Theory IsaSAT_Lookup_Conflict

theory IsaSAT_Lookup_Conflict


We refine it to an array of booleans indicating if the atom is present or not. This information is
redundant because we already know that a literal can only appear negated compared to the trail.

The first step makes it easier to reason about the clause (since we have the full clause), while the
second step should generate (slightly) more efficient code.

Most solvers also merge the underlying array with the array used to cache information for the
conflict minimisation (see theory theoryWatched_Literals.CDCL_Conflict_Minimisation,
where we only test if atoms appear in the clause, not literals).

As far as we know, versat stops at the first refinement (stating that there is no significant
overhead, which is probably true, but the second refinement is not much additional work anyhow and
we don't have to rely on the ability of the compiler to not represent the option type on booleans
as a pointer, which it might be able to or not).

definition option_lookup_clause_rel where
option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 = {((b,(n,xs)), C). b = (C = None) 
   (C = None  ((n,xs), {#})  lookup_clause_rel 𝒜) 
   (C  None  ((n,xs), the C)  lookup_clause_rel 𝒜)}

lemma option_lookup_clause_rel_lookup_clause_rel_iff:
   ((False, (n, xs)), Some C)  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 
   ((n, xs), C)  lookup_clause_rel 𝒜
   unfolding option_lookup_clause_rel_def by auto

type_synonym (in -) conflict_option_rel = bool × nat × bool option list

definition (in -) lookup_clause_assn_is_None :: _  bool where
  lookup_clause_assn_is_None = (λ(b, _, _). b)

lemma lookup_clause_assn_is_None_is_None:
  (RETURN o lookup_clause_assn_is_None, RETURN o is_None) 
   option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 f bool_relnres_rel
  by (intro nres_relI frefI)
   (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_assn_is_None_def split: option.splits)

definition (in -) lookup_clause_assn_is_empty :: _  bool where
  lookup_clause_assn_is_empty = (λ(_, n, _). n = 0)

lemma lookup_clause_assn_is_empty_is_empty:
  (RETURN o lookup_clause_assn_is_empty, RETURN o (λD. Multiset.is_empty(the D))) 
  [λD. D  None]f option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜  bool_relnres_rel
  by (intro nres_relI frefI)
   (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_assn_is_empty_def lookup_clause_rel_def
     Multiset.is_empty_def split: option.splits)

lemma option_lookup_clause_rel_update_None:
  assumes  ((False, (n, xs)), Some D)  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 and L_xs : L < length xs
  shows ((False, (if xs!L = None then n else n - 1, xs[L := None])),
      Some (D - {# Pos L, Neg L #}))  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜
proof -
  have [simp]: L ∉# A  A - add_mset L' (add_mset L B) = A - add_mset L' B
    for A B :: 'a multiset and L L'
    by (metis add_mset_commute minus_notin_trivial)
  have n = size D and map: mset_as_position xs D
    using assms by (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_rel_def)
  have xs_None_iff: xs ! L = None  Pos L ∉# D  Neg L ∉# D
    using map L_xs mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[of xs D Pos L]
      mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[of xs D Neg L]
    by (cases xs ! L) auto

  have 1: xs ! L = None  D - {#Pos L, Neg L#} = D
    using assms by (auto simp: xs_None_iff minus_notin_trivial)
  have 2: xs ! L = None  xs[L := None] = xs
   using map list_update_id[of xs L] by (auto simp: 1)
  have 3: xs ! L = Some y  (y  Pos L ∈# D  Neg L ∉# D)  (¬y  Pos L ∉# D  Neg L ∈# D)
    for y
    using map L_xs mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[of xs D Pos L]
      mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[of xs D Neg L]
    by (cases xs ! L) auto

  show ?thesis
    using assms mset_as_position_remove[of xs D L]
    by (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_rel_def 1 2 3 size_remove1_mset_If
        minus_notin_trivial mset_as_position_remove)

definition size_lookup_conflict :: _  nat where
  size_lookup_conflict = (λ(_, n, _). n)

definition size_conflict_wl_heur :: _  nat where
  size_conflict_wl_heur = (λ(M, N, U, D, _, _, _, _). size_lookup_conflict D)

definition (in -) is_in_conflict :: nat literal  nat clause option  bool where
  [simp]: is_in_conflict L C  L ∈# the C

definition (in -) is_in_lookup_option_conflict
  :: nat literal  (bool × nat × bool option list)  bool
  is_in_lookup_option_conflict = (λL (_, _, xs). xs ! atm_of L = Some (is_pos L))

lemma is_in_lookup_option_conflict_is_in_conflict:
  (uncurry (RETURN oo is_in_lookup_option_conflict),
     uncurry (RETURN oo is_in_conflict)) 
     [λ(L, C). C  None  L ∈# all 𝒜]f Id ×r option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜  
  apply (intro nres_relI frefI)
  subgoal for Lxs LC
    using lookup_clause_rel_atm_in_iff[of _ snd (snd (snd Lxs))]
    apply (cases Lxs)
    by (auto simp: is_in_lookup_option_conflict_def option_lookup_clause_rel_def)

definition set_conflict_m
  :: (nat, nat) ann_lits  nat clauses_l  nat  nat clause option  nat 
   out_learned  (nat clause option × nat × out_learned) nres
set_conflict_m M N i _ _ _  =
    SPEC (λ(C, n, outl). C = Some (mset (Ni))  n = card_max_lvl M (mset (Ni)) 
     out_learned M C outl)

definition merge_conflict_m
  :: (nat, nat) ann_lits  nat clauses_l  nat  nat clause option  nat 
  out_learned  (nat clause option × nat × out_learned) nres
merge_conflict_m M N i D _ _ =
    SPEC (λ(C, n, outl). C = Some (mset (tl (Ni)) ∪# the D) 
       n = card_max_lvl M (mset (tl (Ni)) ∪# the D) 
       out_learned M C outl)

definition merge_conflict_m_g
  :: nat  (nat, nat) ann_lits  nat clause_l  nat clause option 
  (nat clause option × nat × out_learned) nres
merge_conflict_m_g init' M Ni D =
    SPEC (λ(C, n, outl). C = Some (mset (drop init' (Ni)) ∪# the D) 
       n = card_max_lvl M (mset (drop init' (Ni)) ∪# the D) 
       out_learned M C outl)

definition outlearned_add
  :: (nat,nat)ann_lits  nat literal  nat × bool option list  out_learned  out_learned where
  outlearned_add = (λM L zs outl.
    (if get_level M L < count_decided M  ¬is_in_lookup_conflict zs L then outl @ [L]
           else outl))

definition clvls_add
  :: (nat,nat)ann_lits  nat literal  nat × bool option list  nat  nat where
  clvls_add = (λM L zs clvls.
    (if get_level M L = count_decided M  ¬is_in_lookup_conflict zs L then clvls + 1
           else clvls))

definition lookup_conflict_merge
  :: nat  (nat,nat)ann_lits  nat clause_l  conflict_option_rel  nat 
        out_learned  (conflict_option_rel × nat × out_learned) nres
  lookup_conflict_merge init' M D  = (λ(b, xs) clvls outl. do {
     (_, clvls, zs, outl)  WHILETλ(i::nat, clvls :: nat, zs, outl).
         length (snd zs) = length (snd xs) 
             Suc i  unat32_max  Suc (fst zs)  unat32_max  Suc clvls  unat32_max(λ(i :: nat, clvls, zs, outl). i < length_uint32_nat D)
       (λ(i :: nat, clvls, zs, outl). do {
           ASSERT(i < length_uint32_nat D);
           ASSERT(Suc i  unat32_max);
           ASSERT(¬is_in_lookup_conflict zs (D!i)  length outl < unat32_max);
           let outl = outlearned_add M (D!i) zs outl;
           let clvls = clvls_add M (D!i) zs clvls;
           let zs = add_to_lookup_conflict (D!i) zs;
           RETURN(Suc i, clvls, zs, outl)
       (init', clvls, xs, outl);
     RETURN ((False, zs), clvls, outl)

definition lookup_conflict_merge'_step
  :: nat multiset  nat  (nat, nat) ann_lits  nat  nat  lookup_clause_rel  nat clause_l 
  nat clause  out_learned  bool
  lookup_conflict_merge'_step 𝒜 init' M i clvls zs D C outl = (
  let D' = mset (take (i - init') (drop init' D));
    E = remdups_mset (D' + C) in
    ((False, zs), Some E)  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 
    out_learned M (Some E) outl 
    literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 E  clvls = card_max_lvl M E)
definition resolve_lookup_conflict_aa
  :: (nat,nat)ann_lits  nat clauses_l  nat  conflict_option_rel  nat 
     out_learned  (conflict_option_rel × nat × out_learned) nres
  resolve_lookup_conflict_aa M N i xs clvls outl =
     lookup_conflict_merge 1 M (N  i) xs clvls outl

definition set_lookup_conflict_aa
  :: (nat,nat)ann_lits  nat clauses_l  nat  conflict_option_rel  nat 
  out_learned (conflict_option_rel × nat × out_learned) nres
  set_lookup_conflict_aa M C i xs clvls outl =
     lookup_conflict_merge 0 M (Ci) xs clvls outl

definition isa_outlearned_add
  :: trail_pol  nat literal  nat × bool option list  out_learned  out_learned where
  isa_outlearned_add = (λM L zs outl.
    (if get_level_pol M L < count_decided_pol M  ¬is_in_lookup_conflict zs L then outl @ [L]
           else outl))

lemma isa_outlearned_add_outlearned_add:
    (M', M)  trail_pol 𝒜  L ∈# all 𝒜 
      isa_outlearned_add M' L zs outl = outlearned_add M L zs outl
  by (auto simp: isa_outlearned_add_def outlearned_add_def get_level_get_level_pol
    count_decided_trail_ref[THEN fref_to_Down_unRET_Id])

definition isa_clvls_add
  :: trail_pol  nat literal  nat × bool option list  nat  nat where
  isa_clvls_add = (λM L zs clvls.
    (if get_level_pol M L = count_decided_pol M  ¬is_in_lookup_conflict zs L then clvls + 1
           else clvls))

lemma isa_clvls_add_clvls_add:
    (M', M)  trail_pol 𝒜  L ∈# all 𝒜 
      isa_clvls_add M' L zs outl = clvls_add M L zs outl
  by (auto simp: isa_clvls_add_def clvls_add_def get_level_get_level_pol
    count_decided_trail_ref[THEN fref_to_Down_unRET_Id])

definition isa_lookup_conflict_merge
  :: nat  trail_pol  arena  nat  conflict_option_rel  nat 
        out_learned  (conflict_option_rel × nat × out_learned) nres
  isa_lookup_conflict_merge init' M N i  = (λ(b, xs) clvls outl. do {
     ASSERT( arena_is_valid_clause_idx N i);
     (_, clvls, zs, outl)  WHILETλ(i::nat, clvls :: nat, zs, outl).
         length (snd zs) = length (snd xs) 
             Suc (fst zs)  unat32_max  Suc clvls  unat32_max(λ(j :: nat, clvls, zs, outl). j < i + arena_length N i)
       (λ(j :: nat, clvls, zs, outl). do {
           ASSERT(j < length N);
           ASSERT(arena_lit_pre N j);
           ASSERT(get_level_pol_pre (M, arena_lit N j));
	   ASSERT(get_level_pol M (arena_lit N j)  Suc (unat32_max div 2));
           ASSERT(atm_of (arena_lit N j) < length (snd zs));
           ASSERT(¬is_in_lookup_conflict zs (arena_lit N j)  length outl < unat32_max);
           let outl = isa_outlearned_add M (arena_lit N j) zs outl;
           let clvls = isa_clvls_add M (arena_lit N j) zs clvls;
           let zs = add_to_lookup_conflict (arena_lit N j) zs;
           RETURN(Suc j, clvls, zs, outl)
       (i+init', clvls, xs, outl);
     RETURN ((False, zs), clvls, outl)

lemma isa_lookup_conflict_merge_lookup_conflict_merge_ext:
  assumes valid: valid_arena arena N vdom and i: i ∈# dom_m N and
    lits: literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 (mset `# ran_mf N) and
    bxs: ((b, xs), C)  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 and
    M'M: (M', M)  trail_pol 𝒜 and
    bound: isasat_input_bounded 𝒜
    isa_lookup_conflict_merge init' M' arena i (b, xs) clvls outl   Id
      (lookup_conflict_merge init' M (N  i) (b, xs) clvls outl)
proof -
  have [refine0]: ((i + init', clvls, xs, outl), init', clvls, xs, outl) 
     {(k, l). k = l + i} ×r nat_rel ×r Id ×r Id
    by auto
  have no_dup M
    using assms by (auto simp: trail_pol_def)
  have literals_are_in_ℒin_trail 𝒜 M
    using M'M by (auto simp: trail_pol_def literals_are_in_ℒin_trail_def)
  from literals_are_in_ℒin_trail_get_level_unat32_max[OF bound this no_dup M]
  have lev_le: get_level M L  Suc (unat32_max div 2) for L .

  show ?thesis
    unfolding isa_lookup_conflict_merge_def lookup_conflict_merge_def
    apply refine_vcg
    subgoal using assms unfolding arena_is_valid_clause_idx_def by fast
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal using valid i by (auto simp: arena_lifting)
    subgoal using valid i by (auto simp: arena_lifting ac_simps)
    subgoal using valid i
      by (auto simp: arena_lifting arena_lit_pre_def arena_is_valid_clause_idx_and_access_def
        intro!: exI[of _ i])
    subgoal for x x' x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b x2b x1c x2c x1d x2d x1e x2e
      using i literals_are_in_ℒin_mm_in_ℒall[of 𝒜 N i x1] lits valid M'M
      by (auto simp: arena_lifting ac_simps image_image intro!: get_level_pol_pre)
    subgoal for x x' x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b x2b x1c x2c x1d x2d x1e x2e
      using valid i literals_are_in_ℒin_mm_in_ℒall[of 𝒜 N i x1] lits
      by (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_rel_def
        in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff arena_lifting ac_simps get_level_get_level_pol[OF M'M, symmetric]
        isa_outlearned_add_outlearned_add[OF M'M] isa_clvls_add_clvls_add[OF M'M] lev_le)
    subgoal for x x' x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b x2b x1c x2c x1d x2d x1e x2e
      using i literals_are_in_ℒin_mm_in_ℒall[of 𝒜 N i x1] lits valid M'M
      using bxs by (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_rel_def
      in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff arena_lifting ac_simps)
    subgoal for x x' x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b x2b x1c x2c x1d x2d x1e x2e
      using valid i literals_are_in_ℒin_mm_in_ℒall[of 𝒜 N i x1] lits
      by (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_rel_def
        in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff arena_lifting ac_simps get_level_get_level_pol[OF M'M]
        isa_outlearned_add_outlearned_add[OF M'M] isa_clvls_add_clvls_add[OF M'M])
    subgoal for x x' x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b x2b x1c x2c x1d x2d x1e x2e
      using valid i literals_are_in_ℒin_mm_in_ℒall[of 𝒜 N i x1] lits
      by (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_rel_def
        in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff arena_lifting ac_simps get_level_get_level_pol[OF M'M]
        isa_outlearned_add_outlearned_add[OF M'M] isa_clvls_add_clvls_add[OF M'M])
    subgoal using bxs by (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_rel_def
      in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff get_level_get_level_pol[OF M'M])

lemma (in -) arena_is_valid_clause_idx_le_unat64_max:
  arena_is_valid_clause_idx be bd 
    length be  unat64_max 
   bd + arena_length be bd  unat64_max
  arena_is_valid_clause_idx be bd  length be  unat64_max 
   bd  unat64_max
  using arena_lifting(10)[of be _ _ bd]
  by (fastforce simp: arena_lifting arena_is_valid_clause_idx_def)+

definition isa_set_lookup_conflict_aa where
  isa_set_lookup_conflict_aa = isa_lookup_conflict_merge 0

definition isa_set_lookup_conflict_aa_pre where
  isa_set_lookup_conflict_aa_pre =
    (λ(((((M, N), i), (_, xs)), _), out). i < length N)

lemma lookup_conflict_merge'_spec:
    o: ((b, n, xs), Some C)  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 and
    dist: distinct D and
    lits: literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset D) and
    tauto: ¬tautology (mset D) and
    lits_C: literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 C and
    clvls = card_max_lvl M C and
    CD: L. L  set (drop init' D)  -L ∉# C and
    Suc init'  unat32_max and
    out_learned M (Some C) outl and
    bounded: isasat_input_bounded 𝒜
    lookup_conflict_merge init' M D (b, n, xs) clvls outl 
      (option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×r Id ×r Id)
          (merge_conflict_m_g init' M D (Some C))
     (is _    ?Ref ?Spec)
proof -
  let ?D = drop init' D
  have le_D_le_upper[simp]: a < length D  Suc (Suc a)  unat32_max for a
    using simple_clss_size_upper_div2[of 𝒜 mset D] assms by (auto simp: unat32_max_def)
  have Suc_N_unat32_max: Suc n  unat32_max and
     size_C_unat32_max: size C  1 + unat32_max div 2 and
     clvls: clvls = card_max_lvl M C and
     tauto_C: ¬ tautology C and
     dist_C: distinct_mset C and
     atms_le_xs: Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length xs and
     map: mset_as_position xs C
    using assms simple_clss_size_upper_div2[of 𝒜 C] mset_as_position_distinct_mset[of xs C]
      lookup_clause_rel_not_tautolgy[of n xs C] bounded
    unfolding option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_rel_def
    by (auto simp: unat32_max_def)
  then have clvls_unat32_max: clvls  1 + unat32_max div 2
    using size_filter_mset_lesseq[of λL. get_level M L = count_decided M C]
    unfolding unat32_max_def card_max_lvl_def by linarith
  have [intro]: ((b, a, ba), Some C)  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜  literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 C 
        Suc (Suc a)  unat32_max for b a ba C
    using lookup_clause_rel_size[of a ba C, OF _ bounded] by (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def
        lookup_clause_rel_def unat32_max_def)
  have [simp]: remdups_mset C = C
    using o mset_as_position_distinct_mset[of xs C] by (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def
        lookup_clause_rel_def distinct_mset_remdups_mset_id)
  have ¬tautology C
    using mset_as_position_tautology o by (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def
  have distinct_mset C
    using mset_as_position_distinct_mset[of _ C] o
    unfolding option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_rel_def by auto
  let ?C' = λa. (mset (take (a - init') (drop init' D)) + C)
  have tauto_C': ¬ tautology (?C' a) if a  init' for a
    using that tauto tauto_C dist dist_C CD unfolding tautology_decomp'
    by (force dest: in_set_takeD in_diffD dest: in_set_dropD
        simp: distinct_mset_in_diff in_image_uminus_uminus)

  define I where
     I xs = (λ(i, clvls, zs :: lookup_clause_rel, outl :: out_learned).
                     length (snd zs) =
                     length (snd xs) 
                     Suc i  unat32_max 
                     Suc (fst zs)  unat32_max 
                     Suc clvls  unat32_max)
   for xs :: lookup_clause_rel
  define I' where I' = (λ(i, clvls, zs, outl).
      lookup_conflict_merge'_step 𝒜 init' M i clvls zs D C outl  i  init')

  have dist_D: distinct_mset (mset D)
    using dist by auto
  have dist_CD: distinct_mset (C - mset D - uminus `# mset D)
    using distinct_mset C by auto
  have [simp]: remdups_mset (mset (drop init' D) + C) = mset (drop init' D) ∪# C
    apply (rule distinct_mset_rempdups_union_mset[symmetric])
    using dist_C dist by auto
  have literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset (take (a - init') (drop init' D)) ∪# C) for a
   using lits_C lits by (auto simp: literals_are_in_ℒin_def all_lits_of_m_def
     dest!: in_set_takeD in_set_dropD)
  then have size_outl_le: size (mset (take (a - init') (drop init' D)) ∪# C)  Suc unat32_max div 2 if a  init' for a
    using simple_clss_size_upper_div2[OF bounded, of mset (take (a - init') (drop init' D)) ∪# C]
       tauto_C'[OF that] distinct_mset C dist_D
    by (auto simp: unat32_max_def)

    if_True_I: I x2 (Suc a, clvls_add M (D ! a) baa aa,
           add_to_lookup_conflict (D ! a) baa,
           outlearned_add M (D ! a) baa outl) (is ?I) and
    if_true_I': I' (Suc a, clvls_add M (D ! a) baa aa,
           add_to_lookup_conflict (D ! a) baa,
           outlearned_add M (D ! a) baa outl) (is ?I')
      I: I x2 s and
      I': I' s and
      cond: case s of (i, clvls, zs, outl)  i < length D and
      s: s = (a, ba) ba = (aa, baa2) baa2 = (baa, outl) (b, n, xs) = (x1, x2) and
      a_le_D: a < length D and
      a_unat32_max: Suc a  unat32_max
    for x1 x2 s a ba aa baa baa2 lbd' lbdL' outl x
  proof -
    have [simp]:
      s = (a, aa, baa, outl)
      ba = (aa, baa, outl)
      x2 = (n, xs)
      using s by auto
    obtain ab b where baa[simp]: baa = (ab, b) by (cases baa)

    have aa: aa = card_max_lvl M (remdups_mset (?C' a)) and
      ocr: ((False, ab, b), Some (remdups_mset (?C' a)))  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 and
      lits: literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (remdups_mset (?C' a)) and
      outl: out_learned M (Some (remdups_mset (?C' a))) outl
      using I'
      unfolding I'_def lookup_conflict_merge'_step_def Let_def
      by auto
      ab: ab = size (remdups_mset (?C' a)) and
      map: mset_as_position b (remdups_mset (?C' a)) and
      Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length b and
      cr: ((ab, b), remdups_mset (?C' a))  lookup_clause_rel 𝒜
      using ocr unfolding option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_rel_def
      by auto
    have a_init: a  init'
      using I' unfolding I'_def by auto
    have size (card_max_lvl M (remdups_mset (?C' a)))  size (remdups_mset (?C' a))
      unfolding card_max_lvl_def
      by auto
    then have [simp]: Suc (Suc aa)  unat32_max Suc aa  unat32_max
      using size_C_unat32_max lits a_init
      simple_clss_size_upper_div2[of 𝒜 remdups_mset (?C' a), OF bounded]
      unfolding unat32_max_def aa[symmetric]
      by (auto simp: tauto_C')
    have [simp]: length b = length xs
      using I unfolding I_def by simp_all

