Theory Watched_Literals_Initialisation

theory Watched_Literals_Initialisation
  imports Watched_Literals_List

chapter Initialisation of Data structure

type_synonym 'v twl_st_init = 'v twl_st  × 'v clauses

fun get_trail_init :: 'v twl_st_init  ('v, 'v clause) ann_lit list where
  get_trail_init ((M, _, _, _, _, _, _), _) = M

fun get_conflict_init :: 'v twl_st_init  'v cconflict where
  get_conflict_init ((_, _, _, D, _, _, _, _), _) = D

fun literals_to_update_init :: 'v twl_st_init  'v clause where
  literals_to_update_init ((_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, Q), _) = Q

fun get_init_clauses_init :: 'v twl_st_init  'v twl_cls multiset where
  get_init_clauses_init ((_, N, _, _, _, _, _, _), _) = N

fun get_learned_clauses_init :: 'v twl_st_init  'v twl_cls multiset where
  get_learned_clauses_init ((_, _, U, _, _, _, _, _), _) = U

fun get_unit_init_clauses_init :: 'v twl_st_init  'v clauses where
  get_unit_init_clauses_init ((_, _, _, _, NE, _, _, _), _) = NE

fun get_unit_learned_clauses_init :: 'v twl_st_init  'v clauses where
  get_unit_learned_clauses_init ((_, _, _, _, _, UE, _, _), _) = UE

fun get_subsumed_init_clauses_init :: 'v twl_st_init  'v clauses where
  get_subsumed_init_clauses_init ((_, _, _, _, _, _, NS, US, _, _), _) = NS

fun get_subsumed_learned_clauses_init :: 'v twl_st_init  'v clauses where
  get_subsumed_learned_clauses_init ((_, _, _, _, _, _, NS, US, _, _), _) = US

fun get_subsumed_clauses_init :: 'v twl_st_init  'v clauses where
  get_subsumed_clauses_init ((_, _, _, _, _, _, NS, US, _, _), _) = NS + US

fun clauses_to_update_init :: 'v twl_st_init  ('v literal × 'v twl_cls) multiset where
  clauses_to_update_init ((_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, WS, _), _) = WS

fun other_clauses_init :: 'v twl_st_init  'v clauses where
  other_clauses_init ((_, _, _, _, _, _, _), OC) = OC

fun get_init_clauses0_init :: 'v twl_st_init  'v clauses where
  get_init_clauses0_init ((_, _, _, _, _, _, NS, US, N0, U0,_, _), _) = N0

fun get_learned_clauses0_init :: 'v twl_st_init  'v clauses where
  get_learned_clauses0_init ((_, _, _, _, _, _, NS, US, N0, U0,_, _), _) = U0

fun add_to_init_clauses :: 'v clause_l  'v twl_st_init  'v twl_st_init where
  add_to_init_clauses C ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, WS, Q), OC) =
      ((M, add_mset (twl_clause_of C) N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, WS, Q), OC)

fun add_to_unit_init_clauses :: 'v clause  'v twl_st_init  'v twl_st_init where
  add_to_unit_init_clauses C ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, WS, Q), OC) =
      ((M, N, U, D, add_mset C NE, UE, NS, US, WS, Q), OC)

fun set_conflict_init :: 'v clause_l  'v twl_st_init  'v twl_st_init where
 set_conflict_init C ((M, N, U, _, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q), OC) =
       ((M, N, U, Some (mset C), add_mset (mset C) NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, {#}), OC)

fun propagate_unit_init :: 'v literal  'v twl_st_init  'v twl_st_init where
 propagate_unit_init L ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q), OC) =
       ((Propagated L {#L#} # M, N, U, D, add_mset {#L#} NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, add_mset (-L) Q), OC)

fun add_empty_conflict_init :: 'v twl_st_init  'v twl_st_init where
 add_empty_conflict_init ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q), OC) =
       ((M, N, U, Some {#}, NE, UE, NS, US, add_mset {#} N0, U0, WS, {#}), OC)

fun add_to_clauses_init :: 'v clause_l  'v twl_st_init  'v twl_st_init where
   add_to_clauses_init C ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, WS, Q), OC) =
        ((M, add_mset (twl_clause_of C) N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, WS, Q), OC)

fun add_to_tautology_init :: 'v clause  'v twl_st_init  'v twl_st_init where
add_to_tautology_init_def[simp del]:
  add_to_tautology_init C ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q), OC) =
    ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, add_mset (remdups_mset C) NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q), OC)

type_synonym 'v twl_st_l_init = 'v twl_st_l × 'v clauses

fun get_trail_l_init :: 'v twl_st_l_init  ('v, nat) ann_lit list where
  get_trail_l_init ((M, _, _, _, _, _, _), _) = M

fun get_conflict_l_init :: 'v twl_st_l_init  'v cconflict where
  get_conflict_l_init ((_, _, D, _, _, _, _), _) = D

fun get_unit_clauses_l_init :: 'v twl_st_l_init  'v clauses where
  get_unit_clauses_l_init ((M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, WS, Q), _) = NE + NEk + UE + UEk

fun get_kept_unit_clauses_l_init :: 'v twl_st_l_init  'v clauses where
  get_kept_unit_clauses_l_init ((M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, WS, Q), _) = NEk + UEk

fun get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init :: 'v twl_st_l_init  'v clauses where
  get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init ((M, N, D, NEk, UEk, NE, UE, WS, Q), _) = UE + UEk

fun get_clauses_l_init :: 'v twl_st_l_init  'v clauses_l where
  get_clauses_l_init ((M, N, D, NE, UE, NS, US, WS, Q), _) = N

fun literals_to_update_l_init :: 'v twl_st_l_init  'v clause where
  literals_to_update_l_init ((_, _, _, _, _, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, _, Q), _) = Q

fun clauses_to_update_l_init :: 'v twl_st_l_init  'v clauses_to_update_l where
  clauses_to_update_l_init ((_, _, _, _, _, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, _), _) = WS

fun other_clauses_l_init :: 'v twl_st_l_init  'v clauses where
  other_clauses_l_init ((_, _, _, _, _, _, _), OC) = OC

fun pstateW_of_init :: "'v twl_st_init  'v prag_st" where
pstateW_of_init ((M, N, U, C, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, Q), OC) =
  (M, clause `# N + OC, clause `# U, C, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0)

fun stateW_of_init :: "'v twl_st_init  'v cdclW_restart_mset" where
"stateW_of_init (S) = state_of (pstateW_of_init S)"

fun get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init :: 'v twl_st_l_init  'v clauses where
  get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init ((_, _, _, _, _, NEk, UEk, NS, US, _, _), _) = NS

fun get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init :: 'v twl_st_l_init  'v clauses where
  get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init ((M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, WS, Q), _) = US

fun get_subsumed_clauses_l_init :: 'v twl_st_l_init  'v clauses where
  get_subsumed_clauses_l_init ((M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, WS, Q), _) = NS+US

fun get_init_clauses0_l_init :: 'v twl_st_l_init  'v clauses where
  get_init_clauses0_l_init ((_, _, _, _, _, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, _, _), _) = N0

fun get_learned_clauses0_l_init :: 'v twl_st_l_init  'v clauses where
  get_learned_clauses0_l_init ((M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0,WS, Q), _) = U0

fun get_clauses0_l_init :: 'v twl_st_l_init  'v clauses where
  get_clauses0_l_init ((M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0,WS, Q), _) = N0+U0

named_theorems twl_st_init Convertion for inital theorems

lemma [twl_st_init]:
  get_conflict_init (S, QC) = get_conflict S
  get_trail_init (S, QC) = get_trail S
  clauses_to_update_init (S, QC) = clauses_to_update S
  literals_to_update_init (S, QC) = literals_to_update S
  by (solves cases S; auto)+

lemma [twl_st_init]:
  clauses_to_update_init (add_to_unit_init_clauses (mset C) T) = clauses_to_update_init T
  literals_to_update_init (add_to_unit_init_clauses (mset C) T) = literals_to_update_init T
  get_conflict_init (add_to_unit_init_clauses (mset C) T) = get_conflict_init T
  apply (cases T; auto simp: twl_st_inv.simps; fail)+
lemma [twl_st_init]:
  twl_st_inv (fst (add_to_unit_init_clauses (mset C) T))   twl_st_inv (fst T)
  valid_enqueued (fst (add_to_unit_init_clauses (mset C) T))  valid_enqueued (fst T)
  no_duplicate_queued (fst (add_to_unit_init_clauses (mset C) T))  no_duplicate_queued (fst T)
  distinct_queued (fst (add_to_unit_init_clauses (mset C) T))  distinct_queued (fst T)
  confl_cands_enqueued (fst (add_to_unit_init_clauses (mset C) T))  confl_cands_enqueued (fst T)
  propa_cands_enqueued (fst (add_to_unit_init_clauses (mset C) T))  propa_cands_enqueued (fst T)
  twl_st_exception_inv (fst (add_to_unit_init_clauses (mset C) T))  twl_st_exception_inv (fst T)
    apply (cases T; auto simp: twl_st_inv.simps; fail)+
  apply (cases get_conflict_init T; cases T;
      auto simp: twl_st_inv.simps twl_exception_inv.simps; fail)+

lemma [twl_st_init]:
  trail (stateW_of_init T) = get_trail_init T
  get_trail (fst T) = get_trail_init (T)
  conflicting (stateW_of_init T) = get_conflict_init T
  init_clss (stateW_of_init T) = clauses (get_init_clauses_init T) + get_unit_init_clauses_init T +
    get_subsumed_init_clauses_init T + get_init_clauses0_init T + other_clauses_init T
  learned_clss (stateW_of_init T) = clauses (get_learned_clauses_init T) +
     get_unit_learned_clauses_init T + get_subsumed_learned_clauses_init T + get_learned_clauses0_init T
  conflicting (stateW_of (fst T)) = conflicting (stateW_of_init T)
  trail (stateW_of (fst T)) = trail (stateW_of_init T)
  clauses_to_update (fst T) = clauses_to_update_init T
  get_conflict (fst T) =  get_conflict_init T
  literals_to_update (fst T) = literals_to_update_init T
  subsumed_learned_clss (fst T) = get_subsumed_learned_clauses_init T
  by (cases T; auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset_state; fail)+

definition twl_st_l_init :: ('v twl_st_l_init × 'v twl_st_init) set where
  twl_st_l_init = {(((M, N, C, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q), OC),
      ((M', N', C', NE', UE', NS', US', N0', U0', WS', Q'), OC')).
    (M , M')  convert_lits_l N (NEk+UEk) 
    ((N', C', NE', UE', NS', US', N0', U0', WS', Q'), OC') =
      ((twl_clause_of `# init_clss_lf N, twl_clause_of `# learned_clss_lf N,
         C, NE + NEk, UE + UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, Q), OC)}

