Theory CDCL_W_Partial_Optimal_Model

theory CDCL_W_Partial_Optimal_Model
  imports CDCL_W_Partial_Encoding
lemma isabelle_should_do_that_automatically: Suc (a - Suc 0) = a  a  1
  by auto

lemma (in conflict_driven_clause_learningW_optimal_weight)
  conflict_opt S T  S  S'  T  T'  conflict_opt S' T'
  using state_eq_trans[of T' T
    update_conflicting (Some (negate_ann_lits (trail S'))) S]
  using state_eq_trans[of T
    update_conflicting (Some (negate_ann_lits (trail S'))) S
    update_conflicting (Some (negate_ann_lits (trail S'))) S']
  update_conflicting_state_eq[of S S' Some {#}]
  apply (auto simp: conflict_opt.simps state_eq_sym)
  using reduce_trail_to_state_eq state_eq_trans update_conflicting_state_eq by blast

context optimal_encoding

definition base_atm :: 'v  'v where
  base_atm L = (if L  Σ - ΔΣ then L else
    if L  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ then (SOME K. (K  ΔΣ  L = replacement_neg K))
    else (SOME K. (K  ΔΣ  L = replacement_pos K)))

lemma normalize_lit_Some_simp[simp]: (SOME K. K  ΔΣ  (L0 = K0)) = L if L  ΔΣ for K
  by (rule some1_equality) (use that in auto)

lemma base_atm_simps1[simp]:
  L  Σ  L  ΔΣ  base_atm L = L
  by (auto simp: base_atm_def)

lemma base_atm_simps2[simp]:
  L  (Σ - ΔΣ)  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ 
    K  Σ  K  ΔΣ  L  Σ  K = base_atm L  L = K
  by (auto simp: base_atm_def)

lemma base_atm_simps3[simp]:
  L  Σ - ΔΣ  base_atm L  Σ
  L  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ  base_atm L  ΔΣ
  apply (auto simp: base_atm_def)
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) tfl_some)

lemma base_atm_simps4[simp]:
  L  ΔΣ  base_atm (replacement_pos L) = L
  L  ΔΣ  base_atm (replacement_neg L) = L
  by (auto simp: base_atm_def)

fun normalize_lit :: 'v literal  'v literal where
  normalize_lit (Pos L) =
    (if L  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ
      then Neg (replacement_pos (SOME K. (K  ΔΣ  L = replacement_neg K)))
     else Pos L) |
  normalize_lit (Neg L) =
    (if L  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ
      then Pos (replacement_pos (SOME K. K  ΔΣ  L = replacement_neg K))
     else Neg L)

abbreviation normalize_clause :: 'v clause  'v clause where
normalize_clause C  normalize_lit `# C

lemma normalize_lit[simp]:
  L  Σ - ΔΣ  normalize_lit (Pos L) = (Pos L)
  L  Σ - ΔΣ  normalize_lit (Neg L) = (Neg L)
  L  ΔΣ  normalize_lit (Pos (replacement_neg L)) = Neg (replacement_pos L)
  L  ΔΣ  normalize_lit (Neg (replacement_neg L)) = Pos (replacement_pos L)
  by auto

definition all_clauses_literals :: 'v list where
  all_clauses_literals =
    (SOME xs. mset xs = mset_set ((Σ - ΔΣ)  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ))

datatype (in -) 'c search_depth =
  sd_is_zero: SD_ZERO (the_search_depth: 'c) |
  sd_is_one: SD_ONE (the_search_depth: 'c) |
  sd_is_two: SD_TWO (the_search_depth: 'c)

abbreviation (in -) un_hide_sd :: 'a search_depth list  'a list where
  un_hide_sd  map the_search_depth

fun nat_of_search_deph :: 'c search_depth  nat where
  nat_of_search_deph (SD_ZERO _) = 0 |
  nat_of_search_deph (SD_ONE _) = 1 |
  nat_of_search_deph (SD_TWO _) = 2

definition opposite_var where
  opposite_var L = (if L  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ then replacement_neg (base_atm L)
    else replacement_pos (base_atm L))

lemma opposite_var_replacement_if[simp]:
  L  (replacement_neg ` ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ)  A  ΔΣ 
   opposite_var L = replacement_pos A  L = replacement_neg A
  L  (replacement_neg ` ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ)  A  ΔΣ 
   opposite_var L = replacement_neg A  L = replacement_pos A
  A  ΔΣ  opposite_var (replacement_pos A) = replacement_neg A
  A  ΔΣ  opposite_var (replacement_neg A) = replacement_pos A
  by (auto simp: opposite_var_def)

  assumes [simp]: finite Σ

lemma all_clauses_literals:
  mset all_clauses_literals = mset_set ((Σ - ΔΣ)  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ)
  distinct all_clauses_literals
  set all_clauses_literals = ((Σ - ΔΣ)  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ)
proof -
  let ?A = mset_set ((Σ - ΔΣ)  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ 
      replacement_pos ` ΔΣ)
  show 1: mset all_clauses_literals = ?A
    using someI[of λxs. mset xs = ?A]
      finite_Σ ex_mset[of ?A]
    unfolding all_clauses_literals_def[symmetric]
    by metis
  show 2: distinct all_clauses_literals
    using someI[of λxs. mset xs = ?A]
      finite_Σ ex_mset[of ?A]
    unfolding all_clauses_literals_def[symmetric]
    by (metis distinct_mset_mset_set distinct_mset_mset_distinct)
  show 3: set all_clauses_literals = ((Σ - ΔΣ)  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ)
    using arg_cong[OF 1, of set_mset] finite_Σ
    by simp

definition unset_literals_in_Σ where
  unset_literals_in_Σ  M L  undefined_lit M (Pos L)  L  Σ - ΔΣ

definition full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ where
  full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ  M L 
    undefined_lit M (Pos L)  L  Σ - ΔΣ  undefined_lit M (Pos (opposite_var L)) 
    L  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ

definition full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ' where
  full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ'  M L 
    undefined_lit M (Pos L)  L  Σ - ΔΣ  undefined_lit M (Pos (opposite_var L)) 
    L  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ

definition half_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ where
  half_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ  M L 
    undefined_lit M (Pos L)  L  Σ - ΔΣ  defined_lit M (Pos (opposite_var L))

definition sorted_unadded_literals :: ('v, 'v clause) ann_lits  'v list where
sorted_unadded_literals M =
    M0 = filter (full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ' M) all_clauses_literals;
      ― ‹weight is 0
    M1 = filter (unset_literals_in_Σ M) all_clauses_literals;
      ― ‹weight is 2
    M2 = filter (full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ M) all_clauses_literals;
      ― ‹weight is 2
    M3 = filter (half_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ M) all_clauses_literals
      ― ‹weight is 1
    M0 @ M3 @ M1 @ M2)

definition complete_trail :: ('v, 'v clause) ann_lits  ('v, 'v clause) ann_lits where
complete_trail M =
  (map (Decided o Pos) (sorted_unadded_literals M) @ M)

lemma in_sorted_unadded_literals_undefD:
  atm_of (lit_of l)  set (sorted_unadded_literals M)  l  set M
  atm_of (l')  set (sorted_unadded_literals M)  undefined_lit M l'
  xa  set (sorted_unadded_literals M)  lit_of x = Neg xa   x  set M and
  set (sorted_unadded_literals M) =
     Set.filter (λL. undefined_lit M (Pos L)) (set all_clauses_literals)
  by (auto simp: sorted_unadded_literals_def undefined_notin  all_clauses_literals(1,2)
    defined_lit_Neg_Pos_iff half_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ_def full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ_def
    unset_literals_in_Σ_def Let_def full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ'_def

lemma [simp]:
  full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ [] = (λL. L  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ)
  full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ' [] = (λL. L  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ)
  half_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ [] = (λL. False)
  unset_literals_in_Σ [] = (λL. L  Σ - ΔΣ)
  by (auto simp: full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ_def
    unset_literals_in_Σ_def full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ'_def
    half_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ_def intro!: ext)

lemma filter_disjount_union:
  (x. x  set xs  P x  ¬Q x) 
   length (filter P xs) + length (filter Q xs) =
     length (filter (λx. P x  Q x) xs)
  by (induction xs) auto
lemma length_sorted_unadded_literals_empty[simp]:
  length (sorted_unadded_literals []) = length all_clauses_literals
  apply (auto simp: sorted_unadded_literals_def sum_length_filter_compl
    Let_def ac_simps filter_disjount_union)
  apply (subst filter_disjount_union)
  apply auto
  apply (subst filter_disjount_union)
  apply auto
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) Diff_iff UnE all_clauses_literals(3) filter_True)

lemma sorted_unadded_literals_Cons_notin_all_clauses_literals[simp]:
    atm_of (lit_of K)  set all_clauses_literals
    sorted_unadded_literals (K # M) = sorted_unadded_literals M
proof -
  have [simp]: filter (full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ' (K # M))
                            all_clauses_literals =
                           filter (full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ' M)
     filter (full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ (K # M))
                            all_clauses_literals =
                           filter (full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ M)
     filter (half_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ (K # M))
                            all_clauses_literals =
                           filter (half_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ M)
     filter (unset_literals_in_Σ (K # M)) all_clauses_literals =
       filter (unset_literals_in_Σ M) all_clauses_literals
   using assms unfolding full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ'_def  full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ_def
     half_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ_def unset_literals_in_Σ_def
   by (auto simp: sorted_unadded_literals_def undefined_notin all_clauses_literals(1,2)
         defined_lit_Neg_Pos_iff all_clauses_literals(3) defined_lit_cons
        intro!: ext filter_cong)

  show ?thesis
    by (auto simp: undefined_notin all_clauses_literals(1,2)
      defined_lit_Neg_Pos_iff all_clauses_literals(3) sorted_unadded_literals_def)

lemma sorted_unadded_literals_cong:
  assumes L. L  set all_clauses_literals  defined_lit M (Pos L) = defined_lit M' (Pos L)
  shows sorted_unadded_literals M = sorted_unadded_literals M'
proof -
  have [simp]: filter (full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ' (M))
                            all_clauses_literals =
                           filter (full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ' M')
     filter (full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ (M))
                            all_clauses_literals =
                           filter (full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ M')
     filter (half_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ (M))
                            all_clauses_literals =
                           filter (half_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ M')
     filter (unset_literals_in_Σ (M)) all_clauses_literals =
       filter (unset_literals_in_Σ M') all_clauses_literals
   using assms unfolding full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ'_def  full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ_def
     half_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ_def unset_literals_in_Σ_def
   by (auto simp: sorted_unadded_literals_def undefined_notin all_clauses_literals(1,2)
         defined_lit_Neg_Pos_iff all_clauses_literals(3) defined_lit_cons
        intro!: ext filter_cong)

  show ?thesis
    by (auto simp: undefined_notin all_clauses_literals(1,2)
      defined_lit_Neg_Pos_iff all_clauses_literals(3) sorted_unadded_literals_def)


lemma sorted_unadded_literals_Cons_already_set[simp]:
    defined_lit M (lit_of K)
    sorted_unadded_literals (K # M) = sorted_unadded_literals M
  by (rule sorted_unadded_literals_cong)
    (use assms in auto simp: defined_lit_cons)

lemma distinct_sorted_unadded_literals[simp]:
  distinct (sorted_unadded_literals M)
    unfolding half_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ_def
      full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ_def unset_literals_in_Σ_def
  by (auto simp: sorted_unadded_literals_def all_clauses_literals(1,2))

