Theory Watched_Literals_VMTF

theory Watched_Literals_VMTF
  imports IsaSAT_Literals

subsection Variable-Move-to-Front

subsubsection Specification

type_synonym 'v abs_vmtf_ns = 'v set × 'v set

datatype ('v, 'n) vmtf_node = VMTF_Node (stamp : 'n) (get_prev: 'v option) (get_next: 'v option)
type_synonym nat_vmtf_node = (nat, nat) vmtf_node

inductive vmtf_ns :: nat list  nat  nat_vmtf_node list  bool where
Nil: vmtf_ns [] st xs |
Cons1: a < length xs  m  n  xs ! a = VMTF_Node (n::nat) None None  vmtf_ns [a] m xs |
Cons: vmtf_ns (b # l) m xs  a < length xs  xs ! a = VMTF_Node n None (Some b) 
  a  b  a  set l  n > m 
  xs' = xs[b := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs!b)) (Some a) (get_next (xs!b))]  n'  n 
  vmtf_ns (a # b # l) n' xs'

inductive_cases vmtf_nsE: vmtf_ns xs st zs

lemma vmtf_ns_le_length: vmtf_ns l m xs  i  set l  i < length xs
  apply (induction rule: vmtf_ns.induct)
  subgoal by (auto intro: vmtf_ns.intros)
  subgoal by (auto intro: vmtf_ns.intros)
  subgoal by (auto intro: vmtf_ns.intros)

lemma vmtf_ns_distinct: vmtf_ns l m xs  distinct l
  apply (induction rule: vmtf_ns.induct)
  subgoal by (auto intro: vmtf_ns.intros)
  subgoal by (auto intro: vmtf_ns.intros)
  subgoal by (auto intro: vmtf_ns.intros)

lemma vmtf_ns_eq_iff:
    i  set l. xs ! i = zs ! i and
    i  set l. i < length xs  i < length zs
  shows vmtf_ns l m zs  vmtf_ns l m xs (is ?A  ?B)
proof -
  have vmtf_ns l m xs
      vmtf_ns l m zs and
      (i  set l. xs ! i = zs ! i) and
      (i  set l. i < length xs  i < length zs)
    for xs zs
    using that
  proof (induction arbitrary: xs rule: vmtf_ns.induct)
    case (Nil st xs zs)
    then show ?case by (auto intro: vmtf_ns.intros)
    case (Cons1 a xs n zs)
    show ?case by (rule vmtf_ns.Cons1) (use Cons1 in auto intro: vmtf_ns.intros)
    case (Cons b l m xs c n zs n' zs') note vmtf_ns = this(1) and a_le_y = this(2) and zs_a = this(3)
      and ab = this(4) and a_l = this(5) and mn = this(6) and xs' = this(7) and nn' = this(8) and
       IH = this(9) and H = this(10-)
    have vmtf_ns (c # b # l) n' zs
      by (rule vmtf_ns.Cons[OF Cons.hyps])
    have [simp]: b < length xs  b < length zs
      using H xs' by auto
    have [simp]: b  set l
      using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] by auto
    then have K: iset l. zs ! i = (if b = i then x else xs ! i) =
       (iset l. zs ! i = xs ! i) for x
       using H(2)
       by (simp add: H(1) xs')
    have next_xs_b: get_next (xs ! b) = None if l = []
      using vmtf_ns unfolding that by (auto simp: elim!: vmtf_nsE)
    have prev_xs_b: get_prev (xs ! b) = None
      using vmtf_ns by (auto elim: vmtf_nsE)
    have vmtf_ns_zs: vmtf_ns (b # l) m (zs'[b := xs!b])
      apply (rule IH)
      subgoal using H(1) ab next_xs_b prev_xs_b H unfolding xs' by (auto simp: K)
      subgoal using H(2) ab next_xs_b prev_xs_b unfolding xs' by (auto simp: K)
    have zs' ! b = VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! b)) (Some c) (get_next (xs ! b))
      using H(1) unfolding xs' by auto
    show ?case
      apply (rule vmtf_ns.Cons[OF vmtf_ns_zs, of _ n])
      subgoal using a_le_y xs' H(2) by auto
      subgoal using ab zs_a xs' H(1) by (auto simp: K)
      subgoal using ab .
      subgoal using a_l .
      subgoal using mn .
      subgoal using ab xs' H(1) by (metis H(2) insert_iff list.set(2) list_update_id
            list_update_overwrite nth_list_update_eq)
      subgoal using nn' .
  then show ?thesis
    using assms by metis

lemmas vmtf_ns_eq_iffI = vmtf_ns_eq_iff[THEN iffD1]

lemma vmtf_ns_stamp_increase: vmtf_ns xs p zs  p  p'  vmtf_ns xs p' zs
  apply (induction rule: vmtf_ns.induct)
  subgoal by (auto intro: vmtf_ns.intros)
  subgoal by (rule vmtf_ns.Cons1) (auto intro!: vmtf_ns.intros)
  subgoal by (auto intro: vmtf_ns.intros)

lemma vmtf_ns_single_iff: vmtf_ns [a] m xs  (a < length xs  m  stamp (xs ! a) 
     xs ! a = VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! a)) None None)
  by (auto 5 5 elim!: vmtf_nsE intro: vmtf_ns.intros)

lemma vmtf_ns_append_decomp:
  assumes vmtf_ns (axs @ [ax, ay] @ azs) an ns
  shows (vmtf_ns (axs @ [ax]) an (ns[ax:= VMTF_Node (stamp (ns!ax)) (get_prev (ns!ax)) None]) 
    vmtf_ns (ay # azs) (stamp (ns!ay)) (ns[ay:= VMTF_Node (stamp (ns!ay)) None (get_next (ns!ay))]) 
    stamp (ns!ax) > stamp (ns!ay))
  using assms
proof (induction axs @ [ax, ay] @ azs an ns arbitrary: axs ax ay azs rule: vmtf_ns.induct)
  case (Nil st xs)
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Cons1 a xs m n)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons b l m xs a n xs' n') note vmtf_ns = this(1) and IH = this(2) and a_le_y = this(3) and
    zs_a = this(4) and ab = this(5) and a_l = this(6) and mn = this(7) and xs' = this(8) and
    nn' = this(9) and decomp = this(10-)
  have b_le_xs: b < length xs
    using vmtf_ns by (auto intro: vmtf_ns_le_length simp: xs')
  show ?case
  proof (cases axs)
    case [simp]: Nil
    then have [simp]: ax = a ay = b azs = l
      using decomp by auto
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases l)
      case Nil
      then show ?thesis
        using vmtf_ns xs' a_le_y zs_a ab a_l mn nn' by (cases xs ! b)
          (auto simp: vmtf_ns_single_iff)
      case (Cons al als) note l = this
      have vmtf_ns_b: vmtf_ns [b] m (xs[b := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! b)) (get_prev (xs ! b)) None]) and
        vmtf_ns_l: vmtf_ns (al # als) (stamp (xs ! al))
           (xs[al := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! al)) None (get_next (xs ! al))]) and
        stamp_al_b: stamp (xs ! al) < stamp (xs ! b)
        using IH[of Nil b al als] unfolding l by auto
      have vmtf_ns [a] n' (xs'[a := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs' ! a)) (get_prev (xs' ! a)) None])
          using a_le_y xs' ab mn nn' zs_a by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_single_iff)
      have al_b[simp]: al  b and b_als: b  set als
        using vmtf_ns unfolding l by (auto dest: vmtf_ns_distinct)
      have al_le_xs: al < length xs
        using vmtf_ns vmtf_ns_l by (auto intro: vmtf_ns_le_length simp: l xs')
      have xs_al: xs ! al = VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! al)) (Some b) (get_next (xs ! al))
        using vmtf_ns unfolding l by (auto 5 5 elim: vmtf_nsE)
      have xs_b: xs ! b = VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! b)) None (get_next (xs ! b))
        using vmtf_ns_b vmtf_ns xs' by (cases xs ! b) (auto elim: vmtf_nsE simp: l vmtf_ns_single_iff)

      have vmtf_ns (b # al # als) (stamp (xs' ! b))
          (xs'[b := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs' ! b)) None (get_next (xs' ! b))])
        apply (rule vmtf_ns.Cons[OF vmtf_ns_l, of _ stamp (xs' ! b)])
        subgoal using b_le_xs by auto
        subgoal using xs_b vmtf_ns_b vmtf_ns xs' by (cases xs ! b)
            (auto elim: vmtf_nsE simp: l vmtf_ns_single_iff)
        subgoal using al_b by blast
        subgoal using b_als .
        subgoal using xs' b_le_xs stamp_al_b by (simp add:)
        subgoal using ab unfolding xs' by (simp add: b_le_xs al_le_xs xs_al[symmetric]
        subgoal by simp
      moreover have vmtf_ns [a] n'
          (xs'[a := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs' ! a)) (get_prev (xs' ! a)) None])
        using ab a_le_y mn nn' zs_a by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_single_iff xs')
      moreover have stamp (xs' ! b) < stamp (xs' ! a)
        using b_le_xs ab mn vmtf_ns_b zs_a by (auto simp add: xs' vmtf_ns_single_iff)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        unfolding l by (simp add: l)
    case (Cons aaxs axs') note axs = this
    have [simp]: aaxs = a and bl: b # l = axs' @ [ax, ay] @ azs
      using decomp unfolding axs by simp_all
      vmtf_ns_axs': vmtf_ns (axs' @ [ax]) m
        (xs[ax := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! ax)) (get_prev (xs ! ax)) None]) and
      vmtf_ns_ay: vmtf_ns (ay # azs) (stamp (xs ! ay))
        (xs[ay := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! ay)) None (get_next (xs ! ay))]) and
      stamp: stamp (xs ! ay) < stamp (xs ! ax)
      using IH[OF bl] by fast+
    have b_ay: b  ay
      using bl vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] by (cases axs') auto
    have vmtf_ns_ay': vmtf_ns (ay # azs) (stamp (xs' ! ay))
        (xs[ay := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! ay)) None (get_next (xs ! ay))])
      using vmtf_ns_ay xs' b_ay by (auto)
    have [simp]: ay < length xs
        using vmtf_ns by (auto intro: vmtf_ns_le_length simp: bl xs')
    have in_azs_noteq_b: i  set azs  i  b for i
      using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] bl by (cases axs') (auto simp: xs' b_ay)
    have a_ax[simp]: a  ax
      using ab a_l bl by (cases axs') (auto simp: xs' b_ay)
    have vmtf_ns (axs @ [ax]) n'
       (xs'[ax := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs' ! ax)) (get_prev (xs' ! ax)) None])
    proof (cases axs')
      case Nil
      then have [simp]: ax = b
        using bl by auto
      have vmtf_ns [ax] m (xs[ax := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! ax)) (get_prev (xs ! ax)) None])
        using vmtf_ns_axs' unfolding axs Nil by simp
      then have vmtf_ns (aaxs # ax # []) n'
          (xs'[ax := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs' ! ax)) (get_prev (xs' ! ax)) None])
        apply (rule vmtf_ns.Cons[of _ _ _ _ _ n])
        subgoal using a_le_y by auto
        subgoal using zs_a a_le_y ab by auto
        subgoal using ab by auto
        subgoal by simp
        subgoal using mn .
        subgoal using zs_a a_le_y ab xs' b_le_xs by auto
        subgoal using nn' .
      then show ?thesis
        using vmtf_ns_axs' unfolding axs Nil by simp
      case (Cons aaaxs' axs'')
      have [simp]: aaaxs' = b
        using bl unfolding Cons by auto
      have vmtf_ns (aaaxs' # axs'' @ [ax]) m
          (xs[ax := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! ax)) (get_prev (xs ! ax)) None])
        using vmtf_ns_axs' unfolding axs Cons by simp
      then have vmtf_ns (a # aaaxs' # axs'' @ [ax]) n'
          (xs'[ax := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs' ! ax)) (get_prev (xs' ! ax)) None])
        apply (rule vmtf_ns.Cons[of _ _ _ _ _ n])
        subgoal using a_le_y by auto
        subgoal using zs_a a_le_y a_ax ab by (auto simp del: a  ax)
        subgoal using ab by auto
        subgoal using a_l bl unfolding Cons by simp
        subgoal using mn .
        subgoal using zs_a a_le_y ab xs' b_le_xs by (auto simp: list_update_swap)
        subgoal using nn' .
      then show ?thesis
        unfolding axs Cons by simp
    moreover have vmtf_ns (ay # azs) (stamp (xs' ! ay))
        (xs'[ay := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs' ! ay)) None (get_next (xs' ! ay))])
      apply (rule vmtf_ns_eq_iffI[OF _ _ vmtf_ns_ay'])
      subgoal using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] bl b_le_xs in_azs_noteq_b by (auto simp: xs' b_ay)
      subgoal using vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns] bl unfolding xs' by auto
    moreover have stamp (xs' ! ay) < stamp (xs' ! ax)
      using stamp unfolding axs xs' by (auto simp: b_le_xs b_ay)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      unfolding axs xs' by fast

lemma vmtf_ns_append_rebuild:
    (vmtf_ns (axs @ [ax]) an ns)  and
    vmtf_ns (ay # azs) (stamp (ns!ay)) ns and
    stamp (ns!ax) > stamp (ns!ay) and
    distinct (axs @ [ax, ay] @ azs)
  shows vmtf_ns (axs @ [ax, ay] @ azs) an
    (ns[ax := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns!ax)) (get_prev (ns!ax)) (Some ay) ,
       ay := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns!ay)) (Some ax) (get_next (ns!ay))])
  using assms
proof (induction axs @ [ax] an ns arbitrary: axs ax ay azs rule: vmtf_ns.induct)
  case (Nil st xs)
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Cons1 a xs m n) note a_le_xs = this(1) and nm = this(2) and xs_a = this(3) and a = this(4)
    and vmtf_ns = this(5) and stamp = this(6) and dist = this(7)
  have a_ax: ax = a
    using a by simp

  have vmtf_ns_ay': vmtf_ns (ay # azs) (stamp (xs ! ay)) (xs[ax := VMTF_Node n None (Some ay)])
    apply (rule vmtf_ns_eq_iffI[OF _ _ vmtf_ns])
    subgoal using dist a_ax a_le_xs by auto
    subgoal using vmtf_ns vmtf_ns_le_length by auto

  then have vmtf_ns (ax # ay # azs) m (xs[ax := VMTF_Node n None (Some ay),
      ay := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! ay)) (Some ax) (get_next (xs ! ay))])
    apply (rule vmtf_ns.Cons[of _ _ _ _ _ stamp (xs ! a)])
    subgoal using a_le_xs unfolding a_ax by auto
    subgoal using xs_a a_ax a_le_xs by auto
    subgoal using dist by auto
    subgoal using dist by auto
    subgoal using stamp by (simp add: a_ax)
    subgoal using a_ax a_le_xs dist by auto
    subgoal by (simp add: nm xs_a)
  then show ?case
    using a_ax a xs_a by auto
  case (Cons b l m xs a n xs' n') note vmtf_ns = this(1) and IH = this(2) and a_le_y = this(3) and
    zs_a = this(4) and ab = this(5) and a_l = this(6) and mn = this(7) and xs' = this(8) and
    nn' = this(9) and decomp = this(10) and vmtf_ns_ay = this(11) and stamp = this(12) and
    dist = this(13)

  have dist_b: distinct ((a # b # l) @ ay # azs)
    using dist unfolding decomp by auto
  then have b_ay: b  ay
    by auto
  have b_le_xs: b < length xs
    using vmtf_ns vmtf_ns_le_length by auto
  have a_ax: a  ax and a_ay: a  ay
    using dist_b decomp dist by (cases axs; auto)+
  have vmtf_ns_ay': vmtf_ns (ay # azs) (stamp (xs ! ay)) xs
    apply (rule vmtf_ns_eq_iffI[of _ _ xs'])
    subgoal using xs' b_ay dist_b b_le_xs by auto
    subgoal using vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns_ay] xs' by auto
    subgoal using xs' b_ay dist_b b_le_xs vmtf_ns_ay xs' by auto

  have vmtf_ns (tl axs @ [ax, ay] @ azs) m
          (xs[ax := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! ax)) (get_prev (xs ! ax)) (Some ay),
              ay := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! ay)) (Some ax) (get_next (xs ! ay))])
    apply (rule IH)
    subgoal using decomp by (cases axs) auto
    subgoal using vmtf_ns_ay' .
    subgoal using stamp xs' b_ay b_le_xs by (cases ax = b) auto
    subgoal using dist by (cases axs) auto
  moreover have tl axs @ [ax, ay] @ azs = b # l @ ay # azs
    using decomp by (cases axs) auto
  ultimately have vmtf_ns_tl_axs: vmtf_ns (b # l @ ay # azs) m
          (xs[ax := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! ax)) (get_prev (xs ! ax)) (Some ay),
              ay := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! ay)) (Some ax) (get_next (xs ! ay))])
    by metis

  then have vmtf_ns (a # b # l @ ay # azs) n'
     (xs'[ax := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs' ! ax)) (get_prev (xs' ! ax)) (Some ay),
          ay := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs' ! ay)) (Some ax) (get_next (xs' ! ay))])
    apply (rule vmtf_ns.Cons[of _ _ _ _ _ stamp (xs ! a)])
    subgoal using a_le_y by simp
    subgoal using zs_a a_le_y a_ax a_ay by auto
    subgoal using ab .
    subgoal using dist_b by auto
    subgoal using mn by (simp add: zs_a)
    subgoal using zs_a a_le_y a_ax a_ay b_ay b_le_xs unfolding xs'
      by (auto simp: list_update_swap)
    subgoal using stamp xs' nn' b_ay b_le_xs zs_a by auto
  then show ?case
    by (metis append.assoc append_Cons append_Nil decomp)

