Theory IsaSAT_Backtrack_Defs

theory IsaSAT_Backtrack_Defs
  imports IsaSAT_Setup IsaSAT_VMTF IsaSAT_Rephase_State IsaSAT_LBD
    IsaSAT_Bump_Heuristics (*TODO: should be  _State*)

hide_const (open) NEMonad.ASSERT NEMonad.RETURN

chapter Backtrack

  The backtrack function is highly complicated and tricky to maintain.

section Backtrack with direct extraction of literal if highest level

paragraph Empty conflict

definition empty_conflict_and_extract_clause_heur_inv where
  empty_conflict_and_extract_clause_heur_inv M outl =
    (λ(E, C, i). mset (take i C) = mset (take i outl) 
            length C = length outl  C ! 0 = outl ! 0  i  1  i  length outl 
            (1 < length (take i C) 
                 highest_lit M (mset (tl (take i C)))
                  (Some (C ! 1, get_level M (C ! 1)))))

definition isa_empty_conflict_and_extract_clause_heur ::
  trail_pol  lookup_clause_rel  nat literal list  (_ × nat literal list × nat) nres
    isa_empty_conflict_and_extract_clause_heur M D outl = do {
     let C = replicate (length outl) (outl!0);
     (D, C, _)  WHILET
         (λ(D, C, i). i < length_uint32_nat outl)
         (λ(D, C, i). do {
           ASSERT(i < length outl);
           ASSERT(i < length C);
           ASSERT(lookup_conflict_remove1_pre (outl ! i, D));
           let D = lookup_conflict_remove1 (outl ! i) D;
           let C = C[i := outl ! i];
	   ASSERT(get_level_pol_pre (M, C!i));
	   ASSERT(get_level_pol_pre (M, C!1));
	   ASSERT(1 < length C);
           let C = (if get_level_pol M (C!i) > get_level_pol M (C!1) then swap C 1 i else C);
           ASSERT(i+1  unat32_max);
           RETURN (D, C, i+1)
        (D, C, 1);
     ASSERT(length outl  1  length C > 1);
     ASSERT(length outl  1   get_level_pol_pre (M, C!1));
     RETURN ((True, D), C, if length outl = 1 then 0 else get_level_pol M (C!1))

definition empty_cach_ref_set_inv where
  empty_cach_ref_set_inv cach0 support =
    (λ(i, cach). length cach = length cach0 
         (L  set (drop i support). L < length cach) 
         (L  set (take i support).  cach ! L = SEEN_UNKNOWN) 
         (L < length cach. cach ! L  SEEN_UNKNOWN  L  set (drop i support)))

definition empty_cach_ref_set where
  empty_cach_ref_set = (λ(cach0, support). do {
    let n = length support;
    ASSERT(n  Suc (unat32_max div 2));
    (_, cach)  WHILETempty_cach_ref_set_inv cach0 support(λ(i, cach). i < length support)
      (λ(i, cach). do {
         ASSERT(i < length support);
         ASSERT(support ! i < length cach);
         RETURN(i+1, cach[support ! i := SEEN_UNKNOWN])
     (0, cach0);
    RETURN (cach, emptied_list support)

paragraph Minimisation of the conflict

definition empty_cach_ref_pre where
  empty_cach_ref_pre = (λ(cach :: minimize_status list, supp :: nat list).
         (Lset supp. L < length cach) 
         length supp  Suc (unat32_max div 2) 
         (L<length cach. cach ! L  SEEN_UNKNOWN  L  set supp))

definition (in -) empty_cach_ref where
  empty_cach_ref = (λ(cach, support). (replicate (length cach) SEEN_UNKNOWN, []))

