node (hp_parent x' m') = map_option (λx. node (the (remove_key a x))) (hp_parent x' m')
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) None_eq_map_option_iff map_option_cong option.map_sel option.sel)
    have helperc3: False
        remove_key a h = Some m' and
        hp_parent a m' = Some (the (remove_key a y)) and
        hp_parent a h = Some y
      for y :: ('a, nat) hp
      by (metis dist that hp_parent_itself hp_parent_remove_key option.sel option.simps(2))

    have helperc4: map_option node (hp_parent x' h) =
      map_option node (map_option (λx. the (remove_key a x)) (hp_parent x' h))
        remove_key a h = Some m' and
        hp_parent x' m' = map_option (λx. the (remove_key a x)) (hp_parent x' h) and
        hp_next a h = None and
        hp_parent a h = None and
        hp_prev a h = None
      by (metis that find_key_None_remove_key_ident find_key_notin no_relative_ancestor_or_notin option.sel option.simps(2) remove_key_None_iff)

    have helperc5: map_option node (hp_parent x' h) = map_option node (map_option (λx. the (remove_key a x)) (hp_parent x' h))
        x∈#mset_nodes h. parents x = map_option node (hp_parent x h) and
        distinct_mset (mset_nodes h) and
        node m' ∈# mset_nodes h and
        remove_key a h = Some m' and
        hp_parent x' m' = map_option (λx. the (remove_key a x)) (hp_parent x' h) and
        x' ∉# the (map_option mset_nodes (find_key a h))
        node (the (None :: ('a, nat) hp option)) = x'
      using that apply -
      apply (rule map_option_node_map_option_node_iff)
      apply (meson distinct_mset_hp_parent option.exhaust_sel)
      apply auto[]
      apply (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Duplicate_Free_Multiset.distinct_mset_mono None_eq_map_option_iff find_key_None_or_itself
        find_key_None_remove_key_ident hp_child_find_key hp_child_hp_parent hp_parent_hp_child hp_parent_remove_key in_remove_key_changed
        mset_nodes_find_key_subset node_in_mset_nodes option.map_sel option.sel option_last_Nil option_last_Some_iff(2) remove_key_notin_unchanged)
    have helperc6: map_option node (hp_parent x' h) = map_option (λx. node (the (remove_key a x))) (hp_parent x' h)
        x∈#mset_nodes h. parents x = map_option node (hp_parent x h) and
        remove_key a h = Some m' and
        hp_parent x' m' = map_option (λx. the (remove_key a x)) (hp_parent x' h) and
        x' ∉# the (map_option mset_nodes (find_key a h))
      using that dist
      by ((smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Duplicate_Free_Multiset.distinct_mset_mono None_eq_map_option_iff find_key_None_or_itself find_key_None_remove_key_ident
        hp_child_find_key hp_child_hp_parent hp_parent_None_notin hp_parent_hp_child map_option_cong mset_nodes_find_key_subset node_in_mset_nodes node_remove_key_itself_iff
            option.map_sel option.sel option_last_Nil option_last_Some_iff(2) remove_key_None_iff)+)[]
    have helperd1: hp_parent a m' = None
        a ∈# mset_nodes h and
        find_key a h = Some m' and
        hp_next a h = None and
        hp_parent a h = None and
        hp_prev a h = None
      by (metis that ACIDS.find_key_node_itself no_relative_ancestor_or_notin option.sel)
    have helperd2: hp_parent a m' = None
        find_key a h = Some m'
      by (metis dist that Duplicate_Free_Multiset.distinct_mset_mono find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself mset_nodes_find_key_subset option.sel option.simps(3))
    have helperd3:  node ya ∉# mset_nodes m'
        distinct_mset (mset_nodes m' + mset_nodes ya)
      for ya :: ('a, nat) hp
      by (smt (verit, best) that disjunct_not_in distinct_mset_add node_in_mset_nodes option.sel option.simps(3))

   show fst (snd (snd (snd arr'))) x' = map_option node (hp_parent x' m')
      using parents dist H M' apply -
      apply (frule in_remove_key_in_find_keyD)
      apply (solves auto)[]
      apply (solves auto)[]
      unfolding union_iff
      apply (rule disjE, assumption)
          unfolding assms(1-5) arr
          using find_key_None_remove_key_ident[of a h]
            hp_parent_remove_key_other[of h a x']
            distinct_mset_hp_parent[of h a the (hp_parent a h)]
          by (clarsimp simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def
            map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_next_remove_key hp_update_parents_def in_the_default_empty_iff
            intro: helper1
            split: if_splits  simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
           (intro conjI impI allI; auto dest: helper1 helper3
            dest: helperb4 hp_next_not_same_node
            intro: helperc1 helperc2 helperc3
             dest: helperc4 helperc5 intro: helperc6)+
          unfolding assms(1-5) arr
          using in_find_key_same_hp_parent[of x' m' h a]
            in_find_key_same_hp_parent2[of x' m' h a]
            distinct_mset_find_node_next[of h a the (find_key a h)]
          by (cases x' = a) (auto simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def helperd3
            map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_next_remove_key hp_update_parents_def in_the_default_empty_iff
            split: if_splits  simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself
            intro: helperd1 simp: helperd2)

    show snd (snd (snd (snd arr'))) x' = map_option score (hp_node x' m')
      using scores M' dist H
        hp_child_find_key[of h a x']
        in_remove_key_in_nodes[of a h x'] in_find_key_notin_remove_key[of h a x']
        in_find_key_in_nodes[of a h x']
        hp_parent_hp_child[of h x'] hp_child_hp_parent[of h x']
        hp_node_in_find_key[of h a x']
      unfolding assms(1-5) arr
      using hp_score_remove_key_other[of h a x'] find_key_None_or_itself[of a h]
        hp_next_find_key_itself[of h a] has_prev_still_in_remove_key[of h a]
        in_remove_key_changed[of a h]
        hp_parent_itself[of h] remove_key_None_iff[of a h] find_key_head_node_iff[of h m']
        node_remove_key_in_mset_nodes[of a h]
      by (auto simp add:  hp_update_child_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def
        map_option.compositionality comp_def map_option_node_hp_next_remove_key hp_update_parents_def in_the_default_empty_iff
        split: if_splits  simp del: find_key_None_or_itself hp_parent_itself)
    fix x :: 'a
    assume x ∈# # (mset_nodes `# mset [])
    then show
      fst (snd arr') x = map_option node (hp_next_children x [])
      fst arr' x = map_option node (hp_prev_children x [])
      fst (snd (snd arr')) x = map_option node (hp_child_children x []) and
      fst (snd (snd (snd arr'))) x = map_option node (hp_parent_children x [])
      snd (snd (snd (snd arr'))) x = map_option score (hp_node_children x [])
      by auto
    have H: (# (mset_nodes `#
     ((if remove_key a h = None then {#} else {#the (remove_key a h)#}) +
      (if find_key a h = None then {#} else {#the (find_key a h)#})) +
     mset_nodes `# mset [])) = (#(mset_nodes `# {#h#}))
      using find_remove_mset_nodes_full[of h a the (remove_key a h) the (find_key a h)] find_key_None_remove_key_ident[of a h]
      apply (cases find_key a h; cases remove_key a h; auto simp: ac_simps)
      apply (metis find_key_head_node_iff option.sel remove_key_None_iff)
    show empty_outside (# (mset_nodes `# ?a + mset_nodes `# mset []))
      (fst arr')
      using empty_outside hp_next_in_nodes2[of a h] unfolding H
      unfolding assms(1-5) arr by (auto simp: hp_update_parents_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_child_def
        hp_update_nxt_def empty_outside_alt_def)
    show empty_outside (# (mset_nodes `# ?a + mset_nodes `# mset []))
      (fst (snd (snd (snd arr'))))
      using empty_outside hp_next_in_nodes2[of a h] unfolding H
      unfolding assms(1-5) arr by (auto simp: hp_update_parents_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_child_def
        hp_update_nxt_def empty_outside_alt_def)