  It is tempting to remove the termupdate_x. However, it leads to more complicated
  reasoning later: What happens if x is not in the list, but its successor is? Moreover, it is
  unlikely to really make a big difference (performance-wise).
definition ns_vmtf_dequeue :: nat  nat_vmtf_node list  nat_vmtf_node list where
ns_vmtf_dequeue y xs =
  (let x = xs ! y;
   u_prev =
      (case get_prev x of None  xs
      | Some a  xs[a:= VMTF_Node (stamp (xs!a)) (get_prev (xs!a)) (get_next x)]);
   u_next =
      (case get_next x of None  u_prev
      | Some a  u_prev[a:= VMTF_Node (stamp (u_prev!a)) (get_prev x) (get_next (u_prev!a))]);
    u_x = u_next[y:= VMTF_Node (stamp (u_next!y)) None None]

lemma vmtf_ns_different_same_neq: vmtf_ns (b # c # l') m xs  vmtf_ns (c # l') m xs  False
  apply (cases l')
  subgoal by (force elim: vmtf_nsE)
  subgoal for x xs
    apply (subst (asm) vmtf_ns.simps)
    apply (subst (asm)(2) vmtf_ns.simps)
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) vmtf_node.inject length_list_update list.discI list_tail_coinc
        nth_list_update_eq nth_list_update_neq option.discI)

lemma vmtf_ns_last_next:
  vmtf_ns (xs @ [x]) m ns  get_next (ns ! x) = None
  apply (induction xs @ [x] m ns arbitrary: xs x rule: vmtf_ns.induct)
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal for b l m xs a n xs' n' xsa x
    by (cases xs ! b; cases x = b; cases xsa)
       (force simp: vmtf_ns_le_length)+

lemma vmtf_ns_hd_prev:
  vmtf_ns (x # xs) m ns  get_prev (ns ! x) = None
  apply (induction x # xs m ns arbitrary: xs x rule: vmtf_ns.induct)
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto

lemma vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_next:
  vmtf_ns (xs @ [x, y] @ zs) m ns  get_next (ns ! x) = Some y
  apply (induction xs @ [x, y] @ zs m ns arbitrary: xs x rule: vmtf_ns.induct)
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal for b l m xs a n xs' n' xsa x
    by (cases xs ! b; cases x = b; cases xsa)
       (force simp: vmtf_ns_le_length)+

lemma vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_next_option_hd:
  vmtf_ns (xs @ x # zs) m ns  get_next (ns ! x) = option_hd zs
  using vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_next[of xs x hd zs tl zs m ns]
  vmtf_ns_last_next[of xs x]
  by (cases zs) auto

lemma vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_prev:
  assumes vmtf_ns (xs @ [x, y] @ zs) m ns
  shows get_prev (ns ! y) = Some x
    using assms
proof (induction xs @ [x, y] @ zs m ns arbitrary: xs x rule: vmtf_ns.induct)
  case (Nil st xs)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons1 a xs m n)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons b l m xxs a n xxs' n') note vmtf_ns = this(1) and IH = this(2) and a_le_y = this(3) and
    zs_a = this(4) and ab = this(5) and a_l = this(6) and mn = this(7) and xs' = this(8) and
    nn' = this(9) and decomp = this(10)
  show ?case
  proof (cases xs)
    case Nil
    then show ?thesis using Cons vmtf_ns_le_length by auto
    case (Cons aaxs axs')
    then have b_l: b # l = tl xs @ [x, y] @ zs
      using decomp by auto
    then have get_prev (xxs ! y) = Some x
      by (rule IH)
    moreover have x  y
      using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] b_l by auto
    moreover have b  y
      using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] decomp by (cases axs') (auto simp add: Cons)
    moreover have y < length xxs b < length xxs
      using vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns, unfolded b_l] vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns] by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      unfolding xs' by auto

lemma vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_prev_option_last:
  vmtf_ns (xs @ x # zs) m ns  get_prev (ns ! x) = option_last xs
  using vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_prev[of butlast xs last xs x zs m ns]
  by (cases xs rule: rev_cases) (auto elim: vmtf_nsE)

lemma length_ns_vmtf_dequeue[simp]: length (ns_vmtf_dequeue x ns) = length ns
  unfolding ns_vmtf_dequeue_def by (auto simp: Let_def split: option.splits)

lemma vmtf_ns_skip_fst:
  assumes vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns (x # y' # zs') m ns
  shows n. vmtf_ns (y' # zs') n (ns[y' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns ! y')) None (get_next (ns ! y'))]) 
     m  n
  using assms
proof (rule vmtf_nsE, goal_cases)
  case 1
  then show ?case by simp
  case (2 a n)
  then show ?case by simp
  case (3 b l m xs a n)
  moreover have get_prev (xs ! b) = None
    using 3(3) by (fastforce elim: vmtf_nsE)
  moreover have b < length xs
    using 3(3) vmtf_ns_le_length by auto
  ultimately show ?case
    by (cases xs ! b) (auto simp: eq_commute[of xs ! b])

definition vmtf_ns_notin where
  vmtf_ns_notin l m xs  (i<length xs. iset l  (get_prev (xs ! i) = None 
      get_next (xs ! i) = None))

lemma vmtf_ns_notinI:
  (i. i <length xs  iset l  get_prev (xs ! i) = None 
      get_next (xs ! i) = None)  vmtf_ns_notin l m xs
  by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_notin_def)

lemma stamp_ns_vmtf_dequeue:
  axs < length zs  stamp (ns_vmtf_dequeue x zs ! axs) = stamp (zs ! axs)
  by (cases zs ! (the (get_next (zs ! x))); cases (the (get_next (zs ! x))) = axs;
      cases (the (get_prev (zs ! x))) = axs; cases zs ! x)
    (auto simp: nth_list_update' ns_vmtf_dequeue_def Let_def split: option.splits)

lemma sorted_many_eq_append: sorted (xs @ [x, y])  sorted (xs @ [x])  x  y
  using sorted_append[of xs @ [x] [y]] sorted_append[of xs [x]]
  by force

lemma vmtf_ns_stamp_sorted:
  assumes vmtf_ns l m ns
  shows sorted (map (λa. stamp (ns!a)) (rev l))  (a  set l. stamp (ns!a)  m)
  using assms
proof (induction rule: vmtf_ns.induct)
  case (Cons b l m xs a n xs' n') note vmtf_ns = this(1) and IH = this(9) and a_le_y = this(2) and
    zs_a = this(3) and ab = this(4) and a_l = this(5) and mn = this(6) and xs' = this(7) and
    nn' = this(8)
  have H:
  map (λaa. stamp (xs[b := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! b)) (Some a) (get_next (xs ! b))] ! aa)) (rev l) =
     map (λa. stamp (xs ! a)) (rev l)
    apply (rule map_cong)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns] by auto
  have [simp]: stamp (xs[b := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! b)) (Some a) (get_next (xs ! b))] ! b) =
     stamp (xs ! b)
    using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns] by (cases xs ! b) auto
  have stamp (xs[b := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! b)) (Some a) (get_next (xs ! b))] ! aa)  n'
    if aa  set l for aa
    apply (cases aa = b)
    subgoal using Cons by auto
    subgoal using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns] IH nn' mn that by auto
  then show ?case
    using Cons by (auto simp: H sorted_many_eq_append)
qed auto

lemma vmtf_ns_ns_vmtf_dequeue:
  assumes vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns l m ns and notin: vmtf_ns_notin l m ns and valid: x < length ns
  shows vmtf_ns (remove1 x l) m (ns_vmtf_dequeue x ns)
proof (cases x  set l)
  case False
  then have H: remove1 x l = l
    by (simp add: remove1_idem)
  have simp_is_stupid[simp]: a  set l  x  set l  a  x a  set l  x  set l  x  a  for a x
    by auto
      get_prev (ns ! x) = None  and
      get_next (ns ! x) = None
    using notin False valid unfolding vmtf_ns_notin_def by auto
  then have vmtf_ns_eq: (ns_vmtf_dequeue x ns) ! a = ns ! a if a  set l for a
    using that False valid unfolding vmtf_ns_notin_def ns_vmtf_dequeue_def
    by (cases ns ! (the (get_prev (ns ! x))); cases ns ! (the (get_next (ns ! x))))
      (auto simp: Let_def split: option.splits)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding H
    apply (rule vmtf_ns_eq_iffI[OF _ _ vmtf_ns])
    subgoal using vmtf_ns_eq by blast
    subgoal using vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns] by auto
  case True
  then obtain xs zs where
    l: l = xs @ x # zs
    by (meson split_list)
  have r_l: remove1 x l = xs @ zs
    using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] unfolding l by (simp add: remove1_append)
  have dist: distinct l
    using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] .
  have le_length: i  set l  i < length ns for i
    using vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns] .
    (xs_zs_empty) xs = [] and zs = [] |
    (xs_nempty_zs_empty) x' xs' where xs = xs' @ [x'] and zs = [] |
    (xs_empty_zs_nempty) y' zs' where xs = [] and zs = y' # zs' |
    (xs_zs_nempty) x' y' xs' zs' where  xs = xs' @ [x'] and zs = y' # zs'
    by (cases xs rule: rev_cases; cases zs)
  then show ?thesis
  proof cases
    case xs_zs_empty
    then show ?thesis
      using vmtf_ns by (auto simp: r_l intro: vmtf_ns.intros)
    case xs_empty_zs_nempty note xs = this(1) and zs = this(2)
    have [simp]: x  y' y'  x x  set zs'
      using dist unfolding l xs zs by auto
    have prev_next: get_prev (ns ! x) = None get_next (ns ! x) = option_hd zs
      using vmtf_ns unfolding l xs zs
      by (cases zs; auto 5 5 simp: option_hd_def elim: vmtf_nsE; fail)+
    then have vmtf': vmtf_ns (y' # zs') m (ns[y' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns ! y')) None (get_next (ns ! y'))])
      using vmtf_ns unfolding r_l unfolding l xs zs
      by (auto simp: ns_vmtf_dequeue_def Let_def nth_list_update' zs
          split: option.splits
          intro: vmtf_ns.intros vmtf_ns_stamp_increase dest: vmtf_ns_skip_fst)
    show ?thesis
      apply (rule vmtf_ns_eq_iffI[of _ _
            (ns[y' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns ! y')) None (get_next (ns ! y'))]) m])
        using prev_next unfolding r_l unfolding l xs zs
        by (cases ns ! x) (auto simp: ns_vmtf_dequeue_def Let_def nth_list_update')
        using prev_next le_length unfolding r_l unfolding l xs zs
        by (cases ns ! x) auto
        using vmtf' unfolding r_l unfolding l xs zs by auto
    case xs_nempty_zs_empty note xs = this(1) and zs = this(2)
    have [simp]: x  x' x'  x x'  set xs' x  set xs'
      using dist unfolding l xs zs by auto
    have prev_next: get_prev (ns ! x) = Some x' get_next (ns ! x) = None
      using vmtf_ns vmtf_ns_append_decomp[of xs' x' x zs m ns] unfolding l xs zs
      by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_single_iff intro: vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_prev)
    then have vmtf': vmtf_ns (xs' @ [x']) m (ns[x' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns ! x')) (get_prev (ns ! x')) None])
      using vmtf_ns unfolding r_l unfolding l xs zs
      by (auto simp: ns_vmtf_dequeue_def Let_def vmtf_ns_append_decomp split: option.splits
          intro: vmtf_ns.intros)
    show ?thesis
      apply (rule vmtf_ns_eq_iffI[of _ _
            (ns[x' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns ! x')) (get_prev (ns ! x')) None]) m])
        using prev_next unfolding r_l unfolding l xs zs
        by (cases ns ! x') (auto simp: ns_vmtf_dequeue_def Let_def nth_list_update')
        using prev_next le_length unfolding r_l unfolding l xs zs
        by (cases ns ! x) auto
        using vmtf' unfolding r_l unfolding l xs zs by auto
    case xs_zs_nempty note xs = this(1) and zs = this(2)
    have vmtf_ns_x'_x: vmtf_ns (xs' @ [x', x] @ (y' #  zs')) m ns and
      vmtf_ns_x_y: vmtf_ns ((xs' @ [x']) @ [x, y'] @ zs') m ns
      using vmtf_ns unfolding l xs zs by simp_all
    from vmtf_ns_append_decomp[OF vmtf_ns_x'_x] have
      vmtf_ns_xs: vmtf_ns (xs' @ [x']) m (ns[x' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns ! x')) (get_prev (ns ! x')) None]) and
      vmtf_ns_zs: vmtf_ns (x # y' # zs') (stamp (ns ! x)) (ns[x := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns ! x)) None (get_next (ns ! x))]) and
      stamp: stamp (ns ! x) < stamp (ns ! x')
      by fast+
    have [simp]: y' < length ns x < length ns x  y' x'  y' x' < length ns y'  x'
      x'  x x  x' y'  x
      and x_zs': x  set zs' x  set xs' and x'_zs': x'  set zs' and y'_xs': y'  set xs'
      using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns] unfolding l xs zs
      by auto
    obtain n where
      vmtf_ns_zs': vmtf_ns (y' # zs') n (ns[x := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns ! x)) None (get_next (ns ! x)),
          y' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns[x := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns ! x)) None (get_next (ns ! x))] ! y')) None
       (get_next (ns[x := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns ! x)) None (get_next (ns ! x))] ! y'))]) and
      n  stamp (ns ! x)
      using vmtf_ns_skip_fst[OF vmtf_ns_zs] by blast
    then have vmtf_ns_y'_zs'_x_y': vmtf_ns (y' # zs') n (ns[x := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns ! x)) None (get_next (ns ! x)),
          y' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns ! y')) None (get_next (ns ! y'))])
      by auto

    define ns' where ns' = ns[x' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns ! x')) (get_prev (ns ! x')) None,
         y' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns ! y')) None (get_next (ns ! y'))]
    have vmtf_ns_y'_zs'_y': vmtf_ns (y' # zs') n (ns[y' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns ! y')) None (get_next (ns ! y'))])
      apply (rule vmtf_ns_eq_iffI[OF _ _ vmtf_ns_y'_zs'_x_y'])
      subgoal using x_zs' by auto
      subgoal using vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns] unfolding l xs zs by auto
    moreover have stamp_y'_n: stamp (ns[x' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns ! x')) (get_prev (ns ! x')) None] ! y')  n
      using vmtf_ns_stamp_sorted[OF vmtf_ns_y'_zs'_y'] stamp unfolding l xs zs
      by (auto simp: sorted_append)
    ultimately have vmtf_ns_y'_zs'_y': vmtf_ns (y' # zs') (stamp (ns' ! y'))
       (ns[y' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns ! y')) None (get_next (ns ! y'))])
      using l vmtf_ns vmtf_ns_append_decomp xs_zs_nempty(2) ns'_def by auto
    have vmtf_ns_y'_zs'_x'_y': vmtf_ns (y' # zs') (stamp (ns' ! y')) ns'
      apply (rule vmtf_ns_eq_iffI[OF _ _ vmtf_ns_y'_zs'_y'])
      subgoal using dist le_length x'_zs' ns'_def unfolding l xs zs by auto
      subgoal using dist le_length x'_zs' ns'_def unfolding l xs zs by auto
    have vmtf_ns_xs': vmtf_ns (xs' @ [x']) m ns'
      apply (rule vmtf_ns_eq_iffI[OF _ _ vmtf_ns_xs])
      subgoal using y'_xs' ns'_def by auto
      subgoal using vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns_xs] ns'_def by auto
    have vmtf_x'_y': vmtf_ns (xs' @ [x', y'] @ zs') m
       (ns'[x' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns' ! x')) (get_prev (ns' ! x')) (Some y'),
         y' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns' ! y')) (Some x') (get_next (ns' ! y'))])
      apply (rule vmtf_ns_append_rebuild[OF vmtf_ns_xs' vmtf_ns_y'_zs'_x'_y'])
      subgoal using stamp_y'_n vmtf_ns_xs vmtf_ns_zs stamp n  stamp (ns ! x)
        unfolding ns'_def by auto
      subgoal by (metis append.assoc append_Cons distinct_remove1 r_l self_append_conv2 vmtf_ns
            vmtf_ns_distinct xs zs)
    have vmtf_ns (xs' @ [x', y'] @ zs') m
       (ns'[x' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns' ! x')) (get_prev (ns' ! x')) (Some y'),
         y' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns' ! y')) (Some x') (get_next (ns' ! y')),
         x := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns' ! x)) None None])
      apply (rule vmtf_ns_eq_iffI[OF _ _ vmtf_x'_y'])
        using vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_next[OF vmtf_ns_x_y] vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_prev[OF vmtf_ns_x'_x] x_zs'
        by (cases ns!x; auto simp: nth_list_update' ns'_def)
      subgoal using le_length unfolding l xs zs ns'_def by auto
    moreover have xs' @ [x', y'] @ zs' = remove1 x l
      unfolding r_l xs zs by auto
    moreover have ns'[x' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns' ! x')) (get_prev (ns' ! x')) (Some y'),
         y' := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns' ! y')) (Some x') (get_next (ns' ! y')),
         x := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns' ! x)) None None] = ns_vmtf_dequeue x ns
      using vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_next[OF vmtf_ns_x_y] vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_prev[OF vmtf_ns_x'_x]
      list_update_swap[of x' y' _ _ :: nat_vmtf_node]
      unfolding ns'_def ns_vmtf_dequeue_def
      by (auto simp: Let_def)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by force

lemma vmtf_ns_hd_next:
   vmtf_ns (x # a # list) m ns  get_next (ns ! x) = Some a
  by (auto 5 5 elim: vmtf_nsE)

lemma vmtf_ns_notin_dequeue:
  assumes vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns l m ns and notin: vmtf_ns_notin l m ns and valid: x < length ns
  shows vmtf_ns_notin (remove1 x l) m (ns_vmtf_dequeue x ns)
proof (cases x  set l)
  case False
  then have H: remove1 x l = l
    by (simp add: remove1_idem)
  have simp_is_stupid[simp]: a  set l  x  set l  a  x a  set l  x  set l  x  a  for a x
    by auto
    get_prev (ns ! x) = None and
    get_next (ns ! x) = None
    using notin False valid unfolding vmtf_ns_notin_def by auto
  show ?thesis
    using notin valid False unfolding vmtf_ns_notin_def
    by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_notin_def ns_vmtf_dequeue_def Let_def H split: option.splits)
  case True
  then obtain xs zs where
    l: l = xs @ x # zs
    by (meson split_list)
  have r_l: remove1 x l = xs @ zs
    using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] unfolding l by (simp add: remove1_append)

