Theory IsaSAT_Setup3_LLVM

theory IsaSAT_Setup3_LLVM
  imports IsaSAT_Setup

definition wasted_bytes_st_impl :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
wasted_bytes_st_impl= read_heur_wl_heur_code wasted_of_stats_impl

global_interpretation wasted_of: read_heur_param_adder0 where
  f' = RETURN o wasted_of and
  f = wasted_of_stats_impl and
  x_assn = word64_assn and
  P = (λ_. True)
    read_heur_wl_heur (RETURN o wasted_of) = RETURN o wasted_bytes_st and
    read_heur_wl_heur_code wasted_of_stats_impl = wasted_bytes_st_impl
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (rule heur_refine)
  subgoal by (auto simp: wasted_bytes_st_def read_all_st_def intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)
  subgoal by (auto simp: wasted_bytes_st_impl_def)

definition get_restart_phase_imp :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
  get_restart_phase_imp = read_heur_wl_heur_code current_restart_phase_impl

global_interpretation current_restart_phase: read_heur_param_adder0 where
  f' = RETURN o current_restart_phase and
  f = current_restart_phase_impl and
  x_assn = word64_assn and
  P = (λ_. True)
    read_heur_wl_heur (RETURN o current_restart_phase) = RETURN o get_restart_phase and
    read_heur_wl_heur_code current_restart_phase_impl = get_restart_phase_imp
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (rule heur_refine)
  subgoal by (auto simp: get_restart_phase_def read_all_st_def intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)
  subgoal by (auto simp: get_restart_phase_imp_def)

definition next_pure_lits_schedule_st_impl :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
  next_pure_lits_schedule_st_impl = read_heur_wl_heur_code next_pure_lits_schedule_info_stats_impl

global_interpretation next_pure_lits_schedule: read_heur_param_adder0 where
  f' = RETURN o next_pure_lits_schedule and
  f = next_pure_lits_schedule_info_stats_impl and
  x_assn = word64_assn and
  P = λ_. True
    read_heur_wl_heur (RETURN o next_pure_lits_schedule) = RETURN o next_pure_lits_schedule_st and
    read_heur_wl_heur_code next_pure_lits_schedule_info_stats_impl = next_pure_lits_schedule_st_impl
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (rule heur_refine)
  subgoal by (auto simp: next_pure_lits_schedule_st_def read_all_st_def intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)
  subgoal by (auto simp: next_pure_lits_schedule_st_impl_def)

definition next_reduce_schedule_st_impl :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
  next_reduce_schedule_st_impl = read_heur_wl_heur_code next_reduce_schedule_info_stats_impl

global_interpretation next_reduce_schedule: read_heur_param_adder0 where
  f' = RETURN o next_reduce_schedule and
  f = next_reduce_schedule_info_stats_impl and
  x_assn = word64_assn and
  P = λ_. True
    read_heur_wl_heur (RETURN o next_reduce_schedule) = RETURN o next_reduce_schedule_st and
    read_heur_wl_heur_code next_reduce_schedule_info_stats_impl = next_reduce_schedule_st_impl
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (rule heur_refine)
  subgoal by (auto simp: next_reduce_schedule_st_def read_all_st_def intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)
  subgoal by (auto simp: next_reduce_schedule_st_impl_def)

lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] =

lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
  wasted_bytes_st_impl_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
  get_restart_phase_imp_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
  next_pure_lits_schedule_st_impl_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
  next_reduce_schedule_st_impl_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]

sepref_register set_zero_wasted mop_save_phase_heur add_lbd

sepref_register isa_trail_nth isasat_trail_nth_st

sepref_def isa_trail_nth_impl
  is uncurry isa_trail_nth
  :: trail_pol_fast_assnk *a sint64_nat_assnk a unat_lit_assn
  unfolding trail_pol_fast_assn_def isa_trail_nth_def
  by sepref

definition isasat_trail_nth_st_code :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
  isasat_trail_nth_st_code = (λN C. read_trail_wl_heur_code (λM. isa_trail_nth_impl M C) N)

global_interpretation trail_nth: read_trail_param_adder where
  R = snat_rel' TYPE(64) and
  f' = λC M. isa_trail_nth M C and
  f = λC M. isa_trail_nth_impl M C and
  x_assn = unat_lit_assn and
  P = λ_ _. True
    (λN C'. read_trail_wl_heur (λM. isa_trail_nth M C') N) = isasat_trail_nth_st and
    (λN C. read_trail_wl_heur_code (λM. isa_trail_nth_impl M C) N) = isasat_trail_nth_st_code
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (subst lambda_comp_true)
  apply (rule isa_trail_nth_impl.refine)
  subgoal by (auto simp: isasat_trail_nth_st_def read_all_st_def isasat_length_trail_st_def
      intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)
  subgoal by (auto simp: isasat_trail_nth_st_code_def)

