Theory IsaSAT_Simplify_Forward_Subsumption_Defs

theory IsaSAT_Simplify_Forward_Subsumption_Defs
  imports IsaSAT_Setup

section Forward subsumption

subsection Algorithm

text We first refine the algorithm to use occurence lists, while keeping as many things as possible
  abstract (like the candidate selection or the selection of the literal with the least number
  of occurrences). We also include the marking structure (at least abstractly, because why not)

  For simplicity, we keep the occurrence list outside of the state (unlike the current solver where
  this is part of the state.)

definition valid_occs where valid_occs occs vdom  cocc_content_set occs  set (get_vdom_aivdom vdom) 
  distinct_mset (cocc_content occs)

text This version is equivalent to termtwl_st_heur_restart, without any information on the occurrence list.
definition twl_st_heur_restart_occs :: (isasat × nat twl_st_wl) set where
[unfolded Let_def]: twl_st_heur_restart_occs =
  let M' = get_trail_wl_heur S; N' = get_clauses_wl_heur S; D' = get_conflict_wl_heur S;
    W' = get_watched_wl_heur S; j = literals_to_update_wl_heur S; outl = get_outlearned_heur S;
    cach = get_conflict_cach S; clvls = get_count_max_lvls_heur S;
    vm = get_vmtf_heur S;
    vdom = get_aivdom S; heur = get_heur S; old_arena = get_old_arena S;
    lcount = get_learned_count S; occs = get_occs S in
    let M = get_trail_wl T; N = get_clauses_wl T;  D = get_conflict_wl T;
      Q = literals_to_update_wl T;
      W = get_watched_wl T; N0 = get_init_clauses0_wl T; U0 = get_learned_clauses0_wl T;
      NS = get_subsumed_init_clauses_wl T; US = get_subsumed_learned_clauses_wl T;
      NEk = get_kept_unit_init_clss_wl T; UEk = get_kept_unit_learned_clss_wl T;
      NE = get_unkept_unit_init_clss_wl T; UE = get_unkept_unit_learned_clss_wl T in
    (M', M)  trail_pol (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0)) 
    valid_arena N' N (set (get_vdom_aivdom vdom)) 
    (D', D)  option_lookup_clause_rel (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0)) 
    (D = None  j  length M) 
    Q = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (drop j (rev M)) 
    (W', W)  Idmap_fun_rel (D0 (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0))) 
    vm  bump_heur (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0)) M 
    no_dup M 
    clvls  counts_maximum_level M D 
    cach_refinement_empty (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0)) cach 
    out_learned M D outl 
    clss_size_corr_restart N NE {#} NEk UEk NS {#} N0 {#} lcount 
    vdom_m (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0)) W N  set (get_vdom_aivdom vdom) 
    aivdom_inv_dec vdom (dom_m N) 
    isasat_input_bounded (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0)) 
    isasat_input_nempty (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0)) 
    old_arena = [] 
    heuristic_rel (all_init_atms N (NE+NEk+NS+N0)) heur 
    valid_occs occs vdom

abbreviation twl_st_heur_restart_occs' :: _ where
  twl_st_heur_restart_occs' r u 
    {(S, T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart_occs  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) = r  learned_clss_count S  u}

definition subsume_clauses_match2_pre :: nat  nat  _  clause_hash  bool where
  subsume_clauses_match2_pre C C' N D  
  subsume_clauses_match_pre C C' (get_clauses_wl N) 
  snd D = mset (get_clauses_wl N  C')

definition subsume_clauses_match2 :: nat  nat  _  clause_hash  nat subsumption nres where
  subsume_clauses_match2 C C' N D = do {
  ASSERT (subsume_clauses_match2_pre C C' N D);
  let n = length (get_clauses_wl N  C);
  (i, st)  WHILETλ(i,s). try_to_subsume C' C ((get_clauses_wl N)(C  take i (get_clauses_wl N  C))) s(λ(i, st). i < n st  NONE)
    (λ(i, st). do {
      L  mop_clauses_at (get_clauses_wl N) C i;
      lin  mop_ch_in L D;
      if lin
      then RETURN (i+1, st)
     else do {
      lin  mop_ch_in (-L) D;
      if lin
      then if is_subsumed st
      then RETURN (i+1, STRENGTHENED_BY L C)
      else RETURN (i+1, NONE)
      else RETURN (i+1, NONE)
     (0, SUBSUMED_BY C);

