Theory IsaSAT_Setup1_LLVM
theory IsaSAT_Setup1_LLVM
sepref_register arena_status DELETED
sepref_definition not_deleted_code
is ‹(uncurry (λN C'. do {status ← RETURN (arena_status N C'); RETURN (status ≠ DELETED)}))›
:: ‹[uncurry (λN C'. arena_is_valid_clause_vdom N C')]⇩a arena_fast_assn⇧k *⇩a sint64_nat_assn⇧k → bool1_assn›
by sepref
lemma clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_alt_def:
‹RETURN oo clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur = (λ S C'. read_arena_wl_heur (λN. do {status ← RETURN (arena_status N C'); RETURN (status ≠ DELETED)}) S)›
by (auto intro!: ext simp: clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_def read_all_st_def
split: isasat_int_splits)
definition clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_code :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _ ⇒ _› where
‹clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_code S C' = read_arena_wl_heur_code (λN. not_deleted_code N C') S›
global_interpretation arena_is_valid: read_arena_param_adder where
R = ‹snat_rel' TYPE(64)› and
f = ‹λC N. not_deleted_code N C› and
f' = ‹(λC' N. do {status ← RETURN (arena_status N C'); RETURN (status ≠ DELETED)})› and
x_assn = bool1_assn and
P = ‹(λC S. arena_is_valid_clause_vdom S C)›
rewrites ‹(λS C'. read_arena_wl_heur (λN. do {status ← RETURN (arena_status N C'); RETURN (status ≠ DELETED)}) S) = RETURN oo clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur› and
‹(λS C'. read_arena_wl_heur_code (λN. not_deleted_code N C') S) = clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_code› and
‹(λS. arena_is_valid_clause_vdom (get_clauses_wl_heur S)) = curry clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_pre›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule not_deleted_code.refine)
unfolding clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_alt_def clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_code_def
apply (solves ‹rule refl›)+
subgoal by (auto simp: clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_pre_def)
sepref_register clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = arena_is_valid.refine[unfolded uncurry_curry_id]
lemmas [llvm_code] = clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def not_deleted_code_def]
sepref_def mop_clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_impl
is ‹uncurry mop_clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur›
:: ‹isasat_bounded_assn⇧k *⇩a sint64_nat_assn⇧k →⇩a bool1_assn›
unfolding mop_clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_def clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_pre_def[symmetric]
by sepref
definition conflict_is_None :: ‹conflict_option_rel ⇒ bool nres› where
‹conflict_is_None =(λN. do {let (b, _) = N; RETURN b})›
definition ‹conflict_is_None_code :: option_lookup_clause_assn ⇒ 1 word llM ≡
λ(a, _). do⇩M {
return⇩M (a)
lemma conflict_is_None_code_refine[sepref_fr_rules]:
‹(conflict_is_None_code, conflict_is_None) ∈ conflict_option_rel_assn⇧k →⇩a bool1_assn›
unfolding conflict_is_None_code_def conflict_is_None_def Let_def conflict_option_rel_assn_def
apply sepref_to_hoare
apply vcg
lemma get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_alt_def: ‹read_conflict_wl_heur conflict_is_None = RETURN ∘ get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur›
by (auto simp: read_all_st_def get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_def conflict_is_None_def
intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)
definition get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur2 where
‹get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur2 = RETURN o get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur›
definition get_conflict_wl_is_None_fast_code :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _› where
‹get_conflict_wl_is_None_fast_code = read_conflict_wl_heur_code conflict_is_None_code›
global_interpretation conflict_is_None: read_conflict_param_adder0 where
f = ‹conflict_is_None_code› and
f' = ‹conflict_is_None› and
x_assn = bool1_assn and
P = ‹(λS. True)›
rewrites ‹(λS. read_conflict_wl_heur (conflict_is_None) S) = get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur2› and
‹(λS. read_conflict_wl_heur_code (conflict_is_None_code) S) = get_conflict_wl_is_None_fast_code›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule conflict_is_None_code_refine; assumption)