lemma Collect_req_remove1:
  {a  A. a  b  P a} = (if P b then Set.remove b {a  A. P a} else {a  A. P a}) and
  {a  A. b  a  P a} = (if P b then Set.remove b {a  A. P a} else {a  A. P a})
  by auto

lemma card_remove:
  card (Set.remove a A) = (if a  A then card A - 1 else card A)
  by (auto simp: Set.remove_def)

lemma sorted_unadded_literals_cons_in_undef[simp]:
  undefined_lit M (lit_of K) 
             atm_of (lit_of K)  set all_clauses_literals 
             Suc (length (sorted_unadded_literals (K # M))) =
             length (sorted_unadded_literals M)
  by (auto simp flip: distinct_card simp: Set.filter_def Collect_req_remove2
    card_remove isabelle_should_do_that_automatically
    card_gt_0_iff simp flip: less_eq_Suc_le)

lemma no_dup_complete_trail[simp]:
  no_dup (complete_trail M)  no_dup M
  by (auto simp: complete_trail_def no_dup_def comp_def all_clauses_literals(1,2)

lemma tautology_complete_trail[simp]:
  tautology (lit_of `# mset (complete_trail M))  tautology (lit_of `# mset M)
  by (auto simp: complete_trail_def tautology_decomp' comp_def all_clauses_literals
          undefined_notin uminus_lit_swap defined_lit_Neg_Pos_iff
       simp flip: defined_lit_Neg_Pos_iff)

lemma atms_of_complete_trail:
  atms_of (lit_of `# mset (complete_trail M)) =
     atms_of (lit_of `# mset M)  (Σ - ΔΣ)  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ
  by (auto simp add: complete_trail_def all_clauses_literals
    image_image image_Un atms_of_def defined_lit_map)

fun depth_lit_of :: ('v,_) ann_lit  ('v, _) ann_lit search_depth where
  depth_lit_of (Decided L) = SD_TWO (Decided L) |
  depth_lit_of (Propagated L C) = SD_ZERO (Propagated L C)

fun depth_lit_of_additional_fst :: ('v,_) ann_lit  ('v, _) ann_lit search_depth where
  depth_lit_of_additional_fst (Decided L) = SD_ONE (Decided L) |
  depth_lit_of_additional_fst (Propagated L C) = SD_ZERO (Propagated L C)

fun depth_lit_of_additional_snd :: ('v,_) ann_lit  ('v, _) ann_lit search_depth list where
  depth_lit_of_additional_snd (Decided L) = [SD_ONE (Decided L)] |
  depth_lit_of_additional_snd (Propagated L C) = []

  This function is suprisingly complicated to get right. Remember that the last set element
  is at the beginning of the list

fun remove_dup_information_raw :: ('v, _) ann_lits  ('v, _) ann_lit search_depth list where
  remove_dup_information_raw [] = [] |
  remove_dup_information_raw (L # M) =
     (if atm_of (lit_of L)  Σ - ΔΣ then depth_lit_of L # remove_dup_information_raw M
     else if defined_lit (M) (Pos (opposite_var (atm_of (lit_of L))))
     then if Decided (Pos (opposite_var (atm_of (lit_of L))))  set (M)
       then remove_dup_information_raw M
       else depth_lit_of_additional_fst L # remove_dup_information_raw M
     else depth_lit_of_additional_snd L @ remove_dup_information_raw M)

definition remove_dup_information where
  remove_dup_information xs = un_hide_sd (remove_dup_information_raw xs)

lemma [simp]: the_search_depth (depth_lit_of L) = L
  by (cases L) auto

lemma length_complete_trail[simp]: length (complete_trail []) = length all_clauses_literals
  unfolding complete_trail_def
  by (auto simp: sum_length_filter_compl)

lemma distinct_count_list_if: distinct xs  count_list xs x = (if x  set xs then 1 else 0)
  by (induction xs) auto

lemma length_complete_trail_Cons:
  no_dup (K # M) 
    length (complete_trail (K # M)) =
      (if atm_of (lit_of K)  set all_clauses_literals then 0 else 1) + length (complete_trail M)
  unfolding complete_trail_def by auto

lemma length_complete_trail_eq:
  no_dup M  atm_of ` (lits_of_l M)  set all_clauses_literals 
  length (complete_trail M) = length all_clauses_literals
  by (induction M rule: ann_lit_list_induct) (auto simp: length_complete_trail_Cons)

lemma in_set_all_clauses_literals_simp[simp]:
  atm_of L  Σ - ΔΣ  atm_of L  set all_clauses_literals
  K  ΔΣ  replacement_pos K  set all_clauses_literals
  K  ΔΣ  replacement_neg K  set all_clauses_literals
  by (auto simp: all_clauses_literals)

lemma [simp]:
  remove_dup_information [] = []
  by (auto simp: remove_dup_information_def)

lemma atm_of_remove_dup_information:
  atm_of ` (lits_of_l M)  set all_clauses_literals 
    atm_of ` (lits_of_l (remove_dup_information M))  set all_clauses_literals
    unfolding remove_dup_information_def
  apply (induction M rule: ann_lit_list_induct)
  apply (auto simp: Decided_Propagated_in_iff_in_lits_of_l lits_of_def image_image)

primrec remove_dup_information_raw2 :: ('v, _) ann_lits  ('v, _) ann_lits 
    ('v, _) ann_lit search_depth list where
  remove_dup_information_raw2 M' [] = [] |
  remove_dup_information_raw2 M' (L # M) =
     (if atm_of (lit_of L)  Σ - ΔΣ then depth_lit_of L # remove_dup_information_raw2 M' M
     else if defined_lit (M @ M') (Pos (opposite_var (atm_of (lit_of L))))
     then if Decided (Pos (opposite_var (atm_of (lit_of L))))  set (M @ M')
       then remove_dup_information_raw2 M' M
       else depth_lit_of_additional_fst L # remove_dup_information_raw2 M' M
     else depth_lit_of_additional_snd L @ remove_dup_information_raw2 M' M)

lemma remove_dup_information_raw2_Nil[simp]:
  remove_dup_information_raw2 [] M = remove_dup_information_raw M
  by (induction M) auto

text This can be useful as simp, but I am not certain (yet), because the RHS does not look simpler
 than the LHS.
lemma remove_dup_information_raw_cons:
  remove_dup_information_raw (L # M2) =
    remove_dup_information_raw2 M2 [L] @
    remove_dup_information_raw M2
  by (auto simp: defined_lit_append)

lemma remove_dup_information_raw_append:
  remove_dup_information_raw (M1 @ M2) =
    remove_dup_information_raw2 M2 M1 @
    remove_dup_information_raw M2
  by (induction M1)
    (auto simp: defined_lit_append)

lemma remove_dup_information_raw_append2:
  remove_dup_information_raw2 M (M1 @ M2) =
    remove_dup_information_raw2 (M @ M2) M1 @
    remove_dup_information_raw2 M M2
  by (induction M1)
    (auto simp: defined_lit_append)

lemma remove_dup_information_subset: mset (remove_dup_information M) ⊆# mset M
  unfolding remove_dup_information_def
  apply (induction M rule: ann_lit_list_induct) apply auto
  apply (metis add_mset_remove_trivial diff_subset_eq_self subset_mset.dual_order.trans)+

(*TODO Move*)
lemma no_dup_subsetD: no_dup M  mset M' ⊆# mset M  no_dup M'
  unfolding no_dup_def distinct_mset_mset_distinct[symmetric] mset_map
  apply (drule image_mset_subseteq_mono[of _ _ atm_of o lit_of])
  apply (drule distinct_mset_mono)
  apply auto

lemma no_dup_remove_dup_information:
  no_dup M  no_dup (remove_dup_information M)
  using no_dup_subsetD[OF _ remove_dup_information_subset] by blast

lemma atm_of_complete_trail:
  atm_of ` (lits_of_l M)  set all_clauses_literals 
   atm_of ` (lits_of_l (complete_trail M)) = set all_clauses_literals
  unfolding complete_trail_def by (auto simp: lits_of_def image_image image_Un defined_lit_map)

lemmas [simp del] =

lemmas [simp] =

definition truncate_trail :: ('v, _) ann_lits  _ where
  truncate_trail M 
    (snd (backtrack_split M))

definition ocdcl_score :: ('v, _) ann_lits  _ where
ocdcl_score M =
  rev (map nat_of_search_deph (remove_dup_information_raw (complete_trail (truncate_trail M))))

interpretation enc_weight_opt: conflict_driven_clause_learningW_optimal_weight where
  state_eq = state_eq and
  state = state and
  trail = trail and
  init_clss = init_clss and
  learned_clss = learned_clss and
  conflicting = conflicting and
  cons_trail = cons_trail and
  tl_trail = tl_trail and
  add_learned_cls = add_learned_cls and
  remove_cls = remove_cls and
  update_conflicting = update_conflicting and
  init_state = init_state and
  ρ = ρe and
  update_additional_info = update_additional_info
  apply unfold_locales
  subgoal by (rule ρe_mono)
  subgoal using update_additional_info by fast
  subgoal using weight_init_state by fast

  (a, b)  lexn less_than n  (b, c)  lexn less_than n  b = c  (a, c)  lexn less_than n
  (a, b)  lexn less_than n  (b, c)  lexn less_than n  b = c  (a, c)  lexn less_than n
  apply (auto intro: )
  apply (meson lexn_transI trans_def trans_less_than)+

lemma truncate_trail_Prop[simp]:
  truncate_trail (Propagated L E # S) = truncate_trail (S)
  by (auto simp: truncate_trail_def)

lemma ocdcl_score_Prop[simp]:
  ocdcl_score (Propagated L E # S) = ocdcl_score (S)
  by (auto simp: ocdcl_score_def truncate_trail_def)

lemma remove_dup_information_raw2_undefined_Σ:
  distinct xs 
  (L. L  set xs  undefined_lit M (Pos L)  L  Σ  undefined_lit MM (Pos L)) 
  remove_dup_information_raw2 MM
     (map (Decided  Pos)
       (filter (unset_literals_in_Σ M)
                 xs)) =
  map (SD_TWO o Decided  Pos)
       (filter (unset_literals_in_Σ M)
   by (induction xs)
     (auto simp: remove_dup_information_raw2.simps

lemma defined_lit_map_Decided_pos:
  defined_lit (map (Decided  Pos) M) L  atm_of L  set M
  by (induction M) (auto simp: defined_lit_cons)

lemma remove_dup_information_raw2_full_undefined_Σ:
  distinct xs  set xs  set all_clauses_literals 
  (L. L  set xs  undefined_lit M (Pos L)  L  Σ - ΔΣ 
    undefined_lit M (Pos (opposite_var L))  L  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ 
    undefined_lit MM (Pos (opposite_var L))) 
  remove_dup_information_raw2 MM
     (map (Decided  Pos)
       (filter (full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ M)
                 xs)) =
  map (SD_ONE o Decided  Pos)
       (filter (full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ M)
   unfolding all_clauses_literals
   apply (induction xs)
     by (simp_all add: remove_dup_information_raw2.simps)
   subgoal premises p for L xs
     using p(1-3) p(4)[of L] p(4)
     by (clarsimp simp add: remove_dup_information_raw2.simps
       full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ_def defined_lit_append)

lemma full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ_notin[simp]:
  La  Σ  full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ M La  False
  La  Σ  full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ' M La  False
  apply (metis (mono_tags) full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ_def
    image_iff new_vars_pos)
  by (simp add: full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ'_def image_iff)

