Theory IsaSAT_Simplify_Forward_Subsumption_LLVM

theory IsaSAT_Simplify_Forward_Subsumption_LLVM

lemma incr_forward_subsumed_st_alt_def: incr_forward_subsumed_st S = (
  let (stats, S) = extract_stats_wl_heur S; stats = incr_forward_subsumed stats in
    update_stats_wl_heur stats S
    ) and
  incr_forward_strengthened_st_alt_def: incr_forward_strengthened_st S = (
  let (stats, S) = extract_stats_wl_heur S; stats = incr_forward_strengethening stats in
    update_stats_wl_heur stats S
    ) and
  incr_forward_tried_st_alt_def: incr_forward_tried_st S = (
  let (stats, S) = extract_stats_wl_heur S; stats = incr_forward_tried stats in
    update_stats_wl_heur stats S
    ) and
  incr_forward_rounds_st_alt_def: incr_forward_rounds_st S = (
  let (stats, S) = extract_stats_wl_heur S; stats = incr_forward_rounds stats in
    update_stats_wl_heur stats S
    ) and
  isa_forward_reset_added_and_stats_alt_def: isa_forward_reset_added_and_stats S = (
  let (stats, S) = extract_stats_wl_heur S;
    (heur, S) = extract_heur_wl_heur S;
    stats = incr_forward_rounds stats;
    heur = reset_added_heur heur in
    update_stats_wl_heur stats (update_heur_wl_heur heur S))
  by (auto simp: isa_push_to_occs_list_st_def state_extractors incr_forward_subsumed_st_def
    incr_forward_strengthened_st_def incr_forward_tried_st_def incr_forward_rounds_st_def
      split: isasat_int_splits)

sepref_def incr_forward_strengthened_st_impl
  is RETURN o incr_forward_strengthened_st
  :: isasat_bounded_assnd a isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding incr_forward_strengthened_st_alt_def
  by sepref

sepref_def incr_forward_tried_st_impl
  is RETURN o incr_forward_tried_st
  :: isasat_bounded_assnd a isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding incr_forward_tried_st_alt_def
  by sepref

sepref_def incr_forward_rounds_st_impl
  is RETURN o incr_forward_rounds_st
  :: isasat_bounded_assnd a isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding incr_forward_rounds_st_alt_def
  by sepref

sepref_def incr_forward_subsumed_st_impl
  is RETURN o incr_forward_subsumed_st
  :: isasat_bounded_assnd a isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding incr_forward_subsumed_st_alt_def
  by sepref

sepref_def isa_forward_reset_added_and_stats_impl
  is RETURN o isa_forward_reset_added_and_stats
  :: isasat_bounded_assnd a isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding isa_forward_reset_added_and_stats_alt_def
  by sepref

sepref_register incr_forward_subsumed_st incr_forward_strengthened_st incr_forward_rounds_st incr_forward_tried_st

definition clause_size_sort_clauses_raw :: arena  vdom  nat  nat  nat list nres where
  clause_size_sort_clauses_raw arena N = pslice_sort_spec idx_clause_cdom clause_size_less arena N

definition clause_size_sort_clauses_avdom :: arena  vdom  nat list nres where
  clause_size_sort_clauses_avdom arena N = clause_size_sort_clauses_raw arena N 0 (length N)

lemmas Size_Ordering_introsort[sepref_fr_rules] =
  Size_Ordering_it.introsort_param_impl_correct[unfolded clause_size_sort_clauses_raw_def[symmetric] PR_CONST_def]

sepref_register clause_size_sort_clauses_raw
sepref_def clause_size_sort_clauses_avdom_impl
  is uncurry clause_size_sort_clauses_avdom
  :: arena_fast_assnk *a vdom_fast_assnd a vdom_fast_assn
  unfolding clause_size_sort_clauses_avdom_def
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

definition clause_size_sort_clauses :: arena  aivdom2  aivdom2 nres where
  clause_size_sort_clauses arena N = map_tvdom_aivdom_int (clause_size_sort_clauses_avdom arena) N

sepref_def clause_size_sort_clauses_impl
  is uncurry clause_size_sort_clauses
  :: arena_fast_assnk *a aivdom_int_assnd a aivdom_int_assn
  unfolding clause_size_sort_clauses_def map_tvdom_aivdom_int_def
  by sepref

  (uncurry (λarena. map_vdom_aivdom_int (f arena)), uncurry (λarena. map_vdom_aivdom (f arena)))
   Id ×r aivdom_rel f aivdom_relnres_rel
  apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
  subgoal for x y
    using map_vdom_aivdom_int[of f (fst x)]
    apply (cases x; cases y)
    apply (auto intro!: frefI nres_relI simp: fref_def nres_rel_def)

lemma get_aivdom_eq_aivdom_iff:
  IsaSAT_VDom.get_aivdom b = (x1, a, aa, ba)  b = AIvdom (x1, a, aa, ba)
  by (cases b) auto
hide_const (open) NEMonad.ASSERT NEMonad.RETURN NEMonad.ASSERT NEMonad.SPEC

