Theory IsaSAT_Bump_Heuristics_Init_State

theory IsaSAT_Bump_Heuristics_Init_State
imports Watched_Literals_VMTF IsaSAT_ACIDS
  Tuple4 IsaSAT_ACIDS Pairing_Heap_LLVM.Relational_Pairing_Heaps Pairing_Heap_LLVM.Pairing_Heaps_Impl

type_synonym vmtf_remove_int_option_fst_As = nat_vmtf_node list × nat × nat option × nat option × nat option

definition isa_vmtf_init
   :: nat multiset  (nat, nat) ann_lits  vmtf_remove_int_option_fst_As set
  isa_vmtf_init 𝒜in M = {(ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search).
   𝒜in  {#}  (fst_As  None  lst_As  None  (ns, m, the fst_As, the lst_As, next_search)  vmtf 𝒜in M)}

(*TODO: share the to_remove part of Bump_Heuristics_Init*)
type_synonym bump_heuristics_init = ((nat,nat)acids,vmtf_remove_int_option_fst_As, bool, nat list × bool list) tuple4

abbreviation Bump_Heuristics_Init :: _  _  _  _  bump_heuristics_init where
  Bump_Heuristics_Init a b c d  Tuple4 a b c d

lemmas bump_heuristics_init_splits = Tuple4.tuple4.splits
hide_fact tuple4.splits

abbreviation get_stable_heuristics :: bump_heuristics_init  (nat,nat) acids where
  get_stable_heuristics  Tuple4_a

abbreviation get_focused_heuristics :: bump_heuristics_init  vmtf_remove_int_option_fst_As where
  get_focused_heuristics  Tuple4_b

abbreviation is_focused_heuristics :: bump_heuristics_init  bool where
  is_focused_heuristics  Tuple4_c

abbreviation is_stable_heuristics:: bump_heuristics_init  bool where
  is_stable_heuristics x  ¬is_focused_heuristics x

abbreviation get_bumped_variables :: bump_heuristics_init  nat list × bool list where
  get_bumped_variables  Tuple4_d

abbreviation set_stable_heuristics :: (nat,nat)acids bump_heuristics_init  _ where
  set_stable_heuristics  Tuple4.set_a

abbreviation set_focused_heuristics :: vmtf_remove_int_option_fst_As bump_heuristics_init  _ where
  set_focused_heuristics  Tuple4.set_b

abbreviation set_is_focused_heuristics :: bool bump_heuristics_init  _ where
  set_is_focused_heuristics  Tuple4.set_c

abbreviation set_bumped_variables :: nat list × bool list bump_heuristics_init  _ where
  set_bumped_variables  Tuple4.set_d

definition get_unit_trail where
  get_unit_trail M = (rev (takeWhile (λx. ¬is_decided x) (rev M)))

definition bump_heur_init :: _  _  bump_heuristics_init set where
  bump_heur_init 𝒜 M = {x.
      get_stable_heuristics x  acids 𝒜 M 
       get_focused_heuristics x  isa_vmtf_init 𝒜 M 
  (get_bumped_variables x, set (fst (get_bumped_variables x)))  distinct_atoms_rel 𝒜 
  count_decided M = 0

lemma get_unit_trail_count_decided_0[simp]: count_decided M = 0  get_unit_trail M = M
  by (auto simp: get_unit_trail_def count_decided_0_iff)
   (metis rev_swap set_rev takeWhile_eq_all_conv)

subsection Access Function

(*TODO: replace by proper shared init later*)
definition vmtf_heur_import_variable :: nat  vmtf_remove_int_option_fst_As  _ where
  vmtf_heur_import_variable L = (λ(n, stmp, fst, last, cnext).
     (vmtf_cons n L cnext stmp, stmp+1, fst, Some L, cnext))

definition acids_heur_import_variable :: nat  (nat, nat) acids  _ where
  acids_heur_import_variable L = (λ(bw, m). do {
     ASSERT (m  unat32_max);
     bw  ACIDS.mop_prio_insert L m bw;
     RETURN (bw, (m+1))

