Theory IsaSAT_Simplify_Binaries_Defs

theory IsaSAT_Simplify_Binaries_Defs
  imports IsaSAT_Setup

type_synonym 'a ahm = 'a list × nat list

definition ahm_get_marked :: 'a::zero ahm  nat literal  _ where
  ahm_get_marked = (λ(C,stamp) L. do {
     ASSERT(nat_of_lit L < length C);
     RETURN (C!nat_of_lit L)

definition get_marked :: (nat literal  'a option) × nat  nat literal  _   where
  get_marked C L = do {
     ASSERT(nat_of_lit L < snd C  fst C L  None);
     RETURN (the (fst C L))

definition array_hash_map_rel :: ('a :: zero × 'b) set  ('a ahm × _) set where
  array_hash_map_rel R = {((xs, support), (ys, m)). m = length xs 
      (set support =nat_of_lit ` dom ys) 
      (iset support. i < m)  distinct support 
      (L. nat_of_lit L < m  (ys L = None  xs ! nat_of_lit L = 0)) 
     (L. nat_of_lit L < m  (a. ys L = Some a  xs ! nat_of_lit L  0  (xs ! nat_of_lit L, a)  R))}

definition ahm_is_marked :: 'a::zero ahm  nat literal  _ where
  ahm_is_marked = (λ(C,stamp) L. do {
     ASSERT(nat_of_lit L < length C);
     RETURN (C!nat_of_lit L  0)
definition is_marked :: (nat literal  'a option) × nat  nat literal  _   where
  is_marked C L =  do {
     ASSERT(nat_of_lit L < snd C);
     RETURN (fst C L  None)

definition update_marked :: (nat literal  _ option) × nat  nat literal  _ 
  ((nat literal  _ option) × nat) nres where
  update_marked C L v = do {
     ASSERT (nat_of_lit L < snd C  (fst C)L  None);
     RETURN ((fst C)(L := Some v), snd C)

definition set_marked :: (nat literal  _ option) × nat  nat literal  _ 
  ((nat literal  _ option) × nat) nres where
  set_marked C L v = do {
     ASSERT (nat_of_lit L < snd C  (fst C)L = None);
     RETURN ((fst C)(L := Some v), snd C)

(*TODO rename*)
definition empty :: (nat literal  'b option) × nat  ((nat literal  'b option) × nat) nres   where
  empty = (λ(_, n). do {
     RETURN (λ_. None, n)

lemma ahm_is_marked_is_marked:
   (uncurry ahm_is_marked, uncurry is_marked)
      (array_hash_map_rel R) ×f nat_lit_lit_rel  bool_relnres_rel
  unfolding ahm_is_marked_def is_marked_def uncurry_def
  apply (intro frefI nres_relI fun_relI)
  apply refine_vcg
  apply (auto simp: array_hash_map_rel_def ahm_is_marked_def is_marked_def
    intro!: ASSERT_leI)[]
  apply simp
  by (auto simp: array_hash_map_rel_def ahm_is_marked_def is_marked_def
    intro!: ASSERT_leI)

lemma ahm_get_marked_get_marked:
   (uncurry ahm_get_marked, uncurry get_marked)
      (array_hash_map_rel R) ×f nat_lit_lit_rel  Rnres_rel
  unfolding ahm_get_marked_def get_marked_def uncurry_def
  apply (intro frefI nres_relI fun_relI)
  apply refine_vcg
  apply (auto simp: array_hash_map_rel_def ahm_is_marked_def is_marked_def
    intro!: ASSERT_leI)[]
  apply clarsimp
  apply (auto simp: array_hash_map_rel_def ahm_is_marked_def is_marked_def
    intro!: ASSERT_leI)[]

definition ahm_set_marked :: 'a :: zero ahm  nat literal  _ where
  ahm_set_marked= (λ(C,stamp) L v. do {
     ASSERT(nat_of_lit L < length C  Suc (length stamp)  length C);
     RETURN (C[nat_of_lit L := v], stamp @ [nat_of_lit L])