lemma twl_st_l_init_alt_def:
  (S, T)  twl_st_l_init 
    (fst S, fst T)  twl_st_l None  other_clauses_l_init S = other_clauses_init T
  by (cases S; cases T) (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_def twl_st_l_def)

lemma [twl_st_init]:
  assumes (S, T)  twl_st_l_init
   get_conflict_init T = get_conflict_l_init S
   get_conflict (fst T) = get_conflict_l_init S
   literals_to_update_init T = literals_to_update_l_init S
   clauses_to_update_init T = {#}
   other_clauses_init T = other_clauses_l_init S
   lits_of_l (get_trail_init T) = lits_of_l (get_trail_l_init S)
   lit_of `# mset (get_trail_init T) = lit_of `# mset (get_trail_l_init S)
   by (use assms in solves cases S; auto simp: twl_st_l_init_def)+

definition twl_struct_invs_init :: 'v twl_st_init  bool where
  twl_struct_invs_init S 
    (twl_st_inv (fst S) 
    valid_enqueued (fst S) 
    pcdcl_all_struct_invs (pstateW_of_init S) 
    cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa (stateW_of_init S) 
    twl_st_exception_inv (fst S) 
    no_duplicate_queued (fst S) 
    distinct_queued (fst S) 
    confl_cands_enqueued (fst S) 
    propa_cands_enqueued (fst S) 
    (get_conflict_init S  None  clauses_to_update_init S = {#}  literals_to_update_init S = {#}) 
    clauses_to_update_inv (fst S) 
    past_invs (fst S))

lemma stateW_of_stateW_of_init:
  other_clauses_init W = {#}  stateW_of (fst W) = stateW_of_init W
  by (cases W) auto

lemma twl_struct_invs_init_twl_struct_invs:
  other_clauses_init W = {#}  twl_struct_invs_init W  twl_struct_invs (fst W)
  unfolding twl_struct_invs_def twl_struct_invs_init_def
  apply (subst stateW_of_stateW_of_init; assumption?)+
  apply (intro iffI impI conjI)
  by (cases W; clarsimp simp: twl_st_init)+

fun add_empty_conflict_init_l :: 'v twl_st_l_init  'v twl_st_l_init where
  add_empty_conflict_init_l_def[simp del]:
   add_empty_conflict_init_l ((M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q), OC) =
       ((M, N, Some {#}, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, add_mset {#} N0, U0, WS, {#}), OC)

fun propagate_unit_init_l :: 'v literal  'v twl_st_l_init  ('v twl_st_l_init) nres where
  propagate_unit_init_l_def[simp del]:
   propagate_unit_init_l L ((M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q), OC) = do {
       M  cons_trail_propagate_l L 0 M;
       RETURN ((M, N, D, NE, UE, add_mset {#L#} NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, add_mset (-L) Q), OC)

fun already_propagated_unit_init_l :: 'v clause  'v twl_st_l_init  'v twl_st_l_init where
  already_propagated_unit_init_l_def[simp del]:
   already_propagated_unit_init_l C ((M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, WS, Q), OC) =
       ((M, N, D, NE, UE, add_mset C NEk, UEk, NS, US, WS, Q), OC)

fun set_conflict_init_l :: 'v clause_l  'v twl_st_l_init  'v twl_st_l_init where
  set_conflict_init_l_def[simp del]:
   set_conflict_init_l C ((M, N, _, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q), OC) =
       ((M, N, Some (mset C), add_mset (mset C) NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, {#}), OC)

fun add_to_clauses_init_l :: 'v clause_l  'v twl_st_l_init  'v twl_st_l_init nres where
  add_to_clauses_init_l_def[simp del]:
   add_to_clauses_init_l C ((M, N, _, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, WS, Q), OC) = do {
        i  get_fresh_index N;
        RETURN ((M, fmupd i (C, True) N, None, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, WS, Q), OC)

fun add_to_tautology_init_l :: 'v clause_l  'v twl_st_l_init  'v twl_st_l_init where
  add_to_tautology_init_l_def[simp del]:
  add_to_tautology_init_l C ((M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q), OC) =
  ((M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, add_mset (remdups_mset (mset C)) NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q), OC)

fun add_to_other_init where
  add_to_other_init C (S, OC) = (S, add_mset (remdups_mset (mset C)) OC)

lemma fst_add_to_other_init [simp]: fst (add_to_other_init a T) = fst T
  by (cases T) auto

definition remdups_clause where
  remdups_clause C = SPEC (λC'. mset C' = remdups_mset (mset C))

definition init_dt_step :: 'v clause_l  'v twl_st_l_init  'v twl_st_l_init nres where
  init_dt_step C S =
  (case get_conflict_l_init S of
      if tautology (mset C)
      then RETURN (add_to_tautology_init_l C S)
      else do {
        C  remdups_clause C;
        if length C = 0
      then RETURN (add_empty_conflict_init_l S)
      else if length C = 1
        let L = hd C in
        if undefined_lit (get_trail_l_init S) L
        then propagate_unit_init_l L S
        else if L  lits_of_l (get_trail_l_init S)
        then RETURN (already_propagated_unit_init_l (mset C) S)
        else RETURN (set_conflict_init_l C S)
          add_to_clauses_init_l C S
  | Some D 
      RETURN (add_to_other_init C S))

definition init_dt :: 'v clause_l list  'v twl_st_l_init  'v twl_st_l_init nres where
  init_dt CS S = nfoldli CS (λ_. True) init_dt_step S

definition init_dt_pre :: 'v clause_l list  _ where
  init_dt_pre CS SOC 
    (T. (SOC, T)  twl_st_l_init 
      twl_struct_invs_init T 
      clauses_to_update_l_init SOC = {#} 
      (sset (get_trail_l_init SOC). ¬is_decided s) 
      (get_conflict_l_init SOC = None 
          literals_to_update_l_init SOC = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_l_init SOC)) 
      twl_list_invs (fst SOC) 
      twl_stgy_invs (fst T) 
     (other_clauses_l_init SOC  {#}  get_conflict_l_init SOC  None) 
     (C∈#ran_mf (get_clauses_l_init SOC). ¬tautology (mset C)))

lemma init_dt_pre_ConsD: init_dt_pre (a # CS) SOC  init_dt_pre CS SOC
  unfolding init_dt_pre_def
  apply normalize_goal+
  by fastforce

definition init_dt_spec where
  init_dt_spec CS SOC SOC' 
     (T'. (SOC', T')  twl_st_l_init 
           twl_struct_invs_init T' 
           clauses_to_update_l_init SOC' = {#} 
           (sset (get_trail_l_init SOC'). ¬is_decided s) 
           (get_conflict_l_init SOC' = None 
              literals_to_update_l_init SOC' = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_l_init SOC')) 
           (remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS + mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l_init SOC) + other_clauses_l_init SOC +
                 get_unit_clauses_l_init SOC + get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init SOC+ get_init_clauses0_l_init SOC =
            mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l_init SOC') + other_clauses_l_init SOC'  +
                get_unit_clauses_l_init SOC' + get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init SOC' +
                get_init_clauses0_l_init SOC') 
           learned_clss_lf (get_clauses_l_init SOC) = learned_clss_lf (get_clauses_l_init SOC') 
           get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init SOC' = get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init SOC 
           get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init SOC' = get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init SOC 
           get_learned_clauses0_l_init SOC' = get_learned_clauses0_l_init SOC 
           twl_list_invs (fst SOC') 
           twl_stgy_invs (fst T') 
           (other_clauses_l_init SOC'  {#}  get_conflict_l_init SOC'  None) 
           ({#} ∈# mset `# mset CS  get_conflict_l_init SOC'  None) 
           (get_conflict_l_init SOC  None  get_conflict_l_init SOC = get_conflict_l_init SOC'))

lemma twl_struct_invs_init_add_to_other_init:
    lev: count_decided (get_trail (fst T)) = 0 and
    invs: twl_struct_invs_init T
    twl_struct_invs_init (add_to_other_init a T)
      (is ?twl_struct_invs_init)
proof -
  let ?a = remdups a
  obtain M N U D NE UE Q OC WS NS US N0 U0 where
    T: T = ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q), OC)
    by (cases T) auto
  have cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (M, clauses N + NE + NS + N0 + OC, clauses U + UE + US + U0, D) and
    smaller: cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa (M, clauses N + NE + NS + N0 + OC, clauses U + UE + US + U0, D)
    using invs unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def by (auto simp: ac_simps)
  then have
   cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (M, add_mset (mset ?a) (clauses N + NE + NS + N0 + OC),
      clauses U + UE + US + U0, D)
    by (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
       cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def cdclW_restart_mset_state
       cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_conflicting_def
       cdclW_restart_mset.distinct_cdclW_state_def all_decomposition_implies_def
       clauses_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause_alt_def
  then have pcdcl_all_struct_invs (M, add_mset (mset ?a) (clauses N + OC), clauses U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0)
    using invs unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def
    by (auto simp: ac_simps entailed_clss_inv_def psubsumed_invs_def clauses0_inv_def)

  moreover have
     cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa (M, add_mset (mset ?a) (clauses N + NE + NS + N0 + OC),
        clauses U + UE + US + U0, D)
    using lev smaller
    by (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa_def cdclW_restart_mset_state
        clauses_def T count_decided_0_iff)
  ultimately show ?twl_struct_invs_init
    using invs
    unfolding twl_struct_invs_init_def T
    unfolding fst_conv add_to_other_init.simps stateW_of_init.simps get_conflict.simps
    by (clarsimp simp: ac_simps)

lemma clauses_to_update_inv_add_subsumed[simp]:
  clauses_to_update_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, add_mset a NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q) =
  clauses_to_update_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q)
  clauses_to_update_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, add_mset a US, N0, U0, WS, Q) =
  clauses_to_update_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q)
  by (cases D; auto; fail)+

lemma confl_cands_enqueued_add_subsumed[simp]:
  confl_cands_enqueued (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, add_mset a NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q) =
  confl_cands_enqueued (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q) 
  by (cases D; auto; fail)+

lemma propa_cands_enqueued_add_subsumed[simp]:
  propa_cands_enqueued (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, add_mset a NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q) =
  propa_cands_enqueued (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q) 
  by (cases D; auto; fail)+

lemma twl_exception_inv_add_subsumed[simp]:
  twl_exception_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, add_mset a NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q) =
  twl_exception_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q)
  twl_exception_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, add_mset a US, N0, U0, WS, Q) =
  twl_exception_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q)
  by (cases D; auto simp: twl_exception_inv.simps; fail)+

lemma past_invs_add_subsumed[simp]:
  past_invs (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, add_mset a NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q) =
  past_invs (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q)
  past_invs (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, add_mset a US, N0, U0, WS, Q) =
  past_invs (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q)
  by (cases D; auto simp: past_invs.simps; fail)+