(*TODO: should be a single loop*)
definition initialise_VMTF :: nat list  nat  vmtf_remove_int_option_fst_As nres where
initialise_VMTF N n = do {
   let A = replicate n (VMTF_Node 0 None None);
   ASSERT(length N  unat32_max);
   (n, A, cnext)  WHILET
      (λ(i, A, cnext). i < length_uint32_nat N)
      (λ(i, A, cnext). do {
        ASSERT(i < length_uint32_nat N);
        let L = (N ! (length N - 1 - i));
        ASSERT(L < length A);
        ASSERT(cnext  None  the cnext < length A);
        ASSERT(i + 1  unat32_max);
        RETURN (i + 1, vmtf_cons A L cnext (i), Some L)
      (0, A, None);
   RETURN ((A, n, cnext, (if N = [] then None else Some ((N!(length N - 1)))), cnext))

definition init_ACIDS0 :: _  nat   (nat multiset × nat multiset × (nat  nat)) nres where
  init_ACIDS0 𝒜 n = do {
    ASSERT (𝒜  {#}  n > Max (insert 0 (set_mset 𝒜)));
    RETURN ((𝒜, {#}, λ_. 0))

definition hp_init_ACIDS0 where
  hp_init_ACIDS0 _ n = do {
    RETURN ((replicate n None, replicate n None, replicate n None, replicate n None, replicate n 0, None))

lemma hp_acids_empty:
  (hp_init_ACIDS0 𝒜, init_ACIDS0 𝒜)  
   Id f ((nat_reloption_rel, nat_reloption_relpairing_heaps_rel)) O
proof -
  have 1: ((𝒜, (λ_. None, λ_. None, λ_. None, λ_. None, λ_. Some 0), None), (𝒜, {#}, λ_. 0))  acids_encoded_hmrel
    by (auto simp: acids_encoded_hmrel_def pairing_heaps_rel_def map_fun_rel_def
      ACIDS.hmrel_def encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def encoded_hp_prop_def empty_outside_def
      intro!: relcompI)
  have H: mset_nodes ya  {#} for ya
    by (cases ya) auto
  show ?thesis
    unfolding uncurry0_def hp_init_ACIDS0_def init_ACIDS0_def
    apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
    apply refine_rcg
    apply (rule relcompI[of])
    apply (rule 1)
    by (auto simp add: acids_encoded_hmrel_def  encoded_hp_prop_def hp_init_ACIDS0_def
      ACIDS.hmrel_def encoded_hp_prop_list_conc_def pairing_heaps_rel_def H map_fun_rel_def
      split: option.splits dest!: multi_member_split)

definition init_ACIDS where
  init_ACIDS 𝒜 n = do {
  ac  init_ACIDS0 𝒜 n;
  RETURN (ac, 0)

definition initialise_ACIDS :: nat list  nat  (nat, nat) acids nres where
initialise_ACIDS N n = do {
   A  init_ACIDS (mset N) n;
   ASSERT(length N  unat32_max);
   (n, A)  WHILETλ_. True(λ(i, A). i < length_uint32_nat N)
      (λ(i, A). do {
        ASSERT(i < length_uint32_nat N);
        let L = (N ! i);
        ASSERT (snd A = i);
          ASSERT(i + 1  unat32_max);
        A  acids_heur_import_variable L A;
        RETURN (i + 1, A)
      (0, A);

definition initialise_ACIDS_rev where
  initialise_ACIDS_rev N = initialise_ACIDS (rev N)

definition (in -) distinct_atms_empty where
  distinct_atms_empty _ = {}

definition (in -) distinct_atms_int_empty where
  distinct_atms_int_empty n = RETURN ([], replicate n False)

lemma distinct_atms_int_empty_distinct_atms_empty:
  (distinct_atms_int_empty, RETURN o distinct_atms_empty) 
     [λn. (L∈#all 𝒜. atm_of L < n)]f nat_rel  distinct_atoms_rel 𝒜nres_rel
  apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
  apply (auto simp: distinct_atoms_rel_alt_def distinct_atms_empty_def distinct_atms_int_empty_def)
  by (metis atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in atms_of_def imageE)