definition sort_cands_by_length2 :: _  isasat_aivdom  isasat_aivdom nres where
  sort_cands_by_length2 arena avdom = do {
  ASSERT (iset (get_tvdom_aivdom avdom). arena_is_valid_clause_idx arena i);
  SPEC (λcands'.
       mset (get_tvdom_aivdom cands') = mset (get_tvdom_aivdom avdom) 
       (get_avdom_aivdom cands') = (get_avdom_aivdom avdom) 
       (get_ivdom_aivdom cands') = (get_ivdom_aivdom avdom) 
       (get_vdom_aivdom cands') = (get_vdom_aivdom avdom) 
    sorted_wrt (λa b. arena_length arena a  arena_length arena b) (get_tvdom_aivdom cands'))

lemma quicksort_clauses_by_score_sort:
  (uncurry clause_size_sort_clauses, uncurry sort_cands_by_length2) 
  Id ×r aivdom_rel f aivdom_relnres_rel
  apply (intro fun_relI nres_relI frefI)
  subgoal for arena arena'
    unfolding uncurry_def sort_cands_by_length2_def map_tvdom_aivdom_int_def
      clause_size_sort_clauses_def clause_size_sort_clauses_avdom_def
      clause_size_sort_clauses_raw_def pslice_sort_spec_def nres_monad3
    apply (refine_vcg)
    subgoal for x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b x2b x1c x2c
      by (cases x2) (auto simp: idx_clause_cdom_def code_hider_rel_def)
    subgoal for x1 x2 x1a x2a x1b x2b x1c x2c
      apply (rule specify_left)
      apply (rule order_trans)
      apply (rule slice_sort_spec_refine_sort)
      apply (auto simp:
        pslice_sort_spec_def le_ASSERT_iff idx_cdom_def slice_rel_def br_def uncurry_def
        conc_fun_RES sort_spec_def map_vdom_aivdom_int_def 
        simp del: slice_complete
        intro!: ASSERT_leI 
      subgoal for x1d x
        using slice_complete[of x]
        apply (rule_tac x = AIvdom (x1d, x1b, x1c, x) in exI)
        apply (case_tac x2; auto simp: clause_size_less_def slice_complete
        unfolding le_by_lt_def
        apply (auto simp: clause_size_less_def
          intro!: arg_cong[of (λa b. ¬ arena_length x1 b < arena_length x1 a) (λa b. arena_length x1 a  arena_length x1 b) λa. sorted_wrt a x, THEN iffD1]ext

  notes [fcomp_norm_unfold] = aivdom_assn_alt_def[symmetric] aivdom_assn_def[symmetric]

lemma clause_size_sort_clauses_impl_sort_cands_by_length2[sepref_fr_rules]:
  (uncurry clause_size_sort_clauses_impl, uncurry sort_cands_by_length2)
   (al_assn arena_el_impl_assn)k *a aivdom_assnd a aivdom_assn
  (is ?c  [?pre]a ?im  ?f)
proof -
  have H: ?c
 [comp_PRE (Id ×f aivdom_rel) (λ_. True) (λx y. True)
   (λx. nofail (uncurry sort_cands_by_length2 x))]a ?im  ?f
    (is _  [?pre']a ?im'  _)
    using hfref_compI_PRE[OF clause_size_sort_clauses_impl.refine,
  OF quicksort_clauses_by_score_sort, unfolded fcomp_norm_unfold] by blast
  have pre: ?pre' x if ?pre x for x
    using that 
    by (case_tac x, case_tac snd x)
      (auto simp: comp_PRE_def code_hider_rel_def)
  show ?thesis
    apply (rule hfref_weaken_pre[OF ])
    using H apply assumption
    using pre ..


lemma sort_cands_by_length_alt_def:
  sort_cands_by_length S0 = do {
  let (aivdom, S) = extract_vdom_wl_heur S0;
  ASSERT (aivdom = get_aivdom S0);
  let (arena, S) = extract_arena_wl_heur S;
  ASSERT (arena = get_clauses_wl_heur S0);
  aivdom  sort_cands_by_length2 arena aivdom;
  let S = update_arena_wl_heur arena S;
  let S = update_vdom_wl_heur aivdom S;
    apply (auto simp: sort_cands_by_length_def sort_cands_by_length2_def state_extractors Let_def RES_RETURN_RES image_iff
      intro!: bind_cong[OF refl]
         split: isasat_int_splits)
    apply (case_tac xb)
    apply auto

sepref_def sort_cands_by_length_impl
  is sort_cands_by_length
  :: isasat_bounded_assnd a isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding sort_cands_by_length_alt_def
  by sepref

sepref_register mop_is_marked_added_heur_st
(*TODO: kill mop_arena_lit2_st*)
sepref_def isa_all_lit_clause_unset_impl
  is uncurry isa_all_lit_clause_unset
  :: sint64_nat_assnk *a isasat_bounded_assnk a bool1_assn
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  unfolding isa_all_lit_clause_unset_def
    mop_access_lit_in_clauses_heur_def[symmetric] mop_polarity_st_heur_def[symmetric]
    tri_bool_eq_def[symmetric] UNSET_def[symmetric]
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

lemma rdomp_aivdom_assn_length_avdomD: rdomp aivdom_assn x  length (get_avdom_aivdom x) < max_snat 64
  unfolding isasat_bounded_assn_def
  apply (cases x)
  apply (auto simp: isasat_bounded_assn_def snat64_max_def max_snat_def length_avdom_def
    aivdom_assn_def code_hider_assn_def hr_comp_def code_hider_rel_def
    split: isasat_int_splits
    dest: al_assn_boundD[of sint64_nat_assn] mod_starD)