    have ab_upper: Suc (Suc ab)  unat32_max
      using simple_clss_size_upper_div2[OF bounded, of remdups_mset (?C' a)]
      lookup_clause_rel_not_tautolgy[OF cr] a_le_D lits mset_as_position_distinct_mset[OF map]
      unfolding ab literals_are_in_ℒin_remdups unat32_max_def by auto
    show ?I
      using le_D_le_upper a_le_D ab_upper a_init
      unfolding I_def add_to_lookup_conflict_def baa clvls_add_def by auto

    have take_Suc_a[simp]: take (Suc a - init') ?D = take (a - init') ?D @ [D ! a]
      by (smt Suc_diff_le a_init a_le_D append_take_drop_id diff_less_mono drop_take_drop_drop
          length_drop same_append_eq take_Suc_conv_app_nth take_hd_drop)
    have [simp]: D ! a  set (take (a - init') ?D)
      using dist tauto a_le_D apply (subst (asm) append_take_drop_id[symmetric, of _ Suc a - init'],
          subst append_take_drop_id[symmetric, of _ Suc a - init'])
      apply (subst (asm) distinct_append, subst nth_append)
      by (auto simp: in_set_distinct_take_drop_iff)
    have [simp]: - D ! a  set (take (a - init') ?D)
      assume - D ! a  set (take (a - init') (drop init' D))
      then have (if is_pos (D ! a) then Neg else Pos) (atm_of (D ! a))  set D
        by (metis (no_types) in_set_dropD in_set_takeD uminus_literal_def)
      then show False
        using a_le_D tauto by force

    have D_a_notin: D ! a ∉# (mset (take (a - init') ?D) + uminus `# mset (take (a - init') ?D))
      by (auto simp: uminus_lit_swap[symmetric])
    have uD_a_notin: -D ! a ∉# (mset (take (a - init') ?D) + uminus `# mset (take (a - init') ?D))
      by (auto simp: uminus_lit_swap[symmetric])

    show ?I'
    proof (cases (get_level M (D ! a) = count_decided M  ¬ is_in_lookup_conflict baa (D ! a)))
      case if_cond: True
      have [simp]: D ! a ∉# C -D ! a ∉# C b ! atm_of (D ! a) = None
        using if_cond mset_as_position_nth[OF map, of D ! a]
          if_cond mset_as_position_nth[OF map, of -D ! a] D_a_notin uD_a_notin
        by (auto simp: is_in_lookup_conflict_def split: option.splits bool.splits
            dest: in_diffD)
      have [simp]: atm_of (D ! a) < length xs D ! a ∈# all 𝒜
        using literals_are_in_ℒin_in_ℒall[OF literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset D) a_le_D] atms_le_xs
        by (auto simp: in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff)

      have ocr: ((False, add_to_lookup_conflict (D ! a) (ab, b)), Some (remdups_mset (?C' (Suc a))))
         option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜
        using ocr D_a_notin uD_a_notin
        unfolding option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_rel_def add_to_lookup_conflict_def
        by (auto dest: in_diffD simp: minus_notin_trivial
            intro!: mset_as_position.intros)
      have out_learned M (Some (remdups_mset (?C' (Suc a)))) (outlearned_add M (D ! a) (ab, b) outl)
        using D_a_notin uD_a_notin ocr lits if_cond a_init outl
        unfolding outlearned_add_def out_learned_def
        by auto
      then show ?I'
        using D_a_notin uD_a_notin ocr lits if_cond a_init
        unfolding I'_def lookup_conflict_merge'_step_def Let_def clvls_add_def
        by (auto simp: minus_notin_trivial literals_are_in_ℒin_add_mset
            card_max_lvl_add_mset aa)
      case if_cond: False
      have atm_D_a_le_xs: atm_of (D ! a) < length xs D ! a ∈# all 𝒜
        using literals_are_in_ℒin_in_ℒall[OF literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset D) a_le_D] atms_le_xs
        by (auto simp: in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff)
      have [simp]: D ! a ∉# C - add_mset (- D ! a)
             (add_mset (D ! a)
               (mset (take a D) + uminus `# mset (take a D)))
        using dist_C in_diffD[of D ! a C add_mset (- D ! a)
               (mset (take a D) + uminus `# mset (take a D)),
            THEN multi_member_split]
        by (meson distinct_mem_diff_mset member_add_mset)
      have a_init: a  init'
        using I' unfolding I'_def by auto
      have take_Suc_a[simp]: take (Suc a - init') ?D = take (a - init') ?D @ [D ! a]
        by (smt Suc_diff_le a_init a_le_D append_take_drop_id diff_less_mono drop_take_drop_drop
            length_drop same_append_eq take_Suc_conv_app_nth take_hd_drop)
      have [iff]: D ! a  set (take (a - init') ?D)
        using dist tauto a_le_D
        apply (subst (asm) append_take_drop_id[symmetric, of _ Suc a - init'],
            subst append_take_drop_id[symmetric, of _ Suc a - init'])
        apply (subst (asm) distinct_append, subst nth_append)
        by (auto simp: in_set_distinct_take_drop_iff)
      have [simp]: - D ! a  set (take (a - init') ?D)
        assume - D ! a  set (take (a - init') (drop init' D))
        then have (if is_pos (D ! a) then Neg else Pos) (atm_of (D ! a))  set D
          by (metis (no_types) in_set_dropD in_set_takeD uminus_literal_def)
        then show False
          using a_le_D tauto by force
      have D ! a  set (drop init' D)
        using a_init a_le_D by (meson in_set_drop_conv_nth)
      from CD[OF this] have [simp]: -D ! a ∉# C .
        (None) b ! atm_of (D ! a) = None |
        (Some_in) i where b ! atm_of (D ! a) = Some i and
        (if i then Pos (atm_of (D ! a)) else Neg (atm_of (D ! a))) ∈# C
        using if_cond mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[OF map, of D ! a]
          if_cond mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[OF map, of -D ! a] atm_D_a_le_xs(1)
        by  (cases b ! atm_of (D ! a)) (auto simp: is_pos_neg_not_is_pos)
      then have ocr: ((False, add_to_lookup_conflict (D ! a) (ab, b)),
       Some (remdups_mset (?C' (Suc a))))  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜
      proof cases
        case [simp]: None
        have [simp]: D ! a ∉# C
          using if_cond mset_as_position_nth[OF map, of D ! a]
            if_cond mset_as_position_nth[OF map, of -D ! a]
          by (auto simp: is_in_lookup_conflict_def split: option.splits bool.splits
              dest: in_diffD)
        have [simp]: atm_of (D ! a) < length xs D ! a ∈# all 𝒜
          using literals_are_in_ℒin_in_ℒall[OF literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset D) a_le_D] atms_le_xs
          by (auto simp: in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff)

        show ocr: ((False, add_to_lookup_conflict (D ! a) (ab, b)),
          Some (remdups_mset (?C' (Suc a))))  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜
          using ocr
          unfolding option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_rel_def add_to_lookup_conflict_def
          by (auto dest: in_diffD simp: minus_notin_trivial
              intro!: mset_as_position.intros)
        case Some_in
        then have remdups_mset (?C' a) = remdups_mset (?C' (Suc a))
          using if_cond mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[OF map, of D ! a] a_init
            if_cond mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[OF map, of -D ! a] atm_D_a_le_xs(1)
          by (auto simp: is_neg_neg_not_is_neg)
        have 1: Some i = Some (is_pos (D ! a))
          using if_cond mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[OF map, of D ! a] a_init Some_in
            if_cond mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[OF map, of -D ! a] atm_D_a_le_xs(1)
            D ! a  set (take (a - init') ?D) -D ! a ∉# C
            - D ! a  set (take (a - init') ?D)
          by (cases D ! a) (auto simp: is_neg_neg_not_is_neg)
        moreover have b[atm_of (D ! a) := Some i] = b
          unfolding 1[symmetric] Some_in(1)[symmetric] by simp
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using dist_C atms_le_xs Some_in(1) map
          unfolding option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_rel_def add_to_lookup_conflict_def ab
          by (auto simp: distinct_mset_in_diff minus_notin_trivial
              intro: mset_as_position.intros
              simp del: remdups_mset_singleton_sum)
      have notin_lo_in_C: ¬is_in_lookup_conflict (ab, b) (D ! a)  D ! a ∉# C
        using mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[OF map, of Pos (atm_of (D!a))]
          mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[OF map, of Neg (atm_of (D!a))] atm_D_a_le_xs(1)
          - D ! a  set (take (a - init') (drop init' D))
          D ! a  set (take (a - init') (drop init' D))
          -D ! a ∉# C a_init
        by (cases b ! (atm_of (D ! a)); cases D ! a)
          (auto simp: is_in_lookup_conflict_def dist_C distinct_mset_in_diff
            split: option.splits bool.splits
            dest: in_diffD)
      have in_lo_in_C: is_in_lookup_conflict (ab, b) (D ! a)  D ! a ∈# C
        using mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[OF map, of Pos (atm_of (D!a))]
          mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[OF map, of Neg (atm_of (D!a))] atm_D_a_le_xs(1)
          - D ! a  set (take (a - init') (drop init' D))
          D ! a  set (take (a - init') (drop init' D))
          -D ! a ∉# C a_init
        by (cases b ! (atm_of (D ! a)); cases D ! a)
          (auto simp: is_in_lookup_conflict_def dist_C distinct_mset_in_diff
            split: option.splits bool.splits
            dest: in_diffD)
      moreover have out_learned M (Some (remdups_mset (?C' (Suc a))))
         (outlearned_add M (D ! a) (ab, b) outl)
        using D_a_notin uD_a_notin ocr lits if_cond a_init outl in_lo_in_C notin_lo_in_C
        unfolding outlearned_add_def out_learned_def
        by auto
      ultimately show ?I'
        using ocr lits if_cond atm_D_a_le_xs a_init
        unfolding I'_def lookup_conflict_merge'_step_def Let_def clvls_add_def
        by (auto simp: minus_notin_trivial literals_are_in_ℒin_add_mset
            card_max_lvl_add_mset aa)
  have uL_C_if_L_C: -L ∉# C if L ∈# C for L
    using tauto_C that unfolding tautology_decomp' by blast

  have outl_le: length bc < unat32_max
      I x2 s and
      I' s and
      s = (a, ba) and
      ba = (aa, baa) and
      baa = (ab, bc) for x1 x2 s a ba aa baa ab bb ac bc
  proof -
    have mset (tl bc) ⊆# (remdups_mset (mset (take (a - init') (drop init' D)) + C)) and init'  a
      using that by (auto simp: I_def I'_def lookup_conflict_merge'_step_def Let_def out_learned_def)
    from size_mset_mono[OF this(1)] this(2) show ?thesis using size_outl_le[of a] dist_C dist_D
      by (auto simp: unat32_max_def distinct_mset_rempdups_union_mset)
  show confl: lookup_conflict_merge init' M D (b, n, xs) clvls outl
      ?Ref (merge_conflict_m_g init' M D (Some C))
    supply [[goals_limit=1]]
    unfolding resolve_lookup_conflict_aa_def lookup_conflict_merge_def
    distinct_mset_rempdups_union_mset[OF dist_D dist_CD] I_def[symmetric] conc_fun_SPEC
    Let_def length_uint32_nat_def merge_conflict_m_g_def
    apply (refine_vcg WHILEIT_rule_stronger_inv[where R = measure (λ(j, _). length D - j) and
          I' = I'])
    subgoal by auto
      using clvls_unat32_max Suc_N_unat32_max Suc init'  unat32_max
      unfolding unat32_max_def I_def by auto
    subgoal using assms
      unfolding lookup_conflict_merge'_step_def Let_def option_lookup_clause_rel_def I'_def
      by (auto simp add: unat32_max_def lookup_conflict_merge'_step_def option_lookup_clause_rel_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal unfolding I_def by fast
    subgoal for x1 x2 s a ba aa baa ab bb by (rule outl_le)
    subgoal by (rule if_True_I)
    subgoal by (rule if_true_I')
    subgoal for b' n' s j zs
      using dist lits tauto
      by (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def take_Suc_conv_app_nth
    subgoal using assms by (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_conflict_merge'_step_def
          Let_def I_def I'_def)

lemma literals_are_in_ℒin_mm_literals_are_in_ℒin:
  assumes lits: literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 (mset `# ran_mf N) and
    i: i ∈# dom_m N
  shows literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset (N  i))
  unfolding literals_are_in_ℒin_def
proof (standard)
  fix L
  assume L ∈# all_lits_of_m (mset (N  i))
  then have atm_of L  atms_of_mm (mset `# ran_mf N)
    using i unfolding ran_m_def in_all_lits_of_m_ain_atms_of_iff
    by (auto dest!: multi_member_split)
  then show L ∈# all 𝒜
    using lits atm_of_notin_atms_of_iff in_all_lits_of_mm_ain_atms_of_iff
    unfolding literals_are_in_ℒin_mm_def in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff
    by blast

lemma isa_set_lookup_conflict:
  (uncurry5 isa_set_lookup_conflict_aa, uncurry5 set_conflict_m) 
    [λ(((((M, N), i), xs), clvls), outl). i ∈# dom_m N  xs = None  distinct (N  i) 
       literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 (mset `# ran_mf N) 
       ¬tautology (mset (N  i))  clvls = 0 
       out_learned M None outl 
       isasat_input_bounded 𝒜]f
    trail_pol 𝒜 ×f {(arena, N). valid_arena arena N vdom} ×f nat_rel ×f
    option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×f nat_rel  ×f Id  
      option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×r nat_rel ×r Idnres_rel
proof -
  have H: set_lookup_conflict_aa M N i (b, n, xs) clvls outl
      (option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×r Id)
       (set_conflict_m M N i None clvls outl)
      i: i ∈# dom_m N and
      ocr: ((b, n, xs), None)  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 and
     dist: distinct (N  i) and
     lits: literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 (mset `# ran_mf N) and
     tauto: ¬tautology (mset (N  i)) and
     clvls = 0 and
     out: out_learned M None outl and
     bounded: isasat_input_bounded 𝒜
    for b n xs N i M clvls lbd outl
  proof -
    have lookup_conflict_merge_normalise:
        lookup_conflict_merge 0 M C (b, zs) = lookup_conflict_merge 0 M C (False, zs)
      for M C zs
      unfolding lookup_conflict_merge_def by auto
    have [simp]: out_learned M (Some {#}) outl
      using out by (cases outl) (auto simp: out_learned_def)
    have T: ((False, n, xs), Some {#})  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜
      using ocr unfolding option_lookup_clause_rel_def by auto
    have literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset (N  i))
      using literals_are_in_ℒin_mm_literals_are_in_ℒin[OF lits i] .
    then show ?thesis unfolding set_lookup_conflict_aa_def set_conflict_m_def
      using lookup_conflict_merge'_spec[of False n xs {#} 𝒜 Ni 0 _ 0 outl] that dist T
      by (auto simp: lookup_conflict_merge_normalise unat32_max_def merge_conflict_m_g_def)

  have H: isa_set_lookup_conflict_aa M' arena i (b, n, xs) clvls outl
      (option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×r Id)
       (set_conflict_m M N i None clvls outl)
      i: i ∈# dom_m N and
     ocr: ((b, n, xs), None)  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 and
     dist: distinct (N  i) and
     lits: literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 (mset `# ran_mf N) and
     tauto: ¬tautology (mset (N  i)) and
     clvls = 0 and
     out: out_learned M None outl and
     valid: valid_arena arena N vdom and
     M'M: (M', M)  trail_pol 𝒜 and
     bounded: isasat_input_bounded 𝒜
    for b n xs N i M clvls lbd outl arena vdom M'
    unfolding isa_set_lookup_conflict_aa_def
    apply (rule order.trans)
    apply (rule isa_lookup_conflict_merge_lookup_conflict_merge_ext[OF valid i lits ocr M'M bounded])
    unfolding lookup_conflict_merge_def[symmetric] set_lookup_conflict_aa_def[symmetric]
    by (auto intro: H[OF that(1-7,10)])
  show ?thesis
    unfolding lookup_conflict_merge_def uncurry_def
    by (intro nres_relI frefI) (auto intro!: H)

definition merge_conflict_m_pre where
  merge_conflict_m_pre 𝒜 =
  (λ(((((M, N), i), xs), clvls), out). i ∈# dom_m N  xs  None  distinct (N  i) 
       ¬tautology (mset (N  i)) 
       (L  set (tl (N  i)). - L ∉# the xs) 
       literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (the xs)  clvls = card_max_lvl M (the xs) 
       out_learned M xs out  no_dup M 
       literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 (mset `# ran_mf N) 
       isasat_input_bounded 𝒜)

definition isa_resolve_merge_conflict_gt2 where
  isa_resolve_merge_conflict_gt2 = isa_lookup_conflict_merge 1

lemma isa_resolve_merge_conflict_gt2:
  (uncurry5 isa_resolve_merge_conflict_gt2, uncurry5 merge_conflict_m) 
    [merge_conflict_m_pre 𝒜]f
    trail_pol 𝒜 ×f {(arena, N). valid_arena arena N vdom} ×f nat_rel ×f option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜
        ×f nat_rel ×f Id 
      option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×r nat_rel ×r Idnres_rel
proof -
  have H1: resolve_lookup_conflict_aa M N i (b, n, xs) clvls outl
      (option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×r Id)
       (merge_conflict_m M N i C clvls outl)
      i: i ∈# dom_m N and
      ocr: ((b, n, xs), C)  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 and
     dist: distinct (N  i) and
     lits: literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 (mset `# ran_mf N) and
     lits': literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (the C) and
     tauto: ¬tautology (mset (N  i)) and
     out: out_learned M C outl and
     not_neg: L. L  set (tl (N  i))  - L ∉# the C and
     clvls = card_max_lvl M (the C) and
     C_None: C  None and
    bounded: isasat_input_bounded 𝒜
    for b n xs N i M clvls outl C
  proof -
    have lookup_conflict_merge_normalise:
        lookup_conflict_merge 1 M C (b, zs) = lookup_conflict_merge 1 M C (False, zs)
      for M C zs
      unfolding lookup_conflict_merge_def by auto
    have literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset (N  i))
      using literals_are_in_ℒin_mm_literals_are_in_ℒin[OF lits i] .
    then show ?thesis unfolding resolve_lookup_conflict_aa_def merge_conflict_m_def
      using lookup_conflict_merge'_spec[of b n xs the C 𝒜 Ni clvls M 1 outl] that dist
         not_neg ocr C_None lits'
      by (auto simp: lookup_conflict_merge_normalise unat32_max_def merge_conflict_m_g_def

  have H2: isa_resolve_merge_conflict_gt2 M' arena i (b, n, xs) clvls outl
      (Id ×r Id)
       (resolve_lookup_conflict_aa M N i (b, n, xs) clvls outl)
      i: i ∈# dom_m N and
      ocr: ((b, n, xs), C)  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 and
      dist: distinct (N  i) and
      lits: literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 (mset `# ran_mf N) and
      lits': literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (the C) and
      tauto: ¬tautology (mset (N  i)) and
      out: out_learned M C outl and
      not_neg: L. L  set (tl (N  i))  - L ∉# the C and
      clvls = card_max_lvl M (the C) and
      C_None: C  None and
      valid: valid_arena arena N vdom and

       i: i ∈# dom_m N and
      dist: distinct (N  i) and
      lits: literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 (mset `# ran_mf N) and
      tauto: ¬tautology (mset (N  i)) and
      clvls = card_max_lvl M (the C) and
      out: out_learned M C outl and
      bounded: isasat_input_bounded 𝒜 and
      M'M: (M', M)  trail_pol 𝒜
    for b n xs N i M clvls lbd outl arena vdom C M'
    unfolding isa_resolve_merge_conflict_gt2_def
    apply (rule order.trans)
    apply (rule isa_lookup_conflict_merge_lookup_conflict_merge_ext[OF valid i lits ocr M'M])
    unfolding resolve_lookup_conflict_aa_def[symmetric] set_lookup_conflict_aa_def[symmetric]
    using bounded by (auto intro: H1[OF that(1-6)])
  show ?thesis
    unfolding lookup_conflict_merge_def uncurry_def
    apply (intro nres_relI frefI)
    apply clarify
      unfolding merge_conflict_m_pre_def
      apply (rule order_trans)
      apply (rule H2; auto; auto; fail)
      by (auto intro!: H1 simp: merge_conflict_m_pre_def)

text During the conflict analysis, the literal of highest level is at the beginning. During the
rest of the time the conflict is termNone.