lemma initialise_VMTF:
  shows  (uncurry initialise_VMTF, uncurry (λN n. RES (isa_vmtf_init N []))) 
      [λ(N,n). (L∈# N. L < n)  (distinct_mset N)  size N < unat32_max  set_mset N = set_mset 𝒜]f
      (nat_rellist_rel_mset_rel) ×f nat_rel  Idnres_rel
    (is (?init, ?R)  _)
proof -
  have vmtf_ns_notin_empty: vmtf_ns_notin [] 0 (replicate n (VMTF_Node 0 None None)) for n
    unfolding vmtf_ns_notin_def
    by auto

  have K2: distinct N  fst_As < length N  N!fst_As  set (take fst_As N)  False
    for fst_As x N
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) in_set_conv_nth length_take less_not_refl min_less_iff_conj
      nth_eq_iff_index_eq nth_take)
  have W_ref: WHILET (λ(i, A, cnext). i < length_uint32_nat N')
        (λ(i, A, cnext). do {
              _  ASSERT (i < length_uint32_nat N');
              let L = (N' ! (length N' - 1 - i));
              _  ASSERT (L < length A);
              _  ASSERT (cnext  None  the cnext < length A);
              _  ASSERT (i + 1  unat32_max);
               (i + 1,
                vmtf_cons A L cnext (i), Some L)
        (0, replicate n' (VMTF_Node 0 None None),
     SPEC(λ(i, A', cnext).
      vmtf_ns (rev ((take i (rev N')))) i A'
         cnext = (option_last (take i (rev N')))   i = length N' 
          length A' = n  vmtf_ns_notin (rev ((take i (rev N')))) i A'
    (is _  SPEC ?P)
    if H: case y of (N, n) (L∈# N. L < n)  distinct_mset N  size N < unat32_max 
         set_mset N = set_mset 𝒜 and
       ref: (x, y)  Idlist_rel_mset_rel ×f nat_rel and
       st[simp]: x = (N', n') y = (N, n)
     for N N' n n' A x y
  proof -
  have [simp]: n = n' and NN': (N', N)  Idlist_rel_mset_rel
    using ref unfolding st by auto
  then have dist: distinct N'
    using NN' H by (auto simp: list_rel_def br_def list_mset_rel_def list.rel_eq
      list_all2_op_eq_map_right_iff' distinct_image_mset_inj list_rel_mset_rel_def)

  have L_N: L < n if Lset N' for L
    using H ref that by (auto simp: list_rel_def br_def list_mset_rel_def
      list_all2_op_eq_map_right_iff' list_rel_mset_rel_def list.rel_eq)
  let ?Q = λ(i, A', cnext).
      vmtf_ns (rev ((take i (rev N')))) i A'  i  length N' 
      cnext = (option_last (take i (rev N'))) 
    length A' = n  vmtf_ns_notin (rev ((take i (rev N')))) i A'
  have[simp]: N' ! (length N' - Suc a)  set (take a (rev N')) if a < length N' for a
    by (metis K2 dist distinct_rev length_rev rev_nth that)
  show ?thesis
    apply (refine_vcg WHILET_rule[where R = measure (λ(i, _). length N' + 1 - i) and I = ?Q])
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto intro: vmtf_ns.intros)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for S N' x2 A'
      unfolding assert_bind_spec_conv vmtf_ns_notin_def
      using L_N dist
      by (auto 5 5 simp: take_Suc_conv_app_nth hd_drop_conv_nth nat_shiftr_div2
          option_last_def hd_rev last_map intro!: vmtf_cons dest: K2)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for s
      using L_N[of N' ! (length N' - 1 - fst s)] dist nth_mem[of length N' - 1 - fst s N']
      by (auto simp: take_Suc_conv_app_nth hd_drop_conv_nth nat_shiftr_div2
        option_last_def hd_rev last_map simp del: nth_mem)
      using L_N dist
      by (auto simp: last_take_nth_conv option_last_def nth_rev)
      using H dist ref
      by (auto simp: last_take_nth_conv option_last_def list_rel_mset_rel_imp_same_length)
      using L_N dist
      by (auto 5 5 simp: take_Suc_conv_app_nth option_last_def hd_rev nth_rev last_map intro!: vmtf_cons
          dest: K2)
    subgoal by (auto simp: take_Suc_conv_app_nth)
    subgoal by (auto simp: take_Suc_conv_app_nth nth_rev)
    subgoal by auto
      using L_N dist
      by (auto 5 5 simp: take_Suc_conv_app_nth hd_rev last_map option_last_def nth_rev
          intro!: vmtf_notin_vmtf_cons dest: K2 split: if_splits)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: nth_rev)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
  have [simp]: vmtf_ℒall n' [] ((set N, {}))
    if (N, n')  Idlist_rel_mset_rel for N N' n'
    using that unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def
    by (auto simp: all_def atms_of_def image_image image_Un list_rel_def
       br_def list_mset_rel_def list_all2_op_eq_map_right_iff'
      list_rel_mset_rel_def list.rel_eq)
  have in_N_in_N1: L  set N'   L  atms_of (all N)
    if  (N', N)  list_mset_rel for L N N' y
    using that by (auto simp: all_def atms_of_def image_image image_Un list_rel_def
      list.rel_eq br_def list_mset_rel_def list_all2_op_eq_map_right_iff')

