Theory IsaSAT_Restart_Heuristics

theory IsaSAT_Restart_Heuristics
  IsaSAT_Restart_Reduce IsaSAT_Restart_Inprocessing

lemma cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_GC_heur_prog_alt_def:
  cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_GC_heur_prog S0 = do {
    S  do {
    if count_decided_st_heur S0 > 0
    then do {
    S  find_decomp_wl_st_int 0 S0;
    empty_Q (empty_US_heur S)
    } else RETURN (empty_US_heur S0)
    ASSERT(length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) = length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0));
    ASSERT(learned_clss_count S  learned_clss_count S0);
    T  remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur S;
    ASSERT(length (get_clauses_wl_heur T) = length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0));
    ASSERT(learned_clss_count T  learned_clss_count S0);
    U  mark_to_delete_clauses_GC_wl_D_heur T;
    ASSERT(length (get_clauses_wl_heur U) = length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0));
    ASSERT(learned_clss_count U  learned_clss_count S0);
    V  isasat_GC_clauses_wl_D False U;
    RETURN (clss_size_resetUS0_st V)
  unfolding cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_GC_heur_prog_def IsaSAT_Profile.start_def
    IsaSAT_Profile.stop_def by auto

lemma twl_st_heur_twl_st_heur_loopD:
  (S, T)  twl_st_heur  (S, T)  twl_st_heur_loop and
  (S, T)  twl_st_heur_loop  get_conflict_wl T = None  (S, T)  twl_st_heur
  by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_loop_def twl_st_heur_def)

      cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_GC_prog_pre T 
        (S, T)  twl_st_heur''' r  (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r (is _  ?Apre  ?A) and
       cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_GC_prog_post S0 T 
       (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart  (clss_size_resetUS0_st S, T)  twl_st_heur  (is _  _?Bpre  ?B) and
       cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_GC_prog_post_confl S0 T 
      (S, T)  twl_st_heur_restart  get_conflict_wl T  None 
     (S, T)  twl_st_heur_loop  (is _  ?Cpre  ?Cconfl  ?C)
proof -
  note cong = trail_pol_cong heuristic_rel_cong
      option_lookup_clause_rel_cong D0_cong isa_vmtf_cong phase_saving_cong
      cach_refinement_empty_cong vdom_m_cong isasat_input_nempty_cong
      isasat_input_bounded_cong empty_occs_list_cong

  show cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_GC_prog_pre T  ?Apre  ?A
    supply [[goals_limit=1]]
    unfolding cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_GC_prog_pre_def cdcl_twl_full_restart_l_GC_prog_pre_def
    apply normalize_goal+
    subgoal for U V
      using literals_are_ℒin'_literals_are_ℒin_iff(3)[of T U V]
        cong[of all_atms_st T all_init_atms_st T]
	vdom_m_cong[of all_atms_st T all_init_atms_st T get_watched_wl T get_clauses_wl T]
      apply -
      apply (simp_all del: isasat_input_nempty_def isasat_input_bounded_def)
      apply (cases S; cases T)
      by (auto simp add: twl_st_heur_def twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def all_atms_st_def
        clss_size_corr_restart_def clss_size_corr_def
        twl_st_heur_restart_def all_init_atms_st_def simp del: isasat_input_nempty_def)
  show cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_GC_prog_post S0 T  ?Bpre  ?B
    supply [[goals_limit=1]]
    unfolding cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_GC_prog_post_def
    apply normalize_goal+
    subgoal for S0' T' S0''
      apply (rule rtranclp_cdcl_twl_restart_l_inp_cdcl_twl_restart_inp[of S0' T' S0''], assumption+)
      apply (frule rtranclp_cdcl_twl_inp_twl_struct_invs, assumption+)
      subgoal for V
        using literals_are_ℒin'_literals_are_ℒin_iff(3)[of T T']
          cong[of all_init_atms_st T all_atms_st T]
          vdom_m_cong[of all_init_atms_st T all_atms_st T get_watched_wl T get_clauses_wl T]
          cdcl_twl_restart_l_invs[of S0' S0'' T']
        apply -
        apply (cases S; cases T)
        by (auto simp add: twl_st_heur_def twl_st_heur_restart_def all_atms_st_def all_init_atms_st_def
          simp del: isasat_input_nempty_def intro: clss_size_corr_restart_clss_size_corr)
  show cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_GC_prog_post_confl S0 T  ?Cpre  ?Cconfl  ?C
    supply [[goals_limit=1]]
    unfolding cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_GC_prog_post_confl_def
    apply normalize_goal+
    subgoal for S0' T' S0''
      apply (rule rtranclp_cdcl_twl_restart_l_inp_cdcl_twl_restart_inp[of S0' T' S0''], assumption+)
      apply (frule rtranclp_cdcl_twl_inp_twl_struct_invs, assumption+)
      subgoal for V
        using literals_are_ℒin'_literals_are_ℒin_iff(3)[of T T']
          cong[of all_init_atms_st T all_atms_st T]
          vdom_m_cong[of all_init_atms_st T all_atms_st T get_watched_wl T get_clauses_wl T]
          cdcl_twl_restart_l_invs[of S0' S0'' T']
        apply -
        apply (cases S; cases T)
        by (clarsimp simp add: twl_st_heur_loop_def twl_st_heur_restart_def all_atms_st_def all_init_atms_st_def
          simp del: isasat_input_nempty_def)