lemma twl_st_inv_add_subsumed[simp]:
  twl_st_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, add_mset a NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q) =
  twl_st_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q)
  twl_st_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, add_mset a US, N0, U0, WS, Q) =
  twl_st_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q)
  by (cases D; auto simp: twl_st_inv.simps; fail)+
lemma twl_struct_invs_init_add_to_tautology_init:
    tauto: tautology a and
    lev: count_decided (get_trail (fst T)) = 0 and
    invs: twl_struct_invs_init T
    twl_struct_invs_init (add_to_tautology_init a T)
      (is ?twl_struct_invs_init)
proof -
  let ?a = remdups_mset a
  obtain M N U D NE UE Q OC WS NS US N0 U0 where
    T: T = ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q), OC)
    by (cases T) auto
  have cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (M, clauses N + NE + NS + N0 + OC, clauses U + UE + US + U0, D) and
    smaller: cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa (M, clauses N + NE + NS + N0 + OC, clauses U + UE + US + U0, D)
    using invs unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def by (auto simp: ac_simps)
  then have
   cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (M, add_mset ?a (clauses N + NE + NS + N0 + OC),
      clauses U + UE + US + U0, D)
    by (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
       cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def cdclW_restart_mset_state
       cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_conflicting_def
       cdclW_restart_mset.distinct_cdclW_state_def all_decomposition_implies_def
       clauses_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause_alt_def
  then have pcdcl_all_struct_invs (M, (clauses N + OC), clauses U, D, NE, UE, add_mset ?a NS, US, N0, U0)
    using invs tauto unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def
    by (auto simp: ac_simps entailed_clss_inv_def psubsumed_invs_def clauses0_inv_def)

  moreover have
     cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa (M, add_mset ?a (clauses N + NE + NS + N0 + OC),
        clauses U + UE + US + U0, D)
    using lev smaller
    by (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa_def cdclW_restart_mset_state
        clauses_def T count_decided_0_iff)
  ultimately show ?twl_struct_invs_init
    using invs
    unfolding twl_struct_invs_init_def T
    unfolding fst_conv stateW_of_init.simps get_conflict.simps add_to_tautology_init_def
    by (clarsimp simp: ac_simps)

lemma invariants_init_state:
    lev: count_decided (get_trail_init T) = 0 and
    wf: C ∈# get_clauses (fst T). struct_wf_twl_cls C and
    MQ: literals_to_update_init T = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_init T) and
    WS: clauses_to_update_init T = {#} and
    n_d: no_dup (get_trail_init T)
  shows propa_cands_enqueued (fst T) and confl_cands_enqueued (fst T) and twl_st_inv (fst T)
    clauses_to_update_inv (fst T) and past_invs (fst T) and distinct_queued (fst T) and
    valid_enqueued (fst T) and twl_st_exception_inv (fst T) and no_duplicate_queued (fst T)
proof -
  obtain M N U NE UE OC D NS US N0 U0 where
    T: T = ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, uminus `# lit_of `# mset M), OC)
    using MQ WS by (cases T) auto
  let ?Q = uminus `# lit_of `# mset M

  have [iff]: M = M' @ Decided K # Ma  False for M' K Ma
    using lev by (auto simp: count_decided_0_iff T)

  have struct: struct_wf_twl_cls C if C ∈# N + U for C
    using wf that by (simp add: T twl_st_inv.simps)
  let ?T = fst T
  have [simp]: propa_cands_enqueued ?T if D: D = None
    unfolding propa_cands_enqueued.simps Ball_def T fst_conv D
    apply - apply (intro conjI impI allI)
    subgoal for x C
      using struct[of C]
      apply (case_tac C; auto simp: uminus_lit_swap lits_of_def size_2_iff
          true_annots_true_cls_def_iff_negation_in_model Ball_def remove1_mset_add_mset_If
          all_conj_distrib conj_disj_distribR ex_disj_distrib
          split: if_splits)
  then show propa_cands_enqueued ?T
    by (cases D) (auto simp: T)

  have [simp]: confl_cands_enqueued ?T if D: D = None
    unfolding confl_cands_enqueued.simps Ball_def T D fst_conv
    apply - apply (intro conjI impI allI)
    subgoal for x
      using struct[of x]
      by (case_tac x; case_tac watched x; auto simp: uminus_lit_swap lits_of_def)
  then show confl_cands_enqueued ?T
    by (cases D) (auto simp: T)
  have [simp]: get_level M L = 0 for L
    using lev by (auto simp: T count_decided_0_iff)
  show [simp]: twl_st_inv ?T
    unfolding T fst_conv twl_st_inv.simps Ball_def
    apply - apply (intro conjI impI allI)
    subgoal using wf by (auto simp: T)
    subgoal for C
      by (cases C)
        (auto simp: T twl_st_inv.simps twl_lazy_update.simps twl_is_an_exception_def
          lits_of_def uminus_lit_swap)
    subgoal for C
      using lev by (cases C)
        (auto simp: T twl_st_inv.simps twl_lazy_update.simps)
  have [simp]: {#C ∈# N. clauses_to_update_prop {#- lit_of x. x ∈# mset M#} M (L, C)#} = {#}
    for L N
    by (auto simp: filter_mset_empty_conv clauses_to_update_prop.simps lits_of_def
  have clauses_to_update_inv ?T if D: D = None
    unfolding T D
    by (auto simp: filter_mset_empty_conv lits_of_def uminus_lit_swap)
  then show clauses_to_update_inv (fst T)
    by (cases D) (auto simp: T)

  show past_invs ?T
    by (auto simp: T past_invs.simps)

  show distinct_queued ?T
    using WS n_d by (auto simp: T no_dup_distinct_uminus)
  show valid_enqueued ?T
    using lev by (auto simp: T lits_of_def)

  show twl_st_exception_inv (fst T)
    unfolding T fst_conv twl_st_exception_inv.simps Ball_def
    apply - apply (intro conjI impI allI)
    apply (case_tac x; cases D)
    by (auto simp: T twl_exception_inv.simps lits_of_def uminus_lit_swap)

  show no_duplicate_queued (fst T)
    by (auto simp: T)

lemma twl_struct_invs_init_init_state:
    lev: count_decided (get_trail_init T) = 0 and
    wf: C ∈# get_clauses (fst T). struct_wf_twl_cls C and
    MQ: literals_to_update_init T = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_init T) and
    WS: clauses_to_update_init T = {#} and
    struct_invs: pcdcl_all_struct_invs (pstateW_of_init T) and
    cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa (stateW_of_init T) and
    get_conflict_init T  None  clauses_to_update_init T = {#}  literals_to_update_init T = {#}
  shows twl_struct_invs_init T
proof -
  have n_d: no_dup (get_trail_init T)
    using struct_invs unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
      cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def
    by (cases T) (auto simp: trail.simps)
  then show ?thesis
    using invariants_init_state[OF lev wf MQ WS n_d] assms unfolding twl_struct_invs_init_def
    by fast+

lemma twl_struct_invs_init_add_to_unit_init_clauses:
    dist: distinct a and
    lev: count_decided (get_trail (fst T)) = 0 and
    invs: twl_struct_invs_init T and
    ex: L  set a. L  lits_of_l (get_trail_init T)
    twl_struct_invs_init (add_to_unit_init_clauses (mset a) T)
      (is ?all_struct)
proof -
  have [simp]: remdups_mset (mset a) = mset a
    using dist by (simp add: mset_set_set remdups_mset_def) 
  obtain M N U D NE UE Q NS US N0 U0 OC WS where
    T: T = ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q), OC)
    by (cases T) auto
  have cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (M, clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0, clauses U + UE + US + U0, D)
    using invs unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def by (auto simp: ac_simps)
  then have [simp]:
   cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (M, add_mset (mset a) (OC + clauses N + NE + NS + N0),
      clauses U + UE + US + U0, D)
    using twl_struct_invs_init_add_to_other_init[OF lev invs, of a] dist
    unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def
    by (simp add: ac_simps)
  then have invs': pcdcl_all_struct_invs
                 (M,  clauses N + OC, clauses U, D, add_mset (mset a) NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0)
    using invs count_decided_ge_get_level[of M] lev ex unfolding twl_struct_invs_init_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def
    by (auto simp: psubsumed_invs_def entailed_clss_inv_def T ac_simps clauses0_inv_def)
  have cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa (M, clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0, clauses U + UE + US + U0, D)
    using invs unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def by auto
  then have [simp]:
     cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa (M, add_mset (mset a) (clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0),
        clauses U + UE + US + U0, D)
    using lev
    by (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa_def cdclW_restart_mset_state
        clauses_def T count_decided_0_iff)
  have [simp]: confl_cands_enqueued (M, N, U, D, add_mset (mset a) NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q) 
     confl_cands_enqueued (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q)
    propa_cands_enqueued (M, N, U, D, add_mset (mset a) NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q) 
      propa_cands_enqueued (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q)
    twl_st_inv (M, N, U, D, add_mset (mset a) NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q) 
        twl_st_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q)
    x.  twl_exception_inv (M, N, U, D, add_mset (mset a) NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q) x 
          twl_exception_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q) x
    clauses_to_update_inv (M, N, U, D, add_mset (mset a) NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q) 
       clauses_to_update_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q)
    past_invs (M, N, U, D, add_mset (mset a) NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q) 
        past_invs (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q)
    by (cases D; auto simp: twl_st_inv.simps twl_exception_inv.simps past_invs.simps; fail)+
  show ?all_struct
    using invs ex invs'
    unfolding twl_struct_invs_init_def T
    unfolding fst_conv add_to_other_init.simps stateW_of_init.simps get_conflict.simps
    by (clarsimp simp del: entailed_clss_inv.simps)

lemma twl_struct_invs_init_set_conflict_init:
    dist: distinct C and
    lev: count_decided (get_trail (fst T)) = 0 and
    invs: twl_struct_invs_init T and
    ex: L  set C. -L  lits_of_l (get_trail_init T) and
    nempty: C  [] and
    confl: get_conflict_init T = None
    twl_struct_invs_init (set_conflict_init C T)
      (is ?all_struct)
proof -
  obtain M N U D NE UE Q OC WS NS US N0 U0 where
    T: T = ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q), OC)
    by (cases T) auto
  have cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (M, clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0, clauses U + UE + US + U0, D) and
     pinvs: pcdcl_all_struct_invs (pstateW_of_init ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q), OC))
    using invs unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def by auto
  then have
   cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (M, add_mset (mset C) (clauses N + OC+ NE + NS + N0),
        clauses U + UE + US + U0, Some (mset C))
    using dist ex
    unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def
    by (auto 5 5 simp: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
       cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def cdclW_restart_mset_state
       cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_conflicting_def
       cdclW_restart_mset.distinct_cdclW_state_def all_decomposition_implies_def
       clauses_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause_alt_def
  then have H: pcdcl_all_struct_invs (pstateW_of_init ((M, N, U, Some (mset C), add_mset (mset C) NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q), OC))
    using pinvs ex count_decided_ge_get_level[of M] lev nempty confl
    unfolding pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def entailed_clss_inv_def psubsumed_invs_def
    by (auto simp: entailed_clss_inv_def T clauses0_inv_def)