  have length_ba: L∈# N. L < length ba  L  atms_of (all N) 
     L < length ba
    if (N', y)  Idlist_rel_mset_rel
    for L ba N N' y
    using that
    by (auto simp: all_def nat_shiftr_div2 list.rel_eq
      atms_of_def image_image image_Un split: if_splits)
  show ?thesis
    supply list.rel_eq[simp]
    apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
    unfolding initialise_VMTF_def uncurry_def conc_Id id_def isa_vmtf_init_def
      distinct_atms_int_empty_def nres_monad1
    apply (subst Let_def)
    apply (refine_vcg)
    subgoal by (auto dest: list_rel_mset_rel_imp_same_length)
      apply (rule W_ref[THEN order_trans]; assumption?)
    subgoal for N' N'n' n' Nn
      apply (auto dest: list_rel_mset_rel_imp_same_length simp: vmtf_def)
      apply (rule exI[of _ ((fst N'))])
      apply (rule_tac exI[of _ []])
      apply (auto dest: list_rel_mset_rel_imp_same_length simp: vmtf_def hd_rev last_conv_nth rev_nth
      apply (auto dest: list_rel_mset_rel_imp_same_length simp: vmtf_def hd_rev last_conv_nth rev_nth
        atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in list_rel_mset_rel_def list_mset_rel_def br_def hd_conv_nth)

lemma initialise_ACIDS:
  shows  (uncurry initialise_ACIDS, uncurry (λN n. RES (acids N ([]::(nat,nat)ann_lits)))) 
      [λ(N,n). (L∈# N. L < n)  (distinct_mset N)  size N < unat32_max  set_mset N = set_mset 𝒜]f
      (nat_rellist_rel_mset_rel) ×f nat_rel  Idnres_rel
    (is (?init, ?R)  _)
proof -
  define I' where I' x  (λ(a,b::(nat,nat)acids). b  acids 𝒜 (map (λa. (Decided (Pos a)) :: (nat,nat)ann_lit) (drop a (fst x)))  a  length (fst x) 
    snd b = a  fst (snd (fst b)) = mset (take a (fst x))) for x :: nat list × nat
 have I0: (L∈#fst y. L < snd y) 
    distinct_mset (fst y) 
    size (fst y) < unat32_max  set_mset (fst y) = set_mset 𝒜 
    (x, y)  nat_rellist_rel_mset_rel ×f nat_rel 
   length (fst x)  unat32_max  I' x (0, (mset (fst x), {#}, λ_. 0), 0) for x y
   by (cases x, cases y)
    (auto simp: I'_def acids_def list_rel_mset_rel_def list_mset_rel_def br_def defined_lit_map
     dest!: multi_member_split)