definition push_to_occs_list2_pre :: _ where
  push_to_occs_list2_pre C S occs 
  (C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl S)  length (get_clauses_wl S  C)  2  fst occs = set_mset (all_init_atms_st S) 
    atm_of ` set (get_clauses_wl S  C)  set_mset (all_init_atms_st S) 
    C ∉# all_occurrences (mset_set (fst occs)) occs)

definition push_to_occs_list2 where
  push_to_occs_list2 C S occs = do {
     ASSERT (push_to_occs_list2_pre C S occs);
     L  SPEC (λL. L ∈# mset (get_clauses_wl S  C));
     mop_occ_list_append C occs L

definition maybe_push_to_occs_list2 where
  maybe_push_to_occs_list2 C S occs = do {
     ASSERT (push_to_occs_list2_pre C S occs);
     b  SPEC (λ_. True);
     if b then do {
       L  SPEC (λL. L ∈# mset (get_clauses_wl S  C));
       mop_occ_list_append C occs L
    } else RETURN occs

definition isa_is_candidate_forward_subsumption where
  isa_is_candidate_forward_subsumption S C = do {
    ASSERT(arena_act_pre (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C);
    lbd  mop_arena_lbd (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C;
    sze  mop_arena_length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C;
    status  mop_arena_status (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C;
    ASSERT (sze  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S));
    (_, added)  WHILET (λ(i, added). i < sze  added  2)
       (λ(i, added). do {
           ASSERT (i < sze);
           L  mop_arena_lit2 (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C i;
           is_added  mop_is_marked_added_heur (get_heur S) (atm_of L);
           RETURN (i+1, added + (if is_added then 1 else 0))
    }) (0, 0 :: 64 word);
    let (lbd_limit, size_limit) = get_lsize_limit_stats_st S;
    let can_del =
       sze  2  (status = LEARNED  lbd  lbd_limit  sze  size_limit)  (added  2);
    RETURN can_del

definition find_best_subsumption_candidate where
  find_best_subsumption_candidate C S = do {
    L  mop_arena_lit2 (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C 0;
    ASSERT (nat_of_lit L < length (get_occs S));
    score  mop_cocc_list_length (get_occs S) L;
    n  mop_arena_length_st S C;
   (i,score,L)  WHILET (λ(i,score,L). i < n)
     (λ(i,score,L). do {
       ASSERT (Suc i  unat32_max);
       new_L  mop_arena_lit2 (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C i;
       ASSERT (nat_of_lit L < length (get_occs S));
       new_score  mop_cocc_list_length (get_occs S) L;
       if new_score < score then RETURN (i+1, new_score, new_L) else RETURN (i+1, score, L)
    (1, score, L);

definition isa_push_to_occs_list_st where
  isa_push_to_occs_list_st C S = do {
     L  find_best_subsumption_candidate C S;
     ASSERT (length (get_occs S ! nat_of_lit L) < length (get_clauses_wl_heur S));
     occs  mop_cocc_list_append C (get_occs S) L;
     RETURN (set_occs_wl_heur occs S)

definition find_best_subsumption_candidate_and_push where
  find_best_subsumption_candidate_and_push C S = do {
    L  mop_arena_lit2 (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C 0;
    ASSERT (nat_of_lit L < length (get_occs S));
    score  mop_cocc_list_length (get_occs S) L;
    n  mop_arena_length_st S C;
   (i,score,L,push)  WHILET (λ(i,score,L,push). i < n  push)
     (λ(i,score,L,push). do {
       ASSERT (Suc i  unat32_max);
       new_L  mop_arena_lit2 (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C i;
       ASSERT (nat_of_lit L < length (get_occs S));
       new_score  mop_cocc_list_length (get_occs S) L;
       b  mop_is_marked_added_heur (get_heur S) (atm_of L);
       if new_score < score then RETURN (i+1, new_score, new_L,b) else RETURN (i+1, score, L,b)
    (1, score, L, True);
    RETURN (L, push)

