Theory IsaSAT_Decide_Defs

theory IsaSAT_Decide_Defs
  imports IsaSAT_Setup IsaSAT_VMTF IsaSAT_Bump_Heuristics IsaSAT_Phasing

chapter Decide

definition isa_bump_find_next_undef where 
  isa_bump_find_next_undef x M = (case x of Bump_Heuristics hstable focused foc tobmp 
  if foc then do {
    L  isa_vmtf_find_next_undef focused M;
    RETURN (L, Bump_Heuristics hstable (update_next_search L focused) foc tobmp)
    } else  do {
    (L, hstable)  isa_acids_find_next_undef hstable M;
    RETURN (L, Bump_Heuristics hstable focused foc tobmp)

definition isa_vmtf_find_next_undef_upd
  :: trail_pol  bump_heuristics 
        ((trail_pol × bump_heuristics) × nat option)nres
  isa_vmtf_find_next_undef_upd = (λM vm. do{
      (L, vm)  isa_bump_find_next_undef vm M;
      RETURN ((M, vm), L)

definition get_saved_phase_option_heur_pre :: nat option  restart_heuristics  bool where
  get_saved_phase_option_heur_pre L = (λheur.
       L  None  get_next_phase_heur_pre_stats True (the L) heur)

definition lit_of_found_atm where
lit_of_found_atm φ L = SPEC (λK. (L = None  K = None) 
    (L  None  K  None  atm_of (the K) = the L))

definition find_unassigned_lit_wl_D_heur
  :: isasat  (isasat × nat literal option) nres
  find_unassigned_lit_wl_D_heur = (λS. do {
      let M = get_trail_wl_heur S;
      let vm = get_vmtf_heur S;
      let heur = get_heur S;
      let heur = set_fully_propagated_heur heur;
      ((M, vm), L)  isa_vmtf_find_next_undef_upd M vm;
      ASSERT(get_saved_phase_option_heur_pre (L) (get_content heur));
        L  lit_of_found_atm heur L;
      let S = set_trail_wl_heur M S;
      let S = set_vmtf_wl_heur vm S;
      let S = set_heur_wl_heur heur S;
      RETURN (S, L)

definition decide_lit_wl_heur :: nat literal  isasat  isasat nres where
  decide_lit_wl_heur = (λL' S. do {
      let M = get_trail_wl_heur S;
      let stats = get_stats_heur S;
      ASSERT(isa_length_trail_pre M);
      let j = isa_length_trail M;
      let S = set_literals_to_update_wl_heur j S;
      ASSERT(cons_trail_Decided_tr_pre (L', M));
      let M = cons_trail_Decided_tr L' M;
      let S = set_trail_wl_heur M S;
      let stats = incr_decision stats;
      let S = set_stats_wl_heur stats S;
      RETURN S})

definition mop_get_saved_phase_heur_st :: nat  isasat  bool nres where
   mop_get_saved_phase_heur_st = (λL S. mop_get_saved_phase_heur L (get_heur S))

definition decide_wl_or_skip_D_heur
  :: isasat  (bool × isasat) nres
  decide_wl_or_skip_D_heur S = (do {
    (S, L)  find_unassigned_lit_wl_D_heur S;
    case L of
      None  RETURN (True, S)
    | Some L  do {
        T  decide_lit_wl_heur L S;
        RETURN (False, T)}

definition get_next_phase_st :: bool  nat  isasat  (bool) nres where
  get_next_phase_st = (λb L S.
     (get_next_phase_heur b L (get_heur S)))

definition find_unassigned_lit_wl_D_heur2
  :: isasat  (isasat × nat option) nres
  find_unassigned_lit_wl_D_heur2 = (λS. do {
      ((M, vm), L)  isa_vmtf_find_next_undef_upd (get_trail_wl_heur S) (get_vmtf_heur S);
      RETURN (set_heur_wl_heur (set_fully_propagated_heur (get_heur S)) (set_trail_wl_heur M (set_vmtf_wl_heur vm S)), L)

definition decide_wl_or_skip_D_heur' where
  decide_wl_or_skip_D_heur' = (λS. do {
      (S, L)  find_unassigned_lit_wl_D_heur2 S;
      ASSERT(get_saved_phase_option_heur_pre L (get_restart_heuristics (get_heur S)));
      case L of
       None  RETURN (True, S)
     | Some L  do {
        L  do {
            b  get_next_phase_st (get_target_opts S = TARGET_ALWAYS 
                   (get_target_opts S = TARGET_STABLE_ONLY  get_restart_phase S = STABLE_MODE)) L S;
              RETURN (if b then Pos L else Neg L)};
        T  decide_lit_wl_heur L S;
        RETURN (False, T)