unfolding get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur2_def get_conflict_wl_is_None_fast_code_def
by (solves ‹rule get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_alt_def refl›)+
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = conflict_is_None.refine[unfolded get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur2_def]
lemmas [llvm_code] = conflict_is_None_code_def
lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
get_conflict_wl_is_None_fast_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
lemma count_decided_st_heur_alt_def:
‹RETURN o count_decided_st_heur = read_trail_wl_heur (RETURN ∘ count_decided_pol)›
by (auto intro!: ext simp: count_decided_st_heur_def count_decided_pol_def
read_all_st_def split: isasat_int_splits)
definition count_decided_st_heur_impl where
‹count_decided_st_heur_impl = read_trail_wl_heur_code count_decided_pol_impl›
extract_trail_wl_heur count_decided_pol count_decided_st_heur
definition count_decided_st_heur_fast_code :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _› where
‹count_decided_st_heur_fast_code = read_trail_wl_heur_code count_decided_pol_impl›
global_interpretation count_decided: read_trail_param_adder0 where
f = ‹count_decided_pol_impl› and
f' = ‹RETURN o count_decided_pol› and
x_assn = uint32_nat_assn and
P = ‹(λS. True)›
rewrites ‹read_trail_wl_heur (RETURN o count_decided_pol) = RETURN o count_decided_st_heur› and
‹read_trail_wl_heur_code count_decided_pol_impl = count_decided_st_heur_fast_code›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule count_decided_pol_impl.refine)
by (auto simp: read_all_st_def count_decided_st_heur_def intro!: ext
split: isasat_int_splits)
by (auto simp: count_decided_st_heur_fast_code_def)
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = count_decided.refine[unfolded lambda_comp_true]
lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
count_decided_st_heur_fast_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
definition polarity_st_heur_pol_fast :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _› where
‹polarity_st_heur_pol_fast = (λS C. read_trail_wl_heur_code (λL. polarity_pol_fast L C) S)›
global_interpretation mop_count_decided: read_trail_param_adder where
f = ‹λS L. polarity_pol_fast L S› and
f' = ‹λS L. mop_polarity_pol L S› and
x_assn = tri_bool_assn and
P = ‹λS _. True› and
R = ‹unat_lit_rel›
rewrites ‹(λS C. read_trail_wl_heur_code (λL. polarity_pol_fast L C) S) = polarity_st_heur_pol_fast› and
‹(λS C'. read_trail_wl_heur (λL. mop_polarity_pol L C') S) = mop_polarity_st_heur›
apply unfold_locales
apply (subst lambda_comp_true)
apply (rule polarity_pol_fast.refine)
by (auto simp: polarity_st_heur_pol_fast_def)
by (auto simp: mop_polarity_st_heur_def read_all_st_def
split: isasat_int_splits intro!: ext)
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = mop_count_decided.refine[unfolded lambda_comp_true]
lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
polarity_st_heur_pol_fast_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
definition arena_lit2 where ‹arena_lit2 N i j = arena_lit N (i+j)›
sepref_def arena_lit2_impl
is ‹uncurry2 (RETURN ooo arena_lit2)›
:: ‹[uncurry2 (λN i j. arena_lit_pre N (i+j) ∧ length N ≤ snat64_max)]⇩a arena_fast_assn⇧k *⇩a sint64_nat_assn⇧k *⇩a sint64_nat_assn⇧k → unat_lit_assn›
supply [dest] = arena_lit_implI
unfolding arena_lit_def arena_lit2_def
by sepref
lemma arena_lit2_impl_arena_lit:
assumes ‹(C, C') ∈ snat_rel› and
‹(D, D') ∈ snat_rel›
shows ‹(λS. arena_lit2_impl S C D, λS. RETURN (arena_lit S (C' + D')))
∈ [λS. arena_lit_pre S (C' + D') ∧ length S ≤ snat64_max]⇩a (al_assn arena_el_impl_assn)⇧k → unat_lit_assn›
proof -
have arena_lit2: ‹RETURN ooo arena_lit2 = (λS C' D'. RETURN (arena_lit2 S C' D'))› for f
by (auto intro!: ext)
show ?thesis
apply (rule remove_pure_parameter2_twoargs[where R = ‹snat_rel' TYPE(64)› and f = ‹λa C D. arena_lit2_impl a C D› and f' =
‹λS C' D'. RETURN (arena_lit S (C' + D'))›, OF _ assms])
unfolding arena_lit2_def[symmetric] arena_lit2[symmetric]
by (rule arena_lit2_impl.refine)
lemma access_lit_in_clauses_heur_alt_def:
‹RETURN ooo access_lit_in_clauses_heur = (λN C' D. read_arena_wl_heur (λN. RETURN (arena_lit N (C' + D))) N)›
by (auto intro!: ext simp: read_all_st_def access_lit_in_clauses_heur_def split: isasat_int_splits)
lemma access_lit_in_clauses_heur_pre:
(λS C D.
