Theory IsaSAT_Restart_Defs

theory IsaSAT_Restart_Defs
    Watched_Literals.WB_Sort Watched_Literals.Watched_Literals_Watch_List_Simp IsaSAT_Rephase_State
    IsaSAT_Setup IsaSAT_VMTF IsaSAT_Sorting IsaSAT_Proofs

lemma unbounded_id: unbounded (id :: nat  nat)
  by (auto simp: bounded_def) presburger

global_interpretation twl_restart_ops id
  by unfold_locales

global_interpretation twl_restart id
  by standard (rule unbounded_id)

definition twl_st_heur_restart :: (isasat × nat twl_st_wl) set where
[unfolded Let_def]: twl_st_heur_restart =
  let M' = get_trail_wl_heur S; N' = get_clauses_wl_heur S; D' = get_conflict_wl_heur S;
    W' = get_watched_wl_heur S; j = literals_to_update_wl_heur S; outl = get_outlearned_heur S;
    cach = get_conflict_cach S; clvls = get_count_max_lvls_heur S;
    vm = get_vmtf_heur S;
    vdom = get_aivdom S; heur = get_heur S; old_arena = get_old_arena S;
    lcount = get_learned_count S; occs = get_occs S in
    let M = get_trail_wl T; N = get_clauses_wl T;  D = get_conflict_wl T;
      Q = literals_to_update_wl T;
      W = get_watched_wl T; N0 = get_init_clauses0_wl T; U0 = get_learned_clauses0_wl T;
      NS = get_subsumed_init_clauses_wl T; US = get_subsumed_learned_clauses_wl T;
      NEk = get_kept_unit_init_clss_wl T; UEk = get_kept_unit_learned_clss_wl T;
      NE = get_unkept_unit_init_clss_wl T; UE = get_unkept_unit_learned_clss_wl T in
    (M', M)  trail_pol (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0)) 
    valid_arena N' N (set (get_vdom_aivdom vdom)) 
    (D', D)  option_lookup_clause_rel (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0)) 
    (D = None  j  length M) 
    Q = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (drop j (rev M)) 
    (W', W)  Idmap_fun_rel (D0 (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0))) 
    vm  bump_heur (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0)) M 
    no_dup M 
    clvls  counts_maximum_level M D 
    cach_refinement_empty (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0)) cach 
    out_learned M D outl 
    clss_size_corr_restart N NE {#} NEk UEk NS {#} N0 {#} lcount 
    vdom_m (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0)) W N  set (get_vdom_aivdom vdom) 
    aivdom_inv_dec vdom (dom_m N) 
    isasat_input_bounded (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0)) 
    isasat_input_nempty (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0)) 
    old_arena = [] 
      heuristic_rel (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0)) heur 
    (occs, empty_occs_list (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0)))  occurrence_list_ref

abbreviation twl_st_heur'''' where
  twl_st_heur'''' r  {(S, T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S)  r}

abbreviation twl_st_heur''''uu where
  twl_st_heur''''uu r u  {(S, T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S)  r 
    learned_clss_count S  u}

abbreviation twl_st_heur_restart''' where
  twl_st_heur_restart''' r 
    {(S, T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) = r}

abbreviation twl_st_heur_restart'''' where
  twl_st_heur_restart'''' r 
    {(S, T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S)  r}

definition twl_st_heur_restart_ana :: nat  (isasat × nat twl_st_wl) set where
twl_st_heur_restart_ana r =
  {(S, T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) = r}

abbreviation twl_st_heur_restart_ana' :: _ where
  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u 
    {(S, T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r  learned_clss_count S  u}

definition empty_Q :: isasat  isasat nres where
  empty_Q = (λS. do{
  j  mop_isa_length_trail (get_trail_wl_heur S);
  RETURN (set_heur_wl_heur (restart_info_restart_done_heur (get_heur S)) (set_literals_to_update_wl_heur j S))

definition remove_all_annot_true_clause_one_imp_heur
  :: nat × clss_size × arena  (clss_size × arena) nres
remove_all_annot_true_clause_one_imp_heur = (λ(C, j, N). do {
      case arena_status N C of
        DELETED  RETURN (j, N)
      | IRRED  RETURN (j, extra_information_mark_to_delete N C)
      | LEARNED  RETURN (clss_size_decr_lcount j, extra_information_mark_to_delete N C)

definition number_clss_to_keep :: isasat  nat nres where
  number_clss_to_keep = (λS.