text In the kissat implementation prev and parent are merged.
lemma in_node_iff_prev_parent_or_root:
  assumes distinct_mset (mset_nodes h)
  shows i ∈# mset_nodes h  hp_prev i h  None  hp_parent i h  None  i = node h
  using assms
proof (induction h arbitrary: i)
  case (Hp x1a x2a x3a) note IH = this(1) and dist = this(2)
  have ?case if pre:i  x1a i ∈# sum_list (map mset_nodes x3a)
  proof -
    obtain c where
      c: c  set x3a and
      i_c: i ∈#mset_nodes c
      using pre
      unfolding in_mset_sum_list_iff
      by auto
    have dist_c: distinct_mset (mset_nodes c)
      using c dist by (simp add: distinct_mset_add sum_list_map_remove1)

    obtain ys zs where x3a_def: x3a = ys @ c # zs
      using split_list[OF c] by auto
    have i_ys: i ∉# # (mset_nodes `# mset ys) i ∉# sum_list (map mset_nodes zs)
      using dist i_c
      by (auto simp: x3a_def disjunct_not_in distinct_mset_add)
    have dist_c_zs: distinct_mset (mset_nodes c + sum_list (map mset_nodes zs))
      using WB_List_More.distinct_mset_union2 dist x3a_def by auto
      i = node c |
      i  node c
      by blast
    then show ?case
    proof cases
      case 2
      then have hp_prev i c  None  hp_prev_children i x3a  None
        using c dist i_c i_ys dist_c_zs by (auto simp: x3a_def hp_prev_children_skip_last_append[of _ [_], simplified])
      moreover have hp_parent i c  None  hp_parent_children i x3a  None
        using c dist i_c by (auto dest!: split_list simp: hp_parent_children_append_case hp_parent_children_cons
          split: option.splits)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using i_c 2 IH[of c i, OF c dist_c]
        by (cases hp_prev i c)
         (auto simp del: hp_prev_None_notin hp_parent_None_notin simp: hp_parent_simps_single_if)
      case 1
       have hp_prev_children (node c) (ys @ c # zs) = (option_last ys)
        using i_ys hp_prev_children_Cons_append_found[of i ys hps c zs score c] 1 dist_c
        by (cases c) (auto simp del: hp_prev_children_Cons_append_found)
      then show ?thesis
        using c dist i_c i_ys dist_c_zs by (auto dest!: simp: x3a_def 1)
  then show ?case
    using dist IH
    by (auto simp add: hp_parent_none_children)

lemma encoded_hp_prop_list_in_node_iff_prev_parent_or_root:
  assumes encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr h and snd h  None
  shows i ∈# mset_nodes (the (snd h))  hp_read_prev i (fst (snd arr))  None  hp_read_parent i (fst (snd arr))  None  Some i = snd (snd arr)
  using assms in_node_iff_prev_parent_or_root[of the (snd h) i]
  by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def empty_outside_def
    simp del: hp_prev_None_notin hp_parent_None_notin)

(*TODO Move*)
fun update_source_node where
  update_source_node i (𝒱,arr,_) = (𝒱, arr, i)
fun source_node :: (nat multiset × (nat,'c) hp_fun × nat option)  _ where
  source_node (𝒱,arr,h) = h
fun hp_read_nxt' :: _ where
  hp_read_nxt' i (𝒱, arr, h) = hp_read_nxt i arr
fun hp_read_parent' :: _ where
  hp_read_parent' i (𝒱, arr, h) = hp_read_parent i arr

fun hp_read_score' :: _ where
  hp_read_score' i (𝒱, arr, h) = (hp_read_score i arr)
fun hp_read_child' :: _ where
  hp_read_child' i (𝒱, arr, h) = hp_read_child i arr

fun hp_read_prev' :: _ where
  hp_read_prev' i (𝒱, arr, h) = hp_read_prev i arr

fun hp_update_child' where
  hp_update_child' i p(𝒱, u, h) = (𝒱, hp_update_child i p u, h)

fun hp_update_parents' where
  hp_update_parents' i p(𝒱, u, h) = (𝒱, hp_update_parents i p u, h)

fun hp_update_prev' where
  hp_update_prev' i p (𝒱, u, h) = (𝒱, hp_update_prev i p u, h)

fun hp_update_nxt' where
  hp_update_nxt' i p(𝒱, u, h) = (𝒱, hp_update_nxt i p u, h)

fun hp_update_score' where
  hp_update_score' i p(𝒱, u, h) = (𝒱, hp_update_score i p u, h)

definition maybe_hp_update_prev' where
  maybe_hp_update_prev' child ch arr =
     (if child = None then arr else hp_update_prev' (the child) ch arr)

definition maybe_hp_update_nxt' where
  maybe_hp_update_nxt' child ch arr =
     (if child = None then arr else hp_update_nxt' (the child) ch arr)

definition maybe_hp_update_parents' where
  maybe_hp_update_parents' child ch arr =
     (if child = None then arr else hp_update_parents' (the child) ch arr)

definition maybe_hp_update_child' where
  maybe_hp_update_child' child ch arr =
     (if child = None then arr else hp_update_child' (the child) ch arr)