definition highest_lit where
  highest_lit M C L 
     (L = None  C = {#}) 
     (L  None  get_level M (fst (the L)) = snd (the L) 
        snd (the L) = get_maximum_level M C 
        fst (the L) ∈# C

paragraph Conflict Minimisation

definition iterate_over_conflict_inv where
  iterate_over_conflict_inv M D0' = (λ(D, D'). D ⊆# D0'  D' ⊆# D)

definition is_literal_redundant_spec where
   is_literal_redundant_spec K NU UNE D L = SPEC(λb. b 
      NU + UNE ⊨pm remove1_mset L (add_mset K D))

definition iterate_over_conflict
  :: 'v literal  ('v, 'mark) ann_lits  'v clauses  'v clauses   'v clause  
       'v clause nres
  iterate_over_conflict K M NU UNE D0' = do {
    (D, _) 
       WHILETiterate_over_conflict_inv M D0'(λ(D, D'). D'  {#})
       (λ(D, D'). do{
          x  SPEC (λx. x ∈# D');
          red  is_literal_redundant_spec K NU UNE D x;
          if ¬red
          then RETURN (D, remove1_mset x D')
          else RETURN (remove1_mset x D, remove1_mset x D')
       (D0', D0');

definition minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict_inv where
  minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict_inv = (λ(D, i, s, outl).
    length outl  unat32_max  mset (tl outl) = D  outl  []  i  1)

type_synonym 'v conflict_highest_conflict = ('v literal × nat) option

definition (in -) atm_in_conflict where
  atm_in_conflict L D  L  atms_of D

definition atm_in_conflict_lookup :: nat  lookup_clause_rel  bool where
  atm_in_conflict_lookup = (λL (_, xs). xs ! L  None)

definition atm_in_conflict_lookup_pre  :: nat  lookup_clause_rel  bool where
atm_in_conflict_lookup_pre L xs  L < length (snd xs)

lemma atm_in_conflict_lookup_atm_in_conflict:
  (uncurry (RETURN oo atm_in_conflict_lookup), uncurry (RETURN oo atm_in_conflict)) 
     [λ(L, xs). L  atms_of (all 𝒜)]f Id ×f lookup_clause_rel 𝒜  bool_relnres_rel
  apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
  subgoal for x y
    using mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[of snd (snd x) snd y Pos (fst x)]
      mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[of snd (snd x) snd y Neg (fst x)]
    by (cases x; cases y)
      (auto simp: atm_in_conflict_lookup_def atm_in_conflict_def
        lookup_clause_rel_def atm_iff_pos_or_neg_lit
        pos_lit_in_atms_of neg_lit_in_atms_of)

lemma atm_in_conflict_lookup_pre:
  fixes x1 :: nat and x2 :: nat
    x1n ∈# all 𝒜 and
    (x2f, x2a)  lookup_clause_rel 𝒜
  shows atm_in_conflict_lookup_pre (atm_of x1n) x2f
proof -
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    by (auto simp: lookup_clause_rel_def atm_in_conflict_lookup_pre_def atms_of_def)

definition is_literal_redundant_lookup_spec where
   is_literal_redundant_lookup_spec 𝒜 M NU NUE D' L s =
    SPEC(λ(s', b). b  (D. (D', D)  lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 
       (mset `# mset (tl NU)) + NUE ⊨pm remove1_mset L D))

type_synonym (in -) conflict_min_cach_l = minimize_status list × nat list

definition (in -) conflict_min_cach_set_removable_l
  :: conflict_min_cach_l  nat  conflict_min_cach_l nres
  conflict_min_cach_set_removable_l = (λ(cach, sup) L. do {
     ASSERT(L < length cach);
     ASSERT(length sup  1 + unat32_max div 2);
     RETURN (cach[L := SEEN_REMOVABLE], if cach ! L = SEEN_UNKNOWN then sup @ [L] else sup)

definition (in -) conflict_min_cach :: nat conflict_min_cach  nat  minimize_status where
  [simp]: conflict_min_cach cach L = cach L

definition lit_redundant_reason_stack2
  :: 'v literal  'v clauses_l  nat  (nat × nat × bool) where
lit_redundant_reason_stack2 L NU C' =
  (if length (NU  C') > 2 then (C', 1, False)
  else if NU  C' ! 0 = L then (C', 1, False)
  else (C', 0, True))

definition ana_lookup_rel
  :: nat clauses_l  ((nat × nat × bool) × (nat × nat × nat × nat)) set
ana_lookup_rel NU = {((C, i, b), (C', k', i', len')).
  C = C'  k' = (if b then 1 else 0)  i = i' 
  len' = (if b then 1 else length (NU  C))}

lemma ana_lookup_rel_alt_def:
  ((C, i, b), (C', k', i', len'))  ana_lookup_rel NU 
  C = C'  k' = (if b then 1 else 0)  i = i' 
  len' = (if b then 1 else length (NU  C))
  unfolding ana_lookup_rel_def
  by auto

abbreviation ana_lookups_rel where
  ana_lookups_rel NU  ana_lookup_rel NUlist_rel

definition ana_lookup_conv :: nat clauses_l  (nat × nat × bool)  (nat × nat × nat × nat) where
ana_lookup_conv NU = (λ(C, i, b). (C, (if b then 1 else 0), i, (if b then 1 else length (NU  C))))

definition get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl2
   :: 'v clause_l  (nat × nat × bool) list  'v literal × (nat × nat × bool) list where
  get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl2 C analyse =
    (let (i, j, b) = last analyse in
     (C ! j, analyse[length analyse - 1 := (i, j + 1, b)]))

definition lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2 where
  lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2 M NU D =
    (λ(cach, analyse, b). analyse'. (analyse, analyse')  ana_lookups_rel NU 
      lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv M NU D (cach, analyse', b))

definition mark_failed_lits_stack_inv2 where
  mark_failed_lits_stack_inv2 NU analyse = (λcach.
       analyse'. (analyse, analyse')  ana_lookups_rel NU 
      mark_failed_lits_stack_inv NU analyse' cach)

definition lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup
  :: nat multiset  (nat,nat)ann_lits  nat clauses_l  nat clause 
     _  _  _  (_ × _ × bool) nres
  lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup 𝒜 M NU D cach analysis lbd =
      WHILETlit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2 M NU D(λ(cach, analyse, b). analyse  [])
        (λ(cach, analyse, b). do {
            ASSERT(analyse  []);
            ASSERT(length analyse  length M);
	    let (C,k, i, len) = ana_lookup_conv NU (last analyse);
            ASSERT(C ∈# dom_m NU);
            ASSERT(length (NU  C) > k); ― ‹ >= 2 would work too
            ASSERT (NU  C ! k  lits_of_l M);
            ASSERT(NU  C ! k ∈# all 𝒜);
	    ASSERT(literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset (NU  C)));
	    ASSERT(length (NU  C)  Suc (unat32_max div 2));
	    ASSERT(len  length (NU  C)); ― ‹makes the refinement easier
            let C = NU  C;
            if i  len
               RETURN(cach (atm_of (C ! k) := SEEN_REMOVABLE), butlast analyse, True)
            else do {
               let (L, analyse) = get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl2 C analyse;
               ASSERT(L ∈# all 𝒜);
               let b = ¬level_in_lbd (get_level M L) lbd;
               if (get_level M L = 0 
                   conflict_min_cach cach (atm_of L) = SEEN_REMOVABLE 
                   atm_in_conflict (atm_of L) D)
               then RETURN (cach, analyse, False)
               else if b  conflict_min_cach cach (atm_of L) = SEEN_FAILED
               then do {
                  ASSERT(mark_failed_lits_stack_inv2 NU analyse cach);
                  cach  mark_failed_lits_wl NU analyse cach;
                  RETURN (cach, [], False)
               else do {
	          ASSERT(- L  lits_of_l M);
                  C  get_propagation_reason M (-L);
                  case C of
                    Some C  do {
		      ASSERT(C ∈# dom_m NU);
		      ASSERT(length (NU  C)  2);
		      ASSERT(literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset (NU  C)));
                      ASSERT(length (NU  C)  Suc (unat32_max div 2));
		      RETURN (cach, analyse @ [lit_redundant_reason_stack2 (-L) NU C], False)
                  | None  do {
                      ASSERT(mark_failed_lits_stack_inv2 NU analyse cach);
                      cach  mark_failed_lits_wl NU analyse cach;
                      RETURN (cach, [], False)
       (cach, analysis, False)

lemma lit_redundant_rec_wl_ref_butlast:
  lit_redundant_rec_wl_ref NU x  lit_redundant_rec_wl_ref NU (butlast x)
  by (cases x rule: rev_cases)
    (auto simp: lit_redundant_rec_wl_ref_def dest: in_set_butlastD)

lemma lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup_mark_failed_lits_stack_inv:
    (x, x')  Id and
    case x of (cach, analyse, b)  analyse  [] and
    lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv M NU D x' and
    ¬ snd (snd (snd (last x1a)))  fst (snd (snd (last x1a))) and
    get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl (NU  fst (last x1c)) x1c = (x1e, x2e) and
    x2 = (x1a, x2a) and
    x' = (x1, x2) and
    x2b = (x1c, x2c) and
    x = (x1b, x2b)
  shows mark_failed_lits_stack_inv NU x2e x1b
proof -
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding mark_failed_lits_stack_inv_def lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def
      lit_redundant_rec_wl_ref_def get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_def
    by (cases x1a rule: rev_cases)
       (auto simp: elim!: in_set_upd_cases)

  fixes M D 𝒜 NU analysis analysis'
    M_D: M ⊨as CNot D and
    n_d: no_dup M and
    lits: literals_are_in_ℒin_trail 𝒜 M and
    ana: (analysis, analysis')  ana_lookups_rel NU and
    lits_NU: literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 ((mset  fst) `# ran_m NU) and
    bounded: isasat_input_bounded 𝒜
lemma ccmin_rel:
  assumes lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv M NU D (cach, analysis', False)
  shows ((cach, analysis, False), cach, analysis', False)
           {((cach, ana, b), cach', ana', b').
          (ana, ana')  ana_lookups_rel NU 
          b = b'  cach = cach'  lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv M NU D (cach, ana', b)}
proof -
  show ?thesis using ana assms by auto

  fixes x :: (nat  minimize_status) × (nat × nat × bool) list × bool and
  x' :: (nat  minimize_status) × (nat × nat × nat × nat) list × bool
  assumes x_x': (x, x')  {((cach, ana, b), (cach', ana', b')).
     (ana, ana')  ana_lookups_rel NU  b = b'  cach = cach' 
     lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv M NU D (cach, ana', b)}

lemma ccmin_lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2:
  assumes lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv M NU D x'
  shows lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2 M NU D x
  using x_x' unfolding lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2_def
  by auto

    lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2 M NU D x and
    lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv M NU D x'

lemma ccmin_cond:
  fixes x1 :: nat  minimize_status and
    x2 :: (nat × nat × bool) list × bool and
    x1a :: (nat ×  nat × bool) list and
    x2a :: bool and x1b :: nat  minimize_status and
    x2b :: (nat × nat × nat × nat) list × bool and
    x1c :: (nat × nat × nat × nat) list and x2c :: bool
    x2 = (x1a, x2a)
    x = (x1, x2)
    x2b = (x1c, x2c)
    x' = (x1b, x2b)
  shows (x1a  []) = (x1c  [])
  using assms x_x'
  by auto


    case x of (cach, analyse, b)  analyse  [] and
    case x' of (cach, analyse, b)  analyse  [] and
    inv2: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2 M NU D x and
    lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv M NU D x'

  fixes x1 :: nat  minimize_status and
  x2 :: (nat × nat × nat × nat) list × bool and
  x1a :: (nat × nat × nat × nat) list and x2a :: bool and
  x1b :: nat  minimize_status and
  x2b :: (nat × nat × bool) list × bool and
  x1c :: (nat × nat × bool) list and
  x2c :: bool
  assumes st:
    x2 = (x1a, x2a)
    x' = (x1, x2)
    x2b = (x1c, x2c)
    x = (x1b, x2b) and
    x1a: x1a  []

private lemma st:
    x2 = (x1a, x2a)
    x' = (x1, x1a, x2a)
    x2b = (x1c, x2a)
    x = (x1, x1c, x2a)
    x1b = x1
    x2c = x2a and
  x1c: x1c  []
  using st x_x' x1a by auto

lemma ccmin_nempty:
  shows x1c  []
  using x_x' x1a
  by (auto simp: st)

  notes _[simp] = st
  fixes x1d :: nat and x2d :: nat × nat × nat and
    x1e :: nat and x2e :: nat × nat and
    x1f :: nat and
    x2f :: nat and x1g :: nat and
    x2g :: nat × nat × nat and
    x1h :: nat and
    x2h :: nat × nat and
    x1i :: nat and
    x2i :: nat
    ana_lookup_conv: ana_lookup_conv NU (last x1c) = (x1g, x2g) and
    last: last x1a = (x1d, x2d) and
    dom: x1d ∈# dom_m NU and
    le: x1e < length (NU  x1d) and
    in_lits: NU  x1d ! x1e  lits_of_l M and
      x2g = (x1h, x2h)
      x2e = (x1f, x2f)
      x2d = (x1e, x2e)
      x2h = (x1i, x2i)

private lemma x1g_x1d:
    x1g = x1d
    x1h = x1e
    x1i = x1f
  using st2 last ana_lookup_conv x_x' x1a last
  by (cases x1a rule: rev_cases; cases x1c rule: rev_cases;
    auto simp: ana_lookup_conv_def ana_lookup_rel_def
      list_rel_append_single_iff; fail)+

private definition j where
  j = fst (snd (last x1c))

private definition b where
  b = snd (snd (last x1c))

private lemma last_x1c[simp]:
  last x1c = (x1d, x1f, b)
  using inv2 x1a last x_x' unfolding x1g_x1d st j_def b_def st2
  by (cases x1a rule: rev_cases; cases x1c rule: rev_cases;
   auto simp: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2_def list_rel_append_single_iff
    lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def ana_lookup_rel_def

private lemma
  ana: (x1d, (if b then 1 else 0), x1f, (if b then 1 else length (NU  x1d))) = (x1d, x1e, x1f, x2i) and
    x1e = (if b then 1 else 0)
    x1f = j
    x2f = (if b then 1 else length (NU  x1d))
    x2d = (if b then 1 else 0, j, if b then 1 else length (NU  x1d)) and
    j  (if b then 1 else length (NU  x1d)) and
    x1d ∈# dom_m NU and
    0 < x1d and
    (if b then 1 else length (NU  x1d))  length (NU  x1d) and
    (if b then 1 else 0) < length (NU  x1d) and
    dist: distinct (NU  x1d) and
    tauto: ¬ tautology (mset (NU  x1d))
    using inv2 x1a last x_x' x1c ana_lookup_conv
    unfolding x1g_x1d st j_def b_def st2
    by (cases x1a rule: rev_cases; cases x1c rule: rev_cases;
     auto simp: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2_def list_rel_append_single_iff
         lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def ana_lookup_rel_def
         lit_redundant_rec_wl_ref_def ana_lookup_conv_def
       simp del: x1c)
    using inv2 x1a last x_x' x1c unfolding x1g_x1d st j_def b_def st2
    by (cases x1a rule: rev_cases; cases x1c rule: rev_cases;
     auto simp: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2_def list_rel_append_single_iff
         lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def ana_lookup_rel_def
       simp del: x1c)
    using inv2 x1a last x_x' x1c unfolding x1g_x1d st j_def b_def st2
    by (cases x1a rule: rev_cases; cases x1c rule: rev_cases;
     auto simp: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2_def list_rel_append_single_iff
         lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def ana_lookup_rel_def
       simp del: x1c)
    using inv2 x1a last x_x' x1c unfolding x1g_x1d st j_def b_def st2
    by (cases x1a rule: rev_cases; cases x1c rule: rev_cases;
     auto simp: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2_def list_rel_append_single_iff
         lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def ana_lookup_rel_def
       simp del: x1c)
    using inv2 x1a last x_x' x1c unfolding x1g_x1d st j_def b_def st2
    by (cases x1a rule: rev_cases; cases x1c rule: rev_cases;
     auto simp: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2_def list_rel_append_single_iff
         lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def ana_lookup_rel_def
       simp del: x1c)
    using inv2 x1a last x_x' x1c unfolding x1g_x1d st j_def b_def st2
    by (cases x1a rule: rev_cases; cases x1c rule: rev_cases;
     auto simp: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2_def list_rel_append_single_iff
         lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def ana_lookup_rel_def
       simp del: x1c)
    using inv2 x1a last x_x' x1c unfolding x1g_x1d st j_def b_def
    by (cases x1a rule: rev_cases; cases x1c rule: rev_cases;
     auto simp: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2_def list_rel_append_single_iff
         lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def ana_lookup_rel_def
       simp del: x1c)
    using inv2 x1a last x_x' x1c unfolding x1g_x1d st j_def b_def
    by (cases x1a rule: rev_cases; cases x1c rule: rev_cases;
     auto simp: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2_def list_rel_append_single_iff
         lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def ana_lookup_rel_def
       simp del: x1c)
    using inv2 x1a last x_x' x1c unfolding x1g_x1d st j_def b_def
    by (cases x1a rule: rev_cases; cases x1c rule: rev_cases;
     auto simp: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2_def list_rel_append_single_iff
         lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def ana_lookup_rel_def
       simp del: x1c)
    using inv2 x1a last x_x' x1c unfolding x1g_x1d st j_def b_def
    by (cases x1a rule: rev_cases; cases x1c rule: rev_cases;
     auto simp: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2_def list_rel_append_single_iff
         lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def ana_lookup_rel_def
       simp del: x1c)
    using inv2 x1a last x_x' x1c unfolding x1g_x1d st j_def b_def
    by (cases x1a rule: rev_cases; cases x1c rule: rev_cases;
     auto simp: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2_def list_rel_append_single_iff
         lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def ana_lookup_rel_def
       simp del: x1c)
    using inv2 x1a last x_x' x1c unfolding x1g_x1d st j_def b_def
    by (cases x1a rule: rev_cases; cases x1c rule: rev_cases;
     auto simp: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2_def list_rel_append_single_iff
         lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def ana_lookup_rel_def
       simp del: x1c)

lemma ccmin_in_dom:
  shows x1g_dom: x1g ∈# dom_m NU
  using dom unfolding x1g_x1d .

lemma ccmin_in_dom_le_length:
  shows x1h < length (NU  x1g)
  using le unfolding x1g_x1d .

lemma ccmin_in_trail:
  shows NU  x1g ! x1h  lits_of_l M
  using in_lits unfolding x1g_x1d .

lemma ccmin_literals_are_in_ℒin_NU_x1g:
  shows literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset (NU  x1g))
  using lits_NU multi_member_split[OF x1g_dom]
  by (auto simp: ran_m_def literals_are_in_ℒin_mm_add_mset)

lemma ccmin_le_unat32_max:
  length (NU  x1g)  Suc (unat32_max div 2)
  using simple_clss_size_upper_div2[OF bounded ccmin_literals_are_in_ℒin_NU_x1g]
    dist tauto unfolding x1g_x1d
  by auto

lemma ccmin_in_all_lits:
  shows NU  x1g ! x1h ∈# all 𝒜
  using literals_are_in_ℒin_in_ℒall[OF ccmin_literals_are_in_ℒin_NU_x1g, of x1h]
  le unfolding x1g_x1d by auto

lemma ccmin_less_length:
  shows x2i  length (NU  x1g)
  using le ana unfolding x1g_x1d st3 by (simp split: if_splits)

lemma ccmin_same_cond:
  shows (x2i  x1i) = (x2f  x1f)
  using le ana unfolding x1g_x1d st3 by (simp split: if_splits)

lemma ccmin_set_removable:
    x2i  x1i and
    x2f  x1f and lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2 M NU D x
  shows ((x1b(atm_of (NU  x1g ! x1h) := SEEN_REMOVABLE), butlast x1c, True),
          x1(atm_of (NU  x1d ! x1e) := SEEN_REMOVABLE), butlast x1a, True)
          {((cach, ana, b), cach', ana', b').
       (ana, ana')  ana_lookups_rel NU 
       b = b'  cach = cach'  lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv M NU D (cach, ana', b)}
  using x_x' by (auto simp: x1g_x1d lit_redundant_rec_wl_ref_butlast lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def
    dest: list_rel_butlast)

    le: ¬ x2i  x1i ¬ x2f  x1f

  notes _[simp]= x1g_x1d st2 last
  fixes x1j :: nat literal and x2j :: (nat × nat × nat × nat) list and
  x1k :: nat literal and x2k :: (nat × nat × bool) list
    rem: get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl (NU  x1d) x1a = (x1j, x2j) and
    rem2:get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl2 (NU  x1g) x1c = (x1k, x2k) and
    fst (snd (snd (last x2j)))  0 and
    ux1j_M: - x1j  lits_of_l M

private lemma confl_min_last: (last x1c, last x1a)  ana_lookup_rel NU
  using x1a x1c x_x' rem rem2 last ana_lookup_conv unfolding x1g_x1d st2 b_def st
  by (cases x1c rule: rev_cases; cases x1a rule: rev_cases)
    (auto simp: list_rel_append_single_iff

private lemma rel: (x1c[length x1c - Suc 0 := (x1d, Suc x1f, b)], x1a
     [length x1a - Suc 0 := (x1d, x1e, Suc x1f, x2f)])
     ana_lookups_rel NU
  using x1a x1c x_x' rem rem2 confl_min_last unfolding x1g_x1d st2 last b_def st
  by (cases x1c rule: rev_cases; cases x1a rule: rev_cases)
    (auto simp: list_rel_append_single_iff
      ana_lookup_rel_alt_def get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_def

private lemma x1k_x1j: x1k = x1j x1j = NU  x1d ! x1f and
  x2k_x2j: (x2k, x2j)  ana_lookups_rel NU
    using x1a x1c x_x' rem rem2 confl_min_last unfolding x1g_x1d st2 last b_def st
    by (cases x1c rule: rev_cases; cases x1a rule: rev_cases)
      (auto simp: list_rel_append_single_iff
	ana_lookup_rel_alt_def get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_def
    using x1a x1c x_x' rem rem2 confl_min_last unfolding x1g_x1d st2 last b_def st
    by (cases x1c rule: rev_cases; cases x1a rule: rev_cases)
      (auto simp: list_rel_append_single_iff
	ana_lookup_rel_alt_def get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_def
    using x1a x1c x_x' rem rem2 confl_min_last unfolding x1g_x1d st2 last b_def st
    by (cases x1c rule: rev_cases; cases x1a rule: rev_cases)
      (auto simp: list_rel_append_single_iff
	ana_lookup_rel_alt_def get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_def

lemma ccmin_x1k_all:
  shows x1k ∈# all 𝒜
  unfolding x1k_x1j
  using literals_are_in_ℒin_in_ℒall[OF ccmin_literals_are_in_ℒin_NU_x1g, of x1f]
    literals_are_in_ℒin_trail_in_lits_of_l[OF lits - x1j  lits_of_l M]
  le st3 unfolding x1g_x1d by (auto split: if_splits simp: x1k_x1j uminus_𝒜in_iff)

  notes _[simp]= x1k_x1j
  fixes b :: bool and lbd
  assumes b: (¬ level_in_lbd (get_level M x1k) lbd, b)  bool_rel

private lemma in_conflict_atm_in:
  - x1e'  lits_of_l M  atm_in_conflict (atm_of x1e') D  x1e' ∈# D for x1e'
  using M_D n_d
  by (auto simp: atm_in_conflict_def true_annots_true_cls_def_iff_negation_in_model
      atms_of_def atm_of_eq_atm_of dest!: multi_member_split no_dup_consistentD)

lemma ccmin_already_seen:
  shows (get_level M x1k = 0 
          conflict_min_cach x1b (atm_of x1k) = SEEN_REMOVABLE 
          atm_in_conflict (atm_of x1k) D) =
         (get_level M x1j = 0  x1 (atm_of x1j) = SEEN_REMOVABLE  x1j ∈# D)
  using in_lits ana ux1j_M
  by (auto simp add: in_conflict_atm_in)

private lemma ccmin_lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv M NU D
     (x1, x2j, False)
  using x_x' last ana_lookup_conv rem rem2 x1a x1c le
  by (cases x1a rule: rev_cases; cases x1c rule: rev_cases)
    (auto simp add: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def lit_redundant_rec_wl_ref_def
    lit_redundant_reason_stack_def get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_def
    list_rel_append_single_iff get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl2_def)

lemma ccmin_already_seen_rel:
    get_level M x1k = 0 
     conflict_min_cach x1b (atm_of x1k) = SEEN_REMOVABLE 
     atm_in_conflict (atm_of x1k) D and
    get_level M x1j = 0  x1 (atm_of x1j) = SEEN_REMOVABLE  x1j ∈# D
  shows ((x1b, x2k, False), x1, x2j, False)
          {((cach, ana, b), cach', ana', b').
          (ana, ana')  ana_lookups_rel NU 
          b = b'  cach = cach'  lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv M NU D (cach, ana', b)}
  using x2k_x2j ccmin_lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv by auto