definition isa_maybe_push_to_occs_list_st where
  isa_maybe_push_to_occs_list_st C S = do {
     (L, push)  find_best_subsumption_candidate_and_push C S;
     if push then do {
       let L = L;
       ASSERT (length (get_occs S ! nat_of_lit L) < length (get_clauses_wl_heur S));
       occs  mop_cocc_list_append C (get_occs S) L;
       RETURN (set_occs_wl_heur occs S)
     } else RETURN S

definition forward_subsumption_one_wl2_pre :: nat  nat multiset  nat literal  nat twl_st_wl  bool where
  forward_subsumption_one_wl2_pre = (λC cands L S.
  forward_subsumption_one_wl_pre C cands S  L ∈# all_init_lits_of_wl S)

definition isa_forward_subsumption_one_wl_pre :: _ where
  isa_forward_subsumption_one_wl_pre C L S 
  (T r u cands. (S,T)twl_st_heur_restart_occs' r u  forward_subsumption_one_wl2_pre C cands L T) 

definition forward_subsumption_one_wl2_inv :: 'v twl_st_wl  nat  nat multiset  nat list 
  nat × 'v subsumption  bool where
  forward_subsumption_one_wl2_inv = (λS C cands ys (i, x). forward_subsumption_one_wl_inv S C (mset ys) (mset (drop i ys), x))

definition isa_forward_subsumption_one_wl2_inv :: isasat  nat  nat literal 
  nat × nat subsumption  bool where
  isa_forward_subsumption_one_wl2_inv = (λS C L (ix).
  (T r u cands. (S,T)twl_st_heur_restart_occs' r u 
    forward_subsumption_one_wl2_inv T C cands (get_occs S ! nat_of_lit L) (ix)))

definition isa_subsume_clauses_match2_pre :: _ where
  isa_subsume_clauses_match2_pre C C' S D  (
  T r u D'. (S,T)twl_st_heur_restart_occs' r u  subsume_clauses_match2_pre C C' T D' 
    (D,D')  clause_hash) 

definition isa_subsume_clauses_match2 :: nat  nat  isasat  bool list  nat subsumption nres where
  isa_subsume_clauses_match2 C' C N D = do {
  ASSERT (isa_subsume_clauses_match2_pre C' C N D);
  n  mop_arena_length_st N C';
  ASSERT (n  length (get_clauses_wl_heur N));
  (i, st)  WHILETλ(i,s). True(λ(i, st). i < n st  NONE)
    (λ(i, st). do {
      ASSERT (i < n);
      L  mop_arena_lit2 (get_clauses_wl_heur N) C' i;
      lin  mop_cch_in L D;
      if lin
      then RETURN (i+1, st)
      else do {
      lin  mop_cch_in (-L) D;
      if lin
      then if is_subsumed st
      then do {RETURN (i+1, STRENGTHENED_BY L C')}
      else do {RETURN (i+1, NONE)}
      else do {RETURN (i+1, NONE)}
     (0, SUBSUMED_BY C');

definition isa_subsume_or_strengthen_wl_pre :: _ where
  isa_subsume_or_strengthen_wl_pre C s S 
   (T r u.  (S,T)twl_st_heur_restart_occs' r u  subsume_or_strengthen_wl_pre C s T)

definition remove_lit_from_clause where
  remove_lit_from_clause N C L = do {
    n  mop_arena_length N C;
   (i, j, N)  WHILET (λ(i, j, N). j < n)
     (λ(i, j, N). do {
       ASSERT (i < n);
       ASSERT (j < n);
       K  mop_arena_lit2 N C j;
       if K  L then do {
         N  mop_arena_swap C i j N;
         RETURN (i+1, j+1, N)}
      else RETURN (i, j+1, N)
    }) (0, 0, N);
   N  mop_arena_shorten C i N;
   N  update_lbd_shrunk_clause C N;