lemma cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_GC_heur_prog:
  (cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_GC_heur_prog, cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_GC_prog) 
    twl_st_heur''''u r u f twl_st_heur''''uu r unres_rel
proof -
  have H: (S, S')  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r 
       (S, S')   twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r (learned_clss_count S) for S S'
    by auto
  have H2: (x, y)  IsaSAT_Setup.twl_st_heur''''u r u 
     cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_GC_prog_pre y 
    (x, y)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r (learned_clss_count x) for x y
    using cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_GC_prog_pre_heur[of y x r]
    by auto
  have UUa: (U, Ua)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u 
    (U, Ua)  twl_st_heur_restart'''u r u for U Ua r u
    by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_GC_heur_prog_alt_def
    apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
    apply (refine_rcg cdcl_twl_local_restart_wl_spec0
      remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur_remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D[where r=r, THEN fref_to_Down]
      mark_to_delete_clauses_wl_D_heur_mark_to_delete_clauses_GC_wl_D[where r=r, THEN fref_to_Down]
      isasat_GC_clauses_wl_D[where r=r, THEN fref_to_Down])
    apply (rule H2; assumption)
      unfolding cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_GC_prog_pre_def
      by normalize_goal+ auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    apply (assumption)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    apply (assumption)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    apply (rule UUa; assumption)
    subgoal for x y S S' T T' U U' V V'
      using learned_clss_count_clss_size_resetUS0_st_le[of V]
      unfolding mem_Collect_eq
      apply (intro conjI cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_GC_prog_post_heur)
      apply assumption+
      by auto

lemma cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_inprocess_heur_prog_alt_def:
cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_inprocess_heur_prog S0 = do {
    S  do {
      if count_decided_st_heur S0 > 0
      then do {
        S  find_decomp_wl_st_int 0 S0;
        empty_Q (empty_US_heur S)
      } else RETURN (empty_US_heur S0)
    ASSERT(length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) = length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0));
    ASSERT(learned_clss_count S  learned_clss_count S0);
    T  remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur S;
    ASSERT(length (get_clauses_wl_heur T) = length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0));
        ASSERT(learned_clss_count T  learned_clss_count S0);
    T  isa_mark_duplicated_binary_clauses_as_garbage_wl2 T;
    ASSERT(length (get_clauses_wl_heur T) = length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0));
        ASSERT(learned_clss_count T  learned_clss_count S0);
    T  isa_forward_subsume T;
    ASSERT(length (get_clauses_wl_heur T) = length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0));
        ASSERT(learned_clss_count T  learned_clss_count S0);
    T  isa_pure_literal_eliminate T;
    ASSERT(length (get_clauses_wl_heur T) = length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0));
    ASSERT(learned_clss_count T  learned_clss_count S0);
    T  isa_simplify_clauses_with_units_st_wl2 T;
    ASSERT(length (get_clauses_wl_heur T) = length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0));
    ASSERT(learned_clss_count T  learned_clss_count S0);
    if ¬get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur T then RETURN T
    else do {
      U  mark_to_delete_clauses_GC_wl_D_heur T;
      ASSERT(length (get_clauses_wl_heur U) = length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0));
      ASSERT(learned_clss_count U  learned_clss_count S0);
      V  isasat_GC_clauses_wl_D True U;
      RETURN (clss_size_resetUS0_st V)
  unfolding cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_inprocess_heur_prog_def IsaSAT_Profile.start_def
    IsaSAT_Profile.stop_def by (auto intro!: bind_cong[OF refl])

text We need the plus one if we derive the empty conflict...