    ¬ (get_level M x1k = 0 
        conflict_min_cach x1b (atm_of x1k) = SEEN_REMOVABLE 
        atm_in_conflict (atm_of x1k) D) and
    ¬ (get_level M x1j = 0  x1 (atm_of x1j) = SEEN_REMOVABLE  x1j ∈# D)
lemma ccmin_already_failed:
  shows (¬ level_in_lbd (get_level M x1k) lbd 
          conflict_min_cach x1b (atm_of x1k) = SEEN_FAILED) =
         (b  x1 (atm_of x1j) = SEEN_FAILED)
  using b by auto

    ¬ level_in_lbd (get_level M x1k) lbd 
     conflict_min_cach x1b (atm_of x1k) = SEEN_FAILED and
    b  x1 (atm_of x1j) = SEEN_FAILED

lemma ccmin_mark_failed_lits_stack_inv2_lbd:
  shows mark_failed_lits_stack_inv2 NU x2k x1b
  using x1a x1c x2k_x2j rem rem2 x_x' le last
  unfolding mark_failed_lits_stack_inv_def lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def
    lit_redundant_rec_wl_ref_def get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_def
  unfolding mark_failed_lits_stack_inv2_def
  apply -
  apply (rule exI[of _ x2j])
  apply (cases x1a rule: rev_cases; cases x1c rule: rev_cases)
  by (auto simp: mark_failed_lits_stack_inv_def elim!: in_set_upd_cases)

lemma ccmin_mark_failed_lits_wl_lbd:
  shows mark_failed_lits_wl NU x2k x1b
            (mark_failed_lits_wl NU x2j x1)
  by (auto simp: mark_failed_lits_wl_def)

lemma ccmin_rel_lbd:
  fixes cach :: nat  minimize_status and cacha :: nat  minimize_status
  assumes (cach, cacha)   Id
  shows ((cach, [], False), cacha, [], False)  {((cach, ana, b), cach', ana', b').
       (ana, ana')  ana_lookups_rel NU 
       b = b'  cach = cach'  lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv M NU D (cach, ana', b)}
  using x_x' assms by (auto simp: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def lit_redundant_rec_wl_ref_def)


    ¬ (¬ level_in_lbd (get_level M x1k) lbd 
        conflict_min_cach x1b (atm_of x1k) = SEEN_FAILED) and
    ¬ (b  x1 (atm_of x1j) = SEEN_FAILED)

lemma ccmin_lit_in_trail:
  - x1k  lits_of_l M
  using - x1j  lits_of_l M x1k_x1j(1) by blast

lemma ccmin_lit_eq:
  - x1k = - x1j
  by auto

  fixes xa :: nat option and x'a :: nat option
  assumes xa_x'a: (xa, x'a)  nat_reloption_rel

lemma ccmin_lit_eq2:
  (xa, x'a)  Id
  using xa_x'a by auto

    [simp]: xa = None x'a = None

lemma ccmin_mark_failed_lits_stack_inv2_dec:
  mark_failed_lits_stack_inv2 NU x2k x1b
  using x1a x1c x2k_x2j rem rem2 x_x' le last
  unfolding mark_failed_lits_stack_inv_def lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def
    lit_redundant_rec_wl_ref_def get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_def
  unfolding mark_failed_lits_stack_inv2_def
  apply -
  apply (rule exI[of _ x2j])
  apply (cases x1a rule: rev_cases; cases x1c rule: rev_cases)
  by (auto simp: mark_failed_lits_stack_inv_def elim!: in_set_upd_cases)

lemma ccmin_mark_failed_lits_stack_wl_dec:
  shows mark_failed_lits_wl NU x2k x1b
            (mark_failed_lits_wl NU x2j x1)
  by (auto simp: mark_failed_lits_wl_def)

lemma ccmin_rel_dec:
  fixes cach :: nat  minimize_status and cacha :: nat  minimize_status
  assumes (cach, cacha)   Id
  shows ((cach, [], False), cacha, [], False)
           {((cach, ana, b), cach', ana', b').
       (ana, ana')  ana_lookups_rel NU 
       b = b'  cach = cach'  lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv M NU D (cach, ana', b)}
  using assms by (auto simp: lit_redundant_rec_wl_ref_def lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def)


  fixes xb :: nat and x'b :: nat
  assumes H:
    xa = Some xb
    x'a = Some x'b
    (xb, x'b)  nat_rel
    x'b ∈# dom_m NU
    2  length (NU  x'b)
    x'b > 0
    distinct (NU  x'b)  ¬ tautology (mset (NU  x'b))

lemma ccmin_stack_pre:
  shows xb ∈# dom_m NU 2  length (NU  xb)
  using H by auto

lemma ccmin_literals_are_in_ℒin_NU_xb:
  shows literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset (NU  xb))
  using lits_NU multi_member_split[of xb dom_m NU] H
  by (auto simp: ran_m_def literals_are_in_ℒin_mm_add_mset)

lemma ccmin_le_unat32_max_xb:
  length (NU  xb)  Suc (unat32_max div 2)
  using simple_clss_size_upper_div2[OF bounded ccmin_literals_are_in_ℒin_NU_xb]
    H unfolding x1g_x1d
  by auto

private lemma ccmin_lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv3: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv M NU D
     (x1, x2j @ [lit_redundant_reason_stack (- NU  x1d ! x1f) NU x'b], False)
  using ccmin_stack_pre H x_x' last ana_lookup_conv rem rem2 x1a x1c le
  by (cases x1a rule: rev_cases; cases x1c rule: rev_cases)
    (auto simp add: lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def lit_redundant_rec_wl_ref_def
    lit_redundant_reason_stack_def get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_def
    list_rel_append_single_iff get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl2_def)

lemma ccmin_stack_rel:
  shows ((x1b, x2k @ [lit_redundant_reason_stack2 (- x1k) NU xb], False), x1,
          x2j @ [lit_redundant_reason_stack (- x1j) NU x'b], False)
           {((cach, ana, b), cach', ana', b').
       (ana, ana')  ana_lookups_rel NU 
       b = b'  cach = cach'  lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv M NU D (cach, ana', b)}
  using x2k_x2j H ccmin_lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv3
  by (auto simp: list_rel_append_single_iff ana_lookup_rel_alt_def
      lit_redundant_reason_stack2_def lit_redundant_reason_stack_def)


lemma lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup_lit_redundant_rec_wl:
    M_D: M ⊨as CNot D and
    n_d: no_dup M and
    lits: literals_are_in_ℒin_trail 𝒜 M and
    (analysis, analysis')  ana_lookups_rel NU and
    literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 ((mset  fst) `# ran_m NU) and
    isasat_input_bounded 𝒜
   lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup 𝒜 M NU D cach analysis lbd 
       (Id ×r (ana_lookups_rel NU) ×r bool_rel) (lit_redundant_rec_wl M NU D cach analysis' lbd)
proof -
  have M: a  lits_of_l M. a ∈# all 𝒜
    using literals_are_in_ℒin_trail_in_lits_of_l lits by blast
  have [simp]: - x1e  lits_of_l M  atm_in_conflict (atm_of x1e) D  x1e ∈# D for x1e
    using M_D n_d
    by (auto simp: atm_in_conflict_def true_annots_true_cls_def_iff_negation_in_model
        atms_of_def atm_of_eq_atm_of dest!: multi_member_split no_dup_consistentD)
  have [simp, intro]: - x1e  lits_of_l M  atm_of x1e  atms_of (all 𝒜)
     x1e  lits_of_l M  x1e ∈# (all 𝒜)
     - x1e  lits_of_l M  x1e ∈# (all 𝒜) for x1e
    using lits atm_of_notin_atms_of_iff literals_are_in_ℒin_trail_in_lits_of_l apply blast
    using M uminus_𝒜in_iff by auto
  have [refine_vcg]: (a, b)  Id  (a, b)  Idoption_rel for a b by auto
  have [refine_vcg]: get_propagation_reason M x
      (nat_reloption_rel) (get_propagation_reason M y) if x = y for x y
    by (use that in auto)
  have [refine_vcg]:RETURN (¬ level_in_lbd (get_level M L) lbd)   Id (RES UNIV) for L
    by auto
  have [refine_vcg]: mark_failed_lits_wl NU a b
        (mark_failed_lits_wl NU a' b') if a = a' and b = b' for a a' b b'
    unfolding that by auto

  have H: lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup 𝒜 M NU D cach analysis lbd 
       {((cach, ana, b), cach', ana', b').
          (ana, ana')  ana_lookups_rel NU 
          b = b'  cach = cach'  lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv M NU D (cach, ana', b)}
       (lit_redundant_rec_wl M NU D cach analysis' lbd)
    using assms apply -
    unfolding lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup_def lit_redundant_rec_wl_def WHILET_def
    apply (refine_vcg)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_rel)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_cond)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_nempty)
    subgoal by (auto simp: list_rel_imp_same_length)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_in_dom)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_in_dom_le_length)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_in_trail)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_in_all_lits)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_literals_are_in_ℒin_NU_x1g)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_le_unat32_max)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_less_length)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_same_cond)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_set_removable)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_x1k_all)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_already_seen)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_already_seen_rel)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_already_failed)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_mark_failed_lits_stack_inv2_lbd)
    apply (rule ccmin_mark_failed_lits_wl_lbd; assumption)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_rel_lbd)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_lit_in_trail)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_lit_eq)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_lit_eq2)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_mark_failed_lits_stack_inv2_dec)
    apply (rule ccmin_mark_failed_lits_stack_wl_dec; assumption)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_rel_dec)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_stack_pre)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_stack_pre)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_literals_are_in_ℒin_NU_xb)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_le_unat32_max_xb)
    subgoal by (rule ccmin_stack_rel)
  show ?thesis
    by (rule H[THEN order_trans], rule conc_fun_R_mono)

definition literal_redundant_wl_lookup where
  literal_redundant_wl_lookup 𝒜 M NU D cach L lbd = do {
     ASSERT(L ∈# all 𝒜);
     if get_level M L = 0  cach (atm_of L) = SEEN_REMOVABLE
     then RETURN (cach, [], True)
     else if cach (atm_of L) = SEEN_FAILED
     then RETURN (cach, [], False)
     else do {
       ASSERT(-L  lits_of_l M);
       C  get_propagation_reason M (-L);
       case C of
         Some C  do {
	   ASSERT(C ∈# dom_m NU);
	   ASSERT(length (NU  C)  2);
	   ASSERT(literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset (NU  C)));
	   ASSERT(distinct (NU  C)  ¬tautology (mset (NU  C)));
	   ASSERT(length (NU  C)  Suc (unat32_max div 2));
	   lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup 𝒜 M NU D cach [lit_redundant_reason_stack2 (-L) NU C] lbd
       | None  do {
           RETURN (cach, [], False)

lemma literal_redundant_wl_lookup_literal_redundant_wl:
  assumes M ⊨as CNot D no_dup M literals_are_in_ℒin_trail 𝒜 M
    literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 ((mset  fst) `# ran_m NU) and
    isasat_input_bounded 𝒜
    literal_redundant_wl_lookup 𝒜 M NU D cach L lbd 
       (Id ×f (ana_lookups_rel NU ×f bool_rel)) (literal_redundant_wl M NU D cach L lbd)
proof -
  have M: a  lits_of_l M. a ∈# all 𝒜
    using literals_are_in_ℒin_trail_in_lits_of_l assms by blast
  have [simp, intro!]: - x1e  lits_of_l M  atm_of x1e  atms_of (all 𝒜)
     - x1e  lits_of_l M  x1e ∈# (all 𝒜) for x1e
    using assms atm_of_notin_atms_of_iff literals_are_in_ℒin_trail_in_lits_of_l apply blast
    using M uminus_𝒜in_iff by auto
  have [refine]: (x, x')  Id  (x, x')  Idoption_rel for x x'
    by auto
  have [refine_vcg]: get_propagation_reason M x
      ({(C, C'). (C, C')  nat_reloption_rel})
      (get_propagation_reason M y) if x = y and y  lits_of_l M for x y
    by (use that in auto simp: get_propagation_reason_def intro: RES_refine)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding literal_redundant_wl_lookup_def literal_redundant_wl_def
    apply (refine_vcg lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup_lit_redundant_rec_wl)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
      using assms by (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: ran_m_def literals_are_in_ℒin_mm_add_mset)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal using assms simple_clss_size_upper_div2[of 𝒜 mset (NU  _)] by auto
    subgoal using assms by auto
    subgoal using assms by auto
    subgoal using assms by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: lit_redundant_reason_stack2_def lit_redundant_reason_stack_def
    subgoal using assms by auto
    subgoal using assms by auto

definition (in -) lookup_conflict_nth where
  [simp]: lookup_conflict_nth = (λ(_, xs) i. xs ! i)

definition (in -) lookup_conflict_size where
  [simp]: lookup_conflict_size = (λ(n, xs). n)

definition (in -) lookup_conflict_upd_None where
  [simp]: lookup_conflict_upd_None = (λ(n, xs) i. (n-1, xs [i :=None]))

definition minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict
  :: nat multiset  (nat, nat) ann_lits  nat clauses_l  nat clause  (nat  minimize_status)  lbd 
     out_learned  (nat clause × (nat  minimize_status) × out_learned) nres
  minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict 𝒜 = (λM NU nxs s lbd outl. do {
    (D, _, s, outl) 
       WHILETminimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict_inv(λ(nxs, i, s, outl). i < length outl)
         (λ(nxs, x, s, outl). do {
            ASSERT(x < length outl);
            let L = outl ! x;
            ASSERT(L ∈# all 𝒜);
            (s', _, red)  literal_redundant_wl_lookup 𝒜 M NU nxs s L lbd;
            if ¬red
            then RETURN (nxs, x+1, s', outl)
            else do {
               ASSERT (delete_from_lookup_conflict_pre 𝒜 (L, nxs));
               RETURN (remove1_mset L nxs, x, s', delete_index_and_swap outl x)
         (nxs, 1, s, outl);
     RETURN (D, s, outl)

lemma entails_uminus_filter_to_poslev_can_remove:
  assumes NU_uL_E: NU ⊨p add_mset (- L) (filter_to_poslev M' L E) and
     NU_E: NU ⊨p E and L_E: L ∈# E
   shows NU ⊨p remove1_mset L E
proof -
  have filter_to_poslev M' L E ⊆# remove1_mset L E
    by (induction E)
       (auto simp add: filter_to_poslev_add_mset remove1_mset_add_mset_If subset_mset_trans_add_mset
        intro: diff_subset_eq_self subset_mset.dual_order.trans)
  then have NU ⊨p add_mset (- L) (remove1_mset L E)
    using NU_uL_E
    by (meson conflict_minimize_intermediate_step mset_subset_eqD)
  moreover have NU ⊨p add_mset L (remove1_mset L E)
    using NU_E L_E by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using true_clss_cls_or_true_clss_cls_or_not_true_clss_cls_or[of NU L remove1_mset L E
        remove1_mset L E]
    by (auto simp: true_clss_cls_add_self)

lemma minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict_iterate_over_conflict:
  fixes D :: nat clause and S' :: nat twl_st_l and NU :: nat clauses_l and S :: nat twl_st_wl
     and S'' :: nat twl_st
    S'''  stateW_of S''
    M  get_trail_wl S and
    NU: NU  get_clauses_wl S and
    NU'_def: NU'  mset `# ran_mf NU and
    NUE: NUE  get_unit_learned_clss_wl S + get_unit_init_clss_wl S and
    NUS: NUS  get_subsumed_learned_clauses_wl S + get_subsumed_init_clauses_wl S and
    N0S: N0S  get_learned_clauses0_wl S + get_init_clauses0_wl S and
    M': M'  trail S'''
    S_S': (S, S')  state_wl_l None and
    S'_S'': (S', S'')  twl_st_l None and
    D'_D: mset (tl outl) = D and
    M_D: M ⊨as CNot D and
    dist_D: distinct_mset D and
    tauto: ¬tautology D and
    lits: literals_are_in_ℒin_trail 𝒜 M and
    struct_invs: twl_struct_invs S'' and
    add_inv: twl_list_invs S' and
    cach_init: conflict_min_analysis_inv M' s' (NU' + NUE + NUS + N0S) D and
    NU_P_D: NU' + NUE + NUS + N0S ⊨pm add_mset K D and
    lits_D: literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 D and
    lits_NU: literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 (mset `# ran_mf NU) and
    K: K = outl ! 0 and
    outl_nempty: outl  [] and
    bounded: isasat_input_bounded 𝒜
    minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict 𝒜 M NU D s' lbd outl 
        ({((E, s, outl), E'). E = E'  mset (tl outl) = E  outl ! 0 = K 
               E' ⊆# D  outl  []})
           (iterate_over_conflict K M NU' (NUE + NUS + N0S) D)
    (is _   ?R _)
proof -
  let ?UE = get_unit_learned_clss_wl S
  let ?NE = get_unit_init_clss_wl S
  let ?US = get_subsumed_learned_clauses_wl S
  let ?NS = get_subsumed_init_clauses_wl S
  let ?U0 = get_learned_clauses0_wl S
  let ?N0 = get_init_clauses0_wl S
  define N U where
    N  mset `# init_clss_lf NU and
    U  mset `# learned_clss_lf NU
  obtain E where
     S''': S''' = (M', N + ?NE + ?NS + ?N0, U + ?UE + ?US + ?U0, E)
    using M' S_S' S'_S'' unfolding S'''_def N_def U_def NU
    by (cases S) (auto simp: state_wl_l_def twl_st_l_def
  then have NU_N_U: mset `# ran_mf NU = N + U
    using NU S_S' S'_S'' unfolding S'''_def N_def U_def
    apply (subst all_clss_l_ran_m[symmetric])
    apply (subst image_mset_union[symmetric])
    apply (subst image_mset_union[symmetric])
    by (auto simp: mset_take_mset_drop_mset')
  let ?NU = N + ?NE + ?NS + ?N0 + U + ?UE + ?US + ?U0
  have NU'_N_U: NU' = N + U
    unfolding NU'_def N_def U_def mset_append[symmetric] image_mset_union[symmetric]
    by auto
  have NU'_NUE: NU' + NUE = N + get_unit_init_clss_wl S + U + get_unit_learned_clss_wl S
    unfolding NUE NU'_N_U by (auto simp: ac_simps)
  have struct_inv_S''': cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (M', N + (?NE + ?NS + ?N0),
          U + (?UE + ?US + ?U0), E)
    using struct_invs unfolding twl_struct_invs_def S'''_def[symmetric] S''' add.assoc
      pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def stateW_of_def[symmetric]
    by fast
  then have n_d: no_dup M'
    unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv_def
      trail.simps by fast
  then have n_d: no_dup M
    using S_S' S'_S'' unfolding M_def M' S'''_def by (auto simp: twl_st_wl twl_st_l twl_st)

  define R where
    R = {((D':: nat clause, i, cach :: nat  minimize_status, outl' :: out_learned),
            (F :: nat clause, E :: nat clause)).
            i  length outl' 
            F ⊆# D 
            E ⊆# F 
            mset (drop i outl') = E 
            mset (tl outl') = F 
            conflict_min_analysis_inv M' cach (?NU) F 
            ?NU ⊨pm add_mset K F 
            mset (tl outl') = D' 
            i > 0  outl'  [] 
            outl' ! 0 = K
  have [simp]: add_mset K (mset (tl outl)) = mset outl
    using D'_D K
    by (cases outl) (auto simp: drop_Suc outl_nempty)
  have Suc 0 < length outl 
    highest_lit M (mset (take (Suc 0) (tl outl)))
     (Some (outl ! Suc 0, get_level M (outl ! Suc 0)))
    using outl_nempty
    by (cases outl; cases tl outl)  (auto simp: highest_lit_def get_maximum_level_add_mset)
   then have init_args_ref: ((D, 1, s', outl), D, D)  R
    using D'_D cach_init NU_P_D dist_D tauto K
    unfolding R_def NUE NU'_def NU_N_U NUS N0S
    by (auto simp: ac_simps drop_Suc outl_nempty ac_simps)

   have init_lo_inv: minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict_inv s'
      (s', s)  R and
      iterate_over_conflict_inv M D s
    for s' s
   proof -
     have [dest!]: mset b ⊆# D  length b  size D for b
       using size_mset_mono by fastforce
    show ?thesis
      using that simple_clss_size_upper_div2[OF bounded lits_D dist_D tauto]
      unfolding minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict_inv_def
      by (auto simp: R_def unat32_max_def)
  have cond: (m < length outl') = (D'  {#})
      st'_st: (st', st)  R and
      minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict_inv st' and
      iterate_over_conflict_inv M D st and
        x2b = (j, outl')
        x2a = (m, x2b)
        st' = (nxs, x2a)
        st = (E, D')
    for st' st nxs x2a m x2b j x2c D' E st2 st3 outl'
  proof -
    show ?thesis
      using st'_st unfolding st R_def
      by auto