definition remove_lit_from_clause_st :: _ where
  remove_lit_from_clause_st T C L = do {
    N  remove_lit_from_clause (get_clauses_wl_heur T) C L;
    RETURN (set_clauses_wl_heur N T)
TODO the wasted bits should be incremented in the deletion functions
TODO rename the mark_garbage_heurX functions with proper name like below
definition mark_garbage_heur_as_subsumed :: nat  isasat  isasat nres where
  mark_garbage_heur_as_subsumed C S = (do{
    let N' = get_clauses_wl_heur S;
    ASSERT (arena_is_valid_clause_vdom N' C);
    _  log_del_clause_heur S C;
    let st = arena_status N' C = IRRED;
    ASSERT (mark_garbage_pre (N', C));
    let N' = extra_information_mark_to_delete (N') C;
    size  mop_arena_length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C;
    let lcount = get_learned_count S;
    ASSERT(¬st  clss_size_lcount lcount  1);
    let lcount = (if st then lcount else (clss_size_decr_lcount lcount));
    let stats = get_stats_heur S;
    let stats = (if st then decr_irred_clss stats else stats);
    let S = set_clauses_wl_heur N' S;
    let S = set_learned_count_wl_heur lcount S;
    let S = set_stats_wl_heur stats S;
    let S = incr_wasted_st (of_nat size) S;

definition isa_strengthen_clause_wl2 where
  isa_strengthen_clause_wl2 C C' L S = do {
    m  mop_arena_length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C;
    n  mop_arena_length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C';
    st1  mop_arena_status (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C;
    st2  mop_arena_status (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C';
    S  remove_lit_from_clause_st S C (-L);
    _  log_new_clause_heur S C;
    let _ = mark_clause_for_unit_as_changed 0;
    if m = n
    then do {
      S  RETURN S;
      S  (if st1 = LEARNED  st2 = IRRED then mop_arena_promote_st S C else RETURN S);
      S  mark_garbage_heur_as_subsumed C' S;
       RETURN (set_stats_wl_heur (incr_forward_strengethening (get_stats_heur S)) S)
     RETURN (set_stats_wl_heur (incr_forward_strengethening (get_stats_heur S)) S)

definition incr_forward_subsumed_st  :: _ where
  incr_forward_subsumed_st S = (set_stats_wl_heur (incr_forward_subsumed (get_stats_heur S)) S)

definition incr_forward_tried_st  :: _ where
  incr_forward_tried_st S = (set_stats_wl_heur (incr_forward_tried (get_stats_heur S)) S)

definition incr_forward_rounds_st  :: _ where
  incr_forward_rounds_st S = (set_stats_wl_heur (incr_forward_rounds (get_stats_heur S)) S)

definition incr_forward_strengthened_st  :: _ where
  incr_forward_strengthened_st S = (set_stats_wl_heur (incr_forward_strengethening (get_stats_heur S)) S)

definition isa_subsume_or_strengthen_wl :: nat  nat subsumption  isasat  isasat nres where
  isa_subsume_or_strengthen_wl = (λC s S. do {
   ASSERT(isa_subsume_or_strengthen_wl_pre C s S);
   (case s of
  | SUBSUMED_BY C'  do {
     st1  mop_arena_status (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C;
     st2  mop_arena_status (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C';
     S  mark_garbage_heur2 C S;
     let _ = mark_clause_for_unit_as_changed 0;
     S  (if st1 = IRRED  st2 = LEARNED then mop_arena_promote_st S C' else RETURN S);
     let S = (set_stats_wl_heur (incr_forward_subsumed (get_stats_heur S)) S);
   | STRENGTHENED_BY L C'  isa_strengthen_clause_wl2 C C' L S)

definition mop_cch_remove_one where
  mop_cch_remove_one L D = do {
     ASSERT (nat_of_lit L < length D);
     RETURN (D[nat_of_lit L := False])