  TODO: we don't care about that case and can live with an overflow!
abbreviation twl_st_heur''''u'
   :: nat  nat  (isasat × nat twl_st_wl) set
twl_st_heur''''u' r u  {(S, T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur 
           length (get_clauses_wl_heur S) = r 
           (get_conflict_wl T = None  learned_clss_count S  u) 
           (get_conflict_wl T  None  learned_clss_count S  u+1)}

lemma isa_simplify_clauses_with_unit_st2_isa_simplify_clauses_with_unit_wl:
  assumes (S,S')  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u
    isa_simplify_clauses_with_units_st_wl2 S   (twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u) (simplify_clauses_with_units_st_wl S')
  apply (rule order_trans)
  apply (rule ref_two_step')
  apply (rule simplify_clauses_with_units_st_wl2_simplify_clauses_with_units_st_wl[unfolded Down_id_eq, of _ S'])
  subgoal by auto
    apply (rule isa_simplify_clauses_with_units_st2_simplify_clauses_with_units_st2[THEN order_trans, of _ S'])
    apply (rule assms)
    subgoal using assms by auto

abbreviation twl_st_heur_loop''''uu where
  twl_st_heur_loop''''uu r u  {(S, T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur_loop  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S)  r 
    learned_clss_count S  u}

lemma cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_inprocess_heur_prog:
  (cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_inprocess_heur_prog, cdcl_twl_full_restart_inprocess_wl_prog) 
    twl_st_heur''''u r u f twl_st_heur_loop''''uu r unres_rel
proof -
  have H: (S, S')  twl_st_heur_restart_ana r 
       (S, S')   twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r (learned_clss_count S) for S S'
    by auto
  have H2: (x, y)  IsaSAT_Setup.twl_st_heur''''u r u 
     cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_GC_prog_pre y 
    (x, y)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r (learned_clss_count x) for x y
    using cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_GC_prog_pre_heur[of y x r]
    by auto
  have UUa: (U, Ua)  twl_st_heur_restart_ana' r u 
    (U, Ua)  twl_st_heur_restart'''u r u for U Ua r u
    by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def twl_st_heur_restart_def)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_inprocess_heur_prog_alt_def
    apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
    apply (refine_rcg cdcl_twl_local_restart_wl_spec0
      remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D_heur_remove_one_annot_true_clause_imp_wl_D[where r=r, THEN fref_to_Down]
      mark_to_delete_clauses_wl_D_heur_mark_to_delete_clauses_GC_wl_D[where r=r, THEN fref_to_Down]
      isasat_GC_clauses_wl_D[where r=r, THEN fref_to_Down]
      isa_simplify_clauses_with_unit_st2_isa_simplify_clauses_with_unit_wl[where r=r]
      isa_mark_duplicated_binary_clauses_as_garbage_wl_mark_duplicated_binary_clauses_as_garbage_wl2[where r=r]
      isa_pure_literal_eliminate[where r=r]
      isa_forward_subsume_forward_subsume_wl[where r=r])
    apply (rule H2; assumption)
      unfolding cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_GC_prog_pre_def
      by normalize_goal+ auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    apply (assumption)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    apply (solves auto)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    apply (assumption)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    apply (assumption)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    apply (assumption)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
      by (subst get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_get_conflict_wl_is_None_ana[THEN fref_to_Down_unRET_Id])
        (auto simp: get_conflict_wl_is_None_def)
    subgoal for x y
      unfolding mem_Collect_eq
      apply (subst cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_GC_prog_post_confl_heur)
      apply assumption
      by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    apply (assumption)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_restart_ana_def)
    apply (rule UUa; assumption)
    subgoal for x y S S' T T' U U' V V' W W' X X' Y Y' Z Z'
      using learned_clss_count_clss_size_resetUS0_st_le[of Z]
      unfolding mem_Collect_eq
      apply (intro conjI )
      by (auto intro: twl_st_heur_twl_st_heur_loopD intro!: cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_GC_prog_post_heur)