  have redundant: literal_redundant_wl_lookup 𝒜 M NU nxs cach
          (outl' ! x1d) lbd
        {((s', a', b'), b). b = b' 
            (b  ?NU ⊨pm remove1_mset L (add_mset K E) 
               conflict_min_analysis_inv M' s' ?NU (remove1_mset L E)) 
            (¬b  ?NU ⊨pm add_mset K E  conflict_min_analysis_inv M' s' ?NU E)}
          (is_literal_redundant_spec K NU' (NUE+NUS+N0S) E L)
    (is _   ?red _)
      R: (x, x')  R and
      case x' of (D, D')  D'  {#} and
      minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict_inv x and
      iterate_over_conflict_inv M D x' and
        x' = (E, x1a)
        x2d = (cach, outl')
        x2c = (x1d, x2d)
        x = (nxs, x2c) and
      L: (outl'!x1d, L)  Id
      x1d < length outl'
    for x x' E x2 x1a x2a nxs x2c x1d x2d x1e x2e cach highest L outl' st3
  proof -
    let ?L = (outl' ! x1d)
      x1d < length outl' and
      x1d  length outl' and
      mset (tl outl') ⊆# D and
      E = mset (tl outl') and
      cach: conflict_min_analysis_inv M' cach ?NU E and
      NU_P_E: ?NU ⊨pm add_mset K (mset (tl outl')) and
      nxs = mset (tl outl') and
      0 < x1d and
      [simp]: L = outl'!x1d and
      E ⊆# D
      E = mset (tl outl') and
      E = nxs
      using R L unfolding R_def st
      by auto

    have M_x1: M ⊨as CNot E
      by (metis CNot_plus M_D E ⊆# D subset_mset.le_iff_add true_annots_union)
    then have M'_x1: M' ⊨as CNot E
      using S_S' S'_S'' unfolding M' M_def S'''_def by (auto simp: twl_st twl_st_wl twl_st_l)
    have outl' ! x1d ∈# E
      using E = mset (tl outl') x1d < length outl' 0 < x1d
      by (auto simp: nth_in_set_tl)

    have 1:
      literal_redundant_wl_lookup 𝒜 M NU nxs cach ?L lbd   (Id ×f (ana_lookups_rel NU ×f bool_rel)) (literal_redundant_wl M NU nxs cach ?L lbd)
      by (rule literal_redundant_wl_lookup_literal_redundant_wl)
       (use lits_NU n_d lits M_x1 struct_invs bounded add_inv outl' ! x1d ∈# E E = nxs in auto)

    have 2:
      literal_redundant_wl M NU nxs cach ?L lbd  
       (Id ×r {(analyse, analyse'). analyse' = convert_analysis_list NU analyse 
          lit_redundant_rec_wl_ref NU analyse} ×r bool_rel)
       (literal_redundant M' NU' nxs cach ?L)
      by (rule literal_redundant_wl_literal_redundant[of S S' S'',
            unfolded M_def[symmetric] NU[symmetric] M'[symmetric] S'''_def[symmetric]
            NU'_def[symmetric], THEN order_trans])
        (use bounded S_S' S'_S'' M_x1 struct_invs add_inv outl' ! x1d ∈# E E = nxs in
          auto simp: NU)

    have NU_alt_def: ?NU = N + (?NE + ?NS + ?N0) + U + (?UE + ?US + ?U0)
         by (auto simp: ac_simps)
    have 3:
       literal_redundant M' (N + U) nxs cach ?L 
         literal_redundant_spec M' (N + U + (?NE + ?NS + ?N0) + (?UE + ?US + ?U0)) nxs ?L
      unfolding E = nxs[symmetric]
      apply (rule literal_redundant_spec)
         apply (rule struct_inv_S''')
      apply (rule cach[unfolded NU_alt_def])
       apply (rule outl' ! x1d ∈# E)
      apply (rule M'_x1)

    then have 3:
       literal_redundant M' (NU') nxs cach ?L  literal_redundant_spec M' ?NU nxs ?L
      by (auto simp: ac_simps NU'_N_U)

    have ent: ?NU ⊨pm add_mset (- L) (filter_to_poslev M' L (add_mset K E))
      if ?NU ⊨pm add_mset (- L) (filter_to_poslev M' L E)
      using that by (auto simp: filter_to_poslev_add_mset add_mset_commute)
    show ?thesis
      apply (rule order.trans)
       apply (rule 1)
      apply (rule order.trans)
      apply (rule ref_two_step')
       apply (rule 2)
       apply (subst conc_fun_chain)
      apply (rule order.trans)
       apply (rule ref_two_step'[OF 3])
      unfolding literal_redundant_spec_def is_literal_redundant_spec_def
          conc_fun_SPEC NU'_NUE[symmetric]
      apply (rule SPEC_rule)
      apply clarify
      using NU_P_E ent E = nxs E = mset (tl outl')[symmetric] outl' ! x1d ∈# E NU'_NUE
      by (auto intro!: entails_uminus_filter_to_poslev_can_remove[of _ _ M']
        simp: NUE NUS ac_simps N0S ac_simps simp del: diff_union_swap2)

    outl'_F: outl' ! i ∈# F (is ?out) and
    outl'_ℒall: outl' ! i ∈# all 𝒜 (is ?out_L)
      R: (S, T)  R and
      case S of (nxs, i, s, outl)  i < length outl and
      case T of (D, D')  D'  {#} and
      minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict_inv S and
      iterate_over_conflict_inv M D T and
        T = (F', F)
        S2 = (cach, outl')
        S1 = (i, S2)
        S = (D', S1)
      i < length outl'
    for S T F' T1 F highest' D' S1 i S2 cach S3 highest outl'
  proof -
    have ?out and F ⊆# D
      using R i < length outl' unfolding R_def st
      by (auto simp: set_drop_conv)
    show ?out
      using ?out .
    then have outl' ! i ∈# D
      using F ⊆# D by auto
    then show ?out_L
      using lits_D by (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: literals_are_in_ℒin_add_mset)

    not_red: ¬ red  ((D', i + 1, cachr, outl'), F',
        remove1_mset L F)  R (is _  ?not_red) and
    red: ¬ ¬ red 
       ((remove1_mset (outl' ! i) D', i, cachr, delete_index_and_swap outl' i),
       remove1_mset L F', remove1_mset L F)  R (is _  ?red) and
     del: delete_from_lookup_conflict_pre 𝒜 (outl' ! i, D') (is ?del)
      R: (S, T)  R and
      case S of (nxs, i, s, outl)  i < length outl and
      case T of (D, D')  D'  {#} and
      minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict_inv S and
      iterate_over_conflict_inv M D T and
         T = (F', F)
         S2 = (cach, outl')
         S1 = (i, S2)
         S = (D', S1)
         cachred1 = (stack, red)
         cachred = (cachr, cachred1) and
      i < length outl' and
      L: (outl' ! i, L)  Id and
      outl' ! i ∈# all 𝒜 and
      cach: (cachred, red')  (?red F' L)
    for S T F' T1 F D' S1 i S2 cach S3 highest outl' L cachred red' cachr
      cachred1 stack red
  proof -
    have L = outl' ! i and
      i  length outl' and
      mset (tl outl') ⊆# D and
      mset (drop i outl') ⊆# mset (tl outl') and
      F: F = mset (drop i outl') and
      F': F' = mset (tl outl') and
      conflict_min_analysis_inv M' cach ?NU (mset (tl outl')) and
      ?NU ⊨pm add_mset K (mset (tl outl')) and
      D' = mset (tl outl') and
      0 < i and
      [simp]: D' = F' and
      F'_D: F' ⊆# D and
      F'_F: F ⊆# F' and
      outl'  [] outl' ! 0 = K
      using R L unfolding R_def st
      by clarify+

    have [simp]: L = outl' ! i
      using L by fast
    have L_F: mset (drop (Suc i) outl') = remove1_mset L F
      unfolding F
      apply (subst (2) Cons_nth_drop_Suc[symmetric])
      using i < length outl' F'_D
      by (auto)
    have remove1_mset (outl' ! i) F ⊆# F'
      using F ⊆# F'
      by auto
    have red' = red and
      red: red  ?NU ⊨pm remove1_mset L (add_mset K F') 
       conflict_min_analysis_inv M' cachr ?NU (remove1_mset L F') and
      not_red: ¬ red  ?NU ⊨pm add_mset K F'  conflict_min_analysis_inv M' cachr ?NU F'
      using cach
      unfolding st
      by auto
    have [simp]: mset (drop (Suc i) (swap outl' (Suc 0) i)) = mset (drop (Suc i) outl')
      by (subst drop_swap_irrelevant) (use 0 < i in auto)
    have [simp]: mset (tl (swap outl' (Suc 0) i)) = mset (tl outl')
      apply (cases outl'; cases i)
      using i > 0 outl'  [] i < length outl'
         apply (auto simp: WB_More_Refinement_List.swap_def)
      unfolding WB_More_Refinement_List.swap_def[symmetric]
      by (auto simp: )
    have [simp]: mset (take (Suc i) (tl (swap outl' (Suc 0) i))) =  mset (take (Suc i) (tl outl'))
      using i > 0 outl'  [] i < length outl'
      by (auto simp: take_tl take_swap_relevant tl_swap_relevant)
    have [simp]: mset (take i (tl (swap outl' (Suc 0) i))) =  mset (take i (tl outl'))
      using i > 0 outl'  [] i < length outl'
      by (auto simp: take_tl take_swap_relevant tl_swap_relevant)

    have [simp]: ¬ Suc 0 < a  a = 0  a = 1 for a :: nat
      by auto
     show ?not_red if ¬red
      using i < length outl' F'_D L_F remove1_mset (outl' ! i) F ⊆# F' not_red that
         i > 0 outl' ! 0 = K
      by (auto simp: R_def F[symmetric] F'[symmetric]  drop_swap_irrelevant)

    have [simp]: length (delete_index_and_swap outl' i) = length outl' - 1
      by auto
    have last: ¬ length outl'  Suc i last outl'  set (drop (Suc i) outl')
      by (metis List.last_in_set drop_eq_Nil last_drop not_le_imp_less)
    then have H: mset (drop i (delete_index_and_swap outl' i)) = mset (drop (Suc i) outl')
      using i < length outl'
      by (cases drop (Suc i) outl' = [])
        (auto simp: butlast_list_update mset_butlast_remove1_mset)
    have H': mset (tl (delete_index_and_swap outl' i)) = remove1_mset (outl' ! i) (mset (tl outl'))
      apply (rule mset_tl_delete_index_and_swap)
      using i < length outl' i > 0 by fast+
    have [simp]: Suc 0 < i  delete_index_and_swap outl' i ! Suc 0 = outl' ! Suc 0
      using i < length outl' i > 0
      by (auto simp: nth_butlast)
    have remove1_mset (outl' ! i) F ⊆# remove1_mset (outl' ! i) F'
      using F ⊆# F'
      using mset_le_subtract by blast
    have [simp]: delete_index_and_swap outl' i  []
      using outl'  [] i > 0 i < length outl'
      by (cases outl') (auto simp: butlast_update'[symmetric] split: nat.splits)
    have [simp]: delete_index_and_swap outl' i ! 0 = outl' ! 0
      using  outl' ! 0 = K i < length outl' i > 0
      by (auto simp: butlast_update'[symmetric] nth_butlast)
    have (outl' ! i) ∈# F'
      using i < length outl' i > 0 unfolding F' by (auto simp: nth_in_set_tl)
    then show ?red if ¬¬red
      using i < length outl' F'_D L_F remove1_mset (outl' ! i) F ⊆# remove1_mset (outl' ! i) F'
        red that i > 0 outl' ! 0 = K unfolding R_def
      by (auto simp: R_def F[symmetric] F'[symmetric] H H' drop_swap_irrelevant
          simp del: delete_index_and_swap.simps)

    have outl' ! i ∈# all 𝒜 outl' ! i ∈# D
      using (outl' ! i) ∈# F' F'_D lits_D
      by (force simp: literals_are_in_ℒin_add_mset
          dest!: multi_member_split[of outl' ! i D])+
    then show ?del
      using (outl' ! i) ∈# F' lits_D F'_D tauto
      by (auto simp: delete_from_lookup_conflict_pre_def
  show ?thesis
    unfolding minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict_def iterate_over_conflict_def
    apply (refine_vcg WHILEIT_refine[where R = R])
    subgoal by (rule init_args_ref)
    subgoal for s' s by (rule init_lo_inv)
    subgoal by (rule cond)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (rule outl'_F)
    subgoal by (rule outl'_ℒall)
    apply (rule redundant; assumption)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (rule not_red)
    subgoal by (rule del)
      by (rule red)
    subgoal for x x' x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b x2b x1c x2c
      unfolding R_def by (cases x1b) auto

definition cach_refinement_list
  :: nat multiset  (minimize_status list × (nat conflict_min_cach)) set
  cach_refinement_list 𝒜in = Idmap_fun_rel {(a, a'). a = a'  a ∈# 𝒜in}

definition cach_refinement_nonull
  :: nat multiset  ((minimize_status list × nat list) × minimize_status list) set
  cach_refinement_nonull 𝒜 = {((cach, support), cach'). cach = cach' 
       (L < length cach. cach ! L  SEEN_UNKNOWN  L  set support) 
       (L  set support. L < length cach) 
       distinct support  set support  set_mset 𝒜}

definition cach_refinement
  :: nat multiset  ((minimize_status list × nat list) × (nat conflict_min_cach)) set
  cach_refinement 𝒜in = cach_refinement_nonull 𝒜in O cach_refinement_list 𝒜in

lemma cach_refinement_alt_def:
  cach_refinement 𝒜in = {((cach, support), cach').
       (L < length cach. cach ! L  SEEN_UNKNOWN  L  set support) 
       (L  set support. L < length cach) 
       (L ∈# 𝒜in. L < length cach  cach ! L = cach' L) 
       distinct support  set support  set_mset 𝒜in}
  unfolding cach_refinement_def cach_refinement_nonull_def cach_refinement_list_def
  apply (rule; rule)
  apply (simp add: map_fun_rel_def split: prod.splits)
  apply blast
  apply (simp add: map_fun_rel_def split: prod.splits)
  apply (rule_tac b=x1a in relcomp.relcompI)
  apply blast
  apply blast

lemma in_cach_refinement_alt_def:
  ((cach, support), cach')  cach_refinement 𝒜in 
     (cach, cach')  cach_refinement_list 𝒜in 
     (L<length cach. cach ! L  SEEN_UNKNOWN  L  set support) 
     (L  set support. L < length cach) 
     distinct support  set support  set_mset  𝒜in
  by (auto simp: cach_refinement_def cach_refinement_nonull_def cach_refinement_list_def)

definition (in -) conflict_min_cach_l :: conflict_min_cach_l  nat  minimize_status where
  conflict_min_cach_l = (λ(cach, sup) L.
      (cach ! L)

definition conflict_min_cach_l_pre where
  conflict_min_cach_l_pre = (λ((cach, sup), L). L < length cach)

lemma conflict_min_cach_l_pre:
  fixes x1 :: nat and x2 :: nat
    x1n ∈# all 𝒜 and
    (x1l, x1j)  cach_refinement 𝒜
  shows conflict_min_cach_l_pre (x1l, atm_of x1n)
proof -
  show ?thesis
    using assms by (auto simp: cach_refinement_alt_def in_ℒall_atm_of_𝒜in conflict_min_cach_l_pre_def)

lemma nth_conflict_min_cach:
  (uncurry (RETURN oo conflict_min_cach_l), uncurry (RETURN oo conflict_min_cach)) 
     [λ(cach, L). L ∈# 𝒜in]f cach_refinement 𝒜in ×r nat_rel  Idnres_rel
  by (intro frefI nres_relI) (auto simp: map_fun_rel_def
      in_cach_refinement_alt_def cach_refinement_list_def conflict_min_cach_l_def)

definition (in -) conflict_min_cach_set_failed
   :: nat conflict_min_cach  nat  nat conflict_min_cach
  [simp]: conflict_min_cach_set_failed cach L = cach(L := SEEN_FAILED)

definition (in -) conflict_min_cach_set_failed_l
  :: conflict_min_cach_l  nat  conflict_min_cach_l nres
  conflict_min_cach_set_failed_l = (λ(cach, sup) L. do {
     ASSERT(L < length cach);
     ASSERT(length sup  1 + unat32_max div 2);
     RETURN (cach[L := SEEN_FAILED], if cach ! L = SEEN_UNKNOWN then sup @ [L] else sup)

lemma bounded_included_le:
   assumes bounded: isasat_input_bounded 𝒜 and distinct n and set n  set_mset 𝒜
   shows length n  Suc (unat32_max div 2)
proof -
  have lits: literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (Pos `# mset n) and
    dist: distinct n
    using assms
    by (auto simp: literals_are_in_ℒin_alt_def inj_on_def atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in)
   have dist: distinct_mset (Pos `# mset n)
    by (subst distinct_image_mset_inj)
      (use dist in auto simp: inj_on_def)
  have tauto: ¬ tautology (poss (mset n))
    by (auto simp: tautology_decomp)

  show ?thesis
    using simple_clss_size_upper_div2[OF bounded lits dist tauto]
    by (auto simp: unat32_max_def)

lemma conflict_min_cach_set_failed:
  (uncurry conflict_min_cach_set_failed_l, uncurry (RETURN oo conflict_min_cach_set_failed)) 
     [λ(cach, L). L ∈# 𝒜in  isasat_input_bounded 𝒜in]f cach_refinement 𝒜in ×r nat_rel  cach_refinement 𝒜innres_rel
  supply isasat_input_bounded_def[simp del]
  apply (intro frefI nres_relI) (*TODO Proof*)
  apply   (auto simp: in_cach_refinement_alt_def map_fun_rel_def cach_refinement_list_def
        conflict_min_cach_set_failed_l_def cach_refinement_nonull_def
        all_conj_distrib intro!: ASSERT_leI bounded_included_le[of 𝒜in]
      dest!: multi_member_split dest: set_mset_mono
      dest: subset_add_mset_notin_subset_mset)
  by (fastforce dest: subset_add_mset_notin_subset_mset)+

definition (in -) conflict_min_cach_set_removable
  :: nat conflict_min_cach  nat  nat conflict_min_cach
  [simp]: conflict_min_cach_set_removable cach L = cach(L:= SEEN_REMOVABLE)

lemma conflict_min_cach_set_removable:
  (uncurry conflict_min_cach_set_removable_l,
    uncurry (RETURN oo conflict_min_cach_set_removable)) 
     [λ(cach, L). L ∈# 𝒜in  isasat_input_bounded 𝒜in]f cach_refinement 𝒜in ×r nat_rel  cach_refinement 𝒜innres_rel
  supply isasat_input_bounded_def[simp del]
  by (intro frefI nres_relI)
    (auto 5 5 simp: in_cach_refinement_alt_def map_fun_rel_def cach_refinement_list_def
        conflict_min_cach_set_removable_l_def cach_refinement_nonull_def
        all_conj_distrib intro!: ASSERT_leI bounded_included_le[of 𝒜in]
      dest!: multi_member_split dest: set_mset_mono
      dest: subset_add_mset_notin_subset_mset)

definition isa_mark_failed_lits_stack where
  isa_mark_failed_lits_stack NU analyse cach = do {
    let l = length analyse;
    ASSERT(length analyse  1 + unat32_max div 2);
    (_, cach)  WHILETλ(_, cach). True(λ(i, cach). i < l)
      (λ(i, cach). do {
        ASSERT(i < length analyse);
        let (cls_idx, idx, _) = (analyse ! i);
        ASSERT(cls_idx + idx  1);
        ASSERT(cls_idx + idx - 1 < length NU);
	ASSERT(arena_lit_pre NU (cls_idx + idx - 1));
	cach  conflict_min_cach_set_failed_l cach (atm_of (arena_lit NU (cls_idx + idx - 1)));
        RETURN (i+1, cach)
      (0, cach);
    RETURN cach

lemma mark_failed_lits_stack_inv_helper1: mark_failed_lits_stack_inv a ba a2' 
       a1' < length ba 
       (a1'a, a2'a) = ba ! a1' 
       a1'a ∈# dom_m a
  using nth_mem[of a1' ba] unfolding mark_failed_lits_stack_inv_def
  by (auto simp del: nth_mem)

lemma mark_failed_lits_stack_inv_helper2: mark_failed_lits_stack_inv a ba a2' 
       a1' < length ba 
       (a1'a, xx, a2'a, yy) = ba ! a1' 
       a2'a - Suc 0 < length (a  a1'a)
  using nth_mem[of a1' ba] unfolding mark_failed_lits_stack_inv_def
  by (auto simp del: nth_mem)

lemma isa_mark_failed_lits_stack_isa_mark_failed_lits_stack:
  assumes isasat_input_bounded 𝒜in
  shows (uncurry2 isa_mark_failed_lits_stack, uncurry2 (mark_failed_lits_stack 𝒜in)) 
     [λ((N, ana), cach). length ana  1 +  unat32_max div 2]f
     {(arena, N). valid_arena arena N vdom} ×f ana_lookups_rel NU ×f cach_refinement 𝒜in 
     cach_refinement 𝒜innres_rel
proof -
  have subset_mset_add_new: a ∉# A  a ∈# B  add_mset a A ⊆# B  A ⊆# B for a A B
    by (metis insert_DiffM insert_subset_eq_iff subset_add_mset_notin_subset)
  have [refine0]: ((0, x2c), 0, x2a)  nat_rel ×f cach_refinement 𝒜in
    if (x2c, x2a)  cach_refinement 𝒜in for x2c x2a
    using that by auto
  have le_length_arena: x1g + x2g - 1 < length x1c (is ?le) and
    is_lit: arena_lit_pre x1c (x1g + x2g - 1) (is ?lit) and
    isA: atm_of (arena_lit x1c (x1g + x2g - 1)) ∈# 𝒜in (is ?A) and
    final: conflict_min_cach_set_failed_l x2e
     (atm_of (arena_lit x1c (x1g + x2g - 1)))
           RETURN (x1e + 1, cach)
              (λc. (c, x1d + 1, x2d
                    (atm_of (x1a  x1f ! (x2f - 1)) := SEEN_FAILED))
                    nat_rel ×f cach_refinement 𝒜in)) (is ?final) and
      ge1: x1g + x2g  1
      case y of (x, xa)  (case x of (N, ana)  λcach. length ana  1 +  unat32_max div 2) xa and
      xy: (x, y)  {(arena, N). valid_arena arena N vdom} ×f ana_lookups_rel NU
         ×f cach_refinement 𝒜in and
        x1 = (x1a, x2)
        y = (x1, x2a)
        x1b = (x1c, x2b)
        x = (x1b, x2c)
        x' = (x1d, x2d)
        xa = (x1e, x2e)
	x2f2 = (x2f, x2f3)
	x2f0 = (x2f1, x2f2)
        x2 ! x1d = (x1f, x2f0)
	x2g0 = (x2g, x2g2)
        x2b ! x1e = (x1g, x2g0) and
      xax': (xa, x')  nat_rel ×f cach_refinement 𝒜in and
      cond: case xa of (i, cach)  i < length x2b and
      cond': case x' of (i, cach)  i < length x2 and
      inv: case x' of (_, x)  mark_failed_lits_stack_inv x1a x2 x and
      le: x1d < length x2 x1e < length x2b and
      atm: atm_of (x1a  x1f ! (x2f - 1)) ∈# 𝒜in
    for x y x1 x1a x2 x2a x1b x1c x2b x2c xa x' x1d x2d x1e x2e x1f x2f x1g x2g
      x2f0 x2f1 x2f2 x2f3 x2g0 x2g1 x2g2 x2g3
  proof -
    obtain i cach where x': x' = (i, cach) by (cases x')
    have [simp]:
      x1 = (x1a, x2)
      y = ((x1a, x2), x2a)
      x1b = (x1c, x2b)
      x = ((x1c, x2b), x2c)
      x' = (x1d, x2d)
      xa = (x1d, x2e)
      x1f = x1g
      x1e = x1d
      x2f0 = (x2f1, x2f, x2f3)
      x2g = x2f
      x2g0 = (x2g, x2g2) and
      st': x2 ! x1d = (x1g, x2f0) and
      cach:(x2e, x2d)  cach_refinement 𝒜in and
      (x2c, x2a)  cach_refinement 𝒜in and
      x2f0_x2g0: ((x1g, x2g, x2g2), (x1f, x2f1, x2f, x2f3))  ana_lookup_rel NU
      using xy st xax' param_nth[of x1e x2 x1d x2b ana_lookup_rel NU] le
      by (auto intro: simp: ana_lookup_rel_alt_def)

