Theory IsaSAT_Restart

theory IsaSAT_Restart
    Watched_Literals.WB_Sort Watched_Literals.Watched_Literals_Watch_List_Simp IsaSAT_Rephase_State
    IsaSAT_Setup IsaSAT_VMTF IsaSAT_Sorting IsaSAT_Proofs IsaSAT_Restart_Defs

chapter Restarts

lemma twl_st_heur_change_subsumed_clauses:
  fixes lcount lcount' :: clss_size
  assumes (S,
     (M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, Q, W))  twl_st_heur
    set_mset (all_atms_st (M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, Q, W)) = set_mset (all_atms_st (M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS', US', N0, U0, Q, W))and
    clss_size_corr N NE UE NEk UEk NS' US' N0 U0 lcount'
  shows (set_learned_count_wl_heur lcount' S,
     (M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS', US', N0, U0, Q, W))  twl_st_heur
proof -
  note cong = trail_pol_cong heuristic_rel_cong
      option_lookup_clause_rel_cong isa_vmtf_cong heuristic_rel_cong
  note cong2 = D0_cong phase_saving_cong cach_refinement_empty_cong vdom_m_cong isasat_input_nempty_cong
    isasat_input_bounded_cong empty_occs_list_cong
  show ?thesis
    supply [dest!] = cong[OF assms(2)]
    using assms(1) assms(3) apply -
    unfolding twl_st_heur_def in_pair_collect_simp prod.simps get_trail_wl.simps get_clauses_wl.simps
      get_conflict_wl.simps literals_to_update_wl.simps get_watched_wl.simps
      IsaSAT_Setup.get_kept_unit_learned_clss_wl.simps get_subsumed_init_clauses_wl.simps
      get_subsumed_learned_clauses_wl.simps get_init_clauses0_wl.simps isasat_state_simp
       get_learned_clauses0_wl.simps IsaSAT_Setup.get_unkept_unit_init_clss_wl.simps
    apply normalize_goal+
    apply (subst (asm) cong2[OF assms(2)])+
    apply (intro conjI)
    apply ((drule cong[OF assms(2)])+; assumption)+

  This is a list of comments (how does it work for glucose and cadical) to prepare the future
      every 2000+300*n (rougly since inprocessing changes the real number, cadical)
           (split over initialisation file); don't restart if level < 2 or if the level is less
       than the fast average
      curRestart * nbclausesbeforereduce;
          curRestart = (conflicts / nbclausesbeforereduce) + 1 (glucose)
      half of the clauses that can be deleted (i.e., not used since last restart), not strictly
       LBD, but a probability of being useful.
      half of the clauses
      EMA-14, aka restart if enough clauses and slow\_glue\_avg * opts.restartmargin > fast\_glue (file ema.cpp)
      (lbdQueue.getavg() * K) > (sumLBD / conflictsRestarts),
       text‹conflictsRestarts > LOWER_BOUND_FOR_BLOCKING_RESTART && lbdQueue.isvalid() && trail.size() > R * trailQueue.getavg()›

declare all_atms_def[symmetric,simp]

lemma twl_st_heur_restart_anaD: x  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r  x  twl_st_heur_restart
  by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)

lemma twl_st_heur_restartD:
  x  twl_st_heur_restart  x  twl_st_heur_restart_ana (length (get_clauses_wl_heur (fst x)))
  by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)

named_theorems twl_st_heur_restart

lemma [twl_st_heur_restart]:
  assumes (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart
  shows (get_trail_wl_heur S, get_trail_wl T)  trail_pol (all_init_atms_st T)
  using assms by (cases S; cases T)
   (simp only: twl_st_heur_restart_def get_trail_wl.simps
    mem_Collect_eq get_clauses_wl.simps get_unit_init_clss_wl.simps all_init_atms_st_def
    all_init_atms_def get_init_clauses0_wl.simps tuple17.inject get_unkept_unit_init_clss_wl.simps
    get_subsumed_init_clauses_wl.simps split: isasat_int_splits)

lemma trail_pol_literals_are_in_ℒin_trail:
  (M', M)  trail_pol 𝒜  literals_are_in_ℒin_trail 𝒜 M
  unfolding literals_are_in_ℒin_trail_def trail_pol_def
  by auto

lemma refine_generalise1: A  B  do {x  B; C x}  D  do {x  A; C x}  (D:: 'a nres)
  using Refine_Basic.bind_mono(1) dual_order.trans by blast

lemma refine_generalise2: "A  B  do {x  do {x  B; A' x}; C x}  D 
  do {x  do {x  A; A' x}; C x}  (D:: 'a nres)"
  by (simp add: refine_generalise1)

lemma trail_pol_no_dup: (M, M')  trail_pol 𝒜  no_dup M'
  by (auto simp: trail_pol_def)

definition remove_all_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_pre
  :: nat multiset  nat literal  nat twl_st_wl  bool
  remove_all_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_pre 𝒜 L S  (L ∈# all 𝒜)

definition remove_all_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur_pre where
  remove_all_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur_pre L S 
    (S'. (S, S')  twl_st_heur_restart
       remove_all_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_pre (all_init_atms_st S') L S')

definition five_uint64 :: 64 word where
  five_uint64 = 5

definition div2 where [simp]: div2 n = n div 2

definition safe_minus where safe_minus a b = (if b  a then 0 else a - b)

definition restart_flag_rel :: (8 word × restart_type) set where
  restart_flag_rel = {(FLAG_no_restart, NO_RESTART), (FLAG_restart, RESTART), (FLAG_GC_restart, GC),
  (FLAG_Reduce_restart, GC), (FLAG_Inprocess_restart, INPROCESS)}

lemma clss_size_corr_restart_simp2:
  NO_MATCH {#} UE  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c =
  clss_size_corr_restart N NE {#} NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c
  NO_MATCH {#} US  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c =
   clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS {#} N0 U0 c
  NO_MATCH {#} U0  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c =
  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 {#} c and
  C ∈# dom_m N  ¬irred N C clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 c 
  clss_size_corr_restart (fmdrop C N) NE UE NEk UEk NS US' N0 U0' (clss_size_decr_lcount c)
  by (auto simp: clss_size_corr_restart_def)

lemma mark_garbage_heur_wl:
    ST: (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart and
    C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T) and
    ¬ irred (get_clauses_wl T) C and i < length (get_tvdom S) and
    iC: get_tvdom S ! i = C
  shows (mark_garbage_heur3 C i S, mark_garbage_wl C T)  twl_st_heur_restart
proof -
  show ?thesis
    using assms distinct_mset_dom[of get_clauses_wl T]
      distinct_mset_mono[of mset (get_avdom S) mset (get_vdom S)]
  apply (cases S; cases T)
   apply (simp add: twl_st_heur_restart_def mark_garbage_heur3_def mark_garbage_wl_def)
  by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def mark_garbage_heur3_def mark_garbage_wl_def
         learned_clss_l_l_fmdrop size_remove1_mset_If clss_size_corr_restart_intro
    simp: all_init_atms_def all_init_lits_def aivdom_inv_dec_remove_clause
     simp del: all_init_atms_def[symmetric]
    intro: valid_arena_extra_information_mark_to_delete'
    intro!: aivdom_inv_dec_remove_and_swap_inactive_tvdom
      dest!: in_set_butlastD in_vdom_m_fmdropD
    elim!: in_set_upd_cases)

lemma mark_garbage_heur_wl_ana:
    (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r and
    C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T) and
    ¬ irred (get_clauses_wl T) C C = get_tvdom S ! i i < length (get_tvdom S)
  shows (mark_garbage_heur3 C i S, mark_garbage_wl C T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r
proof -
  have [intro!]: distinct n  mset n ⊆# mset m  mset (removeAll (n ! i) n) ⊆# mset m for n A m
    by (metis filter_mset_eq_conv mset_filter removeAll_filter_not_eq subset_mset.dual_order.trans)

  show ?thesis
    using assms
    using assms distinct_mset_dom[of get_clauses_wl T]
      distinct_mset_mono[of mset (get_avdom S) mset (get_vdom S)]
    apply (cases S; cases T)
    apply (simp add: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def mark_garbage_heur3_def mark_garbage_wl_def)
    by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def mark_garbage_heur3_def mark_garbage_wl_def
      learned_clss_l_l_fmdrop size_remove1_mset_If init_clss_l_fmdrop_irrelev aivdom_inv_dec_remove_clause
      valid_arena_extra_information_mark_to_delete' clss_size_corr_restart_intro
      simp: all_init_atms_def all_init_lits_def clss_size_corr_restart_simp2
      simp del: all_init_atms_def[symmetric] clss_size_corr_restart_simp
      intro: valid_arena_extra_information_mark_to_delete'
      intro!: aivdom_inv_dec_remove_and_swap_inactive
      dest!: in_set_butlastD in_vdom_m_fmdropD
      elim!: in_set_upd_cases)

lemma mark_unused_st_heur_ana:
    (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r and
    C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)
  shows (mark_unused_st_heur C S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r
  using assms
  apply (cases S; cases T)
   apply (simp add: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def mark_unused_st_heur_def)
  apply (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def mark_garbage_heur_def mark_garbage_wl_def
         learned_clss_l_l_fmdrop size_remove1_mset_If
     simp: all_init_atms_def all_init_lits_def
     simp del: all_init_atms_def[symmetric]
     intro!: valid_arena_mark_unused
     dest!: in_set_butlastD in_vdom_m_fmdropD
     elim!: in_set_upd_cases)

lemma twl_st_heur_restart_valid_arena[twl_st_heur_restart]:
    (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart
  shows valid_arena (get_clauses_wl_heur S) (get_clauses_wl T) (set (get_vdom S))
  using assms by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def)

lemma twl_st_heur_restart_get_avdom_nth_get_vdom[twl_st_heur_restart]:
    (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart i < length (get_avdom S)
  shows get_avdom S ! i  set (get_vdom S)
  using assms by (auto 5 3 simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def aivdom_inv_dec_alt_def
    dest!: set_mset_mono)

lemma twl_st_heur_restart_get_tvdom_nth_get_vdom[twl_st_heur_restart]:
    (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart i < length (get_tvdom S)
  shows get_tvdom S ! i  set (get_vdom S)
  using assms by (auto 5 3 simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def aivdom_inv_dec_alt_def
    dest!: set_mset_mono)

lemma [twl_st_heur_restart]:
    (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart and
    C  set (get_avdom S)
  shows clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur S C  (C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)) and
    C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)  arena_lit (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C = get_clauses_wl T  C ! 0and
    C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)  arena_status (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C = LEARNED  ¬irred (get_clauses_wl T) C
    C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)  arena_length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C = length (get_clauses_wl T  C)
proof -
  show clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur S C  (C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T))
    using assms
    by (cases S; cases T)
      (auto simp add: twl_st_heur_restart_def clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_def
          arena_dom_status_iff(1) aivdom_inv_dec_alt_def
        split: prod.splits)
  assume C: C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)
  show arena_lit (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C = get_clauses_wl T  C ! 0
    using assms C
    by (cases S; cases T)
      (auto simp add: twl_st_heur_restart_def clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_def
        split: prod.splits)
  show arena_status (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C = LEARNED  ¬irred (get_clauses_wl T) C
    using assms C
    by (cases S; cases T)
      (auto simp add: twl_st_heur_restart_def clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_def
        split: prod.splits)
  show arena_length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C = length (get_clauses_wl T  C)
    using assms C
    by (cases S; cases T)
      (auto simp add: twl_st_heur_restart_def clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_def
        split: prod.splits)