arena_lit_pre (get_clauses_wl_heur S) (C + D) ∧
length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) ≤ snat64_max) = uncurry2 (λS i j. access_lit_in_clauses_heur_pre ((S, i), j) ∧
length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) ≤ snat64_max)›
by (auto simp: access_lit_in_clauses_heur_pre_def)
definition access_lit_in_clauses_heur_fast_code :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _ ⇒ _ ⇒ _› where
‹access_lit_in_clauses_heur_fast_code = (λN C D. read_arena_wl_heur_code (λN. arena_lit2_impl N C D) N)›
definition mop_arena_lit2_st where
‹mop_arena_lit2_st S = mop_arena_lit2 (get_clauses_wl_heur S)›
global_interpretation access_arena: read_arena_param_adder2_twoargs where
R = ‹(snat_rel' TYPE(64))› and
R' = ‹snat_rel' TYPE(64)› and
f' = ‹λi j N. RETURN (arena_lit N (i+j))› and
f = ‹λi j N. arena_lit2_impl N i j› and
x_assn = unat_lit_assn and
P = ‹(λi j S. arena_lit_pre (S) (i+j) ∧ length S ≤ snat64_max)›
‹(λN C' D. read_arena_wl_heur (λN. RETURN (arena_lit N (C' + D))) N) = RETURN ooo access_lit_in_clauses_heur› and
‹(λN C D. read_arena_wl_heur_code (λN. arena_lit2_impl N C D) N) = access_lit_in_clauses_heur_fast_code› and
‹uncurry2 (λS C D. arena_lit_pre (get_clauses_wl_heur S) (C + D) ∧ length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) ≤ snat64_max) =
uncurry2 (λS i j. access_lit_in_clauses_heur_pre ((S, i), j) ∧ length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) ≤ snat64_max)›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule arena_lit2_impl.refine[unfolded comp_def arena_lit2_def])
apply (subst access_lit_in_clauses_heur_alt_def; rule refl)
apply (subst access_lit_in_clauses_heur_fast_code_def; rule refl)
apply (rule access_lit_in_clauses_heur_pre)
lemma refine_ASSERT_move_to_pre2':
‹(uncurry2 g, uncurry2 h) ∈ [uncurry2 (λa b c. P a b c ∧ Q a b c)]⇩a A *⇩a B *⇩a C → x_assn ⟷ (uncurry2 g, uncurry2 (λN C D. do {ASSERT (P N C D); h N C D}))
∈ [uncurry2 Q]⇩a A *⇩a B *⇩a C → x_assn›
apply (rule iffI)
subgoal premises p
apply sepref_to_hoare
apply vcg
apply (subst POSTCOND_def hn_ctxt_def sep_conj_empty' pure_true_conv EXTRACT_def)+
apply (auto simp: nofail_ASSERT_bind hn_ctxt_def )
apply (rule p[to_hnr, simplified, unfolded hn_ctxt_def hn_refine_def htriple_def
sep_conj_empty' pure_true_conv sep.add_assoc, rule_format])
apply auto
subgoal premises p
apply sepref_to_hoare
apply vcg
subgoal for b bi ba bia a ai asf s
apply (subst POSTCOND_def hn_ctxt_def sep_conj_empty' pure_true_conv EXTRACT_def)+
using p[to_hnr, simplified, unfolded hn_ctxt_def hn_refine_def htriple_def
sep_conj_empty' pure_true_conv sep.add_assoc, rule_format, of a ba b]
apply auto
lemma arena_lit_arena_lit_read_arena_wl_heur_arena_lit:
‹RETURN (arena_lit (get_clauses_wl_heur N) (C + C')) = read_arena_wl_heur (λN. RETURN (arena_lit N (C + C'))) N›
by (auto intro!: ext simp: read_all_st_def access_lit_in_clauses_heur_def split: isasat_int_splits)
sepref_register mop_access_lit_in_clauses_heur
lemma mop_access_lit_in_clauses_heur_refine[sepref_fr_rules]:
‹(uncurry2 access_lit_in_clauses_heur_fast_code, uncurry2 mop_access_lit_in_clauses_heur)
∈ [uncurry2 (λS i j. length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) ≤ snat64_max)]⇩a isasat_bounded_assn⇧k *⇩a snat_assn⇧k *⇩a snat_assn⇧k → unat_lit_assn›
using access_arena.mop_refine[unfolded access_arena.mop_def refine_ASSERT_move_to_pre2'[symmetric, where Q = ‹λ_ _ _. True›, unfolded simp_thms lambda_comp_true]]
unfolding mop_access_lit_in_clauses_heur_def mop_access_lit_in_clauses_heur_def mop_arena_lit2_def Let_def
access_arena.mop_def refine_ASSERT_move_to_pre2'[symmetric] access_lit_in_clauses_heur_alt_def
by auto
lemma al_assn_boundD2: ‹al_assn arena_el_impl_assn x2 (d:: 'a :: len2 word × 'a word × 32 word ptr) c ⟹ length x2 < max_snat LENGTH('a)›
using al_assn_boundD[unfolded rdomp_def, of arena_el_impl_assn ‹x2›, where 'l = 'a]
by (cases d) auto
lemma isasat_bounded_assn_length_arenaD: ‹rdomp isasat_bounded_assn a ⟹ length (get_clauses_wl_heur a) ≤ snat64_max› apply -
unfolding rdomp_def
apply normalize_goal+
by (cases a, case_tac xa)
(auto simp: isasat_bounded_assn_def rdomp_def snat64_max_def max_snat_def split: isasat_int_splits
dest!: al_assn_boundD2 mod_starD)
sepref_def mop_access_lit_in_clauses_heur_impl
is ‹uncurry2 mop_access_lit_in_clauses_heur›
:: ‹isasat_bounded_assn⇧k *⇩a sint64_nat_assn⇧k *⇩a sint64_nat_assn⇧k →⇩a unat_lit_assn›
supply [dest] = isasat_bounded_assn_length_arenaD
by sepref