lemma rdomp_isasat_bounded_assn_length_avdomD:
  rdomp isasat_bounded_assn x  length_avdom x < max_snat 64
  using rdomp_aivdom_assn_length_avdomD[of get_aivdom x] apply -
  unfolding isasat_bounded_assn_def rdomp_def
  apply normalize_goal+
  by (cases x)
   (force simp: isasat_bounded_assn_def length_avdom_def 
    split: isasat_int_splits
    dest!: rdomp_aivdom_assn_length_avdomD mod_starD)

sepref_register isa_all_lit_clause_unset isa_push_to_occs_list_st
  find_best_subsumption_candidate find_best_subsumption_candidate_and_push sort_cands_by_length

sepref_def find_best_subsumption_candidate_code
  is uncurry find_best_subsumption_candidate
  :: sint64_nat_assnk *a isasat_bounded_assnk a unat_lit_assn
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  unfolding find_best_subsumption_candidate_def
    tri_bool_eq_def[symmetric] UNSET_def[symmetric]
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

lemma isa_push_to_occs_list_st_alt_def:
    isa_push_to_occs_list_st C S = do {
     L  find_best_subsumption_candidate C S;
     let (occs, T) = extract_occs_wl_heur S;
     ASSERT (length (occs ! nat_of_lit L) < length (get_clauses_wl_heur S));
     occs  mop_cocc_list_append C occs L;
     RETURN (update_occs_wl_heur occs T)
  by (auto simp: isa_push_to_occs_list_st_def state_extractors
         split: isasat_int_splits)

sepref_register mop_cocc_list_append
sepref_def mop_cocc_list_append_impl
  is uncurry2 mop_cocc_list_append
  :: [λ((C,occs), L). Suc (length (occs ! nat_of_lit L)) < max_snat 64]a
    sint64_nat_assnk *a occs_assnd *a unat_lit_assnk  occs_assn
  unfolding mop_cocc_list_append_def cocc_list_append_pre_def cocc_list_append_def
  by sepref

lemma empty_tvdom_st_alt_def:
  empty_tvdom_st S = do {
    let (aivdom, S) = extract_vdom_wl_heur S;
    let aivdom = empty_tvdom aivdom;
    RETURN (update_vdom_wl_heur aivdom S)
  by (auto simp: isa_push_to_occs_list_st_def state_extractors empty_tvdom_st_def
         split: isasat_int_splits)

sepref_def empty_tvdom_st_impl
  is empty_tvdom_st
  :: isasat_bounded_assnd a isasat_bounded_assn
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  unfolding empty_tvdom_st_alt_def
  by sepref

sepref_register empty_tvdom_st

sepref_def isa_push_to_occs_list_st_impl
  is uncurry isa_push_to_occs_list_st
  :: [λ(_, S). isasat_fast_relaxed S]a sint64_nat_assnk *a isasat_bounded_assnd  isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding isa_push_to_occs_list_st_alt_def isasat_fast_relaxed_def
  by sepref

sepref_def find_best_subsumption_candidate_and_push_code
  is uncurry find_best_subsumption_candidate_and_push
  :: sint64_nat_assnk *a isasat_bounded_assnk a unat_lit_assn ×a bool1_assn
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  unfolding find_best_subsumption_candidate_and_push_def
    tri_bool_eq_def[symmetric] UNSET_def[symmetric]
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

lemma isa_maybe_push_to_occs_list_st_alt_def:
    isa_maybe_push_to_occs_list_st C S = do {
     (L, push)  find_best_subsumption_candidate_and_push C S;
     if push then do {
       let (occs, T) = extract_occs_wl_heur S;
       ASSERT (length (occs ! nat_of_lit L) < length (get_clauses_wl_heur S));
       occs  mop_cocc_list_append C occs L;
       RETURN (update_occs_wl_heur occs T)
     } else RETURN S
  unfolding isa_maybe_push_to_occs_list_st_def Let_def
  by (auto simp: state_extractors cong: if_cong split: isasat_int_splits)

sepref_def isa_maybe_push_to_occs_list_st_impl
  is uncurry isa_maybe_push_to_occs_list_st
  :: [λ(_, S). isasat_fast_relaxed S]a sint64_nat_assnk *a isasat_bounded_assnd  isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding isa_maybe_push_to_occs_list_st_alt_def isasat_fast_relaxed_def
  by sepref