lemma [twl_st_heur_restart]:
    (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r and
    C  set (get_avdom S)
  shows clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur S C  (C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)) and
    C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)  arena_lit (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C = get_clauses_wl T  C ! 0and
    C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)  arena_status (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C = LEARNED  ¬irred (get_clauses_wl T) C
    C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)  arena_length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C = length (get_clauses_wl T  C)
    using assms
    by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart)

lemma [twl_st_heur_restart]:
    (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart and
    C  set (get_tvdom S)
  shows clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur S C  (C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)) and
    C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)  arena_lit (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C = get_clauses_wl T  C ! 0and
    C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)  arena_status (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C = LEARNED  ¬irred (get_clauses_wl T) C
    C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)  arena_length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C = length (get_clauses_wl T  C)
proof -
  show clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur S C  (C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T))
    using assms
    by (cases S; cases T)
      (auto simp add: twl_st_heur_restart_def clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_def
          arena_dom_status_iff(1) aivdom_inv_dec_alt_def
        split: prod.splits)
  assume C: C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)
  show arena_lit (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C = get_clauses_wl T  C ! 0
    using assms C
    by (cases S; cases T)
      (auto simp add: twl_st_heur_restart_def clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_def
        split: prod.splits)
  show arena_status (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C = LEARNED  ¬irred (get_clauses_wl T) C
    using assms C
    by (cases S; cases T)
      (auto simp add: twl_st_heur_restart_def clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_def
        split: prod.splits)
  show arena_length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C = length (get_clauses_wl T  C)
    using assms C
    by (cases S; cases T)
      (auto simp add: twl_st_heur_restart_def clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur_def
        split: prod.splits)

lemma [twl_st_heur_restart]:
    (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r and
    C  set (get_tvdom S)
  shows clause_not_marked_to_delete_heur S C  (C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)) and
    C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)  arena_lit (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C = get_clauses_wl T  C ! 0and
    C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)  arena_status (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C = LEARNED  ¬irred (get_clauses_wl T) C
    C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)  arena_length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) C = length (get_clauses_wl T  C)
    using assms
    by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart)

lemma number_clss_to_keep_impl_number_clss_to_keep:
  (number_clss_to_keep_impl, number_clss_to_keep)  Id f nat_relnres_rel
  by (auto simp: number_clss_to_keep_impl_def number_clss_to_keep_def Let_def intro!: frefI nres_relI)

lemma in_set_delete_index_and_swapD:
  x  set (delete_index_and_swap xs i)  x  set xs
  apply (cases i < length xs)
  apply (auto dest!: in_set_butlastD)
  by (metis List.last_in_set in_set_upd_cases list.size(3) not_less_zero)

lemma delete_index_vdom_heur_twl_st_heur_restart_ana:
  (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r  i < length (get_tvdom S) 
  get_tvdom S ! i ∉# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T) 
    (delete_index_vdom_heur i S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r
  using in_set_delete_index_and_swapD[of _ get_tvdom S i]
    distinct_mset_mono[of mset (get_tvdom S) mset (get_vdom S)]
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  by (clarsimp simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def delete_index_vdom_heur_def)
    (auto intro!: aivdom_inv_dec_removed_inactive_tvdom)

lemma incr_wasted_st:
    (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r
  shows (incr_wasted_st C S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r
  using assms
  apply (cases S; cases T)
   apply (simp add: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def incr_wasted_st_def)
   apply (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def heuristic_rel_stats_def
     learned_clss_l_l_fmdrop size_remove1_mset_If phase_save_heur_rel_def
     simp: all_init_atms_def all_init_lits_def 
     simp del: all_init_atms_def[symmetric]
     intro!: valid_arena_mark_unused
     dest!: in_set_butlastD in_vdom_m_fmdropD
     elim!: in_set_upd_cases)

lemma twl_st_heur_restart_same_annotD:
  (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart  Propagated L C  set (get_trail_wl T) 
     Propagated L C'  set (get_trail_wl T)  C = C'
  (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart  Propagated L C  set (get_trail_wl T) 
     Decided L  set (get_trail_wl T)  False
  by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def dest: no_dup_no_propa_and_dec

lemma all_mono:
  set_mset 𝒜  set_mset   L  ∈# all 𝒜  L  ∈# all 
  by (auto simp: all_def)

lemma all_lits_of_mm_mono2:
  x ∈# (all_lits_of_mm A)  set_mset A  set_mset B  x ∈# (all_lits_of_mm B)
  by (auto simp: all_lits_of_mm_def)

lemma all_init_all:
  L ∈# all (all_init_atms_st x1a)  L ∈# all (all_atms_st x1a)
  using all_init_lits_of_wl_all_lits_st all_all_atms
    all_all_init_atms(2) by blast

lemma twl_st_heur_restartD2:
  x  twl_st_heur_restart  x  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' (length (get_clauses_wl_heur (fst x)))
  (learned_clss_count (fst x))
  by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)

lemma all_atm_of_all_init_lits_of_mm:
  set_mset (all (atm_of `# all_init_lits N NUE)) = set_mset (all_init_lits N NUE)
  by (auto simp: all_init_lits_def all_atm_of_all_lits_of_mm)

lemma trail_pol_replace_annot_in_trail_spec:
    atm_of x2 < length (trail_get_reason (get_trail_wl_heur S)) and
    x2: atm_of x2 ∈# all_init_atms_st (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs, x2n') and
    (S, (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs, x2n'))
     twl_st_heur_restart_ana r and
    M: M = get_trail_wl_heur S
    (set_trail_wl_heur (trail_update_reason_at x2 0 M) S,
        (ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs, x2n'))
        twl_st_heur_restart_ana r
proof -
  let ?S = (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs, x2n')
  let ?𝒜 = all_init_atms_st ?S
  have pol: (get_trail_wl_heur S, ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs)
          trail_pol (all_init_atms_st ?S)
    using assms(3) unfolding twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def all_init_atms_st_def
    by (cases x2n') auto
  obtain x y x1b x1c x1d x1e x2d x2e where
    tr: get_trail_wl_heur S = (x1b, x1c, x1d, x1e, x2d) and
    x2d: x2d = (count_decided (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs), y, x2e) and
    reasons: ((map lit_of (rev (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs)), x1e),
      ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs)
      ann_lits_split_reasons ?𝒜 and
    pol: L∈#all ?𝒜.        nat_of_lit L < length x1c 
        x1c ! nat_of_lit L = polarity (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs) L and
    n_d: no_dup (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs) and
    lvls: L∈#all ?𝒜. atm_of L < length x1d 
        x1d ! atm_of L = get_level (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs) L and
    undefined_lit ys (lit_of (Propagated x2 C)) and
    undefined_lit zs (lit_of (Propagated x2 C)) and
    inA:Lset (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs). lit_of L ∈# all ?𝒜 and
    cs: control_stack y (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs) and
    literals_are_in_ℒin_trail ?𝒜 (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs) and
    length (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs) < unat32_max and
    length (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs)  unat32_max div 2 + 1 and
    count_decided (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs) < unat32_max and
    length (map lit_of (rev (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs))) =
     length (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs) and
    bounded: isasat_input_bounded ?𝒜 and
    x1b: x1b = map lit_of (rev (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs)) and
    zeroed_trail (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs) x2e
    using pol unfolding trail_pol_alt_def
    apply (cases get_trail_wl_heur S)
    by blast
  have lev_eq: get_level (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs) =
    get_level (ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs)
    count_decided (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs) =
      count_decided (ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs)
    by (auto simp: get_level_cons_if get_level_append_if)
  have [simp]: atm_of x2 < length x1e
    using reasons x2 assms(1) unfolding tr by auto

  have ((x1b, x1e[atm_of x2 := 0]), ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs)
        ann_lits_split_reasons ?𝒜
    using reasons n_d undefined_notin
    by (auto simp: ann_lits_split_reasons_def x1b
      DECISION_REASON_def atm_of_eq_atm_of)
  moreover have n_d': no_dup (ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs)
    using n_d by auto
  moreover have L∈#all ?𝒜.
     nat_of_lit L < length x1c 
        x1c ! nat_of_lit L = polarity (ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs) L
    using pol by (auto simp: polarity_def)
  moreover have L∈#all ?𝒜.
    atm_of L < length x1d 
           x1d ! atm_of L = get_level (ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs) L
    using lvls by (auto simp: get_level_append_if get_level_cons_if)
  moreover have control_stack y (ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs)
    using cs apply -
    apply (subst control_stack_alt_def[symmetric, OF n_d'])
    apply (subst (asm) control_stack_alt_def[symmetric, OF n_d])
    unfolding control_stack'_def lev_eq
    apply normalize_goal
    apply (intro ballI conjI)
    apply (solves auto)
    unfolding set_append list.set(2) Un_iff insert_iff
    apply (rule disjE, assumption)
    subgoal for L
      by (drule_tac x = L in bspec)
        (auto simp: nth_append nth_Cons split: nat.splits)
    apply (rule disjE[of _ = _], assumption)
    subgoal for L
      by (auto simp: nth_append nth_Cons split: nat.splits)
    subgoal for L
      by (drule_tac x = L in bspec)
        (auto simp: nth_append nth_Cons split: nat.splits)
  moreover have zeroed_trail (ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs) x2e
    using zeroed_trail (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs) x2e
    by (auto simp: zeroed_trail_def nth_append nth_Cons split: if_splits nat.splits)
  ultimately have
    ((x1b, x1c, x1d, x1e[atm_of x2 := 0], x2d), ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs)
          trail_pol ?𝒜
    using n_d x2 inA bounded
    unfolding trail_pol_def x2d
    by simp

  moreover { fix aaa ca
    have vmtf_ℒall (all_init_atms aaa ca) (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs) =
       vmtf_ℒall (all_init_atms aaa ca) (ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs)
       by (auto simp: vmtf_ℒall_def)
    then have vmtf (all_init_atms aaa ca) (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs) =
      vmtf (all_init_atms aaa ca) (ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs)
      by (auto simp: vmtf_def  vmtf_def
    moreover have vmtf (all_init_atms aaa ca) (get_unit_trail (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs)) =
      vmtf (all_init_atms aaa ca) (get_unit_trail(ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs))
      by (auto simp: vmtf_def  get_unit_trail_def takeWhile_append vmtf_ℒall_def
    moreover have acids (all_init_atms aaa ca) (get_unit_trail (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs)) =
      acids (all_init_atms aaa ca) (get_unit_trail(ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs))
      apply (auto simp: acids_def get_unit_trail_def takeWhile_append vmtf_ℒall_def
      apply (metis (no_types, lifting) map_lit_of_eq_defined_litD valid_trail_reduction_eq_alt_def
    moreover have acids (all_init_atms aaa ca) ((ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs)) =
      acids (all_init_atms aaa ca) ((ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs))
      apply (auto simp: acids_def get_unit_trail_def takeWhile_append vmtf_ℒall_def
      apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) map_lit_of_eq_defined_litD valid_trail_reduction_eq_alt_def
    ultimately have bump_heur (all_init_atms aaa ca) (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs) =
      bump_heur (all_init_atms aaa ca) (ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs)
      by (auto simp: bump_heur_def)
  moreover { fix D
    have get_level (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs) = get_level (ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs)
      by (auto simp: get_level_append_if get_level_cons_if)
    then have counts_maximum_level (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs) D =
      counts_maximum_level (ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs) D and
      out_learned (ys @ Propagated x2 C # zs) = out_learned (ys @ Propagated x2 0 # zs)
      by (auto simp: counts_maximum_level_def card_max_lvl_def
        out_learned_def intro!: ext)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using assms(3) unfolding twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def M
    by (cases x2n')
      (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def all_init_atms_st_def tr trail_update_reason_at_def
        simp flip: mset_map drop_map)

