Theory IsaSAT

theory IsaSAT
  imports IsaSAT_CDCL IsaSAT_Restart_Simp IsaSAT_Initialisation
section Correctness Relation

  We cannot use termcdcl_twl_stgy_restart since we do not always end in a final state
  for termcdcl_twl_stgy.

abbreviation conclusive_TWL_run_bounded where
  conclusive_TWL_run_bounded S  partial_conclusive_TWL_run S

  Before introducing the pragmatic CDCL version, we expressed the specification all the level
  up to Weidenbach's CDCL, but now we stop at the pragmatic CDCL. Technically, we could actually
  skip the part on the calculus and simply use the conclusive part (no conflict and model, 
  conflict and unsat), but this version is nicer on paper to highlight the refinement approach.

definition conclusive_CDCL_state :: 'v clauses  'v prag_st  'v prag_st  bool where
  conclusive_CDCL_state CS T U 
       (pget_conflict U = None  (consistent_interp (lits_of_l (pget_trail U))  
             pget_trail U ⊨as (set_mset CS))) 
       (pget_conflict U  None  (CS  {#}  count_decided (pget_trail U) = 0 
          unsatisfiable (set_mset CS)))

lemmas cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_restart_prog_spec = cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_spec

lemmas cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_bounded_spec = cdcl_twl_stgy_prog_bounded_spec

lemma rtranclp_pcdcl_satisfiable_iff:
    pcdcl** S T and
    pcdcl_all_struct_invs S and
    ent_init: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init (state_of S)
    satisfiable (set_mset (pget_all_init_clss S))  satisfiable (set_mset (pget_all_init_clss T))
  using assms
  apply (induction rule: rtranclp_induct)
  subgoal by auto
    by (auto dest!: pcdcl_satisfiable_iff intro: rtranclp_pcdcl_all_struct_invs

lemma pcdcl_stgy_restart_satisfiable_iff:
  pcdcl_stgy_restart  (R1, R2, S, m, n, g) (R1', R2', T, m', n', g') 
  pcdcl_all_struct_invs S  cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init (state_of S) 
  satisfiable (set_mset (pget_all_init_clss T))  satisfiable (set_mset (pget_all_init_clss S))
  apply (induction (R1, R2, S, m, n, g) (R1', R2', T, m', n', g') rule: pcdcl_stgy_restart.induct)
  apply (auto dest: pcdcl_restart_only_entailed_iff pcdcl_restart_entailed_iff
    dest: rtranclp_pcdcl_stgy_pcdcl pcdcl_tcore_stgy_pcdcl_stgy'
    rtranclp_pcdcl_stgy_pcdcl rtranclp_pcdcl_satisfiable_iff)[]
  apply (meson rtranclp_pcdcl_inprocessing_satisfiable_iff rtranclp_pcdcl_restart_inprocessing rtranclp_pcdcl_stgy_pcdcl rtranclp_trans)
  apply (meson satisfiable_carac true_cls_mset_true_clss_iff(2) twl_restart_ops.pcdcl_restart_only_entailed_iff)
  by simp

lemma rtranclp_pcdcl_restart_satisfiable_iff:
  pcdcl_stgy_restart**  (R1, R2, S, m, n, g) (R1', R2', T, m', n', g') 
  pcdcl_all_struct_invs S  cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init (state_of S) 
  satisfiable (set_mset (pget_all_init_clss T))  satisfiable (set_mset (pget_all_init_clss S))
  apply (induction rule: rtranclp_induct[of r (_, _, _, _, _, _) (_, _, _, _, _, _), split_format(complete), of for r])
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal for T U
    by (simp add: pcdcl_stgy_restart_satisfiable_iff pcdcl_stgy_restart_same_init_vars
      rtranclp_pcdcl_stgy_restart_entailed_by_init rtranclp_pcdcl_stgy_restart_pcdcl_all_struct_invs)

fun pinit_state :: 'v clauses  'v prag_st where
pinit_state N = ([], N, {#}, None, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#})

lemma get_all_clss_alt_def:
  get_all_clss S = get_all_init_clss S + get_all_learned_clss S
  by (cases S) (auto simp: ac_simps clauses_def)

lemma conclusive_TWL_run_conclusive_CDCL_state:
    struct: twl_struct_invs S and
    stgy: twl_stgy_invs S and
    init: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init (stateW_of S)
  shows conclusive_TWL_run S
      (br pstateW_of (λ_. True))
         (conclusive_CDCL_state (get_all_init_clss S) (pstateW_of S)))
  unfolding conclusive_TWL_run_def
proof (rule RES_refine)
  fix s
  assume s  {Ta.
             T0 T0' n' m0 n0.
                cdcl_twl_stgy_restart** (S, S, S, m0, n0, True) (T0, T0', Ta, n') 
    final_twl_state Ta}
  then obtain T0 T0' m' n' f' m0 n0 where
    st: cdcl_twl_stgy_restart** (S, S, S, m0, n0, True) (T0, T0', s, m', n', f') and
    final: final_twl_state s
    by fast
  have pcdcl_invs: pcdcl_all_struct_invs (pstateW_of S)
    using struct unfolding twl_struct_invs_def by auto
  from rtranclp_cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_pcdcl[OF st struct struct struct init init init]
  have pcdcl: pcdcl_stgy_restart** (pstateW_of S, pstateW_of S, pstateW_of S, m0, n0, True)
    (pstateW_of T0, pstateW_of T0', pstateW_of s, m', n', f') .
  have struct_invs_s: twl_struct_invs s
    using rtranclp_cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_twl_struct_invs[OF st] struct init
    by auto
  have alien: cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm (stateW_of s)
    using struct_invs_s unfolding twl_struct_invs_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def
      cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv_def
    by auto
  then have atms_eq: atms_of_mm (get_all_clss s) = atms_of_mm (pget_all_init_clss (pstateW_of s))
    unfolding cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def
    by (cases s) (auto)
  have pinvs: pcdcl_all_struct_invs (pstateW_of s)
    using struct_invs_s unfolding twl_struct_invs_def by auto
  have stgy_invs_s: twl_stgy_invs s
    using rtranclp_cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_twl_stgy_invs[OF st] stgy struct init
    by (auto simp: twl_restart_inv_def pcdcl_stgy_restart_inv_def
  have H1: consistent_interp (lits_of_l (get_trail s))
      get_trail s ⊨asm get_all_init_clss S
    if confl: get_conflict s = None
  proof -
    have no_step cdcl_twl_stgy s
      using confl final unfolding final_twl_state_def
      by blast
    then have no_step pcdcl_core_stgy (pstateW_of s)
      by (rule no_step_cdcl_twl_stgy_no_step_cdclW_stgy[OF _ struct_invs_s])
    then have nss: no_step cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_stgy (state_of (pstateW_of s))
      by (rule no_step_pcdcl_core_stgy_is_cdcl_stgy)
        (use struct_invs_s in auto simp: twl_struct_invs_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def)
    show consistent_interp (lits_of_l (get_trail s))
      using struct_invs_s unfolding twl_struct_invs_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def
        cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv_def
      by auto
    moreover {
      have nss': no_step cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW (stateW_of s)
        using nss by (auto dest: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_Ex_cdclW_stgy)
      have total_over_set (lits_of_l (get_trail s))
       (atms_of_mm (pget_all_init_clss (pstateW_of s)))
       using cdclW_restart_mset.no_step_cdclW_total[of (stateW_of s), OF nss']
         confl struct_invs_s atms_eq unfolding twl_struct_invs_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def
         cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def total_over_m_def
       by auto
    ultimately show get_trail s ⊨asm get_all_init_clss S
      using struct_invs_s rtranclp_pcdcl_restart_entailed_iff[OF pcdcl, of lits_of_l  (get_trail s)]
        cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_stgy_final_state_conclusive2[OF nss] confl init pcdcl_invs
      unfolding twl_struct_invs_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def
      by (auto simp: get_all_clss_alt_def true_annots_true_cls)

  have H2: cdclW_restart_mset.clauses (state_of (pstateW_of s)) ⊨pm T
    if conflicting (stateW_of s) = Some T
    for T
    using struct_invs_s that unfolding twl_struct_invs_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def
    by auto
  then have H3: get_conflict s  None  get_all_init_clss s  {#}
    using rtranclp_pcdcl_stgy_restart_entailed_by_init[OF pcdcl pcdcl_invs] init
    by (force simp: get_all_clss_alt_def cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def
      cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init_def empty_entails_novars_iff)
  have H4:
     unsatisfiable (set_mset (get_all_init_clss S))
    if confl: get_conflict s  None count_decided (get_trail s) = 0
  proof -
    have unsatisfiable (set_mset (init_clss (stateW_of s)))
      by (rule conflict_of_level_unsatisfiable[of stateW_of s])
       (use confl struct_invs_s init
          rtranclp_pcdcl_stgy_restart_entailed_by_init[OF pcdcl pcdcl_invs]
        in auto simp: twl_struct_invs_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def
    then show unsatisfiable (set_mset (get_all_init_clss S))
      using rtranclp_pcdcl_restart_satisfiable_iff[OF pcdcl]
        rtranclp_pcdcl_stgy_restart_same_init_vars[OF pcdcl] struct_invs_s init pcdcl_invs
      by (auto simp: satisfiable_def total_over_m_def twl_struct_invs_def)
  have H5: False
    if confl: get_conflict s  None count_decided (get_trail s)  0
  proof -
    have no_step cdcl_twl_stgy s
      using confl final unfolding final_twl_state_def
      by auto

    then have no_step pcdcl_core_stgy (pstateW_of s)
      by (rule no_step_cdcl_twl_stgy_no_step_cdclW_stgy[OF _ struct_invs_s])
    then have nss: no_step cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_stgy (state_of (pstateW_of s))
      by (rule no_step_pcdcl_core_stgy_is_cdcl_stgy)
        (use struct_invs_s in auto simp: twl_struct_invs_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def)
    show False
      using struct_invs_s rtranclp_pcdcl_restart_entailed_iff[OF pcdcl, of lits_of_l  (get_trail s)]
        cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_stgy_final_state_conclusive2[OF nss] confl
      unfolding twl_struct_invs_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def
        twl_stgy_invs_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_stgy_invariant_def
      by (auto simp: get_all_clss_alt_def true_annots_true_cls)

  show s'Collect (conclusive_CDCL_state (get_all_init_clss S) (pstateW_of S)).
    (s, s')  (br pstateW_of (λ_. True))
    apply (rule_tac x = pstateW_of s in bexI)
    apply (solves auto simp: br_def)
    unfolding conclusive_CDCL_state_def mem_Collect_eq
    apply (cases count_decided (get_trail s) = 0)
    apply (use H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 in force)+

definition init_state_l :: 'v twl_st_l_init where
  init_state_l = (([], fmempty, None, {#}, {#},{#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}), {#})

definition to_init_state_l :: nat twl_st_l_init  nat twl_st_l_init where
  to_init_state_l S = S

definition init_state0 :: 'v twl_st_init where
  init_state0 = (([], {#}, {#}, None, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}), {#})

definition to_init_state0 :: nat twl_st_init  nat twl_st_init where
  to_init_state0 S = S

lemma init_dt_pre_init:
  shows  init_dt_pre CS (to_init_state_l init_state_l)
  unfolding init_dt_pre_def to_init_state_l_def init_state_l_def
  by (rule exI[of _ (([], {#}, {#}, None, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}), {#})])
    (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_def twl_init_invs)

text This is the specification of the SAT solver:
definition SAT :: nat clauses  nat prag_st nres where
  SAT CS = do{
    let T = pinit_state CS;
    SPEC (conclusive_CDCL_state CS T)

definition init_dt_spec0 :: 'v clause_l list  'v twl_st_init  'v twl_st_init  bool where
  init_dt_spec0 CS SOC T' 
      twl_struct_invs_init T' 
      clauses_to_update_init T' = {#} 
      (sset (get_trail_init T'). ¬is_decided s) 
      (get_conflict_init T' = None 
	 literals_to_update_init T' = uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_init T')) 
      (remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS + clause `# (get_init_clauses_init SOC) + other_clauses_init SOC +
	    get_unit_init_clauses_init SOC + get_init_clauses0_init SOC + get_subsumed_init_clauses_init SOC +
            get_init_clauses0_init SOC =
       clause `# (get_init_clauses_init T') + other_clauses_init T' +
	    get_unit_init_clauses_init T' + get_subsumed_init_clauses_init T' + get_init_clauses0_init T') 
      get_learned_clauses0_init SOC = get_learned_clauses0_init T' 
      get_learned_clauses_init SOC = get_learned_clauses_init T' 
      get_subsumed_learned_clauses_init SOC = get_subsumed_learned_clauses_init T' 
      get_learned_clauses0_init SOC = get_learned_clauses0_init T' 
      get_unit_learned_clauses_init T' = get_unit_learned_clauses_init SOC 
      twl_stgy_invs (fst T') 
      (other_clauses_init T'  {#}  get_conflict_init T'  None) 
      ({#} ∈# mset `# mset CS  get_conflict_init T'  None) 
      (get_conflict_init SOC  None  get_conflict_init SOC = get_conflict_init T'))

section Refinements of the Whole SAT Solver

  We do not add the refinement steps in separate files, since the form is very specific
  to the SAT solver we want to generate (and needs to be updated if it changes).

definition SAT0 :: nat clause_l list  nat twl_st nres where
  SAT0 CS = do{
    b  SPEC(λ_::bool. True);
    if b then do {
        let S = init_state0;
        T  SPEC (init_dt_spec0 CS (to_init_state0 S));
        let T = fst T;
        if get_conflict T  None
        then RETURN T
        else if CS = [] then RETURN (fst init_state0)
        else do {
          ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
	  ASSERT (clauses_to_update T = {#});
          ASSERT(clause `# (get_clauses T) + unit_clss T + subsumed_clauses T + get_all_clauses0 T =
             remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
          ASSERT(get_learned_clss T = {#});
          ASSERT(subsumed_learned_clss T = {#});
          cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog T
    else do {
        let S = init_state0;
        T   SPEC (init_dt_spec0 CS (to_init_state0 S));
        failed  SPEC (λ_ :: bool. True);
        if failed then do {
          T   SPEC (init_dt_spec0 CS (to_init_state0 S));
          let T = fst T;
          if get_conflict T  None
          then RETURN T
          else if CS = [] then RETURN (fst init_state0)
          else do {
            ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
            ASSERT (clauses_to_update T = {#});
            ASSERT(clause `# (get_clauses T) + unit_clss T + subsumed_clauses T + get_all_clauses0 T =
              remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
            ASSERT(get_learned_clss T = {#});
            cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog T
        } else do {
          let T = fst T;
          if get_conflict T  None
          then RETURN T
          else if CS = [] then RETURN (fst init_state0)
          else do {
            ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
            ASSERT (clauses_to_update T = {#});
            ASSERT(clause `# (get_clauses T) + unit_clss T + subsumed_clauses T + get_all_clauses0 T =
              remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
            ASSERT(get_learned_clss T = {#});
            cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early T

lemma pget_all_init_clss_pstateW_of_init:
  pget_all_init_clss (pstateW_of_init T) = get_subsumed_init_clauses_init T +
  get_unit_init_clauses_init T+
  get_init_clauses0_init T +
                   other_clauses_init T+
                    clause `# (get_init_clauses_init T)
  by (cases T) auto

(*TODO Move +  fix names! *)
lemma [twl_st_init,simp]:
  pget_trail (pstateW_of_init T) = get_trail_init T
  pget_conflict (pstateW_of_init T) = get_conflict_init T
  pget_all_learned_clss (pstateW_of_init T) = clause `# get_learned_clauses_init T+ get_unit_learned_clauses_init T + get_learned_clauses0_init T +
  get_subsumed_learned_clauses_init T
  get_init_learned_clss (fst T) = get_unit_learned_clauses_init T
  subsumed_learned_clauses (fst T) = get_subsumed_learned_clauses_init T
  get_learned_clss (fst T) = get_learned_clauses_init T
  get_conflict (fst T) = get_conflict_init T
  by (solves cases T; auto)+

(*TODO this should have a _init pendant!*)
lemma get_all_init_clss_alt_init_def:
  get_all_init_clss (fst T)  = clauses (get_init_clauses_init T) +
     get_unit_init_clauses_init T + get_subsumed_init_clauses_init T + get_init_clauses0_init T
  by (cases T) (auto simp: )

lemma satisfiable_remdups_iff:
  satisfiable ((λx. remdups_mset (mset x)) ` CS)  satisfiable (mset ` CS)
  by (auto simp flip: satisfiable_carac simp: true_clss_def)

lemma true_annots_remdups_mset:
  I ⊨as remdups_mset ` C  I ⊨as C
  by (simp add: true_annot_def true_annots_def)

lemma SAT0_SAT:
  shows SAT0 CS   {(S, T). T = pstateW_of S} (SAT (mset `# mset CS))
proof -
  have conflict_during_init: RETURN (fst T)
	  {(S, T). T = pstateW_of S}
	   (SPEC (conclusive_CDCL_state (mset `# mset CS)
	       (pinit_state (mset `# mset CS))))
      spec: T  Collect (init_dt_spec0 CS (to_init_state0 init_state0)) and
      confl: get_conflict (fst T)  None
    for T
  proof -
    let ?CS = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS
      struct_invs: twl_struct_invs_init T and
      clauses_to_update_init T = {#} and
      count_dec: sset (get_trail_init T). ¬ is_decided s and
      get_conflict_init T = None 
       literals_to_update_init T =
       uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_init T) and
      clss: ?CS +
       clause `# get_init_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) +
       other_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) +
       get_unit_init_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) +
       get_init_clauses0_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) +
       get_subsumed_init_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) +
        get_init_clauses0_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) =
       clause `# get_init_clauses_init T + other_clauses_init T +
        get_unit_init_clauses_init T + get_subsumed_init_clauses_init T +
        get_init_clauses0_init T and
      learned: get_learned_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) =
          get_learned_clauses_init T
        get_unit_learned_clauses_init T =
          get_unit_learned_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0)
        get_subsumed_learned_clauses_init T =
          get_subsumed_learned_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0)
        get_learned_clauses0_init T =
          get_learned_clauses0_init (to_init_state0 init_state0)  and
      twl_stgy_invs (fst T) and
      other_clauses_init T  {#}  get_conflict_init T  None and
      {#} ∈# mset `# mset CS  get_conflict_init T  None and
      get_conflict_init (to_init_state0 init_state0)  None 
       get_conflict_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) = get_conflict_init T
      using spec unfolding init_dt_wl_spec_def init_dt_spec0_def
        Set.mem_Collect_eq apply -
      apply normalize_goal+
      by metis+

    have count_dec: count_decided (get_trail (fst T)) = 0
      using count_dec unfolding count_decided_0_iff by (auto simp: twl_st_init

    have le: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause (stateW_of_init T) and
        cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (stateW_of_init T)
      using struct_invs unfolding twl_struct_invs_init_def
         cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def
      by fast+
    have cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_conflicting (stateW_of_init T)
      using struct_invs unfolding twl_struct_invs_init_def
        cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def
      by fast
    have unsatisfiable (set_mset (remdups_mset `# mset `# mset (rev CS)))
      using conflict_of_level_unsatisfiable[OF all_struct_invs] count_dec confl
        learned le clss
      by (auto simp: clauses_def mset_take_mset_drop_mset' twl_st_init twl_st_wl_init
           image_image to_init_state0_def init_state0_def ac_simps pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def
           cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init_def ac_simps
	   twl_st_l_init pget_all_init_clss_pstateW_of_init)
    then have unsat[simp]: unsatisfiable (mset ` set CS)
      using satisfiable_remdups_iff[of set CS]
      by auto
    then have [simp]: CS  []
      by (auto simp del: unsat)
    show ?thesis
      unfolding conclusive_CDCL_state_def
      apply (rule RETURN_SPEC_refine)
      apply (rule exI[of _ pstateW_of (fst T)])
      apply (intro conjI)
        by auto
        using struct_invs learned count_dec clss confl
        by (clarsimp simp: twl_st_init twl_st_wl_init twl_st_l_init)
        using struct_invs learned count_dec clss confl
        by (clarsimp simp: twl_st_init twl_st_wl_init twl_st_l_init)
  have empty_clauses: RETURN (fst init_state0)
	  {(S, T). T = pstateW_of S}
	     (conclusive_CDCL_state (mset `# mset CS)
	       (pinit_state (mset `# mset CS))))
      T  Collect (init_dt_spec0 CS (to_init_state0 init_state0)) and
      ¬ get_conflict (fst T)  None and
      CS = []
    for T
  proof -
    have [dest]: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW ([], {#}, {#}, None) (a, aa, ab, b)  False
      for a aa ab b
      by (metis cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW.cases cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_stgy.conflict'
        cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_stgy.propagate' cdclW_restart_mset.other'
	cdclW_stgy_cdclW_init_state_empty_no_step init_state.simps)
    show ?thesis
      by (rule RETURN_RES_refine)
        (use that in auto simp: conclusive_CDCL_state_def init_state0_def)