    (xs_zs_empty) xs = [] and zs = [] |
    (xs_nempty_zs_empty) x' xs' where xs = xs' @ [x'] and zs = [] |
    (xs_empty_zs_nempty) y' zs' where xs = [] and zs = y' # zs' |
    (xs_zs_nempty) x' y' xs' zs' where  xs = xs' @ [x'] and zs = y' # zs'
    by (cases xs rule: rev_cases; cases zs)
  then show ?thesis
  proof cases
    case xs_zs_empty
    then show ?thesis
      using notin vmtf_ns unfolding l apply (cases ns ! x)
        by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_notin_def ns_vmtf_dequeue_def Let_def vmtf_ns_single_iff
           split: option.splits)
    case xs_empty_zs_nempty note xs = this(1) and zs = this(1)
    have prev_next: get_prev (ns ! x) = None get_next (ns ! x) = option_hd zs
      using vmtf_ns unfolding l xs zs
      by (cases zs; auto simp: option_hd_def elim: vmtf_nsE dest: vmtf_ns_hd_next)+
    show ?thesis
      apply (rule vmtf_ns_notinI)
      apply (case_tac i = x)
        using vmtf_ns prev_next unfolding r_l unfolding l xs zs
        by (cases zs) (auto simp: ns_vmtf_dequeue_def Let_def
            vmtf_ns_notin_def vmtf_ns_single_iff
            split: option.splits)
        using vmtf_ns notin prev_next unfolding r_l unfolding l xs zs
        by (auto simp: ns_vmtf_dequeue_def Let_def
            vmtf_ns_notin_def vmtf_ns_single_iff
            split: option.splits
            intro: vmtf_ns.intros vmtf_ns_stamp_increase dest: vmtf_ns_skip_fst)
    case xs_nempty_zs_empty note xs = this(1) and zs = this(2)
    have prev_next: get_prev (ns ! x) = Some x' get_next (ns ! x) = None
      using vmtf_ns vmtf_ns_append_decomp[of xs' x' x zs m ns] unfolding l xs zs
      by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_single_iff intro: vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_prev)
    then show ?thesis
      using vmtf_ns notin unfolding r_l unfolding l xs zs
      by (auto simp: ns_vmtf_dequeue_def Let_def vmtf_ns_append_decomp vmtf_ns_notin_def
          split: option.splits
          intro: vmtf_ns.intros)
    case xs_zs_nempty note xs = this(1) and zs = this(2)
    have vmtf_ns_x'_x: vmtf_ns (xs' @ [x', x] @ (y' #  zs')) m ns and
      vmtf_ns_x_y: vmtf_ns ((xs' @ [x']) @ [x, y'] @ zs') m ns
      using vmtf_ns unfolding l xs zs by simp_all
    have [simp]: y' < length ns x < length ns x  y' x'  y' x' < length ns y'  x'
      y'  x y'  set xs  y'  set zs'
      and x_zs': x  set zs' and x'_zs': x'  set zs' and y'_xs': y'  set xs'
      using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns] unfolding l xs zs
      by auto
    have get_next (ns!x) = Some y' get_prev (ns!x) = Some x'
      using vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_prev[OF vmtf_ns_x'_x] vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_next[OF vmtf_ns_x_y]
      by fast+
    then show ?thesis
      using notin x_zs' x'_zs' y'_xs' unfolding l xs zs
      by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_notin_def ns_vmtf_dequeue_def)

lemma vmtf_ns_stamp_distinct:
  assumes vmtf_ns l m ns
  shows distinct (map (λa. stamp (ns!a)) l)
  using assms
proof (induction rule: vmtf_ns.induct)
  case (Cons b l m xs a n xs' n') note vmtf_ns = this(1) and IH = this(9) and a_le_y = this(2) and
    zs_a = this(3) and ab = this(4) and a_l = this(5) and mn = this(6) and xs' = this(7) and
    nn' = this(8)
  have [simp]: map (λaa. stamp
                 (if b = aa
                  then VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! aa)) (Some a) (get_next (xs ! aa))
                  else xs ! aa)) l =
        map (λaa. stamp (xs ! aa)) l
        for a
    apply (rule map_cong)
    subgoal ..
    subgoal using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] by auto
  show ?case
    using Cons vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns]
    by (auto simp: sorted_many_eq_append leD vmtf_ns_stamp_sorted cong: if_cong)
qed auto

lemma vmtf_ns_thighten_stamp:
  assumes vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns l m xs and n: aset l. stamp (xs ! a)  n
  shows vmtf_ns l n xs
proof -
    (empty) l = [] |
    (single) x where l = [x] |
    (more_than_two) x y ys where l = x # y # ys
    by (cases l; cases tl l) auto
  then show ?thesis
  proof cases
    case empty
    then show ?thesis by (auto intro: vmtf_ns.intros)
    case (single x)
    then show ?thesis using n vmtf_ns by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_single_iff)
    case (more_than_two x y ys) note l = this
    then have vmtf_ns': vmtf_ns ([] @ [x, y] @ ys) m xs
      using vmtf_ns by auto
    from vmtf_ns_append_decomp[OF this] have
      vmtf_ns ([x]) m (xs[x := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! x)) (get_prev (xs ! x)) None]) and
      vmtf_ns_y_ys: vmtf_ns (y # ys) (stamp (xs ! y))
        (xs[y := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs ! y)) None (get_next (xs ! y))]) and
      stamp (xs ! y) < stamp (xs ! x)
      by auto
    have [simp]: x  y x  set ys x < length xs y < length xs
      using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns] unfolding l by auto
    show ?thesis
      unfolding l
      apply (rule vmtf_ns.Cons[OF vmtf_ns_y_ys, of _ stamp (xs ! x)])
      subgoal using vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns] unfolding l by auto
      subgoal using vmtf_ns unfolding l by (cases xs ! x) (auto elim: vmtf_nsE)
      subgoal by simp
      subgoal by simp
      subgoal using vmtf_ns_stamp_sorted[OF vmtf_ns] vmtf_ns_stamp_distinct[OF vmtf_ns]
       by (auto simp: l sorted_many_eq_append)
        using vmtf_ns vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_prev[OF vmtf_ns']
        apply (cases xs ! y)
        by simp (auto simp: l eq_commute[of xs ! y])
      subgoal using n unfolding l by auto

lemma vmtf_ns_rescale:
    vmtf_ns l m xs and
    sorted (map (λa. st ! a) (rev l)) and distinct (map (λa. st ! a) l)
    a  set l. get_prev (zs ! a) = get_prev (xs ! a) and
    a  set l. get_next (zs ! a) = get_next (xs ! a) and
    a  set l. stamp (zs ! a) = st ! a and
    length xs  length zs and
    aset l. a < length st and
    m': a  set l. st ! a < m'
  shows vmtf_ns l m' zs
  using assms
proof (induction arbitrary: zs m' rule: vmtf_ns.induct)
  case (Nil st xs)
  then show ?case by (auto intro: vmtf_ns.intros)
  case (Cons1 a xs m n)
  then show ?case by (cases zs ! a) (auto simp: vmtf_ns_single_iff intro!: Max_ge nth_mem)
  case (Cons b l m xs a n xs' n' zs m') note vmtf_ns = this(1) and a_le_y = this(2) and
    zs_a = this(3) and ab = this(4) and a_l = this(5) and mn = this(6) and xs' = this(7) and
    nn' = this(8) and IH = this(9) and H = this(10-)
  have [simp]: b < length xs b  a a  b b  set l b < length zs a < length zs
    using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns] ab H(6) a_le_y unfolding xs'
    by force+

  have simp_is_stupid[simp]: a  set l  x  set l  a  x a  set l  x  set l  x  a  for a x
    by auto
  define zs' where zs'  (zs[b := VMTF_Node (st ! b) (get_prev (xs ! b)) (get_next (xs ! b)),
          a := VMTF_Node (st ! a) None (Some b)])
  have zs_upd_zs: zs = zs
    [b := VMTF_Node (st ! b) (get_prev (xs ! b)) (get_next (xs ! b)),
     a := VMTF_Node (st ! a) None (Some b),
     b := VMTF_Node (st ! b) (Some a) (get_next (xs ! b))]
    using H(2-5) xs' zs_a b < length xs
    by (metis list.set_intros(1) list.set_intros(2) list_update_id list_update_overwrite
      nth_list_update_eq nth_list_update_neq vmtf_node.collapse vmtf_node.sel(2,3))

  have vtmf_b_l: vmtf_ns (b # l) m' zs'
    unfolding zs'_def
    apply (rule IH)
    subgoal using H(1) by (simp add: sorted_many_eq_append)
    subgoal using H(2) by auto
    subgoal using H(3,4,5) xs' zs_a a_l ab by (auto split: if_splits)
    subgoal using H(4) xs' zs_a a_l ab by auto
    subgoal using H(5) xs' a_l ab by auto
    subgoal using H(6) xs' by auto
    subgoal using H(7) xs' by auto
    subgoal using H(8) by auto
  then have vmtf_ns (b # l) (stamp (zs' ! b)) zs'
    by (rule vmtf_ns_thighten_stamp)
      (use vmtf_ns_stamp_sorted[OF vtmf_b_l] in auto simp: sorted_append)

  then show ?case
    apply (rule vmtf_ns.Cons[of _ _ _ _ _ st ! a])
    unfolding zs'_def
    subgoal using a_le_y H(6) xs' by auto
    subgoal using a_le_y by auto
    subgoal using ab.
    subgoal using a_l .
    subgoal using nn' mn H(1,2) by (auto simp: sorted_many_eq_append)
    subgoal using zs_upd_zs by auto
    subgoal using H by (auto intro!: Max_ge nth_mem)

lemma vmtf_ns_last_prev:
  assumes vmtf: vmtf_ns (xs @ [x]) m ns
  shows get_prev (ns ! x) = option_last xs
proof (cases xs rule: rev_cases)
  case Nil
  then show ?thesis using vmtf by (cases ns!x) (auto simp: vmtf_ns_single_iff)
  case (snoc xs' y')
  then show ?thesis
    using vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_prev[of xs' y' x [] m ns] vmtf by auto

paragraph Abstract Invariants

   The atoms of termxs and termys are always disjoint.
   The atoms of termys are always set.
   The atoms of termxs can be set but do not have to.

definition vmtf_ℒall :: nat multiset  (nat, nat) ann_lits  nat abs_vmtf_ns  bool where
vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M  λ(xs, ys).
  (Lys. L  atm_of ` lits_of_l M) 
  xs  ys = {} 
  xs  ys = atms_of (all 𝒜)

abbreviation abs_vmtf_ns_inv :: nat multiset  (nat, nat) ann_lits  nat abs_vmtf_ns  bool where
abs_vmtf_ns_inv 𝒜 M vm  vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M vm

subsubsection Implementation

type_synonym (in -) vmtf = nat_vmtf_node list × nat × nat × nat × nat option

  We use the opposite direction of the VMTF paper: The latest added element termfst_As is at
  the beginning.

definition vmtf :: nat multiset  (nat, nat) ann_lits  vmtf set where
vmtf 𝒜 M = {(ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search).
   (xs' ys'.
     vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns  fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs')  lst_As = last (ys' @ xs')
    next_search = option_hd xs'
    vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M (set xs', set ys')
    vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m ns
    (Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length ns)  (Lset (ys' @ xs'). L  atms_of (all 𝒜))

lemma vmtf_consD:
  assumes vmtf: ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))  vmtf 𝒜 M
  shows ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))  vmtf 𝒜 (L # M)
proof -
  obtain xs' ys' where
    vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    fst_As: fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs') and
    lst_As: lst_As = last (ys' @ xs') and
    next_search: next_search = option_hd xs' and
    abs_vmtf: vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set xs', set ys')) and
    notin: vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    atm_A: Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length ns and
    Lset (ys' @ xs'). L  atms_of (all 𝒜)
    using vmtf unfolding vmtf_def by fast
  moreover have vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 (L # M) ((set xs', set ys'))
    using abs_vmtf unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def by auto
  ultimately have vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns 
       fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs') 
       lst_As = last (ys' @ xs') 
       next_search = option_hd xs' 
       vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 (L # M) ((set xs', set ys')) 
       vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m ns  (Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length ns) 
       (Lset (ys' @ xs'). L  atms_of (all 𝒜))
      by fast
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding vmtf_def by fast

lemma vmtf_consD':
  assumes vmtf: x  vmtf 𝒜 M
  shows x  vmtf 𝒜 (L # M)
  using vmtf_consD
  by (metis prod_cases5 vmtf) 

type_synonym (in -) vmtf_option_fst_As = nat_vmtf_node list × nat × nat option × nat option × nat option

definition (in -) vmtf_dequeue :: nat  vmtf  vmtf_option_fst_As where
vmtf_dequeue  (λL (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search).
  (let fst_As' = (if fst_As = L then get_next (ns ! L) else Some fst_As);
       next_search' = if next_search = Some L then get_next (ns ! L) else next_search;
       lst_As' = if lst_As = L then get_prev (ns ! L) else Some lst_As in
   (ns_vmtf_dequeue L ns, m, fst_As', lst_As', next_search')))

text It would be better to distinguish whether L is set in M or not.
definition vmtf_enqueue :: (nat, nat) ann_lits  nat  vmtf_option_fst_As  vmtf where
vmtf_enqueue = (λM L (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search).
  (case fst_As of
    None  (ns[L := VMTF_Node m fst_As None], m+1, L, L,
         (if defined_lit M (Pos L) then None else Some L))
  | Some fst_As 
     let fst_As' = VMTF_Node (stamp (ns!fst_As)) (Some L) (get_next (ns!fst_As)) in
      (ns[L := VMTF_Node (m+1) None (Some fst_As), fst_As := fst_As'],
          m+1, L, the lst_As, (if defined_lit M (Pos L) then next_search else Some L))))

definition (in -) vmtf_en_dequeue :: (nat, nat) ann_lits  nat  vmtf   vmtf where
vmtf_en_dequeue = (λM L vm. vmtf_enqueue M L (vmtf_dequeue L vm))

lemma abs_vmtf_ns_bump_vmtf_dequeue:
  fixes M
  assumes vmtf:((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))  vmtf 𝒜 M  and
    L: L  atms_of (all 𝒜) and
    dequeue: (ns', m', fst_As', lst_As', next_search') =
       vmtf_dequeue L (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search) and
    𝒜in_nempty: isasat_input_nempty 𝒜
  shows xs' ys'. vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m' ns'  fst_As' = option_hd (ys' @ xs')
    lst_As' = option_last (ys' @ xs')
    next_search' = option_hd xs'
    next_search' = (if next_search = Some L then get_next (ns!L) else next_search)
    vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((insert L (set xs'), set ys'))
    vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m' ns' 
   L  set (ys' @ xs')  (Lset (ys' @ xs'). L  atms_of (all 𝒜))
  unfolding vmtf_def
proof -
  have ns': ns' = ns_vmtf_dequeue L ns and
    fst_As': fst_As' = (if fst_As = L then get_next (ns ! L) else Some fst_As) and
    lst_As': lst_As' = (if lst_As = L then get_prev (ns ! L) else Some lst_As) and
    m'm: m' = m and
      next_search' = (if next_search = Some L then get_next (ns!L) else next_search)
    using dequeue unfolding vmtf_dequeue_def by auto
  obtain xs ys where
    vmtf: vmtf_ns (ys @ xs) m ns and
    notin: vmtf_ns_notin (ys @ xs) m ns and
    next_search: next_search = option_hd xs and
    abs_inv: vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set xs, set ys)) and
    fst_As: fst_As = hd (ys @ xs) and
    lst_As: lst_As = last (ys @ xs) and
    atm_A: Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length ns and
    L_ys_xs: Lset (ys @ xs). L  atms_of (all 𝒜)
    using vmtf unfolding vmtf_def by auto
  have [dest]: xs = []  ys = []  False
    using abs_inv 𝒜in_nempty unfolding atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in vmtf_ℒall_def
    by auto
  let ?ys = ys
  let ?xs = xs
  have dist: distinct (xs @ ys)
    using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf] by auto
  have xs_ys: remove1 L ys @ remove1 L xs = remove1 L (ys @ xs)
    using dist by (auto simp: remove1_append remove1_idem disjoint_iff_not_equal
        intro!: remove1_idem)
  have atm_L_A: L < length ns
    using atm_A L by blast