definition extract_shorter_conflict_list_heur_st
  :: isasat  (isasat × _ × _) nres
    extract_shorter_conflict_list_heur_st = (λS. do {
     let M = get_trail_wl_heur S;
     let N = get_clauses_wl_heur S;
     let outl = get_outlearned_heur S;
     let vm = get_vmtf_heur S;
     let lbd = get_lbd S;
     let cach = get_conflict_cach S;
     let (_, D) = get_conflict_wl_heur S;
     lbd  mark_lbd_from_list_heur M outl lbd;
     ASSERT(fst M  []);
     let K = lit_of_last_trail_pol M;
     ASSERT(0 < length outl);
     ASSERT(lookup_conflict_remove1_pre (-K, D));
     let D = lookup_conflict_remove1 (-K) D;
     let outl = outl[0 := -K];
     vm  isa_vmtf_mark_to_rescore_also_reasons M N outl (-K) vm;
     (D, cach, outl)  isa_minimize_and_extract_highest_lookup_conflict M N D cach lbd outl;
     ASSERT(empty_cach_ref_pre cach);
     let cach = empty_cach_ref cach;
     ASSERT(outl  []  length outl  unat32_max);
     (D, C, n)  isa_empty_conflict_and_extract_clause_heur M D outl;
     let S = set_outl_wl_heur (take 1 outl) S;
     let S = set_conflict_wl_heur D S; let S = set_vmtf_wl_heur vm S;
     let S = set_ccach_max_wl_heur cach S; let S = set_lbd_wl_heur lbd S;
     RETURN (S, n, C)

definition update_propagation_heuristics_stats where
  update_propagation_heuristics_stats = (λglue (fema, sema, res_info, wasted, phasing, reluctant, fullyproped, s).
     (ema_update glue fema, ema_update glue sema,
          incr_conflict_count_since_last_restart res_info, wasted,phasing, reluctant, False, s))

definition update_propagation_heuristics where
  update_propagation_heuristics glue = Restart_Heuristics o update_propagation_heuristics_stats glue o get_content

definition propagate_bt_wl_D_heur
  :: nat literal  nat clause_l  isasat  isasat nres where
  propagate_bt_wl_D_heur = (λL C S0. do {
      let M = get_trail_wl_heur S0;
      let vdom = get_aivdom S0;
      let N0 = get_clauses_wl_heur S0;
      let W0 = get_watched_wl_heur S0;
      let lcount = get_learned_count S0;
      let heur = get_heur S0;
      let stats = get_stats_heur S0;
      let lbd = get_lbd S0;
      let vm0 = get_vmtf_heur S0;
      ASSERT(length (get_vdom_aivdom vdom)  length N0);
      ASSERT(length (get_avdom_aivdom vdom)  length N0);
      ASSERT(nat_of_lit (C!1) < length W0  nat_of_lit (-L) < length W0);
      ASSERT(length C > 1);
      let L' = C!1;
      ASSERT(length C  unat32_max div 2 + 1);
      vm  isa_bump_rescore C M vm0;
      glue  get_LBD lbd;
      let b = False;
      let b' = (length C = 2);
      ASSERT(isasat_fast S0  append_and_length_fast_code_pre ((b, C), N0));
      ASSERT(isasat_fast S0  clss_size_lcount lcount < snat64_max);
      (N, i)  fm_add_new b C N0;
      ASSERT(update_lbd_pre ((i, glue), N));
      let N = update_lbd_and_mark_used i glue N;
      ASSERT(isasat_fast S0  length_ll W0 (nat_of_lit (-L)) < snat64_max);
      let W = W0[nat_of_lit (- L) := W0 ! nat_of_lit (- L) @ [(i, L', b')]];
      ASSERT(isasat_fast S0  length_ll W (nat_of_lit L') < snat64_max);
      let W = W[nat_of_lit L' := W!nat_of_lit L' @ [(i, -L, b')]];
      lbd  lbd_empty lbd;
      j  mop_isa_length_trail M;
      ASSERT(cons_trail_Propagated_tr_pre ((-L, i), M));
      M  cons_trail_Propagated_tr (- L) i M;
      vm  isa_bump_heur_flush M vm;
      heur  mop_save_phase_heur (atm_of L') (is_neg L') heur;
      let S = set_watched_wl_heur W S0;
      let S = set_learned_count_wl_heur (clss_size_incr_lcount lcount) S;
      let S = set_aivdom_wl_heur (add_learned_clause_aivdom i vdom) S;
      let S = set_heur_wl_heur (unset_fully_propagated_heur (heuristic_reluctant_tick (update_propagation_heuristics glue heur))) S;
      let S = set_stats_wl_heur (add_lbd (of_nat glue) stats) S;
      let S = set_trail_wl_heur M S;
      let S = set_clauses_wl_heur N S;
      let S = set_literals_to_update_wl_heur j S;
      let S = set_count_max_wl_heur 0 S;
      let S = set_vmtf_wl_heur vm S;
      let S = set_lbd_wl_heur lbd S;
      _  log_new_clause_heur S i;
      S  maybe_mark_added_clause_heur2 S i;
      RETURN (S)