definition unroot_hp_tree where
  unroot_hp_tree arr h = do {
    ASSERT (h ∈# fst arr);
    let a = source_node arr;
    ASSERT (a  None  the a ∈# fst arr);
    let nnext = hp_read_nxt' h arr;
    let parent = hp_read_parent' h arr;
    let prev = hp_read_prev' h arr;
    if prev = None  parent = None  Some h  a then RETURN (update_source_node None arr)
    else if Some h = a then RETURN (update_source_node None arr)
    else do {
      ASSERT (a  None);
      ASSERT (nnext  None  the nnext ∈# fst arr);
      ASSERT (parent  None  the parent ∈# fst arr);
      ASSERT (prev  None  the prev ∈# fst arr);
      let a' = the a;
      let arr = maybe_hp_update_child' parent nnext arr;
      let arr = maybe_hp_update_nxt' prev nnext arr;
      let arr = maybe_hp_update_prev' nnext prev arr;
      let arr = maybe_hp_update_parents' nnext parent arr;

      let arr = hp_update_nxt' h None arr;
      let arr = hp_update_prev' h None arr;
      let arr = hp_update_parents' h None arr;

      let arr = hp_update_nxt' h (Some a') arr;
      let arr = hp_update_prev' a' (Some h) arr;
      RETURN (update_source_node None arr)

lemma unroot_hp_tree_alt_def:
  unroot_hp_tree arr h = do {
    ASSERT (h ∈# fst arr);
    let a = source_node arr;
    ASSERT (a  None  the a ∈# fst arr);
    let nnext = hp_read_nxt' h arr;
    let parent = hp_read_parent' h arr;
    let prev = hp_read_prev' h arr;
    if prev = None  parent = None  Some h  a then RETURN (update_source_node None arr)
    else if Some h = a then RETURN (update_source_node None arr)
    else do {
      ASSERT (a  None);
      ASSERT (nnext  None  the nnext ∈# fst arr);
      ASSERT (parent  None  the parent ∈# fst arr);
      ASSERT (prev  None  the prev ∈# fst arr);
      let a' = the a;
       arr  do {
         let arr = maybe_hp_update_child' parent nnext arr;
         let arr = maybe_hp_update_nxt' prev nnext arr;
         let arr = maybe_hp_update_prev' nnext prev arr;
         let arr = maybe_hp_update_parents' nnext parent arr;

         let arr = hp_update_nxt' h None arr;
         let arr = hp_update_prev' h None arr;
         let arr = hp_update_parents' h None arr;

        RETURN (update_source_node None arr)

      let arr = hp_update_nxt' h (Some a') arr;
      let arr = hp_update_prev' a' (Some h) arr;
      RETURN (arr)
  unfolding unroot_hp_tree_def nres_monad3 Let_def
  apply (cases arr)
  by (auto intro!: bind_cong[OF refl] simp: maybe_hp_update_child'_def
    maybe_hp_update_nxt'_def maybe_hp_update_prev'_def maybe_hp_update_parents'_def)

lemma hp_update_fst_snd:
  hp_update_prev i j (fst (snd arr)) = fst (snd (hp_update_prev' i j arr))
  hp_update_nxt i j (fst (snd arr)) = fst (snd (hp_update_nxt' i j arr))
  hp_update_parents i j (fst (snd arr)) = fst (snd (hp_update_parents' i j arr))
  hp_update_child i j (fst (snd arr)) = fst (snd (hp_update_child' i j arr))
  by (solves cases arr; auto)+

lemma find_remove_mset_nodes_full2:
  distinct_mset (mset_nodes h)  sum_mset (mset_nodes `# ((if remove_key a h = None then {#} else {#the (remove_key a h)#}) +
        (if find_key a h = None then {#} else {#the (find_key a h)#}))) = mset_nodes h
  using find_remove_mset_nodes_full[of h a]
  apply (auto)
  apply (auto simp add: find_key_None_remove_key_ident)
  apply (metis find_key_head_node_iff option.sel remove_key_None_iff)

definition encoded_hp_prop_mset2_conc
  :: "'a::linorder multiset × ('a, 'b) hp_fun × 'a option 
     'a::linorder multiset × ('a, 'b) hp multiset  bool"
  encoded_hp_prop_mset2_conc = (λ(𝒱, arr, h) (𝒱', x). 𝒱 = 𝒱'  
  (encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 x  [] arr))

lemma fst_update[simp]:
   fst (hp_update_prev' a b x) = fst x
  fst (hp_update_nxt' a b x) = fst x
  fst (update_source_node y x) = fst x
  by (cases x;auto; fail)+

lemma encoded_hp_prop_mset2_conc_combine_list2_conc:
  encoded_hp_prop_mset2_conc arr (𝒱, {#a,b#}) 
  encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc (hp_update_prev' (node b) (Some (node a)) (hp_update_nxt' (node a) (Some (node b)) (update_source_node None arr))) (𝒱, [a,b])
  unfolding encoded_hp_prop_mset2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_alt_def
    encoded_hp_prop_list_def case_prod_beta
  apply (intro conjI)
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
    apply (cases arr)
    apply (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def)
    apply (metis hp_next_None_notin hp_next_children.simps(2) hp_next_children_simps(2) hp_next_children_simps(3))
    by (metis hp_next_None_notin hp_next_children.simps(2) hp_next_children_simps(2) hp_next_children_simps(3))
    apply (cases arr)
    apply (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def)
    apply (metis hp_prev_None_notin hp_prev_children.simps(2) hp_prev_children_simps(2) hp_prev_children_simps(3))
    by (metis hp_prev_None_notin hp_prev_children.simps(2) hp_prev_children_simps(2) hp_prev_children_simps(3))
    apply (cases arr)
    apply (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def)
    by (metis hp_child_None_notin hp_child_children_hp_child hp_child_children_simps(2) hp_child_children_simps(3))+
    apply (cases arr)
    apply (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def)
    by (metis hp_parent_None_notin hp_parent_children_cons hp_parent_children_single_hp_parent option.case_eq_if)
    apply (cases arr)
    apply (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def)
    by (metis hp_node_None_notin2 hp_node_children_Cons_if)
    by (cases arr)
     (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def)
    by (cases arr)
     (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def)
    by (cases arr)
     (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_update_prev_def hp_update_nxt_def)

lemma update_source_node_fst_simps[simp]:
  fst (snd (update_source_node None arr)) = fst (snd arr)
  fst (update_source_node None arr) = fst arr
  snd (snd (update_source_node None arr)) = None
  by (solves cases arr; auto)+