lemma trail_nth_precond_simp: (λM. fst M  []) = (λ(M,_). M  [])
  by auto
definition lit_of_hd_trail_st_heur_fast_code :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
  lit_of_hd_trail_st_heur_fast_code = read_trail_wl_heur_code lit_of_last_trail_fast_code

global_interpretation last_trail: read_trail_param_adder0 where
  f' = RETURN o lit_of_last_trail_pol and
  f = lit_of_last_trail_fast_code and
  x_assn = unat_lit_assn and
  P = λM. fst M  []
    last_trail.mop = lit_of_hd_trail_st_heur and
    read_trail_wl_heur_code lit_of_last_trail_fast_code = lit_of_hd_trail_st_heur_fast_code
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (subst trail_nth_precond_simp)
  apply (rule lit_of_last_trail_fast_code.refine)
  subgoal by (auto simp: lit_of_hd_trail_st_heur_def lit_of_last_trail_pol_def read_all_st_def read_trail_param_adder0_ops.mop_def
      intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)
  subgoal by (auto simp: lit_of_hd_trail_st_heur_fast_code_def)

definition get_the_propagation_reason_pol_st_code :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
  get_the_propagation_reason_pol_st_code = (λN C. read_trail_wl_heur_code (λM. get_the_propagation_reason_fast_code M C) N)

global_interpretation propagation_reason: read_trail_param_adder where
  R = unat_lit_rel and
  f' = λC M. get_the_propagation_reason_pol M C and
  f = λC M. get_the_propagation_reason_fast_code M C and
  x_assn = snat_option_assn' TYPE(64) and
  P = λM _. True
    (λM C. read_trail_wl_heur (λM. get_the_propagation_reason_pol M C) M)  = get_the_propagation_reason_pol_st and
    (λN C. read_trail_wl_heur_code (λM. get_the_propagation_reason_fast_code M C) N) = get_the_propagation_reason_pol_st_code
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (subst lambda_comp_true)
  apply (rule get_the_propagation_reason_fast_code.refine)
  subgoal by (auto simp: get_the_propagation_reason_pol_st_def lit_of_last_trail_pol_def read_all_st_def read_trail_param_adder0_ops.mop_def
      intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)
  subgoal by (auto simp: get_the_propagation_reason_pol_st_code_def)

definition is_fully_propagated_heur_st_code :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
  is_fully_propagated_heur_st_code = read_heur_wl_heur_code is_fully_propagated_heur_stats_impl

global_interpretation is_fully_proped: read_heur_param_adder0 where
  f' = RETURN o is_fully_propagated_heur and
  f = is_fully_propagated_heur_stats_impl and
  x_assn = bool1_assn and
  P = λ_. True
    read_heur_wl_heur (RETURN o is_fully_propagated_heur) = RETURN o is_fully_propagated_heur_st and
    read_heur_wl_heur_code is_fully_propagated_heur_stats_impl = is_fully_propagated_heur_st_code
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (rule heur_refine)
  subgoal by (auto simp: is_fully_propagated_heur_def is_fully_propagated_heur_st_def read_all_st_def
      intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)
  subgoal by (auto simp: is_fully_propagated_heur_st_code_def)

definition heuristic_reluctant_triggered2_st_impl :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
heuristic_reluctant_triggered2_st_impl = read_heur_wl_heur_code heuristic_reluctant_triggered2_stats_impl

global_interpretation heuristic_reluctant_triggered2: read_heur_param_adder0 where
  f' = RETURN o heuristic_reluctant_triggered2 and
  f = heuristic_reluctant_triggered2_stats_impl and
  x_assn = bool1_assn and
  P = (λ_. True)
    read_heur_wl_heur (RETURN o heuristic_reluctant_triggered2) = RETURN o heuristic_reluctant_triggered2_st and
    read_heur_wl_heur_code heuristic_reluctant_triggered2_stats_impl = heuristic_reluctant_triggered2_st_impl
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (rule heur_refine)
  subgoal by (auto simp: read_all_st_def heuristic_reluctant_triggered2_st_def heuristic_reluctant_triggered2_def intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)
  subgoal by (auto simp: heuristic_reluctant_triggered2_st_impl_def)