definition mop_cch_remove_all_clauses where
  mop_cch_remove_all_clauses S C D = do {
     n  mop_arena_length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C;
     (_, D)  WHILET (λ(i, D). i < n)
       (λ(i, D). do {ASSERT (i < length (get_clauses_wl_heur S)); L  mop_arena_lit2 (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C i; D  mop_cch_remove_one L D; RETURN (i+1, D)})
      (0, D);

definition isa_forward_subsumption_one_wl :: nat  bool list  nat literal  isasat  (isasat × nat subsumption × bool list) nres where
  isa_forward_subsumption_one_wl = (λC D L S. do {
  ASSERT (isa_forward_subsumption_one_wl_pre C L S);
  ASSERT (nat_of_lit L < length (get_occs S));
  n  mop_cocc_list_length (get_occs S) L;
  (_, s) 
    WHILETisa_forward_subsumption_one_wl2_inv S C L(λ(i, s). i < n  s = NONE)
    (λ(i, s). do {
      ASSERT (i < n);
      C'  mop_cocc_list_at (get_occs S) L i;
      status  mop_arena_status (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C';
      if status = DELETED
      then RETURN (i+1, s)
      else do  {
        s  isa_subsume_clauses_match2 C' C S D;
       RETURN (i+1, s)
        (0, NONE);
  D  (if s  NONE then mop_cch_remove_all_clauses S C D else RETURN D);
  S  (if is_strengthened s then isa_maybe_push_to_occs_list_st C S else RETURN S);
  S  isa_subsume_or_strengthen_wl C s S;
  RETURN (S, s, D)

definition try_to_forward_subsume_wl2_pre :: _ where
  try_to_forward_subsume_wl2_pre C cands shrunken S 
    distinct_mset cands 
    try_to_forward_subsume_wl_pre C cands S

definition isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl_pre :: _ where
  isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl_pre C shrunken S 
  (T r u cands occs'. (S,T)twl_st_heur_restart_occs' r u   (get_occs S, occs')  occurrence_list_ref 
  try_to_forward_subsume_wl2_pre C cands (mset shrunken) T)

definition try_to_forward_subsume_wl2_inv :: _ where
  try_to_forward_subsume_wl2_inv S cands  C = (λ(i, changed, break, occs, D, T).
  try_to_forward_subsume_wl_inv S cands C (i, break, T) 
  (¬changed  (D, mset (get_clauses_wl T  C))  clause_hash_ref (all_init_atms_st T)) 
  (changed  (D, {#})  clause_hash_ref (all_init_atms_st T)))

definition isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl_inv :: isasat  nat  nat × nat subsumption × bool × bool list × isasat  bool where
  isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl_inv S C = (λ(i, changed, break, D, T).
  (S' T' cands occs' D'. (S,S')twl_st_heur_restart_occs' (length (get_clauses_wl_heur S)) (learned_clss_count S) 
    (T,T')twl_st_heur_restart_occs' (length (get_clauses_wl_heur S)) (learned_clss_count S)
  (get_occs T, occs')  occurrence_list_ref 
  (D,D') clause_hash 
  try_to_forward_subsume_wl2_inv S' cands C (i, changed  NONE, break, occs', D', T')))

  (*TODO: Missing ticks*)
definition isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl2_break :: isasat  bool nres where
  isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl2_break S = RETURN False

definition isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl2 :: nat  bool list  nat list  isasat  (bool list × nat list × isasat) nres where
  isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl2 C D shrunken S = do {
  ASSERT (isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl_pre C shrunken S);
  n  mop_arena_length_st S C;
  ASSERT (n  Suc (unat32_max div 2));
  let n = 2 * n;
  ebreak  isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl2_break S;
  (_, changed, _, D, S)  WHILETisa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl_inv S C(λ(i, changed, break, D, S). ¬break  i < n)
    (λ(i, changed, break, D, S). do {
      ASSERT (i < n);
      L  mop_arena_lit2 (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C (i div 2);
      let L = (if i mod 2 = 0 then L else - L);
      (S, subs, D)  isa_forward_subsumption_one_wl C D L S;
      ebreak  isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl2_break S;
      RETURN (i+1, subs, (subs  NONE)  ebreak, D, S)
  (0, NONE, ebreak, D, S);
  D  (if changed = NONE then mop_cch_remove_all_clauses S C D else RETURN D);
  let _ = (if changed = NONE then mark_clause_for_unit_as_unchanged 0 else ());
  ASSERT (Suc (length shrunken)  length (get_tvdom S));
  let add_to_shunken = (is_strengthened changed);
  let shrunken = (if add_to_shunken then shrunken @ [C] else shrunken);
  RETURN (D, shrunken, S)
definition isa_forward_subsumption_pre_all :: _ where
  isa_forward_subsumption_pre_all  S 
  (T r u. (S,T)twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u  forward_subsumption_all_wl_pre T)