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = access_arena.refine
lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
access_lit_in_clauses_heur_fast_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
sepref_register mop_arena_lit2 mop_arena_length mop_append_ll
sepref_def rewatch_heur_vdom_fast_code
is ‹uncurry2 (rewatch_heur_vdom)›
:: ‹[λ((vdom, arena), W). (∀x ∈ set (get_tvdom_aivdom vdom). x ≤ snat64_max) ∧ length arena ≤ snat64_max ∧
length (get_tvdom_aivdom vdom) ≤ snat64_max]⇩a
aivdom_assn⇧k *⇩a arena_fast_assn⇧k *⇩a watchlist_fast_assn⇧d → watchlist_fast_assn›
supply [[goals_limit=1]]
arena_lit_pre_le_snat64_max[dest] arena_is_valid_clause_idx_le_unat64_max[dest]
supply [simp] = append_ll_def length_tvdom_aivdom_def
supply [dest] = arena_lit_implI(1)
unfolding rewatch_heur_alt_def Let_def PR_CONST_def rewatch_heur_vdom_def
tvdom_aivdom_at_def[symmetric] length_tvdom_aivdom_def[symmetric]
unfolding while_eq_nfoldli[symmetric]
apply (subst while_upt_while_direct, simp)
unfolding if_not_swap
FOREACH_cond_def FOREACH_body_def
apply (annot_snat_const ‹TYPE(64)›)
by sepref
lemma rewatch_heur_st_fast_alt_def:
‹rewatch_heur_st_fast = (λS⇩0. do {
let (N, S) = extract_arena_wl_heur S⇩0;
let (W, S) = extract_watchlist_wl_heur S;
let (vdom, S) = extract_vdom_wl_heur S;
ASSERT(length (get_tvdom_aivdom vdom) ≤ length N);
ASSERT (vdom = get_aivdom S⇩0);
ASSERT (N = get_clauses_wl_heur S⇩0);
ASSERT (W = get_watched_wl_heur S⇩0);
W ← rewatch_heur (get_tvdom_aivdom vdom) N W;
let S = update_arena_wl_heur N S;
let S = update_watchlist_wl_heur W S;
let S = update_vdom_wl_heur vdom S;
by (auto simp: rewatch_heur_st_fast_def rewatch_heur_st_def state_extractors
split: isasat_int_splits
intro!: ext)
sepref_def rewatch_heur_st_fast_code
is ‹(rewatch_heur_st_fast)›
:: ‹[rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre]⇩a
isasat_bounded_assn⇧d → isasat_bounded_assn›
supply [[goals_limit=1]]
unfolding rewatch_heur_st_fast_alt_def rewatch_heur_st_def rewatch_heur_vdom_def[symmetric] rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre_def
by sepref
definition length_ivdom_fast_code :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _› where
‹length_ivdom_fast_code = read_vdom_wl_heur_code length_ivdom_aivdom_impl›
global_interpretation length_ivdom_aivdom: read_vdom_param_adder0 where
f = ‹length_ivdom_aivdom_impl› and
f' = ‹RETURN o length_ivdom_aivdom› and
x_assn = sint64_nat_assn and
P = ‹(λS. True)›
rewrites ‹read_vdom_wl_heur (RETURN o length_ivdom_aivdom) = RETURN o length_ivdom› and
‹read_vdom_wl_heur_code length_ivdom_aivdom_impl = length_ivdom_fast_code›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule vdom_ref)
by (auto simp: read_all_st_def length_ivdom_aivdom_def length_ivdom_def intro!: ext
split: isasat_int_splits)
by (auto simp: length_ivdom_fast_code_def)
definition length_avdom_fast_code :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _› where
‹length_avdom_fast_code = read_vdom_wl_heur_code length_avdom_aivdom_impl›
global_interpretation length_avdom_aivdom: read_vdom_param_adder0 where
f = ‹length_avdom_aivdom_impl› and
f' = ‹RETURN o length_avdom_aivdom› and
x_assn = sint64_nat_assn and
P = ‹(λS. True)›
rewrites ‹read_vdom_wl_heur (RETURN o length_avdom_aivdom) = RETURN o length_avdom› and
‹read_vdom_wl_heur_code length_avdom_aivdom_impl = length_avdom_fast_code›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule vdom_ref)
by (auto simp: read_all_st_def length_avdom_aivdom_def length_avdom_def intro!: ext
split: isasat_int_splits)
by (auto simp: length_avdom_fast_code_def)
definition length_tvdom_fast_code :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _› where
‹length_tvdom_fast_code = read_vdom_wl_heur_code length_tvdom_aivdom_impl›
global_interpretation length_tvdom_aivdom: read_vdom_param_adder0 where
f = ‹length_tvdom_aivdom_impl› and
f' = ‹RETURN o length_tvdom_aivdom› and
x_assn = sint64_nat_assn and
P = ‹(λS. True)›
rewrites ‹read_vdom_wl_heur (RETURN o length_tvdom_aivdom) = RETURN o length_tvdom› and
‹read_vdom_wl_heur_code length_tvdom_aivdom_impl = length_tvdom_fast_code›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule vdom_ref)
by (auto simp: read_all_st_def length_tvdom_aivdom_def length_tvdom_def intro!: ext
split: isasat_int_splits)
by (auto simp: length_tvdom_fast_code_def)
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = length_ivdom_aivdom.refine[unfolded lambda_comp_true]
length_avdom_aivdom.refine[unfolded lambda_comp_true]