lemma Decided_in_definedD:  Decided K  set M  defined_lit M K
  by (simp add: defined_lit_def)

lemma full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ'_full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ:
  L  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ 
    full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ' M (opposite_var L)  full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ M L
  by (auto simp: full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ'_def full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ_def

lemma remove_dup_information_raw2_full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ':
  (L. L  set (filter (full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ' M) xs)  Decided (Pos (opposite_var L))  set M') 
  set xs  set all_clauses_literals 
       (map (Decided  Pos)
         (filter (full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ' (M))
           xs))) = []
    supply [[goals_limit=1]]
    apply (induction xs)
    subgoal by (auto simp: remove_dup_information_raw2.simps)
    subgoal premises p for L xs
      using p
      by (force simp add: remove_dup_information_raw2.simps
        defined_lit_map_Decided_pos defined_lit_append image_iff
        dest: Decided_in_definedD)

  fixes M :: ('v, _) ann_lits and L :: ('v, _) ann_lit
  defines n1  map nat_of_search_deph (remove_dup_information_raw (complete_trail (L # M))) and
    n2  map nat_of_search_deph (remove_dup_information_raw (complete_trail M))
    lits: atm_of ` (lits_of_l (L # M))  set all_clauses_literals and
    undef: undefined_lit M (lit_of L)
    (rev n1, rev n2)  lexn less_than n  n1 = n2
proof -
  show ?thesis
    using lits
    apply (auto simp: n1_def n2_def complete_trail_def prepend_same_lexn)
    apply (auto simp: sorted_unadded_literals_def
      remove_dup_information_raw2.simps  all_clauses_literals(2) defined_lit_map_Decided_pos
      apply (subst remove_dup_information_raw2_undefined_Σ)
      apply (simp_all add: all_clauses_literals(2) defined_lit_map_Decided_pos
      apply (subst remove_dup_information_raw2_full_undefined_Σ)
      apply (auto simp: all_clauses_literals(2))
      apply (subst remove_dup_information_raw2_full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ')
      apply (auto simp: full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ'_full_unset_literals_in_ΔΣ)[2]
  defines n  card Σ
    init_clss S = penc N and
    enc_weight_opt.cdcl_bnb_stgy S T and
    struct: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S) and
    smaller_propa: no_smaller_propa S and
    smaller_confl: cdcl_bnb_stgy_inv S
  shows (ocdcl_score (trail T), ocdcl_score (trail S))  lexn less_than n 
     ocdcl_score (trail T) = ocdcl_score (trail S)
  using assms(3)
proof (cases)
  case cdcl_bnb_conflict
  then show ?thesis by (auto elim!: rulesE)
  case cdcl_bnb_propagate
  then show ?thesis
    by (auto elim!: rulesE)
  case cdcl_bnb_improve
  then show ?thesis
    by (auto elim!: enc_weight_opt.improveE)
  case cdcl_bnb_conflict_opt
  then show ?thesis
    by (auto elim!: enc_weight_opt.conflict_optE)
  case cdcl_bnb_other'
  then show ?thesis
  proof cases
    case bj
    then show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case skip
      then show ?thesis by (auto elim!: rulesE)
      case resolve
      then show ?thesis by (cases trail S) (auto elim!: rulesE)
      case backtrack
      then obtain M1 M2 :: ('v, 'v clause) ann_lits and K L :: 'v literal and
          D D' :: 'v clause where
	confl: conflicting S = Some (add_mset L D) and
	decomp: (Decided K # M1, M2)  set (get_all_ann_decomposition (trail S)) and
	get_maximum_level (trail S) (add_mset L D') = local.backtrack_lvl S and
	get_level (trail S) L = local.backtrack_lvl S and
	lev_K: get_level (trail S) K = Suc (get_maximum_level (trail S) D') and
	D'_D: D' ⊆# D and
	set_mset (clauses S)  set_mset (enc_weight_opt.conflicting_clss S) ⊨p
	 add_mset L D' and
	T: T 
	   cons_trail (Propagated L (add_mset L D'))
	    (reduce_trail_to M1
	      (add_learned_cls (add_mset L D') (update_conflicting None S)))
        by (auto simp: enc_weight_opt.obacktrack.simps)
        tr_D: trail S ⊨as CNot (add_mset L D) and
        distinct_mset (add_mset L D) and
	cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv (abs_state S) and
	n_d: no_dup (trail S)
        using struct confl
	unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
	by auto
      have tr_D': trail S ⊨as CNot (add_mset L D')
        using D'_D tr_D
	by (auto simp: true_annots_true_cls_def_iff_negation_in_model)
      have trail S ⊨as CNot D'  trail S ⊨as CNot (normalize2 D')
        if get_maximum_level (trail S) D' < backtrack_lvl S
        for D' (*by induction on all the literals*)
lemma remove_dup_information_subset: ‹mset (remove_dup_information M) ⊆# mset M›
  unfolding remove_dup_information_def
  apply (induction M rule: ann_lit_list_induct) apply auto
  apply (metis add_mset_remove_trivial diff_subset_eq_self subset_mset.dual_order.trans)+

(*TODO Move*)
lemma no_dup_subsetD: ‹no_dup M ⟹ mset M' ⊆# mset M ⟹ no_dup M'›
  unfolding no_dup_def distinct_mset_mset_distinct[symmetric] mset_map
  apply (drule image_mset_subseteq_mono[of _ _ ‹atm_of o lit_of›])
  apply (drule distinct_mset_mono)
  apply auto

lemma no_dup_remove_dup_information:
  ‹no_dup M ⟹ no_dup (remove_dup_information M)›
  using no_dup_subsetD[OF _ remove_dup_information_subset] by blast

lemma atm_of_complete_trail:
  ‹atm_of ` (lits_of_l M) ⊆ set all_clauses_literals ⟹
   atm_of ` (lits_of_l (complete_trail M)) = set all_clauses_literals›
  unfolding complete_trail_def by (auto simp: lits_of_def image_image image_Un defined_lit_map)

definition ocdcl_trail_inv where
  ‹ocdcl_trail_inv M ⟷ no_dup M ∧
    atm_of ` (lits_of_l M) ⊆ Σ ∪ replacement_pos ` ΔΣ ∪ replacement_neg ` ΔΣ ∧
    (∀P. P ∈ replacement_pos ` ΔΣ ∪ replacement_neg ` ΔΣ ⟶
       Decided (Neg P) ∉ set M) ∧
    (∀P. P ∈ replacement_pos ` ΔΣ ∪ replacement_neg ` ΔΣ ⟶
       Decided (Pos P) ∈ set M ⟶ Decided (Pos (opposite_var P)) ∉ set M)›

lemma ocdcl_trail_inv_tlD:
  ‹ocdcl_trail_inv (L # M) ⟹ ocdcl_trail_inv M›
  by (auto simp: ocdcl_trail_inv_def)

lemma ocdcl_trail_inv_Cons1[simp]:
  ‹atm_of (lit_of L) ∈ Σ ⟹ ocdcl_trail_inv (L # M) ⟷ undefined_lit M (lit_of L) ∧ ocdcl_trail_inv M›
  by (auto simp: ocdcl_trail_inv_def)

lemma ocdcl_trail_inv_Cons2:
  ‹atm_of (lit_of L) ∈ replacement_pos ` ΔΣ ∪ replacement_neg ` ΔΣ  ⟹
  ocdcl_trail_inv (L # M) ⟹
    undefined_lit M (lit_of L) ∧ (is_decided L ⟶ is_pos (lit_of L) ∧ Decided (Pos (opposite_var (atm_of (lit_of L)))) ∉ set M) ∧ ocdcl_trail_inv M›
  by (cases L; cases ‹lit_of L›; auto simp: ocdcl_trail_inv_def)

lemma ocdcl_trail_inv_ConsE:
  ‹ocdcl_trail_inv (L # M) ⟹ atm_of (lit_of L) ∈ Σ ∪ replacement_pos ` ΔΣ ∪ replacement_neg ` ΔΣ ⟹
    (atm_of (lit_of L) ∈ replacement_pos ` ΔΣ ∪ replacement_neg ` ΔΣ  ⟹
       undefined_lit M (lit_of L) ⟹
       (is_decided L ⟶ is_pos (lit_of L) ∧
          Decided (Pos (opposite_var (atm_of (lit_of L)))) ∉ set M) ⟹
       ocdcl_trail_inv M ⟹ P) ⟹
    (atm_of (lit_of L) ∈ Σ ⟹ undefined_lit M (lit_of L) ⟹
       ocdcl_trail_inv M ⟹ P)
    ⟹ P›
  using ocdcl_trail_inv_Cons2 ocdcl_trail_inv_Cons1 by blast

  ‹P ∈ replacement_pos ` ΔΣ ∪ replacement_neg ` ΔΣ ⟹ ocdcl_trail_inv M ⟹
  defined_lit (remove_dup_information M) (Pos P) ⟹
    undefined_lit (remove_dup_information M) (Pos (opposite_var P))›
  unfolding remove_dup_information_def
  apply (induction M arbitrary: P rule: ann_lit_list_induct)
  apply (auto simp: defined_lit_cons split:
     dest: elim!: )
thm TrueI
apply (auto elim!: ocdcl_trail_inv_ConsE)
lemma atm_of_complete_trail_remove_dup_information:
  ‹no_dup M ⟹ atm_of ` (lits_of_l M) ⊆ set all_clauses_literals ⟹
  atm_of ` (lits_of_l (complete_trail (remove_dup_information M))) = set all_clauses_literals›
  by (simp_all add: atm_of_complete_trail atm_of_remove_dup_information)

text ‹TODO:
  ▪ complete_trail is doing the wrong thing (or it should be done before
    @{term ‹remove_dup_information›}).
  ▪ is the measure really the simplest thing we can do?

