Theory IsaSAT_VDom_LLVM

theory IsaSAT_VDom_LLVM
  imports IsaSAT_VDom IsaSAT_Stats_LLVM IsaSAT_Clauses_LLVM IsaSAT_Arena_Sorting_LLVM
hide_const (open) NEMonad.ASSERT NEMonad.RETURN NEMonad.SPEC
type_synonym aivdom2 = vdom × vdom × vdom
abbreviation aivdom_int_rel :: (aivdom2 × aivdom) set where
  aivdom_int_rel  {(a, (_, a')). (a,a')  nat_rellist_rel ×r nat_rellist_rel ×r nat_rellist_rel}

abbreviation aivdom_rel :: (aivdom2 × isasat_aivdom) set where
  aivdom_rel  aivdom_int_relcode_hider_rel

abbreviation aivdom_int_assn :: aivdom2  _  assn where
  aivdom_int_assn  LBD_it.arr_assn ×a LBD_it.arr_assn  ×a LBD_it.arr_assn
type_synonym aivdom_assn = vdom_fast_assn × vdom_fast_assn × vdom_fast_assn
definition aivdom_assn :: isasat_aivdom  _  assn where
  aivdom_assn = code_hider_assn aivdom_int_assn aivdom_int_rel

text To keep my sanity, I use the same name, even if the function drops one component.
definition add_learned_clause_aivdom_int where
  add_learned_clause_aivdom_int = (λ C (avdom, ivdom). (avdom @ [C], ivdom))

definition add_learned_clause_aivdom_strong_int where
  add_learned_clause_aivdom_strong_int = (λ C (avdom, ivdom, tvdom). (avdom @ [C], ivdom, tvdom @ [C]))

definition add_init_clause_aivdom_strong_int where
  add_init_clause_aivdom_strong_int = (λ C (avdom, ivdom, tvdom). (avdom, ivdom @ [C], tvdom @ [C]))

definition remove_inactive_aivdom_int :: _  aivdom2  aivdom2 where
  remove_inactive_aivdom_int = (λi (avdom, ivdom). (delete_index_and_swap avdom i, ivdom))

definition remove_inactive_aivdom_tvdom_int :: _  aivdom2  aivdom2 where
  remove_inactive_aivdom_tvdom_int = (λi (avdom, ivdom, tvdom). (avdom, ivdom, delete_index_and_swap tvdom i))

definition avdom_aivdom_at_int :: aivdom2  nat  nat where
  avdom_aivdom_at_int = (λ(b,c) C. b ! C)

definition tvdom_aivdom_at_int :: aivdom2  nat  nat where
  tvdom_aivdom_at_int = (λ(b,c,d) C. d ! C)

definition length_ivdom_aivdom_int :: aivdom2  nat where
  length_ivdom_aivdom_int = (λ(b,c,d). length c)

definition ivdom_aivdom_at_int :: aivdom2  nat  nat where
  ivdom_aivdom_at_int = (λ(b,c,d) C. c ! C)

definition length_tvdom_aivdom_int :: aivdom2  nat where
  length_tvdom_aivdom_int = (λ(b,c,d). length d)

definition length_avdom_aivdom_int :: aivdom2  nat where
  length_avdom_aivdom_int = (λ(b,c,d). length b)

definition AIVDom_int :: _  _  _  _  aivdom2 where
  AIVDom_int _ avdom ivdom tvdom = (avdom, ivdom, tvdom)

definition swap_avdom_aivdom_int :: aivdom2  nat  nat  aivdom2 where
  swap_avdom_aivdom_int = (λ(avdom, ivdom, tvdom) i j.
  (swap avdom i j, ivdom, tvdom))

lemma swap_avdom_aivdom_alt_def:
  swap_avdom_aivdom aivdom i j =
  (AIvdom (get_vdom_aivdom aivdom, swap (get_avdom_aivdom aivdom) i j, get_ivdom_aivdom aivdom, get_tvdom_aivdom aivdom))
  by (cases aivdom) auto

definition take_avdom_aivdom_int :: nat  aivdom2  aivdom2 where
  take_avdom_aivdom_int = (λi (avdom, ivdom, tvdom).
  (take i avdom, ivdom, tvdom))