length_tvdom_aivdom.refine[unfolded lambda_comp_true]
lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
length_ivdom_fast_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
length_avdom_fast_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
length_tvdom_fast_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
sepref_register length_avdom length_ivdom length_tvdom
definition is_learned where
‹is_learned N C = (arena_status N C = LEARNED)›
sepref_definition is_learned_impl
is ‹uncurry (RETURN oo is_learned)›
:: ‹[uncurry arena_is_valid_clause_vdom]⇩a arena_fast_assn⇧k *⇩a sint64_nat_assn⇧k → bool1_assn›
unfolding is_learned_def
by sepref
definition clause_is_learned_heur_code2 :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _ ⇒ _› where
‹clause_is_learned_heur_code2 N C = read_arena_wl_heur_code (λCa. is_learned_impl Ca C) N›
lemma clause_is_learned_heur_alt_def: ‹RETURN oo clause_is_learned_heur = (λN C'. read_arena_wl_heur (λC. (RETURN ∘∘ is_learned) C C') N)›
by (auto simp: clause_is_learned_heur_def read_all_st_def is_learned_def
intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)
global_interpretation arena_is_learned: read_arena_param_adder where
R = ‹(snat_rel' TYPE(64))› and
f' = ‹λN C. (RETURN oo is_learned) C N› and
f = ‹(λN C. is_learned_impl C N)› and
x_assn = bool1_assn and
P = ‹λC N. arena_is_valid_clause_vdom N C›
‹(λN C. read_arena_wl_heur_code (λCa. is_learned_impl Ca C) N) = clause_is_learned_heur_code2› and
‹(λN C'. read_arena_wl_heur (λC. (RETURN ∘∘ is_learned) C C') N) = RETURN oo clause_is_learned_heur›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule is_learned_impl.refine)
subgoal by (auto simp: clause_is_learned_heur_code2_def intro!: ext)
subgoal by (subst clause_is_learned_heur_alt_def, rule refl)
definition clause_lbd_heur_code2 :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _› where
‹clause_lbd_heur_code2 = (λN C. read_arena_wl_heur_code (λCa. arena_lbd_impl Ca C) N)›
lemma clause_lbd_heur_alt_def:
‹RETURN ∘∘ clause_lbd_heur = (λN C'. read_arena_wl_heur (λC. (RETURN ∘∘ arena_lbd) C C') N)›
by (auto simp: clause_lbd_heur_def read_all_st_def arena_lbd_def split: isasat_int_splits intro!: ext)
global_interpretation arena_get_lbd: read_arena_param_adder where
R = ‹(snat_rel' TYPE(64))› and
f' = ‹λN C. (RETURN oo arena_lbd) C N› and
f = ‹(λN C. arena_lbd_impl C N)› and
x_assn = uint32_nat_assn and
P = ‹λC N. get_clause_LBD_pre N C›
‹(λN C. read_arena_wl_heur_code (λCa. arena_lbd_impl Ca C) N) = clause_lbd_heur_code2› and
‹(λN C'. read_arena_wl_heur (λC. (RETURN ∘∘ arena_lbd) C C') N) = RETURN oo clause_lbd_heur› and
‹arena_get_lbd.mop = mop_arena_lbd_st›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule arena_lbd_impl.refine)
subgoal by (auto simp: clause_lbd_heur_code2_def intro!: ext)
subgoal by (subst clause_lbd_heur_alt_def, rule refl)
subgoal by (auto simp: mop_arena_lbd_st_def mop_arena_lbd_def read_arena_param_adder_ops.mop_def
read_all_st_def split: isasat_int_splits
intro!: ext)
definition clause_pos_heur_code2 :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _› where
‹clause_pos_heur_code2 = (λN C. read_arena_wl_heur_code (λCa. arena_pos_impl Ca C) N)›
definition mop_arena_pos_st :: ‹_› where
‹mop_arena_pos_st S = mop_arena_pos (get_clauses_wl_heur S)›
global_interpretation arena_get_pos: read_arena_param_adder where
R = ‹(snat_rel' TYPE(64))› and
f' = ‹λN C. (RETURN oo arena_pos) C N› and
f = ‹(λN C. arena_pos_impl C N)› and
x_assn = sint64_nat_assn and
P = ‹λC N. get_saved_pos_pre N C›
‹(λN C. read_arena_wl_heur_code (λCa. arena_pos_impl Ca C) N) = clause_pos_heur_code2› and
‹arena_get_pos.mop = mop_arena_pos_st›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule arena_pos_impl.refine)
subgoal by (subst clause_pos_heur_code2_def, rule refl)
subgoal by (auto simp: mop_arena_pos_st_def mop_arena_pos_def read_arena_param_adder_ops.mop_def
read_all_st_def split: isasat_int_splits
intro!: ext)
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = arena_get_lbd.refine arena_get_pos.mop_refine arena_get_lbd.mop_refine
lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
clause_lbd_heur_code2_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
clause_is_learned_heur_code2_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
clause_pos_heur_code2_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
sepref_register clause_lbd_heur
sepref_register mark_garbage_heur
lemma mop_mark_garbage_heur_alt_def:
‹mop_mark_garbage_heur C i = (λS⇩0. do {
