Theory IsaSAT_Restart_Reduce_Defs

theory IsaSAT_Restart_Reduce_Defs
  imports IsaSAT_Restart_Defs

  We first fix the function that proves termination. We don't take the ``smallest'' function
  possible (other possibilites that are growing slower include termλ(n::nat). n >> 50).

definition (in -) find_local_restart_target_level_int_inv where
  find_local_restart_target_level_int_inv bmp cs =
     (λ(brk, i). i  length cs  length cs < unat32_max)

(*TODO fix*)
definition find_local_restart_target_level_int
   :: trail_pol  bump_heuristics  nat nres
  find_local_restart_target_level_int =
     (λ(M, xs, lvls, reasons, k, cs, zeored) bmp. do {
     let m = current_vmtf_array_nxt_score bmp;
     (brk, i)  WHILETfind_local_restart_target_level_int_inv bmp cs(λ(brk, i). ¬brk  i < length cs)
        (λ(brk, i). do {
           ASSERT (i < length cs);
           let t = (cs  ! i);
	   ASSERT(t < length M);
	   let L = atm_of (M ! t);
           u  access_focused_vmtf_array bmp L;
           let brk = stamp u < m;
           RETURN (brk, if brk then i else i+1)
        (False, 0);
    RETURN i

text termfind_decomp_wl_st_int is the wrong function here, because unlike in the backtrack case,
  we also have to update the queue of literals to update. This is done in the function termempty_Q.

definition find_local_restart_target_level_st :: isasat  nat nres where
  find_local_restart_target_level_st S = do {
    find_local_restart_target_level_int (get_trail_wl_heur S) (get_vmtf_heur S)

definition cdcl_twl_local_restart_wl_D_heur
   :: isasat  isasat nres
  cdcl_twl_local_restart_wl_D_heur = (λS. do {
      ASSERT(restart_abs_wl_heur_pre S False);
      lvl  find_local_restart_target_level_st S;
      b  RETURN (lvl = count_decided_st_heur S);
      if b
      then RETURN S
      else do {
        S  find_decomp_wl_st_int lvl S;
        S  empty_Q S;
        incr_restart_stat S

definition reorder_vdom_wl :: 'v twl_st_wl  'v twl_st_wl nres where
  reorder_vdom_wl S = do {
    ASSERT (mark_to_delete_clauses_wl_pre S);

definition sort_clauses_by_score :: arena  isasat_aivdom  isasat_aivdom nres where
  sort_clauses_by_score arena vdom = do {
      ASSERT(iset (get_vdom_aivdom vdom). valid_sort_clause_score_pre_at arena i);
      ASSERT(iset (get_avdom_aivdom vdom). valid_sort_clause_score_pre_at arena i);
      ASSERT(iset (get_tvdom_aivdom vdom). valid_sort_clause_score_pre_at arena i);
  SPEC(λvdom'. mset (get_vdom_aivdom vdom) = mset (get_vdom_aivdom vdom') 
      mset (get_avdom_aivdom vdom) = mset (get_avdom_aivdom vdom') 
      mset (get_ivdom_aivdom vdom) = mset (get_ivdom_aivdom vdom') 
      mset (get_tvdom_aivdom vdom) = mset (get_tvdom_aivdom vdom'))

definition (in -) quicksort_clauses_by_score_avdom :: arena  vdom  vdom nres where
  quicksort_clauses_by_score_avdom arena =
     (full_quicksort_ref clause_score_ordering (clause_score_extract arena))
definition remove_deleted_clauses_from_avdom_inv :: _ where
  remove_deleted_clauses_from_avdom_inv N avdom0 = (λ(i, j, avdom). i  j  j  length (get_avdom_aivdom avdom0)  length (get_avdom_aivdom avdom) = length (get_avdom_aivdom avdom0) 
    mset (take i (get_avdom_aivdom avdom) @ drop j (get_avdom_aivdom avdom)) ⊆# mset (get_avdom_aivdom avdom0) 
    mset (take i (get_avdom_aivdom avdom) @ drop j (get_avdom_aivdom avdom)) ∩# dom_m N = mset (get_avdom_aivdom avdom0) ∩# dom_m N 
    get_vdom_aivdom avdom = get_vdom_aivdom avdom0 
    get_ivdom_aivdom avdom = get_ivdom_aivdom avdom0 
    distinct (get_tvdom_aivdom avdom) 
  set (get_tvdom_aivdom avdom)  set (take i (get_avdom_aivdom avdom)) 
  length (get_tvdom_aivdom avdom)  i 
   (C  set (get_tvdom_aivdom avdom). C ∈# dom_m N  ¬irred N C  length (N  C)  2))