(*TODD move to Setup1*)
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = arena_get_lbd.mop_refine
sepref_def isa_is_candidate_forward_subsumption_impl
  is uncurry isa_is_candidate_forward_subsumption
  :: isasat_bounded_assnk *a sint64_nat_assnk a bool1_assn
  unfolding isa_is_candidate_forward_subsumption_def
    UNSET_def[symmetric] tri_bool_eq_def[symmetric]
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

lemma push_to_tvdom_st_alt_def:
  push_to_tvdom_st C S = do {
    let (av, T) = extract_vdom_wl_heur S;
    ASSERT (length (get_vdom_aivdom av)  length (get_clauses_wl_heur S));
    ASSERT (length (get_tvdom_aivdom av) < length (get_clauses_wl_heur S));
    let av = push_to_tvdom C av;
    RETURN (update_vdom_wl_heur av T)
  by (auto simp: isa_push_to_occs_list_st_def state_extractors push_to_tvdom_st_def
         split: isasat_int_splits)

sepref_def push_to_tvdom_st_impl
  is uncurry push_to_tvdom_st
  :: [λ(_, S). isasat_fast_relaxed S]a sint64_nat_assnk *a isasat_bounded_assnd  isasat_bounded_assn
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  unfolding push_to_tvdom_st_alt_def isasat_fast_relaxed_def
  by sepref

lemma isa_populate_occs_inv_isasat_fast_relaxedI:
  isa_populate_occs_inv x cands (a1', a2')  isasat_fast_relaxed x  isasat_fast_relaxed a2'
  by (auto simp: isa_populate_occs_inv_def isasat_fast_relaxed_def)

sepref_def isa_populate_occs_code
  is isa_populate_occs
  :: [isasat_fast_relaxed]a isasat_bounded_assnd  isasat_bounded_assn
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  supply [dest] = rdomp_isasat_bounded_assn_length_avdomD isasat_bounded_assn_length_arenaD
  supply [intro] = isa_populate_occs_inv_isasat_fast_relaxedI
  unfolding isa_populate_occs_def access_avdom_at_def[symmetric] length_avdom_def[symmetric] length_ivdom_def[symmetric]
    al_fold_custom_empty[where 'l=64] Let_def[of get_avdom _ @ get_ivdom _] Let_def[of get_occs _]
    Let_def[of get_tvdom _] nth_append length_append access_ivdom_at_def[symmetric]
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

sepref_register isa_forward_subsumption_all isa_populate_occs

sepref_register mop_cch_create mop_cch_add_all_clause mop_cch_add mop_cch_in

abbreviation cch_assn where
  cch_assn  IICF_Array.array_assn bool1_assn

sepref_def mop_cch_create_impl
  is mop_cch_create
  :: sint64_nat_assnk a cch_assn
  unfolding mop_cch_create_def  op_list_replicate_def[symmetric] array_fold_custom_replicate
  by sepref

sepref_def mop_cch_add_impl
  is uncurry mop_cch_add
  :: unat_lit_assnk *a cch_assnd a cch_assn
  unfolding mop_cch_add_def cch_add_def cch_add_pre_def
  by sepref

sepref_def mop_cch_in_impl
  is uncurry mop_cch_in
  :: unat_lit_assnk *a cch_assnk a bool1_assn
  unfolding mop_cch_in_def cch_in_def cch_in_pre_def
  by sepref

sepref_def mop_cch_add_all_clause_impl
  is uncurry2 mop_cch_add_all_clause
  :: isasat_bounded_assnk *a sint64_nat_assnk *a cch_assnd a cch_assn
  unfolding mop_cch_add_all_clause_def
  supply [dest] = isasat_bounded_assn_length_arenaD
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

sepref_register isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl2

sepref_def isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl2_break_impl
  is isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl2_break
  :: isasat_bounded_assnk a bool1_assn
  unfolding isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl2_break_def
  by sepref

sepref_register isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl2_break

(*TODO requiring anything from the unused parts of the struct is not really useful*)
definition subsumption_rel :: ('c × nat) set
   ('b × 'd literal) set  ('c × nat) set  ((3 word × 'b × _) × 'd subsumption) set where
subsumption_rel_internal_def:  subsumption_rel R1 R2 R3 = {((tag, x, y),b).
  case b of NONE  tag = 0
          | SUBSUMED_BY x'  (y, x')  R1  tag = 1
          | STRENGTHENED_BY x' y'  (x, x')  R2  (y, y')  R3  tag = 2}

lemma subsumption_rel_def: R1,R2,R3subsumption_rel = {((tag, x, y),b).
  case b of NONE  tag = 0
          | SUBSUMED_BY x'  (y, x')  R1  tag = 1
    | STRENGTHENED_BY x' y'  (x, x')  R2  (y, y')  R3  tag = 2}
    unfolding subsumption_rel_internal_def relAPP_def by auto

definition is_NONE where
  is_NONE x  NONE = x
lemma is_subsumption:
  (λ(tag, _). tag = 0, is_NONE)  R1,R2,R3subsumption_rel  bool_rel
  (λ(tag, _). tag = 1, is_subsumed)  R1,R2,R3subsumption_rel  bool_rel
  (λ(tag, _). tag = 2, is_strengthened)  R1,R2,R3subsumption_rel  bool_rel
  ((0, 0, 0), NONE)  R1,R2,R3subsumption_rel
  (λC. (1, 0, C), SUBSUMED_BY)  R1  R1,R2,R3subsumption_rel
  (λC D. (2, C, D), STRENGTHENED_BY)  R2  R3  R1,R2,R3subsumption_rel
  (λ(tag, C, D). D, subsumed_by)  [is_subsumed]f R1,R2,R3subsumption_rel  R1
  (λ(tag, C, D). D, strengthened_by)  [is_strengthened]f R1,R2,R3subsumption_rel  R3
  (λ(tag, C, D). C, strengthened_on_lit)  [is_strengthened]f R1,R2,R3subsumption_rel  R2
  unfolding subsumption_rel_def
  by (auto simp: IS_LEFT_UNIQUE_def single_valued_def is_NONE_def
    intro!: frefI
    split: subsumption.splits)