 have I'_Suc: I' x (fst s + 1,
      (fst (fst (snd s)), add_mset (fst x ! fst s) (fst (snd (fst (snd s)))),
    (snd (snd (fst (snd s))))(fst x ! fst s := snd (snd s))),
   snd (snd s) + 1) and
   pre: fst x ! fst s ∉# fst (snd (fst (snd s)))
     (L∈#fst y. L < snd y) 
     distinct_mset (fst y) 
     size (fst y) < unat32_max  set_mset (fst y) = set_mset 𝒜 and
     (x, y)  nat_rellist_rel_mset_rel ×f nat_rel and
     x = (a, b) and
     y = (aa, ba) and
     length (fst x)  unat32_max and
     I' x s and
     fst s < length_uint32_nat (fst x) and
     fst s < length_uint32_nat (fst x) and
     snd (snd s) = fst s and
     fst s + 1  unat32_max
   for a b aa ba s x y
 proof -
   have mset (take (Suc (fst s)) a) ⊆# 𝒜
     apply (rule subset_mset.trans[of _ mset a])
     using that
     apply (clarsimp_all simp: acids_def defined_lit_map list_rel_mset_rel_def br_def list_mset_rel_def
       image_image acids_heur_import_variable_def I'_def mset_take_subseteq)
     by (metis distinct_subseteq_iff fst_eqD le_refl set_take_subset take_all_iff that(1))

   then show  I' x (fst s + 1,
      (fst (fst (snd s)), add_mset (fst x ! fst s) (fst (snd (fst (snd s)))),
    (snd (snd (fst (snd s))))(fst x ! fst s := snd (snd s))),
   snd (snd s) + 1) fst x ! fst s ∉# fst (snd (fst (snd s)))
     using that
     by (force simp: acids_def take_Suc_conv_app_nth defined_lit_map list_rel_mset_rel_def br_def list_mset_rel_def
       image_image acids_heur_import_variable_def I'_def Cons_nth_drop_Suc[symmetric] distinct_in_set_take_iff
       dest: multi_member_split)+

  show ?thesis
    unfolding uncurry_def case_prod_beta initialise_ACIDS_def
      acids_heur_import_variable_def ACIDS.mop_prio_insert_def nres_monad3
      init_ACIDS_def nres_monad3 init_ACIDS0_def
      bind_to_let_conv Let_def
    apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
    subgoal for x y
      apply (cases x, cases y)
      apply (refine_vcg specify_left[OF WHILEIT_rule_stronger_inv[where Φ = λ(a::nat,b::(nat,nat)acids). b  acids 𝒜 ([]::(nat,nat)ann_lits) and
        I' = I' x and
        R = measure (λ(a,b). length (fst x) - a)]])
      subgoal  apply (auto simp: list_rel_mset_rel_def list_mset_rel_def br_def acids_def)
        using gt_or_eq_0 by blast
      subgoal by (auto simp: list_rel_mset_rel_def list_mset_rel_def br_def)
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by (rule I0)
      subgoal by (auto simp: I'_def)
      subgoal by (auto simp:)
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by (rule pre)
      subgoal by (auto simp: I'_def list_rel_mset_rel_def list_mset_rel_def br_def
      subgoal by (rule I'_Suc)
      subgoal by (auto simp: I'_def)
        by (auto simp add: I'_def)
      subgoal apply (auto simp: list_rel_mset_rel_def list_mset_rel_def br_def acids_def)
        by (metis distinct_subseteq_iff set_mset_mset)

lemma initialise_ACIDS_rev:
  shows  (uncurry initialise_ACIDS_rev, uncurry (λN n. RES (acids N ([]::(nat,nat)ann_lits)))) 
      [λ(N,n). (L∈# N. L < n)  (distinct_mset N)  size N < unat32_max  set_mset N = set_mset 𝒜]f
    (nat_rellist_rel_mset_rel) ×f nat_rel  Idnres_rel
   unfolding initialise_ACIDS_rev_def
  apply (intro frefI nres_relI)+
  unfolding uncurry_def case_prod_beta
  apply (rule initialise_ACIDS[where 𝒜=𝒜, THEN fref_to_Down_curry])
  by (auto simp: list_mset_rel_def list_rel_mset_rel_def br_def)

definition initialize_Bump_Init :: nat list  nat  bump_heuristics_init nres where
  initialize_Bump_Init A n = do {
  focused  initialise_VMTF A n;
  hstable  initialise_ACIDS_rev A n;
  to_remove  distinct_atms_int_empty n;
  RETURN (Tuple4 hstable focused True to_remove)