definition is_candidate_for_removal where
  is_candidate_for_removal C N = do {
    ASSERT (C ∈# dom_m N);
    SPEC (λb :: bool. b  ¬irred N C  length (N  C)  2)

definition remove_deleted_clauses_from_avdom :: _ where
remove_deleted_clauses_from_avdom N avdom0 = do {
  let n = length (get_avdom_aivdom avdom0);
  let avdom0' = get_avdom_aivdom avdom0;
  (i, j, avdom)  WHILETremove_deleted_clauses_from_avdom_inv N avdom0(λ(i, j, avdom). j < n)
    (λ(i, j, avdom). do {
      ASSERT(j < length (get_avdom_aivdom avdom));
      if (get_avdom_aivdom avdom ! j) ∈# dom_m N then do {
        let C = get_avdom_aivdom avdom ! j;
        let avdom = swap_avdom_aivdom avdom i j;
        should_push  is_candidate_for_removal C N;
        if should_push then RETURN (i+1, j+1, push_to_tvdom C avdom)
        else RETURN (i+1, j+1, avdom)
     else RETURN (i, j+1, avdom)
    (0, 0, empty_tvdom avdom0);
  ASSERT(i  length (get_avdom_aivdom avdom));
  RETURN (take_avdom_aivdom i avdom)

definition isa_is_candidate_for_removal where
  isa_is_candidate_for_removal M C arena = do {
    ASSERT(arena_act_pre arena C);
    L  mop_arena_lit arena C;
    lbd  mop_arena_lbd arena C;
    length  mop_arena_length arena C;
    status  mop_arena_status arena C;
    used  mop_marked_as_used arena C;
    D  get_the_propagation_reason_pol M L;
    let can_del =
      status = LEARNED 
      length  2 
      used = 0 
      (D  Some C);
    RETURN can_del

definition isa_gather_candidates_for_reduction :: trail_pol  arena  _  (arena × _) nres where
isa_gather_candidates_for_reduction M arena avdom0 = do {
  ASSERT(length (get_avdom_aivdom avdom0)  length arena);
  ASSERT(length (get_avdom_aivdom avdom0)  length (get_vdom_aivdom avdom0));
  let n = length (get_avdom_aivdom avdom0);
  (arena, i, j, avdom)  WHILETλ(_, i, j, _). i  j  j  n(λ(arena, i, j, avdom). j < n)
    (λ(arena, i, j, avdom). do {
      ASSERT(j < n);
      ASSERT(arena_is_valid_clause_vdom arena (get_avdom_aivdom avdom!j)  j < length (get_avdom_aivdom avdom)  i < length (get_avdom_aivdom avdom));
     ASSERT (length (get_tvdom_aivdom avdom)  i);
     if arena_status arena (get_avdom_aivdom avdom ! j)  DELETED then do{
        ASSERT(arena_act_pre arena (get_avdom_aivdom avdom ! j));
        should_push  isa_is_candidate_for_removal M (get_avdom_aivdom avdom ! j) arena;
        let arena = mark_unused arena (get_avdom_aivdom avdom ! j);
       if should_push then  RETURN (arena, i+1, j+1, push_to_tvdom (get_avdom_aivdom avdom ! j) (swap_avdom_aivdom avdom i j))
       else RETURN (arena, i+1, j+1, swap_avdom_aivdom avdom i j)
      else RETURN (arena, i, j+1, avdom)
    }) (arena, 0, 0, empty_tvdom avdom0);
  ASSERT(i  length (get_avdom_aivdom avdom));
  RETURN (arena, take_avdom_aivdom i avdom)