    have arena: valid_arena x1c x1a vdom
      using xy unfolding st by auto
    have x2 ! x1e  set x2
      using le
      by auto
    then have x2 ! x1d  set x2 and
      x2f: x2f  length (x1a  x1f) and
      x1f: x1g ∈# dom_m x1a and
      x2g: x2g > 0 and
      x2g_u1_le: x2g - 1 < length (x1a  x1f)
      using inv le x2f0_x2g0 nth_mem[of x1d x2]
      unfolding mark_failed_lits_stack_inv_def x' st st'
      by (auto simp del: nth_mem simp: st' ana_lookup_rel_alt_def split: if_splits
        dest!: bspec[of set x2 _ (_, _, _, _)])

    have is_Lit (x1c ! (x1g + (x2g - 1)))
      by (rule arena_lifting[OF arena x1f]) (use x2f x2g x2g_u1_le in auto)
    then show ?le and ?A
      using arena_lifting[OF arena x1f] le x2f x1f x2g atm x2g_u1_le
      by (auto simp: arena_lit_def)
    show ?lit
      unfolding arena_lit_pre_def arena_is_valid_clause_idx_and_access_def
      by (rule bex_leI[of _ x1f])
        (use arena x1f x2f x2g x2g_u1_le in auto intro!: exI[of _ x1a] exI[of _ vdom])
    show x1g + x2g  1
      using x2g by auto
    have [simp]: arena_lit x1c (x1g + x2g - Suc 0) = x1a  x1g ! (x2g - Suc 0)
       using that x1f x2f x2g x2g_u1_le by (auto simp: arena_lifting[OF arena])
    have atm_of (arena_lit x1c (x1g + x2g - Suc 0)) < length (fst x2e)
      using ?A cach by (auto simp: cach_refinement_alt_def dest: multi_member_split)

    then show ?final
      using ?le ?A cach x1f x2g_u1_le x2g assms
     apply -
     apply (rule conflict_min_cach_set_failed[of 𝒜in, THEN fref_to_Down_curry, THEN order_trans])
      by (cases x2e)
        (auto simp:  cach_refinement_alt_def RETURN_def conc_fun_RES
        arena_lifting[OF arena] subset_mset_add_new)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding isa_mark_failed_lits_stack_def mark_failed_lits_stack_def uncurry_def
    apply (rewrite at let _ = length _ in _ Let_def)
    apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
    apply refine_vcg
    subgoal by (auto simp: list_rel_imp_same_length)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for x y x1 x1a x2 x2a x1b x1c x2b x2c xa x' x1d x2d x1e x2e
      by (auto simp: list_rel_imp_same_length)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (rule ge1)
    subgoal by (rule le_length_arena)
      by (rule is_lit)
      by (rule final)
    subgoal by auto

definition isa_get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl
   :: arena  (nat × nat × bool) list  nat literal × (nat × nat × bool) list where
  isa_get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl C analyse =
    (let (i, j, b) = (last analyse) in
     (arena_lit C (i + j), analyse[length analyse - 1 := (i, j + 1, b)]))

definition isa_get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_pre
   :: arena  (nat × nat × bool) list  bool where
isa_get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_pre arena analyse 
  (let (i, j, b) = last analyse in
    analyse  []  arena_lit_pre arena (i+j)  j < unat32_max)

lemma arena_lit_pre_le: length a  unat64_max 
       arena_lit_pre a i  i  unat64_max
   using arena_lifting(7)[of a _ _] unfolding arena_lit_pre_def arena_is_valid_clause_idx_and_access_def
  by fastforce

lemma arena_lit_pre_le2: length a  unat64_max 
       arena_lit_pre a i  i < unat64_max
   using arena_lifting(7)[of a _ _] unfolding arena_lit_pre_def arena_is_valid_clause_idx_and_access_def
  by fastforce

definition lit_redundant_reason_stack_wl_lookup_pre :: nat literal  arena_el list  nat  bool where
lit_redundant_reason_stack_wl_lookup_pre L NU C 
  arena_lit_pre NU C 
  arena_is_valid_clause_idx NU C

definition lit_redundant_reason_stack_wl_lookup
  :: nat literal  arena_el list  nat  nat × nat × bool
lit_redundant_reason_stack_wl_lookup L NU C =
  (if arena_length NU C > 2 then (C, 1, False)
  else if arena_lit NU C = L
  then (C, 1, False)
  else (C, 0, True))

definition ana_lookup_conv_lookup :: arena  (nat × nat × bool)  (nat × nat × nat × nat) where
ana_lookup_conv_lookup NU = (λ(C, i, b).
  (C, (if b then 1 else 0), i, (if b then 1 else arena_length NU C)))

definition ana_lookup_conv_lookup_pre :: arena  (nat × nat × bool)  bool where
ana_lookup_conv_lookup_pre NU = (λ(C, i, b). arena_is_valid_clause_idx NU C)

definition isa_lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup
  :: trail_pol  arena  lookup_clause_rel 
     _  _  _  (_ × _ × bool) nres
  isa_lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup M NU D cach analysis lbd =
      WHILETλ_. True(λ(cach, analyse, b). analyse  [])
        (λ(cach, analyse, b). do {
            ASSERT(analyse  []);
            ASSERT(length analyse  1 +  unat32_max div 2);
            ASSERT(arena_is_valid_clause_idx NU (fst (last analyse)));
	    ASSERT(ana_lookup_conv_lookup_pre NU ((last analyse)));
	    let (C, k, i, len) = ana_lookup_conv_lookup NU ((last analyse));
            ASSERT(C < length NU);
            ASSERT(arena_is_valid_clause_idx NU C);
            ASSERT(arena_lit_pre NU (C + k));
            if i  len
            then do {
	      cach  conflict_min_cach_set_removable_l cach (atm_of (arena_lit NU (C + k)));
              RETURN(cach, butlast analyse, True)
            else do {
	      ASSERT (isa_get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_pre NU analyse);
	      let (L, analyse) = isa_get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl NU analyse;
              ASSERT(length analyse  1 +  unat32_max div 2);
	      ASSERT(get_level_pol_pre (M, L));
	      let b = ¬level_in_lbd (get_level_pol M L) lbd;
	      ASSERT(atm_in_conflict_lookup_pre (atm_of L) D);
	      ASSERT(conflict_min_cach_l_pre (cach, atm_of L));
	      if (get_level_pol M L = 0 
		  conflict_min_cach_l cach (atm_of L) = SEEN_REMOVABLE 
		  atm_in_conflict_lookup (atm_of L) D)
	      then RETURN (cach, analyse, False)
	      else if b  conflict_min_cach_l cach (atm_of L) = SEEN_FAILED
	      then do {
		 cach  isa_mark_failed_lits_stack NU analyse cach;
		 RETURN (cach, take 0 analyse, False)
	      else do {
		 C  get_propagation_reason_pol M (-L);
		 case C of
		   Some C  do {
		     ASSERT(lit_redundant_reason_stack_wl_lookup_pre (-L) NU C);
		     RETURN (cach, analyse @ [lit_redundant_reason_stack_wl_lookup (-L) NU C], False)
		 | None  do {
		     cach  isa_mark_failed_lits_stack NU analyse cach;
		     RETURN (cach, take 0 analyse, False)
       (cach, analysis, False)

lemma isa_lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup_alt_def:
  isa_lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup M NU D cach analysis lbd =
    WHILETλ_. True(λ(cach, analyse, b). analyse  [])
      (λ(cach, analyse, b). do {
          ASSERT(analyse  []);
          ASSERT(length analyse  1 +  unat32_max div 2);
	  let (C, i, b) = last analyse;
          ASSERT(arena_is_valid_clause_idx NU (fst (last analyse)));
	  ASSERT(ana_lookup_conv_lookup_pre NU (last analyse));
	  let (C, k, i, len) = ana_lookup_conv_lookup NU ((C, i, b));
          ASSERT(C < length NU);
          let _ = map xarena_lit
                (C + arena_length NU C))
          ASSERT(arena_is_valid_clause_idx NU C);
          ASSERT(arena_lit_pre NU (C + k));
          if i  len
          then do {
	    cach  conflict_min_cach_set_removable_l cach (atm_of (arena_lit NU (C + k)));
            RETURN(cach, butlast analyse, True)
          else do {
              ASSERT (isa_get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_pre NU analyse);
              let (L, analyse) = isa_get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl NU analyse;
              ASSERT(length analyse  1+ unat32_max div 2);
              ASSERT(get_level_pol_pre (M, L));
              let b = ¬level_in_lbd (get_level_pol M L) lbd;
              ASSERT(atm_in_conflict_lookup_pre (atm_of L) D);
	      ASSERT(conflict_min_cach_l_pre (cach, atm_of L));
              if (get_level_pol M L = 0 
                  conflict_min_cach_l cach (atm_of L) = SEEN_REMOVABLE 
                  atm_in_conflict_lookup (atm_of L) D)
              then RETURN (cach, analyse, False)
              else if b  conflict_min_cach_l cach (atm_of L) = SEEN_FAILED
              then do {
                cach  isa_mark_failed_lits_stack NU analyse cach;
                RETURN (cach, [], False)
              else do {
                C  get_propagation_reason_pol M (-L);
                case C of
                  Some C  do {
		    ASSERT(lit_redundant_reason_stack_wl_lookup_pre (-L) NU C);
		    RETURN (cach, analyse @ [lit_redundant_reason_stack_wl_lookup (-L) NU C], False)
                | None  do {
                    cach  isa_mark_failed_lits_stack NU analyse cach;
                    RETURN (cach, [], False)
      (cach, analysis, False)
  unfolding isa_lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup_def Let_def take_0
  by (auto simp: Let_def)

lemma lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup_alt_def:
  lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup 𝒜 M NU D cach analysis lbd =
      WHILETlit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2 M NU D(λ(cach, analyse, b). analyse  [])
        (λ(cach, analyse, b). do {
            ASSERT(analyse  []);
            ASSERT(length analyse  length M);
	    let (C, k, i, len) = ana_lookup_conv NU (last analyse);
            ASSERT(C ∈# dom_m NU);
            ASSERT(length (NU  C) > k); ― ‹ >= 2 would work too
            ASSERT (NU  C ! k  lits_of_l M);
            ASSERT(NU  C ! k ∈# all 𝒜);
	    ASSERT(literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset (NU  C)));
	    ASSERT(length (NU  C)  Suc (unat32_max div 2));
	    ASSERT(len  length (NU  C)); ― ‹makes the refinement easier
	    let (C,k, i, len) = (C,k,i,len);
            let C = NU  C;
            if i  len
               RETURN(cach (atm_of (C ! k) := SEEN_REMOVABLE), butlast analyse, True)
            else do {
               let (L, analyse) = get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl2 C analyse;
               ASSERT(L ∈# all 𝒜);
               let b = ¬level_in_lbd (get_level M L) lbd;
               if (get_level M L = 0 
                   conflict_min_cach cach (atm_of L) = SEEN_REMOVABLE 
                   atm_in_conflict (atm_of L) D)
               then RETURN (cach, analyse, False)
               else if b  conflict_min_cach cach (atm_of L) = SEEN_FAILED
               then do {
                  ASSERT(mark_failed_lits_stack_inv2 NU analyse cach);
                  cach  mark_failed_lits_wl NU analyse cach;
                  RETURN (cach, [], False)
               else do {
	          ASSERT(- L  lits_of_l M);
                  C  get_propagation_reason M (-L);
                  case C of
                    Some C  do {
		      ASSERT(C ∈# dom_m NU);
		      ASSERT(length (NU  C)  2);
		      ASSERT(literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset (NU  C)));
                      ASSERT(length (NU  C)  Suc (unat32_max div 2));
		      RETURN (cach, analyse @ [lit_redundant_reason_stack2 (-L) NU C], False)
                  | None  do {
                      ASSERT(mark_failed_lits_stack_inv2 NU analyse cach);
                      cach  mark_failed_lits_wl NU analyse cach;
                      RETURN (cach, [], False)
       (cach, analysis, False)
  unfolding lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup_def Let_def by auto

lemma valid_arena_nempty:
  valid_arena arena N vdom  i ∈# dom_m N  N  i  []
  using arena_lifting(19)[of arena N vdom i]
  arena_lifting(4)[of arena N vdom i]
  by auto

lemma isa_lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup_lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup:
  assumes isasat_input_bounded 𝒜
  shows (uncurry5 isa_lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup, uncurry5 (lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup 𝒜)) 
    [λ(((((_, N), _), _), _), _).  literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 ((mset  fst) `# ran_m N)]f
    trail_pol 𝒜 ×f {(arena, N). valid_arena arena N vdom} ×f lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×f
     cach_refinement 𝒜 ×f Id ×f Id 
      cach_refinement 𝒜 ×r Id ×r bool_relnres_rel
proof -
  have isa_mark_failed_lits_stack: isa_mark_failed_lits_stack x2e x2z x1l
	  (cach_refinement 𝒜)
	   (mark_failed_lits_wl x2 x2y x1j)
      case y of
       (x, xa) 
	 (case x of
	  (x, xa) 
	    (case x of
	     (x, xa) 
	       (case x of
		(x, xa) 
		  (case x of
		   (uu_, N) 
		     λ_ _ _ _.
			literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 ((mset  fst) `# ran_m N))                 xa)
	  xa and
      (x, y)
        trail_pol 𝒜 ×f {(arena, N). valid_arena arena N vdom} ×f
	 lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×f  cach_refinement 𝒜 ×f Id ×f Id and
      x1c = (x1d, x2) and
      x1b = (x1c, x2a) and
      x1a = (x1b, x2b) and
      x1 = (x1a, x2c) and
      y = (x1, x2d) and
      x1h = (x1i, x2e) and
      x1g = (x1h, x2f) and
      x1f = (x1g, x2g) and
      x1e = (x1f, x2h) and
      x = (x1e, x2i) and
      (xa, x')  cach_refinement 𝒜 ×f (Id ×f bool_rel) and
      case xa of (cach, analyse, b)  analyse  [] and
      case x' of (cach, analyse, b)  analyse  [] and
      lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2 x1d x2 x2a x' and
      x2j = (x1k, x2k) and
      x' = (x1j, x2j) and
      x2l = (x1m, x2m) and
      xa = (x1l, x2l) and
      x1k  [] and
      x1m  [] and
      x2o = (x1p, x2p) and
      x2n = (x1o, x2o) and
      ana_lookup_conv x2 (last x1k) = (x1n, x2n) and
      x2q = (x1r, x2r) and
      last x1m = (x1q, x2q) and
      x1n ∈# dom_m x2 and
      x1o < length (x2  x1n) and
      x2  x1n ! x1o  lits_of_l x1d and
      x2  x1n ! x1o ∈# all 𝒜 and
      literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset (x2  x1n)) and
      length (x2  x1n)  Suc (unat32_max div 2) and
      x2p  length (x2  x1n) and
      arena_is_valid_clause_idx x2e (fst (last x1m)) and
      x2t = (x1u, x2u) and
      x2s = (x1t, x2t) and
      (x1n, x1o, x1p, x2p) = (x1s, x2s) and
      x2w = (x1x, x2x) and
      x2v = (x1w, x2w) and
      ana_lookup_conv_lookup x2e (x1q, x1r, x2r) = (x1v, x2v) and
      x1v < length x2e and
      arena_is_valid_clause_idx x2e x1v and
      arena_lit_pre x2e (x1v + x1w) and
      ¬ x2x  x1x and
      ¬ x2u  x1u and
      isa_get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_pre x2e x1m and
      get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl2 (x2  x1s) x1k = (x1y, x2y) and
      isa_get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl x2e x1m = (x1z, x2z) and
      x1y ∈# all 𝒜 and    get_level_pol_pre (x1i, x1z) and
      atm_in_conflict_lookup_pre (atm_of x1z) x2f and
      conflict_min_cach_l_pre (x1l, atm_of x1z) and
      ¬ (get_level_pol x1i x1z = 0 
	  conflict_min_cach_l x1l (atm_of x1z) = SEEN_REMOVABLE 
	  atm_in_conflict_lookup (atm_of x1z) x2f) and
      ¬ (get_level x1d x1y = 0 
	  conflict_min_cach x1j (atm_of x1y) = SEEN_REMOVABLE 
	  atm_in_conflict (atm_of x1y) x2a) and
      ¬ level_in_lbd (get_level_pol x1i x1z) x2i 
       conflict_min_cach_l x1l (atm_of x1z) = SEEN_FAILED and
      ¬ level_in_lbd (get_level x1d x1y) x2d 
       conflict_min_cach x1j (atm_of x1y) = SEEN_FAILED and
      inv2: mark_failed_lits_stack_inv2 x2 x2y x1j and
      length x1m  1+ unat32_max div 2
     for x y x1 x1a x1b x1c x1d x2 x2a x2b x2c x2d x1e x1f x1g x1h x1i x2e x2f x2g
	 x2h x2i xa x' x1j x2j x1k x2k x1l x2l x1m x2m x1n x2n x1o x2o x1p x2p x1q
	 x2q x1r x2r x1s x2s x1t x2t x1u x2u x1v x2v x1w x2w x1x x2x x1y x2y x1z
  proof -
    have [simp]: x2z = x2y
      using that
      by (auto simp: isa_get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_def

    obtain x2y0 where
      x2z: (x2y, x2y0)  ana_lookups_rel x2 and
      inv: mark_failed_lits_stack_inv x2 x2y0 x1j
      using inv2 unfolding mark_failed_lits_stack_inv2_def
      by blast
    have 1: mark_failed_lits_wl x2 x2y x1j  = mark_failed_lits_wl x2 x2y0 x1j
      unfolding mark_failed_lits_wl_def by auto
    show ?thesis
      unfolding 1
      apply (rule isa_mark_failed_lits_stack_isa_mark_failed_lits_stack[THEN
	   fref_to_Down_curry2, of 𝒜 x2 x2y0 x1j x2e x2z x1l vdom x2, THEN order_trans])
      subgoal using assms by fast
      subgoal using that x2z by (auto simp: list_rel_imp_same_length[symmetric]
        get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl2_def) (* slow *)
      subgoal using that x2z inv by auto
      apply (rule order_trans)
      apply (rule ref_two_step')
      apply (rule mark_failed_lits_stack_mark_failed_lits_wl[THEN
	   fref_to_Down_curry2, of 𝒜 x2 x2y0 x1j])
      subgoal using inv x2z that by auto
      subgoal using that by auto
      subgoal by auto
  have isa_mark_failed_lits_stack2: isa_mark_failed_lits_stack x2e x2z x1l
	  (cach_refinement 𝒜) (mark_failed_lits_wl x2 x2y x1j)
      case y of
       (x, xa) 
	 (case x of
	  (x, xa) 
	    (case x of
	     (x, xa) 
	       (case x of
		(x, xa) 
		  (case x of
		   (uu_, N) 
		     λ_ _ _ _.
			literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 ((mset  fst) `# ran_m N))                 xa)
	  xa and
      (x, y)
        trail_pol 𝒜 ×f {(arena, N). valid_arena arena N vdom} ×f       lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×f       cach_refinement 𝒜 ×f       Id ×f
	 Id and
      ana_lookup_conv_lookup x2e (x1q, x1r, x2r) = (x1v, x2v) and
      x1v < length x2e and
      arena_is_valid_clause_idx x2e x1v and
      arena_lit_pre x2e (x1v + x1w) and
      ¬ x2x  x1x and
      ¬ x2u  x1u and
      isa_get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_pre x2e x1m and
      get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl2 (x2  x1s) x1k = (x1y, x2y) and
      isa_get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl x2e x1m = (x1z, x2z) and
      x1y ∈# all 𝒜 and    get_level_pol_pre (x1i, x1z) and
      atm_in_conflict_lookup_pre (atm_of x1z) x2f and
      conflict_min_cach_l_pre (x1l, atm_of x1z) and
      ¬ (get_level_pol x1i x1z = 0 
	  conflict_min_cach_l x1l (atm_of x1z) = SEEN_REMOVABLE 
	  atm_in_conflict_lookup (atm_of x1z) x2f) and
      ¬ (get_level x1d x1y = 0 
	  conflict_min_cach x1j (atm_of x1y) = SEEN_REMOVABLE 
	  atm_in_conflict (atm_of x1y) x2a) and
      ¬ (¬ level_in_lbd (get_level_pol x1i x1z) x2i 
	  conflict_min_cach_l x1l (atm_of x1z) = SEEN_FAILED) and
      ¬ (¬ level_in_lbd (get_level x1d x1y) x2d 
	  conflict_min_cach x1j (atm_of x1y) = SEEN_FAILED) and
      - x1y  lits_of_l x1d and
      (xb, x'a)  nat_reloption_rel and
      xb = None and
      x'a = None and
      inv2: mark_failed_lits_stack_inv2 x2 x2y x1j and
      (xa, x')  cach_refinement 𝒜 ×f (Id ×f bool_rel) and    case xa of (cach, analyse, b)  analyse  [] and
      case x' of (cach, analyse, b)  analyse  [] and
      lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv2 x1d x2 x2a x' and
      x2j = (x1k, x2k) and
      x' = (x1j, x2j) and
      x2l = (x1m, x2m) and
      xa = (x1l, x2l) and
      x1k  [] and
      x1m  [] and
      x2o = (x1p, x2p) and
      x2n = (x1o, x2o) and
      ana_lookup_conv x2 (last x1k) = (x1n, x2n) and
      x2q = (x1r, x2r) and
      last x1m = (x1q, x2q) and
      x1n ∈# dom_m x2 and
      x1o < length (x2  x1n) and
      x2  x1n ! x1o  lits_of_l x1d and
      x2  x1n ! x1o ∈# all 𝒜 and
      literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset (x2  x1n)) and
      length (x2  x1n)  Suc (unat32_max div 2) and
      x2p  length (x2  x1n) and
      arena_is_valid_clause_idx x2e (fst (last x1m)) and
      x2t = (x1u, x2u) and
      x2s = (x1t, x2t) and
      (x1n, x1o, x1p, x2p) = (x1s, x2s) and
      x2w = (x1x, x2x) and
      x2v = (x1w, x2w) and
      x1c = (x1d, x2) and
      x1b = (x1c, x2a) and
      x1a = (x1b, x2b) and
      x1 = (x1a, x2c) and
      y = (x1, x2d) and
      x1h = (x1i, x2e) and
      x1g = (x1h, x2f) and
      x1f = (x1g, x2g) and
      x1e = (x1f, x2h) and
      x = (x1e, x2i) and
      length x1m  1 + unat32_max div 2
    for x y x1 x1a x1b x1c x1d x2 x2a x2b x2c x2d x1e x1f x1g x1h x1i x2e x2f x2g
       x2h x2i xa x' x1j x2j x1k x2k x1l x2l x1m x2m x1n x2n x1o x2o x1p x2p x1q
       x2q x1r x2r x1s x2s x1t x2t x1u x2u x1v x2v x1w x2w x1x x2x x1y x2y x1z
       x2z xb x'a
  proof -
    have [simp]: x2z = x2y
      using that
      by (auto simp: isa_get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_def