definition propagate_unit_bt_wl_D_int
  :: nat literal  isasat  isasat nres
    propagate_unit_bt_wl_D_int = (λL S. do {
      let M = get_trail_wl_heur S;
      let vdom = get_aivdom S;
      let N = get_clauses_wl_heur S;
      let W0 = get_watched_wl_heur S;
      let lcount = get_learned_count S;
      let heur = get_heur S;
      let stats = get_stats_heur S;
      let lbd = get_lbd S;
      let vm0 = get_vmtf_heur S;
      vm  isa_bump_heur_flush M vm0;
      glue  get_LBD lbd;
      lbd  lbd_empty lbd;
      j  mop_isa_length_trail M;
      ASSERT(cons_trail_Propagated_tr_pre ((- L, 0::nat), M));
      M  cons_trail_Propagated_tr (- L) 0 M;
      let stats = incr_units_since_last_GC (incr_uset stats);
      let S = set_stats_wl_heur stats S;
      let S = set_trail_wl_heur M S;
      let S = set_vmtf_wl_heur vm S;
      let S = set_lbd_wl_heur lbd S;
      let S = set_literals_to_update_wl_heur j S;
      let S = set_heur_wl_heur (unset_fully_propagated_heur (heuristic_reluctant_tick (update_propagation_heuristics glue heur))) S;
      let S = set_learned_count_wl_heur (clss_size_incr_lcountUEk lcount) S;
      RETURN S})

paragraph Full function

definition backtrack_wl_D_heur_inv where
  backtrack_wl_D_heur_inv S  (S'. (S, S')  twl_st_heur_conflict_ana  backtrack_wl_inv S')

definition backtrack_wl_D_nlit_heur
  :: isasat  isasat nres
    backtrack_wl_D_nlit_heur S0 =
    do {
      ASSERT(backtrack_wl_D_heur_inv S0);
      ASSERT(fst (get_trail_wl_heur S0)  []);
      L  lit_of_hd_trail_st_heur S0;
      (S, n, C)  extract_shorter_conflict_list_heur_st S0;
      ASSERT(get_clauses_wl_heur S = get_clauses_wl_heur S0 
           get_learned_count S = get_learned_count S0);
      S  find_decomp_wl_st_int n S;

      ASSERT(get_clauses_wl_heur S = get_clauses_wl_heur S0 
           get_learned_count S = get_learned_count S0);
      if size C > 1
      then do {
        S  propagate_bt_wl_D_heur L C S;
        save_phase_st S
      else do {
        propagate_unit_bt_wl_D_int L S