definition (in -) sort_vdom_heur :: isasat  isasat nres where
  sort_vdom_heur = (λS. do {
    let vdom = get_aivdom S;
    let M' = get_trail_wl_heur S;
    let arena = get_clauses_wl_heur S;
    ASSERT(length (get_avdom_aivdom vdom)  length arena);
    ASSERT(length (get_vdom_aivdom vdom)  length arena);
    (arena', vdom)  isa_gather_candidates_for_reduction M' arena vdom;
    ASSERT(valid_sort_clause_score_pre arena (get_vdom_aivdom vdom));
    ASSERT(EQ (length arena) (length arena'));
    ASSERT(length (get_avdom_aivdom vdom)  length arena);
    vdom  sort_clauses_by_score arena' vdom;
    RETURN (set_clauses_wl_heur arena' (set_aivdom_wl_heur vdom S))

definition partition_main_clause where
  partition_main_clause arena = partition_main clause_score_ordering (clause_score_extract arena)

definition partition_clause where
  partition_clause arena = partition_between_ref clause_score_ordering  (clause_score_extract arena)

definition mark_to_delete_clauses_wl_D_heur_pre :: isasat  bool where
  mark_to_delete_clauses_wl_D_heur_pre S 
  (S'. (S, S')  twl_st_heur_restart  mark_to_delete_clauses_wl_pre S')

definition find_largest_lbd_and_size
  :: nat  isasat  (nat × nat) nres
find_largest_lbd_and_size  = (λl S. do {
    ASSERT(length (get_tvdom S)  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S));
    (i, lbd, sze)  WHILETλ(i, _ :: nat, _::nat). i  length (get_tvdom S)(λ(i, lbd, sze). i < l  i < length (get_tvdom S))
      (λ(i, lbd, sze). do {
        ASSERT(i < length (get_tvdom S));
        ASSERT(access_tvdom_at_pre S i);
        let C = get_tvdom S ! i;
        ASSERT(clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_pre (S, C));
        b  mop_clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur S C;
        if ¬b then RETURN (i+1, lbd, sze)
        else do {
          lbd2  mop_arena_lbd_st S C;
          sze'  mop_arena_length_st S C;
          RETURN (i+1, max lbd (lbd2), max sze sze')
      (0, 0 :: nat , 0 :: nat);
    RETURN (lbd, sze)

definition mark_to_delete_clauses_wl_D_heur
  :: isasat  isasat nres
mark_to_delete_clauses_wl_D_heur  = (λS0. do {
    ASSERT(mark_to_delete_clauses_wl_D_heur_pre S0);
    S  sort_vdom_heur S0;
    l  number_clss_to_keep S;
    (lbd, sze)  find_largest_lbd_and_size l S;
    ASSERT(length (get_tvdom S)  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0));
    (i, T)  WHILETλ_. True(λ(i, S). i < length (get_tvdom S))
      (λ(i, T). do {
        ASSERT(i < length (get_tvdom T));
        ASSERT(access_tvdom_at_pre T i);
        let C = get_tvdom T ! i;
        ASSERT(clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_pre (T, C));
        b  mop_clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur T C;
        if ¬b then RETURN (i, delete_index_vdom_heur i T)
        else do {
          ASSERT(access_lit_in_clauses_heur_pre ((T, C), 0));
          ASSERT(length (get_clauses_wl_heur T)  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0));
          ASSERT(length (get_tvdom T)  length (get_clauses_wl_heur T));
          L  mop_access_lit_in_clauses_heur T C 0;
          D  get_the_propagation_reason_pol (get_trail_wl_heur T) L;
          length  mop_arena_length (get_clauses_wl_heur T) C;
          let can_del = (D  Some C) 
             length  2;
          if can_del
            do {
              wasted  mop_arena_length_st T C;
              _  log_del_clause_heur T C;
              T  mop_mark_garbage_heur3 C i (incr_wasted_st (of_nat wasted) T);
              RETURN (i, T)
          else do {
            RETURN (i+1, T)
      (l, S);
    ASSERT(length (get_tvdom T)  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0));
    incr_reduction_stat (set_stats_size_limit_st lbd sze T)

definition mark_to_delete_clauses_GC_wl_D_heur_pre :: isasat  bool where
  mark_to_delete_clauses_GC_wl_D_heur_pre S 
  (S'. (S, S')  twl_st_heur_restart  mark_to_delete_clauses_GC_wl_pre S')

  The duplication is unfortunate. The only difference is the precondition.