lemma ahm_set_marked_set_marked:
  assumes [simp]: a. (0, a)  R
  shows (uncurry2 ahm_set_marked, uncurry2 set_marked)
      (array_hash_map_rel R) ×f nat_lit_lit_rel ×f R f array_hash_map_rel Rnres_rel
proof -
  have [intro!]: Suc (length x2b)  length x1d
      nat_of_lit x2 < length x1d and
      x1d ! nat_of_lit x2 = 0 and
      set x2b = nat_of_lit ` {a. y. ac a = Some y} and
      i. (y. ac i = Some y)  nat_of_lit i < length x1d and
      dist: distinct x2b and
      L. nat_of_lit L < length x1d  (ac L = None) = (x1d ! nat_of_lit L = 0) 
    for ac :: nat literal  'a option and x2 :: nat literal and x2a :: 'a and x1d :: 'b list and x2b :: nat list and x2d :: 'b
  proof -
    have (set x2b)  nat_of_lit ` (dom ac)  {0..<length x1d}
      using that by (auto simp add: dom_def)
    moreover have nat_of_lit x2   {0..<length x1d}  and notin: nat_of_lit x2  set x2b
      using that by auto
    ultimately have H: insert (nat_of_lit x2) (set x2b)  {0..<length x1d}
      by blast
    show ?thesis
      using card_mono[OF _ H] notin dist
      by (auto simp: distinct_card)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding ahm_set_marked_def set_marked_def uncurry_def
    apply (intro frefI fun_relI nres_relI)
    apply refine_vcg
    apply (auto simp: array_hash_map_rel_def ahm_is_marked_def is_marked_def dom_def
      intro!: ASSERT_leI)

definition ahm_update_marked :: 'a :: zero ahm  nat literal  _ where
  ahm_update_marked= (λ(C,stamp) L v. do {
     ASSERT(nat_of_lit L < length C);
     RETURN (C[nat_of_lit L := v], stamp)

lemma ahm_update_marked_update_marked:
  assumes [simp]: a. (0, a)  R
  shows (uncurry2 ahm_update_marked, uncurry2 update_marked)
      (array_hash_map_rel R) ×f nat_lit_lit_rel ×f R f array_hash_map_rel Rnres_rel
  unfolding ahm_update_marked_def update_marked_def uncurry_def
  apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
  by refine_vcg
   (auto simp: array_hash_map_rel_def ahm_is_marked_def is_marked_def dom_def
    intro!: ASSERT_leI)

definition ahm_create :: nat  'a::zero ahm nres where
  ahm_create m = do {
     RETURN (replicate m 0, [])

definition create :: nat  _   where
  create m = do {
     RETURN (λ_. None, m)

lemma ahm_create_create:
   (ahm_create, create)  nat_rel  array_hash_map_rel Rnres_rel
  unfolding ahm_create_def create_def uncurry_def
  by refine_vcg
    (auto simp: array_hash_map_rel_def ahm_is_marked_def is_marked_def
    intro!: ASSERT_leI)[]

definition ahm_empty :: 'a::zero ahm  'a ahm nres where
  ahm_empty = (λ(CS, support). do {
    let n = length support;
    (_, CS)  WHILET
      (λ(i, CS). i < n)
      (λ(i, CS). do {ASSERT (i < length support  support ! i < length CS); RETURN (i+1, CS[support ! i := 0])})
      (0, CS);
    RETURN (CS, take 0 support)

lemma ahm_empty_empty:
  (ahm_empty, empty)  (array_hash_map_rel R)  array_hash_map_rel Rnres_rel
proof -
  have [simp]: dom (λaa. if nat_of_lit aa  xs then None else m aa) =
    dom m - {a. nat_of_lit a  xs} for xs m
    by (auto split: if_splits)
  have [simp]: nat_of_lit ` dom x1 = set x2a  distinct x2a 
    nat_of_lit ` (dom x1 - {aa. nat_of_lit aa  set (take a x2a)}) = set (drop a x2a) for x2a a x1
    apply (drule eq_commute[of _ "set x2a", THEN iffD1])
    apply (auto simp: dom_def)
    apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Reversed_Bit_Lists.atd_lem UnE image_subset_iff mem_Collect_eq set_append set_mset_mono set_mset_mset subset_mset.dual_order.refl)
    apply (frule in_set_dropD)
    apply simp
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) DiffI IntI Reversed_Bit_Lists.atd_lem distinct_append empty_iff image_iff mem_Collect_eq)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding ahm_empty_def empty_def uncurry_def fref_param1
    apply (intro ext frefI nres_relI)
    subgoal for x y
      apply (refine_vcg WHILET_rule[where I = λ(i, CS).  ((CS, drop i (snd x)), (λa. if nat_of_lit a  set (take i (snd x)) then None else fst y a, snd y)) array_hash_map_rel R and
        R = measure (λ(i,_). length (snd x) -i)])
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by (clarsimp simp: array_hash_map_rel_def)
      subgoal by (auto simp: array_hash_map_rel_def)
      subgoal premises p for x1 x2 x1a x2a s a b x1b x2b
        using p
        by (clarsimp simp: array_hash_map_rel_def less_Suc_eq  eq_commute[of _ nat_of_lit ` dom _]
          simp flip: Cons_nth_drop_Suc)
          (auto simp: take_Suc_conv_app_nth)
      subgoal by (auto simp: nth_list_update' less_Suc_eq array_hash_map_rel_def)
      subgoal for x1 x2 x1a x2a s a b
        apply (auto simp: array_hash_map_rel_def)
        apply (drule_tac x=L in spec)
        apply (auto split: if_splits)