lemma restart_required_heur_restart_required_wl0:
  (uncurry3 restart_required_heur, uncurry3 restart_required_wl) 
    [λ(((S, _), _), _). (get_init_clauses0_wl S = {#}  get_learned_clauses0_wl S = {#})]f
    twl_st_heur''' r ×f nat_rel ×f nat_rel ×f nat_rel  restart_flag_relnres_rel
    unfolding restart_required_heur_def restart_required_wl_def uncurry_def Let_def
      restart_flag_rel_def  FLAG_GC_restart_def FLAG_restart_def FLAG_no_restart_def
      GC_required_heur_def FLAG_Reduce_restart_def learned_clss_count_def
    apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
    apply refine_rcg
       (auto simp add: twl_st_heur_def get_learned_clss_wl_def clss_size_lcountU0_def
        clss_size_def clss_size_lcount_def clss_size_lcountUE_def clss_size_corr_def
        clss_size_lcountUS_def clss_size_lcountUEk_def get_unit_learned_clss_wl_alt_def)
       (auto simp add: twl_st_heur_def get_learned_clss_wl_def clss_size_lcountU0_def
        clss_size_def clss_size_lcount_def clss_size_lcountUE_def clss_size_corr_def
        clss_size_lcountUS_def clss_size_lcountUEk_def get_unit_learned_clss_wl_alt_def)
      by (clarsimp split: if_splits simp add: twl_st_heur_def RETURN_RES_refine_iff)
        (clarsimp simp add: twl_st_heur_def get_learned_clss_wl_def clss_size_corr_def
          clss_size_def clss_size_lcount_def clss_size_lcountUE_def RETURN_RES_refine_iff
         clss_size_lcountUS_def clss_size_lcountU0_def clss_size_lcountUEk_def ac_simps

lemma restart_prog_wl_D_heur_alt_def:
  restart_prog_wl_D_heur S last_GC last_Restart n brk =
    (if brk then RETURN (S, last_GC, last_Restart, n)
    else do {
    b  restart_required_heur S last_GC last_Restart n;
    if b = FLAG_restart
    then do {
       T  cdcl_twl_restart_wl_heur S;
       ASSERT(learned_clss_count T  learned_clss_count S);
       RETURN (T, last_GC, learned_clss_count T, n)
    else if b  FLAG_no_restart
    then if b  FLAG_Inprocess_restart then do {
       let b = b;
       T  (if b = FLAG_Reduce_restart
          then cdcl_twl_mark_clauses_to_delete S
          else  cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_GC_heur_prog S);
       ASSERT(learned_clss_count T  learned_clss_count S);
       RETURN (T, learned_clss_count T, learned_clss_count T, n+1)
    else do {
         T  cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_inprocess_heur_prog S;
         ASSERT(learned_clss_count T  learned_clss_count S);
         RETURN (T, learned_clss_count T, learned_clss_count T, n+1)
    else RETURN (S, last_GC, last_Restart, n)
   unfolding restart_prog_wl_D_heur_def Let_def
   by (auto intro: bind_cong[OF refl])

lemma cdcl_twl_mark_clauses_to_delete_cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_prog_D2:
  (cdcl_twl_mark_clauses_to_delete, cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_prog) 
     twl_st_heur''''u r u f twl_st_heur''''uu r unres_rel
  apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
  apply (rule order_trans[OF cdcl_twl_mark_clauses_to_delete_cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_prog_D[THEN fref_to_Down]])
  apply fast
  apply assumption
  apply (rule conc_fun_R_mono)
  by auto