lemma take_avdom_aivdom_alt_def:
  take_avdom_aivdom i aivdom =
  (AIvdom (get_vdom_aivdom aivdom, take i (get_avdom_aivdom aivdom), get_ivdom_aivdom aivdom, get_tvdom_aivdom aivdom))
  by (cases aivdom) auto

definition map_vdom_aivdom_int :: _  aivdom2  aivdom2 nres where
  map_vdom_aivdom_int f = (λ(avdom, ivdom, tvdom). do {
    avdom  f avdom;
    RETURN ((avdom, ivdom, tvdom))

definition map_tvdom_aivdom_int :: _  aivdom2  aivdom2 nres where
  map_tvdom_aivdom_int f = (λ(avdom, ivdom, tvdom). do {
    tvdom  f tvdom;
    RETURN ((avdom, ivdom, tvdom))

definition empty_aivdom_int where
  empty_aivdom_int = (λ(avdom, ivdom, tvdom). (take 0 avdom, take 0 ivdom, take 0 tvdom))

definition AIvdom_init_int :: nat list  nat list  nat list  aivdom2 where
   AIvdom_init_int vdom avdom ivdom = (avdom, ivdom, vdom)

definition empty_tvdom_int where
  empty_tvdom_int = (λ(avdom, ivdom, tvdom). (avdom, ivdom, take 0 tvdom))

definition push_to_tvdom_int :: nat  aivdom2  aivdom2 where
  push_to_tvdom_int C =  (λ(avdom, ivdom, tvdom). (avdom, ivdom, tvdom @ [C]))