abbreviation subsumption_raw_assn where
  subsumption_raw_assn  word_assn' TYPE(3) ×a word_assn ×a id_assn

definition subsumption_assn where
  subsumption_assn = hr_comp subsumption_raw_assn (snat_rel' TYPE(64), unat_lit_rel,snat_rel' TYPE(64)subsumption_rel)

sepref_definition is_NONE_impl
  is RETURN o (λ(tag, _). tag = 0)
  :: subsumption_raw_assnk a bool1_assn
  by sepref

sepref_definition is_subsumed_impl
  is RETURN o (λ(tag, _). tag = 1)
  :: subsumption_raw_assnk a bool1_assn
  by sepref

sepref_definition is_strengthened_impl
  is RETURN o (λ(tag, _). tag = 2)
  :: subsumption_raw_assnk a bool1_assn
  by sepref

sepref_definition STRENGTHENED_BY_impl
  is uncurry (RETURN oo (λC D. (2, C, D)))
  :: word_assnk *a id_assnk a subsumption_raw_assn
  by sepref

sepref_definition SUBSUMED_BY_impl
  is RETURN o (λC. (1, 0, C))
  :: word_assnk a subsumption_raw_assn
  by sepref

sepref_definition NONE_impl
  is uncurry0 (RETURN (0, 0, 0::64 word))
  :: unit_assnk a subsumption_raw_assn
  by sepref

sepref_definition subsumed_by_impl
  is RETURN o (λ(tag, C, D). D)
  :: subsumption_raw_assnk a id_assn
  by sepref

sepref_definition strengthened_on_lit_impl
  is RETURN o (λ(tag, C, D). C)
  :: subsumption_raw_assnk a word_assn
  by sepref

sepref_register is_NONE is_subsumed is_strengthened STRENGTHENED_BY SUBSUMED_BY NONE subsumed_by strengthened_by strengthened_on_lit

lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = 
  is_NONE_impl.refine[FCOMP is_subsumption(1), of snat_rel' TYPE(64) unat_lit_rel snat_rel' TYPE(64), unfolded subsumption_assn_def[symmetric] is_NONE_def[symmetric]]
  is_subsumed_impl.refine[FCOMP is_subsumption(2), of snat_rel' TYPE(64) unat_lit_rel snat_rel' TYPE(64), unfolded subsumption_assn_def[symmetric]]
  is_strengthened_impl.refine[FCOMP is_subsumption(3), of snat_rel' TYPE(64) unat_lit_rel snat_rel' TYPE(64), unfolded subsumption_assn_def[symmetric]]
  SUBSUMED_BY_impl.refine[FCOMP is_subsumption(5), of snat_assn' TYPE(64) unat_lit_rel snat_rel' TYPE(64), unfolded the_pure_pure subsumption_assn_def[symmetric]]
  STRENGTHENED_BY_impl.refine[FCOMP is_subsumption(6), of unat_lit_assn snat_assn' TYPE(64) snat_rel' TYPE(64), unfolded the_pure_pure subsumption_assn_def[symmetric]]
  NONE_impl.refine[FCOMP is_subsumption(4), of snat_rel' TYPE(64) unat_lit_rel snat_rel' TYPE(64), unfolded the_pure_pure subsumption_assn_def[symmetric]]
  subsumed_by_impl.refine[FCOMP is_subsumption(7), of snat_assn' TYPE(64) unat_lit_rel snat_rel' TYPE(64), unfolded the_pure_pure subsumption_assn_def[symmetric]]
  subsumed_by_impl.refine[FCOMP is_subsumption(8), of snat_assn' TYPE(64) snat_rel' TYPE(64) unat_lit_rel, unfolded the_pure_pure subsumption_assn_def[symmetric]]
  strengthened_on_lit_impl.refine[FCOMP is_subsumption(9), of unat_lit_assn snat_rel' TYPE(64) snat_rel' TYPE(64), unfolded the_pure_pure subsumption_assn_def[symmetric]]

lemma fold_is_NONE: x = NONE  is_NONE x NONE = x  is_NONE x
  by (auto simp: is_NONE_def)

lemma isa_subsume_clauses_match2_alt_def:
  isa_subsume_clauses_match2 C' C N D = do {
  ASSERT (isa_subsume_clauses_match2_pre C' C N D);
  n  mop_arena_length_st N C';
  ASSERT (n  length (get_clauses_wl_heur N));
  (i, st)  WHILETλ(i,s). True(λ(i, st). i < n st  NONE)
    (λ(i, st). do {
      ASSERT (i < n);
      L  mop_arena_lit2 (get_clauses_wl_heur N) C' i;
      lin  mop_cch_in L D;
      if lin
      then RETURN (i+1, st)
      else do {
      lin  mop_cch_in (-L) D;
      if lin
      then if is_subsumed st
      then do {mop_free st; RETURN (i+1, STRENGTHENED_BY L C')}
      else do {mop_free st; RETURN (i+1, NONE)}
      else do {mop_free st; RETURN (i+1, NONE)}
     (0, SUBSUMED_BY C');
  unfolding isa_subsume_clauses_match2_def mop_free_def bind_to_let_conv Let_def
  by auto