lemma restart_prog_wl_alt_def2:
  restart_prog_wl S last_GC last_Restart n brk = do{
     ASSERT(restart_abs_wl_pre S last_GC last_Restart brk);
     ASSERT (last_GC
             size (get_learned_clss_wl S) + size (get_unit_learned_clss_wl S) +
              size (get_subsumed_learned_clauses_wl S) +
              size (get_learned_clauses0_wl S));
    ASSERT  (last_Restart
             size (get_learned_clss_wl S) + size (get_unit_learned_clss_wl S) +
              size (get_subsumed_learned_clauses_wl S) +
              size (get_learned_clauses0_wl S));
    if brk then RETURN (S, last_GC, last_Restart, n)
    else do {
     b  restart_required_wl S last_GC last_Restart n;
     if b = RESTART  ¬brk then do {
       T  cdcl_twl_restart_wl_prog S;
       RETURN (T, last_GC, size (get_all_learned_clss_wl T), n)
     else if (b = GC  b = INPROCESS)  ¬brk then
        if b  INPROCESS then do {
          b  SPEC(λ_. True);
          T  (if b then cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_prog S else cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_GC_prog S);
          RETURN (T, size (get_all_learned_clss_wl T), size (get_all_learned_clss_wl T), n + 1)
        } else do {
          T  cdcl_twl_full_restart_inprocess_wl_prog S;
          RETURN (T, size (get_all_learned_clss_wl T), size (get_all_learned_clss_wl T), n + 1)
       RETURN (S, last_GC, last_Restart, n)
   }} (is ?A = ?B)
proof -
  have ?A   Id ?B
    unfolding restart_prog_wl_def restart_required_wl_def
    by refine_vcg
      (auto simp: restart_required_wl_def RES_RETURN_RES intro!: bind_cong[OF refl])
  moreover have ?B   Id ?A
    unfolding restart_prog_wl_def restart_required_wl_def nres_monad3
    by refine_vcg
      (auto simp: restart_required_wl_def RES_RETURN_RES intro!: bind_cong[OF refl])
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

lemma restart_abs_wl_pre_emptyN0S:
  assumes restart_abs_wl_pre S lastGC lastRestart C and [simp]: ¬C
  shows get_init_clauses0_wl S = {#}  get_learned_clauses0_wl S = {#}
proof -
  obtain x xa where
    Sx: (S, x)  state_wl_l None and
    correct_watching S and
    blits_in_ℒin S and
    xxa: (x, xa)  twl_st_l None and
    struct: twl_struct_invs xa and
    twl_list_invs x and
    clauses_to_update_l x = {#} and
    twl_stgy_invs xa and
    ¬ C  get_conflict xa = None and
    lastRestart  size (get_all_learned_clss xa) and
    lastGC  size (get_all_learned_clss xa)
    using assms unfolding restart_abs_wl_pre_def restart_abs_l_pre_def restart_prog_pre_def apply -
    apply normalize_goal+
    by fast

  then have get_conflict xa = None
    by simp
  moreover have clauses0_inv (pstateW_of xa)
    using struct unfolding twl_struct_invs_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def by fast
  ultimately have get_init_clauses0 xa = {#}  get_learned_clauses0 xa = {#}
    unfolding clauses0_inv_def
    by (cases xa; auto simp: clauses0_inv_def)
  then show ?thesis
    using Sx xxa by auto

abbreviation restart_prog_wl_heur_rel :: _ where
  restart_prog_wl_heur_rel r u {((T, a, b, c), (U, d, e, f)). 
  (T,U)  twl_st_heur_loop''''uu r u 
  (get_conflict_wl U = None ((a,b,c), (d,e,f))  nat_rel ×r nat_rel ×r nat_rel)}

abbreviation restart_prog_wl_heur_rel2 :: _ where
  restart_prog_wl_heur_rel2 {((T, a, b, c), (U, d, e, f)). 
  (T,U)  twl_st_heur_loop 
  (get_conflict_wl U = None ((a,b,c), (d,e,f))  nat_rel ×r nat_rel ×r nat_rel)}