  (uncurry (RETURN oo add_learned_clause_aivdom_int), uncurry (RETURN oo add_learned_clause_aivdom))  nat_rel ×f aivdom_rel f aivdom_relnres_rel and
  (uncurry (RETURN oo add_learned_clause_aivdom_strong_int), uncurry (RETURN oo add_learned_clause_aivdom_strong))  nat_rel ×f aivdom_rel f aivdom_relnres_rel and
  (uncurry (RETURN oo add_init_clause_aivdom_strong_int), uncurry (RETURN oo add_init_clause_aivdom_strong))  nat_rel ×f aivdom_rel f aivdom_relnres_rel and
  (uncurry (RETURN oo remove_inactive_aivdom_int), uncurry (RETURN oo remove_inactive_aivdom))  nat_rel ×f aivdom_rel f aivdom_relnres_rel and
  (uncurry (RETURN oo remove_inactive_aivdom_tvdom_int), uncurry (RETURN oo remove_inactive_aivdom_tvdom))  nat_rel ×f aivdom_rel f aivdom_relnres_rel and
  (uncurry (RETURN oo avdom_aivdom_at_int), uncurry (RETURN oo avdom_aivdom_at))  aivdom_rel ×f nat_rel f nat_relnres_reland
  (uncurry (RETURN oo tvdom_aivdom_at_int), uncurry (RETURN oo tvdom_aivdom_at))  aivdom_rel ×f nat_rel f nat_relnres_reland
  (uncurry (RETURN oo ivdom_aivdom_at_int), uncurry (RETURN oo ivdom_aivdom_at))  aivdom_rel ×f nat_rel f nat_relnres_reland
  (RETURN o length_avdom_aivdom_int, RETURN o length_avdom_aivdom)  aivdom_rel f nat_relnres_reland
  (RETURN o length_ivdom_aivdom_int, RETURN o length_ivdom_aivdom)  aivdom_rel f nat_relnres_rel and
  (RETURN o length_tvdom_aivdom_int, RETURN o length_tvdom_aivdom)  aivdom_rel f nat_relnres_rel and
  (RETURN o empty_aivdom_int, RETURN o empty_aivdom)  aivdom_rel f aivdom_relnres_rel and
  (RETURN o empty_tvdom_int, RETURN o empty_tvdom)  aivdom_rel f aivdom_relnres_rel and
  (uncurry (RETURN oo push_to_tvdom_int), uncurry (RETURN oo push_to_tvdom))  nat_rel ×f aivdom_rel f aivdom_relnres_rel and
  (uncurry2 (RETURN ooo AIvdom_init_int), uncurry2 (RETURN ooo AIvdom_init))  nat_rellist_rel ×f nat_rellist_rel ×f nat_rellist_rel  f aivdom_relnres_rel and
  (map_vdom_aivdom_int f, map_vdom_aivdom f)  aivdom_rel f aivdom_relnres_rel and
  (map_tvdom_aivdom_int f, map_tvdom_aivdom f)  aivdom_rel f aivdom_relnres_rel and
  (uncurry2 (RETURN ooo swap_avdom_aivdom_int), uncurry2 (RETURN ooo swap_avdom_aivdom))
   aivdom_rel ×f nat_rel ×f nat_rel  f aivdom_relnres_rel and
  (uncurry (RETURN oo take_avdom_aivdom_int), uncurry (RETURN oo take_avdom_aivdom))
   nat_rel ×f aivdom_rel  f aivdom_relnres_rel
  apply (auto intro!: frefI nres_relI simp: code_hider_rel_def add_learned_clause_aivdom_def remove_inactive_aivdom_def avdom_aivdom_at_alt_def
    ivdom_aivdom_at_alt_def vdom_aivdom_at_alt_def length_vdom_aivdom_alt_def length_avdom_aivdom_alt_def length_ivdom_aivdom_alt_def length_tvdom_aivdom_alt_def tvdom_aivdom_at_alt_def add_learned_clause_aivdom_int_def
    IsaSAT_VDom.add_learned_clause_aivdom_strong_int_def add_learned_clause_aivdom_strong_def add_learned_clause_aivdom_strong_int_def
    IsaSAT_VDom.add_init_clause_aivdom_strong_int_def add_init_clause_aivdom_strong_def add_init_clause_aivdom_strong_int_def
    add_init_clause_aivdom_def add_init_clause_aivdom_int_def
    IsaSAT_VDom.remove_inactive_aivdom_int_def remove_inactive_aivdom_int_def
    IsaSAT_VDom.remove_inactive_aivdom_tvdom_int_def remove_inactive_aivdom_tvdom_int_def
    IsaSAT_VDom.avdom_aivdom_at_int_def avdom_aivdom_at_int_def
    IsaSAT_VDom.tvdom_aivdom_at_int_def tvdom_aivdom_at_int_def
    IsaSAT_VDom.ivdom_aivdom_at_int_def ivdom_aivdom_at_int_def
    IsaSAT_VDom.length_avdom_aivdom_int_def length_avdom_aivdom_int_def
    IsaSAT_VDom.length_ivdom_aivdom_int_def length_ivdom_aivdom_int_def
    IsaSAT_VDom.length_tvdom_aivdom_int_def length_tvdom_aivdom_int_def
    IsaSAT_VDom_LLVM.empty_aivdom_int_def empty_aivdom_def IsaSAT_VDom.empty_aivdom_int_def
    map_vdom_aivdom_def map_vdom_aivdom_int_def
    AIvdom_init_int_def AIvdom_init_def map_tvdom_aivdom_int_def map_tvdom_aivdom_def
    push_to_tvdom_int_def push_to_tvdom_def IsaSAT_VDom.push_to_tvdom_int_def
    swap_avdom_aivdom_alt_def empty_tvdom_def empty_tvdom_int_def)
  apply (case_tac y; case_tac "f ab"; auto simp: swap_avdom_aivdom_int_def take_avdom_aivdom_int_def
     RES_RETURN_RES conc_fun_RES)[]
  apply (case_tac y; case_tac "f ba"; auto simp: swap_avdom_aivdom_int_def take_avdom_aivdom_int_def
     RES_RETURN_RES conc_fun_RES)[]
   apply (case_tac ab; auto simp: swap_avdom_aivdom_int_def take_avdom_aivdom_int_def)
   apply (case_tac ba; auto simp: swap_avdom_aivdom_int_def take_avdom_aivdom_int_def)

sepref_def add_learned_clause_aivdom_impl
  is uncurry (RETURN oo add_learned_clause_aivdom_int)
  :: [λ(C,(a,b,c)). Suc (length (a)) < max_snat 64]a sint64_nat_assnk *a aivdom_int_assnd  aivdom_int_assn
  unfolding add_learned_clause_aivdom_int_def
  by sepref