ASSERT(mark_garbage_pre (get_clauses_wl_heur S⇩0, C) ∧ clss_size_lcount (get_learned_count S⇩0) ≥ 1 ∧ i < length (get_avdom S⇩0));
let (N, S) = extract_arena_wl_heur S⇩0;
ASSERT (N = get_clauses_wl_heur S⇩0);
let N' = extra_information_mark_to_delete N C;
let S = update_arena_wl_heur N' S;
let (lcount, S) = extract_lcount_wl_heur S;
ASSERT (lcount = get_learned_count S⇩0);
let lcount = clss_size_decr_lcount (lcount);
let (vdom, S) = extract_vdom_wl_heur S;
ASSERT (vdom = get_aivdom S⇩0);
let S = update_vdom_wl_heur (remove_inactive_aivdom i vdom) S;
RETURN (update_lcount_wl_heur lcount S)
unfolding mop_mark_garbage_heur_def mark_garbage_heur_def
by (auto intro!: ext simp: state_extractors split: isasat_int_splits)
sepref_def mop_mark_garbage_heur_impl
is ‹uncurry2 mop_mark_garbage_heur›
:: ‹[λ((C, i), S). length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) ≤ snat64_max]⇩a
sint64_nat_assn⇧k *⇩a sint64_nat_assn⇧k *⇩a isasat_bounded_assn⇧d → isasat_bounded_assn›
supply [[goals_limit=1]]
unfolding mop_mark_garbage_heur_alt_def clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_pre_def
by sepref
lemma mark_garbage_heur_alt_def: ‹RETURN ooo mark_garbage_heur =
(λC i S⇩0. do {
let (N, S) = extract_arena_wl_heur S⇩0;
ASSERT (N = get_clauses_wl_heur S⇩0);
let N' = extra_information_mark_to_delete N C;
let S = update_arena_wl_heur N' S;
let (lcount, S) = extract_lcount_wl_heur S;
ASSERT (lcount = get_learned_count S⇩0);
let lcount = clss_size_decr_lcount (lcount);
let (vdom, S) = extract_vdom_wl_heur S;
ASSERT (vdom = get_aivdom S⇩0);
let S = update_vdom_wl_heur (remove_inactive_aivdom i vdom) S;
RETURN (update_lcount_wl_heur lcount S)})›
unfolding mop_mark_garbage_heur_def mark_garbage_heur_def
by (auto intro!: ext simp: state_extractors
split: isasat_int_splits)
sepref_def mark_garbage_heur_code2
is ‹uncurry2 (RETURN ooo mark_garbage_heur)›
:: ‹[λ((C, i), S). mark_garbage_pre (get_clauses_wl_heur S, C) ∧ i < length_avdom S ∧
clss_size_lcount (get_learned_count S) ≥ 1]⇩a
sint64_nat_assn⇧k *⇩a sint64_nat_assn⇧k *⇩a isasat_bounded_assn⇧d → isasat_bounded_assn›
supply [[goals_limit = 1]]
unfolding mark_garbage_heur_alt_def length_avdom_def
by sepref
lemma mop_mark_garbage_heur3_alt_def:
‹mop_mark_garbage_heur3 C i = (λS⇩0. do {
ASSERT(mark_garbage_pre (get_clauses_wl_heur S⇩0, C) ∧ clss_size_lcount (get_learned_count S⇩0) ≥ 1 ∧ i < length (get_tvdom S⇩0));
let (N, S) = extract_arena_wl_heur S⇩0;
ASSERT (N = get_clauses_wl_heur S⇩0);
let N' = extra_information_mark_to_delete N C;
let S = update_arena_wl_heur N' S;
let (vdom, S) = extract_vdom_wl_heur S;
ASSERT (vdom = get_aivdom S⇩0);
let vdom = remove_inactive_aivdom_tvdom i vdom;
let S = update_vdom_wl_heur vdom S;
let (lcount, S) = extract_lcount_wl_heur S;
ASSERT (lcount = get_learned_count S⇩0);
let lcount = clss_size_decr_lcount lcount;
let S = update_lcount_wl_heur lcount S;
unfolding mop_mark_garbage_heur3_def mark_garbage_heur3_def
by (auto intro!: ext simp: state_extractors
split: isasat_int_splits)
sepref_def mop_mark_garbage_heur3_impl
is ‹uncurry2 mop_mark_garbage_heur3›
:: ‹[λ((C, i), S). length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) ≤ snat64_max]⇩a
sint64_nat_assn⇧k *⇩a sint64_nat_assn⇧k *⇩a isasat_bounded_assn⇧d → isasat_bounded_assn›
supply [[goals_limit=1]]
unfolding mop_mark_garbage_heur3_alt_def
by sepref
lemma delete_index_vdom_heur_alt_def: ‹RETURN oo delete_index_vdom_heur = (λi S⇩0. do {
let (vdom, S) = extract_vdom_wl_heur S⇩0;
ASSERT (vdom = get_aivdom S⇩0);
let vdom = remove_inactive_aivdom_tvdom i vdom;
RETURN (update_vdom_wl_heur vdom S)
by (auto simp: state_extractors delete_index_vdom_heur_def
intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)
sepref_def delete_index_vdom_heur_fast_code2
is ‹uncurry (RETURN oo delete_index_vdom_heur)›
:: ‹[λ(i, S). i < length_tvdom S]⇩a
sint64_nat_assn⇧k *⇩a isasat_bounded_assn⇧d → isasat_bounded_assn›
supply [[goals_limit = 1]]
supply [simp] = length_tvdom_def
unfolding delete_index_vdom_heur_alt_def
by sepref
lemma access_length_heur_alt_def:
‹RETURN oo access_length_heur = (λN C'. read_arena_wl_heur (λN. RETURN (arena_length N C')) N)›
by (auto intro!: ext simp: read_all_st_def access_length_heur_def
split: isasat_int_splits)
definition access_length_heur_fast_code2 :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _› where
‹access_length_heur_fast_code2 = (λN C. read_arena_wl_heur_code (λN. arena_length_impl N C) N)›
global_interpretation arena_length: read_arena_param_adder where