lemma maybe_hp_update_fst_snd: fst (snd (maybe_hp_update_child' (map_option node b) x arr)) =
    (if b = None then fst (snd arr) else fst (snd (hp_update_child' (node (the b)) x arr)))
    fst (snd (maybe_hp_update_prev' (map_option node b) x arr)) =
    (if b = None then fst (snd arr) else fst (snd (hp_update_prev' (node (the b)) x arr)))
    fst (snd (maybe_hp_update_nxt' (map_option node b) x arr)) =
    (if b = None then fst (snd arr) else fst (snd (hp_update_nxt' (node (the b)) x arr)))
    fst (snd (maybe_hp_update_parents' (map_option node b) x arr)) =
    (if b = None then fst (snd arr) else fst (snd (hp_update_parents' (node (the b)) x arr))) and
    ( (maybe_hp_update_child' (map_option node b) x arr')) =
    (if b = None then ( arr') else ( (hp_update_child' (node (the b)) x arr')))
    ( (maybe_hp_update_prev' (map_option node b) x arr')) =
    (if b = None then ( arr') else ( (hp_update_prev' (node (the b)) x arr')))
    ( (maybe_hp_update_nxt' (map_option node b) x arr')) =
    (if b = None then ( arr') else ( (hp_update_nxt' (node (the b)) x arr')))
    ( (maybe_hp_update_parents' (map_option node b) x arr')) =
    (if b = None then ( arr') else ( (hp_update_parents' (node (the b)) x arr')))
    for x b arr
    apply (solves cases arr; auto simp: maybe_hp_update_child'_def maybe_hp_update_parents'_def
      maybe_hp_update_prev'_def maybe_hp_update_nxt'_def maybe_hp_update_prev'_def

lemma fst_hp_update_simp[simp]:
  fst (hp_update_prev' i x arr) = fst arr
  fst (hp_update_nxt' i x arr) = fst arr
  fst (hp_update_child' i x arr) = fst arr
  fst (hp_update_parents' i x arr) = fst arr
  by (solves cases arr; auto)+

lemma fst_maybe_hp_update_simp[simp]:
  fst (maybe_hp_update_prev' i y arr) = fst arr
  fst (maybe_hp_update_nxt' i y arr) = fst arr
  fst (maybe_hp_update_child' i y arr) = fst arr
  fst (maybe_hp_update_parents' i y arr) = fst arr
  by (solves cases arr; cases i; auto simp: maybe_hp_update_prev'_def maybe_hp_update_nxt'_def
    maybe_hp_update_child'_def maybe_hp_update_parents'_def)+

lemma encoded_hp_prop_list_remove_find2:
  fixes h :: ('a::linorder, nat) hp and a arr and hs :: ('a, nat) hp multiset
  defines arr1  (if hp_parent a h = None then arr else hp_update_child' (node (the (hp_parent a h))) (map_option node (hp_next a h)) arr)
  defines arr2  (if hp_prev a h = None then arr1 else hp_update_nxt' (node (the (hp_prev a h))) (map_option node (hp_next a h)) arr1)
  defines arr3  (if hp_next a h = None then arr2 else hp_update_prev' (node (the (hp_next a h))) (map_option node (hp_prev a h)) arr2)
  defines arr4  (if hp_next a h = None then arr3 else hp_update_parents' (node (the (hp_next a h))) (map_option node (hp_parent a h)) arr3)
  defines arr'  hp_update_parents' a None (hp_update_prev' a None (hp_update_nxt' a None arr4))
  assumes enc: encoded_hp_prop_mset2_conc arr (𝒱, add_mset h {#})
  shows encoded_hp_prop_mset2_conc arr' (𝒱, (if remove_key a h = None then {#} else {#the (remove_key a h)#}) +
        (if find_key a h = None then {#} else {#the (find_key a h)#}))
    using encoded_hp_prop_list_remove_find[of 𝒱 h fst (snd arr) a] enc
    unfolding assms(1-5) apply -
    unfolding encoded_hp_prop_mset2_conc_def case_prod_beta hp_update_fst_snd
    apply (subst hp_update_fst_snd[symmetric])
    apply (subst hp_update_fst_snd[symmetric])
    apply (subst hp_update_fst_snd[symmetric])
    unfolding maybe_hp_update_fst_snd[symmetric] maybe_hp_update_parents'_def[symmetric]
      maybe_hp_update_nxt'_def[symmetric] maybe_hp_update_prev'_def[symmetric] maybe_hp_update_child'_def[symmetric]
      encoded_hp_prop_mset2_conc_def case_prod_beta hp_update_fst_snd maybe_hp_update_fst_snd2[symmetric]
    by auto

lemma hp_read_fst_snd_simps[simp]:
  hp_read_nxt j (fst (snd arr)) = hp_read_nxt' j arr
  hp_read_prev j (fst (snd arr)) = hp_read_prev' j arr
  hp_read_child j (fst (snd arr)) = hp_read_child' j arr
  hp_read_parent j (fst (snd arr)) = hp_read_parent' j arr
  hp_read_score j (fst (snd arr)) = hp_read_score' j arr
  by (solves cases arr; auto)+

