Theory IsaSAT_Backtrack_Defs
theory IsaSAT_Backtrack_Defs
imports IsaSAT_Setup IsaSAT_VMTF IsaSAT_Rephase_State IsaSAT_LBD
hide_const (open) NEMonad.ASSERT NEMonad.RETURN
chapter ‹Backtrack›
text ‹
The backtrack function is highly complicated and tricky to maintain.
section ‹Backtrack with direct extraction of literal if highest level›
paragraph ‹Empty conflict›
definition empty_conflict_and_extract_clause_heur_inv where
‹empty_conflict_and_extract_clause_heur_inv M outl =
(λ(E, C, i). mset (take i C) = mset (take i outl) ∧
length C = length outl ∧ C ! 0 = outl ! 0 ∧ i ≥ 1 ∧ i ≤ length outl ∧
(1 < length (take i C) ⟶
highest_lit M (mset (tl (take i C)))
(Some (C ! 1, get_level M (C ! 1)))))›
definition isa_empty_conflict_and_extract_clause_heur ::
‹trail_pol ⇒ lookup_clause_rel ⇒ nat literal list ⇒ (_ × nat literal list × nat) nres›
‹isa_empty_conflict_and_extract_clause_heur M D outl = do {
let C = replicate (length outl) (outl!0);
(D, C, _) ← WHILE⇩T
(λ(D, C, i). i < length_uint32_nat outl)
(λ(D, C, i). do {
ASSERT(i < length outl);
ASSERT(i < length C);
ASSERT(lookup_conflict_remove1_pre (outl ! i, D));
let D = lookup_conflict_remove1 (outl ! i) D;
let C = C[i := outl ! i];
ASSERT(get_level_pol_pre (M, C!i));
ASSERT(get_level_pol_pre (M, C!1));
ASSERT(1 < length C);
let C = (if get_level_pol M (C!i) > get_level_pol M (C!1) then swap C 1 i else C);
ASSERT(i+1 ≤ unat32_max);
RETURN (D, C, i+1)
(D, C, 1);
ASSERT(length outl ≠ 1 ⟶ length C > 1);
ASSERT(length outl ≠ 1 ⟶ get_level_pol_pre (M, C!1));
RETURN ((True, D), C, if length outl = 1 then 0 else get_level_pol M (C!1))
definition empty_cach_ref_set_inv where
‹empty_cach_ref_set_inv cach0 support =
(λ(i, cach). length cach = length cach0 ∧
(∀L ∈ set (drop i support). L < length cach) ∧
(∀L ∈ set (take i support). cach ! L = SEEN_UNKNOWN) ∧
(∀L < length cach. cach ! L ≠ SEEN_UNKNOWN ⟶ L ∈ set (drop i support)))›
definition empty_cach_ref_set where
‹empty_cach_ref_set = (λ(cach0, support). do {
let n = length support;
ASSERT(n ≤ Suc (unat32_max div 2));
(_, cach) ← WHILE⇩T⇗empty_cach_ref_set_inv cach0 support⇖
(λ(i, cach). i < length support)
(λ(i, cach). do {
ASSERT(i < length support);
ASSERT(support ! i < length cach);
RETURN(i+1, cach[support ! i := SEEN_UNKNOWN])
(0, cach0);
RETURN (cach, emptied_list support)
paragraph ‹Minimisation of the conflict›
definition empty_cach_ref_pre where
‹empty_cach_ref_pre = (λ(cach :: minimize_status list, supp :: nat list).