lemma restart_prog_wl_D_heur_restart_prog_wl_D:
  (uncurry4 restart_prog_wl_D_heur, uncurry4 restart_prog_wl) 
  twl_st_heur''''u r u ×f nat_rel ×f nat_rel ×f nat_rel ×f bool_rel  f
  restart_prog_wl_heur_rel r unres_rel
proof -
  have [refine0]: RETURN b  {(c, c'). c'  (c = FLAG_Reduce_restart)} (SPEC (λ_::bool. True)) for b
    by (auto simp: GC_required_heur_def RETURN_RES_refine_iff)
  have H: (x1g, x1c)
         twl_st_heur''''u r (learned_clss_count x1g)
      (x, y)
        twl_st_heur''''u r u ×f nat_rel ×f nat_rel ×f nat_rel ×f bool_rel and
      x1b = (x1c, x2) and
      x1a = (x1b, x2a) and
      x1 = (x1a, x2b) and
      y = (x1, x2c) and
      x1f = (x1g, x2d) and
      x1e = (x1f, x2e) and
      x1d = (x1e, x2f) and
      x = (x1d, x2g) 
    for x y x1 x1a x1b x1c x2 x2a x2b x2c x1d x1e x1f x1g x2d x2e x2f x2g b ba bb
    using that by auto

  show ?thesis
    supply RETURN_as_SPEC_refine[refine2 del] learned_clss_count_twl_st_heur[simp]
    unfolding restart_prog_wl_D_heur_alt_def restart_prog_wl_alt_def2 uncurry_def
    apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
    subgoal for x y
    apply (refine_rcg
      restart_required_heur_restart_required_wl0[where r=r, THEN fref_to_Down_curry3]
        cdcl_twl_restart_wl_heur_cdcl_twl_restart_wl_D_prog[where r=r, THEN fref_to_Down]
        cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_GC_heur_prog[where r=r, THEN fref_to_Down, THEN order_trans]
      cdcl_twl_mark_clauses_to_delete_cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_prog_D2[where r=r and
      u = learned_clss_count (fst (fst (fst (fst x)))), THEN fref_to_Down]
      cdcl_twl_full_restart_wl_D_inprocess_heur_prog[where r=r and
      u = learned_clss_count (fst (fst (fst (fst x)))), THEN fref_to_Down])
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto intro!: twl_st_heur_twl_st_heur_loopD)
    subgoal by (auto dest: restart_abs_wl_pre_emptyN0S)
    subgoal by (auto dest: restart_abs_wl_pre_emptyN0S)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: restart_flag_rel_def FLAG_GC_restart_def FLAG_restart_def
      FLAG_no_restart_def FLAG_Reduce_restart_def FLAG_Inprocess_restart_def)
    apply (rule twl_st_heur'''_twl_st_heur''''uD)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto intro!: twl_st_heur_twl_st_heur_loopD)
    subgoal by (auto simp: restart_flag_rel_def FLAG_GC_restart_def FLAG_restart_def
      FLAG_no_restart_def FLAG_Reduce_restart_def FLAG_Inprocess_restart_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: restart_flag_rel_def FLAG_GC_restart_def FLAG_restart_def
      FLAG_no_restart_def FLAG_Reduce_restart_def FLAG_Inprocess_restart_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: restart_flag_rel_def FLAG_GC_restart_def FLAG_restart_def
      FLAG_no_restart_def FLAG_Reduce_restart_def FLAG_Inprocess_restart_def)
    subgoal by auto
    apply (rule H; assumption)
    subgoal for x1 x1a x1b x1c x2 x2a x2b x2c x1d x1e x1f x1g x2d x2e x2f x2g b ba bb
      by (rule conc_fun_R_mono) auto
      by auto
      by (auto dest: restart_abs_wl_pre_emptyN0S intro!: twl_st_heur_twl_st_heur_loopD)
      by auto
      by auto
      by (auto dest: restart_abs_wl_pre_emptyN0S dest!: twl_st_heur_loop_twl_st_heurD)
      by (auto intro!: twl_st_heur_twl_st_heur_loopD)

lemma restart_prog_wl_D_heur_restart_prog_wl_D2:
  (uncurry4 restart_prog_wl_D_heur, uncurry4 restart_prog_wl) 
  twl_st_heur ×f nat_rel ×f nat_rel ×f nat_rel ×f bool_rel f restart_prog_wl_heur_rel2nres_rel
  apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
  apply (rule_tac r3 = length(get_clauses_wl_heur (fst (fst (fst (fst x))))) and
       u4 = learned_clss_count (fst (fst (fst (fst x)))) in
    order_trans[OF restart_prog_wl_D_heur_restart_prog_wl_D[THEN fref_to_Down]])
  apply fast
  apply (auto intro!: conc_fun_R_mono)