lemmas trail_pol_replace_annot_in_trail_spec2 =
  trail_pol_replace_annot_in_trail_spec[of - _, simplified]

lemma all_ball_all:
  (L ∈# all (all_atms N NUE). P L) = (L ∈# all_lits N NUE. P L)
  (L ∈# all (all_init_atms N NUE). P L) = (L ∈# all_init_lits N NUE. P L)
  by (simp_all add: all_all_atms_all_lits  all_all_init_atms)

lemma clss_size_corr_restart_intro3[intro]:
  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS US N0 U0 lcount 
  clss_size_corr_restart N NE UE NEk UEk NS {#} N0 {#} (clss_size_resetUS0 lcount)
  by (auto simp: clss_size_corr_restart_def clss_size_resetUS_def clss_size_def
    clss_size_resetU0_def clss_size_resetUE_def)

lemma twl_st_heur_restart_ana_US_empty:
  NO_MATCH {#} US  NO_MATCH {#} U0   NO_MATCH {#} UE  (S, M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, W, Q)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r 
   (set_learned_count_wl_heur (clss_size_resetUS0 (get_learned_count S)) S, M, N, D, NE, {#}, NEk, UEk, NS, {#}, N0, {#}, W, Q)
        twl_st_heur_restart_ana r
  by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def
    intro: clss_size_corr_simp)

fun equality_except_trail_empty_US_wl :: 'v twl_st_wl  'v twl_st_wl  bool where
equality_except_trail_empty_US_wl (M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, WS, Q)
     (M', N', D', NE', UE', NEk', UEk', NS', US', N0', U0', WS', Q') 
  N = N'  D = D'  NE = NE'  NEk = NEk'  UEk = UEk'  NS = NS'  US = {#}  UE = {#} 
  N0' = N0  U0 = {#}  WS = WS'  Q = Q'

lemma equality_except_conflict_wl_get_clauses_wl:
    equality_except_conflict_wl S Y  get_clauses_wl S = get_clauses_wl Y and
    equality_except_conflict_wl S Y  get_trail_wl S = get_trail_wl Y and
    equality_except_trail_empty_US_wl S Y  get_conflict_wl S = get_conflict_wl Y and
    equality_except_trail_empty_US_wl S Y get_clauses_wl S = get_clauses_wl Y
 by (cases S; cases Y; solves auto)+

lemma isasat_replace_annot_in_trail_replace_annot_in_trail_spec:
  (((L, C), S), ((L', C'), S'))  Id ×f Id ×f twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u 
  isasat_replace_annot_in_trail L C S 
    {(U, U'). (U, U')  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u 
        get_clauses_wl_heur U = get_clauses_wl_heur S 
        get_learned_count U = clss_size_resetUS0 (get_learned_count S) 
       get_vdom U = get_vdom S 
       equality_except_trail_empty_US_wl U' S'}
    (replace_annot_wl L' C' S')
  unfolding isasat_replace_annot_in_trail_def replace_annot_wl_def
    uncurry_def replace_reason_in_trail_def nres_monad3
  apply (cases S', hypsubst, unfold
  apply refine_rcg
    by (auto simp: trail_pol_alt_def ann_lits_split_reasons_def all_ball_all all_init_lits_of_wl_def
      twl_st_heur_restart_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def replace_annot_wl_pre_def
  subgoal for x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b x2b x1c x2c x1d x2d x1e x2e x1f
    unfolding replace_annot_wl_pre_def replace_annot_l_pre_def bind_to_let_conv Let_def
    apply (clarify dest!: split_list[of Propagated _ _])
    apply (rule RETURN_SPEC_refine)
    apply (rule_tac x = (ys @ Propagated L 0 # zs, x2, x1a, x2a, {#}, x2b, x1c, x2c, {#}, x2d, {#}, x2e, x1f) in exI)
    apply (intro conjI)
    prefer 2
    apply (rule_tac x = ys @ Propagated L 0 # zs in exI)
    apply (intro conjI)
    apply blast
    by (auto intro!: trail_pol_replace_annot_in_trail_spec[where C=C]
      simp: atm_of_eq_atm_of all_init_atms_def replace_annot_wl_pre_def
      all_ball_all replace_annot_l_pre_def state_wl_l_def all_init_lits_of_wl_def
      all_init_lits_def ac_simps
        twl_st_heur_restart_ana_US_empty learned_clss_count_def  all_init_atms_st_def
      simp del: all_init_atms_def[symmetric]; fail)+

lemma get_pos_of_level_in_trail_le_decomp:
    (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart
  shows get_pos_of_level_in_trail (get_trail_wl T) 0
            (λk. M1. (M2 K.
                          (Decided K # M1, M2)
                           set (get_all_ann_decomposition (get_trail_wl T))) 
                      count_decided M1 = 0  k = length M1)
  unfolding get_pos_of_level_in_trail_def
proof (rule SPEC_rule)
  fix x
  assume H: x < length (get_trail_wl T) 
        is_decided (rev (get_trail_wl T) ! x) 
        get_level (get_trail_wl T) (lit_of (rev (get_trail_wl T) ! x)) = 0 + 1
  let ?M1 = rev (take x (rev (get_trail_wl T)))
  let ?K =  Decided ((lit_of(rev (get_trail_wl T) ! x)))
  let ?M2 = rev (drop  (Suc x) (rev (get_trail_wl T)))
  have T: (get_trail_wl T) = ?M2 @ ?K # ?M1 and
     K: Decided (lit_of ?K) = ?K
    apply (subst append_take_drop_id[symmetric, of _ length (get_trail_wl T) - Suc x])
    apply (subst Cons_nth_drop_Suc[symmetric])
    using H
    apply (auto simp: rev_take rev_drop rev_nth)
    apply (cases rev (get_trail_wl T) ! x)
    apply (auto simp: rev_take rev_drop rev_nth)
  have n_d: no_dup (get_trail_wl T)
    using assms(1)
    by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def)
  obtain M2 where
    (?K # ?M1, M2)  set (get_all_ann_decomposition (get_trail_wl T))
    using get_all_ann_decomposition_ex[of lit_of ?K ?M1 ?M2]
    apply (subst (asm) K)
    apply (subst (asm) K)
    apply (subst (asm) T[symmetric])
    by blast
  moreover have count_decided ?M1 = 0
    using n_d H
    by (subst (asm)(1) T, subst (asm)(11)T, subst T) auto
  moreover have x = length ?M1
    using n_d H by auto
  ultimately show M1. (M2 K. (Decided K # M1, M2)
                  set (get_all_ann_decomposition (get_trail_wl T))) 
             count_decided M1 = 0  x = length M1 
    by blast

lemma twl_st_heur_restart_isa_length_trail_get_trail_wl:
  (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r  mop_isa_length_trail (get_trail_wl_heur S) = RETURN (length (get_trail_wl T))
  unfolding isa_length_trail_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def trail_pol_alt_def
    mop_isa_length_trail_def isa_length_trail_pre_def
  by (subgoal_tac (case get_trail_wl_heur S of
            (M', xs, lvls, reasons, k, cs)  length M'  unat32_max))
    (cases S;auto dest: ann_lits_split_reasons_map_lit_of intro!: ASSERT_leI; fail)+

lemma twl_st_heur_restart_count_decided_st_alt_def:
  fixes S :: isasat
  shows (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r  count_decided_st_heur S = count_decided (get_trail_wl T)
  unfolding count_decided_st_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def trail_pol_def twl_st_heur_restart_def
  by (cases T) (auto simp: count_decided_st_heur_def count_decided_pol_def)

lemma twl_st_heur_restart_trailD:
  (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r 
    (get_trail_wl_heur S, get_trail_wl T)  trail_pol (all_init_atms_st T)
  by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def all_init_atms_st_def

lemma no_dup_nth_proped_dec_notin:
  no_dup M  k < length M  M ! k = Propagated L C  Decided L  set M
  apply (auto dest!: split_list simp: nth_append nth_Cons defined_lit_def in_set_conv_nth
    split: if_splits nat.splits)
  by (metis no_dup_no_propa_and_dec nth_mem)

lemma get_literal_and_reason:
    ((k, S), k', T)  nat_rel ×f twl_st_heur_restart_ana r and
    remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_pre k' T and
    proped: is_proped (rev (get_trail_wl T) ! k')
  shows do {
           L  isa_trail_nth (get_trail_wl_heur S) k;
           C  get_the_propagation_reason_pol (get_trail_wl_heur S) L;
           RETURN (L, C)
         }   {((L, C), L', C'). L = L'  C' = the C  C  None}
              (SPEC (λp. rev (get_trail_wl T) ! k' = Propagated (fst p) (snd p)))
proof -
  have n_d: no_dup (get_trail_wl T) and
   res: ((k, S), k', T)  nat_rel ×f twl_st_heur_restart
    using assms by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
  from no_dup_nth_proped_dec_notin[OF this(1), of length (get_trail_wl T) - Suc k']
  have dec_notin: Decided (lit_of (rev (fst T) ! k'))  set (fst T)
    using proped assms(2) by (cases T; cases rev (get_trail_wl T) ! k')
     (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def state_wl_l_def
      remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_pre_def twl_st_l_def
      remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_pre_def rev_nth
      dest: no_dup_nth_proped_dec_notin)
  have k': k' < length (get_trail_wl T) and [simp]: fst T = get_trail_wl T
    using proped assms(2)
    by (cases T; auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def state_wl_l_def
      remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_pre_def twl_st_l_def
      remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_pre_def; fail)+
  define k'' where k''  length (get_trail_wl T) - Suc k'
  have k'': k'' < length (get_trail_wl T)
    using k' by (auto simp: k''_def)
  have rev (get_trail_wl T) ! k' = get_trail_wl T ! k''
    using k' k'' by (auto simp: k''_def nth_rev)
  then have rev_trail_nth (fst T) k' ∈# all (all_init_atms_st T)
    using k'' assms nth_mem[OF k']
    by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def rev_trail_nth_def get_unit_init_clss_wl_alt_def
      trail_pol_alt_def twl_st_heur_restart_def all_init_atms_st_def)
  then have 1: (SPEC (λp. rev (get_trail_wl T) ! k' = Propagated (fst p) (snd p))) =
    do {
      L  RETURN (rev_trail_nth (fst T) k');
      ASSERT(L ∈# all (all_init_atms_st T));
      C  (get_the_propagation_reason (fst T) L);
      ASSERT(C  None);
      RETURN (L, the C)
    using proped dec_notin k' nth_mem[OF k''] no_dup_same_annotD[OF n_d]
    apply (subst dual_order.eq_iff)
    apply (rule conjI)
      unfolding get_the_propagation_reason_def
      apply (cases rev (get_trail_wl T) ! k')
      apply (auto simp: RES_RES_RETURN_RES rev_trail_nth_def
            get_the_propagation_reason_def lits_of_def rev_nth
           dest: split_list
	    simp flip: k''_def
	    intro!: le_SPEC_bindI[of _ Some (mark_of (get_trail_wl T ! k''))])
      apply (cases rev (get_trail_wl T) ! k') (*TODO proof*)
      apply  (auto simp: RES_RES_RETURN_RES rev_trail_nth_def RES_ASSERT_moveout
          get_the_propagation_reason_def lits_of_def rev_nth
        simp flip: k''_def
        dest: split_list
        intro!: exI[of _ Some (mark_of (rev (get_trail_wl T) ! k'))])
	  apply (subst RES_ASSERT_moveout)
	    by (auto 4 3 simp: RES_RETURN_RES image_iff
        dest: split_list
        intro!: exI[of _ Some (mark_of ((get_trail_wl T) ! k''))])
      apply (cases rev (get_trail_wl T) ! k') (*TODO proof*)
      apply  (auto simp: RES_RES_RETURN_RES rev_trail_nth_def RES_ASSERT_moveout
          get_the_propagation_reason_def lits_of_def rev_nth
        simp flip: k''_def
        dest: split_list
        intro!: exI[of _ Some (mark_of (rev (get_trail_wl T) ! k'))])
	  apply (subst RES_ASSERT_moveout)
	    by (auto 4 3 simp: RES_RETURN_RES image_iff
        dest: split_list
        intro!: exI[of _ Some (mark_of ((get_trail_wl T) ! k''))])