definition correct_occurence_list where
  correct_occurence_list S occs cands n 
  distinct_mset cands 
  all_occurrences (all_init_atms_st S) occs ∩# cands = {#} 
  (C∈# all_occurrences (all_init_atms_st S) occs. C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl S)  length (get_clauses_wl S  C)  n)
  (C∈# all_occurrences (all_init_atms_st S) occs. C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl S) 
    (Lset (get_clauses_wl S  C). undefined_lit (get_trail_wl S) L)) 
  fst occs = set_mset (all_init_atms_st S)

definition populate_occs_inv where
  populate_occs_inv S xs = (λ(i, occs, cands).
  all_occurrences (all_init_atms_st S) occs + mset cands ⊆# mset (take i xs) ∩# dom_m (get_clauses_wl S) 
  distinct cands  fst occs = set_mset (all_init_atms_st S)  
  correct_occurence_list S occs (mset (drop i xs)) 2 
  all_occurrences (all_init_atms_st S) occs ∩# mset cands = {#} 
  (C∈# all_occurrences (all_init_atms_st S) occs. C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl S) 
    (Lset (get_clauses_wl S  C). undefined_lit (get_trail_wl S) L)  length (get_clauses_wl S  C) = 2) 
  (Cset cands. C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl S)   length (get_clauses_wl S  C) > 2  (Lset (get_clauses_wl S  C). undefined_lit (get_trail_wl S) L)))

definition isa_populate_occs_inv where
  isa_populate_occs_inv S xs = (λ(i, U).
  (T U' occs. (S,T)twl_st_heur_restart_occs' (length (get_clauses_wl_heur S)) (learned_clss_count S)  (get_occs U, occs)  occurrence_list_ref 
    (U,U')twl_st_heur_restart_occs' (length (get_clauses_wl_heur S)) (learned_clss_count S)  populate_occs_inv T xs (i, occs, get_tvdom U)))

definition isa_all_lit_clause_unset_pre :: _ where
  isa_all_lit_clause_unset_pre C S  (T r u. (S,T)twl_st_heur_restart_occs' r u  forward_subsumption_all_wl_pre T  Cset (get_vdom S)) 

definition isa_all_lit_clause_unset where
  isa_all_lit_clause_unset C S = do {
  ASSERT (isa_all_lit_clause_unset_pre C S);
  not_garbage  mop_clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur S C;
  if ¬not_garbage then RETURN False
  else do {
    n  mop_arena_length_st S C;
    (i, unset, added)  WHILET (λ(i, unset, _). unset  i < n)
    (λ(i, unset, added). do {
      ASSERT (i+1  Suc (unat32_max div 2));
      ASSERT(Suc i  unat32_max);
      L  mop_arena_lit2 (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C i;
      val  mop_polarity_pol (get_trail_wl_heur S) L;
      is_added  mop_is_marked_added_heur_st S (atm_of L);
      RETURN (i+1, val = None, if is_added then added + 1 else added)
    }) (0, True, 0::64 word);
    let a = (added  2);
    RETURN (unset  a)

definition forward_subsumption_all_wl2_inv :: nat twl_st_wl  nat list  nat × _ × _ × nat twl_st_wl × nat × nat multiset  bool where
  forward_subsumption_all_wl2_inv = (λS xs (i, occs, D, s, n, shrunken).
  (D, {#})  clause_hash_ref (all_init_atms_st s)  shrunken ⊆# mset (take i xs) 
  forward_subsumption_all_wl_inv S (mset xs) (mset (drop i xs), s))