  have extract_atms_clss_nempty: extract_atms_clss CS {}  {}
      T  Collect (init_dt_spec0 CS (to_init_state0 init_state0)) and
      ¬ get_conflict (fst T)  None and
      CS  []
    for T
  proof -
    show ?thesis
      using that
      by (cases T; cases CS)
        (auto simp: init_state0_def to_init_state0_def init_dt_spec0_def

  have cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog: cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog (fst T)
	  {(S, T). T = pstateW_of S}
	     (conclusive_CDCL_state (mset `# mset CS)
	       (pinit_state (mset `# mset CS)))) (is ?G1) and
      cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early: cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early (fst T)
	  {(S, T). T = pstateW_of S}
	     (conclusive_CDCL_state (mset `# mset CS)
	       (pinit_state (mset `# mset CS)))) (is ?G2)
      spec: T  Collect (init_dt_spec0 CS (to_init_state0 init_state0)) and
      confl: ¬ get_conflict (fst T)  None and
      CS_nempty[simp]: CS  [] and
      extract_atms_clss CS {}  {} and
      clause `# get_clauses (fst T) + unit_clss (fst T) + subsumed_clauses (fst T) + get_all_clauses0 (fst T) =
         remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS and
      get_learned_clss (fst T) = {#}
    for T
  proof -
    let ?CS = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS
      struct_invs: twl_struct_invs_init T and
      clss_to_upd: clauses_to_update_init T = {#} and
      count_dec: sset (get_trail_init T). ¬ is_decided s and
      get_conflict_init T = None 
       literals_to_update_init T =
       uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_init T) and
      clss: ?CS +
         clauses (get_init_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0)) +
         other_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) +
         get_unit_init_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) +
         get_init_clauses0_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) +
         get_subsumed_init_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) +
         get_init_clauses0_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) =
         clauses (get_init_clauses_init T) + other_clauses_init T +
         get_unit_init_clauses_init T +
         get_subsumed_init_clauses_init T +
         get_init_clauses0_init T and
      learned: get_learned_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) =
          get_learned_clauses_init T
        get_unit_learned_clauses_init T =
          get_unit_learned_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0)
        get_subsumed_learned_clauses_init T =
          get_subsumed_learned_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0)
        get_learned_clauses0_init T =
          get_learned_clauses0_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) and
      stgy_invs: twl_stgy_invs (fst T) and
      oth: other_clauses_init T  {#}  get_conflict_init T  None and
      {#} ∈# mset `# mset CS  get_conflict_init T  None and
      get_conflict_init (to_init_state0 init_state0)  None 
       get_conflict_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) = get_conflict_init T
      using spec unfolding init_dt_wl_spec_def init_dt_spec0_def
        Set.mem_Collect_eq apply -
      apply normalize_goal+
      by metis+
    have struct_invs: twl_struct_invs (fst T)
      by (rule twl_struct_invs_init_twl_struct_invs)
        (use struct_invs oth confl in auto simp: twl_st_init)
    have clss_to_upd: clauses_to_update (fst T) = {#}
      using clss_to_upd by (auto simp: twl_st_init)

    have init: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init (state_of (pstateW_of (fst T)))
      using learned
      apply (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init_def
        get_all_learned_clss_alt_def init_state0_def to_init_state0_def)
      by (smt add.right_neutral get_learned_clauses0.elims get_learned_clauses0_init.simps
        get_unit_learned_clauses_init.elims prod.sel(1) set_mset_union union_trus_clss_clss)
    have CS': (λx. remdups_mset (mset x)) ` set CS  = clause ` set_mset (get_init_clauses_init T)  set_mset (get_unit_init_clauses_init T) 
          set_mset (get_subsumed_init_clauses_init T)  set_mset (get_init_clauses0_init T)
      using arg_cong[OF clss, of set_mset] oth confl
      by (cases other_clauses_init T = {#})
       (auto 5 3 simp: init_state0_def to_init_state0_def)
    have conclusive_le: conclusive_TWL_run (fst T)
      {(S, T). T = pstateW_of S}
      (conclusive_CDCL_state (mset `# mset CS) (pinit_state (mset `# mset CS))))
      using satisfiable_remdups_iff[of set CS]
      apply -
      apply (rule order_trans[OF conclusive_TWL_run_conclusive_CDCL_state[of fst T]])
      using conclusive_TWL_run_conclusive_CDCL_state[of fst T] clss oth
      apply (cases other_clauses_init T = {#})
      apply (auto simp: br_def struct_invs stgy_invs init get_all_init_clss_alt_init_def
        to_init_state0_def init_state0_def conclusive_CDCL_state_def CS' true_clss_def
        image_image  true_annots_remdups_mset[of _ mset ` set CS, symmetric]
        intro!: ref_two_step'')
    show ?G1
      apply (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_restart_prog_spec[THEN order_trans])
           apply (rule struct_invs; fail)
          apply (rule stgy_invs; fail)
         apply (rule clss_to_upd; fail)
        apply (use confl in fast; fail)
       apply (rule init[unfolded stateW_of_def[symmetric]]; fail)
      apply (rule conclusive_le)
    show ?G2
      apply (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early_spec[THEN order_trans])
           apply (rule struct_invs; fail)
          apply (rule stgy_invs; fail)
         apply (rule clss_to_upd; fail)
        apply (use confl in fast; fail)
       apply (rule init[unfolded stateW_of_def[symmetric]]; fail)
      apply (rule conclusive_le)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding SAT0_def SAT_def
    apply (refine_vcg lhs_step_If)
    subgoal for b T
      by (rule conflict_during_init)
    subgoal by (rule empty_clauses)
    subgoal for b T
      by (rule extract_atms_clss_nempty)
    subgoal for b T
      by (cases T)
        (auto simp: init_state0_def to_init_state0_def init_dt_spec0_def
    subgoal for b T
      by (cases T)
        (auto simp: init_state0_def to_init_state0_def init_dt_spec0_def
    subgoal for b T
      by (cases T)
        (auto simp: init_state0_def to_init_state0_def init_dt_spec0_def
    subgoal for b T
      by (cases T)
        (auto simp: init_state0_def to_init_state0_def init_dt_spec0_def
    subgoal for b T
      by (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog)
    subgoal for b T
      by (rule conflict_during_init)
    subgoal by (rule empty_clauses)
    subgoal for b T
      by (rule extract_atms_clss_nempty)
    subgoal premises p for b _ _ T
      using p(6-)
      by (cases T)
        (auto simp: init_state0_def to_init_state0_def init_dt_spec0_def
    subgoal premises p for b _ _ T
      using p(6-)
      by (cases T)
        (auto simp: init_state0_def to_init_state0_def init_dt_spec0_def
    subgoal premises p for b _ _ T
      using p(6-)
      by (cases T)
        (auto simp: init_state0_def to_init_state0_def init_dt_spec0_def
    subgoal for b T
      by (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog)
    subgoal for b T
      by (rule conflict_during_init)
    subgoal by (rule empty_clauses)
    subgoal for b T
      by (rule extract_atms_clss_nempty)
    subgoal for b T
      by (cases T)
        (auto simp: init_state0_def to_init_state0_def init_dt_spec0_def
    subgoal for b T
      by (cases T)
        (auto simp: init_state0_def to_init_state0_def init_dt_spec0_def
    subgoal for b T
      by (cases T)
        (auto simp: init_state0_def to_init_state0_def init_dt_spec0_def
    subgoal for b T
      by (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early)

definition SAT_l :: nat clause_l list  nat twl_st_l nres where
  SAT_l CS = do{
    b  SPEC(λ_::bool. True);
    if b then do {
        let S = init_state_l;
        T  init_dt CS (to_init_state_l S);
        let T = fst T;
        if get_conflict_l T  None
        then RETURN T
        else if CS = [] then RETURN (fst init_state_l)
        else do {
           ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
	   ASSERT (clauses_to_update_l T = {#});
           ASSERT(mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l T) + get_unit_clauses_l T +
              get_subsumed_clauses_l T + get_clauses0_l T = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
           ASSERT(learned_clss_l (get_clauses_l T) = {#});
           cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_l T
    else do {
        let S = init_state_l;
        T  init_dt CS (to_init_state_l S);
        failed  SPEC (λ_ :: bool. True);
        if failed then do {
          T  init_dt CS (to_init_state_l S);
          let T = fst T;
          if get_conflict_l T  None
          then RETURN T
          else if CS = [] then RETURN (fst init_state_l)
          else do {
             ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
             ASSERT (clauses_to_update_l T = {#});
             ASSERT(mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l T) + get_unit_clauses_l T +
                 get_subsumed_clauses_l T + get_clauses0_l T = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
             ASSERT(learned_clss_l (get_clauses_l T) = {#});
             cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_l T
        } else do {
          let T = fst T;
          if get_conflict_l T  None
          then RETURN T
          else if CS = [] then RETURN (fst init_state_l)
          else do {
             ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
             ASSERT (clauses_to_update_l T = {#});
             ASSERT(mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l T) + get_unit_clauses_l T +
               get_subsumed_clauses_l T  + get_clauses0_l T = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
             ASSERT(learned_clss_l (get_clauses_l T) = {#});
             cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early_l T

lemma [twl_st_l_init, simp]:
  assumes (s, x)  twl_st_l_init
  shows get_learned_clauses0_init x = get_learned_clauses0_l_init s
    get_init_clauses0_init x = get_init_clauses0_l_init s
  using assms by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_def)

lemma SAT_l_SAT0:
  shows SAT_l CS   {(T,T'). (T, T')  twl_st_l None} (SAT0 CS)
proof -
  have inj: inj (uminus :: _ literal  _)
    by (auto simp: inj_on_def)
  have [simp]: {#- lit_of x. x ∈# A#} = {#- lit_of x. x ∈# B#} 
    {#lit_of x. x ∈# A#} = {#lit_of x. x ∈# B#} for A B :: (nat literal, nat literal,
             nat) annotated_lit multiset
    unfolding multiset.map_comp[unfolded comp_def, symmetric]
    apply (subst inj_image_mset_eq_iff[of uminus])
    apply (rule inj)
    by (auto simp: inj_on_def)[]
  have get_unit_twl_st_l: (s, x)  twl_st_l_init  get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init s = {#} 
      learned_clss_l (get_clauses_l_init s) = {#} 
      get_subsumed_learned_clauses_l_init s = {#} 
    {#mset (fst x). x ∈# ran_m (get_clauses_l_init s)#} +
    (get_unit_clauses_l_init s + get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init s) =
    clause `# get_init_clauses_init x + get_unit_init_clauses_init x +
      get_subsumed_init_clauses_init x for s x
    apply (cases s; cases x)
    apply (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_def mset_take_mset_drop_mset')
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) add.right_neutral all_clss_l_ran_m)

  have init_dt_pre: init_dt_pre CS (to_init_state_l init_state_l)
    by (rule init_dt_pre_init)

  have init_dt_spec0: init_dt CS (to_init_state_l init_state_l)
        {((T),T'). (T, T')  twl_st_l_init  twl_list_invs (fst T) 
             clauses_to_update_l (fst T) = {#}}
           (SPEC (init_dt_spec0 CS (to_init_state0 init_state0)))
    apply (rule init_dt_full[THEN order_trans])
    subgoal by (rule init_dt_pre)
      apply (rule RES_refine)
      unfolding init_dt_spec_def Set.mem_Collect_eq init_dt_spec0_def
        to_init_state_l_def init_state_l_def
        to_init_state0_def init_state0_def
      apply normalize_goal+
      apply (rule_tac x=x in bexI)
      subgoal for s x by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init)
      subgoal for s x
        unfolding Set.mem_Collect_eq
        by (simp_all add: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init twl_st_l_init_no_decision_iff get_unit_twl_st_l)

  have init_state0: (fst init_state_l, fst init_state0)  {(T, T'). (T, T')  twl_st_l None}
    by (auto simp: twl_st_l_def init_state0_def init_state_l_def)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding SAT_l_def SAT0_def
    apply (refine_vcg init_dt_spec0)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_alt_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (rule init_state0)
    subgoal for b ba T Ta
      unfolding all_clss_lf_ran_m[symmetric] image_mset_union to_init_state0_def init_state0_def
      by (cases T; cases Ta)
        (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init twl_st_l_init_def mset_take_mset_drop_mset'
    subgoal for b ba T Ta
      unfolding all_clss_lf_ran_m[symmetric] image_mset_union
      by (cases T; cases Ta)
        (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init twl_st_l_init_def mset_take_mset_drop_mset'
        , auto simp: ac_simps)
    subgoal for b ba T Ta
      by (cases T; cases Ta)
        (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init twl_st_l_init_def mset_take_mset_drop_mset')
    subgoal for b ba T Ta
      by (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_l_cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog[THEN fref_to_Down, of _ fst Ta,
           THEN order_trans])
        (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_alt_def mset_take_mset_drop_mset' intro!: conc_fun_R_mono)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_alt_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (rule init_state0)
    subgoal for b ba _ _ _ _ T Ta
      unfolding all_clss_lf_ran_m[symmetric] image_mset_union to_init_state0_def init_state0_def
      by (cases T; cases Ta)
        (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init twl_st_l_init_def mset_take_mset_drop_mset'
    subgoal for b ba _ _ _ _ T Ta
      unfolding all_clss_lf_ran_m[symmetric] image_mset_union
      by (cases T; cases Ta) (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init twl_st_l_init_def mset_take_mset_drop_mset'
        , auto simp: ac_simps)
    subgoal for b ba _ _ _ _ T Ta
      by (cases T; cases Ta) (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init twl_st_l_init_def mset_take_mset_drop_mset')
    subgoal for b ba _ _ _ _ T Ta
      by (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_l_cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog[THEN fref_to_Down, of _ fst Ta,
           THEN order_trans])
        (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_alt_def intro!: conc_fun_R_mono)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_alt_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (rule init_state0)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for b ba T Ta
      unfolding all_clss_lf_ran_m[symmetric] image_mset_union
      by (cases T; cases Ta) (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init twl_st_l_init_def mset_take_mset_drop_mset'
        , auto simp: ac_simps)
    subgoal for b ba T Ta
      by (cases T; cases Ta) (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init twl_st_l_init_def mset_take_mset_drop_mset')
    subgoal for b ba T Ta
      apply (rule order_trans)
      apply (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early_l_cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_abs_early_l[THEN fref_to_Down, of _ fst T])
      apply fast
      apply (solves simp)
      apply (subst Down_id_eq)
      apply (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_abs_early_l_cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_abs_early[THEN fref_to_Down, of _ fst Ta,
    THEN order_trans])
      apply (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_alt_def intro!: conc_fun_R_mono)

definition SAT_wl :: nat clause_l list  nat twl_st_wl nres where
  SAT_wl CS = do{
    ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})));
    let 𝒜in' = extract_atms_clss CS {};
    b  SPEC(λ_::bool. True);
    if b then do {
        let S = init_state_wl;
        T  init_dt_wl' CS (to_init_state S);
        T  rewatch_st (from_init_state T);
        if get_conflict_wl T  None
        then RETURN T
        else if CS = [] then RETURN (([], fmempty, None, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, λ_. undefined))
        else do {
	  ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
	  ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded_nempty (mset_set 𝒜in'));
	  ASSERT(mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_wl T) + get_unit_clauses_wl T +
            get_subsumed_clauses_wl T + get_clauses0_wl T  = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
	  ASSERT(learned_clss_l (get_clauses_wl T) = {#});
	  cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl (finalise_init T)
    else do {
        let S = init_state_wl;
        T  init_dt_wl' CS (to_init_state S);
        let T = from_init_state T;
        failed  SPEC (λ_ :: bool. True);
        if failed then do {
          let S = init_state_wl;
          T  init_dt_wl' CS (to_init_state S);
          T  rewatch_st (from_init_state T);
          if get_conflict_wl T  None
          then RETURN T
          else if CS = [] then RETURN (([], fmempty, None, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#},λ_. undefined))
          else do {
            ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
            ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded_nempty (mset_set 𝒜in'));
            ASSERT(mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_wl T) + get_unit_clauses_wl T +
              get_subsumed_clauses_wl T + get_clauses0_wl T  = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
            ASSERT(learned_clss_l (get_clauses_wl T) = {#});
            cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl (finalise_init T)
        } else do {
          if get_conflict_wl T  None
          then RETURN T
          else if CS = [] then RETURN (([], fmempty, None, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#},λ_. undefined))
          else do {
            ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
            ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded_nempty (mset_set 𝒜in'));
            ASSERT(mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_wl T) + get_unit_clauses_wl T +
              get_subsumed_clauses_wl T  + get_clauses0_wl T  = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
            ASSERT(learned_clss_l (get_clauses_wl T) = {#});
            T  rewatch_st (finalise_init T);
            cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early_wl T

lemma SAT_l_alt_def:
  SAT_l CS = do{
    𝒜  RETURN (); ⌦‹atoms›
    b  SPEC(λ_::bool. True);
    if b then do {
        let S = init_state_l;
        𝒜  RETURN (); ⌦‹initialisation›
        T  init_dt CS (to_init_state_l S);  ⌦‹rewatch›
        let T = fst T;
        if get_conflict_l T  None
        then RETURN T
        else if CS = [] then RETURN (fst init_state_l)
        else do {
           ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
	   ASSERT (clauses_to_update_l T = {#});
           ASSERT(mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l T) + get_unit_clauses_l T +
             get_subsumed_clauses_l T + get_clauses0_l T = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
           ASSERT(learned_clss_l (get_clauses_l T) = {#});
           cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_l T
    else do {
        let S = init_state_l;
        𝒜  RETURN (); ⌦‹initialisation›
        T  init_dt CS (to_init_state_l S);
        failed  SPEC (λ_ :: bool. True);
        if failed then do {
          let S = init_state_l;
          𝒜  RETURN (); ⌦‹initialisation›
          T  init_dt CS (to_init_state_l S);
          let T = T;
          if get_conflict_l_init T  None
          then RETURN (fst T)
          else if CS = [] then RETURN (fst init_state_l)
          else do {
            ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
            ASSERT (clauses_to_update_l (fst T) = {#});
            ASSERT(mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l (fst T)) + get_unit_clauses_l (fst T) +
              get_subsumed_clauses_l (fst T)+ get_clauses0_l (fst T)  = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
            ASSERT(learned_clss_l (get_clauses_l (fst T)) = {#});
            let T = fst T;
            cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_l T
        } else do {
          let T = T;
          if get_conflict_l_init T  None
          then RETURN (fst T)
          else if CS = [] then RETURN (fst init_state_l)
          else do {
            ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
            ASSERT (clauses_to_update_l (fst T) = {#});
            ASSERT(mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l (fst T)) + get_unit_clauses_l (fst T) +
              get_subsumed_clauses_l (fst T) + get_clauses0_l (fst T) = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
            ASSERT(learned_clss_l (get_clauses_l (fst T)) = {#});
            let T = fst T;
            cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early_l T
  unfolding SAT_l_def by (auto cong: if_cong Let_def twl_st_l_init)

lemma init_dt_wl_full_init_dt_wl_spec_full:
  assumes init_dt_wl_pre CS S and  init_dt_pre CS S' and
    (S, S')  state_wl_l_init
  shows init_dt_wl_full CS S   {(S, S'). (fst S, fst S')  state_wl_l None} (init_dt CS S')
proof -
  have init_dt_wl: init_dt_wl CS S  SPEC (λT. RETURN T   state_wl_l_init (init_dt CS S') 
     init_dt_wl_spec CS S T)
    apply (rule SPEC_rule_conjI)
    apply (rule order_trans)
    apply (rule init_dt_wl_init_dt[of S S'])
    subgoal by (rule assms)
    apply (rule no_fail_spec_le_RETURN_itself)
      apply (rule SPEC_nofail)
      apply (rule order_trans)
      apply (rule ref_two_step')
      apply (rule init_dt_full)
      using assms by (auto simp: conc_fun_RES init_dt_wl_pre_def)
      apply (rule order_trans)
      apply (rule init_dt_wl_init_dt_wl_spec)
      apply (rule assms)
      apply simp

  show ?thesis
    unfolding init_dt_wl_full_def
    apply (rule specify_left)
    apply (rule init_dt_wl)
    subgoal for x
      apply (cases x, cases fst x)
      apply (simp only: fst_conv)
      apply normalize_goal+
      apply (rule specify_left)
      apply (rule_tac M =aa and N=ba and C=c and NE=d and UE=e and NEk=f and UEk=g and NS=h and
        US=i and Q=l in
	  rewatch_correctness[OF _ init_dt_wl_spec_rewatch_pre])
      subgoal by rule
      apply (assumption)
      apply (auto)[3]
      apply (cases init_dt CS S')
      apply (auto simp: RETURN_RES_refine_iff state_wl_l_def state_wl_l_init_def

lemma init_dt_wl_pre:
  shows init_dt_wl_pre CS (to_init_state init_state_wl)
  unfolding init_dt_wl_pre_def to_init_state_def init_state_wl_def
  apply (rule exI[of _ (([], fmempty, None, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}), {#})])
  apply (intro conjI)
   apply (auto simp: init_dt_pre_def state_wl_l_init_def state_wl_l_init'_def)[]
  unfolding init_dt_pre_def
  apply (rule exI[of _ (([], {#}, {#}, None, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}), {#})])
  by (auto simp: init_dt_pre_def state_wl_l_init_def state_wl_l_init'_def
     twl_st_l_init_def twl_init_invs)[]

lemma SAT_wl_SAT_l:
    bounded: isasat_input_bounded (mset_set (Cset CS. atm_of ` set C))
  shows SAT_wl CS   {(T,T'). (T, T')  state_wl_l None} (SAT_l CS)
proof -
  have extract_atms_clss: (extract_atms_clss CS {}, ())  {(x, _). x = extract_atms_clss CS {}}
    by auto
  have init_dt_wl_pre: init_dt_wl_pre CS (to_init_state init_state_wl)
    by (rule init_dt_wl_pre)

  have init_rel: (to_init_state init_state_wl, to_init_state_l init_state_l)
    by (auto simp: init_dt_pre_def state_wl_l_init_def state_wl_l_init'_def
       twl_st_l_init_def twl_init_invs to_init_state_def init_state_wl_def
       init_state_l_def to_init_state_l_def)[]