sepref_def add_learned_clause_aivdom_strong_impl
  is uncurry (RETURN oo add_learned_clause_aivdom_strong_int)
  :: [λ(C,(a,b,c)). Suc (length (a)) < max_snat 64  Suc (length (c)) < max_snat 64]a sint64_nat_assnk *a aivdom_int_assnd  aivdom_int_assn
  unfolding add_learned_clause_aivdom_strong_int_def
  by sepref

sepref_def add_init_clause_aivdom_strong_impl
  is uncurry (RETURN oo add_init_clause_aivdom_strong_int)
  :: [λ(C,(a,b,c)). Suc (length (b)) < max_snat 64  Suc (length (c)) < max_snat 64]a sint64_nat_assnk *a aivdom_int_assnd  aivdom_int_assn
  unfolding add_init_clause_aivdom_strong_int_def
  by sepref

sepref_def remove_inactive_aivdom_impl
  is uncurry (RETURN oo remove_inactive_aivdom_int)
  :: [λ(C,(a,b,c)). C < (length a)]a sint64_nat_assnk *a aivdom_int_assnd  aivdom_int_assn
  unfolding remove_inactive_aivdom_int_def
  by sepref

sepref_def remove_inactive_aivdom_tvdom_impl
  is uncurry (RETURN oo remove_inactive_aivdom_tvdom_int)
  :: [λ(C,(a,b,c)). C < (length c)]a sint64_nat_assnk *a aivdom_int_assnd  aivdom_int_assn
  unfolding remove_inactive_aivdom_tvdom_int_def
  by sepref

sepref_def ivdom_aivdom_at_impl
  is uncurry (RETURN oo ivdom_aivdom_at_int)
  :: [λ((b,c,d), C). C < (length c)]a aivdom_int_assnk *a sint64_nat_assnk   sint64_nat_assn
  unfolding ivdom_aivdom_at_int_def
  by sepref

sepref_def avdom_aivdom_at_impl
  is uncurry (RETURN oo avdom_aivdom_at_int)
  :: [λ((b,c), C). C < (length b)]a aivdom_int_assnk *a sint64_nat_assnk   sint64_nat_assn
  unfolding avdom_aivdom_at_int_def
  by sepref

sepref_def tvdom_aivdom_at_impl
  is uncurry (RETURN oo tvdom_aivdom_at_int)
  :: [λ((b,c,d), C). C < (length d)]a aivdom_int_assnk *a sint64_nat_assnk   sint64_nat_assn
  unfolding tvdom_aivdom_at_int_def
  by sepref

sepref_def length_avdom_aivdom_impl
  is RETURN o length_avdom_aivdom_int
  :: aivdom_int_assnk a sint64_nat_assn
  unfolding length_avdom_aivdom_int_def
  by sepref

definition workaround_RF where
  workaround_RF xs = length xs

sepref_def workaround_RF_code [llvm_inline]
  is RETURN o workaround_RF
  :: vdom_fast_assnk a sint64_nat_assn
  unfolding workaround_RF_def
  by sepref

sepref_def length_ivdom_aivdom_impl
  is RETURN o length_ivdom_aivdom_int
  :: aivdom_int_assnk a sint64_nat_assn
  unfolding length_ivdom_aivdom_int_def comp_def workaround_RF_def[symmetric]
  by sepref

sepref_def length_tvdom_aivdom_impl
  is RETURN o length_tvdom_aivdom_int
  :: aivdom_int_assnk a sint64_nat_assn
  unfolding length_tvdom_aivdom_int_def comp_def workaround_RF_def[symmetric]
  by sepref

sepref_def swap_avdom_aivdom_impl
  is uncurry2 (RETURN ooo swap_avdom_aivdom_int)
  :: [λ(((b,c,d),i), j). i < length b  j < length b]a aivdom_int_assnd *a sint64_nat_assnk *a sint64_nat_assnk  aivdom_int_assn
  unfolding swap_avdom_aivdom_int_def convert_swap gen_swap
  by sepref