definition mark_to_delete_clauses_GC_wl_D_heur
  :: isasat  isasat nres
mark_to_delete_clauses_GC_wl_D_heur  = (λS0. do {
    ASSERT(mark_to_delete_clauses_GC_wl_D_heur_pre S0);
    S  sort_vdom_heur S0;
    l  number_clss_to_keep S;
    (lbd, sze)  find_largest_lbd_and_size l S;
    ASSERT(length (get_tvdom S)  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0));
    (i, T)  WHILETλ_. True(λ(i, S). i < length (get_tvdom S))
      (λ(i, T). do {
        ASSERT(i < length (get_tvdom T));
        ASSERT(access_tvdom_at_pre T i);
        let C = get_tvdom T ! i;
        ASSERT(clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_pre (T, C));
        b  mop_clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur T C;
        if ¬b then RETURN (i, delete_index_vdom_heur i T)
        else do {
          ASSERT(access_lit_in_clauses_heur_pre ((T, C), 0));
          ASSERT(length (get_clauses_wl_heur T)  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0));
          ASSERT(length (get_tvdom T)  length (get_clauses_wl_heur T));
          length  mop_arena_length (get_clauses_wl_heur T) C;
          let can_del = length  2;
          if can_del
            do {
              wasted  mop_arena_length_st T C;
              _  log_del_clause_heur T C;
              T  mop_mark_garbage_heur3 C i (incr_wasted_st (of_nat wasted) T);
              RETURN (i, T)
          else do {
            RETURN (i+1, T)
      (l, S);
    ASSERT(length (get_tvdom T)  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0));
    incr_restart_stat (set_stats_size_limit_st lbd sze T)

definition reduceint :: 64 word where
  reduceint = 1000

text Approximatively @{term sqrt(p)} is @{term 2^((word_log2 p) >> 1)}
definition schedule_next_reduction_st :: isasat  isasat where
  schedule_next_reduction_st S =
   (let (delta :: 64 word) = 1 + 2 << (word_log2 (max 1 (get_reductions_count S)) >> 1);
      delta = delta * reduceint;
      irred = (get_irredundant_count_st S) >> 10;
      extra = if irred < 10 then 1 else of_nat (word_log2 (irred)) >> 1;
      delta = extra * delta in
  schedule_next_reduce_st delta S)

definition cdcl_twl_mark_clauses_to_delete where
  cdcl_twl_mark_clauses_to_delete S = do {
  _  ASSERT (mark_to_delete_clauses_wl_D_heur_pre S);
  _  RETURN (IsaSAT_Profile.start_reduce);
  T  mark_to_delete_clauses_wl_D_heur S;
  _  RETURN (IsaSAT_Profile.stop_reduce);
  RETURN (schedule_next_reduction_st (clss_size_resetUS0_st T))

(*TODO deduplicate*)
definition cdcl_twl_restart_wl_heur where
cdcl_twl_restart_wl_heur S = do {
    cdcl_twl_local_restart_wl_D_heur S

definition isasat_GC_clauses_prog_copy_wl_entry
  :: arena  (nat watcher) list list  nat literal 
         (arena × isasat_aivdom)  (arena × (arena × isasat_aivdom)) nres
isasat_GC_clauses_prog_copy_wl_entry = (λN0 W A (N', aivdom). do {
    ASSERT(nat_of_lit A < length W);
    ASSERT(length (W ! nat_of_lit A)  length N0);
    let le = length (W ! nat_of_lit A);
    (i, N, N', aivdom)  WHILET
      (λ(i, N, N', aivdom). i < le)
      (λ(i, N, (N', aivdom)). do {
        ASSERT(i < length (W ! nat_of_lit A));
        let C = fst (W ! nat_of_lit A ! i);
        ASSERT(arena_is_valid_clause_vdom N C);
        let st = arena_status N C;
        if st  DELETED then do {
          ASSERT(arena_is_valid_clause_idx N C);
          ASSERT(length N' +
            (if arena_length N C > 4 then MAX_HEADER_SIZE else MIN_HEADER_SIZE) +
            arena_length N C  length N0);
          ASSERT(length N = length N0);
           ASSERT(length (get_vdom_aivdom aivdom) < length N0);
          ASSERT(length (get_avdom_aivdom aivdom) < length N0);
          ASSERT(length (get_ivdom_aivdom aivdom) < length N0);
          ASSERT(length (get_tvdom_aivdom aivdom) < length N0);
          let D = length N' + (if arena_length N C > 4 then MAX_HEADER_SIZE else MIN_HEADER_SIZE);
          N'  fm_mv_clause_to_new_arena C N N';
          ASSERT(mark_garbage_pre (N, C));
	  RETURN (i+1, extra_information_mark_to_delete N C, N',
             (if st = LEARNED then add_learned_clause_aivdom_strong D aivdom else add_init_clause_aivdom_strong D aivdom))
        } else RETURN (i+1, N, (N', aivdom))
      }) (0, N0, (N', aivdom));
    RETURN (N, (N', aivdom))