lemma unroot_hp_tree:
  fixes h :: (nat, nat)hp option
  assumes enc: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr (𝒱, h) a ∈# fst arr h  None
  shows unroot_hp_tree arr a  SPEC (λarr'. fst arr' = fst arr  encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc arr'
    (𝒱, (if find_key a (the h) = None then [] else [the (find_key a (the h))]) @
    (if remove_key a (the h) = None then [] else [the (remove_key a (the h))])))
proof -
  obtain prevs nxts childs parents scores k where
    arr: arr = (𝒱, (prevs, nxts, childs, parents, scores), k) and
    dist: distinct_mset (mset_nodes (the h)) and
    k: k = Some (node (the h))the k ∈# 𝒱 and
    𝒱: set_mset ((mset_nodes (the h)))  set_mset 𝒱
    by (cases arr; cases the h) (use assms in auto simp: ac_simps encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def
      encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def)
  have K1: fst (snd (maybe_hp_update_child' (map_option node b) x arr)) =
    (if b = None then fst (snd arr) else fst (snd (hp_update_child' (node (the b)) x arr)))
    fst (snd (maybe_hp_update_prev' (map_option node b) x arr)) =
    (if b = None then fst (snd arr) else fst (snd (hp_update_prev' (node (the b)) x arr)))
    fst (snd (maybe_hp_update_nxt' (map_option node b) x arr)) =
    (if b = None then fst (snd arr) else fst (snd (hp_update_nxt' (node (the b)) x arr)))
    fst (snd (maybe_hp_update_parents' (map_option node b) x arr)) =
    (if b = None then fst (snd arr) else fst (snd (hp_update_parents' (node (the b)) x arr)))
    for x b arr
    apply (solves cases arr; auto simp: maybe_hp_update_child'_def maybe_hp_update_parents'_def
      maybe_hp_update_prev'_def maybe_hp_update_nxt'_def maybe_hp_update_prev'_def
  have source_node_alt: snd (snd arr) = source_node arr
    by (cases arr) auto
  have KK: a∈#mset_nodes (the h)  nxts a = map_option node (hp_next a (the h))
    a∈#mset_nodes (the h)  prevs a = map_option node (hp_prev a (the h))
    a∈#mset_nodes (the h)  parents a = map_option node (hp_parent a (the h))
    a∈#mset_nodes (the h)  childs a = map_option node (hp_child a (the h))
   using enc 
   unfolding arr encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def
   by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_def)
  have KK': a∈#mset_nodes (the h)  nxts a  None  the (nxts a) ∈# 𝒱
    a∈#mset_nodes (the h)  prevs a  None  the (prevs a) ∈# 𝒱
    a∈#mset_nodes (the h)  parents a  None  the (parents a) ∈# 𝒱
    a∈#mset_nodes (the h)  childs a  None  the (childs a) ∈# 𝒱
   using enc 𝒱 KK hp_next_in_nodes2[of a the h the (hp_next a (the h))] dist
     hp_parent_None_notin[of a the h]
     hp_prev_in_nodes[of a the h]
     hp_parent_in_nodes[of a the h]
     hp_parent_hp_child[of the h a]
   unfolding arr encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def
   apply (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_def)
   by (metis hp_parent_None_notin mset_set_set_mset_msubset mset_subset_eqD option.simps(3))
  have KK2: fst (hp_update_parents' a None
     (hp_update_prev' a None
    (hp_update_nxt' a None
      (maybe_hp_update_parents' (nxts a) (parents a)
        (maybe_hp_update_prev' (nxts a) (Some (node z))
       (maybe_hp_update_nxt' (Some (node z)) (nxts a)
         (maybe_hp_update_child' (parents a) (nxts a)
    (𝒱, (prevs, nxts, childs, parents, scores), Some (node y))))))))) = 𝒱
   by auto
  have HH: encoded_hp_prop_list 𝒱 {#the h#} [] (fst (snd (arr))) encoded_hp_prop_mset2_conc arr (𝒱, {#the h#})
    using assms unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_def encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def
    by auto
  have  KK3: a∈#mset_nodes (the h)  remove_key a (the h) = None  node (the (remove_key a (the h))) = node (the h)
    by (cases the h; auto simp: )
  let ?arr = hp_update_parents' a None
    (hp_update_prev' a None
    (hp_update_nxt' a None
    (maybe_hp_update_parents' (map_option node (hp_next a (the h)))
    (map_option node (hp_parent a (the h)))
    (maybe_hp_update_prev' (map_option node (hp_next a (the h))) (map_option node (hp_prev a (the h)))
    (maybe_hp_update_nxt' (map_option node (hp_prev a (the h)))
    (map_option node (hp_next a (the h)))
    (maybe_hp_update_child' (map_option node (hp_parent a (the h)))
    (map_option node (hp_next a (the h))) arr))))))
  have update_source_node_None_alt: update_source_node None x = (fst x, fst (snd x), None) for x
    by (cases x) auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding unroot_hp_tree_alt_def
    apply refine_vcg
    subgoal using k unfolding arr by auto
    subgoal using k unfolding arr by auto
      using encoded_hp_prop_list_in_node_iff_prev_parent_or_root[of arr (𝒱, h) a]
      unfolding source_node_alt
      by (auto simp add: find_key_None_remove_key_ident encoded_hp_prop_mset2_conc_def arr)
        (solves auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def)+
    subgoal using k unfolding arr by auto
        hp_update_fst_snd K1[symmetric] arr encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_mset2_conc_def
      by (auto simp: remove_key_None_iff encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def)
        hp_update_fst_snd K1[symmetric] arr encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_mset2_conc_def
      by clarsimp
      using encoded_hp_prop_list_in_node_iff_prev_parent_or_root[of arr (𝒱, h) a] KK' unfolding arr by auto
      using encoded_hp_prop_list_in_node_iff_prev_parent_or_root[of arr (𝒱, h) a] KK' unfolding arr by auto
      using encoded_hp_prop_list_in_node_iff_prev_parent_or_root[of arr (𝒱, h) a] KK' unfolding arr by auto
    subgoal using k unfolding arr by auto
      apply ((split if_splits)+; intro impI conjI)
      subgoal by (simp add: find_key_None_remove_key_ident)
        using encoded_hp_prop_list_in_node_iff_prev_parent_or_root[of arr (𝒱, h) a] KK' unfolding arr 
        apply  (simp add: find_key_None_remove_key_ident arr)
        by (metis find_key_None_remove_key_ident in_remove_key_changed option.sel option.simps(3))
        by (auto simp: remove_key_None_iff encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def)
        unfolding append.append_Cons append.append_Nil
        apply (insert encoded_hp_prop_list_remove_find2[of arr 𝒱 the h a, OF HH(2)])
        unfolding K1[symmetric]
          maybe_hp_update_child'_def[symmetric] maybe_hp_update_parents'_def[symmetric]
          maybe_hp_update_prev'_def[symmetric] maybe_hp_update_nxt'_def[symmetric]
        unfolding maybe_hp_update_fst_snd[symmetric] maybe_hp_update_parents'_def[symmetric]
          maybe_hp_update_nxt'_def[symmetric] maybe_hp_update_prev'_def[symmetric] maybe_hp_update_child'_def[symmetric]
          hp_update_fst_snd maybe_hp_update_fst_snd2[symmetric]
        apply (subst arg_cong[of _ _ λarr. encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc arr _])
        apply (rule encoded_hp_prop_mset2_conc_combine_list2_conc[of ?arr 𝒱 the (find_key a (the h)) the (remove_key a (the h))])
        subgoal using HH(2) by (auto simp: add_mset_commute)
        subgoal using KK[symmetric] KK3
          encoded_hp_prop_list_in_node_iff_prev_parent_or_root[of arr (𝒱, h) a] arr k
          by auto

definition rescale_and_reroot where
  rescale_and_reroot h w' arr = do {
    ASSERT (h ∈# fst arr);
    let nnext = hp_read_nxt' h arr;
    let parent = hp_read_parent' h arr;
    let prev = hp_read_prev' h arr;
    if source_node arr = None then RETURN (hp_update_score' h (Some w') arr)
    else if prev = None  parent = None  Some h  source_node arr then RETURN (hp_update_score' h (Some w') arr)
    else if Some h = source_node arr then RETURN (hp_update_score' h (Some w') arr)
    else do {
       arr  unroot_hp_tree arr h;
       ASSERT (h ∈# fst arr);
       let arr = (hp_update_score' h (Some w') arr);
       merge_pairs arr h

lemma fst_update2[simp]:
  fst (hp_update_score' a b h) = fst h
  by (cases h; auto; fail)+