fun ocdcl_score_rev :: ‹('v, _) ann_lits ⇒ nat list› where
  ‹ocdcl_score_rev  [] = []› |
  ‹ocdcl_score_rev (Propagated K C # M) =
     (if defined_lit M (Pos (opposite_var (atm_of K)))
         then 1 else 0) #
     ocdcl_score_rev M› |
  ‹ocdcl_score_rev (Decided K # M) =
     (if atm_of K ∈ Σ - ΔΣ then 1
     else if defined_lit M (Pos (opposite_var (atm_of K)))
         then 2 else 1) #  ocdcl_score_rev M›

definition ocdcl_mu where
  ‹ocdcl_mu M = rev (ocdcl_score_rev (complete_trail M))›

lemma ocdcl_score_rev_in_0_3:
  ‹x ∈ set (ocdcl_score_rev M) ⟹ x ∈ {0..<3}›
  by (induction M rule: ann_lit_list_induct) auto

lemma ‹no_dup M ⟹ length (ocdcl_score_rev M) ≤ length M›

fun ocdcl_score_rev :: ‹('v, 'b) ann_lits ⇒ ('v, 'b) ann_lits ⇒ nat› where
  ‹ocdcl_score_rev _ [] = 0› |
  ‹ocdcl_score_rev M' (Propagated K C # M) = ocdcl_score_rev (M' @ [Propagated K C]) M› |
  ‹ocdcl_score_rev M' (Decided K # M) = ocdcl_score_rev (M' @ [Decided K]) M +
     (if atm_of K ∈ Σ - ΔΣ then 1
     else if Decided (base_atm (atm_of K)) ∈ set (map (map_annotated_lit (base_atm o atm_of) id id) M')
         then 2 else 1) * 3^card (base_atm ` atms_of (lit_of `# mset M))›

abbreviation ocdcl_score:: ‹('v, 'b) ann_lits ⇒ ('v, 'b) ann_lits ⇒ nat› where
  ‹ocdcl_score M M' ≡ ocdcl_score_rev M (rev M')›

lemma ocdcl_score_rev_induct_internal:
  fixes xs ys :: ‹('v, 'b) ann_lits›
    ‹ys @ xs = M0›
    ‹P M0 []›
    ‹⋀L C M M'. M0 = M' @ Propagated L C # M  ⟹ P (M' @ [Propagated L C]) M ⟹ P M' (Propagated L C # M)›
    ‹⋀L M M'. M0 = M' @ Decided L # M⟹ P (M' @ [Decided L]) M ⟹ P M' (Decided L # M)›
  shows ‹P ys xs ∧ ys @ xs = M0›
  using assms(1)
  apply (induction ys xs rule: ocdcl_score_rev.induct)
  subgoal using assms(1,2) by auto
  subgoal for M L C M'
    using assms(3) by auto
  subgoal for M L M'
    using assms(4) by auto

lemma ocdcl_score_rev_induct2:
  fixes xs ys :: ‹('v, 'b) ann_lits›
    ‹P (ys @ xs) []›
    ‹⋀L C M M'. ys @ xs = M' @ Propagated L C # M  ⟹ P (M' @ [Propagated L C]) M ⟹ P M' (Propagated L C # M)›
    ‹⋀L M M'. ys @ xs = M' @ Decided L # M ⟹ P (M' @ [Decided L]) M ⟹ P M' (Decided L # M) ›
  shows ‹P ys xs›
  using ocdcl_score_rev_induct_internal[of ys xs ‹ys @ xs› P] assms by auto

lemma ocdcl_score_rev_induct:
  fixes xs ys :: ‹('v, 'b) ann_lits›
    ‹P xs []›
    ‹⋀L C M M'. xs = M' @ Propagated L C # M  ⟹ P (M' @ [Propagated L C]) M ⟹ P M' (Propagated L C # M)›
    ‹⋀L M M'. xs = M' @ Decided L # M ⟹ P (M' @ [Decided L]) M ⟹ P M' (Decided L # M) ›
  shows ‹P [] xs›
  using ocdcl_score_rev_induct_internal[of ‹[]› xs xs P] assms by auto

lemma Decided_map_annotated_lit_iff[simp]:
  ‹Decided L = map_annotated_lit f g h x ⟷ (∃x'. x = Decided x' ∧ L = f x')›
  by (cases x) auto

  ‹atm_of ` (lits_of_l (M' @ M)) ⊆ Σ ⟹ no_dup (M' @ M) ⟹
     ocdcl_score_rev M' M ≤ 3 ^ (card ((base_atm o atm_of) ` lits_of_l M))›
  apply (induction M' M rule: ocdcl_score_rev_induct2)
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal for L M' M
    by (cases ‹atm_of L ∈ Σ›) (auto simp: card_insert_if)
  subgoal for L Ma M'a
    using ΔΣ_Σ
    apply (auto simp: card_insert_if atm_of_eq_atm_of lits_of_def image_image
      atms_of_def image_Un dest!: split_list[of _ M'a])

interpretation enc_weight_opt: conflict_driven_clause_learningW_optimal_weight where
  state_eq = state_eq and
  state = state and
  trail = trail and
  init_clss = init_clss and
  learned_clss = learned_clss and
  conflicting = conflicting and
  cons_trail = cons_trail and
  tl_trail = tl_trail and
  add_learned_cls = add_learned_cls and
  remove_cls = remove_cls and
  update_conflicting = update_conflicting and
  init_state = init_state and
  ρ = ρe and
  update_additional_info = update_additional_info
  apply unfold_locales
  subgoal by (rule ρe_mono)
  subgoal using update_additional_info by fast
  subgoal using weight_init_state by fast

inductive simple_backtrack_conflict_opt :: 'st  'st  bool where
  simple_backtrack_conflict_opt S T
    backtrack_split (trail S) = (M2, Decided K # M1) and
    negate_ann_lits (trail S) ∈# enc_weight_opt.conflicting_clss S and
    conflicting S = None and
    T  cons_trail (Propagated (-K) (DECO_clause (trail S)))
      (add_learned_cls (DECO_clause (trail S)) (reduce_trail_to M1 S))

inductive_cases simple_backtrack_conflict_optE: simple_backtrack_conflict_opt S T

lemma simple_backtrack_conflict_opt_conflict_analysis:
  assumes simple_backtrack_conflict_opt S U and
    inv: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S)
  shows T T'. enc_weight_opt.conflict_opt S T  resolve** T T'
     enc_weight_opt.obacktrack T' U
  using assms
proof (cases rule: simple_backtrack_conflict_opt.cases)
  case (1 M2 K M1)
  have tr: trail S = M2 @ Decided K # M1
    using 1 backtrack_split_list_eq[of trail S]
    by auto
  let ?S = update_conflicting (Some (negate_ann_lits (trail S))) S
  have enc_weight_opt.conflict_opt S ?S
    by (rule enc_weight_opt.conflict_opt.intros[OF 1(2,3)]) auto

  let ?T = λn. update_conflicting
    (Some (negate_ann_lits (drop n (trail S))))
    (reduce_trail_to (drop n (trail S)) S)
  have proped_M2: is_proped (M2 ! n) if n < length M2 for n
    using that 1(1) nth_length_takeWhile[of Not  is_decided trail S]
    length_takeWhile_le[of Not  is_decided trail S]
    unfolding backtrack_split_takeWhile_dropWhile
    apply auto
    by (metis annotated_lit.exhaust_disc comp_apply nth_mem set_takeWhileD)
  have is_dec_M2[simp]: filter_mset is_decided (mset M2) = {#}
    using 1(1) nth_length_takeWhile[of Not  is_decided trail S]
    length_takeWhile_le[of Not  is_decided trail S]
    unfolding backtrack_split_takeWhile_dropWhile
    apply (auto simp: filter_mset_empty_conv)
    by (metis annotated_lit.exhaust_disc comp_apply nth_mem set_takeWhileD)
  have n_d: no_dup (trail S) and
    le: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_conflicting (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S) and
    dist: cdclW_restart_mset.distinct_cdclW_state (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S) and
    decomp_imp: all_decomposition_implies_m (clauses S + (enc_weight_opt.conflicting_clss S))
      (get_all_ann_decomposition (trail S)) and
    learned: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S)
    using inv
    unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
    by auto
  then have [simp]: K  lit_of (M2 ! n) if n < length M2 for n
    using that unfolding tr
    by (auto simp: defined_lit_nth)
  have n_d_n: no_dup (drop n M2 @ Decided K # M1) for n
    using n_d unfolding tr
    by (subst (asm) append_take_drop_id[symmetric, of _ n])
      (auto simp del: append_take_drop_id dest: no_dup_appendD)
  have mark_dist: distinct_mset (mark_of (M2!n)) if n < length M2 for n
    using dist that proped_M2[OF that] nth_mem[OF that]
    unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.distinct_cdclW_state_def tr
    by (cases M2!n) (auto simp: tr)

  have [simp]: undefined_lit (drop n M2) K for n
    using n_d defined_lit_mono[of drop n M2 K M2]
    unfolding tr
    by (auto simp: set_drop_subset)
  from this[of 0] have [simp]: undefined_lit M2 K
    by auto
  have [simp]: count_decided (drop n M2) = 0 for n
    apply (subst count_decided_0_iff)
    using 1(1) nth_length_takeWhile[of Not  is_decided trail S]
    length_takeWhile_le[of Not  is_decided trail S]
    unfolding backtrack_split_takeWhile_dropWhile
    by (auto simp: dest!: in_set_dropD set_takeWhileD)
  from this[of 0] have [simp]: count_decided M2 = 0 by simp
  have proped: L mark a b.
      a @ Propagated L mark # b = trail S 
      b ⊨as CNot (remove1_mset L mark)  L ∈# mark
    using le
    unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_conflicting_def
    by auto
  have mark: drop (Suc n) M2 @ Decided K # M1 ⊨as
      CNot (mark_of (M2 ! n) - unmark (M2 ! n)) 
      lit_of (M2 ! n) ∈# mark_of (M2 ! n)
    if n < length M2 for n
    using proped_M2[OF that] that
      append_take_drop_id[of n M2, unfolded Cons_nth_drop_Suc[OF that, symmetric]]
      proped[of take n M2 lit_of (M2 ! n) mark_of (M2 ! n)
    drop (Suc n) M2 @ Decided K # M1]
    unfolding tr by (cases M2!n) auto
  have confl: enc_weight_opt.conflict_opt S ?S
    by (rule enc_weight_opt.conflict_opt.intros) (use 1 in auto)
  have res: resolve** ?S (?T n) if n  length M2 for n
    using that unfolding tr
  proof (induction n)
    case 0
    then show ?case
      using get_all_ann_decomposition_backtrack_split[THEN iffD1, OF 1(1)]
      by (cases get_all_ann_decomposition (trail S)) (auto simp: tr)
    case (Suc n)
    have [simp]: ¬ Suc (length M2 - Suc n) < length M2  n = 0
      using Suc(2) by auto
    have [simp]: reduce_trail_to (drop (Suc 0) M2 @ Decided K # M1) S = tl_trail S
      apply (subst reduce_trail_to.simps)
      using Suc by (auto simp: tr )
    have [simp]: reduce_trail_to (M2 ! 0 # drop (Suc 0) M2 @ Decided K # M1) S = S
      apply (subst reduce_trail_to.simps)
      using Suc by (auto simp: tr )
    have [simp]: (Suc (length M1) -
          (length M2 - n + (Suc (length M1) - (n - length M2)))) = 0
      (Suc (length M2 + length M1) -
          (length M2 - n + (Suc (length M1) - (n - length M2)))) =n
      length M2 - n + (Suc (length M1) - (n - length M2)) = Suc (length M2 + length M1) - n
      using Suc by auto
    have [symmetric,simp]: M2 ! n = Propagated (lit_of (M2 ! n)) (mark_of (M2 ! n))
      using Suc proped_M2[of n]
      by (cases M2 ! n)  (auto simp: tr trail_reduce_trail_to_drop hd_drop_conv_nth
        intro!: resolve.intros)
    have - lit_of (M2 ! n) ∈# negate_ann_lits (drop n M2 @ Decided K # M1)
      using Suc in_set_dropI[of n map (uminus o lit_of) M2 n]
      by (simp add: negate_ann_lits_def comp_def drop_map
         del: nth_mem)
    moreover have get_maximum_level (drop n M2 @ Decided K # M1)
       (remove1_mset (- lit_of (M2 ! n)) (negate_ann_lits (drop n M2 @ Decided K # M1))) =
      Suc (count_decided M1)
      using Suc(2) count_decided_ge_get_maximum_level[of drop n M2 @ Decided K # M1
        (remove1_mset (- lit_of (M2 ! n)) (negate_ann_lits (drop n M2 @ Decided K # M1)))]
      by (auto simp: negate_ann_lits_def tr max_def ac_simps
        remove1_mset_add_mset_If get_maximum_level_add_mset
       split: if_splits)
    moreover have lit_of (M2 ! n) ∈# mark_of (M2 ! n)
      using mark[of n] Suc by auto
    moreover have (remove1_mset (- lit_of (M2 ! n))
         (negate_ann_lits (drop n M2 @ Decided K # M1)) ∪#
        (mark_of (M2 ! n) - unmark (M2 ! n))) = negate_ann_lits (drop (Suc n) (trail S))
      apply (rule distinct_set_mset_eq)
      using n_d_n[of n] n_d_n[of Suc n] no_dup_distinct_mset[OF n_d_n[of n]] Suc
        mark[of n] mark_dist[of n]
      by (auto simp: tr Cons_nth_drop_Suc[symmetric, of n]
        dest: in_diffD intro: distinct_mset_minus)
    moreover  { have 1: (tl_trail
       (reduce_trail_to (drop n M2 @ Decided K # M1) S)) 
        (reduce_trail_to (drop (Suc n) M2 @ Decided K # M1) S)
      apply (subst Cons_nth_drop_Suc[symmetric, of n M2])
      subgoal using Suc by (auto simp: tl_trail_update_conflicting)
        apply (rule state_eq_trans)
       apply simp
       apply (cases length (M2 ! n # drop (Suc n) M2 @ Decided K # M1) < length (trail S))
       apply (auto simp: tl_trail_reduce_trail_to_cons tr)
    have update_conflicting
     (Some (negate_ann_lits (drop (Suc n) M2 @ Decided K # M1)))
     (reduce_trail_to (drop (Suc n) M2 @ Decided K # M1) S) 
     (Some (negate_ann_lits (drop (Suc n) M2 @ Decided K # M1)))
       (update_conflicting (Some (negate_ann_lits (drop n M2 @ Decided K # M1)))
         (reduce_trail_to (drop n M2 @ Decided K # M1) S)))
       apply (rule state_eq_trans)
       prefer 2
       apply (rule update_conflicting_state_eq)
       apply (rule tl_trail_update_conflicting[THEN state_eq_sym[THEN iffD1]])
       apply (subst state_eq_sym)
       apply (subst update_conflicting_update_conflicting)
       apply (rule 1)
       by fast }
    ultimately have resolve (?T n) (?T (n+1)) apply -
      apply (rule resolve.intros[of _ lit_of (M2 ! n) mark_of (M2 ! n)])
      using Suc
        get_all_ann_decomposition_backtrack_split[THEN iffD1, OF 1(1)]
         in_get_all_ann_decomposition_trail_update_trail[of Decided K M1 M2 S]
      by (auto simp: tr trail_reduce_trail_to_drop hd_drop_conv_nth
        intro!: resolve.intros intro: update_conflicting_state_eq)
    then show ?case
      using Suc by (auto simp add: tr)