  ― ‹The following stlightly strange theorem allows to reuse the definition
    and the correctness of @{term init_dt_wl_heur_full}, which was split in the definition
    for purely refinement-related reasons.
  define init_dt_wl_rel where
    init_dt_wl_rel S  ({(T, T'). RETURN T  init_dt_wl' CS S  T' = ()}) for S
  have init_dt_wl':
    init_dt_wl' CS S   SPEC (λc. (c, ())  (init_dt_wl_rel S))
      init_dt_wl_pre CS S and
      (S, S')  state_wl_l_init
      for S S'
  proof -
    have [simp]: (U, U')  ({(T, T'). RETURN T  init_dt_wl' CS S  remove_watched T = T'} O
         state_wl_l_init)  ((U, U')  {(T, T'). remove_watched T = T'} O
         state_wl_l_init  RETURN U  init_dt_wl' CS S) for S S' U U'
      by auto
    have H: A   ({(S, S'). P S S'}) B  A   ({(S, S'). RETURN S  A  P S S'}) B
      for A B P R
      by (simp add: pw_conc_inres pw_conc_nofail pw_le_iff p2rel_def)
    have nofail: nofail (init_dt_wl' CS S)
      apply (rule SPEC_nofail)
      apply (rule order_trans)
      apply (rule init_dt_wl'_spec[unfolded conc_fun_RES])
      using that by auto
    have H: A   ({(S, S'). P S S'} O R) B  A   ({(S, S'). RETURN S  A  P S S'} O R) B
      for A B P R
      by (smt Collect_cong H case_prod_cong conc_fun_chain)
    show ?thesis
      unfolding init_dt_wl_rel_def
      using that
      by (auto simp: nofail no_fail_spec_le_RETURN_itself)

  have rewatch_st: rewatch_st (from_init_state T) 
    ({(S, S'). (S, fst S')  state_wl_l None  correct_watching S 
         literals_are_ℒin (all_atms_st (finalise_init S)) (finalise_init S)})
     (init_dt CS (to_init_state_l init_state_l))
   (is _   ?rewatch _)
  if  (extract_atms_clss CS {}, 𝒜)   {(x, _). x = extract_atms_clss CS {}} and
      (T, Ta)  init_dt_wl_rel (to_init_state init_state_wl)
    for T Ta and 𝒜 :: unit
  proof -
    have le_wa:  {(T, T'). T = append_empty_watched T'} A =
      (do {S  A; RETURN (append_empty_watched S)}) for A R
      by (cases A)
        (auto simp: conc_fun_RES RES_RETURN_RES image_iff)
    have init': init_dt_pre CS (to_init_state_l init_state_l)
      by (rule init_dt_pre_init)
    have H: do {T  RETURN T; rewatch_st (from_init_state T)} 
        {(S', T'). S' = fst T'} (init_dt_wl_full CS (to_init_state init_state_wl))
      using that unfolding init_dt_wl_full_def init_dt_wl_rel_def init_dt_wl'_def apply -
      apply (rule bind_refine[of _ {(T', T''). T' = append_empty_watched T''}])
      apply (subst le_wa)
      apply (auto simp: rewatch_st_def from_init_state_def intro!: bind_refine[of _ Id])
    have [intro]: correct_watching_init (af, ag, None, ai, aj, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, ba) 
       blits_in_ℒin (af, ag, ah, ai, aj, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, ak, ba) for af ag ah ai aj ak ba NS US N0 U0 NEk UEk
       by (auto simp: correct_watching_init.simps blits_in_ℒin_def
         all_blits_are_in_problem_init.simps all_lits_st_def all_lits_def
	 in_ℒall_atm_of_𝒜in in_all_lits_of_mm_ain_atms_of_iff

    have rewatch_st (from_init_state T)
      {(S, S'). (S, fst S')  state_wl_l None}
       (init_dt CS (to_init_state_l init_state_l))
     apply (rule H[simplified, THEN order_trans])
     apply (rule order_trans)
     apply (rule ref_two_step')
     apply (rule init_dt_wl_full_init_dt_wl_spec_full)
     subgoal by (rule init_dt_wl_pre)
     apply (rule init')
     subgoal by (auto simp: to_init_state_def init_state_wl_def to_init_state_l_def
       init_state_l_def state_wl_l_init_def state_wl_l_init'_def)
     by (auto intro!: conc_fun_R_mono simp: conc_fun_chain)

    moreover have rewatch_st (from_init_state T)  SPEC (λS. correct_watching S 
         literals_are_ℒin (all_atms_st (finalise_init S)) (finalise_init S))
     apply (rule H[simplified, THEN order_trans])
     apply (rule order_trans)
     apply (rule ref_two_step')
     apply (rule Watched_Literals_Watch_List_Initialisation.init_dt_wl_full_init_dt_wl_spec_full)
     subgoal by (rule init_dt_wl_pre)
     by (auto simp: conc_fun_RES init_dt_wl_spec_full_def correct_watching_init_correct_watching
       finalise_init_def literals_are_ℒin_def is_ℒall_def all_all_atms_all_lits
       simp flip: all_lits_st_alt_def IsaSAT_Setup.all_lits_st_alt_def)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (rule add_invar_refineI_P)
  have cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl_D: cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl (finalise_init U)
	  {(T, T'). (T, T')  state_wl_l None}
	   (cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_l (fst U'))
      (extract_atms_clss CS {}, (𝒜::unit))  {(x, _). x = extract_atms_clss CS {}} and
      UU': (U, U')  ?rewatch and
      ¬ get_conflict_wl U  None and
      ¬ get_conflict_l (fst U')  None and
      CS  [] and
      CS  [] and
      extract_atms_clss CS {}  {} and
      clauses_to_update_l (fst U') = {#} and
      mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l (fst U')) + get_unit_clauses_l (fst U') +
         get_subsumed_clauses_l (fst U') + get_clauses0_l (fst U') =
       remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS and
      learned_clss_l (get_clauses_l (fst U')) = {#} and
      extract_atms_clss CS {}  {} and
      isasat_input_bounded_nempty (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) and
      mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_wl U) + get_unit_clauses_wl U + get_subsumed_clauses_wl U + get_clauses0_wl U =
      remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS
    for 𝒜 T Ta U U'
  proof -
    have 1:  {(T, T'). (T, T')  state_wl_l None} = state_wl_l None
      by auto
    have lits: literals_are_ℒin (all_atms_st (finalise_init U)) (finalise_init U)
      using UU' by (auto simp: finalise_init_def)
    show ?thesis
      apply (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl_spec[unfolded fref_param1, THEN fref_to_Down, THEN order_trans])
      apply fast
      using UU' by (auto simp: finalise_init_def)

  have conflict_during_init:
    (([], fmempty, None, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, λ_. undefined), fst init_state_l)
        {(T, T'). (T, T')  state_wl_l None}
    by (auto simp: init_state_l_def state_wl_l_def)

  have init_init_dt: RETURN (from_init_state T)
	   ({(S, S'). S = fst S'} O {(S :: nat twl_st_wl_init_full, S' :: nat twl_st_wl_init).
      remove_watched S =  S'} O state_wl_l_init)
	    (init_dt CS (to_init_state_l init_state_l))
      (is _   ?init_dt _ )
      (extract_atms_clss CS {}, (𝒜::unit))  {(x, _). x = extract_atms_clss CS {}} and
      (T, Ta)  init_dt_wl_rel (to_init_state init_state_wl)
    for 𝒜 T Ta
  proof -
    have 1: RETURN T  init_dt_wl' CS (to_init_state init_state_wl)
      using that by (auto simp: init_dt_wl_rel_def from_init_state_def)
    have 2: RETURN (from_init_state T)   {(S, S'). S = fst S'} (RETURN T)
      by (auto simp: RETURN_refine from_init_state_def)
    have 2: RETURN (from_init_state T)   {(S, S'). S = fst S'} (init_dt_wl' CS (to_init_state init_state_wl))
      apply (rule 2[THEN order_trans])
      apply (rule ref_two_step')
      apply (rule 1)
    show ?thesis
      apply (rule order_trans)
      apply (rule 2)
      unfolding conc_fun_chain[symmetric]
      apply (rule ref_two_step')
      unfolding conc_fun_chain
      apply (rule init_dt_wl'_init_dt)
      apply (rule init_dt_wl_pre)
      subgoal by (auto simp: to_init_state_def init_state_wl_def to_init_state_l_def
       init_state_l_def state_wl_l_init_def state_wl_l_init'_def)

  have rewatch_st_fst: rewatch_st (finalise_init (from_init_state T))
	 SPEC (λc. (c, fst Ta)  {(S, T). (S, T)  state_wl_l None  correct_watching S  blits_in_ℒin S})
      (is _  SPEC ?rewatch)

      (extract_atms_clss CS {}, 𝒜)  {(x, _). x = extract_atms_clss CS {}} and
      T: (T, 𝒜')  init_dt_wl_rel (to_init_state init_state_wl) and
      T_Ta: (from_init_state T, Ta)
        {(S, S'). S = fst S'} O
	 {(S, S'). remove_watched S = S'} O state_wl_l_init and
      ¬ get_conflict_wl (from_init_state T)  None and
      ¬ get_conflict_l_init Ta  None
    for 𝒜 b ba T 𝒜' Ta bb bc
  proof -
    have 1: RETURN T  init_dt_wl' CS (to_init_state init_state_wl)
      using T unfolding init_dt_wl_rel_def by auto
    have 2: RETURN T   {(S, S'). remove_watched S = S'}
     (SPEC (init_dt_wl_spec CS (to_init_state init_state_wl)))
      using order_trans[OF 1 init_dt_wl'_spec[OF init_dt_wl_pre]] .

    have empty_watched: get_watched_wl (finalise_init (from_init_state T)) = (λ_. [])
      using 1 2 init_dt_wl'_spec[OF init_dt_wl_pre]
      by (cases T; cases init_dt_wl CS (init_state_wl, {#}))
       (auto simp: init_dt_wl_spec_def RETURN_RES_refine_iff
        finalise_init_def from_init_state_def state_wl_l_init_def
	state_wl_l_init'_def to_init_state_def to_init_state_l_def
       init_state_l_def init_dt_wl'_def RES_RETURN_RES)

    have 1: length (aa   x)  2 distinct (aa   x)
        struct: twl_struct_invs_init
          {#TWL_Clause (mset (watched_l (fst x))) (mset (unwatched_l (fst x)))
          . x ∈# init_clss_l aa#},
          {#}, y, ac, {#}, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, ae),
         OC) and
	x: x ∈# dom_m aa and
	learned: learned_clss_l aa = {#}
	for af aa y ac ae x OC NS US N0 U0
    proof -
      have irred: irred aa x
        using that by (cases fmlookup aa x) (auto simp: ran_m_def dest!: multi_member_split
	  split: if_splits)
      have Multiset.Ball
	({#TWL_Clause (mset (watched_l (fst x))) (mset (unwatched_l (fst x)))
	 . x ∈# init_clss_l aa#} +
	using struct unfolding twl_struct_invs_init_def fst_conv twl_st_inv.simps
	by fast
      then show length (aa   x)  2 distinct (aa   x)
        using x learned in_ran_mf_clause_inI[OF x, of True] irred
	by (auto simp: mset_take_mset_drop_mset' dest!: multi_member_split[of x]
	  split: if_splits)
    have min_len: x ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl (finalise_init (from_init_state T))) 
      distinct (get_clauses_wl (finalise_init (from_init_state T))  x) 
      2  length (get_clauses_wl (finalise_init (from_init_state T))  x)
      for x
      using 2
      by (cases T)
       (auto simp: init_dt_wl_spec_def RETURN_RES_refine_iff
        finalise_init_def from_init_state_def state_wl_l_init_def
	state_wl_l_init'_def to_init_state_def to_init_state_l_def
       init_state_l_def init_dt_wl'_def RES_RETURN_RES
       init_dt_spec_def init_state_wl_def twl_st_l_init_def
       intro: 1)

    show ?thesis
      apply (rule rewatch_st_correctness[THEN order_trans])
      subgoal by (rule empty_watched)
      subgoal by (rule min_len)
      subgoal using T_Ta by (auto simp: finalise_init_def
         state_wl_l_init_def state_wl_l_init'_def state_wl_l_def

  have cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl_D2: cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl U'
	  {(T, T'). (T, T')  state_wl_l None}
	   (cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_l (fst T')) (is ?A) and
     cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early_wl_D2: cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early_wl U'
        {(T, T'). (T, T')  state_wl_l None}
         (cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early_l (fst T')) (is ?B)

      U': (U', fst T')  {(S, T). (S, T)  state_wl_l None  correct_watching S  blits_in_ℒin S}
      for 𝒜 b b' T 𝒜' T' c c' U'
  proof -
    have 1:  {(T, T'). (T, T')  state_wl_l None} = state_wl_l None
      by auto
    have lits: literals_are_ℒin (all_atms_st (U')) (U')
      using U' by (auto simp: finalise_init_def correct_watching.simps)
    show ?A
      apply (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl_spec[unfolded fref_param1, THEN fref_to_Down, THEN order_trans])
      apply fast
      using U' by (auto simp: finalise_init_def)
    show ?B
      apply (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early_wl_spec[unfolded fref_param1, THEN fref_to_Down, THEN order_trans])
      apply fast
      using U' by (auto simp: finalise_init_def)
  have all_le: Cset CS. Lset C. nat_of_lit L  unat32_max
  proof (intro ballI)
    fix C L
    assume C  set CS and L  set C
    then have L ∈# all (mset_set (Cset CS. atm_of ` set C))
      by (auto simp: in_ℒall_atm_of_𝒜in)
    then show nat_of_lit L  unat32_max
      using assms by auto
  have [simp]: (Tc, fst Td)  state_wl_l None 
       get_conflict_l_init Td = get_conflict_wl Tc for Tc Td
   by (cases Tc; cases Td; auto simp: state_wl_l_def)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding SAT_wl_def SAT_l_alt_def
    apply (refine_vcg extract_atms_clss init_dt_wl' init_rel)
    subgoal using assms unfolding extract_atms_clss_alt_def by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (rule init_dt_wl_pre)
    apply (rule rewatch_st; assumption)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (rule conflict_during_init)
    subgoal using bounded by (auto simp: isasat_input_bounded_nempty_def extract_atms_clss_alt_def
      simp del: isasat_input_bounded_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for 𝒜 b ba T Ta U U'
      by (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl_D)
    subgoal by (rule init_dt_wl_pre)
    apply (rule init_init_dt; assumption)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (rule init_dt_wl_pre)
    apply (rule rewatch_st; assumption)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (rule conflict_during_init)
    subgoal using bounded by (auto simp: isasat_input_bounded_nempty_def extract_atms_clss_alt_def
      simp del: isasat_input_bounded_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for 𝒜 b ba T Ta U U'
      unfolding twl_st_l_init[symmetric]
      by (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl_D)
    subgoal by (auto simp: from_init_state_def state_wl_l_init_def state_wl_l_init'_def)
    subgoal for 𝒜 b ba T Ta U U'
      by (cases U'; cases U)
        (auto simp: from_init_state_def state_wl_l_init_def state_wl_l_init'_def
    subgoal by (auto simp: from_init_state_def state_wl_l_init_def state_wl_l_init'_def)
    subgoal by (rule conflict_during_init)

    subgoal using bounded by (auto simp: isasat_input_bounded_nempty_def extract_atms_clss_alt_def
      simp del: isasat_input_bounded_def)
    subgoal for 𝒜 b ba U 𝒜' T' bb bc
      by (cases U; cases T')
        (auto simp: state_wl_l_init_def state_wl_l_init'_def)
    subgoal for 𝒜 b ba T 𝒜' T' bb bc
      by (auto simp: state_wl_l_init_def state_wl_l_init'_def)
    apply (rule rewatch_st_fst; assumption)
    subgoal by (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early_wl_D2)

definition extract_model_of_state where
  extract_model_of_state U = Some (map lit_of (get_trail_wl U))

definition extract_stats where
  [simp]: extract_stats U = None

definition extract_stats_init where
  [simp]: extract_stats_init = None

definition IsaSAT :: nat clause_l list  nat literal list option nres where
  IsaSAT CS = do{
    S  SAT_wl CS;
    RETURN (if get_conflict_wl S = None then extract_model_of_state S else extract_stats S)

lemma IsaSAT_alt_def:
  IsaSAT CS = do{
    ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})));
    let 𝒜in' = extract_atms_clss CS {};
    _  RETURN ();
    b  SPEC(λ_::bool. True);
    if b then do {
        let S = init_state_wl;
        T  init_dt_wl' CS (to_init_state S);
        T  rewatch_st (from_init_state T);
        if get_conflict_wl T  None
        then RETURN (extract_stats T)
        else if CS = [] then RETURN (Some [])
        else do {
           ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
           ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded_nempty (mset_set 𝒜in'));
           ASSERT(mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_wl T) + get_unit_clauses_wl T +
              get_subsumed_clauses_wl T + get_clauses0_wl T = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
           ASSERT(learned_clss_l (get_clauses_wl T) = {#});
	   T  RETURN (finalise_init T);
           S  cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl (T);
           RETURN (if get_conflict_wl S = None then extract_model_of_state S else extract_stats S)
    else do {
        let S = init_state_wl;
        T  init_dt_wl' CS (to_init_state S);
        failed  SPEC (λ_ :: bool. True);
        if failed then do {
          let S = init_state_wl;
          T  init_dt_wl' CS (to_init_state S);
          T  rewatch_st (from_init_state T);
          if get_conflict_wl T  None
          then RETURN (extract_stats T)
          else if CS = [] then RETURN (Some [])
          else do {
            ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
            ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded_nempty (mset_set 𝒜in'));
            ASSERT(mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_wl T) + get_unit_clauses_wl T +
              get_subsumed_clauses_wl T + get_clauses0_wl T = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
            ASSERT(learned_clss_l (get_clauses_wl T) = {#});
            let T = finalise_init T;
            S  cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl T;
            RETURN (if get_conflict_wl S = None then extract_model_of_state S else extract_stats S)
        } else do {
          let T = from_init_state T;
          if get_conflict_wl T  None
          then RETURN (extract_stats T)
          else if CS = [] then RETURN (Some [])
          else do {
            ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
            ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded_nempty (mset_set 𝒜in'));
            ASSERT(mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_wl T) + get_unit_clauses_wl T +
              get_subsumed_clauses_wl T + get_clauses0_wl T = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
            ASSERT(learned_clss_l (get_clauses_wl T) = {#});
            T  rewatch_st T;
	    T  RETURN (finalise_init T);
            S  cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early_wl T;
            RETURN (if get_conflict_wl S = None then extract_model_of_state S else extract_stats S)
  }  (is ?A = ?B) for CS opts
proof -
  have H: A = B  A   Id B for A B
    by auto
  have 1: ?A   Id ?B
    unfolding IsaSAT_def SAT_wl_def nres_bind_let_law If_bind_distrib nres_monad_laws
      Let_def finalise_init_def
    apply (refine_vcg)
    subgoal by auto
    apply (rule H; solves auto)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: extract_model_of_state_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply (rule H; solves auto)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply (rule H; solves auto)
    subgoal by auto

