Theory IsaSAT_CDCL

theory IsaSAT_CDCL
  imports IsaSAT_Propagate_Conflict IsaSAT_Other IsaSAT_Show

paragraph Combining Together: Full Strategy

lemma cdcl_twl_stgy_prog_wl_D_heur_cdcl_twl_stgy_prog_wl_D:
  (cdcl_twl_stgy_prog_wl_D_heur, cdcl_twl_stgy_prog_wl)  twl_st_heur f twl_st_heurnres_rel
proof -
  have H[refine0]: (x, y)  {(S, T).
               (S, T)  twl_st_heur 
               length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) =
               length (get_clauses_wl_heur x)} 
           (x, y)
            {(S, T).
               (S, T)  twl_st_heur  get_learned_count S = get_learned_count x} for x y
    by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_state_simp twl_st_heur_twl_st_heur_conflict_ana)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding cdcl_twl_stgy_prog_wl_D_heur_def cdcl_twl_stgy_prog_wl_def
    apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
    subgoal for x y
    apply (refine_vcg
        unit_propagation_outer_loop_wl_D_heur_unit_propagation_outer_loop_wl_D'[THEN twl_st_heur''D_twl_st_heurD, THEN fref_to_Down]
        cdcl_twl_o_prog_wl_D_heur_cdcl_twl_o_prog_wl_D2[THEN fref_to_Down])
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_state_simp)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_state_simp twl_st_heur'_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur'_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_state_simp)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_state_simp)

lemma cdcl_twl_stgy_prog_early_wl_heur_cdcl_twl_stgy_prog_early_wl_D:
  assumes r: r  snat64_max
  shows (cdcl_twl_stgy_prog_bounded_wl_heur, cdcl_twl_stgy_prog_early_wl) 
    {(S,T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur''' r} f
    bool_rel ×r  twl_st_heurnres_rel
proof -
  have A[refine0]: RETURN (isasat_fast x)  
      {(b, b'). b = b'  (b = (isasat_fast x))} (RES UNIV)
    for x
    by (auto intro: RETURN_RES_refine)
  have twl_st_heur'': (x1e, x1b)  twl_st_heur 
    (x1e, x1b)
        (dom_m (get_clauses_wl x1b))
        (length (get_clauses_wl_heur x1e))
        (get_learned_count x1e)
    for x1e x1b
    by (auto simp: twl_st_heur'_def)
  have twl_st_heur''': (x1e, x1b)  twl_st_heur'' 𝒟 r lcount 
    (x1e, x1b)
     {(S, Taa).
          (S, Taa)  twl_st_heur 
          length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) = r 
          learned_clss_count S = (λ(a,b,c,d,e). a + b + c + d+e) (lcount)}
    for x1e x1b r 𝒟 lcount
    by (auto simp: twl_st_heur'_def learned_clss_count_def clss_size_lcountUEk_def
      clss_size_lcountUE_def clss_size_lcountU0_def clss_size_lcount_def clss_size_lcountUS_def
      split: prod.splits)
  have H: SPEC (λ_::bool. True) = RES UNIV by auto
  show ?thesis
    supply[[goals_limit=1]] isasat_fast_length_leD[dest] twl_st_heur'_def[simp]
    unfolding cdcl_twl_stgy_prog_bounded_wl_heur_def
      cdcl_twl_stgy_prog_early_wl_def H
    apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
    apply (refine_rcg
        cdcl_twl_o_prog_wl_D_heur_cdcl_twl_o_prog_wl_D[THEN fref_to_Down]
        unit_propagation_outer_loop_wl_D_heur_unit_propagation_outer_loop_wl_D'[THEN fref_to_Down]
        WHILEIT_refine[where R = {((ebrk, brk, T), (ebrk', brk', T')).
	    (ebrk = ebrk')  (brk = brk')  (T, T')   twl_st_heur 
	      (ebrk  isasat_fast T)  (length (get_clauses_wl_heur T)  snat64_max)}])
    subgoal using r by auto
    subgoal by fast
    subgoal by auto
    apply (rule twl_st_heur''; auto; fail)
    subgoal by (auto simp: isasat_fast_def dest: get_learned_count_learned_clss_countD)
    apply (rule twl_st_heur'''; assumption)
      apply clarsimp
      by (auto simp: isasat_fast_def snat64_max_def unat32_max_def
      dest: )
    subgoal by auto