lemma heuristic_reluctant_untrigger_st_alt_def:
    heuristic_reluctant_untrigger_st S =
  (let (heur, S) = extract_heur_wl_heur S;
    heur = heuristic_reluctant_untrigger heur;
    S = update_heur_wl_heur heur S in
  by (auto simp: heuristic_reluctant_untrigger_st_def state_extractors split: isasat_int_splits
    intro!: ext)

sepref_def heuristic_reluctant_untrigger_st_impl
  is RETURN o heuristic_reluctant_untrigger_st
  :: isasat_bounded_assnd a isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding heuristic_reluctant_untrigger_st_alt_def
  by sepref

lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] =
   trail_nth.refine[unfolded lambda_comp_true]

lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
  isasat_trail_nth_st_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
  lit_of_hd_trail_st_heur_fast_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
  is_fully_propagated_heur_st_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
  get_the_propagation_reason_pol_st_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
  heuristic_reluctant_triggered2_st_impl_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]

sepref_register incr_restart_stat clss_size_lcountUE clss_size_lcountUS learned_clss_count clss_size_allcount

lemma incr_restart_stat_alt_def:
  incr_restart_stat = (λS. do{
     let (heur, S) = extract_heur_wl_heur S;
     let heur = unset_fully_propagated_heur (heuristic_reluctant_untrigger (restart_info_restart_done_heur heur));
     let S = update_heur_wl_heur heur S;
     let (stats, S) = extract_stats_wl_heur S;
     let stats = incr_restart (stats);
     let S = update_stats_wl_heur stats S;
  by (auto simp: incr_restart_stat_def state_extractors split: isasat_int_splits
    intro!: ext)

sepref_def incr_restart_stat_fast_code
  is incr_restart_stat
  :: isasat_bounded_assnd a isasat_bounded_assn
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  unfolding incr_restart_stat_alt_def
  by sepref

sepref_register incr_reduction_stat clss_size_decr_lcount
    clss_size_incr_lcountUE clss_size_incr_lcountUS

lemma incr_reduction_stat_alt_def:
    incr_reduction_stat = (λS. do{
     let (stats, S) = extract_stats_wl_heur S;
     let stats = incr_reduction stats;
     let S = update_stats_wl_heur stats S;
  by (auto simp: incr_reduction_stat_def state_extractors split: isasat_int_splits
    intro!: ext)

sepref_def incr_reduction_stat_fast_code
  is incr_reduction_stat
  :: isasat_bounded_assnd a isasat_bounded_assn
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  unfolding incr_reduction_stat_alt_def
  by sepref

sepref_register mark_unused_st_heur
lemma mark_unused_st_heur_alt_def:
    RETURN oo mark_unused_st_heur = (λC S0. do {
    let (N, S) = extract_arena_wl_heur S0;
    ASSERT (N = get_clauses_wl_heur S0);
    let N' = mark_unused N C;
    let S = update_arena_wl_heur N' S;
    RETURN S})
    by (auto simp: mark_unused_st_heur_def state_extractors Let_def intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)

sepref_def mark_unused_st_fast_code
  is uncurry (RETURN oo mark_unused_st_heur)
  :: [λ(C, S). arena_act_pre (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C]a
        sint64_nat_assnk *a isasat_bounded_assnd  isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding mark_unused_st_heur_alt_def
  supply [[goals_limit = 1]]
  by sepref

sepref_def mop_mark_unused_st_heur_impl
  is uncurry mop_mark_unused_st_heur
  ::  sint64_nat_assnk *a isasat_bounded_assnd a isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding mop_mark_unused_st_heur_def fold_tuple_optimizations
  by sepref

sepref_register get_the_propagation_reason_pol_st
lemma empty_US_heur_alt_def:
  empty_US_heur S =
  (let (lcount, S) = extract_lcount_wl_heur S in
  let lcount = clss_size_resetUS0 lcount in
  let S = update_lcount_wl_heur lcount S in S
    by (auto simp: empty_US_heur_def state_extractors Let_def intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)

sepref_def empty_US_heur_code
  is RETURN o empty_US_heur
  :: isasat_bounded_assnd a isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding empty_US_heur_alt_def
  by sepref