sepref_def take_avdom_aivdom_impl
  is uncurry (RETURN oo take_avdom_aivdom_int)
  :: [λ(i, (b,c,d)). i  length b]a sint64_nat_assnk *a aivdom_int_assnd  aivdom_int_assn
  unfolding take_avdom_aivdom_int_def
  by sepref

sepref_def empty_aivdom_impl
  is RETURN o empty_aivdom_int
  :: aivdom_int_assnd a aivdom_int_assn
  unfolding empty_aivdom_int_def
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

sepref_def AIvdom_init_impl
  is uncurry2 (RETURN ooo AIvdom_init_int)
  :: vdom_fast_assnd *a vdom_fast_assnd *a vdom_fast_assnd  a aivdom_int_assn
  unfolding AIvdom_init_int_def
  by sepref

sepref_def empty_tvdom_impl
  is RETURN o empty_tvdom_int
  :: aivdom_int_assnd a aivdom_int_assn
  unfolding empty_tvdom_int_def
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

sepref_def push_tvdom_impl
  is uncurry (RETURN oo push_to_tvdom_int)
  :: [λ(C,(_,_,tv)). Suc (length tv) < max_snat 64]a
  sint64_nat_assnk *a aivdom_int_assnd  aivdom_int_assn
  unfolding push_to_tvdom_int_def
  by sepref

lemma aivdom_assn_alt_def:
  aivdom_assn = hr_comp aivdom_int_assn (aivdom_int_relcode_hider_rel)
  unfolding aivdom_assn_def code_hider_assn_def by auto

  notes [fcomp_norm_unfold] = aivdom_assn_alt_def[symmetric] aivdom_assn_def[symmetric]

theorem [sepref_fr_rules]:
  (uncurry add_learned_clause_aivdom_impl, uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ add_learned_clause_aivdom))
 [λ(C,ai). Suc (length (get_avdom_aivdom ai)) < max_snat 64]a snat_assnk *a aivdom_assnd  aivdom_assn
  (is ?c  [?pre]a ?im  ?f)
proof -
  have H: ?c
 [comp_PRE (nat_rel ×f aivdom_rel) (λ_. True)
   (λx y. case y of (C, a, b, c)  Suc (length a) < max_snat 64)
   (λx. nofail (uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ add_learned_clause_aivdom) x))]a ?im  ?f
    (is _  [?pre']a _  _)
    using hfref_compI_PRE[OF add_learned_clause_aivdom_impl.refine
      add_learned_clause_aivdom_int, unfolded fcomp_norm_unfold aivdom_assn_alt_def[symmetric]] by blast
  have pre: ?pre' = ?pre for x h
    by (intro ext, rename_tac x, case_tac x, case_tac snd x)
      (auto simp: comp_PRE_def code_hider_rel_def)
  show ?thesis
    using H
    unfolding pre
    by blast

theorem [sepref_fr_rules]:
  (uncurry add_learned_clause_aivdom_strong_impl, uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ add_learned_clause_aivdom_strong))
 [λ(C,ai). Suc (length (get_avdom_aivdom ai)) < max_snat 64  Suc (length (get_tvdom_aivdom ai)) < max_snat 64]a snat_assnk *a aivdom_assnd  aivdom_assn
  (is ?c  [?pre]a ?im  ?f)
proof -
  have H: ?c
 [comp_PRE (nat_rel ×f aivdom_rel) (λ_. True)
   (λx y. case y of (C, a, b, c)  Suc (length a) < max_snat 64  Suc (length c) < max_snat 64)
   (λx. nofail (uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ add_learned_clause_aivdom_strong) x))]a ?im  ?f
    (is _  [?pre']a _  _)
    using hfref_compI_PRE[OF add_learned_clause_aivdom_strong_impl.refine
      add_learned_clause_aivdom_strong_int, unfolded fcomp_norm_unfold aivdom_assn_alt_def[symmetric]] by blast
  have pre: ?pre' = ?pre for x h
    by (intro ext, rename_tac x, case_tac x, case_tac snd x)
      (auto simp: comp_PRE_def code_hider_rel_def)
  show ?thesis
    using H
    unfolding pre
    by blast