lemma empty_cach_ref_set_empty_cach_ref:
  (empty_cach_ref_set, RETURN o empty_cach_ref) 
    [λ(cach, supp). (L  set supp. L < length cach)  length supp  Suc (unat32_max div 2) 
      (L < length cach. cach ! L  SEEN_UNKNOWN  L  set supp)]f
    Id  Id nres_rel
proof -
  have H: WHILETempty_cach_ref_set_inv cach0 support'(λ(i, cach). i < length support')
       (λ(i, cach).
           ASSERT (i < length support') 
           (λ_. ASSERT (support' ! i < length cach) 
           (λ_. RETURN (i + 1, cach[support' ! i := SEEN_UNKNOWN]))))
       (0, cach0) 
      (λ(_, cach). RETURN (cach, emptied_list support'))
        Id (RETURN (replicate (length cach0) SEEN_UNKNOWN, []))
      Lset support'. L < length cach0 and
      L<length cach0. cach0 ! L  SEEN_UNKNOWN  L  set support'
    for cach support cach0 support'
  proof -
    have init: empty_cach_ref_set_inv cach0 support' (0, cach0)
      using that unfolding empty_cach_ref_set_inv_def
      by auto
    have valid_length:
      empty_cach_ref_set_inv cach0 support' s  case s of (i, cach)  i < length support' 
          s = (cach', sup')  support' ! cach' < length sup'  for s cach' sup'
      using that unfolding empty_cach_ref_set_inv_def
      by auto
    have set_next: empty_cach_ref_set_inv cach0 support' (i + 1, cach'[support' ! i := SEEN_UNKNOWN])
        inv: empty_cach_ref_set_inv cach0 support' s and
        cond: case s of (i, cach)  i < length support' and
        s: s = (i, cach') and
        valid[simp]: support' ! i < length cach'
      for s i cach'
    proof -
        le_cach_cach0: length cach' = length cach0 and
        le_length: Lset (drop i support'). L < length cach' and
        UNKNOWN: Lset (take i support'). cach' ! L = SEEN_UNKNOWN and
        support: L<length cach'. cach' ! L  SEEN_UNKNOWN  L  set (drop i support') and
        [simp]: i < length support'
        using inv cond unfolding empty_cach_ref_set_inv_def s
        by auto

      show ?thesis
        unfolding empty_cach_ref_set_inv_def
        apply (intro conjI)
        subgoal by (simp add: le_cach_cach0)
        subgoal using le_length by (simp add: Cons_nth_drop_Suc[symmetric])
        subgoal using UNKNOWN by (auto simp add: take_Suc_conv_app_nth)
        subgoal using support by (auto simp add: Cons_nth_drop_Suc[symmetric])
    have final: ((cach', emptied_list support'), replicate (length cach0) SEEN_UNKNOWN, [])  Id
        inv: empty_cach_ref_set_inv cach0 support' s and
        cond: ¬ (case s of (i, cach)  i < length support') and
        s: s = (i, cach')
      for s cach' i
    proof -
        le_cach_cach0: length cach' = length cach0 and
        le_length: Lset (drop i support'). L < length cach' and
        UNKNOWN: Lset (take i support'). cach' ! L = SEEN_UNKNOWN and
        support: L<length cach'. cach' ! L  SEEN_UNKNOWN  L  set (drop i support') and
        i: ¬i < length support'
        using inv cond unfolding empty_cach_ref_set_inv_def s
        by auto
      have L<length cach'. cach' ! L  = SEEN_UNKNOWN
        using support i by auto
      then have [dest]: L  set cach'  L = SEEN_UNKNOWN for L
        by (metis in_set_conv_nth)
      then have [dest]: SEEN_UNKNOWN  set cach'  cach0 = []  cach' = []
        using le_cach_cach0 by (cases cach') auto
      show ?thesis
        by (auto simp: emptied_list_def list_eq_replicate_iff le_cach_cach0)
    show ?thesis
      unfolding conc_Id id_def
      apply (refine_vcg WHILEIT_rule[where R = measure (λ(i, _). length support' - i)])
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by (rule init)
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by (rule valid_length)
      subgoal by (rule set_next)
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal using final by simp
  show ?thesis
    unfolding empty_cach_ref_set_def empty_cach_ref_def Let_def comp_def
    by (intro frefI nres_relI ASSERT_leI) (clarify intro!: H ASSERT_leI)