lemma decide_wl_or_skip_D_heur'_decide_wl_or_skip_D_heur:
  decide_wl_or_skip_D_heur' S  Id (decide_wl_or_skip_D_heur S)
proof -
  have [iff]:
    {K. (y. K = Some y)  atm_of (the K) = x2d} = {Some (Pos x2d), Some (Neg x2d)} for x2d
    apply (auto simp: atm_of_eq_atm_of)
    apply (case_tac y)
    apply auto
  have H: do {
    L do {ASSERT φ; P};
    Q L} =
    do {ASSERT φ; L  P; Q L}  for P Q φ
    by auto
  have H: A  Id B  B  Id A A = B for A B
    by auto
  have K: RES {Some (Pos x2), Some (Neg x2)}   {(x, y). x = Some y} (RES {Pos x2, Neg x2})
    RES {(Pos x2), (Neg x2)}   {(y, x). x = Some y} (RES {Some (Pos x2), Some (Neg x2)})  for x2
    by (auto intro!: RES_refine)
  have [simp]: IsaSAT_Decide_Defs.get_saved_phase_option_heur_pre a (get_restart_heuristics (set_fully_propagated_heur (S))) =
    IsaSAT_Decide_Defs.get_saved_phase_option_heur_pre a (get_restart_heuristics (S)) for S a
    by (cases S)(auto simp: IsaSAT_Decide_Defs.get_saved_phase_option_heur_pre_def get_next_phase_heur_pre_stats_def
      get_next_phase_pre_def set_fully_propagated_heur_def set_fully_propagated_heur_stats_def)
  have S: decide_wl_or_skip_D_heur S =
       (do {
                   ((M, vm), L)  isa_vmtf_find_next_undef_upd (get_trail_wl_heur S) (get_vmtf_heur S);
                   ASSERT (IsaSAT_Decide_Defs.get_saved_phase_option_heur_pre L (get_restart_heuristics (get_heur S)));
                   case L of None  RETURN (True, set_heur_wl_heur (set_fully_propagated_heur (get_heur S)) (set_vmtf_wl_heur vm (set_trail_wl_heur M S)))
                     | Some L  do {
                       _  SPEC (λ_::bool. True);
                       L RES {Pos L, Neg L};
                      T  decide_lit_wl_heur L (set_heur_wl_heur (set_fully_propagated_heur (get_heur S)) (set_vmtf_wl_heur vm (set_trail_wl_heur M S)));
                      RETURN (False, T)
                     }}) for S a b c d e f g h i  j k l m n p q r
     unfolding decide_wl_or_skip_D_heur_def find_unassigned_lit_wl_D_heur_def Let_def
     apply (auto intro!: bind_cong[OF refl] simp: lit_of_found_atm_def split: option.splits)
     apply (rule H)
       apply (refine_rcg K)
       apply auto
       apply (refine_rcg K)
       apply auto
  have [refine]: get_saved_phase_option_heur_pre x2c (get_restart_heuristics XX) 
     x2c = Some x'a  XX=YY 
    get_next_phase_heur b x'a YY  (SPEC (λ_::bool. True)) for x'a x1d x1e x1f x1g x2g b XX x2c YY
    by (auto simp: get_next_phase_heur_def get_saved_phase_option_heur_pre_def get_next_phase_pre_def
      get_next_phase_heur_stats_def get_next_phase_stats_def get_next_phase_heur_pre_stats_def
      split: prod.splits)
  have [refine]: xa =  x'a  RETURN (if xb then Pos xa else Neg xa)
         Id (RES {Pos x'a, Neg x'a}) for xb x'a xa
    by auto
  have [refine]: decide_lit_wl_heur L S
        (decide_lit_wl_heur La Sa) if (L, La)  Id (S, Sa)  Id for L La S Sa
    using that by auto
  have [intro!]: get_saved_phase_option_heur_pre (snd pa) (get_restart_heuristics l) 
    get_saved_phase_option_heur_pre (snd pa) (get_restart_heuristics (set_fully_propagated_heur l)) for pa l
    by (cases l; cases pa) (auto simp: get_saved_phase_option_heur_pre_def get_next_phase_heur_pre_stats_def
      get_next_phase_pre_def set_fully_propagated_heur_stats_def
  show ?thesis
    apply (cases S, simp only: S)
    unfolding find_unassigned_lit_wl_D_heur_def
      nres_monad3 find_unassigned_lit_wl_D_heur_def decide_wl_or_skip_D_heur'_def get_next_phase_st_def
      case_prod_beta snd_conv fst_conv bind_to_let_conv
    apply (subst Let_def)
    apply (refine_vcg
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply assumption back
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: set_fully_propagated_heur_def split: prod.splits)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