lemma mark_garbage_heur2_alt_def:
  mark_garbage_heur2 C = (λS0. do{
    ASSERT (mark_garbage_pre (get_clauses_wl_heur S0, C));
    let (N, S) = extract_arena_wl_heur S0;
    ASSERT (N = get_clauses_wl_heur S0);
    let st = arena_status N C = IRRED;
    let N' = extra_information_mark_to_delete (N) C;
    let (lcount, S) = extract_lcount_wl_heur S;
    ASSERT (lcount = get_learned_count S0);
    ASSERT(¬st  clss_size_lcount lcount  1);
    let lcount = (if st then lcount else clss_size_decr_lcount lcount);
    RETURN (update_lcount_wl_heur lcount (update_arena_wl_heur N' S))})
    by (auto simp: mark_garbage_heur2_def state_extractors Let_def intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)

lemma mark_garbage_preD:
  mark_garbage_pre (N, C)  arena_is_valid_clause_vdom N C
  by (auto simp: mark_garbage_pre_def arena_is_valid_clause_idx_def arena_is_valid_clause_vdom_def)

sepref_register mark_garbage_heur2 mark_garbage_heur4

sepref_def mark_garbage_heur2_code
  is uncurry mark_garbage_heur2
  :: [λ(C, S). True]a sint64_nat_assnk *a isasat_bounded_assnd  isasat_bounded_assn
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  supply [intro] = mark_garbage_preD
  unfolding mark_garbage_heur2_alt_def
  by sepref

lemma mark_garbage_heur4_alt_def:
  mark_garbage_heur4 C S0 = do{
    let (N', S) = extract_arena_wl_heur S0;
    ASSERT (N' = get_clauses_wl_heur S0);
    let st = arena_status N' C = IRRED;
    let N' = extra_information_mark_to_delete (N') C;
    let (lcount, S) = extract_lcount_wl_heur S;
    ASSERT (lcount = get_learned_count S0);
    ASSERT(¬st  clss_size_lcount lcount  1);
    let lcount = (if st then lcount else clss_size_incr_lcountUEk (clss_size_decr_lcount lcount));
    let (stats, S) = extract_stats_wl_heur S;
    ASSERT (stats = get_stats_heur S0);
    let stats = (if st then decr_irred_clss stats else stats);
    let S = update_arena_wl_heur N' S;
    let S = update_lcount_wl_heur lcount S;
    let S = update_stats_wl_heur stats S;
    by (cases S0)
     (auto simp: mark_garbage_heur4_def state_extractors  Let_def intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)

sepref_def mark_garbage_heur4_code
  is uncurry mark_garbage_heur4
  :: [λ(C, S). mark_garbage_pre (get_clauses_wl_heur S, C)  arena_is_valid_clause_vdom (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C 
        learned_clss_count S  unat64_max]a
     sint64_nat_assnk *a isasat_bounded_assnd  isasat_bounded_assn
  supply [[goals_limit=1]] isasat_fast_countD[dest] learned_clss_count_def[simp]
  unfolding mark_garbage_heur4_alt_def
  by sepref

sepref_definition access_avdom_aivdom_at_impl
  is uncurry (λN C. RETURN (get_avdom_aivdom N ! C))
  :: [uncurry (λN C. C < length (get_avdom_aivdom N))]a aivdom_assnk *a sint64_nat_assnk  sint64_nat_assn
  unfolding avdom_aivdom_at_def[symmetric]
  by sepref

definition access_avdom_at_fast_code :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
  access_avdom_at_fast_code = (λN C. read_vdom_wl_heur_code (λN. avdom_aivdom_at_impl N C) N)

global_interpretation avdom_aivdom_at: read_vdom_param_adder where
  R = snat_rel' TYPE(64) and
  x_assn = sint64_nat_assn and
  f' = λC N. (RETURN oo avdom_aivdom_at) N C and
  f = λC N. avdom_aivdom_at_impl N C and
  P = λC N. C < length (get_avdom_aivdom N)
    (λN C'. read_vdom_wl_heur (λN. (RETURN ∘∘ avdom_aivdom_at) N C') N) = RETURN oo access_avdom_at and
    (λN C. read_vdom_wl_heur_code (λN. avdom_aivdom_at_impl N C) N) = access_avdom_at_fast_code and
    (λS C. C < length (get_avdom_aivdom (get_aivdom S))) = access_avdom_at_pre
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (subst (3) uncurry_def)
  apply (rule avdom_aivdom_at_impl_refine)
  subgoal by (auto simp: access_avdom_at_def read_all_st_def avdom_aivdom_at_def split: isasat_int_splits intro!: ext)
  subgoal by (auto simp: access_avdom_at_fast_code_def)
  subgoal by (auto simp :access_avdom_at_pre_def split: isasat_int_splits intro!: ext)