  have vmtf_ns (remove1 L ys @ remove1 L xs) m' ns'
    using vmtf_ns_ns_vmtf_dequeue[OF vmtf notin, of L] dequeue dist atm_L_A
    unfolding vmtf_dequeue_def by (auto split: if_splits simp: xs_ys)
  moreover have next_search': next_search' = option_hd (remove1 L xs)
  proof -
    have [hd xs, hd (tl xs)] @ tl (tl xs) = xs
      if xs  [] tl xs  []
      apply (cases xs; cases tl xs)
       using that by (auto simp: tl_append split: list.splits)
    then have [simp]: get_next (ns ! hd xs) = option_hd (remove1 (hd xs) xs) if xs  []
      using vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_next[of ?ys hd ?xs
          hd (tl ?xs) tl (tl ?xs) m ns] vmtf vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf] that
        distinct_remove1_last_butlast[of xs]
      by (cases xs; cases tl xs)
        (auto simp: tl_append vmtf_ns_last_next split: list.splits elim: vmtf_nsE)
    have xs  []  xs  [L]   L  hd xs  hd xs = hd (remove1 L xs)
      by (induction xs) (auto simp: remove1_Nil_iff)
    then have [simp]: option_hd xs = option_hd (remove1 L xs) if L  hd xs
      using that vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf]
      by (auto simp: option_hd_def remove1_Nil_iff)
    show ?thesis
      using dequeue dist atm_L_A next_search next_search unfolding vmtf_dequeue_def
      by (auto split: if_splits simp: xs_ys dest: last_in_set)
  moreover {
    have [hd ys, hd (tl ys)] @ tl (tl ys) = ys
      if ys  [] tl ys  []
       using that by (auto simp: tl_append split: list.splits)
    then have get_next (ns ! hd (ys @ xs)) = option_hd (remove1 (hd (ys @ xs)) (ys @ xs))
      if ys @ xs  []
      using vmtf_ns_last_next[of ?xs @ butlast ?ys last ?ys] that
      using vmtf_ns_last_next[of butlast ?xs last ?xs]  vmtf dist
        distinct_remove1_last_butlast[of ?ys @ ?xs]
      by (cases ys; cases tl ys)
       (auto simp: tl_append vmtf_ns_last_prev remove1_append hd_append remove1_Nil_iff
          split: list.splits if_splits elim: vmtf_nsE)
    moreover have hd ys  set xs if ys  []
      using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf] that by (cases ys) auto
    ultimately have fst_As' = option_hd (remove1 L (ys @ xs))
      using dequeue dist atm_L_A fst_As vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf] vmtf
      unfolding vmtf_dequeue_def
      apply (cases ys)
      subgoal by (cases xs) (auto simp: remove1_append option_hd_def remove1_Nil_iff split: if_splits)
      subgoal by (auto simp: remove1_append option_hd_def remove1_Nil_iff)
  moreover have lst_As' = option_last (remove1 L (ys @ xs))
    apply (cases ys @ xs rule: rev_cases)
    using lst_As vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf] vmtf_ns_last_prev vmtf
    by (auto simp: lst_As' remove1_append simp del: distinct_append) auto
  moreover have vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M (insert L (set (remove1 L xs)), set (remove1 L ys))
    using abs_inv L dist
    unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def by (auto dest: in_set_remove1D)
  moreover have vmtf_ns_notin (remove1 L ?ys @ remove1 L ?xs) m' ns'
    unfolding xs_ys ns'
    apply (rule vmtf_ns_notin_dequeue)
    subgoal using vmtf unfolding m'm .
    subgoal using notin unfolding m'm .
    subgoal using atm_L_A .
  moreover have Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length ns'
    using atm_A unfolding ns' by auto
  moreover have L  set (remove1 L ys @ remove1 L xs)
    using dist by auto
  moreover have Lset (remove1 L (ys @ xs)). L  atms_of (all 𝒜)
    using L_ys_xs by (auto dest: in_set_remove1D)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using next_search_L_next
    apply -
    apply (rule exI[of _ remove1 L xs])
    apply (rule exI[of _ remove1 L ys])
    unfolding xs_ys
    by blast

lemma vmtf_ns_get_prev_not_itself:
  vmtf_ns xs m ns  L  set xs  L < length ns  get_prev (ns ! L)  Some L
  apply (induction rule: vmtf_ns.induct)
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_single_iff)
  subgoal by auto

lemma vmtf_ns_get_next_not_itself:
  vmtf_ns xs m ns  L  set xs  L < length ns  get_next (ns ! L)  Some L
  apply (induction rule: vmtf_ns.induct)
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_single_iff)
  subgoal by auto

lemma abs_vmtf_ns_bump_vmtf_en_dequeue:
  fixes M
    vmtf: (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search)  vmtf 𝒜 M and
    L: L  atms_of (all 𝒜) and
    nempty: isasat_input_nempty 𝒜
  shows vmtf_en_dequeue M L (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search)  vmtf 𝒜 M
  unfolding vmtf_def
proof clarify
  fix xxs yys zzs ns' m' fst_As' lst_As' next_search'
  assume dequeue: vmtf_en_dequeue M L (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search) = (ns', m', fst_As', lst_As', next_search')
  obtain xs ys where
    vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns (ys @ xs) m ns and
    notin: vmtf_ns_notin (ys @ xs) m ns and
    next_search: next_search = option_hd xs and
    abs_inv: vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M (set xs, set ys) and
    fst_As: fst_As = hd (ys @ xs) and
    lst_As: lst_As = last (ys @ xs) and
    atm_A: Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length ns and
    ys_xs_ℒall: Lset (ys @ xs). L  atms_of (all 𝒜)
    using assms unfolding vmtf_def by auto
  have atm_L_A: L < length ns
    using atm_A L by blast
  text d stands for dequeue
  obtain nsd md fst_Asd lst_Asd next_searchd where
    de: vmtf_dequeue L (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search) = (nsd, md, fst_Asd, lst_Asd, next_searchd) 
    by (cases vmtf_dequeue L (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))
  obtain xs' ys' where
    vmtf_ns': vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') md nsd and
    fst_Asd: fst_Asd = option_hd (ys' @ xs') and
    lst_Asd: lst_Asd = option_last (ys' @ xs') and
    next_searchd_hd: next_searchd = option_hd xs' and
      next_searchd = (if next_search = Some L then get_next (ns!L) else next_search) and
    abs_l: vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M (insert L (set xs'), set ys')  and
    not_in: vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') md nsd and
    L_xs'_ys': L  set (ys' @ xs') and
    L_xs'_ys'_ℒall: Lset (ys' @ xs'). L  atms_of (all 𝒜)
    using abs_vmtf_ns_bump_vmtf_dequeue[OF vmtf L de[symmetric] nempty] by blast

  have [simp]: length ns' = length ns  length nsd = length ns
    using dequeue de unfolding vmtf_en_dequeue_def comp_def vmtf_dequeue_def
    by (auto simp add: vmtf_enqueue_def split: option.splits)
  have nsd: nsd = ns_vmtf_dequeue L ns
    using de unfolding vmtf_dequeue_def by auto
  have [simp]: fst_As = L if ys' = [] and xs' = []
    proof -
      have 1: set_mset 𝒜 = {L}
        using abs_l unfolding that vmtf_ℒall_def by (auto simp: atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in)
      show ?thesis
        using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] ys_xs_ℒall abs_inv
        unfolding atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in 1 fst_As vmtf_ℒall_def
        by (cases ys @ xs)  auto
    have fst_As': fst_As' = L and m': m' = md + 1 and
      lst_As': fst_Asd  None  lst_As' = the (lst_Asd)
      fst_Asd = None  lst_As' = L
      using dequeue unfolding vmtf_en_dequeue_def comp_def de
      by (auto simp add: vmtf_enqueue_def split: option.splits)
    have lst_As = L if ys' = [] and xs' = []
    proof -
      have 1: set_mset 𝒜 = {L}
        using abs_l unfolding that vmtf_ℒall_def by (auto simp: atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in)
      then have set (ys @ xs) = {L} 
        using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] ys_xs_ℒall abs_inv
        unfolding atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in 1 fst_As vmtf_ℒall_def
        by auto
      then have ys @ xs = [L]
        using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] ys_xs_ℒall abs_inv vmtf_ℒall_def
        unfolding atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in 1 fst_As
        by (cases ys @ xs rule: rev_cases) (auto simp del: set_append distinct_append
            simp: set_append[symmetric], auto)
      then show ?thesis
        using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] ys_xs_ℒall abs_inv vmtf_ℒall_def
        unfolding atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in 1 lst_As
        by (auto simp del: set_append distinct_append simp: set_append[symmetric])
    then have [simp]: lst_As' = L  if ys' = [] and xs' = []
      using lst_As' fst_Asd unfolding that by auto
    have [simp]: lst_As' = last (ys' @ xs')  if ys'  []  xs'  []
      using lst_As' fst_Asd that lst_Asd by auto

    have get_prev (nsd ! i)  Some L  (is ?prev) and
      get_next (nsd ! i)  Some L (is ?next)
        i_le_A: i < length ns and
        i_L: i  L and
        i_ys': i  set ys' and
        i_xs': i  set xs'
      for i
    proof -
      have i  set xs i  set ys and L_xs_ys: L  set xs  L  set ys
        using i_ys' i_xs' abs_l abs_inv i_L unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def
        by auto
      then have
        get_next (ns ! i) = None
        get_prev (ns ! i) = None
        using notin i_le_A unfolding nsd vmtf_ns_notin_def ns_vmtf_dequeue_def
        by (auto simp: Let_def split: option.splits)
      moreover have get_prev (ns ! L)  Some L and get_next (ns ! L)  Some L
        using vmtf_ns_get_prev_not_itself[OF vmtf_ns, of L] L_xs_ys atm_L_A
          vmtf_ns_get_next_not_itself[OF vmtf_ns, of L] by auto
      ultimately show ?next and ?prev
        using i_le_A L_xs_ys unfolding nsd ns_vmtf_dequeue_def vmtf_ns_notin_def
        by (auto simp: Let_def split: option.splits)
    then have vmtf_ns_notin': vmtf_ns_notin (L # ys' @ xs') m' ns'
      using not_in dequeue fst_Asd unfolding vmtf_en_dequeue_def comp_def de vmtf_ns_notin_def
      by (auto simp add: vmtf_enqueue_def hd_append split: option.splits if_splits)

     (defined) defined_lit M (Pos L) |
     (undef) undefined_lit M (Pos L)
    by blast
  then show xs' ys'.
       vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m' ns' 
       fst_As' = hd (ys' @ xs') 
       lst_As' = last (ys' @ xs') 
       next_search' = option_hd xs' 
       vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set xs', set ys')) 
       vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m' ns' 
       (Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length ns') 
       (Lset (ys' @ xs'). L  atms_of (all 𝒜))
  proof cases
    case defined
    have L_in_M: L  atm_of ` lits_of_l M
      using defined by (auto simp: defined_lit_map lits_of_def)
    have next_search': fst_Asd  None  next_search' = next_searchd
      fst_Asd = None  next_search' = None
      using dequeue defined unfolding vmtf_en_dequeue_def comp_def de
      by (auto simp add: vmtf_enqueue_def split: option.splits)
    have next_searchd:
      next_searchd = (if next_search = Some L then get_next (ns ! L) else next_search)
      using de by (auto simp: vmtf_dequeue_def)
    have abs': vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M  ((set xs', insert L (set ys')))
      using abs_l L_in_M L_xs'_ys' unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def
      by (auto 5 5 dest: in_diffD)

    have vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns (L # (ys' @ xs')) m' ns'
    proof (cases ys' @ xs')
      case Nil
      then have fst_Asd = None
        using fst_Asd by auto
      then show ?thesis
        using atm_L_A dequeue Nil unfolding Nil vmtf_en_dequeue_def comp_def de nsd
        by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_single_iff vmtf_enqueue_def split: option.splits)
      case (Cons z zs)
      let ?m = (stamp (nsd!z))
      let ?Ad = nsd[L := VMTF_Node m' None (Some z)]
      have L_z_zs: L  set (z # zs)
        using L_xs'_ys' atm_L_A unfolding Cons
        by simp
      have vmtf_ns_z: vmtf_ns (z # zs) md nsd
        using vmtf_ns' unfolding Cons .

      have vmtf_ns_A: vmtf_ns (z # zs) md ?Ad
        apply (rule vmtf_ns_eq_iffI[of _ _ nsd])
        subgoal using L_z_zs atm_L_A by auto
        subgoal using vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns_z] by auto
        subgoal using vmtf_ns_z .
      have [simp]: fst_Asd = Some z
        using fst_Asd unfolding Cons by simp
      show ?thesis
        unfolding Cons
        apply (rule vmtf_ns.Cons[of _ _ md ?Ad _ m'])
        subgoal using vmtf_ns_A .
        subgoal using atm_L_A by simp
        subgoal using atm_L_A by simp
        subgoal using L_z_zs by simp
        subgoal using L_z_zs by simp
        subgoal using m' by simp_all
          using atm_L_A dequeue L_z_zs unfolding Nil vmtf_en_dequeue_def comp_def de nsd
          apply (cases ns_vmtf_dequeue z ns ! z)
          by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_single_iff vmtf_enqueue_def split: option.splits)
        subgoal by linarith
    have L_xs'_ys'_ℒall': L'set ((L # ys') @ xs'). L'  atms_of (all 𝒜)
      using L L_xs'_ys'_ℒall by auto
    have next_search'_xs': next_search' = option_hd xs'
      using next_searchd_L_next next_search' next_searchd_hd lst_As' fst_Asd
      by (auto split: if_splits)
    show ?thesis
      apply (rule exI[of _ xs'])
      apply (rule exI[of _ L # ys'])
      using fst_As' next_search' abs' atm_A vmtf_ns_notin' vmtf_ns ys_xs_ℒall L_xs'_ys'_ℒall'
        next_searchd next_search'_xs'
      by simp
    case undef
    have next_search': next_search' = Some L
      using dequeue undef unfolding vmtf_en_dequeue_def comp_def de
      by (auto simp add: vmtf_enqueue_def split: option.splits)
    have next_searchd:
      next_searchd = (if next_search = Some L then get_next (ns ! L) else next_search)
      using de by (auto simp: vmtf_dequeue_def)
    have abs': vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M  ((insert L (set (ys' @ xs')), set []))
      using abs_l L_xs'_ys' unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def
      by (auto 5 5 dest: in_diffD)

    have vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns (L # (ys' @ xs')) m' ns'
    proof (cases ys' @ xs')
      case Nil
      then have fst_Asd = None
        using fst_Asd by auto
      then show ?thesis
        using atm_L_A dequeue Nil unfolding Nil vmtf_en_dequeue_def comp_def de nsd
        by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_single_iff vmtf_enqueue_def split: option.splits)
      case (Cons z zs)
      let ?m = (stamp (nsd!z))
      let ?Ad = nsd[L := VMTF_Node m' None (Some z)]
      have L_z_zs: L  set (z # zs)
        using L_xs'_ys' atm_L_A unfolding Cons
        by simp
      have vmtf_ns_z: vmtf_ns (z # zs) md nsd
        using vmtf_ns' unfolding Cons .