  have get_maximum_level (Decided K # M1) (DECO_clause M1) = get_maximum_level M1 (DECO_clause M1)
    by (rule get_maximum_level_cong)
      (use n_d in auto simp: tr get_level_cons_if atm_of_eq_atm_of
      DECO_clause_def Decided_Propagated_in_iff_in_lits_of_l lits_of_def)
  also have ... = count_decided M1
    using n_d unfolding tr apply -
    apply (induction M1 rule: ann_lit_list_induct)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for L M1'
      apply (subgoal_tac La∈#DECO_clause M1'. get_level (Decided L # M1') La = get_level M1' La)
        using count_decided_ge_get_maximum_level[of M1' DECO_clause M1']
        get_maximum_level_cong[of DECO_clause M1' Decided L # M1' M1']
       by (auto simp: get_maximum_level_add_mset tr atm_of_eq_atm_of
        by (auto simp: DECO_clause_def
          get_level_cons_if atm_of_eq_atm_of Decided_Propagated_in_iff_in_lits_of_l
   subgoal for L C M1'
      apply (subgoal_tac La∈#DECO_clause M1'. get_level (Propagated L C # M1') La = get_level M1' La)
        using count_decided_ge_get_maximum_level[of M1' DECO_clause M1']
        get_maximum_level_cong[of DECO_clause M1' Propagated L C # M1' M1']
       by (auto simp: get_maximum_level_add_mset tr atm_of_eq_atm_of
        by (auto simp: DECO_clause_def
          get_level_cons_if atm_of_eq_atm_of Decided_Propagated_in_iff_in_lits_of_l
  finally have max: get_maximum_level (Decided K # M1) (DECO_clause M1) = count_decided M1 .
  have trail S ⊨as CNot (negate_ann_lits (trail S))
    by (auto simp: true_annots_true_cls_def_iff_negation_in_model
      negate_ann_lits_def lits_of_def)
  then have clauses S + (enc_weight_opt.conflicting_clss S) ⊨pm DECO_clause (trail S)
     unfolding DECO_clause_def apply -
    apply (rule all_decomposition_implies_conflict_DECO_clause[OF decomp_imp,
      of negate_ann_lits (trail S)])
    using 1
    by auto

  have neg: trail S ⊨as CNot (mset (map (uminus o lit_of) (trail S)))
    by (auto simp: true_annots_true_cls_def_iff_negation_in_model
  have ent: clauses S + enc_weight_opt.conflicting_clss S ⊨pm DECO_clause (trail S)
    unfolding DECO_clause_def
    by (rule all_decomposition_implies_conflict_DECO_clause[OF decomp_imp,
         of mset (map (uminus o lit_of) (trail S))])
      (use neg 1 in auto simp: negate_ann_lits_def)
  have deco: DECO_clause (M2 @ Decided K # M1) = add_mset (- K) (DECO_clause M1)
    by (auto simp: DECO_clause_def)
  have eg: reduce_trail_to M1 (reduce_trail_to (Decided K # M1) S) 
    reduce_trail_to M1 S
    apply (subst reduce_trail_to_compow_tl_trail_le)
    apply (solves auto simp: tr)
    apply (subst (3)reduce_trail_to_compow_tl_trail_le)
    apply (solves auto simp: tr)
    apply (auto simp: tr)
    apply (cases M2 = [])
    apply (auto simp: reduce_trail_to_compow_tl_trail_le reduce_trail_to_compow_tl_trail_eq tr)

  have U: cons_trail (Propagated (- K) (DECO_clause (M2 @ Decided K # M1)))
     (add_learned_cls (DECO_clause (M2 @ Decided K # M1))
       (reduce_trail_to M1 S)) 
    cons_trail (Propagated (- K) (add_mset (- K) (DECO_clause M1)))
     (reduce_trail_to M1
       (add_learned_cls (add_mset (- K) (DECO_clause M1))
         (update_conflicting None
           (update_conflicting (Some (add_mset (- K) (negate_ann_lits M1)))
             (reduce_trail_to (Decided K # M1) S)))))
    unfolding deco
    apply (rule cons_trail_state_eq)
    apply (rule state_eq_trans)
    prefer 2
    apply (rule state_eq_sym[THEN iffD1])
    apply (rule reduce_trail_to_add_learned_cls_state_eq)
    apply (solves auto simp: tr)
    apply (rule add_learned_cls_state_eq)
    apply (rule state_eq_trans)
    prefer 2
    apply (rule state_eq_sym[THEN iffD1])
    apply (rule reduce_trail_to_update_conflicting_state_eq)
    apply (solves auto simp: tr)
    apply (rule state_eq_trans)
    prefer 2
    apply (rule state_eq_sym[THEN iffD1])
    apply (rule update_conflicting_state_eq)
    apply (rule reduce_trail_to_update_conflicting_state_eq)
    apply (solves auto simp: tr)
    apply (rule state_eq_trans)
    prefer 2
    apply (rule state_eq_sym[THEN iffD1])
    apply (rule update_conflicting_update_conflicting)
    apply (rule eg)
    apply (rule state_eq_trans)
    prefer 2
    apply (rule state_eq_sym[THEN iffD1])
    apply (rule update_conflicting_itself)
    by (use 1 in auto)

  have bt: enc_weight_opt.obacktrack (?T (length M2)) U
    apply (rule enc_weight_opt.obacktrack.intros[of _ -K negate_ann_lits M1 K M1 []
      DECO_clause M1 count_decided M1])
    subgoal by (auto simp: tr)
    subgoal by (auto simp: tr)
    subgoal by (auto simp: tr)
      using count_decided_ge_get_maximum_level[of Decided K # M1 DECO_clause M1]
      by (auto simp: tr get_maximum_level_add_mset max_def)
    subgoal using max by (auto simp: tr)
    subgoal by (auto simp: tr)
    subgoal by (auto simp: DECO_clause_def negate_ann_lits_def
    subgoal using ent by (auto simp: tr DECO_clause_def)
      apply (rule state_eq_trans [OF 1(4)])
      using 1(4) U by (auto simp: tr)

  show ?thesis
    using confl res[of length M2, simplified] bt
    by blast

inductive conflict_opt0 :: 'st  'st  bool where
  conflict_opt0 S T
    count_decided (trail S) = 0 and
    negate_ann_lits (trail S) ∈# enc_weight_opt.conflicting_clss S and
    conflicting S = None and
    T  update_conflicting (Some {#}) (reduce_trail_to ([] :: ('v, 'v clause) ann_lits) S)

inductive_cases conflict_opt0E: conflict_opt0 S T

inductive cdcl_dpll_bnb_r :: 'st  'st  bool for S :: 'st where
  cdcl_conflict: conflict S S'  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r S S' |
  cdcl_propagate: propagate S S'  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r S S' |
  cdcl_improve: enc_weight_opt.improvep S S'  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r S S' |
  cdcl_conflict_opt0: conflict_opt0 S S'  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r S S' |
    simple_backtrack_conflict_opt S S'  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r S S' |
  cdcl_o': ocdclW_o_r S S'  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r S S'

inductive cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy :: 'st  'st  bool for S :: 'st where
  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_conflict: conflict S S'  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy S S' |
  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_propagate: propagate S S'  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy S S' |
  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_improve: enc_weight_opt.improvep S S'  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy S S' |
  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_conflict_opt0: conflict_opt0 S S'  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy S S' |
    simple_backtrack_conflict_opt S S'  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy S S' |
  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_other': ocdclW_o_r S S'  no_confl_prop_impr S  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy S S'

lemma no_dup_dropI:
  no_dup M  no_dup (drop n M)
  by (cases n < length M) (auto simp: no_dup_def drop_map[symmetric])

lemma tranclp_resolve_state_eq_compatible:
  resolve++ S T T  T'  resolve++ S T'
  apply (induction arbitrary: T' rule: tranclp_induct)
  apply (auto dest: resolve_state_eq_compatible)
  by (metis resolve_state_eq_compatible state_eq_ref tranclp_into_rtranclp tranclp_unfold_end)

lemma conflict_opt0_state_eq_compatible:
  conflict_opt0 S T  S  S'  T  T'  conflict_opt0 S' T'
  using state_eq_trans[of T' T
    update_conflicting (Some {#}) (reduce_trail_to ([]::('v,'v clause) ann_lits) S)]
  using state_eq_trans[of T
    update_conflicting (Some {#}) (reduce_trail_to ([]::('v,'v clause) ann_lits) S)
    update_conflicting (Some {#}) (reduce_trail_to ([]::('v,'v clause) ann_lits) S')]
  update_conflicting_state_eq[of S S' Some {#}]
  apply (auto simp: conflict_opt0.simps state_eq_sym)
  using reduce_trail_to_state_eq state_eq_trans update_conflicting_state_eq by blast