    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: extract_model_of_state_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply (rule H; solves auto)
    subgoal by (auto simp: extract_model_of_state_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: extract_model_of_state_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply (rule H; solves auto)
    apply (rule H; solves auto)
    subgoal by auto

  have 2: ?B   Id ?A
    unfolding IsaSAT_def SAT_wl_def nres_bind_let_law If_bind_distrib nres_monad_laws
      Let_def finalise_init_def
    apply (refine_vcg)
    subgoal by auto
    apply (rule H; solves auto)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: extract_model_of_state_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply (rule H; solves auto)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply (rule H; solves auto)
    subgoal by auto

    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: extract_model_of_state_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply (rule H; solves auto)
    subgoal by (auto simp: extract_model_of_state_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: extract_model_of_state_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply (rule H; solves auto)
    apply (rule H; solves auto)
    subgoal by auto

  show ?thesis
    using 1 2 by simp

lemma extract_model_of_state_stat_alt_def:
  extract_model_of_state_stat U =
     (let _ = print_trail_st2 U in
     (False, (fst (get_trail_wl_heur U)), (get_stats_heur U)))
  unfolding extract_model_of_state_stat_def print_trail_st2_def
  by auto

definition IsaSAT_use_fast_mode where
  IsaSAT_use_fast_mode = True

definition IsaSAT_heur :: opts  nat clause_l list  (bool × nat literal list × isasat_stats) nres where
  IsaSAT_heur opts CS = do{
    ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})));
    ASSERT(Cset CS. Lset C. nat_of_lit L  unat32_max);
    let 𝒜in' = mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {});
    ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded 𝒜in');
    ASSERT(distinct_mset 𝒜in');
    let 𝒜in'' = virtual_copy 𝒜in';
    let b = opts_unbounded_mode opts;
    if b
    then do {
        S  init_state_wl_heur 𝒜in';
        (T::twl_st_wl_heur_init, _)  init_dt_wl_heur True CS (S, []);
	T  rewatch_heur_st_init T;
        let T = convert_state 𝒜in'' T;
        if ¬get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init T
        then RETURN (empty_init_code)
        else if CS = [] then empty_conflict_code
        else do {
           ASSERT(𝒜in''  {#});
           ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded_nempty 𝒜in'');
           _  isasat_information_banner T;
           T  finalise_init_code opts (T::twl_st_wl_heur_init);
           U  cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl_heur T;
           RETURN (if get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur U then extract_model_of_state_stat U
             else extract_state_stat U)
    else do {
        S  init_state_wl_heur_fast 𝒜in';
        (T::twl_st_wl_heur_init, _)  init_dt_wl_heur False CS (S, []);
        let failed = is_failed_heur_init T  ¬isasat_fast_init T;
        if failed then do {
          let 𝒜in' = mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {});
          S  init_state_wl_heur 𝒜in';
          (T::twl_st_wl_heur_init, _)  init_dt_wl_heur True CS (S, []);
          let T = convert_state 𝒜in'' T;
          T  rewatch_heur_st_init T;
          if ¬get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init T
          then RETURN (empty_init_code)
          else if CS = [] then empty_conflict_code
          else do {
           ASSERT(𝒜in''  {#});
           ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded_nempty 𝒜in'');
           _  isasat_information_banner T;
           T  finalise_init_code opts (T::twl_st_wl_heur_init);
           U  cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl_heur T;
           RETURN (if get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur U then extract_model_of_state_stat U
             else extract_state_stat U)
        else do {
          let T = convert_state 𝒜in'' T;
          if ¬get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init T
          then RETURN (empty_init_code)
          else if CS = [] then empty_conflict_code
          else do {
             ASSERT(𝒜in''  {#});
             ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded_nempty 𝒜in'');
             _  isasat_information_banner T;
             ASSERT(rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre T);
             T  rewatch_heur_st_init T;
             ASSERT(isasat_fast_init T);
             T  finalise_init_code opts (T::twl_st_wl_heur_init);
             ASSERT(isasat_fast T);
             U  cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early_wl_heur T;
             RETURN (if get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur U then extract_model_of_state_stat U
               else extract_state_stat U)

lemma fref_to_Down_unRET_uncurry0_SPEC:
  assumes (λ_. (f), λ_. (RETURN g))  [P]f unit_rel  Bnres_rel and P ()
  shows f  SPEC (λc. (c, g)  B)
proof -
  have [simp]: RES (B¯ `` {g}) = SPEC (λc. (c, g)  B)
    by auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding fref_def uncurry_def nres_rel_def RETURN_def
    by (auto simp: conc_fun_RES Image_iff)

lemma fref_to_Down_unRET_SPEC:
  assumes (f, RETURN o g)  [P]f A  Bnres_rel and
    P y and
    (x, y)  A
  shows f x  SPEC (λc. (c, g y)  B)
proof -
  have [simp]: RES (B¯ `` {g}) = SPEC (λc. (c, g)  B) for g
    by auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding fref_def uncurry_def nres_rel_def RETURN_def
    by (auto simp: conc_fun_RES Image_iff)

lemma fref_to_Down_unRET_curry_SPEC:
  assumes (uncurry f, uncurry (RETURN oo g))  [P]f A  Bnres_rel and
    P (x, y) and
    ((x', y'), (x, y))  A
  shows f x' y'  SPEC (λc. (c, g x y)  B)
proof -
  have [simp]: RES (B¯ `` {g}) = SPEC (λc. (c, g)  B) for g
    by auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding fref_def uncurry_def nres_rel_def RETURN_def
    by (auto simp: conc_fun_RES Image_iff)

lemma all_lits_of_mm_empty_iff: all_lits_of_mm A = {#}  (C ∈# A. C = {#})
  apply (induction A)
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by (auto simp: all_lits_of_mm_add_mset)

lemma all_lits_of_mm_extract_atms_clss:
  L ∈# (all_lits_of_mm (mset `# mset CS))  atm_of L  extract_atms_clss CS {}
  by (induction CS)
    (auto simp: extract_atms_clss_alt_def all_lits_of_mm_add_mset

lemma IsaSAT_heur_alt_def:
  IsaSAT_heur opts CS = do{
    ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})));
    ASSERT(Cset CS. Lset C. nat_of_lit L  unat32_max);
    let 𝒜in' = mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {});
    ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded 𝒜in');
    ASSERT(distinct_mset 𝒜in');
    let 𝒜in'' = virtual_copy 𝒜in';
    let b = opts_unbounded_mode opts;
    if b
    then do {
        S  init_state_wl_heur 𝒜in';
        (T::twl_st_wl_heur_init, _)   init_dt_wl_heur True CS (S, []);
        T  rewatch_heur_st_init T;
        let T = convert_state 𝒜in'' T;
        if ¬get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init T
        then RETURN (empty_init_code)
        else if CS = [] then empty_conflict_code
        else do {
           ASSERT(𝒜in''  {#});
           ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded_nempty 𝒜in'');
           T  finalise_init_code opts (T::twl_st_wl_heur_init);
           U  cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl_heur T;
           RETURN (if get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur U then extract_model_of_state_stat U
             else extract_state_stat U)
    else do {
        S  init_state_wl_heur 𝒜in';
        (T::twl_st_wl_heur_init, _)  init_dt_wl_heur False CS (S, []);
        failed  RETURN (is_failed_heur_init T  ¬isasat_fast_init T);
        if failed then do {
           S  init_state_wl_heur 𝒜in';
          (T::twl_st_wl_heur_init, _)  init_dt_wl_heur True CS (S, []);
          T  rewatch_heur_st_init T;
          let T = convert_state 𝒜in'' T;
          if ¬get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init T
          then RETURN (empty_init_code)
          else if CS = [] then empty_conflict_code
          else do {
           ASSERT(𝒜in''  {#});
           ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded_nempty 𝒜in'');
           T  finalise_init_code opts (T::twl_st_wl_heur_init);
           U  cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl_heur T;
           RETURN (if get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur U then extract_model_of_state_stat U
             else extract_state_stat U)
        else do {
          let T = convert_state 𝒜in'' T;
          if ¬get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init T
          then RETURN (empty_init_code)
          else if CS = [] then empty_conflict_code
          else do {
             ASSERT(𝒜in''  {#});
             ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded_nempty 𝒜in'');
             ASSERT(rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre T);
             T  rewatch_heur_st_init T;
             ASSERT(isasat_fast_init T);
             T  finalise_init_code opts (T::twl_st_wl_heur_init);
             ASSERT(isasat_fast T);
             U  cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early_wl_heur T;
             RETURN (if get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur U then extract_model_of_state_stat U
               else extract_state_stat U)
  by (auto simp: init_state_wl_heur_fast_def IsaSAT_heur_def isasat_init_fast_slow_alt_def
    convert_state_def isasat_information_banner_def IsaSAT_Profile.start_def IsaSAT_Profile.stop_def
    cong: if_cong)

abbreviation rewatch_heur_st_rewatch_st_rel where
  rewatch_heur_st_rewatch_st_rel CS U V 
    {(S,T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur_parsing (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) True 
         get_clauses_wl_heur_init S = get_clauses_wl_heur_init U 
	 get_conflict_wl_heur_init S = get_conflict_wl_heur_init U 
         get_learned_count_init S = get_learned_count_init U 
         get_clauses_wl (fst T) = get_clauses_wl (fst V) 
	 get_conflict_wl (fst T) = get_conflict_wl (fst V) 
	 get_subsumed_init_clauses_wl (fst T) = get_subsumed_init_clauses_wl (fst V) 
	 get_subsumed_learned_clauses_wl (fst T) = get_subsumed_learned_clauses_wl (fst V) 
	 get_learned_clauses0_wl (fst T) = get_learned_clauses0_wl (fst V) 
	 get_unkept_unit_init_clss_wl (fst T) = get_unkept_unit_init_clss_wl (fst V) 
	 get_kept_unit_init_clss_wl (fst T) = get_kept_unit_init_clss_wl (fst V) 
	 get_unkept_unit_learned_clss_wl (fst T) = get_unkept_unit_learned_clss_wl (fst V) 
	 get_kept_unit_learned_clss_wl (fst T) = get_kept_unit_learned_clss_wl (fst V) 
	 get_unit_clauses_wl (fst T) = get_unit_clauses_wl (fst V) 
	 get_clauses0_wl (fst T) = get_clauses0_wl (fst V)} O {(S, T). S = (T, {#})}

lemma rewatch_heur_st_rewatch_st:
    (x, V)
     {((S, _), T).
    (S, T)
     twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) True O
    {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])}} and
    x = (U, C)
  shows rewatch_heur_st_init U 
    (rewatch_heur_st_rewatch_st_rel CS U V)
           (rewatch_st (from_init_state V))
proof -
  let ?𝒜 = (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))
  have UV: (U, V)
          twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) True O
           {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])}
    using assms(1) unfolding assms(2) by simp
  obtain M' arena D' j W' vm φ clvls cach lbd vdom M N D NE UE NS US Q W OC failed N0 U0 NEk UEk where
    (* U: ‹U = ((M', arena, D', j, W', vm, φ, clvls, cach, lbd, vdom, failed))› and *)
    V: V = ((M, N, D, NE, UE, NEk, UEk, NS, US, N0, U0, Q, W), OC)
    by (cases V) auto
  let ?vdom = (get_vdom_heur_init U)
  let ?W' = get_watchlist_wl_heur_init U
  let ?arena = get_clauses_wl_heur_init U
  have valid: valid_arena ?arena N (set ?vdom) and
    dist: distinct ?vdom and
    vdom_N: mset ?vdom = dom_m N and
    watched: (?W', W)  Idmap_fun_rel (D0 ?𝒜) and
    lall: literals_are_in_ℒin_mm ?𝒜 (mset `# ran_mf N) and
    vdom: vdom_m ?𝒜 W N  set_mset (dom_m N)
    using UV by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def V distinct_mset_dom
      empty_watched_def vdom_m_def literals_are_in_ℒin_mm_def
      simp flip: distinct_mset_mset_distinct)

  show ?thesis
    using UV
    unfolding rewatch_heur_st_def rewatch_st_def rewatch_heur_st_init_def
    apply (simp only: prod.simps from_init_state_def fst_conv nres_monad1 V)
    apply refine_vcg
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def dest: valid_arena_vdom_subset)
    apply (rule rewatch_heur_rewatch[OF valid _ dist _ watched lall])
    subgoal by simp
    subgoal using vdom_N[symmetric] by simp
    subgoal  by (auto simp: vdom_m_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: V twl_st_heur_parsing_def Collect_eq_comp'
      twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def ac_simps)

lemma rewatch_heur_st_rewatch_st2:
    T: (U, V)
      twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) True O
       {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])}
  shows rewatch_heur_st_init
          (convert_state (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))) U)
           ({(S,T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur_parsing (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) True 
         get_clauses_wl_heur_init S = get_clauses_wl_heur_init U 
	 get_conflict_wl_heur_init S = get_conflict_wl_heur_init U 
         get_clauses_wl (fst T) = get_clauses_wl (fst V) 
	 get_conflict_wl (fst T) = get_conflict_wl (fst V) 
	 get_unit_clauses_wl (fst T) = get_unit_clauses_wl (fst V)} O {(S, T). S = (T, {#})})
            (rewatch_st (from_init_state V))
proof -
    UV: ((U, []), V)  {((S, _), T).
    (S, T)
     twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) True O
    {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])}}
    using T by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def)
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding convert_state_def finalise_init_def id_def rewatch_heur_st_fast_def
    by (rule rewatch_heur_st_rewatch_st[of (U, []) V, THEN order_trans])
      (auto intro!: conc_fun_R_mono simp: Collect_eq_comp'

lemma rewatch_heur_st_rewatch_st3:
    T: (U, V)
      twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) False O
       {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])} and
     failed: ¬is_failed_heur_init U
  shows rewatch_heur_st_init
          (convert_state (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))) U)
           (rewatch_heur_st_rewatch_st_rel CS U V)
            (rewatch_st (from_init_state V))
proof -
    UV: ((U, []), V)
     {((S, _), T).
    (S, T)
     twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) True O
       {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])}}
    using T failed by (fastforce simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def)
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding convert_state_def finalise_init_def id_def rewatch_heur_st_fast_def
    by (rule rewatch_heur_st_rewatch_st[of (U, []) V, THEN order_trans])
      (auto intro!: conc_fun_R_mono simp: Collect_eq_comp'

abbreviation option_with_bool_rel :: ((bool × 'a) × 'a option) set where
  option_with_bool_rel  {((b, s), s').  (b = is_None s')  (¬b   s = the s')}

definition  model_stat_rel :: ((bool × nat literal list × 'a) × nat literal list option) set where
  model_stat_rel = {((b, M', s), M). ((b, rev M'), M)  option_with_bool_rel}

lemma twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_wl_twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_init:
  inres (init_state_wl_heur (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))) Sa 
  (Sa, init_state_wl)
     twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_wl (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) True 
    (Sa, to_init_state init_state_wl)
   twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) True
  apply (auto simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def
    twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_wl_def inres_def to_init_state_def
    init_state_wl_def init_state_wl_heur_def)
  apply (auto simp add:  RES_RES_RETURN_RES

lemma IsaSAT_heur_IsaSAT:
  IsaSAT_heur b CS  model_stat_rel (IsaSAT CS)
proof -
  have init_dt_wl_heur: init_dt_wl_heur True CS (S, []) 
       {((S, _), T). (S,T)  twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL 𝒜 True O {(S, T). S = remove_watched T 
           get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])}}
        (init_dt_wl' CS T)
      case (CS, T) of
       (CS, S) 
	 (Cset CS. literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset C)) and
      ((CS, S), CS, T)  Idlist_rel ×f twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL 𝒜 True
  for 𝒜 CS T S
  proof -
    show ?thesis
      apply (rule init_dt_wl_heur_init_dt_wl[THEN fref_to_Down_curry, of 𝒜 CS T CS (S, []),
        THEN order_trans])
      apply (rule that(1))
      apply (use that(2) in auto; fail)
      apply (cases init_dt_wl CS T)
      apply (force simp: init_dt_wl'_def RES_RETURN_RES conc_fun_RES
  have init_dt_wl_heur_b: init_dt_wl_heur False CS (S, []) 
    {((S, _), T). (S,T)  twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL 𝒜 False O {(S, T). S = remove_watched T 
           get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])}}
        (init_dt_wl' CS T)
      case (CS, T) of
       (CS, S) 
	 (Cset CS. literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset C)) and
      ((CS, S), CS, T)  Idlist_rel ×f twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL 𝒜 True
  for 𝒜 CS T S
  proof -
    show ?thesis
      apply (rule init_dt_wl_heur_init_dt_wl[THEN fref_to_Down_curry, of 𝒜 CS T CS (S, []),
        THEN order_trans])
      apply (rule that(1))
      using that(2) apply (force simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def)
      apply (cases init_dt_wl CS T)
      apply (force simp: init_dt_wl'_def RES_RETURN_RES conc_fun_RES
  have virtual_copy: (virtual_copy 𝒜, ())  {(, c). c = ()   = 𝒜} for  𝒜
    by (auto simp: virtual_copy_def)
  have input_le: Cset CS. Lset C. nat_of_lit L  unat32_max
    if isasat_input_bounded (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))
  proof (intro ballI)
    fix C L
    assume C  set CS and L  set C
    then have L ∈# all (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))
      by (auto simp: extract_atms_clss_alt_def in_ℒall_atm_of_𝒜in)
    then show nat_of_lit L  unat32_max
      using that by auto
  have lits_C: literals_are_in_ℒin (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) (mset C)
    if C  set CS for C CS
    using that
    by (force simp: literals_are_in_ℒin_def in_ℒall_atm_of_𝒜in
     in_all_lits_of_m_ain_atms_of_iff extract_atms_clss_alt_def
  have init_state_wl_heur: isasat_input_bounded 𝒜 
      init_state_wl_heur 𝒜  SPEC (λc. (c, init_state_wl) 
        {(S, S'). (S, S')  twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_wl 𝒜 True}) for 𝒜
    apply (rule init_state_wl_heur_init_state_wl[THEN fref_to_Down_unRET_uncurry0_SPEC,
      of 𝒜, THEN order_trans])
    apply (auto)

  let ?TT = rewatch_heur_st_rewatch_st_rel CS
  have get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init: (Tb, Tc)  ?TT U V 
    (¬ get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init Tb) = (get_conflict_wl Tc  None) for Tb Tc U V
    by (cases V; cases get_conflict_wl_heur_init U) (auto simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_def Collect_eq_comp'
  have get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init3: (TC, Ta)
     {((T,_), Ta). (T, Ta)  twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) False O
      {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])}}  
      (failed, faileda)
        {(b, b').  b = b'  b = (is_failed_heur_init T  ¬ isasat_fast_init T)}  ¬failed 
    TC = (T, C) 
    (¬ get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init T) = (get_conflict_wl (fst Ta)  None) for TC C  T Ta failed faileda
    by (cases T; cases Ta) (auto simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def

  have banner: isasat_information_banner
     (convert_state (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))) Tb)
     SPEC (λc. (c, ())  {(_, _). True}) for Tb
    by (auto simp: isasat_information_banner_def)

  have finalise_init_code: finalise_init_code b
	 (convert_state (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))) Tb)
	 SPEC (λc. (c, finalise_init Tc)  twl_st_heur) (is ?A) and
    finalise_init_code3: finalise_init_code b  Tb
	 SPEC (λc. (c, finalise_init Tc)  twl_st_heur) (is ?B)
      T: (Tb, Tc)  ?TT U V and
      confl: ¬ get_conflict_wl Tc  None and
      nempty: extract_atms_clss CS {}  {} and
      clss_CS: mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_wl Tc) + get_unit_clauses_wl Tc + get_subsumed_clauses_wl Tc + get_clauses0_wl Tc =
      remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS and
      learned: learned_clss_l (get_clauses_wl Tc) = {#}
    for ba S T Ta Tb Tc u v U V
  proof -
    have 1: get_conflict_wl Tc = None
      using confl by auto

    have set_mset (all_atms_st Tc)  {}
      using clss_CS nempty
      unfolding all_atms_st_alt_def all_lits_def all_lits_st_def
      by (auto simp flip: all_atms_def[symmetric] simp: all_lits_def all_atms_st_def
        isasat_input_bounded_nempty_def extract_atms_clss_alt_def ac_simps
    then have 2: all_atms_st Tc  {#}
       by auto
    have 3: set_mset (all_atms_st Tc) = set_mset (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))
      using clss_CS nempty
      unfolding all_atms_st_alt_def all_lits_def all_lits_st_def
      by (auto simp flip: all_atms_def[symmetric] all_lits_alt_def simp: ac_simps
  	atm_of_all_lits_of_mm extract_atms_clss_alt_def atms_of_ms_def)
    have H: A = B  x  A  x  B for A B x
      by auto
    have H': A = B  A x  B x for A B x
      by auto