definition number_clss_to_keep_impl :: isasat  nat nres where
  number_clss_to_keep_impl = (λS.
    RETURN (length_tvdom_aivdom (get_aivdom S) >> 2))

(* TODO Missing : The sorting function + definition of l should depend on the number of initial
  clauses *)
definition (in -) MINIMUM_DELETION_LBD :: nat where

definition trail_update_reason_at :: _  _  trail_pol  _ where
  trail_update_reason_at  (λL C (M, val, lvls, reason, k). (M, val, lvls, reason[atm_of L := C], k))

abbreviation trail_get_reason :: trail_pol  _ where
  trail_get_reason  (λ(M, val, lvls, reason, k). reason)

definition replace_reason_in_trail :: nat literal  _ where
  replace_reason_in_trail L C = (λM. do {
    ASSERT(atm_of L < length (trail_get_reason M));
    RETURN (trail_update_reason_at L 0 M)

definition isasat_replace_annot_in_trail
  :: nat literal  nat  isasat  isasat nres
  isasat_replace_annot_in_trail L C = (λS. do {
    let lcount = clss_size_resetUS0 (get_learned_count S);
    M  replace_reason_in_trail L C (get_trail_wl_heur S);
    RETURN (set_trail_wl_heur M (set_learned_count_wl_heur lcount S))

definition remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_D_heur
  :: nat  isasat  (nat × isasat) nres
remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_D_heur = (λi S0. do {
      (L, C)  do {
        L  isa_trail_nth (get_trail_wl_heur S0) i;
	C  get_the_propagation_reason_pol (get_trail_wl_heur S0) L;
	RETURN (L, C)};
      ASSERT(C  None  i + 1  Suc (unat32_max div 2));
      if the C = 0 then RETURN (i+1, S0)
      else do {
        ASSERT(C  None);
        S  isasat_replace_annot_in_trail L (the C) S0;
        log_del_clause_heur S (the C);
	ASSERT(mark_garbage_pre (get_clauses_wl_heur S, the C)  arena_is_valid_clause_vdom (get_clauses_wl_heur S) (the C)  learned_clss_count S  learned_clss_count S0);
        S  mark_garbage_heur4 (the C) S;
        ― ‹text‹S ← remove_all_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur L S;›
        RETURN (i+1, S)

definition cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_GC_prog_heur_post :: isasat  isasat  bool where
cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_GC_prog_heur_post S T 
  (S' T'. (S, S')  twl_st_heur_restart  (T, T')  twl_st_heur_restart 
    cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_GC_prog_post S' T')

definition remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur_inv
  :: isasat  (nat × isasat)  bool where
  remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur_inv S = (λ(i, T).
    (S' T'. (S, S')  twl_st_heur_restart  (T, T')  twl_st_heur_restart 
     remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_inv S' (i, T') 
     learned_clss_count T  learned_clss_count S))

definition empty_US  :: 'v twl_st_wl  'v twl_st_wl where
  empty_US = (λ(M', N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, Q, W).
  (M', N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, Q, W))

definition trail_zeroed_until_state where
  trail_zeroed_until_state S = trail_zeroed_until (get_trail_wl_heur S)

definition trail_set_zeroed_until_state where
  trail_set_zeroed_until_state z S = (let M = get_trail_wl_heur S in set_trail_wl_heur (trail_set_zeroed_until z M) S)

definition remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur :: isasat  isasat nres
remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur = (λS. do {
    ASSERT((isa_length_trail_pre o get_trail_wl_heur) S);
    k  (if count_decided_st_heur S = 0
      then RETURN (isa_length_trail (get_trail_wl_heur S))
      else get_pos_of_level_in_trail_imp (get_trail_wl_heur S) 0);
    let start = trail_zeroed_until_state S;
    (i, T)  WHILETremove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur_inv S(λ(i, S). i < k)
      (λ(i, S). do { (j, S)  remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_D_heur i S; RETURN (j, trail_set_zeroed_until_state j S)})
      (start, S);
    ASSERT (remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur_inv S (i, T));
    let T = trail_set_zeroed_until_state i T;
    RETURN (empty_US_heur T)

definition GC_units_required :: isasat  bool where
  GC_units_required T  units_since_last_GC_st T  get_GC_units_opt T