lemma encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_update_score:
  encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc h (𝒱, [x,y])  node x = a  encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc (hp_update_score' a (Some w') h) (𝒱, [Hp (node x) w' (hps x), y])
  unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_alt_def case_prod_beta encoded_hp_prop_list_def
  apply (intro conjI  conjI allI impI ballI)
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by (cases x) auto
  subgoal by (cases x) auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
    apply (cases x; cases h)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_update_score_def)
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) add_diff_cancel_left' add_diff_cancel_right' distinct_mset_in_diff hp.sel(1) hp_next_children.simps(2)
        hp_next_children_simps(1) hp_next_children_simps(2) hp_next_children_simps(3) hp_next_simps set_mset_union)
    apply (cases x; cases h)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_update_score_def)
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) None_eq_map_option_iff Un_iff hp.sel(1) hp_prev_None_notin
      hp_prev_None_notin_children hp_prev_children.simps(2) hp_prev_children_simps
      hp_prev_simps node_in_mset_nodes
    apply (cases x; cases h)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_update_score_def)
      by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) hp_child_None_notin hp_child_children_hp_child hp_child_children_simps(2)
        hp_child_children_simps(3) hp_child_hd hp_child_hp_children_simps2 set_mset_union union_iff)
    by (cases x; cases h)
     (auto simp add: encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_update_score_def
      hp_parent_children_cons hp_parent_simps_single_if)
    apply (cases x; cases h)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def hp_update_score_def)
    by (metis hp_node_children_Cons_if hp_node_children_simps2)
    by (cases h; cases x)
     (auto simp: hp_update_score_def)
    by (cases h; cases x)
     (auto simp: hp_update_score_def)
    by (cases h; cases x)
     (auto simp: hp_update_score_def)

lemma encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_update_score: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr (𝒱, Some (Hp a x2 x3)) 
    encoded_hp_prop_list_conc (hp_update_score' a (Some w') arr) (𝒱, Some (Hp a w' x3))
  supply [simp] = hp_update_score_def
  unfolding encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_alt_def case_prod_beta encoded_hp_prop_list_def
  apply (intro conjI  conjI allI impI ballI)
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by (cases arr) auto
  subgoal by (cases arr) auto
  subgoal by (cases arr) auto
  subgoal by (cases arr) auto
  subgoal apply (cases arr) apply auto
    by (metis hp_child_hp_children_simps2)
  subgoal by (cases arr) (auto simp add: hp_parent_simps_single_if)
  subgoal by (cases arr) auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by (cases arr) auto
  subgoal by (cases arr) auto
  subgoal by (cases arr) auto

lemma encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_update_outside:
  (snd h  None  a ∉# mset_nodes (the (snd h)))  encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr h 
  encoded_hp_prop_list_conc (hp_update_score' a w' arr) h
  by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_list_def
    split: option.splits)

definition ACIDS_decrease_key' where
  ACIDS_decrease_key' = (λa w (𝒱, h). (𝒱, ACIDS.decrease_key a w (the h)))

lemma rescale_and_reroot:
  fixes h :: nat multiset × (nat, nat)hp option
  assumes enc: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr h (*‹snd h ≠ None›*)
  shows rescale_and_reroot a w' arr   {(arr, h). encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr h} (ACIDS.mop_hm_decrease_key a w' h)
proof -
  let ?h = snd h
  have 1: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr h  encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr (fst h, snd h)
    by (cases h) auto
  have src: source_node arr = map_option node ?h
    using enc by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def split: option.splits)
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding rescale_and_reroot_def ACIDS.decrease_key_def ACIDS_decrease_key'_def
      ACIDS.mop_hm_decrease_key_def case_prod_beta[of _ h] prod.collapse
    apply (refine_vcg unroot_hp_tree vsids_merge_pairs)
    subgoal by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def split: option.splits)
    subgoal by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def hp_update_score_def split: option.splits)
    subgoal by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def hp_update_score_def split: option.splits)
      using encoded_hp_prop_list_in_node_iff_prev_parent_or_root[of arr h a]
      apply (auto split: option.splits hp.splits intro!: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_update_outside)
      apply (metis prod.collapse source_node.simps)+
      using encoded_hp_prop_list_in_node_iff_prev_parent_or_root[of arr h a]
        in_remove_key_changed[of a the ?h] remove_key_None_iff[of a the ?h] src
        encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_update_score[of arr fst h a score (the ?h) hps (the ?h) w']
      apply (auto split: option.splits hp.splits simp: find_key_None_remove_key_ident)
      apply (metis prod.collapse source_node.simps)+
    apply (rule 1; assumption)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply (rule encoded_hp_prop_list2_conc_update_score[of _ fst h the (find_key a (the ?h)) the (remove_key a (the ?h))])
      using encoded_hp_prop_list_in_node_iff_prev_parent_or_root[of arr h a]
        in_remove_key_changed[of a the ?h] remove_key_None_iff[of a the ?h]
      by (auto split: if_splits simp add: find_key_None_remove_key_ident
      using encoded_hp_prop_list_in_node_iff_prev_parent_or_root[of arr h a]
        in_remove_key_changed[of a the ?h] remove_key_None_iff[of a the ?h]
        find_key_None_or_itself[of a the ?h] find_key_None_remove_key_ident[of a the ?h]
      by (cases find_key a (the ?h))
       (auto simp del: find_key_None_or_itself)
      using encoded_hp_prop_list_in_node_iff_prev_parent_or_root[of arr h a]
        in_remove_key_changed[of a the ?h] remove_key_None_iff[of a the ?h]
      by (auto split: if_splits simp add: find_key_None_remove_key_ident
      using encoded_hp_prop_list_in_node_iff_prev_parent_or_root[of arr h a]
        in_remove_key_changed[of a the ?h] remove_key_None_iff[of a the ?h]
        node_remove_key_itself_iff[of a the ?h]
      by (auto split: if_splits simp add: find_key_None_remove_key_ident
      using encoded_hp_prop_list_in_node_iff_prev_parent_or_root[of arr h a]
        in_remove_key_changed[of a the ?h] remove_key_None_iff[of a the ?h] src
        find_key_None_or_itself[of a the ?h]
      by (cases the (find_key a (the ?h)))
        (clarsimp split: if_splits simp add: find_key_None_remove_key_ident
        simp del: ACIDS.merge_pairs.simps find_key_None_or_itself)

definition acids_encoded_hmrel where
  acids_encoded_hmrel = {(arr, h). encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr h} O ACIDS.hmrel

lemma hp_insert_spec_mop_prio_insert:
  assumes (arr, h)  acids_encoded_hmrel
  shows hp_insert i w arr  acids_encoded_hmrel (ACIDS.mop_prio_insert i w h)
proof -
  obtain j where
    i:  encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr j
    (j, h)  ACIDS.hmrel
    using assms unfolding acids_encoded_hmrel_def by auto
  show ?thesis
    unfolding ACIDS.mop_prio_insert_def case_prod_beta acids_encoded_hmrel_def
    apply (refine_vcg hp_insert_spec[THEN order_trans] i)
    subgoal using i by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def ACIDS.hmrel_def)
    subgoal using i by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def ACIDS.hmrel_def)
     apply (rule order_trans, rule ref_two_step')
     apply (rule ACIDS.mop_prio_insert)
     apply (rule i)
     apply (auto simp: conc_fun_chain conc_fun_RES ACIDS.mop_prio_insert_def case_prod_beta RETURN_def)