lemma conflict_opt0_conflict_opt:
  assumes conflict_opt0 S U and
    inv: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S)
  shows T. enc_weight_opt.conflict_opt S T  resolve** T U
proof -
    1: count_decided (trail S) = 0 and
    neg: negate_ann_lits (trail S) ∈# enc_weight_opt.conflicting_clss S and
    confl: conflicting S = None and
    U: U  update_conflicting (Some {#}) (reduce_trail_to ([]::('v,'v clause)ann_lits) S)
    using assms by (auto elim: conflict_opt0E)
  let ?T = update_conflicting (Some (negate_ann_lits (trail S))) S
  have confl: enc_weight_opt.conflict_opt S ?T
    using neg confl
    by (auto simp: enc_weight_opt.conflict_opt.simps)
  let ?T = λn. update_conflicting
    (Some (negate_ann_lits (drop n (trail S))))
    (reduce_trail_to (drop n (trail S)) S)

  have proped_M2: is_proped (trail S ! n) if n < length (trail S) for n
    using 1 that by (auto simp: count_decided_0_iff is_decided_no_proped_iff)
  have n_d: no_dup (trail S) and
    le: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_conflicting (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S) and
    dist: cdclW_restart_mset.distinct_cdclW_state (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S) and
    decomp_imp: all_decomposition_implies_m (clauses S + (enc_weight_opt.conflicting_clss S))
      (get_all_ann_decomposition (trail S)) and
    learned: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S)
    using inv
    unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
    by auto
  have proped: L mark a b.
      a @ Propagated L mark # b = trail S 
      b ⊨as CNot (remove1_mset L mark)  L ∈# mark
    using le
    unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_conflicting_def
    by auto
  have [simp]: count_decided (drop n (trail S)) = 0 for n
    using 1 unfolding count_decided_0_iff
    by (cases n < length (trail S)) (auto dest: in_set_dropD)
  have [simp]: get_maximum_level (drop n (trail S)) C = 0 for n C
    using count_decided_ge_get_maximum_level[of drop n (trail S) C]
    by auto
  have mark_dist: distinct_mset (mark_of (trail S!n)) if n < length (trail S) for n
    using dist that proped_M2[OF that] nth_mem[OF that]
    unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.distinct_cdclW_state_def
    by (cases trail S!n) auto

  have res: resolve (?T n) (?T (Suc n)) if n < length (trail S) for n
  proof -
    define L and E where
      L = lit_of (trail S ! n) and
      E = mark_of (trail S ! n)
    have hd (drop n (trail S)) = Propagated L E and
      tr_Sn: trail S ! n = Propagated L E
      using proped_M2[OF that]
      by (cases trail S ! n; auto simp: that hd_drop_conv_nth L_def E_def; fail)+
    have L ∈# E and
      ent_E: drop (Suc n) (trail S) ⊨as CNot (remove1_mset L E)
      using proped[of take n (trail S) L E drop (Suc n) (trail S)]
        that unfolding tr_Sn[symmetric]
      by (auto simp: Cons_nth_drop_Suc)
    have 1: negate_ann_lits (drop (Suc n) (trail S)) =
       (remove1_mset (- L) (negate_ann_lits (drop n (trail S))) ∪#
        remove1_mset L E)
      apply (subst distinct_set_mset_eq_iff[symmetric])
        using n_d by (auto simp: no_dup_dropI)
        using n_d mark_dist[OF that] unfolding tr_Sn
        by (auto intro: distinct_mset_mono no_dup_dropI
         intro!: distinct_mset_minus)
        using ent_E unfolding tr_Sn[symmetric]
        by (auto simp: negate_ann_lits_def that
           Cons_nth_drop_Suc[symmetric] L_def lits_of_def
         dest!: multi_member_split)
    have update_conflicting (Some (negate_ann_lits (drop (Suc n) (trail S))))
       (reduce_trail_to (drop (Suc n) (trail S)) S) 
         (remove1_mset (- L) (negate_ann_lits (drop n (trail S))) ∪#
          remove1_mset L E))
         (update_conflicting (Some (negate_ann_lits (drop n (trail S))))
           (reduce_trail_to (drop n (trail S)) S)))
      unfolding 1[symmetric]
      apply (rule state_eq_trans)
      prefer 2
      apply (rule state_eq_sym[THEN iffD1])
      apply (rule update_conflicting_state_eq)
      apply (rule tl_trail_update_conflicting)
      apply (rule state_eq_trans)
      prefer 2
      apply (rule state_eq_sym[THEN iffD1])
      apply (rule update_conflicting_update_conflicting)
      apply (rule state_eq_ref)
      apply (rule update_conflicting_state_eq)
      using that
      by (auto simp: reduce_trail_to_compow_tl_trail funpow_swap1)
    moreover have L ∈# E
      using proped[of take n (trail S) L E drop (Suc n) (trail S)]
        that unfolding tr_Sn[symmetric]
      by (auto simp: Cons_nth_drop_Suc)
    moreover have - L ∈# negate_ann_lits (drop n (trail S))
      by (auto simp: negate_ann_lits_def L_def
        in_set_dropI that)
      term get_maximum_level (drop n (trail S))
    ultimately show ?thesis apply -
      by (rule resolve.intros[of _ L E])
        (use that in auto simp: trail_reduce_trail_to_drop
         hd (drop n (trail S)) = Propagated L E)
  have resolve** (?T 0) (?T n) if n  length (trail S) for n
    using that
    apply (induction n)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for n
      using res[of n] by auto
  from this[of length (trail S)] have resolve** (?T 0) (?T (length (trail S)))
    by auto
  moreover have ?T (length (trail S))  U
    apply (rule state_eq_trans)
    prefer 2 apply (rule state_eq_sym[THEN iffD1], rule U)
    by auto
  moreover have False if (?T 0) = (?T (length (trail S))) and length (trail S) > 0
    using arg_cong[OF that(1), of conflicting] that(2)
    by (auto simp: negate_ann_lits_def)
  ultimately have length (trail S) > 0  resolve** (?T 0) U
    using tranclp_resolve_state_eq_compatible[of ?T 0
      ?T (length (trail S)) U] by (subst (asm) rtranclp_unfold) auto
  then have ?thesis if length (trail S) > 0
    using confl that by auto
  moreover have ?thesis if length (trail S) = 0
    using that confl U
      enc_weight_opt.conflict_opt_state_eq_compatible[of S (update_conflicting (Some {#}) S) S U]
    by (auto simp: state_eq_sym)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma backtrack_split_some_is_decided_then_snd_has_hd2:
  lset M. is_decided l  M' L' M''. backtrack_split M = (M'', Decided L' # M')
  by (metis backtrack_split_snd_hd_decided backtrack_split_some_is_decided_then_snd_has_hd
    is_decided_def list.distinct(1) list.sel(1) snd_conv)

lemma no_step_conflict_opt0_simple_backtrack_conflict_opt:
  no_step conflict_opt0 S  no_step simple_backtrack_conflict_opt S 
  no_step enc_weight_opt.conflict_opt S
  using backtrack_split_some_is_decided_then_snd_has_hd2[of trail S]
    count_decided_0_iff[of trail S]
  by (fastforce simp: conflict_opt0.simps simple_backtrack_conflict_opt.simps

lemma no_step_cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_cdcl_bnb_r:
  assumes cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S)
    no_step cdcl_dpll_bnb_r S  no_step cdcl_bnb_r S (is ?A  ?B)
  assume ?A
  show ?B
    using ?A no_step_conflict_opt0_simple_backtrack_conflict_opt[of S]
    by (auto simp: cdcl_bnb_r.simps
      cdcl_dpll_bnb_r.simps all_conj_distrib)
  assume ?B
  show ?A
    using ?B simple_backtrack_conflict_opt_conflict_analysis[OF _ assms]
    by (auto simp: cdcl_bnb_r.simps cdcl_dpll_bnb_r.simps all_conj_distrib assms
      dest!: conflict_opt0_conflict_opt)

lemma cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_cdcl_bnb_r:
  assumes cdcl_dpll_bnb_r S T and
    cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S)
  shows cdcl_bnb_r** S T
  using assms
proof (cases rule: cdcl_dpll_bnb_r.cases)
  case cdcl_simple_backtrack_conflict_opt
  then obtain S1 S2 where
    enc_weight_opt.conflict_opt S S1
    resolve** S1 S2 and
    enc_weight_opt.obacktrack S2 T
    using simple_backtrack_conflict_opt_conflict_analysis[OF _ assms(2), of T]
    by auto
  then have cdcl_bnb_r S S1
    cdcl_bnb_r** S1 S2
    cdcl_bnb_r S2 T
    using  mono_rtranclp[of resolve enc_weight_opt.cdcl_bnb_bj]
      mono_rtranclp[of enc_weight_opt.cdcl_bnb_bj ocdclW_o_r]
      mono_rtranclp[of ocdclW_o_r cdcl_bnb_r]
      ocdclW_o_r.intros enc_weight_opt.cdcl_bnb_bj.resolve
    by (auto 5 4 dest: cdcl_bnb_r.intros conflict_opt0_conflict_opt)
  then show ?thesis
    by auto
  case cdcl_conflict_opt0
  then obtain S1 where
    enc_weight_opt.conflict_opt S S1
    resolve** S1 T
    using conflict_opt0_conflict_opt[OF _ assms(2), of T]
    by auto
  then have cdcl_bnb_r S S1
    cdcl_bnb_r** S1 T
    using  mono_rtranclp[of resolve enc_weight_opt.cdcl_bnb_bj]
      mono_rtranclp[of enc_weight_opt.cdcl_bnb_bj ocdclW_o_r]
      mono_rtranclp[of ocdclW_o_r cdcl_bnb_r]
      ocdclW_o_r.intros enc_weight_opt.cdcl_bnb_bj.resolve
    by (auto 5 4 dest: cdcl_bnb_r.intros conflict_opt0_conflict_opt)
  then show ?thesis
    by auto
qed (auto 5 4 dest: cdcl_bnb_r.intros conflict_opt0_conflict_opt simp: assms)

lemma resolve_no_prop_confl: resolve S T  no_step propagate S  no_step conflict S
  by (auto elim!: rulesE)

lemma cdcl_bnb_r_stgy_res:
  resolve S T  cdcl_bnb_r_stgy S T
    using enc_weight_opt.cdcl_bnb_bj.resolve[of S T]
    ocdclW_o_r.intros[of S T]
    cdcl_bnb_r_stgy.intros[of S T]
    resolve_no_prop_confl[of S T]
  by (auto 5 4 dest: cdcl_bnb_r_stgy.intros conflict_opt0_conflict_opt)

lemma rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_r_stgy_res:
  resolve** S T  cdcl_bnb_r_stgy** S T
    using mono_rtranclp[of resolve cdcl_bnb_r_stgy]
  by (auto)

lemma obacktrack_no_prop_confl: enc_weight_opt.obacktrack S T  no_step propagate S  no_step conflict S
  by (auto elim!: rulesE enc_weight_opt.obacktrackE)

lemma cdcl_bnb_r_stgy_bt:
  enc_weight_opt.obacktrack S T  cdcl_bnb_r_stgy S T
    using enc_weight_opt.cdcl_bnb_bj.backtrack[of S T]
    ocdclW_o_r.intros[of S T]
    cdcl_bnb_r_stgy.intros[of S T]
    obacktrack_no_prop_confl[of S T]
  by (auto 5 4 dest: cdcl_bnb_r_stgy.intros conflict_opt0_conflict_opt)