    note cong =  trail_pol_cong heuristic_rel_cong
       vdom_m_cong[THEN H] isasat_input_nempty_cong[THEN iffD1]
      isasat_input_bounded_cong[THEN iffD1]
       cach_refinement_empty_cong[THEN H']
       phase_saving_cong[THEN H']
       all_cong[THEN H]
       D0_cong[THEN H]

    have 4: (convert_state (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) Tb, Tc)
     twl_st_heur_post_parsing_wl True
      using T nempty
      by (clarsimp simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_def twl_st_heur_post_parsing_wl_def
        convert_state_def eq_commute[of mset _ dom_m _] all_atms_st_def all_lits_st_alt_def[symmetric]
	vdom_m_cong[OF 3[symmetric]] all_cong[OF 3[symmetric]] bump_heur_init_cong[OF 3[symmetric]]
	dest!: cong[OF 3[symmetric]])
       (simp_all add: add.assoc all_all_atms_all_lits
        flip: all_lits_def all_lits_alt_def2 all_lits_alt_def)
    show ?A
     by (rule finalise_init_finalise_init[THEN fref_to_Down_unRET_curry_SPEC, of b])
      (use 1 2 learned 4 in auto)
    then show ?B unfolding convert_state_def by auto

  have get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init2: (U, V)
     twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) True O
      {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])} 
    (¬ get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init
        (convert_state (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))) U)) =
    (get_conflict_wl (from_init_state V)  None) for U V
    by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_def Collect_eq_comp'
      get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init_def twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def
      option_lookup_clause_rel_def convert_state_def from_init_state_def)

  have rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre: rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre
	 (convert_state (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))) T)
      T: (T, Ta)
        twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) True O
	 {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])} and
      length_le: ¬¬isasat_fast_init (convert_state (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))) T)
    for uu ba S T Ta baa uua uub
  proof -
    have valid_arena (get_clauses_wl_heur_init T) (get_clauses_wl (fst Ta))
      (set (get_vdom_heur_init T))
      using T by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def)
    then show ?thesis
      using length_le unfolding rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre_def convert_state_def
        isasat_fast_init_def unat64_max_def unat32_max_def
      by (auto dest: valid_arena_in_vdom_le_arena)
  have rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre2: rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre
	 (convert_state (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))) T)
      T: (T, Ta)
        twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) False O
	 {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])} and
      length_le: ¬¬isasat_fast_init (convert_state (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))) T) and
      failed: ¬is_failed_heur_init T
    for uu ba S T Ta baa uua uub
  proof -
      Ta: (T, Ta)
      twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) True O
       {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])}
       using failed T by (cases T; cases Ta) (fastforce simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def)
    from rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre[OF this length_le]
    show ?thesis .
  have finalise_init_code2: finalise_init_code b Tb
	 SPEC (λc. (c, finalise_init Tc)   {(S', T').
             (S', T')  twl_st_heur 
             get_clauses_wl_heur_init Tb = get_clauses_wl_heur S' 
            get_learned_count_init Tb = get_learned_count S'})
     (is _  SPEC (λc. _  ?P))
    Ta: (TC, Ta)
      {((T, _), Ta). (T, Ta)  twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) False O
       {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])}} and
    confl: ¬ get_conflict_wl (from_init_state Ta)  None and
    CS  [] and
    nempty: extract_atms_clss CS {}  {} and
    isasat_input_bounded_nempty (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) and
    clss_CS: mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_wl (from_init_state Ta)) +
    get_unit_clauses_wl (from_init_state Ta) + get_subsumed_clauses_wl (from_init_state Ta) +
     get_clauses0_wl (from_init_state Ta) =
     remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS and
    learned: learned_clss_l (get_clauses_wl (from_init_state Ta)) = {#} and
    virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))  {#} and
      (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))) and
    T: (Tb, Tc)  ?TT T Ta and
    failed: ¬is_failed_heur_init T and
    TC: TC = (T, C)
    for uu ba S T Ta baa uua uub V W b Tb Tc TC C
  proof -
    Ta: (T, Ta)
      twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) True O
       {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])}
       using failed Ta unfolding TC by (cases T; cases Ta) (fastforce simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def)

    have 1: get_conflict_wl Tc = None
      using confl T by (auto simp: from_init_state_def)
    have Ta_Tc: all_atms_st Tc = all_atms_st (from_init_state Ta)
      using T Ta
      unfolding all_lits_alt_def  mem_Collect_eq relcomp.simps
        all_atms_def add.assoc apply -
      apply normalize_goal+
      by (auto simp flip: all_atms_def[symmetric] simp: all_atms_st_def all_lits_st_def
        twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def twl_st_heur_parsing_def
    moreover have 3: set_mset (all_atms_st (from_init_state Ta)) = set_mset (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))
      using clss_CS
      unfolding  mem_Collect_eq relcomp.simps all_atms_st_def
        all_atms_st_def all_atms_def all_lits_def
      by (simp add: ac_simps extract_atms_clss_alt_def
          atm_of_all_lits_of_mm atms_of_ms_def)
    ultimately have 2: all_atms_st Tc  {#}
      using nempty
      by auto
    have 3: set_mset (all_atms_st Tc) = set_mset (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))
      unfolding Ta_Tc 3 ..

    have H: A = B  x  A  x  B for A B x
      by auto
    have H': A = B  A x  B x for A B x
      by auto

    note cong =  trail_pol_cong heuristic_rel_cong
       vdom_m_cong[THEN H] isasat_input_nempty_cong[THEN iffD1]
      isasat_input_bounded_cong[THEN iffD1]
       cach_refinement_empty_cong[THEN H']
       phase_saving_cong[THEN H']
       all_cong[THEN H]
      D0_cong[THEN H] 

    have 4: (convert_state (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) Tb, Tc)
     twl_st_heur_post_parsing_wl True
      using T  nempty
      by (clarsimp simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_def twl_st_heur_post_parsing_wl_def all_atms_st_def
        convert_state_def eq_commute[of mset _ dom_m _] all_lits_st_alt_def[symmetric]
	vdom_m_cong[OF 3[symmetric]] all_cong[OF 3[symmetric]] bump_heur_init_cong[OF 3[symmetric]]
	dest!: cong[OF 3[symmetric]])
       (simp_all add: add.assoc all_all_atms_all_lits
        flip: all_lits_def all_lits_alt_def2 all_lits_alt_def)

    show ?thesis
      apply (rule finalise_init_finalise_init_full[unfolded conc_fun_RETURN,
        THEN order_trans])
      by (use 1 2 learned 4 T in auto simp: from_init_state_def convert_state_def)

  have isasat_fast: isasat_fast Td
     fast: ¬ ¬ isasat_fast_init
	   (convert_state (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})))
	     T) and
     Tb: (Tb, Tc)  ?TT T Ta and
     Td: (Td, Te)  (?P Tb)
    for uu ba S T Ta baa uua uub Tb Tc Td Te
  proof -
    have get_learned_count_init Tb = get_learned_count Td 
      learned_clss_count_init Tb = learned_clss_count Td
      by (cases Tb; cases Td; auto simp: learned_clss_count_init_def
        learned_clss_count_def clss_size_lcountU0_def clss_size_lcountUEk_def)
     moreover have get_learned_count Td = get_learned_count_init T 
      learned_clss_count Td = learned_clss_count_init T
      by (cases Td; cases T; auto simp: learned_clss_count_init_def
        learned_clss_count_def clss_size_lcountUS_def clss_size_lcountUE_def
        clss_size_lcount_def clss_size_lcountUEk_def)
     ultimately show ?thesis
       using fast Td Tb unfolding mem_Collect_eq isasat_fast_init_def
       by (auto simp add: isasat_fast_def
  define init_succesfull where init_succesfull T = RETURN (is_failed_heur_init T  ¬isasat_fast_init T) for T
  define init_succesfull2 where init_succesfull2 = SPEC (λ_ :: bool. True)
  have [refine]: init_succesfull T   {(b, b'). (b = b')  (b  is_failed_heur_init T  ¬isasat_fast_init T)}
      init_succesfull2 for T
   by (auto simp: init_succesfull_def init_succesfull2_def intro!: RETURN_RES_refine)
  show ?thesis
    supply [[goals_limit=1]]
    unfolding IsaSAT_heur_alt_def IsaSAT_alt_def init_succesfull_def[symmetric]
    apply (rewrite at do {_  init_dt_wl' _ _; _  ( :: bool nres); If _ _ _ } init_succesfull2_def[symmetric])
    apply (refine_vcg virtual_copy init_state_wl_heur banner
      cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl_heur_cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl_D[THEN fref_to_Down])
    subgoal by (rule input_le)
    subgoal by (rule distinct_mset_mset_set)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply (rule init_dt_wl_heur[of mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})])
    subgoal by (auto simp: lits_C)
    subgoal by (simp add: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_wl_twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_init)
    apply (rule rewatch_heur_st_rewatch_st)
      apply assumption+
    subgoal unfolding convert_state_def by (rule get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init)
    subgoal by (auto simp add: empty_init_code_def model_stat_rel_def)
    subgoal by simp
    subgoal by (auto simp add: empty_conflict_code_def model_stat_rel_def)
    subgoal by (simp add: mset_set_empty_iff extract_atms_clss_alt_def)
    subgoal by simp
    apply (rule finalise_init_code; assumption)
    subgoal by fast
    subgoal by fast
    subgoal premises p for _ ba S T Ta Tb Tc u v
      using p(26)
      by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_loop_def get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_def
        extract_stats_def extract_state_stat_def
	option_lookup_clause_rel_def trail_pol_def
	extract_model_of_state_def rev_map
	extract_model_of_state_stat_def model_stat_rel_def
	dest!: ann_lits_split_reasons_map_lit_of)

    apply (rule init_dt_wl_heur_b[of mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})])
    subgoal by (auto simp: lits_C)
      by (simp add: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_wl_twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_init)
    subgoal by fast
    apply (rule init_dt_wl_heur[of mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})])
    subgoal by (auto simp: lits_C)
      by (simp add: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_wl_twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_init)
    apply (rule rewatch_heur_st_rewatch_st; assumption)
    subgoal unfolding convert_state_def by (rule get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init)
    subgoal by (auto simp add: empty_init_code_def model_stat_rel_def)
    subgoal by simp
    subgoal by (simp add: empty_conflict_code_def model_stat_rel_def)
    subgoal by (simp add: mset_set_empty_iff extract_atms_clss_alt_def)
    subgoal by simp
    apply (rule finalise_init_code; assumption)
    subgoal by fast
    subgoal by fast
    subgoal premises p for _ ba S T Ta Tb Tc u v
      using p(34)
      by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_loop_def get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_def
        extract_stats_def extract_state_stat_def
	option_lookup_clause_rel_def trail_pol_def
	extract_model_of_state_def rev_map
	extract_model_of_state_stat_def model_stat_rel_def
	dest!: ann_lits_split_reasons_map_lit_of)
    subgoal unfolding from_init_state_def convert_state_def by (rule get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init3)
    subgoal by (simp add: empty_init_code_def model_stat_rel_def)
    subgoal by simp
    subgoal by (simp add: empty_conflict_code_def model_stat_rel_def)
    subgoal by (simp add: mset_set_empty_iff extract_atms_clss_alt_def)
    subgoal by (simp add: mset_set_empty_iff extract_atms_clss_alt_def)
    subgoal for uu ba S T Ta baa uua
      by (rule rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre2; assumption?) (simp_all add: convert_state_def)
    apply (rule rewatch_heur_st_rewatch_st3; assumption?)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (clarsimp simp add: isasat_fast_init_def convert_state_def
    apply (rule finalise_init_code2; assumption?)
    subgoal by clarsimp
    subgoal by (clarsimp simp add: isasat_fast_def isasat_fast_init_def convert_state_def ac_simps
      learned_clss_count_init_def learned_clss_count_def)
    apply (rule_tac r1 = length (get_clauses_wl_heur Tc) in cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early_wl_heur_cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_early_wl_D[
      THEN fref_to_Down])
      subgoal by (auto simp: isasat_fast_def snat64_max_def unat64_max_def unat32_max_def)
    subgoal by fast
    subgoal by fast
    subgoal premises p for _ ba S T Ta Tb Tc u v
      using p(32)
      by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_loop_def get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_def
        extract_stats_def extract_state_stat_def
	option_lookup_clause_rel_def trail_pol_def
	extract_model_of_state_def rev_map
	extract_model_of_state_stat_def model_stat_rel_def
	dest!: ann_lits_split_reasons_map_lit_of)

definition length_get_clauses_wl_heur_init where
  length_get_clauses_wl_heur_init S = length (get_clauses_wl_heur_init S)

definition model_if_satisfiable :: nat clauses  nat literal list option nres where
  model_if_satisfiable CS = SPEC (λM.
           if satisfiable (set_mset CS) then M  None  consistent_interp (set (the M))  set (the M) ⊨sm CS else M = None)

definition SAT' :: nat clauses  nat literal list option nres where
  SAT' CS = do {
     T  SAT CS;
     RETURN (if pget_conflict T = None then Some (map lit_of (pget_trail T)) else None)

lemma SAT_model_if_satisfiable:
  (SAT', model_if_satisfiable)  [λCS. True]f Id Idnres_rel
    (is _ [λCS. ?P CS]f Id  _)
proof -
  have H: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_stgy_invariant (init_state CS)
    cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (init_state CS)
    if ?P CS C∈#CS. distinct_mset C for CS
    using that by (auto simp:
        twl_struct_invs_def twl_st_inv.simps cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
        cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv_def
        cdclW_restart_mset.distinct_cdclW_state_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_conflicting_def
        cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause_alt_def cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa_def
        past_invs.simps clauses_def twl_list_invs_def twl_stgy_invs_def clause_to_update_def
  have H: s  {M. if satisfiable (set_mset CS) then M  None  consistent_interp (set (the M))  set (the M) ⊨sm CS else M = None}
      [simp]: CS' = CS and
      s: s  (λT. if pget_conflict T = None then Some (map lit_of (pget_trail T)) else None) `
          Collect (conclusive_CDCL_state CS' (pinit_state CS'))
    for s :: nat literal list option and CS CS'
  proof -
    obtain T where
       s: (s = Some (map lit_of (pget_trail T))  pget_conflict T = None) 
              (s = None  pget_conflict T  None) and
       conc: conclusive_CDCL_state CS' ([], CS', {#}, None, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}) T
      using s by auto force
    then show ?thesis
      using conc
      by (auto simp: conclusive_CDCL_state_def true_annots_true_cls lits_of_def)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding SAT'_def model_if_satisfiable_def SAT_def Let_def
    apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
    subgoal for CS' CS
      unfolding RES_RETURN_RES
      apply (rule RES_refine)
      unfolding pair_in_Id_conv bex_triv_one_point1 bex_triv_one_point2
      by (rule H)

lemma SAT_model_if_satisfiable':
  (uncurry (λ_. SAT'), uncurry (λ_. model_if_satisfiable)) 
    [λ(_, CS). True]f Id ×r Id Idnres_rel
  using SAT_model_if_satisfiable by (auto simp: fref_def)

definition SAT_l' where
  SAT_l' CS = do{
    S  SAT_l CS;
    RETURN (if get_conflict_l S = None then Some (map lit_of (get_trail_l S)) else None)

definition SAT0' where
  SAT0' CS = do{
    S  SAT0 CS;
    RETURN (if get_conflict S = None then Some (map lit_of (get_trail S)) else None)

lemma twl_st_l_map_lit_of[twl_st_l, simp]:
  (S, T)  twl_st_l b  map lit_of (get_trail_l S) = map lit_of (get_trail T)
  by (auto simp: twl_st_l_def convert_lits_l_map_lit_of)

lemma ISASAT_SAT_l':
    isasat_input_bounded (mset_set (Cset CS. atm_of ` set C))
  shows IsaSAT CS   Id (SAT_l' CS)
  unfolding IsaSAT_def SAT_l'_def
  apply refine_vcg
  apply (rule SAT_wl_SAT_l)
  subgoal using assms by auto
  subgoal by (auto simp: extract_model_of_state_def)

lemma SAT_l'_SAT0':
  shows SAT_l' CS   Id (SAT0' CS)
  unfolding SAT_l'_def SAT0'_def
  apply refine_vcg
  apply (rule SAT_l_SAT0)
  subgoal by (auto simp: extract_model_of_state_def)

lemma SAT0'_SAT':
  shows SAT0' CS   Id (SAT' (mset `# mset CS))
  unfolding SAT'_def SAT0'_def
  apply refine_vcg
  apply (rule SAT0_SAT)
  subgoal by (auto simp: extract_model_of_state_def twl_st_l twl_st)

lemma IsaSAT_heur_model_if_sat:
    isasat_input_bounded (mset_set (Cset CS. atm_of ` set C))
  shows IsaSAT_heur opts CS   model_stat_rel (model_if_satisfiable (mset `# mset CS))
  apply (rule IsaSAT_heur_IsaSAT[THEN order_trans])
  apply (rule order_trans)
  apply (rule ref_two_step')
  apply (rule ISASAT_SAT_l')
  subgoal using assms by auto

  unfolding conc_fun_chain
  apply (rule order_trans)
  apply (rule ref_two_step')
  apply (rule SAT_l'_SAT0')

  unfolding conc_fun_chain
  apply (rule order_trans)
  apply (rule ref_two_step')
  apply (rule SAT0'_SAT')

  unfolding conc_fun_chain
  apply (rule order_trans)
  apply (rule ref_two_step')
  apply (rule SAT_model_if_satisfiable[THEN fref_to_Down, of mset `# mset CS])
  subgoal using assms by auto

  unfolding conc_fun_chain
  apply (auto simp: model_stat_rel_def)

lemma IsaSAT_heur_model_if_sat': (uncurry IsaSAT_heur, uncurry (λ_. model_if_satisfiable)) 
   [λ(_, CS). (C∈#CS. L∈#C. nat_of_lit L  unat32_max)]f
     Id ×r list_mset_rel O list_mset_relmset_rel  model_stat_relnres_rel
proof -
  have H: isasat_input_bounded (mset_set (Cset CS. atm_of ` set C))
    if CS_p: C∈#CS'. L∈#C. nat_of_lit L  unat32_max and
      (CS, CS')  list_mset_rel O list_mset_relmset_rel
    for CS CS'
    unfolding isasat_input_bounded_def
    fix L
    assume L: L ∈# all (mset_set (Cset CS. atm_of ` set C))
    then obtain C where
      L: Cset CS  (L set C  - L  set C)
      apply (cases L)
      apply (auto simp: extract_atms_clss_alt_def unat32_max_def
      apply (metis literal.exhaust_sel)+
    have nat_of_lit L  unat32_max  nat_of_lit (-L)  unat32_max
      using L CS_p that by (auto simp: list_mset_rel_def mset_rel_def br_def
      br_def mset_rel_def p2rel_def rel_mset_def
        rel2p_def[abs_def] list_all2_op_eq_map_right_iff')
    then show nat_of_lit L  unat32_max
      using L
      by (cases L) (auto simp: extract_atms_clss_alt_def unat32_max_def)
  show ?thesis
    apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
    unfolding uncurry_def
    apply clarify
    subgoal for opt1 CS opt2 CS'
    apply (rule IsaSAT_heur_model_if_sat[THEN order_trans, of CS _ opt1])
    subgoal by (rule H) auto
    apply (auto simp: list_mset_rel_def mset_rel_def br_def
      br_def mset_rel_def p2rel_def rel_mset_def
        rel2p_def[abs_def] list_all2_op_eq_map_right_iff')

section Refinements of the Whole Bounded SAT Solver

text This is the specification of the SAT solver:
definition SAT_bounded :: nat clauses  (bool × nat prag_st) nres where
  SAT_bounded CS = do{
    T  SPEC(λT. T = pinit_state (remdups_mset `# CS));
    finished  SPEC(λ_. True);
    if ¬finished then
      RETURN (True, T)
      SPEC (λ(b, U). ¬b  conclusive_CDCL_state CS T U)