    obtain x2y0 where
      x2z: (x2y, x2y0)  ana_lookups_rel x2 and
      inv: mark_failed_lits_stack_inv x2 x2y0 x1j
      using inv2 unfolding mark_failed_lits_stack_inv2_def
      by blast
    have 1: mark_failed_lits_wl x2 x2y x1j  = mark_failed_lits_wl x2 x2y0 x1j
      unfolding mark_failed_lits_wl_def by auto
    show ?thesis
      unfolding 1
      apply (rule isa_mark_failed_lits_stack_isa_mark_failed_lits_stack[THEN
	   fref_to_Down_curry2, of  𝒜 x2 x2y0 x1j x2e x2z x1l vdom x2, THEN order_trans])
      subgoal using assms by fast
      subgoal using that x2z by (auto simp: list_rel_imp_same_length[symmetric]
      subgoal using that x2z inv by auto
      apply (rule order_trans)
      apply (rule ref_two_step')
      apply (rule mark_failed_lits_stack_mark_failed_lits_wl[THEN
	   fref_to_Down_curry2, of 𝒜 x2 x2y0 x1j])
      subgoal using inv x2z that by auto
      subgoal using that by auto
      subgoal by auto
  have [refine0]: get_propagation_reason_pol M' L'
       (get_propagation_reason M L)
    if (M', M)  trail_pol 𝒜 and (L', L)  Id and L  lits_of_l M
    for M M' L L'
    using get_propagation_reason_pol[of 𝒜, THEN fref_to_Down_curry, of M L M' L'] that by auto
  note [simp]=get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_def isa_get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_def
    arena_lifting and [split] = prod.splits

  show ?thesis
    supply [[goals_limit=1]] ana_lookup_conv_def[simp] ana_lookup_conv_lookup_def[simp]
    supply RETURN_as_SPEC_refine[refine2 add]
    unfolding isa_lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup_alt_def lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup_alt_def uncurry_def
    apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
    apply (refine_rcg)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for x y x1 x1a x1b x1c x1d x2 x2a x2b x2c x2d x1e x1f x1g x1h x1i x2e x2f x2g
       x2h x2i xa x' x1j x2j x1k x2k x1l x2l x1m x2m
        by (auto simp: arena_lifting)
    subgoal by (auto simp: trail_pol_alt_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: arena_is_valid_clause_idx_def
    subgoal by (auto simp: ana_lookup_conv_lookup_pre_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: arena_is_valid_clause_idx_def)
    subgoal for x y x1 x1a x1b x1c x1d x2 x2a x2b x2c x2d x1e x1f x1g x1h x1i x2e x2f x2g
       x2h x2i xa x' x1j x2j x1k x2k x1l x2l x1m x2m
      by (auto simp: arena_lifting arena_is_valid_clause_idx_def)
    subgoal for x y x1 x1a x1b x1c x1d x2 x2a x2b x2c x2d x1e x1f x1g x1h x1i x2e x2f x2g
       x2h x2i xa x' x1j x2j x1k x2k x1l x2l x1m x2m x1n x2n x1o x2o x1p x2p x1q
       x2q x1r x2r x1s x2s x1t x2t x1u x2u x1v x2v x1w x2w x1x x2x
      apply (auto simp: arena_is_valid_clause_idx_def lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def
        isa_get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_pre_def arena_lit_pre_def
        arena_is_valid_clause_idx_and_access_def lit_redundant_rec_wl_ref_def)
      by (rule_tac x = x1s in exI; auto simp: valid_arena_nempty)+
    subgoal by (auto simp: arena_lifting arena_is_valid_clause_idx_def
      lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def split: if_splits)
    subgoal using assms
      by (auto simp: arena_lifting arena_is_valid_clause_idx_def bind_rule_complete_RES conc_fun_RETURN
           in_ℒall_atm_of_𝒜in lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def lit_redundant_rec_wl_ref_def
          intro!: conflict_min_cach_set_removable[of 𝒜,THEN fref_to_Down_curry, THEN order_trans]
	  dest: List.last_in_set)

   subgoal for x y x1 x1a x1b x1c x1d x2 x2a x2b x2c x2d x1e x1f x1g x1h x1i x2e x2f x2g
       x2h x2i xa x' x1j x2j x1k x2k x1l x2l x1m x2m x1n x2n x1o x2o x1p x2p x1q
       x2q x1r x2r x1s x2s x1t x2t x1u x2u x1v x2v x1w x2w x1x x2x
      by (auto simp: arena_is_valid_clause_idx_def lit_redundant_rec_wl_inv_def
        isa_get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl_pre_def arena_lit_pre_def
        arena_is_valid_clause_idx_and_access_def lit_redundant_rec_wl_ref_def)
        (rule_tac x = x1s in exI; auto simp: unat32_max_def; fail)+
    subgoal by (auto simp: list_rel_imp_same_length)
    subgoal by (auto intro!: get_level_pol_pre
      simp: get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl2_def)
    subgoal by (auto intro!: atm_in_conflict_lookup_pre
      simp: get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl2_def)
    subgoal for x y x1 x1a x1b x1c x1d x2 x2a x2b x2c x2d x1e x1f x1g x1h x1i x2e x2f x2g
       x2h x2i xa x' x1j x2j x1k x2k x1l x2l x1m x2m x1n x2n x1o x2o
      by (auto intro!: conflict_min_cach_l_pre
      simp: get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl2_def)
      by (auto simp: atm_in_conflict_lookup_atm_in_conflict[THEN fref_to_Down_unRET_uncurry_Id]
          nth_conflict_min_cach[THEN fref_to_Down_unRET_uncurry_Id] in_ℒall_atm_of_𝒜in
	  get_level_get_level_pol atms_of_def
  	split: prod.splits)
        (subst (asm)  atm_in_conflict_lookup_atm_in_conflict[THEN fref_to_Down_unRET_uncurry_Id];
	  auto simp: in_ℒall_atm_of_𝒜in atms_of_def; fail)+
    subgoal by (auto simp: get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl2_def
	  split: prod.splits)
    subgoal by (auto simp: atm_in_conflict_lookup_atm_in_conflict[THEN fref_to_Down_unRET_uncurry_Id]
          nth_conflict_min_cach[THEN fref_to_Down_unRET_uncurry_Id] in_ℒall_atm_of_𝒜in
	  get_level_get_level_pol atms_of_def
      simp: get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl2_def
  	split: prod.splits)
    apply (rule isa_mark_failed_lits_stack; assumption)
    subgoal by (auto simp: split: prod.splits)
    subgoal by (auto simp: split: prod.splits)
    subgoal by (auto simp: get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl2_def
      split: prod.splits)
    apply assumption
    apply (rule isa_mark_failed_lits_stack2; assumption)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for x y x1 x1a x1b x1c x1d x2 x2a x2b x2c x2d x1e x1f x1g x1h x1i x2e x2f x2g
       x2h x2i xa x' x1j x2j x1k x2k x1l x2l x1m x2m x1n x2n x1o x2o x1p x2p x1q
       x2q x1r x2r x1s x2s x1t x2t x1u x2u x1v x2v x1w x2w x1x x2x x1y x2y x1z
       x2z xb x'a xc x'b
       unfolding lit_redundant_reason_stack_wl_lookup_pre_def
      by (auto simp: lit_redundant_reason_stack_wl_lookup_pre_def arena_lit_pre_def
	arena_is_valid_clause_idx_and_access_def arena_is_valid_clause_idx_def
	simp: valid_arena_nempty  get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl2_def
	intro!: exI[of _ x'b] bex_leI[of _ x'b])
    subgoal premises p for x y x1 x1a x1b x1c x1d x2 x2a x2b x2c x2d x1e x1f x1g x1h x1i x2e x2f x2g
       x2h x2i xa x' x1j x2j x1k x2k x1l x2l x1m x2m x1n x2n x1o x2o x1p x2p x1q
       x2q x1r x2r x1s x2s x1t x2t x1u x2u xb x'a xc x'b
      using p
      by (auto simp add: lit_redundant_reason_stack_wl_lookup_def
        lit_redundant_reason_stack_def lit_redundant_reason_stack_wl_lookup_pre_def
	lit_redundant_reason_stack2_def get_literal_and_remove_of_analyse_wl2_def
	 arena_lifting[of x2e x2 vdom]) ― ‹I have no idea why @{thm arena_lifting} requires
	   to be instantiated.

lemma iterate_over_conflict_spec:
  fixes D :: 'v clause
  assumes NU + NUE ⊨pm add_mset K D and dist: distinct_mset D
    iterate_over_conflict K M NU NUE D   Id (SPEC(λD'. D' ⊆# D 
       NU + NUE ⊨pm add_mset K D'))
proof -
  define I' where
    I' = (λ(E:: 'v clause, f :: 'v clause).
            E ⊆# D  NU + NUE ⊨pm add_mset K E  distinct_mset E  distinct_mset f)

  have init_I': I' (D, D)
    using NU + NUE ⊨pm add_mset K D dist unfolding I'_def highest_lit_def by auto

  have red: is_literal_redundant_spec K NU NUE a x
       SPEC (λred. (if ¬ red then RETURN (a, remove1_mset x aa)
               else RETURN (remove1_mset x a, remove1_mset x aa))
               SPEC (λs'. iterate_over_conflict_inv M D s'  I' s' 
                 (s', s)  measure (λ(D, D'). size D')))
      iterate_over_conflict_inv M D s and
      I' s and
      case s of (D, D')  D'  {#} and
      s = (a, aa) and
      x ∈# aa
    for s a b aa x
  proof -
    have x ∈# a distinct_mset aa
      using that
      by (auto simp: I'_def highest_lit_def
          eq_commute[of get_level _ _] iterate_over_conflict_inv_def
          get_maximum_level_add_mset add_mset_eq_add_mset
          dest!:  split: option.splits if_splits)
    then show ?thesis
      using that
      by (auto simp: is_literal_redundant_spec_def iterate_over_conflict_inv_def
          I'_def size_mset_remove1_mset_le_iff remove1_mset_add_mset_If
          intro: mset_le_subtract)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding iterate_over_conflict_def
    apply (refine_vcg WHILEIT_rule_stronger_inv[where
       R = measure (λ(D :: 'v clause, D':: 'v clause).
              size D') and
          I' = I'])
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: iterate_over_conflict_inv_def highest_lit_def)
    subgoal by (rule init_I')
    subgoal by (rule red)
    subgoal unfolding I'_def iterate_over_conflict_inv_def by auto
    subgoal unfolding I'_def iterate_over_conflict_inv_def by auto


  fixes D :: nat clause and s and s' and NU :: nat clauses_l and
    S :: nat twl_st_wl and S' :: nat twl_st_l and S'' :: nat twl_st
    S'''  stateW_of S''
    M  get_trail_wl S and
    NU: NU  get_clauses_wl S and
    NU'_def: NU'  mset `# ran_mf NU and
    NUE: NUE  get_unit_learned_clss_wl S + get_unit_init_clss_wl S and
    NUE: NUS  get_subsumed_learned_clauses_wl S + get_subsumed_init_clauses_wl S and
    N0S: N0S  get_learned_clauses0_wl S + get_init_clauses0_wl S and
    M': M'  trail S'''
    S_S': (S, S')  state_wl_l None and
    S'_S'': (S', S'')  twl_st_l None and
    D'_D: mset (tl outl) = D and
    M_D: M ⊨as CNot D and
    dist_D: distinct_mset D and
    tauto: ¬tautology D and
    lits: literals_are_in_ℒin_trail 𝒜 M and
    struct_invs: twl_struct_invs S'' and
    add_inv: twl_list_invs S' and
    cach_init: conflict_min_analysis_inv M' s' (NU' + NUE + NUS + N0S) D and
    NU_P_D: NU' + NUE + NUS + N0S ⊨pm add_mset K D and
    lits_D: literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 D and
    lits_NU: literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 (mset `# ran_mf NU) and
    K: K = outl ! 0 and
    outl_nempty: outl  [] and
    isasat_input_bounded 𝒜
    minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict 𝒜 M NU D s' lbd outl 
        ({((E, s, outl), E'). E = E'  mset (tl outl) = E  outl!0 = K 
               E' ⊆# D})
         (SPEC (λD'. D' ⊆# D  NU' + NUE + NUS + N0S ⊨pm add_mset K D'))
proof -
  show ?thesis
    apply (rule order.trans)
     apply (rule minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict_iterate_over_conflict[OF
          assms(9-24)[unfolded assms(1-10)],
          unfolded assms(1-10)[symmetric]])
     apply (rule order.trans)
     unfolding add.assoc
     apply (rule ref_two_step'[OF iterate_over_conflict_spec[OF NU_P_D[unfolded add.assoc] dist_D]])
    by (auto simp: conc_fun_RES ac_simps)

lemma (in -) lookup_conflict_upd_None_RETURN_def:
  RETURN oo lookup_conflict_upd_None = (λ(n, xs) i. RETURN (n- 1, xs [i := NOTIN]))
  by (auto intro!: ext)

definition isa_literal_redundant_wl_lookup ::
    "trail_pol  arena  lookup_clause_rel  conflict_min_cach_l
            nat literal  lbd  (conflict_min_cach_l × (nat × nat × bool) list × bool) nres"
  isa_literal_redundant_wl_lookup M NU D cach L lbd = do {
     ASSERT(get_level_pol_pre (M, L));
     ASSERT(conflict_min_cach_l_pre (cach, atm_of L));
     if get_level_pol M L = 0  conflict_min_cach_l cach (atm_of L) = SEEN_REMOVABLE
     then RETURN (cach, [], True)
     else if conflict_min_cach_l cach (atm_of L) = SEEN_FAILED
     then RETURN (cach, [], False)
     else do {
       C  get_propagation_reason_pol M (-L);
       case C of
         Some C  do {
           ASSERT(lit_redundant_reason_stack_wl_lookup_pre (-L) NU C);
           isa_lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup M NU D cach
	     [lit_redundant_reason_stack_wl_lookup (-L) NU C] lbd}
       | None  do {
           RETURN (cach, [], False)

lemma in_ℒall_atm_of_𝒜inD[intro]: L ∈# all 𝒜  atm_of L ∈# 𝒜
  using in_ℒall_atm_of_𝒜in by blast

lemma isa_literal_redundant_wl_lookup_literal_redundant_wl_lookup:
  assumes isasat_input_bounded 𝒜
  shows (uncurry5 isa_literal_redundant_wl_lookup, uncurry5 (literal_redundant_wl_lookup 𝒜)) 
    [λ(((((_, N), _), _), _), _). literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 ((mset  fst) `# ran_m N)]f
     trail_pol 𝒜 ×f {(arena, N). valid_arena arena N vdom} ×f lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×f cach_refinement 𝒜
        ×f Id  ×f Id 
      cach_refinement 𝒜 ×r Id ×r bool_relnres_rel
proof -
  have [intro!]: (x2g, x')  cach_refinement 𝒜 
    (x2g, x')  cach_refinement (fold_mset (+) 𝒜 {#}) for x2g x'
    by auto
  have [refine0]: get_propagation_reason_pol M (- L)
       (get_propagation_reason M' (- L'))
    if (M, M')  trail_pol 𝒜 and (L, L')  Id and -L  lits_of_l M'
    for M M' L L'
    using that get_propagation_reason_pol[of 𝒜, THEN fref_to_Down_curry, of M' -L' M -L] by auto

  show ?thesis
    unfolding isa_literal_redundant_wl_lookup_def literal_redundant_wl_lookup_def uncurry_def
    apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
    apply (refine_vcg
      isa_lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup_lit_redundant_rec_wl_lookup[of 𝒜 vdom, THEN fref_to_Down_curry5])
      by (rule get_level_pol_pre) auto
    subgoal by (rule conflict_min_cach_l_pre) auto
      by (auto simp: get_level_get_level_pol  in_ℒall_atm_of_𝒜inD
            nth_conflict_min_cach[THEN fref_to_Down_unRET_uncurry_Id])
	(subst (asm) nth_conflict_min_cach[THEN fref_to_Down_unRET_uncurry_Id]; auto)+
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for x y x1 x1a x1b x1c x1d x2 x2a x2b x2c x2d x1e x1f x1g x1h x1i x2e x2f x2g
       x2h x2i
      by (subst nth_conflict_min_cach[THEN fref_to_Down_unRET_uncurry_Id];
            auto simp del: conflict_min_cach_def)
        (auto simp: get_level_get_level_pol in_ℒall_atm_of_𝒜inD)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply assumption
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for x y x1 x1a x1b x1c x1d x2 x2a x2b x2c x2d x1e x1f x1g x1h x1i x2e x2f x2g
       x2h x2i xa x' xb x'a
       unfolding lit_redundant_reason_stack_wl_lookup_pre_def
      by (auto simp: lit_redundant_reason_stack_wl_lookup_pre_def arena_lit_pre_def
	arena_is_valid_clause_idx_and_access_def arena_is_valid_clause_idx_def
	simp: valid_arena_nempty
	intro!: exI[of _ xb])
    subgoal using assms by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for x y x1 x1a x1b x1c x1d x2 x2a x2b x2c x2d x1e x1f x1g x1h x1i x2e x2f x2g
       x2h x2i xa x' xb x'a
      by (simp add: lit_redundant_reason_stack_wl_lookup_def
        lit_redundant_reason_stack_def lit_redundant_reason_stack_wl_lookup_pre_def
	 arena_lifting[of x2e x2 vdom]) ― ‹I have no idea why @{thm arena_lifting} requires
	   to be instantiated.