schematic_goal mk_free_lbd_assn[sepref_frame_free_rules]: MK_FREE subsumption_assn ?fr
  unfolding subsumption_assn_def by synthesize_free+

lemma [safe_constraint_rules]: CONSTRAINT is_pure subsumption_assn
  unfolding subsumption_assn_def by auto

sepref_register isa_subsume_clauses_match2 
sepref_def isa_subsume_clauses_match2_impl
  is uncurry3 isa_subsume_clauses_match2
  :: sint64_nat_assnk *a sint64_nat_assnk *a  isasat_bounded_assnk *a cch_assnk a subsumption_assn
  unfolding isa_subsume_clauses_match2_alt_def fold_is_NONE
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

sepref_def mop_cch_remove_one_impl
  is uncurry mop_cch_remove_one
  :: unat_lit_assnk *a cch_assnd a cch_assn
  unfolding mop_cch_remove_one_def
  by sepref

sepref_register mop_cch_remove_one mop_arena_status_st mop_arena_promote_st

(*TODO share with propagation!*)
sepref_def swap_lits_impl is uncurry3 mop_arena_swap
  :: sint64_nat_assnk *a sint64_nat_assnk *a sint64_nat_assnk *a arena_fast_assnd a arena_fast_assn
  unfolding mop_arena_swap_def swap_lits_pre_def
  unfolding gen_swap
  by sepref

sepref_def mop_cch_remove_all_clauses_impl
  is uncurry2 mop_cch_remove_all_clauses
  :: isasat_bounded_assnk *a sint64_nat_assnk *a cch_assnd a cch_assn
  unfolding mop_cch_remove_all_clauses_def mop_access_lit_in_clauses_heur_def[symmetric]
  supply [dest] = isasat_bounded_assn_length_arenaD
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

sepref_register ASize

lemma arena_is_valid_clause_idxD:
  assumes arena_is_valid_clause_idx a b
    rdomp (al_assn arena_el_impl_assn) a
    j  arena_length a b
  shows j - 2  < max_unat 32
proof -
  obtain N vdom where
    valid_arena a N vdom and
    b ∈# dom_m N
    using assms(1) unfolding arena_is_valid_clause_idx_def
    by auto
  then have eq: length (N  b) = arena_length a b and
    le: b < length a and
    size: is_Size (a ! (b - SIZE_SHIFT))
    by (auto simp: arena_lifting)

  have i<length a  rdomp arena_el_impl_assn (a ! i) for i
    using rdomp_al_dest'[OF assms(2)]
    by auto
  from this[of b - SIZE_SHIFT] have rdomp arena_el_impl_assn (a ! (b - SIZE_SHIFT))
    using le by auto
  then have length (N  b)  unat32_max + 2
    using size eq unfolding rdomp_pure
    apply (auto simp: rdomp_def arena_el_impl_rel_def is_Size_def
       comp_def pure_def unat_rel_def unat.rel_def br_def arena_el_rel_def
       arena_length_def unat32_max_def)
     subgoal for x
       using unat_lt_max_unat[of x]
       apply (auto simp: max_unat_def)
  then show ?thesis
    using assms POS_SHIFT_def
    unfolding isa_update_pos_pre_def
    by (auto simp: arena_is_valid_clause_idx_def arena_lifting eq
       unat32_max_def max_unat_def)

lemma arena_is_valid_clause_idxD2: arena_is_valid_clause_idx b a  a - Suc 0 < length b
  arena_is_valid_clause_idx b a  MAX_LENGTH_SHORT_CLAUSE < arena_length b a  3  a
  arena_is_valid_clause_idx b a  MAX_LENGTH_SHORT_CLAUSE < arena_length b a  a - 3 < length b
  using arena_lengthI(2) less_imp_diff_less apply blast
  apply (auto simp: arena_is_valid_clause_idx_def header_size_def arena_lifting split: if_splits dest: arena_lifting(1)[of _ _ _ a])
  apply (metis arena_header_size_def arena_lifting(1) valid_arena_header_size)
  using valid_arena_def by fastforce

sepref_def mop_arena_shorten_impl
  is uncurry2 mop_arena_shorten
  :: sint64_nat_assnk  *a sint64_nat_assnk *a arena_fast_assnd a arena_fast_assn
  unfolding mop_arena_shorten_def arena_shorten_def arena_shorten_pre_def SIZE_SHIFT_def POS_SHIFT_def
  supply [intro] = arena_lengthI arena_is_valid_clause_idxD arena_is_valid_clause_idxD2
  apply (rewrite at APos  unat_const_fold[where 'a=32])
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  apply (rewrite at If _ (_[_ := ASize , _ := _]) _ annot_snat_unat_downcast[where 'l=32])
  apply (rewrite at If _ _ (_[_ := ASize ]) annot_snat_unat_downcast[where 'l=32])
  by sepref

sepref_def remove_lit_from_clause_impl
  is uncurry2 remove_lit_from_clause
  :: arena_fast_assnd *a sint64_nat_assnk *a unat_lit_assnk a arena_fast_assn
  unfolding remove_lit_from_clause_def if_not_swap
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

