Theory IsaSAT_Bump_Heuristics_State

theory IsaSAT_Bump_Heuristics_State
  imports Watched_Literals_VMTF

(*TODO: share the to_remove part of Bump_Heuristics*)
type_synonym bump_heuristics = ((nat, nat) acids, vmtf, bool, nat list × bool list) tuple4

abbreviation Bump_Heuristics :: _  _  _  _  bump_heuristics where
  Bump_Heuristics a b c d  Tuple4 a b c d

lemmas bump_heuristics_splits = Tuple4.tuple4.splits
hide_fact tuple4.splits

abbreviation get_stable_heuristics :: bump_heuristics  (nat, nat) acids where
  get_stable_heuristics  Tuple4_a

abbreviation get_focused_heuristics :: bump_heuristics  vmtf where
  get_focused_heuristics  Tuple4_b

abbreviation is_focused_heuristics :: bump_heuristics  bool where
  is_focused_heuristics  Tuple4_c

abbreviation is_stable_heuristics:: bump_heuristics  bool where
  is_stable_heuristics x  ¬is_focused_heuristics x

abbreviation get_bumped_variables :: bump_heuristics  nat list × bool list where
  get_bumped_variables  Tuple4_d

abbreviation set_stable_heuristics :: (nat, nat) acids bump_heuristics  _ where
  set_stable_heuristics  Tuple4.set_a

abbreviation set_focused_heuristics :: vmtf bump_heuristics  _ where
  set_focused_heuristics  Tuple4.set_b

abbreviation set_is_focused_heuristics :: bool bump_heuristics  _ where
  set_is_focused_heuristics  Tuple4.set_c

abbreviation set_bumped_variables :: nat list × bool list bump_heuristics  _ where
  set_bumped_variables  Tuple4.set_d

definition get_unit_trail where
  get_unit_trail M = (rev (takeWhile (λx. ¬is_decided x) (rev M)))

definition bump_heur :: _  _  bump_heuristics set where
  bump_heur 𝒜 M = {x.
    (is_focused_heuristics x 
      (get_stable_heuristics x  acids 𝒜 (get_unit_trail M)  
      get_focused_heuristics x  vmtf 𝒜 M)) 
    (¬is_focused_heuristics x 
      (get_stable_heuristics x  acids 𝒜 M 
       get_focused_heuristics x  vmtf 𝒜 (get_unit_trail M))) 
   (get_bumped_variables x, set (fst (get_bumped_variables x)))  distinct_atoms_rel 𝒜

definition switch_bump_heur :: bump_heuristics  bump_heuristics where
  switch_bump_heur x = do {
    (set_is_focused_heuristics (¬(is_focused_heuristics x)) x)

lemma get_unit_trail_count_decided_0[simp]: count_decided M = 0  get_unit_trail M = M
  by (auto simp: get_unit_trail_def count_decided_0_iff)
   (metis rev_swap set_rev takeWhile_eq_all_conv)

lemma switch_bump_heur:
  assumes x  bump_heur 𝒜 M and
    count_decided M = 0
  shows switch_bump_heur x  bump_heur 𝒜 M
  using assms
  by (cases x)
   (auto simp: switch_bump_heur_def bump_heur_def)

subsection Access Function
definition isa_bump_unset_pre where
  isa_bump_unset_pre = (λL x.
  (is_focused_heuristics x  vmtf_unset_pre L (get_focused_heuristics x)) 
  (is_stable_heuristics x  acids_tl_pre L (get_stable_heuristics x))
definition isa_bump_unset :: nat  bump_heuristics  bump_heuristics nres where
  isa_bump_unset L vm = (case vm of Tuple4 (hstable) (focused) foc a  do {
  hstable  (if ¬foc then acids_tl L hstable else RETURN hstable);
  let focused = (if foc then vmtf_unset L focused else focused);
  RETURN (Tuple4 hstable focused foc a)

lemma get_unit_trail_simps[simp]: is_decided L  get_unit_trail (L # M) = get_unit_trail M
  ¬is_decided L  count_decided M = 0  get_unit_trail (L # M) = L # M
  ¬is_decided L  count_decided M > 0  get_unit_trail (L # M) = get_unit_trail M
  apply (auto simp: get_unit_trail_def takeWhile_append)
  apply (metis set_rev takeWhile_eq_all_conv)
  apply (metis count_decided_0_iff nat_neq_iff)
  using bot_nat_0.not_eq_extremum count_decided_0_iff by blast

lemma get_unit_trail_cons_if:
  get_unit_trail (L # M) = (if is_decided L then get_unit_trail M else if count_decided M = 0 then L # M else get_unit_trail M)
  by (auto simp: takeWhile_append)

lemma get_unit_trail_tl[simp]: count_decided M > 0  get_unit_trail (tl M) = get_unit_trail M
  by (cases M; cases hd M) auto

lemma isa_vmtf_consD:
  x  bump_heur 𝒜 M  x  bump_heur 𝒜 (L # M)
  by (auto simp add: bump_heur_def takeWhile_append get_unit_trail_cons_if
      intro!: vmtf_consD' acids_prepend)

lemma isa_bump_unset_vmtf_tl:
  fixes M
  defines [simp]: L  atm_of (lit_of (hd M))
  assumes vmtf: x bump_heur 𝒜 M and
    L_N: L  atms_of (all 𝒜) and [simp]: M  [] and
    nz: count_decided M > 0
  shows isa_bump_unset L x  SPEC (λa. a  bump_heur 𝒜 (tl M))
proof -
  obtain ns m fst_As lst_As next_search where
    is_focused_heuristics x  get_focused_heuristics x = ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))
   by (cases get_focused_heuristics x; cases is_focused_heuristics x) auto
  then show ?thesis
    using vmtf_unset_vmtf_tl[of ns m fst_As lst_As next_search 𝒜 M] nz
      assms unfolding isa_bump_unset_def apply (cases x, simp only: Let_def)
    apply (cases is_focused_heuristics x)
      by (refine_vcg acids_tl[of _ 𝒜 M, THEN order_trans])
       (auto simp: bump_heur_def isa_bump_unset_def split: bump_heuristics_splits)
      by (refine_vcg acids_tl[of _ 𝒜 M, THEN order_trans])
        (auto simp: bump_heur_def isa_bump_unset_def atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in split: bump_heuristics_splits)

  (*TODO: this should probably be only the focused version, but for our first porting experiments, let's
  implement the switching version*)
definition bump_get_heuristics :: _  vmtf where
  bump_get_heuristics x = (get_focused_heuristics x)

definition length_bumped_vmtf_array :: bump_heuristics  nat where
  length_bumped_vmtf_array x =
  length (fst (bump_get_heuristics x))

definition current_vmtf_array_nxt_score :: bump_heuristics  nat where
  current_vmtf_array_nxt_score x = fst (snd (bump_get_heuristics x))
definition access_focused_vmtf_array where
  access_focused_vmtf_array x i = do {
  ASSERT (i < length (fst (bump_get_heuristics x)));
  RETURN (fst (bump_get_heuristics x) ! i)}

definition bumped_vmtf_array_fst where
  bumped_vmtf_array_fst x =
  fst (snd (snd (bump_get_heuristics x)))

definition isa_bump_mark_to_rescore
  :: nat  bump_heuristics  bump_heuristics nres
  isa_bump_mark_to_rescore L x = (case x of Bump_Heuristics a b c d  do {
    ASSERT (atms_hash_insert_pre L d);
    RETURN (Bump_Heuristics a b c (atoms_hash_insert L d))