      have vmtf_ns_A: vmtf_ns (z # zs) md ?Ad
        apply (rule vmtf_ns_eq_iffI[of _ _ nsd])
        subgoal using L_z_zs atm_L_A by auto
        subgoal using vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns_z] by auto
        subgoal using vmtf_ns_z .
      have [simp]: fst_Asd = Some z
        using fst_Asd unfolding Cons by simp
      show ?thesis
        unfolding Cons
        apply (rule vmtf_ns.Cons[of _ _ md ?Ad _ m'])
        subgoal using vmtf_ns_A .
        subgoal using atm_L_A by simp
        subgoal using atm_L_A by simp
        subgoal using L_z_zs by simp
        subgoal using L_z_zs by simp
        subgoal using m' by simp_all
          using atm_L_A dequeue L_z_zs unfolding Nil vmtf_en_dequeue_def comp_def de nsd
          apply (cases ns_vmtf_dequeue z ns ! z)
          by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_single_iff vmtf_enqueue_def split: option.splits)
        subgoal by linarith
    have L_xs'_ys'_ℒall': L'set ((L # ys') @ xs'). L'  atms_of (all 𝒜)
      using L L_xs'_ys'_ℒall by auto
    show ?thesis
      apply (rule exI[of _ (L # ys') @ xs'])
      apply (rule exI[of _ []])
      using fst_As' next_search' abs' atm_A vmtf_ns_notin' vmtf_ns ys_xs_ℒall L_xs'_ys'_ℒall'
      by simp

lemma abs_vmtf_ns_bump_vmtf_en_dequeue':
  fixes M
    vmtf: (vm)  vmtf 𝒜 M and
    L: L  atms_of (all 𝒜) and
    nempty: isasat_input_nempty 𝒜
  shows vmtf_en_dequeue M L vm  vmtf 𝒜 M
  using abs_vmtf_ns_bump_vmtf_en_dequeue assms by (cases vm) blast

definition (in -) vmtf_unset :: nat  vmtf  vmtf where
vmtf_unset = (λL (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search).
  (if next_search = None  stamp (ns ! (the next_search)) < stamp (ns ! L)
  then ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, Some L))
  else ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))))

lemma vmtf_atm_of_ys_iff:
    vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    next_search: next_search = option_hd xs' and
    abs_vmtf: vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set xs', set ys')) and
    L: L  atms_of (all 𝒜)
    shows L  set ys'  next_search = None  stamp (ns ! (the next_search)) < stamp (ns ! L)
proof -
  let ?xs' = set xs'
  let ?ys' = set ys'
  have L_xs_ys: L  ?xs'  ?ys'
    using abs_vmtf L unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def
    by (auto simp: in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff)
  have dist: distinct (xs' @ ys')
    using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] by auto

  have sorted: sorted (map (λa. stamp (ns ! a)) (rev xs' @ rev ys')) and
    distinct: distinct (map (λa. stamp (ns ! a)) (xs' @ ys'))
    using vmtf_ns_stamp_sorted[OF vmtf_ns] vmtf_ns_stamp_distinct[OF vmtf_ns]
    by (auto simp: rev_map[symmetric])
  have next_search_xs: ?xs' = {}  next_search = None
    using next_search by auto

  have stamp (ns ! (the next_search)) < stamp (ns ! L)  L  ?xs'
    if xs'  []
    using that sorted distinct L_xs_ys unfolding next_search
    by (cases xs') (auto simp: sorted_append)
  moreover have stamp (ns ! (the next_search)) < stamp (ns ! L) (is ?n < ?L)
    if xs': xs'  [] and L  ?ys'
  proof -
    have ?n  ?L
      using vmtf_ns_stamp_sorted[OF vmtf_ns] that last_in_set[OF xs']
      by (cases xs')
         (auto simp: rev_map[symmetric] next_search sorted_append sorted2)
    moreover have ?n  ?L
      using vmtf_ns_stamp_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] that last_in_set[OF xs']
      by (cases xs') (auto simp: rev_map[symmetric] next_search)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by arith
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using L_xs_ys next_search_xs dist by auto

lemma abs_vmtf_ns_unset_vmtf_unset:
  assumes vmtf:((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))  vmtf 𝒜 M and
  L_N: L  atms_of (all 𝒜)
  shows (vmtf_unset L ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search)))  vmtf 𝒜 M (is ?S  _)
proof -
  obtain xs' ys' where
    vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    fst_As: fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs') and
    lst_As: lst_As = last (ys' @ xs') and
    next_search: next_search = option_hd xs' and
    abs_vmtf: vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set xs', set ys')) and
    notin: vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    atm_A: Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length ns and
    L_ys'_xs'_ℒall: Lset (ys' @ xs'). L  atms_of (all 𝒜)
    using vmtf unfolding vmtf_def by fast
  obtain ns' m' fst_As' next_search' lst_As' where
    S: ?S = ((ns', m', fst_As', lst_As', next_search'))
    by (cases ?S) auto
  have L_ys'_iff: L  set ys'  (next_search = None  stamp (ns ! the next_search) < stamp (ns ! L))
    using vmtf_atm_of_ys_iff[OF vmtf_ns next_search abs_vmtf L_N] .
  have L  set (xs' @ ys')
    using abs_vmtf L_N unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def by auto
  then have L_ys'_xs': L  set ys'  L  set xs'
    using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] by auto
  have xs' ys'.
       vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m' ns' 
       fst_As' = hd (ys' @ xs') 
       lst_As' = last (ys' @ xs') 
       next_search' = option_hd xs' 
       vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set xs', set ys')) 
       vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m' ns'  (Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length ns') 
       (Lset (ys' @ xs'). L  atms_of (all 𝒜))
  proof (cases L  set xs')
    case True
    then have C: ¬(next_search = None  stamp (ns ! the next_search) < stamp (ns ! L))
      by (subst L_ys'_iff[symmetric]) (use L_ys'_xs' in auto)
    show ?thesis
      using S True unfolding vmtf_unset_def L_ys'_xs'[symmetric]
      apply -
      apply (simp add: C)
      using vmtf_ns fst_As next_search abs_vmtf notin atm_A L_ys'_xs'_ℒall lst_As
      by auto
    case False
    then have C: next_search = None  stamp (ns ! the next_search) < stamp (ns ! L)
      by (subst L_ys'_iff[symmetric]) (use L_ys'_xs' in auto)
    have L_ys: L  set ys'
      by (use False L_ys'_xs' in auto)
    define y_ys where y_ys  takeWhile ((≠) L) ys'
    define x_ys where x_ys  drop (length y_ys) ys'
    let ?ys' = y_ys
    let ?xs' = x_ys @ xs'
    have x_ys_take_ys': y_ys = take (length y_ys) ys'
        unfolding y_ys_def
        by (subst take_length_takeWhile_eq_takeWhile[of (≠) L ys', symmetric]) standard
    have ys'_y_x: ys' = y_ys @ x_ys
      by (subst x_ys_take_ys') (auto simp: x_ys_def)
    have y_ys_le_ys': length y_ys < length ys'
      using L_ys by (metis (full_types) append_eq_conv_conj append_self_conv le_antisym
        length_takeWhile_le not_less takeWhile_eq_all_conv x_ys_take_ys' y_ys_def)
    from nth_length_takeWhile[OF this[unfolded y_ys_def]] have [simp]: x_ys  [] hd x_ys = L
      using y_ys_le_ys' unfolding x_ys_def y_ys_def
      by (auto simp: x_ys_def y_ys_def hd_drop_conv_nth)
    have [simp]: ns' = ns m' = m fst_As' = fst_As next_search' = Some L
      lst_As' = lst_As
      using S unfolding vmtf_unset_def by (auto simp: C)

    have vmtf_ns (?ys' @ ?xs') m ns
      using vmtf_ns unfolding ys'_y_x by simp
    moreover have fst_As' = hd (?ys' @ ?xs')
      using fst_As unfolding ys'_y_x by simp
    moreover have lst_As' = last (?ys' @ ?xs')
      using lst_As unfolding ys'_y_x by simp
    moreover have next_search' = option_hd ?xs'
      by auto
      have vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set ?xs', set ?ys'))
        using abs_vmtf vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def ys'_y_x
        by auto
    moreover have vmtf_ns_notin (?ys' @ ?xs') m ns
      using notin unfolding ys'_y_x by simp
    moreover have Lset (?ys' @ ?xs'). L  atms_of (all 𝒜)
      using L_ys'_xs'_ℒall unfolding ys'_y_x by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using S False atm_A unfolding vmtf_unset_def L_ys'_xs'[symmetric]
      by (fastforce simp add: C)
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding vmtf_def S
    by fast

definition (in -) vmtf_dequeue_pre where
  vmtf_dequeue_pre = (λ(L,ns). L < length ns 
          (get_next (ns!L)  None  the (get_next (ns!L)) < length ns) 
          (get_prev (ns!L)  None  the (get_prev (ns!L)) < length ns))

lemma (in -) vmtf_dequeue_pre_alt_def:
  vmtf_dequeue_pre = (λ(L, ns). L < length ns 
          (a. Some a = get_next (ns!L)  a < length ns) 
          (a. Some a = get_prev (ns!L)  a < length ns))
  apply (intro ext, rename_tac x)
  subgoal for x
    by (cases get_next ((snd x)!(fst x)); cases get_prev ((snd x)!(fst x)))
      (auto simp: vmtf_dequeue_pre_def intro!: ext)

definition vmtf_en_dequeue_pre :: nat multiset  ((nat, nat) ann_lits × nat) × vmtf  bool where
  vmtf_en_dequeue_pre 𝒜 = (λ((M, L),(ns,m,fst_As, lst_As, next_search)).
       L < length ns  vmtf_dequeue_pre (L, ns) 
       fst_As < length ns  (get_next (ns ! fst_As)  None  get_prev (ns ! lst_As)  None) 
       (get_next (ns ! fst_As) = None  fst_As = lst_As) 
       m+1  unat64_max 
       Pos L ∈# all 𝒜)

lemma (in -) id_reorder_list:
   (RETURN o id, reorder_list vm)  nat_rellist_rel f nat_rellist_relnres_rel
  unfolding reorder_list_def by (intro frefI nres_relI) auto

lemma vmtf_vmtf_en_dequeue_pre_to_remove:
  assumes vmtf: ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))  vmtf 𝒜 M and
    m_le:  m + 1  unat64_max and
    nempty: isasat_input_nempty 𝒜 and
    A:  A  atms_of (all 𝒜)
  shows vmtf_en_dequeue_pre 𝒜 ((M, A), (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))
proof -
  obtain xs' ys' where
    vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    fst_As: fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs') and
    lst_As: lst_As = last (ys' @ xs') and
    next_search: next_search = option_hd xs' and
    abs_vmtf: vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set xs', set ys')) and
    notin: vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    atm_A: Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length ns and
    L_ys'_xs'_ℒall: Lset (ys' @ xs'). L  atms_of (all 𝒜)
    using vmtf unfolding vmtf_def by fast
  have [dest]: False if ys' = [] and xs' = []
  proof -
    have 1: set_mset 𝒜 = {}
      using abs_vmtf unfolding that vmtf_ℒall_def by (auto simp: atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in)
    then show ?thesis
      using nempty by auto

  have A  atms_of (all 𝒜)
    using abs_vmtf A unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def by auto
  then have remove_i_le_A: A < length ns and
    i_L: Pos A ∈# all 𝒜
    using atm_A by (auto simp: in_ℒall_atm_of_𝒜in atms_of_def)
  moreover have fst_As < length ns
    using fst_As atm_A L_ys'_xs'_ℒall by (cases ys'; cases xs') auto
  moreover have get_prev (ns ! lst_As)  None if get_next (ns ! fst_As)  None
    using that vmtf_ns_hd_next[of hd (ys' @ xs') hd (tl (ys' @ xs')) tl (tl (ys' @ xs'))]
      vmtf_ns vmtf_ns_last_prev[of butlast (ys' @ xs') last (ys' @ xs')]
      vmtf_ns_last_next[of butlast (ys' @ xs') last (ys' @ xs')]
    by (cases ys' @ xs'; cases tl (ys' @ xs'))
       (auto simp: fst_As lst_As)
  moreover have vmtf_dequeue_pre (A, ns)
  proof -
    have A < length ns
      using A abs_vmtf atm_A unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def by auto
    moreover have y < length ns if get_next: get_next (ns ! (A)) = Some y for y
    proof (cases A  set (ys' @ xs'))
      case False
      then show ?thesis
        using notin get_next remove_i_le_A by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_notin_def)
      case True
      then obtain zs zs' where zs: ys' @ xs' = zs' @ [A] @ zs
        using split_list by fastforce
      moreover have set (ys' @ xs') = atms_of (all 𝒜)
        using abs_vmtf unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_next_option_hd[of zs' A zs m ns] vmtf_ns atm_A get_next
          L_ys'_xs'_ℒall unfolding zs by force
    moreover have y < length ns if get_prev: get_prev (ns ! (A)) = Some y for y
    proof (cases A  set (ys' @ xs'))
      case False
      then show ?thesis
        using notin get_prev remove_i_le_A by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_notin_def)
      case True
      then obtain zs zs' where zs: ys' @ xs' = zs' @ [A] @ zs
        using split_list by fastforce
      moreover have set (ys' @ xs') = atms_of (all 𝒜)
        using abs_vmtf unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_prev_option_last[of zs' A zs m ns] vmtf_ns atm_A get_prev
          L_ys'_xs'_ℒall unfolding zs by force
    ultimately show ?thesis
      unfolding vmtf_dequeue_pre_def by auto
  moreover have get_next (ns ! fst_As) = None  fst_As = lst_As
    using vmtf_ns_hd_next[of hd (ys' @ xs') hd (tl (ys' @ xs')) tl (tl (ys' @ xs'))]
      vmtf_ns vmtf_ns_last_prev[of butlast (ys' @ xs') last (ys' @ xs')]
      vmtf_ns_last_next[of butlast (ys' @ xs') last (ys' @ xs')]
    by (cases ys' @ xs'; cases tl (ys' @ xs'))
       (auto simp: fst_As lst_As)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using m_le unfolding vmtf_en_dequeue_pre_def by auto

lemma vmtf_vmtf_en_dequeue_pre_to_remove':
  assumes vmtf: (vm)  vmtf 𝒜 M and
    i:  A  atms_of (all 𝒜) and fst (snd vm) + 1  unat64_max and
    A: isasat_input_nempty 𝒜
  shows vmtf_en_dequeue_pre 𝒜 ((M, A), vm)
  using vmtf_vmtf_en_dequeue_pre_to_remove assms
  by (cases vm) auto

lemma wf_vmtf_get_next:
  assumes vmtf: ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))  vmtf 𝒜 M
  shows wf {(get_next (ns ! the a), a) |a. a  None  the a  atms_of (all 𝒜)} (is wf ?R)
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume ¬ ?thesis
  then obtain f where
    f: (f (Suc i), f i)  ?R for i
    unfolding wf_iff_no_infinite_down_chain by blast

  obtain xs' ys' where
    vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    fst_As: fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs') and
    lst_As: lst_As = last (ys' @ xs') and
    next_search: next_search = option_hd xs' and
    abs_vmtf: vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set xs', set ys')) and
    notin: vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    atm_A: Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length ns
    using vmtf unfolding vmtf_def by fast
  let ?f0 = the (f 0)
  have f_None: f i  None for i
    using f[of i] by fast
  have f_Suc : f (Suc n) = get_next (ns ! the (f n)) for n
    using f[of n] by auto
  have f0_length: ?f0 < length ns
    using f[of 0] atm_A
    by auto
  have ?f0  set (ys' @ xs')
    apply (rule ccontr)
    using notin f_Suc[of 0] f0_length unfolding vmtf_ns_notin_def
    by (auto simp: f_None)
  then obtain i0 where
    i0: (ys' @ xs') ! i0 = ?f0 i0 < length (ys' @ xs')
    by (meson in_set_conv_nth)
  define zs where zs = ys' @ xs'
  have H: ys' @ xs' = take m (ys' @ xs') @ [(ys' @ xs') ! m, (ys' @ xs') ! (m+1)] @
     drop (m+2) (ys' @ xs')
    if m+1 < length (ys' @ xs')
    for m
    using that
    unfolding zs_def[symmetric]
    apply -
    apply (subst id_take_nth_drop[of m])
    by (auto simp: Cons_nth_drop_Suc simp del: append_take_drop_id)

  have the (f n) = (ys' @ xs') ! (i0 + n)  i0 + n < length (ys' @ xs') for n
  proof (induction n)
    case 0
    then show ?case using i0 by simp
    case (Suc n')
    have i0_le:  i0 + n' + 1 < length (ys' @ xs')
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume ¬ ?thesis
      then have i0 + n' + 1 = length (ys' @ xs')
        using Suc by auto
      then have ys' @ xs' = butlast (ys' @ xs') @ [the (f n')]
        using Suc by (metis add_diff_cancel_right' append_butlast_last_id length_0_conv
            length_butlast less_one not_add_less2 nth_append_length)
      then show False
        using vmtf_ns_last_next[of butlast (ys' @ xs') the (f n') m ns] vmtf_ns
         f_Suc[of n'] by (auto simp: f_None)
    have get_next: get_next (ns ! ((ys' @ xs') ! (i0 + n'))) = Some ((ys' @ xs') ! (i0 + n' + 1))
      apply(rule vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_next[of take (i0 + n') (ys' @ xs')
        (ys' @ xs') ! (i0 + n')
        (ys' @ xs') ! ((i0 + n') + 1)
        drop ((i0 + n') + 2) (ys' @ xs')
        m ns])
      apply (subst H[symmetric])
      subgoal using i0_le .
      subgoal using vmtf_ns by simp
    then show ?case
      using f_Suc[of n'] Suc i0_le by auto
  then show False
    by blast

lemma vmtf_next_search_take_next:
    vmtf: ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))  vmtf 𝒜 M and
    n: next_search  None and
    def_n: defined_lit M (Pos (the next_search))
  shows (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, get_next (ns!the next_search))  vmtf 𝒜 M
  unfolding vmtf_def
proof clarify
  obtain xs' ys' where
    vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    fst_As: fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs') and
    lst_As: lst_As = last (ys' @ xs') and
    next_search: next_search = option_hd xs' and
    abs_vmtf: vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M (set xs', set ys') and
    notin: vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    atm_A: Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length ns and
    ys'_xs'_ℒall: Lset (ys' @ xs'). L  atms_of (all 𝒜)
    using vmtf unfolding vmtf_def by fast
  let ?xs' = tl xs'
  let ?ys' = ys' @ [hd xs']
  have [simp]: xs'  []
    using next_search n by auto
  have vmtf_ns (?ys' @ ?xs') m ns
    using vmtf_ns by (cases xs') auto
  moreover have fst_As = hd (?ys' @ ?xs')
    using fst_As by auto
  moreover have lst_As = last (?ys' @ ?xs')
    using lst_As by auto
  moreover have get_next (ns ! the next_search) = option_hd ?xs'
    using next_search n vmtf_ns
    by (cases xs') (auto dest: vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_next_option_hd)
  moreover {
    have [dest]: defined_lit M (Pos a)  a  atm_of ` lits_of_l M for a
      by (auto simp: defined_lit_map lits_of_def)
    have vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M (set ?xs', set ?ys')
      using abs_vmtf def_n next_search n vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns]
      unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def
      by (cases xs') auto }
  moreover have vmtf_ns_notin (?ys' @ ?xs') m ns
    using notin by auto
  moreover have Lset (?ys' @ ?xs'). L  atms_of (all 𝒜)
    using ys'_xs'_ℒall by auto
  ultimately show xs' ys'. vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns 
          fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs') 
          lst_As = last (ys' @ xs') 
          get_next (ns ! the next_search) = option_hd xs' 
          vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set xs', set ys')) 
          vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m ns 
          (Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length ns) 
          (Lset (ys' @ xs'). L  atms_of (all 𝒜))
    using atm_A by blast