  have cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa (M, clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0, clauses U + UE + US + U0, D)
    using invs unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def by auto
  then have [simp]:
     cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa (M, add_mset (mset C) (clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0),
        clauses U + UE + US + U0, Some (mset C))
    using lev
    by (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa_def cdclW_restart_mset_state
        clauses_def T count_decided_0_iff)
  let ?T = (M, N, U, Some (mset C), add_mset (mset C) NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, {#})

  have [simp]: confl_cands_enqueued ?T
    propa_cands_enqueued ?T
    twl_st_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q)  twl_st_inv ?T
    x.  twl_exception_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q) x  twl_exception_inv ?T x
    clauses_to_update_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q)  clauses_to_update_inv ?T
    past_invs (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q)  past_invs ?T
    by (auto simp: twl_st_inv.simps twl_exception_inv.simps past_invs.simps; fail)+

  show ?all_struct
    using invs ex H
    unfolding twl_struct_invs_init_def T
    unfolding fst_conv add_to_other_init.simps stateW_of_init.simps get_conflict.simps
    by (clarsimp simp del: entailed_clss_inv.simps)

lemma twl_struct_invs_init_propagate_unit_init:
    lev: count_decided (get_trail_init T) = 0 and
    invs: twl_struct_invs_init T and
    undef: undefined_lit (get_trail_init T) L and
    confl: get_conflict_init T = None and
    MQ: literals_to_update_init T = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_init T) and
    WS: clauses_to_update_init T = {#}
    twl_struct_invs_init (propagate_unit_init L T)
      (is ?all_struct)
proof -
  obtain M N U NE UE OC WS NS US N0 U0 where
    T: T = ((M, N, U, None, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, uminus `# lit_of `# mset M), OC)
    using confl MQ by (cases T) auto
  let ?Q = uminus `# lit_of `# mset M
  have [iff]: - L  lits_of_l M  False
    using undef by (auto simp: T Decided_Propagated_in_iff_in_lits_of_l)
  have [simp]: get_all_ann_decomposition M = [([], M)]
    by (rule no_decision_get_all_ann_decomposition) (use lev in auto simp: T count_decided_0_iff)
  have H: a @ Propagated L' mark' # b = Propagated L mark # M  
     (a = []  L = L'  mark = mark'  b = M) 
     (a  []  hd a = Propagated L mark  tl a @ Propagated L' mark' # b = M)
    for a mark mark' L' b
    using undef by (cases a) (auto simp: T atm_of_eq_atm_of)
  have cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (M, clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0, clauses U + UE + US + U0,  None) and
    excep: twl_st_exception_inv (M, N, U, None, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, ?Q) and
    st_inv: twl_st_inv (M, N, U, None, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, ?Q) and
    pinvs: pcdcl_all_struct_invs (pstateW_of_init T)
    using invs confl unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def by auto
  then have [simp]:
    cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (M, add_mset {#L#} (clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0),
       clauses U + UE + US + U0, None) and
    n_d: no_dup M
    by (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def T
       cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def cdclW_restart_mset_state
       cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_conflicting_def
       cdclW_restart_mset.distinct_cdclW_state_def all_decomposition_implies_def
       clauses_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause_alt_def
  then have
   cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (Propagated L {#L#} # M,
        add_mset {#L#} (clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0), clauses U + UE + US + U0, None)
    using undef by (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def T H
        cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def cdclW_restart_mset_state
        cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_conflicting_def
        cdclW_restart_mset.distinct_cdclW_state_def all_decomposition_implies_def
        clauses_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause_alt_def
  then have pinvs': pcdcl_all_struct_invs (pstateW_of_init (propagate_unit_init L T))
    using pinvs lev count_decided_ge_get_level[of Propagated L {#L#} # M] unfolding pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def T
    by (auto simp: entailed_clss_inv_def psubsumed_invs_def clauses0_inv_def)
  have [iff]: Propagated L {#L#} # M = M' @ Decided K # Ma  False for M' K Ma
    using lev by (cases M') (auto simp: count_decided_0_iff T)
  have cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa (M, clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0, clauses U + UE + US + U0, None)
    using invs confl unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def by auto
  then have [simp]:
     cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa (Propagated L {#L#} # M, add_mset {#L#} (clauses N + NE + NS + N0 + OC),
        clauses U + UE + US + U0,  None)
    using lev
    by (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa_def cdclW_restart_mset_state
        clauses_def T count_decided_0_iff)

  have cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa (M, clauses N  + OC + NE + NS + N0, clauses U + UE + US + U0, None)
    using invs confl unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def by auto
  then have [simp]:
     cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa (Propagated L {#L#} # M, add_mset {#L#} (clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0),
        clauses U + UE + US + U0, None)
    using lev
    by (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa_def cdclW_restart_mset_state
        clauses_def T count_decided_0_iff)
  let ?S = (M, N, U, None, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, ?Q)
  let ?T = (Propagated L {#L#} # M, N, U, None, add_mset {#L#} NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, add_mset (-L) ?Q)

  have struct: struct_wf_twl_cls C if C ∈# N + U for C
    using st_inv that by (simp add: twl_st_inv.simps)
  show twl_struct_invs_init (propagate_unit_init L T)
    apply (rule twl_struct_invs_init_init_state)
    subgoal using lev by (auto simp: T)
    subgoal using struct by (auto simp: T)
    subgoal using MQ by (auto simp: T)
    subgoal using WS by (auto simp: T)
    subgoal using pinvs' by (simp add: T)
    subgoal by (auto simp: T)
    subgoal by (auto simp: T)

named_theorems twl_st_l_init
lemma [twl_st_l_init]:
  clauses_to_update_l_init (already_propagated_unit_init_l C S) = clauses_to_update_l_init S
  get_trail_l_init (already_propagated_unit_init_l C S) = get_trail_l_init S
  get_conflict_l_init (already_propagated_unit_init_l C S) = get_conflict_l_init S
  other_clauses_l_init (already_propagated_unit_init_l C S) = other_clauses_l_init S
  clauses_to_update_l_init (already_propagated_unit_init_l C S) = clauses_to_update_l_init S
  literals_to_update_l_init (already_propagated_unit_init_l C S) = literals_to_update_l_init S
  get_clauses_l_init (already_propagated_unit_init_l C S) = get_clauses_l_init S
  get_unit_clauses_l_init (already_propagated_unit_init_l C S) = add_mset C (get_unit_clauses_l_init S)
  get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init (already_propagated_unit_init_l C S) =
       get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init S
  get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init (already_propagated_unit_init_l C S) =
       get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init S
  get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init (already_propagated_unit_init_l C S) =
       get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init S
  get_learned_clauses0_l_init (already_propagated_unit_init_l C S) =  get_learned_clauses0_l_init S
  get_init_clauses0_l_init (already_propagated_unit_init_l C S) =  get_init_clauses0_l_init S
  get_conflict_l_init (T, OC) = get_conflict_l T
  by (solves cases S; cases T; auto simp: already_propagated_unit_init_l_def)+

lemma [twl_st_l_init]:
  clauses_to_update_l_init (add_to_tautology_init_l C S) = clauses_to_update_l_init S
  get_trail_l_init (add_to_tautology_init_l C S) = get_trail_l_init S
  get_conflict_l_init (add_to_tautology_init_l C S) = get_conflict_l_init S
  other_clauses_l_init (add_to_tautology_init_l C S) = other_clauses_l_init S
  clauses_to_update_l_init (add_to_tautology_init_l C S) = clauses_to_update_l_init S
  literals_to_update_l_init (add_to_tautology_init_l C S) = literals_to_update_l_init S
  get_clauses_l_init (add_to_tautology_init_l C S) = get_clauses_l_init S
  get_unit_clauses_l_init (add_to_tautology_init_l C S) = (get_unit_clauses_l_init S)
  get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init (add_to_tautology_init_l C S) =
       get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init S
  get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init (add_to_tautology_init_l C S) =
       get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init S
  get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init (add_to_tautology_init_l C S) =
     add_mset (remdups_mset (mset C)) (get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init S)
  get_learned_clauses0_l_init (add_to_tautology_init_l C S) =  get_learned_clauses0_l_init S
  get_init_clauses0_l_init (add_to_tautology_init_l C S) =  get_init_clauses0_l_init S
  by (solves cases S; auto simp: add_to_tautology_init_l_def)+

lemma [twl_st_l_init]:
  (V, W)  twl_st_l_init 
    count_decided (get_trail_init W) = count_decided (get_trail_l_init V)
  by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_def)

lemma [twl_st_l_init]:
  (V, W)  twl_st_l_init get_subsumed_learned_clauses_init W = get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init V
  by (cases V, cases W, auto simp: twl_st_l_init_def)

lemma [twl_st_l_init]:
  get_conflict_l (fst T) =  get_conflict_l_init T
  literals_to_update_l (fst T) = literals_to_update_l_init T
  clauses_to_update_l (fst T) = clauses_to_update_l_init T
  get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l (fst T) = get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init T
  get_subsumed_init_clauses_l (fst T) = get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init T
  get_subsumed_clauses_l (fst T) = get_subsumed_clauses_l_init T
  get_conflict_l (fst T) = get_conflict_l_init T
  by (cases T; auto; fail)+

lemma entailed_clss_inv_add_to_unit_init_clauses:
  count_decided (get_trail_init T) = 0  C  []  hd C  lits_of_l (get_trail_init T) 
     entailed_clss_inv (pstateW_of_init T)  entailed_clss_inv (pstateW_of_init  (add_to_unit_init_clauses (mset C) T))
  using count_decided_ge_get_level[of get_trail_init T]
  by (cases T; cases C; auto simp: twl_st_inv.simps twl_exception_inv.simps entailed_clss_inv_def)

lemma convert_lits_l_no_decision_iff: (S, T)  convert_lits_l M N 
        (sset T. ¬ is_decided s) 
        (sset S. ¬ is_decided s)
  unfolding convert_lits_l_def
  by (induction rule: list_rel_induct)
    (auto simp: dest!: p2relD)

lemma twl_st_l_init_no_decision_iff:
   (S, T)  twl_st_l_init 
        (sset (get_trail_init T). ¬ is_decided s) 
        (sset (get_trail_l_init S). ¬ is_decided s)
  by (subst convert_lits_l_no_decision_iff[of _ _ get_clauses_l_init S
        get_kept_unit_clauses_l_init S])
    (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_def)

lemma twl_st_l_init_defined_lit[twl_st_l_init]:
   (S, T)  twl_st_l_init 
        defined_lit (get_trail_init T) = defined_lit (get_trail_l_init S)
  by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_def)