  show ?thesis
    supply RETURN_as_SPEC_refine[refine2 del]
    apply (subst 1)
    apply (refine_rcg
      isa_trail_nth_rev_trail_nth[THEN fref_to_Down_curry, unfolded comp_def,
        of _ _ _ _ all_init_atms_st T]
      get_the_propagation_reason_pol[THEN fref_to_Down_curry, unfolded comp_def,
        of all_init_atms_st T])
    subgoal using k' by auto
    subgoal using assms by (cases S; auto dest: twl_st_heur_restart_trailD)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for K K'
      using assms by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def
        all_init_atms_st_def get_unit_init_clss_wl_alt_def)
      by auto

lemma red_in_dom_number_of_learned_ge1: C' ∈# dom_m baa  ¬ irred baa C'  Suc 0  size (learned_clss_l baa)
  by (auto simp: ran_m_def dest!: multi_member_split)

definition find_decomp_wl0 :: 'v twl_st_wl  'v twl_st_wl  bool where
  find_decomp_wl0 = (λ(M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, Q, W) (M', N', D', NE', UE', NEk', UEk', NS', US', N0', U0', Q', W').
  (K M2. (Decided K # M', M2)  set (get_all_ann_decomposition M) 
  count_decided M' = 0) 
  (N', D', NE', UE', NEk', UEk', NS', US, N0, U0, Q', W') = (N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US', N0', U0', Q, W))
lemma cdcl_twl_local_restart_wl_spec0_alt_def:
  cdcl_twl_local_restart_wl_spec0 = (λS. do {
    ASSERT(restart_abs_wl_pre2 S False);
    if count_decided (get_trail_wl S) > 0
    then do {
      T  SPEC(find_decomp_wl0 S);
      RETURN (empty_Q_wl T)
    } else RETURN (empty_US_heur_wl S)})
  by (intro ext; case_tac S)
   (auto 6 4 simp: cdcl_twl_local_restart_wl_spec0_def
	RES_RETURN_RES2 image_iff RES_RETURN_RES empty_US_heur_wl_def
	find_decomp_wl0_def empty_Q_wl_def uncurry_def
       intro!: bind_cong[OF refl]
      dest: get_all_ann_decomposition_exists_prepend)

lemma cdcl_twl_local_restart_wl_spec0:
  assumes Sy:  (S, y)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u and
    get_conflict_wl y = None
  shows do {
      if count_decided_st_heur S > 0
      then do {
        S  find_decomp_wl_st_int 0 S;
        empty_Q (empty_US_heur S)
      } else RETURN (empty_US_heur S)
           (twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u) (cdcl_twl_local_restart_wl_spec0 y)
proof -
  define upd :: _  _  isasat  isasat where
    upd M' vm = (λ S. set_vmtf_wl_heur vm (set_trail_wl_heur M' S))
     for M' :: trail_pol and vm

  have find_decomp_wl_st_int_alt_def:
    find_decomp_wl_st_int = (λhighest S. do{
      (M', vm)  isa_find_decomp_wl_imp (get_trail_wl_heur S) highest (get_vmtf_heur S);
      RETURN (upd M' vm S)
    unfolding upd_def find_decomp_wl_st_int_def
    by (auto intro!: ext)

  have [refine0]: do {
	  (M', vm) 
	    isa_find_decomp_wl_imp (get_trail_wl_heur S) 0 (get_vmtf_heur S);
	  RETURN (upd M' vm S)
    }   {(S,
    (set_literals_to_update_wl_heur (isa_length_trail (get_trail_wl_heur S))
     (set_heur_wl_heur (restart_info_restart_done_heur (get_heur S)) S),
	  (empty_Q_wl2 T))  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u 
	  isa_length_trail_pre (get_trail_wl_heur S)} (SPEC (find_decomp_wl0 y))
     (is _   ?A _)
      0 < count_decided_st_heur S and
      0 < count_decided (get_trail_wl y)
  proof -
    have A: ?A = {(S,
    (set_literals_to_update_wl_heur (length (get_trail_wl T))
     (set_heur_wl_heur (restart_info_restart_done_heur (get_heur S)) S),
	  (empty_Q_wl2 T))  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u 
	  isa_length_trail_pre (get_trail_wl_heur S)}
      apply (rule ; rule)
      subgoal for x
        apply clarify
	apply (frule twl_st_heur_restart_isa_length_trail_get_trail_wl)
        by (auto simp:  trail_pol_def empty_Q_wl2_def mop_isa_length_trail_def)
      subgoal for x
        apply clarify
	apply (frule twl_st_heur_restart_isa_length_trail_get_trail_wl)
        by (auto simp:  trail_pol_def empty_Q_wl2_def
            mop_isa_length_trail_def learned_clss_count_def)

    let ?𝒜 = all_init_atms_st y
    have vm: get_vmtf_heur S  bump_heur ?𝒜 (get_trail_wl y) (is ?vm  _) and
      n_d: no_dup (get_trail_wl y)
      using Sy
      by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def
        all_init_atms_st_def get_unit_init_clss_wl_alt_def)

    have find_decomp_w_ns_pre:
      find_decomp_w_ns_pre (all_init_atms_st y) ((get_trail_wl y, 0), ?vm)
      using that assms vm unfolding find_decomp_w_ns_pre_def
      by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def
        all_init_atms_st_def get_unit_init_clss_wl_alt_def
        dest: trail_pol_literals_are_in_ℒin_trail)
    have 1: isa_find_decomp_wl_imp (get_trail_wl_heur S) 0 (get_vmtf_heur S) 
        ({(M, M'). (M, M')  trail_pol ?𝒜  count_decided M' = 0} ×f Id)
         (find_decomp_w_ns ?𝒜 (get_trail_wl y) 0 vm')
      apply (rule  order_trans)
      apply (rule isa_find_decomp_wl_imp_find_decomp_wl_imp[THEN fref_to_Down_curry2,
        of get_trail_wl y 0 ?vm _ _ _ ?𝒜])
      subgoal using that by auto
        using Sy vm
	by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def get_unit_init_clss_wl_alt_def
      apply (rule order_trans, rule ref_two_step')
      apply (rule find_decomp_wl_imp_find_decomp_wl'[THEN fref_to_Down_curry2,
        of ?𝒜 get_trail_wl y 0 ?vm])
      subgoal by (rule find_decomp_w_ns_pre)
      subgoal by auto
        using n_d
        by (fastforce simp: find_decomp_w_ns_def conc_fun_RES Image_iff)

  show ?thesis
      supply [[goals_limit=1]] unfolding A
      apply (rule bind_refine_res[OF _ 1[unfolded find_decomp_w_ns_def conc_fun_RES]])
      apply (case_tac y, cases S)
      apply clarify
      apply (rule RETURN_SPEC_refine)
      using assms
      by (auto simp: upd_def find_decomp_wl0_def
        intro!: RETURN_SPEC_refine clss_size_corr_simp simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def out_learned_def
	    empty_Q_wl2_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def learned_clss_count_def
	intro: isa_length_trail_pre dest: no_dup_appendD)
  have [simp]: clss_size_corr_restart x1a x1c x1d NEk UEk x1e x1f x1g x1h (ck, cl, cd, cm, cn) 
    clss_size_corr_restart x1a x1c x1d NEk UEk x1e {#} x1g {#} (ck, 0, cd, 0, 0)
    for  x1a x1c x1d x1e x1f x1g x1h ck cl cm cn NEk UEk cd
    by (auto simp: clss_size_corr_restart_def clss_size_def)

  have Sy': (empty_US_heur S, empty_US_heur_wl y)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u
    using Sy by (cases y; cases S; auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def
      empty_US_heur_wl_def twl_st_heur_restart_def empty_US_heur_def clss_size_resetUE_def
      clss_size_resetUS_def clss_size_lcount_def clss_size_lcountU0_def clss_size_resetU0_def
      learned_clss_count_def clss_size_def clss_size_lcountUS_def clss_size_lcountUE_def)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding find_decomp_wl_st_int_alt_def
    apply refine_vcg
      using Sy by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_count_decided_st_alt_def)
    subgoal for Sa T
      unfolding empty_Q_def empty_Q_wl_def empty_US_heur_def empty_Q_wl2_def
      apply clarify
      apply (frule twl_st_heur_restart_isa_length_trail_get_trail_wl)
      by refine_vcg
       (cases get_learned_count Sa, auto simp add: mop_isa_length_trail_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def get_unit_init_clss_wl_alt_def
        twl_st_heur_restart_def learned_clss_count_def clss_size_resetUS_def clss_size_lcountUEk_def Let_def
        clss_size_lcount_def clss_size_lcountU0_def clss_size_resetU0_def clss_size_resetUE_def
      learned_clss_count_def clss_size_def clss_size_lcountUS_def clss_size_lcountUE_def)
      using Sy' .