definition  SAT0_bounded :: nat clause_l list  (bool × nat twl_st) nres where
  SAT0_bounded CS = do{
    let (S :: nat twl_st_init) = init_state0;
    T   SPEC (λT. init_dt_spec0 CS (to_init_state0 S) T);
    finished  SPEC(λ_. True);
    if ¬finished then do {
      RETURN (True, fst init_state0)
    } else do {
      let T = fst T;
      if get_conflict T  None
      then RETURN (False, T)
      else if CS = [] then RETURN (False, fst init_state0)
      else do {
        ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
        ASSERT (clauses_to_update T = {#});
        ASSERT(clause `# (get_clauses T) + unit_clss T + subsumed_clauses T + get_all_clauses0 T = remdups_mset `# mset  `# mset CS);
        ASSERT(get_learned_clss T = {#});
        cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_bounded T

lemma SAT0_bounded_SAT_bounded:
  shows SAT0_bounded CS   ({((b, S), (b', T)). b = b'  (¬b  T = pstateW_of S)}) (SAT_bounded (mset `# mset CS))
    (is _  ?A _)
proof -
  let ?CS = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS
  have conflict_during_init:
    RETURN (False, fst T)
          {((b, S), b', T). b = b'  (¬b  T = pstateW_of S)}
           (SPEC (λ(b, U). ¬b  conclusive_CDCL_state (mset `# mset CS) S U))
      TS: (T, S)
        {(S, T).
          (init_dt_spec0 CS (to_init_state0 init_state0) S) 
          (T = pinit_state ?CS)} and
      ¬ ¬ failed' and
      ¬ ¬ failed and
      confl: get_conflict (fst T)  None
     for bS bT failed T failed' S
  proof -
    have failed[simp]: failed failed' failed = True failed' = True
      using that
      by auto
      struct_invs: twl_struct_invs_init T and
      clauses_to_update_init T = {#} and
      count_dec: sset (get_trail_init T). ¬ is_decided s and
      get_conflict_init T = None 
       literals_to_update_init T =
       uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_init T) and
      clss: ?CS + clauses (get_init_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0)) +
     other_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) +
     get_unit_init_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) +
     get_init_clauses0_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) +
     get_subsumed_init_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) +
     get_init_clauses0_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) =
     clauses (get_init_clauses_init T) + other_clauses_init T + get_unit_init_clauses_init T +
     get_subsumed_init_clauses_init T +
     get_init_clauses0_init T and
      learned: get_learned_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) =
          get_learned_clauses_init T
        get_unit_learned_clauses_init T =
          get_unit_learned_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0)
        get_subsumed_learned_clauses_init T =
          get_subsumed_learned_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) 
        get_learned_clauses0_init T =
          get_learned_clauses0_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) and
      twl_stgy_invs (fst T) and
      other_clauses_init T  {#}  get_conflict_init T  None and
      {#} ∈# mset `# mset CS  get_conflict_init T  None and
      get_conflict_init (to_init_state0 init_state0)  None 
       get_conflict_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) = get_conflict_init T
      using TS unfolding init_dt_wl_spec_def init_dt_spec0_def
        Set.mem_Collect_eq failed simp_thms apply -
      apply normalize_goal+
      by metis+

    have count_dec: count_decided (get_trail (fst T)) = 0
      using count_dec unfolding count_decided_0_iff by (auto simp: twl_st_init

    have le: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause (stateW_of_init T) and
        cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (stateW_of_init T)
      using struct_invs unfolding twl_struct_invs_init_def
        pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def stateW_of_init.simps[symmetric]
      by fast+
    have cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_conflicting (stateW_of_init T)
      using struct_invs unfolding twl_struct_invs_init_def
        pcdcl_all_struct_invs_def stateW_of_init.simps[symmetric]
      by fast
    have unsatisfiable (set_mset (remdups_mset `# mset `# mset (rev CS)))
      using conflict_of_level_unsatisfiable[OF all_struct_invs] count_dec confl
        learned le clss
      by (auto simp: clauses_def mset_take_mset_drop_mset' twl_st_init twl_st_wl_init
           image_image to_init_state0_def init_state0_def
           cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init_def ac_simps
	twl_st_l_init pget_all_init_clss_pstateW_of_init)
    then have unsat[simp]: unsatisfiable (mset ` set CS)
      using satisfiable_remdups_iff[of set CS]
      by auto
    then have [simp]: CS  []
      by (auto simp del: unsat)
    show ?thesis
      unfolding conclusive_CDCL_state_def
      apply (rule RETURN_SPEC_refine)
      apply (rule exI[of _ (False, pstateW_of (fst T))])
      apply (intro conjI)
        by auto
        using struct_invs learned count_dec clss confl
        by (clarsimp simp: twl_st_init twl_st_wl_init twl_st_l_init)

  have empty_clauses: RETURN (False, fst init_state0)
	     (λ(b, U). ¬b  conclusive_CDCL_state (mset `# mset CS) S U))
      TS: (T, S)
        {(S, T).
          (init_dt_spec0 CS (to_init_state0 init_state0) S) 
          (T = pinit_state (?CS))} and
      [simp]: CS = []
     for bS bT failed T failed' S
  proof -
    let ?CS = mset `# mset CS
    have [dest]: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW ([], {#}, {#}, None) (a, aa, ab, b)  False
      for a aa ab b
      by (metis cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW.cases cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_stgy.conflict'
        cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_stgy.propagate' cdclW_restart_mset.other'
	cdclW_stgy_cdclW_init_state_empty_no_step init_state.simps)
    show ?thesis
      by (rule RETURN_RES_refine, rule exI[of _ (False, pinit_state {#})])
        (use that in auto simp: conclusive_CDCL_state_def init_state0_def)

  have extract_atms_clss_nempty: extract_atms_clss CS {}  {}
      TS: (T, S)
        {(S, T).
          (init_dt_spec0 CS (to_init_state0 init_state0) S) 
          (T = pinit_state (?CS))} and
      CS  [] and
      ¬get_conflict (fst T)  None
    for bS bT failed T failed' S
  proof -
    show ?thesis
      using that
      by (cases T; cases CS)
        (auto simp: init_state0_def to_init_state0_def init_dt_spec0_def

  have cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog: cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_bounded (fst T)
      {((b, S), b', T). b = b'  (¬b  T = pstateW_of S)}
       (SPEC (λ(b, U). ¬b  conclusive_CDCL_state (mset `# mset CS) S U)) (is ?G1)
     bT_bS: (T, S)
        {(S, T).
          (init_dt_spec0 CS (to_init_state0 init_state0) S) 
          (T = pinit_state ?CS)} and
      CS  [] and
      confl: ¬get_conflict (fst T)  None and
      CS_nempty[simp]: CS  [] and
      extract_atms_clss CS {}  {} and
      clause `# get_clauses (fst T) + unit_clss (fst T) + subsumed_clauses (fst T) +
         get_all_clauses0 (fst T) = ?CS and
      get_learned_clss (fst T) = {#}
    for bS bT failed T failed' S
  proof -

      struct_invs: twl_struct_invs_init T and
      clss_to_upd: clauses_to_update_init T = {#} and
      count_dec: sset (get_trail_init T). ¬ is_decided s and
      get_conflict_init T = None 
       literals_to_update_init T =
       uminus `# lit_of `# mset (get_trail_init T) and
      clss: ?CS + clauses (get_init_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0)) +
        other_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) +
        get_unit_init_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) +
        get_init_clauses0_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) +
        get_subsumed_init_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) +
        get_init_clauses0_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) =
        clauses (get_init_clauses_init T) + other_clauses_init T + get_unit_init_clauses_init T +
        get_subsumed_init_clauses_init T +
        get_init_clauses0_init T and
      learned: get_learned_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) =
          get_learned_clauses_init T
        get_unit_learned_clauses_init T =
          get_unit_learned_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0)
        get_subsumed_learned_clauses_init T =
          get_subsumed_learned_clauses_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) 
        get_learned_clauses0_init T =
          get_learned_clauses0_init (to_init_state0 init_state0)  and
      stgy_invs: twl_stgy_invs (fst T) and
      oth: other_clauses_init T  {#}  get_conflict_init T  None and
      {#} ∈# mset `# mset CS  get_conflict_init T  None and
      get_conflict_init (to_init_state0 init_state0)  None 
       get_conflict_init (to_init_state0 init_state0) = get_conflict_init T
      using bT_bS unfolding init_dt_wl_spec_def init_dt_spec0_def
        Set.mem_Collect_eq simp_thms apply -
      apply normalize_goal+
      by metis+
    have struct_invs: twl_struct_invs (fst T)
      by (rule twl_struct_invs_init_twl_struct_invs)
        (use struct_invs oth confl in auto simp: twl_st_init)
    have clss_to_upd: clauses_to_update (fst T) = {#}
      using clss_to_upd by (auto simp: twl_st_init)
    have init: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init
      (state_of (pstateW_of (fst T)))
      using learned
      by (cases T)
       (auto simp: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init_def
        to_init_state0_def init_state0_def get_all_init_clss_alt_init_def)

    have If_RES_RES: If b (RES (A)) (RES (B)) = RES ({x. (b  x  A)  (¬b  x  B)})
      for A B b
      by auto
    have init: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clauses_entailed_by_init
      (state_of (pstateW_of (fst T)))
      using learned
      by (cases T)
        (auto simp: 
        to_init_state0_def init_state0_def get_all_init_clss_alt_init_def

    have conclusive_le: conclusive_TWL_run_bounded (fst T)
      {((b, S), b', T). b = b'  (¬b  T = pstateW_of S)}
      (SPEC (λ(b, U). ¬b  conclusive_CDCL_state (mset `# mset CS) S U))
      apply (rule order_trans[of _
        do {
        b  SPEC (λ_ :: bool. True);
      if ¬b then do {T  conclusive_TWL_run (fst T); RETURN (False, T)}
        else  do {
        T  SPEC(λTa. R1 R2 m m0 n0.
        cdcl_twl_stgy_restart** (fst T, fst T, fst T, m0, n0, True) (R1, R2, Ta, m));
        RETURN (True, T)
        unfolding partial_conclusive_TWL_run_def conclusive_TWL_run_def RES_RETURN_RES
          If_RES_RES RES_RES_RETURN_RES less_eq_nres.simps
        apply (rule)
        apply (drule Collect_case_prodD)
        apply normalize_goal+
        apply (rule_tac a = fst x in UN_I)
        apply simp
        apply (fastforce simp: pair_in_image_Pair)
        apply (refine_vcg
          using satisfiable_remdups_iff[of set CS]
          apply -
          unfolding conc_fun_RES
          apply (rule RETURN_le_RES_no_return)
          apply (rule conclusive_TWL_run_conclusive_CDCL_state[THEN order_trans])
          using clss arg_cong[OF clss, of set_mset, simplified] bT_bS confl oth init
          by (auto simp: br_def conc_fun_RES struct_invs stgy_invs
              to_init_state0_def init_state0_def get_all_init_clss_alt_init_def
              conclusive_CDCL_state_def image_image
              true_annots_remdups_mset[symmetric, of _ mset ` set CS])
          by (intro RETURN_RES_refine)
            (auto simp: conclusive_CDCL_state_def)
    show ?G1
      apply (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_bounded_spec[THEN order_trans])
           apply (rule struct_invs; fail)
          apply (rule stgy_invs; fail)
         apply (rule clss_to_upd; fail)
        apply (use confl in simp add: twl_st_init; fail)
       apply (rule init[unfolded stateW_of_def[symmetric]]; fail)
      apply (rule conclusive_le)

  text The following does not relate anything, because the initialisation is already
    doing some steps.
  have [refine0]:
     (λT.  init_dt_spec0 CS (to_init_state0 init_state0) T)
      {(S, T).
            (init_dt_spec0 CS (to_init_state0 init_state0) S) 
            (T = pinit_state ?CS)}
        (SPEC (λT. T = pinit_state ?CS))
    by (rule RES_refine)
      (auto simp: init_state0_def to_init_state0_def
          extract_atms_clss_alt_def intro!: )[]
  show ?thesis
    unfolding SAT0_bounded_def SAT_bounded_def
    apply (subst Let_def)
    apply (refine_vcg)
    subgoal by (auto simp: RETURN_def intro!: RES_refine)
    subgoal by (auto simp: RETURN_def intro!: RES_refine)
    apply (rule lhs_step_If)
      by (rule conflict_during_init)
    apply (rule lhs_step_If)
      by (rule empty_clauses) assumption+
    apply (intro ASSERT_leI)
    subgoal for b T
      by (rule extract_atms_clss_nempty)
    subgoal for S T
      by (cases S)
        (auto simp: init_state0_def to_init_state0_def init_dt_spec0_def
    subgoal for S T
      by (cases S)
        (auto simp: init_state0_def to_init_state0_def init_dt_spec0_def
    subgoal for S T
      by (cases S)
        (auto simp: init_state0_def to_init_state0_def init_dt_spec0_def
    subgoal for S T
      by (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog)

definition  SAT_l_bounded :: nat clause_l list  (bool × nat twl_st_l) nres where
  SAT_l_bounded CS = do{
      let S = init_state_l;
      T  init_dt CS (to_init_state_l S);
      finished  SPEC (λ_ :: bool. True);
      if ¬finished then do {
        RETURN (True, fst init_state_l)
      } else do {
        let T = fst T;
        if get_conflict_l T  None
        then RETURN (False, T)
        else if CS = [] then RETURN (False, fst init_state_l)
        else do {
           ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
           ASSERT (clauses_to_update_l T = {#});
           ASSERT(mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l T) + get_unit_clauses_l T + 
            get_subsumed_clauses_l T + get_clauses0_l T = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
           ASSERT(learned_clss_l (get_clauses_l T) = {#});
           cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_bounded_l T

lemma SAT_l_bounded_SAT0_bounded:
  shows SAT_l_bounded CS   {((b, T),(b', T')). b=b'  (¬b  (T, T')  twl_st_l None)} (SAT0_bounded CS)
    (is _   ?A _)
proof -
  have inj: inj (uminus :: _ literal  _)
    by (auto simp: inj_on_def)
  have [simp]: {#- lit_of x. x ∈# A#} = {#- lit_of x. x ∈# B#} 
    {#lit_of x. x ∈# A#} = {#lit_of x. x ∈# B#} for A B :: (nat literal, nat literal,
             nat) annotated_lit multiset
    unfolding multiset.map_comp[unfolded comp_def, symmetric]
    apply (subst inj_image_mset_eq_iff[of uminus])
    apply (rule inj)
    by (auto simp: inj_on_def)[]
  have get_unit_twl_st_l: (s, x)  twl_st_l_init  get_learned_unit_clauses_l_init s = {#} 
      learned_clss_l (get_clauses_l_init s) = {#} 
    {#mset (fst x). x ∈# ran_m (get_clauses_l_init s)#} +
    (get_unit_clauses_l_init s + get_subsumed_init_clauses_l_init s) =
    clause `# get_init_clauses_init x + (get_unit_init_clauses_init x +
      get_subsumed_init_clauses_init x) for s x
    apply (cases s; cases x)
    apply (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_def mset_take_mset_drop_mset')
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) add.right_neutral all_clss_l_ran_m)

  have init_dt_pre: init_dt_pre CS (to_init_state_l init_state_l)
    by (rule init_dt_pre_init)

  have init_dt_spec0: init_dt CS (to_init_state_l init_state_l)
        {((T),T'). (T, T')  twl_st_l_init  twl_list_invs (fst T) 
             clauses_to_update_l (fst T) = {#}}
           (SPEC (init_dt_spec0 CS (to_init_state0 init_state0)))
    apply (rule init_dt_full[THEN order_trans])
    subgoal by (rule init_dt_pre)
      apply (rule RES_refine)
      unfolding init_dt_spec_def Set.mem_Collect_eq init_dt_spec0_def
        to_init_state_l_def init_state_l_def
        to_init_state0_def init_state0_def
      apply normalize_goal+
      apply (rule_tac x=x in bexI)
      subgoal for s x by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init)
      subgoal for s x
        unfolding Set.mem_Collect_eq
        by (simp_all add: twl_st_init twl_st_l_init twl_st_l_init_no_decision_iff get_unit_twl_st_l)

  have init_state0:  ((False, fst init_state_l), False, fst init_state0)
    by (auto simp: twl_st_l_def init_state0_def init_state_l_def)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding SAT_l_bounded_def SAT0_bounded_def
    apply (refine_vcg init_dt_spec0)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init)
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_alt_def simp del: twl_st_init(42)
      simp flip: twl_st_init(42))
    subgoal by (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_alt_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (rule init_state0)
    subgoal for b ba T Ta
      unfolding all_clss_lf_ran_m[symmetric] image_mset_union to_init_state0_def init_state0_def
      by (cases T; cases Ta)
        (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init twl_st_l_init_def mset_take_mset_drop_mset'
    subgoal for b ba T Ta
      unfolding all_clss_lf_ran_m[symmetric] image_mset_union
      by (cases T; cases Ta) (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init twl_st_l_init_def mset_take_mset_drop_mset',
        auto simp: ac_simps)
    subgoal for T Ta finished finisheda
      by (cases T; cases Ta) (auto simp: twl_st_l_init twl_st_init twl_st_l_init_def mset_take_mset_drop_mset')
    subgoal for T Ta finished finisheda
      by (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_bounded_l_cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_bounded[THEN fref_to_Down, of _ fst Ta,
           THEN order_trans])
        (auto simp: twl_st_l_init_alt_def mset_take_mset_drop_mset' intro!: conc_fun_R_mono)

definition SAT_wl_bounded :: nat clause_l list  (bool × nat twl_st_wl) nres where
  SAT_wl_bounded CS = do{
    ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})));
    let 𝒜in' = extract_atms_clss CS {};
    let S = init_state_wl;
    T  init_dt_wl' CS (to_init_state S);
    let T = from_init_state T;
    finished  SPEC (λ_ :: bool. True);
    if ¬finished then do {
        RETURN(¬finished, T)
    } else do {
      if get_conflict_wl T  None
      then RETURN (False, T)
      else if CS = [] then RETURN (False, ([], fmempty, None, {#}, {#},{#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, λ_. undefined))
      else do {
        ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
        ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded_nempty (mset_set 𝒜in'));
        ASSERT(mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_wl T) + get_unit_clauses_wl T + 
          get_subsumed_clauses_wl T + get_clauses0_wl T = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
        ASSERT(learned_clss_l (get_clauses_wl T) = {#});
        T  rewatch_st (finalise_init T);
        cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_bounded_wl T

lemma SAT_l_bounded_alt_def:
  SAT_l_bounded CS = do{
    𝒜  RETURN (); ⌦‹atoms›
    let S = init_state_l;
    𝒜  RETURN (); ⌦‹initialisation›
    T  init_dt CS (to_init_state_l S);
    failed  SPEC (λ_ :: bool. True);
    if ¬failed then do {
      RETURN(¬failed, fst init_state_l)
    } else do {
      let T = T;
      if get_conflict_l_init T  None
      then RETURN (False, fst T)
      else if CS = [] then RETURN (False, fst init_state_l)
      else do {
        ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
        ASSERT (clauses_to_update_l (fst T) = {#});
        ASSERT(mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_l (fst T)) + get_unit_clauses_l (fst T) +
           get_subsumed_clauses_l (fst T) + get_clauses0_l (fst T)= remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
        ASSERT(learned_clss_l (get_clauses_l (fst T)) = {#});
        let T = fst T;
        cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_bounded_l T
  unfolding SAT_l_bounded_def by (auto cong: if_cong Let_def twl_st_l_init)

lemma SAT_wl_bounded_SAT_l_bounded:
    bounded: isasat_input_bounded (mset_set (Cset CS. atm_of ` set C))
  shows SAT_wl_bounded CS   {((b, T),(b', T')). b =b'  (¬b  (T, T')  state_wl_l None)} (SAT_l_bounded CS)
proof -
  have extract_atms_clss: (extract_atms_clss CS {}, ())  {(x, _). x = extract_atms_clss CS {}}
    by auto
  have init_dt_wl_pre: init_dt_wl_pre CS (to_init_state init_state_wl)
    by (rule init_dt_wl_pre)

  have init_rel: (to_init_state init_state_wl, to_init_state_l init_state_l)
    by (auto simp: init_dt_pre_def state_wl_l_init_def state_wl_l_init'_def
       twl_st_l_init_def twl_init_invs to_init_state_def init_state_wl_def
       init_state_l_def to_init_state_l_def)[]