definition sort_cands_by_length where
  sort_cands_by_length S = do {
  let tvdom = get_tvdom S;
  let avdom = get_avdom S;
  let ivdom = get_ivdom S;
  let vdom = get_vdom S;
  ASSERT (iset tvdom. arena_is_valid_clause_idx (get_clauses_wl_heur S) i);
  tvdom  SPEC (λcands'. mset cands' = mset tvdom 
    sorted_wrt (λa b. arena_length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) a  arena_length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) b) cands');
  RETURN (set_aivdom_wl_heur (AIvdom (vdom, avdom, ivdom, tvdom)) S)

definition push_to_tvdom_st :: nat  isasat  isasat nres where
  push_to_tvdom_st C S = do {
    ASSERT (length (get_vdom S)  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S));
    ASSERT (length (get_tvdom S) < length (get_clauses_wl_heur S));
    let av = get_aivdom S; let av = push_to_tvdom C av;
    RETURN (set_aivdom_wl_heur av S)

definition empty_tvdom_st :: isasat  isasat nres where
  empty_tvdom_st S = do {
    let aivdom = get_aivdom S;
    let aivdom = empty_tvdom aivdom;
    RETURN (set_aivdom_wl_heur aivdom S)

text Using termempty_tvdom_st is mostly laziness: It should actually already be empty, but 
re-cleaning is not costing much anyhow.
definition isa_populate_occs :: isasat  _ nres where
  isa_populate_occs S = do {
    ASSERT (length (get_avdom_aivdom (get_aivdom S) @ get_ivdom_aivdom (get_aivdom S))   length (get_clauses_wl_heur S));
    let xs = get_avdom_aivdom (get_aivdom S) @ get_ivdom_aivdom (get_aivdom S);
    let m = size (get_avdom_aivdom (get_aivdom S));
    let n = size xs;
    let occs = get_occs S;
    ASSERT (n  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S));
    T  empty_tvdom_st S;
    (xs,  S)  WHILETisa_populate_occs_inv S xs(λ(i, S). i < n)
    (λ(i, S). do {
      ASSERT (i < n);
      ASSERT (Suc i  length (get_avdom_aivdom (get_aivdom S) @ get_ivdom_aivdom (get_aivdom S)));
      ASSERT (i < m  access_avdom_at_pre S i);
      ASSERT (i  m  access_ivdom_at_pre S (i - m));
      let C = (if i < m then get_avdom_aivdom (get_aivdom S) ! i else get_ivdom_aivdom (get_aivdom S) ! (i-m));
      ASSERT (C  set (get_vdom S));
      all_undef  isa_all_lit_clause_unset C S;
      if ¬all_undef then
        RETURN (i+1, S)
      else do {
        n  mop_arena_length_st S C;
        if n = 2 then do {
          S  isa_push_to_occs_list_st C S;
          RETURN (i+1, S)
        else  do {
          cand  isa_is_candidate_forward_subsumption S C;
          if cand then do {S  push_to_tvdom_st C S; RETURN (i+1, S)}
          else RETURN (i+1, S)
      (0, T);
     T  sort_cands_by_length S;

definition mop_cch_add_all_clause :: _ where
  mop_cch_add_all_clause S C D = do {
    n  mop_arena_length_st S C;
    ASSERT (n  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S));
    (_, D)  WHILET (λ(i, D). i < n)
    (λ(i,D). do {
      ASSERT (i < n);
      L  mop_arena_lit2 (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C i;
      let _ = mark_literal_for_unit_deletion L;
      D  mop_cch_add L D;
      RETURN (i+1, D)
      }) (0, D);

definition mop_ch_add_all_clause :: _ where
  mop_ch_add_all_clause S C D = do {
    ASSERT (C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl S));
    let n = length (get_clauses_wl S  C);
    (_, D)  WHILET (λ(i, D). i < n)
    (λ(i,D). do {
      L  mop_clauses_at (get_clauses_wl S) C i;
      D  mop_ch_add L D;
      RETURN (i+1, D)
      }) (0, D);