lemma [twl_st_l_init]:
  (S, T)  twl_st_l_init  get_learned_clauses_init T = {#}  learned_clss_l (get_clauses_l_init S) = {#}
  (S, T)  twl_st_l_init  get_unit_learned_clauses_init T = {#}  get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init S = {#}
  by (cases S; cases T; auto simp: twl_st_l_init_def; fail)+

lemma init_dt_pre_already_propagated_unit_init_l:
    hd_C: hd C  lits_of_l (get_trail_l_init S) and
    pre: init_dt_pre CS S and
    nempty: C  [] and
    dist_C: distinct C and
    lev: count_decided (get_trail_l_init S) = 0 and
    C': mset (remdups C') = mset C
    init_dt_pre CS (already_propagated_unit_init_l (mset C) S) (is ?pre) and
    init_dt_spec [C'] S (already_propagated_unit_init_l (mset C) S)  (is ?spec)
proof -
  obtain T where
    SOC_T: (S, T)  twl_st_l_init and
    inv: twl_struct_invs_init T and
    WS: clauses_to_update_l_init S = {#} and
    dec: sset (get_trail_l_init S). ¬ is_decided s and
    in_literals_to_update: get_conflict_l_init S = None 
     literals_to_update_l_init S = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_l_init S) and
    add_inv: twl_list_invs (fst S) and
    stgy_inv: twl_stgy_invs (fst T) and
    OC'_empty: other_clauses_l_init S  {#}  get_conflict_l_init S  None and
    tauto: C∈#ran_mf (get_clauses_l_init S). ¬ tautology (mset C)
    using pre unfolding init_dt_pre_def
    apply -
    apply normalize_goal+
    by presburger
  obtain M N D NE UE NEk UEk Q U OC NS US N0 U0 where
    S: S = ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, Q), OC)
    by (cases S) auto
  have [simp]: twl_list_invs (fst (already_propagated_unit_init_l (mset C) S))
    using add_inv by (auto simp:  already_propagated_unit_init_l_def S
  have [simp]: (already_propagated_unit_init_l (mset C) S, add_to_unit_init_clauses (mset C) T)
    using SOC_T by (cases S)
      (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_def already_propagated_unit_init_l_def
  have dec': sset (get_trail_init T). ¬ is_decided s
    using SOC_T dec by (subst twl_st_l_init_no_decision_iff)
  have [simp]: twl_stgy_invs (fst (add_to_unit_init_clauses (mset C) T))
    using stgy_inv dec' unfolding twl_stgy_invs_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_stgy_invariant_def
       cdclW_restart_mset.conflict_non_zero_unless_level_0_def cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_confl_def
    by (cases T)
       (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset_state clauses_def)
  note clauses_to_update_inv.simps[simp del] valid_enqueued_alt_simps[simp del]
  have [simp]: twl_struct_invs_init (add_to_unit_init_clauses (mset C) T)
    apply (rule twl_struct_invs_init_add_to_unit_init_clauses)
    using inv hd_C nempty dist_C lev SOC_T dec'
    by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init count_decided_0_iff intro: bexI[of _ hd C])
  show ?pre
    unfolding init_dt_pre_def
    apply (rule exI[of _ add_to_unit_init_clauses (mset C) T])
    using WS dec in_literals_to_update OC'_empty tauto by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init)
  show ?spec
    unfolding init_dt_spec_def
    apply (rule exI[of _ add_to_unit_init_clauses (mset C) T])
    using WS dec in_literals_to_update OC'_empty nempty dist_C C'
    by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init; fail)+

lemma init_dt_pre_add_to_tautology_init_l:
    pre: init_dt_pre CS S and
    tautology: tautology (mset C) and
    lev: count_decided (get_trail_l_init S) = 0
    init_dt_pre CS (add_to_tautology_init_l C S) (is ?pre) and
    init_dt_spec [C] S (add_to_tautology_init_l C S)  (is ?spec)
proof -
  obtain T where
    SOC_T: (S, T)  twl_st_l_init and
    inv: twl_struct_invs_init T and
    WS: clauses_to_update_l_init S = {#} and
    dec: sset (get_trail_l_init S). ¬ is_decided s and
    in_literals_to_update: get_conflict_l_init S = None 
     literals_to_update_l_init S = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_l_init S) and
    add_inv: twl_list_invs (fst S) and
    stgy_inv: twl_stgy_invs (fst T) and
    OC'_empty: other_clauses_l_init S  {#}  get_conflict_l_init S  Noneand
    tauto: C∈#ran_mf (get_clauses_l_init S). ¬ tautology (mset C)
    using pre unfolding init_dt_pre_def
    apply -
    apply normalize_goal+
    by presburger
  obtain M N D NE UE NEk UEk Q U OC NS US N0 U0 where
    S: S = ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, Q), OC)
    by (cases S) auto
  let ?S = add_to_tautology_init_l C S
  have [simp]: twl_list_invs (fst ?S)
    using add_inv by (auto simp: add_to_tautology_init_l_def S
  have [simp]: (add_to_tautology_init_l C S, add_to_tautology_init (mset C) T)
    using SOC_T by (cases S)
      (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_def add_to_tautology_init_l_def add_to_tautology_init_def
  have dec': sset (get_trail_init T). ¬ is_decided s
    using SOC_T dec by (subst twl_st_l_init_no_decision_iff)
  have [simp]: twl_stgy_invs (fst (add_to_tautology_init (mset C) T))
    using stgy_inv dec' unfolding twl_stgy_invs_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_stgy_invariant_def
       cdclW_restart_mset.conflict_non_zero_unless_level_0_def cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_confl_def
    by (cases T)
      (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset_state clauses_def add_to_tautology_init_def)
  note clauses_to_update_inv.simps[simp del] valid_enqueued_alt_simps[simp del]
  have [simp]: twl_struct_invs_init (add_to_tautology_init (mset C) T)
    apply (rule twl_struct_invs_init_add_to_tautology_init)
    using inv tautology lev SOC_T dec'
    by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init count_decided_0_iff intro: bexI[of _ hd C])
  show ?pre
    unfolding init_dt_pre_def
    apply (rule exI[of _ add_to_tautology_init (mset C) T])
    using WS dec in_literals_to_update OC'_empty tauto by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init)
  show ?spec
    unfolding init_dt_spec_def
    apply (rule exI[of _ add_to_tautology_init (mset C) T])
    using WS dec in_literals_to_update OC'_empty tautology
    by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init; fail)+

lemma (in -) twl_stgy_invs_backtrack_lvl_0:
  count_decided (get_trail T) = 0  twl_stgy_invs T
  using count_decided_ge_get_level[of get_trail T]
  by (cases T)
    (auto simp: twl_stgy_invs_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_stgy_invariant_def
      cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_confl_def cdclW_restart_mset_state

lemma init_dt_pre_propagate_unit_init:
    hd_C: undefined_lit (get_trail_l_init S) L and
    pre: init_dt_pre CS S and
    lev: count_decided (get_trail_l_init S) = 0 and
    confl: get_conflict_l_init S = None and
    C': remdups C' = [L]
    propagate_unit_init_l L S  SPEC(init_dt_pre CS) (is ?pre) and
    propagate_unit_init_l L S  SPEC(init_dt_spec [C'] S) (is ?spec)
proof -
  obtain T where
    SOC_T: (S, T)  twl_st_l_init and
    inv: twl_struct_invs_init T and
    WS: clauses_to_update_l_init S = {#} and
    dec: sset (get_trail_l_init S). ¬ is_decided s and
    in_literals_to_update: get_conflict_l_init S = None 
     literals_to_update_l_init S = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_l_init S) and
    add_inv: twl_list_invs (fst S) and
    stgy_inv: twl_stgy_invs (fst T) and
    OC'_empty: other_clauses_l_init S  {#}  get_conflict_l_init S  None
    using pre unfolding init_dt_pre_def
    apply -
    apply normalize_goal+
    by presburger
  obtain M N D NE UE NEk UEk Q U OC NS US N0 U0 where
    S: S = ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, Q), OC)
    by (cases S) auto
  have 1: propagate_unit_init_l L S  SPEC( λS'. (S', propagate_unit_init L T)
    using SOC_T assms by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_def propagate_unit_init_l_def
        convert_lit.simps cons_trail_propagate_l_def S convert_lits_l_extend_mono
        intro!: ASSERT_refine_right ASSERT_leI)
  have dec': sset (get_trail_init T). ¬ is_decided s
    using SOC_T dec by (subst twl_st_l_init_no_decision_iff)
  have [simp]: twl_stgy_invs (fst (propagate_unit_init L T))
    apply (rule twl_stgy_invs_backtrack_lvl_0)
    using lev SOC_T
    by (cases S) (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset_state clauses_def twl_st_l_init_def)
  note clauses_to_update_inv.simps[simp del] valid_enqueued_alt_simps[simp del]
  have 2: twl_struct_invs_init (propagate_unit_init L T)
    apply (rule twl_struct_invs_init_propagate_unit_init)
      using inv hd_C lev SOC_T dec' confl in_literals_to_update WS
      by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init count_decided_0_iff)
      using inv hd_C lev SOC_T dec' confl in_literals_to_update WS
      by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init count_decided_0_iff)
      using inv hd_C lev SOC_T dec' confl in_literals_to_update WS
      by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init count_decided_0_iff)
      using inv hd_C lev SOC_T dec' confl in_literals_to_update WS
      by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init count_decided_0_iff)
      using inv hd_C lev SOC_T dec' confl in_literals_to_update WS
      by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init count_decided_0_iff uminus_lit_of_image_mset)
      using inv hd_C lev SOC_T dec' confl in_literals_to_update WS
      by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init count_decided_0_iff uminus_lit_of_image_mset)
  have 3: propagate_unit_init_l L S  SPEC(λS. twl_list_invs (fst (S)))
    using add_inv assms
    by (auto simp: S twl_list_invs_def propagate_unit_init_l_def cons_trail_propagate_l_def
       intro!: ASSERT_leI)
  show ?pre
    using assms 3 2 1
    unfolding init_dt_pre_def cons_trail_propagate_l_def
    propagate_unit_init_l_def S
    apply (simp only: S get_trail_l_init.simps not_False_eq_True assert.ASSERT_simps
      nres_monad3 nres_monad1 nres_order_simps mem_Collect_eq)
    apply (rule exI[of _ propagate_unit_init L T])
    using WS dec in_literals_to_update OC'_empty confl
    by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init)
  show ?spec
    using assms 1 2 3
    unfolding init_dt_spec_def cons_trail_propagate_l_def propagate_unit_init_l_def S
    apply (simp only: S get_trail_l_init.simps not_False_eq_True assert.ASSERT_simps
      nres_monad3 nres_monad1 nres_order_simps mem_Collect_eq)
    apply (rule exI[of _ propagate_unit_init L T])
    using WS dec in_literals_to_update OC'_empty confl C'
    by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init S
      simp flip: mset_remdups_remdups_mset)