  ― ‹The following stlightly strange theorem allows to reuse the definition
    and the correctness of @{term init_dt_wl_heur_full}, which was split in the definition
    for purely refinement-related reasons.
  define init_dt_wl_rel where
    init_dt_wl_rel S  ({(T, T'). RETURN T  init_dt_wl' CS S  T' = ()}) for S
  have init_dt_wl':
    init_dt_wl' CS S   SPEC (λc. (c, ())  (init_dt_wl_rel S))
      init_dt_wl_pre CS S and
      (S, S')  state_wl_l_init
      for S S'
  proof -
    have [simp]: (U, U')  ({(T, T'). RETURN T  init_dt_wl' CS S  remove_watched T = T'} O
         state_wl_l_init)  ((U, U')  {(T, T'). remove_watched T = T'} O
         state_wl_l_init  RETURN U  init_dt_wl' CS S) for S S' U U'
      by auto
    have H: A   ({(S, S'). P S S'}) B  A   ({(S, S'). RETURN S  A  P S S'}) B
      for A B P R
      by (simp add: pw_conc_inres pw_conc_nofail pw_le_iff p2rel_def)
    have nofail: nofail (init_dt_wl' CS S)
      apply (rule SPEC_nofail)
      apply (rule order_trans)
      apply (rule init_dt_wl'_spec[unfolded conc_fun_RES])
      using that by auto
    have H: A   ({(S, S'). P S S'} O R) B  A   ({(S, S'). RETURN S  A  P S S'} O R) B
      for A B P R
      by (smt Collect_cong H case_prod_cong conc_fun_chain)
    show ?thesis
      unfolding init_dt_wl_rel_def
      using that
      by (auto simp: nofail no_fail_spec_le_RETURN_itself)

  have conflict_during_init:
    ((False, ([], fmempty, None, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, λ_. undefined)),
    (False, fst init_state_l))
        {((b, T), b', T'). b = b'  (¬b  (T, T')  state_wl_l None)}
    by (auto simp: init_state_l_def state_wl_l_def)

  have init_init_dt: RETURN (from_init_state T)
	   ({(S, S'). S = fst S'} O {(S :: nat twl_st_wl_init_full, S' :: nat twl_st_wl_init).
      remove_watched S =  S'} O state_wl_l_init)
	    (init_dt CS (to_init_state_l init_state_l))
      (is _   ?init_dt _ )
      (extract_atms_clss CS {}, (𝒜::unit))  {(x, _). x = extract_atms_clss CS {}} and
      (T, Ta)  init_dt_wl_rel (to_init_state init_state_wl)
    for 𝒜 T Ta
  proof -
    have 1: RETURN T  init_dt_wl' CS (to_init_state init_state_wl)
      using that by (auto simp: init_dt_wl_rel_def from_init_state_def)
    have 2: RETURN (from_init_state T)   {(S, S'). S = fst S'} (RETURN T)
      by (auto simp: RETURN_refine from_init_state_def)
    have 2: RETURN (from_init_state T)   {(S, S'). S = fst S'} (init_dt_wl' CS (to_init_state init_state_wl))
      apply (rule 2[THEN order_trans])
      apply (rule ref_two_step')
      apply (rule 1)
    show ?thesis
      apply (rule order_trans)
      apply (rule 2)
      unfolding conc_fun_chain[symmetric]
      apply (rule ref_two_step')
      unfolding conc_fun_chain
      apply (rule init_dt_wl'_init_dt)
      apply (rule init_dt_wl_pre)
      subgoal by (auto simp: to_init_state_def init_state_wl_def to_init_state_l_def
       init_state_l_def state_wl_l_init_def state_wl_l_init'_def)

  have cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl_D2: cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_bounded_wl U'
	  {((b, T), (b', T')). b =b'  (¬b  (T, T')  state_wl_l None)}
	   (cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_bounded_l (fst T')) (is ?A)
      U': (U', fst T')  {(S, T). (S, T)  state_wl_l None  correct_watching S  blits_in_ℒin S}
      for 𝒜 b b' T 𝒜' T' c c' U'
  proof -
    have 1:  {(T, T'). (T, T')  state_wl_l None} = state_wl_l None
      by auto
    have lits: literals_are_ℒin (all_atms_st (U')) (U')
      using U' by (auto simp: finalise_init_def correct_watching.simps)
    show ?A
      apply (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_bounded_wl_spec[unfolded fref_param1, THEN fref_to_Down, THEN order_trans])
      apply fast
      using U' by (auto simp: finalise_init_def intro!: conc_fun_R_mono)


  have rewatch_st_fst: rewatch_st (finalise_init (from_init_state T))
	 SPEC (λc. (c, fst Ta)  {(S, T). (S, T)  state_wl_l None  correct_watching S  blits_in_ℒin S})
      (is _  SPEC ?rewatch)

      (extract_atms_clss CS {}, 𝒜)  {(x, _). x = extract_atms_clss CS {}} and
      T: (T, 𝒜')  init_dt_wl_rel (to_init_state init_state_wl) and
      T_Ta: (from_init_state T, Ta)
        {(S, S'). S = fst S'} O
	 {(S, S'). remove_watched S = S'} O state_wl_l_init and
      ¬ get_conflict_wl (from_init_state T)  None and
      ¬ get_conflict_l_init Ta  None
    for 𝒜 b ba T 𝒜' Ta bb bc
  proof -
    have 1: RETURN T  init_dt_wl' CS (to_init_state init_state_wl)
      using T unfolding init_dt_wl_rel_def by auto
    have 2: RETURN T   {(S, S'). remove_watched S = S'}
     (SPEC (init_dt_wl_spec CS (to_init_state init_state_wl)))
      using order_trans[OF 1 init_dt_wl'_spec[OF init_dt_wl_pre]] .

    have empty_watched: get_watched_wl (finalise_init (from_init_state T)) = (λ_. [])
      using 1 2 init_dt_wl'_spec[OF init_dt_wl_pre]
      by (cases T; cases init_dt_wl CS (init_state_wl, {#}))
       (auto simp: init_dt_wl_spec_def RETURN_RES_refine_iff
        finalise_init_def from_init_state_def state_wl_l_init_def
	state_wl_l_init'_def to_init_state_def to_init_state_l_def
       init_state_l_def init_dt_wl'_def RES_RETURN_RES)

    have 1: length (aa   x)  2 distinct (aa   x)
        struct: twl_struct_invs_init
          {#TWL_Clause (mset (watched_l (fst x))) (mset (unwatched_l (fst x)))
          . x ∈# init_clss_l aa#},
          {#}, y, ac, {#}, NS, US, N0, U0, {#}, ae),
         OC) and
	x: x ∈# dom_m aa and
	learned: learned_clss_l aa = {#}
	for af aa y ac ae x OC NS US N0 U0
    proof -
      have irred: irred aa x
        using that by (cases fmlookup aa x) (auto simp: ran_m_def dest!: multi_member_split
	  split: if_splits)
      have Multiset.Ball
	({#TWL_Clause (mset (watched_l (fst x))) (mset (unwatched_l (fst x)))
	 . x ∈# init_clss_l aa#} +
	using struct unfolding twl_struct_invs_init_def fst_conv twl_st_inv.simps
	by fast
      then show length (aa   x)  2 distinct (aa   x)
        using x learned in_ran_mf_clause_inI[OF x, of True] irred
	by (auto simp: mset_take_mset_drop_mset' dest!: multi_member_split[of x]
	  split: if_splits)
    have min_len: x ∈# dom_m (get_clauses_wl (finalise_init (from_init_state T))) 
      distinct (get_clauses_wl (finalise_init (from_init_state T))  x) 
      2  length (get_clauses_wl (finalise_init (from_init_state T))  x)
      for x
      using 2
      by (cases T)
       (auto simp: init_dt_wl_spec_def RETURN_RES_refine_iff
        finalise_init_def from_init_state_def state_wl_l_init_def
	state_wl_l_init'_def to_init_state_def to_init_state_l_def
       init_state_l_def init_dt_wl'_def RES_RETURN_RES
       init_dt_spec_def init_state_wl_def twl_st_l_init_def
       intro: 1)

    show ?thesis
      apply (rule rewatch_st_correctness[THEN order_trans])
      subgoal by (rule empty_watched)
      subgoal by (rule min_len)
      subgoal using T_Ta by (auto simp: finalise_init_def
         state_wl_l_init_def state_wl_l_init'_def state_wl_l_def

  have all_le: Cset CS. Lset C. nat_of_lit L  unat32_max
  proof (intro ballI)
    fix C L
    assume C  set CS and L  set C
    then have L ∈# all (mset_set (Cset CS. atm_of ` set C))
      by (auto simp: in_ℒall_atm_of_𝒜in)
    then show nat_of_lit L  unat32_max
      using assms by auto
  have [simp]: (Tc, fst Td)  state_wl_l None 
       get_conflict_l_init Td = get_conflict_wl Tc for Tc Td
   by (cases Tc; cases Td; auto simp: state_wl_l_def)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding SAT_wl_bounded_def SAT_l_bounded_alt_def
    apply (refine_vcg extract_atms_clss init_dt_wl' init_rel)
    subgoal using assms unfolding extract_atms_clss_alt_def by auto
    subgoal by (rule init_dt_wl_pre)
    apply (rule init_init_dt; assumption)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: from_init_state_def state_wl_l_init_def state_wl_l_init'_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: from_init_state_def state_wl_l_init_def state_wl_l_init'_def
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (rule conflict_during_init)
    subgoal using bounded by (auto simp: isasat_input_bounded_nempty_def extract_atms_clss_alt_def
      simp del: isasat_input_bounded_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: isasat_input_bounded_nempty_def extract_atms_clss_alt_def state_wl_l_init'_def
      simp del: isasat_input_bounded_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: isasat_input_bounded_nempty_def extract_atms_clss_alt_def state_wl_l_init'_def
      simp del: isasat_input_bounded_def)
    apply (rule rewatch_st_fst; assumption)
    subgoal for 𝒜 T 𝒜' Ta finished finished'
      unfolding twl_st_l_init[symmetric]
      by (rule cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_wl_D2)

definition SAT_bounded' :: nat clauses  (bool × nat literal list option) nres where
  SAT_bounded' CS = do {
     (b, T)  SAT_bounded CS;
     RETURN(b, if pget_conflict T = None then Some (map lit_of (pget_trail T)) else None)

definition model_if_satisfiable_bounded :: nat clauses  (bool × nat literal list option) nres where
  model_if_satisfiable_bounded CS = SPEC (λ(b, M). ¬b 
           (if satisfiable (set_mset CS) then M  None  set (the M) ⊨sm CS else M = None))

lemma SAT_bounded_model_if_satisfiable:
  (SAT_bounded', model_if_satisfiable_bounded)  [λCS. True]f Id
      {((b, S), (b', T)). b = b'  (¬b  S = T)}nres_rel
    (is _ [λCS. ?P CS]f Id  _)
proof -
  have H: cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_stgy_invariant (init_state CS)
    cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv (init_state CS)
    if ?P CS C∈#CS. distinct_mset Cfor CS
    using that by (auto simp:
        twl_struct_invs_def twl_st_inv.simps cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_all_struct_inv_def
        cdclW_restart_mset.no_strange_atm_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_M_level_inv_def
        cdclW_restart_mset.distinct_cdclW_state_def cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_conflicting_def
        cdclW_restart_mset.cdclW_learned_clause_alt_def cdclW_restart_mset.no_smaller_propa_def
        past_invs.simps clauses_def twl_list_invs_def twl_stgy_invs_def clause_to_update_def
  have H: s  {M. if satisfiable (set_mset CS) then M  None  set (the M) ⊨sm CS else M = None}
      [simp]: CS' = CS and
      s: s  (λT. if pget_conflict T = None then Some (map lit_of (pget_trail T)) else None) `
          Collect (conclusive_CDCL_state CS' (pinit_state (remdups_mset `# CS')))
    for s :: nat literal list option and CS CS'
  proof -
    obtain T where
       s: (s = Some (map lit_of (pget_trail T))  pget_conflict T = None) 
              (s = None  pget_conflict T  None) and
       conc: conclusive_CDCL_state CS' ([], remdups_mset `# CS', {#}, None, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}, {#}) T
      using s by auto force
    show ?thesis
      using s conc
      by (auto simp: conclusive_CDCL_state_def lits_of_def true_annots_true_cls)

  have H: s'{(b, M).
             ¬ b 
             (if satisfiable (set_mset CS) then M  None  set (the M) ⊨sm CS
              else M = None)}.
           (s, s')  {((b, S), b', T). b = b'  (¬b  S = T)}
      CS' = CS and
      xa  {T. T = pinit_state (remdups_mset `# CS')} and
      xb  {_. True} and
      s  uncurry
            (λb T. (b, if pget_conflict T = None
                       then Some (map lit_of (pget_trail T)) else None)) `
           (if ¬ xb then {(True, xa)}
            else {(b, U). ¬ b  conclusive_CDCL_state CS' xa U})
    for s :: bool × nat literal list option and
       CS CS' :: nat literal multiset multiset and xa and xb :: bool
  proof -
   obtain b T where
     s: s = (b, T) by (cases s)
     b: ¬b  T   (λT. if pget_conflict T = None then Some (map lit_of (pget_trail T)) else None) `
  Collect (conclusive_CDCL_state CS (pinit_state (remdups_mset `# CS)))
     using that(2-4)
     by (force simp add: image_iff s that split: if_splits)
   show ?thesis
   proof (cases b)
     case False
     then have T: T   (λT. if pget_conflict T = None then Some (map lit_of (pget_trail T)) else None) `
       Collect (conclusive_CDCL_state CS' (pinit_state (remdups_mset `# CS')))
       using b unfolding that(1) by fast
     show ?thesis
       using H[OF that(1) T]
       by (rule_tac x = s in bexI)
         (auto simp add: s False that)
    qed (auto simp: s)
  have if_RES: (if xb then RETURN x
        else RES P) = (RES (if xb then {x} else P)) for x xb P
    by (auto simp: RETURN_def)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding SAT_bounded'_def model_if_satisfiable_bounded_def SAT_bounded_def Let_def
    apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
    apply refine_vcg
    subgoal for CS' CS
      apply (rule RES_refine)
      unfolding pair_in_Id_conv bex_triv_one_point1 bex_triv_one_point2
      using H by presburger

lemma SAT_bounded_model_if_satisfiable':
  (uncurry (λ_. SAT_bounded'), uncurry (λ_. model_if_satisfiable_bounded)) 
    [λ(_, CS). True]f Id ×r Id {((b, S), (b', T)). b = b'  (¬b  S = T)}nres_rel
  using SAT_bounded_model_if_satisfiable unfolding fref_def
  by auto

definition SAT_l_bounded' where
  SAT_l_bounded' CS = do{
    (b, S)  SAT_l_bounded CS;
    RETURN (b, if ¬b  get_conflict_l S = None then Some (map lit_of (get_trail_l S)) else None)

definition SAT0_bounded' where
  SAT0_bounded' CS = do{
    (b, S)  SAT0_bounded CS;
    RETURN (b, if ¬b  get_conflict S = None then Some (map lit_of (get_trail S)) else None)

lemma SAT_l_bounded'_SAT0_bounded':
  shows SAT_l_bounded' CS   {((b, S), (b', T)). b = b'  (¬b  S = T)} (SAT0_bounded' CS)
  unfolding SAT_l_bounded'_def SAT0_bounded'_def
  apply refine_vcg
  apply (rule SAT_l_bounded_SAT0_bounded)
  subgoal by (auto simp: extract_model_of_state_def)

lemma SAT0_bounded'_SAT_bounded':
  shows SAT0_bounded' CS   {((b, S), (b', T)). b = b'  (¬b  S = T)} (SAT_bounded' (mset `# mset CS))
  unfolding SAT_bounded'_def SAT0_bounded'_def
  apply refine_vcg
  apply (rule SAT0_bounded_SAT_bounded)
  subgoal by (auto simp: extract_model_of_state_def twl_st_l twl_st)

definition IsaSAT_bounded :: nat clause_l list  (bool × nat literal list option) nres where
  IsaSAT_bounded CS = do{
    (b, S)  SAT_wl_bounded CS;
    RETURN (b, if ¬b  get_conflict_wl S = None then extract_model_of_state S else extract_stats S)

lemma IsaSAT_bounded_alt_def:
  IsaSAT_bounded CS = do{
    ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})));
    let 𝒜in' = extract_atms_clss CS {};
    S  RETURN init_state_wl;
    T  init_dt_wl' CS (to_init_state S);
    failed  SPEC (λ_ :: bool. True);
    if ¬failed then do {
        RETURN (True, extract_stats init_state_wl)
    } else do {
      let T = from_init_state T;
      if get_conflict_wl T  None
      then RETURN (False, extract_stats T)
      else if CS = [] then RETURN (False, Some [])
      else do {
        ASSERT (extract_atms_clss CS {}  {});
        ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded_nempty (mset_set 𝒜in'));
        ASSERT(mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_wl T) + get_unit_clauses_wl T +
          get_subsumed_clauses_wl T + get_clauses0_wl T = remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS);
        ASSERT(learned_clss_l (get_clauses_wl T) = {#});
        T  rewatch_st T;
        T  RETURN (finalise_init T);
        (b, S)  cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_bounded_wl T;
        RETURN (b, if ¬b  get_conflict_wl S = None then extract_model_of_state S else extract_stats S)
  }  (is ?A = ?B) for CS opts
proof -
  have H: A = B  A   Id B for A B
    by auto
  have 1: ?A   Id ?B
    unfolding IsaSAT_bounded_def SAT_wl_bounded_def nres_bind_let_law If_bind_distrib nres_monad_laws
      Let_def finalise_init_def
    apply (refine_vcg)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: extract_model_of_state_def)
    subgoal by (auto simp: extract_model_of_state_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply (rule H; solves auto)
    apply (rule H; solves auto)
    subgoal by (auto simp: extract_model_of_state_def)

  have 2: ?B   Id ?A
    unfolding IsaSAT_bounded_def SAT_wl_bounded_def nres_bind_let_law If_bind_distrib nres_monad_laws
      Let_def finalise_init_def
    apply (refine_vcg)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (auto simp: extract_model_of_state_def)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
    apply (rule H; solves auto)
    apply (rule H; solves auto)
    subgoal by auto

  show ?thesis
    using 1 2 by simp

definition empty_conflict_code' :: (bool × _ list × isasat_stats) nres where
  empty_conflict_code' = do{
     let M0 = [];
     RETURN (False, M0, empty_stats)}

lemma IsaSAT_bounded_heur_alt_def:
  IsaSAT_bounded_heur opts CS = do{
    ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})));
    ASSERT(Cset CS. Lset C. nat_of_lit L  unat32_max);
    let 𝒜in' = mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {});
    ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded 𝒜in');
    ASSERT(distinct_mset 𝒜in');
    S  init_state_wl_heur 𝒜in';
    (T::twl_st_wl_heur_init)  init_dt_wl_heur_b CS S;
    failed  RETURN ((isasat_fast_init T  ¬is_failed_heur_init T));
    if ¬failed
    then  do {
       RETURN (True, empty_init_code)
    } else do {
      let T = convert_state 𝒜in' T;
      if ¬get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init T
      then RETURN (False, empty_init_code)
      else if CS = [] then do {stat  empty_conflict_code; RETURN (False, stat)}
      else do {
         ASSERT(𝒜in'  {#});
         ASSERT(isasat_input_bounded_nempty 𝒜in');
         ASSERT(rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre T);
         T  rewatch_heur_st_init T;
         ASSERT(isasat_fast_init T);
         T  finalise_init_code opts (T::twl_st_wl_heur_init);
         ASSERT(isasat_fast T);
         (b, U)  cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_bounded_wl_heur T;
         RETURN (b, if ¬b  get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur U then extract_model_of_state_stat U
           else extract_state_stat U)
  unfolding Let_def IsaSAT_bounded_heur_def init_state_wl_heur_fast_def
    bind_to_let_conv isasat_information_banner_def virtual_copy_def
    id_apply IsaSAT_Profile.start_def IsaSAT_Profile.stop_def nres_monad1
    convert_state_def de_Morgan_disj not_not if_not_swap
  by (intro bind_cong[OF refl] if_cong[OF refl] refl)