definition isasat_GC_clauses_prog_single_wl
  :: arena   (arena × isasat_aivdom)  (nat watcher) list list  nat 
        (arena × (arena × isasat_aivdom) × (nat watcher) list list) nres
isasat_GC_clauses_prog_single_wl = (λN0 N' WS A. do {
    let L = Pos A; ⌦‹use phase saving instead›
    ASSERT(nat_of_lit L < length WS);
    ASSERT(nat_of_lit (-L) < length WS);
    (N, (N', aivdom))  isasat_GC_clauses_prog_copy_wl_entry N0 WS L N';
    let WS = WS[nat_of_lit L := []];
    ASSERT(length N = length N0);
    (N, N')  isasat_GC_clauses_prog_copy_wl_entry N WS (-L) (N', aivdom);
    let WS = WS[nat_of_lit (-L) := []];
    RETURN (N, N', WS)

definition isasat_GC_clauses_prog_wl2 where
  isasat_GC_clauses_prog_wl2  (λ(ns :: bump_heuristics) x0. do {
      (_, x)  WHILETλ(n, x). length (fst x) = length (fst x0)(λ(n, _). n  None)
        (λ(n, x). do {
          ASSERT(n  None);
          let A = the n;
          ASSERT (A < length_bumped_vmtf_array ns);
          ASSERT(A  unat32_max div 2);
          x  (λ(arenao, arena, W). isasat_GC_clauses_prog_single_wl arenao arena W A) x;
          n   access_focused_vmtf_array ns A;
          RETURN (get_next n, x)
        (Some (bumped_vmtf_array_fst ns), x0);
      RETURN x

definition isasat_GC_clauses_prog_wl :: isasat  isasat nres where
  isasat_GC_clauses_prog_wl = (λS. do {
    let vm = get_vmtf_heur S;
    let N' = get_clauses_wl_heur S;
    let W' = get_watched_wl_heur S;
    let vdom = get_aivdom S;
    let old_arena = get_old_arena S;
    ASSERT(old_arena = []);
    (N, (N', vdom), WS)  isasat_GC_clauses_prog_wl2 vm
        (N', (old_arena, empty_aivdom vdom), W');
    let S = set_watched_wl_heur WS S;
    let S = set_clauses_wl_heur N' S;
    let S = set_old_arena_wl_heur (take 0 N) S;
    let S = set_vmtf_wl_heur vm S;
    let S = set_stats_wl_heur (incr_GC (get_stats_heur S)) S;
    let S = set_aivdom_wl_heur vdom S;
    let heur = get_heur S;
    let heur = heuristic_reluctant_untrigger (set_zero_wasted heur);
    let S = set_heur_wl_heur heur S;

definition isasat_GC_clauses_pre_wl_D :: isasat  bool where
isasat_GC_clauses_pre_wl_D S  (
  T. (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart  cdcl_GC_clauses_pre_wl T

definition isasat_GC_clauses_wl_D :: bool  isasat  isasat nres where
isasat_GC_clauses_wl_D = (λinprocessing S. do {
  ASSERT(isasat_GC_clauses_pre_wl_D S);
  let b = True;
  if b then do {
    T  isasat_GC_clauses_prog_wl S;
    ASSERT(length (get_clauses_wl_heur T)  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S));
    ASSERT(i  set (get_tvdom T). i < length (get_clauses_wl_heur S));
    U  rewatch_heur_and_reorder_st (empty_US_heur T);
  else RETURN S})