definition access_ivdom_at_fast_code :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
  access_ivdom_at_fast_code = (λN C. read_vdom_wl_heur_code (λN. ivdom_aivdom_at_impl N C) N)

global_interpretation ivdom_aivdom_at: read_vdom_param_adder where
  R = snat_rel' TYPE(64) and
  x_assn = sint64_nat_assn and
  f' = λC N. (RETURN oo ivdom_aivdom_at) N C and
  f = λC N. ivdom_aivdom_at_impl N C and
  P = λC N. C < length (get_ivdom_aivdom N)
    (λN C'. read_vdom_wl_heur (λN. (RETURN ∘∘ ivdom_aivdom_at) N C') N) = RETURN oo access_ivdom_at and
    (λN C. read_vdom_wl_heur_code (λN. ivdom_aivdom_at_impl N C) N) = access_ivdom_at_fast_code and
    (λS C. C < length (get_ivdom_aivdom (get_aivdom S))) = access_ivdom_at_pre
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (subst (3) uncurry_def)
  apply (rule ivdom_aivdom_at_impl_refine)
  subgoal by (auto simp: access_ivdom_at_def read_all_st_def ivdom_aivdom_at_def split: isasat_int_splits intro!: ext)
  subgoal by (auto simp: access_ivdom_at_fast_code_def)
  subgoal by (auto simp :access_ivdom_at_pre_def split: isasat_int_splits intro!: ext)

definition access_tvdom_at_fast_code :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
  access_tvdom_at_fast_code = (λN C. read_vdom_wl_heur_code (λN. tvdom_aivdom_at_impl N C) N)

global_interpretation tvdom_aivdom_at: read_vdom_param_adder where
  R = snat_rel' TYPE(64) and
  x_assn = sint64_nat_assn and
  f' = λC N. (RETURN oo tvdom_aivdom_at) N C and
  f = λC N. tvdom_aivdom_at_impl N C and
  P = λC N. C < length (get_tvdom_aivdom N)
    (λN C'. read_vdom_wl_heur (λN. (RETURN ∘∘ tvdom_aivdom_at) N C') N) = RETURN oo access_tvdom_at and
    (λN C. read_vdom_wl_heur_code (λN. tvdom_aivdom_at_impl N C) N) = access_tvdom_at_fast_code and
    (λS C. C < length (get_tvdom_aivdom (get_aivdom S))) = access_tvdom_at_pre
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (subst (3) uncurry_def)
  apply (rule tvdom_aivdom_at_impl_refine)
  subgoal by (auto simp: access_tvdom_at_def read_all_st_def tvdom_aivdom_at_def split: isasat_int_splits intro!: ext)
  subgoal by (auto simp: access_tvdom_at_fast_code_def)
  subgoal by (auto simp :access_tvdom_at_pre_def split: isasat_int_splits intro!: ext)

lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] =
lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
  access_avdom_at_fast_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
  access_ivdom_at_fast_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
  access_tvdom_at_fast_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]

sepref_register mop_access_lit_in_clauses_heur mop_watched_by_app_heur
  get_target_opts get_opts

sepref_register print_literal_of_trail
    print_trail print_trail_st print_trail_st2

sepref_def print_literal_of_trail_code
  is print_literal_of_trail
  :: unat_lit_assnk a unit_assn
  unfolding print_literal_of_trail_def
  by sepref

sepref_def print_encoded_lit_end_code
  is print_literal_of_trail
  :: uint32_nat_assnk a unit_assn
  unfolding print_literal_of_trail_def
  by sepref

sepref_def print_trail_code
  is print_trail
  :: trail_pol_fast_assnk a unit_assn
  unfolding print_trail_def trail_pol_fast_assn_def
  apply (rewrite at print_literal_of_trail () unat_const_fold[where 'a=32])
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

lemmas print_trail[sepref_fr_rules] =
  print_trail_code.refine[FCOMP print_trail_print_trail2_rel]

definition print_trail_st_code :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
  print_trail_st_code = read_trail_wl_heur_code print_trail_code