lemma [twl_st_l_init]:
  get_trail_l_init (set_conflict_init_l C S) = get_trail_l_init S
  literals_to_update_l_init (set_conflict_init_l C S) = {#}
  clauses_to_update_l_init (set_conflict_init_l C S) = {#}
  get_conflict_l_init (set_conflict_init_l C S) = Some (mset C)
  get_unit_clauses_l_init (set_conflict_init_l C S) = add_mset (mset C) (get_unit_clauses_l_init S)
  get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init (set_conflict_init_l C S) = get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init S
  get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init (set_conflict_init_l C S) = get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init S
  get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init (set_conflict_init_l C S) = get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init S
  get_learned_clauses0_l_init (set_conflict_init_l C S) = get_learned_clauses0_l_init S
  get_init_clauses0_l_init (set_conflict_init_l C S) = get_init_clauses0_l_init S
  get_clauses_l_init (set_conflict_init_l C S) = get_clauses_l_init S
  other_clauses_l_init (set_conflict_init_l C S) = other_clauses_l_init S
  by (cases S; auto simp: set_conflict_init_l_def; fail)+

lemma init_dt_pre_set_conflict_init_l:
    [simp]: get_conflict_l_init S = None and
    pre: init_dt_pre (C' # CS) S and
    false: L  set C.  -L  lits_of_l (get_trail_l_init S) and
    nempty: C  [] and
    C': mset (remdups C') = mset C
    init_dt_pre CS (set_conflict_init_l C S) (is ?pre) and
    init_dt_spec [C'] S (set_conflict_init_l C S) (is ?spec)
proof -
  have dist_C: distinct C
    using C' using same_mset_distinct_iff by blast
  obtain T where
    SOC_T: (S, T)  twl_st_l_init and
    inv: twl_struct_invs_init T and
    WS: clauses_to_update_l_init S = {#} and
    dec: sset (get_trail_l_init S). ¬ is_decided s and
    in_literals_to_update: get_conflict_l_init S = None 
     literals_to_update_l_init S = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_l_init S) and
    add_inv: twl_list_invs (fst S) and
    stgy_inv: twl_stgy_invs (fst T) and
    OC'_empty: other_clauses_l_init S  {#}  get_conflict_l_init S  None and
    tauto: C∈#ran_mf (get_clauses_l_init S). ¬ tautology (mset C)
    using pre C' unfolding init_dt_pre_def
    apply -
    apply normalize_goal+
    by force
  obtain M N D NE UE NEk UEk Q U OC NS US N0 U0 where
    S: S = ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, Q), OC)
    by (cases S) auto
  have [simp]: twl_list_invs (fst (set_conflict_init_l C S))
    using add_inv by (auto simp:  set_conflict_init_l_def S
  have [simp]: (set_conflict_init_l C S, set_conflict_init C T)
    using SOC_T by (cases S) (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_def set_conflict_init_l_def convert_lit.simps
  have dec': count_decided (get_trail_init T) = 0
    apply (subst count_decided_0_iff)
    apply (subst twl_st_l_init_no_decision_iff)
    using SOC_T dec SOC_T by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init convert_lits_l_def)
  have [simp]: twl_stgy_invs (fst (set_conflict_init C T))
    using stgy_inv dec' nempty count_decided_ge_get_level[of get_trail_init T]
    unfolding twl_stgy_invs_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_stgy_invariant_def
       cdclW_restart_mset.conflict_non_zero_unless_level_0_def cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_confl_def
    by (cases T; cases C)
       (auto 5 5 simp: cdclW_restart_mset_state clauses_def)
  note clauses_to_update_inv.simps[simp del] valid_enqueued_alt_simps[simp del]
  have [simp]: twl_struct_invs_init (set_conflict_init C T)
    apply (rule twl_struct_invs_init_set_conflict_init)
      using inv nempty dist_C SOC_T dec false nempty
      by (auto simp: twl_st_init count_decided_0_iff)
      using inv nempty dist_C SOC_T dec' false nempty
      by (auto simp: twl_st_init count_decided_0_iff)
      using inv nempty dist_C SOC_T dec false nempty
      by (auto simp: twl_st_init count_decided_0_iff)
      using inv nempty dist_C SOC_T dec false nempty
      by (auto simp: twl_st_init count_decided_0_iff)
      using inv nempty dist_C SOC_T dec false nempty
      by (auto simp: twl_st_init count_decided_0_iff)
      using inv nempty dist_C SOC_T dec false nempty
      by (auto simp: twl_st_init count_decided_0_iff)
  show ?pre
    unfolding init_dt_pre_def
    apply (rule exI[of _ set_conflict_init C T])
    using WS dec in_literals_to_update OC'_empty tauto by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init)
  show ?spec
    unfolding init_dt_spec_def
    apply (rule exI[of _ set_conflict_init C T])
    using WS dec in_literals_to_update OC'_empty C' by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init)

lemma [twl_st_init]:
  get_trail_init (add_empty_conflict_init T) = get_trail_init T
  get_conflict_init (add_empty_conflict_init T) = Some {#}
  clauses_to_update_init (add_empty_conflict_init T) =  clauses_to_update_init T
  literals_to_update_init (add_empty_conflict_init T) = {#}
  by (cases T; auto simp:; fail)+

lemma [twl_st_l_init]:
  get_trail_l_init (add_empty_conflict_init_l T) = get_trail_l_init T
  get_conflict_l_init (add_empty_conflict_init_l T) = Some {#}
  clauses_to_update_l_init (add_empty_conflict_init_l T) =  clauses_to_update_l_init T
  literals_to_update_l_init (add_empty_conflict_init_l T) = {#}
  get_unit_clauses_l_init (add_empty_conflict_init_l T) = get_unit_clauses_l_init T
  get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init (add_empty_conflict_init_l T) = get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init T
  get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init (add_empty_conflict_init_l T) = get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init T
  get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init (add_empty_conflict_init_l T) = get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init T
  get_clauses_l_init (add_empty_conflict_init_l T) = get_clauses_l_init T
  get_init_clauses0_l_init (add_empty_conflict_init_l T) = add_mset {#} (get_init_clauses0_l_init T)
  get_learned_clauses0_l_init (add_empty_conflict_init_l T) = get_learned_clauses0_l_init T
  other_clauses_l_init (add_empty_conflict_init_l T) = (other_clauses_l_init T)
  by (cases T; auto simp: add_empty_conflict_init_l_def; fail)+

lemma twl_struct_invs_init_add_empty_conflict_init_l:
    lev: count_decided (get_trail (fst T)) = 0 and
    invs: twl_struct_invs_init T and
    WS: clauses_to_update_init T = {#}
  shows twl_struct_invs_init (add_empty_conflict_init T)
      (is ?all_struct)
proof -
  obtain M N U D NE UE Q OC NS US N0 U0 where
    T: T = ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, Q), OC)
    using WS by (cases T) auto
  let ?T = (M, N, U, Some {#}, NE, UE, NS, US, add_mset {#} N0, U0, {#}, {#})
  have cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (M, clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0, clauses U + UE + US + U0, D) and
    pinvs: pcdcl_all_struct_invs (pstateW_of_init ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, Q), OC))
    using invs unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def by auto
  then have
   cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (M, add_mset {#} (clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0),
        clauses U + UE + US + U0, Some {#})
    unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def
    by (auto 5 5 simp: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
       cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def cdclW_restart_mset_state
       cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_conflicting_def
       cdclW_restart_mset.distinct_cdclW_state_def all_decomposition_implies_def
       clauses_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause_alt_def
  then have pinvs: pcdcl_all_struct_invs (pstateW_of_init (?T, OC))
    using pinvs count_decided_ge_get_level[of M] lev
    unfolding pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def
    by (auto simp: T psubsumed_invs_def entailed_clss_inv_def clauses0_inv_def)
  have cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa (M, clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0, clauses U + UE + US + U0, D)
    using invs unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def by auto
  then have [simp]:
     cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa (M, add_mset {#} (clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0),
        clauses U + UE + US + U0, Some {#})
    using lev
    by (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa_def cdclW_restart_mset_state
        clauses_def T count_decided_0_iff)

  have [simp]: confl_cands_enqueued ?T
    propa_cands_enqueued ?T
    twl_st_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, Q)  twl_st_inv ?T
    x.  twl_exception_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, Q) x  twl_exception_inv ?T x
    clauses_to_update_inv (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, Q)  clauses_to_update_inv ?T
    past_invs (M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, Q)  past_invs ?T
    by (auto simp: twl_st_inv.simps twl_exception_inv.simps past_invs.simps; fail)+

  show ?all_struct
    using invs pinvs
    unfolding twl_struct_invs_init_def T
    unfolding fst_conv add_to_other_init.simps stateW_of_init.simps get_conflict.simps
    by (clarsimp simp del: entailed_clss_inv.simps)

lemma init_dt_pre_add_empty_conflict_init_l:
    confl[simp]: get_conflict_l_init S = None and
    pre: init_dt_pre ([] # CS) S
    init_dt_pre CS (add_empty_conflict_init_l S) (is ?pre)
    init_dt_spec [[]] S (add_empty_conflict_init_l S) (is ?spec)
proof -
  obtain T where
    SOC_T: (S, T)  twl_st_l_init and
    inv: twl_struct_invs_init T and
    WS: clauses_to_update_l_init S = {#} and
    dec: sset (get_trail_l_init S). ¬ is_decided s and
    in_literals_to_update: get_conflict_l_init S = None 
     literals_to_update_l_init S = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_l_init S) and
    add_inv: twl_list_invs (fst S) and
    stgy_inv: twl_stgy_invs (fst T) and
    OC'_empty: other_clauses_l_init S  {#}  get_conflict_l_init S  None and
    tauto: C∈#ran_mf (get_clauses_l_init S). ¬ tautology (mset C)
    using pre unfolding init_dt_pre_def
    apply -
    apply normalize_goal+
    by force
  obtain M N D NE UE NEk UEk Q U OC NS US N0 U0 where
    S: S = ((M, N, U, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, Q), OC)
    by (cases S) auto
  have [simp]: twl_list_invs (fst (add_empty_conflict_init_l S))
    using add_inv by (auto simp: add_empty_conflict_init_l_def S
  have [simp]: (add_empty_conflict_init_l S, add_empty_conflict_init T)
    using SOC_T by (cases S) (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_def add_empty_conflict_init_l_def)
  have dec': count_decided (get_trail_init T) = 0
    apply (subst count_decided_0_iff)
    apply (subst twl_st_l_init_no_decision_iff)
    using SOC_T dec SOC_T by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init convert_lits_l_def)
  have [simp]: twl_stgy_invs (fst (add_empty_conflict_init T))
    using stgy_inv dec' count_decided_ge_get_level[of get_trail_init T]
    unfolding twl_stgy_invs_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_stgy_invariant_def
       cdclW_restart_mset.conflict_non_zero_unless_level_0_def cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_confl_def
    by (cases T)
       (auto 5 5 simp: cdclW_restart_mset_state clauses_def)
  note clauses_to_update_inv.simps[simp del] valid_enqueued_alt_simps[simp del]
  have [simp]: twl_struct_invs_init (add_empty_conflict_init T)
    apply (rule twl_struct_invs_init_add_empty_conflict_init_l)
    using inv SOC_T dec' WS
    by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init count_decided_0_iff )
  show ?pre
    unfolding init_dt_pre_def
    apply (rule exI[of _ add_empty_conflict_init T])
    using WS dec in_literals_to_update OC'_empty tauto by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init)
  show ?spec
    unfolding init_dt_spec_def
    apply (rule exI[of _ add_empty_conflict_init T])
    using WS dec in_literals_to_update OC'_empty by (auto simp: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init)