R = ‹snat_rel' TYPE(64)› and
f' = ‹λC N. RETURN (arena_length N C)› and
f = ‹(λC' N. arena_length_impl N C')› and
x_assn = ‹snat_assn' TYPE(64)› and
P = ‹(λC S. arena_is_valid_clause_idx S C)›
‹(λN C'. read_arena_wl_heur (λN. RETURN (arena_length N C')) N) = RETURN oo access_length_heur› and
‹(λN C. read_arena_wl_heur_code (λN. arena_length_impl N C) N) = access_length_heur_fast_code2›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule arena_length_impl.refine[unfolded comp_def])
subgoal by (auto simp: access_length_heur_alt_def)
subgoal by (auto simp: access_length_heur_fast_code2_def)
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = arena_length.refine
lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
access_length_heur_fast_code2_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
lemma get_slow_ema_heur_alt_def:
‹RETURN o get_slow_ema_heur = read_heur_wl_heur (RETURN o slow_ema_of)› and
‹RETURN o get_fast_ema_heur = read_heur_wl_heur (RETURN o fast_ema_of)›
by (auto simp: read_all_st_def intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)
definition get_slow_ema_heur_fast_code :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _› where
‹get_slow_ema_heur_fast_code = read_heur_wl_heur_code slow_ema_of_stats_impl›
global_interpretation slow_ema: read_heur_param_adder0 where
f' = ‹RETURN o slow_ema_of› and
f = slow_ema_of_stats_impl and
x_assn = ‹ema_assn› and
P = ‹(λ_. True)›
‹read_heur_wl_heur (RETURN o slow_ema_of) = RETURN o get_slow_ema_heur› and
‹read_heur_wl_heur_code slow_ema_of_stats_impl = get_slow_ema_heur_fast_code›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule heur_refine)
subgoal by (auto simp: get_slow_ema_heur_alt_def)
subgoal by (auto simp: get_slow_ema_heur_fast_code_def)
definition get_fast_ema_heur_fast_code :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _› where
‹get_fast_ema_heur_fast_code = read_heur_wl_heur_code fast_ema_of_stats_impl›
global_interpretation fast_ema: read_heur_param_adder0 where
f' = ‹RETURN o fast_ema_of› and
f = fast_ema_of_stats_impl and
x_assn = ‹ema_assn› and
P = ‹(λ_. True)›
‹read_heur_wl_heur (RETURN o fast_ema_of) = RETURN o get_fast_ema_heur› and
‹read_heur_wl_heur_code fast_ema_of_stats_impl = get_fast_ema_heur_fast_code›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule heur_refine)
subgoal by (auto simp: get_fast_ema_heur_alt_def)
subgoal by (auto simp: get_fast_ema_heur_fast_code_def)
thm get_conflict_count_since_last_restart_heur.simps
find_theorems get_conflict_count_since_last_restart RETURN
lemma get_conflict_count_since_last_restart_heur_alt_def:
‹RETURN o get_conflict_count_since_last_restart_heur =
read_heur_wl_heur (RETURN ∘ get_conflict_count_since_last_restart)›
by (auto simp: read_all_st_def intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)
definition get_conflict_count_since_last_restart_heur_fast_code :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _› where
‹get_conflict_count_since_last_restart_heur_fast_code = read_heur_wl_heur_code get_conflict_count_since_last_restart_stats_impl›
global_interpretation get_conflict_count_since_last_restart: read_heur_param_adder0 where
f' = ‹RETURN o get_conflict_count_since_last_restart› and
f = get_conflict_count_since_last_restart_stats_impl and
x_assn = ‹word64_assn› and
P = ‹(λ_. True)›
‹read_heur_wl_heur (RETURN o get_conflict_count_since_last_restart) = RETURN o get_conflict_count_since_last_restart_heur› and
‹read_heur_wl_heur_code get_conflict_count_since_last_restart_stats_impl = get_conflict_count_since_last_restart_heur_fast_code›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule heur_refine)
subgoal by (auto simp: get_conflict_count_since_last_restart_heur_alt_def)
subgoal by (auto simp: get_conflict_count_since_last_restart_heur_fast_code_def)
lemma id_lcount_assn: ‹(Mreturn, RETURN) ∈ (lcount_assn)⇧k →⇩a lcount_assn›
unfolding lcount_assn_def
by sepref_to_hoare vcg
lemma get_learned_count_alt_def: ‹RETURN o get_learned_count = read_lcount_wl_heur RETURN›
by (auto simp: read_all_st_def intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)
definition get_learned_count_fast_code :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _› where
‹get_learned_count_fast_code = read_lcount_wl_heur_code Mreturn›
global_interpretation get_lcount: read_lcount_param_adder0 where
f' = ‹RETURN› and
f = ‹Mreturn› and
x_assn = ‹lcount_assn› and
P = ‹(λ_. True)›
‹read_lcount_wl_heur (RETURN) = RETURN o get_learned_count› and