definition vmtf_find_next_undef :: nat multiset  vmtf  (nat, nat) ann_lits  (nat option) nres where
vmtf_find_next_undef 𝒜 = (λ(ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search) M. do {
    WHILETλnext_search. (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search)  vmtf 𝒜 M 
         (next_search  None  Pos (the next_search) ∈# all 𝒜)(λnext_search. next_search  None  defined_lit M (Pos (the next_search)))
      (λnext_search. do {
         ASSERT(next_search  None);
         let n = the next_search;
         ASSERT(Pos n ∈# all  𝒜);
         ASSERT (n < length ns);
         RETURN (get_next (ns!n))

lemma vmtf_find_next_undef_ref:
    vmtf: (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search)  vmtf 𝒜 M
  shows vmtf_find_next_undef 𝒜 (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search) M
       Id (SPEC (λL. (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, L)  vmtf 𝒜 M 
        (L = None  (L∈#all 𝒜. defined_lit M L)) 
        (L  None  Pos (the L) ∈# all 𝒜  undefined_lit M (Pos (the L)))))
proof -
  obtain xs' ys' where
    vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    fst_As: fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs') and
    lst_As: lst_As = last (ys' @ xs') and
    next_search: next_search = option_hd xs' and
    abs_vmtf: vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M (set xs', set ys') and
    notin: vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    atm_A: Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length ns
    using vmtf unfolding vmtf_def by fast
  have no_next_search_all_defined:
    (ns', m', fst_As', lst_As', None)  vmtf 𝒜 M  x ∈# all 𝒜  defined_lit M x
    for x ns' m' fst_As' lst_As' remove
    by (auto simp: vmtf_def vmtf_ℒall_def in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff
        defined_lit_map lits_of_def)
  have next_search_ℒall:
    (ns', m', fst_As', lst_As', Some y)  vmtf 𝒜 M  y  atms_of (all 𝒜)
    for ns' m' fst_As' remove y lst_As'
    by (auto simp: vmtf_def vmtf_ℒall_def in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff
        defined_lit_map lits_of_def)
  have next_search_le_A':
    (ns', m', fst_As', lst_As', Some y)  vmtf 𝒜 M  y < length ns'
    for ns' m' fst_As' remove y lst_As'
    by (auto simp: vmtf_def vmtf_ℒall_def in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff
        defined_lit_map lits_of_def)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding vmtf_find_next_undef_def
    apply (refine_vcg
       WHILEIT_rule[where R={(get_next (ns ! the a), a) |a. a  None  the a  atms_of (all 𝒜)}])
    subgoal using vmtf by (rule wf_vmtf_get_next)
    subgoal using next_search vmtf by auto
    subgoal using vmtf by (auto dest!: next_search_ℒall simp: image_image in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff)
    subgoal using vmtf by auto
    subgoal using vmtf by auto
    subgoal using vmtf by (auto dest: next_search_le_A')
    subgoal by (auto simp: image_image in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff)
        (metis next_search_ℒall option.distinct(1) option.sel vmtf_next_search_take_next)
    subgoal by (auto simp: image_image in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff)
        (metis next_search_ℒall option.distinct(1) option.sel vmtf_next_search_take_next)
    subgoal by (auto dest: no_next_search_all_defined next_search_ℒall)
    subgoal by (auto dest: next_search_le_A')
    subgoal for x1 ns' x2 m' x2a fst_As' next_search' x2c s
      by (auto dest: no_next_search_all_defined next_search_ℒall)
    subgoal by (auto dest: vmtf_next_search_take_next)
    subgoal by (auto simp: image_image in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff)

TODO remove
definition vmtf_mark_to_rescore
  :: ‹nat ⇒ vmtf_remove_int ⇒ vmtf_remove_int›
  ‹vmtf_mark_to_rescore L = (λ((ns, m, fst_As, next_search)).
     ((ns, m, fst_As, next_search), insert L to_remove))›

lemma vmtf_mark_to_rescore:
    L: ‹L ∈atms_of (ℒall 𝒜)› and
    vmtf: ‹((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search), to_remove) ∈ vmtf 𝒜 M›
  shows ‹vmtf_mark_to_rescore L ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search), to_remove) ∈ vmtf 𝒜 M›
proof -
  obtain xs' ys' where
    vmtf_ns: ‹vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns› and
    fst_As: ‹fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs')› and
    lst_As: ‹lst_As = last (ys' @ xs')› and
    next_search: ‹next_search = option_hd xs'› and
    abs_vmtf: ‹vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set xs', set ys'), to_remove)› and
    notin: ‹vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m ns› and
    atm_A: ‹∀L∈atms_of (ℒall 𝒜). L < length ns› and
    ‹∀L∈set (ys' @ xs'). L ∈ atms_of (ℒall 𝒜)›
    using vmtf unfolding vmtf_def by fast
  moreover have ‹vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set xs', set ys'), insert L to_remove)›
    using abs_vmtf L unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def
    by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding vmtf_def vmtf_mark_to_rescore_def by fast

lemma vmtf_unset_vmtf_tl:
  fixes M
  defines [simp]: L  atm_of (lit_of (hd M))
  assumes vmtf:(ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search)  vmtf 𝒜 M and
    L_N: L  atms_of (all 𝒜) and [simp]: M  []
  shows vmtf_unset L (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search)  vmtf 𝒜 (tl M)
     (is ?S  _)
proof -
  obtain xs' ys' where
    vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    fst_As: fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs') and
    lst_As: lst_As = last (ys' @ xs') and
    next_search: next_search = option_hd xs' and
    abs_vmtf: vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M (set xs', set ys') and
    notin: vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    atm_A: Latms_of (all  𝒜). L < length ns and
    ys'_xs'_ℒall: Lset (ys' @ xs'). L  atms_of (all 𝒜)
    using vmtf unfolding vmtf_def by fast
  obtain ns' m' fst_As' next_search' lst_As' where
    S: ?S = (ns', m', fst_As', lst_As', next_search')
    by (cases ?S) auto
  have L_ys'_iff: L  set ys'  (next_search = None  stamp (ns ! the next_search) < stamp (ns ! L))
    using vmtf_atm_of_ys_iff[OF vmtf_ns next_search abs_vmtf L_N] .
  have dist: distinct (ys' @ xs')
    using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] .
  have L  set (xs' @ ys')
    using abs_vmtf L_N unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def by auto
  then have L_ys'_xs': L  set ys'  L  set xs'
    using dist by auto
  have xs' ys'.
       vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m' ns' 
       fst_As' = hd (ys' @ xs') 
       lst_As' = last (ys' @ xs') 
       next_search' = option_hd xs' 
       vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 (tl M) (set xs', set ys') 
       vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m' ns'  (Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length ns') 
       (Lset (ys' @ xs'). L  atms_of (all 𝒜))
  proof (cases L  set xs')
    case True
    then have C[unfolded L_def]: ¬(next_search = None  stamp (ns ! the next_search) < stamp (ns ! L))
      by (subst L_ys'_iff[symmetric]) (use L_ys'_xs' in auto)
    have abs_vmtf: vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 (tl M) (set xs', set ys')
      using S abs_vmtf dist L_ys'_xs' True unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def vmtf_unset_def
      by (cases M) (auto simp: C)
    show ?thesis
      using S True unfolding vmtf_unset_def L_ys'_xs'[symmetric]
      apply -
      apply (simp add: C)
      using vmtf_ns fst_As next_search abs_vmtf notin atm_A ys'_xs'_ℒall lst_As
      by auto
    case False
    then have C[unfolded L_def]: next_search = None  stamp (ns ! the next_search) < stamp (ns ! L)
      by (subst L_ys'_iff[symmetric]) (use L_ys'_xs' in auto)
    have L_ys: L  set ys'
      by (use False L_ys'_xs' in auto)
    define y_ys where y_ys  takeWhile ((≠) L) ys'
    define x_ys where x_ys  drop (length y_ys) ys'
    let ?ys' = y_ys
    let ?xs' = x_ys @ xs'
    have x_ys_take_ys': y_ys = take (length y_ys) ys'
        unfolding y_ys_def
        by (subst take_length_takeWhile_eq_takeWhile[of (≠) L ys', symmetric]) standard
    have ys'_y_x: ys' = y_ys @ x_ys
      by (subst x_ys_take_ys') (auto simp: x_ys_def)
    have y_ys_le_ys': length y_ys < length ys'
      using L_ys by (metis (full_types) append_eq_conv_conj append_self_conv le_antisym
        length_takeWhile_le not_less takeWhile_eq_all_conv x_ys_take_ys' y_ys_def)
    from nth_length_takeWhile[OF this[unfolded y_ys_def]] have [simp]: x_ys  [] hd x_ys = L
      using y_ys_le_ys' unfolding x_ys_def y_ys_def
      by (auto simp: x_ys_def y_ys_def hd_drop_conv_nth)
    have [simp]: ns' = ns m' = m fst_As' = fst_As next_search' = Some (atm_of (lit_of (hd M)))
      lst_As' = lst_As
      using S unfolding vmtf_unset_def by (auto simp: C)
    have L_y_ys: L  set y_ys
       unfolding y_ys_def by (metis (full_types) takeWhile_eq_all_conv takeWhile_idem)
    have vmtf_ns (?ys' @ ?xs') m ns
      using vmtf_ns unfolding ys'_y_x by simp
    moreover have fst_As' = hd (?ys' @ ?xs')
      using fst_As unfolding ys'_y_x by simp
    moreover have lst_As' = last (?ys' @ ?xs')
      using lst_As unfolding ys'_y_x by simp
    moreover have next_search' = option_hd ?xs'
      by auto
    moreover {
      have vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M (set ?xs', set ?ys')
        using abs_vmtf dist unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def ys'_y_x
        by auto
      then have vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 (tl M) (set ?xs', set ?ys')
        using dist L_y_ys unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def ys'_y_x ys'_y_x
        by (cases M) auto
    moreover have vmtf_ns_notin (?ys' @ ?xs') m ns
      using notin unfolding ys'_y_x by simp
    moreover have Lset (?ys' @ ?xs'). L  atms_of (all 𝒜)
      using ys'_xs'_ℒall unfolding ys'_y_x by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using S False atm_A unfolding vmtf_unset_def L_ys'_xs'[symmetric]
      by (fastforce simp add: C)
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding vmtf_def S
    by fast

TODO remove
definition vmtf_mark_to_rescore_and_unset :: ‹nat ⇒ vmtf ⇒ vmtf› where
  ‹vmtf_mark_to_rescore_and_unset L M = vmtf_mark_to_rescore L (vmtf_unset L M)›

lemma vmtf_append_remove_iff:
  ‹((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search), insert L b) ∈ vmtf 𝒜 M ⟷
     L ∈ atms_of (ℒall 𝒜) ∧ ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search), b) ∈ vmtf 𝒜 M›
  (is ‹?A ⟷ ?L ∧ ?B›)
  assume vmtf: ?A
  obtain xs' ys' where
    vmtf_ns: ‹vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns› and
    fst_As: ‹fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs')› and
    lst_As: ‹lst_As = last (ys' @ xs')› and
    next_search: ‹next_search = option_hd xs'› and
    abs_vmtf: ‹vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set xs', set ys'), insert L b)› and
    notin: ‹vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m ns› and
    atm_A: ‹∀L∈atms_of (ℒall 𝒜). L < length ns› and
    ‹∀L∈set (ys' @ xs'). L ∈ atms_of (ℒall 𝒜)›
    using vmtf unfolding vmtf_def by fast
  moreover have ‹vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set xs', set ys'), b)› and L: ?L
    using abs_vmtf unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def by auto
  ultimately have ‹vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns ∧
       fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs') ∧
       next_search = option_hd xs' ∧
       lst_As = last (ys' @ xs') ∧
       vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set xs', set ys'), b) ∧
       vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m ns ∧ (∀L∈atms_of (ℒall 𝒜). L < length ns) ∧
       (∀L∈set (ys' @ xs'). L ∈ atms_of (ℒall 𝒜))›
      by fast
  then show ‹?L ∧ ?B›
    using L unfolding vmtf_def by fast
  assume vmtf: ‹?L ∧ ?B›
  obtain xs' ys' where
    vmtf_ns: ‹vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns› and
    fst_As: ‹fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs')› and
    lst_As: ‹lst_As = last (ys' @ xs')› and
    next_search: ‹next_search = option_hd xs'› and
    abs_vmtf: ‹vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set xs', set ys'), b)› and
    notin: ‹vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m ns› and
    atm_A: ‹∀L∈atms_of (ℒall 𝒜). L < length ns› and
    ‹∀L∈set (ys' @ xs'). L ∈ atms_of (ℒall 𝒜)›
    using vmtf unfolding vmtf_def by fast
  moreover have ‹vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set xs', set ys'), insert L b)›
    using vmtf abs_vmtf unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def by auto
  ultimately have ‹vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns ∧
       fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs') ∧
       next_search = option_hd xs' ∧
       lst_As = last (ys' @ xs') ∧
       vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set xs', set ys'), insert L b) ∧
       vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m ns ∧ (∀L∈atms_of (ℒall 𝒜). L < length ns) ∧
       (∀L∈set (ys' @ xs'). L ∈ atms_of (ℒall 𝒜))›
      by fast
  then show ?A
    unfolding vmtf_def by fast

lemma vmtf_append_remove_iff':
  ‹(vm, insert L b) ∈ vmtf 𝒜 M ⟷
     L ∈ atms_of (ℒall 𝒜) ∧ (vm, b) ∈ vmtf 𝒜 M›
  by (cases vm) (auto simp: vmtf_append_remove_iff)

lemma vmtf_mark_to_rescore_unset:
  fixes M
  defines [simp]: ‹L ≡ atm_of (lit_of (hd M))›
  assumes vmtf:‹((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search), remove) ∈ vmtf 𝒜 M› and
    L_N: ‹L ∈ atms_of (ℒall 𝒜)› and [simp]: ‹M ≠ []›
  shows ‹(vmtf_mark_to_rescore_and_unset L ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search), remove)) ∈ vmtf 𝒜 (tl M)›
     (is ‹?S ∈ _›)
  using vmtf_unset_vmtf_tl[OF assms(2-)[unfolded assms(1)]] L_N
  unfolding vmtf_mark_to_rescore_and_unset_def vmtf_mark_to_rescore_def
  by (cases ‹vmtf_unset (atm_of (lit_of (hd M))) ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search), remove)›)
     (auto simp: vmtf_append_remove_iff)

lemma vmtf_insert_sort_nth_code_preD:
  assumes vmtf: ‹vm ∈ vmtf 𝒜 M›
  shows ‹∀x∈snd vm. x < length (fst (fst vm))›
proof -
  obtain ns m fst_As lst_As next_search remove where
    vm: ‹vm = ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search), remove)›
    by (cases vm) auto

  obtain xs' ys' where
    vmtf_ns: ‹vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns› and
    fst_As: ‹fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs')› and
    next_search: ‹next_search = option_hd xs'› and
    abs_vmtf: ‹vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M ((set xs', set ys'), remove)› and
    notin: ‹vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m ns› and
    atm_A: ‹∀L∈atms_of (ℒall 𝒜). L < length ns› and
    ‹∀L∈set (ys' @ xs'). L ∈ atms_of (ℒall 𝒜)›
    using vmtf unfolding vmtf_def vm by fast
  show ?thesis
    using atm_A abs_vmtf unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def
    by (auto simp: vm)

lemma vmtf_ns_Cons:
    vmtf: vmtf_ns (b # l) m xs and
    a_xs: a < length xs and
    ab: a  b and
    a_l: a  set l and
    nm: n > m and
    xs': xs' = xs[a := VMTF_Node n None (Some b),
         b := VMTF_Node (stamp (xs!b)) (Some a) (get_next (xs!b))] and
    nn': n'  n
  shows vmtf_ns (a # b # l) n' xs'
proof -
  have vmtf_ns (b # l) m (xs[a := VMTF_Node n None (Some b)])
    apply (rule vmtf_ns_eq_iffI[OF _ _ vmtf])
    subgoal using ab a_l a_xs by auto
    subgoal using a_xs vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf] by auto
  then show ?thesis
    apply (rule vmtf_ns.Cons[of _ _ _ _ _ n])
    subgoal using a_xs by simp
    subgoal using a_xs by simp
    subgoal using ab .
    subgoal using a_l .
    subgoal using nm .
    subgoal using xs' ab a_xs by (cases xs ! b) auto
    subgoal using nn' .