lemma remove_lit_from_clause_st_alt_def: remove_lit_from_clause_st S C L = do {
    let (N, S) = extract_arena_wl_heur S;
    N  remove_lit_from_clause N C L;
    RETURN (update_arena_wl_heur N S)
  by (auto simp: remove_lit_from_clause_st_def state_extractors push_to_tvdom_st_def
         split: isasat_int_splits)

sepref_def remove_lit_from_clause_st_impl
  is uncurry2 remove_lit_from_clause_st
  :: isasat_bounded_assnd *a sint64_nat_assnk *a unat_lit_assnk a isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding remove_lit_from_clause_st_alt_def
  by sepref

sepref_register remove_lit_from_clause_st

lemma mark_garbage_heur_as_subsumed_alt_def:
  mark_garbage_heur_as_subsumed C S0 = (do{
    ASSERT (arena_is_valid_clause_vdom (get_clauses_wl_heur S0) C);
    _  log_del_clause_heur S0 C;
    ASSERT (mark_garbage_pre (get_clauses_wl_heur S0, C));
    size  mop_arena_length (get_clauses_wl_heur S0) C;
    let (N', S) = extract_arena_wl_heur S0;
    ASSERT (N' = get_clauses_wl_heur S0);
    let st = arena_status N' C = IRRED;
    let N' = extra_information_mark_to_delete (N') C;
    let (lcount, S) = extract_lcount_wl_heur S;
    ASSERT(¬st  clss_size_lcount lcount  1);
    let lcount = (if st then lcount else (clss_size_decr_lcount lcount));
    let (stats, S) = extract_stats_wl_heur S;
    let stats = (if st then decr_irred_clss stats else stats);
    let S = update_arena_wl_heur N' S;
    let S = update_lcount_wl_heur lcount S;
    let S = update_stats_wl_heur stats S;
    let S = incr_wasted_st (of_nat size) S;
  by (auto simp: mark_garbage_heur_as_subsumed_def Let_def state_extractors push_to_tvdom_st_def
    intro!: bind_cong[OF refl]
    split: isasat_int_splits)

sepref_def mark_garbage_heur_as_subsumed_impl
  is uncurry mark_garbage_heur_as_subsumed
  :: sint64_nat_assnk *a isasat_bounded_assnd a isasat_bounded_assn
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  supply of_nat_snat[sepref_import_param]
  unfolding mark_garbage_heur_as_subsumed_alt_def
  by sepref

sepref_def isa_strengthen_clause_wl2_impl
  is uncurry3 isa_strengthen_clause_wl2
  :: sint64_nat_assnk *a sint64_nat_assnk *a unat_lit_assnk *a isasat_bounded_assnd a isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding isa_strengthen_clause_wl2_def mop_arena_status_st_def[symmetric]
  apply (subst incr_forward_strengthened_st_def[symmetric])+
  apply (annot_unat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

lemma subsumption_cases_split:
  (case s of SUBSUMED_BY s  f s | STRENGTHENED_BY x y  g x y | NONE  h) =
  (if is_NONE s then h else if is_subsumed s then f (subsumed_by s) else do {ASSERT (is_strengthened s); g (strengthened_on_lit s) (strengthened_by s)})
  by (auto simp: is_NONE_def split: subsumption.splits)

sepref_register isa_strengthen_clause_wl2 isa_subsume_or_strengthen_wl
sepref_def isa_subsume_or_strengthen_wl_impl
  is uncurry2 isa_subsume_or_strengthen_wl
  :: sint64_nat_assnk *a subsumption_assnk *a isasat_bounded_assnd a isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding isa_subsume_or_strengthen_wl_def subsumption_cases_split mop_arena_status_st_def[symmetric]
  apply (annot_unat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

sepref_def isa_forward_subsumption_one_wl_impl
  is uncurry3 isa_forward_subsumption_one_wl
  :: [λ((_, _), S). isasat_fast_relaxed S]asint64_nat_assnk *a  cch_assnd *a unat_lit_assnk *a isasat_bounded_assnd  isasat_bounded_assn ×a subsumption_assn ×a cch_assn
  supply [dest] = rdomp_isasat_bounded_assn_length_avdomD isasat_bounded_assn_length_arenaD
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  unfolding isa_forward_subsumption_one_wl_def get_occs_list_at_def[symmetric] fold_is_NONE
    mop_access_lit_in_clauses_heur_def[symmetric] length_occs_at_def[symmetric] mop_arena_status_st_def[symmetric]
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

lemma isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl_invI:
  isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl_inv S C (i, changed, break, D, T) isasat_fast_relaxed S  isasat_fast_relaxed T
  unfolding isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl_inv_def prod.simps
  by normalize_goal+ (auto simp add: isasat_fast_relaxed_def)

lemma isasat_bounded_assn_get_vdomD: rdomp isasat_bounded_assn a   length (get_tvdom a) < max_snat 64
  using al_assn_boundD[of sint64_nat_assn, where 'l=64, of get_tvdom a]
  apply -
  unfolding rdomp_def
  apply normalize_goal+
  apply (cases a, case_tac xa; cases get_aivdom a)
  apply (auto 7 5 simp: isasat_bounded_assn_def snat64_max_def max_snat_def aivdom_assn_def
         code_hider_assn_def hr_comp_def code_hider_rel_def import_param_3 pred_lift_def
      split: isasat_int_splits
      dest!: mod_starD al_assn_boundD[of sint64_nat_assn, where 'l=64])
  apply auto