‹read_lcount_wl_heur_code Mreturn = get_learned_count_fast_code›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule id_lcount_assn)
subgoal by (auto simp: get_learned_count_alt_def)
subgoal by (auto simp: get_learned_count_fast_code_def)
definition get_learned_count_number_fast_code :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _› where
‹get_learned_count_number_fast_code = read_lcount_wl_heur_code clss_size_lcount_fast_code›
global_interpretation get_learned_count_number: read_lcount_param_adder0 where
f' = ‹RETURN o clss_size_lcount› and
f = ‹clss_size_lcount_fast_code› and
x_assn = ‹uint64_nat_assn› and
P = ‹(λ_. True)›
‹read_lcount_wl_heur (RETURN o clss_size_lcount) = RETURN o get_learned_count_number› and
‹read_lcount_wl_heur_code clss_size_lcount_fast_code = get_learned_count_number_fast_code›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule clss_size_lcount_fast_code.refine)
subgoal by (auto simp: read_all_st_def split: isasat_int_splits intro!: ext)
subgoal by (auto simp: get_learned_count_number_fast_code_def)
definition get_learned_count_number' :: ‹isasat ⇒ nat› where
‹get_learned_count_number' S ≡ get_learned_count_number S›
lemma [def_pat_rules]: ‹get_learned_count_number$S≡get_learned_count_number'$S›
by (auto simp: get_learned_count_number'_def)
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] =
slow_ema.refine[unfolded lambda_comp_true] fast_ema.refine[unfolded lambda_comp_true]
get_conflict_count_since_last_restart.refine[unfolded lambda_comp_true]
get_lcount.refine[unfolded lambda_comp_true]
get_learned_count_number.refine[unfolded lambda_comp_true get_learned_count_number'_def[symmetric]]
lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
get_slow_ema_heur_fast_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
get_fast_ema_heur_fast_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
get_conflict_count_since_last_restart_heur_fast_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
get_learned_count_fast_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
get_learned_count_number_fast_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
sepref_def learned_clss_count_fast_code
is ‹RETURN o learned_clss_count›
:: ‹[λS. learned_clss_count S ≤ unat64_max]⇩a isasat_bounded_assn⇧k → uint64_nat_assn›
unfolding clss_size_allcount_alt_def learned_clss_count_def
by sepref
definition marked_as_used_st_fast_code :: ‹twl_st_wll_trail_fast2 ⇒ _› where
‹marked_as_used_st_fast_code = (λN C. read_arena_wl_heur_code (λN. marked_as_used_impl N C) N)›
global_interpretation marked_used: read_arena_param_adder where
R = ‹snat_rel' TYPE(64)› and
f' = ‹λC N. RETURN (marked_as_used N C)› and
f = ‹(λC' N. marked_as_used_impl N C')› and
x_assn = ‹unat_assn' TYPE(2)› and
P = ‹(λC S. marked_as_used_pre S C)›
‹(λN C'. read_arena_wl_heur (λN. RETURN (marked_as_used N C')) N) = RETURN oo marked_as_used_st› and
‹(λN C. read_arena_wl_heur_code (λN. marked_as_used_impl N C) N) = marked_as_used_st_fast_code›
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule marked_as_used_impl.refine[unfolded comp_def])
subgoal by (auto simp: marked_as_used_st_def read_all_st_def intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits)
subgoal by (auto simp: marked_as_used_st_fast_code_def)
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = marked_used.refine
lemmas [unfolded inline_direct_return_node_case, llvm_code] =
marked_as_used_st_fast_code_def[unfolded read_all_st_code_def]
lemma mop_marked_as_used_st_alt_def: ‹mop_marked_as_used_st = marked_used.mop›
by (auto intro!: ext split: isasat_int_splits simp: mop_marked_as_used_st_def marked_used.mop_def
mop_marked_as_used_def read_all_st_def)
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] =
marked_used.mop_refine[unfolded mop_marked_as_used_st_alt_def[symmetric]]
sepref_register get_the_propagation_reason_heur delete_index_vdom_heur access_length_heur marked_as_used_st
export_llvm polarity_st_heur_pol_fast count_decided_st_heur_fast_code get_conflict_wl_is_None_fast_code
clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_code access_lit_in_clauses_heur_fast_code length_ivdom_fast_code
length_avdom_fast_code length_tvdom_fast_code
clause_is_learned_heur_code2 clause_lbd_heur_code2 mop_mark_garbage_heur_impl mark_garbage_heur_code2
mop_mark_garbage_heur3_impl delete_index_vdom_heur_fast_code2 access_length_heur_fast_code2
get_fast_ema_heur_fast_code get_slow_ema_heur_fast_code get_conflict_count_since_last_restart_heur_fast_code