(∀L∈set supp. L < length cach) ∧
length supp ≤ Suc (unat32_max div 2) ∧
(∀L<length cach. cach ! L ≠ SEEN_UNKNOWN ⟶ L ∈ set supp))›
definition (in -) empty_cach_ref where
‹empty_cach_ref = (λ(cach, support). (replicate (length cach) SEEN_UNKNOWN, []))›
:: ‹isasat ⇒ (isasat × _ × _) nres›
‹extract_shorter_conflict_list_heur_st = (λS. do {
let M = get_trail_wl_heur S;
let N = get_clauses_wl_heur S;
let outl = get_outlearned_heur S;
let vm = get_vmtf_heur S;
let lbd = get_lbd S;
let cach = get_conflict_cach S;
let (_, D) = get_conflict_wl_heur S;
lbd ← mark_lbd_from_list_heur M outl lbd;
ASSERT(fst M ≠ []);
let K = lit_of_last_trail_pol M;
ASSERT(0 < length outl);
ASSERT(lookup_conflict_remove1_pre (-K, D));
let D = lookup_conflict_remove1 (-K) D;
let outl = outl[0 := -K];
vm ← isa_vmtf_mark_to_rescore_also_reasons M N outl (-K) vm;
(D, cach, outl) ← isa_minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict M N D cach lbd outl;
ASSERT(empty_cach_ref_pre cach);
let cach = empty_cach_ref cach;
ASSERT(outl ≠ [] ∧ length outl ≤ unat32_max);
(D, C, n) ← isa_empty_conflict_and_extract_clause_heur M D outl;
let S = set_outl_wl_heur (take 1 outl) S;
let S = set_conflict_wl_heur D S; let S = set_vmtf_wl_heur vm S;
let S = set_ccach_max_wl_heur cach S; let S = set_lbd_wl_heur lbd S;
RETURN (S, n, C)
definition update_propagation_heuristics_stats where
‹update_propagation_heuristics_stats = (λglue (fema, sema, res_info, wasted, phasing, reluctant, fullyproped, s).
(ema_update glue fema, ema_update glue sema,
incr_conflict_count_since_last_restart res_info, wasted,phasing, reluctant, False, s))›
definition update_propagation_heuristics where
‹update_propagation_heuristics glue = Restart_Heuristics o update_propagation_heuristics_stats glue o get_content›
definition propagate_bt_wl_D_heur
:: ‹nat literal ⇒ nat clause_l ⇒ isasat ⇒ isasat nres› where
‹propagate_bt_wl_D_heur = (λL C S⇩0. do {
let M = get_trail_wl_heur S⇩0;
let vdom = get_aivdom S⇩0;
let N0 = get_clauses_wl_heur S⇩0;
let W0 = get_watched_wl_heur S⇩0;
let lcount = get_learned_count S⇩0;
let heur = get_heur S⇩0;
let stats = get_stats_heur S⇩0;
let lbd = get_lbd S⇩0;
let vm0 = get_vmtf_heur S⇩0;
ASSERT(length (get_vdom_aivdom vdom) ≤ length N0);
ASSERT(length (get_avdom_aivdom vdom) ≤ length N0);
ASSERT(nat_of_lit (C!1) < length W0 ∧ nat_of_lit (-L) < length W0);
ASSERT(length C > 1);
let L' = C!1;
ASSERT(length C ≤ unat32_max div 2 + 1);
vm ← isa_bump_rescore C M vm0;
glue ← get_LBD lbd;
let b = False;
let b' = (length C = 2);
ASSERT(isasat_fast S⇩0 ⟶ append_and_length_fast_code_pre ((b, C), N0));
ASSERT(isasat_fast S⇩0 ⟶ clss_size_lcount lcount < snat64_max);
(N, i) ← fm_add_new b C N0;
ASSERT(update_lbd_pre ((i, glue), N));
let N = update_lbd_and_mark_used i glue N;
ASSERT(isasat_fast S⇩0 ⟶ length_ll W0 (nat_of_lit (-L)) < snat64_max);
let W = W0[nat_of_lit (- L) := W0 ! nat_of_lit (- L) @ [(i, L', b')]];
ASSERT(isasat_fast S⇩0 ⟶ length_ll W (nat_of_lit L') < snat64_max);
let W = W[nat_of_lit L' := W!nat_of_lit L' @ [(i, -L, b')]];