lemma cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy_cdcl_bnb_r_stgy:
  assumes cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy S T and
    cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S)
  shows cdcl_bnb_r_stgy** S T
  using assms
proof (cases rule: cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy.cases)
  case cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_simple_backtrack_conflict_opt
  then obtain S1 S2 where
    enc_weight_opt.conflict_opt S S1
    resolve** S1 S2 and
    enc_weight_opt.obacktrack S2 T
    using simple_backtrack_conflict_opt_conflict_analysis[OF _ assms(2), of T]
    by auto
  then have cdcl_bnb_r_stgy S S1
    cdcl_bnb_r_stgy** S1 S2
    cdcl_bnb_r_stgy S2 T
    using enc_weight_opt.cdcl_bnb_bj.resolve
    by (auto dest: cdcl_bnb_r_stgy.intros conflict_opt0_conflict_opt
      rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_r_stgy_res cdcl_bnb_r_stgy_bt)
  then show ?thesis
    by auto
  case cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_conflict_opt0
  then obtain S1 where
    enc_weight_opt.conflict_opt S S1
    resolve** S1 T
    using conflict_opt0_conflict_opt[OF _ assms(2), of T]
    by auto
  then have cdcl_bnb_r_stgy S S1
    cdcl_bnb_r_stgy** S1 T
    using enc_weight_opt.cdcl_bnb_bj.resolve
    by (auto dest: cdcl_bnb_r_stgy.intros conflict_opt0_conflict_opt
      rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_r_stgy_res cdcl_bnb_r_stgy_bt)
  then show ?thesis
    by auto
qed (auto 5 4 dest: cdcl_bnb_r_stgy.intros conflict_opt0_conflict_opt)

lemma cdcl_bnb_r_stgy_cdcl_bnb_r:
  cdcl_bnb_r_stgy S T  cdcl_bnb_r S T
  by (auto simp: cdcl_bnb_r_stgy.simps cdcl_bnb_r.simps)

lemma rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_r_stgy_cdcl_bnb_r:
  cdcl_bnb_r_stgy** S T  cdcl_bnb_r** S T
  by (induction rule: rtranclp_induct)
   (auto dest: cdcl_bnb_r_stgy_cdcl_bnb_r)

  fixes S :: 'st
  assumes S_Σ: atms_of_mm (init_clss S) = Σ - ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ
lemma cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy_all_struct_inv:
  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy S T 
    cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S) 
    cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (enc_weight_opt.abs_state T)
  using cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy_cdcl_bnb_r_stgy[of S T]
    rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_r_all_struct_inv[OF S_Σ]
    rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_r_stgy_cdcl_bnb_r[of S T]
  by auto


lemma cdcl_bnb_r_stgy_cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy:
  cdcl_bnb_r_stgy S T  T. cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy S T
  by (meson cdcl_bnb_r_stgy.simps cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_conflict cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_conflict_opt0
    cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_other' cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_propagate cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_simple_backtrack_conflict_opt
    cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy.intros(3) no_step_conflict_opt0_simple_backtrack_conflict_opt)

  fixes S :: 'st
  assumes S_Σ: atms_of_mm (init_clss S) = Σ - ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ  replacement_neg ` ΔΣ

lemma rtranclp_cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy_cdcl_bnb_r:
  assumes cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy** S T and
    cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S)
  shows cdcl_bnb_r_stgy** S T
  using assms
  apply (induction rule: rtranclp_induct)
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal for T U
    using cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy_cdcl_bnb_r_stgy[of T U]
      rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_r_all_struct_inv[OF S_Σ, of T]
      rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_r_stgy_cdcl_bnb_r[of S T]
    by auto

lemma rtranclp_cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy_all_struct_inv:
  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy** S T 
    cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S) 
    cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (enc_weight_opt.abs_state T)
  using rtranclp_cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy_cdcl_bnb_r[of T]
    rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_r_all_struct_inv[OF S_Σ, of T]
    rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_r_stgy_cdcl_bnb_r[of S T]
  by auto

lemma full_cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy_full_cdcl_bnb_r_stgy:
  assumes full cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy S T and
    cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S)
  shows full cdcl_bnb_r_stgy S T
  using no_step_cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_cdcl_bnb_r[of T]
    rtranclp_cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy_cdcl_bnb_r[of T]
    rtranclp_cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy_all_struct_inv[of T] assms
      rtranclp_cdcl_bnb_r_stgy_cdcl_bnb_r[of S T]
  by (auto simp: full_def
    dest: cdcl_bnb_r_stgy_cdcl_bnb_r cdcl_bnb_r_stgy_cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy)


lemma replace_pos_neg_not_both_decided_highest_lvl:
    struct: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S) and
    smaller_propa: no_smaller_propa S and
    smaller_confl: no_smaller_confl S and
    dec0: Pos (A0)  lits_of_l (trail S) and
    dec1: Pos (A1)  lits_of_l (trail S) and
    add: additional_constraints ⊆# init_clss S and
    [simp]: A  ΔΣ
  shows get_level (trail S) (Pos (A0)) = backtrack_lvl S 
     get_level (trail S) (Pos (A1)) = backtrack_lvl S
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume neg: ¬?thesis
  let ?L0 = get_level (trail S) (Pos (A0))
  let ?L1 = get_level (trail S) (Pos (A1))
  define KL where KL = (if ?L0 > ?L1 then (Pos (A1)) else (Pos (A0)))
  define KL' where KL' = (if ?L0 > ?L1 then (Pos (A0)) else (Pos (A1)))
  then have get_level (trail S) KL < backtrack_lvl S and
    le: ?L0 < backtrack_lvl S  ?L1 < backtrack_lvl S
      ?L0  backtrack_lvl S  ?L1  backtrack_lvl S
    using neg count_decided_ge_get_level[of trail S Pos (A0)]
      count_decided_ge_get_level[of trail S Pos (A1)]
    unfolding KL_def
    by force+

  have KL  lits_of_l (trail S)
    using dec1 dec0 by (auto simp: KL_def)
  have add: additional_constraint A ⊆# init_clss S
    using add multi_member_split[of A mset_set ΔΣ] by (auto simp: additional_constraints_def
  have n_d: no_dup (trail S)
    using struct unfolding  cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
    by auto
  have H: M K M' D L.
     trail S = M' @ Decided K # M 
     D + {#L#} ∈# additional_constraint A  undefined_lit M L  ¬ M ⊨as CNot D and
    H': M K M' D L.
     trail S = M' @ Decided K # M 
     D ∈# additional_constraint A   ¬ M ⊨as CNot D
    using smaller_propa add smaller_confl unfolding no_smaller_propa_def no_smaller_confl_def clauses_def
    by auto

  have L1_L0: ?L1 = ?L0
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume neq: ?L1  ?L0
    define i where i  min ?L1 ?L0
    obtain K M1 M2 where
      decomp: (Decided K # M1, M2)  set (get_all_ann_decomposition (trail S)) and
      get_level (trail S) K = Suc i
      using backtrack_ex_decomp[OF n_d, of i] neq le
      by (cases ?L1 < ?L0) (auto simp: min_def i_def)
    have get_level (trail S) KL  i and get_level (trail S) KL' > i
      using neg neq le by (auto simp: KL_def KL'_def i_def)
    then have undefined_lit M1 KL'
      using n_d decomp get_level (trail S) K = Suc i
         count_decided_ge_get_level[of M1 KL']
      by (force  dest!: get_all_ann_decomposition_exists_prepend
        simp: get_level_append_if get_level_cons_if atm_of_eq_atm_of
	dest: defined_lit_no_dupD
	split: if_splits)
    moreover have {#-KL', -KL#} ∈# additional_constraint A
      using neq by (auto simp: additional_constraint_def KL_def KL'_def)
    moreover have KL  lits_of_l M1
      using get_level (trail S) KL  i get_level (trail S) K = Suc i
       n_d decomp KL  lits_of_l (trail S)
         count_decided_ge_get_level[of M1 KL]
      by (auto dest!: get_all_ann_decomposition_exists_prepend
        simp: get_level_append_if get_level_cons_if atm_of_eq_atm_of
	dest: defined_lit_no_dupD in_lits_of_l_defined_litD
	split: if_splits)
    ultimately show False
      using H[of _ K M1 {#-KL#} -KL'] decomp
      by force

  obtain K M1 M2 where
    decomp: (Decided K # M1, M2)  set (get_all_ann_decomposition (trail S)) and
    lev_K: get_level (trail S) K = Suc ?L1
    using backtrack_ex_decomp[OF n_d, of ?L1] le
    by (cases ?L1 < ?L0) (auto simp: min_def L1_L0)
  then obtain M3 where
    M3: trail S = M3 @ Decided K # M1
    by auto
  then have [simp]: undefined_lit M3 (Pos (A1))  undefined_lit M3 (Pos (A0))
    by (solves use n_d L1_L0 lev_K M3 in auto)
      (solves use n_d L1_L0[symmetric] lev_K M3 in auto)
  then have [simp]: Pos (A0)  lits_of_l M3  Pos (A1)  lits_of_l M3
    using Decided_Propagated_in_iff_in_lits_of_l by blast+
  have Pos (A1)  lits_of_l M1  Pos (A0)  lits_of_l M1
    using n_d L1_L0 lev_K dec0 dec1 Decided_Propagated_in_iff_in_lits_of_l
    by (auto dest!: get_all_ann_decomposition_exists_prepend
        simp: M3 get_level_cons_if
	split: if_splits)
  then show False
    using H'[of M3 K M1 {#Neg (A0), Neg (A1)#}]
    by (auto simp: additional_constraint_def M3)

lemma cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy_clauses_mono:
  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy S T  clauses S ⊆# clauses T
  by (cases rule: cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy.cases, assumption)
    (auto elim!: rulesE obacktrackE enc_weight_opt.improveE
         conflict_opt0E simple_backtrack_conflict_optE odecideE
      simp: ocdclW_o_r.simps  enc_weight_opt.cdcl_bnb_bj.simps)

lemma rtranclp_cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy_clauses_mono:
  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy** S T  clauses S ⊆# clauses T
  by (induction rule: rtranclp_induct) (auto dest!: cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy_clauses_mono)

lemma cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy_init_clss_eq:
  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy S T  init_clss S = init_clss T
  by (cases rule: cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy.cases, assumption)
    (auto elim!: rulesE obacktrackE enc_weight_opt.improveE
         conflict_opt0E simple_backtrack_conflict_optE odecideE
      simp: ocdclW_o_r.simps  enc_weight_opt.cdcl_bnb_bj.simps)

lemma rtranclp_cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy_init_clss_eq:
  cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy** S T  init_clss S = init_clss T
  by (induction rule: rtranclp_induct) (auto dest!: cdcl_dpll_bnb_r_stgy_init_clss_eq)