lemma no_get_all_ann_decomposition_count_dec0:
  (M1. (M2 K. (Decided K # M1, M2)  set (get_all_ann_decomposition M))) 
  count_decided M = 0
  apply (induction M rule: ann_lit_list_induct)
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal for L M
    by auto
  subgoal for L C M
    by (cases get_all_ann_decomposition M) fastforce+

lemma get_pos_of_level_in_trail_decomp_iff:
  assumes no_dup M
  shows ((M1 M2 K.
                (Decided K # M1, M2)
                 set (get_all_ann_decomposition M) 
                count_decided M1 = 0  k = length M1)) 
    k < length M  count_decided M > 0  is_decided (rev M ! k)  get_level M (lit_of (rev M ! k)) = 1
  (is ?A  ?B)
  assume ?A
  then obtain K M1 M2 where
    decomp: (Decided K # M1, M2)  set (get_all_ann_decomposition M) and
    [simp]: count_decided M1 = 0 and
    k_M1: length M1 = k
    by auto
  then have k < length M
    by auto
  moreover have rev M ! k = Decided K
    using decomp
    by (auto dest!: get_all_ann_decomposition_exists_prepend
      simp: nth_append
      simp flip: k_M1)
  moreover have get_level M (lit_of (rev M ! k)) = 1
    using assms decomp
    by (auto dest!: get_all_ann_decomposition_exists_prepend
      simp: get_level_append_if nth_append
      simp flip: k_M1)
  ultimately show ?B
    using decomp by auto
  assume ?B
  define K where K = lit_of (rev M ! k)
  obtain M1 M2 where
    M: M = M2 @ Decided K # M1 and
    k_M1: length M1 = k
    apply (subst (asm) append_take_drop_id[of length M - Suc k, symmetric])
    apply (subst (asm) Cons_nth_drop_Suc[symmetric])
    unfolding K_def
    subgoal using ?B by auto
    subgoal using ?B K_def by (cases rev M ! k) (auto simp: rev_nth)
  moreover have count_decided M1 = 0
    using assms ?B unfolding M
    by (auto simp: nth_append k_M1)
  ultimately show ?A
    using get_all_ann_decomposition_ex[of K M1 M2]
    unfolding M
    by auto

lemma remove_all_learned_subsumed_clauses_wl_id:
  (x2a, x2)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u 
   RETURN (empty_US_heur x2a)
      (twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u)
       (remove_all_learned_subsumed_clauses_wl x2)
   by (cases x2a; cases x2)
    (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def learned_clss_count_def
     remove_all_learned_subsumed_clauses_wl_def empty_US_heur_def
     intro: clss_size_corr_simp)

lemma mark_garbage_heur4_remove_and_add_cls_l:
  (S, T)  {(S, T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r  learned_clss_count S  u}  (C, C')  Id 
    mark_garbage_heur4 C S
         {(S, T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r  learned_clss_count S  u}
            (remove_and_add_cls_wl C' T)
  unfolding mark_garbage_heur4_def remove_and_add_cls_wl_def Let_def
  apply (cases T, hypsubst, unfold
  apply refine_rcg
    by (auto simp add: twl_st_heur_restart_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def arena_lifting get_unit_init_clss_wl_alt_def
      dest!: clss_size_corr_restart_rew multi_member_split simp: ran_m_def)
    supply [[goals_limit=1]]
    apply (auto simp: learned_clss_count_def)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def
        arena_lifting isasat_state_simp
      all_init_atms_fmdrop_add_mset_unit learned_clss_l_l_fmdrop
      learned_clss_l_l_fmdrop_irrelev aivdom_inv_dec_remove_clause
      size_Diff_singleton red_in_dom_number_of_learned_ge1 learned_clss_count_def
      clss_size_corr_restart_intro clss_size_corr_restart_simp3
      dest: in_vdom_m_fmdropD dest: in_diffD
      intro: clss_size_corr_restart_intro)
    apply (auto simp add: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def
      all_init_atms_fmdrop_add_mset_unit learned_clss_l_l_fmdrop
      learned_clss_l_l_fmdrop_irrelev aivdom_inv_dec_remove_clause
      size_Diff_singleton red_in_dom_number_of_learned_ge1 learned_clss_count_def
      clss_size_corr_restart_intro clss_size_corr_restart_simp3
      dest: in_vdom_m_fmdropD dest: in_diffD
      intro: clss_size_corr_restart_intro)

lemma remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_pre_fst_le_uint32:
  assumes (x, y)  nat_rel ×f {p. (fst p, snd p)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r 
          learned_clss_count (fst p)  u} and
    remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_pre (fst y) (snd y)
  shows fst x + 1  Suc (unat32_max div 2)
proof -
  have [simp]: fst y = fst x
    using assms by (cases x, cases y) auto
  have fst x < length (get_trail_wl (snd y))
    using assms apply -
   by normalize_goal+ auto
  moreover have (get_trail_wl_heur (snd x), get_trail_wl (snd y))  trail_pol (all_init_atms_st (snd y))
    using assms
    by (cases x, cases y) (simp add: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def
      twl_st_heur_restart_def all_init_atms_st_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: trail_pol_alt_def)

lemma remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_alt_def:
remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl = (λi S. do {
      ASSERT(remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_pre i S);
      ASSERT(is_proped (rev (get_trail_wl S) ! i));
      (L, C)  SPEC(λ(L, C). (rev (get_trail_wl S))!i = Propagated L C);
      ASSERT(Propagated L C  set (get_trail_wl S));
      ASSERT(L ∈# all_init_lits_of_wl S);
      if C = 0 then RETURN (i+1, S)
      else do {
        ASSERT(C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl S));
	S  replace_annot_wl L C S;
        _  RETURN (log_clause S C);
	S  remove_and_add_cls_wl C S;
        RETURN (i+1, S)
  by (auto simp: remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_def log_clause_def cong: if_cong)

lemma log_clause_heur_log_clause2_ana:
  assumes (S,T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u (C,C')  nat_rel
  shows log_clause_heur S C unit_rel (log_clause2 T C')
proof -
  have [refine0]: (0,0)nat_rel
    by auto
  have length:  nat_rel ((RETURN  (λc. length (get_clauses_wl T  c))) C')  SPEC (λc. (c, length (get_clauses_wl T  C'))  {(a,b). a=b  a = length (get_clauses_wl T  C)})
    by (use assms in auto)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding log_clause_heur_def log_clause2_def comp_def uncurry_def mop_arena_length_st_def
    apply (refine_vcg mop_arena_lit[where vdom = set (get_vdom S) and N = get_clauses_wl T, THEN order_trans] 
      mop_arena_length[where vdom = set (get_vdom S), THEN fref_to_Down_curry, THEN order_trans, unfolded prod.simps])
    apply assumption
    subgoal using assms by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def)
    apply (rule length)
    subgoal by (use assms in auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def dest: arena_lifting(10))
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal using assms by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def)
    apply assumption
    subgoal by (use assms in auto)
    apply (rule refl)
    subgoal by auto
    by auto

lemma log_del_clause_heur_log_clause:
  assumes (S,T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u (C,C')  nat_rel C ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl T)
  shows log_del_clause_heur S C  SPEC (λc. (c, log_clause T C')  unit_rel)
    unfolding log_del_clause_heur_alt_def
    apply (rule log_clause_heur_log_clause2_ana[THEN order_trans, OF assms(1,2)])
    apply (rule order_trans)
    apply (rule ref_two_step')
    apply (rule log_clause2_log_clause[THEN fref_to_Down_curry])
    using assms by auto

lemma remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_D_heur_remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_D:
  (uncurry remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_D_heur,
    uncurry remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl) 
    nat_rel ×f twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u f
    nat_rel ×f twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r unres_rel
  unfolding remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_D_heur_def
    remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_alt_def case_prod_beta uncurry_def
  apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
  subgoal for x y
  apply (refine_rcg get_literal_and_reason[where r=r]
      [where r=r and u=u] log_del_clause_heur_log_clause
    mark_garbage_heur4_remove_and_add_cls_l[where r=r and u=u])
    by (auto simp: prod_rel_fst_snd_iff)
  subgoal unfolding remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_pre_def
    by auto
    by (rule remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_pre_fst_le_uint32)
  subgoal for p pa
    by (cases pa)
      (auto simp: all_init_atms_def simp del: all_init_atms_def[symmetric])
    by (cases x, cases y)
     (fastforce simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal for p pa
    by (cases pa; cases p; cases x; cases y)
      (auto simp: all_init_atms_def learned_clss_count_def simp del: all_init_atms_def[symmetric])
  apply (solves auto)
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal in_dom_m for p pa S Sa
    unfolding mark_garbage_pre_def
    apply (case_tac Sa; cases y)
    apply (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def)
  subgoal for p pa S Sa
    using in_dom_m
    unfolding mark_garbage_pre_def
    apply (rule_tac x = get_clauses_wl Sa in exI)
    apply (rule_tac x = set (get_vdom S) in exI)
    apply (case_tac Sa; cases y)
    apply (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def)
  subgoal for p pa S Sa
    unfolding arena_is_valid_clause_vdom_def
    apply (rule_tac x = get_clauses_wl Sa in exI)
    apply (rule_tac x = set (get_vdom S) in exI)
    apply (case_tac Sa; cases y)
    apply (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    by (auto simp: prod_rel_fst_snd_iff dest: get_learned_count_learned_clss_countD)
    by (auto simp: prod_rel_fst_snd_iff dest: get_learned_count_learned_clss_countD)
    by auto
    by (cases x, cases y) fastforce

lemma remove_one_annot_trail_zeroed_until_state:
    (x, y)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u and
    (isa_length_trail_pre  get_trail_wl_heur) x and
    (k, ka)  nat_rel and
    ka: ka  {k. (M1 M2 K.
         (Decided K # M1, M2)
          set (get_all_ann_decomposition (get_trail_wl y)) 
         count_decided M1 = 0  k = length M1) 
        count_decided (get_trail_wl y) = 0  k = length (get_trail_wl y)}
  shows trail_zeroed_until_state x  ka (is ?A) and
    j < trail_zeroed_until_state x  is_proped (rev (get_trail_wl y) ! j) (is ?X  ?B)and
    j < trail_zeroed_until_state x  mark_of (rev (get_trail_wl y) ! j) = 0 (is ?X  ?C)
proof -
  define 𝒜 where 𝒜 = (all_init_atms (get_clauses_wl y)
       (IsaSAT_Setup.get_unkept_unit_init_clss_wl y +
        IsaSAT_Setup.get_kept_unit_init_clss_wl y +
        get_subsumed_init_clauses_wl y +
        get_init_clauses0_wl y))
  have (get_trail_wl_heur x, get_trail_wl y)  trail_pol 𝒜
    using assms(1) unfolding twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def 𝒜_def
    by fast
  then show ?A
    ?X  ?B
    ?X  ?C
    using ka
    apply (auto simp: trail_pol_def zeroed_trail_def trail_zeroed_until_state_def
    by (meson annotated_lit.distinct_disc(1) get_pos_of_level_in_trail_decomp_iff leI)

lemma remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_alt_def:
  remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl = (λS. do {
    k  SPEC(λk. (M1 M2 K. (Decided K # M1, M2)  set (get_all_ann_decomposition (get_trail_wl S)) 
        count_decided M1 = 0  k = length M1)
       (count_decided (get_trail_wl S) = 0  k = length (get_trail_wl S)));
    start  SPEC (λi. i  k  (j < i. is_proped (rev (get_trail_wl S) ! j)  mark_of (rev (get_trail_wl S) ! j) = 0));
    (i, T)  WHILETremove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_inv S(λ(i, S). i < k)
      (λ(i, S). remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl i S)
    (start, S);
    ASSERT (remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_inv S (i, T));
    T  RETURN T;
    remove_all_learned_subsumed_clauses_wl T
  unfolding remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_def Let_def by auto

definition remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur :: isasat  isasat nres
remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur = (λS. do {
    ASSERT((isa_length_trail_pre o get_trail_wl_heur) S);
    k  (if count_decided_st_heur S = 0
      then RETURN (isa_length_trail (get_trail_wl_heur S))
      else get_pos_of_level_in_trail_imp (get_trail_wl_heur S) 0);
    let start = trail_zeroed_until_state S;
    (i, T)  WHILETremove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur_inv S(λ(i, S). i < k)
      (λ(i, S). remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_D_heur i S)
      (start, S);
    ASSERT (remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur_inv S (i, T));
    T  RETURN (trail_set_zeroed_until_state i T);
    RETURN (empty_US_heur T)