lbd ← lbd_empty lbd;
j ← mop_isa_length_trail M;
ASSERT(cons_trail_Propagated_tr_pre ((-L, i), M));
M ← cons_trail_Propagated_tr (- L) i M;
vm ← isa_bump_heur_flush M vm;
heur ← mop_save_phase_heur (atm_of L') (is_neg L') heur;
let S = set_watched_wl_heur W S⇩0;
let S = set_learned_count_wl_heur (clss_size_incr_lcount lcount) S;
let S = set_aivdom_wl_heur (add_learned_clause_aivdom i vdom) S;
let S = set_heur_wl_heur (unset_fully_propagated_heur (heuristic_reluctant_tick (update_propagation_heuristics glue heur))) S;
let S = set_stats_wl_heur (add_lbd (of_nat glue) stats) S;
let S = set_trail_wl_heur M S;
let S = set_clauses_wl_heur N S;
let S = set_literals_to_update_wl_heur j S;
let S = set_count_max_wl_heur 0 S;
let S = set_vmtf_wl_heur vm S;
let S = set_lbd_wl_heur lbd S;
_ ← log_new_clause_heur S i;
S ← maybe_mark_added_clause_heur2 S i;
definition propagate_unit_bt_wl_D_int
:: ‹nat literal ⇒ isasat ⇒ isasat nres›
‹propagate_unit_bt_wl_D_int = (λL S. do {
let M = get_trail_wl_heur S;
let vdom = get_aivdom S;
let N = get_clauses_wl_heur S;
let W0 = get_watched_wl_heur S;
let lcount = get_learned_count S;
let heur = get_heur S;
let stats = get_stats_heur S;
let lbd = get_lbd S;
let vm0 = get_vmtf_heur S;
vm ← isa_bump_heur_flush M vm0;
glue ← get_LBD lbd;
lbd ← lbd_empty lbd;
j ← mop_isa_length_trail M;
ASSERT(cons_trail_Propagated_tr_pre ((- L, 0::nat), M));
M ← cons_trail_Propagated_tr (- L) 0 M;
let stats = incr_units_since_last_GC (incr_uset stats);
let S = set_stats_wl_heur stats S;
let S = set_trail_wl_heur M S;
let S = set_vmtf_wl_heur vm S;
let S = set_lbd_wl_heur lbd S;
let S = set_literals_to_update_wl_heur j S;
let S = set_heur_wl_heur (unset_fully_propagated_heur (heuristic_reluctant_tick (update_propagation_heuristics glue heur))) S;
let S = set_learned_count_wl_heur (clss_size_incr_lcountUEk lcount) S;
paragraph ‹Full function›
definition backtrack_wl_D_heur_inv where
‹backtrack_wl_D_heur_inv S ⟷ (∃S'. (S, S') ∈ twl_st_heur_conflict_ana ∧ backtrack_wl_inv S')›
definition backtrack_wl_D_nlit_heur
:: ‹isasat ⇒ isasat nres›
‹backtrack_wl_D_nlit_heur S⇩0 =
do {
ASSERT(backtrack_wl_D_heur_inv S⇩0);
ASSERT(fst (get_trail_wl_heur S⇩0) ≠ []);
L ← lit_of_hd_trail_st_heur S⇩0;
(S, n, C) ← extract_shorter_conflict_list_heur_st S⇩0;
ASSERT(get_clauses_wl_heur S = get_clauses_wl_heur S⇩0 ∧
get_learned_count S = get_learned_count S⇩0);
S ← find_decomp_wl_st_int n S;
ASSERT(get_clauses_wl_heur S = get_clauses_wl_heur S⇩0 ∧
get_learned_count S = get_learned_count S⇩0);
if size C > 1
then do {
S ← propagate_bt_wl_D_heur L C S;
save_phase_st S
else do {
propagate_unit_bt_wl_D_int L S
lemma empty_cach_ref_set_empty_cach_ref:
‹(empty_cach_ref_set, RETURN o empty_cach_ref) ∈
[λ(cach, supp). (∀L ∈ set supp. L < length cach) ∧ length supp ≤ Suc (unat32_max div 2) ∧
(∀L < length cach. cach ! L ≠ SEEN_UNKNOWN ⟶ L ∈ set supp)]⇩f
Id → ⟨Id⟩ nres_rel›
proof -
have H: ‹WHILE⇩T⇗empty_cach_ref_set_inv cach0 support'⇖ (λ(i, cach). i < length support')
(λ(i, cach).
