Theory IsaSAT_Bump_Heuristics_State_LLVM

theory IsaSAT_Bump_Heuristics_State_LLVM
  imports IsaSAT_Bump_Heuristics_State
hide_const (open) NEMonad.ASSERT NEMonad.RETURN

type_synonym bump_heuristics_assn = 
  ((32 word ptr × 32 word ptr × 32 word ptr × 32 word ptr × 64 word ptr × 32 word) × 64 word,
     (64 word × 32 word × 32 word) ptr × 64 word × 32 word × 32 word × 32 word,
     1 word, (64 word × 64 word × 32 word ptr) × 1 word ptr) tuple4

definition heuristic_bump_assn :: bump_heuristics  bump_heuristics_assn  _ where
  heuristic_bump_assn = tuple4_assn acids_assn2 vmtf_assn bool1_assn distinct_atoms_assn

definition bottom_atom where
  bottom_atom = 0

definition bottom_vmtf :: vmtf where
  bottom_vmtf = ((replicate 0 (VMTF_Node 0 None None), 0, bottom_atom, bottom_atom, None))

definition extract_bump_stable where
  extract_bump_stable = tuple4_state_ops.remove_a empty_acids
definition extract_bump_focused where
  extract_bump_focused = tuple4_state_ops.remove_b bottom_vmtf

lemma [sepref_fr_rules]: (uncurry0 (Mreturn 0), uncurry0 (RETURN bottom_atom))  unit_assnk a atom_assn
  unfolding bottom_atom_def
  apply sepref_to_hoare
  apply vcg
  apply (auto simp: atom_rel_def unat_rel_def unat.rel_def br_def entails_def ENTAILS_def)
  by (smt (verit, best) pure_true_conv rel_simps(51) sep.add_0)

sepref_def bottom_vmtf_code
  is uncurry0 (RETURN bottom_vmtf)
  :: unit_assnk a vmtf_assn
  unfolding bottom_vmtf_def
  apply (rewrite in ((, _, _, _, _)) array_fold_custom_replicate)
   atom.fold_option array_fold_custom_replicate vmtf_assn_def
    al_fold_custom_empty[where 'l=64]
  apply (rewrite at 0 in VMTF_Node  unat_const_fold[where 'a=64])
  apply (rewrite at (_, , _, _) unat_const_fold[where 'a=64])
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

schematic_goal free_vmtf_remove_assn[sepref_frame_free_rules]: MK_FREE vmtf_assn ?a
  unfolding vmtf_assn_def
  by synthesize_free

sepref_def free_vmtf_remove
  is mop_free
  :: vmtf_assnd a unit_assn
  by sepref

sepref_def bottom_focused
  is uncurry0 (RETURN False)
  :: unit_assnk a bool1_assn
  by sepref
sepref_def free_focused
  is mop_free
  :: bool1_assnd a unit_assn
  by sepref

definition extract_bump_is_focused where
  extract_bump_is_focused = tuple4_state_ops.remove_c False

definition bottom_atms_hash where
  bottom_atms_hash = ([], replicate 0 False)

definition extract_bump_atms_to_bump where
  extract_bump_atms_to_bump = tuple4_state_ops.remove_d bottom_atms_hash

sepref_def bottom_atms_hash_code
  is uncurry0 (RETURN bottom_atms_hash)
  :: unit_assnk a distinct_atoms_assn
  unfolding bottom_atms_hash_def
   atom.fold_option array_fold_custom_replicate
    al_fold_custom_empty[where 'l=64]
  apply (rewrite at (, _) annotate_assn[where A =al_assn atom_assn])
  apply (rewrite at (_, ) annotate_assn[where A =atoms_hash_assn])
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref
sepref_def free_atms_hash_code
  is mop_free
  :: distinct_atoms_assnd a unit_assn
  by sepref

lemma free_vmtf_assn_assn2: MK_FREE vmtf_assn free_vmtf_remove
  unfolding free_vmtf_remove_def
  by (rule back_subst[of MK_FREE vmtf_assn, OF free_vmtf_remove_assn])
    (auto intro!: ext)

schematic_goal free_focused_assn: MK_FREE bool1_assn ?a
  unfolding vmtf_assn_def
  by synthesize_free
schematic_goal free_distinct_atoms_assn: MK_FREE distinct_atoms_assn ?a
  by synthesize_free
lemma free_focused_assn2: MK_FREE bool1_assn free_focused
  unfolding free_focused_def
  by (rule back_subst[of MK_FREE bool1_assn, OF free_focused_assn])
    (auto intro!: ext)

lemma free_distinct_atoms_assn2: MK_FREE (distinct_atoms_assn) free_atms_hash_code
  unfolding free_atms_hash_code_def
  by (rule back_subst[of MK_FREE distinct_atoms_assn, OF free_distinct_atoms_assn])
    (auto intro!: ext)

global_interpretation Bump_Heur: tuple4_state where
  a_assn = acids_assn2 and
  b_assn = vmtf_assn and
  c_assn = bool1_assn and
  d_assn = distinct_atoms_assn and
  a_default = empty_acids and
  a = empty_acids_code and
  a_free = free_acids and
  b_default = bottom_vmtf and
  b = bottom_vmtf_code and
  b_free = free_vmtf_remove and
  c_default = False and
  c = bottom_focused and
  c_free = free_focused and
  d_default = bottom_atms_hash and
  d = bottom_atms_hash_code and
  d_free = free_atms_hash_code
  Bump_Heur.tuple4_int_assn  heuristic_bump_assnand
  Bump_Heur.remove_a  extract_bump_stable and
  Bump_Heur.remove_b  extract_bump_focused and
  Bump_Heur.remove_c  extract_bump_is_focused and
  Bump_Heur.remove_d  extract_bump_atms_to_bump
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (rule bottom_vmtf_code.refine bottom_focused.refine empty_acids_code.refine
    bottom_atms_hash_code.refine free_vmtf_assn_assn2 free_focused_assn2 free_acids_assn2'
  subgoal unfolding heuristic_bump_assn_def tuple4_state_ops.tuple4_int_assn_def by auto
  subgoal unfolding extract_bump_stable_def by auto
  subgoal unfolding extract_bump_focused_def by auto
  subgoal unfolding extract_bump_is_focused_def by auto
  subgoal unfolding extract_bump_atms_to_bump_def by auto

lemmas [unfolded Tuple4_LLVM.inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
  Bump_Heur.code_rules[unfolded Mreturn_comp_Tuple4]

lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] =

(*The if/then/else is a work-around for sepref...*)
lemma switch_bump_heur_alt_def:
  RETURN o switch_bump_heur = (λx. case x of Bump_Heuristics hstable focused foc b  do {
  f  RETURN (¬foc);
  mop_free foc;
  RETURN (Bump_Heuristics hstable focused (f) b)})
  by (auto intro!: ext simp: mop_free_def switch_bump_heur_def split: bump_heuristics_splits)

sepref_def switch_bump_heur_code
  is RETURN o switch_bump_heur
  :: heuristic_bump_assnd a heuristic_bump_assn
  unfolding switch_bump_heur_alt_def
  by sepref