definition (in -) vmtf_cons where
vmtf_cons ns L cnext st =
    ns = ns[L := VMTF_Node (Suc st) None cnext];
    ns = (case cnext of None  ns
        | Some cnext  ns[cnext := VMTF_Node (stamp (ns!cnext)) (Some L) (get_next (ns!cnext))]) in

lemma vmtf_notin_vmtf_cons:
    vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns_notin xs m ns and
    cnext: cnext = option_hd xs and
    L_xs: L  set xs
    vmtf_ns_notin (L # xs) (Suc m) (vmtf_cons ns L cnext m)
proof (cases xs)
  case Nil
  then show ?thesis
    using assms by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_notin_def vmtf_cons_def elim: vmtf_nsE)
  case (Cons L' xs') note xs = this
  show ?thesis
    using assms unfolding xs vmtf_ns_notin_def xs vmtf_cons_def by auto

lemma vmtf_cons:
    vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns xs m ns and
    cnext: cnext = option_hd xs and
    L_A: L < length ns and
    L_xs: L  set xs
    vmtf_ns (L # xs) (Suc m) (vmtf_cons ns L cnext m)
proof (cases xs)
  case Nil
  then show ?thesis
    using assms by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_single_iff vmtf_cons_def elim: vmtf_nsE)
  case (Cons L' xs') note xs = this
  show ?thesis
    unfolding xs
    apply (rule vmtf_ns_Cons[OF vmtf_ns[unfolded xs], of _ Suc m])
    subgoal using L_A .
    subgoal using L_xs unfolding xs by simp
    subgoal using L_xs unfolding xs by simp
    subgoal by simp
    subgoal using cnext L_xs
      by (auto simp: vmtf_cons_def Let_def xs)
    subgoal by linarith

lemma length_vmtf_cons[simp]: length (vmtf_cons ns L n m) = length ns
  by (auto simp: vmtf_cons_def Let_def split: option.splits)

lemma wf_vmtf_get_prev:
  assumes vmtf: (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search)  vmtf 𝒜 M
  shows wf {(get_prev (ns ! the a), a) |a. a  None  the a  atms_of (all 𝒜)} (is wf ?R)
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume ¬ ?thesis
  then obtain f where
    f: (f (Suc i), f i)  ?R for i
    unfolding wf_iff_no_infinite_down_chain by blast

  obtain xs' ys' where
    vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    fst_As: fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs') and
    lst_As: lst_As = last (ys' @ xs') and
    next_search: next_search = option_hd xs' and
    abs_vmtf: vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M (set xs', set ys') and
    notin: vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    atm_A: Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length ns
    using vmtf unfolding vmtf_def by fast
  let ?f0 = the (f 0)
  have f_None: f i  None for i
    using f[of i] by fast
  have f_Suc : f (Suc n) = get_prev (ns ! the (f n)) for n
    using f[of n] by auto
  have f0_length: ?f0 < length ns
    using f[of 0] atm_A
    by auto
  have f0_in:  ?f0  set (ys' @ xs')
    apply (rule ccontr)
    using notin f_Suc[of 0] f0_length unfolding vmtf_ns_notin_def
    by (auto simp: f_None)
  then obtain i0 where
    i0: (ys' @ xs') ! i0 = ?f0 i0 < length (ys' @ xs')
    by (meson in_set_conv_nth)
  define zs where zs = ys' @ xs'
  have H: ys' @ xs' = take m (ys' @ xs') @ [(ys' @ xs') ! m, (ys' @ xs') ! (m+1)] @
     drop (m+2) (ys' @ xs')
    if m + 1 < length (ys' @ xs')
    for m
    using that
    unfolding zs_def[symmetric]
    apply -
    apply (subst id_take_nth_drop[of m])
    by (auto simp: take_Suc_conv_app_nth Cons_nth_drop_Suc  simp del: append_take_drop_id)

  have the (f n) = (ys' @ xs') ! (i0 - n)  i0 - n  0  n  i0 for n
  proof (induction n)
    case 0
    then show ?case using i0 by simp
    case (Suc n')
    have i0_le: n' < i0
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume ¬ ?thesis
      then have i0 = n'
        using Suc by auto
      then have ys' @ xs' = [the (f n')] @ tl (ys' @ xs')
        using Suc f0_in
        by (cases ys' @ xs') auto
      then show False
        using vmtf_ns_hd_prev[of the (f n') tl (ys' @ xs') m ns] vmtf_ns
         f_Suc[of n'] by (auto simp: f_None)
    have get_prev: get_prev (ns ! ((ys' @ xs') ! (i0 - (n' +1) + 1))) =
         Some ((ys' @ xs') ! ((i0 - (n' + 1))))
      apply (rule vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_prev[of take (i0 - (n' +1)) (ys' @ xs') _ _
        drop ((i0 - (n' + 1)) + 2) (ys' @ xs') m])
      apply (subst H[symmetric])
      subgoal using i0_le i0 by auto
      subgoal using vmtf_ns by simp
    then show ?case
      using f_Suc[of n'] Suc i0_le by auto
  from this[of Suc i0] show False
    by auto

fun update_stamp where
  update_stamp xs n a = xs[a := VMTF_Node n (get_prev (xs!a)) (get_next (xs!a))]

definition vmtf_rescale :: vmtf  vmtf nres where
vmtf_rescale = (λ(ns, m, fst_As, lst_As :: nat, next_search). do {
  (ns, m, _)  WHILETλ_. True(λ(ns, n, lst_As). lst_As None)
     (λ(ns, n, a). do {
       ASSERT(a  None);
       ASSERT(n+1  unat32_max);
       ASSERT(the a < length ns);
       RETURN (update_stamp ns n (the a), n+1, get_prev (ns ! the a))
     (ns, 0, Some lst_As);
  RETURN ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))

lemma vmtf_rescale_vmtf:
  assumes vmtf: vm  vmtf 𝒜 M and
    nempty: isasat_input_nempty 𝒜 and
    bounded: isasat_input_bounded 𝒜
    vmtf_rescale vm  SPEC (λvm. vm  vmtf 𝒜 M  fst (snd vm)  unat32_max)
    (is ?A  ?R)
proof -
  obtain ns m fst_As lst_As next_search where
    vm: vm = ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))
    by (cases vm) auto

  obtain xs' ys' where
    vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    fst_As: fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs') and
    lst_As: lst_As = last (ys' @ xs') and
    next_search: next_search = option_hd xs' and
    abs_vmtf: vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M (set xs', set ys') and
    notin: vmtf_ns_notin (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    atm_A: Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length ns and
    in_lall: Lset (ys' @ xs'). L  atms_of (all 𝒜)
    using vmtf unfolding vmtf_def vm by fast
  have [dest]: ys' = []  xs' = []  False and
    [simp]: ys' = []  xs'  []
    using abs_vmtf nempty unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def
    by (auto simp: atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in)
  have 1: RES (vmtf 𝒜 M) = do {
    a  RETURN ();
    RES (vmtf 𝒜 M)
    by auto
  define zs where zs  ys' @ xs'

  define I' where
    I'  λ(ns', n::nat, lst::nat option).
        map get_prev ns = map get_prev ns' 
        map get_next ns = map get_next ns' 
        (i<n. stamp (ns' ! (rev zs ! i)) = i) 
        (lst  None  n < length (zs)  the lst = zs ! (length zs - Suc n)) 
        (lst = None  n = length zs) 
          n  length zs
  have [simp]: zs  []
    unfolding zs_def by auto
  have I'0: I' (ns, 0, Some lst_As)
    using vmtf lst_As unfolding I'_def vm zs_def[symmetric] by (auto simp: last_conv_nth)

  have lits: literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (Pos `# mset zs) and
    dist: distinct zs
    using abs_vmtf vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] unfolding vmtf_def zs_def
    by (auto simp: literals_are_in_ℒin_alt_def inj_on_def)
  have dist: distinct_mset (Pos `# mset zs)
    by (subst distinct_image_mset_inj)
      (use dist in auto simp: inj_on_def)
  have tauto: ¬ tautology (poss (mset zs))
    by (auto simp: tautology_decomp)

  have length_zs_le:  length zs < unat32_max using vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns]
      using simple_clss_size_upper_div2[OF bounded lits dist tauto]
      by (auto simp: unat32_max_def)

  have wf {(a, b). (a, b)  {(get_prev (ns ! the a), a) |a. a  None  the a  atms_of (all 𝒜)}}
    by (rule wf_subset[OF wf_vmtf_get_prev[OF vmtf[unfolded vm]]]) auto
  from wf_snd_wf_pair[OF wf_snd_wf_pair[OF this]]
  have wf: wf {((_, _, a), (_, _, b)). (a, b)  {(get_prev (ns ! the a), a) |a. a  None 
      the a  atms_of (all 𝒜)}}
    by (rule wf_subset) auto
  have zs_lall: zs ! (length zs - Suc n)  atms_of (all 𝒜) for n
    using abs_vmtf nth_mem[of length zs - Suc n zs] unfolding zs_def vmtf_ℒall_def
    by auto
  then have zs_le_ns[simp]: zs ! (length zs - Suc n) < length ns for n
    using atm_A by auto
  have loop_body:  (case s' of
        (ns, n, a)  do {
            ASSERT (a  None);
            ASSERT (n + 1  unat32_max);
            ASSERT(the a < length ns);
            RETURN (update_stamp ns n (the a), n + 1, get_prev (ns ! the a))
          (λs'a. True 
                  I' s'a 
                  (s'a, s')
                   {((_, _, a), _, _, b).
                    (a, b)
                     {(get_prev (ns ! the a), a) |a.
                        a  None  the a  atms_of (all 𝒜)}})
      I': I' s' and
      cond: case s' of (ns, n, lst_As)  lst_As  None
    for s'
  proof -
    obtain ns' n' a' where s': s' = (ns', n' , a')
      by (cases s')
      a[simp]: a' = Some (zs ! (length zs - Suc n')) and
      eq_prev: map get_prev ns = map get_prev ns' and
      eq_next: map get_next ns = map get_next ns' and
      eq_stamps: i. i<n'  stamp (ns' ! (rev zs ! i)) = i and
      n'_le: n' < length zs
      using I' cond unfolding I'_def prod.simps s'
      by auto
    have [simp]: length ns' = length ns
      using arg_cong[OF eq_prev, of length] by auto
    have vmtf_as: vmtf_ns
      (take (length zs - (n' + 1)) zs @
       zs ! (length zs - (n' + 1)) #
       drop (Suc (length zs - (n' + 1))) zs)
      m ns
      apply (subst Cons_nth_drop_Suc)
      subgoal by auto
      apply (subst append_take_drop_id)
      using vmtf_ns unfolding zs_def[symmetric] .

    have get_prev (ns' ! the a')  None 
        n' + 1 < length zs 
        the (get_prev (ns' ! the a')) = zs ! (length zs - Suc (n' + 1))
      using n'_le vmtf_ns arg_cong[OF eq_prev, of λxs. xs ! (zs ! (length zs - Suc n'))]
        vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_prev_option_last[OF vmtf_as]
      by (auto simp: last_conv_nth)
    moreover have map get_prev ns = map get_prev (update_stamp ns' n' (the a'))
      unfolding update_stamp.simps
      apply (subst map_update)
      apply (subst list_update_id')
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal using eq_prev .
    moreover have map get_next ns = map get_next (update_stamp ns' n' (the a'))
      unfolding update_stamp.simps
      apply (subst map_update)
      apply (subst list_update_id')
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal using eq_next .
    moreover have i<n' + 1  stamp (update_stamp ns' n' (the a') ! (rev zs ! i)) = i for i
      using eq_stamps[of i] vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] n'_le
      unfolding zs_def[symmetric]
      by (cases i < n')
        (auto simp: rev_nth nth_eq_iff_index_eq)
    moreover have n' + 1  length zs
     using n'_le by (auto simp: Suc_le_eq)
    moreover have get_prev (ns' ! the a') = None  n' + 1 = length zs
      using n'_le vmtf_ns arg_cong[OF eq_prev, of λxs. xs ! (zs ! (length zs - Suc n'))]
        vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_prev_option_last[OF vmtf_as]
      by auto
    ultimately have I'_f: I' (update_stamp ns' n' (the a'), n' + 1, get_prev (ns' ! the a'))
      using cond n'_le unfolding I'_def prod.simps s'
      by simp

    show ?thesis
      unfolding s'
      apply refine_vcg
      subgoal using cond by auto
      subgoal using length_zs_le n'_le by auto
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by fast
      subgoal by (rule I'_f)
        using arg_cong[OF eq_prev, of λxs. xs ! (zs ! (length zs - Suc n'))] zs_lall
        by auto
  have loop_final: s  {x. (case x of
                (ns, m, uua_) 
                  RETURN ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search)))
      True and
      I' s and
      ¬ (case s of (ns, n, lst_As)  lst_As  None)
    for s
  proof -
    obtain ns' n' a' where s: s = (ns', n' , a')
      by (cases s)
      [simp]:a' = None and
      eq_prev: map get_prev ns = map get_prev ns' and
      eq_next: map get_next ns = map get_next ns' and
      stamp: i<n'. stamp (ns' ! (rev zs ! i)) = i and
      [simp]: n' = length zs
      using that unfolding I'_def s by auto
    have [simp]: length ns' = length ns
      using arg_cong[OF eq_prev, of length] by auto
    have [simp]: map ((!) (map stamp ns')) (rev zs) = [0..<length zs]
      apply (subst list_eq_iff_nth_eq, intro conjI)
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal using stamp by (auto simp: rev_nth)
    then have stamps_zs[simp]: map ((!) (map stamp ns')) zs = rev [0..<length zs]
        unfolding rev_map[symmetric]
        using rev_swap by blast

    have sorted (map ((!) (map stamp ns')) (rev zs))
      by simp
    moreover have distinct (map ((!) (map stamp ns')) zs)
      by simp
    moreover have aset zs. get_prev (ns' ! a) = get_prev (ns ! a)
      using eq_prev map_eq_nth_eq by fastforce
    moreover have aset zs. get_next (ns' ! a) = get_next (ns ! a)
      using eq_next map_eq_nth_eq by fastforce
    moreover have aset zs. stamp (ns' ! a) = map stamp ns' ! a
      using vmtf_ns vmtf_ns_le_length zs_def by auto
    moreover have length ns  length ns'
     by simp
    moreover have aset zs. a < length (map stamp ns')
      using vmtf_ns vmtf_ns_le_length zs_def by auto
    moreover have aset zs. map stamp ns' ! a < n'
      fix a
      assume a  set zs
      then have map stamp ns' ! a  set (map ((!) (map stamp ns')) zs)
        by (metis in_set_conv_nth length_map nth_map)
      then show map stamp ns' ! a < n'
        unfolding stamps_zs by simp
    ultimately have vmtf_ns zs n' ns'
      using vmtf_ns_rescale[OF vmtf_ns, of map stamp ns' ns', unfolded zs_def[symmetric]]
      by fast
    moreover have vmtf_ns_notin zs (length zs) ns'
      using notin map_eq_nth_eq[OF eq_prev] map_eq_nth_eq[OF eq_next]
      unfolding zs_def[symmetric]
      by (auto simp: vmtf_ns_notin_def)
    ultimately have (ns', n', fst_As, lst_As, next_search)  vmtf 𝒜 M
      using fst_As lst_As next_search abs_vmtf atm_A notin in_lall
      unfolding vmtf_def in_pair_collect_simp apply -
      apply (rule exI[of _ xs'])
      apply (rule exI[of _ ys'])
      unfolding zs_def[symmetric]
      by auto
    then show ?thesis
      using length_zs_le
      by (auto simp: s)

  have H: WHILETλ_. True(λ(ns, n, lst_As). lst_As  None)
     (λ(ns, n, a). do {
           _  ASSERT (a  None);
           _  ASSERT (n + 1  unat32_max);
           ASSERT(the a < length ns);
           RETURN (update_stamp ns n (the a), n + 1, get_prev (ns ! the a))
     (ns, 0, Some lst_As)
       (λx. (case x of
             (ns, m, uua_) 
               RETURN ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search)))
  apply (rule WHILEIT_rule_stronger_inv_RES[where I' = I' and
      R = {((_, _, a), (_, _, b)). (a, b) 
         {(get_prev (ns ! the a), a) |a. a  None  the a  atms_of (all 𝒜)}}])
   by (rule wf)
  subgoal by fast
  subgoal by (rule I'0)
  subgoal for s'
    by (rule loop_body)
  subgoal for s
    by (rule loop_final)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding vmtf_rescale_def vm
    apply (subst bind_rule_complete_RES)
    apply (rule H)

definition vmtf_flush
   :: nat multiset  (nat,nat) ann_lits   vmtf  nat set  (vmtf × nat set) nres
  vmtf_flush 𝒜in = (λM vm remove_int. SPEC (λx. (fst x)  vmtf 𝒜in M  snd x = {}))

definition atoms_hash_rel :: nat multiset  (bool list × nat set) set where
  atoms_hash_rel 𝒜 = {(C, D). (L  D. L < length C)  (L < length C. C ! L  L  D) 
    (L ∈# 𝒜. L < length C)  D  set_mset 𝒜}

definition distinct_hash_atoms_rel
  :: 'v multiset  (('v list × 'v set) × 'v set) set
  distinct_hash_atoms_rel 𝒜 = {((C, h), D). set C = D  h = D  distinct C  D  set_mset 𝒜}

definition distinct_atoms_rel
  :: nat multiset  ((nat list × bool list) × nat set) set
  distinct_atoms_rel 𝒜 = (Id ×r atoms_hash_rel 𝒜) O distinct_hash_atoms_rel 𝒜