theorem [sepref_fr_rules]:
  (uncurry add_init_clause_aivdom_strong_impl, uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ add_init_clause_aivdom_strong))
 [λ(C,ai). Suc (length (get_ivdom_aivdom ai)) < max_snat 64  Suc (length (get_tvdom_aivdom ai)) < max_snat 64]a snat_assnk *a aivdom_assnd  aivdom_assn
  (is ?c  [?pre]a ?im  ?f)
proof -
  have H: ?c
 [comp_PRE (nat_rel ×f aivdom_rel) (λ_. True)
   (λx y. case y of (C, a, b, c)  Suc (length b) < max_snat 64  Suc (length c) < max_snat 64)
   (λx. nofail (uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ add_init_clause_aivdom_strong) x))]a ?im  ?f
    (is _  [?pre']a _  _)
    using hfref_compI_PRE[OF add_init_clause_aivdom_strong_impl.refine
      add_init_clause_aivdom_strong_int, unfolded fcomp_norm_unfold aivdom_assn_alt_def[symmetric]] by blast
  have pre: ?pre' = ?pre for x h
    by (intro ext, rename_tac x, case_tac x, case_tac snd x)
      (auto simp: comp_PRE_def code_hider_rel_def)
  show ?thesis
    using H
    unfolding pre
    by blast

theorem [sepref_fr_rules]:
  (uncurry remove_inactive_aivdom_impl, uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ remove_inactive_aivdom))
 [λ(C,ai). C < (length (get_avdom_aivdom ai)) ]a snat_assnk *a aivdom_assnd  aivdom_assn
  (is ?c  [?pre]a ?im  ?f)
proof -
  have H: ?c
   (nat_rel ×f aivdom_rel)
   (λ_. True) (λx y. case y of (C, a, b, c)  C < length a)
   (λx. nofail (uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ remove_inactive_aivdom) x))]a ?im  ?f
    (is _  [?pre']a _  _)
    using hfref_compI_PRE[OF remove_inactive_aivdom_impl.refine
      remove_inactive_aivdom_int, unfolded fcomp_norm_unfold aivdom_assn_alt_def[symmetric]] by blast
  have pre: ?pre' = ?pre for x h
    by (intro ext, rename_tac x, case_tac x, case_tac snd x)
      (auto simp: comp_PRE_def code_hider_rel_def)
  show ?thesis
    using H
    unfolding pre
    by blast

theorem [sepref_fr_rules]:
  (uncurry remove_inactive_aivdom_tvdom_impl, uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ remove_inactive_aivdom_tvdom))
 [λ(C,ai). C < (length (get_tvdom_aivdom ai))]a snat_assnk *a aivdom_assnd  aivdom_assn
  (is ?c  [?pre]a ?im  ?f)
proof -
  have H: ?c
   (nat_rel ×f aivdom_rel)
   (λ_. True) (λx y. case y of (C, a, b, c)  C < length c)
   (λx. nofail (uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ remove_inactive_aivdom_tvdom) x))]a ?im  ?f
    (is _  [?pre']a _  _)
    using hfref_compI_PRE[OF remove_inactive_aivdom_tvdom_impl.refine
      remove_inactive_aivdom_tvdom_int, unfolded fcomp_norm_unfold aivdom_assn_alt_def[symmetric]]
    by blast
  have pre: ?pre' = ?pre for x h
    by (intro ext, rename_tac x, case_tac x, case_tac snd x)
      (auto simp: comp_PRE_def code_hider_rel_def)
  show ?thesis
    using H
    unfolding pre
    by blast

theorem avdom_aivdom_at_impl_refine[sepref_fr_rules]:
  (uncurry avdom_aivdom_at_impl, uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ avdom_aivdom_at))
 [λ(ai, C). C < (length (get_avdom_aivdom ai)) ]a aivdom_assnk *a sint64_nat_assnk  sint64_nat_assn
  (is ?c  [?pre]a ?im  ?f)
proof -
  have H: ?c
    (aivdom_rel ×f nat_rel)
    (λ_. True) (λx y. case y of (x, xa)  (case x of (b, c)  λC. C < length b) xa)
    (λx. nofail
    (uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ avdom_aivdom_at) x))]a ?im  ?f
    (is _  [?pre']a _  _)
    using hfref_compI_PRE[OF avdom_aivdom_at_impl.refine
      avdom_aivdom_at_int, unfolded fcomp_norm_unfold aivdom_assn_alt_def[symmetric]] by simp
  have pre: ?pre' = ?pre for x h
    by (intro ext, rename_tac x, case_tac x, case_tac fst x)
      (auto simp: comp_PRE_def code_hider_rel_def)
  show ?thesis
    using H
    unfolding pre
    by blast