lemma hp_insert_spec_mop_prio_insert2:
  (uncurry2 hp_insert, uncurry2 ACIDS.mop_prio_insert) 
  nat_rel ×f  nat_rel ×f acids_encoded_hmrel f acids_encoded_hmrelnres_rel
  by (intro frefI nres_relI)
   (auto intro!: hp_insert_spec_mop_prio_insert[THEN order_trans])

lemma rescale_and_reroot_mop_prio_change_weight:
  assumes (arr, h)  acids_encoded_hmrel
  shows rescale_and_reroot a w arr  acids_encoded_hmrel (ACIDS.mop_prio_change_weight a w h)
proof -
  obtain j where
    i: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr j
    (j, h)  ACIDS.hmrel
    using assms unfolding acids_encoded_hmrel_def by auto
  show ?thesis
    apply (refine_vcg rescale_and_reroot[THEN order_trans] i)
    apply (rule order_trans, rule ref_two_step')
    apply (rule ACIDS.decrease_key_mop_prio_change_weight i)+
    apply (auto simp: conc_fun_chain conc_fun_RES case_prod_beta RETURN_def acids_encoded_hmrel_def)

lemma rescale_and_reroot_mop_prio_change_weight2:
  (uncurry2 rescale_and_reroot, uncurry2 ACIDS.mop_prio_change_weight) 
  nat_rel ×f  nat_rel ×f acids_encoded_hmrel f acids_encoded_hmrelnres_rel
  by (intro frefI nres_relI)
   (auto intro!: rescale_and_reroot_mop_prio_change_weight[THEN order_trans])

context hmstruct_with_prio

definition mop_hm_is_in :: _ where
  mop_hm_is_in w = (λ(𝒜, xs). do {
  ASSERT (w ∈# 𝒜);
  RETURN (xs  None  w ∈# mset_nodes (the xs))

lemma mop_hm_is_in_mop_prio_is_in:
  assumes (xs, ys)  hmrel
  shows mop_hm_is_in w xs  bool_rel (mop_prio_is_in w ys)
  using assms
  unfolding mop_hm_is_in_def mop_prio_is_in_def
  apply (refine_vcg)
  subgoal by (auto simp: hmrel_def)
  subgoal by (auto simp: hmrel_def)

lemma del_min_None_iff: del_min (Some ya) = None  mset_nodes ya = {#node ya#} and
  del_min_Some_mset_nodes: del_min (Some ya) = Some yb  mset_nodes ya = add_mset (node ya) (mset_nodes yb)
  apply (cases ya; auto; fail)
  apply (cases ya; use mset_nodes_pass2[of pass1 (hps ya)] in auto)

lemma mset_nodes_del_min[simp]:
  del_min (Some ya)  None  mset_nodes (the (del_min (Some ya))) = remove1_mset (node ya) (mset_nodes ya)
  by (cases ya; auto)

lemma hp_score_del_min:
  h  None  del_min h  None  distinct_mset (mset_nodes (the h))  hp_score a (the (del_min h)) = (if a = get_min2 h then None else hp_score a (the h))
  using mset_nodes_pass2[of pass1 (hps (the h))]
  apply (cases h; cases the h; cases hps (the h) = [])
  apply (auto simp del: mset_nodes_pass2)
  by (metis hp_score_merge_pairs option.sel option.simps(2) pairing_heap_assms.pass12_merge_pairs)

lemma del_min_prio_del: (j, h)  hmrel  fst (snd h)  {#}
  ((fst j, del_min (snd j)), prio_del (get_min2 (snd j)) h)  hmrel
  using hp_score_del_min[of snd j]
  apply (cases del_min (snd j))
  apply (auto simp: hmrel_def ACIDS.prio_del_def del_min_None_iff get_min2_alt_def del_min_Some_mset_nodes
    intro: invar_del_min dest: multi_member_split)
  apply (metis invar_del_min)
  apply (metis None_eq_map_option_iff option.map_sel option.sel snd_conv)

definition mop_hm_old_weight :: _ where
  mop_hm_old_weight w = (λ(𝒜, xs). do {
  ASSERT (w ∈# 𝒜);
  if xs  None  w ∈# mset_nodes (the xs) then RETURN (the (hp_score w (the xs)))
  else RES UNIV

text This requires a stronger invariant than what we want to do.
lemma mop_hm_old_weight_mop_prio_old_weight:
  (xs, ys)  hmrel  mop_hm_old_weight w xs  Id (mop_prio_old_weight w ys)
  unfolding mop_prio_old_weight_def mop_hm_old_weight_def mop_prio_is_in_def nres_monad3
  apply refine_vcg
  subgoal by (auto simp: hmrel_def)
  subgoal by (cases hp_node w (the (snd xs)))
    (auto simp: union_single_eq_member hmrel_def dest!: multi_member_split[of w])


definition hp_is_in :: _ where
  hp_is_in w = (λbw. do {
  ASSERT (w ∈# fst bw);
  RETURN (source_node bw  None  (hp_read_prev' w bw  None  hp_read_parent' w bw  None  the (source_node bw) = w))

lemma hp_is_in:
  assumes encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr h
  shows hp_is_in i arr  bool_rel (ACIDS.mop_hm_is_in i h)
proof -
  have dist: source_node arr  None  distinct_mset (mset_nodes (the (snd h)))
    source_node arr = None  snd h = None
    using assms by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def
      split: option.splits)
  have rel:
    hp_read_prev' i arr = map_option node (hp_prev i (the (snd h)))
    hp_read_parent' i arr = map_option node (hp_parent i (the (snd h)))
    if i ∈# fst arr snd h  None
    using assms that
    by (cases i ∈# mset_nodes (the (snd h));
      auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def empty_outside_notin_None
      split: option.splits; fail)+
  show ?thesis
    unfolding hp_is_in_def ACIDS.mop_hm_is_in_def case_prod_beta[of _ h]
    apply refine_vcg
    subgoal using assms by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def)
    subgoal using rel dist assms in_node_iff_prev_parent_or_root[of the (snd h) i]
      apply (cases source_node arr = None)
      apply simp
      apply (simp only:)
      by (smt (verit, best) None_eq_map_option_iff encoded_hp_prop_list_in_node_iff_prev_parent_or_root
        hp_read_fst_snd_simps(2) hp_read_fst_snd_simps(4) option.collapse option.map_sel pair_in_Id_conv
        prod.collapse source_node.simps)