global_interpretation print_trail: read_trail_param_adder0 where
  f' = print_trail and
  f = print_trail_code and
  x_assn = unit_assn and
  P = λ _. True
    read_trail_wl_heur print_trail = print_trail_st and
    read_trail_wl_heur_code print_trail_code = print_trail_st_code
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (rule print_trail_code.refine)
  subgoal by (auto simp: print_trail_st_def read_all_st_def print_trail_def
      intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)
  subgoal by (auto simp: print_trail_st_code_def)

lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] =
  print_trail.refine[FCOMP print_trail_st_print_trail_st2_rel]

lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
  print_trail_st_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
sepref_register is_fully_propagated_heur_st

lemma [def_pat_rules]: nth_rll  op_list_list_idx
 by (auto simp: nth_rll_def intro!: ext eq_reflection)

definition access_watchlist :: (nat × nat literal × bool) list list  _ where
  access_watchlist N C C' = nth_rll N (nat_of_lit C) C'

sepref_def access_watchlist_impl
  is uncurry2 (RETURN ooo access_watchlist)
  :: [uncurry2 (λS L K. nat_of_lit L < length S 
          K < length (S ! nat_of_lit L))]a
        watchlist_fast_assnk *a unat_lit_assnk *a sint64_nat_assnk  watcher_fast_assn
  unfolding access_watchlist_def
  by sepref

lemma watched_by_app_helper:
  uncurry (λNC D. uncurry (λN C. access_watchlist_impl N C D) NC) = uncurry2 access_watchlist_impl
  uncurry (λNC D'. uncurry (λN C'. (RETURN ∘∘∘ access_watchlist) N C' D') NC) = uncurry2 (RETURN ooo access_watchlist)
  uncurry (λa b. uncurry (λa c. nat_of_lit c < length a  b < length (a ! nat_of_lit c)) a)=
  uncurry2 (λS L K. nat_of_lit L < length S  K < length (S ! nat_of_lit L))
  by (auto)

definition watched_by_app_heur_fast_code :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
  watched_by_app_heur_fast_code = (λN C D. read_watchlist_wl_heur_code (λN. access_watchlist_impl N C D) N)

global_interpretation watched_by_app: read_watchlist_param_adder_twoargs where
  R = unat_lit_rel and
  R' = snat_rel' TYPE(64) and
  f = λC C' N. access_watchlist_impl N C C' and
  f' = λC C' N. (RETURN ooo access_watchlist) N C C' and
  x_assn = watcher_fast_assn and
  P = (λL K S. nat_of_lit L < length S 
          K < length (S ! nat_of_lit L))
    (λN C' D'. read_watchlist_wl_heur (λN. (RETURN ∘∘∘ access_watchlist) N C' D') N) = RETURN ooo watched_by_app_heur and
    (λN C D. read_watchlist_wl_heur_code (λN. access_watchlist_impl N C D) N) = watched_by_app_heur_fast_code and
  uncurry2 (λS C D. nat_of_lit C < length (get_watched_wl_heur S)  D < length (get_watched_wl_heur S ! nat_of_lit C)) = watched_by_app_heur_pre

  apply unfold_locales
  unfolding watched_by_app_helper
  apply (rule access_watchlist_impl.refine)
    by (auto intro!: ext split: tuple17.split
      simp: read_all_st_def watched_by_app_heur_def access_watchlist_def
  subgoal by (auto simp: watched_by_app_heur_fast_code_def)
  subgoal by (auto simp: watched_by_app_heur_pre_def)

lemma mop_watched_by_app_heur_alt_def: mop_watched_by_app_heur = (λN C' D'. watched_by_app.XX.XX.mop N (C', D'))
   by (auto simp: mop_watched_by_app_heur_def read_all_param_adder_ops.mop_def summarize_ASSERT_conv
    read_all_st_def access_watchlist_def conj_commute nth_rll_def intro!: ext intro: bind_cong split: isasat_int_splits)
definition mop_watched_by_app_heur_fast_impl :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
  mop_watched_by_app_heur_fast_impl = (λN C D. read_watchlist_wl_heur_code (case (C, D) of (C, D)  λN. access_watchlist_impl N C D) N) 
lemma split_snd_pure_arg':
  assumes (uncurry (λN C. f C N), uncurry (λN C'.  f' C' N))
     [λ_. True]a Kk *a (pure (R ×f R'))k  x_assn
  shows (uncurry2 (λN C D. f (C,D) N), uncurry2 (λN C' D'.  f' (C',D') N))
     [λ_. True]a Kk *a (pure(R))k *a (pure R')k  x_assn
  using assms unfolding hfref_def
  by (auto simp flip: prod_assn_pure_conv)

lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] =
  watched_by_app.mop_refine[THEN split_snd_pure_arg', unfolded mop_watched_by_app_heur_alt_def[symmetric] mop_watched_by_app_heur_fast_impl_def[symmetric]]

lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
  watched_by_app_heur_fast_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
  mop_watched_by_app_heur_fast_impl_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]

definition mop_is_marked_added_heur_stats_st_impl where
  mop_is_marked_added_heur_stats_st_impl =
    (λN A. read_heur_wl_heur_code (λS. mop_is_marked_added_heur_stats_impl S A) N)

global_interpretation is_marked_added: read_heur_param_adder where
  R = atom_rel and
  f' =  λS A. RETURN (is_marked_added_heur A S) and
  f =  λS A. mop_is_marked_added_heur_stats_impl A S and
  x_assn = bool1_assn and
  P = (λS A. is_marked_added_heur_pre A S)
  (λN A. read_heur_wl_heur_code (λS. mop_is_marked_added_heur_stats_impl S A) N) = mop_is_marked_added_heur_stats_st_impl
  apply unfold_locales
  unfolding lambda_comp_true
  apply (unfold uncurry_def, rule is_marked_added_heur_refine[unfolded comp_def uncurry_def])
  apply (subst mop_is_marked_added_heur_stats_st_impl_def, rule refl)

lemma mop_is_marked_added_heur_st_alt_def:
  is_marked_added.XX.mop = mop_is_marked_added_heur_st
  unfolding is_marked_added.XX.mop_def mop_is_marked_added_heur_st_def
  apply (intro ext, case_tac S)
  apply (auto simp: read_all_st_def intro!: ext)

lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = is_marked_added.XX.mop_refine[unfolded mop_is_marked_added_heur_st_alt_def]
lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
  mop_is_marked_added_heur_stats_st_impl_def[unfolded  read_all_st_code_def]

definition length_watchlist_raw where
  length_watchlist_raw S = length (get_watched_wl_heur S)

sepref_def length_watchlist_full_impl
  is RETURN o length
  :: watchlist_fast_assnk a sint64_nat_assn
  unfolding op_list_list_len_def[symmetric]
  by sepref

definition length_watchlist_raw_code where
  length_watchlist_raw_code = read_watchlist_wl_heur_code (length_watchlist_full_impl)

global_interpretation watchlist_length_raw: read_watchlist_param_adder0 where
  f' = RETURN o length and
  f = length_watchlist_full_impl and
  x_assn = sint64_nat_assn and
  P = (λ_. True)
    read_watchlist_wl_heur (RETURN  length) = RETURN o length_watchlist_raw and
    read_watchlist_wl_heur_code (length_watchlist_full_impl) = length_watchlist_raw_code
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (rule length_watchlist_full_impl.refine)
     by (auto intro!: ext simp: length_watchlist_raw_def read_all_st_def length_watchlist_def
       split: isasat_int_splits)
  subgoal by (auto simp: length_watchlist_raw_code_def)

lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = watchlist_length_raw.refine
lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
  length_watchlist_raw_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]

definition get_restart_count_st where
  get_restart_count_st S = get_restart_count (get_stats_heur S)

definition get_restart_count_st_impl :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
  get_restart_count_st_impl = read_stats_wl_heur_code get_restart_count_impl

global_interpretation restart_count: read_stats_param_adder0 where
  f' = RETURN o get_restart_count and
  f = get_restart_count_impl and
  x_assn = word_assn and
  P = λ_. True
  rewrites read_stats_wl_heur (RETURN o get_restart_count) = RETURN o get_restart_count_st and
    read_stats_wl_heur_code get_restart_count_impl = get_restart_count_st_impl
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (rule get_restart_count_impl.refine; assumption)
  subgoal by (auto simp: read_all_st_def stats_conflicts_def get_restart_count_st_def intro!: ext
    split: isasat_int_splits)
  subgoal by (auto simp: get_restart_count_st_impl_def)

definition get_reductions_count_fast_code :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
  get_reductions_count_fast_code = read_stats_wl_heur_code get_reduction_count_impl