definition FLAG_no_restart :: 8 word where
  FLAG_no_restart = 0

definition FLAG_restart :: 8 word where
  FLAG_restart = 1

definition FLAG_Reduce_restart :: 8 word where
  FLAG_Reduce_restart = 3

definition FLAG_GC_restart :: 8 word where
  FLAG_GC_restart = 2

definition FLAG_Inprocess_restart :: 8 word where
  FLAG_Inprocess_restart = 4

definition max_restart_decision_lvl :: nat where
  max_restart_decision_lvl = 300

definition max_restart_decision_lvl_code :: 32 word where
  max_restart_decision_lvl_code = 300

definition GC_required_heur :: isasat  nat  bool nres where
  GC_required_heur S n = do {
    n  RETURN (full_arena_length_st S);
    wasted  RETURN (wasted_bytes_st S);
    RETURN (3*wasted > ((of_nat n)>>2))

definition minimum_number_between_restarts :: 64 word where
  minimum_number_between_restarts = 50

definition upper_restart_bound_reached :: isasat  bool where
  upper_restart_bound_reached = (λS. get_global_conflict_count S  next_reduce_schedule_st S)

definition should_subsume_st :: isasat  bool where
  should_subsume_st S  get_subsumption_opts S 
      (get_global_conflict_count S > next_subsume_schedule_st S)

definition should_eliminate_pure_st :: isasat  bool where
  should_eliminate_pure_st S 
      (get_global_conflict_count S > next_pure_lits_schedule_st S)

definition should_inprocess_st :: isasat  bool where
  should_inprocess_st S 
      (should_subsume_st S  should_eliminate_pure_st S)

definition iterate_over_VMTFC where
  iterate_over_VMTFC = (λf (I :: 'a  bool) P (ns :: (nat, nat) vmtf_node list, n) x. do {
      (_, x)  WHILETλ(n, x). I x(λ(n, x). n  None  P x)
        (λ(n, x). do {
          ASSERT(n  None);
          let A = the n;
          ASSERT(A < length ns);
          ASSERT(A  unat32_max div 2);
          x  f A x;
          RETURN (get_next ((ns ! A)), x)
        (n, x);
      RETURN x

definition iterate_over_VMTF :: _ where
  iterate_over_VMTF_alt_def: iterate_over_VMTF f I  = iterate_over_VMTFC f I (λ_. True)

definition arena_header_size :: arena  nat  nat where
  arena_header_size arena C =
  (if arena_length arena C > 4 then MAX_HEADER_SIZE else MIN_HEADER_SIZE)

definition update_restart_phases :: isasat  isasat nres where
  update_restart_phases = (λS. do {
     let heur = get_heur S;
     let lcount = get_global_conflict_count S;
     let vm = get_vmtf_heur S;
     let vm = switch_bump_heur vm;
     heur  RETURN (incr_restart_phase heur);
     heur  RETURN (incr_restart_phase_end lcount heur);
     heur  RETURN (if current_restart_phase heur = STABLE_MODE then heuristic_reluctant_enable heur else heuristic_reluctant_disable heur);
     heur  RETURN (swap_emas heur);
     RETURN (set_heur_wl_heur heur (set_vmtf_wl_heur vm S))

(*TODO used: in Restart_Reduce_Defs only?*)
definition restart_abs_wl_heur_pre  :: isasat  bool  bool where
  restart_abs_wl_heur_pre S brk   (T last_GC last_Restart. (S, T)  twl_st_heur  restart_abs_wl_pre T last_GC last_Restart brk)

lemma valid_arena_header_size:
  valid_arena arena N vdom  C ∈# dom_m N  arena_header_size arena C = header_size (N  C)
  by (auto simp: arena_header_size_def header_size_def arena_lifting)

definition rewatch_heur_st_pre :: isasat  bool where
  rewatch_heur_st_pre S  (i < length (get_tvdom S). get_tvdom S ! i  snat64_max)

lemma isasat_GC_clauses_wl_D_rewatch_pre:
    length (get_clauses_wl_heur x)  snat64_max and
    length (get_clauses_wl_heur xc)  length (get_clauses_wl_heur x) and
    i  set (get_tvdom xc). i  length (get_clauses_wl_heur x)
  shows rewatch_heur_st_pre xc
  using assms
  unfolding rewatch_heur_st_pre_def all_set_conv_all_nth
  by auto