definition isa_clause_remove_duplicate_clause_wl :: nat  isasat  isasat nres where
  isa_clause_remove_duplicate_clause_wl C S = (do{
    _  log_del_clause_heur S C;
    let N' = get_clauses_wl_heur S;
    st  mop_arena_status N' C;
    let st = st = IRRED;
    ASSERT (mark_garbage_pre (N', C)  arena_is_valid_clause_vdom (N') C);
    let N' = extra_information_mark_to_delete (N') C;
    let lcount = get_learned_count S;
    ASSERT(¬st  clss_size_lcount lcount  1);
    let lcount = (if st then lcount else (clss_size_decr_lcount lcount));
    let stats = get_stats_heur S;
    let stats = (incr_binary_red_removed (if st then decr_irred_clss stats else stats));
    let S = set_clauses_wl_heur N' S;
    let S = set_learned_count_wl_heur lcount S;
    let S = set_stats_wl_heur stats S;

definition isa_binary_clause_subres_lits_wl_pre :: _ where
  isa_binary_clause_subres_lits_wl_pre C L L' S 
    (T r u. (S, T) twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u   binary_clause_subres_lits_wl_pre C L L' T)

definition isa_binary_clause_subres_wl :: _ where
  isa_binary_clause_subres_wl C L L' S = do {
      ASSERT (isa_binary_clause_subres_lits_wl_pre C L L' S);
      let _ = log_del_binary_clause L (-L');
      let M = get_trail_wl_heur S;
      M  cons_trail_Propagated_tr L 0 M;
      let lcount = get_learned_count S;
      let N' = get_clauses_wl_heur S;
      st  mop_arena_status N' C;
      let st = st = IRRED;
      ASSERT (mark_garbage_pre (N', C)  arena_is_valid_clause_vdom (N') C);
      let N' = extra_information_mark_to_delete (N') C;
      ASSERT(¬st  (clss_size_lcount lcount  1  clss_size_lcountUEk (clss_size_decr_lcount lcount) < learned_clss_count S));
      let lcount = (if st then lcount else (clss_size_incr_lcountUEk (clss_size_decr_lcount lcount)));
      let stats = get_stats_heur S;
      let stats = incr_binary_unit_derived (if st then decr_irred_clss stats else stats);
      let stats = incr_units_since_last_GC (incr_uset stats);
      let S = set_trail_wl_heur M S;
      let S = set_clauses_wl_heur N' S;
      let S = set_learned_count_wl_heur lcount S;
      let S = set_stats_wl_heur stats S;
      RETURN S

definition isa_deduplicate_binary_clauses_wl :: nat literal  _  isasat  (_ × isasat) nres where
isa_deduplicate_binary_clauses_wl L CS S0 = do {
    let CS = CS;
    l  mop_length_watched_by_int S0 L;
    ASSERT (l  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0) - 2);
    val  mop_polarity_pol (get_trail_wl_heur S0) L;
    (_, _, CS, S)  WHILET(λ(abort, i, CS, S). ¬abort  i < l  get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur S)
      (λ(abort, i, CS, S).
      do {
         ASSERT (i < l);
         ASSERT (length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) = length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0));
         ASSERT (learned_clss_count S  learned_clss_count S0);
         (C,L', b)  mop_watched_by_app_heur S L i;
         ASSERT (C > 0  C < length (get_clauses_wl_heur S));
         st  mop_arena_status (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C;
         if st = DELETED  ¬b then
           RETURN (abort, i+1, CS, S)
         else do {
           val  mop_polarity_pol (get_trail_wl_heur S) L';
           if val  UNSET then do {
             S  isa_simplify_clause_with_unit_st2 C S;
             val  mop_polarity_pol (get_trail_wl_heur S) L;
             RETURN (val  UNSET, i+1, CS, S)
           else do {
             m  is_marked CS (L');
             n  (if m then get_marked CS L' else RETURN (1, True));
             if m then do {
               let C' = (if ¬snd n  st = LEARNED then C else fst n);
               CS  (if ¬snd n  st = LEARNED then RETURN CS else update_marked CS (L') (C, st = IRRED));
               S  isa_clause_remove_duplicate_clause_wl C' S;
               RETURN (abort, i+1, CS, S)
             } else do {
               m  is_marked CS (-L') ;
               if m then do {
                 S  isa_binary_clause_subres_wl C L (-L') S;
                 RETURN (True, i+1, CS, S)
               else do {
                 CS  set_marked CS (L') (C, st = IRRED);
                 RETURN (abort, i+1, CS, S)
      (val  UNSET, 0, CS, S0);
   CS  empty CS;