(*TODO check if this is the right statistics to read!*)
global_interpretation reduction_count: read_stats_param_adder0 where
  f' = RETURN o get_reduction_count and
  f = get_reduction_count_impl and
  x_assn = word_assn and
  P = λ_. True
  rewrites read_stats_wl_heur (RETURN o get_reduction_count) = RETURN o get_reductions_count and
    read_stats_wl_heur_code get_reduction_count_impl = get_reductions_count_fast_code
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (rule get_reduction_count_impl.refine)
  subgoal by (auto simp: read_all_st_def stats_conflicts_def intro!: ext
    split: isasat_int_splits)
  subgoal by (auto simp: get_reductions_count_fast_code_def)

definition get_irredundant_count_st_code :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
  get_irredundant_count_st_code = read_stats_wl_heur_code get_irredundant_count_impl

global_interpretation irredandant_count: read_stats_param_adder0 where
  f' = RETURN o get_irredundant_count and
  f = get_irredundant_count_impl and
  x_assn = word_assn and
  P = λ_. True
  rewrites read_stats_wl_heur (RETURN o get_irredundant_count) = RETURN o get_irredundant_count_st and
    read_stats_wl_heur_code get_irredundant_count_impl = get_irredundant_count_st_code
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (rule get_irredundant_count_impl.refine)
  subgoal by (auto simp: read_all_st_def get_irredundant_count_st_def stats_conflicts_def intro!: ext
    split: isasat_int_splits)
  subgoal by (auto simp: get_irredundant_count_st_code_def)

definition get_slow_ema_heur_full where
  get_slow_ema_heur_full S = ema_get_value (slow_ema_of S)
definition get_fast_ema_heur_full where
  get_fast_ema_heur_full S = ema_get_value (fast_ema_of S)

sepref_def get_slow_ema_heur_full_impl
  is RETURN o get_slow_ema_heur_full
  :: heuristic_assnk a word64_assn
  unfolding get_slow_ema_heur_full_def
  by sepref

sepref_def get_fast_ema_heur_full_impl
  is RETURN o get_fast_ema_heur_full
  :: heuristic_assnk a word64_assn
  unfolding get_fast_ema_heur_full_def
  by sepref

definition get_slow_ema_heur_st where
  get_slow_ema_heur_st S = ema_get_value (get_slow_ema_heur S)
definition get_fast_ema_heur_st where
  get_fast_ema_heur_st S = ema_get_value (get_fast_ema_heur S)

definition get_slow_ema_heur_st_impl :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
  get_slow_ema_heur_st_impl = read_heur_wl_heur_code get_slow_ema_heur_full_impl

definition get_fast_ema_heur_st_impl :: twl_st_wll_trail_fast2  _ where
  get_fast_ema_heur_st_impl = read_heur_wl_heur_code get_fast_ema_heur_full_impl

global_interpretation slow_ema: read_heur_param_adder0 where
  f' = RETURN o get_slow_ema_heur_full and
  f = get_slow_ema_heur_full_impl and
  x_assn = word_assn and
  P = λ_. True
  rewrites read_heur_wl_heur (RETURN o get_slow_ema_heur_full) = RETURN o get_slow_ema_heur_st and
    read_heur_wl_heur_code get_slow_ema_heur_full_impl = get_slow_ema_heur_st_impl
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (rule get_slow_ema_heur_full_impl.refine)
  subgoal by (auto simp: read_all_st_def stats_conflicts_def get_slow_ema_heur_st_def
      get_slow_ema_heur_full_def intro!: ext
    split: isasat_int_splits)
  subgoal by (auto simp: get_slow_ema_heur_st_impl_def)

global_interpretation fast_ema: read_heur_param_adder0 where
  f' = RETURN o get_fast_ema_heur_full and
  f = get_fast_ema_heur_full_impl and
  x_assn = word_assn and
  P = λ_. True
  rewrites read_heur_wl_heur (RETURN o get_fast_ema_heur_full) = RETURN o get_fast_ema_heur_st and
    read_heur_wl_heur_code get_fast_ema_heur_full_impl = get_fast_ema_heur_st_impl
  apply unfold_locales
  apply (rule get_fast_ema_heur_full_impl.refine)
  subgoal by (auto simp: read_all_st_def stats_conflicts_def get_fast_ema_heur_st_def
      get_fast_ema_heur_full_def intro!: ext
    split: isasat_int_splits)
  subgoal by (auto simp: get_fast_ema_heur_st_impl_def)

lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = restart_count.refine reduction_count.refine fast_ema.refine slow_ema.refine
lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
  get_restart_count_st_impl_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
  get_reductions_count_fast_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
  get_fast_ema_heur_st_impl_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
  get_slow_ema_heur_st_impl_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