lemma hp_is_in_mop_prio_is_in:
  assumes (arr, h)  acids_encoded_hmrel
  shows hp_is_in a arr  bool_rel (ACIDS.mop_prio_is_in a h)
proof -
  obtain j where
    i: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr j
    (j, h)  ACIDS.hmrel
    using assms unfolding acids_encoded_hmrel_def by auto
  show ?thesis
    apply (refine_vcg hp_is_in[THEN order_trans] i)
    apply (rule order_trans, rule ref_two_step')
    apply (rule ACIDS.mop_hm_is_in_mop_prio_is_in i)+
    apply (auto simp: conc_fun_chain conc_fun_RES case_prod_beta RETURN_def acids_encoded_hmrel_def)

lemma hp_is_in_mop_prio_is_in2:
  (uncurry hp_is_in, uncurry ACIDS.mop_prio_is_in)  nat_rel ×f acids_encoded_hmrel f bool_relnres_rel
  by (intro frefI nres_relI)
   (auto intro!: hp_is_in_mop_prio_is_in[THEN order_trans])

lemma vsids_pop_min2_mop_prio_pop_min:
  fixes arr :: 'a::linorder multiset × ('a, nat) hp_fun × 'a option
  assumes (arr, h)  acids_encoded_hmrel
  shows vsids_pop_min2 arr  (Id×racids_encoded_hmrel)(ACIDS.mop_prio_pop_min h)
proof -
  obtain j where
    i: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr j  encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr (fst j, snd j)
    (j, h)  ACIDS.hmrel
    using assms unfolding acids_encoded_hmrel_def by auto
  have 1: SPEC
  (λ(ja, arr).
      ja = get_min2 (snd j) 
      encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr (fst j, ACIDS.del_min (snd j)))
      (Id ×f acids_encoded_hmrel)
    (do {
    v  SPEC (ACIDS.prio_peek_min (fst h, fst (snd h), snd (snd h)));
    x  ASSERT (v ∈# fst (snd h)  v ∈# fst h);
    bw  RETURN (ACIDS.prio_del v (fst h, fst (snd h), snd (snd h)));
    RETURN (v, bw)
    }) (is ?A   _ ?B)
    if fst (snd h)  {#}
  proof -
    have A: ?A = do {
    let ja = get_min2 (snd j);
      bw  SPEC (λbw. encoded_hp_prop_list_conc bw (fst j, ACIDS.del_min (snd j)));
      RETURN (ja, bw)
      by (auto simp: RETURN_def conc_fun_RES RES_RES_RETURN_RES)
    have 1: (get_min2 (snd j), v)  Id  v ∈# fst (snd h)  v ∈# fst h 
      encoded_hp_prop_list_conc x (fst j, ACIDS.del_min (snd j)) 
      (x, ACIDS.prio_del v (fst h, fst (snd h), snd (snd h)))  acids_encoded_hmrel
      for v x
      using ACIDS.del_min_prio_del[of j h] i that
      by (auto simp: acids_encoded_hmrel_def)
    show ?thesis
      unfolding A
      apply refine_vcg
      subgoal using i that apply (cases the (snd j)) apply (auto simp: ACIDS.prio_peek_min_def ACIDS.hmrel_def ACIDS.invar_def in_mset_sum_list_iff
        apply (drule bspec, assumption)
        apply (subst (asm) ACIDS.set_hp_is_hp_score_mset_nodes)
        apply (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_def distinct_mset_add dest!: split_list multi_member_split)
        by (metis hp_node_None_notin2 member_add_mset option.map_sel)
        apply (rule 1; assumption)
        subgoal by auto

  show ?thesis
    unfolding ACIDS.mop_prio_pop_min_def ACIDS.mop_prio_peek_min_def
      ACIDS.mop_prio_del_def nres_monad2 case_prod_beta[of _ h] case_prod_beta[of _ snd h] nres_monad3
    apply (refine_vcg vsids_pop_min2[THEN order_trans] i 1)
    subgoal using i by (auto simp: ACIDS.hmrel_def)

lemma vsids_pop_min2_mop_prio_pop_min2:
  (vsids_pop_min2, ACIDS.mop_prio_pop_min)  acids_encoded_hmrel f nat_rel ×r acids_encoded_hmrelnres_rel
  by (intro frefI nres_relI)
   (auto intro!: vsids_pop_min2_mop_prio_pop_min[THEN order_trans])

definition mop_hp_read_score :: _ where
  mop_hp_read_score x = (λ(𝒜, w, h). do {
  ASSERT (x ∈# 𝒜);
  if hp_read_score x w  None then RETURN (the (hp_read_score x w)) else RES UNIV

lemma mop_hp_read_score_mop_hm_old_weight:
  assumes encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr h
    mop_hp_read_score w arr   Id (ACIDS.mop_hm_old_weight w h)
proof -
  show ?thesis
    unfolding mop_hp_read_score_def ACIDS.mop_hm_old_weight_def RETURN_def RES_RES_RETURN_RES
    apply refine_vcg
    subgoal using assms by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def)
    subgoal using assms by (auto simp: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def
      split: option.splits)

lemma mop_hp_read_score_mop_prio_old_weight:
  fixes arr :: 'a::linorder multiset × ('a, nat) hp_fun × 'a option
  assumes (arr, h)  acids_encoded_hmrel
  shows mop_hp_read_score w arr  (Id)(ACIDS.mop_prio_old_weight w h)
proof -
  obtain j where
    i: encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr j  encoded_hp_prop_list_conc arr (fst j, snd j)
    (j, h)  ACIDS.hmrel
    using assms unfolding acids_encoded_hmrel_def by auto
  show ?thesis
    apply (rule mop_hp_read_score_mop_hm_old_weight[THEN order_trans] i)+
      by (rule ref_two_step' ACIDS.mop_hm_old_weight_mop_prio_old_weight[THEN order_trans] i)+

lemma mop_hp_read_score_mop_prio_old_weight2:
  (uncurry mop_hp_read_score, uncurry ACIDS.mop_prio_old_weight)  nat_rel ×r acids_encoded_hmrel f Idnres_rel
  by (intro frefI nres_relI)
   (auto intro!: mop_hp_read_score_mop_prio_old_weight[THEN order_trans])

thm ACIDS.mop_prio_insert_raw_unchanged_def
thm ACIDS.mop_prio_insert_maybe_def (*covered by ACIDS.mop_prio_change_weight and ACIDS.mop_prio_insert *)
  term ACIDS.prio_peek_min (*TODO remove: unused as acids_get_min*)
  thm ACIDS.mop_prio_old_weight_def
  thm ACIDS.mop_prio_insert_raw_unchanged_def
  term ACIDS.mop_prio_insert_unchanged(*covered by the two previous ones*)