lemma [twl_st_l_init]:
  get_trail (fst (add_to_clauses_init a T)) = get_trail_init T
  by (cases T; auto; fail)

lemma [twl_st_l_init]:
  other_clauses_l_init (T, OC) = OC
  clauses_to_update_l_init (T, OC) = clauses_to_update_l T
  by (cases T; auto; fail)+

lemma twl_struct_invs_init_add_to_clauses_init:
    lev: count_decided (get_trail_init T) = 0 and
    invs: twl_struct_invs_init T and
    confl: get_conflict_init T = None and
    MQ: literals_to_update_init T = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_init T) and
    WS: clauses_to_update_init T = {#} and
   dist_C: distinct C and
   le_2: length C  2
    twl_struct_invs_init (add_to_clauses_init C T)
      (is ?all_struct)
proof -
  obtain M N U NE UE OC WS NS US N0 U0 where
    T: T = ((M, N, U, None, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, uminus `# lit_of `# mset M), OC)
    using confl MQ by (cases T) auto
  let ?Q = uminus `# lit_of `# mset M

  let ?S = (M, N, U, None, NE, UE, NS, US, WS, ?Q)
  have [simp]: get_all_ann_decomposition M = [([], M)]
    by (rule no_decision_get_all_ann_decomposition) (use lev in auto simp: T count_decided_0_iff)
  have cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (M, (clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0), clauses U + UE + US + U0,  None) and
    excep: twl_st_exception_inv (M, N, U, None, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, ?Q) and
    st_inv: twl_st_inv (M, N, U, None, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, ?Q) and
    pinvs: pcdcl_all_struct_invs
       (pstateW_of_init ((M, N, U, None, NE, UE, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, uminus `# lit_of `# mset M), OC))
    using invs confl unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def by auto
  then have
   cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (M, add_mset (mset C) (clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0),
     clauses U + UE + US + U0, None) and
   n_d: no_dup M
    using dist_C
    by (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
       cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def cdclW_restart_mset_state
       cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_conflicting_def
       cdclW_restart_mset.distinct_cdclW_state_def all_decomposition_implies_def
      clauses_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause_alt_def)
  then have pinvs': pcdcl_all_struct_invs (pstateW_of_init (add_to_clauses_init C T))
    using invs unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def
    by (auto simp: entailed_clss_inv_def psubsumed_invs_def mset_take_mset_drop_mset' clauses0_inv_def)
  have cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa (M, clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0, clauses U + UE + US + U0, None)
    using invs confl unfolding T twl_struct_invs_init_def by auto
  then have [simp]:
     cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa (M, add_mset (mset C) (clauses N + OC + NE + NS + N0),
        clauses U + UE + US + U0,  None)
    using lev
    by (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa_def cdclW_restart_mset_state
        clauses_def T count_decided_0_iff)

  have struct: struct_wf_twl_cls C if C ∈# N + U for C
    using st_inv that by (simp add: twl_st_inv.simps)

  show twl_struct_invs_init (add_to_clauses_init C T)
    apply (rule twl_struct_invs_init_init_state)
    subgoal using lev by (auto simp: T)
    subgoal using struct dist_C le_2 by (auto simp: T mset_take_mset_drop_mset')
    subgoal using MQ by (auto simp: T)
    subgoal using WS by (auto simp: T)
    subgoal using pinvs' by (simp add: T mset_take_mset_drop_mset')
    subgoal by (auto simp: T mset_take_mset_drop_mset')
    subgoal by (auto simp: T)

lemma get_trail_init_add_to_clauses_init[simp]:
  get_trail_init (add_to_clauses_init a T) = get_trail_init T
  by (cases T) auto

lemma init_dt_pre_add_to_clauses_init_l:
    D: get_conflict_l_init S = None and
    a: length a  Suc 0 a  [] and
    pre: init_dt_pre (a' # CS) S and
    sset (get_trail_l_init S). ¬ is_decided s and
    C': mset (remdups a') = mset a and
    not_tauto: ¬tautology (mset a')
    add_to_clauses_init_l a S  SPEC (init_dt_pre CS) (is ?pre) and
    add_to_clauses_init_l a S  SPEC (init_dt_spec [a'] S) (is ?spec)
proof -
  have not_tauto': ¬tautology (mset a)
    by (metis C' consistent_interp_tautology not_tauto set_remdups)
  obtain T where
    SOC_T: (S, T)  twl_st_l_init and
    inv: twl_struct_invs_init T and
    WS: clauses_to_update_l_init S = {#} and
    dec: sset (get_trail_l_init S). ¬ is_decided s and
    in_literals_to_update: get_conflict_l_init S = None 
     literals_to_update_l_init S = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_l_init S) and
    add_inv: twl_list_invs (fst S) and
    stgy_inv: twl_stgy_invs (fst T) and
    OC'_empty: other_clauses_l_init S  {#}  get_conflict_l_init S  None and
    tauto: C∈#ran_mf (get_clauses_l_init S). ¬ tautology (mset C)
    using pre unfolding init_dt_pre_def
    apply -
    apply normalize_goal+
    by force
  have dec': L  set (get_trail_init T). ¬is_decided L
    using SOC_T dec apply -
    apply (rule twl_st_l_init_no_decision_iff[THEN iffD2])
    using SOC_T dec SOC_T by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init convert_lits_l_def)
  obtain M N NE UE NEk UEk Q OC NS US N0 U0 where
    S: S = ((M, N, None, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, Q), OC)
    using D WS by (cases S) auto
  have le_2: length a  2
    using a by (cases a) auto
    init_dt_pre CS ((M, fmupd i (a, True) N, None, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, Q), OC) (is ?pre1) and
    init_dt_spec [a'] S
          ((M, fmupd i (a, True) N, None, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, Q), OC) (is ?spec1)
      i_0: 0 < i and
      i_dom: i ∉# dom_m N
    for i :: nat
  proof -
    let ?S = ((M, fmupd i (a, True) N, None, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, Q), OC)
    have Propagated L i  set M for L
      using add_inv i_dom i_0 unfolding S
      by (auto simp: twl_list_invs_def)
    then have (?S, add_to_clauses_init a T)  twl_st_l_init
      using SOC_T i_dom
      by (auto simp: S twl_st_l_init_def init_clss_l_mapsto_upd_notin
          learned_clss_l_mapsto_upd_notin_irrelev convert_lit.simps
          intro!: convert_lits_l_extend_mono[of _ _ N NEk+UEk fmupd i (a, True) N])
    moreover have twl_struct_invs_init (add_to_clauses_init a T)
      apply (rule twl_struct_invs_init_add_to_clauses_init)
        apply (subst count_decided_0_iff)
        apply (subst twl_st_l_init_no_decision_iff)
        using SOC_T dec SOC_T by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init convert_lits_l_def)
      subgoal by (use dec SOC_T in_literals_to_update in
          auto simp: S count_decided_0_iff twl_st_l_init twl_st_init le_2 inv)
      subgoal by (use dec SOC_T in_literals_to_update in
          auto simp: S count_decided_0_iff twl_st_l_init twl_st_init le_2 inv)
      subgoal by (use dec SOC_T in_literals_to_update in
          auto simp: S count_decided_0_iff twl_st_l_init twl_st_init le_2 inv)
      subgoal by (use dec SOC_T in_literals_to_update in
          auto simp: S count_decided_0_iff twl_st_l_init twl_st_init le_2 inv)
      subgoal using C' same_mset_distinct_iff by blast
      subgoal by (use dec SOC_T in_literals_to_update in
          auto simp: S count_decided_0_iff twl_st_l_init twl_st_init le_2 inv)
    moreover have twl_list_invs (M, fmupd i (a, True) N, None, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, Q)
      using add_inv i_dom i_0 not_tauto' by (auto simp: S twl_list_invs_def ran_m_mapsto_upd_notin)
    moreover have twl_stgy_invs (fst (add_to_clauses_init a T))
      by (rule twl_stgy_invs_backtrack_lvl_0)
        (use dec' SOC_T in auto simp: S count_decided_0_iff twl_st_l_init twl_st_init
    ultimately show ?pre1 ?spec1
      unfolding init_dt_pre_def init_dt_spec_def apply -
        apply (rule exI[of _ add_to_clauses_init a T])
        using dec OC'_empty in_literals_to_update tauto not_tauto' by (auto simp: S
          ran_m_mapsto_upd_notin i_dom)
        apply (rule exI[of _ add_to_clauses_init a T])
        using dec OC'_empty in_literals_to_update i_dom i_0 a C'
        by (auto simp: S learned_clss_l_mapsto_upd_notin_irrelev ran_m_mapsto_upd_notin
  then show ?pre ?spec
    by (auto simp: S add_to_clauses_init_l_def get_fresh_index_def RES_RETURN_RES)

lemma init_dt_pre_init_dt_step:
  assumes pre: init_dt_pre (a # CS) SOC
  shows init_dt_step a SOC  SPEC (λSOC'. init_dt_pre CS SOC'  init_dt_spec [a] SOC SOC')
proof -
  obtain S OC where SOC: SOC = (S, OC)
    by (cases SOC) auto
  obtain T where
    SOC_T: ((S, OC), T)  twl_st_l_init and
    inv: twl_struct_invs_init T and
    WS: clauses_to_update_l_init (S, OC) = {#} and
    dec: sset (get_trail_l_init (S, OC)). ¬ is_decided s and
    in_literals_to_update: get_conflict_l_init (S, OC) = None 
     literals_to_update_l_init (S, OC) = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_l_init (S, OC)) and
    add_inv: twl_list_invs (fst (S, OC)) and
    stgy_inv: twl_stgy_invs (fst T) and
    OC'_empty: other_clauses_l_init (S, OC)  {#}  get_conflict_l_init (S, OC)  None and
    tauto: C∈#ran_mf (get_clauses_l_init (S, OC)). ¬ tautology (mset C)
    using pre unfolding SOC init_dt_pre_def
    apply -
    apply normalize_goal+
    by presburger
  have dec': sset (get_trail_init T). ¬ is_decided s
    using SOC_T dec by (rule twl_st_l_init_no_decision_iff[THEN iffD2])