lemma specify_left_RES:
  assumes "m  RES Φ"
  assumes "x. x  Φ  f x  M"  
  shows "do { x  m; f x }  M"
  using assms by (auto simp: pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps)

lemma initialize_Bump_Init:
  shows  (uncurry initialize_Bump_Init, uncurry (λN n. RES (bump_heur_init N []))) 
      [λ(N,n). (L∈# N. L < n)  (distinct_mset N)  size N < unat32_max  set_mset N = set_mset 𝒜]f
      (nat_rellist_rel_mset_rel) ×f nat_rel  Idnres_rel
    (is (?init, ?R)  _)
  unfolding initialize_Bump_Init_def uncurry_def distinct_atms_int_empty_def nres_monad1
  apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
  apply (refine_rcg)
  apply hypsubst
  apply (rule specify_left_RES[OF initialise_VMTF[where 𝒜=𝒜, THEN fref_to_Down_curry, unfolded conc_fun_RES]])
  apply assumption+
  apply (rule specify_left_RES[OF initialise_ACIDS_rev[where 𝒜=𝒜, THEN fref_to_Down_curry, unfolded conc_fun_RES]])
  apply assumption+
  apply (auto simp: bump_heur_init_def distinct_atoms_rel_def distinct_hash_atoms_rel_def
    atoms_hash_rel_def intro!: relcompI)

type_synonym bump_heuristics_option_fst_As = vmtf_remove_int_option_fst_As

lemma isa_vmtf_init_consD:
  ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))  isa_vmtf_init 𝒜 M 
     ((ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search))  isa_vmtf_init 𝒜 (L # M)
  by (auto simp: isa_vmtf_init_def dest: vmtf_consD)

lemma isa_vmtf_init_consD':
  vm  isa_vmtf_init 𝒜 M  vm  isa_vmtf_init 𝒜 (L # M)
  by (auto simp: isa_vmtf_init_def dest: vmtf_consD)

(*TODO share*)

lemma vmtf_cong:
  set_mset 𝒜 = set_mset   L  vmtf 𝒜 M  L  vmtf  M
  using all_cong[of 𝒜 ] atms_of_ℒall_cong[of 𝒜 ]
  unfolding vmtf_def vmtf_ℒall_def
  by auto
lemma isa_vmtf_init_cong:
  set_mset 𝒜 = set_mset   isa_vmtf_init 𝒜 M  =isa_vmtf_init  M
  using all_cong[of 𝒜 ] atms_of_ℒall_cong[of 𝒜 ] vmtf_cong[of 𝒜 ] vmtf_cong[of  𝒜]
  unfolding isa_vmtf_init_def vmtf_ℒall_def
  by auto
lemma isa_acids_cong:
  set_mset 𝒜 = set_mset   acids 𝒜  = acids 
  using all_cong[of 𝒜 ] atms_of_ℒall_cong[of 𝒜 ]
  unfolding acids_def
  by (auto intro!: ext intro!: distinct_subseteq_iff[THEN iffD1])

lemma distinct_atoms_rel_cong:
  set_mset 𝒜 = set_mset   distinct_atoms_rel 𝒜 = distinct_atoms_rel 
  using all_cong[of 𝒜 ] atms_of_ℒall_cong[of 𝒜 ]
  unfolding vmtf_def vmtf_ℒall_def distinct_atoms_rel_def atoms_hash_rel_def distinct_hash_atoms_rel_def
  by auto

lemma bump_heur_init_cong:
  set_mset 𝒜 = set_mset    bump_heur_init 𝒜 M = bump_heur_init  M
  using isa_vmtf_init_cong[of 𝒜  M] 
    all_cong[of 𝒜 ] atms_of_ℒall_cong[of 𝒜 ] distinct_atoms_rel_cong[of 𝒜 ] isa_acids_cong[of 𝒜 ]
  unfolding bump_heur_init_def isa_acids_cong[of 𝒜 ]
  by auto

lemma bump_heur_init_consD':
  vm  bump_heur_init 𝒜 M  vm  bump_heur_init 𝒜 (Propagated L n # M)
  by (auto simp: bump_heur_init_def dest: isa_vmtf_init_consD' acids_prepend)