theorem ivdom_aivdom_at_impl_refine[sepref_fr_rules]:
  (uncurry ivdom_aivdom_at_impl, uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ ivdom_aivdom_at))
 [λ(ai, C). C < (length (get_ivdom_aivdom ai)) ]a aivdom_assnk *a sint64_nat_assnk  sint64_nat_assn
  (is ?c  [?pre]a ?im  ?f)
proof -
  have H: ?c
    (aivdom_int_relcode_hider_rel ×f nat_rel)
    (λ_. True) (λx y. case y of (x, xa)  (case x of (b, c, d)  λC. C < length c) xa)
    (λx. nofail
    (uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ ivdom_aivdom_at) x))]a ?im  ?f
    (is _  [?pre']a _  _)
    using hfref_compI_PRE[OF ivdom_aivdom_at_impl.refine
      ivdom_aivdom_at_int, unfolded fcomp_norm_unfold aivdom_assn_alt_def[symmetric]] by simp
  have pre: ?pre' = ?pre for x h
    by (intro ext, rename_tac x, case_tac x, case_tac fst x)
      (auto simp: comp_PRE_def code_hider_rel_def)
  show ?thesis
    using H
    unfolding pre
    by blast

theorem tvdom_aivdom_at_impl_refine[sepref_fr_rules]:
  (uncurry tvdom_aivdom_at_impl, uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ tvdom_aivdom_at))
 [λ(ai, C). C < (length (get_tvdom_aivdom ai)) ]a aivdom_assnk *a sint64_nat_assnk  sint64_nat_assn
  (is ?c  [?pre]a ?im  ?f)
proof -
  have H: ?c
   (aivdom_rel ×f nat_rel)
   (λ_. True) (λx y. case y of (x, xa)  (case x of (b, c, d)  λC. C < length d) xa)
   (λx. nofail
      (uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ tvdom_aivdom_at) x))]a ?im  ?f
    (is _  [?pre']a _  _)
    using hfref_compI_PRE[OF tvdom_aivdom_at_impl.refine
      tvdom_aivdom_at_int, unfolded fcomp_norm_unfold aivdom_assn_alt_def[symmetric]] by blast
  have pre: ?pre' = ?pre for x h
    by (intro ext, rename_tac x, case_tac x, case_tac fst x)
      (auto simp: comp_PRE_def code_hider_rel_def)
  show ?thesis
    using H
    unfolding pre
    by blast

theorem [sepref_fr_rules]:
  (uncurry take_avdom_aivdom_impl, uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ take_avdom_aivdom))
 [λ(C, ai). C  length (get_avdom_aivdom ai)]a sint64_nat_assnk *a aivdom_assnd  aivdom_assn
  (is ?c  [?pre]a ?im  ?f)
proof -
  have H: ?c
 [comp_PRE (nat_rel ×f aivdom_rel) (λ_. True)
    (λx y. case y of (i, b, c, d)  i  length b)
    (λx. nofail (uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ take_avdom_aivdom) x))]a ?im  ?f
    (is _  [?pre']a _  _)
    using hfref_compI_PRE[OF take_avdom_aivdom_impl.refine
      take_avdom_aivdom_int, unfolded fcomp_norm_unfold aivdom_assn_alt_def[symmetric]] by blast
  have pre: ?pre' = ?pre for x h
    by (intro ext, rename_tac x, case_tac x, case_tac snd x)
      (auto simp: comp_PRE_def code_hider_rel_def)
  show ?thesis
    using H
    unfolding pre
    by blast