definition mark_duplicated_binary_clauses_as_garbage_pre_wl_heur :: isasat  bool where
  mark_duplicated_binary_clauses_as_garbage_pre_wl_heur S 
  (S' r u. (S, S')  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u 
    mark_duplicated_binary_clauses_as_garbage_pre_wl S')

definition isa_mark_duplicated_binary_clauses_as_garbage_wl :: isasat  _ nres where
  isa_mark_duplicated_binary_clauses_as_garbage_wl S0 = (do {
     let ns = (get_vmtf_heur_array S0);
     ASSERT (mark_duplicated_binary_clauses_as_garbage_pre_wl_heur S0);
     skip  RETURN (should_eliminate_pure_st S0);
     CS  create (length (get_watched_wl_heur S0));
     (_, CS, S)  WHILETλ(n,CS,S). ns = (get_vmtf_heur_array S)(λ(n, CS,S). n  None  get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur S)
      (λ(n, CS, S). do {
        ASSERT (n  None);
        let A = the n;
        ASSERT (A < length ns);
        ASSERT (A  unat32_max div 2);
        S  do {ASSERT (ns = (get_vmtf_heur_array S));
        _  mop_is_marked_added_heur_st S A;
        if ¬skip then RETURN (CS, S)
        else do {
          ASSERT (length (get_clauses_wl_heur S)  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0)  learned_clss_count S  learned_clss_count S0);
          (CS, S)  isa_deduplicate_binary_clauses_wl (Pos A) CS S;
          ASSERT (length (get_clauses_wl_heur S)  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0)  learned_clss_count S  learned_clss_count S0);
          (CS, S)  isa_deduplicate_binary_clauses_wl (Neg A) CS S;
          ASSERT (ns = (get_vmtf_heur_array S));
          RETURN (CS, S)
        RETURN (get_next (ns ! A), S)
     (Some (get_vmtf_heur_fst S0), CS, S0);

definition isa_mark_duplicated_binary_clauses_as_garbage_wl2 :: isasat  _ nres where
  isa_mark_duplicated_binary_clauses_as_garbage_wl2 S0 = (do {
    let ns = get_vmtf_heur_array S0;
    ASSERT (mark_duplicated_binary_clauses_as_garbage_pre_wl_heur S0);
    dedup  RETURN (should_eliminate_pure_st S0);
    CS  create (length (get_watched_wl_heur S0));
    (_, CS, S)  WHILETλ(n,CS, S). get_vmtf_heur_array S0 = (get_vmtf_heur_array S)(λ(n, CS, S). n  None  get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur S)
      (λ(n, CS, S). do {
        ASSERT (n  None);
        let A = the n;
        ASSERT (A < length (get_vmtf_heur_array S));
        ASSERT (A  unat32_max div 2);
        (CS, S)  do {
        _  mop_is_marked_added_heur_st S A;
        if ¬dedup then RETURN (CS, S)
        else do {
          ASSERT (length (get_clauses_wl_heur S)  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0)  learned_clss_count S  learned_clss_count S0);
          (CS, S)  isa_deduplicate_binary_clauses_wl (Pos A) CS S;
          ASSERT (length (get_clauses_wl_heur S)  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0)  learned_clss_count S  learned_clss_count S0);
          (CS, S)  isa_deduplicate_binary_clauses_wl (Neg A) CS S;
          ASSERT (ns = get_vmtf_heur_array S);
          RETURN (CS, S)
        RETURN (get_next (get_vmtf_heur_array S ! A), CS, S)
     (Some (get_vmtf_heur_fst S0), CS, S0);