lemma remove_one_annot_true_clause_trail_set_zeroed_until_state:
    (x, y)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u 
    (xa, x')  nat_rel ×f twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r (learned_clss_count x) 
    x' = (x1, x2) 
    xa = (x1a, x2a) 
    remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_inv y (x1, x2) 
    remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur_inv x (x1a, x2a) 
    (trail_set_zeroed_until_state x1a x2a, x2)
   twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  apply (simp add: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def trail_set_zeroed_until_state_def
  apply (rule trail_set_zeroed_until_rel)
  apply (solves simp)
  unfolding remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur_inv_def
    remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_inv_def remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_inv_def
  apply normalize_goal+
  apply (simp add: zeroed_trail_def)

find_theorems trail_set_zeroed_until

lemma remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur_remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D:
  (remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur, remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl) 
  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u f
  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r unres_rel
  (is _  ?A f _)
  unfolding remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_alt_def
  apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
  subgoal for x y
  apply (refine_vcg
    WHILEIT_refine[where R = nat_rel ×r {(S, T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r  learned_clss_count S  learned_clss_count x}]
    remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_D_heur_remove_one_annot_true_clause_one_imp_wl_D[THEN fref_to_Down_curry])
  subgoal by (auto simp: trail_pol_alt_def isa_length_trail_pre_def
    twl_st_heur_restart_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
  subgoal by (auto dest: twl_st_heur_restart_isa_length_trail_get_trail_wl
   simp: twl_st_heur_restart_count_decided_st_alt_def mop_isa_length_trail_def)
    apply (rule order_trans)
    apply (rule get_pos_of_level_in_trail_imp_get_pos_of_level_in_trail_CS[THEN fref_to_Down_curry,
        of get_trail_wl y 0 _ _ all_init_atms_st y])
    subgoal by (auto simp: get_pos_of_level_in_trail_pre_def
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def
        all_init_atms_st_def get_unit_init_clss_wl_alt_def)
      apply (subst get_pos_of_level_in_trail_decomp_iff)
      apply (solves auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
      apply (auto simp: get_pos_of_level_in_trail_def
    subgoal by (rule remove_one_annot_trail_zeroed_until_state)
    subgoal by (rule remove_one_annot_trail_zeroed_until_state)
    subgoal by (rule remove_one_annot_trail_zeroed_until_state)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for k k' start T T'
      apply (subst (asm)(11) surjective_pairing)
      apply (subst (asm)(15) surjective_pairing)
      unfolding remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur_inv_def
      apply (subst (8) surjective_pairing, subst
      apply (rule_tac x=y in exI)
      apply (rule_tac x= snd T' in exI)
      by (auto intro: twl_st_heur_restart_anaD simp: prod_rel_fst_snd_iff twl_st_heur_restart_anaD)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for k k' start T T'
      apply (subst (asm)(11) surjective_pairing)
      apply (subst (asm)(15) surjective_pairing)
      unfolding remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur_inv_def
      apply (subst (8) surjective_pairing, subst
      apply (rule_tac x=y in exI)
      apply (rule_tac x= snd T' in exI)
      by (auto intro: twl_st_heur_restart_anaD simp: prod_rel_fst_snd_iff twl_st_heur_restart_anaD)
    apply (rule remove_one_annot_true_clause_trail_set_zeroed_until_state)
    apply assumption+
    subgoal for k ka start xa x' x1 x2
      by (auto intro!: remove_all_learned_subsumed_clauses_wl_id)

lemmas iterate_over_VMTF_def =
  iterate_over_VMTF_alt_def[unfolded iterate_over_VMTFC_def simp_thms]

definition iterate_over_ℒallC where
  iterate_over_ℒallC = (λf 𝒜0 I P x. do {
    𝒜  SPEC(λ𝒜. set_mset 𝒜 = set_mset 𝒜0  distinct_mset 𝒜);
    (_, x)  WHILETλ(𝒜, x). I 𝒜 x(λ(, x).   {#}  P x)
      (λ(, x). do {
        ASSERT(  {#});
        A  SPEC (λA. A ∈# );
        x  f A x;
        RETURN (remove1_mset A , x)
      (𝒜, x);
    RETURN x

definition iterate_over_ℒall :: _ where
  iterate_over_ℒall_alt_def: iterate_over_ℒall f 𝒜 I  = iterate_over_ℒallC f 𝒜 I (λ_. True)

lemmas iterate_over_ℒall_def =
  iterate_over_ℒall_alt_def[unfolded iterate_over_ℒallC_def simp_thms]

lemma iterate_over_VMTFC_iterate_over_ℒallC:
  fixes x :: 'a
  assumes vmtf: (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search)  vmtf 𝒜 M and
    nempty: 𝒜  {#} isasat_input_bounded 𝒜 and
    II': x . set_mset   set_mset 𝒜  I'  x  I x and
    x. I x  P x = Q x
  shows iterate_over_VMTFC f I P (ns, Some fst_As) x   Id (iterate_over_ℒallC f 𝒜 I' Q x)
proof -
  obtain xs' ys' where
    vmtf_ns: vmtf_ns (ys' @ xs') m ns and
    fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs') and
    lst_As = last (ys' @ xs') and
    vmtf_ℒ: vmtf_ℒall 𝒜 M (set xs', set ys') and
    fst_As: fst_As = hd (ys' @ xs') and
    le: Latms_of (all 𝒜). L < length ns
    using vmtf unfolding vmtf_def
    by blast
  define zs where zs = ys' @ xs'
  define is_lasts where
    is_lasts  n m  set_mset  = set (drop m zs)  set_mset   set_mset 𝒜 
        card (set_mset )  length zs 
        card (set_mset ) + m = length zs 
        (n = option_hd (drop m zs)) 
        m  length zs for  and n :: nat option and m
  have card_𝒜: card (set_mset 𝒜) = length zs
    set_mset 𝒜 = set zs and
    nempty': zs  [] and
    dist_zs: distinct zs
    using vmtf_ℒ vmtf_ns_distinct[OF vmtf_ns] nempty
    unfolding vmtf_ℒall_def eq_commute[of _ atms_of _] zs_def
    by (auto simp: atms_of_ℒall_𝒜in card_Un_disjoint distinct_card)
  have hd_zs_le: hd zs < length ns
    using vmtf_ns_le_length[OF vmtf_ns, of hd zs] nempty'
    unfolding zs_def[symmetric]
    by auto
  have [refine0]: 
       (the x1a, A)  nat_rel 
       x = x2b 
       f (the x1a) x2b   Id (f A x) for x1a A x x2b
      by auto
  define iterate_over_VMTF2 where
    iterate_over_VMTF2  (λf (I :: 'a  bool) (vm :: (nat, nat) vmtf_node list, n) x. do {
      let _ = remdups_mset 𝒜;
      (_, _, x)  WHILETλ(n,m, x). I x(λ(n, _, x). n  None  P x)
        (λ(n, m, x). do {
          ASSERT(n  None);
          let A = the n;
          ASSERT(A < length ns);
          ASSERT(A  unat32_max div 2);
          x  f A x;
          RETURN (get_next ((ns ! A)), Suc m, x)
        (n, 0, x);
      RETURN x
  have iterate_over_VMTF2_alt_def:
    iterate_over_VMTF2  (λf (I :: 'a  bool) (vm :: (nat, nat) vmtf_node list, n) x. do {
      (_, _, x)  WHILETλ(n,m, x). I x(λ(n, _, x). n  None  P x)
        (λ(n, m, x). do {
          ASSERT(n  None);
          let A = the n;
          ASSERT(A < length ns);
          ASSERT(A  unat32_max div 2);
          x  f A x;
          RETURN (get_next ((ns ! A)), Suc m, x)
        (n, 0, x);
      RETURN x
    unfolding iterate_over_VMTF2_def by force
  have nempty_iff: (x1  None  P x2a) = (x1b  {#}  Q xb) (is ?A = ?B)
    (remdups_mset 𝒜, 𝒜')  Id and
    H: (x, x')  {((n, m, x), 𝒜', y). is_lasts 𝒜' n m  x = y} and
    case x of (n, m, xa)  I xa and
    case x' of (𝒜', x)  I' 𝒜' x and
      x2 = (x1a, x2a)
      x = (x1, x2)
      x' = (x1b, xb)
    for 𝒜' x x' x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b xb
    have KK: P x2a = Q xb
      by (subst assms) (use that in auto)
    show ?A if ?B
      using that H unfolding KK
      by (auto simp: is_lasts_def)
    show ?B if ?A
      using that H unfolding KK
      by (auto simp: is_lasts_def)
  have IH: ((get_next (ns ! the x1a), Suc x1b, xa), remove1_mset A x1, xb)
         {((n, m, x), 𝒜', y). is_lasts 𝒜' n m  x = y}
      (remdups_mset 𝒜, 𝒜')  Id and
      H: (x, x')  {((n, m, x), 𝒜', y). is_lasts 𝒜' n m  x = y} and
      case x of (n, uu_, x)  n  None  P x and
      nempty: case x' of (, x)    {#}  Q x and
      case x of (n, m, xa)  I xa and
      case x' of (𝒜', x)  I' 𝒜' x and
        x' = (x1, x2)
        x2a = (x1b, x2b)
        x = (x1a, x2a)
        (xa, xb)  Id and
      x1  {#} and
      x1a  None and
      A: (the x1a, A)  nat_rel and
      the x1a < length ns
      for 𝒜' x x' x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b x2b A xa xb
  proof -
    have [simp]: distinct_mset x1 x1b < length zs
      using H A nempty
      apply (auto simp: st is_lasts_def simp flip: Cons_nth_drop_Suc)
      apply (cases x1b = length zs)
      apply auto
    then have [simp]: zs ! x1b  set (drop (Suc x1b) zs)
      by (auto simp: in_set_drop_conv_nth nth_eq_iff_index_eq dist_zs)
    have [simp]: length zs - Suc x1b + x1b = length zs  False
      using x1b < length zs by presburger
    have vmtf_ns (take x1b zs @ zs ! x1b # drop (Suc x1b) zs) m ns
      using vmtf_ns
      by (auto simp: Cons_nth_drop_Suc simp flip: zs_def)
    from vmtf_ns_last_mid_get_next_option_hd[OF this]
    show ?thesis
      using H A st
      by (auto simp: st is_lasts_def dist_zs distinct_card distinct_mset_set_mset_remove1_mset
           simp flip: Cons_nth_drop_Suc)
  have WTF[simp]: length zs - Suc 0 = length zs  zs = []
    by (cases zs) auto
  have zs2: set (xs' @ ys') = set zs
    by (auto simp: zs_def)
  have is_lasts_le:  is_lasts x1 (Some A) x1b  A < length ns for x2 xb x1b x1 A
    using vmtf_ℒ le nth_mem[of x1b zs] unfolding is_lasts_def vmtf_ℒall_def
      set_append[symmetric]zs_def[symmetric] zs2
    by (auto simp: eq_commute[of set zs atms_of (all 𝒜)] hd_drop_conv_nth
      simp del: nth_mem)
  have le_unat32_max: the x1a  unat32_max div 2
      (remdups_mset 𝒜, 𝒜')  Id and
      (x, x')  {((n, m, x), 𝒜', y). is_lasts 𝒜' n m  x = y} and
      case x of (n, uu_, x)  n  None  P x and
      case x' of (, x)    {#}  Q x and
      case x of (n, m, xa)  I xa and
      case x' of (𝒜', x)  I' 𝒜' x and
      x' = (x1, x2) and
      x2a = (x1b, xb) and
      x = (x1a, x2a) and
      x1  {#} and
      x1a  None and
      (the x1a, A)  nat_rel and
      the x1a < length ns
    for 𝒜' x x' x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b xb A
  proof -
    have the x1a ∈# 𝒜
      using that unfolding is_lasts_def
      by clarsimp (auto simp: is_lasts_def)
    then show ?thesis
      using nempty by (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: all_add_mset)
  have  iterate_over_VMTF2 f I (ns, Some fst_As) x   Id (iterate_over_ℒallC f 𝒜 I' Q x)
    unfolding iterate_over_VMTF2_def iterate_over_ℒallC_def
    apply (refine_vcg WHILEIT_refine[where R = {((n :: nat option, m::nat, x::'a), (𝒜' :: nat multiset, y)).
        is_lasts 𝒜' n m  x = y}])
    subgoal by simp
    subgoal by simp
      using card_𝒜 fst_As nempty nempty' hd_conv_nth[OF nempty'] hd_zs_le unfolding zs_def[symmetric]
      by (simp_all add:  eq_commute[of remdups_mset _])
    subgoal for 𝒜' x x' x1 x2 x1a xaa using II'[of _ xaa] unfolding is_lasts_def by auto
    subgoal for 𝒜' x x' x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b xb
      by (rule nempty_iff)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for 𝒜' x x' x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b xb
      by (simp add: is_lasts_def in_set_dropI)
    subgoal for 𝒜' x x' x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b xb
      by (auto simp: is_lasts_le)
    subgoal by (rule le_unat32_max)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for 𝒜' x x' x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b x2b A xa xb
      by (rule IH)
    subgoal by auto
  moreover have iterate_over_VMTFC f I P (ns, Some fst_As) x    Id (iterate_over_VMTF2 f I (ns, Some fst_As) x)
    unfolding iterate_over_VMTF2_alt_def iterate_over_VMTFC_def
    by (refine_vcg WHILEIT_refine[where R = {((n :: nat option, x::'a), (n' :: nat option, m'::nat, x'::'a)).
        n = n'  x = x'}]) auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by simp