theorem push_tvdom_impl_refine[sepref_fr_rules]:
  (uncurry push_tvdom_impl, uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ push_to_tvdom))
 [λ(C, ai). Suc (length (get_tvdom_aivdom ai)) < max_snat 64]a sint64_nat_assnk *a aivdom_assnd  aivdom_assn
  (is ?c  [?pre]a ?im  ?f)
proof -
  have H: ?c
 [comp_PRE (nat_rel ×f aivdom_rel) (λ_. True)
   (λx y. case y of (C, uu_, uua_, tv)  Suc (length tv) < max_snat 64)
   (λx. nofail (uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ push_to_tvdom) x))]a ?im  ?f
    (is _  [?pre']a _  _)
    using hfref_compI_PRE[OF push_tvdom_impl.refine
      push_to_tvdom_int, unfolded fcomp_norm_unfold aivdom_assn_alt_def[symmetric]] by blast
  have pre: ?pre' = ?pre for x h
    by (intro ext, rename_tac x, case_tac x, case_tac snd x)
      (auto simp: comp_PRE_def code_hider_rel_def)
  show ?thesis
    using H
    unfolding pre
    by blast

theorem swap_avdom_aivdom_impl_refine[sepref_fr_rules]:
  (uncurry2 swap_avdom_aivdom_impl, uncurry2 (RETURN ooo swap_avdom_aivdom))
   [λ((ai, i), j). i < length (get_avdom_aivdom ai)  j < length (get_avdom_aivdom ai)]a
  aivdom_assnd   *a sint64_nat_assnk *a sint64_nat_assnk  aivdom_assn
  (is ?c  [?pre]a ?im  ?f)
proof -
  have H: ?c
 [comp_PRE (aivdom_rel ×f nat_rel ×f nat_rel) (λ_. True)
    (λx y. case y of
     (x, xa) 
       (case x of
        (x, xa) 
       (case x of
        (b, c, d)  λi j. i < length b  j < length b)
    (λx. nofail
    (uncurry2 (RETURN ∘∘∘ swap_avdom_aivdom)
      x))]a ?im  ?f
    (is _  [?pre']a _  _)
    using hfref_compI_PRE[OF swap_avdom_aivdom_impl.refine
      swap_avdom_aivdom_int, unfolded fcomp_norm_unfold aivdom_assn_alt_def[symmetric]] by blast
  have pre: ?pre' = ?pre for x h
    by (intro ext, rename_tac x, case_tac x, case_tac fst (fst x))
      (auto simp: comp_PRE_def code_hider_rel_def)
  show ?thesis
    using H
    unfolding pre
    by blast

lemma aivdom_int_assn_alt_def:
  aivdom_int_assn = hr_comp aivdom_int_assn
  (nat_rellist_rel ×f (nat_rellist_rel ×f nat_rellist_rel))
  by auto

sepref_register swap_avdom_aivdom take_avdom_aivdom add_init_clause_aivdom_strong add_learned_clause_aivdom_strong

lemma vdom_fast_assn_alt_def: vdom_fast_assn = hr_comp LBD_it.arr_assn (nat_rellist_rel)
  by auto

lemmas vdom_ref[sepref_fr_rules] =
  length_avdom_aivdom_impl.refine[FCOMP length_avdom_aivdom_int]
  length_ivdom_aivdom_impl.refine[FCOMP length_ivdom_aivdom_int]
  length_tvdom_aivdom_impl.refine[FCOMP length_tvdom_aivdom_int]
  hn_id[FCOMP Constructor_hnr[of aivdom_int_rel], of aivdom_int_assn,
  unfolded aivdom_assn_alt_def[symmetric] aivdom_assn_def[symmetric] aivdom_int_assn_alt_def[symmetric]]
    hn_id[FCOMP get_content_hnr[of aivdom_int_rel], of aivdom_int_assn,
  unfolded aivdom_assn_alt_def[symmetric] aivdom_assn_def[symmetric] aivdom_int_assn_alt_def[symmetric]]
  empty_aivdom_impl.refine[FCOMP empty_aivdom_int]
  AIvdom_init_impl.refine[FCOMP AIvdom_init_int, unfolded vdom_fast_assn_alt_def[symmetric]]
  empty_tvdom_impl.refine[FCOMP empty_tvdom_int]