sepref_def isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl2_impl
  is uncurry3 isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl2
  :: [λ(((_, _), _), S). isasat_fast_relaxed S]a sint64_nat_assnk *a  cch_assnd *a (al_assn' TYPE(64) sint64_nat_assn)d *a isasat_bounded_assnd 
  cch_assn ×a al_assn' TYPE(64) sint64_nat_assn ×a isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl2_def
    mop_access_lit_in_clauses_heur_def[symmetric] Let_def[of is_strengthened _] fold_is_NONE
     Let_def[of if is_strengthened _ then _ else _]
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  supply [intro] = isa_try_to_forward_subsume_wl_invI
  supply [dest] = isasat_bounded_assn_get_vdomD
  apply (rewrite at if _ then mark_clause_for_unit_as_unchanged  else _ unat_const_fold[where 'a=64])
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

lemma empty_occs2_st_alt_def:
  empty_occs2_st S = do {
  let (occs, S) = extract_occs_wl_heur S;
  occs  empty_occs2 occs;
  RETURN (update_occs_wl_heur occs S)
  by (auto simp: empty_occs2_st_def Let_def state_extractors
    intro!: bind_cong[OF refl]
    split: isasat_int_splits)

sepref_def empty_occs2_impl
  is empty_occs2
  :: occs_assnd a occs_assn
  unfolding empty_occs2_def fold_op_list_list_take op_list_list_len_def[symmetric]
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

sepref_def empty_occs2_st_impl
  is empty_occs2_st
  :: isasat_bounded_assnd a isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding empty_occs2_st_alt_def
  by sepref

lemma isa_forward_subsumption_all_wl_invI:
  isa_forward_subsumption_all_wl_inv R S (i, D, shrunken, T)  isasat_fast_relaxed R  isasat_fast_relaxed T
  unfolding isa_forward_subsumption_all_wl_inv_def prod.simps
  apply normalize_goal+
  by (auto simp: isasat_fast_relaxed_def)

sepref_register empty_occs2_st forward_subsumption_finalize schedule_next_subsume_st

sepref_def mark_added_clause_heur2_impl
  is uncurry mark_added_clause_heur2
  :: isasat_bounded_assnd *a sint64_nat_assnk a isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding mark_added_clause_heur2_def
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

lemma schedule_next_subsume_st_alt_def:
  schedule_next_subsume_st b S = (let (heur, S) = extract_heur_wl_heur S;
      heur = schedule_next_subsume b  heur in
      update_heur_wl_heur heur S)
  by (auto simp: schedule_next_subsume_st_def Let_def state_extractors
    split: isasat_int_splits)

sepref_def schedule_next_subsume_st
  is uncurry (RETURN oo schedule_next_subsume_st)
  :: word64_assnk *a isasat_bounded_assnd a isasat_bounded_assn
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  unfolding schedule_next_subsume_st_alt_def
  by sepref

sepref_def forward_subsumption_finalize
  is uncurry forward_subsumption_finalize
  :: (al_assn' TYPE(64) sint64_nat_assn)k *a isasat_bounded_assnd a isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding forward_subsumption_finalize_def
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

sepref_def isa_forward_subsumption_all_impl
  is isa_forward_subsumption_all
  :: [isasat_fast_relaxed]a isasat_bounded_assnd  isasat_bounded_assn
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  supply [intro] = isa_forward_subsumption_all_wl_invI
  unfolding isa_forward_subsumption_all_def
    access_tvdom_at_def[symmetric] length_tvdom_def[symmetric]
    al_fold_custom_empty[where 'l=64]
  apply (annot_snat_const TYPE(64))
  by sepref

lemma get_subsumption_opts_alt_def:
  get_subsumption_opts S = (case S of IsaSAT M N D i W ivmtf icount ccach lbd outl stats heur aivdom clss opts arena occs  opts_subsumption opts)
  by (cases S) (auto simp: get_subsumption_opts_def)

sepref_def get_subsumption_opts_impl
  is RETURN o get_subsumption_opts
  :: isasat_bounded_assnk a bool1_assn
  unfolding get_subsumption_opts_alt_def
  by sepref

lemma next_subsume_schedule_st_def:
  next_subsume_schedule_st S = (case S of IsaSAT M N D i W ivmtf icount ccach lbd outl stats heur aivdom clss opts arena occs  next_subsume_schedule heur)
  by (cases S) (auto simp: next_subsume_schedule_st_def)

sepref_def next_subsume_schedule_st_impl
  is RETURN o next_subsume_schedule_st
  :: isasat_bounded_assnk a word_assn
  unfolding next_subsume_schedule_st_def
  by sepref

sepref_def should_subsume_st
  is RETURN o should_subsume_st
  :: isasat_bounded_assnk a bool1_assn
  unfolding should_subsume_st_def
  by sepref

sepref_def isa_forward_subsume_impl
  is isa_forward_subsume
  :: [isasat_fast_relaxed]a isasat_bounded_assnd  isasat_bounded_assn
  unfolding isa_forward_subsume_def
  by sepref