lemma iterate_over_VMTF_iterate_over_ℒall:
  fixes x :: 'a
  assumes vmtf: (ns, m, fst_As, lst_As, next_search)  vmtf 𝒜 M and
    nempty: 𝒜  {#} isasat_input_bounded 𝒜 x . set_mset   set_mset 𝒜  I'  x  I x
  shows iterate_over_VMTF f I (ns, Some fst_As) x   Id (iterate_over_ℒall f 𝒜 I' x)
  unfolding iterate_over_VMTF_alt_def iterate_over_ℒall_alt_def
  apply (rule iterate_over_VMTFC_iterate_over_ℒallC[OF assms])
  by auto

definition arena_is_packed :: arena  nat clauses_l  bool where
arena_is_packed arena N  length arena = (C ∈# dom_m N. length (N  C) + header_size (N  C))

lemma arena_is_packed_empty[simp]: arena_is_packed [] fmempty
  by (auto simp: arena_is_packed_def)

lemma arena_is_packed_append:
  assumes arena_is_packed (arena) N and
    [simp]: length C = length (fst C') + header_size (fst C') and
    [simp]: a ∉# dom_m N
  shows arena_is_packed (arena @ C) (fmupd a C' N)
  using assms(1) by (auto simp: arena_is_packed_def
    intro!: sum_mset_cong)

lemma arena_is_packed_append_valid:
    in_dom: fst C ∈# dom_m x1a and
    valid0: valid_arena x1c x1a vdom0 and
    valid: valid_arena x1d x2a (set x2d) and
    packed: arena_is_packed x1d x2a and
    n: n = header_size  (x1a  (fst C))
  shows arena_is_packed
          (x1d @
           Misc.slice (fst C - n)
            (fst C + arena_length x1c (fst C)) x1c)
          (fmupd (length x1d + n) (the (fmlookup x1a (fst C))) x2a)
proof -
  have [simp]: length x1d + n ∉# dom_m x2a
  using valid by (auto dest: arena_lifting(2) valid_arena_in_vdom_le_arena
    simp: arena_is_valid_clause_vdom_def header_size_def)
  have [simp]: arena_length x1c (fst C) = length (x1a  (fst C)) fst C  n
      fst C - n < length x1c  fst C < length x1c
    using valid0 valid in_dom by (auto simp: arena_lifting n less_imp_diff_less)
  have [simp]: length
     (Misc.slice (fst C - n)
       (fst C + length (x1a  (fst C))) x1c) =
     length (x1a  fst C) + header_size (x1a  fst C)
     using valid in_dom arena_lifting(10)[OF valid0]
     by (fastforce simp: slice_len_min_If min_def arena_lifting(4) simp flip: n)
  show ?thesis
    by (rule arena_is_packed_append[OF packed]) auto

definition move_is_packed :: arena  _  arena  _  bool where
move_is_packed arenao No arena N 
   ((C∈#dom_m No. length (No  C) + header_size (No  C)) +
   (C∈#dom_m N. length (N  C) + header_size (N  C))  length arenao)

lemma valid_arena_header_size:
  valid_arena arena N vdom  C ∈# dom_m N  arena_header_size arena C = header_size (N  C)
  by (auto simp: arena_header_size_def header_size_def arena_lifting)

definition rewatch_spec :: nat twl_st_wl  nat twl_st_wl nres where
rewatch_spec = (λ(M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, Q, WS).
  SPEC (λ(M', N', D', NE', UE', NEk', UEk', NS', US', N0', U0', Q', WS').
     (M', N', D', NE', UE', NEk', UEk', NS', US', N0', U0', Q') = (M, N, D, NE, {#}, NEk, UEk, NS, {#}, N0, {#}, Q) 
     correct_watching' (M, N', D, NE, UE, NEk', UEk', NS', US, N0, U0, Q', WS') 
     literals_are_ℒin' (M, N', D, NE, UE, NEk', UEk', NS', US, N0, U0, Q', WS')))

lemma blits_in_ℒin'_restart_wl_spec0':
  literals_are_ℒin' (a, aq, ab, ac, ad, NEk, UEk, ae, af, N0, U0, Q, b) 
       literals_are_ℒin' (a, aq, ab, ac, ad, NEk, UEk, ae, af, N0, U0, {#}, b)
  by (auto simp: literals_are_ℒin'_empty blits_in_ℒin'_restart_wl_spec0)

abbreviation twl_st_heur_restart'''u where
  twl_st_heur_restart'''u r u 
  {(S, T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) = r 
  learned_clss_count S  u}

abbreviation twl_st_heur_restart''''u where
  twl_st_heur_restart''''u r u 
  {(S, T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S)  r  
  learned_clss_count S  u}

fun correct_watching''' :: _  'v twl_st_wl  bool where
  correct_watching''' 𝒜 (M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, Q, W) 
    (L ∈# all_lits_of_mm 𝒜.
       distinct_watched (W L) 
       ((i, K, b)∈#mset (W L).
             i ∈# dom_m N  K  set (N  i)  K  L 
             correctly_marked_as_binary N (i, K, b)) 
        fst `# mset (W L) = clause_to_update L (M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, {#}))

declare correct_watching'''.simps[simp del]

lemma correct_watching'''_add_clause:
    corr: correct_watching''' 𝒜 ((a, aa, CD, ac, ad, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, Q, b)) and
    leC: 2  length C and
    i_notin[simp]: i ∉# dom_m aa and
    dist[iff]: C ! 0  C ! Suc 0
  shows correct_watching''' 𝒜
          ((a, fmupd i (C, red) aa, CD, ac, ad, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, Q, b
            (C ! 0 := b (C ! 0) @ [(i, C ! Suc 0, length C = 2)],
             C ! Suc 0 := b (C ! Suc 0) @ [(i, C ! 0, length C = 2)])))
proof -
  have [iff]: C ! Suc 0  C ! 0
    using  C ! 0  C ! Suc 0 by argo
  have [iff]: C ! Suc 0 ∈# all_lits_of_m (mset C) C ! 0 ∈# all_lits_of_m (mset C)
    C ! Suc 0  set C  C ! 0  set C C ! 0  set (watched_l C) C ! Suc 0  set (watched_l C)
    using leC by (force intro!: in_clause_in_all_lits_of_m nth_mem simp: in_set_conv_iff
        intro: exI[of _ 0] exI[of _ Suc 0])+
  have [dest!]: L. L  C ! 0  L  C ! Suc 0  L  set (watched_l C)  False
     by (cases C; cases tl C; auto)+
  have i: i  fst ` set (b L) if L∈#all_lits_of_mm 𝒜for L
    using corr i_notin that unfolding correct_watching'''.simps
    by force
  have [iff]: (i,c, d)  set (b L) if L∈#all_lits_of_mm 𝒜 for L c d
    using i[of L, OF that] by (auto simp: image_iff)
  then show ?thesis
    using corr
    by (force simp: correct_watching'''.simps ran_m_mapsto_upd_notin
        all_lits_of_mm_add_mset all_lits_of_mm_union clause_to_update_mapsto_upd_notin correctly_marked_as_binary.simps
        split: if_splits)

lemma rewatch_correctness:
  assumes empty: L. L ∈# all_lits_of_mm 𝒜  W L = [] and
    H[dest]: x. x ∈# dom_m N  distinct (N  x)  length (N  x)  2 and
    incl: set_mset (all_lits_of_mm (mset `# ran_mf N))  set_mset (all_lits_of_mm 𝒜)
    rewatch N W  SPEC(λW. correct_watching''' 𝒜 (M, N, C, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, Q, W))
proof -
  define I where
    I  λ(a :: nat list) (b :: nat list) W.
        correct_watching''' 𝒜 ((M, fmrestrict_set (set a) N, C, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, Q, W))
  have I0: set_mset (dom_m N)  set x  distinct x  I [] x W for x
    using empty unfolding I_def by (auto simp: correct_watching'''.simps
       all_blits_are_in_problem_init.simps clause_to_update_def
  have le: length (σ L) < size (dom_m N)
     if correct_watching''' 𝒜 (M, fmrestrict_set (set l1) N, C, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, Q, σ) and
      set_mset (dom_m N)  set x  distinct x and
     x = l1 @ xa # l2 xa ∈# dom_m N L  set (N  xa)
     for L l1 σ xa l2 x
  proof -
    have 1: card (set l1)  length l1
      by (auto simp: card_length)
    have L ∈# all_lits_of_mm 𝒜
      using that incl in_clause_in_all_lits_of_m[of L mset (N  xa)]
      by (auto simp: correct_watching'''.simps dom_m_fmrestrict_set' ran_m_def
          all_lits_of_mm_add_mset all_lits_of_m_add_mset atm_of_all_lits_of_m
        dest!: multi_member_split)
    then have distinct_watched (σ L) and fst ` set (σ L)  set l1  set_mset (dom_m N)
      using that incl
      by (auto simp: correct_watching'''.simps dom_m_fmrestrict_set' dest!: multi_member_split)
    then have length (map fst (σ L))  card (set l1  set_mset (dom_m N))
      using 1 by (subst distinct_card[symmetric])
       (auto simp: distinct_watched_alt_def intro!: card_mono intro: order_trans)
    also have ... < card (set_mset (dom_m N))
      using that by (auto intro!: psubset_card_mono)
    also have ... = size (dom_m N)
      by (simp add: distinct_mset_dom distinct_mset_size_eq_card)
    finally show ?thesis by simp
  show ?thesis
    unfolding rewatch_def
    apply (refine_vcg
      nfoldli_rule[where I = I])
    subgoal by (rule I0)
    subgoal using assms unfolding I_def by auto
    subgoal for x xa l1 l2 σ  using H[of xa] unfolding I_def apply -
      by (rule, subst (asm)nth_eq_iff_index_eq)
    subgoal for x xa l1 l2 σ unfolding I_def by (rule le) (auto intro!: nth_mem)
    subgoal for x xa l1 l2 σ unfolding I_def by (drule le[where L = N  xa ! 1]) (auto simp: I_def dest!: le)
    subgoal for x xa l1 l2 σ
      unfolding I_def
      by (cases the (fmlookup N xa))
       (auto intro!: correct_watching'''_add_clause simp: dom_m_fmrestrict_set')
      unfolding I_def
      by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal unfolding I_def
      by (auto simp: fmlookup_restrict_set_id')