ASSERT (i < length support') ⤜
(λ_. ASSERT (support' ! i < length cach) ⤜
(λ_. RETURN (i + 1, cach[support' ! i := SEEN_UNKNOWN]))))
(0, cach0) ⤜
(λ(_, cach). RETURN (cach, emptied_list support'))
≤ ⇓ Id (RETURN (replicate (length cach0) SEEN_UNKNOWN, []))›
‹∀L∈set support'. L < length cach0› and
‹∀L<length cach0. cach0 ! L ≠ SEEN_UNKNOWN ⟶ L ∈ set support'›
for cach support cach0 support'
proof -
have init: ‹empty_cach_ref_set_inv cach0 support' (0, cach0)›
using that unfolding empty_cach_ref_set_inv_def
by auto
have valid_length:
‹empty_cach_ref_set_inv cach0 support' s ⟹ case s of (i, cach) ⇒ i < length support' ⟹
s = (cach', sup') ⟹ support' ! cach' < length sup'› for s cach' sup'
using that unfolding empty_cach_ref_set_inv_def
by auto
have set_next: ‹empty_cach_ref_set_inv cach0 support' (i + 1, cach'[support' ! i := SEEN_UNKNOWN])›
inv: ‹empty_cach_ref_set_inv cach0 support' s› and
cond: ‹case s of (i, cach) ⇒ i < length support'› and
s: ‹s = (i, cach')› and
valid[simp]: ‹support' ! i < length cach'›
for s i cach'
proof -
le_cach_cach0: ‹length cach' = length cach0› and
le_length: ‹∀L∈set (drop i support'). L < length cach'› and
UNKNOWN: ‹∀L∈set (take i support'). cach' ! L = SEEN_UNKNOWN› and
support: ‹∀L<length cach'. cach' ! L ≠ SEEN_UNKNOWN ⟶ L ∈ set (drop i support')› and
[simp]: ‹i < length support'›
using inv cond unfolding empty_cach_ref_set_inv_def s
by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding empty_cach_ref_set_inv_def
apply (intro conjI)
subgoal by (simp add: le_cach_cach0)
subgoal using le_length by (simp add: Cons_nth_drop_Suc[symmetric])
subgoal using UNKNOWN by (auto simp add: take_Suc_conv_app_nth)
subgoal using support by (auto simp add: Cons_nth_drop_Suc[symmetric])
have final: ‹((cach', emptied_list support'), replicate (length cach0) SEEN_UNKNOWN, []) ∈ Id›
inv: ‹empty_cach_ref_set_inv cach0 support' s› and
cond: ‹¬ (case s of (i, cach) ⇒ i < length support')› and
s: ‹s = (i, cach')›
for s cach' i
proof -
le_cach_cach0: ‹length cach' = length cach0› and
le_length: ‹∀L∈set (drop i support'). L < length cach'› and
UNKNOWN: ‹∀L∈set (take i support'). cach' ! L = SEEN_UNKNOWN› and
support: ‹∀L<length cach'. cach' ! L ≠ SEEN_UNKNOWN ⟶ L ∈ set (drop i support')› and
i: ‹¬i < length support'›
using inv cond unfolding empty_cach_ref_set_inv_def s
by auto
have ‹∀L<length cach'. cach' ! L = SEEN_UNKNOWN›
using support i by auto
then have [dest]: ‹L ∈ set cach' ⟹ L = SEEN_UNKNOWN› for L
by (metis in_set_conv_nth)
then have [dest]: ‹SEEN_UNKNOWN ∉ set cach' ⟹ cach0 = [] ∧ cach' = []›
using le_cach_cach0 by (cases cach') auto
show ?thesis
by (auto simp: emptied_list_def list_eq_replicate_iff le_cach_cach0)
show ?thesis
unfolding conc_Id id_def
apply (refine_vcg WHILEIT_rule[where R = ‹measure (λ(i, _). length support' - i)›])
subgoal by auto
subgoal by (rule init)
subgoal by auto
subgoal by (rule valid_length)
subgoal by (rule set_next)
subgoal by auto
subgoal using final by simp
show ?thesis
unfolding empty_cach_ref_set_def empty_cach_ref_def Let_def comp_def
by (intro frefI nres_relI ASSERT_leI) (clarify intro!: H ASSERT_leI)