lemma distinct_atoms_rel_alt_def:
  distinct_atoms_rel 𝒜 = {((D', C), D). (L  D. L < length C)  (L < length C. C ! L  L  D) 
    (L ∈# 𝒜. L < length C)  set D' = D  distinct D'  set D'  set_mset 𝒜}
  unfolding distinct_atoms_rel_def atoms_hash_rel_def distinct_hash_atoms_rel_def prod_rel_def
  apply rule
    by (auto simp: mset_set_set)
    by (auto simp: mset_set_set)

lemma distinct_atoms_rel_empty_hash_iff:
  (([], h), {})  distinct_atoms_rel 𝒜   (L ∈# 𝒜. L < length h)  (iset h. i = False)
  unfolding distinct_atoms_rel_alt_def all_set_conv_nth
  by auto

definition atoms_hash_del_pre where
  atoms_hash_del_pre i xs = (i < length xs)

definition atoms_hash_del where
atoms_hash_del i xs = xs[i := False]

definition vmtf_flush_int :: nat multiset  (nat,nat) ann_lits  _  _  _ nres where
vmtf_flush_int 𝒜in = (λM vm (to_remove, h). do {
    ASSERT(xset to_remove. x < length (fst vm));
    ASSERT(length to_remove  unat32_max);
    to_remove'  reorder_list vm to_remove;
    ASSERT(length to_remove'  unat32_max);
    vm  (if length to_remove' + fst (snd vm)  unat64_max
      then vmtf_rescale vm else RETURN vm);
    ASSERT(length to_remove' + fst (snd vm)  unat64_max);
    (_, vm, h)  WHILETλ(i, vm', h). i  length to_remove'  fst (snd vm') = i + fst (snd vm) 
          (i < length to_remove'  vmtf_en_dequeue_pre 𝒜in ((M, to_remove'!i), vm'))(λ(i, vm, h). i < length to_remove')
      (λ(i, vm, h). do {
         ASSERT(i < length to_remove');
         ASSERT(to_remove'!i ∈# 𝒜in);
         ASSERT(atoms_hash_del_pre (to_remove'!i) h);
         RETURN (i+1, vmtf_en_dequeue M (to_remove'!i) vm, atoms_hash_del (to_remove'!i) h)})
      (0, vm, h);
    RETURN (vm, (emptied_list to_remove', h))

lemma vmtf_change_to_remove_order:
    vmtf: ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))  vmtf 𝒜in M and
    CD_rem: ((C, D), to_remove)  distinct_atoms_rel 𝒜in and
    nempty: isasat_input_nempty 𝒜in and
    bounded: isasat_input_bounded 𝒜in and
    t: to_remove  set_mset 𝒜in
  shows vmtf_flush_int 𝒜in M (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search) (C, D)
     (Id ×r distinct_atoms_rel 𝒜in)
       (vmtf_flush 𝒜in M (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search) to_remove)
proof -
  let ?vm = (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search)
  have vmtf_flush_alt_def: vmtf_flush 𝒜in M ?vm to_remove = do {
     _  RETURN ();
     _  RETURN ();
     vm  SPEC (λx. (fst x)  vmtf 𝒜in M  snd x = {});
     RETURN (vm)
    unfolding vmtf_flush_def by (auto simp: RES_RES_RETURN_RES RES_RETURN_RES vmtf)

  have pre_sort: xset x1. x < length ((fst (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search)))
      (C, D) = (x1, x2)
    for x1 x2 x1a x2a
  proof -
    show ?thesis
      using vmtf CD_rem that t apply (auto simp: vmtf_def vmtf_ℒall_def
      by (metis atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in in_mono)

  have length_le: length x1a  unat32_max
      (C, D) = (x1a, x2a) and
      xset x1a. x < length (fst x1)
      for x1 x2 x1a x2a
  proof -
    have lits: literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜in (Pos `# mset x1a) and
      dist: distinct x1a
      using that vmtf CD_rem t unfolding vmtf_def
      apply (auto simp: literals_are_in_ℒin_alt_def distinct_atoms_rel_alt_def inj_on_def)
      by (metis atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in in_mono)
    have dist: distinct_mset (Pos `# mset x1a)
      by (subst distinct_image_mset_inj)
        (use dist in auto simp: inj_on_def)
    have tauto: ¬ tautology (poss (mset x1a))
      by (auto simp: tautology_decomp)

    show ?thesis
      using simple_clss_size_upper_div2[OF bounded lits dist tauto]
      by (auto simp: unat32_max_def)

  have [refine0]:
     reorder_list x1 x1a  SPEC (λc. (c, ()) 
        {(c, c'). ((c, D), to_remove)  distinct_atoms_rel 𝒜in  to_remove = set c 
           length C = length c})
     (is _  SPEC(λ_. _  ?reorder_list))
      x2 = (x1a, x2a) and
      ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search), C, D) = (x1, x2)
    for x1 x2 x1a x2a
  proof -
    show ?thesis
      using that assms by (force simp: reorder_list_def distinct_atoms_rel_alt_def
        dest: mset_eq_setD same_mset_distinct_iff mset_eq_length)

  have [refine0]: (if unat64_max  length to_remove' + fst (snd x1) then vmtf_rescale x1
      else RETURN x1)
       SPEC (λc. (c, ()) 
        {(vm ,vm'). unat64_max  length to_remove' + fst (snd vm) 
          (vm)  vmtf 𝒜in M}) 
    (is _  SPEC(λc. (c, ())  ?rescale) is _  ?H)
    x2 = (x1a, x2a) and
    ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search), C, D) = (x1, x2) and
    xset x1a. x < length (fst x1) and
    length x1a  unat32_max and
    (to_remove', uu)  ?reorder_list and
    length to_remove'  unat32_max
  for x1 x2 x1a x2a to_remove' uu
  proof -
    have vmtf_rescale x1  ?H
      apply (rule order_trans)
      apply (rule vmtf_rescale_vmtf[of _ 𝒜in M])
      subgoal using vmtf that by auto
      subgoal using nempty by fast
      subgoal using bounded by fast
      subgoal using that by (auto intro!: RES_refine simp: unat64_max_def unat32_max_def)
    then show ?thesis
      using that vmtf
      by (auto intro!: RETURN_RES_refine)

  have loop_ref: WHILETλ(i, vm', h).
                  i  length to_remove'  fst (snd vm') = i + fst (snd x1) 
                  (i < length to_remove' 
                    vmtf_en_dequeue_pre 𝒜in ((M, to_remove' ! i), vm'))(λ(i, vm, h). i < length to_remove')
        (λ(i, vm, h). do {
              ASSERT (i < length to_remove');
              ASSERT(to_remove'!i ∈# 𝒜in);
              ASSERT(atoms_hash_del_pre (to_remove'!i) h);
                (i + 1, vmtf_en_dequeue M (to_remove' ! i) vm,
                atoms_hash_del (to_remove'!i) h)
        (0, x1, x2a)
          {((i, vm::vmtf, h:: _), vm'). (vm, {}) = vm'  (iset h. i = False)  i = length to_remove' 
               ((drop i to_remove', h), set(drop i to_remove'))  distinct_atoms_rel 𝒜in}
	    (SPEC (λx. (fst x)  vmtf 𝒜in M  snd x = {}))
      CD: (C, D) = (x1a, x2a) and
      x1: (x1, u')  ?rescale to_remove'
      (to_remove', u)  ?reorder_list
    for x1 x2 x1a x2a to_remove' u u' x1'
  proof -
    define I where I  λ(i, vm'::vmtf, h::bool list).
                  i  length to_remove'  fst (snd vm') = i + fst (snd x1) 
                  (i < length to_remove' 
                    vmtf_en_dequeue_pre 𝒜in ((M, to_remove' ! i), vm'))
    define I' where I'  λ(i, vm::vmtf, h:: bool list).
       ((drop i to_remove', h), set(drop i to_remove'))  distinct_atoms_rel 𝒜in 
              vm  vmtf 𝒜in M
    have [simp]:
        x1a = C
        x2a = D and
      rel: ((to_remove', D), to_remove)  distinct_atoms_rel 𝒜in and
      to_rem: to_remove = set to_remove'
      using that by (auto simp: )
    have D: set to_remove' = to_remove and dist: distinct to_remove'
      using rel unfolding distinct_atoms_rel_alt_def by auto
    have in_lall: to_remove' ! x1  atms_of (all 𝒜in) if le': x1 < length to_remove' for x1
      using vmtf to_rem nth_mem[OF le'] t by (auto simp: vmtf_def vmtf_ℒall_def
         atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in subsetD)
    have bound: fst (snd x1) + 1  unat64_max if 0 < length to_remove'
        using rel vmtf to_rem that x1 by (cases to_remove') auto
    have I_init: I (0, x1, x2a) (is ?A)
      for x1a x2 x1aa x2aa
    proof -
      have vmtf_en_dequeue_pre 𝒜in ((M, to_remove' ! 0), x1) if 0 < length to_remove'
        apply (rule vmtf_vmtf_en_dequeue_pre_to_remove'[of _])
        using rel vmtf to_rem that x1 bound nempty in_lall[of 0] by (auto simp: )
      then show ?A
        unfolding I_def by auto
    have I'_init: I' (0, x1, x2a) (is ?B)
      for x1a x2 x1aa x2aa
    proof -
      show ?B
        using rel to_rem CD_rem that[symmetric] vmtf t unfolding I'_def by auto
    have post_loop: do {
            ASSERT (x2 < length to_remove');
            ASSERT(to_remove' ! x2 ∈# 𝒜in);
            ASSERT(atoms_hash_del_pre (to_remove' ! x2) x2a');
              (x2 + 1, vmtf_en_dequeue M (to_remove' ! x2) x2aa,
                  atoms_hash_del (to_remove'!x2) x2a')
          }  SPEC
              (λs'. I s'  I' s'  (s', x1a)  measure (λ(i, vm, h). Suc (length to_remove') - i))
        I: I x1a and
        I': I' x1a and
        case x1a of (i, vm, h)  i < length to_remove' and
        x1aa: x1aa = (x2aa, x2a') x1a = (x2, x1aa)
      for s x2 x1a x2a x1a' x2a' x1aa x2aa
    proof -
      let ?x2a' = set (drop x2 to_remove')
      have le: x2 < length to_remove' and vm: (x2aa)  vmtf 𝒜in M and
        x2a': fst (snd x2aa) = x2 + fst (snd x1)
        using that unfolding I_def I'_def by (auto simp: distinct_atoms_rel_alt_def)
      have 1: (vmtf_en_dequeue M (to_remove' ! x2) x2aa)  vmtf 𝒜in M
        by (rule abs_vmtf_ns_bump_vmtf_en_dequeue'[OF vm in_lall[OF le]])
          (use nempty in auto)
      have 3: fst (snd x2aa) = fst (snd x1) + x2
        using I I' le dist that CD x2a' unfolding I_def I'_def x2a' x1aa
         by (auto simp: distinct_atoms_rel_def in_set_drop_conv_nth I'_def
             nth_eq_iff_index_eq intro: bex_geI[of _ Suc x2])
      then have 4: fst (snd (vmtf_en_dequeue M (to_remove' ! x2) x2aa)) + 1  unat64_max
        if Suc x2 < length to_remove'
        using x1 le that
        by (cases x2aa)
          (auto simp: vmtf_en_dequeue_def vmtf_enqueue_def vmtf_dequeue_def
          split: option.splits)
      have 1: vmtf_en_dequeue_pre 𝒜in
          ((M, to_remove' ! Suc x2), vmtf_en_dequeue M (to_remove' ! x2) x2aa)
        if Suc x2 < length to_remove'
        by (rule vmtf_vmtf_en_dequeue_pre_to_remove')
         (rule 1, rule in_lall, rule that, rule 4[OF that], rule nempty)
      have 3: (vmtf_en_dequeue M (to_remove' ! x2) x2aa)  vmtf 𝒜in M
        by (rule abs_vmtf_ns_bump_vmtf_en_dequeue'[OF vm in_lall[OF le]]) (use nempty in auto)
      have 4: ((drop (Suc x2) to_remove', atoms_hash_del (to_remove' ! x2) x2a'),
            set (drop (Suc x2) to_remove'))
         distinct_atoms_rel 𝒜in and
        3: (vmtf_en_dequeue M (to_remove' ! x2) x2aa)
          vmtf 𝒜in M
        using 3 I' le to_rem that unfolding I'_def distinct_atoms_rel_alt_def atoms_hash_del_def
        by (auto simp: Cons_nth_drop_Suc[symmetric] intro: mset_le_add_mset_decr_left1)

      have A: to_remove' ! x2  ?x2a'
        using I I' le dist that x1aa unfolding I_def I'_def
        by (auto simp: distinct_atoms_rel_def in_set_drop_conv_nth I'_def
             nth_eq_iff_index_eq x2a' intro: bex_geI[of _ x2])
      moreover have I (Suc x2, vmtf_en_dequeue M (to_remove' ! x2) x2aa,
          atoms_hash_del (to_remove' ! x2) x2a')
        using that 1 unfolding I_def
        by (cases x2aa)
          (auto simp: vmtf_en_dequeue_def vmtf_enqueue_def vmtf_dequeue_def
          split: option.splits)
      moreover have length to_remove' - x2 < Suc (length to_remove') - x2
        using le by auto
      moreover have I' (Suc x2, vmtf_en_dequeue M (to_remove' ! x2) x2aa,
          atoms_hash_del (to_remove' ! x2) x2a')
        using that 3 4 I' unfolding I'_def
        by auto
      moreover have atoms_hash_del_pre (to_remove' ! x2) x2a'
        unfolding atoms_hash_del_pre_def
        using that le A unfolding I_def I'_def by (auto simp: distinct_atoms_rel_alt_def)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using that in_lall[OF le]
        by (auto simp: atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in)
    have [simp]: L<length ba. ¬ ba ! L   True  set ba for ba
      by (simp add: in_set_conv_nth)
    have post_rel: RETURN s
          {((i, vm, h), vm').
             (vm, {}) = vm' 
             (iset h. i = False) 
             i = length to_remove' 
             ((drop i to_remove', h), set (drop i to_remove'))
       distinct_atoms_rel 𝒜in}
      (SPEC (λx. (fst x)  vmtf 𝒜in M  snd x = {}))
         ¬ (case s of (i, vm, h)  i < length to_remove') and
         I s and
         I' s
       for s
    proof -
      obtain i vm h where s: s = (i, vm, h) by (cases s)
      have [simp]: i = length (to_remove') and [iff]: True  set h and
        [simp]: (([], h), {})  distinct_atoms_rel 𝒜in
          (vm)  vmtf 𝒜in M
        using that unfolding s I_def I'_def by (auto simp: distinct_atoms_rel_empty_hash_iff)
      show ?thesis
        unfolding s
        by (rule RETURN_RES_refine) auto

    show ?thesis
      unfolding I_def[symmetric]
      apply (refine_rcg
        WHILEIT_rule_stronger_inv_RES'[where R=measure (λ(i, vm::vmtf, h). Suc (length to_remove') -i) and
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by (rule I_init)
      subgoal by (rule I'_init)
      subgoal for x1'' x2'' x1a'' x2a'' by (rule post_loop)
      subgoal by (rule post_rel)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding vmtf_flush_int_def vmtf_flush_alt_def
    apply (refine_rcg)
    subgoal by (rule pre_sort)
    subgoal by (rule length_le)
    apply (assumption+)[2]
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply (assumption+)[5]
    subgoal by auto
    apply (assumption+)[3]
    subgoal by auto
    apply (rule loop_ref; assumption)
    subgoal by (auto simp: emptied_list_def)

lemma vmtf_change_to_remove_order':
  (uncurry2 (vmtf_flush_int 𝒜in), uncurry2 (vmtf_flush 𝒜in)) 
   [λ((M, vm), to_r). vm  vmtf 𝒜in M  isasat_input_bounded 𝒜in  isasat_input_nempty 𝒜in  to_r  set_mset 𝒜in]f
     Id ×f Id ×f distinct_atoms_rel 𝒜in  (Id ×r distinct_atoms_rel 𝒜in) nres_rel
  by (intro frefI nres_relI)
    (use in auto intro!: vmtf_change_to_remove_order)

definition (in -) isa_vmtf_unset :: nat  vmtf  vmtf where
isa_vmtf_unset = (λL (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search).
  (if next_search = None  stamp (ns ! (the next_search)) < stamp (ns ! L)
  then ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, Some L))
  else ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))))

definition vmtf_unset_pre where
vmtf_unset_pre = (λL (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search).
  L < length ns  (next_search  None  the next_search < length ns))

lemma vmtf_unset_pre_vmtf:
    ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))  vmtf 𝒜 M and
    L ∈# 𝒜
  shows vmtf_unset_pre L ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))
  using assms
  by (auto simp: vmtf_def vmtf_unset_pre_def atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in)

definition vmtf_heur_fst where
  vmtf_heur_fst = (λ(_, _, a, _). a)

subsection Hash for lists

definition atms_hash_insert_pre :: nat  nat list × bool list  bool where
atms_hash_insert_pre i = (λ(n, xs). i < length xs  (¬xs!i  length n < 2 + unat32_max div 2))

definition atoms_hash_insert :: nat  nat list × bool list  (nat list × bool list) where
atoms_hash_insert i  = (λ(n, xs). if xs ! i then (n, xs) else (n @ [i], xs[i := True]))