lemma heuristic_rel_incr_restartI[intro!]:
  heuristic_rel 𝒜 heur  heuristic_rel 𝒜 (incr_restart_phase_end end_of_phase heur)
  by (auto simp: heuristic_rel_def heuristic_rel_stats_def incr_restart_phase_end_def)

lemma get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_get_conflict_wl_is_None_ana:
  (RETURN o get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur,  RETURN o get_conflict_wl_is_None) 
    twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r (u) f Idnres_rel
  unfolding get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_def get_conflict_wl_is_None_def comp_def
  apply (intro frefI nres_relI) apply refine_rcg
  by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_def get_conflict_wl_is_None_def
      option_lookup_clause_rel_def twl_st_heur_restart_def
     split: option.splits)
lemma get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_get_conflict_wl_is_None_restart:
  (RETURN o get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur,  RETURN o get_conflict_wl_is_None) 
    twl_st_heur_restart f Idnres_rel
  unfolding get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_def get_conflict_wl_is_None_def comp_def
  apply (intro frefI nres_relI) apply refine_rcg
  by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_def get_conflict_wl_is_None_def
      option_lookup_clause_rel_def twl_st_heur_restart_def
     split: option.splits)

(*TODO rename*)
lemma all_init_atms_alt_def:
  all_init_atms (get_clauses_wl S')
        (IsaSAT_Setup.get_unkept_unit_init_clss_wl S' + IsaSAT_Setup.get_kept_unit_init_clss_wl S' + get_subsumed_init_clauses_wl S' +
  get_init_clauses0_wl S') = all_init_atms_st S'
  by (auto simp: all_init_atms_st_def IsaSAT_Setup.get_unit_init_clss_wl_alt_def)

lemma twl_st_heur_restart_state_simp:
  assumes (S, S')  twl_st_heur_restart
     twl_st_heur_state_simp_watched: C ∈# all (all_init_atms_st S') 
       watched_by_int S C = watched_by S' C
      C ∈# all (all_init_atms_st S') 
       get_watched_wl_heur S ! (nat_of_lit C) =  get_watched_wl S' Cand
     literals_to_update_wl S' =
         uminus `# lit_of `# mset (drop (literals_to_update_wl_heur S) (rev (get_trail_wl S'))) and
     twl_st_heur_state_simp_watched2: C ∈# all (all_init_atms_st S') 
       nat_of_lit C < length(get_watched_wl_heur S)
  using assms unfolding twl_st_heur_restart_def
  by (solves cases S; cases S'; auto simp add: Let_def map_fun_rel_def ac_simps all_init_atms_st_def)+

lemma twl_st_heur_restart_ana_state_simp:
  assumes (S, S')  twl_st_heur_restart_ana u
     twl_st_heur_restart_ana_state_simp_watched: C ∈# all (all_init_atms_st S') 
       watched_by_int S C = watched_by S' C
      C ∈# all (all_init_atms_st S') 
       get_watched_wl_heur S ! (nat_of_lit C) =  get_watched_wl S' Cand
     literals_to_update_wl S' =
         uminus `# lit_of `# mset (drop (literals_to_update_wl_heur S) (rev (get_trail_wl S'))) and
     twl_st_heur_restart_ana_state_simp_watched2: C ∈# all (all_init_atms_st S') 
       nat_of_lit C < length(get_watched_wl_heur S)
  using assms twl_st_heur_restart_state_simp[of S S'] unfolding twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def
  by (auto simp: )

lemma twl_st_heur_restart_ana_watchlist_in_vdom:
  get_watched_wl_heur x2e ! nat_of_lit L ! x1d = (a, b) 
  (x2e, x2f)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r  L ∈# all (all_init_atms_st x2f) 
  x1d < length (get_watched_wl_heur x2e ! nat_of_lit L) 
    a  set (get_vdom x2e)
  apply (drule nth_mem)
  by (subst (asm) twl_st_heur_restart_ana_state_simp, assumption, assumption)+
   (auto 5 3 simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def vdom_m_def
    dest!: multi_member_split)

lemma twl_st_heur_restart_alt_def2:
  twl_st_heur_restart =
  let M' = get_trail_wl_heur S; N' = get_clauses_wl_heur S; D' = get_conflict_wl_heur S;
    W' = get_watched_wl_heur S; j = literals_to_update_wl_heur S; outl = get_outlearned_heur S;
    cach = get_conflict_cach S; clvls = get_count_max_lvls_heur S;
    vm = get_vmtf_heur S;
    vdom = get_aivdom S; heur = get_heur S; old_arena = get_old_arena S;
    lcount = get_learned_count S; occs = get_occs S in
    let M = get_trail_wl T; N = get_clauses_wl T;  D = get_conflict_wl T;
      Q = literals_to_update_wl T;
      W = get_watched_wl T; N0 = get_init_clauses0_wl T; U0 = get_learned_clauses0_wl T;
      NS = get_subsumed_init_clauses_wl T; US = get_subsumed_learned_clauses_wl T;
      NEk = get_kept_unit_init_clss_wl T; UEk = get_kept_unit_learned_clss_wl T;
      NE = get_unkept_unit_init_clss_wl T; UE = get_unkept_unit_learned_clss_wl T in
    (M', M)  trail_pol (all_init_atms_st T) 
    valid_arena N' N (set (get_vdom_aivdom vdom)) 
    (D', D)  option_lookup_clause_rel (all_init_atms_st T) 
    (D = None  j  length M) 
    Q = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (drop j (rev M)) 
    (W', W)  Idmap_fun_rel (D0 (all_init_atms_st T)) 
    vm  bump_heur (all_init_atms_st T) M 
    no_dup M 
    clvls  counts_maximum_level M D 
    cach_refinement_empty (all_init_atms_st T) cach 
    out_learned M D outl 
    clss_size_corr_restart N NE {#} NEk UEk NS {#} N0 {#} lcount 
    vdom_m (all_init_atms_st T) W N  set (get_vdom_aivdom vdom) 
    aivdom_inv_dec vdom (dom_m N) 
    isasat_input_bounded (all_init_atms_st T) 
    isasat_input_nempty (all_init_atms_st T) 
    old_arena = [] 
      heuristic_rel (all_init_atms_st T) heur 
    (occs, empty_occs_list (all_init_atms_st T))  occurrence_list_ref
  unfolding twl_st_heur_restart_def Let_def
  by (auto simp: all_init_atms_st_def)

lemma length_watched_le_ana:
    prop_inv: correct_watching'_leaking_bin x1 and
    xb_x'a: (x1a, x1)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r and
    x2': x2 ∈# all (all_init_atms_st x1)
  shows length (watched_by x1 x2)  r - MIN_HEADER_SIZE
proof -
  have x2: x2 ∈# all_init_lits_of_wl x1
    using all_all_init_atms(2) x2' by blast
  have dist: distinct_watched (watched_by x1 x2)
    using prop_inv x2 unfolding all_atms_def all_lits_def
    by (cases x1; auto simp: correct_watching'_leaking_bin.simps ac_simps all_lits_st_alt_def[symmetric])
  then have dist: distinct_watched (watched_by x1 x2)
    using xb_x'a
    by (cases x1; auto simp: all_atm_of_all_lits_of_mm correct_watching.simps)
  have dist_vdom: distinct (get_vdom x1a)
    using xb_x'a
    by (cases x1)
      (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def twl_st_heur'_def aivdom_inv_dec_alt_def Let_def)

      valid: valid_arena (get_clauses_wl_heur x1a) (get_clauses_wl x1) (set (get_vdom x1a))
    using xb_x'a unfolding all_atms_def all_lits_def
    by (cases x1)
     (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def Let_def)

  have vdom_m (all_init_atms_st x1) (get_watched_wl x1) (get_clauses_wl x1)  set (get_vdom x1a)
    using xb_x'a
    by (cases x1)
      (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_alt_def2 ac_simps Let_def)

  then have subset: set (map fst (watched_by x1 x2))  set (get_vdom x1a)
    using x2' unfolding vdom_m_def all_all_atms all_all_init_atms
    by (cases x1)
      (force simp: twl_st_heur'_def twl_st_heur_def
        dest!: multi_member_split)
  have watched_incl: mset (map fst (watched_by x1 x2)) ⊆# mset (get_vdom x1a)
    by (rule distinct_subseteq_iff[THEN iffD1])
      (use dist[unfolded distinct_watched_alt_def] dist_vdom subset in
         simp_all flip: distinct_mset_mset_distinct)
  have vdom_incl: set (get_vdom x1a)  {MIN_HEADER_SIZE..< length (get_clauses_wl_heur x1a)}
    using valid_arena_in_vdom_le_arena[OF valid] arena_dom_status_iff[OF valid] by auto

  have length (get_vdom x1a)  length (get_clauses_wl_heur x1a) - MIN_HEADER_SIZE
    by (subst distinct_card[OF dist_vdom, symmetric])
      (use card_mono[OF _ vdom_incl] in auto)
  then show ?thesis
    using size_mset_mono[OF watched_incl] xb_x'a
    by (auto intro!: order_trans[of length (watched_by x1 x2) length (get_vdom x1a)]
      simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)

lemma D0_cong': set_mset 𝒜 = set_mset   x  D0 𝒜  x  D0 
  by (subst (asm) D0_cong, assumption)
lemma map_fun_rel_D0_cong: set_mset 𝒜 = set_mset  x  Idmap_fun_rel (D0 𝒜)  x  Idmap_fun_rel (D0 )
  by (subst (asm) D0_cong, assumption)

lemma vdom_m_cong': "set_mset 𝒜 = set_mset   x  vdom_m 𝒜 a b  x  vdom_m  a b"
  by (subst (asm) vdom_m_cong, assumption)
lemma vdom_m_cong'': "set_mset 𝒜 = set_mset   vdom_m 𝒜 a b  A  vdom_m  a b  A"
  by (subst (asm) vdom_m_cong, assumption)
lemma cach_refinement_empty_cong': "set_mset 𝒜 = set_mset   cach_refinement_empty 𝒜 x  cach_refinement_empty  x"
  by (subst (asm) cach_refinement_empty_cong, assumption)