  obtain M N D NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 Q where
    S: SOC = ((M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, Q), OC)
    using WS by (cases SOC) (auto simp: SOC)
  then have S': S = (M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, Q)
    using S unfolding SOC by auto
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases get_conflict_l (fst SOC))
    case None
    then show ?thesis
      using pre dec
      unfolding init_dt_step_def remdups_clause_def
      by refine_vcg
        (auto simp add: Let_def count_decided_0_iff SOC twl_st_l_init twl_st_init
          true_annot_iff_decided_or_true_lit length_list_Suc_0
          init_dt_step_def get_fresh_index_def RES_RETURN_RES
          intro: init_dt_pre_already_propagated_unit_init_l init_dt_pre_set_conflict_init_l
            init_dt_pre_propagate_unit_init init_dt_pre_add_empty_conflict_init_l
            init_dt_pre_add_to_clauses_init_l init_dt_pre_add_to_tautology_init_l
          intro!: SPEC_rule_conjI
          dest: init_dt_pre_ConsD in_lits_of_l_defined_litD tautology_length_ge2
          simp flip: mset_remdups_remdups_mset)
    case  (Some D')
    then have [simp]: D = Some D'
      by (auto simp: S)
    have [simp]:
       (((M, N, Some D', NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, Q), add_mset (remdups_mset (mset a)) OC),
           add_to_other_init a T)
          twl_st_l_init for a
      using SOC_T by (cases T; auto simp: S S' twl_st_l_init_def; fail)+
    have init_dt_pre CS ((M, N, Some D', NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, Q), add_mset (remdups_mset (mset a)) OC)
      unfolding init_dt_pre_def
      apply (rule exI[of _ add_to_other_init (a) T])
      using inv WS dec' dec in_literals_to_update add_inv stgy_inv SOC_T tauto
      by (auto simp: S' count_decided_0_iff twl_st_init
          intro!: twl_struct_invs_init_add_to_other_init)
    moreover have init_dt_spec [a] ((M, N, Some D', NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, Q), OC)
      ((M, N, Some D', NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, Q), add_mset (remdups_mset (mset a)) OC)
      unfolding init_dt_spec_def
      apply (rule exI[of _ add_to_other_init (a) T])
      using inv WS dec dec' in_literals_to_update add_inv stgy_inv SOC_T
      by (auto simp: S' count_decided_0_iff twl_st_init
          intro!: twl_struct_invs_init_add_to_other_init)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (auto simp: S init_dt_step_def)

lemma [twl_st_l_init]:
  get_trail_l_init (S, OC) = get_trail_l S
  literals_to_update_l_init (S, OC) = literals_to_update_l S
  by (cases S; auto; fail)+

lemma init_dt_spec_append:
    spec1: init_dt_spec CS S T  and
    spec: init_dt_spec CS' T U
  shows init_dt_spec (CS @ CS') S U
proof -
  obtain T' where
    TT': (T, T')  twl_st_l_init and
    twl_struct_invs_init T' and
    clauses_to_update_l_init T = {#} and
    sset (get_trail_l_init T). ¬ is_decided s and
    get_conflict_l_init T = None 
     literals_to_update_l_init T = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_l_init T) and
    clss: remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS + mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l_init S) + other_clauses_l_init S +
        get_unit_clauses_l_init S +
        get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init S +
        get_init_clauses0_l_init S =
        mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l_init T) + other_clauses_l_init T + get_unit_clauses_l_init T +
        get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init T +
        get_init_clauses0_l_init T and
    learned: learned_clss_lf (get_clauses_l_init S) = learned_clss_lf (get_clauses_l_init T) and
      get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init S = get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init T
      get_learned_clauses0_l_init S = get_learned_clauses0_l_init T
      get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init S = get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init T and
    twl_list_invs (fst T) and
    twl_stgy_invs (fst T') and
    other_clauses_l_init T  {#}  get_conflict_l_init T  None and
    empty: {#} ∈# mset `# mset CS  get_conflict_l_init T  None and
    confl_kept: get_conflict_l_init S  None  get_conflict_l_init S = get_conflict_l_init T
    using spec1
    unfolding init_dt_spec_def apply -
    apply normalize_goal+
    by presburger

  obtain U' where
    UU': (U, U')  twl_st_l_init and
    struct_invs: twl_struct_invs_init U' and
    WS: clauses_to_update_l_init U = {#} and
    dec: sset (get_trail_l_init U). ¬ is_decided s and
    confl: get_conflict_l_init U = None 
     literals_to_update_l_init U = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_l_init U) and
    clss': remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS' + mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l_init T) + other_clauses_l_init T +
     get_unit_clauses_l_init T + get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init T + get_init_clauses0_l_init T =
     mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l_init U) + other_clauses_l_init U + get_unit_clauses_l_init U +
     get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init U + get_init_clauses0_l_init U and
    learned': learned_clss_lf (get_clauses_l_init T) = learned_clss_lf (get_clauses_l_init U) and
    unit_le': get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init U = get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init T
      get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init U = get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init T
      get_learned_clauses0_l_init U = get_learned_clauses0_l_init T and
    list_invs: twl_list_invs (fst U) and
    stgy_invs: twl_stgy_invs (fst U') and
    oth: other_clauses_l_init U  {#}  get_conflict_l_init U  None and
    empty': {#} ∈# mset `# mset CS'  get_conflict_l_init U  None and
    confl_kept': get_conflict_l_init T  None  get_conflict_l_init T = get_conflict_l_init U
    using spec
    unfolding init_dt_spec_def apply -
    apply normalize_goal+
    by metis
  have remdups_mset `# mset `# mset (CS @ CS') + mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l_init S) + other_clauses_l_init S +
    get_unit_clauses_l_init S + get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init S + get_init_clauses0_l_init S =
    remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS' + (remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS + mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l_init S) + other_clauses_l_init S +
    get_unit_clauses_l_init S + get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init S + get_init_clauses0_l_init S)
    by auto
  also have ... = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS' + mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l_init T) + other_clauses_l_init T +
        get_unit_clauses_l_init T + get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init T + get_init_clauses0_l_init T
    unfolding clss by (auto simp: ac_simps)
  finally have eq: remdups_mset `# mset `# mset (CS @ CS') + mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l_init S) + other_clauses_l_init S +
    get_unit_clauses_l_init S +
    get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init S +
    get_init_clauses0_l_init S =
    mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l_init U) + other_clauses_l_init U + get_unit_clauses_l_init U +
    get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init U +
    get_init_clauses0_l_init U
    unfolding clss' .
  show ?thesis
    unfolding init_dt_spec_def apply -
    apply (rule exI[of _ U'])
    apply (intro conjI)
    subgoal using UU' .
    subgoal using struct_invs .
    subgoal using WS .
    subgoal using dec .
    subgoal using confl .
    subgoal using eq .
    subgoal using learned' learned by simp
    subgoal using unit_le unit_le' by simp
    subgoal using unit_le unit_le' learned by auto
    subgoal using unit_le unit_le' learned by auto
    subgoal using list_invs .
    subgoal using stgy_invs .
    subgoal using oth .
    subgoal using empty empty' oth confl_kept' by auto
    subgoal using confl_kept confl_kept' by auto

lemma init_dt_full:
  fixes CS :: 'v literal list list and SOC :: 'v twl_st_l_init and S'
    S  fst SOC and
    OC  snd SOC
    init_dt_pre CS SOC
    init_dt CS SOC  SPEC (init_dt_spec CS SOC)
  using assms unfolding S_def OC_def
proof (induction CS arbitrary: SOC)
  case Nil
  then obtain S OC where SOC: SOC = (S, OC)
    by (cases SOC) auto
  from Nil
  obtain T where
    T: (SOC, T)  twl_st_l_init
      twl_struct_invs_init T
      clauses_to_update_l_init SOC = {#}
      sset (get_trail_l_init SOC). ¬ is_decided s
      get_conflict_l_init SOC = None 
       literals_to_update_l_init SOC =
       uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_l_init SOC)
      twl_list_invs (fst SOC)
      twl_stgy_invs (fst T)
      other_clauses_l_init SOC  {#}  get_conflict_l_init SOC  None
    unfolding init_dt_pre_def apply -
    apply normalize_goal+
    by auto

  then show ?case
    unfolding init_dt_def SOC init_dt_spec_def nfoldli_simps
    apply (intro RETURN_rule)
    unfolding prod.simps
    apply (rule exI[of _ T])
    using T by (auto simp: SOC twl_st_init twl_st_l_init)
  case (Cons a CS) note IH = this(1) and pre = this(2)
  note init_dt_step_def[simp]
  have 1: init_dt_step a SOC  SPEC (λSOC'. init_dt_pre CS SOC'  init_dt_spec [a] SOC SOC')
    by (rule init_dt_pre_init_dt_step[OF pre])
  have 2: init_dt_spec (a # CS) SOC UOC
    if spec: init_dt_spec CS T UOC and
       spec': init_dt_spec [a] SOC T for T UOC
    using init_dt_spec_append[OF spec' spec] by simp
  show ?case
    unfolding init_dt_def nfoldli_simps if_True
    apply (rule specify_left)
     apply (rule 1)
    apply (rule order.trans)
    unfolding init_dt_def[symmetric]
     apply (rule IH)
     apply (solves simp)
    apply (rule SPEC_rule)
    by (rule 2) fast+

lemma init_dt_pre_empty_state:
  init_dt_pre [] (([], fmempty, None, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#},{#}, {#},{#}), {#})
  unfolding init_dt_pre_def
  by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_def twl_struct_invs_init_def twl_st_inv.simps
      twl_struct_invs_def twl_st_inv.simps cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
      cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv_def
      cdclW_restart_mset.distinct_cdclW_state_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_conflicting_def
      cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause_alt_def cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa_def
      past_invs.simps clauses_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def clauses0_inv_def
      cdclW_restart_mset_state twl_list_invs_def psubsumed_invs_def
      twl_stgy_invs_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_stgy_invariant_def
      cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_confl_def entailed_clss_inv_def

lemma twl_init_invs:
  twl_struct_invs_init (([], {#}, {#}, None, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#},{#}, {#},{#}), {#})
  twl_list_invs ([], fmempty, None, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#},{#}, {#},{#})
  twl_stgy_invs ([], {#}, {#}, None, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#},{#})
  by (auto simp: twl_struct_invs_init_def twl_st_inv.simps twl_list_invs_def twl_stgy_invs_def
      twl_struct_invs_def twl_st_inv.simps cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
      cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv_def
      cdclW_restart_mset.distinct_cdclW_state_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_conflicting_def
      cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause_alt_def cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa_def
      past_invs.simps clauses_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def clauses0_inv_def
      cdclW_restart_mset_state twl_list_invs_def psubsumed_invs_def
      twl_stgy_invs_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_stgy_invariant_def
      cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_confl_def entailed_clss_inv_def