  fixes S :: 'st and N :: 'v clauses
  assumes S_Σ: init_clss S = penc N

lemma replacement_pos_neg_defined_same_lvl:
    struct: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S) and
    A: A  ΔΣ and
    lev: get_level (trail S) (Pos (replacement_pos A)) < backtrack_lvl S and
    smaller_propa: no_smaller_propa S and
    smaller_confl: cdcl_bnb_stgy_inv S
    Pos (replacement_pos A)  lits_of_l (trail S) 
      Neg (replacement_neg A)  lits_of_l (trail S)
proof -
  have n_d: no_dup (trail S)
    using struct
    unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
    by auto
    have H: M K M' D L.
        trail S = M' @ Decided K # M 
        D + {#L#} ∈# additional_constraint A  undefined_lit M L  ¬ M ⊨as CNot D and
      H': M K M' D L.
        trail S = M' @ Decided K # M 
        D ∈# additional_constraint A   ¬ M ⊨as CNot D
    using smaller_propa S_Σ A smaller_confl unfolding no_smaller_propa_def clauses_def penc_def
      additional_constraints_def cdcl_bnb_stgy_inv_def no_smaller_confl_def by fastforce+

  show Neg (replacement_neg A)  lits_of_l (trail S)
    if Pos: Pos (replacement_pos A)  lits_of_l (trail S)
  proof -
    obtain M1 M2 K where
      trail S = M2 @ Decided K # M1 and
      Pos (replacement_pos A)  lits_of_l M1
      using lev n_d Pos by (force dest!: split_list elim!: is_decided_ex_Decided
        simp: lits_of_def count_decided_def filter_empty_conv)
    then show Neg (replacement_neg A)  lits_of_l (trail S)
      using H[of M2 K M1 {#Neg (replacement_pos A)#} Neg (replacement_neg A)]
        H'[of M2 K M1 {#Neg (replacement_pos A), Neg (replacement_neg A)#}]
	by (auto simp: additional_constraint_def Decided_Propagated_in_iff_in_lits_of_l)

lemma replacement_pos_neg_defined_same_lvl':
    struct: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S) and
    A: A  ΔΣ and
    lev: get_level (trail S) (Pos (replacement_neg A)) < backtrack_lvl S and
    smaller_propa: no_smaller_propa S and
    smaller_confl: cdcl_bnb_stgy_inv S
    Pos (replacement_neg A)  lits_of_l (trail S) 
      Neg (replacement_pos A)  lits_of_l (trail S)
proof -
  have n_d: no_dup (trail S)
    using struct
    unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
    by auto
  have H: M K M' D L.
        trail S = M' @ Decided K # M 
        D + {#L#} ∈# additional_constraint A  undefined_lit M L  ¬ M ⊨as CNot D and
      H': M K M' D L.
        trail S = M' @ Decided K # M 
        D ∈# additional_constraint A   ¬ M ⊨as CNot D
    using smaller_propa S_Σ A smaller_confl unfolding no_smaller_propa_def clauses_def penc_def
      additional_constraints_def cdcl_bnb_stgy_inv_def no_smaller_confl_def by fastforce+

  show Neg (replacement_pos A)  lits_of_l (trail S)
    if Pos: Pos (replacement_neg A)  lits_of_l (trail S)
  proof -
    obtain M1 M2 K where
      trail S = M2 @ Decided K # M1 and
      Pos (replacement_neg A)  lits_of_l M1
      using lev n_d Pos by (force dest!: split_list elim!: is_decided_ex_Decided
        simp: lits_of_def count_decided_def filter_empty_conv)
    then show Neg (replacement_pos A)  lits_of_l (trail S)
      using H[of M2 K M1 {#Neg (replacement_neg A)#} Neg (replacement_pos A)]
        H'[of M2 K M1 {#Neg (replacement_neg A), Neg (replacement_pos A)#}]
	by (auto simp: additional_constraint_def Decided_Propagated_in_iff_in_lits_of_l)


definition all_new_literals :: 'v list where
  all_new_literals = (SOME xs. mset xs = mset_set (replacement_neg ` ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ))

lemma set_all_new_literals[simp]:
  set all_new_literals = (replacement_neg ` ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ)
  using finite_Σ apply (simp add: all_new_literals_def)
  apply (metis (mono_tags) ex_mset finite_Un finite_Σ finite_imageI finite_set_mset_mset_set set_mset_mset someI)

text This function is basically resolving the clause with all the additional clauses term{#Neg (replacement_pos L), Neg (replacement_neg L)#}.
fun resolve_with_all_new_literals :: 'v clause  'v list  'v clause where
  resolve_with_all_new_literals C [] = C |
  resolve_with_all_new_literals C (L # Ls) =
     remdups_mset (resolve_with_all_new_literals (if Pos L ∈# C then add_mset (Neg (opposite_var L)) (removeAll_mset (Pos L) C) else C) Ls)

abbreviation normalize2 where
  normalize2 C  resolve_with_all_new_literals C all_new_literals

lemma Neg_in_normalize2[simp]: Neg L ∈# C  Neg L ∈# resolve_with_all_new_literals C xs
  by (induction arbitrary: C rule: resolve_with_all_new_literals.induct) auto

lemma Pos_in_normalize2D[dest]: Pos L ∈# resolve_with_all_new_literals C xs  Pos L ∈# C
  by (induction arbitrary: C rule: resolve_with_all_new_literals.induct) (force split: if_splits)+

lemma opposite_var_involutive[simp]:
  L  (replacement_neg ` ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ)  opposite_var (opposite_var L) = L
  by (auto simp: opposite_var_def)

lemma Neg_in_resolve_with_all_new_literals_Pos_notin:
   L  (replacement_neg ` ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ)  set xs  (replacement_neg ` ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ) 
      Pos (opposite_var L) ∉# C  Neg L ∈# resolve_with_all_new_literals C xs  Neg L ∈# C
  apply (induction arbitrary: C rule: resolve_with_all_new_literals.induct)
  apply clarsimp+
  subgoal premises p
    using p(2-)
    by (auto simp del: Neg_in_normalize2 simp: eq_commute[of _ opposite_var _])

lemma Pos_in_normalize2_Neg_notin[simp]:
   L  (replacement_neg ` ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ) 
      Pos (opposite_var L) ∉# C  Neg L ∈# normalize2 C  Neg L ∈# C
   by (rule Neg_in_resolve_with_all_new_literals_Pos_notin) (auto)

lemma all_negation_deleted:
  L  set all_new_literals  Pos L ∉# normalize2 C
  apply (induction arbitrary: C rule: resolve_with_all_new_literals.induct)
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by (auto split: if_splits)

lemma Pos_in_resolve_with_all_new_literals_iff_already_in_or_negation_in:
  L  set all_new_literals set xs  (replacement_neg ` ΔΣ  replacement_pos ` ΔΣ)  Neg L ∈# resolve_with_all_new_literals C xs
    Neg L ∈# C  Pos (opposite_var L) ∈# C
  apply (induction arbitrary: C rule: resolve_with_all_new_literals.induct)
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal premises p for C La Ls Ca
    using p
    by (auto split: if_splits dest: simp: Neg_in_resolve_with_all_new_literals_Pos_notin)

lemma Pos_in_normalize2_iff_already_in_or_negation_in:
  L  set all_new_literals   Neg L ∈# normalize2 C 
    Neg L ∈# C  Pos (opposite_var L) ∈# C
  using Pos_in_resolve_with_all_new_literals_iff_already_in_or_negation_in[of L all_new_literals C]
  by auto

text This proof makes it hard to measure progress because I currently do not see a way to
distinguish between termadd_mset (replacement_pos A) C and  termadd_mset (replacement_pos A)
  (add_mset (replacement_neg A) C). 
    enc_weight_opt.cdcl_bnb_stgy S T and
    struct: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (enc_weight_opt.abs_state S) and
    dist: distinct_mset (normalize_clause `# learned_clss S) and
    smaller_propa: no_smaller_propa S and
    smaller_confl: cdcl_bnb_stgy_inv S
  shows distinct_mset (remdups_mset (normalize2 `# learned_clss T))
  using assms(1)
proof (cases)
  case cdcl_bnb_conflict
  then show ?thesis using dist by (auto elim!: rulesE)
  case cdcl_bnb_propagate
  then show ?thesis using dist by (auto elim!: rulesE)
  case cdcl_bnb_improve
  then show ?thesis using dist by (auto elim!: enc_weight_opt.improveE)
  case cdcl_bnb_conflict_opt
  then show ?thesis using dist by (auto elim!: enc_weight_opt.conflict_optE)
  case cdcl_bnb_other'
  then show ?thesis
  proof cases
    case decide
    then show ?thesis using dist by (auto elim!: rulesE)
    case bj
    then show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case skip
      then show ?thesis using dist by (auto elim!: rulesE)
      case resolve
      then show ?thesis using dist by (auto elim!: rulesE)
      case backtrack
      then obtain M1 M2 :: ('v, 'v clause) ann_lits and K L :: 'v literal and
          D D' :: 'v clause where
	confl: conflicting S = Some (add_mset L D) and
	decomp: (Decided K # M1, M2)  set (get_all_ann_decomposition (trail S)) and
	get_maximum_level (trail S) (add_mset L D') = local.backtrack_lvl S and
	get_level (trail S) L = local.backtrack_lvl S and
	lev_K: get_level (trail S) K = Suc (get_maximum_level (trail S) D') and
	D'_D: D' ⊆# D and
	set_mset (clauses S)  set_mset (enc_weight_opt.conflicting_clss S) ⊨p
	 add_mset L D' and
	T: T 
	   cons_trail (Propagated L (add_mset L D'))
	    (reduce_trail_to M1
	      (add_learned_cls (add_mset L D') (update_conflicting None S)))
        by (auto simp: enc_weight_opt.obacktrack.simps)
        tr_D: trail S ⊨as CNot (add_mset L D) and
        distinct_mset (add_mset L D) and
	cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv (abs_state S) and
	n_d: no_dup (trail S)
        using struct confl
	unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
	by auto
      have tr_D': trail S ⊨as CNot (add_mset L D')
        using D'_D tr_D
	by (auto simp: true_annots_true_cls_def_iff_negation_in_model)
      have trail S ⊨as CNot D'  trail S ⊨as CNot (normalize2 D')
        if get_maximum_level (trail S) D' < backtrack_lvl S
        for D' (*by induction on all the literals*)
	find_theorems get_level Pos Neg
      have False
	  C: ‹add_mset (normalize_lit L) (normalize_clause D') = normalize_clause C› and
	  ‹C ∈# learned_clss S›
	for C
      proof -
        obtain L' C' where
	  C_L'_C'[simp]: ‹C = add_mset L' C'› and
	  ‹normalize_clause C' = normalize_clause D'› and
	  [simp]: ‹normalize_lit L' = normalize_lit L›
	  using C msed_map_invR[of ‹normalize_lit› C ‹normalize_lit L› ‹normalize_clause D'›]
	  by auto
	have ‹trail S ⊨as CNot C'›
	  unfolding true_annots_true_cls_def_iff_negation_in_model
	  fix A
	  assume ‹A ∈# C'›
	  then obtain A' where
	    ‹A' ∈# D'› and
	    ‹normalize_lit A' = normalize_lit A›
	    using ‹normalize_clause C' = normalize_clause D'›[symmetric]
	    by (force dest!: msed_map_invR multi_member_split)
	  then have ‹- A' ∈ lits_of_l (trail S)›
	    using tr_D' by (auto dest: multi_member_split)
	  then have ‹-normalize_lit A' ∈ lits_of_l (trail S)›
	    apply (cases A')
	    apply auto
	  then show ‹- A ∈ lits_of_l (trail S)›
        show False sorry
      then show ?thesis
        using dist T
        by (auto simp: enc_weight_opt.obacktrack.simps)