lemma IsaSAT_heur_bounded_IsaSAT_bounded:
  IsaSAT_bounded_heur b CS  (bool_rel ×f model_stat_rel) (IsaSAT_bounded CS)
proof -
  have init_dt_wl_heur: init_dt_wl_heur_unb CS S 
       (twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL 𝒜 True O {(S, T). S = remove_watched T 
           get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])})
        (init_dt_wl' CS T)
      case (CS, T) of
       (CS, S) 
	 (Cset CS. literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset C)) and
      ((CS, S), CS, T)  Idlist_rel ×f twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL 𝒜 True
  for 𝒜 CS T S
  proof -
    have H: init_dt_wl' CS T = do {T  init_dt_wl' CS T; RETURN T}
      by auto
    have I:  {((S, C), T). C = []  (S, T)  twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL 𝒜 True} (init_dt_wl CS T)
       {((S, C), T). (S,T)  twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL 𝒜 True O {(S, T). S = remove_watched T 
      get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])}} (init_dt_wl' CS T)
      by (cases init_dt_wl CS T)
       (force simp: init_dt_wl'_def RES_RETURN_RES conc_fun_RES 
    show ?thesis
      unfolding init_dt_wl_heur_unb_def
      apply (subst H)
      apply (refine_rcg)
      apply (rule init_dt_wl_heur_init_dt_wl[THEN fref_to_Down_curry, of 𝒜 CS T CS (S,[]),
         THEN order_trans])
      apply (rule that(1))
      apply (use that(2) in auto)[]
      apply (rule I)
      apply auto
  have init_dt_wl_heur_b: init_dt_wl_heur_b CS S 
       (twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL 𝒜 False O {(S, T). S = remove_watched T 
           get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])})
        (init_dt_wl' CS T)
      case (CS, T) of
       (CS, S) 
	 (Cset CS. literals_are_in_ℒin 𝒜 (mset C)) and
      ((CS, S), CS, T)  Idlist_rel ×f twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL 𝒜 True
  for 𝒜 CS T S
proof -
  have H: init_dt_wl' CS T = do {T  init_dt_wl' CS T; RETURN T}
    by auto
  have I:  {((S, C), T). C = []  (S, T)  twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL 𝒜 False} (init_dt_wl CS T)
     {((S, C), T). (S,T)  twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL 𝒜 False O {(S, T). S = remove_watched T 
    get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])}} (init_dt_wl' CS T)
    by (cases init_dt_wl CS T)
      (force simp: init_dt_wl'_def RES_RETURN_RES conc_fun_RES 
  show ?thesis
    unfolding init_dt_wl_heur_b_def
    apply (subst H)
    apply (refine_rcg)
      apply (rule init_dt_wl_heur_init_dt_wl[THEN fref_to_Down_curry, of 𝒜 CS T CS (S, []),
        THEN order_trans])
      apply (rule that(1))
      using that(2) apply (force simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def)
      apply (rule I)
      apply auto
  have virtual_copy: (virtual_copy 𝒜, ())  {(, c). c = ()   = 𝒜} for  𝒜
    by (auto simp: virtual_copy_def)
  have input_le: Cset CS. Lset C. nat_of_lit L  unat32_max
    if isasat_input_bounded (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))
  proof (intro ballI)
    fix C L
    assume C  set CS and L  set C
    then have L ∈# all (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))
      by (auto simp: extract_atms_clss_alt_def in_ℒall_atm_of_𝒜in)
    then show nat_of_lit L  unat32_max
      using that by auto
  have lits_C: literals_are_in_ℒin (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) (mset C)
    if C  set CS for C CS
    using that
    by (force simp: literals_are_in_ℒin_def in_ℒall_atm_of_𝒜in
     in_all_lits_of_m_ain_atms_of_iff extract_atms_clss_alt_def
  have init_state_wl_heur: isasat_input_bounded 𝒜 
      init_state_wl_heur 𝒜  SPEC (λc. (c, init_state_wl) 
        {(S, S'). (S, S')  twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_wl 𝒜 True 
         inres (init_state_wl_heur 𝒜) S}) for 𝒜
    by (rule init_state_wl_heur_init_state_wl[THEN fref_to_Down_unRET_uncurry0_SPEC,
      of 𝒜, THEN strengthen_SPEC, THEN order_trans])

  have get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init:  (Tb, Tc)
     ({(S,T). (S, T)  twl_st_heur_parsing (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) True 
         get_clauses_wl_heur_init S = get_clauses_wl_heur_init U 
	 get_conflict_wl_heur_init S = get_conflict_wl_heur_init U 
         get_clauses_wl (fst T) = get_clauses_wl (fst V) 
	 get_conflict_wl (fst T) = get_conflict_wl (fst V) 
	 get_unit_clauses_wl (fst T) = get_unit_clauses_wl (fst V)} O {(S, T). S = (T, {#})}) 
    (¬ get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init Tb) = (get_conflict_wl Tc  None) for Tb Tc U V
    by (cases V; cases get_conflict_wl_heur_init U) (auto simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_def Collect_eq_comp'
  have get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init3: (T, Ta)
     twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) False O
      {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])}  
    (¬ get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init T) = (get_conflict_wl (fst Ta)  None) for T Ta failed faileda
    by (cases T; cases Ta) (auto simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def
  have banner: isasat_information_banner
     (convert_state (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))) Tb)
     SPEC (λc. (c, ())  {(_, _). True}) for Tb
    by (auto simp: isasat_information_banner_def)

  let ?TT = rewatch_heur_st_rewatch_st_rel CS
  have finalise_init_code: finalise_init_code b
	 (convert_state (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))) Tb)
	 SPEC (λc. (c, finalise_init Tc)  twl_st_heur) (is ?A) and
    finalise_init_code3: finalise_init_code b  Tb
	 SPEC (λc. (c, finalise_init Tc)  twl_st_heur) (is ?B)
      T: (Tb, Tc)  ?TT U V and
      confl: ¬ get_conflict_wl Tc  None and
      nempty: extract_atms_clss CS {}  {} and
      clss_CS: mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_wl Tc) + get_unit_clauses_wl Tc +
        get_subsumed_clauses_wl Tc + get_clauses0_wl Tc = mset `# mset CS and
      learned: learned_clss_l (get_clauses_wl Tc) = {#}
    for ba S T Ta Tb Tc u v U V
  proof -
    have 1: get_conflict_wl Tc = None
      using confl by auto
    have 2: all_atms_st Tc  {#}
      using nempty clss_CS unfolding all_atms_def all_lits_alt_def all_atms_st_def
      by (simp add: ac_simps extract_atms_clss_alt_def
    have 3: set_mset (all_atms_st Tc) = set_mset (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))
      using nempty clss_CS unfolding all_atms_def all_atms_st_def all_lits_def
      apply (auto simp: extract_atms_clss_alt_def ac_simps
	all_lits_of_mm_empty_iff in_all_lits_of_mm_ain_atms_of_iff atms_of_ms_def)
     by (metis (no_types, lifting) UN_iff atm_of_all_lits_of_mm(2) atm_of_lit_in_atms_of
       atms_of_mmltiset atms_of_ms_mset_unfold in_set_mset_eq_in set_image_mset)
    have H: A = B  x  A  x  B for A B x
      by auto
    have H': A = B  A x  B x for A B x
      by auto

    note cong =  trail_pol_cong heuristic_rel_cong
       vdom_m_cong[THEN H] isasat_input_nempty_cong[THEN iffD1]
      isasat_input_bounded_cong[THEN iffD1]
       cach_refinement_empty_cong[THEN H']
       phase_saving_cong[THEN H']
       all_cong[THEN H]
      D0_cong[THEN H] lookup_clause_rel_cong

    have 4: (convert_state (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) Tb, Tc)
     twl_st_heur_post_parsing_wl True
      using T nempty
      by (clarsimp simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_def twl_st_heur_post_parsing_wl_def
        convert_state_def eq_commute[of mset _ dom_m _] all_atms_st_def
	vdom_m_cong[OF 3[symmetric]] all_cong[OF 3[symmetric]] bump_heur_init_cong[OF 3[symmetric]]
	dest!: cong[OF 3[symmetric]])
       (simp_all add: add.assoc all_all_atms_all_lits ac_simps
        flip: all_lits_def all_lits_alt_def2 all_lits_alt_def)
    show ?A
     by (rule finalise_init_finalise_init[THEN fref_to_Down_unRET_curry_SPEC, of b])
      (use 1 2 learned 4 in auto)
    then show ?B unfolding convert_state_def by auto

  have get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init2: (U, V)
     twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) True O
      {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])} 
    (¬ get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init
        (convert_state (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))) U)) =
    (get_conflict_wl (from_init_state V)  None) for U V
    by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_def Collect_eq_comp'
      get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init_def twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def
      option_lookup_clause_rel_def convert_state_def from_init_state_def)

  have rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre: rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre
	 (convert_state (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))) T)
      T: (T, Ta)
        twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) True O
	 {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])} and
      length_le: ¬¬isasat_fast_init (convert_state (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))) T)
    for uu ba S T Ta baa uua uub
  proof -
    have valid_arena (get_clauses_wl_heur_init T) (get_clauses_wl (fst Ta))
      (set (get_vdom_heur_init T))
      using T by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def)
    then show ?thesis
      using length_le unfolding rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre_def convert_state_def
        isasat_fast_init_def unat64_max_def unat32_max_def
      by (auto dest: valid_arena_in_vdom_le_arena)
  have rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre2: rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre
	 (convert_state (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) T)
      T: (T, Ta)
        twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) False O
	 {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])} and
      length_le: ¬¬isasat_fast_init (convert_state (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))) T) and
      failed: ¬is_failed_heur_init T
    for uu ba S T Ta baa uua uub
  proof -
      Ta: (T, Ta)
      twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) True O
       {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])}
       using failed T by (cases T; cases Ta) (fastforce simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def)
    from rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre[OF this length_le]
    show ?thesis by simp
  have finalise_init_code2: finalise_init_code b Tb
	 SPEC (λc. (c, finalise_init Tc)   {(S', T').
             (S', T')  twl_st_heur 
             get_clauses_wl_heur_init Tb = get_clauses_wl_heur S' 
            get_learned_count_init Tb = get_learned_count S'})
     (is _  SPEC (λc. _  ?P))
    Ta: (T, Ta)
      twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) False O
       {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])} and
    confl: ¬ get_conflict_wl (from_init_state Ta)  None and
    CS  [] and
    nempty: extract_atms_clss CS {}  {} and
    isasat_input_bounded_nempty (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) and
    clss_CS: mset `# ran_mf (get_clauses_wl (from_init_state Ta)) +
     get_unit_clauses_wl (from_init_state Ta) + get_subsumed_clauses_wl (from_init_state Ta) 
       + get_clauses0_wl (from_init_state Ta) =
     remdups_mset `# mset `# mset CS and
    learned: learned_clss_l (get_clauses_wl (from_init_state Ta)) = {#} and
    virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))  {#} and
      (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))) and
    T: (Tb, Tc)  ?TT T Ta and
    failed: ¬is_failed_heur_init T
    for uu ba S T Ta baa uua uub V W b Tb Tc
  proof -
    Ta: (T, Ta)
      twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) True O
       {(S, T). S = remove_watched T  get_watched_wl (fst T) = (λ_. [])}
       using failed Ta by (cases T; cases Ta) (fastforce simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def)

    have 1: get_conflict_wl Tc = None
      using confl T by (auto simp: from_init_state_def)
    have Ta_Tc: all_atms_st Tc = all_atms_st (from_init_state Ta)
      using T Ta
      unfolding all_lits_alt_def  mem_Collect_eq relcomp.simps
        all_atms_def add.assoc apply -
      apply normalize_goal+
      by (auto simp flip: all_atms_def[symmetric] simp: all_lits_def
        twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def twl_st_heur_parsing_def all_atms_st_def
    moreover have 3: set_mset (all_atms_st (from_init_state Ta)) = set_mset (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {}))
      using clss_CS unfolding all_lits_alt_def  mem_Collect_eq relcomp.simps
        all_atms_def all_atms_st_def apply -
        by (auto simp: extract_atms_clss_alt_def ac_simps
          atm_of_all_lits_of_mm atms_of_ms_def)
    ultimately have 2: all_atms_st Tc  {#}
      using nempty
      by auto

    have H: A = B  x  A  x  B for A B x
      by auto
    have H': A = B  A x  B x for A B x
      by auto

    note cong =  trail_pol_cong heuristic_rel_cong
       vdom_m_cong[THEN H] isasat_input_nempty_cong[THEN iffD1]
      isasat_input_bounded_cong[THEN iffD1]
       cach_refinement_empty_cong[THEN H']
       phase_saving_cong[THEN H']
       all_cong[THEN H]
      D0_cong[THEN H] lookup_clause_rel_cong

    have 4: (convert_state (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})) Tb, Tc)
     twl_st_heur_post_parsing_wl True
      using T  nempty
      by (clarsimp simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_def twl_st_heur_post_parsing_wl_def all_atms_st_def
        convert_state_def eq_commute[of mset _ dom_m _] from_init_state_def
	vdom_m_cong[OF 3[symmetric]] all_cong[OF 3[symmetric]] bump_heur_init_cong[OF 3[symmetric]]
	dest!: cong[OF 3[symmetric]])
       (simp_all add: add.assoc all_all_atms_all_lits ac_simps
        flip: all_lits_def all_lits_alt_def2 all_lits_alt_def)

    show ?thesis
      apply (rule finalise_init_finalise_init_full[unfolded conc_fun_RETURN,
        THEN order_trans])
      by (use 1 2 learned 4 T in auto simp: from_init_state_def convert_state_def)
  have isasat_fast: isasat_fast Td
     fast: ¬ ¬ isasat_fast_init
	   (convert_state (virtual_copy (mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})))
	     T) and
     Tb: (Tb, Tc)  ?TT T Ta and
     Td: (Td, Te)  ?P Tb
    for uu ba S T Ta baa uua uub Tb Tc Td Te
  proof -
    have get_learned_count_init Tb = get_learned_count Td 
      learned_clss_count_init Tb = learned_clss_count Td
      by (cases Tb; cases Td; auto simp: learned_clss_count_init_def
     moreover have get_learned_count Td = get_learned_count_init T 
      learned_clss_count Td = learned_clss_count_init T
      by (cases Td; cases T; auto simp: learned_clss_count_init_def
        learned_clss_count_def clss_size_lcountUS_def clss_size_lcountUE_def
     ultimately show ?thesis
       using fast Td Tb unfolding mem_Collect_eq isasat_fast_init_def
       by (auto simp add: isasat_fast_def
  define init_succesfull where init_succesfull T = RETURN ((isasat_fast_init T  ¬ is_failed_heur_init T)) for T
  define init_succesfull2 where init_succesfull2 = SPEC (λ_ :: bool. True)
  have [refine]: init_succesfull T   {(b, b'). (b = b')  (b  (isasat_fast_init T  ¬ is_failed_heur_init T))}
      init_succesfull2 for T
   by (auto simp: init_succesfull_def init_succesfull2_def intro!: RETURN_RES_refine)
  show ?thesis
    supply [[goals_limit=1]]
    unfolding IsaSAT_bounded_heur_alt_def IsaSAT_bounded_alt_def init_succesfull_def[symmetric]
    apply (rewrite at do {_  init_dt_wl' _ _; _  ( :: bool nres); If _ _ _ } init_succesfull2_def[symmetric])
    apply (refine_vcg virtual_copy init_state_wl_heur banner)
    subgoal by (rule input_le)
    subgoal by (rule distinct_mset_mset_set)
    apply (rule init_dt_wl_heur_b[of mset_set (extract_atms_clss CS {})])
    subgoal by (auto simp: lits_C)
    subgoal by (clarsimp simp: twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_wl_def
       twl_st_heur_parsing_no_WL_def to_init_state_def
       init_state_wl_def init_state_wl_heur_def
       inres_def RES_RES_RETURN_RES
      (auto simp add: ac_simps)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (simp add: empty_conflict_code_def model_stat_rel_def
    subgoal unfolding from_init_state_def convert_state_def
      by (rule get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_init3)
    subgoal by (simp add: empty_init_code_def model_stat_rel_def)
    subgoal by simp
    subgoal by (simp add: empty_conflict_code_def model_stat_rel_def)
    subgoal by (simp add: mset_set_empty_iff extract_atms_clss_alt_def)
    subgoal for uu ba S T Ta baa
      by (rule rewatch_heur_st_fast_pre2; assumption?)
        (clarsimp_all simp add: convert_state_def)
    apply (rule rewatch_heur_st_rewatch_st3[unfolded virtual_copy_def id_apply]; assumption?)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by (clarsimp simp add: isasat_fast_init_def convert_state_def learned_clss_count_init_def)
    apply (rule finalise_init_code2; assumption?)
    subgoal by clarsimp
    subgoal by (clarsimp simp add: isasat_fast_def isasat_fast_init_def convert_state_def)
    subgoal by (clarsimp simp add: isasat_fast_def isasat_fast_init_def convert_state_def)
    subgoal by (clarsimp simp add: isasat_fast_def isasat_fast_init_def convert_state_def ac_simps
      learned_clss_count_init_def learned_clss_count_def)
    apply (rule_tac r1 = length (get_clauses_wl_heur Td) in
      cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_bounded_wl_heur_cdcl_twl_stgy_restart_prog_bounded_wl_D[THEN fref_to_Down])
    subgoal by (simp add: isasat_fast_def snat64_max_def unat32_max_def
    subgoal by fast
    subgoal by simp
    subgoal premises p
      using p(26-)
      by (auto simp: twl_st_heur_loop_def get_conflict_wl_is_None_heur_def
        extract_stats_def extract_state_stat_def
	option_lookup_clause_rel_def trail_pol_def
	extract_model_of_state_def rev_map
	extract_model_of_state_stat_def model_stat_rel_def
	dest!: ann_lits_split_reasons_map_lit_of)

lemma ISASAT_bounded_SAT_l_bounded':
    isasat_input_bounded (mset_set (Cset CS. atm_of ` set C))
  shows IsaSAT_bounded CS   {((b, S), (b', S')). b = b'  (¬b  S = S')} (SAT_l_bounded' CS)
  unfolding IsaSAT_bounded_def SAT_l_bounded'_def
  apply refine_vcg
  apply (rule SAT_wl_bounded_SAT_l_bounded)
  subgoal using assms by auto
  subgoal by (auto simp: extract_model_of_state_def)

lemma IsaSAT_bounded_heur_model_if_sat:
    isasat_input_bounded (mset_set (Cset CS. atm_of ` set C))
  shows IsaSAT_bounded_heur opts CS   {((b, m), (b', m')). b=b'  (¬b  (m,m')  model_stat_rel)}
     (model_if_satisfiable_bounded (mset `# mset CS))
  apply (rule IsaSAT_heur_bounded_IsaSAT_bounded[THEN order_trans])
  apply (rule order_trans)
  apply (rule ref_two_step')
  apply (rule ISASAT_bounded_SAT_l_bounded')
  subgoal using assms by auto

  unfolding conc_fun_chain
  apply (rule order_trans)
  apply (rule ref_two_step')
  apply (rule SAT_l_bounded'_SAT0_bounded')

  unfolding conc_fun_chain
  apply (rule order_trans)
  apply (rule ref_two_step')
  apply (rule SAT0_bounded'_SAT_bounded')

  unfolding conc_fun_chain
  apply (rule order_trans)
  apply (rule ref_two_step')
  apply (rule SAT_bounded_model_if_satisfiable[THEN fref_to_Down, of mset `# mset CS])
  subgoal using assms by auto
  apply (rule IdI)

  unfolding conc_fun_chain
  apply (rule conc_fun_R_mono)
  apply (clarsimp simp: model_stat_rel_def)

lemma IsaSAT_bounded_heur_model_if_sat':
  (uncurry IsaSAT_bounded_heur, uncurry (λ_. model_if_satisfiable_bounded)) 
   [λ(_, CS). (C∈#CS. L∈#C. nat_of_lit L  unat32_max)]f
     Id ×r list_mset_rel O list_mset_relmset_rel  {((b, m), (b', m')). b=b'  (¬b  (m,m')  model_stat_rel)}nres_rel
proof -
  have H: isasat_input_bounded (mset_set (Cset CS. atm_of ` set C))
    if CS_p: C∈#CS'. L∈#C. nat_of_lit L  unat32_max and
      (CS, CS')  list_mset_rel O list_mset_relmset_rel
    for CS CS'
    unfolding isasat_input_bounded_def
    fix L
    assume L: L ∈# all (mset_set (Cset CS. atm_of ` set C))
    then obtain C where
      L: Cset CS  (L set C  - L  set C)
      apply (cases L)
      apply (auto simp: extract_atms_clss_alt_def unat32_max_def
      apply (metis literal.exhaust_sel)+
    have nat_of_lit L  unat32_max  nat_of_lit (-L)  unat32_max
      using L CS_p that by (auto simp: list_mset_rel_def mset_rel_def br_def
      br_def mset_rel_def p2rel_def rel_mset_def
        rel2p_def[abs_def] list_all2_op_eq_map_right_iff')
    then show nat_of_lit L  unat32_max
      using L
      by (cases L) (auto simp: extract_atms_clss_alt_def unat32_max_def)
  show ?thesis
    apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
    unfolding uncurry_def
    apply clarify
    subgoal for opt1 CS opt2 CS'
      apply (rule IsaSAT_bounded_heur_model_if_sat[THEN order_trans, of CS _  opt1])
      subgoal by (rule H) auto
        apply (auto simp: list_mset_rel_def mset_rel_def br_def
          br_def mset_rel_def p2rel_def rel_mset_def
          rel2p_def[abs_def] list_all2_op_eq_map_right_iff')