definition empty_occs_st :: isasat  isasat nres where
  empty_occs_st S = do {
    let D = get_occs S;
    let D = replicate (length D) [];
    RETURN (set_occs_wl_heur D S)

definition empty_occs2 where
  empty_occs2 occs0 = do {
  let n = length occs0;
  (_, occs) WHILET (λ(i,occs). i < n)
  (λ(i,occs). do {
     ASSERT (i < n  length occs = length occs0);
     RETURN (i+1, occs[i := take 0 (occs ! i)])
  }) (0, occs0);
  RETURN occs

definition isa_forward_reset_added_and_stats where
  isa_forward_reset_added_and_stats S = 
  (let S = (set_stats_wl_heur (incr_forward_rounds (get_stats_heur S)) S) in
  set_heur_wl_heur (reset_added_heur (get_heur S)) S)

definition empty_occs2_st :: isasat  isasat nres where
  empty_occs2_st S = do {
    let D = get_occs S;
    D  empty_occs2 D;
    RETURN (set_occs_wl_heur D S)

definition forward_subsumption_finalize :: nat list  isasat  isasat nres where
  forward_subsumption_finalize shrunken S = do {
    let S = isa_forward_reset_added_and_stats (schedule_next_subsume_st ((1 + stats_forward_rounds_st S) * 10000) S);
    _  isasat_current_progress 115 S;
    (_, S)  WHILET(λ(i,S). i < length shrunken) (λ(i,S). do {
      ASSERT (i < length shrunken);
      let C = shrunken ! i;
      not_garbage  mop_clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur S C;
      S  (if not_garbage then mark_added_clause_heur2 S C else RETURN S);
      RETURN (i+1, S)
    }) (0, S);
    empty_occs2_st S

definition isa_forward_subsumption_all_wl_inv :: _ where
  isa_forward_subsumption_all_wl_inv R0 S =
  (λ(i, D, shrunken, T). R0' S' T' D' occs' n. (R0, R0')twl_st_heur_restart_occs' (length (get_clauses_wl_heur R0)) (learned_clss_count R0) 
  (S, S')twl_st_heur_restart_occs' (length (get_clauses_wl_heur R0)) (learned_clss_count R0) 
  (T,T')twl_st_heur_restart_occs' (length (get_clauses_wl_heur R0)) (learned_clss_count R0)  (get_occs T, occs')  occurrence_list_ref 
  (D, D')  clause_hash 
    forward_subsumption_all_wl2_inv S' (get_tvdom S) (i, occs', D', T', n, mset shrunken)) 

definition isa_forward_subsumption_all :: _  _ nres where
  isa_forward_subsumption_all = (λS0. do {
  ASSERT (isa_forward_subsumption_pre_all S0);
  S  isa_populate_occs S0;
  ASSERT (isasat_fast_relaxed S0  isasat_fast_relaxed S);
  let m = length (get_tvdom S);
  D  mop_cch_create (length (get_watched_wl_heur S));
  let shrunken = [];
  (_, D, shrunken, S) 
    WHILETisa_forward_subsumption_all_wl_inv S0 S(λ(i, D, shrunken, S). i < m  get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur S)
    (λ(i, D, shrunken, S). do {
       ASSERT (i < m);
       ASSERT (access_tvdom_at_pre S i);
       let C = get_tvdom S!i;
       D  mop_cch_add_all_clause S C D;
       (D, shrunken, T)  isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl2 C D shrunken S;
       RETURN (i+1, D, shrunken, incr_forward_tried_st T)
    (0, D, shrunken, S);
  ASSERT (Cset shrunken. C  set (get_vdom S));
  forward_subsumption_finalize shrunken S

definition isa_forward_subsume :: isasat  isasat nres where
  isa_forward_subsume S = do {
    let b = should_subsume_st S;
    if b then isa_forward_subsumption_all S else RETURN S