definition (in -) lookup_conflict_remove1 :: nat literal  lookup_clause_rel  lookup_clause_rel where
  lookup_conflict_remove1 =
     (λL (n,xs). (n-1, xs [atm_of L := NOTIN]))

lemma lookup_conflict_remove1:
  (uncurry (RETURN oo lookup_conflict_remove1), uncurry (RETURN oo remove1_mset))
    [λ(L,C). L ∈# C  -L ∉# C  L ∈# all 𝒜]f
     Id ×f lookup_clause_rel 𝒜  lookup_clause_rel 𝒜nres_rel
  apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
  apply (case_tac y; case_tac x)
  subgoal for x y a b aa ab c
    using mset_as_position_remove[of c b atm_of aa]
    by (cases aa)
      (auto simp: lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_conflict_remove1_def lookup_clause_rel_atm_in_iff
        minus_notin_trivial2 size_remove1_mset_If in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff minus_notin_trivial

definition (in -) lookup_conflict_remove1_pre :: nat literal × nat × bool option list  bool where
lookup_conflict_remove1_pre = (λ(L,(n,xs)). n > 0  atm_of L < length xs)

definition isa_minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict
  :: trail_pol  arena  lookup_clause_rel  conflict_min_cach_l  lbd 
     out_learned  (lookup_clause_rel × conflict_min_cach_l × out_learned) nres
  isa_minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict  = (λM NU nxs s lbd outl. do {
  _  RETURN (IsaSAT_Profile.start_minimization);
    (D, _, s, outl) 
       WHILETλ(nxs, i, s, outl). length outl  unat32_max(λ(nxs, i, s, outl). i < length outl)
         (λ(nxs, x, s, outl). do {
            ASSERT(x < length outl);
            let L = outl ! x;
            (s', _, red)  isa_literal_redundant_wl_lookup M NU nxs s L lbd;
            if ¬red
            then RETURN (nxs, x+1, s', outl)
            else do {
               ASSERT(lookup_conflict_remove1_pre (L, nxs));
               RETURN (lookup_conflict_remove1 L nxs, x, s',  delete_index_and_swap outl x)
         (nxs, 1, s, outl);
     _  RETURN (IsaSAT_Profile.stop_minimization);
     RETURN (D, s, outl)

lemma isa_minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict_alt_def:
  isa_minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict  = (λM NU nxs s lbd outl. do {
  (D, _, s, outl) 
  WHILETλ(nxs, i, s, outl). length outl  unat32_max(λ(nxs, i, s, outl). i < length outl)
  (λ(nxs, x, s, outl). do {
  ASSERT(x < length outl);
 let L = outl ! x;
  (s', _, red)  isa_literal_redundant_wl_lookup M NU nxs s L lbd;
  if ¬red
 then RETURN (nxs, x+1, s', outl)
  else do {
  ASSERT(lookup_conflict_remove1_pre (L, nxs));
  RETURN (lookup_conflict_remove1 L nxs, x, s',  delete_index_and_swap outl x)
  (nxs, 1, s, outl);
  RETURN (D, s, outl)
  unfolding isa_minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict_def
    IsaSAT_Profile.start_def IsaSAT_Profile.stop_def nres_monad1

lemma isa_minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict_minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict:
  assumes isasat_input_bounded 𝒜
  shows (uncurry5 isa_minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict,
    uncurry5 (minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict 𝒜)) 
    [λ(((((_, N), D), _), _), _). literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 ((mset  fst) `# ran_m N) 
       ¬tautology D]f
     trail_pol 𝒜 ×f {(arena, N). valid_arena arena N vdom} ×f lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×f
         cach_refinement 𝒜 ×f Id  ×f Id 
      lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×r cach_refinement 𝒜 ×r Idnres_rel
proof -
  have init: ((x2f, 1, x2g, x2i), x2a::nat literal multiset, 1, x2b, x2d)
         lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×r Id ×r cach_refinement 𝒜 ×r Id 
      (x, y)
       trail_pol 𝒜 ×f {(arena, N). valid_arena arena N vdom} ×f lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×f
        cach_refinement 𝒜 ×f Id ×f Id and
      x1c = (x1d, x2) and
      x1b = (x1c, x2a) and
      x1a = (x1b, x2b) and
      x1 = (x1a, x2c) and
      y = (x1, x2d) and
      x1h = (x1i, x2e) and
      x1g = (x1h, x2f) and
      x1f = (x1g, x2g) and
      x1e = (x1f, x2h) and
      x = (x1e, x2i)
    for x y x1 x1a x1b x1c x1d x2 x2b x2c x2d x1e x1f x1g x1h x1i x2e x2f x2g
        x2h x2i and
  proof -
    show ?thesis
      using that by auto

  show ?thesis
    unfolding isa_minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict_alt_def uncurry_def
    apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
    apply (refine_vcg
      isa_literal_redundant_wl_lookup_literal_redundant_wl_lookup[of 𝒜 vdom, THEN fref_to_Down_curry5])
    apply (rule init; assumption)
    subgoal by (auto simp: minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict_inv_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal using assms by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
      by (auto simp: lookup_conflict_remove1_pre_def lookup_clause_rel_def atms_of_def
      by (auto simp: minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict_inv_def
        intro!: lookup_conflict_remove1[THEN fref_to_Down_unRET_uncurry]
        simp: nth_in_set_tl delete_from_lookup_conflict_pre_def
        dest!: in_set_takeD)
    subgoal by auto

(* TODO Check if the size is actually used anywhere *)

definition set_empty_conflict_to_none where
  set_empty_conflict_to_none D = None

definition set_lookup_empty_conflict_to_none where
  set_lookup_empty_conflict_to_none = (λ(n, xs). (True, n, xs))

lemma set_empty_conflict_to_none_hnr:
  (RETURN o set_lookup_empty_conflict_to_none, RETURN o set_empty_conflict_to_none) 
     [λD. D = {#}]f lookup_clause_rel 𝒜  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜nres_rel
  by (intro frefI nres_relI)
    (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_rel_def
       set_empty_conflict_to_none_def set_lookup_empty_conflict_to_none_def)

definition lookup_merge_eq2
  :: nat literal  (nat,nat) ann_lits  nat clause_l  conflict_option_rel  nat 
        out_learned  (conflict_option_rel × nat × out_learned) nres where
lookup_merge_eq2 L M N = (λ(_, zs) clvls outl. do {
    ASSERT(length N = 2);
    let L' = (if N ! 0 = L then N ! 1 else N ! 0);
    ASSERT(get_level M L'  Suc (unat32_max div 2));
    ASSERT(atm_of L' < length (snd zs));
    ASSERT(length outl < unat32_max);
    let outl = outlearned_add M L' zs outl;
    ASSERT(clvls < unat32_max);
    ASSERT(fst zs < unat32_max);
    let clvls = clvls_add M L' zs clvls;
    let zs = add_to_lookup_conflict L' zs;
    RETURN((False, zs), clvls, outl)

definition merge_conflict_m_eq2
  :: nat literal  (nat, nat) ann_lits  nat clause_l  nat clause option 
  (nat clause option × nat × out_learned) nres
merge_conflict_m_eq2 L M Ni D =
    SPEC (λ(C, n, outl). C = Some (remove1_mset L (mset Ni) ∪# the D) 
       n = card_max_lvl M (remove1_mset L (mset Ni) ∪# the D) 
       out_learned M C outl)

lemma lookup_merge_eq2_spec:
    o: ((b, n, xs), Some C)  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 and
    dist: distinct D and
    lits: literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset D) and
    lits_tr: literals_are_in_ℒin_trail 𝒜 M and
    n_d: no_dup M and
    tauto: ¬tautology (mset D) and
    lits_C: literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 C and
    no_tauto: K. K  set (remove1 L D)  - K ∉# C
    clvls = card_max_lvl M C and
    out: out_learned M (Some C) outl and
    bounded: isasat_input_bounded 𝒜  and
    le2: length D = 2 and
    L_D: L  set D
    lookup_merge_eq2 L M D (b, n, xs) clvls outl 
      (option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×r Id ×r Id)
          (merge_conflict_m_eq2 L M D (Some C))
     (is _    ?Ref ?Spec)
proof -
  let ?D = remove1 L D
  have le_D_le_upper[simp]: a < length D  Suc (Suc a)  unat32_max for a
    using simple_clss_size_upper_div2[of 𝒜 mset D] assms by (auto simp: unat32_max_def)
  have Suc_N_unat32_max: Suc n  unat32_max and
     size_C_unat32_max: size C  1 + unat32_max div 2 and
     clvls: clvls = card_max_lvl M C and
     tauto_C: ¬ tautology C and
     dist_C: distinct_mset C and
     atms_le_xs: Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length xs and
     map: mset_as_position xs C
    using assms simple_clss_size_upper_div2[of 𝒜 C] mset_as_position_distinct_mset[of xs C]
      lookup_clause_rel_not_tautolgy[of n xs C] bounded
    unfolding option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_rel_def
    by (auto simp: unat32_max_def)
  then have clvls_unat32_max: clvls  1 + unat32_max div 2
    using size_filter_mset_lesseq[of λL. get_level M L = count_decided M C]
    unfolding unat32_max_def card_max_lvl_def by linarith
  have [intro]: ((b, a, ba), Some C)  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜  literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 C 
        Suc (Suc a)  unat32_max for b a ba C
    using lookup_clause_rel_size[of a ba C, OF _ bounded] by (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def
        lookup_clause_rel_def unat32_max_def)
  have [simp]: remdups_mset C = C
    using o mset_as_position_distinct_mset[of xs C] by (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def
        lookup_clause_rel_def distinct_mset_remdups_mset_id)
  have ¬tautology C
    using mset_as_position_tautology o by (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def
  have distinct_mset C
    using mset_as_position_distinct_mset[of _ C] o
    unfolding option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_rel_def by auto
  have mset (tl outl) ⊆# C
     using out by (auto simp: out_learned_def)
  from size_mset_mono[OF this] have outl_le: length outl < unat32_max
    using simple_clss_size_upper_div2[OF bounded lits_C] dist_C tauto_C by (auto simp: unat32_max_def)
  define L' where L'  if D ! 0 = L then D ! 1 else D ! 0
  have L'_all: L' ∈# all 𝒜
    using lits le2 by (cases D; cases tl D)
      (auto simp: L'_def literals_are_in_ℒin_add_mset)
  then have L': atm_of L'  atms_of (all 𝒜)
    by (auto simp: atms_of_def)
  have DLL: mset D = {#L, L'#} set D = {L, L'} L  L' remove1 L D = [L']
    using le2 L_D dist by (cases D; cases tl D; auto simp: L'_def; fail)+
  have - L' ∈# C  False and [simp]: - L' ∉# C
    using dist no_tauto by (auto simp: DLL)
  then have o': ((False, add_to_lookup_conflict L' (n, xs)), Some ({#L'#} ∪# C))
     option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜
    using o L'_all unfolding option_lookup_clause_rel_def
    by (auto intro!: add_to_lookup_conflict_lookup_clause_rel)
  have [iff]: is_in_lookup_conflict (n, xs) L'  L' ∈# C
    using o mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[of xs C L'] L' no_tauto
    apply (auto simp: is_in_lookup_conflict_def option_lookup_clause_rel_def
         lookup_clause_rel_def DLL is_pos_neg_not_is_pos
        split: option.splits)
    by (smt - L' ∉# C atm_of_uminus is_pos_neg_not_is_pos mset_as_position_in_iff_nth option.inject)
  have clvls_add: clvls_add M L' (n, xs) clvls = card_max_lvl M ({#L'#} ∪# C)
    by (cases L' ∈# C)
      (auto simp: clvls_add_def card_max_lvl_add_mset clvls add_mset_union
      dest!: multi_member_split)
  have out': out_learned M (Some ({#L'#} ∪# C)) (outlearned_add M L' (n, xs) outl)
    using out
    by (cases L' ∈# C)
      (auto simp: out_learned_def outlearned_add_def add_mset_union
      dest!: multi_member_split)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding lookup_merge_eq2_def prod.simps L'_def[symmetric]
    apply refine_vcg
    subgoal by (rule le2)
    subgoal using literals_are_in_ℒin_trail_get_level_unat32_max[OF bounded lits_tr n_d] by blast
    subgoal using atms_le_xs L' by simp
    subgoal using outl_le .
    subgoal using clvls_unat32_max by (auto simp: unat32_max_def)
    subgoal using Suc_N_unat32_max by auto
      using o' clvls_add out'
      by (auto simp: merge_conflict_m_eq2_def DLL
        intro!: RETURN_RES_refine)

definition isasat_lookup_merge_eq2
  :: nat literal  trail_pol  arena  nat  conflict_option_rel  nat 
        out_learned  (conflict_option_rel × nat × out_learned) nres where
isasat_lookup_merge_eq2 L M N C = (λ(_, zs) clvls outl. do {
    ASSERT(arena_lit_pre N C);
    ASSERT(arena_lit_pre N (C+1));
    let L' = (if arena_lit N C = L then arena_lit N (C + 1) else arena_lit N C);
    ASSERT(get_level_pol_pre (M, L'));
    ASSERT(get_level_pol M L'  Suc (unat32_max div 2));
    ASSERT(atm_of L' < length (snd zs));
    ASSERT(length outl < unat32_max);
    let outl = isa_outlearned_add M L' zs outl;
    ASSERT(clvls < unat32_max);
    ASSERT(fst zs < unat32_max);
    let clvls = isa_clvls_add M L' zs clvls;
    let zs = add_to_lookup_conflict L' zs;
    RETURN((False, zs), clvls, outl)

lemma isasat_lookup_merge_eq2_lookup_merge_eq2:
  assumes valid: valid_arena arena N vdom and i: i ∈# dom_m N and
    lits: literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 (mset `# ran_mf N) and
    bxs: ((b, xs), C)  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 and
    M'M: (M', M)  trail_pol 𝒜 and
    bound: isasat_input_bounded 𝒜
    isasat_lookup_merge_eq2 L M' arena i (b, xs) clvls outl   Id
      (lookup_merge_eq2 L M (N  i) (b, xs) clvls outl)
proof -
  define L' where L'  (if arena_lit arena i = L then arena_lit arena (i + 1)
         else arena_lit arena i)
  define L'' where L''  (if N  i ! 0 = L then N  i ! 1 else N  i ! 0)

  have [simp]: L'' = L'
    if length (N  i) = 2
    using that i valid by (auto simp: L''_def L'_def arena_lifting)
  have L'_all: L' ∈# all 𝒜
    if length (N  i) = 2
    by (use lits i valid that
          literals_are_in_ℒin_mm_add_msetD[of 𝒜
	    mset (N  i) _ arena_lit arena (Suc i)]
	  literals_are_in_ℒin_mm_add_msetD[of 𝒜
	    mset (N  i) _ arena_lit arena i]
	  nth_mem[of 0 N  i] nth_mem[of 1 N  i]
	in auto simp: arena_lifting ran_m_def L'_def
	  simp del: nth_mem
	  dest!: multi_member_split)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding isasat_lookup_merge_eq2_def lookup_merge_eq2_def prod.simps
    L'_def[symmetric] L''_def[symmetric]
    apply refine_vcg
      using valid i
      unfolding arena_lit_pre_def arena_is_valid_clause_idx_and_access_def
      by (auto intro!: exI[of _ i] exI[of _ N])
      using valid i
      unfolding arena_lit_pre_def arena_is_valid_clause_idx_and_access_def
      by (auto intro!: exI[of _ i] exI[of _ N])
      by (rule get_level_pol_pre[OF _ M'M])
        (use L'_all
	in auto simp: arena_lifting ran_m_def
	  simp del: nth_mem
	  dest!: multi_member_split)
      by (subst get_level_get_level_pol[OF M'M, symmetric])
        (use L'_all in auto)
    subgoal by auto
      using M'M L'_all
      by (auto simp: isa_clvls_add_clvls_add get_level_get_level_pol

definition merge_conflict_m_eq2_pre where
  merge_conflict_m_eq2_pre 𝒜 =
  (λ((((((L, M), N), i), xs), clvls), out). i ∈# dom_m N  xs  None  distinct (N  i) 
       ¬tautology (mset (N  i)) 
       (K  set (remove1 L (N  i)). - K ∉# the xs) 
       literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (the xs)  clvls = card_max_lvl M (the xs) 
       out_learned M xs out  no_dup M 
       literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 (mset `# ran_mf N) 
       isasat_input_bounded 𝒜 
       length (N  i) = 2 
       L  set (N  i))

definition merge_conflict_m_g_eq2 :: _ where
merge_conflict_m_g_eq2 L M N i D _ _ = merge_conflict_m_eq2 L M (N  i) D

lemma isasat_lookup_merge_eq2:
  (uncurry6 isasat_lookup_merge_eq2, uncurry6 merge_conflict_m_g_eq2) 
    [merge_conflict_m_eq2_pre 𝒜]f
    Id ×f trail_pol 𝒜 ×f {(arena, N). valid_arena arena N vdom} ×f nat_rel ×f option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜
        ×f nat_rel ×f Id  
      option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×r nat_rel ×r Idnres_rel
proof -
  have H1: isasat_lookup_merge_eq2 a (aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, b) ba bb (af, ag, bc) be
	  Id (lookup_merge_eq2 a bg (bh  bb) (af, ag, bc) be bf)
      merge_conflict_m_eq2_pre 𝒜 (((((((ah, bg), bh), bi), bj), bk)), bm) and
      ((((((((a, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, b), ba), bb), af, ag, bc)), be), bf),
	((((((ah, bg), bh), bi), bj), bk)), bm)
        Id ×f trail_pol 𝒜 ×f {(arena, N). valid_arena arena N vdom} ×f       nat_rel ×f
	 option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×f       nat_rel ×f
     for a aa ab ac ad ae b ba bb af ag bc bd be bf ah bg bh bi bj bm bk
  proof -
      bi: bi ∈# dom_m bh and
      (bf, bm)  Id and
      bj  None and
      distinct (bh  bi) and
      (be, bk)  nat_rel and
      ¬ tautology (mset (bh  bi)) and
      o: ((af, ag, bc), bj)  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 and
      Kset (remove1 ah (bh  bi)). - K ∉# the bj and
      st: bb = bi and
      literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (the bj) and
      valid: valid_arena ba bh vdom and
      bk = card_max_lvl bg (the bj) and
      (a, ah)  Id and
      tr: ((aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, b), bg)  trail_pol 𝒜 and
      out_learned bg bj bm and
      no_dup bg and
      lits: literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 (mset `# ran_mf bh) and
      bounded: isasat_input_bounded 𝒜 and
      ah: ah  set (bh  bi)
      using that unfolding merge_conflict_m_eq2_pre_def prod.simps prod_rel_iff
      by blast+

  show ?thesis
      by (rule isasat_lookup_merge_eq2_lookup_merge_eq2[OF valid bi[unfolded st[symmetric]]
        lits o tr bounded])
  have H2: lookup_merge_eq2 a bg (bh  bb) (af, ag, bc) be bf
	  (option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×f (nat_rel ×f Id))
	(merge_conflict_m_g_eq2 ah bg bh bi bj bl bm)
      merge_conflict_m_eq2_pre 𝒜      (((((((ah, bg), bh), bi), bj)), bl), bm) and
      (((((((a, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, b), ba), bb), af, ag, bc), be), bf),
	((((((ah, bg), bh), bi), bj)), bl), bm)
        Id ×f trail_pol 𝒜 ×f {(arena, N). valid_arena arena N vdom} ×f       nat_rel ×f
	 option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 ×f  nat_rel ×f Id
    for a aa ab ac ad ae b ba bb af ag bc be bf ah bg bh bi bj bl bm
  proof -
      bi: bi ∈# dom_m bh and
      bj: bj  None and
      dist: distinct (bh  bi) and
      tauto: ¬ tautology (mset (bh  bi)) and
      o: ((af, ag, bc), bj)  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜 and
      K: Kset (remove1 ah (bh  bi)). - K ∉# the bj and
      st: bb = bi
	bf = bm
	be = bl
        a = ah and
      lits_confl: literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (the bj) and
      valid: valid_arena ba bh vdom and
      bk: bl = card_max_lvl bg (the bj) and
      tr: ((aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, b), bg)  trail_pol 𝒜 and
      out: out_learned bg bj bm and
      no_dup bg and
      lits: literals_are_in_ℒin_mm 𝒜 (mset `# ran_mf bh) and
      bounded: isasat_input_bounded 𝒜 and
      le2: length (bh  bi) = 2 and
      ah: ah  set (bh  bi)
      using that unfolding merge_conflict_m_eq2_pre_def prod.simps prod_rel_iff
      by blast+
    obtain bj' where bj': bj = Some bj'
      using bj by (cases bj) auto
    have n_d: no_dup bg and lits_tr: literals_are_in_ℒin_trail 𝒜 bg
      using tr unfolding trail_pol_alt_def
      by auto
    have lits_bi: literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset (bh  bi))
      using bi lits by (auto simp: literals_are_in_ℒin_mm_add_mset ran_m_def
        dest!: multi_member_split)

    show ?thesis
      unfolding st merge_conflict_m_g_eq2_def
      apply (rule lookup_merge_eq2_spec[THEN order_trans, OF o[unfolded bj']
        dist lits_bi lits_tr n_d tauto lits_confl[unfolded bj' option.sel]
        _ bk[unfolded bj' option.sel] _ bounded le2 ah])
      subgoal using K unfolding bj' by auto
      subgoal using out unfolding bj' .
      subgoal unfolding bj' by auto

  show ?thesis
    unfolding lookup_conflict_merge_def uncurry_def
    apply (intro nres_relI frefI)
    apply clarify
    subgoal for a aa ab ac ad ae b ba bb af ag bc bd bf ah bg bh bi bj bk bl
      apply (rule H1[THEN order_trans]; assumption?)
      apply (subst Down_id_eq)
      apply (rule H2)
      apply assumption+

definition (in -) get_count_max_lvls_code where
  get_count_max_lvls_code = (λ(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, clvls, _). clvls)

lemma atm_of_in_atms_of: atm_of x  atms_of C  x ∈# C  -x ∈# C
  using atm_of_notin_atms_of_iff by blast

definition atm_is_in_conflict where
  atm_is_in_conflict L D  atm_of L  atms_of (the D)

fun is_in_option_lookup_conflict where
  is_in_option_lookup_conflict_def[simp del]:
  is_in_option_lookup_conflict L (a, n, xs)  is_in_lookup_conflict (n, xs) L

lemma is_in_option_lookup_conflict_atm_is_in_conflict_iff:
    ba  None and aa: aa ∈# all 𝒜 and uaa: - aa ∉# the ba and
    ((b, c, d), ba)  option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜
  shows is_in_option_lookup_conflict aa (b, c, d) =
         atm_is_in_conflict aa ba
proof -
  obtain yb where ba[simp]: ba = Some yb
    using assms by auto

  have map: mset_as_position d yb and le: Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length d and [simp]: ¬b
    using assms by (auto simp: option_lookup_clause_rel_def lookup_clause_rel_def)
  have aa_d: atm_of aa < length d and uaa_d: atm_of (-aa) < length d
    using le aa by (auto simp: in_ℒall_atm_of_in_atms_of_iff)
  from mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[OF map aa_d]
  have 1: (aa ∈# yb) = (d ! atm_of aa = Some (is_pos aa))

  from mset_as_position_in_iff_nth[OF map uaa_d] have 2: (d ! atm_of aa  Some (is_pos (-aa)))
    using uaa by simp

  then show ?thesis
    using uaa 1 2
    by (auto simp: is_in_lookup_conflict_def is_in_option_lookup_conflict_def atm_is_in_conflict_def
        atm_of_in_atms_of is_neg_neg_not_is_neg
        split: option.splits)

lemma is_in_option_lookup_conflict_atm_is_in_conflict:
  (uncurry (RETURN oo is_in_option_lookup_conflict), uncurry (RETURN oo atm_is_in_conflict))
    [λ(L, D). D  None  L ∈# all 𝒜  -L ∉# the D]f
      Id ×f option_lookup_clause_rel 𝒜  bool_relnres_rel
  apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
  apply (case_tac x, case_tac y)
  by (simp add: is_in_option_lookup_conflict_atm_is_in_conflict_iff[of _ _ 𝒜])

lemma is_in_option_lookup_conflict_alt_def:
  RETURN oo is_in_option_lookup_conflict =
     RETURN oo (λL (_, n, xs). is_in_lookup_conflict (n, xs) L)
  by (auto intro!: ext simp: is_in_option_lookup_conflict_def)
